Ritual: Lessons on Creating Transformative Worship

Ritual: Lessons on Creating Transformative Worship

<p> RITUAL: LESSONS ON CREATING TRANSFORMATIVE WORSHIP</p><p>CBFNC General Assembly Workshop, Friday @ 3:30, March 20, 2015 Tim Moore, writer-in-residence, Sardis Baptist Church, Charlotte</p><p>1) Ritual is culturally transformational Wedding: Groom & bride become husband & wife Baptism: Candidate becomes Christian Ordination: Christian becomes Clergy What can we learn from these worship events to help us make worship transformative on a more regular basis?</p><p>2) Baptists have traditionally eschewed rituals. Yet, we have two Baptist rituals – baptism & communion. We call them ordinances; everyone else calls them sacraments – same ritual. What do Baptists think is the problem with rituals?</p><p>3) What do rituals do? A) Rituals are mimetic. They imitate life & faith. Ex. – Baptism symbolizes death & resurrection. Ex. – Passing the communion trays acts out Priesthood of the Believers. B) They communicate indirectly, like watching a play, or a movie. Indirect communication tends to connect with our emotions better than direct communication. Ex. – Watching the exchanging of rings & vows, etc. being acted out in front of us is an emotional experience. People think of their marriage, etc. C) Ritual’s purpose is to take you to someplace else, to transform you, or to recognize a transformation. “Ritual is to pitch you out, not to wrap you back in where you have been all the time.” -- Joseph Campbell Ex. – Compline Service at St. Mark’s Episcopal in Seattle. Made me imagine I was in 13th Century France at Notre Dame Cathedral. Young adults told me, “It feels spiritual.” 4) A Baptist way to do rituals A) Inform: Talk about the ritual Ex. – “We anoint this child with oil as a sign of God’s blessing…” B) Make it personal: Baptists emphasize that we personally become followers of Jesus. Have “wedding” clothes for the day; ministers robe, decorate sanctuary, or have something special for the person recognized. Ex. – If you are anointing someone in a healing ritual, present a prayer shawl and drape it over her shoulders. C) Make it congregational: We are a priesthood of believers. Create something tangible to touch, to take home, and/or to do. Ex. – At Epiphany service, have members dip their hands into baptismal waters. D) Add human touch whenever possible – connects the personal & congregational Ex. – At Ash Wednesday service have ministers impose the ashes on foreheads. Better yet, have congregational members impose one another. E) Always direct the outer ritual to an inner faith. Ex. – “Baptism is outward expression of an inner faith experience. This is not holy water that will magically change [candidate]. It is just regular tap water. Her inner experience with God and her faith commitment is what is transforming her…”</p><p>5) A time for rituals? Below are suggested services where ritual may easily be introduced.</p><p>Baptism – write a baptismal prayer specifically for that person; let him/her pick liturgists Baby Dedication – write a dedication prayer specifically for that child & family; anoint w/ oil Epiphany – reaffirm baptism, invite unbaptized to “explore” the waters; anoint with water Shrove Tuesday – pancake supper; comedy, something fun Ash Wednesday – impose ashes; let participants impose each other; focus on mortality, not sin Maundy Thursday – remove communion elements & paraments by the end; end in darkness Good Friday – stay in Friday, don’t move to Sunday; remove all flowers, paraments, etc. Easter – processional, formal or informal; use an outdoor “flower” cross; make time for photos Pentecost – recognize graduates individually; celebrate the church; use several languages All Saints’ Sunday – create a table of remembrances; read names of deceased; requiem music Christmas Eve – candlelight; communion; traditional carols Healing Prayer – anoint persons with oil; laying on of hands; votive candles; prayer shawl Communion – intinction; use different breads; newest members serve; “The Body of Christ…” Ordination – the whole congregation lays on hands; robe or stole put on; hand towels Weddings – Keep sacred mystery in wedding Funerals – Make it personal; ritual at gravesite (single flowers, dirt, other); wife to widow… End with Thanksgiving Prayer for his/her life RITUAL: LESSONS ON CREATING TRANSFORMATIVE WORSHIP</p><p>CBFNC General Assembly Workshop, Friday @ 3:30, March 20, 2015 Tim Moore, writer-in-residence, Sardis Baptist Church, Charlotte</p><p>1) Ritual is culturally transformational << 0:05 >> Wedding: Groom & bride become husband & wife Baptism: Candidate becomes Christian Ordination: Christian becomes Clergy What can we learn from these worship events to help us make worship transformative on a more regular basis?</p><p>WE WATCH SOMETHING HAPPEN – SOMETHING IS DONE – MOTIVATED PARTICIPANTS – SPECIAL CLOTHES – RITE OF PASSAGE – HUMAN TOUCH – SYMBOLIC ACTIONS – AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION – NON-CLERGY LEADERSHIP – MORE OF 5 SENSES USED</p><p>2) Baptists have traditionally eschewed rituals. << 0:09 >> Yet, we have two Baptist rituals – baptism & communion. We call them ordinances; everyone else calls them sacraments – same ritual. What do Baptists think is the problem with rituals?