<p>Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3: Scope of work PART C3: SCOPE OF WORK</p><p>CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS C3.1 SCOPE SECTION 001: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND CHARGES C3.2 OVERVIEW OF THE WORKS C3.3 APPLICATION C3.4 CONTRACT RATES C3.4.1 Contract Rates C3.4.2 Rates to be inclusive C3.4.3 Pay items C3.4.4 Rate only items C3.4.5 The meaning of certain words and phrases C3.5 APPROVAL C3.5.1 Execution of the works C3.6 AFTER COMPLETION OF THE WORK C3.7 WORKMEN TO BE KEPT WITHIN BOUNDS C3.8 EXTENT OF OCCUPATION OF SITE C3.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING SERVICES C3.9.1 General C3.9.2 Protection during construction C3.9.3 Liability for damage and insurance C3.9.4 Alterations and repairs to existing services C3.10 NOTICES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS C3.11 SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS C3.12 SITE MEETINGS C3.13 MATERIALS C3.14 ORDERING OF MATERIALS C3.15 DELIVERY C3.16 DETAILS OF OFFER C3.17 QUALITY AND GUARANTEE C3.18 WORKING HOURS C3.19 QUANTITIES C3.20 DEFAULT C3.21 TERMS OF PAYMENT</p><p>Part C3 - Page 1 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3: Scope of work</p><p>C3.22 RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME C3.22.1 General C3.22.2 Additional contract conditions C3.23 FENCES C3.23.1 Types of fences C3.23.2 Materials C3.24 CLEARING OF FENCE LINE C3.25 INSTALLING POSTS AND STANDARDS C3.26. INSTALLING WIRE AND TENSION FENCING C3.27 INSTALLING DROPPERS C3.28. INSTALLING DIAMOND MESH C3.29 INSTALLING BARBED-TAPE CONCERTINAS C3.30 CLOSING OPENINGS UNDER FENCES C3.31 EXISTING FENCES C3.32 TEMPORARY FENCES C3.33 INSTALLING GATES C.3.34 MESH (CLEARVU) C3.35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TOLERANCES C3.36 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT</p><p>Part C3 - Page 2 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS</p><p>C3.1 SCOPE</p><p>This specification covers the supply and erection of new fences, the maintenance of existing fences and the dismantling of existing fences, at various Nature Conservation-, Waste Management- Cemetery- and Horticultural Sites as mentioned below within the CoT and finally the stacking of the fencing material at specified locations and in conformity with the details, dimensions and design as directed by the Official. This tender also includes as and when required for unknown extension such as Metsweding etc. </p><p>Supply and erection of new fences - Areas where new fences need / might be erected within the next 3 years Nature Conservation Apies River Zandfontein Sand Spruit Austin Roberts Bird Ga-Mothakga Recreation Silverton Ridge Sanctuary Resort Skinner Spruit Bodibeng Joos Becker Caravan Park Soutpan Nature Reserve Colbyn Wetland Kwaggaspruit Resort Soutpan Spruit DLS Swartkops Resort Soutpan vlei Frank Struben Derdepoort Swimming pool Toloane Nature Reserve Hartbeesspruit Moot Spruit Witwaterberg Kaalplaas Spruit Moreleta Spruit Wolwespruit Kwagga Spruit Moreletapark – Magaliesberg Magaliesberg Rotary Forest Conservation Area Section: Project Implementation and Operations Booysens Nursery Areas where maintenance of existing fences and the dismantling of existing fences need / might be maintained within the next 3 years Nature Conservation Argo Perseus Valley Sesmylspruit Austin Roberts Bird Silverton Ridge Sanctuary Skinnerspruit Bishop Bird Park Bird Skuilkrans Kopje Sanctuary Struben kop Board Walk Bird Sanctuary Strubendam Bird Sanctuary Chaimberlains Bird Sanctuary Toloane Nature Reserve Colbyn Wetlands Tweefontein Spruit</p><p>Part C3 - Page 3 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Constantia Spruit Voortrekker Monument Dead Mans End Wapadrand Spruit Erasmuskloof Bird Sanctuary Waterkloof Boulevard Eugene Marais Park Waterkloof Spruit Faerie Glen Nature Reserve Wonderboom Nature Reserve Fountains Valley – Jumbo Derdepoort Recreation Resort Rally Faerie Glen Nature Reserve Frank Struben Fountains Recreation Resort Groenkloof Nature Reserve Ga-Mothakga Recreation Klapperkop Nature Reserve Resort Kruin park Joos Becker Caravan Park Kwaggaspruit Kwaggaspruit Resort Luton Valley Moretele Recreation Resort Magaliesberg Rooihuiskraal Historical Maroelana Spruit Terrain Momosa Spruit Swarkops Resort Mootspruit Wonderboom Nature Reserve Moreleta spruit Rotary Forest Conservation Moreletakloof Nature Reserve Area Moreletapark – Magaliesberg Sandspruit Pierre van Ryneveld Nature Area Rietvlei Nature Reserve Rooihuiskraal Animal Farm</p><p>Section: Project Implementation and Operations Booysens Nursery Section :Waste Management Landfill sites Section: Cemeteries </p><p>This tender will be used, as and when required subject to the availability of funds and the budget process. The CoT reserves the right to include areas which is not listed above, for unforeseen maintenance and / or where funding become available within the 3 year period for new fences.</p><p>CoT does not guarantee to purchase stated quantities as those are merely estimated quantities and is only use for evaluation purposes. C3.2 OVERVIEW OF THE WORKS</p><p>Part C3 - Page 4 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>This section covers the principles, responsibilities and requirements applicable to the contract as a whole, to certain tender conditions, as well as to all work and costs involved in the establishment of the contractor's organization.</p><p>C3.3 APPLICATION</p><p>This section, like the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract, contains requirements of a general nature and as such also deals with matters covered by the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract. This section applies to all sections of these Specifications.</p><p>This section does not alter or replace the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract in any way but purports to complement them by providing more specific details and requirements and it should therefore be read in conjunction with both these documents.</p><p>Where reference is made in these Specifications to the General Conditions of Contract only, such reference shall also imply reference to the Special Conditions of Contract, and vice versa.</p><p>C3.4 CONTRACT RATES</p><p>C3.4.1 Contract Rates</p><p>In computing the final Contract Price, payments shall be based only on the actual quantities of authorized work done in accordance with the Specifications, the Drawings and the Official's instructions.