<p>Publications</p><p>1. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Oxidative electropolymerization of polypyridinyl complexes of ruthenium (II) containing pyrrole groups. J. Electroanal. Chem., 193 (1985) 193.</p><p>2. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Photoresponse of Pt electrodes coated by electropolymerized polypyridyl complexes of ruthenium (II) containing pyrrole groups in the presence of an external quencher. Film thickness effect. J. Phys. Chem., 89 (1985) 4895.</p><p>3. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Propriétés photorédox d'électrodes métalliques modifiées par électropolymérisation de complexes de ruthénium (II). Anal. Phys., 11 (1986) 113. 4. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Electrochemical coating of a platinum electrode by a poly(pyrrole) film containing the fac- Re(2,2'-bipyridine)(CO)3Cl system. Application to electrocatalytic reduction of CO2. J. Electroanal. Chem., 207 (1986) 315. 5. S. COSNIER, P. DUPIN, D. LAVABRE, A. DE SAVIGNAC, M. COMTAT et A. LATTES, Etude électrocapillaire de l'adsorption de chlorures d'alkyl-4 pyridine. Electrochim. Acta, 31 (1986) 315. 6. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 on electrodes modified by fac-Re (2,2'-bipyridine)(CO)3Cl complexes bonded to polypyrrole films. J. Mol. Catalysis, 45 (1988) 381. 7. A.J. DOWNARD, N.A. SURRIDGE, T.J. MEYER, S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Electropolymerized multilayer and copolymeric structures based on substituted pyrroles. J. Electroanal. Chem., 246 (1988) 321. 8. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, A poly[tris(N-bipyridylbutyl)pyrrole)ruthenium (II)] RuO2 - catalytic modified electrode for organic oxidations. Inorg. Chem., 27 (1988) 2389. 9. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER, J.-C. MOUTET et J.-F. ROLAND, Alkylammonium and pyridinium group -containing polypyrroles, a new class of electronically conducting anion-exchange polymer. J. Electroanal. Chem., 271 (1989) 69. 10. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et N. VLACHOPOULOS, III + Carbon/poly{pyrrole-[(C5Me5)Rh (bpy)Cl] } modified electrodes ; a molecularly based material for hydrogen evolution (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine). J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., (1989) 1259. 11. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et A. LLOBET, Triruthenium cluster-polypyrrole films: a remarkably stable immobilized relay at highly positive potentials. Its application to the electrocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol. J. Electroanal. Chem., 280 (1990) 213.</p><p>1 12. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-F. ROLAND, Polypyridinyl complexes of ruthenium (II) having 4,4'-dicarboxyester-2,2'-bipyridine ligands attached covalently to polypyrrole films. Reinvestigation of the polypyrrole electrochemical response in poly [tris(N-bipyridylethyl)pyrrole] ruthenium (II) films. J. Electroanal. Chem., 285 (1990) 133. 13. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Substitution effects on the electrochemical behaviour of the (2,2'-bipyridine) tricarbonylchlororhenium (I) complex in solution or in polymeric form and their relation to the catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide. New. J. Chem., 14 (1990) 831. 14. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-F. ROLAND, Controlled-permeability of functionalized polypyrrole films by use of different electrolyte anion sizes in the electropolymerization step. J. Electroanal. Chem., 310 (1991) 71. 15. S. COSNIER et H. GÜNTHER, III + + A polypyrrole [Rh (C5Me5)(bpy)Cl] } modified electrode for the reduction of NAD cofactor. Application to the enzymatic reduction of pyruvate. J. Electroanal. Chem., 315 (1991) 307. 16. S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-F. ROLAND, Electrocatalytic oxidation of alcohols on carbon electrodes modified by functionalized</p><p> polypyrrole -RuO2 films. J. Mol. Catalysis, 71 (1992) 303. 17. S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, Immobilization of flavin coenzyme in poly(pyrrole-alkylammonium) characterization of the resulting bioelectrode. J. Electroanal. Chem., 398 (1992) 339. 18. S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, A novel biosensor elaboration by electropolymerization of an adsorbed amphiphilic pyrrole- tyrosinase enzyme layer. J. Electroanal. Chem., 328 (1992) 361. 19. S. NOBLAT-CHARDON, S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et N. VLACHOPOULOS, III + Electrochemical properties of [(C5Me5)Rh (L)Cl] complexes (L = 2,2'-bipyridine or 1,10- phenanthroline derivatives) in solution and in related polypyrrolic films. Application to the electrocatalytic hydrogen generation. J. Electroanal. Chem., 352 (1993) 213. 20. G. CAUQUIS, S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER, B. GALLAND, D. LIMOSIN, J.-C. MOUTET, J. BIZOT, D. DEPREZ et J.-P. PULICANI, Poly(pyrrole-manganese porphyrin) : A catalytic electrode material as a model system for olefin epoxidation and drug metabolism with molecular oxygen. J. Electroanal. Chem., 352 (1993) 181. 21. S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, A new strategy for the construction of a tyrosinase-based amperometric phenol and o-diphenol sensor. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg., 31 (1993) 147.</p><p>2 22. L. COCHE-GUERENTE, S. COSNIER, C. INNOCENT, P. MAILLEY, J.-C. MOUTET, R. M. MORELIS, B. LECA et P.R.COULET, Controlled electrochemical preparation of enzymatic layers for the design of amperometric biosensors. Electroanalysis, 5 (1993) 647. 23. S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, Detection of galactose and lactose by a poly(amphiphilic pyrrole)-galactose oxidase electrode. Anal. Lett., 27 (1994) 1429. 24. S. COSNIER, C. INNOCENT, J.-C. MOUTET et F. TENNAH, Electrochemically controlled release of chemicals from redox-active polymer films. J. Electroanal. Chem., 375 (1994) 233. 25. S. COSNIER, C. INNOCENT et Y. JOUANNEAU, Amperometric detection of nitrate via a Nitrate Reductase immobilized and electrically wired at the electrode surface. Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 3198. 26. S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, Les pyrroles amphiphiles : une stratégie innovante pour l'élaboration de biocapteurs électrochimiques. Science Technique Technologie, 26, (1994) 32. 27. J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER, P. LABBE et G. REVERDY, Determination of phenol and chlorinated phenolic compounds based on a PPO-bioelectrode and its inhibition. Anal. Lett., 28 (1995) 405.</p><p>28. J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER, P. LABBE ET G. REVERDY, A biosensor as warning device for the detection of cyanide, chlorophenols, atrazine and carbamate pesticides. Anal. Chim. Acta, 311 (1995)) 255. 29. L. COCHE-GUERENTE, S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, Poly(amphiphilic pyrrole)-PPO electrodes for organic-phase enzymatic assay. Anal. Lett., 28 (1995) 1005. 30. L. COCHE-GUERENTE, S. COSNIER, C. INNOCENT et P. MAILLEY, Development of amperometric biosensors based on the immobilization of enzymes in polymer films electrogenerated from a series of amphiphilic pyrrole derivatives. Anal. Chim. Acta, 311 (1995) 23. 31. J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER, P. LABBE et G. REVERDY Improvement of the analytical characteristics of an enzyme electrode for free and total cholesterol via laponite clay additives. Anal. Chim. Acta, 317 (1995) 275. 32. S. COSNIER et I. C. POPESCU, Poly(amphiphilic pyrrole)-tyrosinase-peroxidase electrode for amplified flow injection- amperometric detection of phenol. Anal. Chim. Acta, 319 (1996) 145. 33. L. COCHE-GUERENTE, S. COSNIER, V. DESPREZ, P. LABBE et D. PETRIDIS, Organosilasesquioxane-laponite clay sols : a versatile approach for electrode surface modification. J. Electroanal. Chem, 401 (1996) 253.</p><p>3 34. S. COSNIER, L. ALLIEN, L. COCHE-GUERENTE, C. INNOCENT, P. LABBE et P. MAILLEY, Electropolymerizable amphiphiles ; convenient tool for electrical wiring of enzymes and miniaturization of biosensors. Sensors and Materials, 8 (1996) 169. 35. M. A. CARVALHO DE MEDEIROS, S. COSNIER, A. DERONZIER et J.-C. MOUTET, Synthesis and characterization of a new series of nickel (II) meso-tetrakis (polyfluorophenyl)porphyrins functionalized by pyrrole groups and its electro-polymerized films. Inorg. Chem., 35 (1996) 2659. 36. S. COSNIER et K. LE LOUS, Amperometric detection of pyridine nucleotides via immobilized viologen-accepting pyridine nucleotide oxidoreductase or immobilized diaphorase. Talanta, 43 (1996) 331. 37. S. COSNIER et K. LE LOUS, A new strategy for the construction of amperometric dehydrogenase electrodes based on laponite gel-methylene blue polymer as host matrix. J. Electroanal. Chem., 406 (1996) 243. 38. J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Polyphenol oxidase-catechol : an electroenzymatic model system for charaterizing the performance of matrices for biosensors. Talanta, 43 (1996) 1615. 39. S. POYARD, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, C. MARTELET, J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, A new method for the controlled immobilization of enzyme in inorganic gels (laponite) for amperometric glucose biosensing. Sensors and Actuators B, 33 (1996) 44. 40. J.-L. BESOMBES, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Improvement of poly(amphiphilic pyrrole) enzyme electrodes via the incorporation of synthetic laponite-clay-nanoparticles. Talanta, 44 (1997) 2209. 41. S. COSNIER, C. INNOCENT, L. ALLIEN, S. POITRY et M. TSACOPOULOS, An electrochemical method for making enzyme microsensors. Application to the detection of dopamine and glutamate. Anal. Chem., 69 (1997) 968. 42. S. POITRY, C. POITRY-YAMATE, C. INNOCENT, S. COSNIER et M. TSACOPOULOS, Detection of glutamate released by neurons with an enzyme-based microelectrode : applications and limitations. Electrochim. Acta., 42 (1997) 3217.</p><p>43. S. COSNIER, M. FONTECAVE, D. LIMOSIN et V. NIVIERE, A poly(amphiphilic pyrrole)-flavin reductase electrode for highly sensitive amperometric determination of flavins based on electrochemical substrate-recycling reaction. Anal. Chem., 69 (1997) 3095. 44. L. COCHE-GUERENTE, P. LABBE et S. COSNIER, Sol-gel derived composite materials for the construction of oxidase/peroxidase mediatorless biosensors. Chem. Mater., 9 (1997) 1348.</p><p>4 45. I.C. POPESCU, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Peroxidase-glucose oxidase-poly(amphiphilic pyrrole) biolectrode for selectively mediated amperometric detection of glucose. Electroanalysis, 9 (1997) 998.</p><p>46. S. COSNIER, M. FONTECAVE, C. INNOCENT et V. NIVIERE, An original electroenzymatic system : flavin reductase-riboflavin for the improvement of dehydrogenase-based biosensors. Application to the amperometric detection of lactate. Electroanalysis, 9 (1997) 685. 47. S. COSNIER, B. GALLAND et C. INNOCENT, New electropolymerizable amphiphilic viologens for the immobilisation and electrical wiring of a nitrate reductase. J. Electroanal. Chem., 433 (1997) 113. 48. S. COSNIER, Electropolymerization of amphiphilic monomers for designing amperometric biosensors. Electroanalysis, 9 (1997) 894. 49. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, A. LACROIX, M. GRÄTZEL et N. VLACHOPOULOS, Mesoporous TiO2 film : new catalytic electrode materials for fabricating amperometric biosensors based on oxidases. Electroanalysis, 9 (1997) 1387-1392. 50. S. AMEUR, H. MAUPAS, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, H. BEN OUADA, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Impedimetric measurements on polarized functionalized platinum electrodes. Application to direct immunosensing. Materials Science and Engineering, 5 (1997) 111. 51. S. COSNIER, A. WALTER et F.-P. MONTFORTS, A poly(pyrrole-copper(II)deuteroporphyrin) modified electrode. J. of Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines, 2 (1998) 39. 52. S. COSNIER, A. LEPELLEC, B. GUIDETTI et I. RICO-LATTES, Enhancement of biosensor sensitivity in aqueous and organic solvents using a combination of poly(pyrrole-ammonium) and poly(pyrrole-lactobionamide) films as host matrixes. J. Electroanal. Chem., 449 (1998) 165. 53. S. POYARD, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, C. MARTELET, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Optimization of an inorganic/bio-organic mixed matrix for the development of new glucose biosensor membranes. Anal. Chim. Acta, 364 (1998) 165. 54. S. COSNIER, J.-L. DÉCOUT, M. FONTECAVE, C. FRIER et C. INNOCENT, A reagentless biosensor for the amperometric determination of NADH. Electroanalysis, 10 (1998) 521. 55. T. OTTEN, T. DARBRE, S. COSNIER, L. ABRANTES, J.P. CORREIA et R. KESSE Synthesis of B12 derivatives with an electropolymerizable side chain. Helv. Chim. Acta, 81 (1998) 1117. 56. S. COSNIER, B. GALLAND, C. GONDRAN et A. LE PELLEC, Electrogeneration of biotinylated functionalized polypyrroles for the simple immobilization of enzymes. Electroanalysis, 10 (1998) 808.</p><p>5 57. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, J.-C. WATELET, W. F. DE GIOVANI, R. P.M. FURRIEL et F. A. LEONE, A bienzyme electrode (alkaline phosphatase-polyphenol oxidase) for the amperometric determination of phosphate. Anal. Chem., 70 (1998) 3952. 58. S. COSNIER, Fabrication of amperometric biosensors by entrapment of enzymes in functionalized polypyrrole films. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 76 (1998) 1000. 59. S. COSNIER et A. LEPELLEC, Poly(pyrrole-biotin) : a new polymer for biomolecule grafting on electrode surfaces. Electrochim. Acta, 44 (1999) 1833. 60. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN et A. SENILLOU, Functionalized polypyrroles : a sophisticated glue for the immobilization and electrical wiring of enzymes. Synthetic Metals, 102 (1999) 1366. 61. S. POYARD, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Association of a poly (4-vinylpyridine-co-styrene) membrane with an inorganic/organic mixed matrix for the optimization of glucose biosensors. Sensor and Actuators B, 58 (1999) 380. 62. S. COSNIER, J.-J. FOMBON, P. LABBÉ et D. LIMOSIN, Development of a PPO-poly(amphiphilic pyrrole) electrode for on site monitoring of phenol in aqueous effluents. Sensor and Actuators B, 59 (1999) 134. 63. S. COSNIER, A. SENILLOU, M. GRÄTZEL, P. COMTE, N. VLACHOPOULOS, N. JAFFREZIC et C. MARTELET, A glucose biosensor based on enzyme entrapment within polypyrrole films electrodeposited on mesoporous titanium dioxide. J. Electroanal. Chem., 469 (1999) 176.</p><p>64. SENILLOU, N. JAFFREZIC, C. MARTELET et S. COSNIER, A miniaturized urea sensor based on the integration of both ammonium based urea ENFET and a reference FET in a single chip. Talanta, 50 (1999) 219. 65. S. COSNIER, Biomolecule immobilization on electrode surfaces by entrapment or attachement to electrochemically polymerized films. A review. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 14 (1999) 443.</p><p>66. SENILLOU, N. JAFFREZIC, C. MARTELET et S. COSNIER, A laponite clay-poly(pyrrole pyridinium) matrix for the fabrication of conductimetric microbiosensors. Anal. Chim. Acta, 401 (1999) 117. 67. S. COSNIER, M. STOYTCHEVA, A. SENILLOU, H. PERROT, R.P.M. FURRIEL et F.A. LEONE, A biotinylated conducting polypyrrole for the spatially controlled construction of amperometric biosensor Anal. Chem., 71 (1999) 3692.</p><p>6 68. S. COSNIER et C. GONDRAN, Fabrication of biosensors by attachment of biological macromolecules to electropolymerized conducting films. Analusis, 27 (1999) 558. 69. S. COSNIER, F. LAMBERT et M. STOYTCHEVA, A composite clay glucose biosensor based on an electrically connected HRP. Electroanalysis, 12 (2000) 5, 356. 70. M. AMOUNAS, C. INNOCENT, S. COSNIER et P. SETA, A novel membrane based reactor with an enzyme immobilized by an avidin-biotin molecular recognition in a polymer matrix. J. Membrane Sci., 176 (2000) 169. 71. K. PERIE, R. MARKS, S. SZUNERITS, S. COSNIER et J.-P. LELLOUCHE, Novel electro-oxidizable chiral N-substituted dicarbazoles and resulting electroactive films for covalent attachment of proteins. Tetrahedron Lett., 41 (2000) 3725. 72. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, R. WESSEL, F.P. MONTFORTS et M. WEDEL, Poly(pyrrole-metallodeuteroporphyrin) electrodes : towards electrochemical biomimetic devices. J. Electroanal. Chem., 488 (2000) 83. 73. S. COSNIER, R. MARKS, J.-P. LELLOUCHE, K. PERIE, D. FOLGEA et S. SZUNERITS, Electrogenerated poly(chiral dicarbazole) films for the reagentless grafting of enzymes. Electroanalysis, 12 (2000) 14, 1107. 74. P. MAILLEY, S. COSNIER et L. COCHE-GUERENTE, Amperometric glucose biosensors based on composite polymeric structures to prevent interferences. Anal. Lett., 33 (2000) 9, 1733. 75. S. COSNIER, D. FOLOGEA, S. SZUNERITS et R.S. MARKS, Poly(dicarbazole-N-hydroxysuccinimide) film: a new polymer for the reagentless grafting of enzymes and redox mediators Electrochem. Commun., 2 (2000) 827. 76. S. COSNIER, S. SZUNERITS, R.S. MARKS, A. NOVOA, L. PUECH, E. PEREZ et I. RICO- LATTES, A rapid and easy procedure of biosensor fabrication by micro-encapsulation of enzyme in hydrophilic synthetic latex films. Application to the amperometric determination of glucose. Electrochem. Commun., 2 (2000) 851. 77. S. COSNIER, Biosensors based on biomolecule immobilization by electrogenerated polymer films : new perspectives. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 89 (2000) 127. 78. C. MOUSTY, B. GALLAND et S. COSNIER, Electrogeneration of a hydrophilic cross-linked polypyrrole film for enzyme electrode fabrication. Application to the amperometric detection of glucose. Electroanalysis, 13 (2001) 186. 79. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, A. LE PELLEC et A. SENILLOU, Controlled fabrication of glucose and catechol microbiosensors via electropolymerized biotinylated polypyrrole films. Anal. Lett., 34 (2001) 61.</p><p>7</p><p>80. O. OUERGHI, A. SENILLOU, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, C. MARTELET, H. BEN OUADA et S. COSNIER, Gold electrode functionalized by electropolymerization of a cyano N-substituted pyrrole : application to an impedimetric immunosensor. J. Electroanal. Chem., 501 (2001) 62. 81. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN et J.-C. WATELET, A polypyrrole-bienzyme electrode (salicylate hydroxylase-polyphenol oxidase) for the interference - free determination of salicylate. Electroanalysis, 13, 11 (2001) 906. 82. S. COSNIER, S. SZUNERITS, R.S. MARKS, J.-P. LELLOUCHE et K. PERIE, Mediated electrochemical detection of catechol by tyrosinase-based poly(dicarbazole) electrodes. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 50 (2001) 65. 83. S. COSNIER, H. PERROT et R. WESSEL, Biotinylated polypyrrole modified quartz-crystal microbalance for the fast and reagentless determination of avidin concentration. Electroanalysis, 13, 11 (2001) 971. 84. C. MOUSTY, J.-L. BERGAMASCO, R. WESSEL, H. PERROT et S. COSNIER, Elaboration and characterization of spatially controlled assemblies of complementary polyphenol oxidase-alkaline phosphatase activities on electrodes Anal. Chem., 73 (2001) 2890. 85. S. COSNIER, S. SZUNERITS, R.S. MARKS, A. NOVOA, L. PUECH, E. PEREZ et I. RICO- LATTES, A comparative physical study of two different hydrophilic synthetic latex matrices for the construction of a glucose biosensor. Talanta, 55 (2001) 889. 86. C. MOUSTY, S. COSNIER, D. SHAN et S. MU, Trienzymatic biosensor for the determination of inorganic phosphate. Anal. Chim. Acta, 443 (2001) 1. 87. C. MOUSTY, A. LE PELLEC, S. COSNIER, A. NOVOA et R.S. MARKS, Fabrication of organic phase biosensors based on multilayered polyphenol oxidase protected by an alginate coating. Electrochem. Commun., 3 (2001) 727. 88. E.A. CUMMING, B.R. EGGINS, E.T. Mc ADAMS, S. LINQUETTE-MAILLEY, P. MAILLEY et S. COSNIER, A comparison of amperometric screen-printed, carbon electrodes and their application to the analysis of phenolic compounds present in beers. Talanta, 55 (2001) 1015. 89. S. COSNIER, A. NOVOA, C. MOUSTY et R.S. MARKS, Biotinylated alginate immobilization matrix in the construction of an amperometric biosensor : application for the determination of glucose. Anal. Chim. Acta, 453 (2002) 71. 90. S.V. MOROZOV, E.E. KARYAKINA, N.A. ZORIN, S.D. VARFOLOMEYEV, S. COSNIER et A.A. KARYAKIN, Direct and electrically wired bioelectrocatalysis by hydrogenase from Thiocapsa roseopersicina. Bioelectrochemistry, 55 (2002) 169.</p><p>8 91. J.V. de MELO, S. COSNIER, C. MOUSTY, C. MARTELET et N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, Urea biosensors based on immobilization of urease into two oppositely charged clays (laponite and Zn-Al layered double hydroxides). Anal. Chem., 74 (2002) 4037. 92. O. OUERGHI, A. TOUHAMI, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, C. MARTELET, H. BEN OUADA et S. COSNIER, Impedimetric immunosensor using avidin-biotin for antibody immobilization. Biolectrochemistry, 56 (2002) 131. 93. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, K. GORGY, R. WESSEL, F.-P. MONTFORTS et M. WEDEL, Electrogeneration and characterization of a poly(pyrrole-nickel(II) chlorin) electrode. Electrochem. Commun., 4 (2002) 426. 94. A.A. KARYAKIN, S.V. MOROZOV, E.E. KARYAKINA, S.D. VARFOLOMEYEV, N.A. ZORIN et S. COSNIER, Hydrogen fuel electrode based on bioelectrocatalysis by the enzyme hydrogenase. Electrochem. Commun., 4 (2002) 417. 95. M. CARANO, S. COSNIER, K. KORDATOS, M. MARCACCIO, M. MARGOTTI, F. PAOLUCCI, M. PRATO et S. ROFFIA, A glutathione amperometric biosensor based on an amphiphilic fullerene redox mediator immobilised within an amphiphilic polypyrrole film. J. Mater. Chem., 12 (2002) 1996. 96. S.V. MOROZOV, P.M. VIGNAIS, L. COURNAC, N.A. ZORIN, E.E. KARYAKINA, A.A. KARYAKIN et S. COSNIER, Bioelectrocatalytic hydrogen production by hydrogenase electrodes. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 27 (2002) 1501. 97. R.S. MARKS, A. NOVOA, T. KONRY, R. KRAIS et S. COSNIER, Indium tin oxide-coated optical fiber tips for affinity electropolymerization. Materials Science Engineering C, 21 (2002) 189. 98. R.S. MARKS, A. NOVOA, D. THOMASSEY et S. COSNIER, An innovative strategy for immobilization of receptor proteins on to an optical fiber by use of poly (pyrrole-biotin). Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 374 (2002) 1056. 99. D. SHAN, C. MOUSTY, S. COSNIER et S. MU, A composite poly azure B–clay–enzyme sensor for the mediated electrochemical determination of phenols. J. Electroanal. Chem., 537 (2002) 103.</p><p>100. J.V. de MELO, A.P. SOLDATKIN, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT et S. COSNIER, Use of competitive inhibition for driving sensitivity and dynamic range of urea ENFETs, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 18 (2003) 345. 101. S. COSNIER et A. SENILLOU, An electrogenerated poly(pyrrole-benzophenone) film for the photografting of proteins. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm. (2003) 414. 102. M. AMOUNAS, C. INNOCENT, S. COSNIER et P.SETA, Dismutation of hydrogen peroxide from water medium by catalytic reactive membrane immobilizing peroxidase and catalase by molecular recognition process. Sep. Sci. Techno, 38 (2003)1291.</p><p>9</p><p>103. P. MAILLEY, E.A. CUMMINGS, S.C. MAILLEY, B.R. EGGINS, E.Mc ADAMS et S. COSNIER, Composite carbon paste biosensor for phenolic derivatives based on in situ electrogenerated polypyrrole binder. Anal. Chem, 75 (2003) 5422. </p><p>104. D. SHAN, C. MOUSTY, S. COSNIER et S. MU, A new polyphenol oxidase biosensor mediated by azure B in laponite clay matrix. Electroanalysis, 15 (2003) 19, 1506.</p><p>105. D. SHAN, S. COSNIER et C. MOUSTY, HRP wiring by redox active layered double hydroxides: application to the mediated H2O2 detection. Anal. Lett., 36 (2003) 909.</p><p>106. T. KONRY, A. NOVOA, S. COSNIER et R.S .MARKS, The development of an ‘electroptode’ immunosensor: indium tin oxide-coated optical fiber tips conjugated with an electro-polymerized thin film with conjugated cholera toxin B subunit. Anal. Chem., 75 (2003) 2633.</p><p>107. S. COSNIER, M. DAWOD, K. GORGY et S. DA SILVA, Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of a new electropolymerisable hydrophilic viologen designed for the enzyme wiring. Mikrochim. Acta, 143 (2003) 139.</p><p>108. S. COSNIER, Biosensors based on electropolymerized films: new trends Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 377 (2003) 507.</p><p>109. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, R. WESSEL, F.-P. MONTFORTS et M. WEDEL, A poly(pyrrole-Cobalt(II)deuteroporphyrin) electrode for the potentiometric determination of nitrite. Sensors, 3 (2003) 213.</p><p>110. D. SHAN, S. COSNIER et C. MOUSTY, Layered double hydroxides: an attractive material for electrochemical biosensor design. Anal. Chem, 75 (2003) 3872.</p><p>111. S. COSNIER, A. LE PELLEC, R.S. MARKS, K. PÉRIÉ et J.-P. LELLOUCHE, A permselective biotinylated polydicarbazole film for the fabrication of amperometric enzyme electrodes. Electrochem. Commun., 5 (2003) 973. </p><p>112. D. SHAN, C. MOUSTY et S. COSNIER, Subnanomolar cyanide detection at polyphenol oxidase/clay biosensors. Anal. Chem., 76 (2004) 178-183.</p><p>113. N. HADDOUR, C. GONDRAN et S. COSNIER, A new biotinylated tris bipyridinyl iron(II) complex as redox biotin-bridge for the construction of supramolecular biosensing architectures. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., (2004) 324-325.</p><p>114. S. DA SILVA, S. COSNIER, M.G. ALMEIDA, J.J.G. MOURA, An efficient poly(pyrrole-viologen)-nitrite reductase biosensor for the mediated detection of nitrite. Electrochem. Commun., 6 (2004) 404-408. </p><p>10 115. S. DA SILVA, L. GROSJEAN, N. TERNAN, P. MAILLEY, T. LIVACHE et S. COSNIER, Biotinylated polypyrrole films : an easy electrochemical approach for the reagentless immobilization of bacteria on electrode surfaces. Bioelectrochemistry, 63 (2004) 297-301.</p><p>116. CALLEGARI, S. COSNIER, M. MARCACCIO, D. PAOLUCCI, F. PAOLUCCI, V. GEORGAKILAS, N. TAGMATARCHIS, E. VAZQUEZ et M. PRATO, Functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes/polypyrrole composites for the preparation of amperometric glucose biosensors. J. Mater. Chem., 14 (2004), 807-810.</p><p>117. P. MAILLEY, E.A. CUMMINGS, S. MAILLEY, S. COSNIER, B.R. EGGINS et E.Mc ADAMS, Amperometric detection of phenolic compounds by polypyrrole-based composite carbon paste electrodes. Bioelectrochemistry, 63 (2004) 291-296. </p><p>118. S. DA SILVA, D. SHAN et S. COSNIER, Improvement of biosensor performances for nitrate determination using a new hydrophilic poly(pyrrole-viologen) film Sensors and Actuators B, 103 (2004) 397-402.</p><p>119. D. SHAN, S. COSNIER et C. MOUSTY, HRP/[Zn-Cr-ABTS] redox clay-based biosensor: design and optimization for cyanide detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20 (2004) 390-396.</p><p>120. O. OUERGHI, A. TOUHAMI, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, C. MARTELET, H. BEN OUADA et S. COSNIER, Electrodeposited biotinylated polypyrrole as an immobilisation method for impedimetric immunosensors. IEEE Sensor Journal, 5 (2004) 559-567.</p><p>121. S. COSNIER, C. GONDRAN, C. DUEYMES, P. SIMON, M. FONTECAVE et J.-L. DÉCOUT, New flavin and deazaflavin oligonucleotide conjugates for the amperometric detection of DNA hybridization. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., (2004) 1624-1625.