The Trade Inquiries Received During the Event Are Mentioned Below

The Trade Inquiries Received During the Event Are Mentioned Below

<p>The trade inquiries received during the event are mentioned below :-</p><p>S. Name of Importer’s Contact details Products No. 1. Mr. Mitsuhiro Maeda Tel:81-33778-6799 Mango chutney Managing Director Fax:81-33778-6826 M/s. Beau & Bon Co., Ltd. E-mail:[email protected] 105, 1-27-14, Kitamagome, Ota –ku, Tokyo-143-0021 Japan Mayor/France office Tel: 33 4 50 3308 63 L’ Atria-1av. Berthollet 74000 Fax: 33 4 50 33 08 64 Annecy-France 2. Mr. Rafat Kotaki Tel: 03-5456-5677/5455 Honey President Fax: 03-5456-5678 M/s. Airnet Co. Ltd E-mail:[email protected] (Trading, Import, Export) Shibuya Head Office : Kato Bldg.#302 sakuragaoka-cho 25-17 Shibuya-ku Tokyo-1500031 Yokosuka Branch : Tel: 046-820-1180/1182 T.A. Bldg.III 3 F Ohdaki-cho1-26 Fax: 046-820-1181 Yokosuka Kanagawa 238-0008 3. Mr. M. Dayaldas Tel: 81 6 6323-3060 Honey Executive Managing Director Fax: 81 6 63231510 M/s. Cannon Impex Incorporated E-mail: Office [email protected] #1-13-35, Higashi Nakajima, Hagashi Yodogawa-ku Osaka 5330033,Japan Mailing Address: Osaka Central P.O. Box 811, Osaka 5308694, Japan. 4. Mr. (Raji) Sjb. Singh Sandhar Tel: 81-3-5467-8303 Frozen President Fax: 81-3-5467-8304 Vegetables M/s. Seinan Co., Ltd E-mail: [email protected] Seinan Bldg. 5-6- 19,MinamiAoyama, Minato- ku,Tokyo Japan 107-0062 Tel: 81-3-5467-4399 Terra. Work Co.,Ltd Fax: 81-3-5467-8361 Seinan Bldg. 5-6- 19,MinamiAoyama, Minato- Telefax:1-604-684-4365 ku,Tokyo Japan 107-0062 E-mail: Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 1 Seinan Co., Ltd (Canada) [email protected] #3208 Waterworks,1008 Cambie st. Vancouver B. C. V6B6J7 5. Mr. Norisumi (Sammy) Asami Tel: 03-3831-0601 Sesames seed/ President Fax: 03-3831-0657 organic M/s. B.A.S. Co., Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] 604 Yarindai Mikami 2-6-6,Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan-1100016 6. Mr. Makiko Eda Tel: 03-3862-7931 Rice Journalist Fax: 03-3866-5047 Shohkei Advice Co.,Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Newspaper Specialized in Rice) 3-7-16,I Wamoto-Cho-Chiyoda-Ka Tokyo, 101-0032 7. Mr. Zhang Hui Tel: 86 25 52851708 Guar gum Split Dept.# 6 Fax:86 25-52851674 (Huge Jaingsu Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs E-mail: [email protected] requirement) I/E Group (Newspaper Specialized in Rice) Add.: 528,S. Taiping Road Nanjing, China P.C: 210001 8. M/s. SSK Food Company Tel: 054 624—3211/054 221-9351 Sauce and JMA Qms Registration Centre Fax: 054 205-8433/054 205-8433 Mayonese E-mail: [email protected] Dressing</p><p>9. Mr. Tohru Kubota Tel: 81 6 6282 0562 Mango pulp Executive Sales Manager Fax: 81 6 6282 1718 Beverage & Dairy Food & E-mail: [email protected] Beverage Industry Performance Material M/s. DKSH Nihon Siber Hegner K.K 4-3-11,Minami Senba, Chuo-ka, Osaka 542-0081 10 Mr. Onabeta Shunichi Tel: 027-325-0020 Rice M/s. Cusine Fransaise Lisle Adam 876-9 Ohruicho Takasaki gunma 11. Mr. Sang-Hyun, Lee Mobile: 82-17-395-5483 Food Products President Tel: 82-31-222-7285-6 M/s. Green Aid Fax: 82-31-222-7287 321-1,Banwoul-dong, Hwaseong- E-mail: [email protected] Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 2 si, Gyeonggi-Do,Korea 12. Mr. Lucia Klansek,MBA Mobile : 646 206 4696 Mango Puree President-Owner Tel : 1 888 832 7942 Easy4busy.LLC E-mail: [email protected] 250 W 50th ST, 36B Newyork, NY 10019 13. Mr. Koichi Avai Tel: 029 301-3945 Fresh Fruit & Ibaraki Prefecture Fax: 029 301-3969 Vegetable M/s. Agriculture Forestry Fishery E-mail: [email protected] Department Prefectural Office 978-6 Kasahara-cho, Mito, Ibaraki 14. Mr. Manabu Higa Tel: 098 868-1796 Fruit Jam Exective Director Fax: 098 861-5498 M/s. Universal Trading Co., Inc E-mail: [email protected] Mail Address: Cable:UNITRACO CPO Box 19,Naha Okinawa Office:16-3, 1-Chome, Kume, Naha Okinawa, Japan,2F, Union Bldg, 15. Mr. Tetsuji Totsune Tel: 81-3-5565-7001 Organic Mango President Fax: 81-3-3545-4059 (Alphanso) M/s. Maple Foods Limited E-mail: [email protected] 7-15-13 Tsukiji, Chuo-Ku Tokyo, www.maplefoods Japan-104-0045 Tel: 84-8-8241319 Vietnam Office : Fax: 84-8-8246435 8A/H 1 Thai Van Lung St., Mobile (VN):091-716-3112 Dist.1 Ho Chi Minh City 16. Mr. Akihiko Watanabe, Ph.D Tel: 0538-48-7906/0538-48-7011 Spice curry Deputy Leader Fax: 0538-48-7042/0538-48-7044 ingredient/ black Material Research Section E-mail: pepper R.,Centre [email protected] Yasuma Co. Ltd Shizuoka Plant Shuchi-gun Morimachi Nakagawa 2100 Shizuoka 437-00223 Head Office: Shinagawa-ka Nishigotanda 5-23-2 Tokyo 141-8559 17. Mr. Angela P.Y. Lee - Chem Tel: 886-2-23681632 Honey General Manager Fax: 886-2-23651041 M/s. Pan–Lord Enterprise Co., Ltd E-mail: [email protected] 5Fl., No. 198, Sec. 2 Roosevelt Rd., Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 3 P.O.Box:7-201 Taipei, Taiwan, R. O.C. 18. Mr. Zhou Yaokang Mobile: 090-4428-9861 Mango /Apples President Tel: 8142 442 1540 M/s Tokyo Shinkoka (New Fax: 8142 442-1053 Conquer) Co., Ltd. E-mail:[email protected] Postal Address: 3-34-9,Nishitsutsujigaoka Chofushi, Tokyo,082-0006 Japan Shanghai Office: Tel: 86-21-58205524 735/1312 Eastern Road Fax: 86-21-58205243 Shanghai,200120 China 19. Mr. Murali Rao Mobile: 090-4922-4230 Rice President Tel: 03-6638-6135 L.T. Overseas, M/s Quantum Enterprises K.K Fax: 03-6638-6136 Kohinoor/Honey 5-4-9, Cooperative Suda 1F E-mail:[email protected] Edogawa-ku, Higashi Kasai Tokyo 134-0084 20. Mr. Denis Menezes Mobile: 080-3511-3367 Rice Sales Division Tel: 03-5467-8303 M/s Seinan Co., Ltd Fax: 03-5467-8304 Seinan Bldg, 5-6-19 Minami E-mail: [email protected] Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 107-0062 21. Mr. Michikazu Gyobu Mobile: 81 90 9877-3591 Import/ Manager Tel: 81 6 6585 Honey-Beez M/s Tomato Corporation Fax: 81 6 6585-1401 India 2-12-6 Chiyozaki, Nishi-ku Osaka E-mail: gyobu@tomato- Ready to Eat 5500023 Japan Curries</p><p>22. Mr. Masahiro Ushimaru Tel: 03 3654 0838 Jam/Lee Bee M/s Kawaguchi Trading Co., Ltd. Fax: 03 3654 0929 (Foodstuff Importers & E-mail: [email protected] Distributors) 2-34-3 Matsushima, Edogawa-ku,Tokyo, Japan 23. Mr. Jin Heo Young Tel: 03- 5337- 2217 Walnut Dy. General Manager Fax: 03-3654 -2269 M/s. Yohan Co., Ltd. H.P 090-4457-6976 Plat 100 221 1-11-28, Hyakunin- E-mail: [email