<p> ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>PAPER WORK ENGLISH SPEAKING ZONE 2013/2014 SESSION</p><p>DATE 26th March 2014- 23rd APRIL 2014</p><p>VENUE TUN SYED NASIR RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE MULTIPURPOSE HALL (MAIN VENUE) NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA </p><p>ORGANIZED BY TUN SYED NASIR RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE STUDENT COUNCIL (MEP) OF ACADEMIC 2013/2014 SESSION</p><p>THEME GO BEYOND ENGLISH</p><p>PAPER WORK ENGLISH SPEAKING ZONE 2013/2014 SESSION Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>TUN SYED NASIR RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE STUDENT COUNCIL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA</p><p>1.0 PURPOSE</p><p>This proposal is to request for consideration and approval to organize activities of the English Speaking Zone Programmes in 2013/2014 Session of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College. </p><p>2.0 INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND</p><p>English Speaking Zone (ESZ) is a mega programme of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) hosted by Tun Syed Nasir Residential College (TSNRC) since 2011/2012. It encourages student to practise English through specialised programmes that cater especially a lower MUET band (1-2). All activities will be conducted in English and there will be a continuous activities hosted throughout semester. This is to improve their English proficiency and develop confidence to comfortably converse in English. </p><p>3.0 MISSION</p><p>English Speaking Zone (ESZ) is a whole National University of Malaysia (UKM) programme which highlights the importance of English as the second language. </p><p>4.0 GOAL</p><p>ESZ is established to enable students to use English in a daily basis prior to improve their English apart from having fun with it.</p><p>5.0 OBJECTIVES</p><p>5.1 ESZ is strategically planned to encourage student to communicate in English with confidence. Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>5.2 ESZ encourages students to expose their various hidden talents.</p><p>5.3 ESZ is also an educational programme which gives students the opportunity to learn new things and gain new experiences. 5.4 ESZ gives students a chance to gain valuable experiences and improve their soft skills in both planning and participating in the activities planned.</p><p>6.0 THEME</p><p>Go Beyond English</p><p>7.0 ORGANIZER</p><p>MEP of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia</p><p>8.0 DATE AND TIME</p><p>1. ESZ Opening Ceremony Date: 26th March 2014 Time: 8pm – 10.30pm</p><p>2. Spell It Right Date: 26th March – 23rd April 2014</p><p>3. Mock Interview Date : 19th – 20th April 2014 Time : 8am- 1pm</p><p>4. ESZ Musical Drama & Closing Ceremony Date: 23rd April 2014 Time: 8pm – 11pm</p><p>9.0 VENUE</p><p>All activities will be held at TSNRC Multipurpose Hall : </p><p>1. Opening Ceremony</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>2. Subprograms</p><p>3. Musical Drama/Closing Ceremony</p><p>10.0 PUBLICITY</p><p>Strategy of publicity: 1. Banners 2. Posters 3. Digital media 4. Social group on Facebook ESZ programmes will be publicized in UKM KL campus and TSNRC area.</p><p>11.0 SUGGESTED VIP</p><p>OPENING CEREMONY;</p><p>(1) PROF MADYA DR RUZITA BT ABD TALIB Principal Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(2) DR MOHD SHAM OTHMAN Deputy Principal I Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(3) DR. QODRIYAH BINTI HJ MOHD SAAD Deputy Principal II Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(4) DR NOOR AKMAL SHAREELA BINTI ISMAIL Fellow of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>And all other fellows of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM.</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>CLOSING CEREMONY;</p><p>(1) Y. BHG PROF. DATIN NOOR AZIAH BINTI MOHD AWAL Deputy Vice Chancellor of Students & Alumni Affairs, UKM (2) PROF MADYA DR RUZITA BT ABD TALIB Principal Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(3) DR MOHD SHAM OTHMAN Deputy Principal I Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(4) DR. QODRIYAH BINTI HJ MOHD SAAD Deputy Principal II Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>(5) DR NOOR AKMAL SHAREELA BINTI ISMAIL Fellow of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>And all other fellows of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>12.0 INVOLVEMENT OF PARTICIPANTS</p><p>Students of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, mainly the first year students.</p><p>13.0 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE</p><p>Refer to attachment A</p><p>14.0 PROGRAMME TENTATIVE</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Refer to attachment B</p><p>15.0 PROGRAMME DETAIL</p><p>Refer to attachment C</p><p>16.0 BUDGET</p><p>Refer to attachment D</p><p>17.0 MANAGEMENT OFFICE</p><p>For further details, enquiries and corespondence, please contact :</p><p>Norashiqin binti Shaari Director English Speaking Zone 2013/2014 JAKSA room of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Jalan Temerloh 53200 Kuala Lumpur</p><p>Tel no.: 019-3320815 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>18.0 CONCLUSION</p><p>It is hoped that the proposal for English Speaking Zone Programme 2013/2014 will be considered and approved to ensure these programmes can be held smoothly and successfully. It is our sincere gratitude for the consideration and approval of the programmes will serve as a catalyst of change for our students and their perception on English. Thank you.</p><p>Prepared by:</p><p>…………………………. NORASHIQIN SHAARI Director English Speaking Zone 2013/2014 Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Certified by:</p><p>………………………….. NURFADHLINA BINTI TUKIMAN MEP Invigilator of English Speaking Zone 2013/2014 Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Tel no. 013-6828810</p><p>Checked by :</p><p>…………………………… DR NOOR AKMAL SHAREELA BINTI ISMAIL Fellow of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Tel no.</p><p>Supported by:</p><p>………………………… DR. QODRIYAH BINTI HJ MOHD SAAD Deputy Principal II Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Tel no.</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Approved by:</p><p>…………………………... PROF MADYA DR RUZITA BT ABD TALIB Principal Tun Syed Nasir Residential College National University of Malaysia Tel no.: 019-3345724</p><p>ATTACHMENT A</p><p>ORGANISATION STRUCTURE ENGLISH SPEAKING ZONE 10/11</p><p>Patron Y. Bhg. Prof. Datuk Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali Vice Chancellor, UKM</p><p>Chairperson Y. Bhg. Prof. Datin Noor Aziah Binti Mohd Awal Deputy Vice Chancellor of Students & Alumni Affairs, UKM</p><p>Coordinator</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>En. Musa Zainal Abidin Othman Deputy Registrar of Student Service Department, UKM</p><p>Advisor I Prof. Madya Dr. Ruzita Abd. Talib Principal of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>Advisor II Dr. Qodriyah Binti Hj Mohd Saad Deputy Principal II Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>Advisor III Dr Noor Akmal Shareela Binti Ismail Fellow of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM</p><p>MEP Invigilator Nurfadhlina Binti Tukiman A139812 MEP of Academic Development and Innovation Tun Syed Nasir Residential