Shawnee Mission School District Tutor List

Shawnee Mission School District Tutor List

<p> Shawnee Mission School District Tutor List 2010– 2011</p><p>District Employees – Language Arts</p><p>Brown, Joan K-6 reading 8205 Dearborn Dr. H: 381-8708 [email protected]</p><p>Eastwood, Rosie K-12 grammar, writing, ACT/SAT prep 14821 Goddard 66221 H: 681-8812</p><p>Goodwin, Shelda K – 6 reading, study skills 8129 W. 93rd 66212 H: 526-4747</p><p>Granger, Julee K-6 Reading, Lang Arts (sub) 4618 W. 60 Terr. 66205 H: 831-3087</p><p>Guild, Carol 1-4 reading (para) 9214 Farley Lane 66212 H: 599-3339</p><p>Hammond, Marilyn 7-12 Eng, Study Skills (retired) 9112 Alhambra 66207 H: 649-6990</p><p>Hill, Nicole K-3 Language Arts 9715 Slater 66212 H: 322-8852 W: 993-2011</p><p>Jones, Ruth K-3 reading 8129 Bell Road 66219 H: 888-0840</p><p>Justus, Pam 1-6 Language Arts 7627 Chadwick 66208 H: 649-4050 W: 993-2527</p><p>Kelley, Sheryl K-6 rdg, spell, writing 1 West 128th St. 64145 816-941-8381 W: 226-8381</p><p>Maske, Tara 5-9 reading,writing,study skills 13913 W. 145 Terr. 66062 H: 829-7603 W: 993-7290</p><p>McCarthy, Diane 3-6 Reading, Written lang. (retired) 1632 N. Hunter Dr. 66061 H: 254-1142 C: 406-3633</p><p>Messbarger, Terre K-6 reading, written lang, remedial Will come to your home H: 583-1617 W: 568-7577</p><p>Orme, Lynnette K-8 reading, decoding, comprehension 9664 Countryside Rd. 66215 H: 438-5582 c:709-9566</p><p>Paris, Nick 7-12 English, grammar 5220 W. 121st 66209 H: 661-9806 [email protected]</p><p>Phipps, Nancy K-8 reading 13307 W 74th St. 66216 H: 268-5716 W: 993-2336</p><p>Robinson, Marsha K-12 Rdg, 7-12 Lang Arts,ACT/SAT prep 10801 W. 91 Terr. 66214 H: 894-8231 W: 993-1274</p><p>Schmidt, John 7-12 lang arts, rdg, study sk, writg,English 12109 Mastin 66213 H: 897-1800</p><p>Schuetz, Sally K-3 reading 9301 Outlook 66207 H: 901-0125 W: 993-4422 Taylor, Carol K – 6 reading, written language (retired) 6833 El Monte 66208 H: 432-8962 [email protected]</p><p>Tuttle, Robin K-6 reading 7820 Rosewood Dr. H: 649-3169 C:816-536-3169</p><p>Whiting, Nancy 5-12 language arts, reading; sped K-12 PO Box 3354 66063 H: 851-4580 [email protected]</p><p>District Employees – Math Acheson, John 5-12 math 1 thru pre-calc 6021 Long 66216 H: 631-9384 W: 993-7185</p><p>Allen, Leah 9-12 all areas math 7709 Fairway St. 66208 H: 707-6274</p><p>Balke, Tom 6-12 math thru Algebra 2,geometry (sub) 10707 Walmer 66211 H: 648-0326</p><p>Barth, Linda 1-6 math (retired) 14014 W. 74th St. 66216 H: 888-0591</p><p>Cheatham, Becky 7-12 Alg 1A, 1B, geometry (para) 6950 Oakview St. 66216 [email protected] H: 631-8409</p><p>Conley, Jody Geometry through calculus, + honors 5700 Hall 66217 H: 268-6537 816-519-5626</p><p>Goodwin, Shelda K – 6 math, study skills 8129 W. 93rd 66212 H: 526-4747</p><p>Granger, Julee K-6 math (sub) 4618 W. 60 Terr. 66205 H: 831-3087</p><p>Hammett, Shauna K – algebra 5312 NE 59th St. 64119 H: 999-4300</p><p>Hill, Nicole K-3 math 9715 Slater 66212 H: 322-8852 W: 993-2011</p><p>Jones, Ruth K-3 math 8129 Bell Rd. 66219 H: 888-0840</p><p>Justus, Pam Math thru algebra 1 7627 Chadwick 66208 H: 649-4050 W: 993-2527</p><p>Kelley, Sheryl K-6 math 1 West 128th St. 64145 816-941-8381 W: 