<p>CenturyLink Teachers and Technology Competitive Grant Application Package</p><p>Application Deadline:</p><p>Submitted Electronically by April 26, 2013</p><p>Administered by CenturyLink and Montana ACTE CenturyLink Education Grant Application</p><p>Introduction</p><p>CenturyLink has allocated $35,000 to the Montana ACTE through an education grant to be awarded to Montana K-12 educators who demonstrate innovative uses of technology in the classroom. The funds will be disbursed to local school districts on a competitive basis. The funds may be used to purchase the following for use in the classroom: supplies and materials, software and hardware, or professional development activities. Any supplies and materials, software and hardware purchased become the property of the school should the teacher leave the school. The funds will be available June, 2013 and must be spent during the 2013-2014 academic school year. The funds must be spent by June 30, 2014. The grant application process will be administered by a partnership of Montana ACTE and CenturyLink.</p><p>The deadline for application is April 26th, 2013.</p><p>The purposes of this grant are to:</p><p>1. Recognize Montana K-12 Educators who will use technology or training in innovative ways in the classroom to improve student performance. </p><p>2. Increase the use of technology in the classroom by sharing proven methods of how teachers are using technology to improve student performance.</p><p>3. Improve teaching and leadership skills of educators.</p><p>Important Tip: The proposals most likely to be selected for funding will use technical equipment or training as part of an innovative project in the classroom – either a new project or an existing program that can be taken to another level. Requests for equipment (e.g. iPods. whiteboards, projectors, calculators, etc.) that will essentially be integrated into existing projects and curriculum, however worthy, will probably not be selected. It is also unlikely that proposals which lack sustainability will be selected (e.g. one time funding for field trips or FIRST LEGO robotics team entry fees, etc.). Timelines</p><p>1. Grant proposals must be received electronically by 5:00 PM, April 26, 2013. 2. Proposals that arrive after this date will not be considered. 3. CenturyLink Education Grant Application Assurance Sheet and the Applicant Certification must be sent with original signatures and postmarked by April 26, 2013. 4. A report on expenditure of funds is due by July 1, 2014. 5. All successful grant awardees must submit a lesson plan of their project by July 1, 2014 following the required format (see Appendix B). 6. Successful Montana ACTE members will be asked to give a short presentation about the project at the Montana ACTE Fall Institute in Missoula in 2014.</p><p>It is important that participants adhere to the deadlines of this grant.</p><p>Eligibility</p><p>All current K-12 Montana Teachers who reside in the service area of CenturyLink are eligible to apply with the exception of any members who are on the selection committee or are previous grant recipients (see Appendix A). Applicants do not need to be customers of CenturyLink. A teacher may receive a maximum of one grant award but there is no limit to the number of awards given to different teachers at any particular school. </p><p>Technical Assistance</p><p>Mark Branger, Executive Director of Montanan ACTE, will be available to provide technical assistance and to answer questions. For assistance applying for a CenturyLink Education grant, contact Mark Branger at 406.967.2540 x 360 or [email protected].</p><p>Award Process</p><p>The CenturyLink Education Grant requires that grants be awarded through competitive proposals. Teachers can apply for a grant of up to a maximum of $5,000. All proposals will be read and judged by a committee of K-12 education professionals and CenturyLink employees. This committee will determine which applications best meet the funding criteria using the rubric and scoring sheet included in this application package. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by June 30, 2013.</p><p>At least three grants will be reserved for teachers who are members of the Montana ACTE, unless there are not at least three grant applications from ACTE members that receive a minimum of 10 points from the committee using the attached Rating Sheet. Required Presentation</p><p>Teachers who are ACTE members and are awarded a CenturyLink Education Grant must agree to give a short presentation that describes how the grant has allowed them to integrate technology into the classroom. This presentation will be given at the Montana ACTE Fall Institute in Missoula in October 2014. </p><p>Required Lesson Plan</p><p>Successful grant awardees must also submit a lesson plan of their project by July 1, 2014 that will be posted on a web site(s) for access by other teachers for ideas about using technology, as demonstrated by the projects awarded. Innovative Technology Project Lesson plan format must be followed. (see Appendix B)</p><p>Required Reports</p><p>Successful grant awardees must submit a report on the expenditure of funds by July 1, 2014. Late reports will not be accepted and awardees will be responsible for returning monies awarded for their project. It is important that participants adhere to the deadlines of this grant. CenturyLink Education Grant Proposal Application Procedure</p><p>Instructions</p><p>Each Montana K-12 Educator may apply for one grant and must complete the following six-page application and submit each page in the specified order:</p><p>Page 1: Complete the CenturyLink Education Grant Application Assurance Sheet included in this application package submitted by regular mail.