Name of Agency s1

Name of Agency s1

<p> 1  Name of Agency :  Date of application & receipt :  Trnder issued on :  Cost of tender paper :  Date of opening : </p><p>NIT NO. 188/2007-08/ BSNL-BSR</p><p>NAME OF WORK: SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION UNDER USO PROJECT IN BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>(PART-I (TECHNICAL CUM COMMERCIAL BID)</p><p>I N D E X</p><p>SL.NO DESCRIPTION Page No</p><p>1 Net Notification. 2-3</p><p>2 Notice Inviting Tenders (form BSNL 6 & 8) 4-6</p><p>3 Important Terms & Conditions of Contract 7-16</p><p>4 Schedule of Quantities 17-19</p><p>5 Approve product list 20-23</p><p>6 Specifications for Transformer 24-26</p><p>7 Double pole structure 27-29</p><p>8 Correction slip 30</p><p>9 Proforma of schedules 31-34</p><p>10 Drawing for installation guidance 35</p><p>This tender contains 35 pages excluding CPWD- 8 </p><p>Executive Engineer (E) BSNL Electrical Division Bhubaneswar 2 NET NOTIFICATION NIT NO. 188/2007-08/ BSNL-BSR</p><p>The Executive Engineer (Elec.), BSNL Electrical Division, Bhubaneswar invites on behalf of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited sealed item rate tenders for the following work from the contractors satisfying the under mentioned eligibility conditions: - TI ME FOR T I M E FOR NAME OF WORK ESTD.COST EMD ISSUE OF L.O.I COMPLETION SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE 12 Months from TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION the date of issue FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION Rs.3,25,02,657/- Rs.65,00,53/- of acceptance of 45days from UNDER USO PROJECT IN tender date of L.O.I BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>Eligibility Criteria: - I. Financial: The Contractor should have satisfactorily completed at least three similar nature of works in Central Government / PSU/ State Government and the works execution turnover shall not be less than 5 crore in past 3 years reckoned from the date of NIT. II. Physical: The firm should have successfully completed at least 3 works of similar nature of 25 KVA and with Aggregate Capacity of works not less than 150 KVA during the last 3 years in Central Government/ PSU/State Government reckoned from date of NIT. OR Class-I contractors of P&T/DOT/BSNL can also quote subject to having licence to work on HT line and the turnover has to be as per the financial norms as applicable. </p><p>Valid Contractor’s License to work on HT Line issued by the State of Orissa is essential & the firm should have valid PF & ESI registration in both the cases. </p><p>Documentary proof of satisfying above conditions is to be furnished along with application. Conditions and tender forms can be had from division on payment of Rs. 2080/-. (Non- refundable).</p><p>Last date of receipt of application: 02.11.2007 up to 16.00 Hrs. Last date of issue of tender: 03.11.2007 up to 16.00 Hrs. Last Date of Submission of tender: 06.11.2007 at 15.00 Hrs Date of opening of tender: 06.11.2007 at 15.30 Hrs.</p><p>Validity of tender shall be for 90 days from the date of opening of tender. The tenderer shall submit the tenders in 2 sealed covers marked as cover ‘technical cum commercial’ & ‘ price ’ bids with name of work. Both technical & price bids may be submitted together. The price bids shall not be opened along with the technical bids. The sealed unopened price bids shall be retained by BSNL in safe custody of tender opening authority and shall be opened subsequently on a date to be notified by BSNL. Deviation, discrepancies, objectionable stipulations if any, in the technical bid will be notified by the BSNL to the eligible bidders while giving a minimum seven days notice. The bidders shall be required to submit their final offer which meets all the NIT requirement and be free from Deviation & discrepancies. The envelopes should be separate & they should not be enclosed in a common 3rd cover. The first cover should contain the earnest money deposited in the shape of a CDR/FDR/DD/BG in favour of A.O. BSNL Electrical Division Bhubaneswar & technical cum commercial bid . However, Bank guarantee as per Performa attached with the Tender Documents towards EMD is also acceptable. The Bank guarantee is to be extended for one year or later date as called for before award of work. The price bids shall not be opened along with technical bids. If the Ist cover is not annexed or Earnest Money is not in proper form, the 2nd cover containing price bid will not be opened at all. Note: (i) The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. (ii)The tender documents shall not be sent through Courier /Post. The tender Documents received through Courier/ Post shall not be opened / Considered at all. </p><p>3 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E) B.S.N.L. Elect. Division Bhubaneswar..</p><p>BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED O/O THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E), BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION Door Sanchar Bhawan, 4th floor, Bhubaneswar – 751022. Phone No. 0674-254202, Fax No. 0674-254173.</p><p>Letter no. 8(4) / BSNL-BSR / 1892 Date : 11.10.2007. </p><p>Copy to :</p><p>1/ The Chief Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Orissa Zone, Bhubaneswar 2/ The Superintending Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Circle, Bhubaneswar 3/ The Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Sambalpur/Cuttack 4/ A.O. , BSNL Electrical Division, Bhubaneswar 5/ Web site www. 6/ Notice Board 7/ Contractors.</p><p>EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E) B.S.N.L. Elect. Division Bhubaneswar.. 4</p><p>Procedure for submission of tenders downloaded through website. The tender documents can be downloaded from the website and submitted subject to the following conditions: - A) The first envelope should contain</p><p> i) Tender application (If tender downloaded from WEB) ii) Cost of tender paper in the proper shape as per NIT iii) EMD in proper shape as per NIT iv) Attested document-providing fulfillment of eligibility criteria as per the tender notice. Separate DD should be attached for tender fee. </p><p>B) The second envelope shall contain dully filled “Technical cum commercial Bid” with name of work and date of opening written on the envelope.</p><p>C) The third envelope should contain the price bid with name of work and date of opening written on the envelope.</p><p>D) If at any stage during the tender process it is found that the tenderer has made any modifications in the NIT then it will be rejected forthwith and the EMD deposited will be forfeited as per rules.</p><p>Important Note: -The envelopes shall be clearly super scribed on top as</p><p>FIRST ENVELOPE – APPLICATION/TENDER COST /EMD /AUTHORIZATION LETTER SECOND ENVELOPE – TECHNICAL CUM COMMERCIAL BID THIRD ENVOLOPE- PRICE BID</p><p>The tender documents shall not be sent through Courier /Post. The tender Documents received through Courier/ Post shall not be opened / Considered at all. </p><p>(Firms are requested to refer to net notification)</p><p>Executive Engineer (E) BSNL, Electrical Division Bhubaneswar 5</p><p>NOTICE INVITING TENDER C.P.W.D. CPWD-6 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)</p><p>NOTICE INVITING TENDER</p><p>Item rate tenders are invited on behalf of the BSNL from eligible contractors for the work of :- SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION UNDER USO PROJECT IN BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>1.1 The work is estimated to cost Rs.3, 25,02, 657/-. This estimate however is given merely as a rough guide.