College, UKM 013-6828810</p><p>Director Norashiqin Shaari A141155 FSK/2 019-3320815</p><p>Deputy Director I Leong Cin Dee A141727 FSK/2 017-8816659</p><p>Deputy Director II Nora Azyan binti Mustaffa A143587 FPER/1 017-7547385</p><p>Secretary I Amuthavalli Gangaya A138042 FSK/2 016-4408184</p><p>Secretary II Irene Lim Jia Xin A140273 FFAR/2 014-6990235</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Treasurer I Joyce Tan Chu Yee A144413 FFAR/1 016-8083798</p><p>Treasurer II Siti Aisyah Al-Humaira Bt Kamaruzaman FSK/1 013-99626213</p><p>Programme Director I : Wan Nor Atira Fasha Bt Wan Abdullah A144727 / FSK- OT- 1/ 0139982901 Programme Director II : Tung Mei Xin A144719/ FSK- PHYSIO- 1/ 0103790981 Publicity Director I : Lim Yan Yi A144688/ FSK- OPTO- 1/ 0102113338 Publicity Director II : Nur Amiera Binti Azlan A144557/ FSK- DIET- 1/ 0177273524 Multimedia Director I : Lim Yee Vyon A144703/ FSK- OPTO- 1/ 0174108177 Multimedia Director II : Chong Kah Ying A144699/ FSK- OPTO- 1/ 0129609213 Marketing Director I : Masfara Wahidah binti Abdul Rahman A144553/ FSK- DIET- 1/ 0178394910 Marketing Director II : Adriana Chieng Chee Jing A144738/ FSK- SPEECH- 1/ 0148883301 Marketing Director III : Karyn Ter Zuhuan A1433069/ FGG- 1/ 0127273061 Marketing Director IV : Amirah Aqilah Bt Abd Rahim A144554/ FSK- DIET- 1/ 0176438742 Protocol & Public Relation Director I : Kua Jee Min A144725/ FSK- OT- 1/ 0195998330 Protocol & Public Relation Director II : Nabilatulhuda Bt Ahmad A144724/ FSK- OT- 1/ 0194034342 Performance Director I : Nicole Law Wei Xin </p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>A144696/ FSK- OPTO- 1/ 0172889931 Performance Director II : Nur Syahirah Atiqah Bt Arifin A144721/ FSK- OT- 1/ 0199187843 Performance Director III : Evelyn Eu Sze Lin A144730/ FSK- SPEECH- 1/ 0109797499 Technical Director I : Faizul Hafiz Bin Zulkifli Amin A144561/ FSK- PHYSIO- 1/ 0137133073 Technical Director II : Gordon Pengiran Baru A144552/ FSK- DIET- 1/ 0148873900 Director of Special Task I : Faiznur Adha Binti Yusoff A140364/ FSK- OPTO- 2/ 0199091130 Director of Special Task II : Fatin Amalina Binti Muhamad Ridza A142644/ FSK- OPTO- 2/ 0133762870 Director of Refreshment I : Nik Nurilham Fadhlin Binti Nordin A139515/ FPER- 2/ 0139699271 Director of Refreshment II : Norhamizah Binti Ideris A144563/ FSK- PHYSIO- 1/ 0136878940 Director of Souvenirs I : Ngai Li Ying A144419/ FFAR-1/ 0127369281</p><p>Director of Souvenirs II : Choong Cing Yee A146716/ FGG- 1/ 0174985492</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>ATTACHMENT B</p><p>(1) ENGLISH SPEAKING ZONE OPENING CEREMONY</p><p>DATE : 26th March 2014</p><p>VENUE : TSNRC MULTIPURPOSE HALL</p><p>TIME EVENT LOCATION</p><p>8.00 pm Arrival of students</p><p>8.30 pm Arrival of VIPs</p><p>8.45 pm Introductory video</p><p>9.00pm Opening ceremony speeches</p><p> Director of English Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Speaking Zone Advisor of English TSNRC Speaking Zone Multipurpose Vice Chancellor Hall 9.25pm Gimmick</p><p> Trailer / Sketch of Musical Drama</p><p>9.35pm Souvenir giving ceremony</p><p>9.45pm Stage performance</p><p>10.15pm Departure of VIPs</p><p>10.25pm Dismiss</p><p>(2) SPELL IT RIGHT</p><p>DATE : 26th March 2014- 23rd April 2014</p><p>DATE EVENT LOCATION 26th MARCH 2014 UNTIL busking Online participation 23rd April 2014 tongue twister UKM KL campus crossword puzzle Kolej Tun Syed Nasir spelling bee. Video Show</p><p>(3) MOCK INTERVIEW</p><p>DATE : 19th April 2014- 20th April 2014</p><p>VENUE : TSNRC MULTIPURPOSE HALL</p><p>DATE & TIME EVENT LOCATION 7.30am Students Arrival 8.00am Guest(s) Arrival 8.15am Speeches Program Director Guest(s) Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p> Activity