Catalog Description

Catalog Description

<p> Marketing Management; MBA 8145</p><p>INSTRUCTOR OFFICE:</p><p>OFFICE HOURS: OFFICE PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: Catalog Description: This course is a study of the managerial aspects of marketing. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative and qualitative criteria used in evaluating marketing alternatives and in choosing among these alternatives. The course includes topics related to market segmentation, marketing research, product/service development, branding, promotion, pricing, channels of distribution, marketing strategy, and global marketing.</p><p>DETAILED COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a case course in strategic marketing management. It is designed to explore the managerial aspects of the marketing function. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the company, its customers and its competition, commonly used in solving marketing problems, will be emphasized. The course is organized around the key marketing decision variables—target market selection, product, pricing and distribution and promotion—and around the various marketing processes of strategy formulation, organization and implementation.</p><p>REQUIRED MATERIALS: REQUIRED: Harvard Case and Readings Packet available at URL : http : //www. study. net Marketer's Tool Kit, (2006), Harvard Press (ISBN 1-59139-762-2)</p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES: The general objective of this course is to foster the development of the analytical skills, attitudes and perspectives of sophisticated contemporary marketing management.</p><p>Specific learning outcomes of the course are to provide an opportunity for students to: 1. Individually and collectively develop the skills needed to analyze and solve complex marketing problems through case analysis; 2. Sharpen oral, written communication and listening skills with respect to their own case solutions and that of classmates; 3. Sharpen understanding of marketing concepts, analytical tools and techniques, the marketing process, functions, and the environment of marketing from both a domestic and global perspective. COURSE ACTIVITIES: Than main class activity will be that of case discussion. Since the effectiveness of this approach depends almost entirely on an interactive and participative classroom experience, attendance and prior preparation of assigned class materials will be required. You will be expected to come to all class sections prepared to present a cogent summary of your analysis of the assigned case and recommendations. Please prepare a 1-2 page executive summary of each case covering the nature of the situation, decision to be made, alternatives, analysis of alternatives (pros and cons), your recommendation, and the rationale for our recommendation. Two or three of the written summaries will be collected for grading.</p><p>EXAM: The final exam will be a written case analysis.</p><p>CONTRIBUTION TO CLASS: Your class contribution grade for this course will be assessed in terms of the quality and quantity of your participation in the discussion of the assigned cases, including but not limited to: 1. your depth of analysis; 2. the realism of your comments or analysis; 3. the clarity of your presentation; 4. the integration of your comments into the ongoing discussion (i.e., willingness to listen to classmates); 5. your ability to respond to questions and to defend your arguments; and 6. the contribution of your comments to the class's learning.</p><p>Essentially, you will be graded on the thoroughness, sophistication, persuasiveness, and logic of your classroom comments.</p><p>To gain the greatest number of participation points in this course, please prepare completely for each case discussion. Comments should be based on careful analysis for greater participation points. Because one cannot contribute to a class if they are not there, please plan to participate actively in the class discussion throughout the entire class period and for each case. Please arrange your schedule so that you will be able to arrive on time, attend each class, and stay for the entire class period.</p><p>PROJECT: This group project requires a team to either prepare a marketing audit or to develop a plan for a new product. Basically, your team is asked to select a firm, analyze that firm’s marketing activities, and critique their efforts from a strategic perspective, or to select a firm, develop a new product for that firm and discuss how it fits into that organization’s marketing activities and how this new product idea would be executed. </p><p>Final written reports may not be longer than 35 pages, 12 point font (Times Roman). Any general material that is relevant and supports the written audit should be included in the back of the report in the Appendix in the form of tables, exhibits, etc. This is a major project and there are very high expectations for the finished product. (See Appendix of this syllabus for additional information on this project). Individual grades will take into account the evaluations of group members of other group members. The team evaluation form is the last page of this syllabus. It is to be completed individually by each team member and submitted in a sealed envelope and turned in at the time the project is due. </p><p>2 EVALUATION: Contribution to Class 1/5 Executive Summaries 1/5 Midterm 1/5 Project 1/5 Final Exam 1/5</p><p>COURSE POLICES:</p><p>LATE ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. (Please remember you have the opportunity to email assignments to me, to fax them to me, to hand them to me at the beginning of class or to leave them for me in my mailbox at my office prior to class.)