</p><p>122. S. COSNIER, C. MOUSTY, J. DE MELO, A. LEPELLEC, A. NOVOA, B. POLYAK et R.S. MARKS, Organic phase PPO biosensors prepared by multilayer deposition of enzyme and alginate through avidin-biotin interaction. Electroanalysis, 16 (2004) 2022- 2029.</p><p>123. R.E. IONESCU, C. GONDRAN, L.A. GHEBER, S. COSNIER et R.S. MARKS, Construction of amperometric immunosensors based on the electrogeneration of a permeable biotinylated polypyrrole film. Anal. Chem., 76 (2004) 6808-6813.</p><p>124. N. HADDOUR, S. COSNIER et C. GONDRAN, Electrogeneration of a biotinylated poly (pyrrole-ruthenium(II)) film for the construction of photoelectrochemical immunosensor. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., (2004) 2472-2473.</p><p>11 125. H. BARHOUMI, A. MAAREF, M. RAMMAH, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC- RENAULT, C.MOUSTY, S. COSNIER, E. PEREZ et I. RICO-LATTES, Insulator semiconductor structures coated with biodegradable latexes as encapsulation matrix for urease. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20 (2005) 2318-2323.</p><p>126. T. KONRY, A. NOVOA, Y. SHEMER-AVNI, N.HANUKA, S. COSNIER, A. LEPELLEC et R.S .MARKS, Optical fiber immunosensor based on a poly(pyrrole-benzophenone) film for the detection of antibodies to viral antigen. Anal. Chem., 77 (2005) 1771-1779.</p><p>127. A.A. KARYAKIN, S.V. MOROZOV, E.E. KARYAKINA, N.A. ZORIN, V.V. PERELYGIN et S. COSNIER, Hydrogenase electrodes for fuel cells. Biochemical Society Transactions, 33 (2005) 73-75.</p><p>128. R.E. IONESCU, C. GONDRAN, S. COSNIER, L.A. GHEBER et R.S. MARKS, Comparison between the performances of amperometric immunosensors for cholera antitoxin based on three enzyme markers. Talanta, 66 (2005) 15-20.</p><p>129. N. HADDOUR, S. COSNIER et C. GONDRAN, Electrogeneration of a poly(pyrrole)-NTA chelator film for a reversible oriented immobilization of histidine-tagged proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127 (2005) 5752-5753.</p><p>130. C. CRISTEA, C. MOUSTY, S. COSNIER et I.C. POPESCU, Organic phase PPO biosensor based on hydrophilic films of electropolymerized polypyrrole. Electrochim. Acta, 50 (2005), 3713-3718.</p><p>131. H. MOHAMMADI, A. AMINE, S. COSNIER et C. MOUSTY, Mercury–Enzyme inhibition assays with an amperometric sucrose biosensor based on a trienzymatic-clay matrix. Anal. Chim. Acta, 543 (2005) 143-149.</p><p>132. G. HERZOG, K. GORGY, T. GULON et S. COSNIER, Electrogeneration and characterization of photoactivable films and their application for enzyme grafting. Electrochem. Commun., 7 (2005) 808-814.</p><p>133. S. COSNIER, Affinity biosensors based on electropolymerized films. Electroanalysis, 17 (2005) 1701-1715. </p><p>134. R.E. IONESCU, K. ABURABIA, R.S. MARKS et S. COSNIER, Improved enzyme retention from an electropolymerized polypyrrole-alginate matrix in the development of biosensors. Electrochem. Commun., 7 (2005) 1277-1282.</p><p>135. K. ABU-RABEAH, B. POLYAK, R.E. IONESCU, S. COSNIER et R.S. MARKS, Synthesis and characterization of a pyrrole-alginate conjugate and its application in a biosensor construction Biomacromolecules, 6 (2005) 3313-3318. </p><p>136. M.-P. DUBOIS, C. GONDRAN, O. RENAUDET, P. DUMY, H. DRIGUEZ, S. FORT et S. COSNIER, </p><p>12 Electrochemical detection of Arachis hypogaea (peanut) agglutinin binding to monovalent and clustered lactosyl motifs immobilized on a polypyrrole film. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., (2005) 4318-4320. </p><p>137. S. Cosnier, C. Molins, C. Mousty, B. Galland et A. Lepellec, A simple strategy based on photobiotin irradiation for the photoelectrochemical immobilization of proteins on electrode surfaces. Materials Science and Engineering C, 26 (2006) 436-441.</p><p>138. R.E. Ionescu, K. Abu-Rabeah, S Cosnier, C. Durrieu, J.-M. Chovelon et R. S. Marks, Amperometric algal Chlorella vulgaris cell biosensors based on alginate and polypyrrole-alginate gels. Electroanalysis, 18 (2006) 1041-1046.</p><p>139. G. Herzog, N. Haddour, V. Stambouli, P. Chaudouët, C. Gondran, K. Gorgy, S. Cosnier et M. Labeau, New metallic oxide electrodes for the deposition of functionalised polymers. Sensors and Transducers, 64 (2006) 490-499.</p><p>140. S. Cosnier, C. Mousty, C. Gondran et A. Lepellec, Entrapment of enzyme within organic and inorganic materials for biosensor applications: comparative study. Materials Science and Engineering C, 26 (2006) 387-393.</p><p>141. N. Haddour, J. Chauvin, C. Gondran et S. Cosnier, Photoelectrochemical immunosensor for label-free detection and quantification of anti-cholera toxin antibody J. Am. Chem; Soc., 128 (2006) 9693-9698.</p><p>142. S.V. Morozov, O. Voronin, E.E. Karyakina, N.A. Zorin, S. Cosnier et A.A. Karyakin, Tolerance to oxygen of hydrogen enzyme electrode. Electrochem. Commun., 8 (2006) 851-854. </p><p>143. S. Cosnier, C. Mousty, X. Cui, X. Yang et S. Dong, Specific determination assay of As (V) by an acid phosphatase-polyphenol oxidase biosensor. Anal Chem., 78 (2006) 4985-4989.</p><p>144. R.E. Ionescu, S. Cosnier et R. S.Marks, Protease amperometric sensor. Anal. Chem., 78 (2006) 6327-6331. </p><p>145. R.E. Ionescu, S. Herrmann, E.Sintov, S. Cosnier et R.S. Marks, A polypyrrole-cDNA electrode for the amperometric detection of the West Nile Virus. Electrochem. Commun. 8 (2006) 1741-1748.. </p><p>146. S. Cosnier, R.E. Ionescu, S. Herrmann, L. Bouffier, M. Demeunynck et R.S. Marks, Electroenzymatic polypyrrole-intercalator sensor for the determination of West Nile Virus cDNA. Anal. Chem., 78 (2006) 7054-7057.</p><p>147. Q. Fan, D. Shan, H. Xue, Y. He et S. Cosnier, Amperometric phenol biosensor based on laponite clay-chitosan nanocomposite matrix. Biosens. Bioelectron., 22 (2007) 816-821. </p><p>148. C. Mousty, L. Vieille et S. Cosnier Laccase immobilization in redox active layered double hydroxides: a reagentless amperometric biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron., 22 (2007) 1733-1738. </p><p>13 149. C. Mousty, S. Cosnier, M. Sanchez-Paniagua Lopez, E. Lopez-Cabarcos et B. Lopez-Ruiz, Rutin determination at an amperometric biosensor. Electroanalysis 19 (2007) 253-258.</p><p>150. D. Shan, S. Wang, H. Xue, et S. Cosnier, Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of hemoglobin entrapped in composite matrix based on chitosan and CaCO3 nanoparticles Electrochem. Commun., 9 (2007) 529-534. </p><p>151. R. E. Ionescu, S. Cosnier, G. Herzog, K. Gorgy, B. Leshem, S. Herrmann et R.S. Marks, Amperometric immunosensor for the detection of anti-West Nile virus IgG using a photoactive copolymer. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40 (2007) 403-408.</p><p>152. T. Konry, M. Bouhif, S. Cosnier, M. Whelan, A. Valsesia, F. Rossi et R.S. Marks, Electrogenerated Indium Tin Oxide-coated glass surface with photosensitive interfaces: surface analysis. Biosens. Bioelectron., 22 (2007) 2230-2236.</p><p>153. D. Shan, M. Zhu, H. Xue, et S. Cosnier, Development of amperometric biosensor for glucose based on a novel attractive enzyme immobilization matrix: calcium carbonate nanoparticles Biosens. Bioelectron., 22 (2007) 1612-1617. </p><p>154. S. Cosnier, Recent advances in biological sensors based on electrogenerated polymers: a review Anal. Lett.., 22 (2007) 1260-1279. </p><p>155. H. CHEN, C. Mousty, S. Cosnier, C. SILVEIRA, J.J.G. MOURA, M.G. ALMEIDA High sensitive nitrite biosensor based on the electrical wiring of nitrite reductase by [ZnCr-AQS] LDH. Electrochem. Commun. 9 (2007) 2240-2245.</p><p>156. D. Shan, M. Zhu, E. HAN, H. Xue, et S. Cosnier, Calcium carbonate nanoparticles: a host matrix for the construction of highly sensitive amperometric phenol biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron., 23 (2007) 648-654. </p><p>157. Petrosova, T. KONRY, S. Cosnier, I. Trakht, J. Lutwama, E. Rwaguma, A. Chepurnov, E. Mûhberger, L. Lobel et R.S. Marks, Development of a highly sensitive, field operable biosensor for serological studies of Ebola virus in Central Africa. Sensors and Actuators B, 122 (2007) 578-586.</p><p>158. E Han, D. Shan, H. Xue, et S. Cosnier, Hybrid material based on chitosan and layered doubles hydroxides: characterization and application to the design of amperometric phenol biosensor Biomacromolecules, 8(2007) 971-975..</p><p>159. A. Maaref, H. Barhoumi, M. Rammah, C. Martelet, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, C. Mousty, S. Cosnier, E. Perez et I. Rico-Lattes Comparative study between organic and inorganic entrapment matrices for urease biosensor development. Sensors and Actuators B, 123 (2007) 671-679.</p><p>14 160. R. E. Ionescu, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, L. Bouffier, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier, D. G. Pinacho, M.-P. Marco, F. J. Sánchez-Baeza, T. Healy, C. Martelet Impedimetric immunosensor for the specific label free detection of ciprofloxacin antibiotic Biosens. Bioelectron., 23 (2007) 549-555.</p><p>161. Karyakin, S. V. Morozov, O. G. Voronin, N. A. Zorin, Elena E. Karyakina, V.N. Fateyev, S. Cosnier Limiting performance characteristics in bioelectrocatalysis by hydrogenases Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46 (2007) 7244-7246. </p><p>162. R. E. Ionescu, S. Cosnier, S. Herrmann et R.S. Marks, Amperometric immunosensor for the detection of anti-West Nile virus IgG Anal. Chem. 79 (2007) 8662-8668. </p><p>163. D. Shan , .E. Han, H. Xue , S. Cosnier Self-assembled films of hemoglobin/laponite/chitosan: Application for the direct electrochemistry and catalysis to hydrogen peroxide Biomacromolecules 8 (2007) 3041-3046.</p><p>164. C. Gondran, M.-P. Dubois, S. Fort, S. Cosnier, S. Szunerits Detection of carbohydrate binding proteins by oligosaccharide modified polypyrrole interfaces using electrochemical Surface Plasmon Resonance The Analyst, 133 (2008) 206-212.</p><p>165. H. Chen, C. Mousty, L. Chen et S. Cosnier, A new approach for nitrite determination based on a HRP/Catalase biosensor. Materials Science and Engineering C. 28 (2008) 726-730.</p><p>166. S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger Design of carbon nanotube-polymer frameworks by electropolymerization of SWCNT-pyrrole derivatives Electrochim. Acta, 53 (2008) 3948-3954. </p><p>167. M. A. Carvalho de Medeiros, K. Gorgy, A. Deronzier et S. Cosnier, Design of new electropolymerized polypyrrole films of polyfluorinated Zn(II) and Mn(III) porphyrins : towards electrochemical sensors. Materials Science and Engineering C.28 (2008) 731-738.</p><p>168. D. G. Pinachoa, K. Gorgy, S. Cosnier, M.-Pilar Marco, F. J. Sánchez-Baeza, Electrogeneration of polymer films functionalized by fluoroquinolone models for the development of antibiotic immunosensor ITBM-RBM 29 (2008) 181-186.</p><p>169. T. Konry, B.Hadadc, Y. Shemer-Avni, S.Cosnier, R. S. Marks ITO pattern fabrication of glass platforms for electropolymerization of light sensitive polymer for its conjugation to bioreceptors on a micro-array Talanta, 75 (2008) 564-571. </p><p>170. S. Cosnier, R. Ionescu, M. Keddam, V. Vivier Carbon cavity microelectrode for electrical wiring of enzyme by insoluble electroactive species in aqueous media Electroanalysis, 20 (2008) 750-756.</p><p>171. H. Barhoumi, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier, C. Martelet, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, Urease immobilization on biotinylated polypyrrole coated ChemFEC devices for urea biosensor development ITBM-RBM 29 (2008) 192-201.</p><p>15 172. T. Konry, Y. Heyman, S. Cosnier, K. Gorgy, R.S. Marks Characterization of thin poly(pyrrole-benzophenone) film morphologies electropolymerized on indium tin oxide coated optic fibers for electrochemical and optical biosensing Electrochim. Acta, 53 (2008) 5128-5135.</p><p>173. S. Cosnier, P. Mailley Recent advances in DNA sensors The Analyst 133 (2008) 984-991.</p><p>174. S-N. Ding, S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, X. Wang Electrochemical fabrication of novel fluorescent polymeric film: poly(pyrrole-pyrene). Electrochem. Commun. 10 (2008) 1423-1426.</p><p>175. D. Shan, Q. Li, H. Xue, S. Cosnier, A highly reversible and sensitive tyrosinase inhibition-based amperometric biosensor for benzoic acid monitoring. Sensors and Actuators B, 134 (2008) 1016-1021.</p><p>176. P. Goldberg-Oppenheimer, S. Cosnier, R. Marks and O. Regev Preparation and characterization of a novel poly-pyrrole benzophenone copolymerized silica nanocomposite as a reagent in a visual immunologic-agglutination test Talanta. 75 (2008) 1324-1331. </p><p>177. S. Cosnier, R. Ionescu, M. Holzinger Aqueous dispersions of SWCNTs using pyrrolic surfactants for the electro-generation of homogeneous nanotube-composites. Application to the design of amperometric biosensor J. Mater. Chem. 42 (2008) 5129-5133.</p><p>178. R. E. Ionescu, C. Fillit, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, S. Cosnier Urease–gelatin interdigitated microelectrodes for the conductometric determination of protease activity Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2008) 489-492.</p><p>179. S. Cosnier, S. Da Silva, D. Shan, K. Gorgy Electrochemical nitrate biosensor based on poly(pyrrole-viologen) film-Nitrate Reductase-clay composite Bioelectrochemistry 74 (2008) 47-51. </p><p>180. C. L. Aravinda, S. Cosnier, W. Chen, N. V. Myung, A. Mulchandani Label-free detection of cupric ions and histidine-tagged proteins using single poly(pyrrole)-NTA chelator conducting polymer nanotube chemiresistive Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 1451-1455.</p><p>181. D. Shan, Y. Wang, M. Zhu, H. Xue, S. Cosnier, C. Wang Development of a High Analytical Performance-Xanthine Biosensor Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Modified-Electrode and Investigation of the Inhibitory Effect by Allopurinol Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 1171-1176.