,. Chicken o'ut of Court Costs 5 Bucks THE WEATHER TODAY the Un:; Clearing today with occasional light rain in dollall be.. 8PRlNGFDLD. IlL (JP)-Wlen onl,. 11 Jurors appeared to Mar ....._n,. before ClnluU Jac1n DeWI" Crow•• the Jud~e ~orenoon. Tomorrow generally fair, slowly ris­ wu uhappr. Be onlered the baUltl to Ioeate the 11th Juror. TIle balllff told the Ju.s.e Uaa' be bad telephoned the 12th. mg temperature. High today 60 to 65. low to­ .... JIIarIon LeiJDkuebier. pd ~" 1.o1d bUD' night 35 to 45 . 'TIll 1OlT1. but I eaD'~ come. I've rOi COmpaD1 comin~ .... I Ave W bake IOIDe chleken lor them." owan ftned Iter IS lor contellQlt 01 oour1. J..... e... ". Eitabliahed l86S-Vol. 80, No. 2S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, October 25. 1947-Five Cents .......111'" leslr~ining Men Is Ihe Way Brazil's Embassy Koser Veloes Council Move Bryce Canyon, I ro (onlrol AIom-Bacher Staff Held by Russ To Buy 250 Parking Meiers Utah, Scene of Atomic energy control rests In the governing actions of those LONDON, (JP) - Soviet Russia By RAY HENRY announced through the Moscow issue a temporary injunction IltII who could use that energy for destruction, Prof. Robert F . Mayor Preston Koser last night radio last night that she had plac­ against Koser, City Clerk George Bacher, member of the U. S. atomic energy commission, said yesler­ in a special city couneil meeting Tragic Wreck ~ ed the Brazilian ambassador and Dohrer and the Duncan Meter cor- da1, vetoed the resolution passed by his staff under a "protective" sur­ (See KOSER, Pare 5) Bacher, President George D. Stoddard of the University ot il­ the council Oct. 13 to purchase Pilot Radioed That linois and Dr. Archie Palmer, president of the University of Chatta­ veillance and said they would be about 250 parking meters trom the Plane Was on Fire; nooga spoke at a meelinl of the Association of American Universities held in Moscow until the safe Duncan Meter corporation. departure of the Soviet embassy In the senate chamber of Old Capitol. The mayor read a prepared re­ Truman Asks Action Sought Auxiliary Field B.cher said atomic controls ------------­ staff trom Brazil had been assur­ ed. port in which he made these state_ BRYCE CANYON. Utah (IP) - JIlould consist of "restraints on versities in handlin, these prob­ ments: the actions of men," not In repres­ Brazil severed reI a tions with To Stop Inflation A United Airlines DC-O transport lems. Russia on Tuesday because of "I make no objections to the plane carrying 52 persons, includ_ lion of scientific and technologi­ Most scientists in university difference in the price submitted cal ideas. Russia's failure to apologiz.e for at­ ing two infants, smashed against laboratories, concerned primarily tacks in the Soviet press on Bra­ for the two meters, That is some- And Totalitarianism Scientists, he said, sometimes with the discovery of new ideas zilian President Eurico Gaspar thing for the council to deter- WASHINGTON (IDI I dlo a sloping hillside here yesterday. find no protection from their own and the understanding of nature Dutra. mme, not the mayor. ' "''- n a ra scattering bodies and wreckage advance, as illustrated by the and its laws, are content to pursue Radio Moscow said Brazilian "Here is my real reason for not broadcast to the nation, President over a wide area. atom bomb, and are concerned their investigations without much Ambasador Mario De Pimental signing the resolution and it can ITruman last night called for The :four-engined craft, trailing that their works are used as de­ thought of the practical applica­ Brandao and his staff had been be summed up in one word-con- "prompt and courageous' action" smoke and flames at least 10 miles structive and not constructive tion of their researCh," he sajd, laken "under surveillance" and fusion." to stop intJation at home and io before it crashed, virtually was IIIds. "However, many new ideas would be held under guard-pre­ Koser said Iowa Citians and protect France and Italy against disintegrated. have valuable commercial and Outlining the rellearch that led sumably wit h i n the embassy farmers from this area have been "totalltarlan pressure." Two Iowans were on board the 19 present work with atomic enl. Industrial application. Their pro­ grounds-because the Soviet pub­ used to the automatic Park-O­ plane. They wel'e Jack Guenther, He stopped short, however, of era, Bacher emphasized that tection and control may have to lic was incensed at "holligan acts" Meier and a change to the manual­ Wreckage at Scene of Disaster 33, of Dell Moines nnd New York, scientists cannot be apprehensive be evolved to retain the greater against Russian diplomats in Rio ly operated Millel' meter manufac­ saying at this time what measures managing edltor of Look maga­ of finding the secrets of nature. He benefits for the public. de Janeiro, tured by the Duncan corporotion other than voluntary he will ask zine, and Helen MorrisseY. 