<p> This weapon causes an extra 1D3 The blowpipe has a range of 8 squares. •LUSTRIAN Damage Dice every time it hits. When With it, the wielder can make as many 6 COBRA MACE OF MAZDAMUNDI MONSTER MAGIC used against Lizardmen, reduce the attacks per round as he has Attacks. The Mace of Mazdamundi is shaped attackers Damage Dice value to 1. The dart does Damage Dice + 3 ITEMS• like the gaping mouth of a hooded In the jungles of Lustria, some Wounds, and ignores Armour. If any cobra. The weapon is virtually alive Monsters bear Magic Weapons, Magic 2 THE PIRANHA BLADE Wounds are caused, the target must and can bite and parry incoming Armour, and Magic Items just like the roll 1D6. If the result is greater than blows of its own accord. The Mace magic items that the Warriors possess. This blade is shaped in the form of a his base Toughness, he has fallen strikes with the lightening speed of the In the Monsters' case though, these vicious, ravenous carnivorous piranha asleep for 1D6 turns. While asleep, he cobra. items are cursed and will destroy any fish. The teeth of this fish are set along may be hit automatically. Any attacks, Warrior who tries to use them. the edges of the blade, and the hilt is by anyone, made against him are The weapon gives the user Dodge 4+. decorated with inlaid fish eyes. The increased by 1 Damage Dice. Nothing In addition, if the Dodge roll was a 6, If the Monster's entry indicates that it weapon mimics the action of the can wake the sleeping Warrior. A the Mace has parried the blow, and in carries a magic item roll 1D20 on the piranha fish and bites into the flesh of Monster with a Sleeping Blowpipe retaliation, has lashed out at the appropriate table to determine what it the victim. will not target a sleeping Warrior. weapon. If the weapon used to attack is. A group of the same type of When in hand to hand combat, the was Magical, it is destroyed and must Monsters have the same magic item, Each Wound caused by this deadly monster will not use the Blowpipe, so you should roll for the group as a weapon is multiplied by 1D3. be discarded. If it was not magical, and will revert to his melee weapon, as nothing else happens. whole. is normal for missile weapons. 3 CEREMONIAL MACE OF MALACHITE 7 ARCANE BLADE OF THE OLD ONES MAGIC This is a magic weapon which Lord 5 DAGGER OF SOTEK Kroak wielded in his lifetime. The Thousands of years ago, before the WEAPONS mace is a powerful anti-magical The Dagger of Sotek strikes with a Age of Chaos, the Old Ones existed. weapon. vengeful wrath of the mighty god Their grasp of science and magic was Sotek that drove the foul Skaven from No model standing adjacent to the vast beyond imagining. Some items the lands of Lustria and swallowed and weapons they created are still 1 SCIMITAR OF IBN JELLABA wielder of the Mace can cast any spell them into his great belly. or use any magical items. Any items found today. And when one is wielded Ibn was an Arabian trader and already activated are instantly by the wrong person, their might is The Dagger strikes with a +1 To Hit increased ten-fold. navigator who captained a fleet of dispelled. Magical weapons are bonus, and gives the wielder +1 ships on a trading mission to Lustria, considered normal weapons. Strength. In addition, if at least 1 The Arcane Blade doubles the in order to open trade routes in the Wound was caused, the Warrior must heartlands of the tropical continent. wielder's Strength, Weapon Skill and roll 1D6. A roll of 1 indicates he is When this was refused by the 4 SLEEPING DART BLOWPIPE Toughness to a maximum of 10 terrified of the wielder of the Dagger. Lizardmen, Ibn's aid was asked for by (Except for Toughness). For each For thousands of years, the ancient During his turn, he must immediately the ruling Mage Lord of a large race of pygmies has used whatever Wound above 15 that is caused, the Lizardman city in the task of attempt to break from Pinning and flee they can find as weaponry to protect Warrior must lose 1 Permanent recovering ancient relics which were the combat, heading towards the exit themselves against invaders. While Wound. Finally, the wielder of the to be found in a ruined Tomb City of the dungeon. If this takes him out of