<p> 1</p><p>1三月, 2012 IEEE P802.15-12-0836-03-0004j</p><p>2</p><p>3 IEEE P802.15 4 Wireless Personal Area Networks 5 Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)</p><p>Title TG4j Amendment Draft</p><p>Date [134th March 2012] Submitted [Dave Evans] Voice: [+44 1293 886490] Source [Philips, 101 Cambridge Science Park, Fax: [ ] Cambridge, UK] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: []</p><p>Abstract [This is the draft of the TG4j Amendment]</p><p>Purpose [To enable editing of the draft TG4j MBAN amendment.]</p><p>Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.</p><p>Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. 6 7 8 9 10 11</p><p>2Submission Page 1 Dave Evans, Philips 3 4 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 2IEEE Standard for 3Local and metropolitan area networks–</p><p>4Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area 5Networks (LR-WPANs)</p><p>6Amendment: Alternative Physical Layer Extension to 7support Medical Body Area Networks (MBANS) services 8operating in the 2360-2400 MHz band</p><p>9</p><p>10Sponsor</p><p>11LAN/MAN Standards Committee 12of the 13IEEE Computer Society</p><p>14Approved <XX MONTH 20XX> 15IEEE-SA Standards Board 16</p><p>17Copyright © 2012 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 18Three Park Avenue 19New York, New York 10016-5997, USA 20All rights reserved.</p><p>21This document is an unapproved draft of a proposed IEEE Standard. As such, this document is subject to 22change. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Because this is an unapproved draft, this document must not be 23utilized for any conformance/compliance purposes. Permission is hereby granted for IEEE Standards 24Committee participants to reproduce this document for purposes of international standardization 25consideration. Prior to adoption of this document, in whole or in part, by another standards development 26organization, permission must first be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association Department 27([email protected]). Other entities seeking permission to reproduce this document, in whole or in part, must 28also obtain permission from the IEEE Standards Association Department. 29IEEE Standards Association Department 30445 Hoes Lane 31Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Abstract: This amendment defines a physical layer for IEEE 802.15.4 in the 2360 to 2400 MHz 2band which complies with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) MBAN rules. This 3amendment defines modifications to the MAC needed to support this new physical layer. 4 5Keywords: MBANS, medical body area network 6</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of 2the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus 3development process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers 4representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the 5Institute and serve without compensation. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote 6fairness in the consensus development process, the IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy 7of any of the information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards.</p><p>8Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The IEEE disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other 9damage, of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly 10resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other IEEE Standard document.</p><p>11The IEEE does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expressly 12disclaims any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a specific 13purpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. IEEE Standards documents 14are supplied “AS IS.”</p><p>15The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, 16market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint 17expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the 18state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least 19every five years for revision or reaffirmation, or every ten years for stabilization. When a document is more than five 20years old and has not been reaffirmed, or more than ten years old and has not been stabilized, it is reasonable to 21conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are 22cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.</p><p>23In publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other 24services for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is the IEEE undertaking to perform any duty owed by any other 25person or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other IEEE Standards document, should rely upon his or 26her independent judgment in the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances or, as appropriate, seek the 27advice of a competent professional in determining the appropriateness of a given IEEE standard.</p><p>28Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to 29specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate 30action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it is 31important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, 32IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant 33response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. 34A statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual 35shall not be considered the official position of IEEE or any of its committees and shall not be considered to be, nor be 36relied upon as, a formal interpretation of the IEEE. At lectures, symposia, seminars, or educational courses, an 37individual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the 38personal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IEEE.</p><p>39Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation 40with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with 41appropriate supporting comments. Recommendations to change the status of a stabilized standard should include a 42rationale as to why a revision or withdrawal is required. Comments and recommendations on standards, and requests 43for interpretations should be addressed to:</p><p>44 Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board 45 445 Hoes Lane 46 Piscataway, NJ 08854 47 USA</p><p>48Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by The Institute 49of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. 50To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 Rosewood 51Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for 52educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Introduction</p><p>2 This introduction is not part of IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, Draft Standard for Amendment: Alternative Physical Layer 3 Extension to support Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) services operating in the 2360-2400 MHz band.</p><p>4Notice to users</p><p>5Laws and regulations</p><p>6Users of these documents should consult all applicable laws and regulations. Compliance with the 7provisions of this standard does not imply compliance to any applicable regulatory requirements. 8Implementers of the standard are responsible for observing or referring to the applicable regulatory 9requirements. IEEE does not, by the publication of its standards, intend to urge action that is not in 10compliance with applicable laws, and these documents may not be construed as doing so. </p><p>11Copyrights</p><p>12This document is copyrighted by the IEEE. It is made available for a wide variety of both public and 13private uses. These include both use, by reference, in laws and regulations, and use in private self- 14regulation, standardization, and the promotion of engineering practices and methods. By making this 15document available for use and adoption by public authorities and private users, the IEEE does not waive 16any rights in copyright to this document.</p><p>17Updating of IEEE documents</p><p>18Users of IEEE standards should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by the 19issuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time through the issuance of amendments, 20corrigenda, or errata. An official IEEE document at any point in time consists of the current edition of the 21document together with any amendments, corrigenda, or errata then in effect. In order to determine whether 22a given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance of 23amendments, corrigenda, or errata, visit the IEEE Standards Association web site at 24http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/standards.jsp, or contact the IEEE at the address listed previously.</p><p>25For more information about the IEEE Standards Association or the IEEE standards development process, 26visit the IEEE-SA web site at http://standards.ieee.org.</p><p>27Errata</p><p>28Errata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: 29http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/updates/errata/index.html. Users are encouraged to check this URL 30for errata periodically.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Interpretations</p><p>2Current interpretations can be accessed at the following URL: http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/interp/ 3index.html.</p><p>4Patents</p><p>5[If the IEEE has not received letters of assurance prior to the time of publication, the following notice 6shall appear:]</p><p>7Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter 8covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence 9or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE is not responsible for identifying 10Essential Patent Claims for which a license may be required, for conducting inquiries into the legal validity 11or scope of Patents Claims or determining whether any licensing terms or conditions provided in 12connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any, or in any licensing agreements are reasonable 13or non-discriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any 14patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Further 15information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association.</p><p>16[The following notice shall appear when the IEEE receives assurance from a known patent holder or 17patent applicant prior to the time of publication that a license will be made available to all applicants 18either without compensation or under reasonable rates, terms, and conditions that are demonstrably free 19of any unfair discrimination.]