<p> required. byapproval Associationof the andSouthern Schools-CoC Colleges may also be have been approved by Board.Notification the Senateor Academic Executive onof action units shouldaddition, takeno any thethese itemsuntil minutes below should takeno these USGon itemsand/orissecured. action until approval BOR isreceived from until the to notification thatBoard effect.unitsofficial Academic of System University Georgia. itemssome mayby require approval theof or instances, further Board Regents the Note: Toktay (CoB), (Math), Rinehart (CoD),Steinbart Shofner (MSE), (AE) Seitzman (OUE), Comfort (OAE),Gallego (ECON),Spencer Atwaters (OMED), Woolard (ML), Visitors: (ISyE) Zhou CS), Shook (ML),Smith& BCHEM), WilkinsonXu (ME),Stasko(CHEM (CoC-IC), (CoC- (ECE), Moore Potts Provost),SheplerAPPH), Exec. (Vice (Faculty Liaison), Board Millard-Stafford Goodisman(Registrar), (BIOS- LeBlanc(CoD-ARCH), (BIOS-BIOL), Present: 4/9/2018 12:31:344/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Academic Matters: Matter: Administrative Note The 12 presence of members voting toais needed reach quorum. 1. 1. : Allare unless votes noted specifically unanimous otherwise. All itemsthese action in Academic minutesrequire by approval the Senate. A motion made to was A to the IUCC. This 201705. update madeBANNER as in was serves change effective notification pre-requisites shouldthat the This to APPH APPH or be 1050. 1040 updated the The Registrar’sconfirmed with School Office 1064). Biological of Sciences outdatedhad some courses 1062, as 1040, 1063 listed pre-requisites and (HPS Health Nutrition Office APPH discoveredbyand It was the 3500: Registrar’s that Sociology for for Sociology new The motion course. secondeda was approved. and Mayor (ME-IUCC Chair),ScottMayor Pikowsky Chair), (CEE-IUCC (ME-IUCC Vice Academic Matters, Appeals, & Petitions (Full Committee) & Academic Matters, (Full Appeals, Petitions Hodges (Registrar), Bier (HSOC), Behravesh (Registrar), (HSOC), Hodges (BMED), (ECON), Bier Belton 下午 Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Institute approve</p><p>If the If Regents'the isrequired, not approval change Tuesday, May 9, 2017 May 9, Tuesday, a request the a from School History of and Minutes</p><p>In In</p><p>In </p><p>Page9 4/9/2018 12:31:344/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Curriculum post-graduates.as tocommunicate others degree whatHTS in has their them prepared to undertake preserving thuswhile helpingthemflexibility, to envision themselves for and We seek students this our tochange give the more within degree specialization follows: Committee and Curriculum the in the faculty School, areUndergraduate as theof student’s approvedbychoosing. of Theareas proposed as specialization, one thecredit class/three hours with remaining requirement, tospecialization be hours required Requirementfulfill the12 HTS in would Major subject providesome would structurespecialization to those 12 the credit hours.of Nine therecurrently credit hourswhere are 12 This HTSrequired. of electives usedhours be from drawn would the for Requirements, the specialization Major coursesfrom grouped intoeight thematiccredit The nine different options. form abe the of in three-class creditsequence, hours) (nine classes chosen with classes towould thespecialization HTS This specialization major requirements. ofThe School Historyand proposesSociology tocluster addsubject of a Overview Society History, Technology, and Science of Bachelor in APPROVED– MODIFICATION DEGREE for Sociology degreeThe motion modification. seconded anda was approved. motion made to was A OF INTEL’.to ‘HISTORY INTELLIGENCE’ Note: (3-0-3)Security and National IntelligenceofHistory HTS 3076: APPROVED– COURSE NEW The Committeesuggested atitleOF thefrom in change transcript ‘HIST 下午 that represented by isnotadequately the of other choices specialization that represents sociology theareaof student’s history within and interest “ and Culture Society EconomicsPolitics, and Innovation and Social Justice Inequality, Power, and Environment, SustainabilityCommunities, and Technology, MedicineScience, Global Studies PoliticsandU.S. Society areas. Custom” specialization, to be created in consultation with Custom” towith specialization, beadvisor, created consultation in the approve a request the a from School History of and </p><p>Page9</p><p>HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS of three the following:Select Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:344/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS</p><p>3089 3088 3087 3086 3085 3084 3083 3082 3081 3080 3046 3021 3020 3007 3001 2100 2084 2082 2081 2080 1081 下午</p><p>3 Culture &Culture Technology Society &Tech American ScienceSociology of