briefing 8.30am Individual Interview TSNRC MULTIPURPOSE HALL 10.00am Break 10.20am Briefing 10.30am Group Interview 11.30am Souvenirs 11.45am Dismiss</p><p>(4) ESZ MUSICAL DRAMA AND CLOSING CEREMONY </p><p>DATE : 23rd April 2014</p><p>LOCATION : TSNRC MULTIPURPOSE HALL</p><p>DATE AND TIME EVENT LOCATION</p><p>8.00 pm Arrival of students 8.30pm Arrival of VIPs TSNRC 8.45 pm Musical Drama Multipurpose hall 9.45 pm Closing ceremony speeches: Director of English Speaking Zone Vice Chancellor 10.00 pm Gimmick 10.15 pm Souvenir giving ceremony 10.30 pm Multimedia Show 10.40 pm Departure of VIPs Lucky draw 11.00 pm Dismiss</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>ATTACHMENT C</p><p>PROGRAMME DETAIL</p><p>(1) OPENING CEREMONY </p><p>The English Speaking Zone’s opening ceremony will be held at Tun Syed Nasir Residential College Multipurpose Hall as another mega programme by MEP TSNRC. It will be launched by Prof Madya Dr Ruzita Abd Talib, the Principal of Tun Syed Nasir Residential College. There will be 3 subprograms run under the main organiser of English Speaking Zone which are: Mock Interview, Spell it Rights and Oh My English!. Each of the subprogram is designated to reach a respective group (lower MUET Band students).</p><p>(2) MOCK INTERVIEW</p><p>This activity will focus more on the students of UKM. There will be two parts of the interview, individual and group. It will be conducted in two sessions in which the first session will be a workshop on “ Dos and Don’ts” during an interview. This workshop will review the performance of the students during the interview. The second session, in the evening we will held the mock interview. The idea of the mock interview is to set up a group of interviewer, consist of a psychologist, UKM alumni, and a credible professionals from a company to bring the live situation during a job interview. This interview session will provide the students a Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014 medium to be criticized on their up bringing during the interview as well as their communication skills. Thus, the student will able to know their weaknessess and strength that can be improved after the feedback session. </p><p>The external interviewer will be invited from JobStreet’s company and Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) as they have a vast experience in handling new graduates. This choice are made in order to balance the needs of the private sectors towards new graduate as well as the government sector. JobStreet company is chosen because they have a credible background in collaborating with well known company in search of new employee with great soft skills and competitive.</p><p>(3) SPELL IT RIGHT</p><p>Let’s speak better English! Don’t miss “Spell It Right!”, this activity is going to be carried out weekly to the residents of TSNRC. Some of the activities are Spelling Bee, Crossword Puzzle, Riddles and Tongue Twister. The winner will be chosen once in a month and it is based on the accumulated marks that they get from the activities conducted. The aim of this activity is to polish up the extraordinary vocabulary that is rarely used and heard in daily conversation. Alongside with the fun from the activities, we would like the students to expand their knowledge in using correct English, with minimal grammatical errors. Besides, this activity will boost up the students’ self-esteem and encourage them to speak frequently English in their daily life. </p><p>(5) ESZ MUSICAL DRAMA AND CLOSING CEREMONY</p><p>Musical drama has been known as the highlight event for ESZ. Therefore, for the next ESZ, we are going to play the musical drama as a