<p> Family Process Article Titles by Subject 1</p><p>Family Process Articles Sorted by Theme Volumes 1 – 52 Organized up to March 2011 by Kit McCann, MFT; March 2011- Present by Kimberly Ferguson, MFT</p><p>For access to articles, please visit Wiley Online Library</p><p>Abuse and Violence………………………………………………..……………………. 3 Adolescence……………………………………………………..…………………….…. 5 Adoption………………………………………………………..…………………….…. 9 Aging……………………………………………………………..………………….…..10 Anxiety…………………………………………………………………………….…….11 Art Therapy……………………………………………………………………….…… 12 Attachment……………………………………………………………………………...12 Brief Family Therapy…………………………….………………………………….....13 Case Study……………………………………….…………………………………….. 14 Change……………………………………….………………………………………… 16 Childhood………………………………….………………………………….……….. 18 Communication……………………………….…………………………….…………. 25 Conflict Resolution……………………………..………………………….…………... 29 Conjoint Family Therapy………………..……………………………………………. 31 Culture, Race and Ethnicity…………………………………………………………... 32 Depression – Manic, Bipolar, etc. …………………………………..…...…………… 44 Developmental/ Life Cycle Issues……………………………………...……..………. 47 Diagnostics………………………………………………………………...... …………..49 Double-Bind …………………………………………………………………...………. 50 Family Relations………………………………………………………………………...51 Fatherhood……………………………………………………………….…...…………54 Gender……………………………………………………………………………...……56 Generational Issues…………………………………………………………...……….. 58 Grief……………………………………………………………………………………..62 Group Therapy…………………………………………………………....……………62 History of Journal………………………………………………………………………64 Home Visit Therapy………………………………………………………...…………. 65 Illness and Death………………………………………………………..…….………...66 Immagration…………………………………………………………………………….73 Incest………………………………………………………………………….…………74 Individuality…………………………………………………………………….………75 Interactions…………………………………………………………………….………..76 Intimacy…………………………………………………………………………………80 In-patient therapy…………………………………………………………..…………..80 Larger Systems……………………………………………………………….…………82 Marital and Couple Issues……………………………………………….…………….87 Military Issues and PTSD……………………………………………..……………...103 Motherhood……………………………………………………………………………105 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 2</p><p>Opinion…………………………………………………………………………...……106 Paradox………………………………………………………………………………..115 Parenting………………………………………………………………………………117 Psychotherapy…………………………………………………………………………119 Psychiatry………………………………………………………………………..….....124 Religion and Spirituality……………….………………………………………..……125 Research………………………………………………………………………………..127 Resilience…………………………………………………………………………...…. 148 Schizophrenia………………………………………………………………………….150 September 11 th …………………………………………………………………………158 Sexuality …………….…………………………………………………………………159 Somatics………………………………………………………………………………..161 Structural, Strategic and Systemic Therapy…………………………………….…..162 Substance Abuse………………………………………………………………………166 Technology……………………………………………………………………………..170 Therapist Issues………………………………………………………………….…….170 Training……………………………………………………………………….…….....185 Letters to the Editor……………………………………………………….….………192 Editorials……………………………………………………………………….………194 Obituaries and Tributes………………………………………………………………202 Book Lists and Reviews……...………………………………………….…….……....205 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 3</p><p>Abuse and Violence</p><p>Rewards and Dangers in Researching Domestic Violence 1994, 33(1), 81-85 NEIL S. JACOBSON</p><p>Feminist, Social Constructionist Response to Jacobson 1994, 33(1), 87-91 JUDITH MYERS AVIS</p><p>COMMENTARY : Research and Advocacy: Can One Wear Two Hats? 1994, 33(1), 93-95 RICHARD J. GELLES</p><p>RESPONSE : Contextualism Is Dead: Long Live Contextualism 1994, 33(1), 97-100 NEIL S. JACOBSON</p><p>Treating the Sexually Abused Child: A Recursive, Multimodal Program 1994, 33(3), 263-276 MARCIA SHEINBERG, FIONA TRUE, PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>Screening for Physical Violence in Couple Therapy: Methodological, Practical, and Ethical Considerations 1994, 33(4), 425-439 ETIONY ALDARONDO, MURRAY A. STRAUS</p><p>Timing Disclosure Sessions: Adding a Narrative Perspective to Clinical Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse 1995, 34(3), 257-269 KATHY WEINGARTEN, SARA COBB</p><p>Patterns of Sexual Coercion in Adult Heterosexual Relationships: An Exploration of Male Victimization 1997, 36(1), 81-94 DEAN M. BUSBY, SUSAN V. COMPTON</p><p>Treating Inner-City Families of Homicide Victims: A Contextually Oriented Approach 1997, 36(2), 133-149 SCOTT TEMPLE</p><p>The Systemic View of Violence: An Ethical Perspective 1998, 37(1), 51-63 JOHN S. McCONAGHY, R. ROCCO COTTONE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 4</p><p>The Treatment of Violence and Victimization in Intimate Relationships 1998, 37(3), 263-286 VIRGINIA GOLDNER</p><p>Positive and Negative Timelines: A Technique for Restorying 1998, 37(3), 287-298 KENNETH SUDDABY, JUDITH LANDAU</p><p>Rape Flashbacks: Constructing a New Narrative 1998, 37(3), 299-310 PEGGY PENN</p><p>Repeating the Errors of Our Parents? Family-of-Origin Spouse Violence and Observed Conflict Management in Engaged Couples 2000, 39(2), 215-235 W. KIM HALFORD, MATTHEW R. SANDERS, BRETT C. BEHRENS</p><p>Wife Abuse and Battering in the Sociocultural Context of Arab Society 2000, 39(2), 237-255 MUHAMMAD M. HAJ-YAHIA</p><p>Attachment and Affect Regulation: A Framework for Family Treatment of Conduct Disorder 2002, 41(3) 477-493 MARGARET K. KEILEY</p><p>Links between Community Violence and the Family System: Evidence from Children's Feelings of Relatedness and Perceptions of Parent Behavior 2002, 41(3), 519-532 MICHAEL LYNCH, DANTE CICCHETTI</p><p>Family Secrecy: A Comparative Study of Juvenile Sex Offenders and Youth with Conduct Disorders 2003, 42(1), 105-116 AMY J. L. BAKER, RISA TABACOFF, GABRIEL TORNUSCIOLO, MARVIN EISENSTADT</p><p>Elder Abuse and Neglect in Latino Families: An Ecological and Culturally Relevant Theoretical Framework for Clinical Practice 2007, 46(4), 451-470 JOSÉ RUBÉN PARRA CARDONA, EMILY MEYER, LAWRENCE SCHIAMBERG, LORI POST</p><p>Links Between Parental Psychological Violence, Other Family Disturbances, and Children's Adjustment Family Process Article Titles by Subject 5</p><p>2007, 46(4), 523-542 MARIE-HÉLÈNE GAGNÉ, SYLVIE DRAPEAU, CLAUDIANE MELANÇON, MARIE-CHRISTINE SAINT-JACQUES, RACHEL LÉPINE</p><p>In the Wake of Violence: Enhancing and Witnessing Hope Among People 2013, 52(3), 355-367 ELMARIE KOTZÉ, THÉRÉSE HULME, TERTIUS GELDENHUYS, KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>Couples Therapy with Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors (CSA) and their Partners: Establishing a Context for Witnessing 2013, 52(3), 368-377 RON NASIM, YOCHAY NADAN</p><p>Wives’ and Husbands’ Cortisol Reactivity to Proximal and Distal Dimensions of Couple Conflict 2013, 52(3), 555-569 AUBREY J. RODRIGUEZ, GAYLA MARGOLIN</p><p>______</p><p>Adolescence</p><p>Adolescent Problems: A Symptom of Family Disorder 1962, 1(2), 202-213 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>Family Socialization Techniques and Deviant Behavior 1966, 5(2), 199-217 FRANCES E. CHEEK</p><p>Family Concepts and Emotional Disturbance in the Families of Disturbed Adolescents with Normal Siblings 1970, 9(2), 157-171 ARTHUR L. NOVAK, FERDINAND VEEN</p><p>Decision-Making as to the Choice of Family Therapy in an Adolescent In-Patient Setting Family Process Article Titles by Subject 6</p><p>1971, 10(1), 97-110 HARVEY A. EVANS, LEOPOLDO CHAGOYA, VIVIAN RAKOFF</p><p>Perceived Parental Attitudes and Family Concepts of Disturbed Adolescents, Normal Siblings and Normal Controls 1971, 10(3), 327-343 FERDINAND VEEN, ARTHUR L. NOVAK</p><p>Stages in the Family Therapy of Adolescents 1974, 13(1), 77-94 CIGRIP R. McPHERSON, WALTER E. BRACKELMANNS, LAWRENCE E. NEWMAN</p><p>Perception of Cognitive Ability in Families of Adolescents 1974, 13(2), 239-252 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO, LAWRENCE FISHER, WILLIAM F. GAYTON</p><p>Assaultive Adolescents: Family Decision-Making Parameters 1983, 22(1), 109-118 HENRY T. HARBIN, DENIS J. MADDEN</p><p>Dealing with the Abdication Dynamic in the Post Divorce Family: A Context for Adolescent Crisis 1983, 22(3), 359-383 DAVID ABELSOHN</p><p>Parenting, Protecting, Preserving:Mission of the Adolescent Female Runaway 1984, 23(1), 63-74 MARSHA PRAVDER MIRKIN, PAMELA A. RASKIN, FRANCESCA C. ANTOGNINI</p><p>The Bogeyman Cometh: A Strategic Approach for Difficult Adolescents 1984, 23(2), 237-249 JOHN J. O'CONNOR, AARON NOAH HOORWITZ</p><p>Rites of Passage in Families with Adolescents 1985, 24(1), 101-111 WILLIAM H. QUINN, NEAL A. NEWFIELD, HOWARD O. PROTINSKY</p><p>Social Competence and Family Environment: 15-Year Follow-Up of Disturbed Adolescents 1986, 25(3), 379-389 LAWRENCE J. ALBERS, JERI A. DOANE, JIM MINTZ</p><p>Beginning Work with Families of Hospitalized Adolescents Family Process Article Titles by Subject 7</p><p>1986, 25(3), 391-405 GEORGIANNA HANRAHAN</p><p>Family Therapy with Delinquents: A Critical Review of the Literature 1986, 25(4), 619-649 PATRICK H. TOLAN, RONALD E. CROMWELL, MICHAEL BRASSWELL</p><p>Family Reconciliation as a Response to Adolescent Crises 1987, 26(4), 475-491 STEVEN GUTSTEIN</p><p>Systemic Crisis Intervention as a Response to Adolescent Crises: An Outcome Study 1988, 27(2), 201-211 STEVEN E. GUTSTEIN, M. DAVID RUDD, J. CHRISTOPHER GRAHAM, LINDA L. RAYHA</p><p>Expressed Emotion and Reciprocal Affective Relationships in Families of Disturbed Adolescents 1989, 28(3), 337-348 WILLIAM L. COOK, ANGUS M. STRACHAN, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ</p><p>Adolescent Adjustment to Parental Divorce: An Investigation from the Perspective of Basic Dimensions of Structural Family Therapy Theory 1991, 30(2), 177-191 DAVID ABELSOHN, GRAHAM S. SAAYMAN</p><p>Families with Adolescents: Escaping Problem Lifestyles 1992, 31(4), 341-353 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON, JEFFREY ZIMMERMAN</p><p>Coalitions and Family Problem Solving with Preadolescents in Referred, At-Risk, and Comparison Families 1994, 33(4), 409-424 SAMUEL VUCHINICH, BARBARA WOOD, REGINA VUCHINICH</p><p>The Structure of Family Perceptions Among Adolescents and Their Parents: Individual Satisfaction Factors and Family System Factors 1995, 34(3), 323-336 MARK J. BENSON, MARY ELIZABETH CURTNER-SMITH, W. ANDREW COLLINS, TIMOTHY Z. KEITH</p><p>Adolescent-Parent Attachments Family Problem-Solving Styles 1996, 35(1), 57-82 CATHRON L. HILBURN COBB Family Process Article Titles by Subject 8</p><p>Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Physical Disciplinary History, and Adjustment in Adolescents 1997, 36(3), 311-322 KATHERINE A. DeVET</p><p>The Family Environment Scale: Reliability and Normative Data for an Adolescent Sample 1997, 36(4), 369-373 CANDICE P. BOYD, ELEONORA GULLONE, GILLIAN L. NEEDLEMAN, TRUDY BURT</p><p>Parent-Adolescent Conflict and Stress When Parents Are Living with Aids 1998, 37(1), 83-94 MARY JANE ROTHERAM-BORUS, LEAH ROBIN, HELEN M. REID, BARBARA HERMIE DRAIMIN</p><p>Transforming Negative Parent-Adolescent Interactions: From Impasse to Dialogue 1999, 38(1), 5-26 GUY S. DIAMOND, HOWARD A. LIDDLE</p><p>Attachment and Family Therapy: Clinical Utility of Adolescent-Family Attachment Research 2002, 41(3), 455-476 HOWARD A. LIDDLE, SETH J. SCHWARTZ</p><p>Family Predictors of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence 2003, 42(2), 223-235 MAJA DEKOVIC, JAN M. A. M. JANSSENS, NICOLE M. C. AS</p><p>The Importance of Parents and Other Caregivers to the Resilience of High-risk Adolescents 2004, 43(1), 23-41 MICHAEL UNGAR</p><p>‘Hay Que Ponerse en los Zapatos del Joven’: Adaptive Parenting of Adolescent Children Among Mexican-American Parents Residing in a Dangerous Neighborhood 2011, 50(1), 92-114 MICHELLE CRUZ-SANTIAGO, JORGE I RAMÍREZ GARCÍA</p><p>The Development of Relational Competence Among Young High-Risk Fathers Across the Transition to Parenthood 2011, 50(2), 184-202 LE NGU, PAUL FLORSHEIM Family Process Article Titles by Subject 9</p><p>Beyond Acculturation: An Investigation of the Relationship of Familism and Parenting to Behavior Problems in Hispanic Youth 2012, 51(4), 470-484 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, ERVIN BRIONES, WILLIAM KURTINES, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>Quality of Life and Adjustment in Youths with Asthma: The Contributions of Family Rituals and the Family Environment 2012, 51(4), 557-569 SUSANA SANTOS, CARLA CRESPO, NEUZA SILVA, MARIA CRISTINA CANAVARRO</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Childhood and Adolescent Externalizing Disorders: A Systematic Review of 47 RCT 2013, 52(4), 576-618 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Internalizing and Other Disorders of Childhood and Adolscence: A Systematic Review of 38 Randomized Trials 2013, 52(4), 619-652 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>______</p><p>Adoption</p><p>Adoption: Legal Resolution or Legal Fraud? 1978, 17(3), 313-328 ROBERTA G. ANDREWS</p><p>Birth Parents Who Relinquished Babies for Adoption Revisited 1978, 17(3), 329-337 REUBEN PANNOR, ANNETTE BARAN, ARTHUR D. SOROSKY</p><p>Open and Closed Adoption: A Developmental Conceptualization 1988, 27(2), 229-249 JACK DEMICK, SEYMOUR WARNER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 10</p><p>Emotionally Disturbed, Adopted Adolescents: Early Patterns of Family Adaptation 1988, 27(4), 439-457 HAROLD D. GROTEVANT, RUTH G. McROY, VIVIAN Y. JENKINS</p><p>Toward an Organizational-Relational Model of Open Adoption 1994, 33(2), 111-124 DEBORAH R. SILVERSTEIN, JACK DEMICK</p><p>Adoptive Family System Dynamics: Variations by Level of Openness in the Adoption 1994, 33(2), 125-146 HAROLD D. GROTEVANT, RUTH G. McROY, CAROL L. ELDE, DEBORAH LEWIS FRAVEL</p><p>Parents' Sense of "Entitlement" in Adoptive and Nonadoptive Families 1996, 35(4), 441-456 NANCY J. COHEN, JAMES C. COYNE, JAMES D. DUVALL</p><p>Processes Linked to Contact Changes in Adoptive Kinship Networks 2006, 45(4), 449-464 NORA DUNBAR, MANFRED H. M. VAN DULMEN, SUSAN AYERS-LOPEZ, JERICA M. BERGE, CINDA CHRISTIAN, GINGER GOSSMAN, SUSAN M. HENNEY, TAI J. MENDENHALL, HAROLD D. GROTEVANT, RUTH G. McROY</p><p>Building Kinship and Community: Relational Processes of Bicultural Identity Among Adult Multiracial Adoptees 2010, 49(1), 26-42 GINA MIRANDA SAMUELS</p><p>Perceptions of Coparenting in Foster Care 2010, 49(4), 530-542 LOURDES ORIANA LINARES, JENNIFER RHODES, DANIELA MONTALTO</p><p>______</p><p>Aging</p><p>Institutionalization of the Aged: A Family Crisis 1966, 5(1), 76-90 ELAINE M. BRODY, GERALDINE M. SPARK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 11</p><p>The Aged Are Family Members 1970, 9(2), 195-210 GERALDINE M. SPARK, ELAINE M. BRODY</p><p>Aging and Family Personality: A Developmental View 1974, 13(1), 23-37 Elaine M. Brody</p><p>Definitional Deficit: A Model of Senile Dementia in Context 1989, 28(3), 281-289 BARBARA GAIL HANSON</p><p>Predictors of Depression in Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Boundary Ambiguity and Mastery 1990, 29(3), 245-254 PAULINE BOSS, WAYNE CARON, JOAN HORBAL, JAMES MORTIMER</p><p>Family Interaction and Caregivers of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Correlates of Depression 1992, 31(1), 19-33 CLEVELAND G. SHIELDS</p><p>The Unencumbered Child: Family Reputations and Responsibilities in the Care of Relatives with Alzheimer's Disease 1995, 34(1), 87-99 JUDITH GLOBERMAN</p><p>Depressive Symptoms among Spousal Caregivers of Institutionalized Mates with Alzheimer's: Boundary Ambiguity and Mastery as Predictors 1999, 38(1), 85-103 LORI KAPLAN, PAULINE BOSS</p><p>Save the Young—the Elderly Have Lived Their Lives: Ageism in Marriage and Family Therapy 2000, 39(2), 163-175 DAVID C. IVEY, ELIZABETH WIELING, STEVEN M. HARRIS</p><p>Social Networks and the Elderly: Conceptual and Clinical Issues, and a Family Consultation 2000, 39(3), 271-284 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>The Emergence of "Family Integrity" in Later Life 2004, 43(1), 7-21 DEBORAH A. KING, LYMAN C. WYNNE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 12</p><p>Toward a Better Understanding of Psychological Well-Being in Dementia Caregivers: The Link Between Marital Communication and Depression 2010, 49(2), 185-203 MELANIE BRAUN, KATHARINA MURA, MELANIE PETER-WIGHT, RAINER HORNUNG, URTE SCHOLZ </p><p>______</p><p>Anxiety</p><p>The Marital Context of an Anxiety Syndrome 1962, 1(2), 245-252 WILLIAM F. FRY</p><p>Rejection and Expectancy of Rejection in Families 1963, 2(2), 235-244 ANTONIO J. FERREIRA</p><p>Anxiety Within Families: Interrelations, Consistency, and Change 2007, 46(4), 543-556 JOAN STEVENSON-HINDE, JAMES PATRICK CURLEY, REBECCA CHICOT, CESSIE JÓHANNSSON</p><p>______</p><p>Art Therapy</p><p>Family Art Therapy 1967, 6(1), 37-55 HANNA YAXA KWIATKOWSKA</p><p>A Family Art Evaluation Family Process Article Titles by Subject 13</p><p>1974, 13(2), 185-200 JUDITH A. RUBIN, MAX G. MAGNUSSEN</p><p>______</p><p>Attachment</p><p>A Comparison of Attachment Outcomes in Enactment-Based Versus Therapist- Centered Therapy Process Modalities in Couple Therapy 2011, 50(2), 203-220 MARK H. BUTLER, JAMES M. HARPER, CARI B. MITCHELL</p><p>Parenting as Relationship: A Framework for Assessment and Practice 2012, 51(1), 73-89 AMY R. TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, LANA KIM</p><p>The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement (BARE) Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attahcment Behavior in Couple Relationships 2012, 51(4), 512-526 JONATHAN G. SANDBERG, DEAN M. BUSBY, SUSAN M. JOHNSON, KEITARO YOSHIDA</p><p>Fabricated Illness: Working within the Family System to Find a Pathway to Health 2012, 50(4), 570-587 KASIA KOZLOWSKA, SUE FOLEY, BLANCHE SAVAGE</p><p>______</p><p>Brief Family Therapy</p><p>Short Term Family Therapy 1963, 2(2), 216-234 MORDECAI KAFFMAN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 14</p><p>Brief Therapy: Focused Problem Resolution 1974, 13(2), 141-168 JOHN H. WEAKLAND, RICHARD FISCH, PAUL WATZLAWICK, ARTHUR M. BODIN</p><p>The Treatment of Children Through Brief Therapy of Their Parents 1974, 13(4), 429-442 MARA SELVINI PALAZZOLI, LUIGI BOSCOLO, GIAN FRANCO CECCHIN, GIULIANA PRATA</p><p>Brief Therapy: Two's Company 1975, 14(1), 79-93 STEVE SHAZER</p><p>Aspects of Consumer Satisfaction With Brief Family Therapy 1978, 17(4), 399-407 CHRISTEL A. WOODWARD, JACK SANTA-BARBARA, SOL LEVIN, N. B. EPSTEIN</p><p>Aikido: A Model for Brief Strategic Therapy 1980, 19(3), 227-238 DONALD T. SAPOSNEK</p><p>The Use of Time Limits in Brief Psychotherapy: A Comparison of Six-Session, Twelve-Session, and Unlimited Treatment with Families 1980, 19(4), 377-392 STUART G. FISHER</p><p>Time-Limited Brief Therapy with Families: A One-Year Follow-Up Study 1984, 23(1), 101-106 STUART G. FISHER</p><p>Brief Therapy: Focused Solution Development 1986, 25(2), 207-221 STEVE SHAZER, INSOO KIM BERG, EVE LIPCHIK, ELAM NUNNALLY, ALEX MOLNAR, WALLACE GINGERICH, MICHELE WEINER-DAVIS</p><p>Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Review of the Outcome Research 2000, 39(4), 477-498 WALLACE J. GINGERICH, SHERI EISENGART</p><p>The Family Check-Up: A Pilot Study of a Brief Intervention to Improve Family Functioning in Adults 2006, 45(2), 223-236 LISA A. UEBELACKER, JACKI HECHT, IVAN W. MILLER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 15</p><p>______</p><p>Case Study</p><p>Paranoia or Persecution: The Case of Schreber 1971, 10(2), 177-207 MORTON SCHATZMAN</p><p>Network Techniques: Case Studies in the Screening-Linking-Planning Conference Method 1974, 13(3), 337-353 JOHN GARRISON</p><p>Family Therapy in Treatment of the Deaf: A Case Report 1976, 15(1), 83-96 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO, ROBERT I. HARRIS</p><p>Observations on Two Natural Amnesias 1976, 15(3), 333-342 BRAULIO MONTALVO</p><p>Family Research Study at Eagleville Hospital and Rehabilitation Center 1977, 16(2), 175-189 GENEVRA ZIEGLER-DRISCOLL, DONALD L. DAVIS, MICHELINE KLAGSBRUN</p><p>Persistent Themes: A Naturalistic Study of Personality Development in The Family 1977, 16(3), 293-305 ROBERT G. ZIEGLER, PETER J. MUSLINER</p><p>Analysis of a Paradoxical Logic: A Case Study 1980, 19(1), 19-33 LINDA HARRIS</p><p>Case Report: Smuggling Family Therapy Through 1980, 19(1), 35-44 MAURIZIO VIARO</p><p>The Case of Helen D.: A Woman Who Learned to Suffer Family Process Article Titles by Subject 16</p><p>1980, 19(3), 269-273 DAVID V. KEITH</p><p>Family Therapy for the Historian? The Case of William James 1981, 20(1), 97-107 HOWARD M. FEINSTEIN</p><p>"Pram Lamentis" or She's a Young Thing and Cannot Leave Her Mother 1981, 20(4), 449-451 KATE BERMAN</p><p>Family Treatment of an Obsessive-Compulsive Child: A Case Report 1983, 22(1), 99-108 PATRICIA DALTON</p><p>Family Etiology and Remission in a Case of Psychogenic Fugue 1984, 23(3), 429-435 JONATHAN VENN</p><p>Potential Perils of the Demonstration-Consultation Interview in Family Therapy: A Case Study of Contextual Confusion 1991, 30(3), 363-371 EDWIN HARARI, SIDNEY BLOCH</p><p>A Case of Functional Urinary Retention: The Use of Family Play Therapy 1993, 32(3), 279-289 FREDERICK R. STODDARD, MICHAEL S. WILBERGER, ERNA OLAFSON</p><p>Gaining Ground from a Family and Cultural Legacy: A Teen Mother's Story of Repairing the World 2008, 47(4), 521-535 LEE SMITHBATTLE</p><p>Producing Evidence of a Miracle: Exemplars of Therapy Conversation with a Survivor of Torture 2012, 51(1), 25-42 LAURIE E. CHARLES</p><p>Low-Income Mothers as ‘Othermothers’ to Their Romantic Partners’ Children; Women’s Coparenting in Multiple Partner Fertility Relationships 2012, 51(3), 343-359 LINDA M. BURTON, CECILY R. HARDAWAY</p><p>Those Easily Forgotten: The Impact of Emigration on Those Left Behind 2012, 51(3), 376-390 MARIA C. MARCHETTI-MERCER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 17</p><p>The Shift from Monologue to Dialogue in a Couple Therapy Session: Dialogical Investigation of Change from the Therapists’ Point of View 2012, 51(3), 420-435 MARY E. OLSON, AARNO LAITILA, PETER ROBER, JAAKKO SEIKKULA</p><p>______</p><p>Change</p><p>The Qualified Pronoun Count as a Measure of Change in Family Psychotherapy 1971, 10(2), 243-247 LILIAN R. WINER</p><p>Families, Change, and the Ecological Perspective 1971, 10(3), 263-280 E. H. AUERSWALD</p><p>Process and Change — A Markov Model for Interaction 1972, 11(3), 275-298 HAROLD L. RAUSH</p><p>Coping with the Stresses of Travel as an Opportunity for Improving the Quality of Work and Family Life 1972, 11(3), 321-337 SAMUEL A. CULBERT, JEAN R. RENSHAW</p><p>Fixation and Regression in the Family Life Cycle 1978, 17(4), 469-478 LAURENCE R. BARNHILL, DIANNE LONGO</p><p>"Nontherapy" Family Research and Change in Families: A Brief Clinical Research Communication 1979, 18(2), 161-162 JULES RISKIN, MARGUERITE E. McCORKLE</p><p>Migration and Family Conflict 1979, 18(4), 379-390 CARLOS E. SLUZKI Family Process Article Titles by Subject 18</p><p>Distress in Clients and Significant Others: The Question of Causality 1980, 19(4), 401-410 BARRY M. WRIGHT, BERTRAM E. STOFFELMAYR</p><p>Systemic Optimism — Systemic Pessimism: Two Perspectives on Change 1988, 27(2), 121-127 HELM STIERLIN</p><p>Transformations: A Blueprint for Narrative Changes in Therapy 1992, 31(3), 217-230 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>Family Themes: Transmission and Transformation 1996, 35(1), 5-20 PEGGY PAPP, EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>The Small and the Ordinary: The Daily Practice of a Postmodern Narrative Therapy 1998, 37(1), 3-15 KATHY WEINGARTEN</p><p>Transforming Narratives: A Change Event in Constructivist Family Therapy 1998, 37(1), 17-33 ROBIN COULEHAN, MYRNA L. FRIEDLANDER, LAURIE HEATHERINGTON</p><p>Have You Heard the Latest Rumor About ? Solution-Focused Therapy as a Rumor 1998, 37(3), 363-377 GALE MILLER, STEVE SHAZER</p><p>______</p><p>Childhood</p><p>The Identification of a Secure Realty 1962, 1(2), 294-303 MILTON H. ERICKSON</p><p>The Caseworker's Role in Family Therapy with Severely Disturbed Children Family Process Article Titles by Subject 19</p><p>1965, 4(1), 21-31 JOHN H. DWYER, MILDRED C. MENK, CAROL HOUTEN</p><p>Meeting a Need in Child Guidance 1965, 4(2), 217-227 ARTHUR L. RAUTMAN</p><p>Family Diagnosis and Therapy in Child Emotional Pathology 1965, 4(2), 241-258 MORDECAI KAFFMAN</p><p>Family Therapy for Children with Behavior Disorders 1966, 5(2), 243-255 DANIEL J. SAFER</p><p>The Influence of Parental Attitudes on Child's Reaction to Sexual Stimuli 1970, 9(1), 41-50 H. S. GILL</p><p>Child Participation in Family Therapy 1970, 9(4), 403-410 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>The Emergence of Eric: Co-Therapy in the Treatment of a Family with a Disabled Child 1971, 10(1), 85-96 JUANITA HALL, KATHLEEN TAYLOR</p><p>Parental Perceptions of Separating Children 1971, 10(4), 411-427 Helm Stierlin, L. David Levi, Robert J. Savard</p><p>Child Compliance and Congruity between Verbal and Nonverbal Maternal Communication — A Methodological Note 1972, 11(2), 219-226 Kamala Anandam, Ruth Highberger</p><p>The Open Door: A Structural Approach to a Family With an Anorectic Child 1973, 12(1), 1-44 HARRY APONTE, LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>In Defense of Child Therapy 1973, 12(3), 227-244 BRAULIO MONTALVO, JAY HALEY</p><p>Children's Interpretations of Marital Conflict Family Process Article Titles by Subject 20</p><p>1974, 13(3), 385-393 DIANE P. WEIS</p><p>Family Puppet Interview 1975, 14(2), 179-191 ELEANOR C. IRWIN, ELAINE S. MALLOY</p><p>Working with Runaways and Their Families: How the SAJA Community Does it 1975, 14(2), 235-262 JAMES S. GORDON</p><p>Sisterhood-Brotherhood is Powerful: Sibling Sub-Systems and Family Therapy 1975, 14(3), 311-337 STEPHEN BANK, MICHAEL D. KAHN</p><p>Treatment of Temper Tantrums by a Paradoxical Intervention 1975, 14(4), 481-485 RACHEL T. HARE-MUSTIN</p><p>Brief Family Therapy for Childhood Tic Syndrome 1978, 17(2), 217-223 J.W. G. TILLER</p><p>Family Ties and Child Placement 1978, 17(3), 289-312 FERNANDO COLÓN</p><p>Family Therapy as a Treatment for Children: A Critical Review of Outcome Research 1979, 18(3), 323-335 ANN S. MASTEN</p><p>Joint Custody: An Exploration of the Issues 1980, 19(2), 117-125 NADINE NEHLS, MEL MORGENBESSER</p><p>Variations and Extensions of Filial Therapy 1982, 20(3), 305-309 GARY E. STOLLAK</p><p>Sibling Set Configuration and Family Dysfunction 1982, 20(3), 311-318 HAROLD D. FISHBEIN</p><p>Parental Communication Deviance as a Predictor of Competence in Children at Risk for Adult Psychiatric Disorder Family Process Article Titles by Subject 21</p><p>1983, 21(2), 211-223 JERI A. DOANE, JAMES E. JONES, LAWRENCE FISHER, BARRY RITZLER, MARGARET T. SINGER, LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>Why Can't I Get Hives: Brief Strategic Therapy with an Obsessional Child 1984, 22(2), 201-209 JOHN J. O'CONNOR</p><p>The Resurrection of a Magical Reality: Treatment of Functional Migraine in a Child 1985, 23(4), 501-509 JOHN J. O'CONNOR</p><p>The Missing Triad: The Case of Two-Child Families 1985, 24(3), 409-413 WESLEY J. ADAMS</p><p>Sibling Deidentification in the Clinic: Devil vs. Angel 1985, 24(3), 415-427 FRANCES FUCHS SCHACHTER</p><p>Children of the Rich 1986, 24(4), 461-472 FRANK S. PITTMAN</p><p>When Is a Parent Out of the Picture? Different Custody, Different Perceptions 1988, 26(1), 101-110 MARLA BETH ISAACS, GEORGE H. LEON, MARSHA KLINE</p><p>Families and the Origins of Child Behavior Problems 1988, 26(3), 341-357 MARK R. DADDS</p><p>Assessing Parent-Child Relationships: A Report of Normative Scores and Revalidation of Two Clinical Scales 1988, 26(3), 373-381 BENJAMIN E. SAUNDERS, ROBERT A. SCHUCHTS</p><p>The Visitation Schedule and Child Adjustment: A Three-Year Study 1989, 27(2), 251-256 MARLA BETH ISAACS</p><p>The Family Systems of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy 1989, 27(4), 423-437 JAMES L. GRIFFITH Family Process Article Titles by Subject 22</p><p>Why Are Siblings So Different? The Significance of Differences in Sibling Experiences Within the Family 1991, 30(3), 271-283 JUDY DUNN, ROBERT PLOMIN</p><p>Conceptualizing Social Support in Families of Children with Special Health Needs 1993, 32(2), 235-248 GLORIA L. KRAHN</p><p>Marital Conflict and Differential Treatment of Siblings 1996, 35(3), 333-346 JAMES E. DEAL</p><p>"Speech After Long Silence": The Use of Narrative Therapy in a Preventive Intervention for Children of Parents with Affective Disorder 1996, 35(4), 407-422 LYNN FOCHT, WILLIAM R. BEARDSLEE</p><p>Narrative Child Family Therapy 1996, 35(4), 423-440 GLENN LARNER</p><p>Children's Attributions about Family Arguments: Implications for Family Therapy 1998, 37(1), 35-49 HEATHER E. WESTON, PAUL BOXER, LAURIE HEATHERINGTON</p><p>Reflections on Ways to Create a Safe Therapeutic Culture for Children in Family Therapy 1998, 37(2), 201-213 PETER ROBER</p><p>Sibling Accounts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 1999, 38(1), 117-136 JUDY KENDALL</p><p>The Association between Parental Reports of Attachment Style and Family Dynamics, and Offspring's Reports of Adult Attachment Style 1999, 38(2), 243-257 MARIO MIKULINCER, VICTOR FLORIAN</p><p>Relationships among Parental Reports of Child, Parent, and Family Functioning 1999, 38(3), 341-351 ANNE M. KINSMAN, BETH G. WILDMAN, WILLIAM D. SMUCKER</p><p>Family Interaction Styles of Children with Depressive Disorders, Schizophrenia- Spectrum Disorders, and Normal Controls Family Process Article Titles by Subject 23</p><p>1999, 38(4), 463-476 ELIZABETH BURNEY HAMILTON, JOAN ASARNOW, MARTHA TOMPSON</p><p>A Child's Experience of Parental Depression: Encouraging Relational Resilience in Families with Affective Illness 2000, 39(4), 417-434 LYNN FOCHT-BIRKERTS, WILLIAM R. BEARDSLEE</p><p>Helping Parents Deal With Children's Acute Disciplinary Problems Without Escalation: The Principle of Nonviolent Resistance 2001, 40(1), 53-66 HAIM OMER</p><p>Mother and Child Perceptions of Child Functioning: Relationship to Maternal Distress 2001, 40(2), 163-172 ANNE M. KINSMAN, BETH G. WILDMAN</p><p>Eliciting Children's Thinking in Families and Family Therapy 2001, 40(3), 293-312 ALAN COOKLIN</p><p>The Language of Becoming: Helping Children Change How They Think about Themselves 2001, 40(4), 389-384 ELLEN F. WACHTEL</p><p>The Heart of the Matter: An Essay about the Effects of Managed Care on Family Therapy with Children 2001, 40(4), 385-399 ELLEN PULLEYBLANK COFFEY, MARY E. OLSON, PHEBE SESSIONS</p><p>Triadic Coordination: An Observational Method for Examining Whether Children Are "Caught in the Middle" of Interparental Discord 2001, 40(4), 479-493 MICHAEL A. WESTERMAN, MELINDA MASSOFF</p><p>Relieving Parentified Children's Burdens in Families with Insecure Attachment Patterns 2002, 41(3), 375-388 JOHN BYNG-HALL</p><p>Attachment, Mastery, and Interdependence: A Model of Parenting Processes 2002, 41(3), 389-404) MARTHA E. EDWARDS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 24</p><p>Balancing the Family and the Collective in Raising Children: Why Communal Sleeping in Kibbutzim Was Predestined to End 2002, 41(3), 435-454 ORA AVIEZER, ABRAHAM SAGI, MARINUS VAN IJZENDOORN</p><p>Bullying: The Consequences of Interparental Discord and Child's Self-Concept 2003, 42(2), 237-251 C. ANDRE CHRISTIE-MIZELL</p><p>Solution-Focused Family Therapy With Three Aggressive and Oppositional-Acting Children: An N = 1 Empirical Study 2003, 42(3), 361-374 COLLIE. W. CONOLEY, JAMES M. GRAHAM, TODD NEU, MARLA C. CRAIG, AMY O'PRY, SCOTT A. CARDIN, DANIEL F. BROSSART, RICHARD I. PARKER</p><p>The Psychological Effects of Parental Mental Health on Children Experiencing Disaster: The Experience of Bolu Earthquake in Turkey 2003, 42(4), 485-495 EMINE ZINNUR KILIÇ, HALISE DEVRIMCI ÖZGÜVEN, IAIK SAYIL</p><p>Family Ties: Constructing Family Time in Low-Income Families 2005, 44(1), 77-91 CAROLYN Y. TUBBS, KEVIN M. ROY, LINDA M. BURTON</p><p>Exploring Triangulation in Infancy: Two Contrasted Cases 2006, 45(1), 3-18 ELISABETH FIVAZ-DEPEURSINGE, NICOLAS FAVEZ</p><p>Family Narrative Interaction and Children's Sense of Self 2006, 45(1), 39-54 JENNIFER G. BOHANEK, KELLY A. MARIN, ROBYN FIVUSH, MARSHALL P. DUKE</p><p>Children's Living Arrangements Following Separation and Divorce: Insights From Empirical and Clinical Research 2007, 46(1), 35-52 JOAN B. KELLY</p><p>Family Ties After Divorce: Long-Term Implications for Children 2007, 46(1), 53-65 CONSTANCE R. AHRONS</p><p>New Evidence for the Social Embeddedness of Infants' Early Triangular Capacities 2008, 47(4), 445-463 JAMES McHALE, ELISABETH FIVAZ-DEPEURSINGE, SUSAN DICKSTEIN, Family Process Article Titles by Subject 25</p><p>JANET ROBERTSON, MATTHEW DALEY</p><p>Synchrony in the Triad: A Microlevel Process Model of Coparenting and Parent- Child Interactions 2008, 47(4), 465-479 ILANIT GORDON, RUTH FELDMAN</p><p>Withdrawal From Coparenting Interactions During Early Infancy 2008, 47(4), 481-499 DONNA ELLISTON, JAMES McHALE, JEAN TALBOT, MEAGAN PARMLEY, REGINA KUERSTEN-HOGAN</p><p>Parent Characteristics as Antecedents of Maternal Gatekeeping and Fathering Behavior 2008, 47(4), 501-519 ELIZABETH A. CANNON, SARAH J. SCHOPPE-SULLIVAN, SARAH C. MANGELSDORF, GEOFFREY L. BROWN, MARGARET SZEWCZYK SOKOLOWSKI</p><p>Capturing Children's Response to Parental Conflict and Making Use of It 2010, 49(1), 43-58 WAI-YUNG LEE, MAN-LUN NG, BEN K. L. CHEUNG, JOYCE WA YUNG </p><p>Providing Therapy to Children and Families in Foster Care: A Systemic-Relational Approach 2011, 50(4), 436-452 CATHERINE LEWIS</p><p>Between Pink and Blue: A Multi-Demensional Family Approach to Gender Nonconforming Children and Their Families 2011, 50(4), 453-470 JEAN MALPAS</p><p>Maternal Psychological Absence and Toddlers’ Social-Emotional Development: Interpretations from the Perspective of Boundary Ambiguity Theory 2012, 51(4), 527-541 ERIKA L. BOCKNEK, HOLLY E. BROPHY-HERB, HIRAM FITZGERALD, KATHLEEN BURNS-JAGER, MARSHA T. CAROLAN</p><p>The Development of Family Alliance from Pregnancy to Toddlerhood and Child Outcomes at 5 Years 2012, 51(4), 542-556 NICOLAS FAVES, FRANCESCO LOPES, MATHIEU BERNARD, FRANCE FRASCAROLO, CHLOE LAVANCHY SCAIOLA, ANTOINETTE CORBOZ- WARNERY, ELISABETH FIVAS-DEPEURSINGE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 26</p><p>Fabricated Illness: Working within the Family System to Find a Pathway to Health 2012, 50(4), 570-587 KASIA KOZLOWSKA, SUE FOLEY, BLANCHE SAVAGE</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Childhood and Adolescent Externalizing Disorders: A Systematic Review of 47 RCT 2013, 52(4), 576-618 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Internalizing and Other Disorders of Childhood and Adolscence: A Systematic Review of 38 Randomized Trials 2013, 52(4), 619-652 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>A Development of a Children’s Version of the SCORE Index of Family Function and Change 2013, 52(4), 673-684 TOM JEWELL, ALAN CARR, PETER STRATTON, JUDITH LASK, IVAN EISLER</p><p>Father Involvement in a Refugee Sample: Relations between Posttraumatic Stress and Caregiving 2013, 52(4), 723-735 ELISA VAN EE, MARIEKE SLEIJPEN, ROLF J. KLEBER, MARIAN J. JONGMANS</p><p>______</p><p>Communication</p><p>An Approach to Communication 1962, 1(2), 194-201 RAY L. BIRDWHISTELL</p><p>A Method For Studying Family Communication 1965, 4(2), 259-290 JAMES M. TERRILL, RUTH E. TERRILL</p><p>Communicator-Communicant Approach to Family Interaction Research Family Process Article Titles by Subject 27</p><p>1966, 5(1), 105-116 GILBERT LEVIN</p><p>Uncoordinated Communication Between Marriage Partners 1967, 6(1), 10-15 RICHARD RABKIN</p><p>Speech Sequences of Normal and Abnormal Families With Two Children Present 1967, 6(1), 81-97 JAY HALEY</p><p>Interaction Process Analysis of Family Decision-Making 1967, 6(2), 155-172 WILLIAM D. WINTER, ANTONIO J. FERREIRA</p><p>Communication and Adjustment in Marriage 1967, 6(2), 173-184 LESLIE NAVRAN</p><p>Decision-Making in Normal and Abnormal Two-Child Families 1968, 7(1), 17-36 ANTONIO J. FERREIRA, WILLIAM D. WINTER</p><p>Breaking Down the Walls 1968, 7(1), 118-125 EVA R. LASKIN</p><p>Communicational Arrangements Which Further Specify a Meaning 1970, 9(4), 457-472 ALBERT E. SCHEFLEN</p><p>New Procedures for Analyzing Relational Communication 1973, 12(3), 245-267 PHILIP M. ERICSON, L. EDNA ROGERS</p><p>Aspects of Communication in Families with Young Children 1974, 13(2), 215-224 ROBERT D. HUBBELL, MARGARET C. BYRNE, JAMES STACHOWIAK</p><p>Teaching Interpersonal Communication to Troubled Families 1974, 13(3), 317-336 EDWARD BOYD, JONATHAN CLARK, HYMAN KEMPLER, PIERRE JOHANNET, BONNIE LEONARD, PETER McPHERSON</p><p>An Interactional Approach to Dysfunctional Silencing in Family Therapy 1978, 17(2), 207-216 DOUGLAS C. BREUNLIN, PAM SOUTHGATE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 28</p><p>Family Interaction and Communication Deviance in Disturbed and Normal Families: A Review of Research 1978, 17(3), 357-376 JERI A. DOANE</p><p>Task Effects In Family Interaction 1979, 18(1), 47-53 EDWARD ZUCKERMAN, THEODORE JACOB</p><p>Role Structure and Subculture in Families of Elective Mutists 1979, 18(1), 55-68 GOLL KNUD</p><p>Expanding Uses of the Telephone in Family Therapy 1980, 19(4), 411-417 EVAN IMBER COPPERSMITH</p><p>Privileged Communication in Therapy: Special Problems for the Family and Couples Therapist 1981, 20(1), 11-23 LINDELL L. GUMPER, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>Families' Schemata of Social Relationships 1982, 21(3), 295-311 MARY ELLEN OLIVERI, DAVID REISS</p><p>An Empirical Typology of Dyadic Formation 1982, 21(3), 321-335 ERIK E. FILSINGER, PHILIP McAVOY, ROBERT A. LEWIS</p><p>Rules: The Invisible Family 1983, 22(2), 135-145 FREDERICK R. FORD</p><p>Ibsen's Truth, Family Secrets, and Family Therapy 1983, 22(3), 275-288 LAWRENCE GROLNICK</p><p>Assessment of Perceptual Discrepancy: Utility of the Primary Communication Inventory 1983, 22(3), 309-316 STEVEN R. H. BEACH, ILEANA ARIAS</p><p>Soft Meaning and Sincerity in the Family System Family Process Article Titles by Subject 29</p><p>1983, 22(4), 523-535 MARGARET S. WARNER</p><p>Patterns of Alliances in Nondistressed and Multiproblem Families 1984, 23(1), 75-87 RICHARD GILBERT, ANDREW CHRISTENSEN, GAYLA MARGOLIN</p><p>Interactional Complexity and Communication 1984, 23(2), 169-176 CARLO RICCI, MARA SELVINI-PALAZZOLI</p><p>Family Boundary Ambiguity: A New Variable in Family Stress Theory 1984, 23(4), 535-546 PAULINE BOSS, JAN GREENBERG</p><p>Negative Explanation, Restraint, and Double Description: A Template for Family Therapy 1986, 25(2), 169-184 MICHAEL WHITE</p><p>Communication Deviances: A Comparison Between Parents of Learning-Disabled and Normally Achieving Students 1987, 26(1), 75-87 PATRICIA DITTON, ROBERT JAY GREEN, MARGARET THALER SINGER</p><p>Can Communication Deviance Be Measured in a Family Problem-Solving Interaction? 1990, 29(2), 213-226 DAWN I. VELLIGAN, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, KEITH H. NUECHTERLEIN, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, GREGORY RANLETT</p><p>Disordered Communication and Grieving in Deaf Member Families 1993, 32(2), 171-183 LEON SLOMAN, STEPHEN SPRINGER, MARY L.S. VACHON</p><p>Communication Deviances and Clarity Among the Mothers of Normally Achieving and Learning-Disabled Boys 1994, 33(1), 71-80 Helena Rasku-Puttonen, Paula Lyytinen, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Marja-Leena Laakso, Timo Ahonen</p><p>Can Spouses Provide Knowledge of Each Other's Communication Patterns? A Study of Self-Reports, Spouses' Reports, and Observational Coding 2006, 45(4), 499-511 GALENA KLINE RHOADES, CLARE M. STOCKER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 30</p><p>Couple Communication in Stepfamilies 2007, 46(4), 471-483 KIM HALFORD, JAN NICHOLSON, MATTHEW SANDERS</p><p>Single Mothers Raising Children with ‘Male-Positive’ Attitudes 2011, 50(1), 63-76 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, SHONDA M. CRAFT</p><p>Insider Knowledge 2011, 50(4), 561-566 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>Collaborative Relationships and Dialogic Conversations: Ideas for a Relationally Responsive Practice 2012, 51(1), 8-24 HARLENE ANDERSON</p><p>The Influence of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Stress and Depressive Symptoms on Own and Partner’s Parent-Child Communication 2013, 52(2), 312-324 KOEN PONNET, EDWIN WOUTERS, DIMITRI MORTELMANS, INGE PASTEELS, CHAROLETTE DE BACKER, KARLA VAN LEEUWEN, ALAIN VAN HIEL</p><p>______</p><p>Conflict Resolution</p><p>Experimental Assessment of Modes of Conflict Resolution 1963, 2(1), 15-24 D. WELLS GOODRICH, DONALD S. BOOMER</p><p>Normal Crises, Family Structure and Mental Health 1963, 2(1), 68-80 RHONA RAPOPORT</p><p>The Echo of Marital Conflict 1963, 2(1), 315-328 KENNETH A. GREEN</p><p>Agreement on Connotative Meaning in Marriage Family Process Article Titles by Subject 31</p><p>1965, 4(1), 64-74 MYER KATZ</p><p>Non-Verbal Cues and Reenactment of Conflict in Family Therapy 1965, 4(1), 133-162 MURRAY H. SHERMAN, NATHAN W. ACKERMAN, SANFORD N. SHERMAN, CELIA MITCHELL</p><p>Protection and Scapegoating in Pathological Families 1970, 9(1), 27-39 PAUL WATZLAWICK, JANET BEAVIN, LINDA SIKORSKI, BETTY MECIA</p><p>Family Systems: Morphostasis and Morphogenesis, or "Is Homeostasis Enough?" 