<p> St. Mary Magdalen 2013 Leadership Gathering “Keep watch over yourselves, and over the whole flock the Holy Spirit has given you to guard. Shepherd the Church of God, which he has acquired at the price of His own blood.” (Acts 20:28)</p><p>I. Opening Song “Center of My Life” II. Opening Prayer III. Welcome IV. Calendaring Announcements a. Parish Mission February 4,5,6,7 at 7pm b. “Living the Eucharist” Lenten Series February 14 for six consecutive weeks c. Fall Leadership Gathering Saturday, September 28 V. Diocesan Fingerprinting & Safe Environment Training Reminder VI. Prayerful Party Planners (Milena Negrao-Chair) VII. Health & Wellness Ministry (Annette Kelly-Chair) VIII. “Faith In Action” Time & Talent Festival IX. Communication Tools X. Lois Locey Presentation a. Speaker Policy b. Budgets c. Grants/Fundraising/Room Scheduling d. Council & Commission Leadership Discernment Day XI. Short Break XII. Reflections XIII. Why Do We Serve? XIV. Favorite Ministry Experiences and Why? XV. Working Stretch Break XVI. Member Engagement Survey a. Visioning Team XVII. Retention/Recruitment XVIII. Closing Reflections XIX. Closing Prayer XX. Closing Song “Be Bold, Be Strong”</p><p>1 2 Opening Prayer</p><p>All: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.</p><p>Reading (Matthew 25: 34-40):</p><p>Brothers and sisters:</p><p>“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25: 34-40)”. We pray to the Lord.</p><p>All: Lord hear our prayer.</p><p>Take a few moments to reflect on the following questions:</p><p>1. What words or phrases are speaking to you? 2. How can you care for the least ones within your ministry? </p><p>Pray Together: Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit as we follow Christ on our journey of faith. Through baptism, you invite us to share the gift of our lives and talents in service to others, so we ask you to guide us, work through us, and give us the courage and wisdom in all that we do to Build Your Kingdom. Create in us a more open heart and a greater awareness of our gifts & talents so that we may be better Disciples for the good of all. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.</p><p>3 Calendaring Announcements</p><p>Parish Mission February 4,5,6,7 at 7pm</p><p>• No ministry events are to take place during this time • Please invite your ministry disciples to attend the parish mission</p><p>“Living the Eucharist” Lenten Series February 14 at 7pm in the School Cafeteria for six consecutive weeks. Refreshments & Childcare Provided. We invite you and your ministry disciples to attend:</p><p>February 14: “Give You My Word” (God’s Word, Our Delight) Preparing for the First Sunday of Lent Presenter: Fr. Charlie Mitchell</p><p>February 21: “The Art of Listening” (Called to Conversion – Through the Word) Preparing for the Second Sunday of Lent Presenter: Christina Ferretti</p><p>February 28: “Affirming What We Believe” (Belief and Belonging) Preparing for the Third Sunday of Lent Presenter: Brandon Vogt</p><p>March 7: “The Joyful Homecoming” (Healing Through the Eucharist) Preparing for the Fourth Sunday of Lent Presenter: Deacon Henry Libersat</p><p>March 14: “Be Reconciled with God” (Finding Forgiveness) Preparing for the Fifth Sunday of Lent Presenter: Fr. Ed Thompson</p><p>Week 6: “The Eucharist: Pathway to a Holy and Virtuous Life” (The Good Life) Preparing for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Presenter: Larann Wilson</p><p>Fall Leadership Gathering Saturday, September 28</p><p>• Please mark your calendar Exact details/time will be sent out at a later date.</p><p>4 From: Marsha Luke [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:38 PM To: Melissa Findley – See this name, they can start in your ministry as long as you inform Melissa that they are becoming involved in your ministry Cc: [email protected] Subject: FW: Diocese of Orlando</p><p>From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:35 PM To: Marsha Luke Subject: Diocese of Orlando</p><p>January 23, 2013</p><p>St. Mary Magdalen Church</p><p>To Whom It May Concern:</p><p>This is to certify that STEVEN RABANAL, SSN: XXX-XX-3831 has successfully completed Level I Safe Environment Training and the FDLE Level II Volunteer Criminal History System (VECHS) check on Jan-17 2013. No disqualifying Florida or National/FBI criminal history was identified. </p><p>Background screening results expire five years from the original date of submission. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected].</p><p>Sincerely, Marsha Luke Office of Fingerprinting Diocese of Orlando 407-246-4849 [email protected]</p><p>5 FINGERPRINTING CLEARANCES UPDATE Everyone who has been Diocesan fingerprinted since January 2010 receives an e- mail notification of their FBI clearance and Safe Training completion. </p><p>See below before allowing a disciple volunteer to serve:</p><p>1) Ask to see a copy of their clearance and write down clearance date. If you see [email protected] in the “To” line, the parish office has a copy. If the disciple volunteer does not have e-mail but used a parish issued e-mail address, the disciple volunteer is sent a letter of their clearance by the parish office. In both cases, you can go ahead and allow the disciple volunteer to start as long as Melissa is aware that the disciple volunteer is helping out in your ministry. a. Clearances are only good for five years from date of issuance. Please track expiration dates. b. Once a disciple volunteer is fingerprinted, clearance may take up to two weeks as long as everything is in order.