</p><p>STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who have a Letter of Accommodation from the Office of Disability Services should identify themselves to the instructor of this course as soon as possible so that provisions can be made to help you to be as successful as possible in this course.</p><p>DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR; THE FOLLOWING IS FROM THE UNIVERSITY'S DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR POLICY: Disruptive student behavior is student behavior in a classroom or other learning environment (to include both on and off-campus locations), that disrupts the educational process. Disruptive class behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical threats, repeated obscenities, unreasonable interference with class discussion, making/receiving personal phone calls or pages during class, leaving and entering class frequently in the absence of notice to instructor of illness or other extenuating circumstances, and persisting in disruptive personal conversations with other class members. For purposes of this policy, it may also be considered disruptive behavior for a student to exhibit threatening, intimidating, or other inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates outside of class. When disruptive behavior occurs in a class the instructor will warn the student. The warning will consist of orally notifying the student that his/her behavior is disruptive and that it must cease immediately or the student will face removal from the classes.</p><p>ACADEMIC HONESTY: All university and college regulations concerning withdrawal and academic honesty will apply. Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The university assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. Students should be familiar with the university's policy on issues such as plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, falsification, and multiple submissions. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. COURSE OUTLINE</p><p>CLASS FOCUS</p><p>(1) INTRODUCTION AND COURSE OVERVIEW REVIEW OF LOW-TECH MARKETING MATH (599011)</p><p>(2) TOPIC: MARKETING DEFINED CASE: CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY (9-501-019) READING: WHAT THE HELL IS "MARKET ORIENTED?" (88610)</p><p>(3) TOPIC: BUYER BEHAVIOR CASE: BLACK & DECKER (A): POWER TOOL DIVISION (9-595-057) READING: CUSTOMER PROFITABILITY AND LIFETIME VALUE (9-503-019)</p><p>(4) TOPIC: PRODUCT & SERVICE CASE: STARBUCKS: DELIVERING CUSTOMER SERVICE (9-504-016) READING BREAKING FREE OF THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE (9963)</p><p>(5) TOPIC: PRICING CASE: CUMBERLAND (580-104) READING: PRICING AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CONSUMPTION (1814)</p><p>(6) TOPIC: PROMOTION CASE: INSIDE INTEL INSIDE (-502-083) READING: THE DOUBLE JEOPARDY OF SALES (90505)</p><p>(7) TOPIC: DISTRIBUTION CASE: AQUALISA QUARTZ: SIMPLY A BETTER SHOWER (5-503-058) READING: THE CUSTOMER HAS ESCAPED (8031 1G)</p><p>(8) MIDTERM</p><p>(9) TOPIC: PLANNING THE MARKETING PROGRAM CASE: IKEA INVADES AMERICA READING: BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE</p><p>(10) TOPIC: VALUE CREATION AND MARKET SEGMENTATION CASE: L’OREAL OF PARIS, BRINGING CLASS TO THE MASS READING: THE NEW RULES FOR BRINGING INNOVATIONS TO MARKET </p><p>(11) TOPIC: PRODUCT POSITIONING CASE: SAMSUNG: REDEFINING A BRAND READING: CUSTOMER-CENTERED BRAND MANAGEMENT</p><p>(12) TOPIC: GLOBAL MARKETING CASE: KONE: THE MONO SPACE LAUNCH IN GERMANY READING: CONFRONTING LOW-END COMPETITION</p><p>(13) TOPIC: Sustaining Value CASE: DELL-NEW HORIZONS READING: REVITALIZE YOUR MATURE COMPANY, TO SUSTAIN MARKET LEADERSHIP</p><p>(14) PROJECT PRESENTATIONS (WRITTEN REPORT DUE)</p><p>(15) FINAL</p><p>This syllabus is a general outline, and it provides policies and study guidelines for the course. From time to time during the semester deviations may be necessary MBA 8145 APPENDIX Marketing Audit Assignment</p><p>One option for the group project for this semester is for your team to select a product and a company and prepare a marketing audit for this product/company combination. It is recommended that you select a product and company in which you are all interested and one from which your team will be able to obtain cooperation and information. The company can be a large one for which published information is available or a smaller one with which your team has a personal acquaintance. </p><p>You should focus on a particular product line of the company. Your task is to study this company, its markets, and its environment from a marketing standpoint. Consider the concepts discussed in this course as they relate to the company which you are auditing. The interaction between the marketing situation of your company and the concepts and techniques discussed in this course should produce a richer understanding of the marketing function. </p><p>Learn all you can about the company through published sources (Business Week, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, Sales Management, trade