</p><p>1.2 Tenders will be issued to eligible DOT as well as non DOT contractors, provided they produce definite proof from the appropriate authority of having completed work of magnitude as specified in press notification at page No.4.</p><p>2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No.8 which is available as a Govt. of India Publication, Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said from which will form part of the agreement. </p><p>3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 45 days from date of LOI.</p><p>4. The availability of individual site will be specified in the Letter of Intent.</p><p>5. Receipt of applications for issue of forms will be stopped by 1600 Hrs. four days before the date fixed for opening of tenders. Issue of tender forms will be stopped three days before the date fixed for opening of tenders.</p><p>Tender documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of terms and conditions of contract to be complied with by the contractor whose tender may be accepted and other necessary document can be seen in the office of the EE(E),B.S.N.L.ELECTRICAL DIVISION, Bhubaneswar between hours of 11.00 A.M & 04.00 P.M. every day except on Sunday and Public Holidays. Tender documents, excluding standard form, will be issued from his office, during the hours specified above on payment of Rs.2080/-(Two Thousand eighty) in cash.</p><p>6. The tender must produce an Chartered Accountant certificate instead of Income Tax clearance certificate in the revised form as modified under Ministry of Finance O.M.No. 67/30/69/ITAL dated 02-07-1970 as amended from time to time before tender papers can be sold to him.</p><p>7. Tenders, which should always be placed in sealed envelope, with the name of work and due date written on the envelopes, will be received by the EE(E), B.S.N.L. ELECTRICAL. DIVISION. Bhubaneswar up to 03.00 P.M. on 06.11. 2007 and will be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office on the same day at 03.30 P.M. 6</p><p>NOTICE INVITING TENDER CPWD </p><p>8. The tender shall be accompanied by earnest money (unless exempted) of Rs.6,50,053 /- in the form of CDR/FDR/DD/B.G.(as specified) of a scheduled Bank issued in favour of Accounts Officer B.S.N.L. .ELECTRICAL DIVISION, Bhubaneswar the amount being credited to Nationalized Bank/State Bank.</p><p>9. The description of the work is as follows:- SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION UNDER USO PROJECT IN BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>Copies of other drawings and documents pertaining to the work will be open for inspection by the tenderers at the office of the above mentioned officer.</p><p>It is hereby mentioned that site may be any BSNL Building within the state of Orissa. Therefore Tenderer are advised to Consider all aspects like nature of site, transport, nature of ground and subsoil etc in the state of Orissa before submitting their tenders. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the places of Oruissa and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores , tools and plants, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work</p><p>10. The competent authority on behalf of the BSNL does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tender, and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without the assignment of a reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. </p><p>Tenders with any condition including the conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith. How ever tenders with unconditional rebate will be considered.</p><p>11. Convassing whether directly or indirectly , in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 12. The competent authority on behalf of the BSNL reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.</p><p>13. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the B.S.N.L. Circle (Responsible for award and execution of contracts) in which his near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Sub-Divisional Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the DOT. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department. 7</p><p>NOTICE INVITING TENDER CPWD </p><p>14. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractors service.</p><p>15. The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety days from the date of opening of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid.</p><p>16. The Notice Inviting Tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful tenderer /contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall sign the contract consisting of:- </p><p>(a). The Notice Inviting Tender , all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.</p><p>(b). Standard C.P.W.D. Form 8.</p><p>Signature of Divisional Officer ______For and on behalf of B.S.N.L. 8 IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT</p><p>1. SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF TENDERS:-</p><p> i) The tender is in two parts: a) Part I – Technical cum commercial Bid. b) Part II -- Price Bid.</p><p>The both bids i.e. Technical cum commercial Bid and Price Bid shall be submitted together as prescribed in clause 7 of CPWD 6 on page 4. </p><p> ii) The tenderer shall have to fill up their rates only in the Price Bid..</p><p> iii) The tenderer are advised not to deviate from the technical specifications / items, commercial terms and conditions of NIT.</p><p> iv) The Part -I of tender documents i.e. Technical cum commercial Bid only, shall be opened on the due date and time, as specified in form CPWD-6 in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives. The sealed unopened price bid shall be retained by BSNL in safe custody of tender opening authority.</p><p> v) Scrutiny / Evaluation of Technical cum commercial Bid shall be done by the BSNL .In case , it is found that the Technical cum commercial Bid of a tenderer is not in line with NIT specifications, requirements and/or contains many deviations, the BSNL reserves the right to reject the technical bid of such firm(s) without making any reference to the tenderer(s).</p><p> vi) Necessary clarifications required by the BSNL shall have to be furnished by the tenderer within time given by the BSNL for the same. The tenderer will have to depute his representative to discuss with the officer(s) of the BSNL as and when so desired. In case, in the opinion of the BSNL a tenderer is taking undue long time in furnishing the desired clarifications, his bid will be rejected without making any reference.</p><p> vii) After obtaining clarifications from all tenderers, the BSNL may modify the technical & commercial conditions/specifications, if required, and will intimate the same to the tenderers, whose Technical cum commercial Bids are acceptable. At the same time, date and time of opening of price bid will also be intimated.</p><p> viii) The tenderer will also not be allowed to withdraw or modify any condition at a time after the technical bids have been accepted and the decision to open the price bid has been taken by the BSNL unless revised bid is allowed due to minor changes made during negotiations on technical bid.</p><p> ix) The Part II of the tender i.e. price bid will be opened by the Executive Engineer (E) in presence of the interested representatives of the tenderers who wish to be present.