<p> Western PA-601 Continuum of Care</p><p>MEETING HIGHMARK MARCH 25, 2015 1PM- 3:30 PM MINUTES CARING PLACE 200 Warrendale Village Dr. Warrendale, PA 15086</p><p>MEETING CALLED BY 1:00 PM</p><p>TYPE OF MEETING “How can I help end homelessness?”</p><p>FACILITATOR Various Speakers</p><p>NOTE TAKER WebEx Recording</p><p>TIMEKEEPER Jon Cherry Board Members: Linda Thompson , Tammy Knouse, Leigh Howard, Madra Clay, , Kim Pivetta, Jennifer Johnson, Sandy Harber, Deb Hennon, , Amanda Feltenberger, , Kim Stucke, Wendy Kinnear, , Kevin Boozel, , , Kathy Pressnar, Fran Billen</p><p>General Attendees: Ed Geiger , Jon Cherry , Diana T. Myers, Jennifer Brown, Martha Brown, Al Paul, Chrystal Kindley, Brenda Williamson, Heather Pirl, Rita Masi, Jamie McKinley, Stephanie Johnson, Christie Beaver, Kelly Valdez, Katie Nesky, Cheryl Parkhill, Dusti Dennis, Natalie Higbee, Lisa Huffman, Ron Haywood, Janine Kennedy, ATTENDEES Missy Russell, Marlin Meagher, LuAnn Zak, Tina Coleman, David Morrow, Bill Leach, Daniel Carpenter, Matt Buckley, Sheri Black, Davin Cunningham, Lois Wise, Christine Pietryga, Jason Bercini, Hilary Bell, Amy Rosman, Brandi Bardick, Jeanne Fralick, Emma Rowe, Mike Rosell, Sheila Fruit, Melissa Salvio, Steve Player ,Mike Wehrer, Amy Suitatalski, Kathy Presnar, Wendy Kinnear, Hayley Merchant, Bill Halle, Jaime Milligan, Josh Lipkin, Fran Billen, Allyson Rose, Melina Hogue, Sandy Beaham, Karol Hill, Sarah Grunthaner, Judy Smith, Darryl Holts, Lyndsay Burrik, Dan Dodd</p><p>Call In: Sarah Never, Deanna Gram, Karen Vislosky, MaryJeanne, Gaven, Vickie Vasile, BillieJo Weyant, Suella Himes, Bill krog, Jessica Hayjack, Lisa Kovalick, Kate Cailee, Bill, Denise Bug, Ashley Luke</p><p>Agenda topics WELCOME/REMARKS FROM LOCATION 1:10 PM – 1:13 PM MEGHAN O’MAHONEY-MARTIN HOST Volunteer Services Coordinator at the Highmark Caring Place, thanking everyone for having the meeting at their DISCUSSION facility and spoke briefly about their programs. Also, indicated need for discretion regarding information viewed on walls of the facility for privacy of clients.</p><p>HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF 1:13 PM - 1:22 ED GEIGER CONTINUUMS OF CARE IN PA DISCUSSION History and background of Continuums of Care in PA DCED has a long history of supporting homelessness assistance programs. DCA, predecessor agency of DCED, administered the ESG program at the outset of the McKinney Act in the mid to late 1980s.</p><p>In 1997, DCED came together with DPW to initiate a process to support homeless programs. HUD created an application process that severely limited the ability of homelessness agencies/providers in smaller communities and rural areas to compete for funding. The application needed a broader community planning element (aka Exhibit 1), not just the specific project activities.</p><p>Fortunately, state administrators went to a good adviser as a consultant in that process: Diana Myers (Barbara Hodas)</p><p>In 1997, the Homeless Steering was formed with other state agencies and local provider groups to guide the process. This helped rural and smaller city groups to compete nationally given the planning and coordination necessary to apply directly to HUD.</p><p>As part of that process 4 regional groups called Regional Homeless Advisory Boards were established to provide input and support the application process. (NW and SW were 2 of those 4 groups.)</p><p>Success was achieved that year with $5.2 million. The program has grown tremendously since that point. $19 million in last year's application process and adding federal agencies to the process, particularly HUD and VA representatives, as well as more state agencies including the Department of Aging and the Department of Corrections</p><p>Along the way, RHABs continued their work, but the HUD service model changed and that service model which was called the Continuum of Care (or CoCs) became HUD's name for the application process and organizational structure of local coordinated applications submitted for the region.</p><p>In 2003, the Homeless Steering Committee expanded to include urban / entitlement CoCs. The Steering Committee added a new committee of those communities with a chair representing that sector on the Homeless Steering Committee.</p><p>This Homeless Steering Committee wrote the first Agenda for Ending Homelessness, which is a Statewide document which we opted to call an Agenda instead of a Plan This allowed us to respond to federal agencies and the US Interagency Council to establish a state Plan for Ending Homelessness. That document is still in place, but has been updated several times and needs to be revised again.</p><p>In the Mid-2000's we launched the state's Homeless Management Information System, which helped draw in a few of the urban entitlement counties into each one of the RHABs to participate in the state's data system or HMIS.