</p><p>2) Ask to see a copy of their clearance and write down clearance date. If you DO NOT see [email protected] in the “To” line, the parish does not have a copy. Drop off a copy of the clearance to the parish office indicating which ministry the disciple volunteer will be helping out. Contact Melissa Findley via e-mail or phone (407.831.1212 x268) to ensure she has received the clearance before allowing the disciple volunteer to serve.</p><p>3) If they are unable to present a copy of their clearance but claim they are cleared through the Diocese, contact Melissa who will check on clearance status.</p><p>4) If the disciple volunteer is not a St. Mary Magdalen parishioner but wants to help out in your ministry, contact (you or the disciple volunteer) Melissa w/the following who will in turn contact the Diocese for clearance information or help the candidate through the process: a. Name of disciple volunteer b. Parish in which the disciple volunteer is registered (if any) c. Address/phone/e-mail of disciple d. Ministry in which the disciple wishes to assist 6 5) In all cases, you can simply contact Melissa and inquire. SMM Fingerprinting Application Instructions for Ages 15 & Up (Follow the instructions below before taking the Safe Environment Training) Go to https://www.priderockholdings.com/SafeSupport/instructions.php?comp_id=214 Or Go to www.orlandodiocese.org, click on “Outreach & Prevention” on the right hand side, then click on “Fingerprinting.” This will redirect you to a site to start the online application process. If you are active or interested in serving with a St. Mary Magdalen Church ministry, scholarships are available for the fingerprinting process. Contact Melissa Findley at (407) 831-1212 x 268 or [email protected] for instructions to avoid payment. Also, contact Melissa to check on clearance expiration date (every 5 years), to ensure we have all required documentation on file, or if you need assistance completing the online application. If you are only interested in or active with our St. Mary Magdalen School, Early Learning Center, or a School ministry, the fee is $49.75. If under 18, a parent or legal guardian must be present when fingerprinted. In the online application, you choose the date/time convenient for your schedule. If you need a time other than what is posted, finish the application with an alternate date/time in case we cannot accommodate you and then contact Melissa at [email protected] or (407) 831-1212 x268. If you need assistance with filling out the online application, please contact Melissa.</p><p>St. Mary Magdalen TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Posted Hours: 8:30 to 10:00 10:00 to 1:00 8:30 to 12:00 9:00 to 12:00 9:00 to 12:00 1:00 to 3:30 2:00 to 5:00 1:00 to 5:00 5:00 to 7:00</p><p>There are three entities fingerprinting for the Diocese of Orlando at this time (the Diocese downtown office, Catholic Charities, and St. Mary Magdalen). You are welcome to schedule an appointment with any of the three. Make sure you bring your bar code (issued after you complete the online application) and U.S. Government issued photo I.D. used to fill out the application to your appointment. If your prints reject due to illegibility, you have 120 days from the date of rejection to schedule another fingerprinting appointment without charge to anyone (Do not schedule online - Call site directly to reschedule). The Diocese will not release your fingerprinting records until they have a record on file indicating you have completed the Safe Environment Training. Your fingerprinting clearance will be sent via e-mail from Marsha Luke. Please show a copy of the clearance to your respective ministry leader and if you marked any entity other than St. Mary Magdalen on your application, please provide a copy of the clearance to the parish office.</p><p>Safe Environment Training (20-Minute Video Instructions) for Ages 15 & Up Option 1: Contact Melissa at [email protected] or (407) 831-1212 x268 for In-House options Option 2: Go to http://www.orlandodiocese.org/hr-safe-environment-training/registers Or Go to www.orlandodiocese.org, click on “Outreach & Prevention” on the right and then click on “Safe Environment Training.” When you access the site, please fill in all appropriate fields. PLEASE NOTE: You will need your barcode (The number provided to you upon completion of your fingerprinting application).</p><p>After all fields are filled in, click “Register.” Then you will be asked to login (with your new username/password) to the left hand side of your screen. After you login, instructions will appear. After the video finishes, you will see a green arrow button on the lower right-hand side of the screen which will take you to the 13-question quiz. </p><p>7 If you choose the on-line process, the Diocese will send you e-mail notification with pass or fail results. Please forward a copy to Melissa Findley, Steward for Time & Talent at [email protected] in order for us to confirm that you have fulfilled the requirement. If you do not have e-mail, just print out a copy and send to the parish office via mail, fax, drop box, or collection basket.