
CATALOGUE OF THE IN THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. COMPILED BY FRANK H. NOBLE, fl.,,. M., LL. B., LIBRARIAN. LAW L\BRAPV DECH 1975 U£1iversity of Iowa lOWA CITY. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. 1895. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The Hammond Historical Law Collection of which the following is a catalogue, has been donated to the State University of Iowa, by Mrs. William G. Hammond, in accor<lance with the wishes of her husband, expressed within a few days of his death, which occured at St. Louis, on April 12, 18<)4. Under the terms· of the gift the collection is to be kept tog~ther in cases specially provided for that purpose in the Law Library, and to remain there as a memorial of Dr. Hammond and of his connection with the Law Department as its Chancellor, from the organization of the Department in 1868 until 1881. The collection comprises twelve hundred and thirty-seven volumes, relating principally to the civil law and to the history of the common law. In the latter branch it covt!rs the legal institutions of the Teutonic tribes in general, and of the Anglo-Saxons in particular, as well- as the early period of the developments of legal institutions in England. Dr. Hammond, while preparing ii.is edition of Blackstone's Commen­ taries, collected copies of all th,e editions of that work published during the authOr's life-time, and this rare collection is included in the gift. In the Library is kept a card catalogue of the whole collection. F. H. N. IOWA CITY, June 15, 1895. ABBREVIATIONS. abr ___ ----abridger or abridgment Lat. _____ ----- . .. .. -- Latin Am·----------- -··------American I------------ -·- •.. ···- •. leaves anon----·--· - ·--------anonymous ~m ____ . •...•. half morocco b ---------------------·---boards Km---·--· three-quarters morocco c ---------- --·_-------------cloth p ------------ ___ · - .paper, pages ca ____ ···-- ---- ----.. -- ------ .calf parch __________ ---·-parchment cor ----·- -- ------------corrected Ed. _____________ edition or edited ptd------------------ -~--printed rep------·----- --·---·---_reprint Edr ------------------ .•.•. editor rev·-- ------ ......... revised Eng---------- -----------English s ------ ·- __ ------ ·-----· ·---Gheep en! . --------- -----------.enlarged tr. ___ ·----- .. ---- __ translator f ______ ------------- ------ __ folio unp ------------· --------unpaged Fr -----------------------French vel ------·--· ------ -- -·-- vellum fr.---------------. -- . ------rfrom v ____ ·--- ------ ________ ... volume Ger-------------------- German Hammond Historical Law Collection. ALPHABETICAL LIST BY AUTHORS AND FULL DESCRIPTION. Abdy, J. T., and Byron Walker-The Commentaries of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian. Cambridge. 8 vo. 1874. 478 p. c. A' Beckett, G. A.-The Comic Blackstone. Rev. Ed. London. 8 vo. 1887. 324 p. ~m. Ackmdijck, .Taui--Specimen histories juridicum inugurale de Origine Juris Munic1palis f"risici. Ed. by J. H. B. Andreae. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 8 vo. 1840. 495 p. c. Acollu, Emile-Le Droit de la Guerre. Paris. 8 vo. 1888. i66 p. c. Acollu, Emile-Les Dehts et les Peines. Paris. 8 vo. 1887. 19s p. c. Acollu. Bmil& -L'ldee du Droit. Paris. 1886. 