enemies often invade their camps weapon gains the Lizardman Magic 1 guarded and ruled by a Mummy Tomb range of the lantern's light, he must ability. King and his Undead army. In return using steel and magic, the pygmies roll on the Escape table. The Warrior for his help, Ibn was allowed to take leap to the defence using nothing but must keep fleeing until he is lost in the any treasure found in the tomb back to simple slings and blowpipes. Within dark, or until the wielder of the Araby, in order to keep the Sultan minutes, the entire invasion force is Dagger is killed. happy. This magical sword was one of fast asleep.... the treasures. find someone actually using this these spears are the shrunken heads of 8 VALKYRIE SWORD 10 PLUMED STAFF OF QUOTL weapon. the attackers’ victims. This, not Against Skaven, this weapon kills surprisingly, makes combat difficult. There are some in the world who This mighty staff is made from the instantly on a To Hit roll of 6 (Which However, the spear is imbued with the believe the Amazons of Lustria are very roots of the rare jungle trees should mean nothing unless a Warrior ferocity of the Zaltec. Once a Warrior ancient descendants of the Norse known to grow in the densest part of is a Skaven of some type). Against any is harmed with this weapon, he will Valkyries who were part of the first the Lustrian jungles. These trees, often other race, this weapon does double continue to feel its effects for a long colony of Norse to set up a settlement referred to as Silverleaf trees take damage on a To Hit Roll of 6. Roll time afterwards, as the deadly venom on the shores of Lustria. Whether or over one thousand years to fully Damage, double and then add seeps into his veins. not this is true, this double edged long mature. Once a tree such as this is Strength. sword is a deadly armament. discovered, it must be cut down and prepared in order to make a staff from The wielder is at -2 To Hit whilst using this weapon due to the skulls The wielder of this weapon gains and it. Quotl is an Amazonian God 12 IVORY WARP BLADE attached to the handle. The first hit extra Damage Dice and is subject to worshipped for his love of Nature, with this weapon causes the Warrior to the Frenzy 4+ rule. Peace and Calmness. A Staff of Quotl The Old Ones once used weapons of saps the brutishness and anger from great power. Some of these weapons lose 1D3 unmodified Wounds. The its wielder, and instead transforms were even used to keep the fluctuation second hit causes him to lose 1D6 9 DEVOURER OF SOULS - unmodified Wounds and the use of his SWORD OF LUTHER HARKON this aggression into a form of of the Polar Gate steady. When the protection and knowledge. Gate collapsed all those thousands of limbs. (He is at 1 Move, 1 Weapon Luther was once a mighty Empire years ago and created the Realm of Skill, Pinning NA, and 1 Initiative.). general who was slain in battle. His The wielder of this staff only ever has Chaos, the power of the swords failed The third hit causes him to lose 1D6 body was being returned to his place 1 Attack and 1 Damage Dice. For each to weaken. While there is no gate left permanent Wounds and his eyes are of birth when the ship he was on was extra Attack he has, it is converted any more, the swords still act as a burned from the inside by the venom. attacked by Norse pirates. Luther was into an extra 3 Toughness. For each temporal gateway into and out of the (He can no longer Attack). By the actually a Vampire now and when extra Damage Dice he has, he gains unknown dimension that was home to fourth hit, the venom is in plentiful given the opportunity, rose from his Lizardman Magic 1 (So is someone the Old Ones. amounts and kills the Warrior confines and proceeded to attack both had 4 Damage Dice, he would now instantly. Note that these hits are the crews of the Empire and Norse have 1 Damage Dice and Lizardman At the beginning of each Monster cumulative per combat, not per turn. It ships. All slain men rose again to join Magic 3).For every 2 points of Phase, after spells have been cast. Roll would be wise to kill the wielder as his Undead army. He now roams Strength the wielder has, he gains 1D6 on the following table to see what soon as possible. The loss of limbs and Vampire Coast as the Undead ruler of Dodge 6+, up to a maximum of Dodge the sword gates in. In addition, the eyes is only temporary, until the the aforementioned location. His 3+. blades are made out of the finest ivory. venom wears off. This happens after weapon is made of an unidentifiable The wielder gains an extra Attack. 