</p><p>Time & Talent Awareness Weekend Time & Talent Festival</p><p>When: After all Masses April 13 & 14 Where: Parish Life Center Set-Up: Friday afternoon and Saturday morning Please have representation at all six masses. Disciple Volunteers must be in place 10 minutes before the end of Mass Every ministry is responsible for cleaning up their own area after the 5:30PM Sunday Mass</p><p>The Week of Prayer for Ministries/Call to Discipleship</p><p>Where: Eucharistic Chapel When: Monday through Friday, during the week of April 15 Time: 9am to 5pm After 5pm, every evening we will have a special form of prayer Examples: Taize, Liturgy of the Hours, Centering Prayer, etc.</p><p>We invite you and your ministry disciples to sponsor an hour before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for your ministry and those discerning their call to Discipleship Ministries that sign-up to sponsor an hour will be advertised accordingly Hour availability is a first come, first serve basis</p><p>Time & Talent Covenant Weekend When: April 20 & 21 Where: All Masses at St. Mary Magdalen Parish</p><p>Follow-Up to Covenant Weekend In the essence of time & cost, follow-up procedures & list should be e-mailed to during the week of April 29. If you do not receive an e-mail by May 3, please contact Melissa [email protected] or 407.831.1212 x268 in the parish office. If you prefer the packet mailed to you, please let Melissa know. We gather two weekends worth of commitment forms to start compiling the list for all of our leaders. However, additional commitment forms continue to come in after the original lists are sent. Please be vigilant in checking your e-mails or mail over the next few months to ensure no one is missed. </p><p>Follow-up Completion by Leaders After you receive your packets, you will have 30 days (no later than June 7) to conduct your follow-up calls and turn in the responses to the parish office letting us know the results (Ex: left message, now active, not interested, etc.). Remember…..</p><p>† This is your opportunity to Celebrate the work of your ministry and let everyone know the Mission of your ministry. † We are trying to assist all of our parishioners to Discern their Call, vocation from God and to place that calling into service in order to Build the Kingdom. 8 † Resist the temptation to ask disciples to sign-up at the Time & Talent Festival. This can scare them away so they won’t come back to future festivals. We will have sign-up the following weekend! † Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up! As much as we want to believe that people will respond the 1st time you send out an invitation, we all know that consistent follow-up and nurturing is what it takes! </p><p>Just…..Have fun and celebrate your Good News!</p><p>Some people have a job in the church. Others invite themselves into a ministry. What's the difference you ask?</p><p>If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a job. If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a ministry.</p><p>If you quit because someone criticized you, it's a job. If you keep on serving, it's a ministry.</p><p>If you'll do it as long as it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a job.</p><p>If you are committed to staying even if it means letting go of other things, it's a ministry.</p><p>If you quit because no one thanked you or praised you, it's a job.</p><p>If you stick with it even though no one recognized your efforts, it's a ministry.</p><p>It's hard to get excited about a job. It's almost impossible not to get excited about a ministry.</p><p>If your concern is success, it's a job. If your concern is faithfulness and service, it's a ministry.</p><p>If God calls you to a ministry, don't treat it like a job!</p><p>Lord, strengthen your servants and move us to a true sense of ministry and service through your grace and mercy. Amen. INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW!</p><p>The office will only release e-mails and phone numbers to ministry leaders (if the individual ever expressed an interest in your ministry). If you want to send out letters, the letters will be addressed from the Time & Talent office and given back to the ministry to stuff envelopes here in the office.</p><p>Bulk mailing of 200 or more letters must be approved.</p><p>A copy of all correspondence between you and disciples must be given to Melissa & your Staff Liaison.</p><p>Anything with Stewardship on the material must be reviewed by Lois Locey.</p><p>9 You must have copyrights on any literature, media, and music you wish to use.