TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020 The Messenger P3 “Impartial, Informative, Insightful” GEL 3.00 The #100 (4657) MessengerTUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020 WWW.MESSENGER.COM.GE Politics Opposition parties say Giorgi Rurua Opposition parties call on the government to fulfill is being discredited by ruling the agreement made on March 8th Georgian Dream party According to the statement, members of the parliamentary opposition are ready to sup- port the agreed constitutional changes if all the points of the agreement are fulfilled. UNDP and UK launch an initiative to provide home care services to the elderly and other high-risk persons FULL STORY ON Page 2 Opposition urges gov’t to ‘fully abide by’ election agreement, release TV co-founder Rurua. Photo: IPN Economics BY NATALIA KOCHIASHVILI that are presented in the Parliament are The statement emphasises that the ready to support the agreed constitutional release of political prisoners Giorgi Government lifts up more pposition parties have urged the gov- changes, if all points of the agreement Ugulava and Irakli Okruashvili by the restrictions Oernment to fully comply with all are met. According to them, the agree- President of Georgia on May 15th was an components of the March 8th agreement. ment could not be considered enforced as important step in fulfilling the terms of th FULL STORY ON Page 3 In a joint statement released on 8 of long as political prisoner Giorgi Rurua the agreement. “At the same time, we June, they wrote that opposition parties remains in prison. believe that fulfilling all the components of the March 8th agreement and making constitutional changes is fundamentally important to prevent a possible political crisis in the country,” the joint announce- ment reads. “We are particularly concerned about the ongoing targeted campaign of Giorgi Rurua against the background of the le- gal fiasco, which has been launched by the government-run media in recent days.” In the letter, they express particular concern over recent ‘targeted government campaign against Giorgi Rurua’ during the ongoing ‘judicial fiasco,’ aiming to his discreditation through the media outlets managed by the government. The opposition claims that this is an- other attempt to politicise the trial and justice system, which directly contradicts the spirit of the March 8th agreement and threatens the political consensus based on the agreement. The statement is signed by the follow- ing parties: Girchi, United National Movement, European Georgia, National Democratic Party, Akhali Sakartvelo, Republic Party, Lelo, Labor Party, State for the People United Georgia, Victorious Georgia, European Democrats, Christian- Conservative Party, Civil Alliance for Freedom, Free Democrats. The statement was issued by the press center of the United National Movement. The Georgian Dream and the opposi- On May 15th President Salome Zurabishvili pardoned Ugulava and Okruashvili ‘to break the tension, not because they were political prisoners.’ Photo: 1tv.ge CONTINUED ON Page 2 P2 Politics The Messenger TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020 Opposition parties call on the government to fulfill the agreement made on March 8th changes is fundamentally im- Democratic Party, Akhali ous Georgia, European Demo- portant to prevent a possible po- Sakartvelo, Republic Party, crats, Christian-Conservative litical crisis of the country. Op- Lelo, Labor Party, State for the Party, Civil Alliance for Free- position parties, which are rep- People United Georgia, Victori- dom, Free Democrats. resented in parliament, remain ready to support the proposed constitutional changes if all points of the agreement are met. The agreement cannot be consid- ered enforced until political pris- oner Giorgi Rurua remains in prison,” said the statement. Against the background of the legal fiasco, a deliberate govern- ment campaign is underway to discredit Giorgi Rurua. The ongoing deliberate gov- ernment campaign is against the background of the legal fi- asco in order to discredit Giorgi Rurua. It is clear that there will be another trial and an attempt to politicize the justice system. This, in turn, directly contra- dicts the spirit of the March 8th agreement and threatens the political consensus under the agreement. The agreement that has to be followed for fair elections. Accordingly, the political par- ties are willing to call on the gov- ernment to fulfill the require- BY ANASTASIA SOKHADZE They also agreed that such ac- ments of the statement made on tions should be avoided in the March 8th which will allow the n March 8th, as a part of the future. The release of political country to prepare for the 2020 Opolitical agreement reached prisoners - Giorgi Ugulava and parliamentary elections in a less between the United States and Irakli Okruashvili on May 15th politicized environment and the EU diplomatic missions, the by the President of Georgia was strengthen the democratic sys- Georgian government took the an important step in fulfilling