</p><p>The Contract rates shall apply, subject to the provisions of the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract, irrespective of whether the actual quantities are more or less than the scheduled quantities.</p><p>Where reference is made in these Specifications to a tendered rate, price or lump sum, it shall be construed to mean the rate, price or lump sum accepted by the tenderer by the acceptance of the tender.</p><p>C3.4.2 Rates to be inclusive</p><p>The Contractor shall accept the payment for which provision is made in the Contract and as represented by the rates rendered by him in the Schedule of Quantities as payment in full for executing, completing and maintaining the work as specified and described in the pay items, </p><p>Part C3 - Page 5 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> for procuring, furnishing, installing and/or placing all materials, for labour, supervision, plant, tools and equipment, for wastage, transport, loading and off-loading, handling, storage, traffic maintenance, temporary work, testing, quality control including process control, overheads and profit, for all risks, liabilities and obligations described or implied in the Contract (excluding value added tax) that may apply to items supplied, levies and amounts in respect of patented and other protected rights, for all other incidentals necessary for the completion of the work and maintenance during the defects liability period as well for any items of work listed in the pay item description.</p><p>This sub-clause shall fully apply to all pay items, except where the requirements may have been specifically amended in a particular case.</p><p>C3.4.3 Pay items</p><p>The description under the pay items in each section of the Specifications, which indicate the work for which allowance should be made in the offered rates for such pay items, are for the guidance of the Contractor and do not necessarily repeat all the details of work and materials required by and described in the Specifications. The pay items for each section shall be deemed to cover payment collectively for all the work specified in that section.</p><p>The description in the pay items shall be read in conjunction with the relevant documents of the Contract and the Contractor shall, when tenderding, make allowance for his rates to be all-inclusive as specified in sub-clause C3.4.2 above.</p><p>C3.4.4 Rate only items</p><p>Opposite an item in the Schedule of Quantities where no quantity is given but where a "rate only" is required, the Contractor shall fill in a rate or price which will constitute payment for any work that may be required under this item. Such "rate only" items shall be used where it is anticipated that little or no work will be required under the item, or where a quantity is given, or for variations in rates of application or mix proportions in certain items of work.</p><p>C3.4.5 The meaning of certain words and phrases</p><p>Where one or more words "supply", "procure", "provide" or "furnish" (material) are used, it shall mean the supply and delivery to the point of use for all materials of any kind whatsoever required for the work covered by the particular pay item, including all tax, purchase costs, claims, damages, royalties and transport costs involved, but excluding overhaul where this is applicable. In the case of borrow materials, stone and sand, it shall also include all negotiations with the owners concerned, excavation, producing, preparing, processing, testing, hauling and delivering the material to the point of use.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 6 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Where the phrase "The offered rate shall include full compensation" or any similar phrase is used in the description of a pay item, the word "include" shall not signify that the compensation is limited to the items of work or cost listed but that the compensation covers, inter alia, the items listed.</p><p>C3.5 APPROVAL</p><p>Approval of any material or plant and its operation, or of any construction procedure to be used, shall not imply any relaxation of the requirements governing the quality of the materials or of the finished work, or relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract.</p><p>Approval that has been granted to the Contractor in the past regarding certain practices not wholly in accordance with these Specifications shall not be regarded as a precedent or waiver, and such prior practices shall not in any way prejudice the enforcement of these Specifications.</p><p>If the Official's Representative approves the workmanship or materials of any word, and the workmanship or materials are subsequently found to be not in compliance with the specified requirements, then the Contractor shall, at his own cost, remove and reinstate such work with work which complies with the specified requirements, if so ordered by the Official.</p><p>C3.5.1 Execution of the works</p><p>The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to limit as far as possible damage to gardens, fences, outbuildings, swimming pools, vehicles and other property and disruption to the occupiers while he is working on private or public property. He shall particularly programme his activities so as to minimize his time of occupation.</p><p>Where normal access by way of driveways and footpaths is obstructed, he shall provide suitable temporary vehicle or pedestrian crossings. Grass and topsoil shall be carefully removed and stored separately for replacement upon completion of the work.</p><p>Upon completion of construction, the affected area shall be restored to its original condition within one week as far as this is reasonably possible, and all rubbish and debris shall be removed and all damage made good.</p><p>C3.6 AFTER COMPLETION OF THE WORK</p><p>As soon as the work on any property has been completed and the area restored as set out above, the Contractor shall obtain from the owner, lessee or occupier, on a form approved by</p><p>Part C3 - Page 7 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> the Official, signed statement that the owner, lessee or occupier is satisfied with the condition to which the property has been restored and that he has no unsettled claims for damage. This statement shall be delivered to the Official.