1970, 9(3), 259-278 DAVID C. SPEER</p><p>Family Conflict in the Psychopathology of the Kibbutz Child 1972, 11(2), 171-188 MORDECAI KAFFMAN</p><p>The Relationship between Family Developmental Crisis and the Appearance of Symptoms in a Family Member 1974, 13(2), 207-214 TREVOR R. HADLEY, THEODORE JACOB, JAKE MILLIONES, JOELLE CAPLAN, DOROTHY SPITZ</p><p>Conflict Behavior in Clinical Couples: Interpersonal Perceptions and Stable Outcomes 1975, 14(1), 51-66 NATHAN B. EPSTEIN, JACK SANTA-BARBARA</p><p>Power Relationships in Families: A Social-Exchange Perspective 1978, 17(4), 423-436 SHARON BECKMAN-BRINDLEY, JOSEPH B. TAVORMINA</p><p>A Theory-Based Empirical Classification of Family Problem-Solving Behavior 1980, 20(4), 409-418 MARY ELLEN OLIVERI, DAVID REISS</p><p>Toward a Foundation for Addressing Violence 1986, 25(4), 527-529 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>The Family's Conception of Accountability and Competence: A New Approach to the Conceptualization and Assessment of Family Stress Family Process Article Titles by Subject 32</p><p>1991, 30(2), 193-214 DAVID REISS, MARY ELLEN OLIVERI</p><p>On Hating to Hate 2006, 45(3), 277-288 KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Male Relationships: A Comparison of Couples in 1975 and 2000 2011, 50(3), 353-376 GABIELLE GOTTA, ROBERT-JAY GREEN, ESTHER ROTHBLUM, SONDRA SOLOMON, KIMBERLY BALSAM, PEPPER SCHWARTZ</p><p>______</p><p>Conjoint Family Therapy</p><p>Conjoint Therapy and the Corrective Emotional Experience 1966, 5(1), 91-104 MONROE S. ARLEN</p><p>Brechtian Theater as a Model for Conjoint Family Therapy 1966, 5(2), 218-229 ROBERT E. KANTOR, LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>Survival Patterns in Family Conjoint Therapy 1967, 6(1), 67-80 SHIRLEY GEHRKE, MARTIN KIRSCHENBAUM</p><p>Indicators of Therapeutic Outcome in Conjoint Family Therapy 1967, 6(2), 215-226 JOHN J. SIGAL, VIVIAN RAKOFF, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN</p><p>An Extended Home Visit with Conjoint Family Therapy 1968, 7(1), 67-87 CONSTANCE COLLINGE HANSEN</p><p>Conjoint Marital Psychotherapy: Outcome and Follow-up Study 1969, 8(2), 260-271 R. V. FITZGERA Family Process Article Titles by Subject 33</p><p>The Conjoint Family Drawing 1970, 9(2), 173-194 ELIZABETH BING</p><p>Process and Outcome in Conjoint Family Therapy 1971, 10(4), 451-473 ROSLYN SPECTOR POSTNER, HERTA A. GUTTMAN, JOHN J. SIGAL, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN, VIVIAN M. RAKOFF</p><p>The Conjoint Family Diagnostic Interview and the Family Index of Tension 1973, 12(2), 127-144 CARL F. WELLS, EDWIN L. RABINER</p><p>The Use of Teaching Stories in Conjoint Family Therapy 1976, 15(4), 427-431 CARL FELLNER</p><p>______</p><p>Culture, Race and Ethnicity</p><p>Growing up in India 1964, 3(1), 127-154 D. NARAIN</p><p>Deviance and Mental Illness in the Greek Family 1968, 7(1), 100-117 CONSTANTINA SAFILIOS-ROTHSCHILD</p><p>Therapy in Tribal Settings and Urban Network Intervention 1969, 8(2), 192-210 CAROLYN L. ATTNEAVE</p><p>Living Space in an Urban Ghetto 1971, 10(4), 429-450 ALBERT E. SCHEFLEN</p><p>Cross-Cultural Family Therapy — A Malaysian Experience Family Process Article Titles by Subject 34</p><p>1972, 11(1), 59-67 DAVID KINZIE, P. C. SUSHAMA, MARY LEE</p><p>Cultural Specificity in Patterns of Mental Illness and Health: A Slovak-American Case Study 1973, 12(1), 69-82 HOWARD F. STEIN</p><p>The Deserving Underclass: a Focus for Social Work Policy in the Year 2001 1973, 12(2), 189-196 PRANAB CHATTERJEE</p><p>Australian Aborigine: Transition in Family Grouping 1973, 12(3), 303-315 VIRGINIA HUFFERI</p><p>Insurance and Family Therapy 1973, 12(4), 399-414 JOHN C. SONNE</p><p>Middle-Class Incomes, Working-Class Hearts 1974, 13(4), 489-502 TERESA DONATI MARCIANO</p><p>The Slovak-American "Swaddling Ethos": Homeostat for Family Dynamics and Cultural Continuity 1978, 17(1), 31-45 HOWARD F. STEIN</p><p>Family Therapy With Irish-Americans 1981, 20(2), 223-241 MONICA GOLDRICK, JOHN K. PEARCE</p><p>Material, Myth, and Magic: A Cultural Approach to Family Therapy 1983, 22(1), 3-14 WENCKE J. SELTZER, MICHAEL R. SELTZER</p><p>Joint Custody: Parental Problems and Satisfactions 1983, 22(1), 43-52 BARBARA ROTHBERG</p><p>Therapeutic Approaches to Families of Young Israeli Soldiers 1983, 22(1), 61-68 ROBERTO MESTER, YORAM HAZAN, AVNER SELLA, HILLEL KLEIN</p><p>Communication Styles and Marital Satisfaction in Israeli and American Couples Family Process Article Titles by Subject 35</p><p>1983, 22(2), 221-228 IRIS WINKLER, WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>Family Therapy with Deaf Persons: The Systemic Utilization of an Interpreter 1984, 23(2), 205-213 MICHAEL A. HARVEY</p><p>Focus On Stages 1984, 23(3), 329-334 CELIA JAES FALICOV</p><p>Ethnic Intermarriage: Implications for Therapy 1984, 23(3), 347-364 MONICA McGOLDRICK, NYDIA GARCIA PRETO</p><p>Structural Family Therapy: Its Application to Chinese Families 1984, 23(3), 365-374 MARSHALL JUNG</p><p>Feminism and Family Therapy 1985, 24(1), 31-47 VIRGINIA GOLDNER</p><p>Twenty Years of Family Therapy in Israel: A Personal Journey 1985, 24(1), 113-127 MORDECAI KAFFMAN</p><p>The Negotiation of Values in Therapy 1985, 24(3), 323-338 HARRY J. APONTE</p><p>Jamaican Family Structure: The Paradox of Normalcy 1986, 25(2), 293-300 MARY DECHESNAY</p><p>"If I Don't Get Simple, I Cry" 1986, 25(2), 531-548 HARRY J. APONTE</p><p>International Family Therapy: A View from Kyoto, Japan 1986, 25(4), 651-664 CATHY COLMAN</p><p>Researching Ethnic Family Stereotypes 1987, 26(1), 89-99 MONICA McGOLDRICK, MICHAEL ROHRBAUGH Family Process Article Titles by Subject 36</p><p>Culturally Sensitive Family Assessment: An Evaluation of the Family Assessment Device Used with Hawaiian-American and Japanese-American Families 1990, 29(1), 105-116 TERESA M. MORRIS</p><p>A Cross-Cultural Examination of Proximity and Hierarchy as Dimensions of Family Structure 1991, 30(1), 121-133 GULER OKMAN FISEK</p><p>Migrants and Their Therapists: A Trans-Context Approach 1991, 30(4), 407-419 JEAN E. TURNER</p><p>Families in the Sealed Room: Interaction Patterns of Israeli Families During SCUD Missile Attacks 1992, 31(1), 35-44 AMITH BEN-DAVID, YOAV LAVEE</p><p>Cultural and Integrative Therapy Issues in the Treatment of a Jamaican Woman with Panic Disorder 1992, 31(2), 105-113 DARIELLE WATTS-JONES</p><p>Connectedness Versus Separateness: Applicability of Family Therapy to Japanese Families 1992, 31(4), 319-340 TAKESHI TAMURA, ANNIE LAU</p><p>Divorce in the Kibbutz: Lessons To Be Drawn 1993, 32(1), 117-133 MORDECAI KAFFMAN</p><p>Therapy with Refugee Families: What Is a "Good" Conversation? 1994, 33(3), 247-262 SlSSEL REICHELT, NORA SVEAASS</p><p>Of Families and Other Cultures: The Shifting Paradigm of Family Therapy 1995, 34(1), 1-19 DAVID A. PARÉ</p><p>Training to Think Culturally: A Multidimensional Comparative Framework 1995, 34(4), 373-388 CELIA JAES FALICOV Family Process Article Titles by Subject 37</p><p>The Value of Curiosity and Naiveté for the Cross-Cultural Psychotherapist 1995, 34(4), 289-399 LARRY DYCHE, LUIS H. ZAYAS</p><p>Culture and Meaning: Expanding the Metaphorical Repertoire of Family Therapy 1996, 35(1), 21-42 DAVID A. PARÉ</p><p>Translatability of Family Concepts into the Japanese Culture: Using the Family Environment Scale 1996, 35(1), 239-257 SATORU SAITO, NAOKI NOMURA, YUJI NOGUCHI, ICHIRO TEZUKA</p><p>Family Bereavement and Cultural Diversity: A Social Developmental Perspective 1996, 35(3), 313-332 ESTER R. SHAPIRO</p><p>Coping Strategies of Immigrant Parents: Directions for Family Therapy 1996, 35(3), 363-376 DORIT ROER STRIER</p><p>"Broken Glass": The Divorced Woman in Moslem Arab Society in Israel 1997, 36(3), 225-245 ORNA COHEN, RIVKA SAVAYA</p><p>Israeli and Palestinian Families in the Peace Process: Sources of Stress and Response Patterns 1997, 36(3), 247-263 YOAV LAVEE, AMITH BEN-DAVID, FAISAL AZAIZA</p><p>Toward an African American Genogram 1997, 36(4), 375-383 DARIELLE WATTS-JONES</p><p>Engagement of African American Families in Research on Chronic Illness: A Multisystem Recruitment Approach 1998, 37(2), 127-151 BARBARA HOLDER, JOCELYN TURNER-MUSA, PAUL L. KIMMEL, SYLVAN ALLEYNE, SIDNEY KOBRIN, SAMUEL SIMMENS, ILLUMINADO CRUZ, DAVID REISS</p><p>Value Patterns and Content among Families of Soviet Immigrants: SYMLOG Analysis 1998, 37(3), 345-362 VERED SLONIM-NEVO, JULIA CHAITIN, YANNA SHARAGA, ANNA ABDELGANI Family Process Article Titles by Subject 38</p><p>The Importance of Cultural Sensitivity and Therapist Self-Awareness When Working with Mandatory Clients 1999, 38(1), 55-67 KHAWLA ABU BAKER</p><p>Attitudes toward and Perceived Psychosocial Impact of Female Circumcision as Practiced among the Bedouin-Arabs of the Negev 1999, 38(4), 431-443 ALEAN AL-KRENAWI, RACHEL WIESEL-LEV</p><p>A Culturally Sensitive Approach to Therapy with Immigrant Families: The Case of Jewish Emigrants from the Former Soviet Union 1999, 38(4), 445-462 VERED SLONIM-NEVO, YANNA SHARAGA, JULIA MIRSKY</p><p>Racial and Gender Differences in Expressed Emotion and Interpersonal Control in Families of Persons with Schizophrenia 1999, 38(4), 477-496 ANNE K. WUERKER, GRETCHEN HAAS, ALAN BELLACK</p><p>Dissecting Life with a Jewish Scalpel: A Qualitative Analysis of Jewish-Centered Family Life 2000, 39(1), 121-139 MAUREEN P. SEMANS, LINDA STONE FISH</p><p>Tales Full of Sound and Fury: A Cultural Approach to Family Therapeutic Work and Research in Rural Scandinavia 2000, 39(3), 285-306 MICHAEL R. SELTZER, WENCKE J. SELTZER, NILS HOMB, PER MIDTSTIGEN, GEIR VIK</p><p>Triangulation and Adolescent Development in the U.S. and Japan 2001, 40(2), 173-186 LINDA G. BELL, DAVID C. BELL, YOJIRO NAKATA</p><p>Family Therapy with Unmarried African American Mothers and Their Adolescents 2001, 40(4), 413-427 DANA BECKER, HOWARD A. LIDDLE</p><p>Notes for a Cultural History of Family Therapy 2002, 41(1), 57-82 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS.</p><p>Family Systems Theory, Attachment Theory, and Culture Family Process Article Titles by Subject 39</p><p>2002, 41(3), 328-350 FRED ROTHBAUM, KAREN ROSEN, TATSUO UJIIE, NOBUKO UCHIDA</p><p>Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Implications for Attachment Theory and Family Therapy 2002, 41(3), 546-550 PATRICIA MINUCHIN</p><p>Healing Internalized Racism: The Role of a Within-Group Sanctuary Among People of African Descent 2002, 41(4), 591-601 DEE WATTS-JONES</p><p>Dominant and Marginalized Discourses in Interracial Couples' Narratives: Implications for Family Therapists 2002, 41(4), 603-618 KYLE D. KILLIAN</p><p>Racism in Mexico: Cultural Roots and Clinical Interventions 2002, 41(4), 619-623 JACQUELINE FORTES DE LEFF</p><p>Making Up For Lost Time: The Experience of Separation and Reunification Among Immigrant Families 2002, 41(4), 625-643 CEROLA SUAREZ-OROZCO, IRINA L.G. TODORVA, JOSEPHINE LOUIE</p><p>Parental Values and Ethnic Identity in Indigenous Sami Families: A Qualitative Study 2003, 42(1), 151-164 CECILIE JAVO, RICHARD ALAPACK, SONJA HEYERDAHL, JOHN A. ROSNNING</p><p>Adjustment to Divorce: A Preliminary Study among Muslim Arab Citizens of Israel 2003, 42(2), 269-290 ORNA COHEN, RIVKA SAVAYA</p><p>Small Steps and Big Leaps in an Era of Cultural Transition: A Crisis in a Traditional Kosovar Albanian Family 2003, 42(4), 479-484 CARLOS E. SLUZKI, FERID N. AGANI</p><p>The Evidence of Things Seen and Not Seen: The Legacy of Race and Racism 2004, 43(4), 503-508 DEE WATTS-JONES Family Process Article Titles by Subject 40</p><p>International Perspectives on Couple Relationship Education 2005, 44(2), 139-146 HOWARD J. MARKMAN, W. KIM HALFORD</p><p>Couple Relationship Education in Australia 2005, 44(2), 147-159 W. KIM HALFORD, MICHELE SIMMONS</p><p>An Asian Perspective on Relationship and Marriage Education 2005, 44(2), 161-173 WEI-JEN HUANG</p><p>A Public/Private Partnership in Offering Relationship Education to the Norwegian Population 2005, 44(2), 175-185 FRODE THUEN, KRISTIN TAFJORD LAERUM</p><p>Transnationalism as a Motif in Family Stories 2005, 44(4), 381-398 ELIZABETH STONE, ERICA GOMEZ, DESPINA HOTZOGLOU, JANE Y. LIPNITSKY</p><p>Emotional Transnationalism and Family Identities 2005, 44(4), 399-406 CELIA J. FALICOV</p><p>Migrating Across Literature, Stories, and Family Therapy 2005, 44(4), 407-411 JANINE ROBERTS</p><p>Acculturation, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, and Adolescent Adjustment in Mexican American Families 2006, 45(1), 75-86 LAURI A. PASCH, JULIANNA DEARDORFF, JEANNE M. TSCHANN, ELENA FLORES, CARLOS PENILLA, PHILIP PANTOJA</p><p>Recruitment of First-Generation Latinos in a Rural Community: The Essential Nature of Personal Contact 2006, 45(1), 87-100 MELANIE DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, JESÚS RODRÍGUEZ, MELISSA DAVIS</p><p>Intervention Development and Cultural Adaptation Research With Diverse Families 2006, 45(2), 143-151 GUILLERMO BERNAL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 41</p><p>Developing a Family-Based Depression Prevention Program in Urban Community Mental Health Clinics: A Qualitative Investigation 2006, 45(2), 187-203 RHONDA C. BOYD, GUY S. DIAMOND, JORETHA N. BOURJOLLY</p><p>Adaptation of Parent–Child Interaction Therapy for Puerto Rican Families: A Preliminary Study 2006, 45(2), 205-222 MARIBEL MATOS, ROSALIE TORRES, ROCHELI SANTIAGO, MICHELLE JURADO, IXA RODRíGUEZ</p><p>Play With Me at My Speed: Describing Differences in the Tempo of Parent-Infant Interactions in the Lausanne Triadic Play Paradigm in Two Cultures 2006, 45(4), 485-498 MONICA HEDENBRO, ALYSON F. SHAPIRO, JOHN M. GOTTMAN'</p><p>Working With Transnational Immigrants: Expanding Meanings of Family, Community, and Culture 2007, 46(2), 157-171 CELIA J. FALICOV</p><p>Black Women and White Women: Do Perceptions of Childhood Family Environment Differ? 2007, 46(2), 243-256 CASSANDRA M. CLAY, MICHAEL A. ELLIS, MARGARET L. GRIFFIN, MARYANN AMODEO, IRENE R. FASSLER</p><p>The Effect of Security-Related Stress on Dyadic Closeness Among Jews and Arabs in Israel: A Daily Diary Study 2007, 46(3), 381-393 ADITAL BEN-ARI, YOAV LAVEE</p><p>Shared Ancestry, Evolving Stories: Similar and Contrasting Life Experiences Described by Foreign Born and U.S. Born Latino Parents 2008, 47(2), 157-172 JOSÉ RUBÉN PARRA-CARDONA, DAVID CÓRDOVA, KENDAL HOLTROP, FRANCISCO A. VILLARRUEL, ELIZABETH WIELING</p><p>New Evidence for the Social Embeddedness of Infants' Early Triangular Capacities 2008, 47(4), 445-463 JAMES McHALE, ELISABETH FIVAZ-DEPEURSINGE, SUSAN DICKSTEIN, JANET ROBERTSON, MATTHEW DALEY</p><p>Synchrony in the Triad: A Microlevel Process Model of Coparenting and Parent- Child Interactions Family Process Article Titles by Subject 42</p><p>2008, 47(4), 465-479 ILANIT GORDON, RUTH FELDMAN</p><p>Withdrawal From Coparenting Interactions During Early Infancy 2008, 47(4), 481-499 DONNA ELLISTON, JAMES McHALE, JEAN TALBOT, MEAGAN PARMLEY, REGINA KUERSTEN-HOGAN</p><p>Parent Characteristics as Antecedents of Maternal Gatekeeping and Fathering Behavior 2008, 47(4), 501-519 ELIZABETH A. CANNON, SARAH J. SCHOPPE-SULLIVAN, SARAH C. MANGELSDORF, GEOFFREY L. BROWN, MARGARET SZEWCZYK SOKOLOWSKI</p><p>Empathic Family Stress as a Sign of Family Connectedness in Haitian Immigrants 2009, 48(1), 135-150 GUERDA NICOLAS, ANGELA DESILVA, KIMBERLY PRATER, ELIZABETH BRONKOSKI</p><p>Portuguese Immigrant Families: The Impact of Acculturation 2009, 48(1), 151-166 MARIE MORRISON, SUSAN JAMES</p><p>Advances in Latino Family Research: Cultural Adaptations of Evidence-Based Interventions 2009, 48(2), 169-178 GUILLERMO BERNAL, MELANIE M. DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ</p><p>Cultural Variability in the Manifestation of Expressed Emotion 2009, 48(2), 179-194 STEVEN R. LÓPEZ, JORGE I. RAMÍREZ GARCÍA, JODIE B. ULLMAN, ALEX KOPELOWICZ, JANIS JENKINS, NICHOLAS J. K. BREITBORDE, PERLA PLACENCIA</p><p>Parenting Styles in a Cultural Context: Observations of "Protective Parenting" in First-Generation Latinos 2009, 48(2), 195-210 MELANIE M. DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, MELISSA R. DONOVICK, SUSAN L. CROWLEY</p><p>"Queremos Aprender": Latino Immigrants' Call to Integrate Cultural Adaptation with Best Practice Knowledge in a Parenting Intervention 2009, 48(2), 211-231 JOSÉ PARRA CARDONA, KENDAL HOLTROP, DAVID CÓRDOVA, JR., ANA ROCIO ESCOBAR-CHEW, SHEENA HORSFORD, LISA TAMS, FRANCISCO A. Family Process Article Titles by Subject 43</p><p>VILLARRUEL, GRACIELA VILLALOBOS, BRIAN DATES, JAMES C. ANTHONY, HIRAM E. FITZGERALD</p><p>Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Puerto Rican Preschool Children with ADHD and Behavior Problems: A Pilot Efficacy Study 2009, 48(2,) 232-252 MARIBEL MATOS, JOSÉ J. BAUERMEISTER, GUILLERMO BERNAL</p><p>Culturally Informed and Flexible Family-Based Treatment for Adolescents: A Tailored and Integrative Treatment for Hispanic Youth 2009, 48(2), 253-268 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, MAITE P. MENA</p><p>Adaptation of the Preventive Intervention Program for Depression for Use with Predominantly Low-Income Latino Families 2009, 48(2), 269-291 EUGENE J. D'ANGELO, ROXANA LLERENA-QUINN, RACHEL SHAPIRO, FRANCES COLON, PAOLA RODRIGUEZ, KATIE GALLAGHER, WILLIAM R. BEARDSLEE</p><p>Commentary: On the Wisdom and Challenges of Culturally Attuned Treatments for Latinos 2009, 48(2), 292-309 CELIA JAES FALICOV</p><p>How Adolescent Children of African Jamaican Immigrants Living in Canada Perceive and Negotiate their Roles within a Matrifocal Family 2009, 48(3), 441-458 GEOFFREY S. NAVARA, SUSAN LOLLIS</p><p>Changing Constructions of Machismo for Latino Men in Therapy: “The Devil Never Sleeps” 2010, 49(3), 309-329 CELIA JAES FALICOV PH.D.</p><p>Family Structure and Family Processes in Mexican-American Families 2011, 50(1), 77-91 KATHARINE H. ZEIDERS, MARK W. ROOSA, JENN-YUN TEIN</p><p>‘Hay Que Ponerse en los Zapatos del Joven’: Adaptive Parenting of Adolescent Children Among Mexican-American Parents Residing in a Dangerous Neighborhood 2011, 50(1), 92-114 MICHELLE CRUZ-SANTIAGO, JORGE I RAMÍREZ GARCÍA Family Process Article Titles by Subject 44</p><p>Community-Based Applied Research With Latino Immigrant Families: Informing Practice and Research According to Ethical and Social Justice Principles 2011, 50(2), 132-148 ANA BAUMANN, MELANIE DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉRUBÉN PARRA- CARDONA</p><p>Multilevel Models to Identify Contextual Effects on Individual Group Member Outcomes: A Family Example 2011, 50(2), 167-183 DANIEL FEASTER, AHNALEE BRINCKS, MICHAEL ROBBINS, JOSÉ SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>Cultural Intersections: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Experience of Asain Indian- White Interracial Couples 2011, 50(2), 248-266 ARPANA G. INMAN, ABBY ALTMAN, ANJU KADUVETTOOR-DAVIDSON, AMANDA CARR, JESSICA A. WALKER</p><p>Developing Preventive Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Families in Resettlement 2011, 50(3), 410-430 STEVAN MERRILL WEINE</p><p>Culturally Adapting an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention for Latino Immigrants: The Need to Integrate Fidelity and Cultural Relevance 2012, 51(1), 56-72 JOSE RUBEN PARRA CARDONA, MELANIE DOMENECH-RODRIGUEZ, MARION FORGATCH, CRIS SULLIVAN, DEBORAH BYBEE, KENDAL HOLTROP, ANA ROCIO ESCOBAR-CHEW, LISA TAMS, BRIAN DATES, GUILLERMO BERNAL</p><p>Parenting as Relationship: A Framework for Assessment and Practice 2012, 51(1), 73-89 AMY R. TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, LANA KIM</p><p>Couples’ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate within Mexican American Families 2012, 51(2), 218-233 MARCELA SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, AURELIO J. FIGUEREDO, DONNA H. CHRISTENSEN, ANGELA R. TAYLOR </p><p>Primary Relationship Scripts Among Lower-income, African American Young Adults 2012, 51(2), 234-249 STEPHEN L. EYRE, MICHELLE FLYTHE, VALERIE HOFFMAN, ASHLEY E. FRASER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 45</p><p>Beyond Acculturation: An Investigation of the Relationship of Familism and Parenting to Behavior Problems in Hispanic Youth 2012, 51(4), 470-484 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, ERVIN BRIONES, WILLIAM KURTINES, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>The Effects of Parental Education and Family Income on Mother-Child Relationships, Father-Child Relationships, and Family Environments in the People’s Republic of China 2012, 51(4), 483-497 XIAO ZHANG</p><p>Burden, Interdependence, Ethnicity, and Mental Health in Cargivers of Patients with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(2), 299-311 GIULIA SURO & AMY G. WEISMAN de MAMANI</p><p>Fortalezas Familiares Program: Building Sociocultural and family Strengths in Latina Women with Depression and Their Families 2013, 52(3), 378-393 CARMEN R. VALDEZ, JESSICA ABEGGLEN, CLAIRE T. HAUSER</p><p>Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of the Fortalezas Familiares Intervention for Latino Families Facing Maternal Depression 2013, 52(3), 394-410 CARMEN R. VALDEZ, BRIAN PADILLA, SARAH MCARDELL MOORE, SANDRA MAGANA</p><p>Asian Couples in Negotiation: A Mixed-Method Observational Study of Cultural Variations Across Five Asian Regions 2013, 52(3), 499-518 WAI-YUNG LEE, SHIN-ICHI NAKAMURA, MOON JA CHUNG, YOUNG JU CHUN, MENG FU, SHU-CHUAN LIANG, CUI-LIAN LIU</p><p>______</p><p>Depression – Manic, Bipolar, etc. </p><p>Predictability, Failure, and Guilt in Suicide: A Personal Account Family Process Article Titles by Subject 46</p><p>1975, 14(3), 339-370 PHYLLIS S. WETHERILL</p><p>The Family Therapy of Attempted Suicide 1979, 18(2), 131-142 JOSEPH RICHMAN</p><p>Therapy for Families Manifesting Manic-Depressive Behavior 1988, 27(1), 33-49 GUNTHARD WEBER, FRITZ B. SIMON, HELM STIERLIN, GUNTHER SCHMIDT</p><p>My Son Andrew 1993, 32(4), 385, 395 DEBORAH WRIGHT</p><p>A Clinician/Researcher Looks at Andrew and His Family: A Commentary 1993, 32(4), 397-403 MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN</p><p>The Uses of Diagnosis: A Commentary 1993, 32(4), 405-408 CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>Bipolar Disorder and the Family: An Integrative Model 1993, 32(4), 409-423 DAVID A. MOLTZ</p><p>Observations on Loss and Family Development 1993, 32(4), 425-440 JOHN R. JORDAN, DAVID R. KRAUS, EUGENIA S. WARE</p><p>Evaluating Therapist Competency and Adherence to Behavioral Family Management with Bipolar Patients 1998, 37(1), 107-121 AMY G. WEISMAN, SUMIE OKAZAKI, JENNIFER GREGORY, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTIEN, MARTHA C. TOMPSON, MARGARET REA, DAVIS J. MIKLOWITZ</p><p>Beyond Bipolar Thinking: Patterns of Conflict as a Focus for Diagnosis and Intervention 1998, 37(2), 215-232 FRITZ B. SIMON</p><p>Difficulty in Implementing a Family Intervention for Bipolar Disorder: The Predictive Role of Patient and Family Attributes Family Process Article Titles by Subject 47</p><p>2000, 39(1), 105-120 MARTHA C. TOMPSON, MARGARET M. REA, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, AMY G. WEISMAN</p><p>Family Transactions and Relapse in Bipolar Disorder 2001, 40(1), 5-14 Irwin S. Rosenfarb, David J. Miklowitz, Michael J. Goldstein, Lisa Harmon, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Margaret M. Rea</p><p>Translation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the RELATE Questionnaire Using a Modified Serial Approach for Cross-Cultural Translation 2001, 40(2), 211-231 JASON S. CARROLL, THOMAS B. HOLMAN, GEANNINA SEGURA- BARTHOLOMEW, MARK H. BIRD, DEAN M. BUSBY</p><p>Conflict and Healing in Family Experience of Second-Generation Emigrants from India Living in North America 2001, 40(2), 233-241 ROMOLA DUGSIN</p><p>Clinicians' Fidelity to a Manual-Based Family Treatment as a Predictor of the One- Year Course of Bipolar Disorder 2002, 41(1), 123-131 AMY WEISMAN, MARTHA C. TOMPSON, SUMIE OKAZAKI, JENNIFER GREGORY, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, MARGARET REA, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ</p><p>Depression and Attachment in Families: A Child-Focused Perspective 2002, 41(3), 493-518 MELISSA HERRING, NADINE J. KASLOW</p><p>Expressed Emotion Attitudes and Individual Psychopathology Among the Relatives of Bipolar Patients 2002, 41(4), 645-657 TINA R. GOLDSTEIN, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, JEFFREY A. RICHARDS</p><p>A Categorical and Dimensional Perspective on Depression Within a Nonclinical Sample of Couples 2003, 42(1), 133-149 ELS HEENE, ANN BUYSSE, PAULETTE OOST</p><p>Family Members' Knowledge about Borderline Personality Disorder: Correspondence with their Levels of Depression, Burden, Distress, and Expressed Emotion 2003, 42(4), 469-478 PERRY D. HOFFMAN, ELLIE BUTEAU, JILL M. HOOLEY, ALAN E. FRUZZETO, MARTHA L. BRUCE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 48</p><p>Maternal Depression, Adult Attachment, and Children's Emotional Distress 2005, 44(1), 93-103 VALERIE A. WHIFFEN, MATTHEW A. KERR, VERONICA KALLOS-LILLY</p><p>Indirect Pathways Between Depressive Symptoms and Marital Distress: The Role of Conflict Communication, Attributions, and Attachment Style 2005, 44(4), 413-440 ELS L.D. HEENE, ANN BUYSSEE, PAULETTE OOST</p><p>Family First: The Development of an Evidence-Based Family Intervention for Increasing Participation in Psychiatric Clinical Care and Research in Depressed African American Adolescents 2006, 45(2), 153-169 ALFIEE M. BRELAND-NOBLE, CARL BELL, GUERDA NICOLAS</p><p>Marital Satisfaction and Depression: A Replication of the Marital Discord Model in a Latino Sample 2007, 46(4), 485-498 CODY S. HOLLIST, RICHARD B. MILLER, OLGA G. FALCETO, CARMEN LUIZA C. FERNANDES</p><p>An Interpersonal Perspective on Depression: The Role of Marital Adjustment, Conflict Communication, Attributions, and Attachment Within a Clinical Sample 2007, 46(4), 499-514 ELS HEENE, ANN BUYSSE, PAULETTE VAN OOST</p><p>Family Focused Treatment for Patients with Bipolar Disorder in Turkey: A Case Series 2009, 48(3), 417-428 AYSEGUL OZERDEM, MERAL OGUZ, DAVID MIKLOWITZ, CAN CIMILLI</p><p>Coparenting and Children’s School Readiness: A Mediational Model 2012, 51(3), 307-324 NATASHA J. CABRERA, MINDY SCOTT, JAY FAGAN, NICOLE STEWARD- STRENG, NICOLE CHIEN</p><p>Maternal Psychological Absence and Toddlers’ Social-Emotional Development: Interpretations from the Perspective of Boundary Ambiguity Theory 2012, 51(4), 527-541 ERIKA L. BOCKNEK, HOLLY E. BROPHY-HERB, HIRAM FITZGERALD, KATHLEEN BURNS-JAGER, MARSHA T. CAROLAN</p><p>Fortalezas Familiares Program: Building Sociocultural and family Strengths in Latina Women with Depression and Their Families 2013, 52(3), 378-393 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 49</p><p>CARMEN R. VALDEZ, JESSICA ABEGGLEN, CLAIRE T. HAUSER</p><p>Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of the Fortalezas Familiares Intervention for Latino Families Facing Maternal Depression 2013, 52(3), 394-410 CARMEN R. VALDEZ, BRIAN PADILLA, SARAH MCARDELL MOORE, SANDRA MAGANA</p><p>Caregiver Attributions for Late-Life Depression and Their Associations with Caregiver Burden 2013, 52(4), 709-722 COURTNEY ALLYN POLENICK, LYNN M. MARTIRE</p><p>______</p><p>Developmental/ Life Cycle Issues</p><p>Patterns of Interaction in Families with Low Adjusted, High Adjusted, and Mentally Retarded Members 1971, 10(2), 229-241 WILLIAM A. O'CONNOR, JAMES STACHOWIAK</p><p>Monadic Orientation: A Contribution to the Structure of Families with Autistic Children 1972, 11(3), 255-274 LOREN H. CRABTREE, JAMES A. BRECHT, JOHN C. SONNE</p><p>The Ramsay Family in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse: A Study of Arrest at Stage Three of Family Development as Delineated in Solomon's "A Developmental, Conceptual Premise for Family Therapy" 1984, 23(3), 319-328 CHARLES L. PROUDFIT</p><p>Changing Teams/Changing Families 1984, 23(4), 481-486 STEVE SHAZER, ALEX MOLNAR</p><p>Adaptation in Family Systems: A Developmental Perspective 1985, 24(1), 89-100 RICHARD MELITO Family Process Article Titles by Subject 50</p><p>A Developmental Model for Family Systems 1985, 24(2), 139-150 LEE COMBRINCK-GRAHAM</p><p>The Social Construction of Unreality: A Case Study of a Family's Attribution of Competence to a Severely Retarded Child 1985, 24(2), 241-254 MELVIN POLLNER, LYNN McDONALD-WIKLER</p><p>Coping in Families with a Retarded Child 1986, 25(3), 365-378 JEANETTE BEAVERS, ROBERT B. HAMPSON, YOSEF F. HULGUS, W.ROBERT BEAVERS</p><p>The March of Time: Rigid or Chaotic Transactions, Two Different Ways of Living Time 1986, 25(4), 549-557 GUY AUSLOOS</p><p>Treatment of Families During Life Transitions: Matching Treatment to Family Response 1987, 26(2), 295-308 EVERETT L. WORTHINGTON JR.</p><p>Family Microtransitions: Observing the Process of Change in Families with Adolescent Children 2010, 49(2), 236-250 LUISA MOLINARI PH.D., MARINA EVERRI PH.D., LAURA FRUGGERI</p><p>Understanding Marital Conflict 7 Years Later from Prenatal Representations of Marriage 2011, 50(2), 221-234 MELISSA CURRAN, BRIAN OGOLSKY, NANCY HAZEN, LESIE BOSCH</p><p>Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2012, 51(2), 250-264 ALEXANDRA H. SOLOMON, BETH CHUNG</p><p>A Narrative Evaluation of a Psychoeduation and a Therapeutic Alliance Intervention for Parents of Persons with a Severe Mental Illness 2012, 51(2), 265-280 ITAMAR LEVY-FRANK, ILANIT HASSON-OHAYON, SHLOMO KRAVETZ, DAVID ROE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 51</p><p>______</p><p>Diagnostics</p><p>Diagnostic Classifications and Treatment Techniques in Marriage Counseling 1962, 1(2), 253-264 SHIRLEY GEHRKE, JAMES MOXOM</p><p>Family Diagnosis and Mechanisms of Psychosocial Defense 1963, 2(1), 121-131 JAN EHRENWALD</p><p>Tools and Techniques for Diagnosis and Evaluation in Marital and Family Therapy 1976, 15(1), 1-49 RONALD E. CROMWELL, DAVID H. L. OLSON, DAVID G. FOURNIER</p><p>Relabeling and Reframing Reconsidered: The Beneficial Effects of a Pathological Label 1978, 17(4), 449-455 HENRY GRUNEBAUM, RICHARD CHASIN</p><p>Ecosystemic Epistemology: An Alternative Paradigm for Diagnosis 1979, 18(2), 117-129 BRADFORD P. KEENEY</p><p>Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems: Vl. Theoretical Update 1983, 22(1), 69-83 DAVID H. OLSON, CANDYCE S. RUSSELL, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>Family Models: Comparing and Contrasting the Olson Circumplex Model with the Beavers Systems Model 1983, 22(1), 85-97 W. ROBERT BEAVERS, MARK N. VOELLER</p><p>Multisystem-Multimethod Family Assessment in Clinical Contexts 1983, 22(2), 147-163 RONALD E. CROMWELL, GARY W. PETERSON</p><p>A Clarification of Multisystem-Multimethod Assessment: Reductionism Versus Wholism Family Process Article Titles by Subject 52</p><p>1983, 22(2), 173-177 GARY W. PETERSON, RONALD E. CROMWELL</p><p>Features of Families with Major Affective Disorders 1986, 25(3), 325-336 HELM STIERLIN, GUNTHARD WEBER, GUNTHER SCHMIDT, FRITZ B. SIMON</p><p>Biology of Family Systems and Mood Disorders 1989, 28(4), 387-398 LEON SLOMAN, RUSSELL GARDNER, JOHN PRICE</p><p>The "Psychosomatic Family" Model: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis 1989, 28(4), 399-417 BEATRICE WOOD, JOHN B. WATKINS, JOHN T. BOYLE, JOSE NOGUEIRA, ELANA ZlMAND, LISA CARROLL</p><p>DSM-IV and Describing Problems in Family Therapy 1993, 32(2), 249-253 TOM STRONG</p><p>Relational Diagnosis: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? 1993, 32(2), 255-259 FLORENCE W. KASLOW</p><p>______</p><p>Double-Bind </p><p>A Review of the Double Bind Theory 1963, 2(1), 132-153 PAUL WATZLAWICK</p><p>A Note on the Double Bind — 1962 1963, 2(1), 154-161 Gregory Bateson, Don D. Jackson, Jay Haley, John H. Weakland</p><p>Binds and Unbinds 1964, 3(2), 323-331 DOROTHY M. JONES Family Process Article Titles by Subject 53</p><p>Dyadic Interaction in a Doublebind Situation 1969, 8(2), 235-259 CLOË M. SOJIT</p><p>The Double Bind as a Universal Pathogenic Situation 1971, 10(4), 397-410 CARLOS E. SLUZKI, ELISEO VERÓN</p><p>Empirically Unbinding the Double Bind: Review of Research and Conceptual Reformulations 1972, 11(1), 69-94 DAVID H. OLSON</p><p>"The Double-Bind Theory" By Self-Reflexive Hindsight 1974, 13(3), 269-277 JOHN H. WEAKLAND</p><p>______</p><p>Family Relations </p><p>Family Structure and Family Processes in Mexican-American Families 2011, 50(1), 77-91 KATHARINE H. ZEIDERS, MARK W. ROOSA, JENN-YUN TEIN</p><p>‘Don’t Lock Me Out’: Life-Story Interviews of Family Business Owners Facing Succession 2011, 50(2), 149-166 ALEXANDRA SOLOMON, DOUGLAS BREUNLIN, KATHERINE PANATTONI, MARA GUSTAFSON, DAVID RANSBURG, CAROL RYAN, THOMAS HAMMERMAN</p><p>Multilevel Models to Identify Contextual Effects on Individual Group Member Outcomes: A Family Example 2011, 50(2), 167-183 DANIEL FEASTER, AHNALEE BRINCKS, MICHAEL ROBBINS, JOSÉ SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>Understanding Marital Conflict 7 Years Later from Prenatal Representations of Marriage Family Process Article Titles by Subject 54</p><p>2011, 50(2), 221-234 MELISSA CURRAN, BRIAN OGOLSKY, NANCY HAZEN, LESIE BOSCH</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy I: Core Concepts and Hypothersizing 2011, 50(3), 293-313 DOUGLAS C. BREUNLIN, WILLIAM PINSOF, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL</p><p>Guidelines for Classifying Evidence-Based Treatments in Couple and Family Therapy 2011, 50(3), 377-392 THOMAS SEXTON, KRISTINA COOP GORDON, ALAN GURMAN, JAY LEBOW, AMY HOLTZWORTH-MUNROE, SUSAN JOHNSON</p><p>Multiple Family Groups for Adult Cancer Survivors and Their Families: A 1-Day Workshop Model 2011, 50(3), 393-409 PETER STEINGLASS, JAMIE S. OSTROFF, ABBE STAHL STEINGLASS</p><p>Developing Preventive Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Families in Resettlement 2011, 50(3), 410-430 STEVAN MERRILL WEINE</p><p>Welcoming Jay Lebow, Ph.D.: Incoming Editor of Family Process 2011, 50(4), 434-435 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Providing Therapy to Children and Families in Foster Care: A Systemic-Relational Approach 2011, 50(4), 436-452 CATHERINE LEWIS</p><p>A Participatory Approach to Healing and Transformation in South Africa 2011, 50(4), 486-502 ELIZE MORKEL</p><p>Collaborative Helping Maps: A Tool to Guide Thinking and Action in Family- Centered Services 2011, 50(4), 529-543 WILLIAM C. MADSEN</p><p>Developing an Outcome-Based Assessment for Family Therapy Training: The Rochester Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (ROSCE) 2011, 50(4), 544-560 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 55</p><p>PIETER ROUX, CAROL PODGORSKI, TZIPORAH ROSENBERG, WILLIAM H. WATSON, SUSAN MCDANIEL</p><p>Parent Training in Nonviolent Resistance for Adult Entitled Dependence 2012, 51(1), 90-106 ELI LEBOWITZ, DAN DOLBERGER, EFI NORTOV, HAIM OMER</p><p>Development and Dissemination of Collaborative Family-Oriented Services: The Case of Community/Day Residential Care in Israel 2012, 51(1), 140-156 YOEL ELIZUR</p><p>Caregivers, Young People with Complex Needs, and Multiple Service Providers: A Study of Triangulated Relationships 2012, 51(2), 193-206 MICHAEL UNGAR, LINDA LIEBENBERG, NICOLE LANDRY, JANICE IKEDA</p><p>The Family Empowerment Program: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Working with Multi-Stressed Urban Families 2012, 51(2), 207-217 ELIZABETH N. CLEEK, MATT WOFSY, NANCY BOYD-FRANKLIN, BRIAN MUNDY, TAMIKA J. HOWELL LCSW</p><p>Couples’ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate within Mexican American Families 2012, 51(2), 218-233 MARCELA SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, AURELIO J. FIGUEREDO, DONNA H. CHRISTENSEN, ANGELA R. TAYLOR </p><p>Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2012, 51(2), 250-264 ALEXANDRA H. SOLOMON, BETH CHUNG</p><p>Coparenting Interventions for Fragile Families: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need To Go Next? 2012, 51(3), 284-306 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER, JESSICA PEARSON</p><p>Beyond Acculturation: An Investigation of the Relationship of Familism and Parenting to Behavior Problems in Hispanic Youth 2012, 51(4), 470-484 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, ERVIN BRIONES, WILLIAM KURTINES, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 56</p><p>The Effects of Parental Education and Family Income on Mother-Child Relationships, Father-Child Relationships, and Family Environments in the People’s Republic of China 2012, 51(4), 483-497 XIAO ZHANG</p><p>Couple Relationship Education at the Transition to Parenthood: A Window of Opportunity to Reach High-Risk Couples 2012, 51(4), 498-511 JEMIMA PETCH, W. KIM HALFORD, DEBRA K. CREEDY, JENNY GAMBLE</p><p>The Development of Family Alliance from Pregnancy to Toddlerhood and Child Outcomes at 5 Years 2012, 51(4), 542-556 NICOLAS FAVES, FRANCESCO LOPES, MATHIEU BERNARD, FRANCE FRASCAROLO, CHLOE LAVANCHY SCAIOLA, ANTOINETTE CORBOZ- WARNERY, ELISABETH FIVAS-DEPEURSINGE</p><p>Fabricated Illness: Working within the Family System to Find a Pathway to Health 2012, 50(4), 570-587 KASIA KOZLOWSKA, SUE FOLEY, BLANCHE SAVAGE</p><p>Breaking the Links in Intergenerational Violence: An Emotional Regulation Perspective 2013, 52(2), 163-178 JUDITH P. SIEGEL</p><p>Even with the Best of Intentions: Paternal Involvement and the Theory of Planned Behavior 2013, 52(2), 179-192 ARMON RASHARD PERRY & CHERI LANGLEY</p><p>The Anchoring Function: Paternal Authority and the Parent-Child Bond 2013, 52(2), 193-206 HAIM OMER, SARIT G. STEINMETZ, TAL CARTHY, ARIST VON SCHLIPPE</p><p>Burden, Interdependence, Ethnicity, and Mental Health in Cargivers of Patients with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(2), 299-311 GIULIA SURO & AMY G. WEISMAN de MAMANI</p><p>The Influence of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Stress and Depressive Symptoms on Own and Partner’s Parent-Child Communication 2013, 52(2), 312-324 KOEN PONNET, EDWIN WOUTERS, DIMITRI MORTELMANS, INGE PASTEELS, CHAROLETTE DE BACKER, KARLA VAN LEEUWEN, ALAIN VAN HIEL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 57</p><p>Fortalezas Familiares Program: Building Sociocultural and family Strengths in Latina Women with Depression and Their Families 2013, 52(3), 378-393 CARMEN R. VALDEZ, JESSICA ABEGGLEN, CLAIRE T. HAUSER</p><p>Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of the Fortalezas Familiares Intervention for Latino Families Facing Maternal Depression 2013, 52(3), 394-410 CARMEN R. VALDEZ, BRIAN PADILLA, SARAH MCARDELL MOORE, SANDRA MAGANA</p><p>A Review of the Nurtured Heart Approach to Parenting: Evaluation of its Theoretical and Empirical Foundations 2013, 52(3), 425-439 JOEL M. HEKTNER, ALISON BRENNAN, SEAN E. BROTHERSON</p><p>Father Enrollment and Participation in a Parenting Intervention: Personal and Contextual Predictors 2013, 52(3), 440-454 JESSIE J. WONG, DANIELLE S. ROUBINOV, NANCY A. GONZALES, LARRY E. DUMKA, ROGER E. MILLSAP</p><p>Outcomes of an Intensive Couple Relationship Education Program with Fragile Families 2013, 52(3), 455-464 JASON L. WILDE, WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Childhood and Adolescent Externalizing Disorders: A Systematic Review of 47 RCT 2013, 52(4), 576-618 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Internalizing and Other Disorders of Childhood and Adolscence: A Systematic Review of 38 Randomized Trials 2013, 52(4), 619-652 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>Hope and Burden among Latino Families of Adults with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(4), 697-708 MERCEDES HERNANDEZ, CONCEPCION BARRIO, ANN-MARIE YAMADA Family Process Article Titles by Subject 58</p><p>______</p><p>Fatherhood</p><p>Treatment of the Father in Family Therapy 1969, 8(1), 106-118 TESS FORREST</p><p>The Corporate Executive Wife's Coping Patterns in Response to Routine Husband- Father Absence 1979, 18(1), 79-86 PAULINE GROSSENBACHER BOSS, HAMILTON I. McCUBBIN, GARY LESTER</p><p>An Empirical Comparison of Natural-Father and Stepfather Family Systems 1979, 18(2), 175-183 TERRY F. PERKINS, JAMES P. KAHAN</p><p>Men and the Family 1985, 24(1), 49-58 ROBERT S. WEISS</p><p>The Origins of Fatherhood: An Ancient Family Process 1991, 30(4), 377-392 SEBASTIAN KRAEMER</p><p>Behavioral Problems in Sons of Incarcerated or Otherwise Absent Fathers: The Issue of Separation 1992, 31(3), 303-314 STEWART GABEL</p><p>Tales of the Absent Father: Applying the "Story" Metaphor in Family Therapy 1993, 32(4), 441-458 PHOEBE KAZDIN SCHNITZER</p><p>Father Responsivity: Couple Processes and the Coconstruction of Fatherhood 2006, 45(1), 19-37 DANA SHAWN MATTA, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN</p><p>The Development of Relational Competence Among Young High-Risk Fathers Across the Transition to Parenthood 2011, 50(2), 184-202 LE NGU, PAUL FLORSHEIM Family Process Article Titles by Subject 59</p><p>Coparenting Interventions for Fragile Families: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need To Go Next? 2012, 51(3), 284-306 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER, JESSICA PEARSON</p><p>Coparenting and Children’s School Readiness: A Mediational Model 2012, 51(3), 307-324 NATASHA J. CABRERA, MINDY SCOTT, JAY FAGAN, NICOLE STEWARD- STRENG, NICOLE CHIEN</p><p>Cooperation, Conflict, or Disengagement? Coparenting Styles and Father Involvement in Fragile Families 2012, 51(3), 325-342 MAUREEN R. WALLER</p><p>Prenatal Representations of Coparenting among Unmarried First-Time African American Mothers 2012, 51(3), 360-375 VIKKI T. GASKIN-BUTLER, TINA ENGERT, MEREDITH MARKIEVITZ, CAMIELLE SWENSON, JAMES MCHALE</p><p>Even with the Best of Intentions: Paternal Involvement and the Theory of Planned Behavior 2013, 52(2), 179-192 ARMON RASHARD PERRY & CHERI LANGLEY</p><p>The Anchoring Function: Paternal Authority and the Parent-Child Bond 2013, 52(2), 193-206 HAIM OMER, SARIT G. STEINMETZ, TAL CARTHY, ARIST VON SCHLIPPE</p><p>Father Enrollment and Participation in a Parenting Intervention: Personal and Contextual Predictors 2013, 52(3), 440-454 JESSIE J. WONG, DANIELLE S. ROUBINOV, NANCY A. GONZALES, LARRY E. DUMKA, ROGER E. MILLSAP</p><p>Father Involvement in a Refugee Sample: Relations between Posttraumatic Stress and Caregiving 2013, 52(4), 723-735 ELISA VAN EE, MARIEKE SLEIJPEN, ROLF J. KLEBER, MARIAN J. JONGMANS</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 60</p><p>Gender</p><p>My Stepfather Is a She 1972, 11(2), 209-218 SHELOMO OSMAN</p><p>The Problem of Gender in Family Therapy Theory 1987, 26(1), 15-27 RACHEL T. HARE-MUSTIN</p><p>Generation and Gender: Normative and Covert Hierarchies 1988, 27(1), 17-31 VIRGINIA GOLDNER</p><p>Gender Differences in Marital Communication Patterns 1989, 28(1), 89-106 BARBARA B. WHITE</p><p>Gender Dilemmas and Myth in the Construction of Marital Bargains: Issues for Marital Therapy 1996, 35(2), 137-153 CARMEN KNUDSON MARTIN, ANNE RANKIN MAHONEY</p><p>Beyond Different Worlds: A "Postgender" Approach to Relational Development 1999, 38(3), 325-340 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, ANNE RANKIN MAHONEY</p><p>Client Experience of Gender in Therapeutic Relationships: An Interpretive Ethnography 2001, 40(4), 443-458 DIANE R. GEHART, RANDALL R. LYLE</p><p>Urban Youth Disruptive Behavioral Difficulties: Exploring Association with Parenting and Gender 2003, 42(4), 517-529 MIRIAM SCHIFF, MARY MCKERNAN MCKAY</p><p>Introduction to the Special Section—Gendered Power in Cultural Contexts: Capturing the Lived Experience of Couples 2009, 48(1), 5-8 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, ANNE RANKIN MAHONEY Family Process Article Titles by Subject 61</p><p>Gendered Power in Cultural Contexts: Part I. Immigrant Couples 2009, 48(1), 9-23 JOSE A. MACIEL, ZANETTA VAN PUTTEN, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN</p><p>Gendered Power in Cultural Contexts: Part II. Middle Class African American Heterosexual Couples with Young Children 2009, 48(1), 25-39 RANDI S. COWDERY, NORMA SCARBOROUGH, CARMEN KNUDSON- MARTIN, GITA SESHADRI, MONIQUE E. LEWIS, ANNE RANKIN MAHONEY</p><p>Gendered Power in Cultural Contexts: Part III. Couple Relationships in Iran 2009, 48(1), 41-54 SEDDIGHEH (SANDY) MOGHADAM, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, ANNE RANKIN MAHONEY</p><p>Cultural, Gender, and Socioeconomic Contexts in Therapeutic and Social Policy Work 2009, 48(1), 85-101 CHARLES WALDEGRAVE</p><p>Beyond the “Birds and the Bees”: Gender Differences in Sex-Related Communication Among Urban African-American Adolescents 2010, 49(2), 251-264 CHISINA TSVAKAYI KAPUNGU, DONNA BAPTISTE, GRAYSON HOLMBECK, CAMI MCBRIDE, MELISSA ROBINSON-BROWN, ALLYSE STURDIVANT, LAUREL CROWN, ROBERTA PAIKOFF</p><p>How Queer!