<p> User reference document</p><p><Allocations and Usage></p><p>< 0 3 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 3 ></p><p>Mr.Rajakumar Information Dynamics</p><p>Copyright © Information Dynamics LLC, 2018 www.infodynamic.net</p><p>Information Dynamics 1 CONTENTS</p><p>1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT...... 3 </p><p>1.1. DOCUMENT CONTROL...... 3 1.2. REVISION HISTORY...... 3 1.3. FINAL APPROVAL AND SIGN OFF...... 3 2. OVERVIEW...... …4 3. ALLOCATION DETAILS...... 5</p><p>Information Dynamics 2 1. Document Management</p><p>1.1. Document Control Author Rajakumar.R Prepared on 03-Jul-2013 Last Updated on File Path \\AFSYS_TSL\SOP File Name Finance Allocations and Usage</p><p>1.2. Revision History Version Release date Author Summary of Changes Reviewer Name</p><p>1.3. Final Approval and Sign off Name Title Signature Date </p><p>Information Dynamics 3 2. Over View</p><p>Allocation is a template which is used while passing financial entries. Different types of allocations can be created from the standard allocation types based on the user requirements.</p><p>System has a facility to define 10 labels which can be configured dynamically and details will be captured during the transactions. These details can be validated against the master setup available in the system. System has a facility to generate reports based on these details captured while passing transactions.</p><p>Allocation types also created for different type of transactions and specific account codes can be linked related to that allocation. This way user will have access to those specific account codes and wrong entries can be avoided.</p><p>Allocations types will be linked to document types and user can restrict for each document type, what kind of allocations to be used.</p><p>Information Dynamics 4 3. Allocation Details</p><p>3.1. Common Allocations for Agent and Principal.</p><p>Type Name ASSET_GL General Ledger For Asset LIABL_GL General Ledger For Liability INCOME_GL General Ledger For Income EXPENSE_GL General Ledger For Expense AR Accounts Receivable AP Accounts Payable TAX-INV TAX BOOKING DIRECT AP INVOICE TIME TAX Tax Calculation STAX-INV TAX BOOKING DIRECT AR INVOICE TIME BANK Inter Bank Transfer BANK-TR Bank Transfer With Deposit Slip A-PURCHASE ASSET PURCHASE GROUP A-PUR-S ASSET PURCHASE (SINGLE) FA-ADD FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS FA-EXP FIXED ASSET EXPENSES FA-OTH FIXED ASSETS OTHER ACTIVITIES FA-PUR FIXED ASSET PURCHASE FA-SALE FIXED ASSET DISPOSAL FA-SRV FIXED ASSET SERVICE</p><p>Allocation type Name ASSET_GL General Ledger For Asset Description Asset GL allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to asset related GL accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to an Asset GL account.</p><p>Label Description GL Account System will list all asset related GL accounts from general ledger master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 5 Allocation type Name LIABL_GL General Ledger For Liability Description Liability GL allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to liability related GL accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to a Liability GL account.</p><p>Label Description GL Account System will list all liability related GL accounts from general ledger master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 6 Allocation type Name INCOME_GL General Ledger For Income Description Income GL allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to income related GL accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to a Income GL account.</p><p>Label Description GL Account System will list all income related GL accounts from general ledger master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 7 Allocation type Name EXPENSE_GL General Ledger For Expense Description Expense GL allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to expense related GL accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to an Expense GL account.</p><p>Label Description GL Account System will list all expense related GL accounts from general ledger master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 8 Allocation type Name AR Accounts Receivable Description AR allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to customer accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to an AR account.</p><p>Label Description AR Code System will list all active customer accounts defined in AR master in finance. AR Group System will list the customer groups related to each specific customer selected above. Groups are internally linked with control accounts using AR Group master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 9 Allocation type Name AP Accounts Payable Description AP allocation will be used, when any transactions to be posted directly to supplier accounts.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries where by entries can be posted to an AP account.</p><p>Label Description AP Code System will list all active supplier accounts defined in AP master in finance. AP Group System will list the supplier groups related to each specific supplier selected above. Groups are internally linked with control accounts using AP Group master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 10 Allocation type Name TAX-INV TAX BOOKING DIRECT AP INVOICE TIME Description This allocation will be used by the system when AP invoice is booked with TDS.</p><p>System automatically create this entry based on the tax percentage selected during the AP invoice entry</p><p>Label Description Supplier Group System will store the Group code of the Supplier Supplier Code System will store the supplier for whom the TDS to be deducted Tax Tax Type Tax % Tax Percentage Tax on Tax to be applied on Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount</p><p>Information Dynamics 11 Allocation type Name TAX Tax Calculation Description This allocation will be used for manual entry if any tax to be deducted at source.</p><p>User need to manually input the Tax % and Tax on amount, the posting effect will be same as using allocation TAX-INV. This will be used in AP Voucher entry.