</p><p>In 2004, Housing Cabinet for Governor Rendell was briefly tapped to be State's Interagency Council on Homelessness, essentially responding again to the expectations that HUD and other federal funding agencies had that PA have such a body established </p><p>In 2007, PA Housing Advisory Committee was identified and continues to serve as the state's Interagency Council - This group has both cabinet appointees, legislators, housing agencies and service providers, to which we have added the RHAB chairs</p><p>Homeless Steering Committee throughout this time continued to manage the homeless application process and was a forum for interagency coordination. Essentially, the Homeless Steering Committee as it served as the working body that reports to the PHAC (serves as the Interagency Council)</p><p>In 2009, the HEARTH ACT passed; 2012 HUD issued regulations</p><p>Those organizational and process requirements were established (more details about this later addressed in the meeting), by the Governing Board which was a consolidation of all the regional groups combined. That generated a tremendous amount of 4 C's: comments, concerns and consternation. </p><p>Through most of 2013, we dialogued, discussed and came to a new understanding that merging Regional groups into 2 CoCs made more sense.</p><p>In 2014, much work was done to develop Governance Charters and establish a Western CoC and Eastern CoC</p><p>Last year, we began working with the emerging/interim CoC boards to manage and coordinate the application and planning process for HUD funding. These new boards are replacing that function of the Homeless Steering Committee. </p><p>DCED also shifted responsibility for state policy discussions and interagency coordination to a new entity called the Homeless Programs Coordination Committee (HPC Committee). This body met for the first time in December that included a mix of state agencies and provider/service agencies.</p><p>Major topic was addressing how to connect/enroll homeless persons to health care insurance and benefits.</p><p>INTRODUCTION OF THE WESTERN PA 1:22 PM – 1:28 PM LINDA THOMPSON GOVERNING BOARD DISCUSSION Introduction of Western CoC Board Members and their roles. The Board is made up from the following entities: Northwest and Southwest RHABs, Collaborative Applicant, HMIS Lead, Homeless/ Formerly homeless person, Supportive Services for Veteran Families(SSVF) program, ESG Recipient/ Sub-recipient, Public Housing Agency(PHA), Non-profit homeless provider, Victim Service provider, Faith-based organization, School District, Social Service Provider, PA-211, Hospital, University, Affordable Housing Developer, Law Enforcement, Mental Health Agency. </p><p>Co-Chairs Representing the Northwest RHAB: Linda Thompson Representing the Southwest RHAB: Tammy Knouse</p><p>Secretaries Representing the Northwest RHAB: Kim Stucke Representing the Southwest RHAB: Amanda Feltenberger</p><p>Sub-committee Chairs Tom Saunders, Kim Pivetta, Jennifer Johnson, Sandy Harber, Deb Hennon, , Amanda Feltenberger, Bill Connolly, Kim Stucke, Wendy Kinnear, Lynn McCumber, Kevin Boozel, Deb Pennington, Joanne Jankowski, Bob Labenne, Kathy Pressnar, Fran Billen, Leigh Howard, Madra Clay,</p><p>CONTINUUM OF CARE 101 1:28 PM - 1:42 PM LEIGH HOWARD PRESENTATION Shifting from managing homelessness to ending homelessness. Goal is to end homelessness. Purpose of the DISCUSSION CoC program is to promote community wide commitment to end homelessness. Historically, the Northwest RHAB and Southwest RHAB operated as two separate CoCs. In February 2015, HUD formally approved the merger of these two CoCs into a single Continuum of Care.</p><p>This single CoC is formally recognized by HUD as PA-601 Western Pennsylvania CoC. Note: Previous funding applications and homeless data for each RHAB can be accessed via the following links: Northwest RHAB, Southwest RHAB.</p><p>Continuum of Care Documents — click on the link to view Governance Charter of the Pennsylvania Western Region Continuum of Care, updated 3-26-15</p><p>What is the purpose of the CoC Program? Promote a communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness Provide funding for efforts to quickly rehouse individuals and families who are homeless Promote access to and effective use of mainstream programs by individuals and families who are homeless Optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness</p><p>What is a Continuum of Care(CoC)? A CoC is a structure within a geographic area established by representatives of relevant organizations to carry out the responsibilities set forth in the CoC interim rule.</p><p>What is a RHAB? RHAB: Regional Homeless Advisory Board Subcommittees of the CoC: Northwest PA RHAB, Southwest PA RHAB Each RHAB is responsible for operationalizing the policies adopted by the CoC by working with their community to address and end homelessness locally.</p><p>Who are the Participants in a CoC? Representatives from the following relevant organizations within the geographic area: • Nonprofit homeless assistance providers • Victim service providers • Faith-based organizations • Governments • Businesses • Advocates • Public housing agencies • School districts • Social service providers • Mental health agencies • Hospitals • Universities • Affordable housing developers • Law enforcement • Organizations that serve veterans • Homeless and formerly homeless individuals</p><p>What is a CoC Board? The CoC is required to establish a board to act on behalf of the CoC to carry out its responsibilities. The Board must: Be representative of relevant organizations and of projects serving homeless participants Include at least one homeless or formerly homeless individual</p><p>Who is on the Western PA Governing Board? 