226-8381</p><p>LaVergne, Vincent Pre-calculus and above 8226 Parkhill Circle 66215 H: 488-0639 W: 993-7602</p><p>McCarthy, Diane 3-6 math (retired) 1632 N. Hunter Dr. 66061 H: 254-1142 C: 406-3633</p><p>Messbarger, Terre K-6 math + remedial Will come to your home H: 583-1617 W: 568-7577</p><p>Orme, Lynnette K-8 math 9964 Countryside Rd. 66215 H: 438-5582 C: 709-9566</p><p>Paris, Nick Pre-alg, alg 1 & 2, geom,pre-calc, calc 5520 W. 121st 66209 H: 661-9806 [email protected]</p><p>Phipps, Nancy K-8 math thru pre-algebra 13307 W. 74th St. 66216 H: 268-5716 W: 993-2336 Sayers, Aaron 9-12 Alg 1,2,Geom, Coll Prep 13150 Hadley #1915 66213 H: 544-2921 C: 645-9962</p><p>Schard, Rosalie 7-9 math 9766 W. 115 Terr. 66210 H: 661-0519 W: 634-0052</p><p>Schuetz, Sally K-3 math 9301 Outlook 66207 H: 901-0125 WL: 993-4422</p><p>Sites, Sandy K – 6 math (para) 9112 Constance 66215 H: 894-9123</p><p>Taylor, Carol K – 6 math (retired) 6833 El Monte 66208 H: 432-8962 [email protected]</p><p>Thomas, Mira K – 9 math thru algebra 1 15142 W. 147th St. 66062 H: 397-0526 W: 993-1027</p><p>Vizcarra, Mary 7-12 math, algebra 1 & 2, geometry 2017 W. 98th 66206 H: 226-3372 W: 993-9335</p><p>District Employees – Science</p><p>Hill, Nicole K-3 science 9715 Slater 66212 H: 322-8852 W: 993-3603</p><p>Litman, Cynthia 7-12 biology (retired) 9104 Fontana 66207 H: 649-2259</p><p>Mersch, Ron 7-12 sci,bio,chem.,physics (retired) 12500 W. 156th St. 66221 H: 634-9577 [email protected]</p><p>District Employees – Social Studies</p><p>Hays, Connee K-12 social studies; GED prep 1116 S. 57th St. 66106 816-898-0847</p><p>Hill, Nicole K-3 social studies 9715 Slater 66212 H: 322-8852 W: 993-2011</p><p>Maske, Tara 5-9 social studies 13913 W. 145 Ter. 66062 H: 829-7603 W: 993-7290</p><p>Paris, Nick 7-12 social studies 5220 W. 121st 66209 H: 661-9806 [email protected]</p><p>Schmidt, John 7-12 history 12109 Mastin 66213 H: 897-1800 District Employees – Speech Therapy</p><p>Cole, Libbie Services provided in child’s home or Library, 87th and Farley – school year and summer H: 381-9594</p><p>Devenport, Nancy Flexible scheduling location - summer 816-783-7957</p><p>Gloe, Betsy Service provided within East area or in provider’s home – school year and summer C: 209-2667</p><p>Myer, Vicki Service provided at my home (north Johnson Co.) – summer H: 384-5226 816-806-3581</p><p>Rockett, Jean Ann Tutors after school – at child’s home or nearby library H: 897-0877 C: 206-8911</p><p>District Employees – Foreign Language</p><p>Broadie, Eileen German – all levels 10201 Roe Ave. 66207 H: 383-8462 W: 993-1819</p><p>Debiak, Carolyn 7-12 Spanish 8527 Hall St. 66219 cell: 706-8260</p><p>Goldstein, Kathy Elementary French + 1,2,3 5600 W. 125th 66209 H: 338-2041 W: 993-7057</p><p>Orme, Lynnette Spanish 1 and 2 9964 Countryside Rd. 66215 H: 438-5582 C: 709-9566</p><p>Robinson, Marsha 7-12 Spanish 10801 W. 91st Terr. 66214 H: 894-8231 W: 993-1274</p><p>Stafford, Brenda German – all levels 9315 Outlook Dr. 66207 H: 341-2922 W: 993-7142</p><p>District Employees – Music</p><p>Broadie, Eileen Flute, voice 10201 Roe Ave. 66207 H: 383-8462 W: 993-1819 District Employees – All Subjects</p><p>Erlandson, Jan 1-9 all subjects (will go to home) 2510 