</p><p> x) The BSNL reserves the right to reject any or all the price bids and call for fresh prices/tenders as the case may be without assigning any reason.</p><p>Tax and Duties</p><p> The bidder shall give the total composite price inclusive of all Central & State’s levies and taxes i.e., Sales Tax, Purchase Tax, Turnover Tax, Service Tax, Work contract etc. or any other taxes ar duties like octori, local area development tax on material and labour etc.  The total composite price shall comprise of unit price, and all other components of price need to individually indicated/ quoted against goods/material/service, it proposes to supply under the contract in the following manner: -</p><p>(i) The basic unit price (ex-factory) of goods/services/materials, Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Fright, forwarding, packing, service tax, insurance, and any other levies/charges 9 already paid or payable by the contractor/supplier shall be quoted separately against item no.1of S.H.-1. (ii) The liability to pay all taxes, levies, etc. shall be of contractor and BSNL will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. No concessional forms except FORM C for the items, as specified in schedule of works and meant for use of BSNL, shall be provided by the BSNL. Form C shall be provided by BSNL. Form C shall be provided by BSNL only on specific request of the contractor.” The firm shall quote the basic unit price of goods / services / materials, excise duty, sales tax, freight, forwarding, packing service tax, insurance and any other levies / taxes in Annexure I in respect of item no.1of sub head -I in the schedule of quntities. The contractor / supplier shall submit to BSNL documents/proof of payment of all taxes / levies along-with exemption certificate, if any to avail CENVAT benefits BY BSNL.</p><p>The firm shall quote rates for all items inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi including loading, unloading and transportation up to site. </p><p>1.1 Tendered rates will be inclusive of taxes and levies payable under the respective statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (Forty six Amendment) Act, 1982, if any further tax or levy is imposed by state after the date of receipt of tenders and the contractor (s) thereupon necessarily and properly pays taxes or levies the contractors (s) will be reimbursed such amounts paid provided such payment if any is not in the opinion of SE (whose decision shall be final and binding) attributable to delay in execution of work. </p><p>1.2. The contractor (s) shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of BSNL and shall furnish such other information/documents as the Engineer-in- Charge may require.</p><p>1.3. The contractor (s) shall within a period of 30 days of imposition of any further tax or levy pursuant to the Constitution (Forty Six Amendment) Act 1982 give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in- Charge that the same is given pursuant to this condition together with all necessary information relating thereto.</p><p>1.4 No additional condition whatsoever will be accepted for turnover tax/sales tax on works contract. In case of additional conditions for the payment of such claims by the contractor the tender may be liable to be summarily rejected by the accepting authority.</p><p>1.5 No Octroi exemption certificate or any other concessional form except form ‘C ’for sales tax on supply of Transformer, will be issued by the Deptt.</p><p>1.6. COMPLIANCE OF EPF ACT: The firm has to fulfill / compliance of the provisions of EPF & Misc. Provisions Act 1952 & Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme 1952. The each claim bill of contractors must accompany the 1) List showing the details of labourers / employees engaged. 2) Duration of their enganement.3) The amount of wages paid to such labourers / employees for the duration in question.4) Amount of EPF contributions (both employer’s and employees contribution) for the duration of engagement in question, paid to the EPF authorities. 5) Copies of authenticated documents of payments of such contribution to EPF authorities and 6) A declaration from the contractors regarding compliance of the conditions of EPF Act, 1952. 2.0 Works Contract Tax</p><p>The rates offered by the firm shall be inclusive of the works contract tax as applicable in the State. The BSNL shall deduct works contract tax from payments due to the firm and as per rules of the State Government. The certificates for such deductions will be issued to the firm by the Accounts Officers of the Division.</p><p>3.0 Variation in Excise Duty</p><p>In case of statutory variation in excise duty in respect of Engine Alternator Set only within the stipulated date of completion of individual agreement, the same shall be paid or recovered as per the actual against documentary proof. However, beyond this period BSNL will take advantage of any duty reduction but will not pay extra on account of duty increase. 10 4.0 Escalation / Clause 10cc The rates during the entire period of the contract shall remain firm and final except for variation in W.C Tax/ Excise duty. No claim under clause 10cc shall be entertained.</p><p>5.0 Splitting of Contract Contract shall be split between three tenderers subject to the following condition: - 1) 34 Nos to the first lowest tenderer . 2) 21 Nos. to the second lowest tenderer 3) 14 Nos to the third lowest tenderer.</p><p>In case the second/third lowest tenderer does not agree to bring down the rate to LI then total 48 Nos of work shall be awarded to the Lowest tender and 21 Nos shall be awarded to the second/third lowest tenderer. In case the second & third lowest tenderer does not agree to bring down the rate to LI then total 69 Nos of work shall be awarded to the lowest tenderer.</p><p>6.0 Increase/Decrease of tendered quantity</p><p>(a) BSNL will have the right to increase or decrease up to 25% of the Contract value depending upon the requirements of goods and services specified in the schedule of items without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions at the time of award of contract. (b) In exceptional situation where the requirement is of an emergent nature and it is necessary to ensure continued supplies from the existing venders, the purchaser reserves the right to place repeat order up to 50% of the quantities of goods and services contained in the running tender/contract within a period of twelve months from date of award of work at the same rate or a rate negotiated (downwardly) with the existing venders considering the reasonability of rates based on prevailing market conditions and the impact of reduction in duties and taxes etc.</p><p>7.0 Location of site On the basis of accepted tender, the SE (E), BSNL will issue letter of intent with schedule of work and name of site. The location of site can be anywhere in the State.</p><p>8.0 Earnest Money Deposit 8.1 Firm has option to Deposit Earnest Money in the form of Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format given hereunder. </p><p>8.2. The earnest money deposit will be refunded in full after deduction of security deposit for entire quantity.