</p><p>20Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter 21covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence 22or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. A patent holder or patent applicant has filed a 23statement of assurance that it will grant licenses under these rights without compensation or under 24reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair 25discrimination to applicants desiring to obtain such licenses. Other Essential Patent Claims may exist for 26which a statement of assurance has not been received. The IEEE is not responsible for identifying Essential 27Patent Claims for which a license may be required, for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope 28of Patents Claims, or determining whether any licensing terms or conditions provided in connection with 29submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any, or in any licensing agreements are reasonable or non- 30discriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any patent 31rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Further information 32may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Participants</p><p>2At the time this draft Amendment was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the IEEE 3P802.15 Working Group had the following membership:</p><p>4 Robert F Heile, Chair 5 Rick Alfin, Co-Vice Chair 6 Patrick W. Kinney, Co-Vice Chair and Secretary 7 James P. K. Gilb, Working Group Technical Editor 8 Clint Chaplin, Treasurer 9 10 Raymond Krasinski, Task Group 4j Chair 11 David H. Evans, Task Group 4j Technical Editor and Secretary 12 13 14The following members of the IEEE 802.15 balloting committee balloting committee voted on this draft. 15Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. 16 17(to be supplied by IEEE) 18 19Balloter1 22Balloter4 25Balloter7 20Balloter2 23Balloter5 26Balloter8 21Balloter3 24Balloter6 27Balloter9 28 29 30Major contributions besides the chair, secretary and the editor were received from the following 31individuals: 32 33Suhwook Kim 35Ranjeet K. Patro 37Dong Wang 34Seung-Hooh Park 36Jaeseung Son 38 39 40The following members of the balloting committee balloting committee voted on this draft. Balloters may 41have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. 42 43(to be supplied by IEEE) 44 45Balloter1 48Balloter4 51Balloter7 46Balloter2 49Balloter5 52Balloter8 47Balloter3 50Balloter6 53Balloter9 54 55 56</p><p>2 iv 3 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Contents</p><p>21. Overview...... 1 3 1.1 General...... 1 4 1.2 Scope...... 1 5 1.3 Purpose...... 2</p><p>62. Normative references...... 2</p><p>73. Definitions...... 2 8 3.1 Definitions...... 2 9 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations...... 2</p><p>104. General description...... 2</p><p>115. MAC protocol...... 2 12 5.1 MAC functional description...... 2 13 5.1.1 Channel access...... 2 14 5.1.2 Starting and maintaining PANs...... 2 15 5.1.3 Association and disassocisation...... 4 16 5.1.4 Synchronisation...... 6 17 5.1.5 Transaction handling...... 6 18 5.1.6 Transmission, reception, and acknowledgement...... 6 19 5.1.7 GTA allocation and management...... 6 20 5.2 MAC frame format...... 8 21 5.2.1 General MAC frame format...... 8 22 5.2.2 Format of individual frame types...... 8 23 5.3 MAC command frames...... 9 24 5.3.1 Association request command...... 9 25 5.3.2 Association response command...... 10 26 5.3.3 Disassociation notification command...... 10 27 5.3.4 Data request command...... 10 28 5.3.5 PAN ID conflict notification command...... 10 29 5.3.6 Orphan notification command...... 10 30 5.3.7 Beacon request command...... 10 31 5.3.8 Coordinator realignment command...... 10 32 5.3.9 GTS request command...... 10 33 5.3.10 Channel switch notification command...... 12 34 5.3.11 Grant association proxy request...... 13 35 5.3.12 Grant association proxy response...... 14 36 5.3.13 Association proxy request...... 15 37 5.3.14 Association proxy response...... 16</p><p>386. MAC services...... 17 39 6.1 Overview...... 17 40 6.2 MAC management service...... 17 41 6.2.1 Common requirements for MLME primitives...... 17 42 6.2.2 Association primitives...... 17 43 6.2.3 Disassociation primitives...... 17 44 6.2.4 Communications notification primitives...... 17 45 6.2.5 Primitives for reading PIB attributes...... 17 46 6.2.6 GTS management primitives...... 17</p><p>2 vi 3 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 5 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 6.2.7 Primitives for orphan notification...... 17 2 6.2.8 Primitives for resetting the MAC sublayer...... 17 3 6.2.9 Primitives for specifying the receiver enable time...... 17 4 6.2.10 Primitives for channel scanning...... 17 5 6.2.11 Primitives for writing PIB attributes...... 18 6 6.2.12 Primitives for updating the superframe configuration...... 18 7 6.2.13 Primitives for synchronizing with a coordinator...... 18 8 6.2.14 Primitives for requesting data from a coordinator...... 18 9 6.2.15 Primitives for specifying dynamic preamble...... 18 10 6.2.16 Primitives for channel sounding...... 18 11 6.2.17 Primitives for ranging calibration (for UWB PHYs)...... 18 12 6.2.18 Channel switch notification primitives...... 18 13 6.2.19 Periodic GTS management primitives...... 21 14 6.2.20 Grant association proxy notification primitives...... 24 15 6.2.21 Grant association proxy notification primitives...... 27 16 6.3 MAC data service...... 30 17 6.4 MAC constants and PIB attributes...... 30 18 6.4.1 MAC constants...... 30 19 6.4.2 MAC PIB attributes...... 30</p><p>207. Security...... 31</p><p>218. General PHY requirements...... 31 22 8.1 General requirements and definitions...... 31 23 8.1.1 Operating frequency range...... 31 24 8.1.2 Channel assignments...... 31</p><p>259. PHY services...... 32</p><p>2610. O-QPSK PHY...... 32 27 10.1 PPDU format...... 32 28 10.2 Modulation and spreading...... 32 29 10.2.1 Data rate...... 32 30 10.2.2 Reference modulator diagram...... 32 31 10.2.3 Bit-to-symbol mapping...... 32 32 10.2.4 Symbol-to-chip mapping...... 32 33 10.2.5 O-QPSK modulation...... 33 34 10.2.6 Pulse shape...... 33 35 10.2.7 Chip transmission order...... 33 36 10.3 O-QPSK PHY RF requirements...... 33 37 10.3.1 Operating frequency range...... 33 38 10.3.2 Transmit power spectral density (PSD) mask...... 33 39 10.3.3 Symbol rate...... 34 40 10.3.4 Receiver sensitivity...... 34 41 10.3.5 Receiver interference rejection...... 34</p><p>42Annex I...... 35 43 Channel bitmap...... 35 44</p><p>45</p><p>2 vii 3 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 5 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1</p><p>2IEEE Standard for 3Local and metropolitan area networks–</p><p>4Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area 5Networks (LR-WPANs)</p><p>6Amendment: Alternative Physical Layer Extension to 7support Medical Body Area Networks (MBANS) services 8operating in the 2360-2400 MHz band</p><p>9</p><p>10NOTE—The editing instructions contained in this amendment define how to merge the material contained 11therein into the existing base standard and its amendments to form the comprehensive standard.</p><p>12The editing instructions are shown in bold italic. Four editing instructions are used: change, delete, insert, 13and replace. Change is used to make corrections in existing text or tables. The editing instruction specifies 14the location of the change and describes what is being changed by using strikethrough (to remove old 15material) and underscore (to add new material). Delete removes existing material. Insert adds new material 16without disturbing the existing material. Deletions and insertions may require renumbering. If so, 17renumbering instructions are given in the editing instruction. Replace is used to make changes in figures or 18equations by removing the existing figure or equation and replacing it with a new one. Editing instructions, 19change markings, and this NOTE will not be carried over into future editions because the changes will be 20incorporated into the base standard.</p><p>21</p><p>221. Overview</p><p>231.1 General</p><p>241.2 Scope</p><p>25Insert paragraph from the PAR scope</p><p>26This amendment defines a physical layer for IEEE 802.15.4 in the 2360 to 2400 MHz band which complies 27with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) MBAN rules. This amendment defines modifications to 28the MAC needed to support this new physical layer.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>11.3 Purpose</p><p>2Insert:</p><p>3 2360-2400 MHz</p><p>42. Normative references</p><p>5The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must 6be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is 7explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of 8the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.</p><p>9Insert the following new reference alphabetically into Clause 2:</p><p>10IEEE Std 802.1D-2004, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Media Access Control 11(MAC) Bridges1.</p><p>123. Definitions</p><p>133.1 Definitions</p><p>143.2 Acronyms and abbreviations</p><p>15Insert the following acronym alphabetically into 3.2:</p><p>16MBANS medical body area network services</p><p>174. General description</p><p>185. MAC protocol</p><p>195.1 MAC functional description</p><p>205.1.1 Channel access</p><p>215.1.2 Starting and maintaining PANs</p><p>21 IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, 3Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (http://standards.ieee.org).</p><p>4 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 5 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> Scanning through channels</p><p> PAN identifier conflict resolution</p><p> Starting and realigning a PAN</p><p> Starting a PAN</p><p> Realigning a PAN</p><p> Realignment in a PAN</p><p> Updating superframe configuration and channel PIB attributes</p><p>8Insert the following after</p><p> Channel switch notification</p><p>10The channel switch notification procedure is initiated by the next higher layer by issuing the MLME- 11CHANNELSWITCH.request primitive, as described in, to the MLME.</p><p>12When a coordinator wants one of its associated devices to switch its operating channel at a specific time, 13the MLME of the coordinator shall send the channel switch notification command in the manner specified 14by the TxIndirect parameter of the MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request primitive previously sent by the 15next higher layer. If TxIndirect is TRUE, the MLME of the coordinator shall send the channel switch 16notification command to the device using indirect transmission; i.e. the channel switch notification 17command frame shall be added to the list of pending transactions stored on the coordinator and extracted at 18the discretion of the device concerned using the method described in If the command frame is not 19successfully extracted by the device, the coordinator shouldshall consider the device disassociated. 