</p><p>Page 2: Complete the CenturyLink Education Application Certification included in this application package submitted by regular mail.</p><p>Page 3: Prepare a one-page narrative description of how you will use technology in the classroom in innovative ways and how the use of technology has impacted OR will impact student performance. (No more than a single page, portrait orientation, 1” margins, single spaced, minimum 12 point serif font --recommend Times New Roman).</p><p>Page 4: Prepare a one-page narrative of what you are proposing to purchase and how the purchase will enhance your teaching in the classroom. (No more than a single page, portrait orientation, 1” margins, single spaced, minimum 12 point serif font (recommend Times New Roman).</p><p>Page 5: Prepare a narrative of your plans for sustainability of the project that will allow this project/lesson to continue in the classroom. (No more than a single page, portrait orientation, 1” margins, single spaced, minimum 12 point serif font (recommend Times New Roman).</p><p>Page 6: Prepare a proposed budget spreadsheet. Maximum of one page, landscape orientation, 1” margins, minimum of 10 point sans-serif font (recommend Ariel). Budget spreadsheets must describe the function of the budgeted item and include item cost and total cost.</p><p>DO NOT add attachments to the application. The application should only be six pages including the CenturyLink Education Grant Application Assurance Sheet and Application Certification. NO faxed applications will be accepted. Submit one copy of your signed Competitive Grant Application Assurance Sheet (page 1) and Application Certification (page 2) via regular mail (postmarked on or before April 26, 2013) and one electronic copy of your grant proposal (pages 3-6) via e-mail on or before April 26, 2013 by 5:00 p.m. to:</p><p>John Bemis CenturyLink 290 N. Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 E-mail: [email protected] CenturyLink Education Competitive Grant Application Assurance Sheet</p><p>Project Title:______Amount of Request: $______</p><p>District Name:______</p><p>Name of Teacher:______</p><p>Name of School where currently teaching: ______</p><p>School Address:______</p><p>Content area(s) that you are teaching in Montana K-12 public education: ______</p><p>I certify that if I receive a CenturyLink Foundation for Education Grant</p><p> I agree to submit a lesson plan in the format required of my project by July 1, 2014 that will be posted on a web site(s) for access by other teachers for ideas about using technology, as demonstrated by my project. </p><p> I agree to give a presentation about the project at the Montana ACTE Fall Institute in Missoula, MT on October 17, 2014 (ACTE members only).</p><p> I agree to submit a report on the expenditure of funds by July 1, 2014.</p><p>Superintendent Name - Printed E-mail Telephone</p><p>Signature Principal Name - Printed E-mail Telephone</p><p>Signature Teacher Name - Printed E-mail Telephone</p><p>Signature</p><p>Mail this page to John Bemis, 290 N. Main Street, Kalispell, MT 59901 CenturyLink Teachers and Technology Program Applicant Certification</p><p>As an applicant for a CenturyLink Teachers and Technology grant, you are required to certify the following statements. Please ensure that you work with the necessary individuals within your school or district to ensure that the following statements are accurate.</p><p>1. After reasonable investigation (such as conferring with the school’s network administrator), the applicant does not anticipate that the proposal, if selected for award, would significantly increase the school’s network capacity needs.</p><p>Signature of applicant Signature of principal</p><p>Date Date</p><p>2. The applicant is not involved in any procurement decisions regarding the purchase of the school’s telecommunications and internet services, including its participation, if any, in the E- Rate program.</p><p>Signature of applicant Signature of principal</p><p>Date Date</p><p>4. The applicant confirms that receiving this grant will have no impact on and will not be considered in E-rate procurement decisions for their school or school district.