</p><p>8.3. In case the work is not started in full or parts (including deviation) by the contractor (s), the EMD will be forfeited for the proportionate quantity of work. 8.4. In case the contract is awarded to more than one agency, the EMD will be adjusted for the part contract awarded. The proportionate EMD for the contract not awarded, will be refunded on demand. </p><p>8.5. Model Form Of Bank Guarantee</p><p>Whereas______(hereinafter called “the contractor(s)”) has submitted its Tender 11 dated______for______(N ame of work) ______known all men by these presents that we ______of ______having our registered office at ______(hereinafter called “the bank”) are bound up to ______(hereinafter called “the BSNL”) in the sum of ______for which payment will and truly to be made of the said BSNL, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents.</p><p>THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION ARE</p><p> If the Contractor(s) withdrawn its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified on Tender Form : or</p><p> If the Contractor(s) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the BSNL during the period of Tender validity.</p><p> Fails or refuses to execute the Contract.  Fails or refuses to furnish Security Deposit in accordance with the conditions of Tender document.</p><p>We undertake to pay the BSNL up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the BSNL having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the BSNL will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions. Specifying the occurred condition or conditions.</p><p>This guarantee will remain in force as specified in the tender document up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of the tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates.</p><p>Signature of the Bank </p><p>Signature of the Witness</p><p>Name of witness</p><p>Address of witness</p><p>9.1 Performance Bank Guarantee : 12 The contractor is required to furnish bank guarantee for an amount equal to 5% of the contract value on a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in a standard format /CDR /FDR/ DD within two weeks from the date of issue of award letter. The validity period of the performance security in the form of performance bank guarantee shall be one year form the date of actual completion of work. </p><p>9.2 Security Deposit : In addition to performance guarantee stated above, a sum of 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor till the sum along with the sum already deposited as Earnest Money, will amount the security deposit of 5% to the tendered value of the work. </p><p>9.3 Compensation for delay.</p><p>If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress or complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date of completion, he has to pay the compensation for delay which is limited to 0.5% per work of work order value for the first 10 week and 0.7% per work for next 10 weeks and thereafter subject to a maximum of 12% of the work order value for the location where the work is delayed and the firm is found responsible for the same. Flow chart of the procurement process / contract shall be supplied by the contractor and approved by Executive Engineer concerned.</p><p>9.4 Rejection of Tender The tenders with any condition including the conditional rebates shall be rejected forthwith. However tenders with unconditional rebate will be acceptable. </p><p>10.0. Terms of Payment</p><p> a) For supply items 95% of the price shall be paid on the receipt of goods at site by the consignee. The firm has to submit the following documents to the paying authority for claim of payment. i) Excise gate pass/Invoice or equivalent document ii) Delivery challan ii) Consignee receipt iv) Proof of payment of Octrai/Entry Tax etc if any b) The balance 5% payment shall be released after satisfactory commissioning or 6 months from the date of the equipment, whichever is earlier. c) In cases where shortages/ damages are intimated to the supplier in writing, the balance payment shall be released only after the cases are settled in accordance with the provision of the P.O. d) 100% Payment (in place of 95%) may be made on delivery, provided that an additional B.G. for an amount equivalent to 5% of the value of supplies valid for a minimum period of 1 year is furnished by the supplier along with an undertaking that the shortages/damages as are intimated to the supplier in writing shall be made good. e) Form C and a certificate stating that the tendered item are meant for the use of BSNL shall be provided by the purchaser on the request of the bidder as and when requested for. f) No payment will be made for goods rejected at the site on testing. Payment if made for such items shall be recovered from subsequent bills or other bills.</p><p>11.0. Methodology of Contract 13</p><p>10.1 After tenders are accepted, Master agreement shall be prepared by SE(E) . L.O.I . shall be issued by SE(E) within 12 months and individual contract shall be prepared by EE (E) for each work. & work shall be completed within 45 days from the date of L.O. I. The currency of Contract can be extended for further period of 3 months subject to the written consent of the contractor. Work may have to be carried out in any where in Orissa i.e., the jurisdiction of the division other than where the tender was called.</p><p>11.1 Program for Execution </p><p>The firm shall supply detailed program to Engineer-in-Charge for execution of contract within fifteen days of award of work. The program shall contain details about submission of drawing, supply of materials i/c Transformer, poles, cables etc. Tentative dates for installation, testing, commissioning shall also be submitted.</p><p>11.2 Stores and Safety</p><p>All the stores and materials required for the satisfactory completion of the work shall be arranged at site by the contractor from his own sources. Lockable space for storing the material may be provided on request . However, safe custody of the material stored at site will be responsibility of the contractor.</p><p>11.3 Coordination at site</p><p>At the site of work more than one agency may be working. Full co-operation shall be extended to other agencies during progress of work. The work will be carried out in such a way so that it may not cause abnormal noise and hindrance to the officers of the BSNL engaged in erection as well as to normal routine work.</p><p>11.4 Date of Completion Date of successful testing & commissioning at site shall be taken as completion date of the work. </p><p>11.5. Completion Drawings</p><p>The firm shall supply three sets of drawings/documents within 10 days after completion of the work as detailed given hereunder  Plan lay out of the substation indicating various equipments.</p><p>11.6. Guarantee and Defect Liability  The guarantee shall be valid for twelve months after successful commssioning. The contractor shall guarantee that all equipments are free from any defect and also the equipments work satisfactorily with performance and efficiencies not less than the guaranteed values.  Any part found defective during this period shall be replaced free of cost by the contractor. The service of the contractor’s personnel, if required during this period shall be made available free of cost to the BSNL.  The contractor shall depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect by the BSNL. 14  A joint report shall be prepared by the representative of BSNL and the contractor regarding nature of defects and remedial action required. Time schedule for such action shall also be finalized.  