—The Development of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in LGBTQ-Headed Families 2010, 49(3), 268-290 ARLENE ISTAR LEV</p><p>Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Male Relationships: A Comparison of Couples in 1975 and 2000 2011, 50(3), 353-376 GABIELLE GOTTA, ROBERT-JAY GREEN, ESTHER ROTHBLUM, SONDRA SOLOMON, KIMBERLY BALSAM, PEPPER SCHWARTZ</p><p>Between Pink and Blue: A Multi-Demensional Family Approach to Gender Nonconforming Children and Their Families 2011, 50(4), 453-470 JEAN MALPAS</p><p>A Socio-Emotional Relational Framework for Infidelity: The Relational Justice Approach 2011, 50(4), 516-528 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 62</p><p>KIRSTEE WILLIAMS</p><p>Parenting as Relationship: A Framework for Assessment and Practice 2012, 51(1), 73-89 AMY R. TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, LANA KIM</p><p>Why Power Matters: Creating a Foundation of Mutual Support in Couple Relationships 2013, 52(1), 5-18 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN</p><p>______</p><p>Generational Issues</p><p>Extended Family Relations of Disturbed and Well Families 1962, 1(2), 175-193 NORMAN W. BELL</p><p>The Incomplete Family in Family Therapy 1963, 2(2), 288-301 ALFRED S. FRIEDMAN</p><p>Mother-Daughter Ties between Generations in Industrial Societies 1964, 3(2), 332-343 DORRIAN APPLE SWEETSER</p><p>The Importance of Grandparents in Family Life 1965, 4(2), 228-240 MARVIN HADER</p><p>Intergenerational Visiting Patterns: Variation in Boundary Maintenance as an Explanation 1967, 6(2), 235-251 JOAN ALDOUS</p><p>Opinions About Mental Illness Held by Patients and Relatives 1967, 6(2), 192-207 CATHERINE BENTINCK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 63</p><p>A Five-Generation Family Theme 1968, 7(1), 126-132 DAVID MENDELL, SlDNEY E. CLEVELAND, SEYMOUR FISHER</p><p>The Marriage of Families: Cross-Generational Complementarity 1971, 10(4), 373-395 AUGUSTUS Y. NAPIER</p><p>Contrasting Multi-Generational Attitudes Toward Psychosis in Two Norwegian Families 1972, 11(3), 311-320 PER VAGLUM</p><p>Grandparents and Intergenerational Family Therapy 1974, 13(2), 225-237 GERALDINE M. SPARK</p><p>Family of Origin as a Therapeutic Resource for Adults in Marital and Family Therapy: You Can and Should go Home Again 1976, 15(2), 193-210 JAMES L. FRAMO</p><p>On the Right to Choose One's Own Grandchildren 1981, 20(3), 367-368 JAY HALEY</p><p>The Parent's Nazi Past and the Dialogue Between the Generations 1981, 20(4), 379-390 HELM STIERLIN</p><p>Observations on the First International Conference on Children of Holocaust Survivors 1981, 20(4), 391-394 HARVEY PESKIN</p><p>Family of Origin: The View from the Parents' Side 1981, 20(4), 431-437 SHIRLEY BRAVERMAN</p><p>Anorexia Nervosa: A Transgenerational System Perspective 1983, 22(3), 255-273 MICHAEL WHITE</p><p>Reflections on Parenting: A Multigenerational Perspective 1983, 22(3), 341-346 DENNY TAYLOR Family Process Article Titles by Subject 64</p><p>Family Boundaries in Transition: A Search for Alternatives 1983, 22(3), 347-357 BEATRICE WOOD, MOSHE TALMON</p><p>Resource Theory and Power in Families: Life Cycle Considerations 1984, 23(2), 261-278 SHARLENE HESSE-BIBER, JOHN WILLIAMSON</p><p>The Epigenesis of Relational Systems: A Model For Understanding Family Development 1984, 23(3), 297-318 LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>COMMENTARY: TRANSGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY—THERAPY'S MANDATE AND ETHICS 1985, 24(4), 454-456 IVAN BOSZORMENYI-NAGY</p><p>Proximity and Hierarchy: Orthogonal Dimensions of Family Interconnectedness 1985, 24(4), 487-507 BEATRICE WOOD</p><p>An Evaluation of an Intergenerational Consultation Process to Increase Personal Authority in the Family System 1986, 25(3), 423-436 JAMES H. BRAY, DONALD S. WILLIAMSON, PAUL E. MALONE</p><p>Epistemology, Family Patterns, and Psychosomatics: The Case of Obesity 1986, 25(3), 437-451 RICHARD M. GANLEY</p><p>The Social Dynamics of Cigarette Smoking: A Family Systems Perspective 1986, 25(3), 453-459 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, D'ANN WHITEHEAD</p><p>Scripts and Legends in Families and Family Therapy 1988, 27(2), 167-179 JOHN BYNG-HALL</p><p>The Time-Line Genogram: Highlighting Temporal Aspects of Family Relationships 1988, 27(3), 293-303 HERBERT FRIEDMAN, MICHAEL ROHRBAUGH, SARAH KRAKAUER</p><p>Intergenerational Relations and Family Therapy Research' What We Can Learn from Other Disciplines Family Process Article Titles by Subject 65</p><p>1989, 28(3), 301-315 MARSHALL FINE, JOAN E. NORRIS</p><p>Intergenerational Effects of the Holocaust: Patterns of Engagement in the Mother- Daughter Relationship 1990, 29(3), 325-339 VICKI HALIK, DOREEN A. ROSENTHAL, PHILIPPA E. PATTISON</p><p>Dimensions of Family Rituals Across Two Generations: Relation to Adolescent Identity 1992, 31(2), 151-162 BARBARA H. FIESE</p><p>Stability and Change in Family-of-Origin Recollections Over the First Four Years of Parenthood 1995, 34(4), 455-469 JERRY M. LEWIS, MARGARET TRESCH OWEN</p><p>Family-of-Origin Experiences and Conflict Resolution Behaviors of Young Adult Dating Couples 1997, 36(3), 297-310 SHARON Y. LEVY, FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT, BARBARA H. FIESE</p><p>A Family Therapeutic Approach to Transgenerational Traumatization 1998, 37(2), 233-243 THEO K. GRAAF</p><p>Intergenerational Transmission: Individuation and Intimacy Across Three Generations 2001, 40(4), 429-442 DAVID M. LAWSON, DANIEL F. BROSSART</p><p>Observing Mother-Child Relationships Across Generations: Boundary Patterns, Attachment, and the Transmission of Caregiving 2002, 41(3), 351-374 MOLLY D. KRETCHMAR, DEBORAH B. JACOBVITZ</p><p>"Living with" the Past: Coping and Patterns in Families of Holocaust Survivors 2003, 42(2), 305-322 JULIA CHAITIN</p><p>Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Quality Across the Transition to Parenthood 2005, 44(4), 441-459 SONJA PERREN, AGNES WYL, DIETER BURGIN, HEIDI SIMONI, KAI KLITZING Family Process Article Titles by Subject 66</p><p>To Rebuild Lives: A Longitudinal Study of the Influences of the Holocaust on Relationships Among Three Generations of Women in One Family 2006, 45(4), 465-483 TAL LITVAK-HIRSCH, DAN BAR-ON</p><p>______</p><p>Grief</p><p>Starting Over: A Tentative Theory Exploring the Effects of Past Relationships on Postbereavement Remarried Couples 2011, 50(1), 47-62 ANDREW S. BRIMHALL, MICHELLE L. ENGBLOM-DEGLMANN</p><p>Sorrow: A Therapist’s Reflection on the Inevitable and the Unknowable 2012, 51(4), 440-455 KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>The Myth of Closure 2012, 51(4), 456-469 PAULINE BOSS, DONNA CARNES</p><p>______</p><p>Group Therapy</p><p>Family Crisis in Group Therapy 1962, 1(2), 214-223 GENEVIEVE BURTON, DONALD R. YOUNG</p><p>Initial Impressions of the Use of Short-Term Family Group Conferences 1962, 1(2), 236-244 JAMES W. OSBERG Family Process Article Titles by Subject 67</p><p>A Theoretical Position for Family Group Therapy 1963, 2(1), 1-14 JOHN ELDERKIN BELL</p><p>Family Group Therapy in Retrospect: Four Years and Sixty Families 1963, 2(1), 52-67 ROBERT S. SHELLOW, BERTRAM S. BROWN, JAMES W. OSBERG</p><p>Evaluation of Family Group Treatment in a Family Agency 1966, 5(1), 21-29 LEONA E. SCHREIBER</p><p>An Adventure in Multiple Family Therapy 1967, 6(2), 185-192 AVNER BARCAI</p><p>Group Family Therapy 1968, 7(1), 37-50 FLORA COUGHLIN, HERBERT C. WIMBERGER</p><p>Two Families: The Origins of a Therapeutic Crisis 1971, 10(1), 37-52 HERBERT S. ERLICH-AMITAI, DONALD A. BLOCH, C. GLENN CAMBOR</p><p>Group Fantasies and Family Myths—Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects 1973, 12(2), 111-125 HELM STIERLIN</p><p>Power as the Achievement of Ends: A Problematic Approach in Family and Small Group Research 1974, 13(1), 39-52 JAMES L. TURK</p><p>Multi-Family Group Therapy: A Multidimensional Approach 1974, 13(1), 95-110 ELSA LEICHTER, GERDA L. SCHULMAN</p><p>A Mother-Child, Multiple-Family, Counseling Program: Procedures and Results 1977, 16(1), 67-74 DEXTER R. HARDCASTLE</p><p>Multiple Family Group Therapy: A Review of the Literature 1977, 16(3), 307-325 A. H. STRELNICK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 68</p><p>How One Family Perceives Another: The Relationship Between Social Constructions and Problem-Solving Competence 1980, 19(3), 239-256 DAVID REISS, RONALD COSTELL, HELEN BERKMAN, CAROLE JONES</p><p>Multiple Family Therapy: Current Status and Critical Appraisal 1985, 24(4), 555-582 MICHAEL D. O'SHEA, RANDY PHELPS</p><p>Male Emotional Intimacy: How Therapeutic Men's Groups Can Enhance Couples Therapy 2010, 49(1), 109-122 ROBERT GARFIELD M.D.</p><p>Multiple Family Groups for Adult Cancer Survivors and Their Families: A 1-Day Workshop Model 2011, 50(3), 393-409 PETER STEINGLASS, JAMIE S. OSTROFF, ABBE STAHL STEINGLASS</p><p>Primary Relationship Scripts Among Lower-income, African American Young Adults 2012, 51(2), 234-249 STEPHEN L. EYRE, MICHELLE FLYTHE, VALERIE HOFFMAN, ASHLEY E. FRASER</p><p>Alliance and Group Cohesion in Relationship Education 2013, 52(3), 465-476 JESSE OWEN, BECKY ANTLE, ANITA BARBEE</p><p>Quality of Life, Treatment Adherence, and Locus of Control: Multiple Family Groups for Chronic Medical Illnesses 2013, 52(4), 685-696 SILVIA LOPEZ-LARROSA</p><p>______</p><p>History of Journal</p><p>Family Process 1962-1969 2011, 50(1), 4-11 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 69</p><p>BEELS, CHRISTIAN</p><p>Erratum: Correction to ‘Family Process 1962-1969’ 2011, 50(4), 567-567</p><p>______</p><p>Home Visit Therapy</p><p>Family Therapy as Conducted in the Home 1962, 1(1), 132-140 ALFRED S. FRIEDMAN</p><p>Family Functioning as an Index of Need for Welfare Services 1964, 3(1), 99-113 LUDWIG L. GEISMAR</p><p>Home Visits in a Private Psychiatric Practice 1964, 3(1), 114-126 RICHARD FISCH</p><p>Architecture: Effect of Territory, Boundary, and Orientation on Family Functioning 1977, 16(1), 49-66 SUZANNE H. CROWHURST LENNARD, HENRY L. LENNARD</p><p>The Symbolic Drawing of the Family Life Space 1977, 16(2), 219-228 MICHAEL GEDDES, JOAN MEDWAY</p><p>The Home Observation Assessment Method (HOAM): Real-Time Naturalistic Observation of Families in Their Homes 1979, 18(3), 337-354 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>A Single Intervention: A Visit to the Family 1980, 19(4), 349-353 ISRAEL ZWERLING</p><p>In-Home Treatment of Families with Seriously Disturbed Adolescents in Crisis Family Process Article Titles by Subject 70</p><p>1992, 31(2), 135-149 WILLIAM R. SEELIG, BARRY J. GOLDMAN-HALL, JEANETTE M. JERRELL</p><p>Therapist-Parent Interaction Patterns in Home-Based Treatments: Exploring Family Therapy Process 1997, 36(3), 281-295 RAYMOND A.T. KEMP, JULIAAN C.A. ACKER</p><p>______</p><p>Illness and Death</p><p>Initial Family Reactions to Day Hospitalization 1965, 4(1), 50-63 ISRAEL ZWERLING, MARILYN MENDELSOHN</p><p>Family Dynamics, the Sick Role, and Medical Hospital Admissions 1965, 4(2), 206-216 BEN BURSTEN</p><p>Family Dynamics and Psychosomatic Processes 1966, 5(2), 142-161 W. W. MEISSNER</p><p>Family Mourning Process 1967, 6(1), 56-66 GORDON D. JENSEN, JOHN G. WALLACE</p><p>A Family Perspective of Psychosomatic Factors in Illness: A Review of the Literature 1972, 11(4), 457-486 LAWRENCE GROLNICK</p><p>Physical Medicine and Family Dynamics: The Dialectics of Rehabilitation 1974, 13(4), 469-479 BRUCE B. PECK</p><p>Treatment of the Family with a Dying Member 1975, 14(1), 95-106 LEAH HOROWITZ Family Process Article Titles by Subject 71</p><p>An Integrated Treatment Program for Psychogenic Pain 1976, 15(4), 397-405 RONALD LIEBMAN, PAUL HONIG, HENRY BERGER</p><p>The Effects of Sibling Death on the Surviving Child: A Family Perspective 1979, 18(4), 471-477 ROBERT KRELL, LESLIE RABKIN</p><p>Depression Following Stroke: Brief, Problem-Focused Family Treatment 1980, 19(1), 13-18 PAUL WATZLAWICK, JAMES C. COYNE</p><p>Short-Term Family Therapy and Pathological Grief Resolution with Children and Adolescents 1980, 19(2), 151-159 PERIHAN ARAL ROSENTHAL</p><p>Lingering Terminal Illness and the Family: Insights From Literature 1980, 19(4), 341-348 SANDRA L. BERTMAN</p><p>Changes in Family Structure After a Renal Transplant 1982, 21(2), 195-201 MARÍA LUISA VELASCO PARRA</p><p>A Case of the Blind Leading the "Blind": Reframing a Physical Handicap as Competence 1982, 21(3), 291-294 LINDA WEBB-WOODARD, BRENT WOODARD</p><p>The Family and the Child with Epilepsy 1983, 22(1), 53-59 MICHAEL FERRARI, WENDY S. MATTHEWS, GABOR BARABAS</p><p>Mourning Is a Family Affair 1983, 22(4), 501-516 ESTHER GELCER</p><p>A Family/Systems Approach to Illness-Maintaining Behaviors in Chronically III Adolescents 1984, 23(2), 251-260 JOSEPH FREY III</p><p>Families with Physically Handicapped Children: Social Ecology and Family Systems Family Process Article Titles by Subject 72</p><p>1986, 25(2), 265-281 ANNE E. KAZAK</p><p>Handicap and Rehabilitation: Two Types of information Upsetting Family Organization 1986, 25(2), 283-292 STEFANO CIRILLO, ANNA MARIA SORRENTINO</p><p>The Cybernetics of Physical Illness 1987, 26(1), 35-48 BARRY DYM</p><p>Chronic Illness and the Life Cycle: A Conceptual Framework 1987, 26(2), 203-221 JOHN S. ROLLAND</p><p>Functional Illness and Family Functioning: A Comparison of Healthy and Somaticizing Adolescents 1988, 27(3), 317-325 LYNN S. WALKER, F. JOSEPH McLAUGHLIN, JOHN W. GREENE</p><p>Social System Responses to Huntington Disease 1989, 28(1), 59-68 SEYMOUR KESSLER, MAURICE BLOCH</p><p>Putting the Illness in Its Place: Discussion Groups for Families with Chronic Medical Illnesses 1989, 28(1), 69-87 SANDRA GONZALEZ, PETER STEINGLASS, DAVID REISS</p><p>Mind-Body Patterns of Symptom Generation 1989, 28(2), 137-152 JAMES L. GRIFFITH, MELISSA ELLIOTT GRIFFITH, LOIS S. SLOVIK</p><p>Advancing a Family Perspective in Health Research: Models and Methods 1990, 29(2), 177-189 LAWRENCE FISHER, HOWARD E. TERRY, DONALD C. RANSOM</p><p>Anticipatory Loss: A Family Systems Developmental Framework 1990, 29(3), 229-244 JOHN S. ROLLAND</p><p>Illness, Family Theory, and Family Therapy: I.Conceptual Issues 1992, 31(1), 3-18 LYMAN C. WYNNE, CLEVELAND G. SHIELDS, MARK I. SIRKIN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 73</p><p>A Computerized Scoring Procedure for the Kvebaek Family Sculpture Technique Applied to Families of Children with Rheumatic Diseases 1992, 31(1), 85-98 GUDRUN ECKBLAD, INGER HELENE VANDVIK</p><p>Lives in a Balance: Perceived Family Functioning and the Psychosocial Adjustment of Adolescent Cancer Survivors 1992, 31(4), 383-397 DOUGLAS S. RAIT, JAMIE S. OSTROFF, KAROLYN SMITH, DAVID F. CELLA, CHARLOTTE TAN, LYNNA M. LESKO</p><p>Asthma, Power, and the Therapeutic Conversation 1994, 33(2), 161-174 ALISON TOWNS</p><p>Levels of Meaning in Family Stress Theory 1994, 33(3), 287-304 JOAN M. PATTERSON, ANN W. GARWICK</p><p>Alzheimer's Disease: The Impact of the Family on Spouses, Offspring, and Inlaws 1994, 33(3), 205-325 LAWRENCE FISHER, MORTON A. LIEBERMAN</p><p>Family Perceptions of Living with Alzheimer's Disease 1994, 33(3), 327-340 ANN WILLIAMS GARWICK, DANIEL DETZNER, PAULINE BOSS</p><p>Sculpting Present and Future: A Systemic Intervention Model Applied to Psychosomatic Families 1994, 33(3), 341-355 LUIGI ONNIS, ANGELO DI GENNARO, GIULIA CESPA, BARBARA AGOSTINI, ANA CHOUHY, ROSA CELESTE DENTALE, PAOLO QUINZI</p><p>The Excitation-Adaptation Model of Pediatric Chronic Illness 1995, 34(4), 441-454 ANNE MARIE MEIJER, LOUIS OPPENHEIMER</p><p>A Psychoeducational Group Intervention for Family Members of Persons with HIV/AIDS 1996, 35(3), 299-312 ELIZABETH C. POMEROY, ALLEN RUBIN, REBECCA J. WALKER</p><p>Perceived Family Criticism and Primary Care Utilization: Psychosocial and Biomedical Pathways 1997, 36(1), 25-41 KEVIN FISCELLA, PETER FRANKS, CLEVELAND G. SHIELDS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 74</p><p>Joint Consultation for High-Risk Asthmatic Children and Their Families, with Pediatrician and Child Psychiatrist as Co-Therapists: Model and Evaluation 1997, 36(3), 265-280 VÉRONIQUE GODDING, MICHEL KRUTH, JACQUES JAMART</p><p>Forbidden Suffering: The Pollyanna Syndrome of the Disabled and Their Families 1997, 36(4), 431-435 BARBRO SAETERSDAL</p><p>The Meaning of Disability and Suffering: Sociopolitical and Ethical Concerns 1997, 36(4), 437-440 JOHN S. ROLLAND</p><p>Surviving Cancer Competently Intervention Program (SCCIP): A Cognitive- Behavioral and Family Therapy Intervention for Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Families 1999, 38(2), 176-191 ANNE E. KAZAK, STEVEN SIMMS, LAMIA BARAKAT, WENDY HOBBIE, BERNADETTE FOLEY, VALERIE GOLOMB, MARY BEST</p><p>Parentification and Its Impact on Adolescent Children of Parents with AIDS 1999, 38(2),193-208 JUDITH A. STEIN, MARION RIEDEL, MARY JANE ROTHERAM-BORUS</p><p>Resolving Disease Management Problems in European-American and Latino Couples with Type 2 Diabetes: The Effects of Ethnicity and Patient Gender 2000, 39(4), 403-416 LAWRENCE FISHER, MARIA GUDMUNDSDOTTIR, CATHERINE GILLISS, MARILYN SKAFF, JOSEPH MULLAN, RICHARD KANTER, CATHERINE CHESLA</p><p>Chronic Illness: Trauma, Language, and Writing: Breaking the Silence 2001, 40(1), 33-52 PEGGY PENN</p><p>A Hereditary Disorder In the Family and the Family Life Cycle: Huntington Disease as a Paradigm 2002, 41(4), 677-692 A. CHRISTINE BROUWER-DUDOKDEWIT, ANKE SAVENIJE, MONIEK W. ZOETEWEIJ, ANNEKE MAAT-KIEVIT, AAD TIBBEN</p><p>Relational Factors and Family Treatment Engagement among Low-Income, HIV- Positive African American Mothers Family Process Article Titles by Subject 75</p><p>2003, 42(1), 31-45 VICTORIA B. MITRANI, GUILLERMO PRADO, DANIEL J. FEASTER, CARLEEN ROBINSON-BATISTA, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>Ambiguous Loss and Disenfranchised Grief: The Impact of DNA Predictive Testing on the Family as a System 2003, 42(1), 47-57 SUSAN SOBEL, C. BROOKES COWAN</p><p>The Effect of Social Network Intervention for Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis 2003, 42(1), 71-89 LIVE FYRAND, TORBJOSRN MOUM, ARNSTEIN FINSET, ANNE GLENNAS</p><p>Family Predictors of Disease Management Over One year in Latino and European American Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 2003, 42(3), 375-390 CATHERINE A. CHESLA, LAWRENCE FISHER, MARILYN M. SKAFF, JOSEPH T. MULLAN, CATHERINE L. GILLISS, RICHARD KANTER</p><p>Coherent Accounts of Coping with a Chronic Illness: Convergences and Divergences in Family Measurement Using a Narrative Analysis 2003, 42(4), 439-451 BARBARA H. FIESE, FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT</p><p>The Family Experience of "Sudden Health": The Case of Intractable Epilepsy 2003, 42(4), 453-467 DAVID B. SEABURN, GIUSEPPE ERBA</p><p>A Pilot Study of an Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses 2004, 43(1), 95-107 CLEVELAND G. SHIELDS, SALLY J. ROUSSEAU </p><p>Interest in and Barriers to Participation in Multiple Family Groups Among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors and Their Primary Family Caregivers 2004, 43(2), 195-208 JAMIE OSTROFF, STEPHANIE ROSS, PETER STEINGLASS, VICTOR RONIS- TOBIN, BHUVANESH SINGH</p><p>Toward a Biopsychosocial Model for 21st-Century Genetics 2005, 44(1), 3-24 JOHN S. ROLLAND, JANET K. WILLIAMS</p><p>The Psychotherapy of Genetics 2005, 44(1), 25-44 SUSAN H. MCDANIEL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 76</p><p>Impact of Parentification on Long-Term Outcomes Among Children of Parents With HIV/AIDS 2007, 46(3), 317-333 JUDITH A. STEIN, MARY JANE ROTHERAM-BORUS, PATRICIA LESTER</p><p>Danger Zones: Risk Perceptions of Young Women From Families With Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 2007, 46(3), 335-349 ALLISON V. WERNER-LIN</p><p>Caregiver Depressive Symptoms and Observed Family Interaction in Low-Income Children with Persistent Asthma 2008, 47(1), 7-20 MARIANNE CELANO, ROGER BAKEMAN, OSVALDO GAYTAN, CHAUNDRISSA OYESHIKU SMITH, ANNE KOCI, SASSCHON HENDERSON</p><p>Testing the Biobehavioral Family Model in Pediatric Asthma: Pathways of Effect 2008, 47(1), 21-40 BEATRICE L. WOOD, JUNGHA LIM, BRUCE D. MILLER, POANN CHEAH, TRESSA ZWETSCH, SUJATHA RAMESH, SAMUEL SIMMENS</p><p>Family Psychological Factors in Relation to Children's Asthma Status and Behavioral Adjustment at Age 4 2008, 47(1), 41-61 MARY D. KLINNERT, ASTRIDA S. KAUGARS, MATTHEW STRAND, LORI SILVEIRA</p><p>Family Climate of Routine Asthma Care: Associating Perceived Burden and Mother-Child Interaction Patterns to Child Well-being 2008, 47(1), 63-79 BARBARA FIESE, MARCIA WINTER, RAN ANBAR, KIMBERLY HOWELL, SCOTT POLTROCK</p><p>Correlates of Household Smoking Bans in Low-Income Families of Children With and Without Asthma 2008, 47(1), 81-94 FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT, RONALD C. BALKISSOON, ALLISON E. RANKIN, STANLEY J. SZEFLER, S. KATHARINE HAMMOND, RUSSELL E. GLASGOW, W. PERRY DICKINSON</p><p>Feasibility and Impact of a School-Based Intervention for Families of Urban Adolescents with Asthma: Results from a Randomized Pilot Trial 2008, 47(1), 95-113 JEAN-MARIE BRUZZESE, LYNNE UNIKEL, RICHARD GALLAGHER, DAVID EVANS, VIVIAN COLLAND Family Process Article Titles by Subject 77</p><p>Incorporating Family Therapy into Asthma Group Intervention: A Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial 2008, 47(1), 115-130 S.M. NG, ALBERT M. LI, VIVIAN W.Q. LOU, IVY F. TSO, PAULINE Y. P. WAN, DOROTHY F.Y. CHAN</p><p>Asthma Theory and Practice: It's Not too Simple 2008, 47(1), 131-136 FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT</p><p>Multidimensional Family Therapy HIV/STD Risk-Reduction Intervention: An Integrative Family-Based Model for Drug-Involved Juvenile Offenders 2009, 48(1), 69-84 FRANCOISE MARVEL, CYNTHIA L. ROWE, LISSETTE COLON-PEREZ, RALPH J. DICLEMENTE, HOWARD A. LIDDLE</p><p>The ‘Cruel Radiance of What Is’: Helping Couples Live with Chronic Illness 2013, 52(1), 83-101 KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>Quality of Life, Treatment Adherence, and Locus of Control: Multiple Family Groups for Chronic Medical Illnesses 2013, 52(4), 685-696 SILVIA LOPEZ-LARROSA</p><p>Hope and Burden among Latino Families of Adults with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(4), 697-708 MERCEDES HERNANDEZ, CONCEPCION BARRIO, ANN-MARIE YAMADA</p><p>______</p><p>Immagration</p><p>Virtualizing Intimacy: Information Communication Technologies and Transnational Families in Therapy 2011, 50(1), 12-26 SUSAN LAMBE</p><p>Secondary Migration and Relocation Among African Refugee Families in the United States Family Process Article Titles by Subject 78</p><p>2011, 50(1), 27-46 STEVEN M. WEINE, YAEL HOFFMAN, NORMA WARE, TONI TUGENBERG, LEONCE HAKIZIMANA, GONWO DAHNWEIGH, MADELEINE CURRIE, MAUREEN WAGNER</p><p>‘Hay Que Ponerse en los Zapatos del Joven’: Adaptive Parenting of Adolescent Children Among Mexican-American Parents Residing in a Dangerous Neighborhood 2011, 50(1), 92-114 MICHELLE CRUZ-SANTIAGO, JORGE I RAMÍREZ GARCÍA</p><p>Community-Based Applied Research With Latino Immigrant Families: Informing Practice and Research According to Ethical and Social Justice Principles 2011, 50(2), 132-148 ANA BAUMANN, MELANIE DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉRUBÉN PARRA- CARDONA</p><p>Culturally Adapting an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention for Latino Immigrants: The Need to Integrate Fidelity and Cultural Relevance 2012, 51(1), 56-72 JOSE RUBEN PARRA CARDONA, MELANIE DOMENECH-RODRIGUEZ, MARION FORGATCH, CRIS SULLIVAN, DEBORAH BYBEE, KENDAL HOLTROP, ANA ROCIO ESCOBAR-CHEW, LISA TAMS, BRIAN DATES, GUILLERMO BERNAL</p><p>Those Easily Forgotten: The Impact of Emigration on Those Left Behind 2012, 51(3), 376-390 MARIA C. MARCHETTI-MERCER</p><p>______</p><p>Incest</p><p>Incest as a Family Affair 1967, 6(1), 98-116 PAVEL MACHOTKA, FRANK S. PITTMAN, KALMAN FLOMENHAFT</p><p>The Incest Taboo and Family Structure 1976, 15(2), 235-244 VERA FRANCES, ALLEN FRANCES Family Process Article Titles by Subject 79</p><p>Multiple Overt Incest as Family Defense Against Loss 1977, 16(1), 105-116 THOMAS G. GUTHElL, NICHOLAS C. AVERY</p><p>A Systems Theory Conceptualization of Incest 1985, 24(1), 79-88 PAMELA C. ALEXANDER</p><p>Mis-taken Love: Conversations on the Problem of Incest in an Irish Context. 1988, 27(2), 181-199 IMELDA COLGAN MCCARTHY, NOLLAIG O'REILLY BYRNE</p><p>Parenting Behaviors of Women Who Were Sexually Abused As Children in Their Families of Origin 1991, 30(4), 421-434 LINDA PADOU BURKETT</p><p>Navigating Treatment Impasses at the Disclosure of Incest: Combining Ideas from Feminism and Social Constructionism 1992, 31(3), 201-216 MARCIA SHEINBERG</p><p>Forming a Consortium: A Design for Interagency Collaboration in the Delivery of Service Following the Disclosure of Incest 1995, 34(3), 287-302 JUDITH STERN PECK, MARCIA SHEINBERG, N. NORMA AKAMATSU</p><p>______</p><p>Individuality</p><p>Family Transaction and Derivation of Individuality 1963, 2(1), 95-120 JAMES L. TITCHENER, THOMAS D'ZMURA, MYRA GOLDEN, RICHARD EMERSON</p><p>Individuation: From Fusion to Dialogue 1976, 15(1), 65-82 MARK KARPEL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 80</p><p>The Dynamics of Owning and Disowning: Psychoanalytic and Family Perspectives 1976, 15(3), 277-287 HELM STIERLIN</p><p>Individual and Family Growth: A Gestalt Approach 1978, 17(2), 195-205 MARVIN L. KAPLAN, NETTA R. KAPLAN</p><p>In Pursuit of Sisterhood: Adult as a Resource for Combined Individual and Family Therapy 1981, 20(1), 85-95 MICHAEL D. KAHN, STEPHEN BANK</p><p>Spouse-Aided Versus Individual Therapy in Persisting Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Comparison 1983, 22(3), 385-399 R. JULIAN HAFNER, ANDREW BADENOCH, JILL FISHER, HELEN SWIFT</p><p>Formulations of Self and Family Systems 1987, 26(2), 185-201 JANET BRIGHTON-CLEGHORN</p><p>The Anorectic Process in the Family: A Six-Stage Model as a Guide for Individual Therapy 1988, 27(2), 129-148 MARA SELVINI-PALAZZOLI, MAURIZIO VIARO</p><p>The Self-Characterization as a Narrative Tool: Applications in Therapy with Individuals and Families 2001, 40(1), 79-94 ATHENA ANDROUTSOPOULOU</p><p>Relational Narratives of the Self 2001, 40(3), 273-291 MONA DEKOVEN FISHBANE</p><p>The Epigenesis of the Family System as a Context for Individual Development 2002, 41(3), 533-545 HERTA A. GUTTMAN</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy II: Planning, Conversing, and Reading Feedback 2011, 50(3), 314-336 WILLIAM PINSOF, DOUGLAS BREUNLIN, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL, JAY LEBOW Family Process Article Titles by Subject 81</p><p>Working with Identity and Self-soothing in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples 2013, 52(1), 62-82 RHONDA N. GOLDMAN & LESLIE GREENBERG</p><p>______</p><p>Interactions</p><p>A Behavioral Interactional Model for Assessing Family Relationships 1975, 14(4), 535-558 JOHN R. LICKORISH</p><p>A Scheme for Specifying Interaction Units 1975, 14(4), 559-578 STEPHEN J. SCHULTZ</p><p>"Enmeshment" and the Too Richly Cross-Joined System 1975, 14(4), 457-468 LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>"Enmeshment" and "Fusion" 1976, 15(3), 321-323 JEFFRY KLUGMAN</p><p>The Logical Levels of Complementary, Symmetrical, and Parallel Interaction Classes in Family Dyads 1977, 16(2), 199-209 JAMES M. HARPER, A. LYNN SCORESBY, W. DUANE BOYCE</p><p>The Family Interactional Perspective: A Study and Examination of the Work of Don D. Jackson 1977, 16(4), 385-412 GEORGE S. GREENBERG</p><p>Sequences: Toward a Common Denominator of Family Therapy 1986, 25(1), 67-87 DOUGLAS C. BREUNLIN, RICHARD C. SCHWARTZ</p><p>Quantifying Family Process:Issues in the Analysis of Interaction Sequences Family Process Article Titles by Subject 82</p><p>1986, 25(1), 89-105 PETER C. COUSINS, THOMAS G. POWER</p><p>An Empirical Investigation of Interaction and Relationship Patterns in Functional and Dysfunctional Nuclear Families and Stepfamilies 1986, 25(3), 407-422 JUDITH ZUCKER ANDERSON, GEOFFRY D. WHITE</p><p>An Existential/Dialectical Model for Analyzing Marital Functioning and Interaction 1986, 25(4), 571-585 ISRAEL W. CHARNY</p><p>Family Interaction Coding Systems: A Descriptive Review 1987, 26(1), 49-74 HAROLD D. GROTEVANT, CINDY I. CARLSON</p><p>Obsessions/Counter-Obsessions: A Construction/Reconstruction of Meaning 1988, 27(3), 305-316 MARCIA SHEINBERG</p><p>Is Expressed Emotion an Index of a Transactional Process? I. Parents' Affective Style 1989, 28(2), 153-167 DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, JERI A. DOANE, KEITH H. NUECHTERLEIN, ANGUS M. STRACHAN, KAREN S. SNYDER, ANA MAGAÑA- AMATO</p><p>Is Expressed Emotion an Index of a Transactional Process? II. Patient's Coping Style 1989, 28(2), 169-181 ANGUS M. STRACHAN, DOROTHY FEINGOLD, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, KEITH H. NUECHTERLEIN</p><p>Interactional Treatment of Intractable Hiccups 1989, 28(2), 191-206 MONTE BOBELE</p><p>Observations about Family Interaction and the Effect of Therapy: Interviews with Families Eight Years after the Onset of Schizophrenia 1989, 28(2), 373-385 HILLKA VIRTANEN, MATTI KEINÄANEN</p><p>Documenting a Time-Bound, Circular View of Hierarchies: A Microanalysis of Parent-Infant Dyadic Interaction Family Process Article Titles by Subject 83</p><p>1991, 30(1), 101-120 ELISABETH FIVAZ-DEPEURSINGE</p><p>A Developmental View of Therapeutic Bonding in the Family: Treatment of the Disconnected Family 1991, 30(2), 155-175 JERI A. DOANE, W. LEONARD HILL, DIANA DIAMOND</p><p>Family Conversation: Description and Interpretation 1991, 30(2), 251-263 GLEN H. STAMP</p><p>What Makes Susie Cry? A Symptom-Context Study of Family Therapy 1991, 30(3), 337-345 PAUL CRITS-CHRISTOPH, LESTER LUBORSKY, ELLEN GAY, THOMAS TODD, JACQUES P. BARBER, ELLEN LUBORSKY</p><p>Boundaries as Distance Regulators in Personal Relationships 1991, 30(4), 393-406 ROBERT G. RYDER, SUZANNE BARTLE</p><p>A Consideration of Intimate and Non-Intimate Interactions in Therapy 1992, 31(1), 45-59 KATHY WEINGARTEN</p><p>Attachment and the Emotional Unit 1993, 32(1), 3-30 MARGARET G. DONLEY</p><p>Missing Links: The Use of Enthymemes and Their Applications for Family Therapists 1993, 32(3), 323-328 DALE E. BERTRAM</p><p>Creating a Secure Family Base: Some Implications of Attachment Theory for Family Therapy 1995, 34(1), 45-58 JOHN BYNG-HALL</p><p>Reconstructing the Brothers Grimm: New Tales for Stepfamily Life 1999, 38(4), 415-429 ANNE C. BERNSTEIN</p><p>Attachment, Social Rank, and Affect Regulation: Speculations on an Ethological Approach to Family Interaction Family Process Article Titles by Subject 84</p><p>2002, 41(3), 313-327 LEON SLOMAN, LESLIE ATKINSON, KAREN MILLIGAN, GIOVANNI LIOTTI</p><p>The Ecology of Attachment in the Family 2003, 42(2), 205-221 JONATHAN HILL, PETER FONAGY, ELLEN SAFIER, JOHN SARGENT</p><p>Adult Attachment and Patterns of Extradyadic Involvement 2004, 43(4), 467-488 ELIZABETH S. ALLEN, DONALD H. BAUCOM</p><p>Facilitating Relational Empowerment in Couple Therapy 2011, 50(3), 337-352 MONA DEKOVEN FISHBANE</p><p>Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Male Relationships: A Comparison of Couples in 1975 and 2000 2011, 50(3), 353-376 GABIELLE GOTTA, ROBERT-JAY GREEN, ESTHER ROTHBLUM, SONDRA SOLOMON, KIMBERLY BALSAM, PEPPER SCHWARTZ</p><p>Collaborative Helping Maps: A Tool to Guide Thinking and Action in Family- Centered Services 2011, 50(4), 529-543 WILLIAM C. MADSEN</p><p>Low-Income Mothers as ‘Othermothers’ to Their Romantic Partners’ Children; Women’s Coparenting in Multiple Partner Fertility Relationships 2012, 51(3), 343-359 LINDA M. BURTON, CECILY R. HARDAWAY</p><p>Those Easily Forgotten: The Impact of Emigration on Those Left Behind 2012, 51(3), 376-390 MARIA C. MARCHETTI-MERCER</p><p>______</p><p>Intimacy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 85</p><p>Virtualizing Intimacy: Information Communication Technologies and Transnational Families in Therapy 2011, 50(1), 12-26 SUSAN LAMBE</p><p>Why Power Matters: Creating a Foundation of Mutual Support in Couple Relationships 2013, 52(1), 5-18 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN</p><p>______</p><p>In-patient therapy</p><p>Treatment of Families as In-patients 1969, 8(1), 79-96 FAYEK NAKHLA, LYDIA FOLKART, JAN WEBSTER</p><p>Training Psychiatric Residents in Family Therapy 1979, 8(1), 97-105 NOBU B. A. MIYOSHI, RONALD LIEBMAN</p><p>Family Interactions of Psychiatric Inpatients 1979, 8(1), 119-130 WILLIAM C. COE, ANDREW E. CURRY, David R. KESSLER</p><p>Audience Reactions and Careers of Psychiatric Patients 1979, 8(2), 159-181 STEPHEN P. SPITZER, ROBERT M. SWANSON, ROBERT K. LEHR</p><p>Family Focus A Transitional Cottage in an Acute-Care Hospital 1974, 13(4), 481-488 NORMA H. DAVIES, ELAINE HANSEN</p><p>A Family-Oriented Psychiatric Inpatient Unit 1979, 18(3), 281-291 HENRY T. HARBIN</p><p>The Prevention of Rehospitalization of Adolescents and Young Adults Family Process Article Titles by Subject 86</p><p>1980, 19(2), 179-191 CLOË MADANES</p><p>Family Psychiatric Ward Treatment in India 1980, 19(2), 193-200 RANBIR S. BHATTI, N. JANAKIRAMAIAH, S. M. CHANNABASAVANNA</p><p>Anorexia Nervosa: The Hospital's Role in Family Treatment 1981, 20(4), 395-408 STEVEN STERN, CARL A. WHITAKER, NANCY J. HAGEMANN, RICHARD B. ANDERSON, GERALD J. BARGMAN</p><p>Hospitalization of Single-Parent Families of Disturbed Children 1982, 21(2), 131-152 LEE COMBRINK-GRAHAM, ELLIOT J. GURSKY, JOHN BRENDLER</p><p>On the Boundary: Family Therapy in a Long-Term Inpatient Setting 1985, 24(3), 339-348 DAVID E. K. HUNTER</p><p>INPATIENT FAMILY THERAPY: ON THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN PAST AND PRESENT 1985, 24(3), 349-352 IRA D. GLICK, JAMES H. SPENCER</p><p>The Therapeutic System as Viewed by Depressive Inpatients and Outcome: An Expanded Study 1992, 31(4), 433-439 STEFAN PRIEBE, WILFRIED POMMERIEN</p><p>A Short-Term, Family-Oriented, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment Program 1996, 35(1), 103-111 ANDRE SOURANDER, JORMA PIHA</p><p>Narratives About Their Children by Mothers Hospitalized on a Psychiatric Unit 2003, 42(3), 391-402 IONNIA SAVVIDOU, VASILIS P. BOZIKAS, SOPHIA HATZIGELEKI, ATHANASIOS KARAVATOS</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 87</p><p>Larger Systems</p><p>The Individual and the Larger Contexts 1967, 6(2), 139-147 DON D. JACKSON</p><p>A Systems Dilemma 1969, 8(2), 211-234 LYNN HOFFMAN, LORENCE LONG, EDGAR H. AUERSWALD</p><p>Network Intervention with a Family in Crisis 1975, 14(2), 193-203 URI RUEVENI</p><p>The Science and Typology of Family Systems II. Further Theoretical and Practical Considerations 1975, 14(3), 285-309 ELEANOR S. WERTHEIM</p><p>The Family and the School: Utilizing Human Resources to Promote Learning 1976, 15(1), 125-141 BERNICE Z. TUCKER, ERNEST DYSON</p><p>An Exploration of the Dynamics of the Overlapping Worlds of Work and Family 1976, 15(1), 143-165 JEAN R. RENSHAW</p><p>The Family-School Interview: An Eco-Structural Approach 1976, 15(3), 303-311 HARRY J. APONTE</p><p>Family Systems Model in Organizational Consultation: Vignettes of Consultation to a Day-Care Center 1976, 15(3), 313-320 SALLY MINARD</p><p>A Typology of Family Social Environments 1976, 15(4), 357-371 RUDOLF H. MOOS, BERNICE S. MOOS</p><p>Social Networks, Support, and Coping: An Exploratory Study 1976, 15(4), 407-417 CHRISTOPHER C. TOLSDORF Family Process Article Titles by Subject 88</p><p>A Systems Theory Approach to a Case of Anorexia Nervosa 1977, 16(4), 455-465 PHILIPPE CAILLÉ, PÅL ABRAHAMSEN, CHARLOTTE GIROLAMI, BENTE SØRBYE</p><p>An Index for Measuring Agency Involvement in Family Therapy 1978, 17(4), 479-483 SANDRA B. COLEMAN, M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>Transfer of Therapeutic Effects from Institution to Home: Faith, Hope, and Behavior Modification 1979, 18(1), 87-93 ALVIN ENIS HOUSE, EDWARD E. STAMBAUGH</p><p>Using Systems Theory to Organize Confusion 1979, 18(4), 479-488 WILLIAM R. TAYLOR</p><p>Creativity, Pathology, and Family Structure: A Cybernetic Metaphor 1982, 21(1), 113-127 JOHN SCHWARTZMAN</p><p>Agency Triangles: Problems in Agency-Family Relationships 1983, 22(4), 441-451 DOUGLAS CARL, GREGORY J. JURKOVlC</p><p>An Institution for Change: Developing a Family Day Unit 1983, 22(4), 453-468 ALAN COOKLIN, ANN C. MILLER, BRENDA MCHUGH</p><p>Family Therapy as a Rite of Passage: Play's the Thing 1984, 23(1), 89-100 R. ROGERS KOBAK, DAVID B. WATERS</p><p>A Framework and Themes for Social Network Intervention 1984, 23(2), 187-198 GERALD D. ERICKSON</p><p>Process and Strategy in Network Therapy 1984, 23(4), 521-533 JULIA HALEVY-MARTINI, ELIZABETH M. HEMLEY VELDEN, LAWRENCE RUHF, PAUL SCHOENFELD</p><p>Professional Politics and the Concepts of Family Therapy, Family Consultation, and Systems Consultation Family Process Article Titles by Subject 89</p><p>1987, 26(2), 153-166 LYMAN C. WYNNE, SUSAN H. McDANIEL, TIMOTHY T. WEBER</p><p>Some Principles of an Ecological Model of the Person as a Consequence of the Therapeutic Experience with Systems 1987, 26(4), 429-436 JÜRG WILLI</p><p>Symbiosis, the Family, and Natural Systems 1988, 27(3), 285-292 ROBERT J. NOONE</p><p>Integrating Self and System: An Empty Intersection? 