</p><p>182. M. Holzinger, L. Bouffier, R. Villalonga, S. Cosnier Adamantane/β-Cyclodextrin Affinity Biosensors based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 1128-1134.</p><p>183. D. Shan, Y. Wang, H. Xue, S. Cosnier Sensitive and selective xanthine amperometric sensors based on calcium carbonate nanoparticles. Sensors and Actuators B, 136 (2009) 510-515.</p><p>16 184. A.V. Borisova, E. E. Karyakina, S. Cosnier, A. A. Karyakin Current-free deposition of prussian blue with organic polymers: towards improved stability and mass production of the advanced hydrogen peroxide transducer Electroanalysis, 21 (2009) 409-414.</p><p>185. D. Shan, G. Cheng, D. Zhu, H. Xue, S. Cosnier, S. Ding Direct electrochemistry of hemoglobin in poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) and its catalysis to H2O2 Sensors and Actuators B, 137 (2009) 259-265.</p><p>186. I.Nită, K. Abu-Rabeah, A. M. Tencaliec, S. Cosnier, R. S. Marks Amperometric biosensor based on the electro-copolymerization of a conductive biotinylated- pyrrole and alginate-pyrrole Synthetic Metals., 159 (2009) 1117-1122.</p><p>187. S. Cosnier, S. Ding, K. Gorgy, A. Pellissier, M. Holzinger, B. Pérez López, A. Merkoçi Permeability improvement of electropolymerized polypyrrole films in water using magnetic hydrophilic microbeads Electroanalysis., 21 (2009) 887-890.</p><p>188. D. Shan, Yan-Na. Wang, H. Xue, S. Cosnier, S. Ding Xanthine oxidase/laponite nanoparticles immobilized on glassy carbon electrode : direct electron transfer and multielectrocatalysis Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 3556-3561.</p><p>189. M. Holzinger, R. Haddad, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier Amperometric Biosensors based on Biotinylated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (2009) 6042-6046.</p><p>190. D. Shan, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Xue S. Cosnier Polycrystalline Bismuth Oxide Films for Dramatic Development of Amperometric Biosensor for Phenolic Compounds Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 3671-3676.</p><p>191. K. Abu-Rabeah, D. Atias, S. Herrmann, J. Frenkel, D. Tavor , S. Cosnier, R. S. Marks Characterization of electrogenerated polypyrrole-benzophenone films coated on poly (pyrrole- methyl metacrylate) optic-conductive fibers Langmuir, 25 (2009) 10384-10389.</p><p>192. Zazoua, M. Hnaien, S. Cosnier, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, R. Kherrat A new HRP/catalase biosensor based on microconductometric transduction for nitrite determination Materials Science and Engineering C, 29 (2009) 1919-1922.</p><p>193. D. Atias, K. Abu-Rabeah, S. Herrmann, J. Frenkel, D. Tavor , S. Cosnier, R. S. Marks Poly (methyl metacrylate) conductive fiber optic transducers as dual biosensor platforms Biosens. & Bioelectron., 24 (2009) 3683-3687.</p><p>194. F. Giroud, K. Gorgy, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier, D. G. Pinacho, M.-Pilar Marco, F. J. Sánchez- Baeza Impedimetric immunosensor based on a poly(pyrrole-antibiotic model) film for the label-free picomolar detection of ciprofloxacin Anal. Chem , 81 (2009) 8405-8409.</p><p>195. R. Haddad, S. Cosnier, A.Maaref, M. Holzinger</p><p>17 Non-covalent biofunctionnalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes via biotin attachment by π- stacking interactions and pyrrole polymerization The Analyst, 134 (2009) 2412-2418.</p><p>196. S.-H. Ding, D. Shan, H. Xue, D._B. Zhu, S. Cosnier Glucose oxidase immobilized in alginate/layered double hydroxides hybrid membrane and its biosensing application Analytical Sciences, 25 (2009) 1421-1425.</p><p>197. S. Ding, D. Shan, W.J. Yao, H. Xue, Y.M. Sun, S. Cosnier The unmediated choline sensor based on layered double hydroxides in hydrogen peroxide detection mode Science in China series B-Chemistry., 52 (2009) 2281-2286.</p><p>198. R. Haddad, S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, A. Maaref Electrochemical characterization of biotin functionalized and regular single-walled carbon nanotube coatings. Application to amperometric glucose biosensors Sensor Letters 7 (2009) 801-805.</p><p>199. S. Cosnier, D. Shan, S. Ding An easy compartment-less biofuel cell construction based on the physical co-inclusion of enzyme and mediator redox within pressed graphite discs Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010) 266-269.</p><p>200. D. Shan, S.-H. Ding, J.-J. Xud, Wei Zhuc, T. Zhang, H.-Y. Chen, S. Cosnier Electrochemistry and electrochemiluminescence for the host-guest system laponite-tris(2,2’- bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010)227-230.</p><p>201. D. Shan, J. Zhang, H. Xue, S. Ding, S. Cosnier Colloidal laponite nanoparticles: Extended application in direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase and reagentless glucose biosensing Biosens. & Bioelectron., 25 (2010) 1427-1433.</p><p>202. C. Gondran, M. Orio, D. Rigal, B. Galland, L. Bouffier, T. Gulon, S. Cosnier Electropolymerized biotinylated poly (pyrrole-viologen) film as platform for the development of reagentless impedimetric immunosensors. Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010) 311-314.</p><p>203. J. Baur, C. Gondran, M. Holzinger, E. Defrancq, H. Perrot, S. Cosnier, Label-free femtomolar detection of target DNA by impedimetric DNA sensor based on poly(pyrrole-nitrilotriacetic acid) film Anal. Chem. 82 (2010) 1066-1072.</p><p>204. P. Cinquin, C. Gondran, F. Giroud, S. Mazabrard, A. Pellissier, F. Boucher, J.-P. Alcaraz, K. Gorgy, F. Lenouvel, S. Mathé, P. Porcu, S. Cosnier A Glucose BioFuel Cell Implanted in Rats PLoS ONE 5 (2010) e10476.</p><p>205. S.-N. Ding, J.-J. Xu, D. Shan, B.-H. Gao, H.-X. Yang, Y-M. Sun, S. Cosnier Electrochromic response and electrochemiluminescence of CdS nanocrystals thin film in aqueous solution Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010) 713-716.</p><p>206. S.-N. Ding, M. Holzinger, C. Mousty, S. Cosnier, Laccase electrodes based on the combination of single-walled carbon nanotubes and redox layered double hydroxides: Towards the development of biocathode for biofuel cell </p><p>18 J. Power Source, 195 (2010) 4714-4717.</p><p>207. S.-N. Ding, S. Cosnier, D. Shan, Y-M. Sun, Y. Wang Electrogenerated chemiluminescence of poly[(2,2’-bipyridyl)(4-(2-pyrrol-1-ylethyl)-4’-methyl- 2,2’-bipyridyl)2]ruthenium (II) film Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010) 905-908.</p><p>208. R. Haddad, M. Holzinger, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier Pyrene functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes as precursors for high performance biosensors Electrochim Acta, 55 (2010) 7800-7803.</p><p>209. R.E. Ionescu, C. Gondran, L. Bouffier, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, C. Martelet, S. Cosnier Label-free impedimetric immunosensor for sensitive detection of atrazine Electrochim Acta, 55 (2010) 6228-6232.</p><p>210. D. Shan, B. Qian, S.-N. Ding, W. Zhu, S. Cosnier, H.-G. Xue Enhanced solid-state electrochemiluminescence of tris(2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) incorporated into electrospun nanofibrous mat Anal. Chem., 82 (2010) 5892-5896.</p><p>211. J. Baur, M. Holzinger, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier Immobilization of biotinylated biomolecules onto electropolymerized poly(pyrrole- nitrilotriacetic acid)-Cu2+ films Electrochem. Commun., 12 (2010) 1287-1290.</p><p>212. D. Shan, Q.-B. Li, S.-N. Ding, J.-Q. Xu, S. Cosnier, H.-G. Xue Reagentless biosensor for hydrogen peroxide based on self-assembled films of horseradish peroxidase/laponite/chitosan and the primary investigation on the inhibitory effect by sulfide Biosens. & Bioelectron., 26 (2010) 536-541.</p><p>213. S.-N. Ding, D. Shan, H.-G. Xue, S. Cosnier A promising biosensing-platform based on bismuth oxide polycrystalline-modified electrode: Characterization and its application in development of amperometric glucose sensor Bioelectrochemistry, 79 (2010) 218-222.</p><p>214. C. M. Silveira, J. Baur, M. Holzinger, J. J.G. Moura, S. Cosnier, M. G. Almeida Enhanced direct electron transfer of a multihemic nitrite reductase on single-walled carbon nanotube modified electrodes Electroanalysis, 22 (2010) 2973-2978.</p><p>215. M. Chen, J.-Q. Xu, S.-N. Ding, D. Shan, H.-G. Xue, S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger Poly(brilliant cresyl blue) electrogenerated on single-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrode and its application in mediated biosensing system Sensors and Actuators B, 152 (2011) 14-20.</p><p>216. F. Giroud, C. Gondran, K. Gorgy, A. Pellissier, F. Lenouvel, P. Cinquin, S. Cosnier A quinhydrone BioFuel Cell based on an enzyme-induced pH gradient J. Power Source, 196 (2011) 1329-1332.</p><p>217. S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger Electrogenerated Polymers for Biological Sensors Chem Soc. Reviews, 40 (2011) 2146-2156.</p><p>218. M. Holzinger, J. Baur, R. Haddad, X. Wang, S. Cosnier Multiple Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Dip Coating Chem. Commun., 47 (2011) 2450-2452.</p><p>19 219. A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier Characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotube electrodes functionalized by electropolymerized tris(pyrrole-ether bipyridine) ruthenium (II) Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 3633-3640.</p><p>220. A. Le Goff, S. Cosnier Photocurrent generation by MWCNTs functionalized with bis-cyclometallated Ir(III)- and trisbipyridyl ruthenium(II)- polypyrrole films J. Mater. Chem., 21 (2011) 3910-3915.</p><p>221. R. Haddad, M. Holzinger, R. Villalonga, A. Neumann, J. Roots, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier Pyrene-adamantane-β-cyclodextrin as an efficient host-guest system for the biofunctionalization of SWCNT electrodes. Carbon, 49 (2011) 2571-2578.</p><p>222. A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier Biosensors based on SWCNT-conducting polymer electrodes. The Analyst, 136 (2011) 1279-1287.</p><p>223. G. P. Keeley, A. O’Neill, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier, J. N. Coleman, G. S. Duesberg DMF-exfoliated graphene for electrochemical NADH detection Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13 (2011) 7747 – 7750.</p><p>224. S.-N. Ding, W. Zhu, D. Shan, N. Wan, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier Solid-state electrochemistry and electrochemiluminescence of porous thin film based on [(2,2’- bipyridyl)(4-(2-pyrrol-1-ylethyl)-4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyl)2]ruthenium (II) monomer precipitation Electroanalysis, 23 (2011) 1306-1310.</p><p>225. A. Zebda, C. Gondran, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, P. Cinquin, S. Cosnier Mediatorless high-power glucose biofuel cells based on compressed carbon nanotube-enzyme electrodes Nature Commun., 2 : 370 (2011) doi: 10.1038/ncomms1365.</p><p>226. A. Zebda, S. Tingry, C. Innocent, S. Cosnier, C. Forano C. Mousty Hybrid Layered Double Hydroxides-polypyrrole composites for construction of glucose/O2 biofuel cell. Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 10378-10384.</p><p>227. S. Cosnier, C. Mousty, A. Guelorget, M. Sanchez-Paniagua Lopez, D. Shan A fast and direct amperometric determination of Hg2+ by a bienzyme electrode based on the competitive activities of glucose oxidase and laccase Electroanalysis, 23 (2011) 1776-1779.</p><p>228. E. Eltzov, S. Cosnier, R. S. Marks Biosensors based on combined optical and electrochemical transduction for molecular diagnostics Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 11 (2011) 533-546.</p><p>229. J. Baur, A. Le Goff, S. Dementin, M. Holzinger, M. Rousset, S. Cosnier Three-dimensional carbon nanotube-polypyrrole-[NiFe] hydrogenase electrodes for the efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of H2 Int J Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 12096-12101.</p><p>230. A. Le Goff, K. Gorgy, M. Holzinger, R. Haddad, M. Zimmerman, S. Cosnier</p><p>20 Tris(bispyrene-bipyridine)iron(II): a supramolecular bridge for the biofunctionalization of carbon nanotubes via -stacking and pyrene/-cyclodextrin host-guest interactions Chem. Eur. J., 17 (2011) 10216-10221. </p><p>231. S.-N. Ding, B.-H. Gao, D. Shan, N. Wan, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier Dramatically enhanced solid-state electrochemiluminescence of CdTe quantum dots composed with TiO2 nanoparticles Chem. Eur. J., 18 (2012) 1595-1598. </p><p>232. B. Reuillard, A. Le Goff, C. Agnès, A. Zebda, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier Direct electron transfer between tyrosinase and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for bioelectrocatalytic oxygen reduction Electrochem. Commun., 20 (2012) 19-22.</p><p>233. B.-H. Gao, S.-N. Ding, Q.-Q. Li, D. Shan, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier Solid-state electrochemiluminescence of F-doped SnO2 nanocrystals and its sensing application Electroanalysis, 24 (2012) 1267-1271. </p><p>234. G. P. Keeley, N. McEvoy, H. Nolan, S. Kumar, E. Rezvani, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier, G. S. Duesberg Simultaneous electrochemical determination of dopamine and paracetamol based on thin pyrolytic carbon films Anal. Methods, 4 (2012) 2048-2053.</p><p>235. M. Holzinger, A. Le Goff, S. Cosnier Carbon nanotube/enzyme biofuel cells Electrochim. Acta, 82 (2012) 179-190. </p><p>236. M. Stoytcheva, R. Zlatev, S. Cosnier, M. Arredondo Square wave voltammetric determination of trypsin activity Electrochim. Acta, 76 (2012) 43-47. </p><p>237. R. Haddad, K. Gorgy, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier In situ synthesis of stable mixed ligand Fe2+ complexes of bipyridinyl functionalized electrodes and nanotube supports Chem. Commun., 48 (2012) 6121-6123. </p><p>238. M. Arredondo, M. Stoytcheva, R. Zlatev, S. Cosnier, Electrochemical sensing of trypsin activity ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 1 (2012) B1-B3.