In case the contractor fails to depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect or fails to cause remedial measure within reasonable time as decided during joint inspection, the BSNL may proceed to do so at the contractor’s risk and expenses and without prejudice to any right of the BSNL to recover such expenses.</p><p>11.7. Test Certificate</p><p>All routine test shall be carried out at the manufactures works before the dispatch of the transformer. Copies of the test certificates shall be furnished to the department.</p><p>11.6. Date of Completion</p><p>Date of successful testing & commissioning at site shall be taken as completion date of the work</p><p>11.7 COMPLETION OF WORK:</p><p>The time allowed for carrying out the as entered in the contract is reckoned immediately after the date on which the orders to commence the work are given to the contractor.</p><p>To ensure monitoring of the work during execution, the contractor shall comply, as for as possible, the following time schedule. i) Delivery of materials = 10 days b. Physical installation = 20 days c. Charging, testing & commissioning = 10 days d. Rectification of deficiency = 05 days</p><p>11.8. Completion Drawings</p><p>The firm shall supply three sets of drawings/documents within 10 days after completion of the work as detailed given hereunder</p><p> lay out drawing of the sub-station indicating various equipments.</p><p>11.9 EXTENSION OF TIME:</p><p>If the contractor shall desire an extension of time for completion of work on the grounds of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or on any other ground, he shall apply in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge within 30days of the hinderance on the account on which he desires such extension as aforesaid, and the Engineer-in-charge shall, if in his opinion reasonable grounds to be shown therefore, authorize such provisional extension of time, if any, as as in his opinion be necessary or proper.</p><p>11.10 INSURANCE: 15</p><p>Insurance Policies: Before commencing the execution of woks the Contractor, without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement, shall insure against his liability for any material or physical damage, loss or injury which may occur to any property, or to any person including any employee or a member of the general public, by or arising out of the execution of the works or in carrying out the agreement. It shall be obligatory for the Contractor at his cost to obtain and maintain with any of the subsidiary of the General Insurance Corporation of India in such a manner that BSNL & Contractor are covered for all the time during period of contract i.e. from the commencement date in the time period allowed for completion of work. The insurance cover under the following policies.</p><p>Contractor’s All Risk Insurance Policy to cover the following : i) Entire agreement value for the priod of completion including defects liability period. ii) Third party insurance to cover for any damages to third party. This shall be up to the end of the defects liability period and shall include for any damage to the properties and /or injury ( including death) to the person of the general public and any one else deemed to be third party. iii) Civil commotion, Riots, War and other disturbances. iv) Earthquake or any other natural calamities. v) Policy to cover contractor’s liability under Workmen’s Compensation Act 1932, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and other relevant Acts modified from time to time. This shall be for the period up to final completion of work, including the defects liability period. vi) Insurance cover against damage, theft or any other loss of all the materials and equipment brought to site for which advance is claimed – Limit of liabilities not less than the value or such materials at any stage of the contract. The Contractor shall insure against all such liabilities and shall continue such insurance during the currency of the agreement including defects, liability period. Premium for all insurance policies shall be paid and borne by the Contractor and shall NOT reimbursable. vii) No limit to liability: In addition to the liability imposed by law upon the Contractor for injury (including death) to persons or damage to property by reason of the negligence of the contractor or his agents, which liability is not impaired or otherwise affected hereby, the contractor hereby assumes liability for and agrees to save the BSNL harmless and indemnifies BSNL from every expense, liability or payment by reason of any injury (including death) to persons or damage to property suffered through any act or omission of the Contract or any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them or from the conditions of the premises or any part of the premises which is in the contract of the Contractor or any one directly or indirectly employed by either of them or arising in any way from the work called for by this agreement. 16 IMPORTANT NOTE: The clauses/conditions as modified in the tender shall supersede the relevant clauses/conditions of CPWD 6/8. The other conditions shall be as per CPWD 6/8.</p><p>11.11. Guarantee and Defect Liability </p><p> The guarantee shall be valid for twelve months after successful commission. The contractor shall guarantee that all equipments are free from any defect and also the equipments work satisfactorily with performance and efficiencies not less than the guaranteed values.</p><p> Any part found defective during this period shall be replaced free of cost by the contractor. The service of the contractor’s personnel, if required during this period shall be made available free of cost to the BSNL.</p><p> The contractor shall depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect by the BSNL.</p><p> A joint report shall be prepared by the representative of BSNL and the contractor regarding nature of defects and remedial action required. Time schedule for such action shall also be finalized.</p><p> In case the contractor fails to depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect or fails to cause remedial measure within reasonable time as decided during joint inspection, the BSNL may proceed to do so at the contractor’s risk and expenses and without prejudice to any right of the BSNL to recover such expenses.</p><p>12. Near relative(s) of BSNL employee not permitted to tender:</p><p>The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL Unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. The unit is defined as SSA/Circle/Chief Engineer/Chief Arch./Corporate office for non-executive employees and all SSA in a circle including circle office/Chief Eng./Chief Arch./Corporate office for executive employees (including those called as Gazetted officers at present). </p><p>The tenderer should give a certificate that none of his/her such near relative is working in the units as defined above where he is going to apply for tender work. In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the Directors of the company. </p><p>Any breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/work will be cancelled and earnest money/security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed. The department will not pay any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company 17 or firm or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit.</p><p>Format of the certificate to be given by the firm/person:</p><p>I______S/o______R/o______here by certify that none of my relative(s) as defined below is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in the tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/ incorrect, BSNL shall have absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any prior intimation to me.