protected] cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 24. Mr. Gil- Sik Jung Tel: 82-31-477-9922 Curry Powder Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 4 President Fax: 82-31-477-9933 M/s. Serim Flavor Co.,Ltd E-mail: [email protected] (Flavor. Food Ingredient) 201Ho,369-5,Dangjung-Dong Kunpo-City, Kyounggi-Do, Korea 25. Mr. Lee Jae Kyu Mobile:011-676-5527 Processed CEO/Managing Director Tel: 063/832/2278 Peprica (bell M/S Greace Greace Farm Fax: 063/832/2279 pepper) 937, Changpeon-Ri, choonpo Meon, Iksan-Si Jeonbuk, South Korea Zip 570-953 San 86-1,Haengjeong-Ri, Mobile:011-676-5527 Unbong Meon Namwon –Si Tel: 063/634/6686 Jeonbuk, South Korea Fax: 063/634/6685 Zip 590-833 E-mail: [email protected] 26. Mr. Taejin Lee Mobile:82-10-2939-6004 Fresh Mangoes Strategy Business Team Staff Tel: 82-2-6336-1688 M/s. NS Homeshopping co., Ltd Fax: 82-2-6346-6070 13th Fl.,CBS Building 917-1 Mok- E-mail: dong Yangchon-gu, Seoul, Korea [email protected] 158-701 27. Mr. Mickey Tel: 048-521-1195 Mango M/s. Nagashimaya Co., Ltd. Fax: 048-524-0410 pulp/Mango 1-2-12 Ton yama –chi, Kumagaya E-mail: juice /Agent city -3600024 [email protected] Information Japan www. 28. Mr. Abid Khurshid Mobile: 090 8804 0098 Ghee/Meat President Tel: 0471-34-4092 Product/Poultry M/s. AAG Enterprises Fax: 0471-34-7606 A.A.G Building E-mail: 5-4-8 Kashiwa Noha, Kashiwa Shi, Aag1@ybb-ne-jp Chiba-277-0882, Japan 29. Mr. Yuko Kawashima Telfax:042-453-5857 Basmati Rice M/S. Paloma.Lib E-mail: [email protected] 30. Mr. Chris Puissant Mobile: 81-90-7428-0699 Frozen Mango President Tel: 81-45-948-0670 pulp M/s. Tama Conseils Corp Fax:81-45-944-3528 Koki Bldg.,No.203, 15-1 Chigasaki E-mail: Chuo, Tsuzuki-Ku, [email protected] Yokohama 224-0032 www. Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 5 Japan 31. Mr. Takamasa Kokubo Tel: 03-3403-8698 Wine Manager Puchasing Div., Fax: 03-3479-0256 M/s. WDI Corporation E-mail: [email protected] Roi Bldg. 9F, 5-5-1 Roppongi, Minato-Ku,Tokyo 106-8522, Japan 32. Mr. Rajpurohit Shyam Singh Tel: 050-1484-9847 Rice /Butter President Fax: 06-6853-1984 M/s. Sartaj Foods E-mail: [email protected] 3-B-2 Honmachi, Toyonaka- www. Shi,Osaka-Fu, Japan 35. Mr. Allan Chan Tel: 852-3667-9360 Rice/mango Sourcing Manager Food Fax: 852-3667-9390 puree/Snacks/Nu M/s. Sainsbury’s Asia Ltd., E-mail: ts /curry paste Suite 1-7 & 12, 14/F., Tower 1, The [email protected] Gateway of Harbour City, 25 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 36. Mr. Atoo Heera Tel: 078-271-6380 Rice/mango Chairman Fax: 078-271-6373 /organic M/s. Zest Foods E-mail: [email protected] products (Organic & Natural Foods Distributors) 3-14,Nozaki –Dori 5 Chome, Chuo-Ka, Kobe -651-0054 37. Mr. Kazuyo Ueda Tel: 078-271-6380 Mango President Fax: 078-271-6373 M/s. Zest Foods E-mail: [email protected] (Organic & Natural Foods Distributors) 3-14,Nozaki –Dori 5 Chome, Chuo-Ka, Kobe -651-0054 38. Mr. Kobayashi Sahoka Tel: 0261-72-2511 Wine M/s. Sanrakuso Running Inn Fax: 0261-72-4776 E-mail: [email protected] 39. Mr. Aksorn (Lek) Komalabhuti Tel: 66-8-1984-6282 Rice Director Fax: 66-2381-9695,2381-969 M/s. Bu: Smart Choice E-mail: [email protected] Associated Food