</p><p>In the event of the owner, lessee or occupier refusing to sign such statement, the matter shall be referred to the Official for further instructions.</p><p>C3.7 WORKMEN TO BE KEPT WITHIN BOUNDS</p><p>The Contractor will be responsible for keeping all persons under his control, including personnel employed by subcontractors, within bounds and will be liable for all damage to adjoining premises and property caused by workmen, by transportation, or by any other occurrence under his control.</p><p>C3.8 EXTENT OF OCCUPATION OF SITE</p><p>The Contractor shall limit his occupation of the Site to such period and the number of working places to such number as would reasonably be necessary in the circumstances. Holes shall not be allowed to remain open for longer than is necessary and access for the public shall be limited or restricted for as short a period as is reasonably possible.</p><p>C3.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING SERVICES</p><p>C3.9.1 GENERAL</p><p>Specific requirements relating to the location, protection and work in the vicinity of certain services such as electrical or telephone cables may be included in the Project Specifications.</p><p>C3.9.2 PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION</p><p>The Contractor shall exercise all the necessary care to prevent damage to known services during construction operations. No additional payment will apply to such more difficult work.</p><p>C3.9.3 LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE AND INSURANCE</p><p>The Contractor's attention is drawn to the relevant clauses of the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract regarding liability for damage to the Works or property, or injury to persons arising from the construction of the works and regarding insurance of the works and public liability insurance to be effected.</p><p>C3.9.4 ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS TO EXISTING SERVICES</p><p>Part C3 - Page 8 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Unless the contrary is clearly specified or ordered, the Contractor shall not carry out any alterations to existing services. Where this may be necessary, the Contractor shall inform the Official, who will either make arrangements for such work to be executed by the owner of the service or instruct the Contractor to make such arrangements himself.</p><p>Where the Contractor damages existing services, he shall immediately inform the Official and the relevant authority, and shall obtain instructions as to who should carry out repairs. In urgent cases the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to minimise damage to and the interruption of the service. No repairs shall be attempted to telecommunication cables or electric power lines and cables.</p><p>A list of the important telephone numbers to be used when services are damaged or need to be altered will be included in the Project Specifications.</p><p>No liability for damages arising from any delay in having such alterations or repairs affected will be accepted by the employer. The Contractor shall provide all reasonable opportunity, access and assistance to persons doing alterations or repairs to existing services.</p><p>C3.10 NOTICES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS</p><p>The Contractor shall not erect any advertisements, notices or signs on or near the Site without the written approval of the Official.</p><p>C3.11 SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS</p><p>The Contractor shall at all times observe adequate safety precautions on Site to ensure the safety of the public as well as of his own staff and other people engaged in or about the works. In this respect he shall observe all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to his work.</p><p>When work is carried out within a road reserve, the road surfaces not affected by the work and which remain open to traffic, shall be kept clean at all times so that gravel and debris will not be thrown up by passing vehicles, causing possible injury to persons and damage to property and other vehicles.</p><p>The Contractor shall ensure that the public is protected against falling or flung material and objects and that all open holes that may constitute a hazard, are safeguarded as specified in Clause 25 of this section.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 9 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>The Contractor's attention is specifically drawn to the following Acts, and particularly to the relevant regulations under each Act, copies of which shall at all times be kept by him on the Sits:</p><p>- The Explosive Act (Act 26 of 1956) - The Mines and Works Act (Act 27 of 1956) - The Machinery and Occupational Safety Act (Act 6 of 1983) - The Road Traffic Act 1996(Act 93 of 1996) - Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 Construction Regulations 2003</p><p>All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect workmen against falling material and/or objects and other dangers whilst they are carrying out their duties.</p><p>The Contractor shall provide a properly equipped first-aid box, which shall be accessible at all times.</p><p>Where adequate safety precautions are not being observed, the Official may order the Contractor to comply with minimum safety requirements at the latter's expense. Compliance with such order will not absolve the Contractor from any of his responsibilities and obligations under the Contract.</p><p>The Contractor shall display in a prominent position the telephone numbers of the local police, the ambulance, the fire brigade and the nearest doctor for use in case of an emergency.</p><p>C3.12 SITE MEETINGS</p><p>The Contractor will be required to attend regular site meetings, which will normally be held once a month to discuss general progress, quality of work, problems, claims, payments, etc but not any matters concerning the day-to-day running of the contract.</p><p>C3.13 MATERIALS</p><p>The Contractor will be required to comply with any standard specification, and shall, if so ordered, furnish the Official with certificates showing that the materials do so comply. Where so specified, materials shall bear the official mark of the appropriate authority. Samples ordered of specified shall be delivered to the Official's office on the Site free of charge.</p><p>Unless otherwise specified, all proprietary materials shall be used and placed in strict accordance with the relevant manufacturer's current published instruction.