</p><p>The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:</p><p> a) Members of a Hindu Undivided family, b) They are husband and wife, c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & daughter’s husband (son-in- law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother in- law) </p><p>NOTE:_ The above mentioned conditions are in addition to the conditions laid down in PWD 8. If any particular condition is mentioned in both the places, then details of the condition laid down in “ IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT.” Shall be in force.</p><p>Signature of the firm/person. 18 Name of Work :- SITC of 69 Nos 25 KVA out-door type Transformer Sub-Station for different BTS station under USO Project in BSNL Electrical Division Bhubaneswar. Sl.No. Description of Items Sub-Head-I 1(a) Supplying of 25 KVA, 3 phase 50Hz oil immersed natural cooled step- own outdoor type aluminium wound Transformer with delta primary and star secondary, brought-out neutral and having a no load voltage ratio of 11KV / 415V and complete with necessary bushing type terminal at H.T. & cable terminal box at LT side as per specification complete as required.</p><p>1(b) I/T/C of above transformer as per specification i/c installing the same on Pole structure / Plinth base, testing, power charging & commission- ing etc. complete as required.</p><p>2 S/F of fabricated water proof M.S. box with hinged door and locking arrangement for fixing the switch fuse unit and meter board made of the following members i/c cutting, welding, painting with minor civil work etc. complete as required. a) 50mm x 50mm x 6mm M.S. angle (i/c fire bucket stand). b) 50mm x 6mm M.S. Flat. c) 16 gauge M.S. sheet. d) G.I. wire mesh of suitable size for meter reading.</p><p>3 P/F following capacity metal clad TP&N Sw. disconnector fuse unit with H.R.C. fuses& busbar i/c drilling holes on the board connect- ions earthing the body required. a) 63 Amps. with H.R.C. fuse. b) 100 Amps. Al.Busbar - 4 Nos.(Approx. length 1/2 mtr. each with mounting Insulator).</p><p>Sub-Head-II 1 Supplying Installation of PSC pole complete as required. 19</p><p>PRODUCT LIST FOR SUB STATION</p><p>NAME OF S.N. APPROVED MAKES PRODUCT SOUTHERN SWITCHGEAR / BIECCO LAWRIE / CROMPTON / JYOTI/MEI / KIRLOSKAR / VOLTAS/NGEF./ OTHER BSNL 1. H.V. SWITCH GEAR APPROVED MAKE Note: (make of the accessories like meters, CTs. PT etc. shall be as provided by the manufacturer of the H.T. Panel.) 1. Above 400 KVA: KIRLOSKAR / NGEF / CROMPTON / SIEMENS / ABB / VOLTAS / ANDREW YULE / GE/BHARAT BIJLEE / EMCO/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE 1. 2. UPTO 400 KVA: 2 TRANSFORMER In addition to above makes PATSON / ETE / KANOHAR (MERRUT) / RAJASTHAN TRANSFORMER AND SWITCHGEAR JAIPUR /ITL /AEG/MUTUAL INDUCTORS LTD/ AARKAY TRANSFORMERS/ UEPL/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. L&T / SIEMENS / CROMPTON / GE POWER 3 A.C.B. CONTROLS/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE SIEMENS / L&T / GE POWER CONTROLS / 4. M.C.C.B CONTROL & SWITCHGEAR / CROMPTON/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE SIEMENS / L&T / GE POWER CONTROLS / HAVELLS / H.H. ELECON / CROMPTON / LK- TPN SWITCHES & 5. HPL / STANDARD- ( Upto 400 A)/ INDO ASIAN HRC FUSES – ( 6A –630 A ) / OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE CONDACTOR, SIEMENS / L&T / GE POWER CONTROLS / 6. AUXILIARY CROMPTON / MEI / LAXMI AVKC / SEGC/ IDMT RELAY OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE SYNTRON / CROMPTON / TRINITY 7. APFC RELAY ELECTRONICS / OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE AE / IMP / MARSHAL / PACTIL / KAPPA / L&T / ASHMOR/INDCOIL / WACO / MECO. / OTHER 8. CT BSNL APPROVED MAKE.</p><p>20</p><p>NAME OF S.N. APPROVED MAKES PRODUCT AE / IMP /UNIVERSAL / RESHABH / AMMETER 9. KAYCEE /MECO /ENERCOM. / OTHER BSNL VOLMETER APPROVED MAKE. L&T / KAYCEE / AE / IMP / THAKOOR / SLECTROR 10. RECO / VAISHNO/SEIZER / RASS CONTROL/ SWITCH OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. VAISHNO / SEIMENS / L&T / AE / IMP / RASS 11. INDICATING LAMP CONTROL / TEKNIC / CROMPTON / KAYCEE/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. IMP / AE / RESHABH / MECO / UNIVERSAL / 12. P.F. METER DIGITRON/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. KATAU JUNKAR / CROMPTON / L&T / 13. CAPACITOR UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC / USHA/ASIAN / AE / IMP / OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. CABLES ISI MARK A) A) UPTO 1.1 KV 14. GRADE ISI MARK B) B) UPTO 22 KV GRADE AIR BREAK NATIONAL / KIRAN / PACTIL / ATLAS / 15. SWITCH OTHER BSNL APPROVED MAKE. PIN & DISC JAYSHREE / WS / IEC / PCL / BHEL/ OTHER 16. INSULATOR BSNL APPROVED MAKE. ALTAS / GE / ELARO / LAMCO / LIGHTNING 17. INTERNATIONAL. / OTHER BSNL APPROVED ARRESTOR MAKE. NATIONAL / KIRAN/PACTIL/ OTHER BSNL 18 DROPOUT FUSES APPROVED MAKE. FIRE 19. ISI MARK EXTINGUISHERS</p><p>20. RUBBER MATTING ISI MARK</p><p>RAYCHEM / M-SEAL / DENSONS/ OTHER 21. CABLE JOINT KIT BSNL APPROVED MAKE. GE/SIEMENS/ OTHER BSNL APPROVED 22. VACCUM CIRCUIT MAKE. M/S R.N.Mishra/Utkal Engg./Samaleswari 23 PSC POLE Concrete/ Similar Superior make</p><p>SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER 21</p><p>1/ Make : DOT/BSNL approved make</p><p>2/ No. of phases : 3 Phase</p><p>3/ Frequency : 50 Hz</p><p>4/ Double wound or Auto : Double wound</p><p>5/ Winding materials : Aluminium</p><p>6/ Type of cooling : ONAN</p><p>7/ Rated KVA : 25 KVA</p><p>8/ Rated Voltage : HV side 11 KV LV side 415 V</p><p>9/ Taps required : Not required </p><p>10/ Tapping arrangement : Not required </p><p>11/ Vector Group : DYn 11</p><p>12/ Neutral : To be brought out on LV side for earthing</p><p>13/ Parallel operation : with similar transformer</p><p>14/ Type of installation : Outdoor</p><p>15/ Terminal Arrangement HV: Outdoor Bushing for outdoor typet ransformer.</p><p>LV : Cable end box for required size of 3 ½ core XLPE Aluminium conductor cable.</p><p>16/ Percentage impedance : Between 4 to 5%</p><p>17/ Buchholz relay : Not required</p><p>18/ Accessories : i) Rating and diagram plate ii) Earthing terminal iii) Oil level indicator iv) Pressure relief device in lieu of explosion vent v) Top filter valve vi) Drain cum bottom filter valve 22</p><p> vii) Inspection cover viii) Sampling valve ix) Radiator with shut off valve x) Oil filling hole with cover xi) Lifting lugs xii) Conservator with drain plug & Resetting device xiii) Silica gel breather xiv) Skid type under base with bi-directional rollers NOTE :</p><p>The transformer shall include first filling of oil and shall be suitable for continuous run for all type of loads with high efficiency.</p><p>INSTALLATION :</p><p>1/ The installation of transformer shall be done in accordance with IS code for installation and maintenance practice for transformers, and shall also conform to relevant ie rule.</p><p>2/ Necessary support with RSJ grouted in the flooring shall be provided.</p><p>3/ The transformer shall be positioned correctly and then fixed all the MS channels support.</p><p>4/ Earthing of neutral and body of the transformer shall be done in accordance with the specification.</p><p>5/ Termination of MV cable shall be done as specified in the schedule.