1995, 34(1), 21-44 ROBERT ROSENBAUM, JOHN DYCKMAN</p><p>Dilution of Family Process in Social Services: Implications for Treatment of Neglectful Families 1995, 34(1), 59-74 JORGE A. COLAPINTO</p><p>Involvement, Collaboration, and Empowerment: A Model for Consultation with Human-Service Agencies and the Development of Family-Oriented Care 1996, 35(2), 191-210 YOEL ELIZUR</p><p>Marital Conflict by Proxy After Father Kills Mother: The Family Therapist As an Expert Witness in Court 1998, 37(4), 479-494 TONY KAPLAN</p><p>Family Therapists, Community, and Civic Renewal 2000, 39(2), 149-161 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, JOHN M. BEATON</p><p>Engaging Refugee Families in Therapy: Exploring the Benefits of Including Referring Professionals in First Family Interviews 2001, 40(1), 95-114 NORA SVEAASS, SISSEL REICHELT</p><p>The Citizen Therapist and Family-Centered Community Building: Introduction to a New Section of the Journal 2002, 41(4), 561-568 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, JASON S. CARROLL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 90</p><p>The Family Re-Union Initiative: A Springboard for Family-Centered Community Building, Locally and Nationally 2002, 41(4), 569-578 MARTHA FARRELL ERICKSON, RICHARD LOUV</p><p>The Families and Democracy Project 2002, 41(4), 579-590 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, JASON S. CARROLL</p><p>Postmodern Society and Social Networks: Open and Anticipation Dialogues in Network Meetings 2003, 42(2), 185-203 JAAKKO SEIKKULA, TOM ERIK ARNKIL, ESA ERIKSON</p><p>Client-level Predictors of Adherence to MST in Community Service Settings 2003, 42(3), 345-359 SONJA K. SCHOENWALD, COLLEEN A. HALLIDAY-BOYKINS, SCOTT W. HENGGELER</p><p>The Practice of Community Family Therapy 2004, 43(1), 59-77 ROMAN ROJANO</p><p>Family-Level Impact of the CHAMP Family Program: A Community Collaborative Effort to Support Urban Families and Reduce Youth HIV Risk Exposure 2004, 43(1), 79-93 MARY MCKERNAN MCKAY, KELLY TABER CHASSE, ROBERTA PAIKOFF, LA DORA MCKINNEY, DONNA BAPTISTE, DORIS COLEMAN, SYBIL MADISON, CARL C. BELL</p><p>The Heart of the Matter 2: Integration of Ecosystemic Family Therapy Practices with Systems of Care Mental Health Services for Children and Families 2004, 43(2), 161-173 ELLEN PULLEYBLANK COFFEY</p><p>Up Front and Personal: Confronting Dynamics in the Family Group Conference 2006, 45(3), 345-357 MARIE CONNOLLY</p><p>Multiple-Family Group Treatment of Outpatients With Schizophrenia: Impact on Service Utilization 2006, 25(3), 359-373 MICHAEL G. MCDONELL, ROBERT A. SHORT, NICHOLAS A. HAZEL, CHRISTOPHER M. BERRY, DENNIS G. DYCK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 91</p><p>The Development of a Systemic School-Based Intervention: Marte Meo and Coordination Meetings 2006, 45(3), 375-389 ULF AXBERG, KJELL HANSSON, ANDERS G. BROBERG, INGEGERD WIRTBERG</p><p>Parents' Experiences in Child Protective Services: Analysis of a Dialogical Group Process 2007, 46(3), 367-380 AMY ROSE TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, SUSAN LEVIN, BRENT TAYLOR, JENNIFER ANDREWS</p><p>Cultural, Gender, and Socioeconomic Contexts in Therapeutic and Social Policy Work 2009, 48(1), 85-101 CHARLES WALDEGRAVE</p><p>Maternal Distress and Parenting in the Context of Cumulative Disadvantage 2010, 49(2), 142-164 JOYCE ARDITTI, LINDA BURTON, SARA NEEVES-BOTELHO</p><p>Mother–Grandmother Coparenting Relationships in Families with Incarcerated Mothers: A Pilot Investigation 2010, 49(2), 165-184 JASON BAKER, JAMES McHALE, ANNE STROZIER, DAWN CECIL</p><p>A Socio-Emotional Approach to Couple Therapy: Linking Social Context and Couple Interaction 2010, 49(3), 369-384 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, DOUGLAS HUENERGARDT </p><p>Lessons in Collaboration, Four Years Post-Katrina 2010, 49(4), 543-558 SALIHA BAVA, ELLEN PULLEYBLANK COFFEY, KAETHE WEINGARTEN, CAROL BECKER </p><p>A Participatory Approach to Healing and Transformation in South Africa 2011, 50(4), 486-502 ELIZE MORKEL</p><p>Exposing Operations of Power in Supervisory Relationships 2011, 50(4), 503-515 LAURIE MARKHAM, JANE CHIU Family Process Article Titles by Subject 92</p><p>______</p><p>Marital and Couple Issues</p><p>Married Couples' Responses to Disagreement 1966, 5(1), 30-42 ROBERT G. RYDER, D. WELLS GOODRICH</p><p>Interaction Testing in the Study of Marital Dominance 1966, 5(2), 230-242 GERALD BAUMAN, MELVIN ROMAN</p><p>Contrasting Approaches in Marital Counseling 1967, 6(1), 16-26 JOHN ELDERKIN BELL</p><p>The Effect of Psychotherapy on the Spouse 1968, 7(1), 7-16 RONALD E. FOX</p><p>Marital Love and Hate 1989, 8(1), 1-24 ISRAEL W. CHARNY</p><p>Relative Psychopathology of Marital Partners 1989, 8(1), 33-42 HERBERT LEVITT, RALPH BAKER</p><p>Dimensions of Early Marriage 1990, 9(1), 51-68 ROBERT G. RYDER</p><p>Relations at Three Early Stages of Marriage as Reflected by the Use of Personal Pronouns 1990, 9(1), 69-82 HAROLD L. RAUSH, KAROL A. MARSHALL, JO-ANNA M. FEATHERMAN</p><p>Convergent Internal Security Systems — A Rationale for Marital Therapy 1990, 9(1), 83-91 SHELDON H. KARDENER</p><p>Treating the Doll's House Marriage Family Process Article Titles by Subject 93</p><p>1990, 9(2), 143-155 FRANK S. PITTMAN III, KALMAN FLOMENHAFT</p><p>A Topography of Early Marriage 1990, 9(4), 385-402 ROBERT G. RYDER</p><p>Non-Verbal Communication and Marital Satisfaction 1990, 9(4), 449-456 MALCOLM KAHN</p><p>Narcissism and Dependency in the Obsessional-Hysteric Marriage 1971, 10(1), 75-83 JOSEPH BARNETT</p><p>The Marriage Contract 1971, 10(3), 311-326 CLIFFORD J. SAGER, HELEN S. KAPLAN, RALPH H. GUNDLACH, MALVINA KREMER, ROSA LENZ, JACK R. ROYCE</p><p>A Developmental Framework for the Analysis of Premarital Dyadic Formation 1972, 11(1), 17-48 ROBERT A. LEWIS</p><p>Structured Separation with Counseling: A Therapeutic Approach for Couples in Conflict 1972, 11(3), 299-310 MARJORIE KAWIN TOOMIM</p><p>Marital Therapy: Emerging Trends in Research and Practice 1973, 12(1), 45-54 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Decision-Making in Married and Unrelated Couples 1973, 12(1), 83-94 WILLIAM D. WINTER, ANTONIO J. FERREIRA, NORMAN BOWERS</p><p>The Effects and Effectiveness of Marital Therapy A Review of Outcome Research 1973, 12(2), 145-170 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Induction into Mate-Swapping: A Review 1973, 12(3), 279-290 CHARLES L. COLE, GRAHAM B. SPANIER</p><p>Communication and Adjustment in Marriage: Investigating the Relationship Family Process Article Titles by Subject 94</p><p>1973, 12(3), 317-326 DONALD C. MURPHY, LLOYD A. MENDELSON</p><p>Behavior Modification in Marital Conflict: A Case Report 1974, 13(1), 111-119 JAMES E. HICKOK, MARILYN GILBERT KOMECHAK</p><p>On the Nature of Marital Relationships: Measurable Differences in Spontaneous Agreement 1974, 13(3), 355-369 ANTONIO J. FERREIRA, WILLIAM D. WINTER</p><p>An Object-Relations Approach to Psychotherapy with Marital Couples, Families, and Children 1975, 14(2), 161-178 RALPH H. STEWART, TOM C. PETERS, STEPHEN MARSH, MELINDA J. PETERS</p><p>Dominance in Marital Decision Making in Women's Liberation and Non-Women's Liberation Families 1975, 14(2), 223-233 SIBILLA HERSHEY, EMMY WERNER</p><p>Marital and Existential Pain: Dialectic in Bergman's "Scenes From a Marriage" 1975, 14(3), 371-378 ANNE PLONE</p><p>An Effect Of Change In Patient Status On Marital Interaction 1976, 15(2), 251-258 MELVIN ROMAN, GERALD BAUMAN, JOSEPH BORELLO, BETTY MELTZER, DARLENE BREGMAN EHRENBERG</p><p>Depression and Marital Interaction 1976, 15(4), 389-395 LARRY B. FELDMAN</p><p>The Marital System of the Hysterical Individual 1977, 16(1), 85-95 RAYMOND M. BERGNER</p><p>Divorced Parents in Family Therapy in a Residential Treatment Setting 1977, 16(2), 229-236 DAVID WEISFELD, MARTIN S. LASER</p><p>Family Therapy After the Divorce: Developing a Strategy 1977, 16(3), 357-362 JANICE GOLDMAN, JAMES COANE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 95</p><p>Divorce Therapy: An In-Depth Survey of Therapists' Views 1977, 16(4), 413-443 KENNETH KRESSEL, MORTON DEUTSCH</p><p>Behavioral Marriage Therapy: I. A Psychodynamic-Systems Analysis and Critique 1978, 17(2), 121-138 ALAN S. GURMAN, ROGER M. KNUDSON</p><p>Marriage Therapy: II. Empirical Perspective 1978, 17(2), 139-148 ALAN S. GURMAN, DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>Behavioral Marriage Therapy. III. The Contents of Gurman et al. May Be Hazardous to Our Health 1978, 17(2), 149-163 NEIL JACOBSON, ROBERT L. WEISS</p><p>Behavioral Marriage Therapy. IV. Take Two Aspirin and Call Us in the Morning 1978, 17(2), 165-180 ALAN S. GURMAN, ROGER M. KNUDSON, DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>Social-Exchange Theory: Cognitive Restructuring in Marital Therapy 1978, 17(4), 437-448 JOSEPH STRAYHORN</p><p>Marital Conflict and Marital Intimacy: An Integrative Psychodynamic-Behavioral- Systemic Model 1979, 18(1), 69-78 LARRY B. FELDMAN</p><p>Jealousy: Systematic, Problem-Solving Therapy With Couples 1979, 18(2), 151-160 MARK W. TEISMANN</p><p>Remarriage after Divorce: Dissolution and Reconstruction of Family Boundaries 1979, 18(2), 185-192 KENNET N. WALKER, LILLIAN MESSINGER</p><p>Annotated Bibliography of the Remarried, the Living Together, and Their Children 1979, 18(2), 193-212 LIBBY WALKER, HOLLY BROWN, HELEN CROHN, EVELYN RODSTEIN, ELLIOT ZEISEL, CLIFFORD J. SAGER</p><p>Toward a Metacommunicational Framework of Couple Interactions Family Process Article Titles by Subject 96</p><p>1979, 18(3), 293-302 GUILLERMO BERNAL, JEFFREY BAKER</p><p>A Typology of Divorcing Couples: Implications for Mediation and the Divorce Process 1980, 19(2), 101-116 KENNETH KRESSEL, NANCY JAFFEE, BRUCE TUCHMAN, CAROL WATSON, MORTON DEUTSCH</p><p>Symptom Bearer as Marital Distance Regulator: Clinical Implications 1980, 19(4), 355-365 JOHN BYNG-HALL</p><p>Multi-Level Couple Therapy: Applying a Metacommunicational Framework of Couple Interactions 1980, 19(4), 367-376 GUILLERMO BERNAL, JEFFREY BAKER</p><p>A Systemic Approach to Couple Therapy 1986, 25(1), 35-42 MONY ELKAÏM</p><p>Individual Marital Therapy: A Critical Reappraisal 1986, 25(1), 43-51 RICHARD A. WELLS, VINCENT J. GIANNETTI</p><p>Individual Marital Therapy — Have Reports of your Death been Somewhat Exaggerated? 1986, 25(1), 51-62 ALAN S. GURMAN, DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>REJOINDER: WHITHER MARITAL THERAPY? 1986, 25(1), 62-65 RICHARD A. WELLS, VINCENT J. GIANNETTI</p><p>Marital Therapy Outcome Measured by Therapist, Client, and Behavior Change 1987, 26(2), 25--267 VICTOR B. CLINE, STEVEN L. JACKSON, NANCI KLEIN, JUAN MEJIA, CHARLES TURNER</p><p>Infertility as Boundary Ambiguity: One Theoretical Perspective 1987, 26(3), 359-372 LINDA HAMMER BURNS</p><p>The Transition to Parenthood: I. The Rating of Prenatal Marital Competence Family Process Article Titles by Subject 97</p><p>1988, 27(2), 149-165 JERRY M LEWIS</p><p>The Transition to Parenthood: II. Stability and Change in Marital Structure 1988, 27(3), 273-283 JERRY M LEWIS</p><p>Graduate Student Marriages:An Organizational/Interactional View 1988, 27(3), 351-368 MICHELE SCHEINKMAN</p><p>The Transition to Parenthood: III. Incorporation of the Child into the Family 1988, 27(4), 411-421 JERRY M. LEWIS, MARGARET TRESCH OWEN, MARTHA J. COX</p><p>Joint Custody: Research, Theory, and Policy 1988, 27(4), 459-469 DAVID R. COLLER</p><p>Transforming Helplessness: An Approach to the Therapy of "Stuck" Couples 1989, 28(3), 291-299 DONALD E. FINEBERG, SYDNEY WALTER</p><p>Defining a Family Heritage and a New Relationship Identity: Two Central Tasks in the Making of a Marriage 1989, 28(3), 317-335 FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT, DAVID REISS</p><p>Couples Therapy: Analysis of a "Praxis" with a Freirian Perspective 1990, 29(2), 119-129 MARIA CONSUELO SANTAMARIA</p><p>Lie to Me No More: Believable Stories and Marital Affairs 1991, 30(2), 215-225 THOMAS EDWARD SMITH</p><p>The Discourses of Intimacy: Adding A Social Constructionist and Feminist View 1991, 30(3), 285-305 KATHY WEINGARTEN</p><p>Coping Within Couples: Adjustment Two Years after Forced Geographic Relocation 1991, 30(3), 347-361 FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT, PETER STEINGLASS, ATARA KAPLAN DE-NOUR</p><p>A "Good Enough" Separation: Some Characteristic Operations and Tasks Family Process Article Titles by Subject 98</p><p>1992, 31(1), 61-83 DAVID ABELSOHN</p><p>Expressed Emotion in Depressed Patients and Their Partners 1992, 31(2), 163-172 IRMELA FLORIN, ANJA NOSTADT, CORINNA RECK, ULE FRANZEN, MELISSA JENKINS</p><p>COMMENTARY ON "EXPRESSED EMOTION IN DEPRESSED PATIENTS AND THEIR PARTNERS" 1992, 31(2), 172-174 MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN</p><p>Working with Projective Identification in Couples 1992, 31(4), 355-367 DON R. CATHERALL</p><p>The Importance of Similarity in the Marital Relationship 1992, 31(4), 369-382 JAMES E. DEAL, KAREN SMITH WAMPLER, CHARLES F. HALVERSON</p><p>Physical Violence in the Couple Relationship: A Contribution toward the Analysis of the Context 1993, 32(1), 21-33 PIERA SERRA</p><p>Theorizing About Power: Intersecting the Ideas of Foucault with the "Problem" of Power in Family Therapy 1993, 32(1), 35-47 CARMEL FLASKAS, CATHERINE HUMPHREYS</p><p>Couples Therapy Using the Technique of Construct Differentiation 1993, 32(3), 311-321 JÜRG WILLI, ROBERT FREI, BERNHARD LIMACHER</p><p>Time and Rhythm in Couples 1994, 33(1), 37-51 PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>Adult Attachment Styles: Some Thoughts on Closeness-Distance Struggles 1994, 33(2), 147-159 CAROLE M. PISTOLE</p><p>The Geometry of the Eternal Triangle 1994, 33(2), 175-190 ALVIN PAM, JUDITH PEARSON Family Process Article Titles by Subject 99</p><p>Association of Interpersonal Cognitive Complexity with Communication Skill in Marriage: Moderating Effects of Marital Distress 1995, 34(1), 101-111 WAYNE H. DENTON, BRANT R. BURLESON, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>An Infertility Primer for Family Therapists: I. Medical, Social, and Psychological Dimensions 1995, 34(2), 219-229 MIMI MEYERS, RONNY DIAMOND, DAVID KEZUR, CONSTANCE SCHARF, MARGOT WEINSHEL, DOUGLAS S. RAIT</p><p>An Infertility Primer for Family Therapists: II. Working with Couples Who Struggle with Infertility 1995, 34(2), 231-240 MIMI MEYERS, MARGOT WEINSHEL, CONSTANCE SCHARF, DAVID KEZUR, RONNY DIAMOND, DOUGLAS S. RAIT</p><p>Who's Got the Power? Gender Differences in Partners' Perceptions of Influence During Marital Problem-Solving Discussions 1995, 34(3), 303-321 F.L. JESSICA BALL, PHILIP COWAN, CAROLYN PAPE COWAN</p><p>A Self Psychologist in Couplesland: Multisubjective Approach to Transference and Countertransference-Like Phenomena in Marital Relationships 1995, 34(3), 427-439 MARTIN S. LIVINGSTON</p><p>Factors in Chinese Marital Process: Relationship to Marital Adjustment 1997, 36(1), 43-61 MARK A. LEWINSOHN, PAUL D. WERNER</p><p>The Significance of Romantic Love for Marriage 1997, 36(2), 171-182 JÜRG WILLI</p><p>Overt and Covert Coparenting Processes in the Family 1997, 36(2), 183-201 JAMES P. McHALE</p><p>Family Therapy with a Multiparental/Multispousal Family 1998, 37(1), 65-81 ALEAN AL-KRENAWI</p><p>Conflict and Aggression in Couples Therapy: A Self Psychological Vantge Point Family Process Article Titles by Subject 100</p><p>1998, 37(3), 311-321 MARTIN S. LIVINGSTON</p><p>Temporal Linkages Between Wives' Pursuit and Husbands' Withdrawal During Marital Conflict 1998, 37(3), 323-334 LYSE TURGEON, DANIELLE JULIEN, ÉRIC DION</p><p>Understanding Betrayals in Marriage: A Synthesized Model of Forgiveness 1998, 37(4), 425-449 KRISTINA COOP GORDON, DONALD H. BAUCOM</p><p>Couple-Responsible Therapy Process: Positive Proximal Outcomes 1999, 38(1), 27-54 MARK H. BUTLER, KAREN S. WAMPLER</p><p>The Association between Spouses' Self-Reports of Attachment Styles and Representations of Family Dynamics 1999, 38(1), 69-83 MARIO MIKULINCER, VICTOR FLORIAN</p><p>Marital Interaction in Dyadic and Triadic Contexts: Continuities and Discontinuities 1999, 38(1), 105-115 JAMES E. DEAL, MARGARET STANLEY HAGAN, BRENDA BASS, E. MAVIS HETHERINGTON, GLENN CLINGEMPEEL</p><p>What Predicts Change in Marital Interaction Over Time? A Study of Alternative Models 1999, 38(2), 143-158 JOHN MORDECHAI GOTTMAN, ROBERT WAYNE LEVENSON</p><p>How Stable Is Marital Interaction Over Time? 1999, 38(2), 159-165 JOHN MORDECHAI GOTTMAN, ROBERT WAYNE LEVENSON</p><p>Building a Science of Couple Relationships: Comments on Two Articles by Gottman and Levenson 1999, 38(2), 167-173 JAY L. LEBOW</p><p>Rebound from Marital Conflict and Divorce Prediction 1999, 38(3), 287-292 JOHN MORDECHAI GOTTMAN, ROBERT WAYNE LEVENSON Family Process Article Titles by Subject 101</p><p>Predicting Divorce among Newlyweds from the First Three Minutes of a Marital Conflict Discussion 1999, 38(3), 293-301 SYBIL CARRÈRE, JOHN MORDECHAI GOTTMAN</p><p>Negotiating Couplehood: The Process of Resolving the December Dilemma among Interfaith Couples 1999, 38(3), 303-323 JUNE ANDREWS HOROWITZ</p><p>Couple Dynamics of Change-Resistant Smoking: Toward a Family Consultation Model 2001, 40(1), 15-31 MICHAEL J. ROHRBAUGH, VARDA SHOHAM, SARAH TROST, MYRA MURAMOTO, RODNEY M. CATE, SCOTT LEISCHOW</p><p>Marital Interaction, Family Organization, and Differences in Parenting Behavior: Explaining Variations Across Family Interaction Contexts* 2001, 40(3), 333-342 VANESSA K. JOHNSON</p><p>Counseling and Couple Therapy for Infertile Couples 2002, 41(1), 111-122 HEIKE STAMMER, TEWES WISCHMANN, ROLF VERRES</p><p>Introduction to the Special Issue on Marriage in the 20th Century in Western Civilization: Trends, Research, Therapy, and Perspectives 2002, 41(2), 133-134 WILLIAM M. PINSOF</p><p>The Death of "Till Death Us Do Part": The Transformation of Pair-Bonding in the 20th Century 2002, 41(2), 135-157 WILLIAM M. PINSOF</p><p>Marital Research in the 20th Century and a Research Agenda for the 21st Century 2002, 41(2), 159-197 JOHN M. GOTTMAN, CLIFFORD I. NOTARIUS</p><p>The History of Couple Therapy: A Millennial Review 2002, 41(2), 199-260 ALAN S. GURMAN, PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>Marriage in the 20th Century: A Feminist Perspective Family Process Article Titles by Subject 102</p><p>2002, 41(2), 261-268 CHERYL RAMPAGE</p><p>African American Marriage in the 20th Century 2002, 41(2), 269-282 ELAINE B. PINDERHUGHES</p><p>Attachment Security in Couple Relationships: A Systemic Model and Its Implications for Family Dynamics 2002, 41(3), 405-434 MARIO MIKULINCER, VICTOR FLORIAN, PHILIP A. COWAN, CAROLYN PAPE COWAN</p><p>Examining Congruence Between Partners' Perceived Infertility-Related Stress and Its Relationship to Marital Adjustment and Depression in Infertile Couples 2003, 42(1), 59-70 BRENNAN D. PETERSON, CHRISTOPHER R. NEWTON, KAREN H. ROSEN</p><p>Divorce Process Variables and the Co-Parental Relationship and Parental Role Fulfillment of Divorced Parents 2003, 42(1), 117-131 NEHAMI BAUM</p><p>Love: An Important Dimension in Marital Research and Therapy 2003, 42(2), 253-267 ASTRID RIEHL-EMDE, VOLKER THOMAS, JURG WILLI</p><p>The Adult Attachment Interview and Observed Couple Interaction: Implications for an Intergenerational Perspective on Couple Therapy 2003, 42(4), 497-515 KAREN S. WAMPLER, LIN SHI, BRIANA S. NELSON, THOMAS G. KIMBALL</p><p>Predicting Participation in Premarital Prevention Programs: The Health Belief Model and Social Norms 2004, 43(2), 175-193 KIERAN T. SULLIVAN, LAURI A. PASCH, TARA CORNELIUS, ELLEN CIRIGLIANO</p><p>The Vulnerability Cycle: Working With Impasses in Couple Therapy 2004, 43(3), 279-299 MICHELE SCHEINKMAN, MONA DEKOVEN FISHBANE</p><p>Daily Marital Interactions and Positive Affect During Marital Conflict Among Newlywed Couples Family Process Article Titles by Subject 103</p><p>2004, 43(3), 301-314 JANICE L. DRIVER, JOHN M. GOTTMAN</p><p>Observing Attachment Behavior in Couples: The Adult Attachment Behavior Q-Set (AABQ) 2004, 43(3), 315-335 KAREN S. WAMPLER, BRUCE RIGGS, THOMAS G. KIMBALL</p><p>The Formation of the Therapeutic Alliance in Couple Therapy 2004, 43(4), 425-442 LYNNE M. KNOBLOCH-FEDDERS, WILLIAM M. PINSOF, BARTON J. MANN</p><p>Optimizing the Alliance in Couple Therapy 2004, 43(4), 443-455 DIANNE SYMONDS, ADAM O. HORVATH</p><p>The Therapeutic Alliance in Couples Therapy: Clinical Considerations 2004, 43(4), 457-465 ROBERT GARFIELD</p><p>Beyond the Trauma of Betrayal: Reconsidering Affairs in Couples Therapy 2005, 44(2), 227-244 MICHELE SCHEINKMAN</p><p>Sacrifice as a Predictor of Marital Outcomes 2006, 45(3), 289-303 SCOTT M. STANLEY, SARAH W. WHITTON, SABINA LOW SADBERRY, MARI L. CLEMENTS, HOWARD J. MARKMAN</p><p>Sacrifice: A Clinical View 2006, 45(3), 305-309 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS, MARGARET NEWMARK</p><p>Success and Failure Among Polygamous Families: The Experience of Wives, Husbands, and Children 2006, 45(3), 311-330 VERED SLONIM-NEVO, ALEAN AL-KRENAWI</p><p>The Origins of Modern Divorce 2007, 46(1), 7-16 STEPHANIE COONTZ</p><p>Framing Divorce Reform: Media, Morality, and the Politics of Family 2007, 46(1), 17-34 MICHELE ADAMS, SCOTT COLTRANE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 104</p><p>Re-visioning, Restructuring, and Reconciliation: Clinical Practice With Complex Postdivorce Families 2007, 46(1), 67-78 ANNE C. BERNSTEIN</p><p>Integrative Family Therapy for High-Conflict Divorce With Disputes Over Child Custody and Visitation 2007, 46(1), 79-91 JAY LEBOW, KATHLEEN NEWCOMB REKART</p><p>A Family Therapy Perspective on Mediation 2007, 46(1), 93-107 ELANA KATZ</p><p>An Approach to Preventing Coparenting Conflict and Divorce in Low-Income Families: Strengthening Couple Relationships and Fostering Fathers' Involvement 2007, 46(1), 109-121 CAROLYN PAPE COWAN, PHILIP A. COWAN, MARSHA KLINE PRUETT, KYLE PRUETT</p><p>Effects of the Dads for Life Intervention on Interparental Conflict and Coparenting in the Two Years After Divorce 2007, 46(1), 123-137 JEFFREY T. COOKSTON, SANFORD L. BRAVER, WILLIAM A. GRIFFIN, STEPHANIE R. DE LUSÉ, JONATHAN C. MILES</p><p>Money: A Therapeutic Tool for Couples Therapy 2007, 46(3), 279-291 MARGARET SHAPIRO</p><p>Hitting Pay Dirt: Comment on "Money: A Therapeutic Tool for Couples Therapy" 2007, 46(3), 293-299 SCOTT M. STANLEY, LINDSEY A. EINHORN</p><p>The Clinical Representativeness of Couple Therapy Outcome Research 2007, 46(3), 301-316 JOHN WRIGHT, STÉPHANE SABOURIN, JOSIANNE MONDOR, PIERRE MCDUFF, SALIMA MAMODHOUSSEN</p><p>How do I Analyze Thee? Let Me Count the Ways: Considering Empathy in Couple Relationships using Self and Partner Ratings 2008, 47(2), 229-242 DEAN M. BUSBY, BRANDT C. GARDNER</p><p>Premarital Precursors of Marital Infidelity Family Process Article Titles by Subject 105</p><p>2008, 47(2), 243-259 ELIZABETH S. ALLEN, GALENA KLINE RHOADES, SCOTT M. STANLEY, HOWARD J. MARKMAN, TAMARA WILLIAMS, JESSICA MELTON, MARI L. CLEMENTS</p><p>PREP Inside and Out: Marriage Education for Inmates 2008, 47(3), 341-356 LINDSEY EINHORN, TAMARA WILLIAMS, SCOTT STANLEY, NICOLE WUNDERLIN, HOWARD MARKMAN, JOANNE EASON</p><p>Learning From the Past, Altering the Future: A Tentative Theory of the Effect of Past Relationships on Couples Who Remarry 2008, 47(3), 373-387 ANDREW BRIMHALL, KAREN WAMPLER, THOMAS KIMBALL</p><p>Affective Synchrony in Dual- and Single-Smoker Couples: Further Evidence of "Symptom-System Fit"? 2009, 48(1), 55-67 MICHAEL J. ROHRBAUGH, VARDA SHOHAM, EMILY A. BUTLER, BRANT P. HASLER, JEFFREY S. BERMAN</p><p>Relational Drawings in Couple Therapy 2009, 48(1), 117-133 PETER ROBER</p><p>Pathways Between Marriage and Parenting for Wives and Husbands: The Role of Coparenting 2010, 49(1), 59-73 MELINDA IPPOLITO MORRILL, DENISE A. HINES, SEHAR MAHMOOD, JAMES V. CÓRDOVA</p><p>Disarming Jealousy in Couples Relationships: A Multidimensional Approach 2010, 49(4), 486-502 MICHELE SCHEINKMAN, DENISE WERNECK</p><p>“Good Enough Stories”: Helping Couples Invest in One Another's Growth 2010, 49(4), 503-516 KAREN SKERRETT</p><p>Starting Over: A Tentative Theory Exploring the Effects of Past Relationships on Postbereavement Remarried Couples 2011, 50(1), 47-62 ANDREW S. BRIMHALL, MICHELLE L. ENGBLOM-DEGLMANN</p><p>A Comparison of Attachment Outcomes in Enactment-Based Versus Therapist- Centered Therapy Process Modalities in Couple Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 106</p><p>2011, 50(2), 203-220 MARK H. BUTLER, JAMES M. HARPER, CARI B. MITCHELL</p><p>Understanding Marital Conflict 7 Years Later from Prenatal Representations of Marriage 2011, 50(2), 221-234 MELISSA CURRAN, BRIAN OGOLSKY, NANCY HAZEN, LESIE BOSCH</p><p>On the Home Front: Stress for Recently Deployed Army Couples 2011, 50(2), 235-247 ELIZABETH S. ALLEN, GALENA K. RHOADES, SCOTT M. STANLEY, HOWARD J. MARKMAN</p><p>Cultural Intersections: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Experience of Asain Indian- White Interracial Couples 2011, 50(2), 248-266 ARPANA G. INMAN, ABBY ALTMAN, ANJU KADUVETTOOR-DAVIDSON, AMANDA CARR, JESSICA A. WALKER</p><p>Couple Therapy Research and the Practice of Couple Therapy: Can We Talk? 2011, 50(3), 280-292 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy I: Core Concepts and Hypothersizing 2011, 50(3), 293-313 DOUGLAS C. BREUNLIN, WILLIAM PINSOF, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy II: Planning, Conversing, and Reading Feedback 2011, 50(3), 314-336 WILLIAM PINSOF, DOUGLAS BREUNLIN, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL, JAY LEBOW</p><p>Facilitating Relational Empowerment in Couple Therapy 2011, 50(3), 337-352 MONA DEKOVEN FISHBANE</p><p>Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Male Relationships: A Comparison of Couples in 1975 and 2000 2011, 50(3), 353-376 GABIELLE GOTTA, ROBERT-JAY GREEN, ESTHER ROTHBLUM, SONDRA SOLOMON, KIMBERLY BALSAM, PEPPER SCHWARTZ</p><p>Guidelines for Classifying Evidence-Based Treatments in Couple and Family Therapy 2011, 50(3), 377-392 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 107</p><p>THOMAS SEXTON, KRISTINA COOP GORDON, ALAN GURMAN, JAY LEBOW, AMY HOLTZWORTH-MUNROE, SUSAN JOHNSON</p><p>The Marriage Checkup: Increasing Access to Mental Health Care 2011, 50(4), 471-485 MELINDA IPPOLITO MORRILL, CJ EUBANKS-FLEMING, AMANDA G. HARP, JULIA W. SOLLENBERGER, ELLEN V. DARLING, JAMES V. CORDOVA</p><p>A Socio-Emotional Relational Framework for Infidelity: The Relational Justice Approach 2011, 50(4), 516-528 KIRSTEE WILLIAMS</p><p>Developing an Outcome-Based Assessment for Family Therapy Training: The Rochester Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (ROSCE) 2011, 50(4), 544-560 PIETER ROUX, CAROL PODGORSKI, TZIPORAH ROSENBERG, WILLIAM H. WATSON, SUSAN MCDANIEL</p><p>We-Talk, Communal Coping, and Cessation Success in Couple-Focused Intervention for Health-Compromised Smokers 2012, 51(1), 107-121 MICHAEL J. ROHRBAUGH, VARDA SHOHAM, JANE A. SKOYEN, MICHAELINE JENSEN, MATTHIAS R. MEHL</p><p>Adding a Baby to the Equation. Married and Cohabiting Women’s Relationship Satisfaction in the Transition to Parenthood 2012, 51(1), 122-139 OYSTEIN MORTENSEN, TORBJORN TORSHEIM, OLE MELKEVIK, FRODE THUEN</p><p>Development and Dissemination of Collaborative Family-Oriented Services: The Case of Community/Day Residential Care in Israel 2012, 51(1), 140-156 YOEL ELIZUR</p><p>Coparenting Interventions for Fragile Families: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need To Go Next? 2012, 51(3), 284-306 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER, JESSICA PEARSON</p><p>The Shift from Monologue to Dialogue in a Couple Therapy Session: Dialogical Investigation of Change from the Therapists’ Point of View 2012, 51(3), 420-435 MARY E. OLSON, AARNO LAITILA, PETER ROBER, JAAKKO SEIKKULA Family Process Article Titles by Subject 108</p><p>Couple Relationship Education at the Transition to Parenthood: A Window of Opportunity to Reach High-Risk Couples 2012, 51(4), 498-511 JEMIMA PETCH, W. KIM HALFORD, DEBRA K. CREEDY, JENNY GAMBLE</p><p>The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement (BARE) Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attahcment Behavior in Couple Relationships 2012, 51(4), 512-526 JONATHAN G. SANDBERG, DEAN M. BUSBY, SUSAN M. JOHNSON, KEITARO YOSHIDA</p><p>Why Power Matters: Creating a Foundation of Mutual Support in Couple Relationships 2013, 52(1), 5-18 CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN</p><p>Opening the Circle of Pursuit and Distance 2013, 52(1), 19-32 DANIEL B. WILE</p><p>Breaking the Mold: Sculpting Impasses in Couples’ Therapy 2013, 52(1), 33-45 PEGGY PAPP, MICHELE SCHEINKMAN, JEAN MALPAS</p><p>Process Research on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples: Linking Theory and Practice 2013, 52(1), 46-61 PAUL S. GREENMAN & SUSAN M. JOHNSON</p><p>Working with Identity and Self-soothing in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples 2013, 52(1), 62-82 RHONDA N. GOLDMAN & LESLIE GREENBERG</p><p>The ‘Cruel Radiance of What Is’: Helping Couples Live with Chronic Illness 2013, 52(1), 83-101 KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>Patriarchy, Power, and Privilege: A Narrative / Poststructural View of Work with Couples 2013, 52(1), 102-114</p><p>Behavioral Couple Therapy: Building a Secure Base for Therapeutic Integration 2013, 52(1), 115-138 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Translation of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy to a Web-based Intervention Family Process Article Titles by Subject 109</p><p>2013, 52(1), 139-153 BRIAN D. DOSS, LISA A. BENSON, EMILY J. GEORGIA, ANDREW CHRISTENSEN</p><p>Trajectories of adjustment to Couple Relationship Separation 2013, 52(2), 228-243 W. KIM HALFORD & SUSIE SWEEPER</p><p>The Longitudinal Association of Marital Confidence, Time Spent Together, and Marital Satisfaction 2013, 52(2), 244-256 MATTHEW D. JOHNSON AND JARED R. ANDERSON</p><p>Relationship Quality, Commitment, and Stability in Long-Distance Relationships 2013, 52(2), 257-270 GRETCHEN KELMER, GALENA K. RHOADES, SCOTT STANLEY, HOWARD J. MARKMAN</p><p>Job Stress and Dyadic Synchrony in Police Marriages: A Preliminary Investigation 2013, 52(2), 271-283 NICOLE A. ROBERTS, RACHEL C. LEONARD, EMILY A. BUTLER, ROBERT W. LEVENSON, JONATHAN W. KANTER</p><p>Spouses’ Cortisol Associations and Moderators: Testing Psysiological Synchrony and Connectedness in Everyday Life 2013, 52(2), 284-298 LAUREN M. PAPP, PATRICIA PENDRY, CLARISSA D. SIMON, EMMA K. ADAM</p><p>The Influence of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Stress and Depressive Symptoms on Own and Partner’s Parent-Child Communication 2013, 52(2), 312-324 KOEN PONNET, EDWIN WOUTERS, DIMITRI MORTELMANS, INGE PASTEELS, CHAROLETTE DE BACKER, KARLA VAN LEEUWEN, ALAIN VAN HIEL</p><p>The Positive Aspects of being the Parent of an LGBTQ Child 2013, 52(2), 325-337 KIRSTEN A. GONZALEZ, SHARON S. ROSTOSKY, ROBERT D. ODOM, ELLEN D. B. RIGGLE</p><p>Donor, Dad, or…? Young Adults with Lesbian Parents’ Experiences with Known Donors 2013, 52(2), 338-350 ABBIE E. GOLDBERG AND KATHERINE R. ALLEN</p><p>Couples Therapy with Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors (CSA) and their Partners: Establishing a Context for Witnessing Family Process Article Titles by Subject 110</p><p>2013, 52(3), 368-377 RON NASIM, YOCHAY NADAN</p><p>Outcomes of an Intensive Couple Relationship Education Program with Fragile Families 2013, 52(3), 455-464 JASON L. WILDE, WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>Alliance and Group Cohesion in Relationship Education 2013, 52(3), 465-476 JESSE OWEN, BECKY ANTLE, ANITA BARBEE</p><p>Applying the Creating Lasting Family Connections Marriage Enhancement Program to Marriages Affected by Prison Reentry 2013, 52(3), 477-498 STEPHEN R. SHAMBLEN, BROOKE B. ARNOLD, PATRICK MCKIERNAN, DAVID A. COLLINS, TED N. STRADER</p><p>Asian Couples in Negotiation: A Mixed-Method Observational Study of Cultural Variations Across Five Asian Regions 2013, 52(3), 499-518 WAI-YUNG LEE, SHIN-ICHI NAKAMURA, MOON JA CHUNG, YOUNG JU CHUN, MENG FU, SHU-CHUAN LIANG, CUI-LIAN LIU</p><p>More than One Way to be Happy: A Typology of Marital Happiness 2013, 52(3), 519-534 AMY RAUER, BRENDA VOLLING</p><p>Linguistic Indicatos of Wives’ Attachment Security and Communal Orientation during Military Deployment 2013, 52(3), 535-554 JESSICA L. BORELLI, DAVID A. SBARRA, ASHLEY K. RANDALL, JONATHAN E. SNAVELY, HEATHER K. ST. JOHN, SARAH K RUIZ</p><p>Wives’ and Husbands’ Cortisol Reactivity to Proximal and Distal Dimensions of Couple Conflict 2013, 52(3), 555-569 AUBREY J. RODRIGUEZ, GAYLA MARGOLIN</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 111</p><p>Military Issues and PTSD</p><p>Family Structure and Treatment in the Military 1973, 12(2), 171-178 ALLEN FRANCES, LEONARD GALE</p><p>Sharing the Holocaust Experience: Communication Behaviors and Their Consequences in Families of Ex-Partisans and Ex-Prisoners of Concentration Camps 1985, 24(2), 273-280 SOPHIE VENAKI, ARIE NADLER, HADAS GERSHONI</p><p>"Detoxification" of Vietnam War Trauma: A Combined Family-Individual Approach 1986, 25(4), 559-570 ROBERT ROSENHECK, JANE THOMSON</p><p>Structure, Self-Regulating Sequences, and Institutional Third Parties in Therapy: The Veterans Administration as a Model 1987, 26(2), 223-233 JOSEPH FREY III, GREG SWANSON, MELVIN JACOB</p><p>Family Characteristics and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Follow-Up of Israeli Combat Stress Reaction Casualties 1987, 26(3), 383-394 ZAHAVA SOLOMON, MARIO MIKULINCER, BATIA FREID, YOHANAN WOSNER</p><p>Critical Interaction Therapy: Couples Therapy in Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 1995, 34(4), 401-412 DAVID READ JOHNSON, SUSAN FELDMAN, HADAR LUBIN</p><p>Coping with Stress in Families of Servicemen: Searching for "Win-Win" Solutions to a Conflict between the Family and the Military Organization 1996, 35(2), 211-225 HELENA SYNA DESIVILYA, REUVEN GAL</p><p>Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Psychological Distress, Personal Resources, and Quality of Life in Four Groups of Holocaust Child Survivors 2000, 39(4), 445-459 RACHEL LEV-WIESEL, MARIANNE AMIR</p><p>Family Consequences of Refugee Trauma Family Process Article Titles by Subject 112</p><p>2004, 43(2), 147-160 STEVAN WEINE, NERINA MUZUROVIC, YASMINA KULAUZOVIC, SANELA BESIC, ALMA LEZIC, AIDA MUJAGIC, JASMINA MUZUROVIC, DZEMILA SPAHOVIC, SUZANNE FETTHAM, NORMA WARE, KATHLEEN KNAFL, IVAN PAVKOVIC</p><p>Dissemination and Evaluation of Marriage Education in the Army 2005, 44(2), 187-201 SCOTT M. STANLEY, ELIZABETH S. ALLEN, HOWARD J. MARKMAN, CHRISTOPHER C. SAIZ, GLEN BLOOMSTROM, RONALS THOMAS, WALTER R. SCHUMM, ALBERT E. BAILEY</p><p>The Contribution of Loneliness and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder to Marital Adjustment Following War Captivity: A Longitudinal Study 2008, 47(2), 261-275 ZAHAVA SOLOMON, RACHEL DEKEL</p><p>On the Home Front: Stress for Recently Deployed Army Couples 2011, 50(2), 235-247 ELIZABETH S. ALLEN, GALENA K. RHOADES, SCOTT M. STANLEY, HOWARD J. MARKMAN</p><p>Producing Evidence of a Miracle: Exemplars of Therapy Conversation with a Survivor of Torture 2012, 51(1), 25-42 LAURIE E. CHARLES</p><p>Linguistic Indicatos of Wives’ Attachment Security and Communal Orientation during Military Deployment 2013, 52(3), 535-554 JESSICA L. BORELLI, DAVID A. SBARRA, ASHLEY K. RANDALL, JONATHAN E. SNAVELY, HEATHER K. ST. JOHN, SARAH K RUIZ</p><p>______</p><p>Motherhood</p><p>Single Mothers Raising Children with ‘Male-Positive’ Attitudes 2011, 50(1), 63-76 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, SHONDA M. CRAFT Family Process Article Titles by Subject 113</p><p>Coparenting Interventions for Fragile Families: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need To Go Next? 2012, 51(3), 284-306 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER, JESSICA PEARSON</p><p>Coparenting and Children’s School Readiness: A Mediational Model 2012, 51(3), 307-324 NATASHA J. CABRERA, MINDY SCOTT, JAY FAGAN, NICOLE STEWARD- STRENG, NICOLE CHIEN</p><p>Prenatal Representations of Coparenting among Unmarried First-Time African American Mothers 2012, 51(3), 360-375 VIKKI T. GASKIN-BUTLER, TINA ENGERT, MEREDITH MARKIEVITZ, CAMIELLE SWENSON, JAMES MCHALE</p><p>Maternal Psychological Absence and Toddlers’ Social-Emotional Development: Interpretations from the Perspective of Boundary Ambiguity Theory 2012, 51(4), 527-541 ERIKA L. BOCKNEK, HOLLY E. BROPHY-HERB, HIRAM FITZGERALD, KATHLEEN BURNS-JAGER, MARSHA T. CAROLAN</p><p>______</p><p>Opinion</p><p>Whither Family Therapy 1962, 1(1), 69-100 JAY HALEY</p><p>Discussion 1962, 1(1), 141-145 JERRY OSTERWEIL</p><p>Discussion 1962, 1(1), 146-152 JOSEPH H. HANDLON</p><p>A Re-Appraisal of Ibsen's "Ghosts" Family Process Article Titles by Subject 114</p><p>1963, 2(1), 81-94 DEREK RUSSELL DAVIS</p><p>Comment 1963, 2(1), 182-184 DON D. JACKSON</p><p>On Family Therapy 1963, 2(2), 280-287 WARREN M. BRODEY</p><p>Family Experiments: Some Alternative Hypotheses 1964, 3(1), 229-245</p><p>Metaphors and Relationships 1964, 3(2), 425-426 JOHN C. SONNE</p><p>COMMENT 1964, 3(2), 426-427</p><p>A Preliminary Report on Multiple Conjoint Family Therapy 1965, 4(2), 311-313</p><p>People's Imagery of Other Families 1967, 6(1), 27-36 JOHN E. MAYER</p><p>A Family Therapist Looks At "Little Hans" 1967, 6(2), 227-234 HERBERT S. STREAN</p><p>COMMENT : Family Group Therapy—A New Treatment Method for Children 1967, 6(2), 254-263 JOHN E. BELL</p><p>Family Therapy: A View 1969, 8(2), 280-318 CHRISTIAN BEELS, ANDREW FERBER</p><p>Discussion 1969, 8(2), 319-331</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE 1970, 9(4), 473-473 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 115</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE 1970, 9(4), 473-474</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE 1970, 9(4), 474-474</p><p>The Growing Edge of Family Therapy 1971, 10(2), 143-156 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>COMMENTARY 1971, 10(2), 207-210 OTTO ALLEN WILL JR.</p><p>COMMENTARY 1971, 10(2), 210-212 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>COMMENTARY BY CARL A. WHITAKER, M.D. : A LONGITUDINAL VIEW OF THERAPY STYLES WHERE N = 1 1972, 11(1), 13-15</p><p>COMMENTARY : A LONGITUDINAL VIEW OF THERAPY STYLES WHERE N = 1 1972, 11(2), 239-241 CARL A. WHITAKER</p><p>In Search of One's Past: An Identity Trip 1973, 12(4), 429-438 FERNANDO COLÓN</p><p>COMMENTARY BY EDGAR A. LEVENSON, M.D. 1974, 13(3), 376-384</p><p>2001: Controversy Continues 1974, 13(3), 395-396 LARRY L. CONSTANTINE</p><p>CHATTERJEE REPLIES 1974, 13(3), 397-398</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1975, 14(1), 107-110 D. A. B.</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT Family Process Article Titles by Subject 116</p><p>1975, 14(2), 269-273</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1975, 14(4), 579-583</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT : Chicago Family Institute: Medical Rapprochement 1976, 15(1), 167-170 D. A. B.</p><p>The Topsy-Turviness of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle: Its Symbolic Significance 1977, 16(1), 117-117 ARTHUR M. BODIN, LAURA J. BODIN</p><p>COMMENTARY 1977, 16(2), 164-168 CARL SALZMAN</p><p>COMMENTARY 1977, 16(2), 168-170 ALFRED S. FRIEDMAN</p><p>COMMENTARY 1977, 16(2), 170-173 JACK FRIEDMAN</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1977, 16(2), 247-249</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1977, 16(3), 363-368</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENTS : DSM III (Continued) 1977, 16(4), 511-516</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1978, 17(1), 99-105</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT 1978, 17(2), 239-246</p><p>Opening Comments 1978, 17(3), 287-288 BRAULIO MONTALVO</p><p>COMMENTS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 117</p><p>1978, 17(3), 353-354 RICHARD C. EVANS</p><p>REJOINDER : HEARD 1978, 17(3), 354-356</p><p>Confusions and Conclusions: A Response to Doane 1978, 17(3), 377-387 THEODORE JACOB, LINDA GROUNDS</p><p>Questions of Strategy: Rejoinder to Jacob and Grounds 1978, 17(3), 389-394 JERI A. DOANE</p><p>NOTES AND COMMENT : AAMFT; AFTA 1979, 18(1), 99-102</p><p>A Critique of the Wells and Dezen Review of the Results of Nonbehavioral Family Therapy 1980, 19(2), 169-176 M. DUNCAN STANTON, THOMAS C. TODD</p><p>Tempests, Teapots (and Research Design): Rejoinder to Stanton and Todd 1980, 19(2), 177-178 RICHARD A. WELLS</p><p>COMMENT 1981, 20(1), 42-44 EDGAR JESSEE, LUCIANO L'ABATE</p><p>COMMENT 1981, 20(1), 44-45 MARA SELVINI PALAZZOLLI</p><p>COMMENTS 1981, 20(1), 45-47 PAUL WATZLAWICK</p><p>COMMENTS 1981, 20(2), 241-244 NOLLAIG BYRNE</p><p>REJOINDER 1981, 20(2), 244-244 McGOLDRICK, PEARCE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 118</p><p>A Note on Spinoza's Contribution to Systemic Therapy 1982, 21(3), 353-357 SEBASTIAN KRAEMER</p><p>REPLY BY JACK SANTA-BARBARA, PH.D. 1983, 22(3), 338-339</p><p>Family Therapy — A Science or an Art? 1983, 22(4), 413-423 HELM STIERLIN</p><p>COMMENTARY 1983, 22(4), 438-440 RICHARD FISCH</p><p>RESISTANCE REVISITED: TALES OF MY DEATH HAVE BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED (MARK TWAIN) 1984, 23(1), 17-20 SUSAN STEWART, CAROL M. ANDERSON</p><p>POST-MORTEM: MARK TWAIN DID DIE IN 1910 1984, 23(1), 20-21 STEVE SHAZER</p><p>TASTY HORS D'OEUVRES? AND A PROMISE OF A BANQUET TO COME 1984, 23(2), 198-200 CAROLYN ATTNEAVE</p><p>A MENU NOTE ON THE CYBERNETIC NETWORK 1984, 23(2), 200-204 GERALD D. ERICKSON</p><p>DEAFNESS IN THE FAMILY: WILL THE THERAPIST LISTEN? 1984, 23(2), 214-216 SAMUEL SCOTT</p><p>REJOINDER TO SCOTT BY MICHAEL A. HARVEY 1984, 23(2), 216-221</p><p>REJOINDER 1984, 23(3), 334-335 CHARLES L. PROUDFIT</p><p>On "Naturalistic" Family Research Family Process Article Titles by Subject 119</p><p>1984, 23(3), 337-341 JANET BEAVIN BAVELAS</p><p>Commentary: Analogue Research and the Family Therapist 1984, 23(3), 341-345 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>REJOINDER BY JANET BEAVIN BAVELAS 1984, 23(3), 346-346</p><p>Family Organization as an Ecology of Ideas: An Alternative to the Reification of Family Systems 1984, 23(3), 375-388 JEFFREY L. BOGDAN</p><p>Commentary: A Family is a Family is a Family 1984, 23(3), 389-395 DANIEL R. MILLER</p><p>REJOINDER: PERSON TO PERSON 1984, 23(3), 395-399 JEFFREY L. BOGDAN</p><p>Comments on Terkelsen's "Schizophrenia and the Family: II. Adverse Effects of Family Therapy" 1984, 23(3), 421-424 HENRY GRUNEBAUM</p><p>RESPONSE 1984, 23(3), 425-428 KENNETH G. TERKELSEN</p><p>COMMENTARY: BUT WHAT ABOUT MOUNTAINOUS SEAS? 1984, 23(3), 517-518 PAUL WATZLAWICK</p><p>REJOINDER: MOUNTAINOUS SEAS ARE ALSO WET 1984, 23(3), 518-520 BEBE SPEED</p><p>The Single-Parent Family: An Author's Reflection 1984, 23(4), 571-576 ANITA MORAWETZ Family Process Article Titles by Subject 120</p><p>REJOINDER: COUNTERPERSPECTIVES ON FAMILY MEASUREMENT: CLARIFYING THE PRAGMATIC INTERPRETATION OF RESEARCH METHODS 1985, 24(2), 207-211 ANN SIGAFOOS, DAVID REISS</p><p>Commentary: The Social Construction of Reality—The Passion Within us all 1985, 24(2), 254-257 DAVID REISS</p><p>REJOINDER: THE CLINICIAN VERSUS THE STATISTICIAN 1985, 24(3), 380-383 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>COMMENTARY: THE BEAVERS SYSTEMS APPROACH TO FAMILY ASSESSMENT 1985, 24(3), 398-405 W. Robert Beavers, Robert B. Hampson, Yosef F. Hulgus</p><p>REJOINDER: EXTENDING THE DIALOGUE AND THE ORIGINAL STUDY 1985, 24(3), 405-408 ROBERT G. GREEN, MICHAEL S. KOLEVZON, NANCY R. VOSLER</p><p>REJOINDER: LOOKING HIGH AND LOW 1985, 24(4), 457-460 ROBERT J. WENDORF, DONALD J. WENDORF</p><p>Rejoinder: On Contradiction 1985, 24(4), 521-524 BARBARA S. HELD, EDWARD POLS</p><p>A Tower of Babble: The Sociology of Body and Mind 1986, 25(1), 153-163 RICHARD RABKIN</p><p>Discussions: The Procrustean Bed 1986, 25(2), 301-304 BETTY CARTER, PEGGY PAPP, OLGA SILVERSTEIN, MARIANNE WALTERS</p><p>Procrustes Was Himself Tortured: A Reply to "The Procrustean Bed" 1986, 25(2), 305-308 PAMELA C. ALEXANDER</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Response to "The Problem of Gender in Family Therapy Theory" Family Process Article Titles by Subject 121</p><p>1987, 26(1), 29-31 E. H. AUERSWALD</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Rejoinder: Theory and Transformation 1987, 26(1), 32-33 RACHEL T. HARE-MUSTIN</p><p>Relational Ethics in the Novels of Charles Williams 1987, 26(2), 283-294 HENDRIKA KEMP</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Bird Talk, Sacred Talk, Criminal Talk: On Jargon 1987, 26(3), 395-395 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Jargon, Ambiguity, Pomposity, and other Pests 1987, 26(3), 396-397 BRYAN LASK</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Listen, Youse Guys, Languich ain't no Kleenex! 