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 10 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Where proprietary products have been specified, similar products may be used subject to the prior written approval of the Official.</p><p>Unless anything to the contrary is specified, all manufactured articles or material supplied by the contractor shall be new and unused.</p><p>All materials to be included in the Works shall not be damaged in any way and, should they damaged on delivery or by the Contractor during handling, transportation, storage, installation or testing, they shall be replaced by the contractor at his own expense.</p><p>All places where materials are being manufactured or obtained for use in the Works, and all the processes connected therewith, shall be open to inspection by the Official (or other persons authorised by the Official) at all reasonable times, and the Official shall be at liberty to suspend any portion of work which is not being executed in conformity with these Specifications.</p><p>C3.14 ORDERING OF MATERIALS</p><p>Immediately upon his tender being accepted, the Contractor shall purchase all materials which are in short supply or for which the delivery period may be long.</p><p>The quantities set out in the Schedule of Quantities are estimated quantities. The Contractor shall therefore, before ordering materials of any kind, check with the Official the quantities required. No liability or responsibility whatsoever shall attach to the Employer for materials ordered by the Contractor except if they have been ordered in accordance with written confirmation issued by the Official.</p><p>C3.15 DELIVERY</p><p>Tenderers shall state the earliest starting date after acceptance of an order and the period needed for the completion of the work, which shall be strictly adhered to. A maximum period of 14 days allowed for the completion of the job after acceptance of the order.</p><p>C3.16 DETAILS OF OFFER</p><p>Tenderers shall submit full details of the type of paint to be used. Only Environmental friendly paints may be used</p><p>Part C3 - Page 11 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>C3.17 QUALITY AND GUARANTEE</p><p>If at any time after delivery the General Manager shall be dissatisfied with the workmanship, the contractor shall immediately remedy the said defect to the satisfaction of the General Manager.</p><p>Should the Contractor delay remedial work in excess of the time stipulated by the General Manager’s representative, the General Manager might have such remedial executed at the contractor’s expense.</p><p>Tenderers shall state the guarantee period against faulty material and poor workmanship.</p><p>If not stated, it will be taken as twelve (12) months.</p><p>C3.18 WORKING HOURS</p><p>No work will be permitted on Sundays.</p><p>C3.19 QUANTITIES</p><p>The quantities shown are approximate. However, the Municipality does not guarantee to order the quantities or any quantities shown. All quantities will be ordered as and when required.</p><p>C3.20 DEFAULT</p><p>Should it appear to the General Manager that the contractor is not executing the Contract in accordance with the true intend and meaning thereof, or that he is refusing or delaying to execute the contract or that he is not carrying on the contract at such rate of progress as to ensure delivery by the date of delivery or that the time has expired within which delivery should have taken place or in the event of any other failure or default by the contractor, then in any of such events the General Manager may give notice in writing to the contractor to make good the failure or default, and should the contractor fail to comply with the notice within the period specified therein, then and in such case the General Manager shall, without prejudice to any of the Municipality’s rights under the contract, be at liberty forthwith to perform such service as the Contractor may have neglected to do, or take the contract wholly or in part out of the contractor's hands and order from or contract with any other person. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss the Municipality may sustain by reason of such action as may be taken in terms of this clause.</p><p>C3.21 TERMS OF PAYMENT</p><p>Part C3 - Page 12 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Subject to any adjustment which the Municipality may be authorized to make in terms of the contract, the successful tenderer shall be entitled to payments by the Municipality in accordance with the following provisions: - Thirty (30) days after submission of the invoice to the Executive Director: Environmental Management Services Department, has been made, provided the delivery is in accordance with the accepted specification and provided an invoice is timorously submitted. - After completion of contract, subject to satisfactory service</p><p>C3.22 RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME</p><p>C3.22.1 General</p><p>The contractor shall approach this contract and execute the works with due consideration of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) of the Government of National Unity. Existing local Planning and Development Forums or RDP Committees or Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) or Technical sub-committees or other forums still to be established, will monitor the extent to which government and Municipality policy in this regard is supported.</p><p>The contractor shall give its full co-operation of these forums and committees.</p><p>Should the contractor fail to comply with the conditions of this clause and the following clause on additional contract conditions, the Official may suspend the progress of the works in terms of clause 42 of the General Conditions of Contract and the contractor shall not be entitled to make a claim for a delay or additional cost. Compliance with this clause does not relieve the contractor of any of its contractual obligations or liabilities.</p><p>C3.22.2 Additional contract conditions</p><p>C3.22.2.1 It is a specific requirement of the employer that, in the spirit and the letter of the RDP, this contract will provide training, development and employment to as many people from the recipient community as possible.</p><p>C3.22.2.2 Tenderers are required to indicate in Supplement E in the tender, the amount of local labour, i.e. within the area of jurisdiction of the CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY, and imported labour which is planned for this project.