8 vo. 88 p. c. Adam. Alexander--Roman Antiquities, or an account of the manners and customs of the Romans, designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin classics. 2d Am. Ed. New York. 8 vo. 1814. 684 p. ca. Ahrens. H.-Cours de Droit Nature! ou de Philosphie du Droit fait d' apres l' etat actuel de cette science en Allemagne. Bruxelles. 8 vo. 1853. 676 p. c. and b. Amoa. Andrew- Notes on De Laudibus Legum Angliae. Cincinnati. 8 vo. 303 p. c. Amil. Sheldon-An English Code; its difficulties and the modes of over· coming them. London. 8 vo. 1873. 237 p. c . ..dreae, .T. H. B., :Edr. De Origine Juris Municipalis Frisici. By Jani Ackersdijck. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 8 vo. 1840. 495 p. c. Anthon, .John-An analytical abridgement of the Commentaries of Sir Wilham Blackstone. 2d Ed. Phila. 1832. 8 vo. 347 p. s. Anthon • .John-The Law Student, or Guides to the Study of the Law in its principles. N. Y. 8 vo. 1850. 384 p. s. Autin, John-Lectures on Jurisprudence, or, The Philosophy of Positive Law. 3d Ed. Robert Campbell, Edr. 2 vols. London. 8 vo. 18~. s. Autin• .Tohn--Lectures on Jurisprudence. The Philosophy of Positive Law. Abr. by Robert Campbell. N. Y. 8 vo. 1875. 504 p. c, 2 HAMMOND COLLECTION Ayrerua, Ja.cobua-Historischer Processus Juris. Nurnberg. 4 to. 1816. 86o p. patch. A~o. Bononiensis-Summa aurea id est Locuples Juris Civilis Thesaurus. Lugduni. 8 vo. 1425-324 p. Written 14161 p't'd. 1586. ca and ·S. Bacon, Nathaniel-An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of Eng-land, from the first times till the reign of Edw. III. London. 4 to. 1682. 203-·188 p. s. Baildon, W. P., and F. W. Maitland, Ed'rs.-Publications of the Selden Society, 1887 1 1888 1889, 1890. See Selden Society. Bailey, N.-An Etymological Dictionary 8th Ed. 2 vols. London. 12mo. 1737. s. Bal(fun, F.-Jurisconsulti Constantinus Magnus, sive Commentarium de Constanti Imp. Legibus, eccleasticis et civilibus. Accessit eiusdem commentarius ad Edie.ta vete~um Principum Rom. de Christianis.. quell.Leip!>ic and Halle. 8 vo. 1727. 235-129 p. }(ca. Bound witb Brun­ Barbosa, Augustus-Tractatus Varii. Lugduni. f. 165i. 818 p.~ parch. Barnwal, Robert-Les Reports des Cases of Hen. VI. London. f. 1679. s. Barrinirton, Daines- Observations on the more ancient statutes from 1215 to 1623. London. 4th Ed. 410. 1775. 578 P. s. Bayne, Alexander-Notes for the Use of Students of the Municipal Law in the University of Edinburgh. EJiinburgh. 4to 1749 ro6 p. s. Beaver, John, Tr.-The History of the Roman or Civil Law. By C.] de Ferriere. London 8vo. 1724. 169-38 -105 p. ca. Beck, J. L. G.-Corpus Juris Civilis, recognovit et brevi annotatione in structum. 4 vols. Leipsic. 8 vo. 1825-26-11-)6. U ca. Bede!. M. A -Nouveau Guide des Etudians en Droit. Paris. 12 mo. 1827. 156 p. ca. Bell, G. H.-Lawycr's Diary for 1852. N. Y. 12 mo. 1852. 49 p. c. Bernaysiua, Jacobus-T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura,Libn sex. Leip­ sic. 8 vo. 198 p. p. Berriat. Saint-Prix, M.-Histoire du Droit Romain, suivie de L' Histoire de Cujas. Paris. 8 vo. 1821. 619 p. b. Beaeler, Georg-Volksrecht und Juristenrecht. Leipzig. 8 vo. 1843. 363-30 p. Um. Beaeler, Beyacher, nnd Wilda-Zeitschrift fur deutsches Recht und deutsches Rechtswissenschaft. IO vols. Tu bingen. 8vo. 1839-1861. U ca. Biener,. .F. A.