</p><p>Note:-All the work shall generally carried out as per IE rules, IS and national building/electrical codes/fire manuals/DOT,BSNL specifications and NIT conditions.</p><p>TESTING :</p><p>1/ All routine test shall be carried out at the manufacturers work before the dispatch of the transformer. Copies of test certificates shall be furnished to the department. </p><p>2/ The following test shall be done before cable jointing.</p><p> a) Insulation test between HV to earth and HV to MV. b) Dielectric strength test of oil. 23</p><p>3/ The testing required at site by the electricity authority shall be arranged by the agency at his cost.</p><p>NOT COVERED UNDER GUARANTEE  Consequential loss and damages.  Parts subject to normal wear and tear such as electrical contracts.  Failure of parts due to corrosive atmosphere.  Consumable like oil, grease etc unless loss is due to the defective material or workmanship. 24</p><p>DOUBLE POLE STRUCTURE</p><p>1/ The location of D.P. Structure shall be decided in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge of the Electricity Authority in such a way that it will not obstruct the future expansion of the building. </p><p>2/ Vertical members of structures shall be of the size as mentioned in the schedule.</p><p>3/ Horizontal member of structures for mounting lightening arrestor, Air break switch, drop out fuses and cable joints shall be provided. </p><p>4/ Necessary cross brasing shall be provided with MS angle members.</p><p>5/ The horizontal members shall be single piece i.e. no welded joints in between the members are allowed.</p><p>6/ ACCESSORIES :Operating rod made of 25 mm class B G.I. pipe with handle and locking arrangement shall be provided for operation of air break switch. a) One 3 pole 11 KV, 100 amp air break switch with square bar linking shall be provided for isolation of incoming line. b) Three 11 KV, 200 amp drop out fuse with suitable size fuse elements with operating rod including earthing lead shall be provided. c) Three single pole lightening arrestors suitable for 11 KV shall be mounted on top of the structure. d) Interconnection of main incoming line, Air break switches, drop out fuses etc. shall be done by suitable solid copper wire provided with PVC sleeves of RYB colour code. e) A set of three nos. disc insulator each shall be provided for termination of incoming line. TEST :</p><p>Magering shall be carried out for the entire installation and result should be recorded in the presence of the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge.</p><p>PAINTING :</p><p>The entire DP structure shall be painted with one coat of primer and two coats of silver/ aluminium paint of approved quality. 25</p><p>EARTHING SYSTEM SCOPE :</p><p>The Section covers the general requirements of the earthing system for sub-station.</p><p>TECHNICAL :</p><p>The earthing system shall comprise of earth electrodes in accordance with general specification of electrical works ( Part-I internal).</p><p>GENERAL CONDITIONS:-</p><p>The following general conditions of contract are deemed to be agreed. a). All civil works such as construction of foundation of equipments with masonry cut out chasing etc or the steel supports as may be required is included in the scope of works. If not specified other wise in the schedule of work and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. b). All damages or breakages which might be caused during the execution of the work shall be made good by the firm at his own risk and cost. c). The firm is responsible for the removal of debris and waste materials arising out of the works done by him from the site. The site must be kept clean and tidy during installation. d). The firm shall commence the work like laying of cables, pipes etc only after obtaining prier permission from the engineer in charge whose decision shall be final and binding. e). The firm shall employ qualified and well-experienced staff specialized in the job and make available duly authorize representative to take instructions from departmental officer during inspection. f). Necessary tools and plants shall be arranged by the firm. Modern tools and equipments shall be used for handling of cables and machines, drilling cutting etc so that seed ,accuracy minimum noise,vibrations and disturbance to the building/occupants/equipments can be achieved. g). The firm shall provide necessary barriers, warnings signals and other safety measures to avoid accidents. h). The canceled items like earthing cabling conduiting etc shall be carried out only in the presence of duly authorize departmental officers. i). The offer shall include all charges for packing handling fright insurance, Loading, Unloading, stacking etc for the materials. 26</p><p> j). Work shall generally be carried out during working hours. However as per the departments requirements the working hours may be extended without any extra claim. k). All fittings unit assemblies, accessories, hard ware, foundation bolts, terminal blocks for connection, cable glands and miscellaneous materials and accessories of items of works which are useful and necessary for efficient assembly and working of the equipment shall be deemed to have been included within the scope of the work in the tender and within the over all details for complete item weather they have been specifically mentioned or not.</p><p>IMPORTANT NOTE: For Drawing for installation guidance the firms may contact O/o the SE (E)/BSNL EC/ 92, Saheed Nagar Bhubaneswar 27</p><p>CORRECTION SLIP</p><p>Addendum / Modification to CPWD-8 and CPWD-6 forms conditions of contract definitions </p><p>All reference to:-</p><p>(I). CPWD/Public Work Department / P&T Department.</p><p>(ii). D.G Works Additional Chief Engineer CPWD / Chief Engineer of Zone.</p><p>(iii). Administrative Head of CPWD / P&T Department.</p><p>(iv). CPWD Circle / Civil Circle.</p><p>(v). Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply/D.O.T.</p><p>(vi) Govt. Of India./ President of India.</p><p>(vii) For and on behalf of President Of India / For and on behalf of Govt. Of India.</p><p>In various clauses shall be taken to mean respectivelly:-</p><p>(i). B. S. N. L. (Elect. Wing. ).</p><p>(ii). Chief Engineer (Electrical),B.S.N.L.</p><p>(iii). Administrative Head of B.S.N.L.</p><p>(iv). B.S.N.L. Electrical Circle.</p><p>(v). B.S.N.L. (Govt. of India Enterprises).</p><p>(vi) B.S.N.L.</p><p>(vii) For and on behalf of B.S.N.L. 28</p><p>PROFORMA OF SCHEDULES (Operative Schedules to be supplied separately to each intending tenderer)</p><p>SCHEDULE ‘A’</p><p>Schedule of quantities Attached from page no. to </p><p>SCHEDULE ‘B’</p><p>Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.</p><p>S.No. Description Quantity Rates in figures & Place of Issue of item words at which the material will be charged to the contractor 1 2 3 4 5</p><p>1.</p><p>SCHEDULE ‘C’</p><p>Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor.</p><p>Sl.No. Description Hire charges per day Place of Issue</p><p>1 2 3 4</p><p>- NIL -</p><p>SCHEDULE ‘D’</p><p>Extra schedule for specific requirements/document for the work, if any. - NIL -</p><p>SCHEDULE ‘E’</p><p>Schedule of component of Materials, Labour etc. for escalation. - NIL -</p><p>CLAUSE 10 CC</p><p>Component of materials- “X” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______%</p><p>Component of labour- “Y” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______%</p><p>Component of P.O.L. - “Z” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______% 29</p><p>SCHEDULE ‘F’</p><p>Reference to General Conditions of contract. </p><p>NAME OF WORK: SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION UNDER USO PROJECT IN BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>Estimated cost of work : Rs.3,25,02,657/-</p><p>Earnest money : Rs.6,50,053 /- only.