</p><p>DONE BY ROTE – IMPERSONAL – “CATHOLIC” – DONE WITHOUT MEANING – DON’T UNDERSTAND IT – NOT BIBLICAL – NO EMOTION – DULL – LEGALISTIC </p><p>3) What do rituals do? << 0:13 >> A) Rituals are mimetic. They imitate life & faith. Ex. – Baptism symbolizes death & resurrection. Ex. – Passing the communion trays acts out Priesthood of the Believers. B) They communicate indirectly, like watching a play, or a movie. Indirect communication tends to connect with our emotions better than direct communication. Ex. – Watching the exchanging of rings & vows, etc. being acted out in front of us is an emotional experience. People think of their marriage, etc. C) Ritual’s purpose is to take you to someplace else, to transform you, or to recognize a transformation. “Ritual is to pitch you out, not to wrap you back in where you have been all the time.” -- Joseph Campbell Ex. – Compline Service at St. Mark’s Episcopal in Seattle. Made me imagine I was in 13th Century France at Notre Dame Cathedral. Young adults told me, “It feels spiritual.” 4) A Baptist way to do rituals << 0:23 >> A) Inform: Talk about the ritual Ex. – “We anoint this child with oil as a sign of God’s blessing…” B) Make it personal: Baptists emphasize that we personally become followers of Jesus. Have “wedding” clothes for the day; ministers robe, decorate sanctuary, or have something special for the person recognized. Ex. – If you are anointing someone in a healing ritual, present a prayer shawl and drape it over her shoulders. C) Make it congregational: We are a priesthood of believers. Create something tangible to touch, to take home, and/or to do. Ex. – At Epiphany service, have members dip their hands into baptismal waters. D) Add human touch whenever possible – connects the personal & congregational Ex. – At Ash Wednesday service have ministers impose the ashes on foreheads. Better yet, have congregational members impose one another. E) Always direct the outer ritual to an inner faith. Ex. – “Baptism is outward expression of an inner faith experience. This is not holy water that will magically change [candidate]. It is just regular tap water. Her inner experience with God and her faith commitment is what is transforming her…”</p><p>5) A time for rituals? Below are suggested services where ritual may easily be introduced. << 0:38 >> ** Baptism ** Baby Dedication ** Epiphany (1-12-14) Ash Wednesday Maundy Thursday / Good Friday Easter (flower cross – pictures) Pentecost / High school graduates ** All Saints’ Sunday (table of remembrances) (11-3-13) Christmas Eve ** Healing Prayer/Service (anointing oil, votive candles) Communion ** Ordination (of clergy & of lay persons to their vocation) (ordainservice2) Weddings & funerals Make time for sacred in weddings Say the name of the deceased often & reference family members End with Thanksgiving Prayer for his/her life BABY DEDICATION OUTLINE (adapting Book of Common Prayer & Book of Common Worship)</p><p>Presentation Ephesians 4:4-6, Galatians 3:27-28, Acts 2:39 “We come to dedicate this child to God. We come together as a Christian congregation to join with these parents and extended family in committing ourselves to raise this child in the Christian faith, teaching him the scriptures, praying for and with him, accepting him as a part of Christ’s church so that one day he will make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.”</p><p>Commitment of Parents What is the name of this child? ______Do you desire to present him and dedicate him to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? We do. Relying on God’s grace, do you promise to live the Christian faith, and to teach that faith to your child? We do. Do you promise, through prayer and example, to support and encourage ______to be a faithful Christian? We do.</p><p>Commitment of Congregation Do you, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture ______by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging him to know and follow Christ in order that he may accept Christ as his Lord and Savior and become a faithful member of Christ’s church? We do.</p><p>Renunciations (to parents) Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? I do. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love? I do. Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love? I will, with God’s help.</p><p>Affirmation of Faith With the whole church, let us confess our faith. -- Apostle’s Creed</p><p>Prayer (taking the child) O Lord, uphold ______, by your Holy Spirit. Give him the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence, both now and forever. Amen. Dedication and Laying On of Hands ______May the Lord bless you and keep, may the Lord make his countenance to fall upon you and give you peace, may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. You are now dedicated to the Lord in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (oil may be anointed on the forehead with the sign of the cross.)</p><p>Welcome (walking down the center isle with the child) ______, you have been received in the life of Sardis Baptist Church. You are a part of God’s household, to share with us in the priesthood of Christ. As we celebrate your dedication we look forward to witnessing your baptism. (congregation) With joy and thanksgiving we welcome you into Christ’s church to share with us in his ministry, for we are all one in Christ.