<p> TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 www.uftnj.com </p><p>"The Heartland of New Jersey"</p><p>Mayor Moslowski called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and requested the Clerk to call the roll. The following Committee Members were present: Mr. Stephen J. Alexander, Mr. Robert Faber, Mr. Robert A. Frascella, Ms. LoriSue H. Mount(arrived 7:15) and Mayor Moslowski Jr. Also present at the dais: Dana L. Tyler, Municipal Clerk, Dianne Kelly, CFO/Administrator, and Dennis A. Collins Esq. Township Attorney. </p><p>Following the Flag Salute, the Clerk announced that the Notice requirements of R.S. 10:4- 18 for an "Annual Notice" had been satisfied by the publication of the required advertisement in the Asbury Park Press and the Asbury Park Press on January 14, 2016 posting the notice on the Board in the Upper Freehold Township Municipal Building and filing a copy of said notice with the Municipal Clerk.</p><p>REPORTS: Committee Liaisons will each provide reports on their respective departments, monthly reports prepared by Department Heads, listed herein, are on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Tax Collector’s Report – July 2016 Municipal Court Report – July 2016 Treasurer’s Report – July 2016</p><p>CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence has been received and is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk. These items will be kept at the counter for review for the next week. Borough of Allentown adopted a Resolution divesting the Borough of Allentown’s insurance sponsorship of Hope Fire Company effective December 31, 2016 and asking Upper Freehold Township Committee to pick up the insurance sponsorship effective January 1, 2017 Monmouth County Historical Commission – Historic Preservation Grant Program State of NJ, Department of Transportation – Applications are being accepted for the 2016 Transportation Alternative Program Invitation to Monmouth County’s September 11th Memorial Ceremony at Mount Mitchill Scenic Overlook Atlantic Highlands, NJ – copy attached State of NJ, Department of Transportation – Pavement Preservation Contract has been tentatively scheduled for construction during the 2017 construction season pending appropriate funding. The scope of this project consists of overlaying the roadway with a preservation treatment. It is also proposed to resurface the Route I-195 interchange ramps. This project may require nighttime construction. Resolution adopted by the Monmouth County Agriculture Development Board amending Resolution 2016-1 regarding the proposed New Jersey Natural Gas Southern Reliability Link JCP&L – Annual Universal Service Fund Compliance Filing JCP&L – in the matter of the proposed Transfer of Transmission Assets and Lease of Real Property Assets to Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission Letter from New Jersey Senate & General Assembly to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection in support of Bordentown, Chesterfield and North Hanover Township’s Resolution to oppose the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, and NJ Natural Gas applications to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection for Freshwater Wetlands Individual Permit for Proposed Garden State Expansion project. State of NJ, State Agriculture Development Committee – New Publication Available: “The Right to Farm Act in New Jersey” Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders – Transportation Trust Fund Executive Order 210- Work Stoppage – Potential Claims Against County Governments Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders – Adopted a Resolution supporting Monmouth Park as a viable location for the operation of a casino PSE&G – Notice to Public Service Electric and Gas Company Electric Customers – Procured by PSE&G on behalf of its basic generation service customers and notice of proposed recovery through its BGS charges of costs resulting from statewide auction for basic generation service - Public Hearing on September 15, 2016 at 1:00 pm. Middlesex County Animal of Friends is requesting the Township Committee consider adopting an Ordinance banning the retail sale of puppies and kittens in Upper Freehold Township – copy attached</p><p>LAND USE: Jackson Township amending the Land Use Ordinance 21-16-Amending Chapter 244 of the Township Code of the Township of Jackson, entitled “LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT</p><p>REGULATIONS” so as to add 244-176.1 entitled, “PORTABLE BUILDINGS AND TRAILERS.” AECOM-Public Hearing for Southern Reliability Link on September 7, 2016 at 6 pm at the Ramada Inn 1083US Route 206, Bordentown, NJ – Upper Freehold Blk. 53, Lot 10& 11 State of NJ, Department of Environmental Protection – Withdrawal Flood Hazard Application for Sharon Station Road Improvements Plumsted Township – Public Hearing will be held on September 6, 2016 at 7:30 pm. on the adoption of the 2016 Reexamination Report of the Master Plan and Master Plan amendments</p><p>RESOLUTION 136-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF BILLS</p><p>-2- The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED, that