tem. responsibility to respond to ac- the terms of the agreement. The statement was signed by tions that may be perceived as “We believe that fulfilling all the following parties: Girchi, improper politicization of the ju- the components of the agreement United National Movement, The statement signed by opposition parties, including diciary and the election process. and adopting constitutional European Georgia, National Girchi. Opposition parties say UNDP and UK launch an Giorgi Rurua is being initiative to provide home discredited by ruling care services to the elderly Georgian Dream party and other high-risk persons nerable people at high risk of CONTINUED FROM Page 1 party with less than 40% of the contracting COVID-19 includ- vote cannot form a parliamen- ing, older people living on their tion parties reached an agree- tary majority. own, persons with chronic dis- ment on constitutional amend- The opposition says the sec- eases and special needs, and ments on March 8th with the ac- ond part of the agreement calls people who need additional sup- tive participation of facilitator for the release of political pris- port in self-isolation will be pro- diplomats. In 2020, 120 deputies oners, the existence of which was vided with home care and other will be elected by a proportional denied by the authorities, thus services in Tbilisi and the re- system and 30 deputies by arguing that their release was gions. majoritarian, the election bar- not a matter of agreement. Af- According to UNDP Georgia, rier will be 1% that ensured by ter the president pardoned Irakli As the country mitigates its re- the so called ‘locker,’ so that a Okruashvili and Gigi Ugulava, strictions regarding COVID-19, the opposition demanded the re- sustaining assistance to vulner- lease of Giorgi Rurua. The cur- United Nations Development Programme. able persons is the key to pre- Weather rent co-founder of the opposition- venting any renewed outbreak of minded TV channel Mtavari the virus. Arkhi was detained on Novem- BY KHATIA BZHALAVA frame of the new initiative, With over USD 60,000 in the Tuesday, June 9 ber 18, 2019 for alleged posses- launched by the United Nations UK funding, the initiative will sion and carrying of a firearm, NDP shares the statement Development Programme Day Clear a charge Rurua dismisses. Uwhich reports that in the (UNDP) and the UK, 4000 vul- CONTINUED ON Page 3 High: 32°C published by Night Clear Nino Metreveli The Messenger welcomes your therefore, the opinions Commercial Director contributions. If you are expressed in some articles do Low: 18°C The Messenger 43, Chovelidze st., Tbilisi, interested in submitting an not necessarily coincide with article or news item please those of the newspaper. We Wednesday, June 10 0108, Georgia Founded by Prof. Mariam Mchedlidze contact. take no responsibility for any Editor-in-Chief All contributions should be claims made in advertisments. Day Clear Zaza Gachechiladze Tamar Gachechiladze submitted by e-mail. High: 33°C Publisher The Messenger Georgia’s The Messenger preserves the Night Clear Mob.:+995 599 565621; +995 577 760000 Khatuna Gogichaishvili English language daily is an style of a source written in E-mail:[email protected] Layout Designer, Photographer independent newspaper, and, English where possible. Low: 19°C http://www.messenger.com.ge/ TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020 The Messenger Economics P3 Exchange Rates: US Dollar - 2.9805; Euro - 3.3599; GBP - 3.7656; 100 Russian Ruble - 4.3688; Swiss Franc - 3.0944 quired to wear masks, otherwise, they Government lifts up more restrictions will also face an administrative penalty of 20-30. The changes will enter the code been disallowed to work since March 31st, of administrative offense and criminal reopen as well. The National Bank calls code of Georgia. for the points to strictly obey the rules A few restrictions remain in force- gath- and the recommendations. ering of more than 10 people, intercity The act of legislation which responds travels for passengers by railway trains to violating the regulation of wearing and air transport, transporting more than masks will be unveiled to the bureau of 3 people by taxi (one of them is a driver) the Parliament in the session of June 8th. and holding sporting, cultural and enter- According to the legislature act, an indi- taining events. vidual who does not wear a mask to the As of June 8th, only one new case of the public indoor places will be fined with Coronavirus has been reported and 8 pa- 50, and if a person without a mask is tients have recovered. Overall, there are admitted to the indoor facility, the owner 810 cases, with 683 recoveries and 13 (juristic person) will be fined with 500. deaths. 2915 citizens are quarantined Taxi drivers and passengers are also re- and 237 are hospitalised. The major recommendation and regulation for passengers are to wear masks while traveling. BY KHATIA BZHALAVA from now on, all restaurants are eligible to restore their services.
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