</p><p>Sing “Jesus Loves Me” [first stanza] SARDIS BAPTIST CHURCH A CHILD DEDICATION PRAYER For James Ryan Hawkins Leader: O Lord, we ask that you would give Ryan mountains to climb and the strength to climb them. August 21, 2005 Grant him success and the character to share its blessings. Grant him failure and its rewards of humility, repentance and endurance. Leader: Glorious God, whose creative powers have stretched the universe farther than human imagination, we give thanks for the life of James Ryan Hawkins People: Give him questions worth pursuing, doubts that and ask for your blessing upon him. explore for truth, fears that hunt for justice and compassion. Grant a faith to satisfy the soul and the heart to keep asking, seeking and knocking till People: We pray for your blessing upon his family. doors are open. Grant wisdom, patience and love to Kevin and Kris, his parents, as they uniquely guide each child in the family. May his brotherly tie with Jackson Leader: Place your hand upon his parents, Kevin and Kris. develop a sibling rivalry that generates Strengthen their marriage in order that their love may achievement and strengthens the family bond. overflow onto their sons. Give them faith to trust you in rearing their family. Leader: We ask for a long and healthy life for Ryan. But more than that, we ask that you would give him a People: Guide us as a church. Help us to nurture Ryan healthy longing for life and show him how to truly live as a child of God, made in God’s image, redeemed each day. Show him the difference between living and on Christ’s cross. Help us to strengthen families. merely existing. Motivate us to serve, teach, and disciple our children in the Christian faith. People: O Lord, we ask you to send love his way and show him how to fully embrace it. Where love does ALL: Now, O Lord we dedicate ourselves to loving not pass his way, give him love to share. Give him him in order that he may be dedicated to you. All first loves that make his heart soar and give him this we ask in the name of one who knew him in the heartache to show him the depth of love. Guide his womb, who knows the number of hairs on his head, parents to practice and share unconditional love. and who will love him from the beginning and until the end of time. AMEN. Christian Dedication of a Child to God Sardis Baptist Reading of Scripture Mark 10:13-16</p><p>Commitment by Parents Kevin & Kris Hawkins  What is the name of this child?  Do you publicly recommit yourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross cleansed you from all sin and whose life through the resurrection prepared the way for your eternal life?  Do you also recommit yourselves to your marriage, understanding that the best gift parents can give children is a healthy marriage and a loving home?  Do you dedicate Ryan to the Lord by committing yourselves to raise him in the Christian faith; bringing him to church, leading him in prayer, reading to him the scriptures in order that he may also come to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?</p><p>Commitment by the Family where church means people  Do you commitment yourself to love and care for Ryan, to be a Christian witness for him, and to support his parents’ care for him? The Dedication of Commitment by the Congregation  Do you, the members of this congregation, accept the responsibility, together with these parents, to teach and James Ryan Hawkins nurture Ryan in the Christian faith so that he may be brought into full maturity of faith in Jesus Christ? </p><p>Dedication Prayer to God Blessing & Introduction to Congregation Hymn #344“Jesus Love Me” [1st Stanza] thanks for the generations of family that have molded August 21, 2005 Grey’s character.</p><p>SARDIS BAPTIST CHURCH People: O God, whose steadfast love endures forever, we BAPTISMAL PRAYER ask you to fill Grey with your compassion and For Grey Sigmon discipline. Help him to live a life of faithful actions January 5, 2014 instead of good intentions. You have given him a love for the outdoors, for fishing and hunting, which have given him a respect for nature and life. You have given him the skills and the team mindset Leader: God of all life, whose goodness gave us birth in your for football as well as a love for history and image and whose love gives us rebirth through faith, English. Mold his interests toward a life of we give thanks for this our brother in Christ, Grey meaning and service of others. Sigmon, your child, and for the sacred journey that has brought him to the waters of baptism and into the Leader: Heavenly Father, who comforts us like a good mother, household of God called Sardis Baptist Church. we ask you to bless Gray as he is baptized. Show him that this is a beginning, not an ending. Remind him People: We give thanks for all those who have touched his that you have called him not to be perfect, but to life and shined your light toward this path. For his follow Jesus, and to serve others in Christ’s name. parents, David and Krista, for their unconditional Enable him live up to his ideals, while helping him to love and the way they’ve helped Grey understand be as forgiving with himself as he is with others when the consequences and rewards of his actions. We he doesn’t meet his own expectations. celebrate the family discussions about sermons after worship. We give thanks for his brother, People: Prince of Peace, we pray for ourselves. As we Reid, and for the maturing of their relationship witness the celebration of his baptism may you and the way they helped each other in baptism renew the memory and commitment of our baptism class. or inspire us to follow him in serving you. Help our congregation to make Grey a stronger Christian Leader: We give thanks for the love and influence of Grey’s and help him to make us a better church. grandparents. For Pops and Nonni Surface, and Granddad and Moemoe Sigmon and for the way they ALL: As the waters cover him in a symbolic death, have always looked out for Grey and have been a part remind us to number our days. As he is raised up of his life from playing cards and golfing to hunting into new life in Christ, help us to walk in newness and fishing. We also give thanks for Grey’s great- of life until you resurrect us for eternal life. In grandmother, Anny McClung, and for the experiences Jesus’ name, AMEN. of traveling to West Virginia to visit her. We give </p>

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