</p><p>Label Description Supplier Group Select Group code of the Supplier Supplier Code Select the Supplier Code Tax Select the Tax Type Tax % Select the Tax Percentage Tax on Select the tax to be applied on Amount Tax Amount Select the calculated TDS amount</p><p>Information Dynamics 12 Allocation type Name STAX-INV Tax Calculation direct AR Invoice Description This allocation will be used by system for calculating sales tax during AR Voucher entry</p><p>System will check for the charge code entered in the allocation and validate the ‘BL charge master with tax link’ for applicable tax percentage to apply.</p><p>Label Description AR Group System will store the Group code of the AR Code. AR Code System will store the AR Code. Tax System will store the Tax Type. Tax % System will store the applicable Tax Percentage. Tax on System will store the amount on which the tax % to be applied. Tax Amount System will store the calculated Tax amount.</p><p>Information Dynamics 13 Allocation type Name BANK Inter Bank Transfer Description Bank allocation will be used, when transfer to be done from one bank to another Bank or Cash Account.</p><p>It will be used in Payment or Receipt voucher entries</p><p>Label Description Bank Code System will list all active bank accounts defined in Bank master in finance.</p><p>Information Dynamics 14 Allocation type Name BANK-TR Bank Transfer With Deposit Slip Description Bank Transfer allocation will be used, when deposit slip updation and transfer process is followed. While depositing the money in the actual bank from collection bank(Cash or Cheque in hand), system will capture the deposit slip number which will be used for bank reconciliation purpose.</p><p>It will be used by the system while doing deposit slip updation and transfer.</p><p>Label Description Bank System will list all active bank accounts defined in Bank master </p><p>Information Dynamics 15 in finance. User needs to select the bank on which the money is going to be deposited. Deposit Slip System will list the valid deposit slip number which needs to be transferred. From Bank User needs to select the bank from which the money is going to be transferred. Amount System will list the amount to be transferred based on the deposit slip number selected above in “Deposit Slip”.</p><p>Allocation type Name A-PURCHASE ASSET PURCHASE GROUP Description This allocation will be used to book the asset purchases and the asset generation is for each quantity, that’s when the asset is purchased in a group(each quantity wise generation).</p><p>It will be used while booking the suppliers invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for the asset purchase.</p><p>Label Description</p><p>Information Dynamics 16 MR Type System will list the different Material Receipts type used in FA module, user needs to select the specific MR type for which asset is received MR Number System will list the valid MR numbers, user can select the appropriate MR numbers for which the invoice to be booked. Location System will list the location for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the location code. Branch System will list the branch for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the branch code. Department System will list the department for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the department code. Category User needs to select the category of the Asset code Asset Details User needs to select the serial number of the asset, in case the MR is having more number quantities Activity Users needs to select the activity of the asset, here it will be asset receipt.</p><p>Allocation type Name</p><p>Information Dynamics 17 A-PUR-S ASSET PURCHASE (SINGLE) Description This allocation will be used to book the asset purchases and the asset generation is single.</p><p>It will be used while booking the suppliers invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for the asset purchase.</p><p>Label Description MR Type System will list the different Material Receipts type used in FA module, user needs to select the specific MR type for which asset is received MR Number System will list the valid MR numbers, user can select the appropriate MR numbers for which the invoice to be booked. Location System will list the location for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the location code. Branch System will list the branch for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the branch code. Department System will list the department for which the asset is purchased, user needs to select the department code. Category User needs to select the category of the Asset code Asset Details User needs to select the serial number of the asset, in case the MR is having more number quantities Activity User needs to select the activity of the asset, here it will be asset receipt.</p><p>Information Dynamics 18 Allocation type Name FA-ADD FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS Description This allocation will be used while making any additions to the existing assets.</p><p>It will be used while booking the suppliers invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for any additions to the assets.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset for which the addition is done.</p><p>Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset addition.</p><p>Allocation type Name FA-EXP FIXED ASSET EXPENSES Description This allocation will be used while booking any expenses pertaining to assets and posted to GL account.</p><p>It will be used while booking the suppliers invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for any expenses to the assets.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset for which the expenses is done.</p><p>Information Dynamics 19 Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset expenses.</p><p>Allocation type Name FA-OTH FIXED ASSETS OTHER ACTIVITIES Description This allocation will be used while booking any other expenses pertaining to assets and posted to a GL account.</p><p>It will be used while booking the suppliers invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for any expenses to the assets.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset for which the expenses is done.</p><p>Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset expense others.</p><p>Allocation type Name FA-PUR FIXED ASSET PURCHASE Description This allocation will be used while booking purchasing any assets without MR created in FA module. To use this asset should have been created already in the Asset master.