</p><p>C3.22.2.3 The contractor will not be permitted to use imported unskilled labour if such labour is available within the recipients community.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 13 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>C3.22.2.4 The contractor shall advise the Community Based Organization (CBO)/Technical subcommittee/Ward Councillor of any reduction in locally employed labour, regardless of the reason.</p><p>C3.22.2.5 The contractor shall register all labourers employed on the contract with the Workmen’s Compensation Commissioner and the Unemployment Insurance Fund, as applicable.</p><p>C3.22.2.6 The contractor shall obtain the Unemployment Insurance Fund and Workmen’s Compensations registration cards.</p><p>C3.22.2.7 Upon termination of the contract, each locally employed labourer shall be entitled to received his/her Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Workmen’s Compensation registration cards as well as a Certificate of Employment from the contractor clearly stating the following:</p><p>C3.22.2.8 The type of work done. C3.22.2.9 The duration of employment. C3.22.2.10 The number of days absent from work. C3.22.2.11 The contractor’s general impression of the quality of work done.</p><p>C3.23 FENCES</p><p>C3.23.1TYPES OF FENCES</p><p>The following types of fences shall be erected in accordance with the requirements as agreed upon by Official. </p><p>(a) Ordinary fences with diamond mesh, or tension fencing to the full height of the fence.</p><p>(b) Security fences, either the verandah type with diamond mesh or tension fencing on the vertical portion and barbed wire on the overhang, or the vertical type with full height diamond mesh, barbed wire or tension fencing, with or without rolls of barbed- tape concertinas fitted. Verandah-type fences can also be fitted with barbed-tape concertinas.</p><p>(c) Game fencing</p><p>(d) Electric fencing</p><p>Part C3 - Page 14 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>(e) Palisade fencing – metal and concrete C3.23.2 MATERIALS</p><p>C3.23.2.1 POSTS, STAYS, STANDARDS AND DROPPERS</p><p>Posts, stays, standards and droppers shall be of the type and size indicated on the Pricing Data.. Posts shall include gateposts, straining posts and corner posts.</p><p>Metal posts, stays, standards and droppers shall comply with the requirements of CKS 82 and SABS 280. "Acceptable" in CKS 82 means "acceptable to the Official".</p><p>Tubular posts shall be sealed at the top with caps and shall be fitted with base plates.</p><p>Tabular posts, standards and stays shall be galvanized in accordance with SABS 763 Table 1 for type B articles. All rail sections, Y-sections and metal droppers shall be provided with a protective coating of tar or other approved material.</p><p>Corner, gate and straining posts shall be suitably drilled for stay bolts or gate fittings.</p><p>Plastic droppers (HDPE) shall be High density Polyethylene SABS tested with a breaking strength of 2.5KN (SABS nr.1173 &971 using method nr. 25 on 22/7/2009) Oval (20mm x 16mm), solid with ridges and UV protected up to 20 – 30 years.</p><p>Concrete fencing posts shall consist of 13mm quartzitic stone, river sand and cement to produce strength of 50Mpa. Major posts shall be pre-stressed with four 5.0mm dia crimped pre-stressing wires and intermediate and stay posts with 4.25 mm dai crimped pre-stressing wire. The four wires shall be positioned in such a way that it will be covered by 20 mm concrete. </p><p>C3.23.2.2 BOLTS FOR STAYS</p><p>Bolts shall be mild steel and galvanized in accordance with SABS 763 Table 1 for type C articles. All the necessary bolts, together with nuts and washers, shall be supplied with each post.</p><p>C3.23.2.3 WIRE</p><p>All wire shall conform to the requirements of SABS 675 and shall be Class B galvanized, except where otherwise specified below.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 15 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>(a) Barbed wire</p><p>Barbed wire shall be of the following:</p><p>(i) High-tensile grade, oval shaped single-strand-wire.</p><p>Barbs shall be spaced at not more than 150mm intervals.</p><p>(b) Smooth wire</p><p>Smooth wire shall be of the types specified below:</p><p>(i) Straining wire shall be mild-steel wire.</p><p>(ii) Fencing of wire shall be high-tensile-grade.</p><p>(iii) Tying wire or binding wire shall be 2,50mm-diameter, mild-steel, Class C galvanized wire for tying fencing wire to standards and droppers, and 1,60mm-diameter, mild-steel, Class C galvanized wire for tying wire mesh to fencing wire.</p><p>(c) Barbed-tape concertinas</p><p>Barbed-tape concertinas shall comply with the requirements of type A in CKS 592 and shall consist of close-coiled high tensile wire with a continuous strip of flat steel barbs (barbed tape) crimped to the wire along the entire length of the wire. The coils shall further be attached together by clips to give a concertina configuration when pulled apart. Each concertina shall have a minimum of 55 coils, and the maximum effective length of open concertina, when pulled apart, shall depend on the diameter of the roll but shall be at least 12m.</p><p>The high-tensile wire shall be Class B galvanized.</p><p>The barbed tape shall be made of cold-rolled carbon steel galvanized to Class Z450.</p><p>The concertina clips shall be manufactured from steel strip galvanized to Class Z450.</p><p>C3.23.2.4 DIAMOND MESH</p><p>Part C3 - Page 16 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Diamond mesh (chain-link fencing) shall comply with the requirements of SABS 1373. The width shall be as agreed upon by the official, and both edges shall be clinched.</p><p>The diameter if the wire shall be 2,5mm and the mesh size as indicated by the Official.</p><p>The wire shall be Class B galvanized.</p><p>C3.23.2.5 TENSION FENCING</p><p>Pre-assembled tension fencing shall be manufactured from wires complying with the edge wires and intermediate wires having a minimum diameter of 2,24mm. Edge wires and intermediate wire shall be of a high-tensile grade, and all wires shall be Class B galvanized.</p><p>C3.23.2.6 GATES</p><p>Gates shall comply with the requirements of CKS 146 and shall be manufactured to the dimensions needed.