<p>Research article: Global epidemiology of Type 1 diabetes in in young adults and adults. A Systematic Review Paula A Diaz-Valencia, Pierre Bougnères and Alain-Jacques Valleron BMC Public Health - 2015</p><p>Additional file 5: Table S2 – T1D incidences by sex in young adults and adults found in the Systematic Review</p><p>First Author, Age Inc. Inc. Male/Fem Country, Area Ref Period publication year range Men Fem ratio African Region, LMIC Mauritius: NW Tuomilehto J., 1993 † [1] 1986-1990 15-19 0.4 1.7 0.24 Eastern Mediterranean Region, LMIC Iran (Islamic Republic of): Fars Pishdad G. R., 2005 † [2] 1990-1994 15-29 2.7 4.0 0.68 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Benghazi Kadiki O. A., 1996 † [3] 1981-1990 15-34 14.2 9.0 1.58 Tunisia: Beja, Monastir, Gafsa Ben Khalifa F., 1998 † [4] 1990-1994 15-19 6.2 8.8 0.70 European Region, LMIC Estonia, NW Kalits I., 1990 † [5] 1988-1988 15-39 18.2 21.9 0.83 Lithuania, NW Ostrauskas R., 2011 † [6] 1991-2008 15-34 10.4 6.1 1.71 Pundziute-Lycka A., Lithuania, NW 2003 [7] 1991-2000 20-39 10.2 5.4 1.89 Lithuania, NW Ostrauskas R., 2000 [8] 1991-1997 15-39 9.7 5.7 1.70 Sobel-Maruniak A., Poland: Province of Rzeszow 2006 [9] 1980-1999 15-29 6.8 4.7 1.45 [10 Poland: Province of Rzeszow Grzywa M. A., 1995 † ] 1980-1992 15-29 6.0 5.1 1.16 [11 Poland: Warsaw Wysocki M. J., 1992 † ] 1983-1988 15-29 6.5 4.4 1.48 [12 Slovakia: NW Kyvik K. O., 2004 † ] 1996-1997 25-29 5.8 3.9 1.49 European Region, HIGH [13 Austria: Upper Rami B., 2001 † ] 1994-1996 25-30 8.2 4.4 1.86 [14 Belgium: Antwerp Weets I., 2002 † ] 1989-2000 15-39 7.0 10.6 0.66 [15 Belgium: Antwerp Vandewalle C., 1997 † ] 1989-1995 15-39 11.0 6.9 1.59 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Republic of [16 Srpska Radosevic B., 2013 † ] 1998-2010 15-18 6.3 3.9 1.62 [17 Denmark: Copenhagen and Frederiksborg Molbak A. G., 1994 † ] 1973-1977 >30 9.1 7.5 1.21 [18 Finland: NW Lammi N., 2007 † ] 1992-1996 15-39 20.1 11.8 1.70 Blumenfeld O., 2014 † [19 Israel: NW (a) ] 1997-2010 15-17 11.0 7.4 1.49 [20 Israel: NW Koton S., 2007 ] 1997-2003 15-17 10.6 7.1 1.49 [21 Italy: Lombardie Garancini P., 1991 † ] 1981-1982 15-34 4.9 2.9 1.69 [22 Italy: Pavia Tenconi M. T., 1995 † ] 1988-1992 15-29 6.9 6.9 1.00 [23 Italy: Sardinia Muntoni S., 1992 † ] 1989-1990 15-29 25.3 12.1 2.09 [24 Italy: Sardinia (Oristano) Frongia O., 1997 † ] 1993-1996 15-29 21.7 22.3 0.97 [25 Italy: Turin Bruno G, 2009 † ] 2000-2004 15-29 8.2 5.9 1.39 2TAPEZ LE TITRE DU DOCUMENT</p><p>First Author, Age Inc. Inc. Male/Fem Country, Area Ref Period publication year range Men Fem ratio [26 Italy: Turin Bruno G, 2005 † ] 1999-2001 30-39 9.2 5.4 1.70 [27 Italy: Turin Bruno G., 1993 ] 1984-1988 15-29 7.4 4.2 1.75 [28 Malta: NW Schranz A. G., 1989 † ] 1980-1987 15-24 13.3 12.2 1.09 [29 Netherlands: NW Ruwaard D., 1994 † ] 1988-1990 15-19 16.6 13.3 1.25 [30 Norway: NW Joner G., 1991 † ] 1978-1982 15-29 19.0 15.0 1.27 [16 Slovenia: NW Radosevic B., 2013 † ] 1998-2010 15-18 8.4 6.6 1.27 Morales-Perez F. M., [31 Spain: Badajoz 2000 † ] 1992-1996 15-29 10.2 7.3 1.40 Carrillo Dominguez A., [32 Spain: Canarias Islands 2000 † ] 1995-1996 15-29 12.2 6.2 1.97 [33 Spain: Catalonia Abellana R., 2009 † ] 1989-1998 15-29 10.6 7.0 1.51 [34 Spain: Catalonia Goday A., 1992 ] 1987-1990 15-29 12.6 7.2 1.75 [35 Spain: Navarra Forga L., 2014 † ] 2009-2012 15-29 23.0 8.2 2.80 [36 Spain: Navarra Forga L., 2013 † ] 2009-2011 15-29 22.4 8.3 2.69 [37 Sweden: NW Dahlquist G. G, 2011 † ] 1983-2007 15-34 18.9 9.2 2.05 [38 Sweden: NW Östman J., 2008 ] 1983-2002 15-34 16.4 8.9 1.84 Pundziute-Lycka A., [39 Sweden: NW 2002 ] 1983-1998 15-34 16.1 9.1 1.77 [40 Sweden: NW Nyström L., 1992 ] 1983-1987 15-34 15.8 8.6 1.85 [41 Sweden: NW Blohme G., 1992 ] 1983-1987 15-34 15.9 8.6 1.85 [42 Sweden: Kronoberg Thunander M., 2008 † ] 1998-2001 20-39 21.6 9.4 2.29 [43 United Kingdom: NW Imkampe A. K., 2011 † ] 1991-2008 15-34 16.5 8.5 