</p><p>Brochure copies: 50 copies 2x a year in black & white are free. In color or more than 100 copies a year is a ministry expense. St. Mary Magdalen Parish Communications/Advertising Channels</p><p>Any forms of communication below must be copied to your staff liaison when submitting If your requests are for disciple volunteers, must be copied to Melissa Findley If your requests are for any type of monetary items, must be copied to Lois Locey All communications between ministry leader and disciple volunteers, must be copied to staff liaison & Melissa Findley Written permission for using any copyrighted material must be secured before your submission</p><p>Connection Café Host a table after the Masses sharing information about your ministry. Bulletin/pulpit announcement provided. Refreshments available upon request. Intercession at Mass is said for your ministry if you send your request by May 1. Send request to Melissa Findley at [email protected]. Banners for Connection Cafe Arc No longer can banners be hung in the breezeway or taped to the pillars. The Connection Café Arc has two holders on the top of the Arc to hold a 48 x 48 Banner. This is not a requirement, so Banners will be a Ministry expense. When Connection Café is hosted, this area can only be used by the hosting ministry, otherwise ministries can utilize this space. CommunityFest Baskets Donate a basket representing your ministry for the Hospitality Tent at CommunityFest. In order for visitors to receive tickets for the drawing, they must find hidden answers in the ministry write-ups attached to the baskets. Great marketing opportunity and a fun way to learn about your ministry. Bulletin May submit request online under ”Leadership Resources”, “Request Forms” (http://www.stmarymagdalen.org/ParishInfo/Bulletin/BulletinSubmission.aspx) or fill out hard copy in the parish office . Must be submitted no later than ten days (Wednesday) from intended weekend. . Due dates are posted on the website and length is limited to 500 characters. . Update weekly. If announcement doesn’t change, only two weeks of the same announcement is permitted. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Maureen Johnson at (407) 831-1212 ext 232 or send an email to [email protected]. Bulletin Insert If you wish to have the announcement translated into Spanish, you must contact Luis Cruzado at [email protected]. Send finished copy to [email protected] and indicate weekend needed. Must be submitted no later than three weeks from intended weekend. Please note: There is a cost for bulletin inserts, make sure your budget will cover the expense. Check with JoAnn in regard to cost. Pulpit Announcement (read by Presider) May submit request online under “Leadership Resources”, “Request Forms” (http://www.stmarymagdalen.org/Leadership/PulpitAnnouncements/PulpitAnnouncementSubmission. aspx) or fill out hard copy in the parish office. . Must be submitted by Tuesday prior to the intended weekend. 10 . Due dates are posted on the website and length is limited to 250 characters. . Must indicate whether or not you wish to have the announcement translated in Spanish. . Only two weeks of the same announcement is permitted. Blackout dates apply. Parish Printed Calendar If you wish your event/activity to be published in the Parish Calendar (printed version), please submit request to Maureen Johnson at [email protected] by June 15.</p><p>St. Mary Magdalen Parish Communications/Advertising Channels Any forms of communication below must be copied to your staff liaison when submitting If your requests are for disciple volunteers, must be copied to Melissa Findley If your requests are for any type of monetary items, must be copied to Lois Locey All communications between ministry leader and disciple volunteers, must be copied to staff liaison & Melissa Findley Written permission for using any copyrighted material must be secured before your submission</p><p>Liturgical Announcement (Slideshow Presentation / Announcement after Communion by Ministry Disciple) Fr. Charlie wants to limit the number of these type of announcements overall. Limited to no more than one event per weekend. Reservations are on a first come, first served basis and are subject to approval. Form available online under “Leadership Resources, “Request Forms” or fill out hard copy in the parish office. Must be submitted no later than six weeks prior to the intended weekend to Mark Ayers [email protected]. Slideshow Presentation must be submitted to Lois Locey ([email protected]) no later than two weeks prior to the presentation. Announcement after Communion must be provided to Lois Locey ([email protected]) no later than Tuesday prior to intended weekend. Please Note: You will be required to practice your announcement prior to the intended weekend. Catholic Movie Night If your ministry would like to host a Catholic Movie Night, please submit request to Lucy Edwards at 407.831.1212 or [email protected]. Once the movie has been approved, if you would like someone to write the bulletin and/or full page description of the movie, send request to David Mouery at [email protected], 407.432.4574. Lobby Announcement Submission to Maureen Johnson at [email protected]. Limited to one photo, six lines, 20 characters (per line). After three months, we encourage you to change the content. E-Mail Blast Reserved for special announcements. No fundraising. We only send up to one e-mail per week. Special permission must be granted by Lois Locey to utilize this venue. Send request to Lois Locey at [email protected]. Website Submission to Cathy O’Connor at [email protected] and cc’d Locey Locey at [email protected] for approval of content. . In the “Coming Up” section of the website, please submit request no later than one week from event date, but we encourage you to post at least three weeks in advance. Please Note: Automatically deleted from this section of website once event has passed. . For general information, send request to Cathy on Friday’s. She works on the site Saturday mornings. . If content is posted to another portion of the website and dates are not updated within three months of the event, you may lose your webpage.