</p><p>Gates shall be complete in every respect, and shall include hinges, washers, bolts and locking mechanism.</p><p>C3.23.2.7 MATERIALS FOR TEMPORARY FENCES</p><p>All new material for temporary fences shall be of the same quality as the material for new fences. Second-hand material, whether available on Site or purchased, shall be thoroughly inspected for defects before use.</p><p>The protective galvanized coating on all second-hand fencing wires shall be intact, but barbs, diamond mesh, posts, standards, droppers and gates may have a rusty appearance provided that the rust is superficial and does not impair the structural strength of the items.</p><p>C3.23.2.8 CONCRETE</p><p>Concrete used for fencing shall be at least 15 MPA.</p><p>C3.24 CLEARING OF FENCE LINE</p><p>Part C3 - Page 17 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Strip clearing for the fence shall be included in the rate for erection of new fence.</p><p>C3.25 INSTALLING POSTS AND STANDARDS</p><p>Straining posts shall be erected at all ends, corners and bends in the line of fencing and at all junctions with other fences. . The height of the posts above the ground shall be such that the correct clearance between the lowest wire and the ground can be obtained.</p><p>Posts shall be accurately set in holes and shall be provided with concrete bases.</p><p>Holes shall be dug to the full-specified depth. Where, owing to the presence of rock, the holes cannot be excavated by hand or by pneumatic tools and the Contractor has to resort to the use of explosives, he will be paid separately for the drilling and blasting operations required.</p><p>Corner, gate, end and straining posts shall be braced by means of stays or anchors. Pipe stays shall be bolted to the posts. Gateposts shall not be used as straining posts, but at each gate post a straining post shall be placed to support the gate posts.</p><p>Standards shall be firmly planted in the ground at the spacing as directed by the Official. The spacing of standards between any two straining posts shall be uniform. In rock or hard material non-tubular standards shall either be driven or set in holes drilled into the rock. The size of drilled holes shall be such that a tight fit is obtained. Care shall be taken not to buckle or damage the standards when driven. Where indicated, standards shall be provided with concrete bases.</p><p>All posts and standards shall be accurately aligned and set plumb. Where verandah-type security fencing is used, the posts and standards shall be planted with the overhang at right angles to the direction of the fence. After posts and standards have been firmly set in accordance with the foregoing requirements, the fencing wire shall be attached thereto as described below.</p><p>C3.26. INSTALLING WIRE AND TENSION FENCING</p><p>All fencing wire shall be carefully stretched and hung without sag and with true alignment, and care shall be taken not to stretch the wire so tightly as to cause breaking, to pull up straining posts, or to be easily damaged during veld fires.</p><p>Each strand of fencing wire shall be securely fastened in the correct position to each standard with galvanized binding wire. The binding wire for each horizontal fence wire shall </p><p>Part C3 - Page 18 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> pass through a hole or notch in the standard and the ends of the wire shall be wound at least four times around the fencing wire.</p><p>At the end, corner, straining and gate posts the fencing wire shall be securely wrapped twice around the post and secured against slipping by tying the end tightly around the wire by means of at least six snug, tight twists. In the case of high-tensile wire, two long windings must be made before the six tight twists to prevent the wire from breaking at the first twist. Where smooth wire is used, the loose end shall be bent back and hooked into the opening between the fencing wire and the first winding.</p><p>Splices in the fencing wire will be permitted if made in the following manner with the use of a splice tool. The end of each wire at the splice shall be carried at least 75mm past the splice tool and wrapped snugly around the other wire for not less than six complete turns, after which the two separate wire ends shall be wound in opposite directions. After the splice tool has been removed, the space left by it in the splice wire shall be closed by pulling together the wire ends. The unused ends of wire shall be cut close so as to leave a neat splice.</p><p>The gaps between gateposts and the adjacent straining posts shall be fenced off with short fencing wires.</p><p>Tension fencing shall be installed according to the methods and with the special tools recommended by the manufacturer.</p><p>C3.27 INSTALLING DROPPERS</p><p>Droppers shall be tied to each fence wire with binding wire in the required position to prevent vertical slipping. The spacing of droppers between any two standards shall be uniform. Droppers shall be suspended clear of the ground.</p><p>C3.28. INSTALLING DIAMOND MESH</p><p>Diamond mesh shall be stretched against the fence and properly tied to the fencing wire. The diamond mesh shall be secured by means of binding wire along the top and bottom wires and in centres along each of the other fencing wires.</p><p>C3.29 INSTALLING BARBED-TAPE CONCERTINAS</p><p>Barbed-tape concertinas shall be positioned on the fence as agreed upon by the Official. The concertinas shall be fastened to the appropriate fencing wires at each standard as well as at 1,0m maximum intervals between standards.</p><p>Part C3 - Page 19 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>Rolls of barbed-tape concertinas shall be joined with binding wire at four points spaced at equidistant intervals around the circumference of the loop. Joints shall be made to coincide with the positions of standards.</p><p>C3.30 CLOSING OPENINGS UNDER FENCES</p><p>At ditches, streams, drainage channels or other hollows where the fence cannot follow the general ground contour, the Contractor shall close the opening under the fence by means of horizontal barbed wires 150mm apart and stretched between additional straining posts. The opening shall be covered with strips of diamond mesh, 1 000mm wide, fixed to the barbed wires.</p><p>In the case of larger streams the opening below the lower fencing wire shall be closed by means of loose-hanging wire nets. These mats shall be erected at streams only on the instructions of the Official.