andTech Environment History of Rocketry Pol GerSci CultureNazi EngrWomen & Science in TechnologyGender and Soc ofand Work Industry HistAmerican Economic Tech WorldSci, Modern & Society Technology and AgeTech& Sci-Industrial Scientific Revolution Intro Med Disease& Hist inEngineering History Science Tech & Tech Science Sports MedicineRace Science & History of Medicine Health & Soc of Medicine PoliticsLaw,Technology& 9</p><p>Page9</p><p>U.S. Politics and Society PoliticsandU.S. Society following classes one three groups: of from the specialization Select ElectivesHTS Specialization Elective HTS ElectivesHTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS of 8credit the following: hours Select Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:344/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3009 HTS 3006 HTS 3005 HTS 3002 HTS 3001 HTS 2085 HTS 2052 HTS 2015 HTS 2013 HTS 2011 HTS 2007 HTS 2006 HTS 2002 HTS 2001 HTS</p><p>4091 4086 4081 4061 4031 4011 4001 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – The American Civil War The History UnitedLabor States Environmental History American American Business History of Economic History American History Reel American Borderlands North Sports HistoryAmerica of in America Modern Gilded Age The South the New History of The OldSouth History of 1865 to Revolution American American History Early 下午 Seminar Global Issues HealthSem Med Society & Seminar Hist Tech in of Seminar Asian in History Seminar EuropeanHist in Seminar Sociology in HistorySeminar US in</p><p>3</p><p>12 9 3 8</p><p>Page9</p><p>HTS 3100 HTS 3083 HTS 3022 HTS 3073 HTS 3070 HTS 3068 HTS 3027 HTS 3026 HTS 3025 HTS 3024 HTS 3023 HTS 3019 HTS 3018 HTS 3016 HTS 3015 HTS 3012 HTS 3011 HTS Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3032 HTS 3031 HTS 3030 HTS 2100 HTS 2062 HTS 2061 HTS 2051 HTS 2041 HTS 2040 HTS 2037 HTS 2036 HTS 1031 HTS Global Studies – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – The Family, Sexuality, and Social Change in America in Family, and Sexuality, Change Social America The Cults America Religions in New and US in and the Gender Women Vietnam War History of Sociology Urban CityAmerican History in The European Intellectual History European Labor History European Medieval (350-1400) HistoryEurope of Modern and World the Technology, Science, in World Asia Modern Asia Traditional LatinAmerica Colonial the Modern History of East Middle Islamic 1500s Societiesto History of Century Europe 20th RevolutionaryEurope Renaissance since Europe to Introduction Museum Studies Society and American Technology and Sports Gender Society and Culture Movements Social CivilRights Movement The Ethnicity and Race 1865 History African-American since History1865 African-American to Color People of Free Sociology of Sports Sociology</p><p>下午</p><p>Page9 HTS 3069 HTS 3067 HTS 3065 HTS 3064 HTS 3063 HTS 3062 HTS 3061 HTS 3055 HTS 3051 HTS 3048 HTS 3046 HTS 3045 HTS 3043 HTS 3041 HTS 3039 HTS 3038 HTS 3036 HTS 3035 HTS 3033 HTS Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3066 HTS 3064 HTS 3031 HTS 3007 HTS 3006 HTS 3003 HTS 3002 HTS 3001 HTS 2100 HTS 2016 HTS 1081 HTS InnovationPolitics, Economics, and – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Modern Germany Modern Spain Modern France Modern Revolution French since Britain 1914 1815-1914 Britain England Medieval Sociology of Politics Sociology and Society of Development Sociology Labor History European ofand Work Industry Sociology History UnitedLabor States Institutions of Economic Sociology American Business History of Economic History American the Modern and World Tech, Science, andPolicy Public Issues Social History in Engineering Cuba Modern RevolutionaryMovements Global Societies History of of Development Sociology British Colonization Japan Modern China Modern in Era the Globalization Modern East Middle in Women/Gender History Russian Modern Nazi Science/Politics/Culture Germany the Holocaust Germanyand Nazi 下午</p><p>Page9</p><p>HTS 3084 HTS 3083 HTS 3082 HTS 3081 HTS 3080 HTS 3046 HTS 3021 HTS 3020 HTS 2100 HTS 2084 HTS 2082 HTS 2081 HTS 2080 HTS 1081 HTS Technology, Science, and Medicine 3085 HTS 3084 HTS 3083 HTS 3080 HTS 3068 HTS Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3081 HTS 3072 HTS 3071 HTS 3064 HTS 3026 HTS 3012 HTS 3011 HTS 3005 HTS Environment,Communities, and Sustainability 3089 HTS 3088 HTS 3087 HTS 3086 HTS 3085 HTS – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Engineering in History in Engineering and Politics Technology, Law, Technology and Culture Society and American Technology Rocketry History of Movements Social Technology and the Environment and the Technology of Crime Sociology of Development Sociology Ethnicity and Race Sociology