publications, books, etc.) and through conversations with knowledgeable individuals. Aggressively pursue personal interviews with all possible informants regarding your company including customers and competitors. Indexes such as the Business Periodicals Index and the Funk and Scott Index should be helpful. The completed paper should be turned in by the date indicated on the class schedule. You should include a table of contents and a complete bibliography. This project will not be returned to you or any of your team members, so please remember to keep a copy for your files. </p><p>The general format for the audit follows. Note that all items may not apply. Include sub-headings in your report. You should include your documentation of what the firm does in relation to a particular topic or set of questions, your evaluation of what it does, and your recommendations for what the firm should be doing. That is, don’t have a separate evaluation or recommendation section at the end of the paper, but make the points in the appropriate sub- audit section. Use your textbook to guide your analysis. The Marketing Audit Assignment</p><p>I. The Core Concepts </p><p>1. Does your company practice the marketing concept? </p><p>II. Building Customer Satisfaction</p><p>1. Analyze and evaluate how your company delivers customer satisfaction and value.</p><p>2. Evaluate the degree to which the firm implements total quality management. Explain how and where it does and doesn’t implement total quality management.</p><p>III. Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process </p><p>1. Does your company engage in strategic planning? Explain.</p><p>2. Is the marketing management process understood in your company? Is it applied? What evidence uncovered in your investigation supports your response to the first and second questions. </p><p>IV. The Marketing Information System </p><p>1. Does your company have a marketing research department? How large is it? How is it organized? What sources of information are utilized? How good is information in your industry?</p><p>2. List the types of marketing research projects that have the greatest value in this industry. </p><p>3. Propose three marketing operations research projects that might have high payoff in your company. V. Market Measurement </p><p>1. How does the company forecast annual sales? How would you forecast sales? (Be sure to indicate the independent variables.) </p><p>2. How would you estimate territorial market and sales potentials? </p><p>3. How would you propose that the marketing budget of the company be allocated territorially? </p><p>VI. Markets and the Marketing Environment </p><p>1. For your company, single out three trends in the environment that represent opportunities and three trends that represent threats. Under each opportunity, suggest a positive strategy; under each threat, a defensive strategy. </p><p>VII. Buyer Behavior </p><p>1. Outline a theory of buyer behavior in your market. Who buys? How do they buy? When do they buy? Where do they buy? Why do they buy? What is the role of habit, brand loyalty, attitude, income, etc.? Can you develop a flow diagram of the buying process? </p><p>2. How do buyers in this market think about product characteristics? Price? Advertising? Sales promotions? Personal selling? “Channel” services? What is the relative importance of these marketing elements? </p><p>3. What does your theory of buyer behavior imply for the design of an optimal marketing strategy? </p><p>VII. Analyzing Industries and Competitors </p><p>1. Identify, assess, and evaluate competitor’s strategies, objectives, strengths & weaknesses, etc. IX. Market Segmentation </p><p>1. What is the basic business of your company? What generic needs are satisfied by the product or service? </p><p>2. How is the market segmented? Are there other bases for segmentation? </p><p>3. Which competitors are practicing undifferentiated, differentiated, and concentrated marketing? </p><p>4. Is any market segment relatively neglected? In what segments do the greatest opportunities lie? </p><p>X. Differentiating and Positioning </p><p>1. Evaluate how your company positions its offering. </p><p>XI. Product Policy Decisions </p><p>1. Describe the width, depth, and consistency of your company’s products. </p><p>2. Describe the product policies of your company. </p><p>3. How would you propose that the marketing budget of the company be allocated over the product mix? </p><p>4. Does the product life cycle concept have relevance for your company and imply something about the appropriate marketing mix? </p><p>5. What is the new product strategy of your company? </p><p>6. How formal are the company’s procedures for generating new product ideas, screening them. What would you recommend? </p><p>7. Evaluate whether your firm uses branding effectively. Explain. XII. Marketing Strategies for the Global Marketplace </p><p>1. Does your company engage in any international business? </p><p>2. If so, discuss the approach your company uses in entering foreign markets or in conducting already established foreign business. </p><p>XIII. Price Decisions </p><p>1. Describe the pricing policies of your company and industry. </p><p>2. What are key pricing issues? </p><p>XIV. Channel Decisions </p><p>1. Describe and evaluate the marketing channels in your industry. </p><p>XV. Retail, Wholesale, Physical Distribution Decisions</p><p>1. Describe