1987, 26(3), 397-398 PAUL WATZLAWICK</p><p>Commentary: comparing the beavers and circumplex models of family functioning 1988, 27(1), 85-92 ROBERT B. HAMPSON, ROBERT W. BEAVERS, YOSAF F. HULGUS</p><p>Meta-commentary: on synthesis and fractionation in family theory and research 1988, 27(1), 92-96 CAMERON LEE</p><p>The Limits of Explanation and Evaluation 1990, 29(2), 164-167 BRENT J. ATKINSON, ANTHONY W. HEATH</p><p>Six Characters in Search of an Author: A Constructivist View 1990, 29(3), 297-308 SCOTT JOHNSON</p><p>COMMENTARY: INTEGRATION OF PHARMACOTHERAPY AND A PSYCHIATRIC PERSPECTIVE 1992, 31(2), 114-116 STUART M. SOTSKY</p><p>COMMENTARY: CULTURE AND PSYCHOTHERAPY INTEGRATION Family Process Article Titles by Subject 122</p><p>1992, 31(2), 116-118 WILLIAM M. PINSOF</p><p>Hierarchy Again: On Accepting Limitations 1994, 33(1), 101-103 GEORGE M. SIMON</p><p>COMMENTARY : Curvilinearity Survives: The World Is Not Flat 1994, 33(4), 471-478 DAVID H. OLSON</p><p>REJOINDER : Superstition Also Survives: Seeing Is Not Always Believing 1994, 33(4), 479-482 RICHARD B. CLUFF, MARY W. HICKS</p><p>The Nomothetic-Idiographic Debate in Family Therapy 1995, 34(1), 113-121 PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>COMMENTARY : Medical Family Therapy with Somaticizing Patients: The Co- Creation of Therapeutic Stories 1995, 34(3), 349-361 SUSAN H. McDANIEL, JERI HEPWORTH, WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>"Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device," by Ridenour, Daley, & Reich 2000, 39(1), 141-144 IVAN W. MILLER, CHRISTINE E. RYAN, GABOR I. KEITNER, DUANE S. BISHOP, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN</p><p>"Lesbians, Gay Men, and Their Parents": A Critique of LaSala and the Prevailing Clinical "Wisdom" 2000, 39(2), 257-266 ROBERT-JAY GREEN</p><p>Myths About "Not-Knowing" 2005, 44(4), 497-504 HARLENE ANDERSON</p><p>The Last Will and Testament in Literature: Rupture, Rivalry, and Sometimes Rapprochement from Middlemarch to Lemony Snicket 2008, 47(4), 425-439 ELIZABETH STONE</p><p>Thoughts on the Importance of Wills in Family Relationships: A Clinical Response to Elizabeth Stone Family Process Article Titles by Subject 123</p><p>2008, 47(4), 441-444 MONICA McGOLDRICK</p><p>______</p><p>Paradox</p><p>The Greek Chorus and Other Techniques of Paradoxical Therapy 1980, 19(1), 45-57 PEGGY PAPP</p><p>The Use of Paradox With Children in an Inpatient Treatment Setting 1980, 19(1), 59-64 ED JESSEE, LUCIANO L'ABATE</p><p>The Use of Paradox in a Community Home for the Chronically Disturbed and Retarded 1980, 19(1), 65-71 JOEL S. BERGMAN</p><p>Protection, Paradox, and Pretending 1980, 19(1), 73-85 CLOE MADANES</p><p>Some Irreverent Thoughts on Paradox 1981, 20(1), 37-42 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>MORE THOUGHTS ON PARADOX: REJOINDER BY DELL 1981, 20(1), 47-51 DELL</p><p>Paradox as Epistemological Jump 1982, 21(1), 85-90 ROBERT L. ROSENBAUM</p><p>Paradoxes, Double Binds, and Reflexive Loops: An Alternative Theoretical Perspective 1982, 21(1), 91-112 VERNON E. CRONEN, KENNETH M. JOHNSON, JOHN W. LANNAMANN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 124</p><p>Prescribing Family Criticism as a Paradoxical Intervention 1983, 22(4), 517-522 JOEL S. BERGMAN</p><p>Fusion, Compression, Diversion, and the Workings of Paradox: A Theory of Therapeutic/Systemic Change 1984, 23(2), 135-167 M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>Paradox and Polarity: The Tao of Family Therapy 1985, 24(2), 165-174 JOHN R. JORDAN</p><p>Why Do We Still Call Them "Paradoxes" 1986, 25(2), 223-234 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>Love and Violence: Gender Paradoxes in Volatile Attachments 1990, 29(4), 343-364 VIRGINIA GOLDNER, PEGGY PENN, MARCIA SHEINBERG, GILLIAN WALKER</p><p>______</p><p>Parenting</p><p>Single Mothers Raising Children with ‘Male-Positive’ Attitudes 2011, 50(1), 63-76 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, SHONDA M. CRAFT</p><p>‘Hay Que Ponerse en los Zapatos del Joven’: Adaptive Parenting of Adolescent Children Among Mexican-American Parents Residing in a Dangerous Neighborhood 2011, 50(1), 92-114 MICHELLE CRUZ-SANTIAGO, JORGE I RAMÍREZ GARCÍA</p><p>The Development of Relational Competence Among Young High-Risk Fathers Across the Transition to Parenthood 2011, 50(2), 184-202 LE NGU, PAUL FLORSHEIM Family Process Article Titles by Subject 125</p><p>Providing Therapy to Children and Families in Foster Care: A Systemic-Relational Approach 2011, 50(4), 436-452 CATHERINE LEWIS</p><p>Between Pink and Blue: A Multi-Demensional Family Approach to Gender Nonconforming Children and Their Families 2011, 50(4), 453-470 JEAN MALPAS</p><p>Culturally Adapting an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention for Latino Immigrants: The Need to Integrate Fidelity and Cultural Relevance 2012, 51(1), 56-72 JOSE RUBEN PARRA CARDONA, MELANIE DOMENECH-RODRIGUEZ, MARION FORGATCH, CRIS SULLIVAN, DEBORAH BYBEE, KENDAL HOLTROP, ANA ROCIO ESCOBAR-CHEW, LISA TAMS, BRIAN DATES, GUILLERMO BERNAL</p><p>Parenting as Relationship: A Framework for Assessment and Practice 2012, 51(1), 73-89 AMY R. TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, LANA KIM</p><p>Parent Training in Nonviolent Resistance for Adult Entitled Dependence 2012, 51(1), 90-106 ELI LEBOWITZ, DAN DOLBERGER, EFI NORTOV, HAIM OMER</p><p>Adding a Baby to the Equation. Married and Cohabiting Women’s Relationship Satisfaction in the Transition to Parenthood 2012, 51(1), 122-139 OYSTEIN MORTENSEN, TORBJORN TORSHEIM, OLE MELKEVIK, FRODE THUEN</p><p>Couples’ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate Within Mexican American Families 2012, 51(2), 218-233 MARCELA SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, AURELIO J. FIGUEREDO, DONNA H. CHRISTENSEN, ANGELA R. TAYLOR </p><p>A Narrative Evaluation of a Psychoeduation and a Therapeutic Alliance Intervention for Parents of Persons with a Severe Mental Illness 2012, 51(2), 265-280 ITAMAR LEVY-FRANK, ILANIT HASSON-OHAYON, SHLOMO KRAVETZ, DAVID ROE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 126</p><p>Coparenting Interventions for Fragile Families: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need To Go Next? 2012, 51(3), 284-306 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER, JESSICA PEARSON</p><p>Coparenting and Children’s School Readiness: A Mediational Model 2012, 51(3), 307-324 NATASHA J. CABRERA, MINDY SCOTT, JAY FAGAN, NICOLE STEWARD- STRENG, NICOLE CHIEN</p><p>Low-Income Mothers as ‘Othermothers’ to Their Romantic Partners’ Children; Women’s Coparenting in Multiple Partner Fertility Relationships 2012, 51(3), 343-359 LINDA M. BURTON, CECILY R. HARDAWAY</p><p>Prenatal Representations of Coparenting among Unmarried First-Time African American Mothers 2012, 51(3), 360-375 VIKKI T. GASKIN-BUTLER, TINA ENGERT, MEREDITH MARKIEVITZ, CAMIELLE SWENSON, JAMES MCHALE</p><p>The Effects of Parental Education and Family Income on Mother-Child Relationships, Father-Child Relationships, and Family Environments in the People’s Republic of China 2012, 51(4), 483-497 XIAO ZHANG</p><p>Couple Relationship Education at the Transition to Parenthood: A Window of Opportunity to Reach High-Risk Couples 2012, 51(4), 498-511 JEMIMA PETCH, W. KIM HALFORD, DEBRA K. CREEDY, JENNY GAMBLE</p><p>Implementation of Parent Management Training-Oregon Model (PMTOtm) in Iceland: Building Sustained Fidelity 2013, 52(2), 216-227 MARGRET SIGMARSDOTTIR & EDDA VIKAR GUOMUNDSDITTIR</p><p>Burden, Interdependence, Ethnicity, and Mental Health in Cargivers of Patients with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(2), 299-311 GIULIA SURO & AMY G. WEISMAN de MAMANI</p><p>The Influence of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Stress and Depressive Symptoms on Own and Partner’s Parent-Child Communication 2013, 52(2), 312-324 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 127</p><p>KOEN PONNET, EDWIN WOUTERS, DIMITRI MORTELMANS, INGE PASTEELS, CHAROLETTE DE BACKER, KARLA VAN LEEUWEN, ALAIN VAN HIEL</p><p>The Positive Aspects of being the Parent of an LGBTQ Child 2013, 52(2), 325-337 KIRSTEN A. GONZALEZ, SHARON S. ROSTOSKY, ROBERT D. ODOM, ELLEN D. B. RIGGLE</p><p>Donor, Dad, or…? Young Adults with Lesbian Parents’ Experiences with Known Donors 2013, 52(2), 338-350 ABBIE E. GOLDBERG AND KATHERINE R. ALLEN</p><p>A Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Stepping Stones Triple P: A Mixed- Disability Trial 2013, 52(3), 411-424 GEMMA ROUX, KATE SOFRONOFF, MATTHEW SANDERS</p><p>A Review of the Nurtured Heart Approach to Parenting: Evaluation of its Theoretical and Empirical Foundations 2013, 52(3), 425-439 JOEL M. HEKTNER, ALISON BRENNAN, SEAN E. BROTHERSON</p><p>Father Enrollment and Participation in a Parenting Intervention: Personal and Contextual Predictors 2013, 52(3), 440-454 JESSIE J. WONG, DANIELLE S. ROUBINOV, NANCY A. GONZALES, LARRY E. DUMKA, ROGER E. MILLSAP</p><p>Father Involvement in a Refugee Sample: Relations between Posttraumatic Stress and Caregiving 2013, 52(4), 723-735 ELISA VAN EE, MARIEKE SLEIJPEN, ROLF J. KLEBER, MARIAN J. JONGMANS</p><p>______</p><p>Psychotherapy</p><p>Multiple Impact Psychotherapy with Families Family Process Article Titles by Subject 128</p><p>1962, 1(1), 15-29 ROBERT MACGREGOR </p><p>Family Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: The Implications of Difference 1962, 1(1), 30-43 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>Psychotherapy of Marital Couples 1963, 2(1), 25-33 EDWARD J. CARROLL, C. GLENN CAMBOR, JAY V. LEOPOLD, MILES D. MILLER, WALTER J. REIS</p><p>Changes in Family Equilibrium During Psychotherapy 1963, 2(2), 245-264 PAUL H. GLASSER</p><p>On the Pathology of Silencing Strategies 1965, 4(1), 32-49 GERALD H. ZUK</p><p>Family Teamwork and Psychotherapy 1966, 5(1), 49-59 DANIEL R. MILLER, JACK C. WESTMAN</p><p>The Family Therapy Situation Therapy Situation as a System 1966, 5(2)I, 131-141 ANDREW E. CURRY</p><p>Integrated Individual and Family Psychotherapy 1966, 5(2), 179-198 ISRAEL W. CHARNY</p><p>Experiential Psychotherapy with Families 1988, 7(1), 88-99 WALTER KEMPLER</p><p>Family Psychotherapy Today 1970, 9(2), 123-126 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>The Future of Family Therapy 1970, 9(2), 127-141 JOHN ELDERKIN BELL</p><p>Psychotherapy of the Absurd: With a Special Emphasis on the Psychotherapy of Aggression Family Process Article Titles by Subject 129</p><p>1975, 14(1), 1-16 CARL A. WHITAKER</p><p>A Bibliography of Paradoxical Methods in Psychotherapy of Family Systems 1988, 17(1), 95-98 GERALD WEEKS, LUCIANO L'ABATE</p><p>A Universe of Stories 1991, 30(1), 37-54 ALAN PARRY</p><p>Believing in Make-Believe: Looking at Theater as a Metaphor for Psychotherapy 1997, 36(2), 151-169 TERRY MacCORMACK</p><p>Psychotherapy as a Rite of Passage 2007, 46(4), 421-436 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>A Fugue in Four Voices: Sounding Themes and Variations on the Reflecting Team 2011, 50(1), 115-128 JIM SPARKS, JANE ARIEL, ELLEN PULLEYBLANK, SAMUEL TABACHNIK</p><p>Couple Therapy Research and the Practice of Couple Therapy: Can We Talk? 2011, 50(3), 280-292 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy I: Core Concepts and Hypothersizing 2011, 50(3), 293-313 DOUGLAS C. BREUNLIN, WILLIAM PINSOF, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL</p><p>Integrative Problem-Centered Metaframeworks Therapy II: Planning, Conversing, and Reading Feedback 2011, 50(3), 314-336 WILLIAM PINSOF, DOUGLAS BREUNLIN, WILLIAM P. RUSSELL, JAY LEBOW</p><p>Guidelines for Classifying Evidence-Based Treatments in Couple and Family Therapy 2011, 50(3), 377-392 THOMAS SEXTON, KRISTINA COOP GORDON, ALAN GURMAN, JAY LEBOW, AMY HOLTZWORTH-MUNROE, SUSAN JOHNSON</p><p>Multiple Family Groups for Adult Cancer Survivors and Their Families: A 1-Day Workshop Model 2011, 50(3), 393-409 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 130</p><p>PETER STEINGLASS, JAMIE S. OSTROFF, ABBE STAHL STEINGLASS</p><p>Exposing Operations of Power in Supervisory Relationships 2011, 50(4), 503-515 LAURIE MARKHAM, JANE CHIU</p><p>A Socio-Emotional Relational Framework for Infidelity: The Relational Justice Approach 2011, 50(4), 516-528 KIRSTEE WILLIAMS</p><p>Insider Knowledge 2011, 50(4), 561-566 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>Collaborative Relationships and Dialogic Conversations: Ideas for a Relationally Responsive Practice 2012, 51(1), 8-24 HARLENE ANDERSON</p><p>Producing Evidence of a Miracle: Exemplars of Therapy Conversation with a Survivor of Torture 2012, 51(1), 25-42 LAURIE E. CHARLES</p><p>Scaffolding a Community of Competent Practitioners: Positioning and Agency in a Training Program for Narrative Counseling 2012, 51(1), 43-55 HELEN GREMILLION, AILEEN CHESHIRE, DOROTHEA LEWIS</p><p>Parent Training in Nonviolent Resistance for Adult Entitled Dependence 2012, 51(1), 90-106 ELI LEBOWITZ, DAN DOLBERGER, EFI NORTOV, HAIM OMER</p><p>We-Talk, Communal Coping, and Cessation Success in Couple-Focused Intervention for Health-Compromised Smokers 2012, 51(1), 107-121 MICHAEL J. ROHRBAUGH, VARDA SHOHAM, JANE A. SKOYEN, MICHAELINE JENSEN, MATTHIAS R. MEHL</p><p>Adding a Baby to the Equation. Married and Cohabiting Women’s Relationship Satisfaction in the Transition to Parenthood 2012, 51(1), 122-139 OYSTEIN MORTENSEN, TORBJORN TORSHEIM, OLE MELKEVIK, FRODE THUEN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 131</p><p>Speaking of Privilege: Family Therapy Educators’ Journeys toward Awareness and Compassionate Action 2012, 51(2), 163-178 PILAR HERNANDEZ-WOLFE, TERESA McDOWELL</p><p>Walking in Sacred Spaces in the Therapeutic Bond: Therapists’ Experiences of Compassion Satisfaction Coupled with the Potential for Vicarious Traumatization 2012, 51(2), 179-192 SALLY V. HUNTER</p><p>Caregivers, Young People with Complex Needs, and Multiple Service Providers: A Study of Triangulated Relationships 2012, 51(2), 193-206 MICHAEL UNGAR, LINDA LIEBENBERG, NICOLE LANDRY, JANICE IKEDA</p><p>The Family Empowerment Program: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Working with Multi-Stressed Urban Families 2012, 51(2), 207-217 ELIZABETH N. CLEEK, MATT WOFSY, NANCY BOYD-FRANKLIN, BRIAN MUNDY, TAMIKA J. HOWELL LCSW</p><p>Couples’ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate Within Mexican American Families 2012, 51(2), 218-233 MARCELA SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, AURELIO J. FIGUEREDO, DONNA H. CHRISTENSEN, ANGELA R. TAYLOR </p><p>Voices of Dialogue and Directivity in Family Therapy with Refugees: Evolving Ideas about Dialogical Refugee Care 2012, 51(3), 391-404 LUCIA HAENE, PETER ROBER, PETER ADRIAENSSENS, KARINE VERCHUEREN</p><p>The Golden Pig, Reflections as Ancestral Blessings: The Reflecting Process in Teaching Family Therapy 2012, 51(3), 405-419 JUDITH DAVIS</p><p>The Shift from Monologue to Dialogue in a Couple Therapy Session: Dialogical Investigation of Change from the Therapists’ Point of View 2012, 51(3), 420-435 MARY E. OLSON, AARNO LAITILA, PETER ROBER, JAAKKO SEIKKULA</p><p>The Myth of Closure 2012, 51(4), 456-469 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 132</p><p>PAULINE BOSS, DONNA CARNES</p><p>Beyond Acculturation: An Investigation of the Relationship of Familism and Parenting to Behavior Problems in Hispanic Youth 2012, 51(4), 470-484 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, ERVIN BRIONES, WILLIAM KURTINES, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement (BARE) Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attahcment Behavior in Couple Relationships 2012, 51(4), 512-526 JONATHAN G. SANDBERG, DEAN M. BUSBY, SUSAN M. JOHNSON, KEITARO YOSHIDA</p><p>Breaking the Mold: Sculpting Impasses in Couples’ Therapy 2013, 52(1), 33-45 PEGGY PAPP, MICHELE SCHEINKMAN, JEAN MALPAS</p><p>Process Research on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples: Linking Theory and Practice 2013, 52(1), 46-61 PAUL S. GREENMAN & SUSAN M. JOHNSON</p><p>Patriarchy, Power, and Privilege: A Narrative / Poststructural View of Work with Couples 2013, 52(1), 102-114</p><p>Behavioral Couple Therapy: Building a Secure Base for Therapeutic Integration 2013, 52(1), 115-138 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Translation of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy to a Web-based Intervention 2013, 52(1), 139-153 BRIAN D. DOSS, LISA A. BENSON, EMILY J. GEORGIA, ANDREW CHRISTENSEN</p><p>Breaking the Links in Intergenerational Violence: An Emotional Regulation Perspective 2013, 52(2), 163-178 JUDITH P. SIEGEL</p><p>Couples Therapy with Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors (CSA) and their Partners: Establishing a Context for Witnessing 2013, 52(3), 368-377 RON NASIM, YOCHAY NADAN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 133</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Childhood and Adolescent Externalizing Disorders: A Systematic Review of 47 RCT 2013, 52(4), 576-618 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy for Internalizing and Other Disorders of Childhood and Adolscence: A Systematic Review of 38 Randomized Trials 2013, 52(4), 619-652 KIRSTEN VON SYNDOW, RUEDIGER RETZLAFF, STEFAN BEHER, MARKUS W. HAUN, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER</p><p>A Critical Methodological Review of Discourse and Conversation Analysis Studies in Family Therapy 2013, 52(4), 653-672 ELEFTHERIA TSELIOU</p><p>A Development of a Children’s Version of the SCORE Index of Family Function and Change 2013, 52(4), 673-684 TOM JEWELL, ALAN CARR, PETER STRATTON, JUDITH LASK, IVAN EISLER</p><p>______</p><p>Psychiatry</p><p>Thinking About the Family—Psychiatric Aspects 1964, 3(1), 1-40 W. W. MEISSNER</p><p>Collaboration of Psychiatrist and Clergyman: A Case Report : The Psychiatrist's Viewpoint 1964, 3(2), 251-262 MAXWELL BOVERMAN</p><p>Family Functioning and Mental Illness: A Comparison of Psychiatric and Nonclinical Families 1997, 36(4), 357-367 MICHAEL S. FRIEDMANN, WILSON H. McDERMUT, DAVID A. SOLOMON, CHRISTINE E. RYAN, GABOR I. KEITNER, IVAN W. MILLER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 134</p><p>The Art of Recruitment: The Foundation of Family and Linkage Studies of Psychiatric Illness 1998, 37(2), 153-165 KATHLEEN A. BONVICINI</p><p>Hospital-Treated Psychiatric Disorders in Adults with a Single-Parent and Two- Parent Family Background: A 28-Year Follow-up of the 1966 Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1998, 37(3), 335-344 TARU MÄKIKYRÖ, ANU SAUVOLA, JUHA MORING, JUHA VEIJOLA, PENTTI NIEMINEN, MARJO-RIITTA JÄRVELIN, MATTI ISOHANNI</p><p>Disruption and Reconstruction: Narrative Insights into the Experience of Family Members Caring for a Relative Diagnosed with Serious Mental Illness 1999, 38(3), 353-369 SERGIO STERN, MOIRA DOOLAN, EMMA STAPLES, GEORGE L. SZMUKLER, IVAN EISLER</p><p>The Impact of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Family System Relationship on Problems Identified by Families Coping with a Mentally Ill Member 2001, 40(2), 199-209 DAVID E. POLLIO, CAROL S. NORTH, VICTORIA OSBORNE, NATASHA KAP, DOUGLAS A. FOSTER</p><p>The Open Dialogue Approach to Acute Psychosis: Its Poetics and Micropolitics 2003, 42(3), 403-418 JAAKKO SEIKKULA, MARY E. OLSON</p><p>Provider Contact with Families of Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Taking a Closer Look 2004, 43(2), 209-216 Tina Marshall, Phyllis Solomon</p><p>Fabricated Illness: Working within the Family System to Find a Pathway to Health 2012, 50(4), 570-587 KASIA KOZLOWSKA, SUE FOLEY, BLANCHE SAVAGE</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 135</p><p>Religion and Spirituality</p><p>The Pastor's Viewpoint 1964, 3(2), 262-272 JAMES R. ADAMS</p><p>Family Therapy or Religion: A Rereading of T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party 1970, 9(3), 279-296 FRED M. SANDER </p><p>Employing the God-Family Relationship in Therapy with Religious Families 1986, 25(4), 609-618 JAMES L. GRIFFITH</p><p>Therapists Ratings of Fundamentalist and Nonfundamentalist Families in Therapy: An Empirical Comparison 1992, 31(2), 175-185 ROY T. DENTON, MARTHA J. DENTON</p><p>The Divine Triangle: God in the Marital System of Religious Couples 1994, 33(3), 277-286 MARK H. BUTLER, JAMES M. HARPER</p><p>Rethinking Boundary Ambiguity from an Ecological Perspective: Stress in Protestant Clergy Families 1995, 34(1), 75-86 CAMERON LEE</p><p>Not Just a Time-Out: Change Dynamics of Prayer for Religious Couples in Conflict Situations 1998, 37(4), 451-478 MARK H. BUTLER, BRANDT C. GARDNER, MARK H. BIRD</p><p>Roman Catholic Couples: Wrath and Religion 2001, 40(3), 343-360 ROBERT MARSH, RUDI DALLOS</p><p>Connections and Themes of Spirituality in Family Therapy 2001, 40(4), 459-467 MARK RIVETT, EDDY STREET</p><p>Lived Religion and Family Therapy: What Does Spirituality Have to Do with It? 2003, 42(1), 165-179 RICHARD WENDEL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 136</p><p>A Wake Up Call: Comment on "Lived Religion and Family Therapy" 2003, 42(1), 181-183 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>Sacred Practices in Highly Religious Families: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim Perspectives 2004, 43(2), 217-231 LOREN MARKS</p><p>Late Adolescent Perceptions of Parent Religiosity and Parenting Processes 2004, 43(4), 489-502 J. BLAKE SNIDER, ANDREA CLEMENTS, ALEXANDER T. VAZSONYI</p><p>An Exploration of Lived Religion in Same-Sex Couples from Judeo-Christian Traditions 2008,47(3), 389-403 SHARON SCALES ROSTOSKY, ELLEN D. B. RIGGLE, CAROLYN BRODNICKI, AMBER OLSON</p><p>Spiritual Diversity: Multifaith Perspectives in Family Therapy 2010, 49(3), 330-348 FROMA WALSH</p><p>______</p><p>Research</p><p>Family Therapy as a Research Arena 1962, 1(1), 63-68 JOHN H. WEAKLAND</p><p>Family Experiments: A New Type of Experimentation 1962, 1(2), 265-293 JAY HALEY</p><p>The Family Rorschach: A New Method for Studying Family Interaction 1963, 2(2), 187-215 NATHENE T. LOVELAND, LYMAN C. WYNNE, MARGARET T. SINGER</p><p>Application of the Kaiser Method to Marital Pairs Family Process Article Titles by Subject 137</p><p>1963, 2(2), 265-279 HOWARD E. MITCHELL</p><p>Supplementary Methods in Family Research 1963, 2(2), 357-366 GEORGE LEVINGER</p><p>Two Methods of Analysis of Family Diagnostic Data 1963, 2(2), 367-379 ROBERT J. DRECHSLER, MARVIN I. SHAPIRO</p><p>Research on Family Patterns An Instrument Measurement 1964, 3(1), 41-65 JAY HALEY</p><p>Collaborative and Conjoint Therapy Combined 1964, 3(1), 90-98 RICHARD GREEN</p><p>Family Therapy—Some Observations And Comparisons 1964, 3(1), 178-185 EDWARD J. CARROLL</p><p>Methodological Issues in Family Development Research 1964, 3(1), 186-206 REUBEN HILL</p><p>Reliability of Maternal Retrospection: Preliminary Report 1964, 3(1), 207-218 MARIAN RADKE YARROW, JOHN D. CAMPBELL, ROGER V. BURTON</p><p>The Process of Humanizing Physiological Man 1964, 3(2), 280-301 EDWARD A. TYLER</p><p>Research on Socialization in Norway 1964, 3(2), 302-322 ERIK GRÖNSETH</p><p>An Application of the Rorschach Test in Family Investigation 1964, 3(2), 344-376 JOSHUA LEVY, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN</p><p>The Study of the Family 1965, 4(1), 1-20 DON D. JACKSON Family Process Article Titles by Subject 138</p><p>The Patient's Family: Research Methods 1965, 4(1), 105-132 LESLIE Y. RABKIN</p><p>A New Strategy for Treating Disintegrating Families 1966, 5(1), 1-20 JUDAH LANDES, WILLIAM WINTER</p><p>Two Replications of Color Matching Factors 1966, 5(1), 43-48 ROBERT G. RYDER</p><p>Some Interactional Variables In Normal and Abnormal Families 1966, 5(1), 60-75 ANTONIO J. FERREIRA, WILLIAM D. WINTER, EDWARD J. POINDEXTER</p><p>A Structured Family Interview 1966, 5(2), 156-271 PAUL WATZLAWICK</p><p>Types of Family and Family Types 1968, 7(1), 51-66 J. S. B. LINDSAY</p><p>Joint Rorschach Testing of Partner Relationships 1969, 8(1), 64-78 JÜRG WILLI</p><p>Network Therapy—A Developing Concept 1969, 8(2), 182-191 ROSS V. SPECK, URI RUEVENI</p><p>Sequential Patterning in Family Interaction: A Methodological Note 1970, 9(2), 211-220 NANCY E. WAXLER, ELLIOT G. MISHLER</p><p>Research on Family Interaction I: Static and Dynamic Models 1970, 9(2), 221-232 WILLIAM R. TAYLOR</p><p>A System of Notation of Dyadic Interaction 1970, 9(3), 297-300 ROBERT A. RAVICH</p><p>A Four-Day Diagnostic-Therapeutic Home Visit in Turkey Family Process Article Titles by Subject 139</p><p>1970, 9(3) 301-331 RICHARD A. GARDNER</p><p>Varieties of Consensual Experience : I. A Theory for Relating Family Interaction to Individual Thinking 1971, 10(1), 1-28</p><p>Varieties of Consensual Experience : II. Dimensions of a Family's Experience of Its Environment 1971, 10(1), 28-35</p><p>Group and Multilateral Marriage: Definitional Notes, Glossary, and Annotated Bibliography 1971, 10(2), 157-176 LARRY L. CONSTANTINE, JOAN M. CONSTANTINE</p><p>The Birthday Party: An Experiment in Obtaining Change in One's Own Extended Family 1971, 10(3), 345-359 RABBI EDWIN H. FRIEDMAN</p><p>Sculpting the Family 1972, 11(1), 49-57 ROBERT M. SIMON</p><p>The Self-Report Questionnaire as a Change Agent In Family Therapy 1972, 11(1), 95-105 JAY MANN, SHELDON STARR</p><p>The Results of Family Therapy: A Critical Review of the Literature 1972, 11(2), 189-207 RICHARD A. WELLS, THOMAS C. DILKES, NINA TRIVELLI</p><p>Patterns of Response to Out-of-focus Slides of Families with an Emotionally Disturbed Member 1972, 11(3), 339-346 VIVIAN RAKOFF, ANN ROSE</p><p>AN EVALUATIVE REVIEW OF FAMILY INTERACTION RESEARCH 1972, 11(4), 365-455 JULES RISKIN, ELAINE E. FAUNCE</p><p>Ecologically Oriented Family Intervention 1972, 11(4), 499-505 FORTUNE V. MANNINO, MILTON F. SHORE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 140</p><p>A Developmental, Conceptual Premise for Family Therapy 1973, 12(2), 179-188 MICHAEL A. SOLOMON</p><p>Family Sculpting in Preventive Work with "Well Families" 1973, 12(2), 197-212 PEGGY PAPP, OLGA SILVERSTEIN, ELIZABETH CARTER</p><p>Family Dinner Time as a Unique Behavior Habitat 1973, 12(3), 291-301 CECILY A. DREYER, ALBERT S. DREYER</p><p>Family Unit Therapy and the Science and Typology of Family Systems 1973, 12(4), 361-376 ELEANOR S. WERTHEIM</p><p>Family Interaction as a Function of Experimental Task 1973, 12(4), 415-427 THEODORE JACOB, JOHN DAVIS</p><p>Family Drawings as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technique 1973, 12(4), 439, 460 CLAIRE SHERR, HENRY HICKS</p><p>Transactional and Contextual Invalidation between the Parents of Disturbed Families: A Comparative Study 1974, 13(1), 53-76 SUSANA ALICIA HASSAN</p><p>The Structure of the Ravich Interpersonal Game/Test 1974, 13(2), 169-183 BERNARD LIEBOWITZ, MICHAEL BLACK</p><p>Use of Self: A Brief Report 1974, 13(2), 201-206 DAVID V. KEITH</p><p>"All in the Family" as a Mirror of Contemporary American Culture 1974, 13(3), 279-315 HOWARD F. STEIN</p><p>Family Admission Decisions As a Therapeutic Tool 1974, 13(4), 443-459 JOHN BYNG-HALL, PETER BRUGGEN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 141</p><p>Freud's "A Case of Successful Treatment by Hypnotism (1892–1893)": An Uncommon Therapy? 1974, 13(4), 461-468 FRED M. SANDER</p><p>A Mother-Instruction Program: Analysis of Intervention Procedures 1975, 14(2), 205-221 BETTY N. GORDON, KATE L. KOGAN</p><p>The Ravich Interpersonal Game/Test: Comments on Liebowitz and Black's Paper 1975, 14(2), 263-267 ROBERT A. RAVICH</p><p>A Tribute to Two Masters 1975, 14(3), 379-388 GERARD LENTHALL</p><p>An Application of Balance Theory to Family Treatment 1975, 4(4), 469-479 CARL I. COHEN, JUNE CORWIN</p><p>Balance Theory: Possible Consequences of Number of Family Members 1976, 15(2), 245-249 J. S. B. LINDSAY</p><p>Temporal Patterning in the Family 1976, 15(3), 343-348 RONALD E. CROMWELL, BRADFORD P. KEENEY, BERT N. ADAMS</p><p>The Consultation-Demonstration Interview 1976, 15(4), 419-426 AUGUSTUS Y. NAPIER</p><p>"Nonlabeled" Family Interaction: Preliminary Report on a Prospective Study 1976, 15(4), 433-439 JULES RISKIN</p><p>A System for Tailoring Change Measures to the Individual Family 1977, 16(1), 119-121 BENNETT I. TITTLER, STEVEN FRIEDMAN, ELIZABETH J. KLOPPER</p><p>Emergency Psychology: A Mobile Service for Police Crisis Calls 1977, 16(3), 281-292 DIANA SULLIVAN EVERSTINE, ARTHUR M. BODIN, LOUIS EVERSTINE</p><p>Behavior Therapy in a Family Context: Treating Elective Mutism Family Process Article Titles by Subject 142</p><p>1978, 17(1), 77-82 JOHN B. ROSENBERG, MARION B. LINDBLAD</p><p>A Multi-Method Investigation of Two Family Constructs 1978, 17(1), 83-93 ELIZABETH J. KLOPPER, BENNETT I. TITTLER, STEVEN FRIEDMAN, SARA J. HUGHES</p><p>The Results of Family Therapy Revisited: The Nonbehavioral Methods 1978, 17(3), 251-274 RICHARD A. WELLS, ALAN E. DEZEN</p><p>Technolatry, Methodolatry, and the Results of Family Therapy 1978, 17(3), 275-281 ALAN S. GURMAN, DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>Ideologies, Idols (and Graven Images?): Rejoinder to Gurman and Kniskern 1978, 17(3), 283-288 RICHARD A. WELLS, ALAN ETHAN DEZEN</p><p>Charting as a Multipurpose Treatment Intervention for Family Therapy 1978, 17(4), 465-468 STEVEN KATKIN</p><p>Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems: I. Cohesion and Adaptability Dimensions, Family Types, and Clinical Applications 1979, 18(1), 3-28 DAVID H. OLSON, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE, CANDYCE S. RUSSELL</p><p>Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems: III. Empirical Evaluation With Families 1979, 18(1), 29-45 CANDYCE S. RUSSEL</p><p>Pilgrim's Progress III: A Trend Analysis of Family Theory and Methodology 1989, 18(2), 163-173 JAMES W. HODGSON, ROBERT A. LEWIS</p><p>Selection Criteria for Family Therapy 1989, 18(4), 391-403 JOHN F. CLARKIN, ALLEN J. FRANCES, JAMES L. MOODIE</p><p>The Relative Value of Empirical Evidence 1989, 18(4), 427-441 JORGE COLAPINTO Family Process Article Titles by Subject 143</p><p>Statistical Significance Versus Theoretical Clarification: A Comment on the Doane- Jacob and Grounds Dispute 1980, 19(3), 291-294 ROLV MIKKEL BLAKAR</p><p>Popularity or Influence? The Use of Citation Index to Identify Leaders in Family Therapy 1980, 19(4), 337-339 LUCIANO L'ABATE, M. LYN THAXTON</p><p>Living in with Normal Families 1981, 20(1), 43-75 CONNIE HANSEN</p><p>J.L. Moreno: An Unrecognized Pioneer of Family Therapy 1981, 20(3), 331-335 THEO COMPERNOLLE</p><p>The Single-Case Design in Family Therapy Evaluation Research 1981, 20(3), 351-366 RABIN CLAIRE</p><p>A Methodological Study of a Measure of Family Cohesion 1981, 20(4), 419-427 THOMAS L. BILBRO, ALBERT S. DREYER</p><p>Research Note: Clinical Description Using the "Family Interaction Summary Format" 1981, 20(4), 429-429 WARREN KINSTON</p><p>Transactional Theories but Individual Assessment: A Frequent Discrepancy in Family Research 1982, 21(3), 313-320 LAWRENCE FISHER</p><p>Assessing the Development of Relationships: A New Measure 1983, 22(1), 15-25 TIMOTHY D. STEPHEN, HOWARD J. MARKMAN</p><p>Sensory Extenders Versus Meters and Predictors: Clarifying Strategies for the Use of Objective Tests in Family Therapy 1983, 22(2), 165-171 DAVID REISS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 144</p><p>Sensory Experience and Family Process: Perceptual Styles Tend to Run in but Not Necessarily Run Families 1983, 22(3), 289-308 DAVID REISS, MARY ELLEN OLIVERI</p><p>Comments on Research in Family Therapy 1983, 22(3), 337-338 EMIL SOUCAR</p><p>Contrasting Strategic and Milan Therapies 1983, 22(4), 425-438 LAURIE MACKINNON</p><p>Family Concepts and Their Measurement: Things Are Seldom What They Seem 1984, 23(1), 33-48 MARY ELLEN OLIVERI, DAVID REISS</p><p>Dialectical Metatheory in Family Therapy 1984, 23(1), 49-61 MICHAEL J. BOPP, GERALD R. WEEKS</p><p>Family Theory and the Scientific Method 1964, 23(2), 223-236 JOHN SCHWARTZMAN</p><p>Shared Parenting: An Empirical Analysis Utilizing a Large Data Base 1984, 23(4), 561-569 HOWARD H. IRVING, MICHAEL BENJAMIN, NICOLAS TROCHE</p><p>Early Interactional Change and Its Relationship to Family Therapy Outcome 1985, 24(1), 59-68 LARRY SEEMAN, BENNETT I. TITTLER, STEVEN FRIEDMAN</p><p>Single-Case Experimental Designs in Family Therapy Research: Limitations and Considerations 1985, 24(1), 69-77 D. RUSSELL CRANE</p><p>From General Laws To Singularities 1985, 24(2), 151-164 MONY ELKAÏM</p><p>Pragmatics in the Measurement of Family Functioning: An Interpretive Framework for Methodology 1985, 24(2), 189-203 ANN SIGAFOOS, DAVID REISS, JESSICA RICH, ERROL DOUGLAS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 145</p><p>Alternative Strategies for Creating "Relational" Family Data 1985, 24(2), 213-224 LAWRENCE FISHER, RONALD F. KOKES, DONALD C. RANSOM, SUSAN L. PHILLIPS, PAMELA RUDD</p><p>A Factor Analysis of Self-Report Measures of Family Functioning 1985, 24(2), 225-239 BERNARD L. BLOOM</p><p>The Beavers-Timberlawn Model of Family Competence and the Circumplex Model of Family Adaptability and Cohesion: Separate, but Equal? 1985, 24(3), 385-398 ROBERT G. GREEN, MICHAEL S. KOLEVZON, NANCY R. VOSLER</p><p>Systemic Research on Chronicity Factors in Infantile Asthma 1986, 25(1), 107-122 LUIGI ONNIS, DANIELA TORTOLANI, LUIGI CANCRINI</p><p>A Comparative Study of the Impact of Education vs. Process Groups for Families of Patients with Affective Disorders 1986, 25(2), 185-205 CAROL M. ANDERSON, SUZANNE GRIFFIN, ALBERT ROSSI, IRENE PAGONIS, DIANE P. HOLDER, RENATE TREIBER</p><p>Quanta, Quarks, and Families: Implications of Quantum Physics for Family Research 1986, 25(2), 249-263 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY</p><p>Circumplex Model VII: Validation Studies and FACES III 1986, 25(3), 337-351 DAVID H. OLSON</p><p>Minuchin's Psychosomatic Family Model Revised: A Concept-Validation Study Using a Multitrait-Multimethod Approach 1987, 26(2), 235-253 ELLY KOG, HANS VERTOMMEN, WALTER VANDEREYCKEN</p><p>Epistemological Confusion in Family Therapy and Research 1987, 26(3), 317-330 E. H. AUERSWALD</p><p>Hypothesizing, Circularity, and Neutrality Revisited: An Invitation to Curiosity 1987, 26(4), 405-413 GIANFRANCO CECCHIN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 146</p><p>Ontario Child Health Study: Reliability and Validity of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device 1988, 27(1), 97-104 JOHN BYLES, CAROLYN BYRNE, MICHAEL H. BOYLE, DAVID R. OFFORD</p><p>Family System Functioning: Behavior in the Laboratory and the Family Treatment Setting 1988, 27(2), 213-227 JERI A. DOANE, LEONARD W. HILL JR., NADINE KASLOW, DONALD QUINLAN</p><p>Human Systems as Linguistic Systems: Preliminary and Evolving Ideas about the Implications for Clinical Theory 1988, 27(4), 371-393 HARLENE ANDERSON, HAROLD A. GOOLISHIAN</p><p>Testing Clinical Hypotheses by Means of "Falsificationist Epistemology" 1988, 27(4), 485-499 CINZIA RAFFIN</p><p>The Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI): Current and Potential Uses with Family Systems 1989, 28(1), 107-115 RICHARD M. GANLEY</p><p>The Georgia Family Q-Sort: An Observational Measure of Family Functioning 1989, 28(2), 223-238 KAREN SMITH WAMPLER, CHARLES F. HALVERSON, JOHN J. MOORE, LYNDA HENLEY WALTERS</p><p>Can Patients' Views of a Therapeutic System Predict Outcome? An Empirical Study with Depressive Patients 1989, 28(3), 349-355 STEFAN PRIEBE</p><p>Focal Family Therapy: Theory and Practice 1990, 29(1), 73-86 JUDITH E. LEVENE, FRANCES NEWMAN, J. JOEL JEFFRIES</p><p>Convergent and Discriminant Validity of FACES-III: Family Adaptability and Cohesion 1990, 29(1), 95-103 SALLY O. EDMAN, DAVID A. COLE, GEORGE S. HOWARD Family Process Article Titles by Subject 147</p><p>A Test of the Olson Circumplex Model: Examining Its Curvilinear Assumption and the Presence of Extreme Types 1990, 29(3), 309-324 STEPHEN A. ANDERSON, STEPHEN M. GAVAZZI</p><p>Family Therapy Outcome Research: A Trial for Families, Therapists, and Researchers 1991, 30(1), 3-20 KARL ASEN, RUTH BERKOWITZ, ALAN COOKLIN, JULIAN LEFF, PETER LOADER, ROBIN PIPER, LORIAN REIN</p><p>Clinical Controversy and the Domains of Scientific Evidence 1991, 30(1), 21-36 JOHN Z. SADLER, YOSAF F. HULGUS</p><p>Evaluating FACES III and the Circumplex Model: 2,440 Families 1991, 30(1), 55-73 ROBERT G. GREEN, ROBERT N. HARRIS, JAMES A. FORTE, MARGARET ROBINSON</p><p>COMMENTARY: THREE-DIMENSIONAL (3-D) CIRCUMPLEX MODEL AND REVISED SCORING OF FACES III 1991, 30(1), 74-79 DAVID H. OLSON</p><p>THE WIVES DATA AND FACES IV: MAKING THINGS APPEAR SIMPLE 1991, 30(1), 79-83 ROBERT G. GREEN, ROBERT N. HARRIS, JAMES A. FORTE, MARGARET ROBINSON</p><p>A Randomized Clinical Trial of Inpatient Family Intervention: VI. Mediating Variables and Outcome 1991, 30(1), 85-99 IRA D. GLICK, JOHN F. CLARKIN, GRETCHEN L. HAAS, JAMES H. SPENCER, CLARENCE L. CHEN</p><p>The California Family Health Project: I. Introduction and a Description of Adult Health 1992, 31(3), 231-250 LAWRENCE FISHER, DONALD C. RANSOM, HOWARD E. TERRY, MACK LIPKIN, RICHARD WEISS</p><p>The California Family Health Project' Project: II. Family World View and Adult Health Family Process Article Titles by Subject 148</p><p>1992, 31(3), 251-267 DONALD C. RANSOM, LAWRENCE FISHER, HOWARD E. TERRY</p><p>The California Family Health Project: III. Family Emotion Management and Adult Health 1992, 31(3), 269-287 LAWRENCE FISHER, LINDA C. NAKELL, HOWARD E. TERRY, DONALD C. RANSOM</p><p>The California Family Health Project: IV. Family Structure/Organization and Adult Health 1992, 31(4), 399-419 LAWRENCE FISHER, DONALD C. RANSOM, HOWARD E. TERRY, SANDRA BURGE</p><p>The California Family Health Project: V. Family Problem Solving and Adult Health 1992, 31(4), 421-431 DONALD C. RANSOM, ELIZABETH LOCKE, HOWARD E. TERRY, LAWRENCE FISHER</p><p>The California Family Health Project: VI. Multidomain Analyses 1993, 32(1), 49-68 LAWRENCE FISHER, DONALD C. RANSOM, HOWARD E. TERRY</p><p>The California Family Health Project: VII. Summary and Integration of Findings 1993, 32(1), 69-86 LAWRENCE FISHER, DONALD C. RANSOM, HOWARD E. TERRY</p><p>The Transition to Young Adulthood: Generational Boundary Dissolution and Female Identity Development 1993, 32(1), 87-103 NELL FULLINWIDER-BUSH, DEBORAH B. JACOBVITZ</p><p>Short-Term Stability of Task-Generated, Interactional Patterns in Families of Schizophrenic Patients 1993, 32(1), 105-115 R. LINDSEY BERGMAN, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN</p><p>Competence in Children at Risk for Psychopathology Predicted from Confirmatory and Disconfirmatory Family Communication 1993, 32(2), 203-220 LARS WICHSTRØM, ARNE HOLTE, RAGNHILD HUSBY, LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>FACES III and the Kvebaek Family Sculpture Technique as Measures of Cohesion and Closeness Family Process Article Titles by Subject 149</p><p>1993, 32(2), 221-233 INGER HELENE VANDVIK, GUDRUN FLEISCHER ECKBLAD</p><p>Maternal Interaction Style in Affective Disordered, Physically III, and Normal Women 1993, 32(3), 329-340 ELIZABETH BURNEY HAMILTON, MAREN JONES, CONSTANCE HAMMEN</p><p>Family Transitions and Developmental Processes in Panic-Disordered Patients 1993, 32(3), 341-352 KIM OPPENHEIMER, JOSEPH FREY III</p><p>Dropping Out of Marriage and Family Therapy: A Critical Review of Research 1993, 32(3), 353-375 RICHARD J. BISCHOFF, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>Relatives' Awareness of Their Own Expressed Emotion as Measured by a Self- Report Adjective Checklist 1993, 32(4), 459-471 MICHAEL S. FRIEDMANN, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN</p><p>The Development of a Clinical Rating Scale the McMaster Model of Family Functioning 1994, 33(1)53-69 IVAN W. MILLER, ROBERT I. KABACOFF, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN, DUANE S. BISHOP, GABOR I. KEITNER, LAWRENCE M. BALDWIN, H.I.J. SPUY</p><p>The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale III in a Norwegian Sample 1994, 33(2), 191-202 INGRID DUNDAS</p><p>Self-Report Measures of Family Functioning: Extensions of a Factorial Analysis 1994, 33(2), 203-216 BERNARD L. BLOOM, SYLVIE NAAR</p><p>An Empirically Derived Typology of Families: I. Relationships with Adult Health 1995, 34(2), 161-182 LAWRENCE FISHER, DONALD C. RANSOM</p><p>Health 1995, 34(2), 183-197 DONALD C. RANSOM, LAWRENCE FISHER</p><p>Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods: A Research Model 1995, 34(2), 199-218 SCOTT P. SELLS, THOMAS EDWARD SMITH, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 150</p><p>The McMaster Model of Family Functioning: Observer and Parental Ratings in a Nonclinical Sample 1995, 34(3), 337-347 JOAN STEVENSON-HINDE, JANE AKISTER</p><p>Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF): I. Background and Rationale 1996, 35(2), 155-172</p><p>Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF): II. Reliability and Validity in a Sample of Families of Bipolar Patients 1996, 35(2), 175-189 BARBARA M. DAUSCH, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, JEFFREY A. RICHARDS</p><p>Multiple Views on Family Data: The Sample Case of Adolescent, Maternal, and Paternal Perspectives on Family Differentiation Levels 1996, 35(4), 457-472 SUZANNE BARTLE-HARING, STEPHEN M. GAVAZZI</p><p>A Brief Scale for Assessing Parental Child-Rearing Practice: Psychometric Properties and Psychosocial Correlates 1997, 36(1), 63-80 ELIZABETH L. GEORGE, BERNARD L. BLOOM</p><p>A Prospective Validation Study of Inclination, Belief, and Context Predictors of Family-Focused Prevention Involvement 1997, 36(4), 403-429 RICHARD L. SPOTH, CLEVE REDMOND, JEFFREY H. KAHN, CHUNGYEOL SHIN</p><p>Assessing Individual Family Members' Constructions of Family Problems 1998, 37(2), 167-187 LAURIE HEATHERINGTON, BENJAMIN JOHNSON, LINDA E. BURKE, MYRNA L. FRIEDLANDER, REBECCA M. BUCHANAN, DEIRDRE M. SHAW</p><p>The Effect of Tomm's Therapeutic Questioning Styles on Therapeutic Alliance: A Clinical Analog Study 1998, 37(2), 189-200 RICHARD M. DOZIER, MARY W. HICKS, THOMAS A. CORNILLE, GARY W. PETERSON</p><p>Reading Against the Lines: Resisting Foreclosure in Therapy Discourse 1998, 37(4), 495-512 STEVEN M. KOGAN, ANITA C. BROWN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 151</p><p>Family of Origin and Current Relationship Influences on Codependency 1998, 37(4), 513-528 LAYNE A. PREST, MARK J. BENSON, HOWARD O. PROTINSKY</p><p>Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device 1999, 38(4), 497-510 TY A. RIDENOUR, JAMES DALEY, WENDY REICH</p><p>The Deconstruction of Magic: Rereading, Rethinking Erickson 2000, 39(3), 307-318 JACQUELINE A. SPARKS</p><p>Evolving the Biobehavioral Family Model: The Fit of Attachment 2000, 39(3), 319-344 BEATRICE L. WOOD, KENDRA B. KLEBBA, BRUCE D. MILLER</p><p>Empathy in Families of Women with Borderline Personality Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, and a Control Group 2000, 39(3), 345-358 HERTA A. GUTTMAN, LISE LAPORTE</p><p>Family Perception of Interpersonal Behavior as a Predictor in Eating Disorders: A Prospective, Six-Year Followup Study 2000, 39(3), 359-374 WOLFGANG HERZOG, KLAUS-THOMAS KRONMULLER, MECHTHILD HARTMANN, GUNTHER BERGMANN, FRIEDEBERT KROGER</p><p>Further Evidence That the Family Assessment Device Should Be Reorganized: Response to Miller and Colleagues 2000, 39(3), 375-380 TY A. RIDENOUR, JAMES G. DALEY, WENDY REICH</p><p>Why Fix What Isn't Broken? A Rejoinder to Ridenour, Daley, & Reich 2000, 39(3), 381-384 IVAN W. MILLER, CHRISTINE E. RYAN, GABOR I. KEITNER, DUANE S. BISHOP, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN</p><p>A Study of the Differential Effects of Tomm's Questioning Styles on Therapeutic Alliance 2001, 40(1), 67-77 DERMOT RYAN, ALAN CARR</p><p>Introduction to the Technical Series: What is Science, and How Does It Help Us? 2001, 40(1), 115-120 CATHERINE G. GREENO Family Process Article Titles by Subject 152</p><p>Comparing the Second-Order Factor Structure of the Family Environment Scale across Husbands' and Wives' Perceptions of Their Family Environment 2001, 40(2), 187-198 HEATHER M. CHIPUER, TRACY VILLEGAS</p><p>Genetic Probes of Three Theories of Maternal Adjustment: I. Recent Evidence and a Model 2001, 40(3), 247-259 DAVID REISS, NANCY L. PEDERSEN, MARIANNE CEDERBLAD, PAUL LICHTENSTEIN, KJELL HANSSON, JENAE M. NEIDERHISER, OLOF ELTHAMMAR</p><p>Genetic Probes of Three Theories of Maternal Adjustment: II. Genetic and Environmental Influences 2001, 40(3), 261-272 DAVID REISS, NANCY L. PEDERSEN, MARIANNE CEDERBLAD, PAUL LICHTENSTEIN, KJELL HANSSON, JENAE M. NEIDERHISER, OLOF ELTHAMMAR</p><p>The Skeleton: What Underlies Treatment Research? 