</p><p>C3.31 EXISTING FENCES</p><p>Where a new fence joins an existing fence, whether in line or at an angle, the new fence shall be erected with a new straining post positioned at the junction with the existing fence.</p><p>Existing fences that are required to be taken down or moved to a new location shall be dismantled and shall either be re-erected to the same design as originally constructed, with such modifications as the Official may require, or shall be erected to one of the standards specified in clause 02 if so scheduled.</p><p>Material not required for re-erection or declared to be unsuitable for re-use shall be neatly stacked at approved locations in accordance with the Official's instruction. Fencing wire, mesh or netting shall be stacked at approved locations in accordance with the Official's instruction. Fencing wire, mesh or netting shall be stacked clear of the ground.</p><p>In the case of existing fences that require moving, the Contractor shall, where possible, re- use all material found to be suitable for this purpose, and shall supply any such new material as may be required for re-erecting the fence to the standards specified for new fences.</p><p>The Contractor shall take extreme care when straining used wire to avoid unnecessary breakage.</p><p>C3.32 TEMPORARY FENCES</p><p>Part C3 - Page 20 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>At any time during the currency of the Contract, the Official may direct the Contractor to erect temporary fencing where necessary in order to prevent unauthorized access to the Works. Such fencing shall be of one of the types mentioned in Clause 02 and the type to be used shall be as scheduled.</p><p>Should material be available from fences that have been dismantled elsewhere on the Site, it shall be utilized, where possible, before additional new or second-hand material is acquired for completing the fence.</p><p>The fencing shall be maintained in good order during construction operations, and on completion of the Works it shall be removed from the site. Wherever practicable, the Official may instruct that permanent and not temporary fencing be erected before construction operations commence.</p><p>Payment for temporary fencing around the Contractor's camp shall be included in the amount tendered for the Contractor's establishment on Site as specified in section 001.</p><p>C3.33 INSTALLING GATES</p><p>Gates shall be installed at the position indicated. The gates shall be hung on gate fittings in accordance to the norm. Gates shall be so erected that they swing in a horizontal plane at right angles to the gate posts and clear of the ground in all positions. Double swing gates shall close to have a gap of not more than 25mm between them, and other gates shall close to be not further than 25mm from the gatepost.</p><p>C.3.34 MESH (CLEARVU) Posts Post shall be Cochrane Taper Posts correct for the height of the fence required Post with shall be 85mm – tapering to 45mm with a depth of 85mm Posts shall include ‘Locking Recess Mechanism’ to secure panel edge. Posts shall be sealed with a UV stabilized polymer cap and fitted with a 12mm base pin Post Foundations 600mm deep x 400 square 15 Mpa concrete</p><p>CleareVu Pressed high Density Mesh Panel Panel shall be of 3.297m with and height of the fence required 1.8m or 2.1m Panel aperture size (centres) shall be 76.2mm x 12.7mm. The panel shall be reinforced with a 4x50mm deep ’V’ formation horizontal recess bands l </p><p>Part C3 - Page 21 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>C3.35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TOLERANCES</p><p>The completed fences shall be plumb, taut, true to line and to the ground contour, and with all posts, standards and stays firmly set.</p><p>The height of the lower fencing wire above the ground at posts and standards shall not vary by more than 25mm. Other fencing wires shall not vary by more than 10mm from their prescribed relative vertical positions.</p><p>The Contractor shall, on completion of each section of fence, remove all cut-offs and other loose wire or mesh so as to leave the fence with a neat and finished appearance.</p><p>C3.36 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT </p><p>All rates to exclude VAT!</p><p>ITEM DESCRIPTION</p><p>01 The unit of measurement shall be the metre square metre (m²), linear metre (m) or number (No) as indicated.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for taking down existing diamond mesh, smooth wire, barbed wire, razor mesh, barbed tape-concertina coil, flat wrap, standards, droppers, stays, corner posts, gate posts, gates, concrete footings, steel pegs and all other incidentals for the complete removal of fencing material as required and/or indicated by the Official.</p><p>Material not required for re-erection or declared to be unsuitable for re-use shall be neatly stacked at an approved location in accordance with the Official's instructions.</p><p>All surplus excavated soil, paving material and/or concrete to be spoiled at an approved dumping site at the Contractor's expense.</p><p>02 The unit of measurement shall be the square metre (m²) of area cleared and/or grubbed. Only those areas or strips designated by the Official to be cleared or grubbed shall be measured for payment. The width of the strip shall be one metre (1m) wide unless otherwise indicated by the Official.</p><p>The unit of measurement shall include full compensation for clearing the surface, removing boulders with a size of up to 0,15 cubic metre, cutting of trees with single or multiple trunks each with a girth of up to 500mm or less, grubbing the stumps and roots of such trees, cutting trunks and branches into transportable lengths, backfilling cavities, demolishing structures, and removing, transporting and disposing of material thus cleared, grubbed, cut and demolished at an approved dumping site at the Contractor's expense.</p><p>03 The unit of measurement shall be the number (No) of tree trunks cut and removed in each group only as indicated by the Official. The girth of a tree trunk will be measured </p><p>Part C3 - Page 22 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> at the narrowest point of the trunk in the first metre of its height above ground level.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for cutting the trees, for cutting the trunks and branches into transportable lengths, and for removing, transporting and disposing of all such trees, trunks, branches and associated material at an approved dumping site at the Contractor's expense.