</p><p>11 If you wish to have the announcement in the Spanish section of the website, you must contact Luis Cruzado at [email protected] and cc’d Locey Locey at [email protected] for approval of content. No fundraising announcements with the exception of CommunityFest. FaceBook/Twitter/YouTube Due to the strict parameters of the Diocese of Orlando, special permission must be granted by Lois Locey to utilize this venue. St. Mary Magdalen has an official account, send request to Lucy Edwards at [email protected] and cc’d Lois Locey at [email protected] for content approval. St. Mary Magdalen has a YouTube account and Facebook Page. Send submission to Lucy Edwards at [email protected] St. Mary Magdalen Parish Communications/Advertising Channels Any forms of communication below must be copied to your staff liaison when submitting If your requests are for disciple volunteers, must be copied to Melissa Findley If your requests are for any type of monetary items, must be copied to Lois Locey All communications between ministry leader and disciple volunteers, must be copied to staff liaison & Melissa Findley Written permission for using any copyrighted material must be secured before your submission</p><p>Parish Online Calendar If you wish your event/activity to be posted in the Parish Calendar (online version), please submit request to JoAnn Kuhn at [email protected]. Local Advertising (Ex: Orlando Sentinel) Must be submitted no later than six weeks in advance, along with any associated expenses (if any) and if your budget will cover the expense. Send request to Lois Locey at [email protected]. Please Note: There may be a time delay, since any advertising outside of St. Mary Magdalen must be approved by Teresa Peterson, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Orlando. “Making A Difference” Newsletter Since we are promoting the “Year of Faith”, this will be an opportunity to share the Good News of how your ministry is living out the Mission and Values of the parish, Making A Real Difference within our community. Once a month we like to feature one ministry. Send detailed information on your ministry along with personal testimonies and we will have a disciple from the Creative Tech Writers draft the newsletter on your behalf. Send information to Melissa Findley at [email protected]. Publication Assistance Desktop Publishers/Graphic Artists: Susi Dring (Chair) at [email protected], 407.673.1496 Photographers: Pete Ramondetta (Chair) at [email protected], 407.463.5816 Spanish Translations/Communications: Luis Cruzado at [email protected], 407.300.1803 Ministry Brochures: Tom Zapor at [email protected] PowerPoint Presentations: Hal Glaser at [email protected], 407.339.8176 Movie Write-Ups: David Mouery at [email protected], 407.432.4574</p><p>Room Requests • Room request forms are available in the Leadership section of the website and at the parish office • Have a couple of dates/rooms in mind, then check with JoAnn ([email protected]) at the parish front desk for room/date availability. Parish space goes fast, plan ahead • When filling out a room request form, there is a box that you check if you wish for your event to appear on the Parish Calendar (located under parish information of the parish website)</p><p>Facility Guidelines • Promptly report any problems with the facility and/or room set-up to the Parish Office at 407.831.1212 x227. Safety concerns should be reported immediately. 12 • Please clean up food spills with paper towels, and then promptly report to the Facilities Office for cleaning • Please empty all food garbage from trash cans. Dumpsters are located outside the Cafeteria and Parish Life Center • Turn off lights and lock doors when leaving. Adjust A/C, if possible, to 78o Cool and 60o Heat • Do not leave children unsupervised inside or outside any parish facility • Please turn in set-up form for room rental two weeks prior to event • Return borrowed keys to Facilities immediately after your event using the drop box at the parish office entrance</p><p>U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Stewardship Vocation Reflections</p><p>The Christian vocation is essentially a call to be a disciple of Jesus…called to be good stewards of the personal vocations they receive. Each of us must discern, accept, and live out joyfully and generously the commitments, responsibilities, and roles to which God calls him or her.</p><p>Jesus does not summon disciples as a faceless crowd but as unique individuals…He knows people’s personal histories, their strengths and weaknesses, their destinies; he has a purpose in mind for each one.</p><p>Jesus not only calls people to him but also forms them and sends them out in his service (cf.Mt 10:5ff.; Mk 6:7ff.; Lk 9:1ff.). Being sent on a mission is a consequence of being a disciple. Whoever wants to follow Christ will have much work to do on his behalf – announcing the good news and serving others as Jesus did.