2001, 40(3), 361-363 CATHERINE G. GREENO</p><p>Development of the Family Therapy Enactment Rating Scale 2001, 40(4), 469-478 HILARY ALLEN-ECKERT, ELIZABETH FONG, MICHAEL P. NICHOLS, NEILL WATSON, HOWARD A. LIDDLE</p><p>The Classic Experimental Design 2001, 40(4), 495-499 CATHERINE G. GREENO</p><p>A Two-Factor Model for Predicting When a Couple Will Divorce: Exploratory Analyses Using 14-Year Longitudinal Data 2002, 41(1), 83-96 JOHN MORDECHAI GOTTMAN, ROBERT WAYNE LEVENSON</p><p>Searching for a Two-Factor Model of Marriage Duration: Commentary on Gottman and Levenson 2002, 41(1), 97-103 MICHAEL L. DEKAY, CATHERINE G. GREENO, PATRICIA R. HOUCK</p><p>Generating Hypotheses After 14 Years of Marital Followup; Or, How Should One Speculate? A Reply to DeKay, Greeno, and Houck 2002, 41(1), 105-110 JOHNMORDECHAI GOTTMAN, ROBERT WAYNE LEVENSON Family Process Article Titles by Subject 153</p><p>Conceptual Links Between Byng-Hall's Theory of Parentification and the Emotional Security Hypothesis 2002, 41(3), 551-555 PATRICK T. DAVIES</p><p>Communication, Conflict, and Commitment: Insights on the Foundations of Relationship Success from a National Survey 2002, 41(4), 659-675 SCOTT M. STANLEY, HOWARD J. MARKMAN, SARAH W. WHITTON</p><p>Effects of Family Interaction on the Child's Behavior In Single-Parent or Reconstructed Families 2002, 41(4), 693-708 ANJA TAANILA, ELINA LAITINEN, IRMA MOILANEN, MARJO-RITTA JARVELIN</p><p>PACHIQ-R: The Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire—Revised 2002, 41(4), 709-722 ALFRED LANGE, ANOUK EVERS, HEDI JANSEN, CONOR DOLAN</p><p>Can the Family Assessment Device (FAD) Be Used with School Aged Children? 2002, 41(4), 723-731 JOAN T. BIHUM, MARIANNE Z. WAMBOLDT, LESLIE A. GAVIN, FREDERICK S. WAMBOLDT</p><p>Major Alternatives to the Classic Experimental Design 2002, 41(4), 733-736 CATHERINE G. GREENO</p><p>Relationships Between Adult Attachment Representations and Family Ritual Quality: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study 2003, 42(3), 419-432 KIM LEON, DEBORAH B. JACOBVITZ</p><p>Measurement, or How Do We Know What We Know? Topic One: Validity 2003, 42(3), 433-435 CATHERINE G. GREENO</p><p>An Outcome Evaluation of the Implementation of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program in Hong Kong 2003, 42(4), 531-544 CYNTHIA LEUNG, MATTHEW R SANDERS, SHIRLEY LEUNG, ROSE MAK, JOSEPH LAU Family Process Article Titles by Subject 154</p><p>Ontogenesis in Narrative Therapy: A Linguistic-Semiotic Examination of Client Change 2004, 43(1), 109-131 PETER MUNTIGL</p><p>Factor Structure of the FACES-III in Japanese University Students 2004, 43(1), 133-140 CHIEKO HASUI, YASUKO KISHIDA, TOSHINORI KITAMURA</p><p>Tortured Families: A Coordinated Management of Meaning Analysis 2004, 43(3), 349-371 EDITH MONTGOMERY</p><p>Personal Experience in Professional Narratives: The Role of Helpers' Families in Their Work With Terror Victims 2005, 44(2), 203-215 MICHAEL SHAMAI</p><p>Family Connections: A Program for Relatives of Persons With Borderline Personality Disorder 2005, 44(2), 217-225 PERRY D. HOFFMAN, ALAN E. FRUZZETTI, ELLIE BUTEAU, EMILY R. NEIDITCH, DIXIANNE PENNEY, MARTHA L. BRUCE, FREDERIC HELLMAN, ELEMER STRUENING</p><p>Wired to Connect: Neuroscience, Relationships, and Therapy 2007, 46(3), 395-412 MONA DEKOVEN FISHBANE</p><p>Assessment of Family Functioning in Caucasian and Hispanic Americans: Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure of the Family Assessment Device 2007, 46(4), 557-569 GREGORY A. AARONS, ELIZABETH J. MCDONALD, CYNTHIA D. CONNELLY, RAE R. NEWTON</p><p>Maternal Distress and Women's Reentry into Family and Community Life 2008, 47(3), 303-321 JOYCE ARDITTI, APRIL FEW</p><p>"Motherhood Starts in Prison": The Experience of Motherhood Among Women in Prison 2008, 47(3), 323-340 MICHAL SHAMAI, RINAT-BILLY KOCHAL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 155</p><p>How do Hostile and Emotionally Overinvolved Relatives View Relationships?: What Relatives' Pronoun Use Tells Us 2008, 47(3), 405-419 RACHEL A. SIMMONS, DIANNE L. CHAMBLESS, PETER C. GORDON</p><p>A Dyadic Analysis of the Between- and Within-System Alliances on Distress 2010, 49(2), 220-235 SHAYNE R. ANDERSON, LEE N. JOHNSON</p><p>Secondary Migration and Relocation Among African Refugee Families in the United States 2011, 50(1), 27-46 STEVEN M. WEINE, YAEL HOFFMAN, NORMA WARE, TONI TUGENBERG, LEONCE HAKIZIMANA, GONWO DAHNWEIGH, MADELEINE CURRIE, MAUREEN WAGNER</p><p>Family Structure and Family Processes in Mexican-American Families 2011, 50(1), 77-91 KATHARINE H. ZEIDERS, MARK W. ROOSA, JENN-YUN TEIN</p><p>Community-Based Applied Research With Latino Immigrant Families: Informing Practice and Research According to Ethical and Social Justice Principles 2011, 50(2), 132-148 ANA BAUMANN, MELANIE DOMENECH RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉRUBÉN PARRA- CARDONA</p><p>Understanding Marital Conflict 7 Years Later from Prenatal Representations of Marriage 2011, 50(2), 221-234 MELISSA CURRAN, BRIAN OGOLSKY, NANCY HAZEN, LESIE BOSCH</p><p>Couple Therapy Research and the Practice of Couple Therapy: Can We Talk? 2011, 50(3), 280-292 ALAN S. GURMAN</p><p>Developing Preventive Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Families in Resettlement 2011, 50(3), 410-430 STEVAN MERRILL WEINE</p><p>Culturally Adapting an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention for Latino Immigrants: The Need to Integrate Fidelity and Cultural Relevance 2012, 51(1), 56-72 JOSE RUBEN PARRA CARDONA, MELANIE DOMENECH-RODRIGUEZ, MARION FORGATCH, CRIS SULLIVAN, DEBORAH BYBEE, KENDAL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 156</p><p>HOLTROP, ANA ROCIO ESCOBAR-CHEW, LISA TAMS, BRIAN DATES, GUILLERMO BERNAL</p><p>We-Talk, Communal Coping, and Cessation Success in Couple-Focused Intervention for Health-Compromised Smokers 2012, 51(1), 107-121 MICHAEL J. ROHRBAUGH, VARDA SHOHAM, JANE A. SKOYEN, MICHAELINE JENSEN, MATTHIAS R. MEHL</p><p>Speaking of Privilege: Family Therapy Educators’ Journeys toward Awareness and Compassionate Action 2012, 51(2), 163-178 PILAR HERNANDEZ-WOLFE, TERESA McDOWELL</p><p>Walking in Sacred Spaces in the Therapeutic Bond: Therapists’ Experiences of Compassion Satisfaction Coupled with the Potential for Vicarious Traumatization 2012, 51(2), 179-192 SALLY V. HUNTER</p><p>Couples’ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate Within Mexican American Families 2012, 51(2), 218-233 MARCELA SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, AURELIO J. FIGUEREDO, DONNA H. CHRISTENSEN, ANGELA R. TAYLOR </p><p>A Narrative Evaluation of a Psychoeduation and a Therapeutic Alliance Intervention for Parents of Persons with a Severe Mental Illness 2012, 51(2), 265-280 ITAMAR LEVY-FRANK, ILANIT HASSON-OHAYON, SHLOMO KRAVETZ, DAVID ROE</p><p>Coparenting and Children’s School Readiness: A Mediational Model 2012, 51(3), 307-324 NATASHA J. CABRERA, MINDY SCOTT, JAY FAGAN, NICOLE STEWARD- STRENG, NICOLE CHIEN</p><p>Cooperation, Conflict, or Disengagement? Coparenting Styles and Father Involvement in Fragile Families 2012, 51(3), 325-342 MAUREEN R. WALLER</p><p>Low-Income Mothers as ‘Othermothers’ to Their Romantic Partners’ Children; Women’s Coparenting in Multiple Partner Fertility Relationships 2012, 51(3), 343-359 LINDA M. BURTON, CECILY R. HARDAWAY Family Process Article Titles by Subject 157</p><p>Prenatal Representations of Coparenting among Unmarried First-Time African American Mothers 2012, 51(3), 360-375 VIKKI T. GASKIN-BUTLER, TINA ENGERT, MEREDITH MARKIEVITZ, CAMIELLE SWENSON, JAMES MCHALE</p><p>Beyond Acculturation: An Investigation of the Relationship of Familism and Parenting to Behavior Problems in Hispanic Youth 2012, 51(4), 470-484 DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, ERVIN BRIONES, WILLIAM KURTINES, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement (BARE) Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attahcment Behavior in Couple Relationships 2012, 51(4), 512-526 JONATHAN G. SANDBERG, DEAN M. BUSBY, SUSAN M. JOHNSON, KEITARO YOSHIDA</p><p>The Development of Family Alliance from Pregnancy to Toddlerhood and Child Outcomes at 5 Years 2012, 51(4), 542-556 NICOLAS FAVES, FRANCESCO LOPES, MATHIEU BERNARD, FRANCE FRASCAROLO, CHLOE LAVANCHY SCAIOLA, ANTOINETTE CORBOZ- WARNERY, ELISABETH FIVAS-DEPEURSINGE</p><p>Quality of Life and Adjustment in Youths with Asthma: The Contributions of Family Rituals and the Family Environment 2012, 51(4), 557-569 SUSANA SANTOS, CARLA CRESPO, NEUZA SILVA, MARIA CRISTINA CANAVARRO</p><p>______</p><p>Resilience</p><p>Criteria for Assessing Family Strength 1964, 2(2), 329-338 HERBERT A. OTTO</p><p>Reading Disability as a Condition of Family Stability Family Process Article Titles by Subject 158</p><p>1964, 3(1), 66-76 DANIEL R. MILLER, JACK C. WESTMAN</p><p>A Study of the Relationship Between Family Interaction and Individual Symptomology Over Time 1979, 18(4), 443-450 G. STRAKER, R. JACOBSON</p><p>Family Rituals 1984, 23(3), 401-420 STEVEN J. WOLIN, LINDA A. BENNETT</p><p>Feed-Forward: Future Questions, Future Maps 1985, 24(3), 299-310 PEGGY PENN</p><p>Some Aspects of Loneliness in Families 1989, 28(1), 25-35 TOM LARGE</p><p>Self-Defense against Verbal Assault: Shame, Anger, and the Social Bond 1995, 34(3), 271-286 THOMAS J. SCHEFF</p><p>The Concept of Family Resilience: Crisis and Challenge 1996, 35(3), 261-281 FROMA WALSH</p><p>Toward a Definition of Family Resilience: Integrating Life-Span and Family Perspectives 1996, 35(3), 283-298 DALE R. HAWLEY, LAURA DEHAAN</p><p>Witnessing, Wonder, and Hope 2000, 39(4), 389-402 KATHY WEINGARTEN</p><p>Family Resilience: A Framework for Clinical Practice 2003, 42(1), 1-18 FROMA WALSH</p><p>Traumatic Loss and Major Disasters: Strengthening Family and Community Resilience 2007, 46(2), 207-227 FROMA WALSH Family Process Article Titles by Subject 159</p><p>Vicarious Resilience: A New Concept in Work With Those Who Survive Trauma 2007, 46(2), 229-241 PILAR HERNÁNDEZ, DAVID GANGSEI, DAVID ENGSTROM</p><p>Enhancing Resilience: Families and Communities as Agents for Change 2007, 46(3), 351-365 JUDITH LANDAU</p><p>Individual Resiliency Factors from a Genetic Perspective: Results from a Twin Study 2007, 46(4)I, 537-551 KJELL HANSSON, MARIANNE CEDERBLAD, PAUL LICHTENSTEIN, DAVID REISS, NANCY PEDERSEN, JENAE BELDERHISER, OLLE ELTHAMMAR</p><p>Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience: Integrative Family and Systems Treatment with Children and Adolescents with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Problems 2009, 48(3), 395-416 MO YEE LEE, GILBERT J. GREENE, KAI SHYANG HSU, ANDY SOLOVEY, DAVID GROVE, J. SCOTT FRASER, PHIL WASHBURN, BARBARA TEATER</p><p>Reasonable Hope: Construct, Clinical Applications, and Supports 2010, 49(1), 5-25 KAETHE WEINGARTEN</p><p>Families as Navigators and Negotiators: Facilitating Culturally and Contextually Specific Expressions of Resilience 2010, 49(3), 421-435 MICHAEL UNGAR</p><p>A Multilevel Mediation Model of Stress and Coping for Women with HIV and Their Families 2010, 49(4), 517-529 AHNALEE M. BRINCKS, DANIEL J. FEASTER, VICTORIA B. MITRANI</p><p>Adolescents of the USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Can Family Characteristics Counteract the Negative Effects of Stigmatization? 2010, 49(4), 559-572 HENNY BOS, NANETTE GARTRELL</p><p>Developing Preventive Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Families in Resettlement 2011, 50(3), 410-430 STEVAN MERRILL WEINE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 160</p><p>Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2012, 51(2), 250-264 ALEXANDRA H. SOLOMON, BETH CHUNG</p><p>Hope and Burden among Latino Families of Adults with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(4), 697-708 MERCEDES HERNANDEZ, CONCEPCION BARRIO, ANN-MARIE YAMADA</p><p>______</p><p>Schizophrenia</p><p>Communication and Schizophrenic Behavior 1962, 1(1), 5-14 JOHN WEBLIN</p><p>The Absent-Member Maneuver as a Resistance in Family Therapy of Schizophrenia 1962, 1(1), 44-62 JOHN C. SONNE, ROSS V. SPECK, JEROME E. JUNGREIS</p><p>FAMILY TREATMENT OF SCHIZOPHRENIA: A SYMPOSIUM : Opening Remarks 1962, 1(1), 101-102 HAROLD M. HILDRETH</p><p>The Concept of Schizophrenia from the Perspective of Family Treatment 1962, 1(1), 103-113 IVAN BOSZORMENYI-NAGY</p><p>Use of Members of the Family in the Treatment of Schizophrenia 1962, 1(1), 114-118 C. F. MIDELFORT</p><p>The Theory of the Technique of Family Treatment of Schizophrenia 1962, 1(1), 119-131 JAMES L. FRAMO</p><p>The Adult Schizophrenic Patient and His Siblings Family Process Article Titles by Subject 161</p><p>1962, 1(2), 224-235 WALTER KEMPLER, ROBERT IVERSON, ARNOLD BEISSER</p><p>Schizophrenia and the Marital Family: Accommodations to Symbiosis 1962, 1(2), 304-318 ROBERT D. TOWNE, SHELDON L. MESSINGER, HAROLD SAMPSON</p><p>"Good Premorbid" Schizophrenic Wives and Their Husbands 1963, 2(1), 34-51 JOSEPH BECKER</p><p>The Parents of the Schizophrenic 1963, 2(2), 339-356 DANIEL V. CAPUTO</p><p>The "Schizophrenogenic Mother" in Word and Deed 1964, 3(1), 155-177 FRANCES E. CHEEK</p><p>Conflict in Families of Schizophrenics as a Function of Premorbid Adjustment and Social Class 1964, 3(2), 273-279 JAMES C. BAXTER, SONYA CORNELL ARTHUR</p><p>Family Resistance to Change in Schizophrenic Patients 1964, 3(2), 377-401 NORMAN L. PAUL, GEORGE H. GROSSER </p><p>Schizophrenia and Symbolic Interactionism 1964, 3(2), 402-414 ROBERT E. KANTOR</p><p>Communication Patterns of Mothers of Schizophrenics 1965, 4(1), 95-104 W. R. BEAVERS, STANLEY BLUMBERG, KENNETH R. TIMKEN, MYRON F. WEINER</p><p>A Test of the Double Bind Hypothesis of Schizophrenia 1965, 4(2), 198-205 ANDREW BERGER</p><p>The Embroiled Family: a Blueprint for Schizophrenia 1965, 4(2), 291-310 CAROL F. HOOVER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 162</p><p>Psychotherapy of the Social Network of a Schizophrenic Family 1967, 6(2), 208-214 ROSS V. SPECK</p><p>Schizophrenogenic Communication and Family Therapy 1969, 8(1), 43-63 LOREN R. MOSHER</p><p>Sibling Relations in the Schizophrenic Family 1970, 9(1), 1-25 W. W. MEISSNER</p><p>Characteristics of Schizogenic Families During a Joint Story-Telling Task 1970, 9(3), 333-353 C. Jack Friedman, Alfred S. Friedman</p><p>Personal Pronoun Usage in Families of Schizophrenics And Social Space Utilization 1970, 9(4), 431-447 FRANCES E. CHEEK, RICHARD ANTHONY</p><p>The Double Bind Hypothesis and the Parents of Schizophrenics 1971, 10(1), 53-74 CLOË M. SOJIT</p><p>T. S. Eliot's The Family Reunion—"Schizophrenia" Reconsidered 1971, 10(2), 213-228 FRED M. SANDER</p><p>The "Shadow-of-Death" and Its Implications in Four Families, Each with a Hospitalized Schizophrenic Member 1971, 10(3), 281-302 RONALD M. C. WELLDON</p><p>Cognitive Style, Schizophrenia, and the Family: Methodological Implications of Contextual Effects 1972, 11(2), 125-146 LOREN R. MOSHER, CYNTHIA WILD, ALLEN VALCOV, ANNA E. FEINSTEIN</p><p>The Symbiotic Survival Pattern: A Relational Theory of Schizophrenia 1973, 12(4), 377-398 SAMUEL SLIPP</p><p>Parent and Child Effects on Cognitive Performance: An Experimental Approach to the Etiological and Responsive Theories of Schizophrenia 1974, 13(1), 1-22 NANCY E. WAXLER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 163</p><p>The Sequential Patterning of Interaction in Normal and Schizophrenic Families 1975, 14(1), 17-50 ELLIOT G. MISHLER, NANCY E. WAXLER</p><p>Transactional Communication Disturbances in Families of Male Schizophrenics 1975, 14(2), 131-160 CYNTHIA M. WILD, LINDA N. SHAPIRO, LOUISE GOLDENBERG</p><p>Communication Efficiency in Couples With and Without a Schizophrenic Offspring 1975, 14(4), 515-534 HELGE ARNULF SØLVBERG, ROLV MIKKEL BLAKAR</p><p>Illusion and Reality in R. D. Laing 1976, 15(1), 51-64 FRANCIS H. BARTLETT</p><p>A Method of Co-Therapy for Schizophrenic Families 1976, 15(2) 179-191 PETER S. MUELLER, MONICA McGOLDRICK ORFANIDIS</p><p>The Product of the Consensus Rorschach in Families of Male Schizophrenics 1976, 15(2), 211-224 LINDA N. SHAPIRO, CYNTHIA M. WILD</p><p>Lack of Acknowledgment in the Family Rorschachs of Families With a Child at Risk for Schizophrenia 1976, 15(3), 289-302 BONNIE F. HERMAN, JAMES E. JONES</p><p>Patterns of Transactional Style Deviance in the TAT's of Parents of Schizophrenics 1977, 16(3), 327-337 JAMES E. JONES</p><p>Parental Focus of Attention in a Videotape Feedback Task as a Function of Hypothesized Risk for Offspring Schizophrenia 1977, 16(4), 467-475 DEBORAH J. LIEBER</p><p>The Effects of Family Presence and Brief Family Intervention on Global Outcome for Hospitalized Schizophrenic Patients 1977, 16(4), 503-510 EDWARD GOULD, IRA D. GLICK</p><p>Concurrent Grandparent Death and Birth of Schizophrenic Offspring: An Intriguing Finding Family Process Article Titles by Subject 164</p><p>1978, 17(4), 457-463 FROMA W. WALSH</p><p>Egocentrism and Inefficiency in the Communication of Families Containing Schizophrenic Members 1979, 18(4), 405-425 SVEIN MOSSIGE, RITA BAST PETTERSEN, ROLV MIKKEL BLAKAR</p><p>Researching the Family Theories of Schizophrenia: An Exercise in Epistemological Confusion 1980, 19(4), 321-335 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>With Onions and Tears: A Multidimensional Analysis of a Counter-Ritual 1981, 20(1), 77-83 STEPHEN E. LEVICK, BEHNAZ JALALI, JOHN S. STRAUSS</p><p>Schizophrenia and Familial Communication: A Brief Note on Follow-up Studies and Replications 1981, 20(1), 109-112 ROLV MIKKEL BLAKAR</p><p>Family Therapy of Schizophrenics with High Risk of Relapse 1981, 20(2), 211-221 IAN R.H. FALLOON, ROBERT P. LIBERMAN, I FRANCIS J. LILLIE, I CHRISTINE E. VAUGHN</p><p>Symbiosis and Confirmation Between the Parents of the Schizophrenic 1981, 20(3), 319-330 FRANK SUMMERS, FROMA WALSH</p><p>Parental Patterns of Affective Style and the Development of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders 1981, 20(3), 337-349 JERI A. DOANE, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, ELIOT H. RODNICK</p><p>Schizophrenia and the Family: II. Adverse Effects of Family Therapy 1983, 22(2), 191-200 KENNETH G. TERKELSEN</p><p>Communication Deviances in Parents of Schizophrenics 1986, 25(1), 133-147 BJØRN RISHOVD RUND</p><p>The Family Rorschach with Families of Schizophrenics: Replication and Extension Family Process Article Titles by Subject 165</p><p>1987, 26(4), 1461-474 LINDA CARTER, SUSAN R. ROBERTSON, JON LADD, MURRAY ALPERT</p><p>The 20 Questions Task with Families of Schizophrenics: Divergent Findings 1989, 28(2), 207-222 LINDA CARTER, JON LADD, SUSAN R. ROBERTSON, MURRAY ALPERT</p><p>Hypothesizing and Evidence-Gathering: The Nexus of Understanding 1989, 28(3), 255-267 JOHN Z. SADLER, YOSAF F. HULGUS</p><p>Relatives' Perceptions of Their Interactional Behavior with a Schizop/hrenic Family Member 1994, 33(4), 377-387 MICHAEL S. FRIEDMANN, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN</p><p>Relational Control Patterns and Expressed Emotion in Families of Persons with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder 1994, 33(4), 389-407 ANNE McCARRICK WUERKER</p><p>Psychoeducational Multiple Family Groups: Four-Year Relapse Outcome in Schizophrenia 1995, 34(2), 127-144 WILLIAM R. McFARLANE, BRUCE LINK, ROBERT DUSHAY, JOANNE MARCHAL, JOHN CRILLY</p><p>Counseling Caregivers of Relatives with Schizophrenia: Themes, Interventions, and Caveats 1995, 34(4), 413-425 SIDNEY BLOCH, GEORGE I. SZMUKLER, HELEN HERRMAN, ANN BENSON, SILVANA COLUSSA</p><p>Nonverbal Interactional Behavior in the Families of Persons with Schizophrenic and Bipolar Disorders 1996, 35(1), 83-102 TERESA L. SIMONEAU, DAVID J. MIKLOWITZ, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, KEITH H. NUECHTERLEIN, JEFFREY A. RICHARDS</p><p>Family Values, Religiosity, and Emotional Reactions to Schizophrenia in Mexican and Anglo-American Cultures 1996, 35(2), 227-237 AMY G. WEISMAN, STEVEN R. LÓPEZ</p><p>Comparison of Schizophrenic Patients' Families and Normal Families in China, Using Chinese Versions of FACES-II and the Family Environment Scales Family Process Article Titles by Subject 166</p><p>1998, 37(1), 95-106 MICHAEL R. PHILLIPS, CHARLES L. WEST, QIJIE SHEN, YANPING ZHENG</p><p>Parent Coping Styles and Schizophrenic Patient Behavior as Predictors of Expressed Emotion 2000, 39(4),, 435-444 Michael J. Hall, Nancy M. Docherty</p><p>Burden in Schizophrenia Caregivers: Impact of Family Psychoeducation and Awareness of Patient Suicidality 2003, 42(1), 91-103 MICHAEL G. MCDONELL, ROVERT A. SHORT, CHRISTOPHER M. BERRY, DENNIS G. DYCK</p><p>Relatives' Affective Style and the Expression of Subclinical Psychopathology in Patients with Schizophrenia 2004, 43(2), 233-247 STEPHANIE M. WOO, MICHAEL J. GOLDSTEIN, KEITH H. NUECHTERLEIN</p><p>The Development of a Culturally Informed, Family-Focused Treatment for Schizophrenia 2006, 45(2), 171-186 AMY WEISMAN, EUGENIO DUARTE, VAMSI KONERU, STEPHANIE WASSERMAN</p><p>I. Genotype-Environment Interaction in the Schizophrenia Spectrum: Genetic Liability and Global Family Ratings in the Finnish Adoption Study 2006, 45(4), 419-434 LYMAN C. WYNNE, PEKKA TIENARI, P. NIEMINEN, ANNELI SORRI, ILPO LAHTI, JUHA MORING, MIKKO NAARALA, KRISTIAN LÄKSY, KARL-ERIK WAHLBERG, J. MIETTUNEN</p><p>II. Genotype-Environment Interaction in the Schizophrenia Spectrum: Qualitative Observations 2006, 45(4), 435-447 LYMAN C. WYNNE, PEKKA TIENARI, ANNELI SORRI, ILPO LAHTI, JUHA MORING, KARL-ERIK WAHLBERG</p><p>Family Expressed Emotion Prior to Onset of Psychosis 2007, 46(2), 185-197 WILLIAM R. MCFARLANE, WILLIAM L. COOK</p><p>Schizophrenia: Disease, Syndrome, or Dimensions? 2007, 46(2), 199-206 WILLIAM T. CARPENTER JR. Family Process Article Titles by Subject 167</p><p>Acceptance and Expressed Emotion in Mexican American Caregivers of Relatives with Schizophrenia 2008, 47(2), 215-228 MARINA DORIAN, JORGE I. RAMÍREZ GARCÍA, STEVEN R. LÓPEZ, BRENDA HERNÁNDEZ</p><p>Couples with Schizophrenia "Becoming like Others" in South Korea: Marriage as Part of a Recovery Process 2009, 48(3), 429-440 MYUNG-YEE YU, WOOCHAN SHIM</p><p>Family Process 1962-1969 2011, 50(1), 4-11 CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>Hope and Burden among Latino Families of Adults with Schizophrenia 2013, 52(4), 697-708 MERCEDES HERNANDEZ, CONCEPCION BARRIO, ANN-MARIE YAMADA</p><p>______</p><p>September 11 th</p><p>Conversations with Salma Abugideiri: To Live the Greater Jihad 2002, 41(1), 4-9 MELISSA ELLIOTT GRIFFITH, SALMA ABUGIDEIRI</p><p>As a Japanese American 2002, 41(1), 9-11 NORMA AKAMATSU</p><p>Blinding and Deafening Moments, and Threatening Futures: In the Wake of September 11, 2001 2002, 41(1), 11-14 TOM ANDERSON</p><p>Ambiguous Loss: Working with Families of the Missing 2002, 41(1), 14-17 PAULINE G. BOSS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 168</p><p>The Power of Community 2002, 41(1), 18-20 DON R. CATHERALL</p><p>The Helpers and the Helped: Viewing the Mental Health Profession Through the Lens of September 11 2002, 41(1), 20-23 PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>Living with Threat and Uncertainty: What the Kosavars Tell Us 2002, 41(1), 24-27 JAMES L. GRIFFITH</p><p>The Loss of Innocence 2002,41(1), 27-30 JUDITH LANDAU</p><p>Why Do They Hate Us? 2002, 41(1), 30-32 ELAINE B. PINDERHUGHES</p><p>Hard Times for the Forces of Compassion 2002, 41(1), 32-34 RICHARD C. SCHWARTZ</p><p>Bouncing Forward: Resilience in the Aftermath of September 11 2002, 41(1), 34-36 FROMA WALSH</p><p>Healing Traumatized Children: Creating Illustrated Storybooks in Family Therapy 2002, 41(1), 37-65 LESLEY HANNEY, KASIA KOZLOWSKA</p><p>______</p><p>Sexuality</p><p>The Easy Rider Syndrome: A Pattern of Hetero- and Homosexual Relationships in a Heroin Addict Population Family Process Article Titles by Subject 169</p><p>1970, 9(4), 425-430 DAVID K. WELLISCH, GEORGE R. GAY, ROSEANN McENTEE</p><p>"Normal" Sex Roles: An Historical Analysis 1975, 14(3), 389-409 ETHEL PEAL</p><p>A Family Myth: Sex Therapy Gone Awry 1979, 18(3), 315-321 LLOYD I. SEDERER, NOOY SEDERER</p><p>The Problem of Fusion in the Lesbian Relationship 1980, 19(3), 277-289 JO-ANN KRESTAN, CLAUDIA S. BEPKO</p><p>A Theoretical Framework for Evaluation and Treatment of the Victims of Child Sexual Assault by a Nonfamily Member 1988, 27(1), 105-113 SUSAN SCOYK, JANE GRAY, DAVID P.H. JONES</p><p>Comparing Lesbian and Heterosexual Couples on the Circumplex Model: An Initial Investigation 1988, 27(4), 471-484 ELLIE ZACKS, ROBERT-JAY GREEN, JOANNE MARROW</p><p>A Study of the Role of Gender in Family Therapy Training 1990, 29(4), 365-374 SANDRA B. COLEMAN, JUDITH MYERS AVIS, MINDY TUREN</p><p>Working with Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Addressing Heterosexism in Supervision 1996, 35(3), 377-388 JANIE K. LONG</p><p>Why Ask, Why Tell? Teaching and Learning about Lesbians and Gays in Family Therapy 1996, 35(3), 389-400 ROBERT-JAY GREEN</p><p>Lesbians, Gay Men, and Their Parents: Family Therapy for the Coming-Out Crisis 2000, 39(1), 67-81 MICHAEL C. LASALA</p><p>Family Connectedness and Women's Sexual Risk Behaviors: Implications for the Prevention/Intervention of STD/HIV Infection Family Process Article Titles by Subject 170</p><p>2000, 39(4), 461-475 JUDITH LANDAU, ROBERT COLE, JANE TUTTLE, COLLEEN D. CLEMENTS, M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>Family Support and Acceptance, Gay Male Identity Formation, and Psychological Adjustment: A Path Model 2001, 40(2), 125-144 YOEL ELIZUR, MICHAEL ZIV</p><p>Attributions and Emotional Reactions to the Identity Disclosure ("Coming Out") of a Homosexual Child 2001, 40(2), 145-161 JORGE C. ARMESTO, AMY G. WEISMAN</p><p>Same-Sex Couple Perceptions of Family Support: A Consensual Qualitative Study 2004, 43(1), 43-57 SHARON SCALES ROSTOSKY, BETHE A. KORFHAGE, JULIE M. DUHIGG, AMANDA L. STERN, LAURA BENNETT, ELLEN D.B. RIGGLE</p><p>Young Women Struggling for an Identity 2004, 43(3), 337-348 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>Negotiated Nonmonogamy and Male Couples 2006, 45(4), 407-418 MICHAEL SHERNOFF</p><p>Fusion or Internalized Homophobia? A Pilot Study of Bowen's Differentiation of Self Hypothesis With Lesbian Couples 2007, 46(2), 257-268 BERNADETTE SPENCER, JAC BROWN</p><p>Vulvar Pain: A Phenomenological Study of Couples in Search of Effective Diagnosis and Treatment 2008, 47(2), 139-155 JENNIFER J. CONNOR, BEAN ROBINSON, ELIZABETH WIELING</p><p>Integrating Sex and Couples Therapy: A Multifaceted Case History 2009, 48(3), 379-389 LCSW SHOSHANA BULOW</p><p>What is Queer About Sex?: Expanding Sexual Frames in Theory and Practice 2010, 49(3), 291-308 SUZANNE IASENZA PH.D. Family Process Article Titles by Subject 171</p><p>______</p><p>Somatics</p><p>"Family Somatics"— A Neglected Edge 1977, 16(3), 263-272 JOHN H. WEAKLAND</p><p>The Removal of a Psychosomatic Symptom: Effects on the Marriage 1977, 16(3), 273-280 JOHN R. MARSHALL, JOHN NEILL</p><p>Disappeared: Semantic and Somatic Effects of Political Repression in a Family Seeking Therapy 1990, 29(2), 131-143 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>Beyond the "Psychosomatic Family": A Biobehavioral Family Model of Pediatric Illness 1993, 32(3), 261-278 BEATRICE L. WOOD</p><p>Physical "Phantasies" and Family Functions: Overcoming the Mind/Body Dualism in Somatization 1999, 38(3), 371-385 FRED REDEKOP, SCOTT STUART, CAROL MERTENS</p><p>______</p><p>Structural, Strategic and Systemic Therapy</p><p>Structural Family Therapy: An Outsider's Perspective 1973, 12(3), 269-277 HOWARD CAMP Family Process Article Titles by Subject 172</p><p>Structural Family Therapy for Children of Divorce: Case Reports 1977, 16(1), 75-83 STUART L. KAPLAN</p><p>Owning and Disowning: The Structural Dimension 1977, 16(3), 353-356 JEFFRY KLUGMAN</p><p>The Family Life Cycle: Developmental Crises and Their Structural Impact on Families in a Community Mental Health Center 1978, 17(1), 47-58 RICHARD B. GARTNER, RICHARD H. FULMER, MARGOT WEINSHEL, SHELLY GOLDKLANK</p><p>Keith: A Case Study of Structural Family Therapy 1978, 17(3), 339-353 DAVID B. HEARD</p><p>Structural and Strategic Approaches to Psychosomatic Families 1979, 18(3), 303-314 MICHAEL WHITE</p><p>A Structural Approach to the Single-Parent Family 1982, 21(2), 203-210 JOHN S. WELTNER</p><p>Symptom Utilization in Strategic Therapy 1984, 23(3), 487-500 JUDITH MAZZA</p><p>Structural Complexity and the Quality of Stepfather-Stepchild Relationships 1984, 23(4), 547-560 W. GLENN CLINGEMPEEL, RICHARD IEVOLI, EULALEE BRAND</p><p>The Debate: A Strategic Technique 1985, 24(2), 259-271 MARCIA SHEINBERG</p><p>Strategic Interventions Within a No-Treatment Frame 1985, 24(4), 583-595 C. WAYNE JONES</p><p>Family Structure and Stress 1986, 25(2), 235-247 JERRY M. LEWIS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 173</p><p>Violence and the Systemic View: The Problem of Power 1989, 28(1), 1-14 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>Reflections on the Circulation of Concepts between a Biology of Cognition and Systemic Family Therapy 1989, 28(1), 15-24 FRANCISCO J. VARELA</p><p>Outcomes of Systemic/Strategic Team Consultation: I. Overview and One-Month Results 1989, 28(1), 37-58 ROBERT-JAY GREEN, MARY HERGET</p><p>Action Methods in Systemic Therapy: Dramatizing Ideal Futures and Reformed Pasts with Couples 1989, 28(2), 121-136 RICHARD CHASIN, SALLYANN ROTH, MICHELE BOGRAD</p><p>Spatiality of the Family's Inner Structure: Choice of Seat in Family Therapy 1989, 28(2), 183-190 LEENA-MARIA BLINNIKKA, MARKKU SEITAMAA</p><p>Outcomes of Systemic/Strategic Team Consultation: II. Three-Year Followup and a Theory of "Emergent Design" 1989, 28(4), 419-437 ROBERT-JAY GREEN, MARY HERGET</p><p>Looking at Systems as Process 1990, 29(2), 169-175 HENDON CHUBB</p><p>The Therapeutic Use of Self in Constructionist/Systemic Therapy 1990, 29(3), 255-272 TERRY REAL</p><p>Why Families of Children with Biological Deficits Require a Systems Approach 1990, 29(4), 417-429 LEON SLOMAN, M. MARY KONSTANTAREAS</p><p>A Followup Study of Manic-Depressive and Schizoaffective Psychoses after Systemic Family Therapy 1991, 30(2), 139-153 ARNOLD RETZER, FRITZ B. SIMON, GUNTHARD WEBER, HELM STIERLIN, GUNTHER SCHMIDT Family Process Article Titles by Subject 174</p><p>The BRIEFER Project: Using Expert Systems as Theory Construction Tools 1991, 30(2), 241-250 WALLACE J. GINGERICH, STEVE SHAZER</p><p>Outcomes of Systemic/Strategic Team Consultation: III. The Importance of Therapist Warmth and Active Structuring 1991, 30(3), 321-336 ROBERT-JAY GREEN, MARY HERGET</p><p>The Reflexive Loop of Past, Present, and Future in Systemic Therapy and Consultation 1992, 31(2), 119-130 LUIGI BOSCOLO, PAOLO BERTRANDO</p><p>COMMENTARY ON BOSCOLO AND BERTRANDO 1992, 31(2), 131-133 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>The Architecture of Family Structures: Toward a Spatial Spatial Concept for Measuring Cohesion and Hierarchy 1993, 32(1), 135-139 THOMAS M. GEHRING, DANIEL MARTI</p><p>How Problems Evolve and Dissolve: Integrating Narrative and Strategic Concepts 1993, 32(3), 291-309 JOSEPH B. ERON, THOMAS W. LUND</p><p>"Becoming": A Method for Expanding Systemic Thinking and Deepening Empathic Accuracy 1995, 34(2), 241-253 MARYHELEN SNYDER</p><p>Engaging Multiproblem Families in Treatment: Lessons Learned Throughout the Development of Multisystemic Therapy 1999, 38(3), 265-281 PHILLIPPE B. CUNNINGHAM, SCOTT W. HENGGELER</p><p>COMMENTARY: CHALLENGES TO FAMILY ENGAGEMENT: WHAT CAN MULTISYSTEMIC THERAPY TEACH FAMILY THERAPISTS? 1999, 38(3), 281-286 SUSAN B. STERN</p><p>Multisystemic Therapy: Monitoring Treatment Fidelity 2000, 39(1), 83-103 SONJA K. SCHOENWALD, SCOTT W. HENGGELER, MICHAEL J. BRONDINO, MELISA D. ROWLAND Family Process Article Titles by Subject 175</p><p>Brief Strategic Family Therapy versus Community Control: Engagement, Retention, and an Exploration of the Moderating Role of Adolescent Symptom Severity 2001, 40(3), 313-332 J. DOUGLAS COATSWORTH, DANIEL A. SANTISTEBAN, CAMI K. MCBRIDE, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK</p><p>The Network Perspective: An Integration of Attachment and Family Systems Theories 2002, 41(3), 285-312 KASIA KOZLOWSKA, LESLEY HANNEY</p><p>Using a Metaperspective to Clarify the Structural-Narrative Debate in Family Therapy 2006, 45(1), 55-73 JOSHUA LEVY</p><p>Interfaces: Toward a New Generation of Systemic Models in Family Research and Practice 2007, 46(2), 173- 184 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>"You" and "I,""Us" and "Them": A Systemic-Discursive Approach to the Study of Ethnic Stereotypes in the Context of British-Greek Heterosexual Couple Relationships 2007, 46(4), 515-522 ELEFTHERIA TSELIOU, IVAN EISLER</p><p>The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy With Adult Patients: A Meta-Content Analysis of 38 Randomized Controlled Trials 2010, 49(3), 457-485 KIRSTEN Von SYDOW, STEFAN BEHER, JOCHEN SCHWEITZER, RUDIGER RETZLAFF</p><p>Techniques of Structural Family Assessment: A Qualitative Analysis of How Experts Promote a Systemic Perspective 2013, 52(2), 207-215 MICHAEL NICHOLS & SYDNEY TAFURI</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 176</p><p>Substance Abuse</p><p>Treatment of Alcoholic Families with Nurse Home Visits 1965, 4(1), 75-94 E. MANSELL PATTISON</p><p>Communicational Styles and Interaction of Alcoholics and Their Wives 1971, 10(4), 474-489 STEPHEN L. GORAD</p><p>Decision-Making and Interaction by Families with and without A Drug-Abusing Child 1972, 11(4), 487-498 D. EUGENE MEAD, SUSAN S. CAMPBELL</p><p>The Families of Drug Abusers: A Literature Review 1975, 14(3), 411-431 HENRY T. HARBIN, HOWARD M. MAZIAR</p><p>Opiate Addicts and Their Parents 1975, 14(4), 499-514 BRUCE K. ALEXANDER, GARY S. DIBB</p><p>Experimenting with Family Treatment Approaches to Alcoholism, 1950–1975: A Review 1976, 15(1), 96-123 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Case Studies in the Family Treatment of Drug Abuse 1976, 15(3), 325-332 ROBERT J. NOONE, ROBERT L. REDDIG</p><p>Observations Of Conjointly Hospitalized "Alcoholic Couples" During Sobriety And Intoxication: Implications For Theory and Therapy 1977, 16(1), 1-16 PETER STEINGLASS, DONALD I. DAVIS, DAVID BERENSON</p><p>Interpersonal Perception in Addict Families 1977, 16(1), 17-28 BRUCE K. ALEXANDER, GARY S. DIBB</p><p>DRUG ABUSE AND THE FAMILY : The Family and Drug Abuse Symposium 1977, 16(2), 141-147 KAREN KUPETZ, JUDIE LAROSA, MICHELINE KLAGSBRUN, DONALD I. DAVIS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 177</p><p>Substance Abuse and Family Interaction 1977, 16(1), 149-164 MICHELINE KLAGSBRUN, DONALD I. DAVIS</p><p>The Addict as Savior: Heroin, Death, and the Family 1977, 16(2), 191-197 M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>Family Therapy and Drug Abuse: A National Survey 1978, 17(1), 21-29 SANDRA B. COLEMAN, DONALD I. DAVIS</p><p>Family Treatment Approaches to Drug Abuse Problems: A Review 1979, 18(3), 251-280 M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>The Significance of Cultural Patterning for the "Alcoholic Family" 1980, 19(2), 127-144 JOAN ABLON</p><p>A Life History Model of the Alcoholic Family 1980, 19(3), 211-226 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Families and Adolescent Drug Abuse: Structural Analysis of Children's Roles 1981, 20(3), 295-304 MARTHA CLEVELAND</p><p>Stability/Instability in the Alcoholic Marriage: The Interrelationships Between Course of Alcoholism, Family Process, and Marital Outcome 1985, 24(3), 365-376 PETER STEINGLASS, LYDIA TISLENKO, DAVID REISS</p><p>COMMENTARY: VARIATIONS IN THE FAMILIES OF ALCOHOLICS 1985, 24(3), 377-380 EDWARD KAUFMAN</p><p>Life Cycle and Loss — The Spiritual Vacuum of Heroin Addiction 1986, 25(1), 5-23 SANDRA B. COLEMAN, J. DOREENE KAPLAN, ROBERT W. DOWNING</p><p>Enlisting Family Support in Drug Treatment 1986, 25(1), 25-33 LAURIE WERMUTH, SUSAN SCHEIDT Family Process Article Titles by Subject 178</p><p>Couples at Risk for Transmission of Alcoholism: Protective Influences 1987, 26(1), 111-129 LINDA A. BENNETT, STEVEN J. WOLIN, DAVID REISS, MARTHA A. TEITELBAUM</p><p>Families of Adolescent Drug Abusers Are "Rigid": Are These Families Either "Disengaged" or "Enmeshed," or Both? 1987, 26(1), 131-148 ALFRED S. FRIEDMAN, ARLENE UTADA, MARGARET R. MORRISSEY</p><p>Juvenile Drug Addiction: A Typology of Heroin Addicts and Their Families 1988, 27(3), 261-271 LUIGI CANCRINI, SERGIO CINGOLANI, FRANCA COMPAGNONI, DANIELA COSTANTINI, SILVIA MAZZONI</p><p>Family Functioning of Male Alcoholics and Their Female Partners during Periods of Drinking and Abstinence 1989, 28(2), 239-249 MICHAEL R. LIEPMAN, TED D. NIRENBERG, RICHARD H. DOOLITTLE, ANN M. BEGIN, THOMAS E. BROFFMAN, MARK E. BABICH</p><p>Contextual Therapy: Brief Treatment of an Addict and Spouse 1990, 29(1), 59-71 GUILLERMO BERNAL, CARMENZA RODRIGUEZ, GUY DIAMOND</p><p>The Effect of Being Reared with an Alcoholic Half-Sibling: A Classic Study Reanalyzed 1990, 29(1), 87-93 WILLIAM L. COOK, JOHN W. GOETHE</p><p>Reflections During a Study on Family Therapy with Drug Addicts 1990, 29(3), 273-287 SISSEL REICHELT, BERNADETTE CHRISTENSEN</p><p>Family Climate and Expressed Emotion in the Course of Alcoholism 1997, 36(2), 203-221 MANFRED M. FICHTER, SHIRLEY M. GLYNN, S. WEYERER, ROBERT P. LIBERMAN, ULRICK FRICK</p><p>Marital Interactions of Male versus Female Alcoholics 1997, 36(4), 385-402 JON RANDOLPH HABER, THEODORE JACOB</p><p>Death in the Family and HIV Risk-Taking among Intravenous Drug Users Family Process Article Titles by Subject 179</p><p>2003, 42(2), 291-304 BENJAMIN P. BOWSER, CARL O. WORD, M. DUNCAN STANTON, SANDRA B. COLEMAN</p><p>Involving Caregiving Grandmothers in Family Interventions when Mothers with Substance Use Problems are Incarcerated 2008, 47(3), 357-371 MALITTA ENGSTROM</p><p>Structural Ecosystems Therapy for HIV+ African-American Women and Drug Abuse Relapse 2010, 49(2), 204-219 DANIEL J. FEASTER, MYRON J. BURNS, AHNALEE M. BRINCKS, GUILLERMO PRADO, VICTORIA B. MITRANI, MEGALY H. MAUER, JOSE SZAPOCZNIK </p><p>Behavioral Couples Therapy for the Treatment of Substance Abuse: A Substantive and Methodological Review of O'Farrell, Fals-Stewart, and Colleagues' Program of Research 2010, 49(4), 439-456 SARALYN RUFF, JENNIFER L. McCOMB, CASEY J. COKER, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>Guidelines for Classifying Evidence-Based Treatments in Couple and Family Therapy 2011, 50(3), 377-392 THOMAS SEXTON, KRISTINA COOP GORDON, ALAN GURMAN, JAY LEBOW, AMY HOLTZWORTH-MUNROE, SUSAN JOHNSON</p><p>______</p><p>Technology</p><p>Virtualizing Intimacy: Information Communication Technologies and Transnational Families in Therapy 2011, 50(1), 12-26 SUSAN LAMBE</p><p>Translation of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy to a Web-based Intervention 2013, 52(1), 139-153 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 180</p><p>BRIAN D. DOSS, LISA A. BENSON, EMILY J. GEORGIA, ANDREW CHRISTENSEN</p><p>______</p><p>Therapist Issues</p><p>Some Dynamics of Laughter During Family Therapy 1963, 2(2), 302-314 GERALD H. ZUK, IVAN BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, ELLIOT HEIMAN</p><p>A Further Study of Laughter in Family Therapy 1964, 3(1), 77-89 GERALD H. ZUK</p><p>Heterosexual Co-Therapy Team Experiences During Family Therapy 1965, 4(2), 177-197 JOHN C. SONNE, GERALDINE LINCOLN</p><p>The Go-Between Process in Family Therapy 1966, 5(2), 162-178 GERALD H. ZUK</p><p>Training for Family Therapy 1969, 8(1), 24-32 ANDREW FERBER, MARILYN MENDELSOHN</p><p>Family Therapy Training Literature: A Brief Guide 1969, 8(2), 272-279 ARTHUR M. BODIN</p><p>A Nurse, A Family, and The Velveteen Rabbit 1971, 10(3), 303-310 BARBARA TESCHER</p><p>Therapist Experience and "Style" as Factors in Co-therapy 1972, 11(1), 1-12 DAVID G. RICE, WILLIAM F. FEY, JOSEPH G. KEPECS</p><p>The Paraprofessional and Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 181</p><p>1972, 11(2), 147-162 CARTER UMBARGER</p><p>Therapist Experience and "Style" as Factors in Co-therapy 1972, 11(2), 227-233 DAVID G. RICE, WILLIAM F. FEY, JOSEPH G. KEPECS</p><p>Defection, Termination, and Continuation in Family and Individual Therapy 1973, 12(1), 55-67 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO, SIMON H. BUDMAN</p><p>Factors Associated with Engagement in Family Therapy 1974, 13(4), 413-427 SAMUEL SLIPP, SARAH ELLIS, KENNETH KRESSEL</p><p>The Coalitionary Process in Initiating Family Therapy 1975, 14(1), 67-77 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>Family Therapy Training: Academic and Internship Opportunities for Psychologists 1975, 14(3), 433-439 M. DUNCAN STANTON</p><p>The Concept of Personal Network in Clinical Practice 1975, 14(4), 487-498 GERALD D. ERICKSON</p><p>Problems in Measuring the Success of Family Therapy in a Common Clinical Setting: Impasse and Solutions 1976, 15(2), 225-233 JOHN J. SIGAL, CAROL B. BARRS, ANDREA L. DOUBILET</p><p>Family Photographs: in Treatment and Training 1976, 15(2), 259-264 CAROL M. ANDERSON, ELAINE S. MALLOY</p><p>Designed Experience: A Multiple, Goal-Directed Training Program in Family Therapy 1976, 15(4), 373-387 LARRY L. CONSTANTINE</p><p>Paradigmatic Classification of Family Therapy Theories 1977, 16(1), 29-48 MICHELE KLEVENS RITTERERMAN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 182</p><p>Time-Extended Family Interviewing 1977, 16(1), 97-103 DIANE BIRENBAUM BRESLOW, BARBARA GREEN HRON</p><p>Family Therapy Training: Program and Outcome 1977, 16(2), 211-218 KALMAN FLOMENHAFT, ROSS E. CARTER</p><p>Introducing Novice Therapists to "Go-Between" Techniques of Family Therapy 1977, 16(2), 237-246 JAMES J. GARRIGAN, ANDREW F. BAMBRICK</p><p>"She is Just Not an Open Person.": A Linguistic Analysis of a Restructuring Intervention in Family Therapy 1977, 16(3), 339-352 SENTA TROEMEL-PLOETZ</p><p>Family Rituals A Powerful Tool in Family Therapy 1977, 16(4), 445-453 MARA SELVINI PALAZZOLI, LUIGI BOSCOLO, GIAN FRANCO CECCHIN, GIULIANA PRATA</p><p>Family Therapy Training for Paraprofessionals in a Community Mental Health Center 1977, 16(4), 477-493 ISRAELA MEYERSTEIN</p><p>On the Reclaiming of Denied Affects in Family therapy 1977, 16(4), 495-501 DAVID A. BERKOWITZ</p><p>Deterioration in Marital and Family Therapy: Empirical, Clinical, and Conceptual Issues 1978, 17(1), 3-20 ALAN S. GURMAN, DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>Susan Smiled: On Explanation in Family Therapy 1978, 17(1), 59-68 ALBERT E. SCHEFLEN</p><p>Some Notes on the Use of Family Sculpture in Therapy 1978, 17(1), 69-76 CARTER JEFFERSON</p><p>A Feminist Approach to Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 183</p><p>1978, 17(2), 181-194 RACHEL T. HARE-MUSTIN</p><p>Difficulties in Family Therapy Evaluation I. A Comparison of Insight vs. Problem- Solving Approaches II. Design Critique and Recommendations 1978, 17(4), 409-422 SAMUEL SLIPP, KENNETH KRESSEL</p><p>The Family Therapist Behavior Scale (FTBS): Development and Evaluation of a Coding System 1979, 18(4), 451-461 WILLIAM. M. PINSOF</p><p>Hypothesizing — Circularity — Neutrality: Three Guidelines for the Conductor of the Session 1980, 19(1), 3-12 MARA PALAZZOLI SELVINI, LUIGI BOSCOLO, GIANFRANCO CECCHIN, GIULIANA PRATA</p><p>Some Cotherapy Techniques With Families 1980, 19(2), 161-168 JAMES W. HANNUM</p><p>Folie à Famille: A Family Therapist's Perspective 1980, 19(3), 257-268 LYNN WIKLER</p><p>Family Secrets: II. Ethical and Practical Considerations in Therapeutic Management 1980, 19(3), 295-306 MARK A. KARPEL</p><p>Convening Strategies in Family Therapy 1980, 19(4), 393-400 MARK W. TEISMANN</p><p>Issues in the Assessment of Outcome in Family Therapy 1981, 20(2), 167-188 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Client, Treatment, and Therapist Variables Related To Outcome in Brief, Systems- Oriented Family Therapy 1981, 20(2), 189-197 CHRISTEL A. WOODWARD, JACK SANTA-BARBARA, DAVID L. STREINER, JOHN T. GOODMAN, SOLOMON LEVIN, NATHAN B. EPSTEIN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 184</p><p>Ecosystemic Epistemology: Critical Implications for the Aesthetics and Pragmatics of Family Therapy 1982, 21(1), 1-19 BRADFORD P. KEENEY, DOUGLAS H. SPRENKLE</p><p>Beyond Homeostasis: Toward a Concept of Coherence 1982, 21(1), 21-41 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>The Aesthetic Preference: Overcoming the Pragmatic Error 1982, 21(1), 43-56 LAWRENCE R. ALLMAN</p><p>Some Conceptual Distinctions Are More Useful Than Others 1982, 21(1), 71-84 STEVE SHAZER</p><p>What Is an Epistemology of Family Therapy? 