Grand (Apt. 505) 64108 816-221-8505 W: 993-2438</p><p>Hammett, Shauna K-6 all, study skills, organization 5312 NE 59th St. 64119 W: 993-4300</p><p>Hammond, Marilyn 7-8 all subjects (retired) 9112 Alhambra 66207 H: 649-6990</p><p>Marcus, Patricia K-6 all subjects (summers) 5421 Queal 66203 H: 831-1760</p><p>Martin, Rebecca K-12 rdg,writing,math,computers,college apps 7724 Windsor St. 66208 H: 314-0222 [email protected]</p><p>Mersch, Ron K-12 learning strat, acad. Skills 12500 W. 156th St. 66221 H: 634-9577 [email protected]</p><p>Michels, Zelma K-6 all subjects 10718 W. 101st 66214 H: 599-5438 W: 993-1916</p><p>Peterson, Susan P. K-6 all subjects (individual) 10306 Hauser 66215 H: 492-8267 W: 993-4844</p><p>Reynolds, Kacey K – 6 all subjects 5245 Alder Dr. 66205 H: 338-2290 W: 993-2817</p><p>Robbins, Judy 1-6 all subjects 13713 W. 82 Terr. 66215 H: 599-1354 W: 993-2344</p><p>Schard, Rosalie K-6 all subjects 9766 W. 115 Ter. 66210 H: 661-0519 W: 634-0052 Private Tutors – Language Arts</p><p>Banta, Nola Jane 7-12 English 4304 S. Coachmen Dr. 64055 816-350-7889</p><p>Bender, Robin 4-6 reading 4947 Constance 66216 H: 631-6671</p><p>Blessing, Dick K – 12 reading 3173 N. Allis St. 66101 H: 371-4976</p><p>Bramble, Angela K-12 language arts 1093 N. Logan 66061 C: 269-3979</p><p>Bresel, Norman K – 6 English, language arts 8112 W. 97th Terr. 66212 H: 649-4699</p><p>Bruenger, Jenny 7-12 English, writing 4801 W. 62nd St. 66205 C:206-1419</p><p>Casebolt, Rosemary 1-12 Lang arts, grammar, rdg,comp,lit 5327 W. 70 Terr. 66208 C: 908-4041</p><p>Cormack, Jerry K-12 English 13801 W. 81st St. 66215 H: 541-0655 C: 710-6705</p><p>Dowden, Marion 1-3 reading 12303 W. 101 Terr. 66215 H: 888-1218</p><p>Dunlay, Pat Rdg, Eng, wrtg, AP,ACT/SAT 5640 W. 81 Terr. 66208 H: 642-4205</p><p>Estes, Linda K-6 rdg,writing, reg and special ed 10708 W. 61st St. 66203 H: 248-0402 C: 832-6283</p><p>Holscher, Mary K - 5 reading, language arts 12202 Charlotte 64146 816-941-9970</p><p>Houfaidi, Leslie K – 6 reading 9620 Hardy 66212 H: 485-2557</p><p>Loschle, Ellen K-12 English, language arts 910 Pennsylvania Ave. 64105 H:816-213-9206 [email protected]</p><p>Max, Gertie 7 – 12 grammar 9700 Lamar 66207 H: 648-6666</p><p>McAninch, Stewart 7 – 12 English, language arts,dyslexia 4202 W. 94th Terr. #211 66207 H: 648-6867 [email protected]</p><p>Postlewait, Janet K-6 reading 10124 W. 96th #E 66212 H: 888-4101</p><p>Robertson, Pamela K- 6 rdg specialist, lang arts 9211 Lamar 66207 H: 381-2436</p><p>Siefken, Jeannie K – 4 reading 10145 Mastin Dr. 66212 H: 888-5036 816-591-3154 Taylor, Julie K-6 reading, language arts ,dyslexia 4812 W. 77th 66208 C: 284-1823</p><p>Turner, Lynn K-12 English, ESL 7466 Village Drive 66208 H: 495-5800 [email protected]</p><p>Webb, Marjorie K-12 language arts 10207 Edelweiss Circle 66203 H: 262-5785 </p><p>Winters, Connie K-6 reading, language arts 11320 W. 109th 66210 H: 469-8789</p><p>Zakharova, Tanya K – 12 Russian ELL 811 Main St. Unit B 64012 816-392-1427</p><p>Private Tutors – Math</p><p>Ali, Ammar Math through algebra 1 5208 Hadley Ct. #1 66202 H: 362-0979 C: 634-2742</p><p>Appelbaum, Elizabeth K-12 math, alg, calc, stats + college level 8275 W. 116 Terr. 66210 H: 