performance during the closing ceremony. The theme is all about the unity of different races in Malaysia, displaying their side of English accent. The musical drama is the best platform for the students to show up their talents in performance and on top of that, learning English in a fun way. </p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>ATTACHMENT D</p><p>BUDGET</p><p>TOTAL ESTIMATION OF INCOME</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM 1. Opening Ceremony Closing Ceremony & Musical Drama 3100.00</p><p>2. Mock Interview 1500.00</p><p>3. Spell It Right 2700.00</p><p>TOTAL 7300.00</p><p>TOTAL ESTIMATION OF EXPENDITURE</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM 1. Opening Ceremony Closing Ceremony & Musical Drama 2880.00</p><p>2. Mock Interview 1498.00</p><p>3. Spell It Right 1898.00</p><p>TOTAL 6276.00 Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>OPENING CEREMONY, CLOSING CEREMONY AND MUSICAL DRAMA</p><p>Estimation of Income</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM 1. Financial aid MEP’s allocation 500.00</p><p>Sponsorship 2000.00</p><p>Business 600.00 TOTAL 3100.00</p><p>Estimation of Expenditure</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM</p><p>1 SECRETARY 40.00</p><p>- Printing and photocopying 2 PROGRAMME 40.00</p><p>- Printing and photocopying 3 PUBLICITY 270.00</p><p>- Banner [RM100 x2] - Poster [RM 40] - Flyers [RM 30] 4 SOUVENIRS 60.00</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>- VIPs [RM30 x 2] 5 MARKETING 360.00</p><p>- Italk [RM10 x 11] - Modal for bussiness [RM200] - Printing [RM50] 6 PROTOCOL & PUBLIC RELATION 70.00</p><p>- Printing [RM20] - Gimmick of Opening Ceremony [RM50] 7 PERFORMANCE 950.00</p><p>- Costumes [RM500] - Stage decoration and props [RM350] - Make ups [RM100] 8 TECHNICAL 1000.00</p><p>- PA system including lighting system 9 REFRESHMENTS 90.00</p><p>- VIPs [RM6 x 15] TOTAL 2880.00</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>MOCK INTERVIEW</p><p>Estimation of Income</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM 1. Financial aid MEP’s allocation 300.00</p><p>Sponsorship 700.00</p><p>Business 500.00 TOTAL 1500.00</p><p>Estimation of Expenditure</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM</p><p>1 SECRETARY 30.00</p><p>- Printing 2 PROGRAMME 870.00</p><p>- Panellists [RM200 x 4] - Printing [RM30] - Italk [RM10 x 4] 3 PUBLICITY 140.00</p><p>- Banner [RM100 x 1] - Posters [RM20] - Flyers [RM20] 4 SOUVENIRS AND REFRESHMENTS 298.00</p><p>- Panelists [RM25 x 8] - Certificates [RM0.50 x 100] - Refreshments [RM6 x 8] 5 MARKETING 80.00</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>- Printing [RM40] - Italk card [RM10 x 4] 6 PROTOCOL 30.00</p><p>- Printing TOTAL 1448.00</p><p>SPELL IT RIGHT</p><p>Estimation of Income</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM 1. Financial aid MEP’s allocation 600.00</p><p>Sponsorship 1100.00</p><p>Business 1000.00 TOTAL 2200.00</p><p>Estimation of Expenditure</p><p>NO PARTICULARS RM</p><p>1 SECRETARY 60.00</p><p>- Printing 2 PROGRAMME 930.00</p><p>- Judges [RM150 x 4] - Printing [RM30] 3 PUBLICITY 140.00</p><p>- Banner [RM50 x 1] - Posters [RM20] - Flyers [RM20] 4 SOUVENIRS AND REFRESHMENTS 298.00</p><p>- Judges [RM25 x 4] - Certificates [RM50] - Refreshments [RM6 x 4] 5 MARKETING 160.00</p><p>- Printing [RM80] - Italk card [RM10 x 8] 6 PROTOCOL 30.00 Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>- Printing</p><p>7 SPECIAL TASK 280.00</p><p>- Prize 1st – RM100 2nd – RM50 3rd – RM30</p><p>Prizes for Small Activities – RM100 TOTAL 1898.00</p><p>Go Beyond English ESZ 2013/2014</p><p>Go Beyond English</p>
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