the following bills, properly certified be the Chief Financial Officer, be paid:</p><p>Current Fund $1,937,085.81 Capital General Fund 1,575.00 Coah Trust Fund 2,674.90 Developer Escrow Fund 31,991.43 Dog Trust Fund $645.50 Municipal Drug Alliance Trust Fund $2,413.89 Open Space Trust Fund $8,335.79 Public Defender Trust Fund $225.00 General Trust Fund $0.00 Recreation Trust Fund $12,427.94 </p><p>Total $1,997,375.26 </p><p>Committeeman Faber questioned the electric bill stating that it is high again. Mayor Moslowski Jr., wanted to discuss the bill for cleaning/replacement of patches on the Career Fire Fighter coats. The Firefighters must be RICED in order to discuss this further, it was discussed to pay the vendor and RICE the employees to further discuss.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye(except Electric Bill); Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye (except T&M and Repair/cleaning of Fire Coats.) </p><p>RESOLUTION 137-16 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE FORM AND OTHER DETAILS OF NOT TO EXCEED $9,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, CONSISTING OF NOT TO EXCEED $5,700,000 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS AND NOT TO EXCEED $3,300,000 OPEN SPACE REFUNDING BONDS, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY, OR SUCH OTHER AMOUNT AS DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACCOMPLISH THE REFUNDING ON THE TERMS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL FINANCE BOARD PURSUANT TO N.J.A.C. 5:30-2.5 AND CONSISTENT WITH THE REFUNDING PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SALE AND DELIVERY OF SUCH BONDS TO RBC CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC.</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander. </p><p>-3- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY (not less than two- thirds of all members thereof affirmatively concurring), AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An amount not to exceed $9,000,000 of General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the Township of Upper Freehold, in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey (the "Township"), consisting of (i) General Improvement Refunding Bonds (the "General Improvement Refunding Bonds") and (ii) Open Space Refunding Bonds (the "Open Space Refunding Bonds" and, together with the General Improvement Refunding Bonds, the "Bonds") (the specific par amounts of each series to be determined as provided herein) and as more fully described in the refunding bond ordinances finally adopted by the Township pursuant to the Local Bond Law on August 4, 2016, and respectively entitled, "Refunding Bond Ordinance of the Township of Upper Freehold , in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey, Providing for the Advance Refunding of All or a Portion of Certain General Improvement Bonds of the Township, Appropriating $5,700,000 Therefor and Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $5,700,000 General Improvement Refunding Bonds of the Township for Financing the Cost Thereof" and "Refunding Bond Ordinance of the Township of Upper Freehold, in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey, Providing for the Advance Refunding of All or a Portion of Certain Open Space Bonds of the Township, Appropriating $3,300,000 Therefor and Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,300,000 Open Space Refunding Bonds of the Township for Financing the Cost Thereof", shall be issued in one or more series as designated in (i) and (ii) above as "Refunding Bonds". Section 2. The Bonds are hereby authorized to be sold to RBC Capital Markets, LLC (the "Underwriter") at a purchase price determined by the parameters set forth below and otherwise consistent with the parameters set by the Local Finance Board in the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey (the "Local Finance Board") pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-2.5 (the "LFB Refunding Parameters"): (a) the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds shall not exceed $9,000,000; (b) the net present value savings is at least three percent; (c) the debt service on the Bonds shall be structured such that no annual debt service payment is more than the annual debt service payment on the Refunded Bonds (as defined herein) in the same year; (d) the final year of maturity of the Bonds does not exceed the final year of maturity of the Refunded Bonds; (e) the debt service savings are substantially level in each year across the life of the refunding; (f) the true interest cost of the Bonds does not exceed an interest rate that would enable the Township to complete the refunding within the LFB Refunding Parameters; and (g) the Underwriter's discount does not exceed the amount referenced in Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 3. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed, without further authorization, to enter into and execute a bond purchase contract (the "Purchase Contract") on behalf of the Township with the Underwriter, in form satisfactory to Bond Counsel to the Township and upon terms consistent with the above parameters. Upon execution of the Purchase Contract, the signature of the Mayor and/or the Chief Financial Officer shall be conclusively presumed to evidence any necessary approvals for the sale of the Bonds. If the</p><p>-4- Chief Financial Officer, after consultation with the Underwriter, determines that the above parameters cannot be satisfied in the present market, the Bonds shall not be sold until such time as said parameters may be amended, in whole or in part, or a sale on different terms is otherwise approved by resolution of this Township Committee. Section 4. (a) The Bonds shall be issued in the par amounts consistent with the parameters set forth in Section 2 hereof and determined by the Chief Financial Officer to be necessary to pay the costs of issuance and to provide an escrow fund that, when invested, will be sufficient to provide for the timely payment of the principal of and redemption premium, if any, and interest on the following: (i) all or a portion of the $4,895,000 outstanding principal amount of the Township's General Improvement Bonds, dated November 15, 2009, originally issued in the aggregate principal amount of $7,645,000 and maturing on November 15 in each of the years 2020 through 2029, inclusive (the "Refunded General Improvement Bonds"); and (ii) all or a portion of the $2,800,000 outstanding principal amount of the Township's Open Space Bonds, dated November 15, 2009, originally issued in the aggregate principal amount of $4,750,000 and maturing on November 15 in each of the years 2020 through 2029, inclusive (the "Refunded Open Space Bonds" and, together with the Refunded General Improvement Bonds, the "Refunded Bonds"). (b) The Bonds shall be dated and shall bear interest at the rates per annum as the Chief Financial Officer shall determine. (c) The Bonds shall be numbered and have such prefix or prefixes as determined necessary by the Chief Financial Officer and be sold and issued with such serial maturities or with such term bond maturities payable from mandatory sinking fund payments made by the Township as determined in the Purchase Contract. (d) The Bonds shall mature in each of the years 2020 to 2029, inclusive, or such other years deemed consistent with the LFB Refunding Parameters and in the principal amounts as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer and shall bear interest on the dates as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer. (e) The Bonds shall have redemption provisions as are set forth in the Purchase Contract. (f) The Bonds will be issued in fully-registered form. One certificate shall be issued for the aggregate principal amount of each series of Bonds maturing in each year. Both principal of and interest due on the Bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Each certificate will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee for The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, which will act as securities depository (the "Securities Depository"). The certificates will be on deposit with the Securities Depository. The Securities Depository will be responsible for maintaining a book-entry system for recording the interests of its participants or the transfers of the interests among its participants. The participants will be responsible for maintaining records recording the beneficial ownership interests in the Bonds on behalf of individual purchasers. Individual purchases may be made in the principal amount of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof through book-entries made on the books and records of the Securities Depository and its participants, except that an amount maturing in any one year in excess of the largest principal amount thereof equaling a multiple of $5,000 will be in the denomination of $1,000 or any integral multiple thereof. (g) The principal of and interest due on the Bonds will be paid to the Securities Depository by the Township on the respective maturity dates and due dates and will be credited on the respective</p><p>-5- maturity dates and due dates to the participants of the Securities Depository as listed on the records of the Securities Depository as of the 15th day next preceding each payment date. The Bonds shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the Chief Financial Officer under the official seal of the Township (or facsimile thereof) affixed, printed, engraved or reproduced thereon and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Clerk. Section 5. The Bonds shall be substantially in the following form with such additions, deletions and omissions as may be necessary for the Township to market the Bonds:</p><p>REGISTERED REGISTERED NUMBER – A. ___ $______</p><p>UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW JERSEY COUNTY OF MONMOUTH</p><p>TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD </p><p>B. ______</p><p>PRINCIPAL AMOUNT:</p><p>DATED DATE:</p><p>MATURITY DATE:</p><p>INTEREST PAYMENT DATES:</p><p>INITIAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE:</p><p>RATE OF INTEREST PER ANNUM:</p><p>CUSIP