Processors Ltd. ASA Bangkok Ltd. 86 Ekamai 10 sukhumvit 63 Road, Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 6 Bangkok 10110 Thailand 40. Mr. Akira Kawaguchi Tel: 03 3654 0838 Gherkin M/s Kawaguchi Trading Co., Ltd. Fax: 03 3654 0929 (Foodstuff Importers & E-mail: Distributors) [email protected] 2-34-3 Matsushima, Edogawa-ku,Tokyo, Japan 41. Mr. Yasuhiko Yonemitsu Tel: 82-2-2114 Food Products Vice President/Foodservice Fax: 82-2-3672-2412 Division Executive Director M/s. Maeil Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. Samhwan Bldg 8F 98-5 Won –Ni- Dong, Chongno-Ku, Seoul, Korea 110742 Japan Branch: Tel: 81-3-5334-7066 Maeil Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. Fax: 8-3-5350-7601 Koushin B/D 2F, Nisishinjuku E-mail: [email protected] 4-5-1,Shinku-ku Tokyo 160-0023 Japan 42. Mr. Suchada Yongkietpanich Tel: 66-2381-9695/96 Rice Director Fax: 66-2381-3209/ M/s. ASA Bangkok Ltd. 8-1912-9577 Associated Food Processors Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] ASA Bangkok Ltd. 86 Ekamai 10 sukhumvit 63 Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand 43. Mr. Tomohito Miura Tel: 03-3558-8341 Curries/RTE Spice Control Section Fax: 03-3558-8981 Curries M/s. S & B Foods Inc. E-mail: [email protected] 38-8 Miyamoto–Cho, Itabashi-Ku Tokyo 174-8651, Japan 44. Mr. Kim, Dong Sik Mobile: 010-9123-4201 Meat/Rice President /CEO Callcentre: 080-415-1515 M/s. Midaum Finedays Tel: 02-504-1404 Office: 2F Sayoung Bldg., #314-3, Fax: 02-504-0653 Yangjae 2-dong, Seocho-gu, E-mail: [email protected] Seoul , Korea Logistics Centre: 555-2, Sinhyeon-ri,Opo-eup, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea 45. Mr. Moham Bhalla HP:090-5898-1934 Curry Powder M/s. Y.K. Indo Spice Tel: 078-802-0762 Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 7 HO: Sunshine Nishi Nada 1/F Fax: 078-802-0763 Nada Minamidori 4-Chome 3-1 Telefax: 03-3209-0762 Nada –Ku, Kobe 657-0841 Tokyo Office , Japan 46. Mr. Kawakita Tel: 06-4708-0088 Mango President Fax: 06-4397-8885 M/s.Kawakita Resturant Kuntape Mobile:090-1023-3400 Group E-mail: [email protected] Tokyo Office , Japan 47. Mr. Hidehiro Tazoe Tel: 043-212-6424 Food Products Topvalu Merchandising Div.M/s. Fax: 043-212-6863 Aeon Topvalu Co., Ltd. 5-1,1- E-mail: [email protected] Chome, Nakase, Mihama-Ku, Chiba-Shi, Choba, 261-8515, Japan 48. Mr. Lam Wai Fat Tel: 852-2540-6021 Juice Senior Operation Manager Fax: 852-2858-3424/2559-8455 (Priyagold)/ M/s. Wing Hing & Co. E-mail: [email protected] Amul Ghee 180-182 Wing Lok Street, Pak Wing Building, Hong Kong 49. Mr. Chul-Woo Lee Tel: 82-2-3446-6571 Food products CEO Fax: 82-2-3446.6573 Korean Promotor E-mail: [email protected] M/s. A-Trend Mobile:82-17-277-8236 ParkVill B101,11-23 Nonhyeon- dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-010, Korea 50. Mr. William T.H. Chang, Ph. D Tel: 886-2-27069998/ Fresh Mango President 27556164 M/s. Lytone Enterprise, Inc. Fax: 886-2-27069518/27846378 China League Biotechnology E-mail: [email protected] Associates, Ltd. Taipei Head Quarter 2F,No. 339, He –Ping E. Road Sec.2,Taipei Taiwan,R.OC. 106 Tel: 86-21-62669337/62981506 Shanghai Lytone Bichemicals Ltd. 86-21-62981507 