</p><p>All damage to private and or CoT property to be rectified by the Contractor at his own expense.</p><p>04 - 15 The unit of measurement shall be the number (No), linear metre (m) or square metre (m²) of fencing to be erected.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for the providing of all materials including posts and stays with15 Mpa concrete for footings, labour, galvanized binding wire, galvanized straining wire, galvanized bolts, washers and nuts, for the drilling of holes for standards, and for the completion of the fence and the clearing of the site to the satisfaction as specified.</p><p>The unit of measurement shall be the number (no) of gates per leaf. The offered rate shall include full compensation for providing all materials including gateposts, concrete footings, and hinges, complete.</p><p>16 - 18 The unit of measurement shall be the linear metre (m) of picket fencing for each item as required.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for all painted picket fencing in accordance with the specification erected on site and welded to picket fencing posts by means of 6mm fillet weld right around 38x50x5mm angle iron horizontal bars.</p><p>Painting to be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. Only SABS approved paint shall be allowed. All steel to be painted with one primer coat, one under coat and one final coat.</p><p>ITEM DESCRIPTION</p><p>The unit of measurement shall be the number (No) picket fencing posts.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for supplying of all material, 2mm thick cap welded to the top of the posts as indicated and smoothed off after welding, concrete footing, 200x200x2mm base-plate, and all other incidentals for the completion of the installation.</p><p>19 The unit of measurement shall be the linear metre of reinforced concrete beam installed.</p><p>The unit of measurement shall include full compensation for the excavation, spoiling of surplus excavated soil at an approved dumping site at the Contractor's expense, </p><p>Part C3 - Page 23 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> steel shutters, meranti strip to form 25x25 chamfer, 15 Mpa concrete, steel float finish to the top of the beam, all stays to keep shutters in place during placing of concrete, vibrating equipment, backfilling and compaction of excavation to accommodate shutters, 10mm thick soft-board @ 2m max spacing, reinforcing steel, and all other incidentals for the completion of the concrete beam.</p><p>20 The unit of measurement shall be the linear metre (m), square metre(m²) or number as specified for each item.</p><p>The offered rate shall include full compensation for all transportation of material from the previous site and/or Depot to the new site, on and off loading, all labour, plant, tools and equipment for the erection of the fence with material recovered by the contractor or material supplied by CoT.</p><p>22 The unit of measurement shall be the square (m²) applicable on the painting of poles. Painting of poles to comply with the manufactures specification and SABS standards.</p><p>EVALUATION CRITERIA</p><p>The bid will be evaluated in three stages. The evaluation will be done as follows: The tender is going to be evaluated in 3 (three stages)</p><p>Stage 1 Administrative Evaluation Stage 2 Submit an agreement with supplier Stage 3 Price and Preference</p><p>Stage 1 Administrative Evaluation All the proposals will be evaluated against the Administrative responsiveness requirements as set out in the list of returnable documents Bidders complying with ALL the requirements on stage 1 will be evaluated against the Functional Evaluation Criteria. Stage 3 Evaluation in terms of the 90/10 preference point system In terms of regulation 6 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), responsive bids will be adjudicated by the State on the 90/10-preference point system in terms of which points are awarded to bidders on the basis of: - The bid price (maximum 90 points) - B-BBEE status level of contributor (maximum 10 points) The following formula will be used to calculate the points for price:</p><p>Part C3 - Page 24 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p> Pt P min 1 Ps = 90 P min Where Ps = Points scored for comparative price of bid under consideration Pt = Comparative price of bid under consideration Pmin = Comparative price of lowest acceptable bid A maximum of 10 points may be allocated to a bidder for attaining their B-BBEE status level of contributor in accordance with the table below:</p><p>B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of Points 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0</p><p>FUNCTIONALITY, EVALUATION CRITERIA TENDERERS MUST SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT WITH THEIR TENDERS</p><p>Criteria Sub criteria Scale Weight total Company Experience in similar of line work 2 to 3 years 2 5 25</p><p>(Attached proof of completion for projects 4 to 5 Years 4</p><p>More than 5 5 years Experience in personnel erecting fences: game 2 to 3 years 2 5 25 fences; electric fences; palisade fences; clear view; security fences. 4 to 5 Years 4</p><p>Part C3 - Page 25 of 26 Contract: EMS 12 – 2015/16 Part C3.7: Scope of work</p><p>(Personnel must have experience in all types of More than 5 5 fences mentioned. Attach C.V and/or Certificates). years Local Economic participation Outside 2 5 25 Gauteng (Attach proof of water and lights; or rates and taxes 4 or lease agreement). Gauteng 5 Tshwane Capacity of personnel to perform multiple projects 1 project team 2 5 25 simultaneously 3 project teams 4 (Attach vehicles, staff appointed, teams) More than 5 project teams 5 TOTAL 100</p><p>Bids that do not achieve a minimum score of 70 (out of 100) for functionality will not be evaluated further and will not proceed to the next stage.</p><p>The undersigned, who warrants that he / she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise, confirms that the contents of this schedule are within my personal knowledge and are to the of my belief both true and correct.</p><p>Person Authorized to sign Tender</p><p>FULL NAME (IN BLOCK LETTERS) ...... </p><p>SIGNATURE: ...... </p><p>DATE: ...... </p><p>Part C3 - Page 26 of 26</p>
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