NUMBER:</p><p>TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD , in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey (the "Township"), hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to Cede & Co., as nominee for The Depository Trust Company, which will act as Securities Depository, on the MATURITY DATE, the PRINCIPAL AMOUNT, and to pay interest on such sum from the DATED DATE of this bond until the MATURITY DATE at the RATE OF INTEREST PER ANNUM semiannually on the INTEREST PAYMENT DATES in each year until maturity, commencing on the INITIAL INTEREST PAMENT DATE. Interest on this bond will be paid to the Securities Depository by the Township and will be credited to the participants of the Securities Depository as listed on the records of the Securities Depository as of the 15th day prior to each INTEREST PAYMENT DATE. Principal of this bond, upon presentation and surrender to the Township, will be paid to the Securities Depository by the Township and will be credited to the participants of the Securities Depository.</p><p>-6- This bond is not transferable as to principal or interest. The participants are responsible for maintaining the records regarding the beneficial ownership interest in the bonds on behalf of the individual purchasers except to an authorized nominee of the Securities Depository. The Securities Depository shall be responsible for maintaining the book-entry system for recording the interests of its participants or the transfers of the interests among its participants.</p><p>This bond is not subject to optional redemption prior to its stated maturity.</p><p>C. ______</p><p>The full faith and credit of the Township are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms.</p><p>It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the State of New Jersey to exist, to have happened or to have been performed precedent to or in the issuance of this bond exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of the Township, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by such Constitution or statutes.</p><p>IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Township has caused this bond to be executed in its name by the manual or facsimile signatures of its Mayor and its Chief Financial Officer, its corporate seal to be hereunto imprinted or affixed, this bond and the seal to be attested by the manual or facsimile signature of its Clerk and this bond to be dated the DATED DATE as specified above.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 138-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO HIRE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME ON-CALL SNOW PLOW DRIVER</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander. </p><p>WHEREAS, the Township of Upper Freehold has a need for snow plow drivers to be available on an on-call basis in the event of a snow emergency or due to a shortage of available staff in the event of a large snowfall, and</p><p>WHEREAS; it is in the best interest of the residents of Upper Freehold Township to use occasional part-time on-call snow plow drivers, and</p><p>WHEREAS; Alex Stein expressed an interest in being included on a list of on-call snow plow drivers, and</p><p>WHEREAS, funds for this purpose are available in the Municipal Budget in the appropriation known as Road Repairs & Maintenance-Salaries & Wages, Account Number6-01-26-290-011 and the Chief Financial Officer has so certified in writing,</p><p>-7- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Alex Stein be included on a list of on-call snow plow drivers, on the condition that he has a valid driver’s license in the State of New Jersey, effective upon passage of this resolution at a rate of pay of $22.00 per hour:</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer and Alex Stein.</p><p>Committeewoman Mount asked, how will the snow plow driver list be utilized? Dianne Kelly, CFO/Administrator stated that she would be discussing with the Public Works manager and coming up with a plan of action.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 139-16 A RESOLUTION FOR ON CALL/PER DIEM MUNICIPAL COURT SECURITY OFFICERS SALARY CHANGE</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Mr. Faber, moved and seconded by Dr. Frascella</p><p>WHEREAS, the Upper Freehold Township Committee deems it to be in the best interests of the residents of Upper Freehold Township to hire retired police officer(s) to maintain the safety and security in the Municipal Court room on the days that Municipal Court is in session; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township Committee has appointed Charles Lowery with Resolution 105-15: and, </p><p>WHEREAS, the Township Committee has appointed James P. Petrecca with Resolution 121-15: and, </p><p>WHEREAS, the candidates accepted the salary offer from the Township of an hourly salary of $15.00; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township Committee passed a motion to raise the hourly salary of the Municipal Court Security Officers; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that the funds are available in account number 6-01-43-490-010, Municipal Court-Salary and Wages.