and evaluate the retail, wholesale, and physical distribution characteristics and strategies in your industry. </p><p>XVI. Communication and Advertising Decisions</p><p>1. Describe the overall communication and specific advertising objectives and strategy of your company with respect to the level of expenditure, message, copy, media, and timing. Evaluate. </p><p>2. How would you measure the effectiveness of your company’s advertising? </p><p>3. Describe and evaluate the effectiveness of your firm’s use of direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations. Be specific and give examples. </p><p>XVII. Sales Force Decisions</p><p>1. Characterize the field sales operations of your company. </p><p>2. What proposals would you make for improving the effectiveness of the field sales operation? XVIII. Direct and Online Marketing </p><p>1. Analyze and evaluate the extent to which your company uses Direct and Online Marketing.</p><p>2. What measures can be taken by your firm in order to improve the efficiency in this domain?</p><p>XIX. Marketing Organization and Implementation </p><p>1. Describe and evaluate the marketing organization in your firm.</p><p>2. What do the firm’s long run profit, sales, and other goals seem to be?</p><p>3. Is formal planning found in your industry? How are annual profit and sales goals set? How are marketing plans developed?</p><p>4. Characterize the long run competitive marketing strategy of your firm and of each major competitor. What is the dominant firm doing to remain dominant? Evaluate and suggest alternative strategies. </p><p>5. What is the second-place firm doing to increase its share? Evaluate and suggest alternative strategies. What types of offensive and defensive competitive tactics are used in the industry? </p><p>6. Characterize marketing decisions making in your company and/or industry. Select a recurrent marketing decision problem that faces a particular type of marketing executive in your company. Draw a flow diagram suggesting the executive’s typical mental process in resolving the problem. Evaluate his decision making process. Suggest changes. </p><p>XX. Marketing Control </p><p>1. What are the major control devices used by your company to insure effective marketing effort and correct deviations?</p><p>2. What is the state of information in your industry? What information is readily available and what information is sorely needed? </p><p>3. Propose a total design for the company’s marketing information system. Deliverables</p><p>By the date indicated previously in the syllabus you are to develop a Marketing Audit for your product and company. Specifically, </p><p>1. By the 1st deadline in the syllabus (week 2), your team will submit, in writing, to me the company and the specific product or service for which you are interested in developing the audit. It must include the name of the company and the product/service and the names of the students in your team. </p><p>2. By week 3, your team should have developed its SWOT analysis. </p><p>3. The final phase of the assignment is your presentation during the last class meeting (or possibly the last two class meetings). </p><p>4. Your final deliverable for the project is due on the evening of your presentation and it is an evaluation of your group as a whole, yourself as you have performed on this assignment and your teammates’ performance on the assignment, along with the written report that accompanies your class presentation. </p><p>5. Please use the form attached to this syllabus to evaluate your team members’ work in this project. Each member of your marketing team should submit a team evaluation sheet that evaluates the work of each of the other students in your team in a separate sealed envelope. MBA 8145 Appendix Audit/Assessment/Action Plan Assignment</p><p>Another “group project” option this semester is to develop a new product for an existing organization. Thus, you will be asked to be creative within the confines of good marketing and general business practices. From a learning standpoint, this assignment will allow you to further develop skills that can be used in a future senior management role. </p><p>Learning Objectives of the Project as they relate to tasks you will need to successfully complete:  Analyze market conditions to determine where there are unmet wants and needs;  Identify market segments that have sufficient interest in and are willing to satisfy wants and needs through new products or a new provider of a product or service;  Assess the competitive pressures in the market place;  Assess pressures in the marketplace which are external to the organization and the industry to determine their impact on the organization;</p><p>An Abbreviated Marketing Plan Outline.</p><p>Section 1. The Situation Survey. Examine the 5 external environments within which a company operates and discuss:  General economic conditions that will/may affect the demand and other marketing efforts for the product/service being offered;  Specifics on customers for the products and services (why they buy, what they are seeking, how their characteristics are defined, how much they purchase, what the determinants are for their usage, whether or not there is any geographic or seasonality pattern to demand, what price sensitivity is, whether the purchase of this product or service is dependent upon any other purchases [you have to have a CD player to be a CD user] etc.);  Competitive situation (who the competitors are in not only the specific category but also close categories), what are the marketing strengths and weaknesses of those competitors, how they are going to market;  Technological conditions that may alter market conditions;  Legal constraints on the marketing of the product or service.