</p><p>239. S.-N. Ding, D. Shan, S. Cosnier, A. Le Goff Single-walled carbon nanotubes non-covalently functionalized by ruthenium(II) complex tagged with pyrene: electrochemical and electrogenerated chemiluminescence properties Chem. Eur. J.,18 (2012)11564-11568. </p><p>240. A. Zebda, C. Gondran, P. Cinquin, S. Cosnier Glucose biofuel cell construction based on enzyme, graphite particle and redox mediator compression Sensors & Actuators, B 173 (2012) 760-764.</p><p>241. K. Elouarzaki, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, J. Thery, S. Cosnier Electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose by rhodium porphyrin-functionalized MWCNT electrodes: application to a fully molecular catalyst-based glucose/O2 fuel cell J. Am. Chem; Soc., 134 (2012) 14078-14085. </p><p>242. M. Holzinger, M. Singh, S. Cosnier</p><p>21 Biotin - β-cyclodextrin: a new host-guest system for the immobilization of biomolecules. Langmuir, 28 (2012) 12569-12574. </p><p>243. F. Giroud, C. Gondran, K. Gorgy, V. Vivier, S. Cosnier An enzymatic biofuel cell based on electrically wired polyphenol oxidase and glucose oxidase operating under physiological conditions Electrochim. Acta, 85 (2012) 278-282.</p><p>244. S. Cosnier, S.-N. Ding Enhanced solid-state electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+ immobilized on laponite gel- state network and its glucose biosensing application. RSC Advances., 2 (2012) 10813-10816.</p><p>245. M.-R. Bujduveanu, W. Yao, A. Le Goff, K. Gorgy, D. Shan, G.-W. Diao, E.-M. Ungureanu, S. Cosnier Multi-walled carbon nanotube-CaCO3 nanoparticle composites for the construction of a tyrosinase-based amperometric dopamine biosensor Electroanalysis, 25 (2013) 613-619. </p><p>246. H. Xu, K. Gorgy A. Le Goff, N. Spinelli, C. Lopez, E. Defrancq, S. Cosnier Label-free impedimetric thrombin sensor based on poly(pyrrole-nitrilotriacetic acid)-aptamer film. Biosens. & Bioelectron., 41 (2013) 90-95. </p><p>247. M. Stoytcheva, R. Zlatev, S. Cosnier, M. Arredondo, B. Valdez High sensitive trypsin activity evaluation applying a nanostructured QCM-sensor Biosens. & Bioelectron., 41 (2013) 862-866. </p><p>248. S.-N. Ding, B.-H. Gao, D. Shan, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier TiO2 nanocrystals electrochemiluminescence quenching by biological enlarged nanogold particles and its application for biosensing Biosens. & Bioelectron., 39 (2013) 342-345. </p><p>249. W. Yao, A. Le Goff, N. Spinelli, M. Holzinger, G.-W. Diao, D. Shan, E. Defrancq, S. Cosnier Electrogenerated trisbipyridyl Ru(II)-/nitrilotriacetic-polypyrene copolymer for the easy fabrication of label-free photoelectrochemical immunosensor and aptasensor. Application to the determination of thrombin and anti-cholera toxin antibody. Biosens. & Bioelectron., 42 (2013) 556-562. </p><p>250. B.-H. Gao, S.-N. Ding, Y.-H. Wang, Y. Dai, J. Xia, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier A solid-state electrochemiluminescence ethanol biosensor based on electrogenerated poly(pyrrole- tris (2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)) film/alcohol dehydrogenase/laponite composite Electroanalysis, 25 (2013) 697-702. </p><p>251. B. Reuillard, A. Le Goff, C. Agnès, M. Holzinger, A. Zebda, C. Gondran, K. Elouarzaki, S. Cosnier High power enzymatic biofuel cell based on naphtoquinone-mediated oxidation of glucose by glucose oxidase in a carbon nanotube 3D matrix Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15 (2013) 4892-4896. </p><p>252. J. Xia, S.-N. Ding, B.-H. Gao, Y.-M. Sun, Y.-H. Wang, S. Cosnier , X. Guo A biosensing application based on quenching the enhanced electrochemiluminescence of poly[tris(N-bipyridylethyl)pyrrole] ruthenium(II) film by Au nanoparticles. J. Electroanal. Chem., 692 (2013) 60–65. </p><p>253. A. Zebda, S. Cosnier, J.-P. Alcaraz, M. Holzinger, A. Le Goff, C. Gondran, F. Boucher, F. Giroud, K. Gorgy, H. Lamraoui, P. Cinquin Single Glucose Biofuel Cells Implanted in Rats Power Electronic Devices</p><p>22 Nature Publishing Group, Sci. Rep., 3 (2013)1516 doi:10.1038/srep01516.</p><p>254. D. Shan, B. Qian, S.-N. Ding, Y.-S. Wang, S. Cosnier , X.-J. Zhang Flexible metallization of electrospun nanofibers: Dramatically enhanced solid-state electrochemistry and electrochemiluminescence of the immobilized tris(2,2_- bipyridyl)ruthenium(II). Sensors & Actuators, B 181 (2013) 159-165. </p><p>255. V. Papper, K. Gorgy , K. Elouarzaki, A. Sukharaharja, S. Cosnier, R. Marks Biofunctionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by irradiation of electropolymerized poly(pyrrole-diazirine) films Chem. Eur. J., 19 (2013) 9639-9643. </p><p>256. M. Bourourou, K. Elouarzaki, N. Lalaoui, C. Agnès, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier Supramolecular immobilization of laccases on carbon nanotube electrodes functionalized with (methylpyrenylaminomethyl)anthraquinone for direct electron reduction of oxygen Chem. Eur. J., 19 (2013) 9371-9375. </p><p>257. C. Agnès, B. Reuillard, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier A double-walled carbon nanotube-based glucose/H2O2 biofuel cell operating under physiological conditions Electrochem. Commun., 34 (2013) 105-108. </p><p>258. B.-H. Gao, S.-N. Ding, K. Osman, Y.-S. Wang, Y.-M. Sun, S. Cosnier Enhanced electrochemiluminescence of peroxydisulfate by electrodeposited Au nanoparticles and its biosensing application via integrating biocatalytic precipitation using self-assembly bi- enzymes. J. Electroanal. Chem., 703 (2013) 9-13. </p><p>259. M. Singh, M. Holzinger, O. Biloivan, S. Cosnier 3D – Nanostructured scaffold electrodes based on single-walled carbon nanotubes and nanodiamonds for high performance biosensors. Carbon, 61 (2013) 349-356. </p><p>260. A. Cernat, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, R. Sandulescu, S. Cosnier Micro to nanostructured poly(pyrrole-nitrilotriacetic acid) films via nanosphere templates: applications to 3D enzyme attachment by affinity interaction. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., in press. </p><p>261. A. Le Goff, B. Reuillard, S. Cosnier A pyrene-substituted tris-bipyridine osmium(II) complex as a versatile redox probe for characterizing and functionalizing carbon nanotube- and graphene-based electrodes action. Langmuir, in press. </p><p>262. C. Gondran, M.-P. Dubois, S. Fort, S. Cosnier Electrogenerated poly(pyrrole-lactosyl) and poly(pyrrole-3’-sialyllactosyl) interfaces: towards the impedimetric detection of lectins. Frontiers in Anal. Chem, 1(10) (2013) 1-8. </p><p>263. N. Lalaoui, K. Elouarzaki, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier Efficient direct oxygen reduction by laccases attached and oriented on pyrene-functionalized polypyrrole/carbon nanotube electrodes Chem. Commun, 49 (2013) 9281-9283. </p><p>264. S.-N. Ding, J.-F. Chen, J. Xia, Y.-H. Wang, S. Cosnier</p><p>23 Voltammetric detection of heparin based on anion exchange at electropolymeric film of pyrrole- alkylammonium cationic surfactant and MWCNTs composite Electrochem. Commun, in press.</p><p>265. G. P. Keeley, A. O’Neill, M. Holzinger, S. Cosnier, J. N. Coleman, G. S. Duesberg Prussian blue-functionalised graphene in the amperometric detection of peroxide and hydrazin. Technology Journal, doi: 10.1142/S2339547813500052. </p><p>266. S. Cosnier, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger Towards glucose biofuel cells implanted in human body for powering artificial organs: Review. Electrochem. Commun, in press..</p><p>267. B. Seven, M. Bourourou, K. Elouarzaki, J.-F. Constant, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, S. Timur. Impedimetric Biosensor for Cancer Cell Detection. Electrochem. Commun, in press..</p><p>268. K. Elouarzaki, R. Haddad, M. Holzinger, A. Le Goff, J.Thery, S. Cosnier. MWCNT-supported Phthalocyanine Cobalt as air-breathing cathodic catalyst in glucose/O2 fuel cells. J. Power Source, in press..</p><p>Brevets</p><p>1. S. COSNIER, Electrically conductive polymers containing biotin and their preparation. Industriel déposant : Biopixel Ltd (Israël) US Patent number 09/376-692 déposé le 18 août 1999. USXXAM US 6197881 B1 20010306 (2001) 2. S. COSNIER, Electropolymères photogreffables, leur procédé d’obtention et leurs applications comme supports de sonde de reconnaissance spécifique dans des biocapteurs électrochimiques. Industriel déposant: UJF Industrie Brevet Français d’Invention n° 9910589 déposé le 11 août 1999. Publié le 9 mars 2001 sous le numéro 2798146 3. S. COSNIER, Electrically conductive polymers capable of being covalently grafted on by light, method for obtaining same and uses as supports in probes for specific identification in electronic biosensors. PCT/FR00/02267 déposé le 7 août 2000. WO 0112699 A1 20010222 (2001) 4. S. COSNIER, T. KONRY, R. MARKS et A. NOVOA Indium-tin-oxide-coated fibers for probe immobilization via electrochemistry. US Patent number 60/401, 330 enregistré le 8 juillet 2002. Déposant : Ben Gurion University (Israël)</p><p>5. R. MARKS, S. COSNIER, A. KHALIL, R. IONESCU, B. POLYAK Hydrogel functionalized with a polymerizable moiety and their uses as biosensors or bioreactors PCT/EP2005/054846 dépôt international le 27 septembre 2005. WO/2007/038982 international publication number (12.04.2007) C08B 37/00 (2006.01) international classification number</p><p>24 Part d’inventivité : Cosnier (35 %) Déposants : Université Joseph Fourier et Ben Gurion University (Israël)</p><p>6. S. Cosnier, R. Ionescu, R. Marks Biosensor and method of detection of a DNA sequence n° de dépôt US 11/824,799 enregistré le 2 juillet 2007 Part d’inventivité : Cosnier (50 %) Déposants : Université Joseph Fourier et Ben Gurion University (Israël)</p><p>7. A. Pellissier, C. Gondran, F. Lenouvel, P. Cinquin, S. Cosnier S. Mathé Biopile à rendement amélioré Brevet Français déposé le 9 avril 2008 sous le numéro 0852383 Extension Europe PCT/FR2009/050639 : Improved efficiency biofuel cell Déposant : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>8. S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, R. Ionescu electropolymerizable surfactant for dispersing carbon nanotubes n° de dépôt en Europe n° EP08101212.2-1221 enregistré le 1 février 2008 PCT/EP 2009/050911 du 28 janvier 2009. Europe n° 09706787.0 (26 août 2010) WO 2009/095390 international publication number (06-08-2009) n° de dépôt US 201010330370 publié le 30 décembre 2010 Part d’inventivité : Cosnier (30 %) Déposants : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>9. S. Cosnier, C. Gondran, F. Giroud, P. Cinquin Biopile à glucose Brevet Français déposé le 8 avril 2010 sous le numéro 0/52657 Déposant : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>10. S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, A. Le Goff, A. Zebda Biopile à transfert direct Brevet Français déposé le 19 août 2010 sous le numéro FR10.56672 Extension PCT déposé le 19 août 2011 PCT/ FR10.56672/051931 Déposant : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>11. S. Cosnier, C. Gondran, F. Giroud, P. Cinquin Glucose biofuel cell US Patent number 12/944381 publié le 11 novembre 2010 Déposant : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>12. S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger, A. Le Goff, C. Agnès Supercondensateur électrochimique Brevet Français déposé le 7 mars 2013 sous le numéro 13/52046 Déposant : Université Joseph Fourier et CNRS</p><p>Livre</p><p>1. S. Cosnier, A. Karyakin, Electropolymerization: Concepts, Materials and Applications. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH. SBN: 3527324143; EAN: 9783527324149; 296 pages. Date de publication : 14 juillet 2010.</p><p>2. S. Cosnier Electrochemical biosensors.</p><p>25 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing; Print ISBN: 978-981-4411-46-2 eBook ISBN: 978-981- 4411-47-9.350 pages ; Cost: US$149.95. Date de publication : 2013.</p><p>Chapitre de livre</p><p>1 S. Cosnier, P. Labbé, Poly(amphiphilic-pyrrole)-enzyme electrode : a new approach for biosensor construction. Uses of Immobilized Biological Compounds. Editeurs George G. Guilbault and Marco Mascini. NATO ASI Series, Series E : Applied Sciences, Kluwer academic publishers, 1993, vol. 252, p. 231-244. 2 S. COSNIER, Connexion électrique d’enzymes et coenzymes. Les Capteurs Chimiques. Editeurs JAFFREZIC, E. SOUTEYRAND, C. MARTELET, S. COSNIER, P. LABBE et C. PIJOLAT, ISBN 2-907922-51-3-1997.</p><p>3 A. WALCARIUS, C. GONDRAN, S. COSNIER, Capteurs ampérométriques. Microcapteurs chimiques et biologiques. Edition Hermès Science, ISBN 2-7462-0743-5. Lavoisier, 2003, p.135-190.</p><p>4 S. COSNIER, Recent advances in electrochemical and photochemical transduction strategies for immunosensors based on electropolymerized films. Dennis Morrison, Fred Milanovich, Dmitri Ivnitski and Thomas R. Austin (eds.)."Defense against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial Opportunities". NATO series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, NAII, vol. 195 Copyright 2005 Springer, p. 165-173.</p><p>5 R. E. Ionescu, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier et R. S. Marks Construction of amperometric immunosensors for the analysis of cholera antitoxin and comparison of the performances between three different enzyme markers. “Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry” Volume 49 : Electrochemical Sensor Analysis, edited by Dr. Salvador Alegret and Dr. Arben Merkoci ; ISBN CD-ROM : 978-0-444-53053-0 ISSN: 0166- 526X, Copyright 2007 Elsevier; Book Procedure 26, p e185-e194. . 