</p><p>Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ leads naturally to the practice of stewardship. These linked realities, discipleship and stewardship, then make up the fabric of a Christian life in which each day is lived in an intimate, personal relationship with the Lord.</p><p>Stewardship plays an important role in the lives of people who seek to follow Christ. Christians must be stewards of their personal vocations, for it is these that show how, according to the circumstances of their individual lives, God wants them to cherish and serve a broad range of interests and concerns; life and health, along with their own intellectual and spiritual well being and that of others; material goods and resources; the natural environment; 13 the cultural heritage of humankind – indeed, the whole rich panoply of human goods, both those already realized and those whose realization depends up the present generation or upon generations yet to come. Catholics have a duty, too, to be stewards of their Church: that community of disciples, that Body of Christ, of which they, individually and together, are the members, and in which “if one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy” (1 Cor 12;26).</p><p>Dwight D. Eisenhower (Former President of the United States) First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953</p><p>And so each citizen (Christian) plays an indispensable role. The productivity of our heads, our hands, and our hearts is the source of all the strength we can command, for both the enrichment of our lives and the winning of peace. No person, no home, no community can be beyond the reach of this call. We are summoned to act in wisdom and in conscience, to work with industry, to teach with persuasion, to preach with conviction, to weigh our every deed with care and with compassion. For this truth must be clear before us: whatever America (Christians) hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America (Christians). </p><p>Ritz-Carlton Global Influence</p><p>This is what Cooper sees as his company’s core value proposition: delivering the intangibles like smiles, relationships, and caring service. In a world where many guests can purchase just about anything they desire, it is the things they can’t buy that create true engagement… (By Simon Cooper, Ritz-Carlton President - transcribed in “Strengths Based Leadership” by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie) </p><p>14 “Jesus does not summon disciples as a faceless crowd but as unique individuals…He knows people’s histories, their strengths and weaknesses, their destinies; he has a purpose in mind for each one.” (Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship)</p><p>Reflect on your experiences.</p><p>What excited you about becoming involved in ministry?</p><p>How were you invited into ministry? What did you like, what didn’t you like?</p><p>15 After reflection, share insights with your table group FAVORITE MINISTRY EXPERIENCES You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16)</p><p>What has been some of your favorite ministry experiences and why?</p><p>16 After reflection, share insights with your table group Member Engagement Survey (ME25) (These are the elements that Gallup has identified that help parishioners with their spiritual well-being)</p><p>(1) Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the way things are going in my personal life</p><p>(2) I spend time in worship or prayer every day</p><p>(3) My faith is involved in every aspect of my life</p><p>(4) Because of my faith, I have forgiven people who have hurt me deeply</p><p>(5) Because of my faith, I have meaning and purpose in my life</p><p>(6) My faith has called me to develop my given strengths</p><p>(7) I will take unpopular stands to defend my faith</p><p>(8) My faith gives me an inner peace</p><p>17 (9) I speak words of kindness to those in need of encouragement</p><p>(10) I am a person who is spiritually committed</p><p>(11) As a member of my parish, I know what is expected of me</p><p>ME25 items and questions copyright © 2001 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. (12) In my parish, my spiritual needs are met</p><p>(13) In my parish, I regularly have the opportunity to do what I do best</p><p>(14) In the last month, I have received recognition or praise from someone in my parish</p><p>(15) The spiritual leaders in my parish seem to care about me as a person</p><p>(16) There is someone in my parish who encourages my spiritual development</p><p>(17) As a member of my parish, my opinions seem to count</p><p>(18) The mission and purpose of my parish makes me feel my participation is important</p><p>(19) The other members of my parish are committed to spiritual growth</p><p>(20) Aside from family members, I have a best friend in my parish</p><p>18 (21) In the last six months, someone in my parish has talked to me about the progress of my spiritual growth</p><p>(22) In my parish, I have opportunities to learn and grow</p><p>(23) In the last month, I have invited someone to participate in my parish</p><p>ME25 items and questions copyright © 2001 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. RECRUITMENT/RETENTION "Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God" (Romans 15:7)</p><p>Parish Mission: St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all things and comes together to love as Christ loves and serve as Christ serves. What is the “Mission & Vision” of your ministry in relation to the parish mission and does every disciple know how their role fits into the “Mission & Vision”?