The Mount Vernon Car *-M;3nufacturing Co. Just completed,-. New Repair Shop, 500' x 150'. FuUy equipped with 10,000 Freight Cars; Cranes, Electric 150,000 Wheels; Heaters, etc., enabl- 20,000 tons Forgings. ing us to work in all 0 kinds of weather. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS R. F. CARR. Memphis W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Miss. President Vice-Pres. and General Manager . .;. ..--.':',. ~.,. .,' .- , :,:: ::: . .i . .- NUFACTUR'ERS,.& DEALERS LLS AT HICKORY FLAT, MISS. SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone Main 2312 11 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE 827 FRISCO BUILDING WM. L HUGGINS. Jr., Editor MARTHA C. MOORE . Associalc Editor WM . McMILLAN. Adacrtising Manager VOL . I1 AUGUST . 1925 No . I I Permission is giveri'to reprint. with credit. in part or in full. any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PACE Frisca Gains Splendid Scaport Through Purchase of Line to Pensacola. Fla .................. 2- 3 i-\lluvial Empire Served by Frisco One of World's Richest Scctions.................................... 4- 7 Five Carrigan Brothers Serve 182 Years with Frisco.............................................................. 8- 9 "Chic" Sale. Famous Comedian. Received Start from Frisco Shopmen ............................... 10 \\'atchman "Mike" Grant Ina~lguratesNeiv Move in Safety Work...................................... 11 Richard H . Briggs. World's Oldest Master Mechanic and Friscoan Dies ........................ 12 Rating Suggestions Win August Dctter Service Contest Prizc for Agent ........................... 13 "Facial Stucco" and Flat Purse Cause Trouble in hlcGinnis Family-BJI "Suildy" ........... 14 The Famous Frisco Band ............................................................................................................... 15 Co-cperation and Exchange With Mu~aicipalPolice Urged by Allender ............................ 16 One of America's Most Con~pleteRailroad Shops at Springfield. Mo ................................ 17-18 b'eteran J . N . Goolsby Tells of Floods. Mosquitoes and Snakes ............................................... 19 The "Ho\v" of Electrified Statistic3 .............................................................................................. 20 1;urlnc.r Friscoan. No\\. U . S . Aviator. Tells of Thrills in Mexican Jungles ...................... 21 A Traveling Man Talks for Railroads............................................................................................ 24 New $30.000 Sikeston Station Dedicated ........................................................................................25 ..lhe Pcnsion Roll ............................................................................................................................. 27 Tulle Fuel Performance Best in History af Our Road ............................................................ 28 Commendations on Frisco Service................................................................................................... 39 Engineer John Stone. Monett. Receives Praise from Patron .............................................. 31 F:d~torials..................................................................................... .. ...............................................32 Hetween the Rails-By W . L . H.. Ir .............................................................................................33 Friwo Bathing Girls and Flo Ziegfetd's Famous Beauties ........................................................34-35 ~tlomemakers' Department ........... ................................................................................................ 36 "l[iss Frisco In Fashion" ................................................................................................................... 37 Elashes of Merriment ........................................................................................................................ 39 The Twilight Hour, A Page for Children ........................... .... ..................................................... 40 Iirisco Babies-Children of Special Agents .................................................................................. 41 Pastime Page............................................................... '......................................................................... 42 Frisco Employes' Hospital Association Statement............ .. ................................................. 44-43 Frisco illechanic ..............................................................................................................................46-48 I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frisco Employes' Magazine is a monthly publication devoted primarilb. tw the interests of the more than 30. 