20Otherwise, the MLME shall send the channel switch notification command to the device directly. In this 21case, if the channel switch notification command cannot be sent due to a channel access failure, the MAC 22sublayer shall notify the next higher layer.</p><p>23Upon successful transmission of the channel switch command, the MAC sublayer shall issue the MLME- 24CHANNELSWITCH.confirm primitive with a status of SUCCESS.</p><p>25If a device has received the channel switch command, as defined in 5.3.10, from the coordinator, the 26MLME shall issue the MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication primitive with the 27ChannelSwitchInfoNewPANID, CoordinatorAddress, RemainingTime, ChannelNumber and ChannelPage 28parameters set to the respective field in the channel switch command.</p><p>29Figure 16a illustrates the sequence necessary for a coordinator in a beacon-enabled PAN to successfully 30transmit channel switch notification command to a device using indirect transmission.</p><p>31</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>Device next Device Coordinator Coordinator higher layer MLME MLME next higher layer</p><p>MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request (TxIndirect = TRUE)</p><p>Beacon (with data pending)</p><p>Data request</p><p>Acknowledgement</p><p>Channel switch notification</p><p>Acknowledgement MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication (SUCCESS)</p><p>1 2 Figure 16a—Message sequence chart for channel switch notification initiated by a 3 coordinator, using indirect transmission, in a beacon-enabled PAN 4</p><p>55.1.3 Association and disassocisation</p><p> Association</p><p> Disassociation</p><p>8Insert the following after5.1.3.2:</p><p> Association proxy</p><p>10A device shall attempt a request for grant of association proxy after having first associated with a suitable 11PAN. A coordinator shall allow a grant of association proxy only if macAssociationPermit is set to TRUE. 12Similarly, a device shall attempt a request for grant of association proxy only if the coordinator is currently 13allowing association, as indicated in the results of the scanning procedure. If a coordinator with 14macAssociationPermit set to FALSE receives a grant association proxy request command from a device, 15the coordinator shall ignore the command.</p><p>16The MAC sublayer shall initiate the grant association proxy procedure by sending a grant association proxy 17request command, as described in 5.3.11, to the coordinator of the PAN; if the grant association proxy 18request command cannot be sent due to a channel access failure, the MAC sublayer shall notify the next 19higher layer.</p><p>20The acknowledgment to a grant association proxy request command does not mean that the device has 21associated. The coordinator needs time to determine whether the current resources available on the PAN 22are sufficient to allow other devices to associate. The coordinator shall make this decision within 23macResponseWaitTime of receiving this command. If the coordinator has sufficient resources, it shall 24allocate a set of short addresses to the devices, and its MAC sublayer shall generate a grant association</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1proxy response command, as described in 5.3.12. The command shall specify the number of devices that 2have been allocated a short address, the actual short addresses that the devices may use and a status 3indicating a successful grant of proxy association. If the coordinator has insufficient resources its MLME 4shall generate a grant association proxy response command containing a status indicating a failure, as 5defined in Table 6. The grant association proxy response command shall be sent to the device requesting 6the grant of association proxy using indirect transmission; i.e., the grant association proxy response 7command frame shall be added to the list of pending transactions stored on the coordinator and extracted at 8the discretion of the device concerned using the method described in</p><p>9On receipt of the acknowledgment to the grant association proxy request command, the device shall wait 10for at most macResponseWaitTime from when the command wais received for the coordinator to make its 11grant of association proxy decision; the PIB attribute macResponseWaitTime is a network-topology- 12dependent parameter and shall be set to match the specific requirements of the network that a device is 13trying to join. If the device is tracking the beacon, it shall attempt to extract the grant association proxy 14response command from the coordinator whenever it is indicated in the beacon frame. If the device is not 15tracking the beacon, it shall attempt to extract the grant association proxy response command from the 16coordinator after macResponseWaitTime. If the device does not extract a grant association proxy response 17command frame from the coordinator within macResponseWaitTime, the MLME shall issue the MLME- 18GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm primitive, as described in, with a status of NO_DATA, 19and the request for grant of association proxy attempt shall be deemed a failure. In this case, the device 20shall terminate any tracking of the beacon, by issuing an MLME-SYNC.request primitive, as described in, with the TrackBeacon parameter set to FALSE.</p><p>22A device shall attempt a request for an association proxy after obtaining the extended address and 23capability information for each of the devices for which it has requested a grant of association proxy. The 24method for obtaining this information from the devices is outside the scope of this standard.</p><p>25The MAC sublayer shall initiate the association proxy procedure by sending an association proxy request 26command, as described in 5.3.13, to the coordinator of the PAN.</p><p>27On receipt of an association proxy request command, the coordinator shall update the device-specific 28information for the allocated short address with the device extended address and the device capability 29information. If the coordinator finds that the device was previously associated with its PAN, it shall replace 30all previously obtained device-specific information. If the coordinator has successfully updated the device 31information, it shall respond with an association proxy response command indicating success.</p><p>32A message sequence chart for grant of an association proxy is illustrated in Figure 19a.</p><p>33</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>Device next Device Coordinator Coordinator higher layer MLME MLME next higher layer</p><p>MLME-GRANTASSOCIATION.request Grant association proxy request</p><p>Acknowledgement MLME-GRANTASSOCIATION.indication</p><p>MLME-GRANTASSOCIATION.response Data request</p><p>Acknowledgement</p><p>Grant association proxy response</p><p>Acknowledgement MLME-GRANTASSOCIATION.confirm</p><p>1 2 Figure 19a—Message sequence chart for grant of an association proxy 3 4A message sequence chart for an association proxy is illustrated in Figure 19b.</p><p>Device next Device Coordinator Coordinator higher layer MLME MLME next higher layer</p><p>MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.request Association proxy request</p><p>Acknowledgement MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication</p><p>Data request</p><p>Acknowledgement</p><p>Association proxy response</p><p>Acknowledgement MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm</p><p>5 6 Figure 19b—Message sequence chart for an association proxy 7</p><p>85.1.4 Synchroniszation</p><p>95.1.5 Transaction handling</p><p>105.1.6 Transmission, reception, and acknowledgement</p><p>115.1.7 GTS allocation and management</p><p> CAP maintenance</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> GTS allocation</p><p>2Insert after the second paragraph:</p><p>3To request the allocation of a new periodic GTS, the MLME shall send the periodic GTS request command, 4as described in 5.3.9, to the PAN coordinator. The Characteristics Type field of the request shall be set to 5one, and the length, direction, start frame and period exponent fields shall be set according to the desired 6characteristics of the required periodic GTS.</p><p>7Insert after the fifth paragraph:</p><p>8When the PAN coordinator determines whether capacity is available for the requested periodic GTS, it 9shall generate a periodic GTS descriptor with the requested specifications and the short address of the 10requesting device. If the periodic GTS wais allocated successfully, the PAN coordinator shall set the start 11slot in the periodic GTS descriptor to the superframe slot at which the periodic GTS begins and the GTS 12BSN in the periodic GTS descriptor to the number of remaining superframes for the first allocated periodic 13GTS slot. In addition, the PAN coordinator shall notify the next higher layer of the new periodic GTS. This 14notification is achieved when the MLME of the PAN coordinator issues the MLME-PERIODIC- 15GTS.indication primitive, as described in with the characteristics of the allocated periodic GTS. If 16there is not sufficient capacity to allocate the requested GTS, the start slot and GTS BSN shall be set to 17zero. The PAN coordinator shall then include this periodic GTS descriptor in its beacon and update the 18GTS Specification field of the beacon frame accordingly. The PAN coordinator shall also update the Final 19CAP Slot field of the Superframe Specification field of the beacon frame, indicating the final superframe 20slot utilized by the decreased CAP. The periodic GTS descriptor shall remain in the beacon frame for 21aGTSDescPersistenceTime superframes, after which it shall be removed automatically. The PAN 22coordinator shall be allowed to reduce its CAP below aMinCAPLength to accommodate the temporary 23increase in the beacon frame length due to the inclusion of the periodic GTS descriptor.</p><p> GTS usage</p><p> GTS deallocation</p><p>26Insert after the first paragraph:</p><p>27A device is instructed to request the deallocation of an existing periodic GTS through the MLME- 28PERIODIC-GTS.request primitive, as described in, using the characteristics of the periodic GTS it 29wishes to deallocate. From this point onward, the periodic GTS to be deallocated shall not be used by the 30device, and its stored characteristics shall be reset.