2D6 turns. But the permanent Wounds black liquid that gives off a searing 11 VERMIN CRUSHER can not be recovered. The venom can heat. 1 Mage-Priest be cured by drinking a Healing Potion This rather unsophisticatedly named 2 Kroxigor at any time. With every successful hit, the Warrior club was designed by a Skink 3 Saurus must roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, his soul Alchemist by the name of Quoxitl- 4 1D3 Skinks has been sucked into the blade, and he Qatil. The weapon was created in bulk 5-6 Nothing is killed outright. At the end of the by the Mage-Lords and mainly used in turn, each Warrior standing adjacent to the battles against the Skaven hoards the wielder of this weapon must lose during the Time of Tribulation (the 13 VENOM SPEAR OF ZALTEC 1D6 unmodified Wounds. These time when the Skaven released Wounds are Fatal Damage. plagues amongst the Lizardmen Whereas Quotl is the Amazonian God communities). These days, it is rare to of Peace, Zaltec is the Amazonian God of War. Attached to the handle of Warrior as usual. The attack does 15 CURSED SWORD OF 14 RAINBOW FLAIL SIRION THE OBSESSED Damage Dice + 1 Wounds. After this, the arrow finally loses its magic and Each of the three spiked balls of this Sirion was an Elven Admiral who falls to the floor. If any of the To Hit weapon are a different colour, and are went mad after being exposed to the Rolls fail, the magic wears out too constantly changing shades and hues, constant heat and cruelties of the soon, and it falls to the floor. depending on the mood and Lizardmen of Lustria. His insanity temperament of the wielder. was so profound it corrupted the power of his magical weapon. 17 PROFANITY SWORD Roll on the following table three times for each group of Monsters that have The wielder of this cursed item only The few remaining tribes of Pygmies this weapon. ever hits on a To Hit Roll of 6, no left in Lustria are not well known for matter what the Weapon Skill of the their magical inventions. However, 2 Orange Ball target. However, damage is this short sword was a strange enough The weapon gives the user an extra automatically doubled. invention to be of interest to other Attack. parties, such as the explorers of 3 Green Ball Cathay. The weapon gives the wielder The weapon gives the user an extra 16 SILVERLEAF BOW a lust for battle, and inspires the Toughness. This bow, like the Staff of Quotl, is wielder to yell insults and profanities 4 Purple Ball made from the rare tree called at any he is attacking. This, usually, The weapon gives the wielder an Silverleaf. The weapon is used by irritates the enemy and can often extra Weapon Skill Amazon Archers who defend the cause him to make a fatal mistake. 5 Blue Ball prouder and more wealthy The wielder gains the Fly Ability. civilisations of the Amazons. The user of this weapon gains +1 6 Red Ball Strength for each point of Initiative he The weapon gives the user an extra The wielder of this bow automatically has. In addition, if any Warrior rolls a Damage Dice. has 10 Attacks. These Attacks are 1 when trying to hit the wielder, the 7 Black Ball stored up, and once an Attack is used, wielder may immediately make an The wielder does double damage it is gone. When all Attacks are used Attack against the Warrior. All on a To Hit roll of 6. up, the wielder will drop the bow and Warriors are at -1 To Hit while 8 White Ball draw his normal weapon. Each turn, adjacent to the wielder, due to the The wielder of the weapon gains the user of the bow may make 1D6 insults being yelled out. Dodge 5+. Attacks. Each Attack, if it hits, causes 9 Yellow Ball Damage Dice + 10 Wounds. If the 18 AXE OF GORE The weapon gives the wielder Attack hits, the arrow from the bow Regenerate 1. will seek out a new target. Make This immense axe is used mainly by 10 Grey Ball another To Hit Roll against a random regiments of Kroxigor, but smaller, The wielder gains +1 To Hit. Warrior apart from the original target. humanoid versions are known to exist. 