1.94 [44 United Kingdom: Oxford region Bingley P. J., 1989 ] 1985-1986 15-19 16.0 16.5 0.97 Region of the Americas, HIGH United States of America: Alabama Wagenknecht L. E., [45 (Jefferson County) 1989 (b) ] 1979-1985 15-19 8.6 10.0 0.86 [46 United States of America: Colorado Vehik K., 2007 † (c) ] 2000-2004 15-17 10.7 8.2 1.31 [47 United States of America: Colorado Kostraba J. N., 1992 ] 1978-1988 15-17 9.8 7.6 1.30 [48 United States of America: five areas § Bell R., 2009 † ] 2002-2005 15-19 8.3 7.7 1.08 [49 United States of America: Wisconsin Allen C., 1986 † ] 1970-1979 15-29 11.7 8.3 1.41 United States of America: The United [50 States Navy Gorham C., 1993 (b) ] 1974-1988 17-34 24.4 24.9 0.98 Western Pacific Region, HIGH [51 Japan: Osaka Sasaki A., 1992 † ] 1978-1988 15-18 1.8 1.5 1.21 New Zealand: Canterbury Scott, R. S., 1991† [52 1981-1986 20-39 11.4 7.3 1.56 Research article: Global epidemiology of Type 1 diabetes in in young adults and adults. A Systematic Review Paula A Diaz-Valencia, Pierre Bougnères and Alain-Jacques Valleron BMC Public Health - 2015</p><p>First Author, Age Inc. Inc. Male/Fem Country, Area Ref Period publication year range Men Fem ratio ]</p><p>Other Regions currently non-WHO [53 Taiwan: NW Lin W. -H., 2013 † ] 1999-2010 15-29 3.2 4.1 0.77</p><p>No available information </p><p>African Region, LMIC United Republic of Tanzania: Dar es [54 Salaam Swai A. B., 1993 † ] 1982-1991 NA NA NA NA European Region, LMIC [55 Croatia: Zagreb Roglic G., 1995 † ] 1988-1992 NA NA NA NA [56 Poland: Bialystok Kretowski A., 2001 † ] 1994-1998 NA NA NA NA Ionescu-Tirgoviste C., [57 Romania: Bucharest 1994 † ] 1981-1991 NA NA NA NA European Region, HIGH [58 Belgium: Antwerp Weets I., 2007 † ] 1989-2003 NA NA NA NA France: Aquitaine, Lorraine, Basse [59 Normandie, Haute Normandie Charkaluk M. L., 2002 † ] 1988-1997 NA NA NA NA France: Aquitaine, Lorraine, Haute- [60 Normandie, and Basse-Normandie. Levy-Marchal C., 1998 ] 1988-1995 NA NA NA NA [61 Israel: NW Sella T., 2010 (d) ] 2000-2008 NA NA NA NA De Beaufort C. E., 1988 [62 Luxembourg: NW † (d) ] 1977-1986 NA NA NA NA Region of the Americas, HIGH [63 Canada: Quebec Legault L., 2006 † ] 2000 NA NA NA NA United States of America: Alabama Wagenknecht L. E., [64 (Jefferson County) 1991 † (d) ] 1979-1988 NA NA NA NA United States of America: Pennsylvania Libman I. M., 1998 † [65 (Allegheny) (d) ] 1990-1994 NA NA NA NA Fishbein H. A., 1982 † [66 United States of America: Rhode Island (d) ] 1979-1980 NA NA NA NA Region of the Americas, LMIC Jordan O. W., 1994 † [67 Barbados: NW (d) ] 1982-1991 NA NA NA NA Western Pacific Region, HIGH [68 Australia: New South Wales Tran F., 2014 † ] 2001-2008 NA NA NA NA Australia: Sydney (Southern Metropolitan [69 Heath Region) Sutton L., 1989 † ] 1984-1987 NA NA NA NA Other Regions currently non-WHO Washington R. E., 2013 [70 US Virgin Islands: NW † ] 2001-2010 NA NA NA NA 4TAPEZ LE TITRE DU DOCUMENT</p><p>Male-to-Female ratios >1 are highlighted. Ref: Reference. First author and publication year in reports of the systematic review using the autoantibodies/C-peptide as diagnosis criteria are highlighted. Inc: incidence per 100.000 persons per year. NW: Nation-wide study. HIGH, LMIC: High, Low-Medium Income Level. (†) Studies used for analyses. (§) The five areas were Ohio (8 counties), Washington State (5 counties), South Carolina, Colorado and California; the table presents the mean incidence calculated retrieved from 5 populations: African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Navajo, Hispanic and non-Hispanic young. Incidence was calculated as the mean of retrieved information: (a) in Jews and other non-Arabs and Arabs; (b) in White and Black populations; (c) in Non- Hispanic Whites and Hispanic Whites. (d) Study giving the total incidence by sex, not by age classes. </p><p>References</p><p>1. 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