</p><p>It will be used while booking the supplier invoices using AP voucher or Bank payment voucher for the asset purchases.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset code which is purchased.</p><p>Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset purchase.</p><p>Allocation type Name FA-SALE FIXED ASSET DISPOSAL</p><p>Information Dynamics 20 Description This allocation will be used while disposing the assets with scrap value.</p><p>It will be used while raising the invoices to customer using AR voucher or Receipt voucher for the asset disposal.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset code which is disposed</p><p>Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset disposal.</p><p>Allocation type Name FA-SRV FIXED ASSET SERVICE Description This allocation will be used while any expenses made for the maintenance of the asset.</p><p>It will be used while raising the invoices to Supplier using AP voucher or Payment voucher for the asset service.</p><p>Label Description Asset Code User needs to select the Asset code for which the service is made Activity User needs to select the asset activity, here it will be asset service.</p><p>3.2. Allocations for Agency.</p><p>Type Name LINE-ALOC LINE ALLOCATION - AR/AP INVOICE LINE-OTHRV LINE OTHER REVENUE LINE-R5 LINE ALLOCATION - R5</p><p>Allocation type Name LINE-ALOC LINE ALLOCATION - AR/AP INVOICE</p><p>Information Dynamics 21 Description This allocation will be used by the agent to book any transactions related to voyage ledger, whether it’s related to collection or disbursement.</p><p>While posting, system will post to the Carrier collection or disbursement account based on the Activity and Mode entered.</p><p>System will also validate the Carrier code setup in order to identify whether the transaction belongs to TSL or TSLTW. </p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries why by entries can be posted to Voyage ledger.</p><p>Label Description Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the transaction to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the transaction to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted. Activity System will list the Charge codes related to manifest and disbursement from BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted Mode If the transaction related to manifested charges, user can select the mode as P - Prepaid or C - Collect or E - Elsewhere. If it’s related to disbursement, user can select as D – Disbursement.</p><p>Information Dynamics 22 Allocation type Name LINE-OTHRV LINE OTHER REVENUE Description This allocation will be used by the agent to book any transactions related to other revenue which is to be invoiced to the customer on behalf of the principal. Agent needs to input the Agent debit note number raised by the Principal.</p><p>While posting, system will post to the Carrier collection account in the voyage ledger based on the carrier selected. </p><p>System will also validate the Carrier code setup in order to identify whether the transaction belongs to TSL or TSLTW.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries why by other revenue entries can be posted to Voyage ledger.</p><p>Label Description Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the transaction to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the transaction to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted.</p><p>Information Dynamics 23 Activity System will list the Charge codes from the BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted Mode User can select the mode as P - Prepaid or C - Collect or E - Elsewhere Agent DN No System will list the valid agent DN’s generated by the principal pertaining to that agent location.</p><p>LINE-R5 LINE ALLOCATION - R5 Description This allocation will be used by the agent to book any additional charges to be invoiced to the customer which is not part of the manifest.</p><p>While posting, system will post to the Carrier collection account in the voyage ledger based on the carrier selected.</p><p>Information Dynamics 24 System will also validate the Carrier code setup in order to identify whether the transaction belongs to TSL or TSLTW.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries why by R5 entries can be posted to Voyage ledger.</p><p>Label Description Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the transaction to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the transaction to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted. Activity System will list the Charge codes from the BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted BL Number User can input the BL number manually.</p><p>Information Dynamics 25 3.3. Allocations for Principal.</p><p>Type Name LINE-REV LINE ALLOCATION FOR REVENUE LINE-EXP LINE ALLOCATION FOR EXPENSE AGEN_JV AGENT JV ALLOCATION BUNKER BUNKER EXPENSE CHART_HIRE Charter Hire Allocation SURVEY Survey Cost Expenses MS_LEASE Master Lease Charges SB_LEASE Sub Lease Charges SEAL_COM SEAL COMMISSION CALCULATION</p><p>LINE-REV LINE ALLOCATION FOR REVENUE Description This allocation will be used by the principal to account the revenue received by the respective vessel/voyage. </p><p>System will post the respective GL accounts based on the carrier and charge code defined in “BL charge master linking with multiple GL codes”.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries why by entries can be posted to principal revenue GL Account.</p><p>Information Dynamics 26 Label Description Agent Code System will list the valid Agents from the agent location master, user can select the agent from whom the revenue is generated. Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the transaction to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the transaction to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted. BL Number User can input the BL number manually. Charge Code System will list the Charge codes from the BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted Mode User can select whether charges is collected on the basis of P – Prepaid, C- Collect or E-Elsewhere.</p><p>Information Dynamics 27 LINE-EXP LINE ALLOCATION FOR EXPENSE Description This allocation will be used by the principal to account the expenses incurred by the respective vessel/voyage. </p><p>System will post the respective GL accounts based on the carrier and charge code defined in “BL charge master linking with multiple GL codes”.