11 Clear Ball This time the arrow does Damage The double edged blade is constantly The weapon grants it's wielder Dice + 5 Wounds. Make another To oozing thick, viscous black blood, Ethereal 1. Hit Roll against another Warrior apart which burns with a hissing sound 12 Rainbow Ball from the last target it can be the when it touches anything. When the The user gains all of the above original target again). The arrow does battle is hard and the deaths are abilities. Damage Dice + 3 Wounds. Now make plenty, the axe excretes foul noxious another To Hit roll against a different materials; the crushed, bloodied hearts of its previous victims. When Note that although Coatl are usually The wearer of the Mask can only be another victim is claimed, the axe only encountered outside, the magic hit on a To Hit roll of 5 or 6. The pauses to extract the heart of the hammer serves as a teleporter to the MAGIC Death Mask also has the power to victim, in many cases, causing the creatures. Thus they can also be ARMOUR hypnotise a random adjacent Warrior. stomach to erupt open. The heart is summoned while in the dungeon. Roll 1D6. If the result is a 6, the then absorbed into the blade. Warrior is stunned for 1D3 turns, in which he can be hit automatically and 20 THE BLACK WIDOW While using this axe, the wielder only 1 CLOAK OF YUAN-TI may perform no actions. A Monster ever has 1 Attack. This Attack is at 5 This grey hued long sword was wearing the Mask will attempt to Yuan-Ti was a famous Skink Shaman Damage Dice, regardless of what the created by the human tribes of Lustria hypnotise a Warrior at the start of the who invented a form of magical Monster's normal Damage Dice were. to battle the endless swarms of spiders Monster’s Phase. protection for those who could not Keep track of the number of creatures that invaded their villages. The make use of heavier armour. slain by the Warriors. For each weapon was named after its victims. Unfortunately, it is also quite 3 SHIELD OF SOTEK creature killed, add +1 to the Damage Over the years, once the spider dangerous. This bright red cloak is Dice of all monsters with an Axe of numbers dwindled, the power of the This shield is not an actual magical made from the feathers of a Coatl. Gore. Not surprisingly, the Axe causes blade was beginning to fluctuate, item. It is a magical force field which Fatal Damage. since it had nothing to focus its power protects the occupant from harm, cast It gives the wearer Ignore Blows 4+. towards. That, combined with the raw upon particular servants of the The cloak saps the strength from its warping forces of Chaos that had Lizardman God Sotek. It is a sign of 19 HAMMER OF THE COATL wearer. At the end of each Monster started to appear within the Lustrian great honour to be affected by the Phase, all Monsters wearing a Cloak The Coatl are winged serpents found jungles, totally converted the nature of Shield of Sotek. of Yuan-Ti must lose 1 unmodified deep in the tropical jungles of Lustria. the weapon. Soon, it was being used Wounds. The cloak will never kill a Many say these creatures are servants as a weapon of choice for cowards. A For each Wound suffered, roll 1D6. Monster, however, and if ever the of the Plumed One himself, Quotl, single hit with the blade automatically On a roll of 3 to 6, the shield cloak should reduce the Monster to 1 Amazon God of Peace. The hammer covered the target in thick strands of prevented the Wound. For example, if Wound, he will not lose any more itself is sculptured from the finest sticky web, where he could be hit the recipient of the Shield of Sotek wounds. marble, including the handle itself. much easier. suffers 12 Wounds, he would roll 12 Feathers of the winged beast are dice. For each dice that scores a 3 to 6, attached to the handle of the hammer, If at least 1 Wound with this blade is 2 GOLD DEATH MASK he would suffer 1 less Wound. adding colour and more than a little caused, the Warrior is webbed. Due to bit of magical energy. The hammer is the powerful nature of this webbing, The Death Mask is made from beaten a beacon of