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED in accordance with the motion by the Governing Body, that the position of Municipal Court Security Officer will be increased to an hourly salary of $22.00, effective August 18, 2016. </p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Township Administrator/CFO, Charles Lowery and James P. Petrecca.</p><p>-8- This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 140-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE FARMLAND LEASE ON BLOCK 20 LOT 1 IN UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP </p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.</p><p>WHEREAS, Upper Freehold Township presently has a lease agreement with C.W. Gravatt & Sons, Inc. for Block 20/Lot 1 consisting of 43+ which will expire on May 12, 2016, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the current lease provides for the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township to authorize the renewal of the current lease, or any part thereof, for a specific time and/or until the township is prepared to develop these properties for recreational or other purposes, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township finds it in the best interest of the taxpayers to renew the lease through the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons ending May 12, 2018, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the property being farmed consists of 43+ with a total lease amount of $3,500, due on November 1, 2016 and November 1, 2017, and,</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of Upper Freehold township does hereby authorize the renewal of the lease between the Township of Upper Freehold and C.W. Gravatt & Sons Inc., for the property known as Block 20/Lot 1 consisting of 43+ acres; the rent for the period of the lease shall be $7,000, to be paid yearly in the amount of $3,500.00 per year.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said lease shall be for a period of two years beginning May 13, 2016 and ending on May 12, 2018 or until the Township is ready to use this property for municipal purposes pursuant to the provisions of the lease agreement.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 141-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE FARMLAND LEASE ON BLOCK 37/LOT 3 IN UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Faber. </p><p>WHEREAS, Upper Freehold Township presently has a lease agreement with Brett Search, Big Way Farm LLC for Block 37/Lot 3 consisting of 30+ which will expire on October 31, 2016, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the current lease provides for the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township to authorize the renewal of the current lease, or any part thereof, for a specific time and/or </p><p>-9- until the township is prepared to develop these properties for recreational or other purposes, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township finds it in the best interest of the taxpayers to renew the lease through the 2017 and 2018 growing season ending October 31, 2018, and;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of Upper Freehold township does hereby authorize the renewal of the lease between the Township of Upper Freehold & Brett Search/Big Way Farm LLC for the property known as Block 37/Lot 3 consisting of 30+ acres; the rent for the period of the lease shall be $3,120.00, to be paid yearly in the amount of $1,560.00 per year.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said lease shall be for a period of two years beginning November 1, 2016 and ending on October 31, 2018, or until the Township is ready to use this property for municipal purposes pursuant to the provisions of the lease agreement.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 142-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE FARMLAND LEASE ON BLOCK 14/LOT 7.12, 7.13 and 7.14 IN UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Faber.</p><p>WHEREAS, Upper Freehold Township presently has a lease agreement with C.W. Gravatt & Son, Inc. for Block 14 Lot 7.12, 7.13 and 7.14 consisting of 26.1 acres+ which will expire on December 31, 2016, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the current lease provides for the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township to authorize the renewal of the current lease, or any part thereof, for a specific time and/or until the township is prepared to develop these properties for recreational or other purposes, and;</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township finds it in the best interest of the taxpayers to renew the lease through the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons ending December 31, 2018, and;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township does hereby authorize the renewal of the lease between the Township of Upper Freehold & C.W. Gravatt & Son, Inc. for the property known as Block 14/Lots 7.12, 7.13 and 7.14 consisting of 26.1+ acres; the annual rent for the period of the lease shall be $3706.20.