-Das Englische Geschwornengericht. 2 vols. Leipsic. 8vo. 7f s. Bienerns, C. G. Ed'r.- Commentarii de Origine et Progressu legum jur iumque Germanorum. Pars II. 3 vols. Leges et jura populorum Teutonicorum media complectus. Leipsic. 8 vo. 1790-1795. b. Bigelow. lllf. K.-History of Procedure in England from lo66 to 1204 Boston. 188o. 8 vo. 4u p. c. Bignoniua, Hieronymns-Marculfi Monachi, aliorumque auctorum For. mulae Veteres, Accessit Liber Legis Salicae. Paris. 1665. 4to. 368- 270 p. ca. AUTHOR LIST. 3 Blackburn, Lord-A Treatise on Contract of Sale. Ed. by J. C. Gi:Wm. Phila. 8 vo. 1887. 427 p. p. llaokatone, WilJiam-An Analysis of the Laws of England. Oxford. 8vo. 1762. 77-l&J p. s. Blackstone, William-Law Tracts. 2 vols. Oxford. 8 vo. 1762. s. ketone, William-Commentaries. rst Ed. 4 vol$. Oxford. 4 to. 1765. ca. atone, William-Commentaries. 2d Ed. 4 vols. Oxford. 4 to. 1768 t.( s. ketone, William-Commentaries. 3d Ed, 4 vols. Oxford. 4 to. 17&). s. 4th Ed. 4 vols. Oxford. 4 to. 5th Ed. 4 vols. Oxford. 8 vo. 6th Ed. 4 vols. London. 4 to. 7th Ed. 4 vols. Oxford. 8 vo. tone, William-Commentaries. 8th Ed. 4 vols Oxford. 8 vo 1778. s. 9th Ed. 2 vols. London. 8 vo. tone, William-Commentaries. 13th Ed. 4 vols. Ed. by Edward Christian. Dublin. 8 vo. 17cf>. s. tm!Mlll:at<Jne, William-Commentaries. 2 vols. 8 vo. s. tone, William-Commentaries. John Williams, Ed'r. 2d Am. Ed'. 4 vols. Boston. 8 vo. 1799. ca. ae. William--Commentaries. MS. notes of St.George Tucker by W. Leigh. 2d Ed. 4 vols. Boston. 12 mo. 18or. s. katone, William-Commentaries. By E1lward Christian. 4 vols. Portland. 8 vo. 1807. s. one. William-Commentaries. St. George Tucker, Edr. 4 vols. Phila. 8 vo. 18o3. Us. ne. William-Commentaries. Edward Christian, Ed't. 4 vols. N. Y. 8 vo. 1822. (Two sets.) s. ne. William-CommenJ:aries. Barron Field's. 2 vols. Phila. vo. 1827. s. atone, William-Commentaries. Abr. by John Anthon. 2d Ed. Phila. 8 vo. 1832. 347 p. s. , Thomas-Praxis Francisci Clarke. Dublin. 4 to. 1666. 428 p. ~ca. !riederioh-Uebers1cht der in Deutschland geltenden Rechts­ n. Mit einer encyclopaedischen Einleitung. 2 vols. Bonn, 1847-52. 14 m. 4 HAMMOND COLLECTION Bluntschli, J. C.-Geschichte des allgemeineu Staatsrechts und der Politik, From the 16th century to the present ·time. Munich. 8vo. 1864- 667 p. ~ m. Bluntschli, J, C.-Deutsches Privatrecht. 2d Ed. Munich. 8 vo. 186o, 596 p. };(ca. Bocking, Eduard-Institutionen. Ein Lehrbuch des romischen Privatrecht$ aus dem Standpunkte unseres heutigen Rechts-systemes. Vol, I. Bonn. 8vo. 18.i3. 6q p. b. Bocking, Eduard-Pandekten. Ein Lehrbuch des gemeinen auf das romische Recht gegrund.:ten Civilrechts im Grundrisse. 4th Ed Bonn. 8 vo. 1852. 121 p. c. and p. Bocking. Eduardus-Gai Institutiones codicis Veronensis apographum ad. Goescheni Hollwegi Bluhmii schedas conpositum scripsit labidibusque exceptam scripturam. Leipsic. 8 vo. 1866. 251 µ. ¥ m. Bockin2', Eduard-Gaii Institutionum. Bonn. 8 vo. 1850. 2if;~22 p, ~m. Bocking, Eduardus et C.A. R. Xlenze-Gaii et Justiniani Institutiones juris' Romani. Berlin. 4 to. 1819 292 p. ~ m. Boehmer, J. H.-Jus Ecclesiasticum Protestantium usum Hodiernum juris Canomci juxta seriem decretatum ostendens et ipsis reru m argumentis illustrans. 4th Ed.
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