21 Members with reserved seats for: Public Housing Agency (PHA) Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) Homeless and/or formerly homeless, defined as homeless within the last 10 years (two) ESG recipient/sub-recipient Collaborative Applicant HMIS Lead Northwest RHAB Co-Chairs (two) Southwest RHAB Co-Chairs (two)</p><p>What are the responsibilities of the Continuum of Care? The group organized to carry out the responsibilities under the CoC Interim Rule: Writing and adopting a Governance Charter for the CoC and HMIS Operating the CoC Designating and operating a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) CoC planning o Identifying needs o Building a system of housing and services that meet those needs Preparing an application for funding</p><p>Slides are available at the following link:</p><p>PowerPoint: Introduction to the Continuum of Care (CoC 101)</p><p>1:42 PM – 1:51 PM OVERVIEW OF SUBCOMMITTEES SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRS DISCUSSION Review of what services their subcommittee provides. For more information on specific responsibilities visit the Pennsylvania CoC Website and review Western CoC Governance Charter, Section 9: Committees Standing Committees A. Regional Homeless Advisory Board (RHAB) The responsibilities of the RHAB include: Engage local stakeholders, and identify local leadership, ensuring representation from sectors required by HUD Conduct a minimum of four meetings per year, with additional meetings if needed Publish meeting notices and minutes online Maintain membership list Distribution of the CoC’s public invitation Be the intermediary with Local Housing Option Teams to bring local needs forward Provide input on the design and implementation of a plan to address homelessness (CoC Plan) Provide input for the prioritization of region’s needs, including recommendations to CoC Board for CoC funding and to state and local government ESG recipients for allocating ESG funds Identify additional resources available for homeless households Provide outreach to and mentoring opportunities for service providers Ensure HMIS participation among CoC recipients/sub-recipients. Ensure HMIS participation and provide assistance In addition, each RHAB will have a Program Evaluation Sub-Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Strategic Planning Committee. This subcommittee will work along with the Strategic Planning Committee to ensure satisfactory performance and outcomes among CoC-funded projects, including the review and ranking of CoC funded projects. The Program Evaluation Sub-Committee will identify and distribute information on best practices, as well as provide opportunities for technical assistance and mentoring to grantees, as needed.</p><p>B. Membership Committee – Chair, Linda Thompson The Membership Committee will be responsible for identifying key stakeholders to participate as members of the full CoC and the CoC Board. The Membership Committee will ensure that all required roles are fulfilled on the CoC Governing Board and will present nominations as needed. In addition, the Membership Committee will ensure that a public invitation is distributed throughout the CoC at least annually. This invitation will be distributed throughout the CoC by the RHABs, and made available online.</p><p>C. Policy Committee – Chair Amanda Feltenberger The Policy Committee will be responsible for updates to the Governance Charter. The charter will be updated as needed, but will be reviewed and updated no less than annually. Updates will include the CoC policies and procedures, written process selection of the CoC Board, and code of conduct. In addition, the Policy Committee will develop written policies for providing assistance.</p><p>D. Strategic Planning Committee – Chair Tammy Knouse The review and ranking process will be completed by the program evaluation sub-committee and each RHAB. The Strategic Planning Committee will establish in advance the project ranking and tie breaking criteria in accordance with HUD guidance, Once established the Western COC board will approve of these criteria.</p><p>E. Coordinated Assessment Committee – Chair Deb Hennon The Coordinated Entry Committee, in consultation with the recipients of ESG funds, will research and recommend a coordinated entry system. Upon approval by the CoC Board and establishment of the system, the Coordinated Entry Committee will oversee the system’s operation and monitor/modify to the process as needed.</p><p>F. HMIS Committee – Chair, Kevin Boozel HMIS Committee members, or a specific number of designated members, will serve on the HMIS Governing Board. In collaboration with the HMIS Lead, the HMIS Committee will develop, review, revise, and approve a privacy plan, security plan, and data quality plan for the HMIS. In addition, to ensure broad based participation, the HMIS Committee will identify programs not participating in HMIS.</p><p>G. PIT Committee – Chair Kathy Presnar Each PIT Committee will plan for and conduct an annual point-in-time count of homeless persons within the geographic area by distributing information regarding the sheltered and unsheltered counts, and ensuring that each county has an identified contact for the unsheltered count. In addition, this Committee will provide input to the Collaborative Applicant regarding the annual gaps analysis and unmet needs of the CoC.