Urban CityAmerican History in The Environmental History American and Sports Technology, Science, and Science Medicine, Race, Medicine History of and of Health Medicine Sociology and Politics Technology, Law, Technology and Culture Society and American Technology of Science Sociology Environment and the Technology Rocketry History of in Culture Germany Politics, and Nazi Science, and Science Engineering in Women and Technology Gender the Modern and World Tech, Science, and Society Technology Age the andIndustrial in Science Technology Scientific Revolution History toof Diseaseand Introduction Medicine the Sociology of Education of Education Sociology 下午</p><p>Page9 HTS 3051 HTS 3031 HTS 3027 HTS 3026 HTS 3025 HTS 3024 HTS 3023 HTS 3022 HTS 3021 HTS 3020 HTS 3017 HTS 3016 HTS 3012 HTS 3011 HTS 3008 HTS 3006 HTS 2016 HTS SocialPower, Inequality Justice and Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3100 HTS 3084 HTS 3073 HTS 3070 HTS 3046 HTS 3022 HTS 2085 HTS 2015 HTS and SocietyCulture 3072 HTS 3071 HTS 3068 HTS 3067 HTS</p><p>– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Urban Sociology Urban CityAmerican History in The and Inequality Power, Class, History UnitedLabor States andPolicy Public Issues Social Introduction to Introduction Museum Studies Technology and Culture Society and Culture in Culture Germany Politics, and Nazi Science, and Sports Gender History Reel Sports HistoryAmerica of in Movements Social RevolutionaryMovements the MiddleEast in Women/Gender Labor History European CivilRights Movement The Ethnicity and Race 1865 History African-American since History1865 African-American to Color People of Free and Sports Gender and Science Engineering in Women and Technology Gender of Gender Sociology US in and the Gender Women Sociology of Sports Sociology of Education Sociology of Crime Sociology 下午</p><p>Page9 credit hours in electives. hours HTS credit areto hours limited 3pass/fail Tech at than less 90credit andcomplete students who electives in hours HTS credit to 6 pass/fail limited hours are Georgia Tech leastat at 91credit complete requirement) specialization electives forHTS can dopass/fail Students Pass/fail: ListCourse Hours Credit Total ElectivesFree ElectivesFree Non-Major Cluster ClusterNon-Major of specialization. the other isin that pre-approvedareas six reflected not theme advisor, consultationa choosewith students coherent an classes In HTS with three SpecializationCustom Major Requirements 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 2. SPAN 3151: Conversation 3151:Practicum (3-0-3) SPAN Conversation 4153: Diversityin (3-0-3) Spain SPAN (1-6-3)Abroad 4152:II SpanishService-Learning SPAN APPROVED -COURSES NEW modes) thesite islocated on IUCC underProposal4888. The mostup version to date the updates of to NCPincludes the (which grade shouldlearning” bethe in defined syllabus. breakdown would which clarify grade.“Service also the in-class participation Note: 1 to abstain. vote approve and toThe approve vote this course not unanimous.There was were votes12 to (2-3-3)I Service-Learning Abroad 4151: SPAN Spanish edits syllabus withAPPROVED – COURSES NEW newfor The motion courses. seconded was approved. and motion made to was A for a The motion course seconded a anfor was with attribute. approved. new and motion made to was A</p><p>5 The Committee advisedthat the syllabus should a include grading 下午</p><p>4,5</p><p>, non-major cluster, and free electives. However, students who students However, who and free cluster, electives. , non-major approve approve a request thea from School Modern of Languages request thea from School Modern of Languages (including courses taken to fulfil the fulfil courses to taken (including</p><p>122 18 12</p><p>Page9 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 3. F. Change of MajorofChange F. Scholastic RegulationsVI. highlighted below. language Proposed new wording. alsothe Student suggested Regulationshad Committee some slightchanges in the in Note Catalog. that Senatemeetingandthe Faculty inclusion Academic next The resultsCommittee. the of IUCC willvote be to forwarded that for Committee policyThis in been change hasapprovedby the also Student Regulations APPROVED –major policyof Change the majorpolicy. was of change The motion seconded and approved. motion made to was A School. one that elective and may be the outside of and list up discretion tothe the of twocourses, include the required two minor courses list from School,provided by etc.)minors, must be approved by The IUCC. Committeesuggested of the format changes (including coursesthat program any to lists toadding any electives, for the The of Committeethe Schooladvised RegionalChair City of Planning. and courses isnot eligibletheexhaustive