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said lease shall be for a period of two years beginning January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2018 or until the Township is ready to use this property for municipal purposes pursuant to the provisions of the lease agreement.</p><p>-10- This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 143-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF SOIL WITNESSING FEES-JAMES CHELLO- 616 ROUTE 524, BLOCK 15 </p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Ms. Mount.</p><p>WHEREAS, a check was issued by James Chello for a soil witnessing fee of $165.00 for 616 Route 524, Block 15 Lot 46.01 that was received and cashed December 23, 2014. </p><p>WHEREAS, the Freehold Area Health Department has confirmed that the soils were not tested as Mr. Chello declined to purchase property. </p><p>NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township does hereby authorize the Chief Financial Officer to refund $165.00 to James Chello, 10 Falcon Court., Hamilton NJ 08690 to refund the money for 616 Route 524, Block 15, Lot 46.01 refunding the soil witnessing fees on said property. </p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Upper Freehold Township Chief Financial Officer and Freehold Area Health Department. </p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 144-16 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A TOWNSHIP CONFLICT PUBLIC DEFENDER FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF UPPER FREEHOLD FOR THE YEAR 2016</p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Mr. Faber, moved and seconded by Ms. Mount. </p><p>WHEREAS, the Township of Upper Freehold has a need for the services of a Township Conflict Public Defender as an fair and open method contract pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 or 20.5 as appropriate; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, The Local Public Contract Law (N.J.S.A. 40:A 11-1 et seq.), requires that the resolution of appointment be publicly advertised when professional services are engaged without competitive bids.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP THAT:</p><p>1. The Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township and its Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to engage the services of: </p><p>PROFESSIONAL POSITION</p><p>-11- Joanna Marie Perilli Conflict Public Defender</p><p>2. These appointments are being made without competitive bidding because this appointment involve a member of recognized professions, licensed and regulated by law, and are therefore specifically exempt under N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5.</p><p>3. This appointment is an appointment for the remainder of the Year 2016 and until she is re-appointed and/or their successor is appointed and have qualified. Writings indicating the agreements between the parties have been sent or shall be or are on file with Upper Freehold Township.</p><p>4. A copy of this Resolution shall be published in the newspaper as required by law. </p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer and the above listed professional.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>RESOLUTION 145-16 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A RAFFLE LICENSE TO MARTY’S PLACE SENIOR DOG SANCTUARY </p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Ms. Mount, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander. </p><p>BE IT RESOLVED, that Raffle License #RL 334-16 be granted to Marty’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary for an On-Premises Raffle, to be held at Marty’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary, 118 Route 526, Upper Freehold Township on October 23, 2016.</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>DISCUSSION: Mike Conroy, First Aid Squad – Mr. Conroy had an emergency and wasn’t able to make the meeting. He requested that he be placed on the next scheduled Township Committee meeting.</p><p>Request for Vending Machine at Reed Park – The Township Committee previously discussed this regarding the other recreation facilities and has decided not to permit vending machines at the parks in Upper Freehold Township. </p><p>Roof for Municipal Building – The roof in the Old Municipal Building needs to be repaired. Quotes have been received and the Administrator asked the Township Committee if we can move forward to repair the roof. Committeeman Faber asked about the warranty of the shingle, if it included ice shield. Administrator Kelly is going to make sure these items are included in the quotes and requested a motion to move forwarded provided the items Mr. Faber requested are included in the quotes.</p><p>A motion was offered by Mr. Alexander, moved and seconded by Mr. Faber to replace the roof on the old Municipal Building. </p><p>-12- This Motion was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye</p><p>Commercial Farm Building Permit fee – The Township Construction official is suggesting that the Township Committee consider changing the permit fee for a commercial farm building. The Township Committee discussed and asked if the rate can be based on square feet. The Municipal Clerk will check with the Construction Official and advise.