339-9407</p><p>Andra, Jim 6-12 math thru algebra 2 9601 W. 105 Terr. 66212 H: 492-6459 W: 239-3746</p><p>Banta, Michael 7-12 math 4304 S. Coachmen Dr. 64055 816-350-7889</p><p>Bender, Robin 3-6 math 4947 Constance 66216 H: 631-6671</p><p>Bramble, Angela K-12 math, accounting 1093 N. Logan 66061 C: 269-3979</p><p>Bresel, Norman K – 6 math 8112 W. 97th Terr. 66212 H:649-4699</p><p>Brothers, Robert Algebra 1 thru calculus 6901 E. 112th 64134 816-767-8432</p><p>Cussen, Jack Algebra 1 and 2 9193 W. 92nd Place 66212 H: 649-8783</p><p>DeWitt, Varsha 1-8 math 13220 Logan Lane 66215 H: 894-1774</p><p>Dowden, Marion 1-3 math 12303 W. 101 Terr. 66215 H: 888-1218</p><p>Dugan, Joni 6-8 all math; 9-12 thru pre-calculus 708 E. 72nd St. 64131 816-822-1484</p><p>Errante, Jolene 7-12 math thru pre-calc,business calc, ACT/SAT 9033 Greenway Ln. 66215 H: 888-5677 C: 708-1538</p><p>Estes, Linda K-6 math, reg and special ed 10708 W. 61st St. 66203 H: 248-0402 C: 832-6283</p><p>Gauthier, Annette 7-12 math, alg 1, geom., trig 7600 Hemlock 66204 H: 226-1397 C: 649-5868</p><p>Hannan, Kitty Math thru pre-algebra 2119 W. 50th Terr. 66205 H: 677-0591 Hayes, Darby 1 – 6 math 13033 W. 102 St. 66215 H: 541-8383</p><p>Holscher, Mary K – 5 math 12202 Charlotte 64146 816-941-9970</p><p>Holst, Elaine 7th math thru algebra 2 12614 W. 77 Terr. 66216 H: 631-0116</p><p>Jafari, Ray K-12 math through calculus; ACT/SAT 9424 Carter 66212 H: 378-6673</p><p>Kanter, Fran K-12 math thru algebra 2,geometry 9301 W. 111 Terr. 66210 H: 451-0111</p><p>Karanevich, Alex 7-12 all math thru calculus 13318 W. 105th St. 66215 816-813-8876</p><p>Kaufman, Rich Alg, geom., pre-calc,stats, + honors,AP Meet at Corinth library H: 642-7359 C: 645-0074</p><p>McAninch, Stewart 7-12 math through algebra (+ dyslexia) 4202 W. 94th Terr. #211 66207 H: 648-6867 [email protected]</p><p>Nelson, Linda Accounting, bookkeeping 8515 Gillette 66215 H: 541-8693</p><p>Preston, Brian 7 – 12 math 14630 W. 85th Terr. 66215 H: 706-6949</p><p>Preut, John K-12 math thru geometry 8025 Maple St. 66208 H: 652-9880</p><p>Ramphal, Angie Math grade 7 thru calculus 8812 Iroquois Trail 64114 816-361-2798 [email protected]</p><p>Roberts, Karen 6th math thru pre-calculus 12101 Perry St. 66213 H: 825-6682</p><p>Schubert, Bob Math thru algebra 1; computers 10307 Russell St. 66215 816-456-7644 H: 381-3993</p><p>Siefken, Jeannie K – 4 math 10145 Mastin Dr. 66212 H: 888-5036 816-591-3154</p><p>Taylor, Julie K-6 math, ADD/ADHD,dyslexia 4812 W. 77th 66208 H: 642-8553 C: 284-1823</p><p>Turner, Carol 7-12 math thru calc, ACT/SAT 11401 Madison Ave. 64114 816-942-8142</p><p>Wantoch, Dixie 6-12 Math thru pre-calculus 6500 W. 69 St. 66204 H: 432-3847</p><p>Zickefoose, Brie All levels of math thru calculus 9116 Catalina 66207 901-8929</p><p>Private Tutors – Science Bresel, Norman K – 6 Science 8112 W. 97th Terr. 66212 H: 649-4699</p><p>Brothers, Roberts Chemistry, physics 1 6901 E. 112th 64134 816-767-8432</p><p>Cussen, Jack Physics 9193 W. 92 Pl. 66212 H: 649-8783</p><p>DeWitt, Varsha 1-8 science 13220 Logan Lane 66215 H: 894-1774</p><p>Gauthier, Annette 7-12 science, chem, bio,physics 7600 Hemlock 66204 H: 226-1397 C: 649-5868</p><p>Kaufman, Rich 9-12 sci,,physics,chem. + honors,AP