</p><p>31Change and insert in the second paragraph as shown:</p><p>32To request the deallocation of an existing GTS, the MLME shall send the GTS request command, as 33described in 5.3.9, to the PAN coordinator. To request the deallocation of an existing periodic GTS, the 34MLME shall send the periodic GTS request command, as described in 5.3.9, to the PAN coordinator. The 35Characteristics Type field of either the GTS Characteristics field or the Periodic GTS Characteristics field 36of the request shall be set to zero (i.e., GTS deallocation), and the length and direction fields shall be set 37according to the characteristics of the GTS to deallocate. On receipt of the acknowledgment to either the 38GTS request command or the periodic GTS request command, the MLME shall notify the next higher layer 39of the deallocation. This notification is achieved when either the MLME issues the MLME-GTS.confirm 40primitive, as described in, with a status of SUCCESS and a GTSCharacteristics parameter with its 41Characteristics Type field set to zero or when the MLME issues the MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.confirm 42primitive, as described in, with a status of SUCCESS and a PeriodicGTSCharacteristics parameter 43with its Characteristics Type field set to zero. If either the GTS request command or the periodic GTS</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1request command is not received correctly by the PAN coordinator, it shall determine that the device has 2stopped using either its GTS or its periodic GTS by the procedure described in</p><p> GTS reallocation</p><p> GTS expiration</p><p>5Insert at the end of</p><p>6The MLME of the PAN coordinator shall attempt to detect when a device has stopped using a periodic 7GTS using the following rules:</p><p>8 For a transmit periodic GTS, the MLME of a PAN coordinator shall assume that a device is no 9 longer using its periodic GTS if a data frame is not received from the device in the GTS at least 10 every 2 × m superframes, where m is defined below. 11 For a receive periodic GTS, the MLME of the PAN coordinator shall assume that a device is no 12 longer using its periodic GTS if an acknowledgment frame is not received from the device at least 13 every 2 × m superframes, where P is defined below. If the data frames sent in the GTS do not 14 require acknowledgment frames, the MLME of the PAN coordinator will not be able to detect 15 whether a device is using its receive periodic GTS. However, the PAN coordinator is capable of 16 deallocating the periodic GTS at any time. 17The value of m is defined as follows:</p><p>18 m = P * 2(8-macBeaconOrder) 0 ≤ macBeaconOrder ≤ 8, P is defined in</p><p>19 m = P 9 ≤ macBeaconOrder ≤ 14, P is defined in</p><p>20where P is defined in</p><p>215.2 MAC frame format</p><p>225.2.1 General MAC frame format </p><p>235.2.2 Format of individual frame types </p><p> Beacon frame format</p><p> Beacon frame MHR fields</p><p> Superframe Specification field</p><p> GTS Specification field</p><p>28Change and insert in figure 42 as shown:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>Bits: 0-2 3-5 6 6 GTS Descriptor Count Reserved Periodic GTS Permit GTS Permit 1 2 Figure 42–Format of the GTS Specification field 3</p><p>4Insert at the end of</p><p>5The Periodic GTS Permit field shall be set to one if macPeriodicGTSPermit is equal to TRUE (i.e., the 6PAN coordinator is accepting periodic GTS requests). Otherwise, the Periodic GTS Permit field shall be set 7to zero.</p><p> GTS Directions field</p><p> GTS List field</p><p>10Insert at the end of</p><p>11If a GTS descriptor represents a periodic GTS (i.e. the GTS descriptor corresponds to a periodic GTS 12request), the GTS Length field shall contain the four least significant bits of the macBSN indicating the first 13superframe that the periodic GTS is available for the addressed device.</p><p>145.3 MAC command frames</p><p>15Insert and change as shown in Table 5:</p><p>16 Table 5–MAC command frames 17</p><p>Command frame Command frame Tx Rx Subclause identifier 0x0a Channel switch notification 5.3.10 0x0b Grant association proxy request 5.3.11 0x0c Grant association proxy response 5.3.12 0x0d Association proxy request 5.3.13 0x0e Association proxy response 5.3.15 0x0 a f-0xff Reserved - 18</p><p>195.3.1 Association request command</p><p>205.3.2 Association response command</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> Short Address field</p><p> Association Status field</p><p>3Insert and change as shown in Table 6:</p><p>4 Table 6–Valid values of the Association Status field 5</p><p>Association Status Description 0x03-0x7f0x0f Reserved</p><p>Number of allocated device addresses where the number 0xa0-0xbf is offset by 0xa0.</p><p>0xc0-0x7f Reserved. 6</p><p>75.3.3 Disassociation notification command</p><p>85.3.4 Data request command</p><p>95.3.5 PAN ID conflict notification command</p><p>105.3.6 Orphan notification command</p><p>115.3.7 Beacon request command</p><p>125.3.8 Coordinator realignment command</p><p>135.3.9 GTS request command</p><p>14Change Insert as shown in the first paragraph of 5.3.9 as follows:</p><p>15The GTS request command is used by an associated device that is requesting the allocation of either a new 16GTS or a new periodic GTS or the deallocation of either an existing GTS or an existing periodic GTS from 17the PAN coordinator. Only devices that have a short address less than 0xfffe shall send this command.</p><p>18Change and insert in Figure 58:</p><p>Octets: 7 1 1/2 GTS Characteristics/ MHR fields Command Frame Identifier Periodic GTS Characteristics 19 20 Figure 58–GTS request command format</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> MHR fields</p><p> GTS Characteristics field</p><p>3Insert after</p><p> Periodic GTS Characteristics field</p><p>5When the GTS request command is used by an associated device that is requesting the allocation of a new 6periodic GTS or the deallocation of an existing periodic GTS from the PAN coordinator, the Periodic GTS 7Characteristics field shall be included.</p><p>8The Periodic GTS Characteristics field shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59a.</p><p>9</p><p>Bits: 0-3 4 5 6-7 8-11 12-14 15 Characteristic GTS Period GTS Length GTS Direction Reserved Start Frame Reserved Type Exponent 10 11 Figure 59a–Periodic GTS Characteristic field format 12</p><p>13The GTS Length field shall contain the number of superframe slots being requested for the periodic GTS.</p><p>14The GTS Direction field shall be set to one if the periodic GTS is to be a receive-only periodic GTS. 15Conversely, this field shall be set to zero if the GTS is to be a transmit-only periodic GTS. GTS direction is 16defined relative to the direction of data frame transmissions by the device.</p><p>17The Characteristics Type field shall be set to one if the characteristics refer to a periodic GTS allocation or 18zero if the characteristics refer to a periodic GTS deallocation.</p><p>19The Start Frame field shall contain the value S, 0 ≤ S ≤ 7, which indicates the first periodic GTS for the 20requesting device is being requested to occur in a superframe no later than (S+1) superframes after the 21current superframe.</p><p>22The GTS Period Exponent field shall specify the value, N, and this shall be used to define the period P, in 23superframes that is being requested for the periodic GTS.</p><p>24The value of P is defined as follows:</p><p>25 P = 2(N+1) for 0 ≤ N ≤ 7</p><p>26Insert after 5.3.9:</p><p>275.3.10 Channel switch notification command</p><p>28The channel switch notification command shall only be sent by a PAN coordinator.</p><p>29All devices shall be capable of receiving this command, although an RFD is not required to be capable of 30transmitting it.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1The channel switch notification command is used by a device to notify another device to switch a channel 2at certain time. In MBANS, this command shall only be sent by a PAN coordinator. All devices shall be 3capable of receiving this command.</p><p>4This command is optional.</p><p>5The channel switch notification command shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59b.</p><p>Octets: 1 2 2 6 1 0/1 variable Command Frame PAN Coordinator Channel Channel MHR fields Timestamp Identifier Identifier Short Address Number Page 6 Octets: variable 1 variable 1 1</p><p>Command Frame Standard Dependent Channel Channel MHR fields Identifier Information Number Page 7 8 9 Figure 59b–Channel switch notification command format</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>11The Destination Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing. The Source Addressing 12Mode field shall be set to indicate extended addressing.</p><p>13The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception.</p><p>14The AR field shall be set to one.</p><p>15The Frame Version field shall be set to 0x01 if the Channel Page field is present. Otherwise it shall be set 16as specified in 5.2.3.</p><p>17The Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the broadcast PAN identifier. The Destination Address 18field shall contain the extended address of the destination device. The Source PAN Identifier field shall 19contain the value of macPANId, and the Source Address field shall contain the value of 20macExtendedAddress.</p><p>21The Destination Addressing Mode field and the Source Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate 22extended addressing for MBANS devices.</p><p>23The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception. The AR field shall be set to one. 24The Frame Version field shall be set as specified in 5.2.3.</p><p>25For MBANS devices, the Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the broadcast PAN identifier. The 26Destination Address field shall contain the extended address of the destination device. The Source PAN 27Identifier field shall contain the value of macPANId, and the Source Address field shall contain the value 28of macExtendedAddress.</p><p> Coordinator Short Address fieldStandard Dependent Information</p><p>30The Coordinator Short Address field shall contain the value of macShortAddress.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> MBANS information</p><p>2The MBANS information is formatted as illustrated in figure 59c.</p><p>Octets: 2 2/8 2</p><p>New PAN ID Coordinator Address Remaining Time 3 4 Figure 59c–MBANS information format</p><p> New PAN ID field</p><p>6The New PAN ID field shall contain the PAN ID of the PAN coordinator that operates in the channel 7specified in the Channel Number field and Channel Page field. The receiving device is requested to 8associate with the PAN coordinator for the following communication after channel switching.</p><p> Coordinator Address field</p><p>10The Coordinator Address field shall contain the coordinator address of the PAN coordinator that operates in 11the channel specified in the Channel Number field and Channel Page field. The coordinator address field 12shall contain either the coordinator short address or coordinator extended address.