6 S. Cosnier et M. Holzinger Immunosensors for clinical and environmental applications based on electropolymerized films. Analysis of cholera toxin and hepatitis C virus antibodies in water and serum. “Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry” Volume 49 : Electrochemical Sensor Analysis, edited by Dr. Salvador Alegret and Dr. Arben Merkoci ; ISBN : 978-0-444-53053-0. Copyright 2007 Elsevier; Book Chapter 18 p 381-402.</p><p>7 S. Cosnier Immobilization of biomolecules by electropolymerized films « Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips » edited by Marks, R.S., D. Cullen, C. Lowe, H.H. Weetall and I. Karube (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd Publishers 2007, vol. 1, p. 237-249.</p><p>8 S. Cosnier, R. E. Ionescu, M. Keddam, V. Vivier Application des microélectrodes à cavité en carbone à la connexion électrique d’enzymes « Microélectrode à cavité » Edition PSE, ISBN : 978-286272-500-0 ;avril 2009, p.175-186.</p><p>26 9 A. Walcarius, C. Gondran, S. Cosnier Amperometric sensors “ Chemical and Biochemical Microsensors” edited by J. Fouletier and P. Fabry. John Wiley & Sons Ltd and ISTE Ltd Publishers 2010. Book chapter 5, pp 115-171 </p><p>10 S. Cosnier, M. Holzinger Biosensors based on electropolymerized films “Chemical and Biochemical Microsensors” edited by S. Cosnier and A. Karyakin. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Publishers 2010. Book chapter 10, pp 189-213. </p><p>11 S. Cosnier Biopiles « Capteurs chimiques, biocapteurs et biopuces » Ed. R. Lalauze, Lavoisier Hermès, Paris 2012,ISBN 978-2-7462-3832-9, pp 363-377.</p><p>12 S. Cosnier Biofuel cells « Chemical Sensors and Biosensors » Ed. R. Lalauze, ISTE and Wiley, London 2012, ISBN 978- 1-84821-403-3, pp 409-423.</p><p>13 S. Cosnier, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger Nanomaterials for enzyme biofuel cells « Nanobioelectrochemistry from implantable biosensors to green power generation » Ed. F. N. Crespilho, SpringerLink, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29250-7, pp 49-66.</p><p>14 R. E. Ionescu, S. Cosnier, V. Magearu, R. S. Marks Amperometric immuno- and DNA sensors for rapid and specific identification of viruses. Pan Stanford Series on the High-Tech of Biotechnology: “Viral Diagnostics: Advances and Applications” R. Marks, series editor. Publisher: Stanford Chong Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013, in press</p><p>15 S. Cosnier, G. Keeley Amperometric Enzyme Electrodes Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing; Print ISBN: 978-981-4411-46-2 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4411- 47-9.</p><p>16 S. Cosnier, A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger Conductive Polymers: Immobilization of Macromolecular Bio-entities « Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry» Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014.</p><p>Thèses</p><p>- S. COSNIER, Associations moléculaires et propriétés interfaciales de sels d’alkyl-4 pyridines, inhibiteurs de corrosion. Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 1982. - S. COSNIER, Electrodes modifiées par des films de polypyrroles N-substitués par des complexes tris(bipyridine- 2,2’) de ruthénium(II) ou mono(bipyridine-2,2’) tris carbonyle de rhénium(I). Applications à la photoélectrochimie et à l’électrocatalyse. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 1988.</p><p>27 Editeur sur invitation</p><p>- S. COSNIER et R. MARKS, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, « Biosensors and Biochips ». Humana press, 2000, volume 89, n°2-3, pp. 105-211. Introduction, S. COSNIER et R. MARKS, pp. 105-106 - S. COSNIER et R. MARKS Talanta : The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry. Elsevier, 2001, volume 55, n° 5, pp 879-1038. Editorial, S. COSNIER et R. MARKS, pp. 879-880. - S. Cosnier and A. Kuhn Electroanalysis. Topical Cluster: Electroanalysis in France, vol 25 (2013) pp. 585-693 (13 articles) Editorial for the French Issue, S. Cosnier and A. Kuhn, pp. 585. </p><p>Proceedings avec comité de lecture</p><p>1 S. COSNIER et C. INNOCENT, A tyrosinase polymer electrode as bioamperometric sensor for neurotransmitter detection. Proc. 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society, Lyon, 1992, 188-192. 2 S. COSNIER, New amperometric microbiosensors for the determination of extracellular neurotransmitters. J. Neurochem., 63 (1994) 543. 3 S. AMEUR, H. MAUPAS, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC-RENALUT, H. BEN OUADA, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Impedimetric measurements onto polarized functionalized platinum electrodes. Application to direct immunosensing. Proc. Eurosensors XI, The 11th European Conference on Solid State Transducers, Warsaw, Pologne, (1997) 715-718. 4 S. POYARD, C. MARTELET, N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, S. COSNIER et P. LABBE, Association of a poly (4-vinylpyridine-co-styrene) membrane with an inorganic/organic mixed matrix for the optimization of glucose biosensors. Proc. Eurosensors XII, 12th Eur. Conf. Solid-State Transducers 9th UK Conf. Sens. Their Appl. (1998) 707-710. 5 M. AMOUNAS, C. INNOCENT, P. SETA et S. COSNIER, Nouvelles membranes réactives à enzymes immobilisées par reconnaissance moléculaire, 74 (2000) 213. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. Intégration des Membranes dans les Procédés. Editeur : Société Française de Génie des Procédés ,74 (2000) 213. 6 O. KUTZKI, M. WEDEL, F.-P. MONTFORTS, S. SMIRNOV, S. COSNIER et A. WALTER, Synthesis and properties of novel-fullerene dyads for the investigation of light induced energy and electron transfer. Proc. Electrochemical Society : Fullerenes Electrochemistry and Photochemistry, 8 (2000) 172- 181. 7 S. COSNIER, C. MOUSTY, S. MU et D. SHAN, Amperometric biosensors for the determination of water pollutants. Proc. Colloque Franco-Chinois sur la protection et utilisation durable de la ressource en eau. MOST (2002) 381-384. </p><p>8 S. DA SILVA, D. SHAN, S. COSNIER, J. POMMIER et G. GIORDANO, </p><p>28 A new composite redox polymer-clay host matrix for the immobilization and electrical wiring of nitrate reductase. Proc. Eurosensors XVII, European Conference on Solid State Transducers, Guimaraes, Portugal, (2003) 765-768. </p><p>9 S. COSNIER, Electrogenerated affinity polymers for the immobilization of biomolecules : from microbiosensors to bioreactors Proc. Electrochemical Society : Analytical, Mechanistic and Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry, editors J. Lessard, P. Hapiot and I. Nishiguchi, 10 (2004) 81-84. </p><p>10 S. COSNIER, Optical and amperometric biosensors based on electrogenerated polymers Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pollution Control and Resource Reuse for a Better Tomorrow and Sustainable Economy 2005(part two) pp. 13-17.</p><p>11 S. COSNIER, Bioarchitectures based on Functionalized Films and Carbon Nanotubes for Electroanalysis or Energy Conversion Proceedings of the 4th ISEAC International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications. Editors: Suresh K. Aggarwal, Saurav K. Guin ISBN No: 978-81-901950-3-4 DM- ISEAC-2011 pp. 26-35.</p><p>12 M. Holzinger, R. Haddad, A. Le Goff, J. Baur, S. Cosnier Immobilization and Wiring of Redox Enzymes on Carbon Nanotubes Proc. Book of the 17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (RICCCE 17), Romania, S6.1-S6.8, 2011, Polytehnica Press, CNCSIS code: 19/2011, ISSN: 2247-5389</p><p>13 S. COSNIER, Development of biosensors, biofuel cells and abiotic fuel cells based on carbon nanotubes Proceedings of the 5th ISEAC International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications. Editors: Suresh K. Aggarwal, Saurav K. Guin, Manoj K. Kamat ,Arvind S. Ambolikar ISBN No: 978-81-901950-5-8 ISEAC-2013 pp. 97-100.</p><p>Conférences invitées dans des Congrès CP Conférence plénière CS Conférence de section</p><p>1 S. COSNIER,* (CS) Poly(amphiphilic pyrrole)-enzyme electrode : A new approach for biosensor construction. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Uses of immobilized biological compounds for detection, medical, food and environmental analysis, 9-14 mai 1993, Bressanone (Italie).</p><p>2 S. COSNIER,* (CS) New amperometric microbiosensors for the determination of extracellular neurotransmitters. 10th European Society for Neurochemistry Meeting, Jerusalem (Israel), 14-18 août 1994.</p><p>3 S. COSNIER,* (CP) New biosensors based on the immobilization and electrical wiring of enzymes by organic redox polymer or/and inorganic materials. Deauville Conference 95, 3nd Symposium on Analytical Sciences, Paris, 28-30 mars 1995. 4 S. COSNIER, (CS)</p><p>* Frais d’inscription, de séjour et de voyage payés par les organisateurs.</p><p>29 Le polypyrrole : une approche originale pour l'immobilisation et la connexion électrique d'enzymes. Journées d'Etudes de la Société des Electriciens et des Electroniciens, Application des Polymères Conducteurs Intrinsèques de l'Electricité, Grenoble, 14-15 novembre 1995.</p><p>5 S. COSNIER,* (CS) Preparation and characterization of electropolymerized Ni(II) and Mn(II) polyfluorinated porphyrins. European Minisymposium on "Redox chemistry and catalysis in the microenvironment of electrode surfaces", Bern (Suisse), 16-18 février 1996.</p><p>6 S. COSNIER,* (CP) Polypyrrole host matrices : a convenient tool for multienzymes and additives entrapment. Deauville Conference 96, 4th Symposium on Analytical Sciences, Bruxelles (Belgique), 3-5 juin 1996. 7 S. COSNIER, (CS) Biocapteurs à détection électrochimique. ADEBIO-Alpes, Nouvelles Approches Analytiques en Biotechnologie, Grenoble, 24-25 avril 1997. 8 S. COSNIER, (CS) Poly(pyrroles amphiphiles)-enzymes : des biocapteurs ampérométriques performants : du dosage in vivo au contrôle de l’environnement. Journées d'Electrochimie 1997, Montréal (Canada), 2-5 juillet 1997. </p><p>9 S. COSNIER,* (CP) Designing amperometric biosensors by electropolymerization of amphiphilic pyrrole derivatives. Bio/chemical analytical sensors symposium, Beer-Sheva (Israel), 10 décembre 1997.</p><p>10 S. COSNIER,* (CS) Functionalized polypyrroles : a sophisticated glue for the immobilization and electrical wiring of biomolecules. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM 98), Montpellier, 11-18 Juillet 1998.</p><p>11 S. COSNIER,* (CP) Enzyme immobilization on electrode surfaces by entrapment or affinity within polypyrrole films. 5th Workshop of the European Science Foundation Programme on Artificial Biosensing Interfaces (ESF-ABI) « Biomolecular Recognition and Signal Transduction », Pise (Italie), 22-25 Octobre 1998.</p><p>12 S. COSNIER,* (CP) Biosensors based on polypyrrole matrices : new perspectives. The First France-Israel Bi-National Workshop on Biosensors and Biochips, Beer-Sheva (Israël), 27-28 Octobre 1998.</p><p>13 S. COSNIER,* (CP) Immobilisation de macromolécules biologiques à la surface de films polymères électrogénérés par greffage chimique, affinité ou encagement. 8èmes Journées Polymères Conducteurs, Aussois (France), 20-24 Septembre 1999.</p><p>14 S. COSNIER,* Immobilization of biological macromolecules via electrogenerated polymers. UK-French International Workshop in Electrochemical and Fluorescence Sensing within Microstructured Biological Sensors, Saint -Germain-au-Mont-d'Or (France), 8-10 mars 2000.</p><p>30 15 S. COSNIER* Fabrication de biocapteurs par immobilisation électrochimique d’enzymes. Application à l’environnement et au biomédical. Journée d’Etude de la Société des Electriciens et des Electroniciens (SEE) « Les biocapteurs », Paris, 21 mars 2000. 16 S. COSNIER*, (CP) Amperometric biosensors based on electrogenerated polymers for the detection of water pollutants. Envirobiosens, New Trends in Biosensing for Environmental Applications, Cargèse (Corse), 1-4 mai 2000.</p><p>17 S. COSNIER*, (CS) Controlled complex architectures of biosensors based on electropolymerized film. 2nd France-Israel Workshop on Bioanalytical Sensors, Biochips and Nanobiotechnology, Autrans, 11-15 décembre 2000.</p><p>18 S. COSNIER*, Functionalized polypyrroles for the immobilization of proteins by entrapment, affinity or photografting. 4èmes Rencontres Franco-Japonaises « Biosensors and Bioelectronics », Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Université de Tokyo, Tokyo (Japon), 23-26 octobre 2001.</p><p>19 S. COSNIER*, (CS) Immobilisation de protéines par des polymères électrogénérés via des phénomènes d’encagement, d’interaction affine ou de photogreffage. Journées MAGHREB-EUROPE sur les matériaux et leurs applications aux dispositifs capteurs (MADICA), Hammamet (Tunisie), 29-31 octobre 2001.</p><p>20 S. COSNIER,* (CS) Amperometric biosensors for the determination of water pollutants. Worshop Franco-Chinois sur la protection et utilisation durable de la ressource en eau & United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ONUDI), Shanghai (Chine), 5-9 novembre 2002.</p><p>21 S. COSNIER,* Biosensors for aquatic pollutants. International Environmental Technologies Workshop, Tapei (Taiwan), 30 mars-2 avril 2003.</p><p>22 S. COSNIER* (CP) Biosensors based on electrogenerated conductive polymers. International Symposium on Sensor Science – I3S 2003, Paris, 16-20 juin 2003.</p><p>23 S. COSNIER Biosensors based on electropolymerized films: new trends. 10th International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Beijing (Chine), 13-16 octobre 2003.</p><p>24 S. COSNIER,* Biotinylated polymers: application to the elaboration of bioanalytical devices. 3rd Bi-National France-Israël Workshop on Biosensors, Biochips and Nanobiotechnology, Eilat (Israël), 30 novembre-4 décembre 2003.</p><p>25 S. COSNIER </p><p>31 Electrogenerated affinity polymers for the immobilization of biomolecules : from microbiosensors to bioreactors. 