for others minor may be approvedbyand Note: Cities in Sustainable Minor modification TABLED – Minor The motion modification. seconded aand for was approved. minor Planning motion made to was A toneeds be added. theExpectations for short essays shouldbe discussed class. in uploaded toRubricassigning thefor site. grades,on ICC assignments, gradable will Office work to ensureall thechanges with Registrar’s unit made and are Subcommittee the bein Core included syllabus and the The Form. Curriculum Note: (3-0-3) Studies Cross-CulturalAct in Think Introduction2500:Globally, ML Locally: ATTRIBUTE WITHAPPROVEDCOURSE – NEW 1. The Committee suggested states updatingwhich list the language the of The Committee requested thatGen indicated allby changes the Ed 下午 the be permitted theof at the discretion will transfer the school that the sixtyhours. sixtyfor After hours upon or subsequent transfer, for request undecided)theybetween majors(including until haveaccumulated credit form, be the permittedtransfer one required filing will unrestricted students, theUndergraduate of with freshmen, exception by entering approve table a request thea from School Regional City of and a request thea from School for Music update to an</p><p>Page9 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 5. See Proposal forSee 5213 requested memo of change. Thecourses VIP will notbe to breadthelectives.instructor’ Proposed Include cataloglanguage: ‘VIPcourses a with Sciences Biological Biology Science of Bachelor in APPROVED –catalog in Change change catalog. TheSciences a motionfor seconded the and in was approved. motion made to was A appropriate courses. appropriate curriculum,added to onlythe approvedby but unitcompletes the ifstudent 4. 3. 2. 下午 their majoronly at discretiontheir thethe of school that the student is seeking aTech to pursue degreetoinstitution Georgia change at will be permitted isseekingStudents tostudent enter. another who from transfer enrollment. Allenrollment. other restrictionsalso apply. islifted their the of restriction after secondwithdraw deadline semester of current College.Forstudent’s admitted freshmen Summer,for the the second This termenrollment. includes of change the a majorwithin of the termtheirin of first Thewould enrollment. change for be effective withdrawal thefor after classes deadline major until from Wgrade a with will freshmen notAdmitted be allowed torequest submit a for of change majorbecame any of or change subsequent official, Catalog. the in the for Catalog termthe which that effective in requirements was whoStudents their change majorsmust complete the degree ofconcurrence the schools involved anddean. the graduate students, form, with thetransfer Graduate by required filing may the policy.) should consult school current theconcerning transfer with individual its waiver Students theunrestricted a granted of regulation. one transfer majors, Certain because major.of of (Note: high havebeen enrollment, students not eligible Transfer for to change enter. are onethe unrestricted</p><p>Music TechnologyMusic program. Music, the into willstudent beBachelor entry denied Science of in doesportfolio the for notmeetSchool the competitiverequirements of intothe determinesadmission thethat program. If the review panel panelfaculty of theA from School all Musicportfolios of for reviews Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Systems Programs Music TechnologyMusic with Change-of-Major with restrictions: approve a request the a from School Biological of </p><p>Page9 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 7. 6. A motion made to was A follows: are The changes as being courses. replacedbyequivalent are the new the for 3310 minor:1350,2020,longer AE will and berequired no and taught, courses and havebeenexample, introduced.For theelectives courses two ofpast Many years. the courses havebeen phasedout, required and new curriculum has extensiveThe undergraduate undergone AE the revisions over in Aerospace EngineeringMinor APPROVED– MODIFICATION MINOR approved. The motion seconded modification. and awas for minor Engineering motion made to was A Safety (3-0-3) Accident and AE 4376: Causation APPROVED– COURSE NEW course. a for new The motion secondedEngineering and was approved. motion made to was approveA a from request the of School Aerospace BSBIO-Business Option BSBIO and ofThe to School update Sciences isrequesting information Biological Biology Science of Bachelor in APPROVED– MODIFICATION DEGREE The degreemotion seconded modification. and was Sciences a approved. for motion made to was A NEW COURSE – APPROVED– COURSE NEW Development. The motion secondedEducational and was approved. 