</p><p> Remaining Time field</p><p>14The Remaining Time field shall contain the remaining time in minutes after which the channel switching 15shall occur.</p><p> Timestamp fieldChannel Number field</p><p>17The Timestamp subfield is 6 octets in length and contains the time at which the channel switching will be 18occurred, in symbols. This is a 48-bit value, and the precision of this value shall be a minimum of 20 bits, 19with the lowest 4 bits being the least significant. The Channel Number field shall contain the channel 20number that the initiating device intends to use for the following communication, and the receiving device 21is requested to switch to this channel number.</p><p> Channel Number fieldChannel Page field</p><p>23The Channel Number field shall contain the channel number that the coordinator intends to use for all 24future communications.The Channel Page field shall contain the channel page that the initiating device 25intends to use for the following communication, and the receiving device is requested to switch to one 26channel of this channel page.</p><p> Channel Page field</p><p>28The Channel Page field, if present, shall contain the channel page that the coordinator intends to use for all 29future communications. This field may be omitted if the new channel page is the same as the previous 30channel page.</p><p>31Insert:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>15.3.11 Grant association proxy request</p><p>2The grant association proxy request command allows a FFD to associate a number of RFDs to a PAN 3coordinator.</p><p>4Only FFDs shall be capable of transmitting and receiving this command. The FFD shall be associated with 5the PAN coordinator before using the grant association proxy request command.</p><p>6This command is optional.</p><p>7The grant association proxy request command shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59cd.</p><p>Octets: variable 1 1 MHR fields Command Frame Identifier Device Number 8 9 Figure 59cd – Grant association proxy request command format</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>11The Destination Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing. The Source Addressing 12Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing.</p><p>13The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception and the AR field shall be set to 14one.</p><p>15The Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the identifier of the PAN to which the grant association 16proxy is requested. The Destination Address field shall contain the address from the beacon frame that wais 17transmitted by the coordinator to which the grant associated proxy request command is being sent. The 18Source PAN Identifier field shall contain the broadcast PAN identifier. The Source Address field shall 19contain the value of macExtendedAddress.</p><p> Device Number fields</p><p>21The Device Number field shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59de.</p><p>Bits: 0-4 5-7 Number of Devices Reserved 22 23 Figure 59de–Device Number field format 24</p><p>25The Number of Devices shall be set to indicate the total number of devices for which device short 26addresses are being requested.</p><p>275.3.12 Grant association proxy response</p><p>28The grant association proxy response command allows a PAN coordinator to communicate the results of a 29grant association proxy attempt back to the device requesting a grant association proxy.</p><p>30This command shall only be sent by the PAN coordinator to a FFD that is currently trying to request a grant 31association proxy.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Only FFDs shall be capable of receiving this command.</p><p>2The grant association proxy response command shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59ef.</p><p>Octets: 1 1 2*A 1 variable Command Number of Short Short Association MHR fields Frame Allocated Short … Address 1 Address A Status Identifier Addresses (A) 3</p><p>4 Figure 59ef–Grant association proxy response command format 5</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>7The Destination Addressing Mode and the Source Addressing Mode fields shall each be set to indicate 8extended addressing.</p><p>9The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception and the AR field shall be set to 10one.</p><p>11The PAN ID Compression field shall be set to one. In accordance with this value of the PAN ID 12Compression field, the Destination PAN ID field shall contain the value of macPANId, while the Source 13PAN ID field shall be omitted.</p><p>14The Destination Address field shall contain the extended address of the device requesting association. The 15Source Address field shall contain the value of macExtendedAddress.</p><p> Number of Allocated Short Addresses field</p><p>17If the coordinator is able to associate a number of devices to its PAN, this field shall contain the number , A, 181 ≤ A ≤ 32, of short addresses that the coordinator wais able to allocate, where. 1 ≤ A ≤ 32. </p><p> Short Address fields</p><p>20The number of short address fields shall be equal to A, the number of short addresses that the coordinator 21was able to allocate. These fields shall contain the short addresses that the devices mayshall use in their 22communications on the PAN until they are disassociated.</p><p> Association Status field</p><p>24Valid values of the Association Status field are defined in and Table 6.</p><p>255.3.13 Association proxy request</p><p>26The association proxy request command allows a FFD to update a PAN coordinator with the extended 27addresses and the Capability Information of the RFDs that have been associated using the grant association 28proxy request and response commands.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Only FFDs shall be capable of transmitting and receiving this command. </p><p>2This command is optional.</p><p>3The association proxy request command shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59fg.</p><p>Octets: variable 1 2 8 1 Command Frame Device sShort Device eExtended Capability MHR fields Identifier aAddress aAddress Information 4</p><p>5 Figure 59fg – Association proxy request command format 6</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>8The Destination Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing. The Source Addressing 9Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing.</p><p>10The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception and the AR field shall be set to 11one.</p><p>12The Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the identifier of the PAN to which the association proxy 13is requested.</p><p> Device sShort aSddress</p><p>15The Device sShort aSddress field shall contain the short address of the device whose extended address and 16Capability Information is being transferred to the PAN coordinator.</p><p> Device eExtended aAddress</p><p>18The Device eExtended aAddress field shall contain the extended address of the device whose information is 19being updated in the PAN coordinator.</p><p> Capability Information field</p><p>21The Capability Information field shall contain the information of the device whose information is being 22updated in the PAN coordinator, and shall be formatted as illustrated in figure 50.</p><p>235.3.14 Association proxy response</p><p>24The association proxy response command allows a PAN coordinator to communicate the results of an 25association proxy attempt to the device requesting an association proxy.</p><p>26This command shall only be sent by the PAN coordinator to a FFD that is currently trying to request an 27association proxy.</p><p>28Only FFDs shall be capable of transmitting and receiving this command.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1The association proxy response command shall be formatted as illustrated in Figure 59gh.</p><p>Octets: variable 1 2 1 MHR fields Command Frame Identify Short Address Association Status 2 3 Figure 59gh – Association proxy response command format 4</p><p> MHR fields</p><p>6The Destination Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing. The Source Addressing 7Mode field shall be set to indicate long addressing.</p><p>8The Frame Pending field shall be set to zero and ignored upon reception and the AR field shall be set to 9one.</p><p>10The PAN ID Compression field shall be set to one. In accordance with this value of the PAN ID 11Compression field, the Destination PAN ID field shall contain the value of macPANId, while the Source 12PAN ID field shall be omitted.</p><p>13The Destination Address field shall contain the extended address of the device requesting association. The 14Source Address field shall contain the value of macExtendedAddress.</p><p> Short Address field</p><p>16If the coordinator is not able to associate the device to its PAN, the Short Address field shall be set to 170xffff, and the Association Status field shall contain the reason for the failure.</p><p>18If the coordinator is able to update the extended address and the Capability Information of the device that 19had been associated using the association proxy request, this field shall contain the short address of that 20device.</p><p> Association Status field</p><p>22Valid values of the Association Status field are defined in and in Table 6.</p><p>236. MAC services</p><p>246.1 Overview</p><p>256.2 MAC management service</p><p>26Insert as shown in Table 8:</p><p>27 Table 8 – Summary of the primitives accessed through the MLME-SAP 28</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>Name Request Indication Response Confirm MLME-CHANNELSWITCH*** MLME-PERIODIC-GTS*** MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY**** MLME-ASSOCIATION*** 1</p><p>26.2.1 Common requirements for MLME primitives</p><p>36.2.2 Association primitives</p><p>46.2.3 Disassociation primitives</p><p>56.2.4 Communications notification primitives</p><p>66.2.5 Primitives for reading PIB attributes</p><p>76.2.6 GTS management primitives</p><p>86.2.7 Primitives for orphan notification</p><p>96.2.8 Primitives for resetting the MAC sublayer</p><p>106.2.9 Primitives for specifying the receiver enable time</p><p>116.2.10 Primitives for channel scanning</p><p>126.2.11 Primitives for writing PIB attributes</p><p>136.2.12 Primitives for updating the superframe configuration</p><p>146.2.13 Primitives for synchronizing with a coordinator</p><p>156.2.14 Primitives for requesting data from a coordinator</p><p>166.2.15 Primitives for specifying dynamic preamble</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>16.2.16 Primitives for channel sounding</p><p>26.2.17 Primitives for ranging calibration (for UWB PHYs)</p><p>3Insert after 6.2.17:</p><p>46.2.18 Channel switch notification primitives</p><p>5These primitives are used by a device to switch operating channel at a specific time and to instruct another 6or by the PAN coordinator to order an associated device to switch operating channel at a specific time.