</p><p>Signature of applicant Signature of principal</p><p>Date Date</p><p>Applicant’s Name (please print): </p><p>City and State: </p><p>School Name: </p><p>School District: Sample CenturyLink Education Grant Expenditure Plan</p><p>Project Title______School______Teacher______</p><p>Budget Items Function Proposed Budget</p><p>1. Salaries & Benefits $</p><p>2. Materials & Supplies $</p><p>3. Professional $ Development Activities</p><p>4. Hardware $</p><p>5. Software $</p><p>6. Other $</p><p>$ Total Budget CenturyLink Education Grant Grant Proposal Scoring Rubric</p><p>1. Narrative description of . The proposal does not . The proposal indirectly . The proposal describes . The proposal describes how you use or will use address how the teacher addresses how the generally how the in detail how the teacher technology in the uses or will technology teacher uses or will use teacher uses or will use uses or will use classroom in innovative in the classroom in technology in the technology in the technology in the ways (Page 2) innovative ways. classroom in innovative classroom in innovative classroom in innovative ways. ways. ways. 2. Narrative description on . The proposal does not . The proposal indirectly . The proposal describes . The proposal describes how your use of address how the use of addresses how the use in general how the use of in detail how the use of technology in the technology has or will of technology has or technology has or will technology has or will classroom has impacted impact student will impact student impact student impact student or will impact student performance. performance. performance. performance. performance (Page 2)</p><p>3. Budget narrative of what . The budget narrative . The budget narrative . The budget narrative . The budget narrative you are proposing to does not address what indirectly addresses generally addresses what describes in detail what purchase for use in the the teacher is proposing what the teacher is the teacher is proposing the teacher is proposing classroom. (Page 3) to purchase for use in proposing to purchase to purchase for use in the to purchase for use in the classroom. for use in the classroom. the classroom. classroom. 4. Narrative description of . The proposal does not . The proposal indirectly . The proposal generally . The proposal describes how what you are address how what the addresses how what the addresses how what the in detail how what the proposing to purchase teacher is proposing to teacher is proposing to teacher is proposing to teacher is proposing to will enhance your purchase will enhance purchase will enhance purchase will enhance purchase will enhance teaching in the teaching in the teaching in the teaching in the teaching in the classroom (including classroom. classroom. classroom. classroom. Budget. (Pages 3 & 5)</p><p>5. Narrative description . No attempt is made for . Some details for . Sustainability for the . Sustainability for the for sustainability. sustainability. sustainability are project is generally project is generally (Page 4) described. described. described in detail and includes concrete lists. CenturyLink Education Grant Grant Proposal Rating Sheet</p><p>Teacher Name:______School:______</p><p>Reader:______</p><p>1. Narrative description of how you use or will use technology in 0 5 10 15 the classroom in innovative ways. (Page 3)</p><p>2. Narrative description of how your use of technology in the 0 4 8 12 classroom has impacted or will impact student performance. (Page 3)</p><p>3. Budget narrative of what you are proposing to purchase for use 0 4 8 12 in the classroom and how the purchase will enhance your teaching including proposed budget. (Page 4)</p><p>4. Narrative description for sustainability (page 5) 0 2 4 6</p><p>5. Proposed budget spreadsheet (page 6) 2 3 4 5</p><p>Ranking: ______</p><p>Reader Comments and Suggestions:______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Appendix A CenturyLink Service Locations Montana</p><p>A Amsterdam, Anaconda</p><p>B Belgrade, Bigfork, Billings, Boulder, Bozeman, Bridger, Butte</p><p>C Canyon Ferry, Clancy, Clyde Park, Colstrip, Columbia Falls, Columbus, Conrad, Cook City, Corvalis, Cut Bank</p><p>D Darby, Deer Lodge, Dillon, Dutton</p><p>E East Glacier</p><p>F Fallon, French Town, Fromberg</p><p>G Galatin Gateway, Gardiner, Glendive, Great Falls</p><p>H Hamilton, Hardin, Havre, Helena </p><p>J Joliet</p><p>K Kalispell, Kinsey</p><p>L Lakeside, Laurel, Lewistown, Livingston, Lockwood, Lolo</p><p>M Manhatten, Miles City, Mill Town, Missoula</p><p>O Opportunity</p><p>P Park City, Polson, Pray, Pryor</p><p>R Red Lodge, Roberts</p><p>S Shelby, Shepherd, St. Mary, Stevensville, Sydney</p><p>T Terry, Three Forks, Townsend</p><p>U Ulm</p><p>V Vaughn, Victor</p><p>W Warm Springs, West Glacier, West Yellowstone, White Hall, Whitefish, Wibeaux, Willsall, Wolf Creek CenturyLink Service Area Appendix B Teacher: Click here to enter text. School/District: Click here to enter text. Subject Area(s) Addressed: Click here to enter text. Grade Level(s)/Course: Click here to enter text. Date Submitted: Click here to enter text. Lesson/Unit Duration: Click here to enter text.</p><p>Classroom Information Lesson/Unit Title Click here to enter text. Lesson/Unit Click here to enter text. Descrip tion</p><p>Building the Foundation Academic Click here to enter text. Standards Addressed (List source & #) Technology Click here to enter text. Standards Addressed (List source & #) Goals/Activities Teacher-Led Click here to enter text. Activities</p><p>Anticipatory Set</p><p>(Introductory Lesson/Focus) Student- Click here to enter text. Centered Activities</p><p>Content resources (books, Articles, speakers, handouts, Software/Web Resources (CD- ROM’s, URLs, etc.) Resources materials, etc.) Needed Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.</p><p>Hardware (computers, TV, VHS, etc) Other media, video, satellite, etc. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.</p><p>Student Assessment Strategies Pre- Click here to enter text. Assessments</p><p>Post- Click here to enter text. Assessments</p>
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