1982, 21(2), 153-168 BRADFORD P. KEENEY</p><p>A Theory of Systems Theories or The Case of Mistaken Identity 1982, 21(2), 235-242 CONSTANCE VIELAND</p><p>On the Problems of Eclecticism: A Call for Epistemologic Clarification and Human- Scale Theories 1982, 21(2), 243-250 HOWARD ARTHUR LIDDLE</p><p>One- to Three-Session Therapy With Children and Families 1982, 21(3), 281-289 JOHN S. WELTNER</p><p>The "Second Wave" and the Second Generation: Characteristics of New Leaders in Family Therapy 1982, 21(3), 359-362 LYN THAXTON, LUCIANO L'ABATE</p><p>Getting and Giving Information: Analysis of a Family-Interview Strategy 1983, 22(1), 27-42 MAURIZIOI VIARO, PAOLO LEONARDI</p><p>Process, Structure and World Views: Toward an Integrated View of Systemic Models in Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 185</p><p>1983, 22(4), 469-476 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>Wet Cocker Spaniel Therapy: An Essay on Technique in Family Therapy 1984, 23(1), 1-9 FRANK S. PITTMAN III</p><p>A Consultation Method Addressing the Therapist-Family System 1984, 23(4), 469-480 MAX J. TROMMEL</p><p>How Really Real Is Real? 1984, 23(4), 51--517 BEBE SPEED</p><p>Thinking About Thinking in Family Therapy 1985, 24(1), 1-12 EDGAR H. AUERSWALD</p><p>Struggling with Congruence Across Theoretical Models and Methods 1985, 24(2), 203-207 DAVID H. OLSON</p><p>BIOLOGICAL REDUCTIONISM, REDUCTIONIST BEHAVIORISM, AND THE SOCIAL ECONOMY OF CLINICAL PRACTICE 1985, 24(3), 352-355 DAVID E. K. HUNTER</p><p>A Systemic View of Family Therapy Ethics 1985, 24(4), 443-453 DONALD J. WENDORF, ROBERT J. WENDORF</p><p>Engaging the Severely Dysfunctional Family in Treatment: Basic Considerations 1985, 24(4), 473-485 JACK WEITZMAN</p><p>Making Family Therapy Easier for the Therapist: Burnout Prevention 1985, 24(4), 549-553 ROBERT FRIEDMAN</p><p>On Asking the Right Questions 1986, 25(1), 123-131 PETER RAYNER, B. PHIL</p><p>My Family Made Me Do It: The Influence of Family Therapists' Families of Origin on Their Occupational Choice Family Process Article Titles by Subject 186</p><p>1986, 25(2), 309-319 SHELLY GOLDKLANK</p><p>Systemic Practice 1986, 25(4), 483-512 DANIEL GIACOMO, MONA WEISSMARK</p><p>In Defense of "Lineal Causality" 1986, 25(4), 513-521 PAUL F. DELL</p><p>DISCUSSIONS : Maybe "Lineal Causality" Needs Another Defense Lawyer: A Feminist Response to Dell 1986, 25(4), 523-529 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Friends in Family Therapy: Use of a Neglected Resource 1987, 26(2), 269-281 RUSSELL HABER</p><p>On Description of Family Therapy 1987, 26(3), 331-340 STUART GOLANN</p><p>The Reflecting Team: Dialogue and Meta-Dialogue in Clinical Work 1987, 26(4), 415-428 TOM ANDERSEN</p><p>Toward a Generative Theory of the Therapeutic Field 1987, 26(4), 437-459 DANIEL GIACOMO, MONA WEISSMARK</p><p>On Second-Order Family Therapy 1988, 27(1), 51-65 STUART GOLANN</p><p>REPLY TO STUART GOLANN 1988, 27(1), 65-68 LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>WHO REPLIED FIRST? A REPLY TO HOFFMAN 1988, 27(1), 68-71 STUART GOLANN</p><p>Family Therapy in Trouble: Psychoeducation as Solution and as Problem Family Process Article Titles by Subject 187</p><p>1988, 27(3), 327-338 DAVID E. K. HUNTER, ROBERT J. HOFFNUNG, JULIAN B. FERHOLT</p><p>Ethical Decision Making in Family Therapy 1989, 28(3), 269-280 MARY JO ZYGMOND, HARRIET BOORHEM</p><p>The Role of the Family Therapist in Divorce: Benevolent Healer or Agent of Social Change? 1989, 28(3), 357-367 MARY F. WHITESIDE</p><p>A Piagetian View of Family Therapy: Selvini-Palazzoli and the Invariant Approach 1989, 28(4), 439-456 ESTHER GELCER, DAVID SCHWARTZBEIN</p><p>The Unraveling of a Treatment Paradigm: A Followup Study of the Milan Approach to Family Therapy 1989, 28(4), 457-470 MEEDA MASHAL, RONALD B. FELDMAN, JOHN J. SlGAL</p><p>A Paradigm for Construction of Family Therapy Tasks 1989, 28(4), 471-489 MARCIA D. BROWN-STANDRIDGE</p><p>Constructing Realities: An Art of Lenses 1990, 29(1), 1-12 LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>Further Thoughts on Second-Order Family Therapy — This Time It's Personal 1990, 29(2), 145-155 BRENT J. ATKINSON, ANTHONY W. HEATH</p><p>Beyond Cybernetics: Comments on Atkinson and Heath's "Further Thoughts on Second-Order Family Therapy" 1990, 29(2), 157-163 HARLENE ANDERSON, HAROLD A. GOOLISHIAN</p><p>Measurement Issues in Family Assessment: The Case of the Family Environment Scale 1990, 29(2), 191-198 MARK W. ROOSA, JANETTE BEALS</p><p>Conceptual and Empirical Approaches to Developing Family-Based Assessment Procedures: Resolving the Case of the Family Environment Scale Family Process Article Titles by Subject 188</p><p>1990, 29(2), 199-208 RUDOLF H. MOOS</p><p>A Final Comment on the Case of the Family Environment Scale 1990, 29(2), 209-211 MARK W. ROOSA, JANETTE BEALS</p><p>Session-Intersession Sequences in the Treatment of Chronic Anorexic-Bulimic Patients: Following the Model of "Family Games" 1990, 29(3), 289-296 MAURIZIO VIARO</p><p>From Universe to Multiverses—and Back Again 1990, 29(4), 385-397 ODD ARNE TJERSLAND</p><p>Self-Disclosure of Personal Constructs 1990, 29(4), 399-413 EDWARD M. WARING</p><p>COMMENT ON "SELF-DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL CONSTRUCTS" BY EDWARD M. WARING 1990, 29(4), 413-415 MONY ELKAIM</p><p>REJOINDER TO DR. ELKAÏM'S "COMMENT" 1990, 29(4), 415-416 Edward M. Waring</p><p>Priority Setting in Family Change and Clinical Practice: The Family FIRO Model 1991, 30(2), 227-240 WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, NICHOLAS COLANGELO, DEBORAH HOVANDER</p><p>Tyranny and Freedom: Looking at Ideas in the Practice of Family Therapy 1991, 30(3), 307-320 MARSHALL FINE, JEAN TURNER</p><p>Rethinking Levels of Abstraction in Family Systems Theories 1991, 30(4), 435-452 WESLEY R. BURR</p><p>Muddles, Bewilderment, and Practice Theory 1991, 30(4), 453-458 STEVE SHAZER</p><p>From Front Line to Home Front: A Study of Secondary Traumatization Family Process Article Titles by Subject 189</p><p>1992, 31(3), 289-302 ZAHAVA SOLOMON, MARK WAYSMAN, GABY LEVY, BATIA FRIED, MARIO MIKULINCER, RAMI BENBENISHTY, VICTOR FLORIAN, AVI BLEICH</p><p>Revisiting the Notion of Hierarchy 1993, 32(2), 147-155 GEORGE M. SIMON</p><p>COMMENTARY : Power and Hierarchy: Let's Talk About It! 1993, 32(2), 157-162 VIRGINIA GOLDNER</p><p>COMMENTARY : The Therapist as Authority Figure 1993, 32(2), 163-165 MICHAEL P. NICHOLS</p><p>COMMENTARY : Hierarchy: The Imbalance of Risk 1993, 32(2), 167-170 BRENT J. ATKINSON</p><p>The Misuse and Use of Science in Family Therapy 1994, 33(1), 3-17 MARGARET NEWMARK, CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>Creating a Participant Text: Writing, Multiple Voices, Narrative Multiplicity 1994, 33(3), 217-231 PEGGY PENN, MARILYN FRANKFURT</p><p>Using a Narrative Metaphor: Implications for Theory and Clinical Practice 1994, 33(3), 233-245 JEFFREY L. ZIMMERMAN, VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>Beyond the Circumplex Model: I. A Moratorium on Curvilinearity 1994, 33(4), 455-470 RICHARD B. CLUFF, MARY W. HICKS, CHARLES H. MADSEN JR.</p><p>Debriefing the Family: Is Research an Intervention? 1995, 34(2), 145-160 DANIELLE A. BUSSELL, KATHRYN COOKE MATSEY, DAVID REISS, MAVIS HETHERINGTON</p><p>Evaluating Therapists' Practices in a Postmodern World: A Discussion and a Scheme 1996, 35(1), 43-56 DOUGLAS G. FLEMONS, SHELLEY K. GREEN, ANNE H. RAMBO Family Process Article Titles by Subject 190</p><p>Intrusiveness and Closeness-Caregiving: Rethinking the Concept of Family "Enmeshment" 1996, 35(2), 115-136 ROBERT-JAY GREEN, PAUL D. WERNER</p><p>Measuring Family Therapy Outcome in a Clinical Setting: Families That Do Better or Do Worse in Therapy 1996, 35(3), 347-361 ROBERT B. HAMPSON, W. ROBERT BEAVERS</p><p>Why Pragmatics Is Probably Enough for Now 1996, 35(4), 473-486 JON AMUNDSON</p><p>Connecting Bowen Theory with Its Human Origins 1996, 35(4), 487-500 MAX INNES</p><p>Decentering Therapy: Textual Analysis of a Narrative Therapy Session 1997, 36(2), 101-126 STEVEN M. KOGAN, JERRY E. GALE</p><p>Mapping and/or Discovering Meaning in Family Therapy: An E-Mail Conversation 1997, 36(2) 127-132 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS, STEVEN M. KOGAN, JERRY E. GALE</p><p>Toward a Developmentally Informed Narrative Therapy 1997, 36(4), 325-339 PAUL S. STRAND</p><p>Hearing Metaphor: An Approach to Working with Family-Generated Metaphor 1997, 36(4), 341-355 PETER A. SIMS, CHRISTOPHER A. WHYNOT</p><p>Therapist in Distress: Team-Supervision of Social Workers and Family Therapists Who Work and Live Under Political Uncertainty 1998, 37(2), 245-259 MICHAL SHAMAI</p><p>The King Is Dead; Long Live the King: Narrative Therapy and Practicing What We Preach 1998, 37(3), 379-385 ROBERT E. DOAN</p><p>Social Construction and Materiality: The Limits of Indeterminacy in Therapeutic Settings Family Process Article Titles by Subject 191</p><p>1998, 37(4), 393-413 JOHN W. LANNAMANN</p><p>COMMENTARY : The Place of Material in a Constructed World 1998, 37(4), 415-419 KENNETH J. GERGEN</p><p>REJOINDER : The Place of the Constructed in a Materially Responsive World 1998, 37(4), 421-423 JOHN W. LANNAMANN</p><p>The Therapist's Inner Conversation in Family Therapy Practice: Some Ideas About the Self of the Therapist, Therapeutic Impasse, and the Process of Reflection 1999, 38(2), 209-228 PETER ROBER</p><p>Their Home Is Their Castle: Learning to Do In-Home Family Therapy 1999, 38(2), 229-242 WENDY SYNDER, ERIC E. McCOLLUM</p><p>Emotions in Solution-Focused Therapy: A Re-examination 2000, 39(1), 5-23 GALE MILLER, STEVE SHAZER</p><p>Miller and de Shazer's Article on "Emotions in Solution-Focused Therapy" 2000, 39(1), 25-28 FRED P. PIERCY, EVE LIPCHIK, DAVE KISER</p><p>Does Couple and Family Therapy Have Emotional Intelligence? 2000, 39(1), 29-33 RICHARD C. SCHWARTZ, SUSAN M. JOHNSON</p><p>Uncommon Strategies for a Common Problem: Addressing Racism in Family Therapy 2000, 39(1), 35-50 TRACEY A. LASZLOFFY, KENNETH V. HARDY</p><p>Using a Feminist Lens in Contextual Therapy 2000, 39(1), 51-66 MARY E. DANKOSKI, SHARON A. DEACON</p><p>Ethical Decision Making among Family Therapists and Individual Therapists 2000, 39(2), 177-188 SUSAN A. NEWFIELD, NEAL A. NEWFIELD, JEANNIE A. SPERRY, THOMAS EDWARD SMITH Family Process Article Titles by Subject 192</p><p>The Structure of Interpretations in Family Therapy: A Video-Enhanced Exploration 2000, 39(2), 189-205 STEVEN J. TRIERWEILER, DONNA K. NAGATA, JOSETTE V. BANKS</p><p>Rating Scale of Therapists' Systemic Responses in an Individual Treatment Context 2000, 39(2), 207-217 WINNIE W. KUNG</p><p>Does History End with Postmodernism? Toward an Ultramodern Family Therapy 2001, 40(4), 401-412 JUAN LUIS LINARES</p><p>Sociopolitical Activist or Conversational Partner? Distinguishing the Position of the Therapist in Narrative and Collaborative Therapies 2003, 42(1), 19-30 GERALD MONK, DIANE R. GEHART</p><p>Dialogue and Power: A Critical Analysis of Power in Dialogical Therapy 2003, 42(3), 331-343 MICHAEL GUILFOYLE</p><p>The Epistemology of Witnessing: Memory, Testimony, and Ethics in Family Therapy 2004, 43(2), 265-274 MARCELO PAKMAN</p><p>Transparency and Self-Disclosure in Family Therapy: Dangers and Possibilities 2005, 44(1), 45-63 JANINE ROBERTS</p><p>Structured Methods and Striking Moments: Using Question Sequences in "Living" Ways 2005, 44(1), 65-75 ROGER LOWE</p><p>Healing Elements of Therapeutic Conversation: Dialogue as an Embodiment of Love 2005, 44(4), 461-475 JAAKKO SEIKKULA, DAVID TRIMBLE</p><p>The Therapist's Self in Dialogical Family Therapy: Some Ideas About Not-Knowing and the Therapist's Inner Conversation 2005, 44(4), 477-495 PETER ROBER Family Process Article Titles by Subject 193</p><p>Complex Love as Relational Nurturing: An Integrating Ultramodern Concept 2006, 45(1), 101-115 JUAN LUIS LINARES</p><p>On Wisdom 2006, 45(1), 117-132 HENRY GRUNEBAUM</p><p>Commentary: On Wisdom 2006, 45(1), 133-137 TOM ERIK ARNKIL</p><p>The Heart of the Matter: A Proposal for Placing the Self of the Therapist at the Center of Family Therapy Research and Training 2006, 45(3), 331-344 GEORGE M. SIMON</p><p>What Does It Mean to Be Relational? A Framework for Assessment and Practice 2006, 45(4), 391-405 RACHELLE SILVERSTEIN, LINDA BUXBAUM BASS, AMY TUTTLE, CARMEN KNUDSON-MARTIN, DOUGLAS HUENERGARDT</p><p>Treating Family Relational Trauma: A Recursive Process Using a Decision Dialogue 2008, 47(2), 173-195 MARCIA SHEINBERG, FIONA TRUE</p><p>The Multi-level Approach: A Road Map for Couples Therapy 2008, 47(2), 197-213 MICHELE SCHEINKMAN</p><p>Factorial and Construct Validity of the Revised Short Form Integrative Psychotherapy Alliance Scales for Family, Couple, and Individual Therapy 2008, 47(3), 281-301 WILLIAM M. PINSOF, RICHARD ZINBARG, LYNNE M. KNOBLOCH-FEDDERS</p><p>Introduction to the Special Section—Continuing Narrative Ideas and Practices: Drawing Inspiration from the Legacy of Michael White 2009, 48(3), 315-318 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>The Absent but Implicit: A Map to Support Therapeutic Enquiry 2009, 48(3), 319-331 MAGGIE CAREY, SARAH WALTHER, SHONA RUSSELL Family Process Article Titles by Subject 194</p><p>Tracing Lines of Flight: Implications of the Work of Gilles Deleuze for Narrative Practice 2009, 48(3), 332-346 JOHN WINSLADE</p><p>Narrative Ideas for Consulting with Communities and Organizations: Ripples from the Gatherings 2009, 48(3), 347-362 JILL FREEDMAN, GENE COMBS</p><p>Some Historical Conditions of Narrative Work 2009, 48(3), 363-378 C. CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>Facilitating Our Clients' Right to Choose: A Commentary on the Work of Shoshana Bulow 2009, 48(3), 390-394 BEA HOLLANDER-GOLDFEIN</p><p>Family Secrets and Family Functioning: The Case of Donor Assistance 2009, 48(4), 553-566 RONI BERGER, MARILYN PAUL</p><p>Avoiding Colonizer Positions in the Therapy Room: Some Ideas About the Challenges of Dealing with the Dialectic of Misery and Resources in Families 2010, 49(1), 123-137 PETER ROBER, MICHAEL SELTZER</p><p>Positioning Oneself Within an Epistemology: Refining Our Thinking About Integrative Approaches 2010, 49(3), 349-368 VICTORIA C. DICKERSON</p><p>Location of Self: Opening the Door to Dialogue on Intersectionality in the Therapy Process 2010, 49(3), 405-420 DEE WATTS-JONES</p><p>A Fugue in Four Voices: Sounding Themes and Variations on the Reflecting Team 2011, 50(1), 115-128 JIM SPARKS, JANE ARIEL, ELLEN PULLEYBLANK, SAMUEL TABACHNIK</p><p>______Family Process Article Titles by Subject 195</p><p>Training</p><p>A Didactic Course for Family Therapy Trainees 1970, 9(4), 411-423 FRED M. SANDER, C. CHRISTIAN BEELS</p><p>A Review of Family Therapy, Training, and Study in the San Francisco Bay Area 1971, 10(1), 111-121 ARTHUR M. BODIN</p><p>A Paraprofessional's View of Supervision 1972, 11(2), 163-169 ROSIE L. HALL</p><p>Aspects of Live Supervision 1973, 12(4), 343-359 BRAULIO MONTALVO</p><p>Supervision as Revelation of the Pattern: I Ching Comments on "The Open Door" 1974, 13(3), 371-376 MORRIS STAMBLER, CHESTER PEARLMAN</p><p>Through the Looking Glass: The Experiences of Two Family Therapy Trainees with Live Supervision 1978, 17(2), 225-230 JUDITH GERSHENSON, MARTIN S. COHEN</p><p>Learning Multiple Family Therapy Through Simulated Workshops 1979, 18(1), 95-98 JOHN RAASOCH, H. PETER LAQUEUR</p><p>Family Awareness for Nonclinicians: Participation in a Simulated Family as a Teaching Technique 1979, 18(2), 143-150 KATHY WEINGARTEN</p><p>Training in Family Therapy: Perceptual, Conceptual and Executive Skills 1979, 18(3), 227-250 KARL M. TOMM, LORRAINE M. WRIGHT</p><p>Direct Open Supervision: A Team Approach Family Process Article Titles by Subject 196</p><p>1979, 18(4), 463-469 ULF-JOHAN OLSON, P. F. PEGG</p><p>Using Video Playback to Train Family Therapists 1980, 19(2), 145-150 JEANNETTE R. KRAMER, MIRIAM REITZ</p><p>Family Therapy Training: The Institutional Base 1981, 20(2), 131-131 DONALD A. BLOCH</p><p>Training Facilities in Marital and Family Therapy 1981, 20(2), 133-146 DONALD A. BLOCH, HOWARD M. WEISS</p><p>Family Therapy Training in Selected General Psychiatry Residency Programs 1981, 20(2), 147-154 STUART SUGARMAN</p><p>Family Therapy Training in Clinical Psychology Programs 1981, 20(2), 155-158 AARON COOPER, CHERYL RAMPAGE, GERALD SOUCY</p><p>: 2 1981, 20(2), 158-164</p><p>Cotherapy Teams and One-Way Screen in Family Therapy Practice and Training 1981, 20(2), 199-209 MAX CORNWELL, ROSEMARY PEARSON</p><p>Engaging "Resistant" Families in Treatment 1981, 20(3), 261-293 M. DUNCAN STANTON, THOMAS C. TODD</p><p>Challenges and Promises of Training Women as Family Systems Therapists 1981, 20(4), 439-447 BARBARA L. CAUST, JUDITH A. LIBOW, PAMELA A. RASKIN</p><p>Openness: A Round-Table Discussion 1982, 21(1), 57-70 MONY ELKAÏM, ILYA PRIGOGINE, FÉLIX GUATTARI, ISABELLE STENGERS, JEAN-LOUIS DENENBOURG</p><p>Team Family Therapy Training: Conceptual and Pragmatic Considerations 1982, 21(2), 187-194 ANTHONY W. HEATH Family Process Article Titles by Subject 197</p><p>Circular Questioning 1982, 21(3), 267-280 PEGGY PENN</p><p>Live Supervision as Context, Treatment, and Training 1982, 21(3), 337-344 MICHAEL BERGER, CARRELL DAMMANN</p><p>Family Therapy Training: An Evaluation of a Workshop 1982, 21(3), 345-352 PETER CHURVEN, TOM MCKINNON</p><p>Practice and Training in Family Therapy: A Known Group Study 1983, 22(2), 179-190 MICHAEL S. KOLEVZON, ROBERT G. GREEN</p><p>Live Supervision/Consultation: Conceptual and Pragmatic Guidelines for Family Therapy Trainers 1983, 22(4), 477-490 HOWARD A. LIDDLE, RICHARD C. SCHWARTZ</p><p>Multiple Theoretical Approaches to Supervision: Choices in Family Therapy Training 1983, 22(4), 491-500 SUSAN H. McDANIEL, TIMOTHY WEBER, JAMES McKEEVER</p><p>The Death of Resistance 1984, 23(1), 11-17 STEVE SHAZER</p><p>Integrating Family Therapy Training into Psychiatry Residency Programs: Policy Issues and Alternatives 1984, 23(1), 23-32 STUART SUGARMAN</p><p>The Empirical Evaluation of Family Therapy Training 1984, 23(3), 437-456 SHERRY J. TUCKER, WILLIAM M. PINSOF</p><p>Integrative Shifts for the Theory and Practice of Family Systems Therapy 1985, 24(1), 13-30 DAVID KANTOR, JOHN H. NEAL</p><p>Our Personal and Professional Lives: Learning Positive Connotation and Circular Questioning Family Process Article Titles by Subject 198</p><p>1985, 24(3), 311-322 CHARLES O'BRIAN, PETER BRUGGEN</p><p>A Beginner's Guide to the Problem-Oriented First Family Interview 1985, 24(3), 357-364 TIMOTHY WEBER, JAMES E. McKEEVER, SUSAN H. McDANIEL</p><p>The Confusion About Epistemology and "Epistemology"—and What to Do About It 1985, 24(4), 509-517 BARBARA S. HELD, EDWARD POLS</p><p>Apropos Epistemologies 1985, 24(4), 517-521 HEINZ FOERSTER</p><p>The Family Void: Treatment and Theoretical Aspects of the Synchronous Family Paradigm 1985, 24(4), 525-547 LARRY L. CONSTANTINE, JUDITH T. ISRAEL</p><p>The Cybernetic Metaphor: A Critical Examination of Ecosystemic Epistemology as a Foundation of Family Therapy 1986, 25(3), 353-363 PAUL R. FALZER</p><p>Leaving Home: Later Stages of Treatment 1986, 25(3), 461-474 PETER PERROTTA</p><p>Evaluation of Family Therapy Trainees: Acquisition of Cognitive and Therapeutic Behavior Skills 1986, 25(4), 591-598 ELLEN PULLEYBLANK, RODNEY J. SHAPIRO</p><p>The Impact of Structural Family Therapy Training on Conceptual and Executive Therapy Skills 1986, 25(4), 599-608 FLORA ZAKEN-GREENBERG, GREG J. NEIMEYER</p><p>Interventive Interviewing: Part I. Strategizing as a Fourth Guideline for the Therapist 1987, 26(1), 3-13 KARL TOMM Family Process Article Titles by Subject 199</p><p>Interventive Interviewing: Part II. Reflexive Questioning as a Means to Enable Self- Healing 1987, 26(2), 167-183 KARL TOMM</p><p>Interventive Interviewing: Part III. Intending to Ask Lineal, Circular, Strategic, or Reflexive Questions? 1988, 27(1) 1-15 KARL TOMM</p><p>Theories of Family Adaptability: Toward a Synthesis of Olson's Circumplex and the Beavers Systems Models 1988, 27(1), 73-85 CAMERON LEE</p><p>A Record-Keeping Format for Training Systemic Therapists 1988, 27(3), 339-349 ROBERT M. BERNSTEIN, SANDRA K. BURGE</p><p>Return of the Question "Why": Advantages of Exploring Pre-existing Explanations 1988, 27(4), 437-440 BEN FURMAN, TAPANI AHOLA</p><p>Mind-Body Problems in Family Therapy: Contrasting First- and Second-Order Cybernetics Approaches 1990, 29(1), 13-28 JAMES L. GRIFFITH, MELISSA ELLIOTT GRIFFITH, LOIS S. SLOVIK</p><p>Patterns of Learning in Family Therapy Training 1990, 29(1), 29-44 AMARYLL J. PERLESZ, YVONNE STOLK, ANDREW F. FIRESTONE</p><p>Do Better Trainees Make Worse Family Therapists? A Followup Study of Client Families 1990, 29(1), 45-58 YVONNE STOLK, AMARYLL J. PERLESZ</p><p>From Handicap to Handy Capable: Training Systemic Therapists in Use of Self 1990, 29(4), 375-384 RUSSELL HABER</p><p>Family-of-Origin Work and Family Therapy Skills Training: Both-And 1991, 30(4), 459-471 SUSAN H. McDANIEL, JUDITH LANDAU-STANTON</p><p>Ecosystemic Training: Conjoining Supervision and Organizational Development Family Process Article Titles by Subject 200</p><p>1993, 32(2), 185-201 YOEL ELIZUR</p><p>Discourses in the Mirrored Room: A Postmodern Analysis of Therapy 1994, 33(1), 19-35 RACHEL T. HARE-MUSTIN</p><p>Ethical Issues in Observational Family Research 1994, 33(4), 361-376 DANIELLE A. BUSSELL</p><p>Video Home Training (the Orion Project): A Short-Term Preventive and Treatment Intervention for Families with Young Children 1994, 33(4), 441-453 ANITA WEINER, HAGGAI KUPPERMINTZ, DAVID GUTTMANN</p><p>The Integrative Revolution in Couple and Family Therapy 1997, 36(1), 1-17 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Why Integration May Be a Misguided Goal for Family Therapy 1997, 36(1), 19-21 HENRY GRUNEBAUM</p><p>Why Integration Is So Important in Couple and Family Therapy 1997, 36(1), 23-24 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Dialectical Behavior Therapy - Family Skills Training 1999, 38(4), 399-414 PERRY D. HOFFMAN, ALAN FRUZZETTI, CHARLES SWENSON</p><p>If Your Mother Were an Animal, What Animal Would She Be? Creating Play- Stories in Family Therapy: The Animal Attribution Story-Telling Technique (AASTT) 2004, 43(2) 249-263 DIANA ARAD</p><p>Family of Origin as a Supervisory Consultative Resource 2004, 43(3), 373-390 RUSSELL HABER, LITA HAWLEY</p><p>The Developmental Course of Personal Authority in the Family System 20045, 43(3), 391-409 DAVID M. LAWSON, DANIEL F. BROSSART Family Process Article Titles by Subject 201</p><p>Critical Consciousness, Accountability, and Empowerment: Key Processes for Helping Families Heal 2005, 44(1), 105-119 PILAR HERNANDEZ, RHEA ALMEIDA, KEN DOLAN-DEL VECCHIO</p><p>Co-constructing a Cross-Cultural Course: Resisting and Replicating Colonizing Practices 2005, 44(1), 121-131 JANA BORTNAR, MOJCA MONIK BUAR, MAJA RUS MAKOVEC, CHARLOTTE BURCK, GWYN DANIEL</p><p>Multiracial Recruitment in the Field of Family Therapy: An Innovative Training Program for People of Color 2005, 44(3), 249-265 LAURIE KAPLAN, SIPPIO SMALL</p><p>Now You See It, Now You Don't: Feminist Training in Family Therapy 2005, 44(3), 267-281 THELMA JEAN GOODRICH, LOUISE BORDEAUX SILVERSTEIN</p><p>Systemic Training for Healthcare Professionals: The Chicago Center for Family Health Approach 2005, 44(3), 283-301 JOHN S. ROLLAND, FROMA WALSH</p><p>The State of the Art of Training in Systemic Family Therapy in Switzerland 2005, 44(3), 303-320 ROSMARIE WELTER-ENDERLIN</p><p>Family Systems Training in Psychiatric Residencies 2005, 44(3), 321-335 ELLEN BERMAN, ALISON M. HERU</p><p>Training in Family Psychology: A Competencies-Based Approach 2005, 44(3), 337-353 NADINE J. KASLOW, MARIANNE P. CELANO, MARK STANTON</p><p>Challenges of an Outcome-Based Perspective for Marriage and Family Therapy Education 2005, 44(3), 355-362 THORANA S. NELSON, SARA A. SMOCK</p><p>It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: Doctoral Students' Experiences of Family Therapy Research Training Through Alternative Forms of Data Representation Family Process Article Titles by Subject 202</p><p>2005, 44(3), 363-378 FRED P. PIERCY, LENORE M. MCWEY, SUSAN TICE, EBONY JOY JAMES, MATT MORRIS, KRISTIN ARTHUR</p><p>Engaging Families as Experts: Collaborative Family Program Development 2006, 45(2), 237-257 PETER FRAENKEL</p><p>The Role of a Mentoring Group for Family Therapy Trainees and Therapists of Color 2007, 46(4), 437-450 DEE WATTS-JONES, REHANA ALI, JOSE ALFARO, AQUILLA FREDERICK</p><p>Teaching and Learning with Therapists Who Work with Street Children and Their Families 2010, 49(3), 384-404 JANINE ROBERTS </p><p>Scaffolding a Community of Competent Practitioners: Positioning and Agency in a Training Program for Narrative Counseling 2012, 51(1), 43-55 HELEN GREMILLION, AILEEN CHESHIRE, DOROTHEA LEWIS</p><p>______</p><p>Letters to the Editor</p><p>Letter to the Editor 1962, 1(2), 342-343</p><p>Letters to the Editor 1963, 2(2), 397-397</p><p>Reply to Dr. Paul's Letter: 1963, 2(2), 397-397</p><p>: 1 1964, 3(1), 246-246</p><p>: 2 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 203</p><p>1964, 3(1), 246-246 : 3 1964, 3(1), 246-247 Reply to Letters 1964, 3(1), 248-249</p><p>Letter to the Editor 1964, 3(2), 433-434</p><p>LETTERS TO EDITOR 1967, 6(2), 274-274</p><p>LETTERS TO EDITOR 1967, 6(2), 274-274</p><p>LETTERS 1983, 22(4), 556-556 RICHARD FISCH, JOHN WEAKLAND, LYNN SEGAL</p><p>LETTERS 1985, 24(3), 438-439</p><p>Truth in [sic] Consequences 1992, 31(2), 187-188 HENRY GRUNEBAUM</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE : 2 1992, 31(2), 188-190 ROBERT-JAY GREEN</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE: 3 1992, 31(2), 190-191 AMARYLL PERLESZ, YVONNE STOLK</p><p>Do Cultures Clarify Models or Do Models Clarify Cultures? 1992, 31(2), 191-192 BEATRICE WOOD</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE 1992, 31(3), 315-315 HAROLD A. GOOLISHIAN</p><p>History of Family Therapy 1993, 32(1), 141-142 JOHN K. PEARCE Family Process Article Titles by Subject 204</p><p>Bowen Theory 1993, 32(3), 377-378 ONA COHN BREGMAN</p><p>The "Circumplex" and Curvilinear Functions 1993, 32(4), 473-476 GUDRUN FLEISCHER ECKBLAD</p><p>Irreverent Thoughts about Dialogue 1994, 33(3), 357-357 JOHN SOLAS</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE : Two Types of Family Assessment 1995, 34(3), 363-364 FRANCISCO JAVIER F. GOMEZ-CLAVELINA, ARNULFO IRIGOYEN-CORIA</p><p>Polemic or Dialogue 1995, 34(4), 471-472 ONA COHN BREGMAN</p><p>______</p><p>Editorials</p><p>Introduction to Family Process 1962, 1(1) 1-4</p><p>Editorial 1968, 7(1), 1-6</p><p>AN EDITOR'S FAREWELL 1969, 8(2), 149-158</p><p>A TIME OF CHANGE 1970, 9(1), i-ii NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>The Don D. Jackson Memorial Conference Family Process Article Titles by Subject 205</p><p>1970, 9(2), 117-121 NATHAN W. ACKERMAN</p><p>TRAINING ANNOUNCEMENTS 1970, 9(2), 241-242</p><p>EDITORIAL 1970, 9(3), 355-355</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE 1970, 9(3), 357-359</p><p>TRAINING 1970, 9(3), 365-369</p><p>NEW EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER 1971, 10(2), 141-141</p><p>FAMILY AFFAIRS : Family Treatment in the Curriculum of the Graduate School of Social Work 1973, 12(2), 213-216 RAE MELTZER</p><p>Editor's Note 1973, 12(2), 217-217</p><p>Thirteen Years: An Editor's Valedictory 1982, 21(4), 383-389 DONALD A. BLOCH</p><p>EDITOR'S NOTE 1985, 24(2), 295-296</p><p>Mapping the Journey over Twenty-Five Years 1986, 26(2, 149-152</p><p>TO OUR AD-HOC REVIEWERS FOR 1987, WITH APPRECIATION 1987, 26(4), 493-494 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>TO OUR AD HOC REVIEWERS FOR 1988, WITH APPRECIATION 1988, 27(4), 501-502</p><p>EDITORIAL : On Minority Families: A Pledge 1990, 29(3), i-i CARLOS E. SLUZKI Family Process Article Titles by Subject 206</p><p>TO OUR ADVISORY EDITORS AND AD HOC REVIEWERS FOR 1990, WITH APPRECIATION 1990, 29(4), 398-398</p><p>An Editorial: Changing of the Guard 1991, 30(1), 1-2</p><p>An Editorial: Finding a Place for the Individual in Family Therapy 1991, 30(3), 267-269</p><p>An Editorial: Some Welcomes; Some Farewells; Some Changes 1992, 31(1), 1-2</p><p>Editorial: The California Family Health Project 1992, 31(3), 197-199 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Editorial: Two New Features 1993, 32(1), 1-2</p><p>EDITORIAL: A REVISED MASTHEAD 1993, 32(2), 145-146</p><p>Thinking About Bipolar Affective Disorder: An Editorial 1993, 32(4), 381-383</p><p>EDITORIAL : Scientific Metaphors and Domestic Violence 1994, 33(1), 1-2</p><p>Taking a Stand on Open Adoption: An Editorial 1994, 33(2), 109-110</p><p>EDITORIAL: A CHANGING OF THE GUARD 1994, 33(4), 359-360 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>A New Board President 1995, 34(1), v-vi EDGAR H. AUERSWALD, CELIA JAES FALICOV, PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Whither Family Therapy Training? 1995, 34(1), vii-viii</p><p>The Clinical Power of Research 1995, 34(2), 125-126 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 207</p><p>AN EDITORIAL 1995, 34(3), 255-256</p><p>Family Process at 35 1996, 35(1), 1-3</p><p>Family Therapy's Future 1996, 35(4), 403-405</p><p>Integrating Theory, Clinical Practice, and Research 1997, 36(2), 97-99 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Extending Family Therapy's Horizons 1997, 36(4), 323-324 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Researching Narrative Therapy 1998, 37(1), 1-2 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>CAROL M. ANDERSON, PH.D. : Our Next Editor 1998, 37(2), 125-126 ROBERT RYDER, PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>An Editor Reflects 1998, 37(4), 387-391 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>A Commencement Thank You- 1998, 37(4), 391-392 ROBERT G. RYDER, LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>EDITORIAL : Dilemmas and Challenges of the New Millennium 1999, 38(1), 1-2</p><p>EDITORIAL : Responsibilities and Rewards 1999, 38(2), 139-141</p><p>Views Retrospective and Prospective 2000, 39(1), 1-2</p><p>The End of an Era: Lyman Wynne Leaves the Family Process Board of Directors 2000, 39(1), 3-4 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 208</p><p>Does Anyone Read Journals Anymore? 2000, 39(3), 269-270</p><p>An Update for the Real New Millennium 2001, 40(1), 1-3</p><p>Correction 2001, 40(2), 162-162 PEGGY PENN</p><p>The Continuing Evolution 2001, 40(3), 245-246</p><p>A World without Sanctuary 2002, 41(1), 1-3</p><p>A Dedication 2001, 41(3), 283-283</p><p>Introduction 2002, 41(3), 284-284</p><p>EDITORIAL: 1 2002, 41(4), 557-558</p><p>EDITORIAL: 2 2002, 41(4), 558-559</p><p>EDITORIAL: 3 2002, 41(4), 559-559</p><p>EDITORIAL: 4 2002, 41(4), 559-560</p><p>Cassandra Notes on the State of the Family Research and Practice Union 2003, 42(3), 323-329</p><p>EVAN IMBER-BLACK, PH.D. Our Next Editor 2003, 42(4), 438-438</p><p>Of Continuities, Beginnings, and Generativities 2004, 43(1), 1-3 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>The Literary Essay Comes to Family Process: Books, Thoughts, Actions 2004, 43(2), 141-142 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 209</p><p>EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Editorial: September 11, 2004: The Third Anniversary 2004, 43(3), 275-278 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Meaningful Voices, Old and New 2004, 43(4), 411-412 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Reflecting and Anticipating 2005, 44(1), 1-2 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Couples' Relationships: Questioning Assumptions, Beliefs, and Values 2005, 44(2), 133-135 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Training for a New Generation 2005, 44(3), 245-247 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Beyond Our Borders: A New Initiative 2005, 44(4), 379-380 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>The Artful Science of Systemic Research 2006, 45(1), 1-2 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>What Is Missing From Family Process? 