</p><p> MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request</p><p>8The MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request primitive is used by a device to instruct anotherthe coordinator 9to instruct an associated device to switch operating channel at a specific time. On receipt of the MLME- 10CHANNELSWITCH.request primitive, the MLME of the initiating device generates a channel switch 11notification command.</p><p>12The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>13MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request ( 14 DeviceAddrMode, 15 DeviceAddress, 16 ChannelNumber, 17 ChannelPage, 18 ChannelSwitchInfo, 19 TxIndirect, 20 NewPANID, 21 CoordinatorAddress, 22 RemainingTime, 23 SecurityLevel, 24 KeyIdMode, 25 KeySource, 26 KeyIndex 27 )</p><p>28The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44a.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 44a – MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.request parameters 2</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description DeviceAddrMode Enumeration SHORT_ADDRESS, The addressing mode of the EXTENDED_ADDRESS device which shouldis instructed to change its operating channel at a specific time. For MBANS devices, the default value is EXTENDED_ADDRESS DeviceAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the device which DeviceAddrMode should change its operating parameter channel at specific time. ChannelSwitchInfoChannel ChannelSwitch As defined in 5.3.10Any The information for the channel Number Information valid channel number switch.As defined in valueInteger ChannelPage Integer Any valid channel page As defined in TxIndirect Boolean TRUE, FALSE TRUE if the channel switch notification command is to be sent indirectly. NewPANID Integer As defined in As defined in CoordinatorAddress Device address As defined in As defined in RemainigTime Integer As defined in As defined in SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. 3</p><p>4For MBANS devices, Iif this primitive wais received by the MLME of a coordinator with the TxIndirect 5parameter set to TRUE, the channel switch notification command will be sent using indirect transmission 6as described in 5.1.5.</p><p>7If this primitive wais received by the MLME of a coordinator with the TxIndirect parameter set to FALSE, 8the MLME sends a channel switch notification command to the device in the CAP for beacon-enabled 9PAN.</p><p> MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm</p><p>11The MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm primitive reports the results of an MLME- 12CHANNELSWITCH.request primitive.The MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm primitive is used to 13inform the next higher layer of the initiating device whether the channel switch notification command is 14transmitted successfully.</p><p>15The semantics of this primitive are as follows:</p><p>16MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm ( 17 status, 18 DeviceAddrMode, 19 DeviceAddress 20 )</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44b.</p><p>2 Table 44b— MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.confirm parameters 3</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description status Enumeration SUCCESS, The status of the transmission of TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW, channel switch notification TRANSACTION_EXPIRED, attemptcommand. NO_ACK, CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, COUNTER_ERROR, FRAME_TOO_LONG, UNAVAILABLE_KEY, UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY, INVALID_PARAMETER DeviceAddrMode Enumeration SHORT_ADDRESS, The addressing mode of the device EXTENDED_ADDRESS which has been instructed to change itsthe operating channel at specific time by its PAN coordinator. For MBANS devices, the default values is EXTENDED_ADDRESS DeviceAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the device which has DeviceAddrMode parameter been instructed to change itsthe operating channel at a specific time. by its PAN coordinator 4</p><p>5This primitive returns a status of either SUCCESS, indicating that the channel switch notification wais 6successful, or the appropriate status parameter value indicating the reason for failure.</p><p> MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication</p><p>8The MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication primitive is used to indicate the reception of a channel switch 9notification command.</p><p>10The semantics of this primitive are as follows:</p><p>11</p><p>12MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication ( 13 ChannelSwitchInfo, 14 DeviceAddrMode, 15 DeviceAddress, 16 ChannelNumber, 17 ChannelPage, 18 NewPANID, 19 CoordinatorAddress, 20 RemainingTime, 21 SecurityLevel, 22 KeyIdMode, 23 KeySource, 24 KeyIndex 25 )</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44c.</p><p>2 Table 44c-MLME-CHANNELSWITCH.indication parameters 3</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description ChannelSwitchInfo ChannelSwitch As defined in The information for the DeviceAddressMode Information 5.3.10.SHORT_ADDRESS, channel switch. The valueEnumeration EXTENDED_ADDRESS addressing mode of the device transmitting the channel switch notification command. For MBANS devices, the default value is EXTENDED_ADDRESS. DeviceAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the device DeviceAddrMode transmitting the channel parameter switch notification command. ChannelNumber Integer Any valid channel number As defined in ChannelPage Integer Any valid channel page As defined in NewPANID Integer As defined in As defined in CoordinatorAddress Device address As defined in As defined in RemainingTime Integer As defined in As defined in SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 48. As defined in Table 48. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 48. As defined in Table 48. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 48. As defined in Table 48. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 48. As defined in Table 48. 4</p><p>5Insert:</p><p>66.2.19 Periodic GTS management primitives</p><p>7These primitives are used to request and maintain periodic GTSs.</p><p> MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.request</p><p>9The MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.request primitive allows a device to send a request to the PAN coordinator to 10allocate a new periodic GTS or to deallocate an existing periodic GTS. This primitive is also used by the 11PAN coordinator to initiate a periodic GTS deallocation.</p><p>12The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>13MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.request ( 14 PeriodicGTSCharacteristics, 15 SecurityLevel, 16 KeyIdMode, 17 KeySource, 18 KeyIndex</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 )</p><p>2The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44d.</p><p>3 Table 44d— MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.request parameters 4</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description PeriodicGTSCharacteristics Periodic GTS As defined in The characteristics of the characteristics periodic GTS request. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 46. As defined in Table 46. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 46. As defined in Table 46. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 46. As defined in Table 46. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 46. As defined in Table 46. 5</p><p>6On receipt of the MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.request primitive by a device, the MLME of the device 7performs either the periodic GTS request procedure, as described in, or the periodic GTS 8deallocation procedure, as described in, depending on the value of the PeriodicGTSCharacteristics 9field.</p><p> MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.confirm</p><p>11The MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.confirm primitive reports the results of a request to allocate a new periodic 12GTS or to deallocate an existing periodic GTS.</p><p>13The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>14MLME-GTS.confirm ( 15 PeriodicGTSCharacteristics, 16 status 17 )</p><p>18The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44e.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 44e— MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.confirm parameters 2</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description PeriodicGTSCharacteristics Periodic GTS As defined in The characteristics characteristics of the periodic GTS request. status Enumeration SUCCESS, The status of the DENIED, periodic GTS NO_SHORT_ADDRESS, request. CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, NO_ACK, NO_DATA, COUNTER_ERROR, FRAME_TOO_LONG, UNAVAILABLE_KEY, UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY, INVALID_PARAMETER. 3</p><p>4If the request to allocate or deallocate a periodic GTS is successful, this primitive will return a status of 5SUCCESS and the Characteristics Type field of the PeriodicGTSCharacteristics parameter will have the 6value of one or zero, respectively. Otherwise, the status parameter will indicate the appropriate error code, 7as defined in or</p><p>8If macShortAddress is equal to 0xfffe or 0xffff, the device is not permitted to request a periodic GTS and 9the status parameter will be set to NO_SHORT_ADDRESS.</p><p> MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.indication</p><p>11The MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.indication primitive indicates that a periodic GTS has been allocated or that a 12previously allocated periodic GTS has been deallocated</p><p>13The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>14MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.indication ( 15 DeviceAddress, 16 PeriodicGTSCharacteristics, 17 SecurityLevel, 18 KeyIdMode, 19 KeySource, 20 KeyIndex 21 )</p><p>22The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44f.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 44f— MLME-PERIODIC-GTS.indication parameters 2</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description DeviceAddress Device 0x0000–0xfffd The short address of the device that has address been allocated or deallocated a periodic GTS. PeriodicGTSCharacteristics Periodic GTS As defined in The characteristics of the periodic GTS characteristics request. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 48. If the primitive is generated when a periodic GTS deallocation is initiated by the PAN coordinator itself, the security level to be used is set to 0x00. If the primitive is generated whenever a periodic GTS is allocated or deallocated following the reception of a periodic GTS request command, then it is as defined in Table 48. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 48. If the primitive is generated when a periodic GTS deallocation is initiated by the PAN coordinator itself, the security level to be used is set to 0x00. If the primitive is generated whenever a periodic GTS is allocated or deallocated following the reception of a periodic GTS request command, then it is as defined in Table 48. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 48. If the primitive is generated when a periodic GTS deallocation is initiated by the PAN coordinator itself, the security level to be used is set to 0x00. If the primitive is generated whenever a periodic GTS is allocated or deallocated following the reception of a periodic GTS request command, then it is as defined in Table 48. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 48. If the primitive is generated when a periodic GTS deallocation is initiated by the PAN coordinator itself, the security level to be used is set to 0x00. If the primitive is generated whenever a periodic GTS is allocated or deallocated following the reception of a periodic GTS request command, then it is as defined in Table 48. 3</p><p>4The value of the Characteristics Type field, as defined in, in the PeriodicGTSCharacteristics 5parameter indicates if the periodic GTS has been allocated or if a periodic GTS has been deallocated.</p><p>66.2.20 Grant association proxy notification primitives</p><p>7These primitives are used when a device requests a grant of association proxy.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p> MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.request</p><p>2The MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.request primitive is used by a FFD to request the grant of an 3association proxy with a coordinator. </p><p>4The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>5MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.request ( 6 ChannelNumber, 7 ChannelPage, 8 CoordAddressMode, 9 CoordPANId, 10 CoordAddress, 11 NumberOfDevices, 12 SecurityLevel, 13 KeyIdMode, 14 KeySource, 15 KeyIndex 16 )</p><p>17The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44g.</p><p>18 Table 44g— MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.request parameters 19</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description ChannelNumber Integer Any valid channel number The channel number on which to attempt association proxy. ChannelPage Integer Any valid channel page The channel page on which to attempt association proxy. CoordAddressMode Enumeration SHORT_ADDRESS, The coordinator addressing mode for EXTENDED_ADDRESS this primitive and subsequent MPDU. CoordPANId Integer 0x0000–0xffff The identifier of the PAN with which to associate. CoordAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the coordinator with CoordAddrMode parameter which to associate. NumberOfDevices Integer 0xa0-0xbf Specifies the number of devices for which a grant association proxy is requested. The number is offset by 0xa0. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. 20</p><p> MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication</p><p>22The MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication primitive is used to indicate the reception of a 23grant association proxy request command.</p><p>24The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication ( 2 DeviceAddress, 3 NumberOfDevices, 4 SecurityLevel, 5 KeyIdMode, 6 KeySource, 7 KeyIndex 8 )</p><p>9The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44i</p><p>10 Table 44i—MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication parameters 11</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description DeviceAddress Device address An extended IEEE address The address of the device requesting a grant of association proxy. NumberOfDevices Integer 0xa0-0xbf Specifies the number of devices for which an association proxy is requested. The number of devices is offset by 0xa0. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. 12</p><p>13When the next higher layer of a coordinator receives the MLME- 14GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication primitive, the coordinator determines whether to accept or 15reject the unassociated devices using an algorithm outside the scope of this standard.</p><p> MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.response</p><p>17The MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.response primitive reports the results of an MLME- 18GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.request primitive.</p><p>19The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>20MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.response ( 21 DeviceAddress, 22 NumberAllocatedShortAddresses, 23 AssocShortAddress, 24 status, 25 SecurityLevel, 26 KeyIdMode, 27 KeySource, 28 KeyIndex 29 )</p><p>30The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44j.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 44j—MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.response parameters 2</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description DeviceAddress Device address An extended 64 bit IEEE The address of the device address requesting association. NumberAllocatedShortAddresses Integer 0xa0-0xbf The number of allocated short addresses. AssocShortAddress Integer 0x0000–0xfffd The short device address allocated by the coordinator on successful grant association proxy. This parameter is repeated for all of the allocated short addresses. status Enumeration As defined in The status of the grant association proxy attempt. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. 3</p><p>4When the MLME of a coordinator receives the MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.response 5primitive, it generates a grant association proxy response command, as described in 5.3.12 and attempts to 6send it to the device requesting grant association proxy, as described in</p><p> MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm</p><p>8The MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm primitive is used to inform the next higher layer of 9the initiating device whether its request to grant an association proxy is successful or unsuccessful.</p><p>10The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>11MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm ( 12 NumberAllocatedShortAddresses, 13 AssocShortAddress, 14 status, 15 SecurityLevel, 16 KeyIdMode, 17 KeySource, 18 KeyIndex 19 )</p><p>20The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44k.</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 44k-MLME-GRANTASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm parameters 2</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description NumberAllocatedShortAddresses Integer 0xa0-0xbf The number of allocated short addresses. AssocShortAddress Integer 0x0000-0xfffd The short device address allocated by the coordinator on successful grant association proxy. This parameter is repeated for all of the allocated device short addresses. status Enumeration The value of the status field of the The status of the association response command, as association attempt. defined in, SUCCESS, CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, NO_ACK, NO_DATA, COUNTER_ERROR, FRAME_TOO_LONG, IMPROPER_KEY_TYPE, IMPROPER_SECURITY_LEVEL, SECURITY_ERROR, UNAVAILABLE_KEY, UNSUPPORTED_LEGACY, UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY, INVALID_PARAMETER SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. 3</p><p>4If the grant association proxy request is successful, then the status parameter shall be set to SUCCESS. 5Otherwise, the status parameter shall be set to indicate the type of failure.</p><p>66.2.21 Grant association proxy notification primitives</p><p>7These primitives are used when a device requests a grant of association proxy.</p><p> MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.request</p><p>9The MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.request primitive is used by a FFD to update the coordinator with the 10extended address and Capability Information of a device that has been associated using the grant associated 11proxy command 5.3.11. </p><p>12The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.request ( 2 CoordAddressMode, 3 CoordPANId, 4 CoordAddress, 5 AssocShortAddress, 6 DeviceAddress, 7 CapabilityInformation, 8 SecurityLevel, 9 KeyIdMode, 10 KeySource, 11 KeyIndex 12 )</p><p>13The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44l.</p><p>14 Table 44l—MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.request parameters 15</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description CoordAddressMode Enumeration SHORT_ADDRESS, The addressing mode of the coordinator EXTENDED_ADDRESS to which the association proxy is intended. CoordPANId Integer 0x0000–0xffff The PAN identifier of the coordinator to which the association proxy is intended. CoordAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the coordinator to which CoordAddrMode parameter the association proxy in intended. AssocShortAddress Integer 0x0000–0xfffd The short device address allocated by the coordinator on successful association. DeviceAddress Device address An extended 64 bit IEEE The address of the device requesting an address association proxy. CapabilityInformation Bitmap As defined in The operational capabilities of the device requesting an association proxy. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 46 As defined in Table 46. 16</p><p>17The AssocShortAddress is the address that is allocated to a device during the grant association proxy 18request. The DeviceAddress and Capability Information are for this device.</p><p> MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication</p><p>20The MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication primitive is used to inform the next higher layer of the 21coordinator of the extended address and Capability Information for a device that is allocated a short address 22during the grant association proxy request.</p><p>23The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication ( 2 CoordAddressMode, 3 CoordPANId, 4 CoordAddress, 5 AssocShortAddress, 6 DeviceAddress, 7 CapabilityInformation, 8 SecurityLevel, 9 KeyIdMode, 10 KeySource, 11 KeyIndex 12 )</p><p>13The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44m.