</p><p>What are your current methods in recruiting someone to the ministry?</p><p>What are your current methods in retaining/engaging someone within the ministry?</p><p>19 Leadership is the act or process of arousing, engaging, and satisfying the needs and motives of followers in an environment of conflict, competition, or achievement, which results in followers taking action toward a mutually shared vision. (Tending the Talents) RECRUITMENT/RETENTION “Jesus not only calls people to him but also forms them and sends them out in his service” (cf.Mt 10:5ff.; Mk 6:7ff.; Lk 9:1ff.).</p><p>Elements for successful Recruitment/Retention efforts (Sharing the Ministry by Jean Trumbauer–Adapted):</p><p>. Review your vision for the ministry and decide how each role helps you reach your vision? . Create a Position Description defining the role for each discipleship opportunity o Position Description Outline on page 21 . Create a Recruitment Plan that includes: o The position(s) for which you are recruiting o The month or season during which publicity and recruitment will happen o The target audiences o The best methods/communication choices for reaching each audience o The primary messages to be communicated o The names of the recruiters (people responsible for effort & follow-up) . Begin Recruitment Plan . Follow-up with potential candidates and build relationship by: o Learn more about the potential candidate. . Ex: Occupation, skills, talents, what they hope to gain from this ministry experience, why did they express interest in the ministry, time availability, etc. o Share information on the position(s). . Include how the role fits/helps fulfill the “Parish/Ministry Mission” o Discover their gifts and match to best position fit o Make collaborative decisions on how they will best serve in the position and determine next steps</p><p>20 . Provide training to adequately prepare disciple for position and on-going development . Supervise/Support/Motivate to help disciples stay engaged on their journey o Include a yearly follow-up plan with your disciples </p><p>Looking at the items above, what can you improve upon or newly implement in order to welcome a new disciple into the fold and help someone fulfill their calling within the ministry?</p><p>Guidelines for Developing Position Descriptions (Time & Talent Long Version) (Adapted form Jean Morris Trumbauer by Lois Locey, St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Altamonte Springs, FL 2004)</p><p>Position: Name the position (Example: Member of the Stewardship Council) Purpose of Position: Envision the ideal and describe the purpose of the individual position. Example: To work as a team member to Foster Stewardship as a Way of Life throughout St. Mary Magdalen Parish. Key Responsibility Answers the questions: Areas: Does – Three verbs that represent the clusters of activities in this focus area What – Object of the verbs Why? – How does this relate to the role’s purpose and the parish vision? Using short sentences, list the major responsibilities to be performed. Start each sentence with an action verb. Focus on the responsibilities of the individual parishioner, not the overall goals or objectives of the ministry program (Example: Identify, formulate, and execute strategies to Foster Stewardship as a Way of Life to help our parishioners put God 1st in all things with a grateful attitude). S.M.A.R.T Goals: Answers the questions: *Who: Who is involved? *What: What do I want to accomplish? *Where: Identify a location. *When: Establish a time frame. *Which: Identify requirements and constraints. *Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. Set measureable goals for the position based on the Key Responsibility Areas (Example: Present a three year (20XX-20XX) stewardship plan to the Pastoral Council by June 30, 20XX) Qualifications/Gifts List the minimum qualifications or gifts required to fulfill the responsibilities of the position Skills/Needed: (Example: Ability to work as a team member). Amount of Time Estimate the time required to complete responsibilities. Base this figure on what would be given by the Required: average committed parishioner, not the most perfectionistic. Include time spent in meetings, preparation time, and time completing individual assignments. (Example: Approximately four hours per month) When Ministry is List the times when the work is done. Include such things as season of year, day of month, time of day. Performed: If there is flexibility in some of the time requirements, please indicate. (Example: Monthly meetings on the third Tuesday evening of each month except December and July. Half-day to day-long training in the Fall & Spring. Assignments may be completed at your own convenience) Commitment Length: List the duration of the commitment the parishioner must take (Example: 2 years) Training Provided: List training required