205th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio (USA), 9-13 mai 2004.</p><p>26 S. COSNIER Design of electrochemical and optical enzyme sensors and immunosensors based on electrogenerated polymers. The Eighth World Congress on Biosensors, Grenade (Espagne), 24-26 mai 2004.</p><p>27 S. COSNIER* (CP) Recent advances in electrochemical and photochemical transduction strategies for immunosensors based on electropolymerized films. NATO-Russia Workshop on Defense against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation, Strategies and Commercial Opportunities, Madrid (Espagne), 26-29 mai 2004.</p><p>28 S. COSNIER,* Electrochemical immobilization and transduction of biological processes. 2nd France-China Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest. Biosensor Applications, Céret, 13-16 octobre 2004.</p><p>29 S. COSNIER* (CS) Nanobiointerfaces à base de films polymères. 17éme Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier « Nanobiointerfaces pour les dispositifs intelligent- Nanointerface in biosmart tools », Montréal (Canada), 6-8 octobre 2004.</p><p>30 S. COSNIER* (CS) Nanoassemblages biologiques sur électrodes ou fibres optiques : application à l’analyse environmentale et clinique. 4èmes Journées Maghreb-Europe : Madica 2004 : les matériaux et leurs applications aux dispositifs et capteurs, Tunis (Tunisie), 29 novembre-1er décembre 2004.</p><p>31 S. COSNIER (CS) Nanostructured enzyme sensors and immunosensors based on the electrogeneration of functionalized polymers 207th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Québec (Canada), 15-20 mai 2005.</p><p>32 S. COSNIER* Biointerfaces nanostructurées: applications aux biocapteurs électrochimiques et optiques Société Française de Chimie Section Rhône-Alpes, Chambéry, 16 juin 2005</p><p>33 S. COSNIER Bioanalytical devices based on nanobiostructured architectures Analytical Instrumentation 2005, Saint Petersbourg (Russie), 27 juin-1er juillet 2005. </p><p>34 S. COSNIER (CS) Biosensors at the convergence of electrochemistry, organic chemistry and biology. SFC-Eurochem, Nancy, 28 août-1er septembre 2005.</p><p>35 S. COSNIER (CP) Enzyme sensors based on electrogenerated polymers and clay materials. International Conference on Enzyme Technology « RELATENZ 2005 », Varadero (Cuba), 20-25 septembre 2005.</p><p>36 S. COSNIER Recent advances in affinity biosensors</p><p>32 The Tenth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (10th ISEC) & The Third Sino-France Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest and Biosensor Application (3rd S-FWSE),Changchun (Chine) 16-19 octobre 2005</p><p>37 S. COSNIER Optical and amperometric biosensors based on electrogenerated polymers 1st International Conference on POLLUTION CONTROL AND RESOURCE REUSE FOR A BETTER TOMORROW AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY, Shanghai (Chine) 18-21 octobre 2005.</p><p>38 S. COSNIER Optical and amperometric immunosensors based on electrogenerated polymers Second International Workshop on "Biosensors for Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring", Agadir (Maroc) 10-12 novembre 2005</p><p>39 S. COSNIER Biological sensors based on electropolymerized films. 209th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Denver (USA), 7-12 mai 2006. </p><p>40 S. COSNIER Biointerface design by electropolymerized films Gordon Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, 3-8 septembre 2006, Aussois, France</p><p>41 S. COSNIER Electrochemical immunosensors and DNA sensors The 4th France-China Workshop on “Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications” Céret, 17-20 octobre, 2006</p><p>42 S. COSNIER Capteurs à protéines et ADN basés sur des concepts non conventionnels 5èmes Journées Maghreb-Europe : Madica 2006 : les matériaux et leurs applications aux dispositifs et capteurs, Mahdia (Tunisie), 30,31 octobre- 1er novembre 2006.</p><p>43 S. COSNIER Nanostructured bioassemblies on functionalized polymers and their application to biosensing Nanotechnology applications in Bio-Sensors and Detection Systems : International Workshop, Ispra (Italie) 6-7 Decembre 2006.</p><p>44 S. COSNIER New concepts of DNA, protein and enzyme sensors based on clay and polypyrrole coatings The Eleventh International and the First Sino-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (11th ISEC) & 1st SJSEC) Changchun (Chine) 16-19 août 2007</p><p>45 S. COSNIER Récentes avancées dans le domaine des biocapteurs en termes de fabrication et de transduction Club Microcapteurs Chimiques (CMC2) Journée Thématique « Microcapteurs Biologiques et leurs Applications », Rennes, 25 Octobre 2007.</p><p>46 S. COSNIER Sustainable chemistry : analytical chemistry and energy conversion First Sino-French Symposium on Environment and Sustainable Development, Shanghai (Chine) 21-23 janvier 2008.</p><p>47 S. COSNIER Recent advances in immunosensors based on electrogenerated polymers The Tenth World Congress on Biosensors, Shanghai (Chine) 14-16mai 2008.</p><p>33 48 S. COSNIER Electropolymerized films : a versatile platform The Fifth Sino-French Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications, Changsha (Chine) 17-20mai 2008.</p><p>49 S. COSNIER (Keynote lecture) Nanostructured bioassemblies based on electrogenerated polymers 4th ECHEMS Meeting Electrochemistry in “Biorelevant materials and Supramolecular Systems”, Camaret-sur-Mer (France) 25-28 juin 2008.</p><p>50 S. COSNIER 3D biological architectures based on SWCNT and electropolymerized functionalized polypyrrole films 214th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu (USA), 12-17 octobre 2008. </p><p>51 S. COSNIER Nanostructured biointerfaces based on electropolymerized films and carbon nanotubes Nanobiophysics and Chemistry with Nanomedicine and Toxicology Conference, Saint John (Antigua) 21-25 janvier 2009. </p><p>52 S. COSNIER Electrogenerated polymers : a versatile platform for the fabrication of biosensors and biofuel cells 215th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco (USA), 24-29 mai 2009. </p><p>53 S. COSNIER (Conférence plénière) Biointerfaces pour l’analyse 14ème Edition des Journées d’Electrochimie 2009, Sinaia (Roumanie), 6-10 juillet 2009. </p><p>54 S. COSNIER (Keynote lecture) Biological Sensors Based on Electropolymerized Films: Recent Advances The 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Pékin (Chine), 16-21 août 2009. </p><p>55 S. COSNIER (Keynote lecture) Biosensors based on electropolymerized films and/or single-walled carbon nanotubes 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials Santiago (Chili), 28 septembre-2 octobre 2009. </p><p>56 M. Holzinger and S. Cosnier Biocoating of non-oxidized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes ChemOnTubes, Arcachon (France), 11-15 Avril 2010</p><p>57 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biosensors based on nanostructured composites of polymers and carbon nanotube International Workshop on "Biosensors and Nanomaterials" Kiev (Ukraine), 31 mai-1 juin 2010</p><p>58 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Structured biomolecular assemblies for the development of biological sensors MINATEC Crossroads’10 conference « MINATEC Upstream Research » Grenoble 21-24 juin 2010</p><p>59 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Composites biomaterials based on redox inorganic nanoparticles or graphite compression : towards the development of biofuel cells Second International Workshop on Advanced, Nano- and Biomaterials and Their Applications, Sibiu (Roumanie), 15-19 septembre 2010</p><p>34 60 S. Cosnier (invited Award Lecture) Bioelectrode Design for Biosensing Applications and Electricity Production : from Electrogenerated Polymers to Carbon Nanotubes Katsumi Niki Prize for Bioelectrochemistry Award Lecture 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Nice, 26 septembre-1 er octobre 2010</p><p>61 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Electropolymerized Films in Combination with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: a Powerful Platform for Biological Applications Zing Polymer Chemistry Conference, Puerto Morelos (Mexique), 19-22 November 2010</p><p>62 S. Cosnier (invited Lecture) Optical and impedimetric biosensors based on electropolymerized polymers Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu (USA), 15-20 December 2010.</p><p>63 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Bioarchitectures based on functionalized films and carbon nanotubes for electroanalysis or energy conversion Fourth Indian Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry (ISEAC) International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Thiruvananthapuram (India), 7-12 February 2011.</p><p>64 S. Cosnier (Keynote lecture) Nanostructured materials for the fabrication of biosensors and biofuel cell 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Pretoria, (South Africa) 22 – 27 May 2011.</p><p>65 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biofuel cells: towards the development of implantable devices Energy Harvesting and Storage Europe 2011, Munich (Germany), 21-22 June 2011.</p><p>66 S. Cosnier (Plenary lecture) Functionalization of carbon nanotubes for biosensing applications and bioproduction of electrical energy 13th International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun (China) 19-22 August 2011.</p><p>67 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Hybrid nanomaterials for the design of biosensors and biofuel cells Asianalysis XI : the 11th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences & the 7th Sino-French Workshop on « Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications » Nanjing (China) , 23-26 August 2011.</p><p>68 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Recent advances in composite biomaterials for the development of biofuel cells 62st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Niigata (Japon), 9-14 September 2011.</p><p>69 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biofunctionalization of carbon nanotube electrodes for the fabrication of biosensors and biofuel cells 220th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society & Electrochemical Energy Summit, Boston (USA), 9-14 October 2011.</p><p>70 S. Cosnier (invited conference)</p><p>35 Photocurrent and electrochemiluminescence by electrodes modified by electrogenerated polymers or composite materials containing metal complexes. NanoSensorPhotonics 2011 Optical Biosensors, Nanobiophotonics and Diagnostics Symposium Dead Sea (Israel), November 5-9, 2011.</p><p>71 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Nanostructuration of biosensor interfaces by affinity systems and carbon nanotubes. 10th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Pert (Australia), April 15-18, 2012.</p><p>72 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biofuel cells based on carbon nanotube compressions. 221th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle (USA), May 6-11, 2012.</p><p>73 S. Cosnier (Plenary lecture) Bioarchitectures based on electrogenerated polymers and carbon nanotubes. Applications to biosensors and biofuel cells. Third Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South-East Europe, Bucharest, Romania May 13-17, 2012.</p><p>74 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Tris(bipyridyl) Ruthenium(II) and Iridium (III) Films: towards the development of photoelectrochemical biosensors. ESEAC 2012 : 14tth International Conference on Electroanalysis, Portorož, Slovenia June 3- 7, 2012.</p><p>75 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biopiles à base de nanotubes de carbone pour la production d’énergie électrique à partir de sucres et d’oxygène. 25ème Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, colloque « Les nanotechnologies – Une autre vision sur les énergies ! », Lyon (France), 15-21 November 2012.</p><p>76 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Biosensors and (bio)fuel cells based on carbon nanotubes and electropolymerized films. 6th International Conference on Molecular Electronics, MINATEC, Grenoble (France) December 3-7th, 2012</p><p>77 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Development of biosensors, biofuel cells and abiotic fuel cells based on carbon nanotubes. 5th ISEAC Triennial International Conference on Advances and Recent Trends in Electrochemistry Hyderabad (India), January 16-20, 2013.</p><p>78 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Bioarchitectures based on carbon nanotubes involving electrochemical or electro-optical transduction. NanoSensorPhotonics 2013 Eilat (Israel), February 8-14, 2013.</p><p>79 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Electrical energy generated from sugars and oxygen by enzymatic biofuel cells. BIT’s 4th Symposium on Enzymes and Biocatalysis Nanjing (China), April 25-27, 2013.</p><p>80 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Electocatalytic carbon nanotube composites for oxygen reduction and glucose oxidation. Application the production of electrical power. 223th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto (Canada), May 12-17, 2013.</p><p>81 S. Cosnier (Plenary lecture)</p><p>36 Combination of electrogenerated polymers, carbon nanotubes and templates for the design of bioarchitectures. Suprabio Workshop: Next Generation, Cassis (France), June 13-14 2013.</p><p>82 S. Cosnier (Plenary lecture) Supramolecular biological assemblies based on carbon nanotube electrodes 14th International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun (China) 17-20 August 2013.</p><p>83 S. Cosnier (invited conference) Recent advances in the fabrication and transduction of biosensors 64st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Santiago de Queretaro (Mexico), 8-13 September 2013.