25, congress In the special session he Store ~d some people see only the ap­ "There is wide diversity of The broadcast declared the 5- would "confu se" thc parking pub­ stewardess, a native of Valeria. has called to meet Nov. 17 . Austin Appeals for War-Vishinsky plied science side of such develop­ practices of universities in deal­ year-old son of Soviet Charge IY lic. The four engines, scorched and ments and forget the philosophi­ ing with patents growing out of Affaires Sokoloo was injured in "When It meets," he said of con- LAKE SUCCESS (Jill - Rus- cerned a t "the growing practice of The last time a mayor of Iowa gress, "I shall recommend a pro- '. Ad ' Y Vi h' k h d twisted, were thrown 200 to 300 cal side. scientific research. "In order to the stoning of an embassy auto­ City vetoed a resolution was in sla s n reI , s lOS Y c arge erecting tight, governmental mo­ feet beyond the burned area. g The scientist's role is to promote encourage research, most instHu­ mobile in Rio de Janeiro's streets 1924 , according to reliable sources. ram for dealing with inflation. U Dl·t e d Sta t es D e Iega t e W arren R , nopolies over the information dis_ seminated in many nations of the All bodies, including 47 passen­ understanding of nature and to tions place little restrictions on in which 'bad eggs" also were Following Koser's statement, AI_ high prices, and the high cost of Austin with making an "appeal gers a,nd live crew members, were live man more control over the faculty members and scientists." thrown. derman Max Hawkins asked tor living. Adequate measures-enact- for war" las. nlght. HIe also world." ed in time-are necessary to cor- mangled and burned. Most were forces of nature, Bacher saId. This adjournment of the meeling until clashed with the 'Turkish repre- Turkey, a recipient of Ameri­ unrecognizable. Includes improving man's stand­ Oct. 27 at 7:30 p,m. The council reet the present situation." sentative in one of the most heat- can aid under the Truman pro­ gram, started the day's debate Only three other commercial ard of living, he said. passed the motion. Turning to forel&n needs, the ed sessions of the Ullited Nations aviation crashes have taken a lar­ Disney Calls League of Women Voters To override the mayor'& veto, president said, "Timely and forth- assembly's political committee, with an accusation that the Rus­ Phone~ He pointed out that atomic re­ ger death toll. Fifty-three per­ lUrch has developed radioactive the council must now vote by a right action Is needed to relieve The Soviet bloc's "warmonger" sian government radio and the Moscow press is waging a cam­ sons died in the wreckage of an isotopes to aid in fighting disease. Communists; Local Officials Disagree two-thirds majority to pass the hunger and cold abroad." offensive spread 10 two fronts in airliner near Port Deposit, Md., resolution, 'Belore Mr. Truman took to the the assembly and found Mrs. paign of "psychological aggres_ Bacher said that applications of sion" against Turkish people and last May 30, The same number scientific research follow too close­ Walt Disney called the League 'lresident 01 the league said, The original vote favoring the radiO, two high-ranking Republi- Franklin D, Roosevelt speaking out of Women Voters a Communjst "there's nothing communistic meters by Alderman Hawkins, can lawmakers raised the cry that against a Yugoslav resolution in making "warmongering" attacks perished in each of two other ly behind the efforts to under­ on the Turkish government. crashes, both at Bogota, Columbia, ltand science. In the example of front organization yesterday and about urging people to vote~ Dis- Charles T. Smith, James Callahan, he was "playing politics" by link- the social committee. the first July 24, 1938. and the the atom bomb, he said, it took Mrs, Elmer DeGowin, state presi- ney is giving the people the wrong Frank Fryauf and William Gran- ing risinlr costs with foreign aid Vishinsky also declared that the Baruch Doesn't See War, second last February 15. only 15 years from the belinmn( , drath would be a sufficient mar- In his special session call. U.S, reminded him of "Prussian- dent of the league, ~aid "the picture of what the league is try- gl'n to ove' rrl'de, R ep, H)Ia ec k (R. -I n cL) , h ouse ism" and "Hitlerism." The transport was en route from of tbe .pplled subject to produc­ But He Urges Alertness Los Angcles to New York City tion 01 the weapon.
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