Rm. 2-405, No. 717, Huai An Rd., Fax: 86-21-52520496 Jin An District Shangai, China 200041 51. Mr. Tetsuji Totsune Tel: 81-3-5565-7001 Mango Juice/ President Fax: 8-3-3545-4059 RTE/ Food M/s. Maple foods Ltd. E-mail: Products 7-15-13 Tsukiji Chuo-KU, Tokyo, Japan Mobile: 091-716-3112 Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 8 Vietnam Office: Tel: 84-8-8241319 8A/H1 Thai Van Lung St., Dist.1 Fax: 84-8-8246435 Ho Chi Minh City 52. Mr. Shigeki Koshiba Telefax : 03-5474-3200 Fresh Produce/ President Mobile: 090-1545-3245 Processed Foods M/s. Route 9g Inc. E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>53. Mr. Ohi Fax:03-5848-3726 Sparkling Wine 54. Mr. Bharat Mehta Tel: 0467-25-6416 Mango Europ Sales Fax:0467-25-6437 chutney/spices- M/s. Anan Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] curry Powder /Pickle-Garlic and Ginger. 55. Mr. Rika Tsukamoto Telefax: 03-3420-9755 Rice M/s. Le Matin Ideal Mobile: 080-5406-7498 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 56. Mr. Shyam Pyarauk Telefax: 81-44-975-6619 Curry powder/ Representative Director Cell:81-80-3488-2524 Ready to M/s. Blue Horse Corporation E-mail: [email protected] eat/Food 2-13-41-402 Sugao, Miyamae-Ku www. Products Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0015 Japan 57. . Mr. Bharat Mehta Tel: 0467-25-6416 Mango Europ Sales Fax:0467-25-6437 M/s. Anan Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] 58. Mr. Ken Okura Tel: 81-3-3558-6263 Spice Spice Control Section Fax:81-3-3558-6076 M/s. S & B Foods Inc. E-mail: [email protected] 38-8 Miyamoto –Cho,Itabashi-Ku Tokyo 174-8651, Japan 59. Mr. Kunio Shibuya Tel: 0463-87-3348 Rice Owner Fax: 0463-87-3658 M/s. People Restaurant 2-4-6 Yanagi-Cho Hadano-City Kanagawa-Pref. 259-1315 Japan 60. Mr. Hiromitsu Minato Tel: 81-43-212-6316 Dried Mango Senior Business Manager Fax: 81-43-212-6317 M/s. Daymon Worldwide E-mail:[email protected] Japan,Inc.</p><p>Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 9 5-1 Nakase 1-Chome, Mihama- Ku,Chiba-Shi, Chiba 261-8515 Japan 61. Mr. Yuji Tomita Tel: 81-3-6810-8666/ RTE/Curry Manager 81-3-3558-5164 Product Development Div. Fax: 81-3-3968-4212 Purchasing Section E-mail: M/s. S & B Foods Inc. [email protected] 38-8 Miyamoto–Chou, Itabashi- Ku Tokyo 174-8651, Japan 62. Mr. Shuchiro KIDA Tel: 81-3-3502-8111(Ext.-3477) /81- Food Section Chief 3-3502-8215(Dir) Products Policy Coodination and Fax: 81-3-3597-7752 International Affairs Office E-mail: Administration Division [email protected] Agricultural Productio Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forrestry,&Fisheries (MAFF) 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8950, Japan 63. Mr. Denis Menezes Tel: 080+5174-9730 Mozerella cheese M/s. NEinternational Co., Ltd. Fax: 047-430-0475 2-23-15 Maruyama Funabashi-shi E-mail: Chiba, Japan [email protected] Mobile:080-3511-3367 64. Mr. king Yashi Tel: 03-3365-4444 Rice M/s. King Yasui Co., Ltd. Fax:: 03-3365-4448 HP: 0903234-6111 E-mail: Tel: 03-3365- [email protected] [email protected] www. 65. Mr. Lee, Kyung –Bum Tel: 82-2-6300-8703 Souses Flit CEO Fax: 82-2-6300-8709 M/s. GNF E-mail: Room No.1304,At centre 232, [email