</p><p>Security Deposit : 10% of tendered value subject to maximum of Rs.5 lakhs.</p><p>GENERAL RULES : Officer inviting tender Executive Engineer (E) & DIRECTIONS Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed 50% beyond which rates are to be determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3. See below</p><p>Definitions :</p><p>2(v) Engineer-in-Charge ___ Executive Engineer (E)______Chief.Engineer(E) 2(viii) Accepting Authority ______2(x) Percentage on cost of materials And labour to cover all overheads and profits. 10%</p><p>2(xi) Standard Schedule of Rates ______</p><p>2(xii) Department BSNL</p><p>Clause 2 Authority for fixing Superintending Engineer (E) Compensation under ______Clause 2. ______</p><p>Clause 5 Time allowed for execution 45days after issue of LOI. of work. Authority to give fair and reasonable extension of ______time for completion of work. ______30</p><p>Clause 7 Gross work to be done together with net payment/ adjustment of advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to interim payment. FIVE THOUSAND FOR EACH WORK</p><p>Clause 11</p><p>Specifications to be followed for execution of work. _As per attached specifications</p><p>Clause 12</p><p>12.1.2 (iii) Schedule of rates for determining DSR – 94 for Internal rates for additional, altered or DSR – 95 for External substituted items that cannot be determined under 12.1.2 (i) & (ii) 12.1.2 (iii) Plus/minus the % over the rate DSR- 94 for Internal entered in the schedule of rates. DSR- 95 for External</p><p>12.1.2 (vi)A Deviation Limit beyond which sub-clauses (i) to (v) shall not apply and clauses 12.2 & 12.3 50% (other than AHR & ALR items) shall apply ______</p><p>12.1.2(vi)B(a) Limit for value of any item of any individual trade beyond which sub-clauses (i) to (v) shall not apply 50% (other than AHR & ALR items) and clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply. ______</p><p>Clause 16 Competent Authority for Deciding reduced rates. Superintending Engineer (E)_</p><p>Clause 36(i) Minimum Qualifications & Experience required for Principal Technical Representative. a) For works with estimated cost Put to tender more than</p><p>(i) Rs. 10 Lakhs for Civil work Graduate or retired AE possessing (II) Rs. 5 Lakhs for Elec/Mech Works. at least recognized diploma b) For works with estimated cost put to tender.</p><p>(I) More than Rs.5 Lakhs but less Than Rs. 10 Lakhs for Civil Works. Recognized Diploma holder. (II) More than Rs.1 Lakh but less Than Rs.5 Lakh for Elect/Mech. Works. 31</p><p> c) Discipline to which the Principal Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Technical Representative should belong.</p><p> d) Minimum experience of works. __3____ years.</p><p> e) Recovery to be effected from the Rs.4,000/-p.m. for Graduate contractor in the event of not Rs.2,000/- for diploma holder. Fulfilling provision of clause 36(i)</p><p>Clause 42</p><p> i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of Delhi. Schedule of Rates______printed by C.P.W.D.</p><p> ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities.</p><p> a) Cement for works with estimated 3% plus / minus. - N.A. - Cost put to tender not more than Rs. 5 lakhs.</p><p> for works with estimated 2% plus / minus. - N.A. - Cost put to tender not more than Rs. 5 lakhs.</p><p> b) Bitumen all works.</p><p>2.5% plus only & Nil on minus side.</p><p>- N.A. -</p><p> c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel 2% plus / minus. - N.A. - Sections for each diameter, section and category.</p><p> d) All other materials. Nil.</p><p>______RECOVERY RATES FOR QUANTITIES BEYOND PERMISSIBLE VARIATION</p><p>Sl. Description of Item Rates in figures and words at which No. recovery shall be made from the Contractor </p><p>Excess beyond Less use beyond Permissible the permissible Variation variation</p><p>1. Cement</p><p>2. Steel reinforcement</p><p>3. Structural Sections - NIL -</p><p>4. Bitumen issued free 32</p><p>5. Bitumen issued at stipulated Fixed price.</p><p>NIT NO: 16/CE(E)/ORISSA/DNIT of 07-08</p><p>NAME OF WORK: SITC OF 69 Nos. 25 KVA OUTDOOR TYPE TRANSFOFMER SUB-STATION FOR DIFFERENT BTS STATION UNDER USO PROJECT IN BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION BHUBANESWAR.</p><p>PART-II (PRICE BID)</p><p>INDEX</p><p>Sl. No. DESCRIPTION Page No. 1 Schedule of Quantities 1-6</p><p>33 1</p><p>Name of Work: - SITC of 69 Nos 25 KVA out-door type Transformer Sub-Station for different BTS station under USO Project in BSNL Electrical Division Bhubaneswar. Sl.N Description of Items Quan tity Sub-Head-I 1(a) Supplying of 25 KVA, 3 phase 50Hz oil immersed natural cooled step- down outdoor type aluminium wound Transformer with delta primary and star secondary, brought-out neutral and having a no load voltage ratio of 11KV / 415V and complete with necessary bushing type terminal at H.T. & cable terminal box at LT side as per specification complete as required. 69 Nos</p><p>1(b) I/T/C of above transformer as per specification i/c installing the same on Pole structure / Plinth base, testing,power charging & commission- ing etc. complete as required. 69 Jobs</p><p>2 S/F of fabricated water proof M.S. box with hinged door and locking arrangement for fixing the switch fuse unit and meter board made of the following members i/c cutting, welding, painting with minor civil work etc. complete as required. a) 50mm x 50mm x 6mm M.S. angle (i/c fire bucket stand). 2760 Mtrs. b) 50mm x 6mm M.S. Flat. 276 Mtrs. c) 16 gauge M.S. sheet. 69 Sqmtrs. d) G.I. wire mesh of suitabale size for meter reading. 69 Jobs 3 P/F following capacity metal clad TP&N Sw. disconnector fuse unit with H.R.C. fuses& busbar i/c drilling holes on the board connect- ions earthing the body required. a) 63 Amps. with H.R.C. fuse. 69 Nos b) 100 Amps. Al.Busbar - 4 Nos.(Approx. length 1/2 mtr. each with mounting Insulator). 69 Jobs</p><p>Total for Sub-Head-I =</p><p>Sub-Head-II 1 Supplying Installation of PSC pole complete as required. a) 8mtr long, 200Kg 1380 Nos b) 9mtr long, 300Kg 690 Nos</p><p>2 S/F of MS chananel of not less than 100mm x 50mm x 6.25mm. on the two poles structure with suitable brackets for cross support of the pole & fixing the gang operated switch, lightning arrestor, insulator etc. on pole i/c cutting, drilling, welding, fixing by suitable nuts & bolts, painting etc. complete as required. 2346 Mtrs. 1</p><p>Annexure I A) 25 KVA Transformer (Item no. 1(a) of Sub Head-I)</p><p>Sr. Item Description Amount No. 1 Basic unit price exclusive of all levies & charges</p><p>2 Excise duty %</p><p>3 Excise duty Amount</p><p>4 Sales tax %</p><p>5 Sales tax Amount</p><p>6 Freight , Forwarding ,Packing & Insurance %</p><p>7 Freight , Forwarding ,Packing & Insurance Amount</p><p>8 Any other levy / Charges /Incidental charges</p><p>9 Total Price inclusive of all levies / charges = (1+ 3 + 5 + 7+ 8)</p><p>B) ITC of 25 KVA Transformer (Item no. 1(b) of Sub Head-I) </p><p>Sr. Item Description No. 1 Basic unit price of labour services</p><p>2 Service tax %</p><p>3 Service tax Amount</p><p>4 Any other levy / Charges /Incidental charges</p><p>5 Total Price inclusive of all levies / charges =(1+3+4) </p><p>SDE(EP) SW(E)</p>

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