</p><p>It is very important to note, that this section is filled with data and information. It is a “picture” of where the market is. Of all of the sections of the marketing plan, this is the most objective. </p><p>Section 2. Strategic Implications of the Situation Survey. ”The Strategic Implications of the Situation Survey is also referred to as a SWOT analysis. It is drawn from the facts presented in the situation survey (Section 1). Here is where you interpret and draw inferences from the data and where you define opportunities in the market place that your company/product or service will attempt to satisfy. Section 3. Objectives and Strategies. Section 3 of the marketing plan is a statement of the objectives and strategies for the marketing of the product or service (in this case, including strategic design of the product or service itself). As such it must address the strengths the organization must capitalize upon and the weaknesses it must overcome in order to maximize the likelihood of success. It must include  How the product will be positioned to the market and vis-à-vis the competition;  Specific objectives (goals) for each phase of the product launch;  Specific definition of the end-user target market;  Development of strategies at a minimum in the following areas: product characteristics; product packaging; development of channels of distribution; pricing (introductory and long-term); promotion and marketing communications; marketing research. </p><p>Section 4. The Detailed Description of the Programs you are Recommending. This section is a detailed description of the specific programs you are recommending to bring the product or service to market and must include:  Sales force development and goals;  Specific creative strategy to support positioning;  Specific media programs and/or public relations efforts to support product introduction;  Test marketing considerations;  Use of e-marketing tools in support of the product launch;  Geographic considerations/roll-out plan;  Monitoring, evaluation and control mechanisms built into the effort;</p><p>Although that may sound intimidating, once you get into the project it will come to feel pretty natural. As you can see from the above, there is a great deal of “homework” to be done in the situation survey part of the marketing plan, before you have enough information to start making decisions in the Sections 2 – 4. Deliverables</p><p>By the date indicated previously in the syllabus you are to develop a Marketing Plan for a new product or service. Specifically, </p><p>1. By the 1st deadline in the syllabus (week 2), your team will submit, in writing, to me the company and the specific product or service for which you are interested in developing the audit. It must include the name of the company and the product/service and the names of the students in your team. </p><p>2. By week 3, your team should have developed its SWOT analysis. </p><p>3. The final phase of the assignment is your presentation during the last class meeting (or possibly the last two class meetings). </p><p>4. Your final deliverable for the project is due on the evening of your presentation and it is an evaluation of your group as a whole, yourself as you have performed on this assignment and your teammates’ performance on the assignment, along with the written report that accompanies your class presentation. </p><p>5. Please use the form attached to this syllabus to evaluate your team members’ work in this project. Each member of your marketing team should submit a team evaluation sheet that evaluates the work of each of the other students in your team in a separate sealed envelope. MARKETING TEAM PARTICIPATION SHEET</p><p>NAME ______</p><p>TEAM PROJECT: ______</p><p>This sheet is to be completed individually and privately by each team member prior to coming to class. Each team member’s participation evaluation sheet should be included with the team’s final project. </p><p>Using a 100 point scale, please grade each member of your team based on their effort devoted to the project and then a second grade rating their contribution to the semester project. Base the first grade you give each team member on the time and effort they contribute to the project. Based the second grade you give each member on the outcome of their efforts and the contribution of their work to the overall completed the final project. Record the grades given in the blank spaces below adjacent to each team member’s name. Include the names and grades of all individuals in your group (including yourself):</p><p>TEAM MEMBER’S NAME POINTS FOR EFFORT POINTS FOR FINAL PROJECT </p><p>1. ______POINTS ______POINTS</p><p>2. ______POINTS ______POINTS</p><p>3. ______POINTS ______POINTS</p><p>4. ______POINTS ______POINTS</p><p>5. ______POINTS ______POINTS </p><p>On the space provided below (and on the back of this page if necessary) please explain the logic for the points you awarded. Please also indicate briefly the responsibilities of each team member: </p>

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