</p><p>H. Resource Development Committee – Chair Kim Stucke The Resource Development Committee will work to increase funding sources and resources to meet the needs of households experiencing homelessness throughout the CoC. This may include exploring additional funding opportunities and partnerships. In addition, this Committee will review and comment on relevant regulations proposed by HUD and other local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that the needs of households experiencing homelessness throughout the CoC are put forth.</p><p>I. Executive Committee The Executive Committee includes the Co-Chairs of CoC Board and two Secretaries. This Committee will be charged with calling full CoC and CoC Board meetings, as well as providing the agenda and relevant materials prior to the meeting date.</p><p>Ad Hoc Committees In addition to the above listed Standing Committees, the Board may from time to time appoint and approve the appointment of Ad Hoc Committees as needed. The Board shall determine the responsibilities, selection and terms of such committees.</p><p>1:52 PM – 2:00 PM WEBSITE PRESENTATION JON CHERRY The Eastern and Western CoC’s have combined efforts to share information about homelessness in each Continuum via a new website that was launched at this meeting. The overview of the website was provided by Jon Cherry. Essentially, the site will be made available to the public to provide resources and information on the CoC’s in Pennsylvania. Each RHAB will have a separate page where they can put additional resource information. It will include public notices, PIT data, meeting notifications and minutes, and HUD information. The website is active DISCUSSION and people should begin to direct interested persons to the CoC process to the website where they can obtain a wealth of information. In addition, all members of the CoC are encouraged to join the Wiggio site which is still in use, where members can communicate in a less public arena. </p><p>Website: www.pennsylvaniacoc.org </p><p>ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE The website is a work in process and should be working by the end of DCED April 2015 April 2015.</p><p>REVIEW & VOTE FOR APPROVAL OF THE WESTERN PA COC GOVERNANCE TAMMY KNOUSE AND LINDA THOMPSON 2:00 PM - 2:03 PM CHARTER DISCUSSION Would somebody like to make a motion to approve the Western PA CoC Governance? </p><p>CONCLUSIONS Bill Halle made a motion. Second motion made by Bill Leach. All in favor, aye. Opposed?</p><p>ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Review the charter prior to the meeting. All Western CoC members WHAT DOES HOMELESSNESS LOOK LIKE LEIGH HOWARD 2:03 PM - 2:20 PM IN WESTERN PA? Leigh Howard and Diana T. Myers & Associates “What does homelessness look like in Western PA?” </p><p>DISCUSSION For more information or to view the slideshow visit the following link:</p><p>PowerPoint: Homelessness in the Western PA CoC</p><p>CONCLUSIONS In 2014 we had 1,101 people identified as homeless.</p><p>ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Original due date: April 30, 2015 2015 Point In Time Count Submission is being analyzed and compiled at DMA / DCED (HMIS Lead Agency) this time. Extended Due date: May 15, 2015</p><p>ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION – “HOW CAN I 2:20 PM - 2:30 PM BREAKOUT SESSIONS HELP END HOMELESSNESS?” Leigh Howard provided questions for the breakout sessions. What are we going to do collectively to end homelessness? Here is what we are going to talk about- Many of the folks in the room today are homeless providers and homeless Veterans providers. We have about 8 million dollars expected this year from HUD that covers rental assistance, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, case management, mental health programs and employment services. In addition, money awarded to 20 counties Emergency Solutions Grant through DCED. </p><p> In 2014 we had 1,101 homeless people. Ten million dollars is a lot of money but will not end homelessness for those folks. We need more money but we also need other help from non-homeless DISCUSSION service providers. We want to see faith based organizations, other businesses and housing authorities get involved. We want to see government, law enforcement, universities advocates, legal services and hospitals get involved. If you are in one of these categories you may be asking yourself “What is it I’m supposed to do to meet the goal to end homelessness? And if you are not in one of those categories you may be asking yourself “what do they have to do with ending homelessness? Our breakout discussions are: How can we get other people involved? What role do they need to play? What are we doing collectively in Western PA to end homelessness? </p><p> Breakout into discussions and return at 2:56pm.</p><p>CLOSING AND NEXT Next board meeting is scheduled for June 23, 2015. STEPS Next CoC meeting will be the week of October 19, 2015. MEETING ADJOURNED 3:00 PM</p>
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