</p><p>14 Table 44m—MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.indication parameters 15</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description CoordAddressMode Enumeration SHORT_ADDRESS, The addressing mode of the EXTENDED_ADDRESS coordinator to which the association proxy is intended. CoordPANId Integer 0x0000–0xffff The PAN identifier of the coordinator to which the association proxy is intended. CoordAddress Device address As specified by the The address of the coordinator CoordAddrMode parameter to which the association proxy in intended. AssocShortAddress Integer 0x0000–0xfffd The short device address allocated by the coordinator on successful association. DeviceAddress Device address An extended 64 bit IEEE address The address of the device requesting an association proxy. CapabilityInformation Bitmap As defined in The operational capabilities of the device requesting an association proxy. SecurityLevel Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIdMode Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeySource Set of octets As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. KeyIndex Integer As defined in Table 48 As defined in Table 48. 16</p><p> MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm</p><p>18The MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm primitive reports the results of an association proxy 19command to update the coordinator with the associated device-specific information.</p><p>20The semantics of this primitive are:</p><p>21MLME-ASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm ( 22 AssocShortAddress, 23 DeviceAddress, 24 status 25 )</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44n.</p><p>2 Table 44n—MLME.ASSOCIATIONPROXY.confirm parameters 3</p><p>Name Type Valid range Description AssocShortAddress Integer 0x0000–0xfffd The short device address allocated by the coordinator on successful association. DeviceAddress Device address An extended 64 bit IEEE address The address of the device requesting an association proxy. status Enumeration The value of the status field of the The status of the association association response command, as proxy request. defined in, SUCCESS, DENIED, NO_SHORT_ADDRESS, CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, NO_ACK, NO_DATA, COUNTER_ERROR, FRAME_TOO_LONG, UNAVAILABLE_KEY, UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY, INVALID_PARAMETER. 4</p><p>5If the association proxy request is successful, then the status parameter shall be set to SUCCESS. 6Otherwise, the status parameter shall be set to indicate the type of failure.</p><p>76.3 MAC data service</p><p>86.4 MAC constants and PIB attributes</p><p>96.4.1 MAC constants</p><p>106.4.2 MAC PIB attributes</p><p>11Insert as shown in Table 52:</p><p>12 Table 52–MAC PIB attributes 13</p><p>Attribute Type Range Description Default macPeriodicGTSPermit TRUE if the PAN coordinator is to accept Boolean TRUE, FALSE TRUE * Periodic GTS requests. FALSE otherwise. 14</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>17. Security</p><p>28. General PHY requirements</p><p>38.1 General requirements and definitions</p><p>4IIinsert in 8.1:</p><p>5 O-QPSK PHY: direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) PHY employing offset quadrature 6 phase¬shift keying (O-QPSK) modulation, operating in the 780 MHz bands, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 7 2380 MHz, and 2450 MHz, as defined in clause 10.</p><p>88.1.1 Operating frequency range</p><p>9Insert as shown in table 66: </p><p>10 Table 66–Frequency bands and data rates 11 Frequency Spreading parameters Data parameters PHY band Chip rate Bit rate Symbol rate (MHz) Modulation Symbols (MHz) (kchip/s) (kb/s) (ksymbol/s) 16-ary 2380 DSSS 2360-2400 2000 O-QPSK 250 62.5 Orthogonal 12</p><p>138.1.2 Channel assignments</p><p> Channel numbering for 780 MHz band</p><p> Channel numbering for 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2450 MHz bands</p><p> Channel numbering for 950 MHz band</p><p> Channel numbering for CSS PHY</p><p> Channel numbering for UWB PHY</p><p>19Insert after</p><p> Channel numbering for 2380 MHz band</p><p>21For channel page 7, 15 channels numbered zero to fourteen are available across the 2380 MHz band. The 22center frequencies of these channels are defined as follows:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Fc = 2363 + 5 k in MHz, for k = 0, 1, …, 6</p><p>2 Fc = 2367 + 5 (k – 7) in MHz, for k = 7, 8, …, 13</p><p>3 and Fc = 2395 in MHz, for k = 14 4where</p><p>5 k is the channel number. 6</p><p>79. PHY services</p><p>810. O-QPSK PHY</p><p>910.1 PPDU format</p><p>1010.2 Modulation and spreading</p><p>1110.2.1 Data rate</p><p>12Change and insert in the first paragraph of 10.2.1:</p><p>13The data rate of the O-QPSK PHY shall be 250 kb/s when operating in the 2450 MHz, 915 MHz, or 780 14MHz, or 2380 MHz bands and shall be 100 kb/s when operating in the 868 MHz band.</p><p>1510.2.2 Reference modulator diagram</p><p>1610.2.3 Bit-to-symbol mapping</p><p>1710.2.4 Symbol-to-chip mapping</p><p>18Insert in the first paragraph of 10.2.4:</p><p>19In the 2450 MHz and 2380 MHz bands, each data symbol shall be mapped into a 32-chip PN sequence as 20specified in Table 73. The PN sequences are related to each other through cyclic shifts and/or conjugation 21(i.e., inversion of odd-indexed chip values).</p><p>22Insert in the title of Table 73:</p><p>23 Table 73—Symbol-to-chip mapping for the 2450 MHz and 2380 MHz bands 24</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>110.2.5 O-QPSK modulation</p><p>2Insert in the first paragraph of 10.2.5:</p><p>3The chip sequences representing each data symbol are modulated onto the carrier using O-QPSK with half- 4sine pulse shaping. Even-indexed chips are modulated onto the in-phase (I) carrier, and odd-indexed chips 5are modulated onto the quadrature-phase (Q) carrier. In the 2450 MHz and 2380 MHz bands, each data 6symbol is represented by a 32-chip sequence, and so the chip rate is 32 times the symbol rate. In the 915 7MHz, 868 MHz, and 780 MHz bands, each data symbol is represented by a 16-chip sequence, and so the 8chip rate is 16 times the symbol rate. To form the offset between I-phase and Q-phase chip modulation, the 9Q-phase chips shall be delayed by Tc with respect to the I-phase chips, as illustrated in Figure 70, where Tc 10is the inverse of the chip rate.</p><p>1110.2.6 Pulse shape</p><p>12Change and insert in the first paragraph of 10.2.6:</p><p>13In the 2450 MHz, 915 MHz, and 868 MHz, and 2380 MHz bands, the half-sine pulse shape is used to 14represent each baseband chip and is given by:</p><p>1510.2.7 Chip transmission order</p><p>16Insert in 10.2.7:</p><p>17During each symbol period, the least significant chip, c0, is transmitted first and the most significant chip, 18either c31, for the 2450 MHz and 2380 MHz bands, or c15, for the 915 MHz, 868 MHz, and 780 MHz bands, 19is transmitted last.</p><p>2010.3 O-QPSK PHY RF requirements</p><p>2110.3.1 Operating frequency range</p><p>22Insert as shown in 10.3.1:</p><p>23 — 779–787 MHz 24 — 868.0–868.6 MHz 25 — 902–928 MHz 26 — 2360–2400 MHz 27 — 2400.0–2483.5 MHz</p><p>2810.3.2 Transmit power spectral density (PSD) mask</p><p>29Insert in the third paragraph of 10.3.2:</p><p>30When operating in the 2380 MHz and 2450 MHz bands, the transmitted spectral products shall be less than 31the limits specified in Table 76. For both relative and absolute limits, average spectral power shall be 32measured using a 100 kHz resolution bandwidth. For the relative limit, the reference level shall be the 33highest average spectral power measured within ±1 MHz of the carrier frequency.</p><p>34Insert in the title of table 76:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table 76—2380 MHz and 2450 MHz bands O-QPSK transmit PSD limits 2</p><p>310.3.3 Symbol rate</p><p>4Insert as shown in 10.3.3:</p><p>5The O-QPSK PHY symbol rate shall be 25 ksymbol/s when operating in the 868 MHz band and 62.5 6ksymbol/s when operating in the 780 MHz, 915 MHz, 2380 MHz, or 2450 MHz bands with an accuracy of 7±40 ppm.</p><p>810.3.4 Receiver sensitivity</p><p>910.3.5 Receiver interference rejection</p><p>10Insert in the first paragraph of 10.3.5:</p><p>11This subclause applies only to the 780 MHz, 915 MHz, 2380 MHz, and 2450 MHz bands as there is only 12one channel available in the 868 MHz band.</p><p>13Insert in the title of table 77:</p><p>14 Table 77—Minimum receiver interference rejection requirements for the 780 MHz, 915 15 MHz, 2380 MHz, and 2450 MHz bands 16</p><p>17</p><p>18Insert the following Annex I:</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1Annex I </p><p>2(informative) </p><p>3Channel bitmap</p><p>4I.1 General</p><p>5To assist with coexistence to the primary users of the 2360-2400 MHz band, some parts of this band may 6be excluded from use by MBANS devices. Those parts of the band that are excluded from use may change 7from time to time. Regulation requires that the operation of MBANS hub1 devices have access to a 8mechanism that provides information on which parts of the band cannot be used. The description of this 9mechanism is beyond the scope of this annex. To assist other MBANS devices such as sensors that do not 10have direct access to this mechanism, a bitmap may be used by a hub device to indicate those channels that 11are allowed to be used by MBANS devices. The bitmap only applies to those channels that are in the 2360- 122390 MHz band (channels 0-5 and 7-12). The channels in the 2390-2400 MHz band (channels 6, 13 and 1314) are always available for use.</p><p>14I.2 Channel bitmap</p><p>15A bitmap of those channels that are available for use may be inserted into the beacon payload. The bitmap 16shall be formatted as shown in Table I.1.</p><p>17 Table I.1–Channel bitmap 18</p><p>Bits: 0-11 Bit 12-22 Bit 23 Channel bitmap Valid time Reserved 19</p><p>20The bit-to-channel numbering of the channel bitmap field is shown in Table I.2. The channel numbering is 21described in</p><p>21 MBANS hub devices are 802.15.4 PAN coordinators.</p><p>3 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change. 1 IEEE P802.15.4j/D00, March 2012</p><p>1 Table I.2–Bit-to-channel numbering 2</p><p>Bit Channel, k 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 3</p><p>4The bits of the channel bitmap field shall be set to one when the corresponding channels are available for 5use and the bits of the channel bitmap field shall be set to zero when the corresponding channels are not 6available for use.</p><p>7The Valid time field indicates the duration in minutes of the availability of the channel bitmap.</p><p>8</p><p>2 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.</p>
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