protected] Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu,Seoul, Mobile:016-222-5121 Korea </p><p>66. Mr. Yokota, Hitoshi Tel: 81-6-6245-0251 Pink Guava Pulp Duputy Director Fax: 81-6-6245-0255 Sales Department -2 E-mail: M/s. New Asia Trading Co. Ltd. [email protected],ne,jp Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 10 9-301, 3- Ban, Semba Chou 3 Mobile: 81-90-1142-7864 Chme, Chuo, Osaka 5410055 Japan 67. Mr. Chung-Hong Lin Tel: 886-6-337-8897 Organic Fruits & President Fax: 886-6-337-8502 Vegetable M/s. Taiwan Suger Corporation No. 68, Shengchan Rd., East District Tainan City 701-76 Taiwan (R.O.C.) Taipei Office: Tel: 886-2-23828498 2F, No.25, Paoching Rd. Jhong Fax: 886-2-23825770 Jheng District, E-mail: Taipei 10043, Taiwan, R.O.C. [email protected] 68. Mr. yamazaki Tel: 03-3499-0914 Food Products M/s Mariya Restaurant Fax: 03-3499-0913 Marqueur GOYARD Officiel E-mail: [email protected] 69. Mr. Takae Morinaga Mobile: 81-80-2413-7528 Honey Product Development Tel: 81-79-496-6517 M/s. Kobe Bussan Co. Ltd. Fax: 81-79-496-6620 876-1 Nakaissiki, InamiCho E-mail: Kako-gun, Hyoga 675-1127 [email protected] Japan 70. Mr. Sugano Tel: 03-5500-1126/03-6438-1126 Food Products M/s. Ohedo Onsen Monogatar Fax: 03-5500-4126/03-5413-5320 Hotel E-mail:[email protected]</p><p>71. Mr. Ken Takeshi Hatanaka Tel: 03-3820-9583 Canned Mango Assistant Manager Fax: 03-3820-7088 Slices/Cubes M/s. Daimaru Kogyo, Ltd. Phs:070-6544-7204 Tokyo Office: E-mail: 18-11, Kiba 2-Chome [email protected] Koto-ku,Tokyo.135-8510, Japan www. 72. Mr. Kazumi Sugiura Tel: 048-771-0011 Food Item Product Develop Div. Fax: 048-773-8442 M/s. Bunraku Co., Ltd E-mail:sugiura- 2-5-5 Kamicho Ageo –City [email protected] Saitama-3620037, Japan www. 73. Ms. Masayo Kuze Telefax: 06-4861-1000 Mozerella 090-9252-9234 cheese/Paneer E-mail: cottage cheese [email protected] [email protected] 74. Mr. Wang Llwei Tel: 0086-10-61015998 Rice Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 11 Vice General Manager Fax: 0086-10-61015686 M/s. Beijing Home field Food Co., HP:13911792190 Ltd E-mail: Beijing Jiajiatian Trading Co., Ltd [email protected] Add: No.8Jia Yanmi Road, Miyun www. Indusrtrial Development Area 4, Beijing China -101509 75. Mr. Kazuhiko Takada Mobile: 070-6400-6440 Frozen Foods Buyer, Purchasing Dept. Tel: 81-48-991-9616 M/s. Saizeriya Co., Ltd Fax: 81-48-991-9637 2-5, Asahi Yoshikawa-City, E-mail: Saitama- Pref, 342-0008 , Japan [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>76. Mr. Yoshi Kava Tel: 042-527-1316 Food Item M/s. Food Coop. Purchasing Fax:042-524-9374 E-mail: [email protected] 77. Mr. Luis Carlos Rangel Tel: 33 615-016518 Fruit Juice Representante Internacional E-mail: Para la Comunidad Europea [email protected] M/s. A. I. Invescol International Food Trade Company 78. Mr. Yoshie Kumaki Tel: 81-0-3-3221-0441 Mango Manager (Sales Department) Fax: 81-0-3-3221-0443 Alphansho (Product Planning) E-mail: M/s. Sun –Eight Trading Co., Ltd [email protected] 4-5, Hirakawacho 1-Chome , www. Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan 79. Mr. Toshiaki Yamagishi Tel: 0721-25-7137 Rice. M/s. Anna Purna Fax: 0721-25-7129 Mobile:0903-995-5587 80. M/s. Mayur Corporation Ltd. Mobile: 090-7246-2500 Fruit pulp Japan Tel: 0424-70-2404 /Juice/ 1-3-20 Kurihara Niiza –Shi Fax: 0424-70-2050 Rice/Honey Saitama-Ken 352-0035 Japan E-mail:[email protected] (Importer, Exporter & Sole Distributor of Food & Beverage) 81. Mr. Chikyo Cho Tel: 81-0-3-5976-5741 Pure Peanut Marketing Department Facsimile: 81-0-3-5976-3121 Butter M/s. Sonton Food Ind. Co., Ltd E-mail:[email protected] Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 12 39-17, Sengoku, 4-Chome Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, 112-0011 Japan 82. Mr. Masanori Tashiro Tel: 053-526-1511 MTR Bisibele Head Chef Fax:053-526-1512 Bhath Mikkabi Office(Restaurant) E-mail:masanori.tashiro@toyota- M/s. Toyota Enterprise Inc. 3666-7 Aza Nagasaka Tsuzuki Mikkabi-cho Kita –Ku Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1402 Japan 83. Mr. Sam Lee Mobile: 82-11-247-3117 Rice bran oil President Tel: 82-2-5678-567 M/s. Gleco co., Ltd. Fax: 82-2-5678-067 #106, 18-5 yangjae-Dong, Seocho- E-mail:[email protected] Gu,Seoul, Korea 84. Mr. Shin –Ichiro Ihara Tel: 078-452-7223 Honey –Beez General Manager Fax: 078-452-7222 Purchasing Section Packing E-mail:[email protected] Consultant M/s. Toyo Nut Co., Ltd, 30,Fukaehama-Ku, Kobe, 658-0023 Japan 85. Mr. Youtaro Suzuki Mobile: 080-6664-8162 Honey M/s. Sojitz Foods Corporation Tel: 81-3-6229-4027 Honey Product Team Fax: 81-3-6697-3086 Food Materials Department E-mail:Suzuki.youtaro@sojitz- Agriculture & Food Material Division www. t Akasaka 2-14 Plaza Bldg, 14-32, Akasaka 2-Chome Minato-Ku,Tokyo 107-0052, Japan 86. Mr. Masao Nakajima Mobile: 080-6664-8162 Bee wax. Vice Manager-Purchasing Tel: 03-5791-3100 Dep. Fax: 03-5791-3174 M/s. Yokozeki Oil & Fat E-mail:[email protected] Industries Co., Ltd. www. (HACCP/Approved for edible processed oil & fat) Tokyo Branch: EbisuMF Bldg. 4F, 4-6-1, Ebisu Shibuya-Ku,Tokyo 0150-0013, Japan Head Office/Kitaibaraki Factory: Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 13 644-49, Takaratsubo, Tel: 293-42-1423 Hidana,Nakago-Cho Kitaibaraki, Fax: 0293-42-3260 Ibaraki Japan – 319-1556 87. Mr. Hirokazu Nishidate Mobile:080-3210-6609 Liquor Assitt. Manager Sales Dept. Tel: 03-5625-1655 2F 1-15-9- Sumiyoshi, Fax: 03-5625-1657 Koto-Ku,,Tokyo 135-0002 E-mail:[email protected] Japan www: 88. Mr. Aki Shiraishi Tel: 81-3-5441-8530 Rice China Div. Overseas Business Fax: 81-3-5441-4368 Div. E-mail: M/s. Japan Food Corporation [email protected] (Nippon Ham Group) Mitanittodai Bldg. 11-36, Mita 3-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo Japan-108-0073 89. Mr. Atsumi Ishibashi Tel: 03-3438-5374 Rice Assist. General Manager Fax: 03-3438-3851 Overseas Team E-mail: Second Rice Division [email protected] Rice Business Unit www. M/s. Toho Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. A-8 Floor , Davinci Shiba Park 4-1, Shiba- Koen 2-Chime,Minato-Ku. Tokyo Japan-105-8547 90. Mr. Teppei Yoshida Tel: 047-487-5663 Food Products M/s. Beat’s Sound Café Bar Mobile: 090-9158-3018 E-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Foodex Japan 2008, Tokyo, Japan : Trade enquiries Page 14 </p>

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