</p><p>84 S. Cosnier (Conference d’ouverture) Combinaison de polymères électrogénérés et de nanotubes de carbone pour la conception de bioarchitectures supramoléculaires Congrès Matériaux et Nanostructures π-conjugués (MNPC13) Congrès Matériaux et Nanostructures π-conjugués (MNPC13), Annecy (France), 7-11 Octobre 2013.</p><p>Séminaires sur invitation</p><p>• Nationaux 1 Immobilisation d'enzymes par électropolymérisation d'un pyrrole amphiphile. Application à la biodétection. Laboratoire d'Etudes Dynamiques et Structurales de la Sélectivité, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 24 septembre 1992. 2 Immobilisation de systèmes enzymatiques dans des films de poly(pyrroles amphiphiles). Application à la biodétection. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Biomérieux, Lyon 17 juin 1993. 3 New biopolymeric sensors for the amperometric detection of water pollutants. Radiometer Analytical S.A., Lyon, 12 janvier 1994. 4 Détection de coenzymes nucléotides pyridiniques et flaviniques via l'immobilisation et la connexion d'une flavine réductase. Laboratoire d'Etudes Dynamiques et Structurales de la Sélectivité, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 23 mai 1995. 5 Connexion électrique d'enzymes et de coenzymes. Ecole Thématique CNRS "Capteurs Chimiques", Lamoura, 25-29 mars 1996. 6 Apports de l’électrochimie dans la fabrication et la transduction des biocapteurs. Club Microcapteurs Chimiques (CMC2 XVIII), Grenoble, 21 novembre 1997. 7 Fabrication de biocapteurs ampérométriques par piégeage d’enzymes dans des polymères électrogénérés à partir de pyrroles amphiphiles. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 2 décembre 1997. 8 L’électrochimie comme voie d’élaboration et de transduction pour les biocapteurs. Ecole Thématique CNRS « Capteurs Chimiques, Carry le Rouet, 26-29 mai 1998.</p><p>37 9 Immobilisation de biomolécules par affinité ou par encagement dans des polymères électrogénérés. Laboratoire de Synthèse, Electrosynthèse et Etude de Système à Intérêt Biologique, UMR 6504, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 16 décembre 1998. 10 Assemblages biomoléculaires d’électrodes à base de polymères électrogénérés. « Journée Chimie des Interfaces et Bio-Assemblage », CEA-Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble (CENG), Grenoble, 4 février 2000. 11 Fabrication et transduction des biocapteurs par électrochimie « Capteurs Chimiques et Electrochimiques », Club des Electrochimistes Toulousains, Toulouse, 17 et 18 février 2000. 12 Biocapteurs électrochimiques Ecole thématique CNRS « Capteurs Chimiques », Autrans, 5-9 mars 2001. 13 Tranduction ampérométrique de systèmes enzymatiques immobilisés. BioMérieux - LETI, Grenoble, 21 Novembre 2001. 14 Développement de biocapteurs et d’immunocapteurs électrochimiques à base de polymères électrogénérés. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 30 avril 2002. 15 Immobilisation d’anticorps et d’oligonucléotides et transduction électrochimique des phénomènes de reconnaissance. Ifremer, Brest, 3-4 février 2003. 16 Transduction enzymatique. Ecole thématique du CNRS "Capteurs Chimiques et Biocapteurs", Carry le Rouet, 20-23 octobre 2003. </p><p>17 Couplage enzyme-électrode. Ecole thématique du CNRS "Production d'Hydrogène par des Procédés Biologiques ou Biomimétiques ", Cargèse (Corse), 31 mai-4 juin 2004. </p><p>18 Les biocapteurs électrochimiques et optiques à base de films électropolymérisés. Groupe Optoelectronic SCHNEIDER-INPG, Grenoble, 23 novembre 2005</p><p>19 Synthesis of new polymers for nanodevices. Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Irlande, 16 Décembre 2005</p><p>20 Une nouvelle méthode de transduction photoélectrochimique des réactions biologiques. Journée CMC2, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, 18 mai 2006.</p><p>21 Elaboration d’assemblages biomoléculaires à base de films électropolymérisés Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, UMR 6226, Rennes, France, 1 mars 2007.</p><p>22 Capteurs biologiques à base de polymères électrogénérés. Institut d'Alembert, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France, 24 mai 2007.</p><p>23 Capteurs biologiques Division de Chimie Physique SFC-SFP, Paris, France, 29 mai 2007.</p><p>24 Fonctionnalisation de surfaces et Transduction d’événements biologiques : description et potentialités du Plateau Journée de printemps de l’Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Grenoble, Grenoble, 2 avril 2008.</p><p>25 Biopiles.</p><p>38 Ecole thématique "Capteurs Chimiques, Biocapteurs et Biopuces", La Rochelle, 3-7 octobre 2011. </p><p>26 Biocapteurs pour l’analyse. Pôle de Recherche Agro-environnementale de la Martinique. Le Lamentin, Martinique, 16 janvier 2012. </p><p>27 Biocapteurs pour l’analyse. CIRAD La recherche agronomique pour le développement, Capesterre-Belle-Eau, Guadeloupe 19 janvier 2012. </p><p>28 Immunocapteurs pour la détection du chlordecone. Université des Antilles et de Guyane, département de Biologie Marine Point à Pitre, Guadeloupe, 20 janvier 2012. </p><p>29 Immunocapteurs pour la détection du chlordecone. Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe, Abymes, Guadeloupe 20 janvier 2012. </p><p>• Internationaux 30 Elaboration of functionalized polypyrroles and their applications as photoelectrode and electrocatalyst. Organisch chemisches Institut, Garching, Allemagne, 24 janvier 1990. 31 Polypyrrole electrodes functionalized by rhenium and ruthenium complexes. Anorganisch chemisches Institut, Technische Universität München, Allemagne, 25 juin 1990. 32 Immobilisation d'enzymes par électropolymérisation de pyrroles amphiphiles. Application à la biodétection. Institut für organische Chemie, Université de Bern, Suisse, 5 octobre 1992. 33 Elaboration of polypyrrole films functionalized by metal complexes or enzymes and their applications. Institut für organische Chemie, Université de Bern, Suisse, 17 septembre 1993. 34 New biosensors based on the immobilization and electrical wiring of enzymes by organic redox polymers or/and inorganic materials. Institüt für Chemie, Technische Universität München, Freising-Weihenstephan, Allemagne, 10 avril 1995. 35 Le polypyrrole : un polymère hôte pour l'immobilisation et la connexion électrique d'enzymes au service de la biodétection électrochimique. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Ecublens, Suisse, 13 juin 1996.</p><p>36 The entrapment of enzymes in electrogenerated polypyrrole films : an attractive way for fabricating biosensors. Université de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Brésil, 11 septembre 1996. 37 The entrapment of enzymes in electrogenerated polypyrrole films : an attractive way for fabricating biosensors. Université Fédérale de Alagoas, Departamento de Quimica, Maceio, Brésil, 12 septembre 1996. 38 The entrapment of enzymes in electrogenerated polypyrrole films : an attractive way for fabricating biosensors.</p><p>39 Université Fédérale de Pernambuco, Departamento de Quimica Fundamental, Recife, Brésil, 16 septembre 1996. 39 Polypyrrole modified electrodes containing copper(II) deuteroporphyrin or nickel(II) chlorins. COST-Meeting « Redox chemistry and catalysis in the microenvironment of electrode surfaces », Université de Bern, Bern (Suisse), 20-21 juin 1997. 40 Investigation of the electrochemical properties of polymerizable Mn(III) porphyrin and Fe(III) porphyrin as model systems of enzymatic sites. COST-meeting « Redox chemistry and catalysis in the microenvironment of electrode surfaces », Grenoble, 1-3 mai 1998. 41 Fabrication de biocapteurs par affinité ou par encagement d’enzymes dans des polymères électrogénérés Université Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie), 7 octobre 1999. 42 Biocapteurs électrochimiques pour le dosage de polluants aqueux. Colloque d’Evaluation et de Valorisation de Programme de Recherche Avancée en Environnement , Pékin (Chine) 3-5 avril 2000. 43 Elaboration of biomimetic sensors based on electrogenerated metalloporphyrin films. COST - Meeting : Chemistry of Co corrinoid and metallo porphinoid layers on electrodes, Université de Breme (Allemagne), 10 et 11 novembre 2000. 44 Biocapteurs ampérométriques à base de polymères conducteurs. Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie), 30 avril-4 mai 2001. 45 Biosensors based on functionalized polypyrroles and polycarbazoles. Programme franco-chinois de Recherche Avancée en Environnement, Yanghzou University, Yanghzou (Chine), 9-17 mai 2001. 46 Electrogenerated Polymer Films: an Attractive Approach for Protein Immobilisation. Departement für Chemie und Biochemie, Université de Bern, Bern (Suisse), 28-29 novembre 2001. 47 Electrochemical study and polymerization of metallodeuteroporphyrins and nickel(II)chlorin : application to molecular recognition. COST D15 Meeting : Chemistry of Co corrinoid and metallo porphinoid layers on electrodes, Université de Tampere (Finlande), 24-25 août 2001. 48 Biosensors : electrochemical elaboration and transduction. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei (Taiwan), 31 mars 2003. 49 Electroenzymatic biosensors based on clay. Faculté de Chimie et de Génie Chimique de l’Université « Babes-Bolyai » de Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie), 9 mars 2004. 50 Biosensors based on electropolymerized films : new trends. Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Interdisciplinaire de la Faculté de Physique de Cluj- Napoca (Roumanie), 10 mars 2004. 51 Electrogenerated polymers for the immobilization of biomolecules : from stereoselective enzyme electrode to photoelectrochemical immunosensor. University of Miami, Department of Chemistry, Coral Gables, (USA), 5-6 mai 2004. 52 Recent advances in electrochemical and optical biosensors based on electrogenerated polymers. Departments of Chemistry, and Physical and Chemical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa (USA), 6-9 mai 2004. 53 Biosensors based on electropolymerized films : new trends.</p><p>40 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, (USA), 11-13 mai 2004. 54 Clay-modified Biosensors for Nitrite Determination. P2R « Eau et développement durable », Université de Tongji, Shanghai (Chine), 13-17 septembre 2006. </p><p>55 Electrochemical immunosensors. Center of Life Sciences, Université de Munich, Freising , Allemagne, 8 juin 2007. </p><p>56 Polymers as immobilisation surfaces for attachment of biological molecules. School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Université de Leeds, Leeds, Angleterre, 6 novembre 2007.</p><p>57 Biological sensors based on electropolymerized films. UniversitéAutonome de Basse Californie, Mexicali, Mexique, 14 novembre 2007.</p><p>58 Biological sensors based on clay and polymer coatings Biodesign Institute Center for Bioelectronics & Biosensors, Phoenix, (Arizona) USA, 16 novembre 2007.</p><p>59 Biological sensors based on electropolymerized films. College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University China, 24 Janvier 2008.</p><p>60 Nanobiotechnologies: concepts et applications . Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et des Technologies, Mahdia (Tunisie), 17 avril 2008. </p><p>61 Capteurs biologiques : récentes avancées en termes de fabrication et de transduction. Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie), 18 avril 2008. </p><p>62 Electrochemical biosensors based on electropolymerized polypyrrole films and 3D biological architectures . Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Monastir (Tunisie), 30 octobre 2008. 63 Biosensors based on electropolymerized films and/or single-walled carbon nanotubes. College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University (Chine), 26 avril 2010. 64 Bioelectrode design for biosensing applications and energy conversion : from electrogenerated polymers to carbon particles and nanotubes. College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University (Chine), 27 avril 2010.</p><p>65 Bioelectrode design for biosensing applications and energy conversion : from electrogenerated polymers to carbon particles and nanotubes. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing (Chine), 28 avril 2010.</p><p>66 Bioelectrode design for biosensing applications and energy conversion : from electrogenerated polymers to carbon particles and nanotubes. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing (Chine), 29 avril 2010.</p><p>67 Bioarchitectures based on electrogenerated polymers and carbon nanotubes. Application to biosensors and biofuel cells. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 7 mars 2012.</p><p>41 68 Bioarchitectures based on electrogenerated polymers and carbon nanotubes. Application to biosensors and biofuel cells. Department of Biomedical Engineering/Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University Montreal (Canada), 11 juillet 2012.</p><p>69 Biosensors and biofuel cells based on carbon nanotubes and electropolymerized films. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University Jiangning (China), April 26th, 2013.</p><p>70 Biosensors and biofuel cells based on carbon nanotubes and electropolymerized films. Sino-French workshop on bioelectrical analysis. Nanjing university of Science and Technology, Nanjing (China), April 28th, 2013.</p><p>71 Biosensors and biofuel cells based on carbon nanotubes and electropolymerized films. Nanjing university, Nanjing (China), April 29th, 2013.</p><p>72 Implantable Biofuel Cells. Thematic School: Electrochemistry for Environmental and Biomedical Applications, Cluj- Napoca (Roumanie), June 17- 21th, 2013.</p><p>42</p>
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