</p><p>It will be used in all voucher entries why by entries can be posted to principal expense GL Account.</p><p>Label Description Agent Code System will list the valid Agents from the agent location master, user can select the agent from whom the expenses is received. Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the transaction to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the transaction to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted. Charge Code System will list the Charge codes from the BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted </p><p>Information Dynamics 28 Mode User will always select the mode as D – Disbursement.</p><p>AGEN_JV AGENT JV ALLOCATION Description This allocation will be used by the principal to account the revenue(other revenue) to be collected from the customer thru the agent. </p><p>System will pick the clearing account defined for each agent from the agent location master and post in the system. Once the agent invoice the customer and transfer to principal, this account will get reversed.</p><p>It will be used in JV preparation under GL Transactions.</p><p>Information Dynamics 29 Label Description Agent Code System will list the valid Agents from the agent location master, user can select the agent from whom the other revenue to be collected. Agent Location System will list the valid locations, user can select the agent location thru which the other revenue to be collected. Customer Code System will list the customers from the finance AR master, user can select the customer from whom the other revenue to be collected.</p><p>BUNKER BUNKER EXPENSE Description This allocation will be used by the principal to book the bunker related invoices.</p><p>System will pick the GL account based on the Charge code and mode using “BL charge master linking with multiple GL codes”.</p><p>Information Dynamics 30 Note: The above allocation will be used internally, if its booked using Bunker invoicing module.</p><p>Label Description Carrier System will list the Carrier from the Carrier master, user can select the carrier for which the bunker invoice to be posted. Vessel System will list the Vessels from the vessel master, user can select the vessel for which the bunker invoice to be posted. Voyage System will list the Voyages defined for the Carrier and Vessel from the voyage master, user can select the voyage for which the transaction to be posted. Port System will list the port call for the above Carrier, vessel and voyage. User can select the appropriate port code for which the transaction be posted. Charge Code System will list the disbursement charge codes from the BL Charge master. User can select the appropriate charge code for which the transaction to be posted Mode User will always select the mode as D – Disbursement. Booking No System will list the bunker booking belongs the above vessel, user can select the appropriate booking number. Bunker Type System will list the bunker types for which the booking is made, user can select the appropriate bunker types.</p><p>Information Dynamics 31 CHART_HIRE Charter Hire Allocation Description This allocation will be used for Charter hire charges. It will be used by the system when charter hire calculation is done.</p><p>Label Description Agreement No System will store the Charter agreement number during the posting. Vessel Code System will store the Vessel for which the charter charges calculated. Charge Code System will store the type of Charge code</p><p>Information Dynamics 32 SURVEY Survey Cost Expenses Description This allocation will be used by the principal to book the survey cost during the Repair and Lease.</p><p>System will pick the GL account based on the Charge code defined in the Lease control and using “BL charge master linking with multiple GL codes”.</p><p>Note: The above allocation will be used by the system internally during Survey cost calculation.</p><p>Label Description Survey Type To identify the type of Survey whether it’s In Service/On Hire/Off Hire/Sub lease. Container Container no on which the Survey cost needs to be paid. Move Code Move code during which the Survey is carried out Move Date Movement date Doc Ref Supplier Invoice number entered during Survey cost calculation Charge Code Survey Charge code from Lease Control Setup, system will validate the BL Charge master.</p><p>Information Dynamics 33 MS_LEASE Master Lease Charges Description This allocation will be used in the system during lease rental calculation</p><p>System will pick the GL account based on the rental charges calculated.</p><p>Label Description Agreement No System will store the Lease agreement number during the posting. Charge Code System will store the Charge code of different lease charges.</p><p>Information Dynamics 34 SB_LEASE Sub Lease Charges Description This allocation will be used in the system during the sub lease rental calculation.</p><p>System will pick the GL account based on the rental charges calculated during Sub Lease Invoice calculation.</p><p>Label Description Agreement No System will store the Sub lease agreement number.</p><p>Lease No System will store the Sub lease booking number. Container No Container no for which sub lease charges to be calculated From Date Rental from date, from which charges calculated To Date Rental to date, to which charges calculated Days No of days for which system calculated the rentals Charge Code System will store the charge code of different rental charges calculated during Sub lease Invoice calculation</p><p>Information Dynamics 35 SEAL_COM SEAL COMMISSION CALCULATION Description This allocation will be used in the system during the seal commission calculation.</p><p>System will pick the GL account based on the Seal commission master setup</p><p>Label Description Carrier System will store the carrier code Vessel System will store the vessel code Voyage System will store the voyage Port System will store the calling port code Charge Code Seal charge code Container No Container no for which seal charge collected and commission to be paid.</p><p>Information Dynamics 36 ------End of Document ------</p><p>Information Dynamics 37</p>
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