下午 permitted. Organiccourses CHEM Chemistry of 2311 I.Both berequisite will courses life for specifically majors. science Both have the same pre- the BioorganicChemistry 2313 newcourserequirement) CHEM developed Chemistry with currentcourse CHEM Organic Include (Area 2312 F the Same numberofSame (15). hours (AE 2010). (AE course, courseThe third 1350,isbeing foundational AE replacedby a AE (AE3030 and 3330). curriculum being replacedby courses are equivalent the in 3310) new AE ofTwo courses approvedminor AE the in currently 2020 (AE and approve approve approve a request the a from School Biological of a request the ofa from Office Minority request thea from School Aerospace of degrees to reflect: on theon </p><p>Page9 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum 10. 9. 8. Note: 1 to deny. vote approve and toThe approve vote this course not unanimous. There was were votes12 to Development and Community Sustainable 3110:Technology SLS ATTRIBUTE APPROVEDWITHCOURSE (ETHICS)–NEW new course. a Sustain for was The motion seconded and approved. motion made to was A 2 approve and to abstain.votes toThe approve vote this course not unanimous.There was votes were to11 Systems(3-0-3) 3120: Sustainable of Foundations SLS APPROVED– COURSE NEW new course. a Sustain for was The motion seconded and approved. motion made to was A Medical (3-0-3)4739:BMED Robotics APPROVED– COURSE NEW course. a for new The motion secondedEngineering and was approved. motion made to was A therefore byneeded the Committee. wasThis proposal previously submitted as Proposalis 5017. action No Action No – MODIFICATIONS PRE-REQUSITE was motion seconded and approved. for The modifications. and Engineering pre-requisite Science Materials motion made to was A course seemsthat this to serve0XXX-level as course. Note: 1 to deny,voteapprove, vote and 1 to abstain. toThe approve vote this course not unanimous.There was votes were to10 (2-0-0) Development Course Interpersonal Residential Program: ChallengeSummer Intensive 0900: GT Tech and Arts, does Fine andTech “Humanities, Ethics” notfall into the category. Office. Theoperates at the “ethics”differently University System requirement approved byas not approvedby the are EthicsEthics are attributes Institution 下午 The the IUCC reminded Committeethat courses Chair requesting The course originally numberedGT was 1101. The Committee noted approve approve approve take no on action a request the a from Center Serve, for Learn, request the a from Center Serve, for Learn, request thea from Department Biomedical of a from request the of School </p><p>Page9 Discussion Items: Discussion 4/9/2018 12:31:354/9/2018 2017 Minutes, May 9, Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Secretary Reta Pikowsky, Registrar Adjourned, 2. 1. was raised about raised was whatbe for a would proper title the degree. not seemThis would likelyalready since issuch discipline. there a The question question asa to whetheritreally would be a economics” “mathematical degree. couldmight employment find Therealso bewas finance,banking, forecasting. or constitute thewould “glue”of new degree.this Possible graduates which in areas puttogether, thethe degree are CommitteemembersMATH wondered what combinedthe intoa each If coredegree. requirements the degree of ECON and wondered members Committee ifthis wouldbe a half really new or degree, of Mathematics.and presentation a about a forthcomingwith proposalnew degree a Economics for in ofThe School School Economics and of CommitteeMathematics addressed the to ensurequalitymanaged and commitment bothfor degrees. sonot be MS sacrificed that beIt isexpectedthe can created. that resources be of and theprogram.commitmentcreation to Quality the MS program BS should expressedalso that not thesufferdue concern program existingBS to the proposalMS beforeup thetakes IUCC discussion. the The BS/MS Committee suggestedIt was Committeefirst Curriculum on new that vote the the Graduate aabout for forthcoming proposal BS/MS BS/MSALIS. for a Option ofThe School ModernLanguages addressedpresentation thea with Committee Note: 下午 Syllabus updatesby the requested Committee: Learning outcomes shouldbeLearning updated to highlight how assessment will for studentssomefor feedback. to receive For term itbeprovided. midpointimportant example,at the would in will know students how doing oftenfeedback they will are and be should to how participation grades regards in Class be clarified Services. should ADAPTS to be be described theupdated of Office as Disability asunfolds.changes the plan It was syllabus. notedthat thisalso has been awith moving target the in plan. QEP Theoutlined outcomes should the in be outlined notedthat It was the outcomes operate. learning a ofare subset those </p><p>Page9</p>
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