</p><p>Salary Raise discussion – Mayor Moslowski Jr. suggested that the Township Committee try a different way to give a salary raise. Instead of giving each employee a 2% raise, take the amount that was put into the 2016 Municipal Budget and divide it among the number of employees, giving the employees that don’t make a lot of money a chance to make a little bit more. There was a discussion on the most reasonable way to give raises to the employees.</p><p>RESOLUTION 146-16 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES AND CERTAIN TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS FOR THEYEAR 2016 </p><p>The following Resolution was offered by Ms. Mount, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander. </p><p>WHEREAS, Ordinance -15 of the Township of Upper Freehold as adopted June 5, 2014 established salary ranges for Employees and Township Officials of the Township; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township wishes to set the salary for certain Employees and Township Officials that hold specific titles, except as otherwise noted; and,</p><p>WHEREAS, funds for this purpose are available in the 2016 Budget, and the Chief Financial Officer has so certified in writing.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with Ordinance 200-08 the following salary schedule be and the same is hereby established in accordance with the salary ranges and conditions in the aforementioned ordinance. Retroactive where applicable to 01/01/16 except where noted differently below.</p><p>POSITION SALARY</p><p>MAYOR-Moslowski 4,511.00 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE - Mount ,Faber, Alexander, Frascella 4,054.00 ADMINISTRATOR-Kelly 51,128.00 TOWNSHIP CLERK - Tyler 56,308.00 TAX COLLECTOR-Pater 55,731.00 DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR - LoConte 3,068.00 ASSESSOR- Taylor 45,986.00</p><p>-13- CLERK/TYPIST/SEC-FINANCE - Taylor 16,439.00 ASSISTANT TO ADMIN& CLERK- Fortsch 27,051.00 CLERK/TYPIST/SEC-FINANCE- LoConte 27,603.00 CLERK.TYPIST/SEC-CLERK/ADMIN - Tindall 10,859.00 ASSISTANT SEC' BOARD OF HEALTH -Tindall 16,286.00 REGISTRAR- Tyler 5,631.00 DEPUTY REGISTRAR- Tindall 5,631.00 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER/TREASURER- Kelly 55,876.00 CONSTRUCTION OFFICIAL- Gafgen 35,912.00 BUILDING SUB-CODE OFFICIAL- Gafgen 29,925.00 BUIILDING INSPECTOR - Gafgen 9,576.00 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TO CONST. OFFICIAL – Mele 28,895.00 CLERK/TYPIST/SEC'Y CONST/REC DIR/PARKS- Mele 15,606.00 PUBLIC OFFICER HOUSING INSPECT-Gafgen 1,797.00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR- Wilkins 18,791.00 FIRE PROTECT SUB-CODE OFFICIAL –Gafgen 5,631.00 ZONING OFFICER/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFF- Gafgen 5,986.00 LAND USE ADMIN. PLANNING& ZONING- Babbitt 26,729.00 MUNCIPAL DRUG ALLIANCE COOR.-Minnick 29,952.00NO CHANGE-GRANT JUDGE-CAPOTORTO 15,919.00 MUNICIPAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR- Brodbeck 45,778.00 COURT SECURITY OFFICER 22.00/HR COURT PERSONNEL-CALL OUT 30.00/EVENT-NO CHANGE CLERK/TYPIST/SEC'Y-PART TIME ACTING DEPUTY COURT ADMIN 17.00/ HR NO CHANGE ACTING COURT ADMINISTRATOR 20.00/ HR NO CHANGE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR- Rosenbauer 6,367.00</p><p>DEPUTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR SALARY WAIVED FIRE OFFICIAL-Symons 12,000.00NO CHANGE-NEW HIRE PER DIEM FIREFIGHTERS 13.00/HRNO CHANGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: EQUIPMENT OPERATOR – WILLITTS 31,160.00 PUBLIC WORKS LABORER – MOORHOUSE 29,215.00 PRINCIPAL P.W. MANAGER – FIORENZO 64,947.00 PARKS FOREMAN – FULLAWAY 51,028.00 PUBLIC WORKS –LABORER- BAKER 28,642.00</p><p>-14- MECHANIC- DOHERTY 34,765.00 RECYCLING HOURLY /PART-TIME LABORER 10.70/HR MUNICIPAL COORDINATOR PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 2,250.00STIPEND-NO CHANGE</p><p>This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, nay; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye, Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., nay</p><p>Fair and Open or Alternative Method for Professionals – The Township Committee will continue with the Alternative Method for Professionals.</p><p>PRIVILEGE OF PUBLIC: </p><p>Harry Garrison, 136 Meirs Road - Thanked Dianne Kelly for the AAA rating and how it will save money for the township. </p><p>PRIVILEGE OF COMMITTEE: </p><p>Committeeman Faber – No Comment </p><p>Committeeman Frascella – No Comment </p><p>Committeeman Mount – No Comment </p><p>Committeeman Alexander – No Comment </p><p>Mayor Moslowski – No Comment </p><p>MOTION TO ADJOURN: There being no additional business, a motion was offered by Ms. Mount. moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander, that this meeting be adjourned. The motion was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Ms. Mount and Mayor Moslowski Jr, aye. </p><p>______Dana L. Tyler, RMC Municipal Clerk</p><p>-15-</p><p>.</p><p>-16-</p>
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