and/or provided. Include workshops and in-services, reading materials, an opportunity with a staff member or another disciple, etc. (Example: 1) 3 ½ hour Parish Leadership </p><p>21 Training session in the Fall; 2) 6 hour Foundational Training Session in the Spring; 3) Parish Stewardship Leadership Manual & Sharing the Ministry manual) Responsible To: Name the position of the individual or name the group to which the parishioners will be primarily responsible. (Example: Stewardship Chairperson and to other members of the Stewardship Council) Support Provided/ List the various ways in which the parishioner will receive support. Defines the what, when, and how Communication Plan: information will be communicated. This may include individual supervision, a support group, encouragement from another group, etc. (Example: Direct support and encouragement from Pastor, Stewardship Staff Coordinator, the Stewardship Chairperson or other staff on a monthly basis) Additional Resources/ List other resources both in the parish, in the community and in the Diocese from whom the parishioner Budget: may receive support and training (Example: Stewardship Staff Coordinator, Diocesan Stewardship Office) Effective Date: List the date this position, as described above, goes into effect. If unknown, record today’s date. (Example: June 2004) Reviewed: List the date the position description is developed and/or revised. (Example: June 2004) ISSUES AND MESSAGES REGARDING LACK OF FOLLOW UP Developed by Jean Morris Trumbauer</p><p>When parishioners express interest in a ministry and then are not contacted by the ministry area, it does not mean that no message was sent to them!!! On the contrary, a very powerful message has been delivered!!!!</p><p>Internal Messages About Themselves:</p><p>. “I wasn’t very confident I had the gifts for that, and apparently they don’t think I do either.” . “I must not measure up to the other volunteer ministers they have.” . “I really am not a very gifted person.” . “I just don’t fit in here.” . “You have to really know people well here before you are able to help out.” . “I should have waited until someone else asked me to do something. It was presumptuous for me to sign up on my own.” . “I guess I don’t matter.”</p><p>Internal Messages (sometimes externalized to others!) about the Parish:</p><p>. “Wow, are they ever a clique over there.” . “That parish is so disorganized.” . “They must not need lay ministers very badly if they ask for our help, but never call us.” . “They sure communicate double messages over there…..They beg for help but when we offer our assistance, they don’t take us up on our offer!” . “Lay people sure don’t matter much to this parish!” . “The staff and lay leaders in this parish sure want to control everything. They only ask their friends to be involved.” 22 . “I haven’t got time for this charade. I’ll go assist somewhere in the community where they are serious about wanting to use my talents and time.” . “I signed up for several years in a row and never got called. Guess what? I don’t go to that parish anymore!”</p><p>Adapted from Sharing the Ministry: A Practical Guide for Transforming Volunteers Into Ministers, Augsburg Fortress, 1995 and from other training materials. Do not reprint without the permission of the author.</p><p>Closing Reflection Sheet</p><p>Name two insights from today’s sharing that you found particularly helpful that you believe would benefit the rest of the room to remember:</p><p>23 Closing Prayer</p><p>All: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen</p><p>Reading (2 Peter 1:3-11):</p><p>Brothers and sisters: “His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for life and devotion, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and power. Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature…For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion, devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love. If these are yours and increase in abundance, they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who lacks them is blind and shortsighted, forgetful of the cleansing of his past sins. Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your call and election firm, for, in doing so, you will never stumble. For, in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you. (2 Peter 1:3-11)”</p><p>We pray to the Lord.</p><p>All: Lord hear our prayer</p><p>24 Pray Together: Lord Jesus Christ, with hearts on fire we welcome you. Walk with us, we pray…teach us to recognize you, and help us to put aside everything to follow you. Continue to coach us in Christian discipleship that we may use your blessings wisely and care for all whose welfare you have entrusted to us. Bless us as we ponder all that has been, and dream of what might be. Stir the embers in our hearts and above all us, stay with us, Lord. With hearts on fire we follow you. Amen.</p><p>Be Bold, Be Strong</p><p>Be bold, be strong For the Lord your God is with you Be bold, be strong For the Lord your God is with you I am not afraid I am not dismayed Because I’m walking in faith and victory Come on and walk in faith and victory For the Lord your God is with you</p><p>© 1983 Word Music</p><p>25</p>
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