2006, 45(3), 273-275 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Reflections on the Special Issue: Divorce and Its Aftermath 2007, 46(1), 1-2 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Introduction to the Special Issue on Divorce and Its Aftermath 2007, 46(1), 3-6 CONSTANCE R. AHRONS</p><p>Celebrating the Life and Work of Lyman C. Wynne 2007, 46(2), 139-141 EVAN IMBER-BLACK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 210</p><p>Celebrating Peggy Papp and Olga Silverstein 2007, 46(3), 271-277 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Making Family Process Truly International 2007, 46(4), 419-420 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Breathing Life into Family Processes: Introduction to the Special Issue on Families and Asthma 2008, 47(1), 1-5 BARBARA H. FIESE</p><p>Mining the Treasures in Qualitative Research 2008, 47(2), 137-138 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Incarceration and Family Relationships: A Call for Systemic Responses 2008, 47(3), 277-279 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Families After Death, Families After Birth 2008, 47(4), 421-423 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Erratum: Correction to "An Exploration of Lived Religion in Same-Sex Couples from Judeo-Christian Traditions" 2008, 47(4), 567-567</p><p>Journal Reading: A Menu of Keywords or a Surprising Feast 2009, 48(1), 1-3 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Erratum: Correction to "Individual Resiliency Factors from a Genetic Perspective: Results from a Twin Study" 2009, 48(1), 167-167</p><p>"Every Rung a Generation, Every New One, Higher, Higher" 2009, 48(3), 311-314 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>“Reading Outside the Page” 2010, 49(1), 1-3 EVAN IMBER-BLACK Family Process Article Titles by Subject 211</p><p>Caring in Multiple Relational Contexts of Adversity: Implications for Family Therapy 2010, 49(2), 139-141 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Couple and Family Therapy Theory and Practice: Innovations in 2010 2010, 49(3), 265-267 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Anticipating the 50th Year of Family Process: New Initiatives 2010, 49(4), 437-438 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Family Process: From Beginnings to Tomorrow 2011, 50(1), 1-3 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Toward a Contemporary Social Justice Agenda in Family Therapy Research and Practice 2011, 50(2), 129-131 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>The Evolution of Family Process: Contexts and Transformations 2011, 50(3), 267-279 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Learning From and Teaching the Next Generation 2011, 50(4), 431-433 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Welcoming Jay Lebow, Ph.D.: Incoming Editor of Family Process 2011, 50(4), 434-435 EVAN IMBER-BLACK</p><p>Erratum: Correction to ‘Family Process 1962-1969’ 2011, 50(4), 567-567</p><p>Listening to Many Voices 2012, 51(1), 1-7 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Erratum: Corrections to ‘The Marriage Checkup: Increasing Access to Marital Health Care’ 2012, 51(1), 157-157</p><p>Common Factors, Shared Themes, and Resilience in Families and Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 212</p><p>2012, 51(2), 159-162 JAY I. LEBOW</p><p>Introduction to the Special Section 2012, 51(3), 281-283 JAMES MCHALE, MAUREEN R. WALLER</p><p>Editorial: Experiencing Sorrow and Loss 2012, 51(4), 437-439 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Editorial: Couple Therapy and Family Therapy 2013, 52(1), 1-4 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Editorial: DSM-V and Family Therapy 2013, 52(2), 155-160 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Editorial: A Brief Thought about Diagnostic Systems and Relationship Patterns 2013, 52(2), 161-162 MARIANNE Z. WAMBOLDT</p><p>Editorial: Programs for Strengthening Families 2013, 52(3), 315-354 JAY LEBOW</p><p>Editorial: Evidence in Couple and Family Therapy—The Legacy of Alan Gurman 2013, 52(4), 571-575 JAY LEBOW</p><p>______</p><p>Obituaries and Tributes</p><p>OBITUARIES 1967, 6(2), 276-277 L. FRAMO JAMES</p><p>To the Memory of Don D. Jackson, M.D. 1920–1968 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 213</p><p>1968, 7(1), 141-141 </p><p>Nathan Ward Ackerman, June 12, 1971 1971, 10(2), i-i</p><p>RAE WEINER 1973, 12(4), 461-462 MARIANNE WALTERS</p><p>JERRY FORD 1973, 12(4), 463-464 SALVADOR MINUCHIN</p><p>Gregory Bateson: A Final Metaphor 1981, 20(1), 1-1 BRADFORD P. KEENEY</p><p>Mother and Daughter — An Epitaph 1981, 20(1), 3-10 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>For God, Country, and Family: A Personal Tribute to Christian Fredrik Midelfort, M. D. 1986, 25(1), 149-151 JON L. YOST</p><p>Reuben L. Hill: A Memorium : 1912–1985 1986, 25(1), 1-3 DAVID H. OLSON, PAULINE BOSS</p><p>Antonio J. Ferreira: In Memoriam : 1923-1986 1987, 26(1), 1-2 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>John P. Spiegel, M.D. (1911–1991): A Remembrance 1991, 30(4), 373-375 PETER STEINGLASS</p><p>Harold A. Goolishian, Ph.D. (1924-1991) In Memoriam 1992, 31(1), 99-100 SUSAN H. McDANIEL</p><p>An Appreciation of Harry 1992, 31(1), 101-102 LYNN HOFFMAN Family Process Article Titles by Subject 214</p><p>Carl A. Whitaker, M.D., 1912–1995: A Fond Farewell 1995, 34(2), i-ii LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>John Weakland: A Personal Note 1995, 34(4), 369-371 JAY HALEY</p><p>In Memoriam: Michael J. Goldstein, Ph.D. (June 28, 1930-March 13, 1997) 1997, 36(1), i-i LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>In Memoriam: Edgar H. (Dick) Auerswald, M.D. 1997, 36(4), iv-iv DONALD A. BLOCH</p><p>IN MEMORIAM: Neil S. Jacobson, Ph.D. (February 23, 1949-June 2, 1999) 1999, 38(3), 259-264</p><p>IN MEMORIAM: Mara Selvini-Palazzoli, M.D. (1916–1999) 1999, 38(4), 391-398 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>A Loss for the Family Field: The Death of Margaret T. Singer 2004, 43(1), 5-5 LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>Perhaps not Unexpected, Perhaps not Death: A Eulogy for Gianfranco Cecchin (1932–2004) 2004, 43(2), 143-145 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>On Imagination: Reconciling Knowledge and Life, or What Does "Gregory Bateson" Stand for? 2004, 43(4), 413-423 MARCELO PAKMAN</p><p>In Memoriam: Mordecai Kaffman, M.D. (1917–2005) 2005, 44(2), 137-138 YOEL ELIZUR</p><p>In Loving Memory of Marianne Walters 2006, 45(2), 139-142 PEGGY PAPP</p><p>Lyman C. Wynne and Transformation of the Field of Family-and-Schizophrenia Family Process Article Titles by Subject 215</p><p>2007, 46(2), 143-149 CARLOS E. SLUZKI</p><p>Lyman C. Wynne M.D. Ph.D.: Master Mentor, Family Therapy Pioneer, and Scholar 2007, 46(2), 151-153 SUSAN H. MCDANIEL</p><p>Lyman Wynne and Family Process: A Perfect Partnership 2007, 46(2), 155-156 DONALD A. BLOCH</p><p>In Remembrance of Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy M.D. 2007, 46(2), 269-270 MARGARET COTRONEO</p><p>Jay Haley: My Teacher 2007, 46(3), 413-414 SALVADOR MINUCHIN</p><p>In Homage to Paul Watzlawick 2007, 46(3), 415-417 WENDEL A. RAY</p><p>Memories of Tom David Andersen: Friend, Colleague, Scholar, Inspirer, and Rhizome 2007, 46(4), 571-574 HARLENE ANDERSON, LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>Editorial: Evidence in Couple and Family Therapy—The Legacy of Alan Gurman 2013, 52(4), 571-575 JAY LEBOW</p><p>______</p><p>Book Lists and Reviews</p><p>The Self and Others. Further Studies in Sanity and Madness 1962, 1(1), 167-168 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 216</p><p>A Modern Introduction to the Family 1962, 1(1), 168-168</p><p>The Psychodynamics of Family Life: Diagnosis and Treatment of Family Relationships 1962, 1(1), 168-169</p><p>Family Group Therapy 1962, 1(1), 169-170</p><p>Exploring the Base for Family Therapy 1962, 1(2), 335-336</p><p>Jewish-Gentile Courtships: An Exploratory Study of a Social Process 1962, 1(2), 336-338</p><p>Family Worlds, A Psychosocial Approach to Family Life 1963, 2(1), 175-176</p><p>Families in Treatment 1963, 2(1), 176-178</p><p>Mental Health Book Review Index 1963, 2(1), 178-178</p><p>Psychoanalysis and the Family Neurosis 1963, 2(2), 393-396</p><p>Delinquents, Their Families, and the Community 1964, 3(1), 227-228</p><p>The First Five Minutes 1964, 3(2), 492-429</p><p>Family Ill Health, An Investigation in General Practice 1964, 3(2), 429-430</p><p>Personality in the Making 1964, 3(2), 430-430</p><p>Schizophrenic Women: Studies in Marital Crisis 1965, 4(1), 172-173</p><p>Conjoint Family Therapy by Science and Behavior Books 1975, 4(1), 173-174 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 217</p><p>Psychiatry Education Today 1965, 4(2), 323-324</p><p>The New Group Therapy 1965, 4(2), 324-324</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS: 3 1965, 4(2), 324-325</p><p>Psychiatry and the Family; an Annotated Bibliography of Articles Published 1960– 1964 1965, 4(2), 325-325</p><p>An Anthology of Human Communication 1965, 4(2), 325-325</p><p>The Development of Theory and Practice in Social Casework 1965, 4(2), 325-326</p><p>The Sociology and Anthropology of Mental Illness; A Reference Guide 1965, 4(2), 325-325</p><p>The Family and Human Adaptation 1966, 5(1), 123-123</p><p>The Family and Social Change: A Study of Family and Kinship in a South Wales Town 1966, 5(1), 123-125</p><p>The Promised Seed 1966, 5(1), 125-126</p><p>Review of Child Development Research, Vol. I. 1966, 5(2), 278-279 The Challenge To Women 1966, 5(2), 279-280</p><p>Research in Behavior Modification 1966, 5(2), 280-280</p><p>Case Studies in Behavior Modification 1966, 5(2), 280-281</p><p>Intensive Family Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Aspects 1966, 5(2), 281-283 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 218</p><p>Review of Child Development Research, Vol. I 1967, 6(1), 129-130</p><p>Ingratiation. A social psychological analysis 1967, 6(1), 130-132</p><p>Being Mentally Ill. A Sociological Theory 1967, 6(1), 132-133</p><p>Family Treatment of Schizophrenics in the Home 1967, 6(1), 133-134</p><p>Cases and Materials on Family Law 1967, 6(2), 267-268</p><p>The Family in Perspective 1967, 6(2), 268-269</p><p>International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family 1900–1964 1967, 6(2), 269-270</p><p>The Search for Authenticity 1968, 7(1), 139-140</p><p>Treating the Troubled Family 1968, 7(1), 140, 141</p><p>Families of the Slums 1969, 8(1), 139-139</p><p>Black Families in White America 1969, 8(1), 139-139</p><p>Black Rage 1969, 8(1), 139-139</p><p>Marriage and Family Among Negroes 1969, 8(1), 139-141</p><p>The Treatment of Families in Crisis 1969, 8(1) 141-142</p><p>The Subversive Science: Essays Toward an Ecology of Man 1969, 8(2), 343-344 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 219</p><p>The Family in Literature and Drama. An essay on its use in training family therapists 1970, 9(1), 97-100</p><p>Helm Stierlin's Conflict and Reconciliation 1970, 9(1), 100-101</p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1970, 9(2), 243-244</p><p>Inner and Outer Space: An introduction to a Theory of Social Psychiatry 1970, 9(2), 244-245</p><p>Family Therapy and Disturbed Families 1970, 9(2), 245-246</p><p>The Silent Majority: Families of Emotionally Healthy College Students 1970, 9(2), 246-247</p><p>Get Off My Back! 1970, 9(2), 247-248</p><p>Family Measurement Techniques, Abstracts of Published Instruments, 1935–1965 1970, 9(2), 248-248</p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1970, 9(3), 371-373</p><p>Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: The Field of Family Therapy 1970, 9(3), 373-374</p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1970, 9(3), 374-375</p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1970, 9(4), 477-478</p><p>Exploring Therapeutic Encounter 1970, 9(4), 478-479 </p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1970, 9(4), 479-479</p><p>The Psychiatrist and Public Issues 1970, 9(4), 479-480 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 220</p><p>ABSTRACTS 1970, 9(4), 485-491</p><p>Interpretation: Theory and Practice 1971, 10(1), 123-132</p><p>Four Generations: Population, Land, and Family in Colonial Massachusetts 1971, 10(2), 255-255</p><p>A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony 1971, 10(2), 255-256</p><p>The Individual in His Family: An Adaptational Study 1971, 10(2), 256-257</p><p>Culture and Social Psychiatry 1971, 10(2), 257-258</p><p>Changing Families 1971, 10(3), 361-361</p><p>Family Therapy and Research, An Annotated Bibliography of Articles and Books Published 1950–1970 1971, 10(3), 361-361</p><p>The Case History Method in the Study of Family Process 1971, 10(3), 361-362</p><p>Teaching about Families: Textbook Evaluations and Recommendations for Secondary Schools 1971, 10(3), 362-362</p><p>Wolf Man: His Memoirs with the Case of the Wolf Man by Sigmund Freud 1971, 10(4), 491-492 </p><p>Pour Une Psychiatrie Communautaire 1971, 10(4), 492-494 </p><p>The Marital Relationship as a Focus for Casework (Report of the Proceedings of a Conference) 1971, 10(4), 494-494 </p><p>Shared Phantasy in Marital Problems: Therapy in a Four-Person, Relationship 1971, 10(4), 494-494 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 221</p><p>Brief Casework with a Marital Problem 1971, 10(4), 494-495 </p><p>BOOKS: 1 1972, 11(1), 107-109</p><p>Beginning with this note, in addition to book reviews, this section will include general reviews of publishing houses of interest to readers 1972, 11(1), 109-109</p><p>The Psychiatric Disorders of Childhood 1972, 11(1), 109-110</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS: 1 1972, 11(2), 245-246</p><p>Dual-Career Families 1972, 11(2), 246-247</p><p>Marriage Happiness: A Behavioral Approach to Counseling 1972, 11(2), 247-248</p><p>The War with Words: Structure and Transcendence 1972, 11(3), 349-360</p><p>Family Interaction A Dialogue Between Family Researchers and Family Therapists 1972, 11(4), 511-512</p><p>The Second Wife: How to live happily with a man who has been married before 1972, 11(4), 512-512</p><p>Systems Therapy 1972, 11(4), 512-514</p><p>RABKIN ON BOOKS 1973, 12(1), 97-100</p><p>Soul Murder: Persecution in the Family 1973, 12(1), 101-102</p><p>FROM ARGENTINA WITH LOVE 1973, 12(1), 102-104</p><p>Peoplemaking 1973, 12(2), 217-217 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 222</p><p>I. 1973, 12(2), 217-218 II. 1973, 12(2), 218-219</p><p>Individual and Family Development Review 1973, 12(2), 219-219</p><p>THE BOOK OF FAMILY THERAPY 1973, 12(3), 329-329</p><p>I. 1973, 12(3), 329-330</p><p>II. 1973, 12(3), 330-331</p><p>Family Therapy—A Triadic-Based Approach 1973, 12(3), 331-332</p><p>Birth Book 1973, 12(4), 467-467</p><p>Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. 1973, 12(4), 467-469 </p><p>Survivors of Suicide 1973, 12(4), 467-470</p><p>BOOKS: 4 1973, 12(4), 470-470 </p><p>Loving Free 1974, 13(1), 125-125</p><p>Group Marriage: A Study of Contemporary Multilateral Marriage 1974, 13(1), 125-127</p><p>Becoming Partners: Marriage and Its Alternatives 1974, 13(1), 127-127</p><p>Techniques of Family Psychotherapy: A Primer (Vol. 13, Issue 1, p 127-128) Marital Love and Hate. The Need for a Revised Marriage Contract. How You Can Love and Hate, Honor and Dishonor, Obey and Disobey 1974, 13(1), 128-129 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 223</p><p>In a Darkness 1974, 13(1), 129-130</p><p>Aggression Lab: The Fair Fight Training Manual 1974, 13(2), 253-254</p><p>P.E.T.: Parent Effectiveness Training 1974, 13(2), 254-254</p><p>Family Interaction and Transaction 1974, 13(2), 254-255</p><p>Treatment of the Borderline Adolescent: A Developmental Approach 1974, 13(2), 255-255</p><p>Counseling Parents of the Emotionally Disturbed Child 1974, 13(2), 256-256</p><p>Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution 1974, 13(3), 399-400</p><p>The Fallacy of Understanding: An Inquiry into the Changing Structure of Psychoanalysis 1974, 13(3), 400-401</p><p>Family Roots of School Learning and Behavior Disorders 1974, 13(3), 401-402</p><p>Scenes from A Marriage 1974, 13(4), 503-504</p><p>Behavior Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence 1974, 13(4), 504-504</p><p>Children and Their Parents in Brief Therapy 1974, 13(4), 504-505</p><p>Female and Male: Dimensions of Human Sexuality 1974, 13(4), 505-505</p><p>Sexual, Marital and Familial Relations: Therapeutic Interventions for Professional Helping 1974, 13(4), 505-506</p><p>Self-Starvation: From the Intrapsychic to the Transpersonal Approach to Anorexia Nervosa Family Process Article Titles by Subject 224</p><p>1975, 14(1), 111-112</p><p>Predictable Pairing: The Structure of Human Atoms 1975, 14(1), 112-114</p><p>Families and Family Therapy 1975, 14(1), 114-115</p><p>Renovating Marriage: Toward New Sexual Life-Styles 1975, 14(1), 116-116</p><p>Invisible Loyalties: Reciprocity in Inter-Generational Family Therapy 1975, 14(1), 117-117</p><p>Systems Theory, Science and Social Work 1975, 14(2), 275-275</p><p>Conjoint Marital Therapy 1975, 14(2), 275-276</p><p>The Male Dilemma: How to Survive the Sexual Revolution 1975, 14(2), 276-277</p><p>Videotape: Family in Crisis 1975, 14(3), 441-441</p><p>Separating Parents and Adolescents: A Perspective on Running Away, Schizophrenia, and Waywardness 1975, 14(3), 441-443</p><p>Women in Therapy: New Psychotherapies for a Changing Society 1975, 14(3), 443-445</p><p>Marital and Family Therapy 1975, 14(3), 445-445</p><p>Der Gemeinsame Rorschach-Versuch. Diagnostik von Paar und Gruppenbeziehungen (The Joint Rorschach Test. Diagnosis of Couple and Group Relations) 1975, 14(4), 585-585</p><p>Audiotapes: Principles and Techniques of Family Therapy 1975, 14(4), 585-586</p><p>The Dynamic Family 1975, 14(4), 586-586 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 225</p><p>The Emotionally Disturbed Family 1975, 14(4), 586-588</p><p>The Liberated Man: Beyond Masculinity: Freeing Men and their Relationships with Women 1975, 14(4), 588-589</p><p>The Schreber Case 1975, 14(4), 589-592</p><p>Inside the Family: Toward a Theory of Family Process 1976, 15(1), 171-172</p><p>A Marital Puzzle: Transgenerational Analysis in Marriage Counseling 1976, 15(1), 172-173</p><p>The Making of the Modern Family 1976, 15(1), 173-173</p><p>The Structure of Magic: A Book About Language and Therapy 1976, 15(2), 265-265</p><p>Principles of Gestalt Family Therapy 1976, 15(2), 265-267</p><p>Families: Applications of Social Learning to Family Life 1976, 15(2), 267-268</p><p>Transactions in Families 1976, 15(2), 268-269</p><p>For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality. A Guide to Orgasmic Response 1976, 15(2), 269-271</p><p>Woman's Orgasm, A Guide to Sexual Satisfaction 1976, 15(3), 349-349</p><p>How Real is Real?—Communication, Disinformation, Confusion 1976, 15(3), 349-349</p><p>Marital Separation 1976, 15(3), 350-351</p><p>Power in Families Family Process Article Titles by Subject 226</p><p>1976, 15(3), 351-352</p><p>The Human Ground: Sexuality, Self and Survival 1976, 15(4), 447-447</p><p>The Body Reveals: An Illustrated Guide to the Psychology of the Body 1976, 15(4), 447-447</p><p>Bioenergetics 1976, 15(4), 447-447</p><p>How Behavior Means 1976, 15(4), 447-447</p><p>Human Territories: How We Behave in Space-Time 1976, 15(4), 447-451</p><p>The 49% Majority: The Male Sex Role 1976, 15(4), 451-452</p><p>Adolf Hitler: Familienperspektiven 1977, 16(1), 129-129</p><p>I 1977, 16(1), 129-130 </p><p>II 1977, 16(1), 130-131</p><p>The Structure of Magic, II: A Book about Communication and Change 1977, 16(1), 131-133</p><p>Family Therapy: the Treatment of Natural Systems 1977, 16(1), 133-133</p><p>Part-Time Father 1977, 16(1), 133-134</p><p>Parenting: A Guide for Young People 1977, 16(1), 134-135</p><p>The Compatibility Test: How to Choose the Right Partner and Make Your Marriage a Success 1977, 16(1), 134-134 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 227</p><p>Sex Through Affection 1977, 16(1), 134-134</p><p>Young Inner City Families 1977, 16(1), 134-134</p><p>How Family Members Perceive Each Other: Political and Social Attitudes in Two Generations 1977, 16(1), 135-135</p><p>Declare Yourself: Discovering the Me in Relationships 1977, 16(1), 135-135</p><p>Creating Closer Families: Principles of Positive Family Interaction 1977, 16(1), 135-135</p><p>Open Family Living 1977, 16(2), 251-252</p><p>Family Therapy: Theory and Practice 1977, 16(2), 251-254</p><p>The Interactional View: Studies at the Mental Research Institute 1965–74 1977, 16(2), 254-255</p><p>The Artistry of Milton H. Erickson M.D. 1977, 16(2), 255-256</p><p>Progress and Practice in Family Therapy 1977, 16(2), 257-258</p><p>Sex Therapy at Home 1977, 16(2), 258-259</p><p>Heartaches and Handicaps. An Irreverent Survival Manual for Parents 1977, 16(2), 259-259</p><p>Interpersonal Communication: Relationship and the Behavior Therapies 1977, 16(3), 369-370</p><p>Couples in Conflict: New Directions in Marital Therapy 1977, 16(3), 370-372</p><p>Worlds of Pain: Life in the Working Class Family Family Process Article Titles by Subject 228</p><p>1977, 16(3), 372-373</p><p>Perceiving Women 1977, 16(3), 373-374</p><p>The Rape Victim 1977, 16(3), 374-374</p><p>Single 1977, 16(3), 374-375</p><p>Marriage: Who? When? Why? 1977, 16(3), 375-376</p><p>Marriage in Trouble: A Time of Decision 1977, 16(3), 375-375</p><p>Who Will Marry Whom? Theories and Research in Marital Choice 1977, 16(3), 375-375</p><p>This Side of Tragedy: Psychotherapy as Theater 1977, 16(3), 375-375</p><p>Jealousy 1977, 16(3), 376-376</p><p>Systems of Family and Marital Psychotherapy 1977, 16(4), 517-517</p><p>Strategic Psychotherapy: Brief and Symptomatic Treatment 1977, 16(4), 518-518</p><p>Understanding and Helping the Individual in the Family 1977, 16(4), 518-519</p><p>Marital Communication and Decision Making: Analysis of Assessment and Change 1977, 16(4), 519-520</p><p>Toys and Reasons: Stages in the Ritualization of Experience 1977, 16(4), 520-522</p><p>Changing With Families: A Book About Further Education for Being Human 1977, 16(4), 522-523</p><p>Psychiatric Emergencies Family Process Article Titles by Subject 229</p><p>1977, 16(4), 523-523</p><p>Problem-Solving Therapy 1978, 17(1), 107-108</p><p>The Castrated Family 1978, 17(1), 108-109</p><p>Disturbed Children and Their Families: Innovations in Evaluation and Treatment 1978, 17(1), 108-110</p><p>Therapy for Couples: A Clinician's Guide for Effective Treatment 1978, 17(1), 110-110</p><p>Father's Influence on Children 1978, 17(2), 230-230</p><p>Family Therapy: Full-Length Case Studies 1978, 17(2), 231-231</p><p>Psychoanalytic Family Therapy 1978, 17(2), 231-233</p><p>Male Sexuality 1978, 17(2), 233-234</p><p>Family Therapy and Diagnosis 1978, 17(2), 234-234</p><p>Family Structure and Effective Health Behavior: The Energized Family 1978, 17(2), 234-235</p><p>Who Will Raise The Children? (New Options for Fathers and Mothers) 1978, 17(2), 235-235</p><p>Fathering: Fact or Fable? 1978, 17(2), 235-235</p><p>Making Things Better by Making Them Worse 1978, 17(3), 395-395</p><p>The Flight of the Stork 1978, 17(3), 395-396</p><p>Chronic Illness in Children Family Process Article Titles by Subject 230</p><p>1978, 17(3), 396-396</p><p>The Family Crucible 1978, 17(4), 486-488</p><p>The Family Crucible 1978, 17(4), 488-489</p><p>The Family and Alternate Life-styles 1978, 17(4), 489-490</p><p>Double Bind: The Foundation of the Communicational Approach to the Family 1978, 17(4), 490-493</p><p>Down on Jack Night 1978, 17(4), 493-493</p><p>Provocative Therapy 1979, 18(1), 103-104</p><p>BOOKS: 2 1979, 18(1), 104-104</p><p>Psychosomatics Families: Anorexia Nervosa in Context 1979, 18(1), 104-105</p><p>Psychotherapy and Growth: A Family Systems Perspective 1979, 18(1), 105-107</p><p>The Alcoholic Marriage: Perspectives 1979, 18(1), 107-108</p><p>Long-Term Care of Older People: A Practical Guide 1979, 18(1), 108-109</p><p>Paradox and Counterparadox 1979, 18(2), 213-214</p><p>Crisis: A Handbook for Systemic Intervention 1979, 18(2), 214-214</p><p>Sexual Assault of Children and Adolescents 1979, 18(2), 214-216</p><p>Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 231</p><p>1979, 18(2), 216-217</p><p>Sound Sex and the Aging Heart 1979, 18(2), 217-218</p><p>Save Your Marriage 1979, 18(2), 218-218</p><p>VIDEO REVIEW 1979, 18(2), 223-223</p><p>Face-to-Face Interaction: Research, Methods, and Theory 1979, 18(3), 355-356</p><p>II Counseling Elders and Their Families: Practical Techniques for Applied Gerontology 1979, 18(3), 356-357</p><p>Marriage Contracts and Couple Therapy 1979, 18(3), 357-358</p><p>The Language of Change 1979, 18(3), 359-360</p><p>The Family: The Evolution of Our Oldest Human Institution 1979, 18(3), 360-361</p><p>VIDEO 1979, 18(3), 367-369</p><p>Living Systems 1979, 18(4), 489-491</p><p>They Lived Happily Ever After. A Book About Achieving Happy Endings in Coupling 1979, 18(4), 491-492</p><p>Enrichment: Structured Interventions With Couples, Families, and Groups 1979, 18(4), 492-493</p><p>Stepfamilies: A Guide to Working with Stepparents and Stepchildren 1979, 18(4), 493-494</p><p>The Melancholy Marriage 1979, 18(4), 494-495 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 232</p><p>Family Therapy and Evaluation Through Art 1979, 18(4), 495-496</p><p>How's Your Family? A Guide to Identifying Your Family's Strengths and Weaknesses 1979, 18(4), 496-496</p><p>VIDEO 1979, 18(4), 503-504</p><p>Family Therapy in Clinical Practice 1980, 19(1), 87-89 NORMAN PAUL</p><p>Structured Mediation in Divorce Settlement: A Handbook for Marital Mediators 1980, 19(1), 89-91 DONALD T. SAPOSNEK</p><p>Blood Of My Blood: The Dilemma of the Italian-Americans 1980, 19(1), 91-92 JOHN K. PEARCE</p><p>Violence And The Family 1980, 19(1), 92-92 DIANA EVERSTINE</p><p>AUDIO/VIDEO 1980, 19(1), 99-99 GEORGE S. GREENBERG</p><p>The American Family: Dying or Developing 1980, 19(2), 201-202 PAUL W. MATTESSICH</p><p>Marriage and Marital Therapy: Psychoanalytic, Behavioral and Systems Theory Perspectives 1980, 19(2), 202-202 GEORGE S. GREENBERG</p><p>Synergetics 2 1980, 19(2), 203-204 MICHAEL BRUWER</p><p>Audio/Video Family Process Article Titles by Subject 233</p><p>1980, 19(2), 207-209 GEORGE S. GREENBERG</p><p>Freud und Sein Vater (Freud and His Father) 1980, 19(3), 307-311 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Family Therapy, An Interactional Approach 1980, 19(3), 311-312 FRANK S. PITTMAN III</p><p>Going it Alone: The Family Life and Social Situation of the Single Parent 1980, 19(3), 312-314 GERALD R. ADAMS</p><p>Dual-Career Marriage 1980, 19(3), 314-315 NORMA H. DAVIES</p><p>Ethics of Health Care 1980, 19(4), 419-419 PHOEBE PROSKY</p><p>Individual and Family Therapy: Toward an Integration 1980, 19(4), 419-421 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO</p><p>Family Therapy: An Overview Belmont 1980, 19(4), 421-422 RUSSELL LEMLE</p><p>A Working Mother's Guide to Child Development 1980, 19(4), 422-423 PHYLLIS MOEN</p><p>Time Mirror 1980, 19(4), 427-427 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>Present Imperfect: Reflections of Family Therapists 1980, 19(4), 427-428 STEVEN KATKIN</p><p>The First Family Interview Family Process Article Titles by Subject 234</p><p>1981, 20(1), 113-115 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Mid-Life: Developmental And Clinical Issues 1981, 20(1), 115-117 STEPHEN FLECK</p><p>Marital Therapy: Strategies Based on Social Learning and Behavior Exchange Principles 1981, 20(1), 117-119 GARY R. BIRCHLER</p><p>Working with Families: An Introduction to Family Therapy 1981, 20(1), 119-120 KENNETH B. PERLMUTTER</p><p>Networking Families in Crisis 1981, 20(1), 120-121 SALIN M. A. LOTHAR</p><p>Promise Her Anything But Send A Postcard: An Adventure in Structural Family Therapy 1981, 20(1), 127-128 STEPHEN J. SCHULTZ</p><p>The Process of Family Therapy 1981, 20(1), 128-129 JOHN H. FRYKMAN</p><p>Leaving Home, the Therapy of Disturbed Young People 1981, 20(2), 245-246 FRANK S. PITTMAN</p><p>Family and Marital Psychotherapy: A Critical Approach 1981, 20(2), 246-246 DAVID P. KNISKERN</p><p>Family Therapy of Drug and Alcohol Abusers 1981, 20(2), 246-247 KENNETH LEE MATTHEWS</p><p>Surviving the Breakup: How Children and Parents Cope with Divorce 1981, 20(2), 247-249 JOSEPH L. STEINBERG Family Process Article Titles by Subject 235</p><p>Divorce and Separation 1981, 20(2), 249-250 JAMES C. BECK</p><p>Vitalizing Intimacy in Marriage 1981, 20(2), 250-251 ROBERTA C. FERGUSON</p><p>Intimate Partners 1981, 20(2), 251-252 ANNE TOBIN-ASHE</p><p>Marital Crisis 1981, 20(2), 257-257 HAROLD A. GOOLISHIAN</p><p>The American Family: Current Perspectives 1981, 20(2), 257-258 WESLEY R. BURR</p><p>Individual and Family Therapy: Toward an Integration 1981, 20(3), 369-369</p><p>BOOKS: 2 1981, 20(3), 369-370 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO</p><p>Marital Interactions: Experimental Investigations 1981, 20(3), 370-371 JAMES C. COYNER, ANITA M. DELONGIS</p><p>Dimensions of Family Therapy 1981, 20(3), 371-372 RODNEY J. SHAPIRO</p><p>Becoming a Family Therapist: Developing an Integrated Approach to Working with Families 1981, 20(3), 372-373 KEN PERLMUTTER</p><p>The Family in Mourning: A Guide for Health Professionals 1981, 20(3), 373-373</p><p>Coping with Death in the Family Family Process Article Titles by Subject 236</p><p>1981, 20(3), 373-374 STEPHEN I. KATZ</p><p>Couple Therapy 1981, 20(3), 374-375 WILLIAM M. BUMBERRY</p><p>Foreword to the Handbook of Family Therapy 1981, 20(4), 453-453</p><p>Editor's Note: 1981, 20(4), 453-455 LYMAN WYNNE</p><p>BOOKS: 3 1981, 20(4), 455-457 DONALD S. WILLIAMSON</p><p>Strategic Family Therapy 1981, 20(4), 457-459 FRANK S. PITTMAN III</p><p>Das Tun des Einen ist das Tun des Anderen (The Acts of One are the Acts of the Other1) 1981, 20(4), 459-462 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Ghost Waltz: A Memoir 1981, 20(4), 462-464 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Family Therapy: Combining Psycho-dynamic and Family Systems Approaches 1981, 20(4), 464-465 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>Crisis in the Family: Three Approaches 1981, 20(4), 465-466 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>AUDIO/VIDEO 1981, 20(4), 473-474</p><p>Family Therapy Techniques Family Process Article Titles by Subject 237</p><p>1982, 21(1), 129-130 KITTY LAPERRIERE</p><p>Foundations of Family Therapy: A Conceptual Framework for Systems Change 1982, 21(1), 130-130 RICHARD RABKIN</p><p>A Difference in the Family 1982, 21(1), 130-133 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Handbook of Marital Therapy: A Positive Approach to Helping Troubled Relationships 1982, 21(1), 133-134 KATHY NEWPORT MELMAN</p><p>The Challenge of Family Therapy: A Dialogue for Child Psychiatric Educators 1982, 21(1), 134-135</p><p>The First Birth: A Family Turning Point 1982, 21(1), 135-136 MONICA MCGOLDRICK</p><p>Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature 1982, 21(1), 133-136</p><p>American Family Life Films 1982, 21(1), 136-136</p><p>Family Therapy: An Introduction to Theory and Technique 1982, 21(1), 136-136</p><p>A Clinical Approach to Marital Problems 1982, 21(1), 136-136</p><p>Parent-Child Separation: An Abstracted Bibliography 1982, 21(1), 136-136</p><p>Time Frames: The Meaning of Family Pictures </p><p>1982, 21(1), 137-137</p><p>The Family: An Introduction 1982, 21(1), 137-137 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 238</p><p>The Family Life Cycle: A Framework for Family Therapy 1982, 21(2), 251-252 LUCY RAU FERGUSON</p><p>Gregory Bateson: The Legacy of a Scientist 1982, 21(2), 252-254 HOWARD M. FEINSTEIN</p><p>The Theory and Technique of Family Therapy 1982, 21(2), 254-256</p><p>Father-Daughter Incest 1982, 21(2), 256-257 VERA FRANCES, ALLEN FRANCES</p><p>Levels of Schizophrenia 1982, 21(2), 257-258</p><p>Family Therapy and Major Psychopathology 1982, 21(2), 258-261 FRED M. SANDER</p><p>The Nation's Families: 1960–1990 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>Behavior Analysis Forms for Clinical Intervention, vol. 2 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>Family Counseling: An Annotated Bibliography 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>Back To Work: Determinants of Women's Successful Re-entry 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>Sooner or Later: The Timing of Parenthood in Adult Lives 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>Group and Family Therapy, 1981 1982, 21(2), 261-261</p><p>BOOKS Family Process Article Titles by Subject 239</p><p>1982, 21(3), 363-366</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 366-368</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 368-368</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 369-370</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 370-371 FLORENCE W. KASLOW</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 371-372 JOHN S. VISHER</p><p>BOOKS 1982, 21(3), 371-371 LARRY B. FELDMAN</p><p>Middletown Families: Fifty Years of Change and Continuity 1982, 21(3), 371-371</p><p>Taking a Sex History: Interviewing and Recording 1982, 21(3), 372-372</p><p>Gay Fathers: Some of Their Stories, Experience and Advice 1982, 21(3), 372-372</p><p>Black Families 1982, 21(3), 372-372</p><p>The Lawyer and the Mental Health Expert in the Courtroom 1982, 21(3), 379-380 ISRAELA MEYERSTEIN</p><p>Images and Identities 1982, 21(3), 380-381</p><p>Reflections On Therapy and Other Essays Family Process Article Titles by Subject 240</p><p>1983, 22(1), 119-121 LAWRENCE ALLMAN</p><p>Explorations in Marital and Family Therapy 1983, 22(1), 121-121 W. ROBERT BEAVERS</p><p>The Tactics of Change: Doing Therapy Briefly 1983, 22(1), 122-122 JANE S. FERBER</p><p>The Sibling Bond 1983, 22(1), 122-124 SOPHIE FREUD LOEWENSTEIN</p><p>Assessing Marriage: New Behavioral Approaches 1983, 22(1), 124-125 HOWARD M. WEISS</p><p>Techniques of Family Therapy 1983, 22(1), 125-127 BUNNY S. DUHL</p><p>How To Keep Love Alive 1983, 22(1), 127-127</p><p>Systems Theory and Family Therapy: A Primer 1983, 22(1), 127-128</p><p>The Family In Political Thought 1983, 22(1), 127-127</p><p>A Treatise On The Family 1983, 22(1), 127-127</p><p>Family Connections: Parenting Your Grown Children 1983, 22(1), 127-127</p><p>I Don't Want to Be a Fool. 1983, 22(1), 133-134 LYNN HOFFMAN</p><p>The Family Therapy of Drug Abuse and Addiction Family Process Article Titles by Subject 241</p><p>1983, 22(2), 239-241 HOWARD A. LIDDLE</p><p>Generations of the Holocaust 1983, 22(2), 241-244 HARVEY PESKIN</p><p>Functional Family Therapy 1983, 22(2), 244-245 JOHN BYNG-HALL</p><p>Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy 1983, 22(2), 245-246 JOHN PATTEN</p><p>Couples in Collusion 1983, 22(2), 246-248 ALAN COOKLIN</p><p>Alternatives to Traditional Family Living 1983, 22(2), 248-248</p><p>Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy 1983, 22(2), 248-248</p><p>The International Book of Family Therapy 1983, 22(2), 248-248</p><p>The Sexual Victimization of Children 1983, 22(2), 248-248</p><p>The Troubled Family 1983, 22(2), 248-248</p><p>Divorce: The Aftermath: Single-Parent Families. VHS videotape, black and white. 1983, 22(2), 253-254 STEVEN KATKIN</p><p>Family Therapy Supervision: Recent Developments in Practice 1983, 22(3), 401-401 RON DESTEFANO</p><p>From Psyche To System: The Evolving Therapy of Carl Whitaker Family Process Article Titles by Subject 242</p><p>1983, 22(3), 401-403 KALMAN FLOMENHAFT</p><p>Marital Therapy 1983, 22(3), 403-403 G. PIROOZ SHOLEVAR</p><p>My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson 1983, 22(3), 404-404 JOHN PATTERN</p><p>Family Counseling and Therapy 1983, 22(3), 404-405 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>Transgenerational Family Therapy 1983, 22(3), 405-406 THOMAS F. FOGARTY</p><p>Family Therapy and Social Change 1983, 22(3), 406-407 JORGE COLAPINTO</p><p>The Psychiatric Hospital and the Family 1983, 22(3), 407-407 ALEXNDER GRALNICK</p><p>Two Paychecks: Life in Dual-Earner Families 1983, 22(3), 408-408</p><p>The Multiple Crises of Marital Separation and Divorce 1983, 22(3), 408-408</p><p>Therapist, Lawyers, and Divorcing Spouses 1983, 22(3), 408-408</p><p>Couple Constancy: Conversations with Today's Happily Married People 1983, 22(3), 408-408</p><p>Family Evaluation in Child Custody Litigation 1983, 22(4), 549-549 Family Process Article Titles by Subject 243</p><p>Consulting in Child Custody: An Introduction to the Ugliest Litigation for Mental Health Professionals 1983, 22(4), 549-549</p><p>Dilemmas in Child Custody: Family Conflicts and Their Resolution 1983, 22(4), 549-551 MARLA BETH ISAACS</p><p>Normal Family Processes 1983, 22(4), 551-551 MARC D. RABINOWITZ</p><p>Outreach Family Therapy 1983, 22(4), 552-552 HAROLD A. GOOLISHIAN</p><p>Trearing the Remarried Family 1983, 22(4), 552-554 F. WHITESIDE MARY</p><p>The Sexual Relationship: An Object Relations View of Sex and the Family 1983, 22(4), 554-555 STEPHEN B. LEVINE</p><p>The Dark Side of Families: Current Family Violence Research 1983, 22(4), 555-555</p><p>Family Treatment: An Integratire Integrative Approach. 1983, 22(4), 555-555</p><p>Conjoint Family Therapy 1983, 22(4), 555-555</p><p>Family Breakup: Understanding Marital Problems and the Mediating of Child Custody Decisions 1983, 22(4), 555-555</p><p>AUDIO/VIDEO 1983, 22(4), 561-562 ROBERT GARFIELD</p><p>Behind the Family Mask: Therapeutic Change in Rigid Family Systems Family Process Article Titles by Subject 244</p><p>1984, 23(1), 121-121 CARRELL A. DAMMANN</p><p>Coercive Family Process 1984, 23(1), 121-122 JOHN F. CLARKIN</p><p>Handbook for Family Analysis 1984, 23(1), 122-123 PHILIP J. GUERIN JR</p><p>The Treatment of Sexual Disorders 1984, 23(1), 123-124 ILDA V. FICHER</p><p>Family Therapy: Complementary Frameworks of Theory and Practice 1984, 23(1), 124-125 PHOEBE PROSKY</p><p>Mastering Resistance: A Practical Guide to Family Therapy 1984, 23(1), 125-125 EVAN IMBER COPPERSMITH</p><p>Family Therapy and Family Medicine 1984, 23(1), 125-127</p><p>The Situation Is Hopeless, But Not Serious: The Pursuit of Unhappiness 1984, 23(1), 127-127</p><p>Helping Families with Special Problems 1984, 23(1), 127-127</p><p>Remarriage: A Review and Annotated Bibliography 1984, 23(1), 128-128</p><p>Bitter, Bitter Tears: Nineteenth-Century Diarists and Twentieth-Century Grief Theories 1984, 23(1), 128-129</p><p>The Family Consultation Interview: A Supervisory Technique. "When an Impasse Develops in Therapy." 1984, 23(1), 133-134 GEORGE S. GREENBERG</p><p>The Strength of Family Therapy: Selected Papers of Nathan W. Ackerman Family Process Article Titles by Subject 245</p><p>1984, 23(2), 279-280 LYMAN C. WYNNE</p><p>Aesthetics of Change 1984, 23(2), 280-282 MARA SELVINI-PALAZZOLI</p><p>Family Therapy in Schizophrenia 1984, 23(2), 282-284 MICHAEL ROHRBAUGH</p><p>Family Therapy: Principles of Strategic Practice 1984, 23(2), 284-285 ROBERT ROSENBAUM</p><p>Ethnicity and Family Therapy 1984, 23(2), 285-285</p><p>Multicultural Counseling: Toward Ethnic and Cultural Relevance in Human Encounters 1984, 23(2), 285-286 MICHAEL R. MILANO</p><p>The Evaluation of Sexual Disorders — Psychological and Medical Aspects 1984, 23(2), 286-287 MAJ-BRITT ROSENBAUM</p><p>From the Inside Out and Other Metaphors: Creative and Integrative Approaches to Training in Systems Thinking 1984, 23(2), 287-288 CRAIG A. EVERETT</p><p>Family Assessment: Tools for Understanding and Intervention 1984, 23(2), 288-289</p><p>Chocolate Pudding, and Other Approaches to Intensive Multiple Family Therapy 1984, 23(2), 289-290 URI RUEVENI</p><p>Incest: The Last Taboo: An Annotated Bibliography 1984, 23(2), 291-291</p><p>Family Interaction and Communication in Psychopathology: An Evaluation in Recent Perspectives Family Process Article Titles by Subject 246</p><p>1984, 23(2), 291-291</p><p>Divorce and Remarriage: Problems, Adaptations, and Adjustments 1984, 23(2), 291-291</p><p>American Couples: Money, Work, Sex. 1984, 23(2), 291-291</p><p>Family Politics: Love and Power On An Intimate Frontier 1984, 23(2), 291-291 Stress and the Family Volume I: Coping With Normative Transitions 1984, 23(3), 457-458</p><p>Volume II: Coping With Catastrophe. 1984, 23(3), 458-458 RON STEFANO</p><p>Clinical Implications of the Family Life Cycle 1984, 23(3), 458-459 J. SCOTT FRASER</p><p>Family Evaluation 1984, 23(3), 459-460 CELIA J. FALICOV</p><p>The Long Struggle: Well-Functioning Working-Class Black Families 1984, 23(3), 461-462 PAULETTE MOORE HINES</p><p>Battered Women and Their Families: Intervention Strategies and Treatment Programs 1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Group and Family Therapy 1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Directive Family Therapy 1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Family Studies Review Yearbook, Vol. 2 1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Marriage and Family Assessment: A Sourcebook for Family Therapy Family Process Article Titles by Subject 247</p><p>1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Family Relationships in Later Life 1984, 23(3), 463-463</p><p>Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods 1984, 23(4), 577-578 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>An Introduction to Marital Theory and Therapy 1984, 23(4), 578-578 LOTHAR SALIN</p><p>Handbook of Marital Interventions 1984, 23(4), 577-579 BUD PROTINSKY</p><p>Structured Family Facilitation Programs 1984, 23(4), 579-580 WILLIAM L. BUCHANAN, L'ABATE LUCIANO</p><p>Using Hypnosis in Family Therapy 1984, 23(4), 580-581 GILLIAN WALKER</p><p>Adolescent Suicidal Behavior: A Family Systems Model 1984, 23(4), 581-582 NORMAN PAUL</p><p>Recycling the Family: Remarriage After Divorce 1984, 23(4), 583-583</p><p>Structural Family Therapy 1984, 23(4), 583-583</p><p>Die mehrgenerationen-Familien-therapie 1984, 23(4), 583-583 FR. DAGMAR FRIEDRICH LEKTORIN</p><p>Therapy Techniques for Problem Behaviors of Children and Teenagers 1984, 23(4), 583-583</p><p>Parting: The Aftermath of Separation and Divorce Family Process Article Titles by Subject 248</p><p>1984, 23(4), 583-583</p><p>Ordeal Therapy: Unusual Ways to Change Behavior 1985, 24(1), 129-130</p><p>Family Kaleidoscope 1985, 24(1), 130-130</p><p>Family Therapy With School-Related Problems 1985, 24(1), 130-132</p><p>Brief Therapy With Single-Parent Families 1985, 24(1), 132-133</p><p>Families With Handicapped Members 1985, 24(1), 133-133</p><p>Perspectives on Work and the Family 1985, 24(1), 133-133</p><p>Families and How to Survive Them 1985, 24(1), 133-133</p><p>Ended Beginnings: Healing Childbearing Losses 1985, 24(1), 133-134</p><p>Independent Aging: Family And Social Systems Perspectives 1985, 24(1), 134-135</p><p>Family Work in Action: A Handbook for Social Workers 1985, 24(1), 135-136</p><p>The Process of Change 1985, 24(2), 281-281</p><p>On Diagnosis: A Systemic Approach 1985, 24(2), 281-283</p><p>Families Under the Influence: Changing Alcoholic Patterns 1985, 24(2), 283-285</p><p>Rituals in Psychotherapy 1985, 24(2), 285-286</p><p>Marital Interaction: Analysis and Modification Family Process Article Titles by Subject 249</p><p>1985, 24(2), 286-287</p><p>The Invented Reality: How Do We Know What We Believe We Know? (Contributions to Constructivism) 1985, 24(2), 287-290</p><p>Family Systems Therapy: An Integration 1985, 24(2), 290-291</p><p>Family Case Studies: A Sociological Perspective 1985, 24(2), 291-291</p><p>Family Therapy: Basic Concepts and Terms 1985, 24(2), 291-291</p><p>Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research 1985, 24(2), 292-293</p><p>Epilepsy and the Family 1985, 24(2), 293-294</p><p>A Guide for the Family Therapist 1985, 24(2), 294-295</p><p>Behind The One-way Mirror: Advances in the Practice of Strategic Therapy 1985, 24(3), 429-430</p><p>Adolescent Crisis: Family Counseling Approaches 1985, 24(3), 430-430</p><p>The Nature of the Child 1985, 24(3), 430-432</p><p>Power To Change: Family Case Studies In The Treatment of Alcoholism 1985, 24(3), 432-433</p><p>Family Interfaces: Transgenerational Patterns 1985, 24(3), 432-432</p><p>Promoting Change Through Paradoxical Therapy 1985, 24(3), 433-434</p><p>Practicing Family Therapy in Diverse Settings Family Process Article Titles by Subject 250</p><p>1985, 24(3), 434-435</p><p>Human Sexuality and the Family 1985, 24(3), 435-435</p><p>Task-Centered Practice With Families and Groups 1985, 24(3), 435-436</p><p>Women and the Family: Two Decades of Change 1985, 24(3), 435-435</p><p>Family Therapy: A Practical Manual 1985, 24(3), 436-437</p><p>Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern 1985, 24(3), 437-438</p><p>Adjunctive Techniques in Family Therapy 1985, 24(4), 597-597</p><p>Marriage and Divorce: A Contemporary Perspective 1985, 24(4), 597-598</p><p>Mind in Therapy: Constructing Systemic Family Therapies 1985, 24(4), 598-598</p><p>Satir Step by Step: A Guide to Creating Change in Families 1985, 24(4), 598-599</p><p>Remarriage: A Family Affair 1985, 24(4), 599-600</p><p>Object Relations: A Dynamic Bridge Between Individual and Family Treatment 1985, 24(4), 600-601</p><p>Helping Families in Distress: An Introduction to Family Focussed Helping 1985, 24(4), 602-602</p><p>Health, Illness, and Families: A Life-Span Perspective 1985, 24(4), 602-603</p><p>The Family in Business 1985, 24(4), 603-603</p><p>Divorce Mediation: Perspectives on the Field Family Process Article Titles by Subject 251</p><p>1985, 24(4), 603-604</p><p>Treating Couples in Crisis: Fundamentals and Practice in Marital Therapy 1985, 24(4), 604-605</p><p>L'ENVOI 1985, 24(4), 605-605</p>
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