W^t USPS 6S020 OUR 100th YEAR Second Class Postage Paid Published it Wcsindd. N.J. Thursday, October 25,1990 Every Thursday 232-4407 FORTY CENTS DRINKING PARTY CAUSES SUSPENSION OF 21 STUDENTS Parents Question High School Policies After Game Forfeit Officials to Review Coach Leonow's Position In Light of 'Quality of Supervision' Ky R. R. FASZCZEWSKI Spmiilh Wnllenfor Thr Wnifirld Ltutlri The violations of Westfield High School policy which led to the forfeiture of the school's boys' WAGONLOAD OF BEAUTIES...Enjoying the hayride during yw soccer team's bid fora sixth Union event, left to right, are: Kelly Norton, Brooke Wiley, and Courtney and Meghan Bender. County championship last week have been dealt with by high DROPOFF ZONE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS GETS SUPPORT school officials, but controversy still surrounds the matter. On October 12 forty members Parking Prohibition at Apartment of the boys' soccer team, the cheerleaders for the team and four coaches, assigned to chaperone the group, journeyed to Bermuda Draws Applause from Residents to play the Warwick Secondary School team, rated the top team HyR.R.FASZCZEWSKI the fight for the extension of the to get in and out of cars there. on the island. Sprciully Wrilieti/or Thr VlmfitU Uodti no-parking prohibition, thanked While he welcomed the idea of The extension of the no-parking the Council for adopting the a dropoff zone, Third Ward On the night of October 12, zone at the north side of the measure because, she said, it Councilman Kenneth L. after the team arrived in Bermuda, southern exit of the Duncan Hill would increase the safety of MacRitchie said that issue would according to high school principal, Apartments on Central Avenue drivers using the driveway. Dr. Robert Petix, liquor was pur- have to be taken up separately. chased and parties were held on from 45 to 60 feet was given Her comments were echoed by Mayor Raymond W. Stone said, unanimous approval by the Town Mrs. Catherine Kelly, another the nights of October 12 and 13 however, that institution of a no- during which students reportedly Council Tuesday night and the resident of the complex. Mrs. parking zone does not prohibit Andrew Chart (or The Wostflold Leader move met with the immediate Kelly, however, urged the Coun- were drinking alcoholic bever- TESTING HIS SKILL...James Patrick Milcliel tries his hand at drivers from dropping off or ages. one of the games at the 1st Nationwide Hank during Saturday's approval of two residents of the cil to consider instituting a dropoff picking up passengers at the site. apartment complex. zone near the driveway entrance There are no age restrictions for Intown Halloween event. Other photographs can be found on On another parking matter, Page 3 of today's Westfield Leader. Mrs. Pamela McClure. who led to make it easier forsenior citizens Martin Schadt, the owner of the purchase of alcohol in Bermuda, Total Eclipse hair salon on Elm but the consumption of alcohol by Street, urged the councilmen to Westfield High School students at change on-street parking meters school functions is against school Daylight Savings Time Board of Adjustment from a two-hour to a three-hour policy, Dr. Petix said. limit. He said customers in beauty The principal noted the con- Ends Sunday at 2 a.m. salons and attorneys'and doctors' sumption of alcohol was discov- Narrows Long Agenda offices faced the prospect of re- ered when assistant soccer coach, The sun of life has crossed the line; Charles Ropars, saw a student By MICHAEL J.PETRIANO,3rd ceiving a $20 fine after having The summer-shine of lengthened light three parking tickets given to them walking around the hotel in Ber- Faded and failed—till, where I stand, The Westfield Board of Ad- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore of because customers in ihese busi- muda with an unopened bottle of 'Tis equal day and equal night. liquor on Ihe night of October 13. justment convened for two meet- 120 Windsor Place and Mr. and nesses often required up to four Adeline Dulton Train Whilncy (1824-1906) ings to consider variances in the Mrs. James Barden of 122 hours' time. When varsity soccer coach, construction plans of Westfield Windsor Place were granted per- Transportation, parking and Walter Leonow, was informed of Unlike Miss Whitney, we are not yet spectres and must all reset our residents, on October 15 and 22. mission to erect a two-story ad- traffic committee chairman, First the infraction in Bermuda, Dr. clocks this Saturday. The Board of Adjustment denies dition. Ward Councilman Frank J. Petix said, the coach ordered the Under the old saw, "Fall back, spring forward," residents should students to dispose of all the al- reset their clocks before retiring Saturday, October 27. or grants permission to build or Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snyder of CONTINUED ON