Meet at Corinth library H: 642-7359 C: 645-0074</p><p>Myers, Marilyn 7-12 science, chemistry 2845 W. 143rd Terr. 66224 H: 814-7298 C: 544-4886</p><p>Turner, Carol 7-12 science, bio,chem,physics, ACT/SAT 11401 Madison Ave. 64114 816-942-8142</p><p>Zickefoose, Brie Physical science, biology, chemistry, physics 9116 Catalina 66207 H: 901-8929</p><p>Private Tutors – Social Studies</p><p>McAninch, Stewart 7 – 12 social studies, dyslexia 4202 W. 94th Terr. #211 66207 H: 648-6867 [email protected]</p><p>Slaughter, Rachel 7 – 12 social studies 7625 Juniper 66208 H: 642-7470</p><p>Taylor, Julie K-6 social studies, ADD/ADHD,dyslexia 4812 W. 77th 66208 C: 284-1823</p><p>Webb, Marjorie K-12 social studies 10207 Edelweiss Circle 66203 H: 262-5785 Private Tutors – Foreign Languages</p><p>Ali, Ammar Arabic 5208 Hadley Ct. #1 66202 H: 362-0979 C: 634-2742</p><p>Allmayer, Melanie 7-12 Spanish 7237 Booth 66208 H: 432-6431</p><p>Curtight, Patricia French – all levels 5002 Grandview St. 66203 H: 231-3730</p><p>Houfaidi, Leslie French – all levels 9620 Hardy 66212 H: 485-2557</p><p>Michelson-Larbi, Nancy French – all levels 119 W. 99 Terr. #305 64114 816-943-1515 816-678-5115</p><p>Nelson, Linda 9-12 French, levels 1-4 8515 Gillette 66215 H: 541-8693</p><p>Preut, John Spanish – all levels 8025 Maple St. 66208 H: 652-9880</p><p>Silverman, Naomi 7-12 Spanish 12105 W. 100 Terr. 66215 H: 492-4279</p><p>Turner, Lynn French, Spanish - all levels 7466 Village Drive 66208 H: 495-5800 [email protected]</p><p>Werner, Dorothee French – all levels; IB prep 5605 W. 90th terr. 66207 H: 244-5731 [email protected]</p><p>Wilhite, Emily Spanish, Italian all levels 15134 W. 132nd St. 66062 H: 839-3213 C: 544-8428</p><p>Zakharova, Tanya K-12 Russian, ELL 811 Main St. Unit B 64012 816-392-1427</p><p>Private Tutors – Music</p><p>Blessing, Dick Strings, orchestra,reading music 3173 N. Allis St. 66101 H: 371-4976 Private Tutors – All Subjects</p><p>Albright, Lauren 1 – 5 all subjects 5326 Outlook 66202 H: 499-1860 C: 221-1779</p><p>Casebolt, Rosemary 1-12 study skills 5327 W. 70th Terr. 66208 C: 908-4041</p><p>Gapsch, Caitlin K-6 all subjects 844 W. 72nd St.KC,MO 64114 816-268-0324 [email protected]</p><p>Hayes, Darby 1 – 6 all subjects 13033 W. 102 Street 66215 H: 541-8383</p><p>Hessong, Danielle K-5 all subjects 8953 Conser 66212 H: 945-0965 [email protected]</p><p>Loschke, Ellen K-12 all subjects / study skills 910 Pennsylvania Ave. 64105 H:816-213-9206 [email protected]</p><p>Max, Gertie Study/organizational skills, time management 9700 Lamar 66207 H: 648-6666</p><p>McAninch, Stewart 7 – 12 dyslexic students 4202 W. 94th Terr. #211 66207 H: 648-6867 [email protected]</p><p>Menke, Anita K-8 all subjects 8016 Tomahawk Rd. 66208 H: 901-0431</p><p>Preut, John K-6 all subjects 8025 Maple St. 66208 H: 652-9880</p><p>Sood, Shipra K – 6 all subjects 7512 Long Street 66216 H: 963-2073</p><p>Taylor, Julie K-12 dyslexia, ADD, ADHD 4812 W. 77th 66208 C: 284-1823</p><p>Taylor, Sherri K-12 special ed all subjects 5933 Fontana 66205 H:722-0692 C:645-3818</p><p>Turner, Lynn K-8 all subjects 7466 Village Drive 66208 H: 495-5800 [email protected] </p>

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