000 active and retired employes of the Frisco Lines. It contalne etorieb. Items of current news. personal notes about eml~loyes and thelr families. articles dealhg wlth varlous phases of railroad work. poems. cartoons and notices regarding the Ser\'ice . Good Clear photojiraphs suitable for repro- duction ara especially desired. and will be returned only when requested . All cartoons and drawings must be In black India drawing Ink . Employes are invited to write articles for the magazine. Contributions should be typewritten. on ono side of the sheet only. and should be addressed to the Editor . Frisco Building. St. Louis. Mo . Distributed free among Frisco employes . TO OtfieTB. ptWe 15 cents a copy; subscription rate $1.50 a year. Advertising rates will be made known upon agpllcatlon . l~eris cleared away, the splen- did alluvial soil is turned to agriculture. Cotton is the principal crop raised on the J. L. C. & E., al- though a quantity of fruit and garcieti truck is also shipped on its lines. The road has approximately 300 employes, and was sold to the Frisco by its present owner, Robert E. Lee Wilson, wealthy railroad man of Wilson, Ark. 'rhe principal branch of the road, as shown in the accom- panying map, is between Jones- Im-0 and Barfield, while two shorter branches run between Victoria and Dell, and Osceola and Jfcli'erren. Stockholders of the Fsisco will be asked to approve the ;LC- quisition of the two roads at a special meeting called September 4th. I ABOUT THE MAP I The nccomlmnpiny lung wnn farnlnhed the Slepn- nine del~nrtment through the eourteny of Col. Wrnnk G. Jonnh, chirf rne;inerr and his drl~nrtn~ent,and the nrehiterturnl drlmrt- ~nent. The large amp whown our llne fron~Mcm- phls to Rirmlnghanr. nnd the nrchitect* wrrc kind enonglr to drnw the new ron~lin order thnt Friwo Pnlkn ~nlght ha\ e n drA- nite Men of the ndvnntn- geornn eonneetlon nhich their comlbnny haw n~nde. The con*tmcted llne of the Shonln. Birn~i~~~.hnnrrind Pe Ilnilrond, ns the "key" st i to111 of the mnn indicntcs. north frour &nsacoln to Kim- l>rough, Aln. (In nlnkinz the plnte for this pieture, our nrtlst innd- vertently plneed the ialsert over n portion of the word "I~in~lrrough". lenvinc only "011l:h" showing.) '1'11e conntnrction wl~ichthe Rriseo is uadertnkinl: in indirnted by the dots from liinlbrough on UII tn Glen Allen on the Birn~inghnn~nub. nnd on through Unrliugton to SJ~~nclcShonls. Tena., the mite of the fnmons Tenaer.see river IPowrr project. The innert (contained in the circle) Is thrrt portion of onr linr in Nortltennt Arknnmau nnd Somth- cnrt Mix.*ouri, with whfch tvr hnvc nKcctecl further eonnectfons througlr the ~~urchnrreof the Jnnrs- l~~ro.Imke City & I?..nntern Rnil- wny. The .I. I,. C.& E. ronfl tonrhea. nu the mnlt nlronn. nt Jonerrboro, Lenchvllle. Ulytlreville end Wilson. nll 111 Arknusns. Xo nttcatlon wsr 1m1d to geo- grnphleml relntlon .*etwcen the two dlntlnet u~al~n.Ihr 1nrl:cr one, nnd the clreulnr Insert, It is the 3Inpnrine's intcntlon oalr te nhow the new property. The CHy of Me~nphla, Tennessee, fn nhowrr in eneh map with the thought thnt It will nld thr render* in locntina the sertlonn of our llne rrhown. Alluvial Empire of Southeast Missouri and No Arkansas One of World's Richest Sectio Famous "Super-Soil" Section Served by Frisco Offers Rema Opportunities to Homeseeker-Only One-fourth Developed N( ?-""2TD you know that the Gulf of Mexico once diately to the north, the gateway to the £192extended up into the United States to about =stern marliets; Kansas City to the w, ?--2 the present nlouth of the Ohio River? phis as an outlet to the principal marts of the Southeast, When you were on the Frisco between Chaffee and this section is indeed fortunate in its location. A car Memphis, did you notice that the land is as level as of cattle, hay, grain or produce may be loaded one a floor ? . day and be in St. Louis or Memphis the following If you've knocked around in that part of Southeast morning. Missouri a n d Its Geological Northeast A r- History kansas do you Geologists say recall h a v i n g that the Gulf of seen a rock or Mexico once stone as big as had an "arm" your fist? reaching up into Or did you the United notice the soil, States to about or hear anyone the present loca- talk about it? tion of Cape There is an Girardeau, a lit- interesting and tle north o f instructive story C a i r o. This in the super-soil "arnl" varied in section, servcd wiclth from a so thoroughly by CLEARING VIRGIN TIMBER LAND few miles at its the Frisco Lines. upper or north Rut first let us tell you of the admirable service which end, to 50, 60 and almost 100 miles in width farther this railroad gives to the "finest soil in the world". down
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