PACE 26 cohol they had. Daylight Savings Time officially ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, modify homes or businesses CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 based on the town's zoning codes. The coach did not, however, October 28. The agenda for the meeting of attempt to determine which stu- October 15 included the consid- dents had been drinking as soon eration of 11 variances: Champagne Benefit Set as he found out, and discussed the Property Tax Deadline Daewoo Gwon, because of ab- matter with his team both in Ber- sence, was not granted permission muda and at a practice on October Is November 1 in Town to erect a sign. At Twig Craft Market 15. Gregory Notte of 4 Normandy According to the principal, Mr. Westfield property owners are reminded that properly taxes for the Drive was granted permission to Ticketsare still available forlhe Specialized Hospil Leonow did not inform the high fourth quarter are due in the office of town tax collector, Mrs. Violet build a one-family dwelling on a Westfield Craft Market Cham- Mountainside. school administration of the inci- Jacob, on Thursday, November 1. lot. Mr. Node's request was ap- pagne Benefit on Friday, No- This marks the seventh year that dent until the morning of October For those property owners who do not pay their fourth quarter taxes proved with modifications. vember 2, from 5 to 9 p.m. Westfield Twig II is sponsoring 16. before November 1 there will be a uenaltv of 8 per cent on the first Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stillwell The champagne benefit, orga- the special event, which is the CONTINUED ON PAGE IS $l,500of overdue taxes and 18 percent of any amount over $1,500. of 329 Kimball Avenue were nized by Westfield Twig II, will kickoff to the Westfield Craft granted permission to erect a benefit the augmentative com- Market on Friday, Saturday and balcony. munication program of Children's Sunday, November 2, 3, and 4, and again, the next weekend, November 9, 10 and 11, at the Westfield National Guard Armory. Be Sure to Win a Prize The craft market will feature lumderafted items including jew- elry, clothing, pottery, toys and Having the Best Disguise other holiday gift ideas. Tickets for the champagne The Annual Halloween Parade will be held Sunday, October 28, benefit are $10 and arc good for starting at 1:45 p.m. admission to the craft market both Held for over 30 years, the parade is sponsored by the Men's Club weekends. at the Westfield 'Y.' Proceeds from the champagne Assembly will start at 1 p.m. on the Elm Street Playground, and benefit, along with 10 per cent of judging for trophies and cash prizes will be conducted between 1 and the sale of the exhibitors on No- 1:40 p.m., reports William Wilson, parade chairman for more than 25 vember, will bedonated by Twig years. II lo Children's Specialized Hos- "Here's your chance to dress up funny, like a kitten, witch or bunny. pital. You'll be sure to win a prize, if you have the best disguise" is the slogan. Tickets to the Champagne Benefit are available from any Led by the Westfield High School Marching Band, the parade will Twig II member or by telephon- proceed down Elm Street to Broad Street, and up Broad Street to ing 233-3720 extension 276. Mindowaskin Park, where the trophies and cash prizes will be Tickets also are available al the presented to the winners. door or at Children's Specialized First-, second- and third-place trophies will be given to the winners Hospital on New Providence in the following categories: Most Authentic, Most Beautiful, Most Humorous, Most Original and Most Terrifying. The children will Koiicl. assemble in their various school-grade groups for judging. Also available will be tickets for a 50-50 raffle which will be First-, second-, and third-place trophies will be presented lo groups Andruw Chon tor Tho Westtl«!d Londor of four or less members. For groups of five or more, cash awards will drawn on November 4 al 4 p.m.; OPENING CEUKMONIKS...Joseph Kukas cuts the ribbon during dedication ceremonies for the be given as follows: First place, $35; second place, $25. and third ihe winner docs not have to be new McKinley School playground on Friday. Please sec another photograph inside of today's present. place, $15. Westfield Leader. The Spirit of Our Town's Traveling Soccer Teams Brought lo You by Braunsdorf Associates. Insurers, Through the Lens of Andrew Chen. See Pages IS and 19. Page 2- , Thursday, October 25,1990- Republican Mayoral Hopeful Rahway Administrator Pledges Responsiveness To Join Westfield Firm Richard II. Bagger, Republican regularly meet with various candidate for mayor of Westfield, neighborhood associations, local Ruhwuy City Administrator This year he has opposed, again described this week his phms to organizations and groups of town Joseph M.
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