light to the Coatl, and the Warrior must subtract 2 from the gold and protects the wearer's head 4 STUDDED KROXIGOR LEATHER from virtually all forms of damage. during battle, the wielder can invoke dice roll when he tries to break from This mundane armour is often worn the power of the hammer and summon webbing. The wielder of the blade The most striking features on the mask by natives after they kill one of the one or more of the magical serpents to may hit automatically, but others may are the two staring eyes made from great beasts. Whether the armour is his aid. +2 to their To Hit rolls. The web is inlaid white and yellow gemstones actually magical is debatable, but is also quite toxic. At the end of the turn, which represent the all-seeing and does the job very well indeed. At the start of the Monster's Phase, all webbed Warriors must lose 1D3 unblinking eyes of Lord Kroak, an once spells have been cast, roll 1D6: unmodified Wounds. ancient and vastly powerful The wearer of this heavy coat is at -1 mummified Mage-Lord. It is said that Move and +2 Toughness. He also 1 1D6 Coatl the eyes stare out for all eternity and gains Ignore Blows 6+. 2 1D3 Coatl watch over Kroak's people. 3 1 Coatl 4-6 No Coatl The wearer of such a suit gains +2 5 FEATHERED HELM OF QUOTL 7 SKULL HELMET Toughness. The magical heat is so 11 SOLAR13 ARMOURCROWN OF WEALTH intense that unless a Warrior has a The magic of this ancient artefact is The skull helmet is worn by Saurus base Toughness of 4 or more, he This armour is charged with the powerful beyond words. Said to be a Temple Guards as a sign of their suffers 1D3 unmodified Wounds at the magical might of Chotec, Lizardman gift from the Amazon God Quotl status. Occasionally, when a guard end of the turn. Sun God. Many of these suits have himself to the people of Lustria, it manages to perform a great duty, the been discovered by explorers when empowers the wearer with vast Mage-Lord he serves under will searching ruined Pyramid cities. magical ability. empower his helmet with magical 10 MARK OF THE GODS energy. Many skull helmets worn by The marked Skink's and Saurus's are As well as giving the wearer Ignore The wearer gains +1 Toughness, +1 Temple Guards are ancient and have frequently endowed with greater Blows 3+, the armour also gives off Initiative and Lizardman Magic 1. been passed down through the intelligence, keener eye sight, greater bursts of solar energy, directed away generations. strength and endurance and more from the wearer but in a totally courage than the rest. A good example random direction. At the end of the 6 GOLD PLATE OF LORD ZHUL The helmet gives the Monster +2 of this is the highly regarded vermilion crest which is considered to Monster's Phase, roll 1D6 for the Toughness. number of solar energy balls to be Lord Zhul was once a favoured Mage- signify inspiration from the sun god released. Now determine where each Lord and was looked upon with great and is known as The Mark of Chotec. 8 TYRANNOSAURUS ARMOUR A Mark is a sign from the Gods that ball lands randomly (they must land in reverence by his peers and his people. the recipient is greater than the the same room as the wearer of the When his mind became clouded due to The tyrannosaurus rex is a very normal individual. armour). If there is a Warrior in the the warping influences of a Demon ancient and very rare creature and square, he is blinded and scalded at the Prince who had set up home in a When this Magic Armour is rolled, many scholars doubt the existence of same time. He must lose 2D6 ruined Pyramid City, a minor civil roll 1D6 on the following table for such a creature in today's society. unmodified Wounds and -1 Weapon war broke out. Those who still wished each separate Monster in the group. However, they do exist, as the proof is Skill. He will regain his full sight at to follow Zhul and those who thought here in the form of this armour. The 1 Vermilion Crest the end of the adventure. he was insane and wished to follow armour is mainly worn by natives and Mark of Chotec - The Monster another. When Sotek himself struck Amazons, as the Lizardmen have no gains +1 Toughness and +3 down the Demon Prince, the shock to need for such protection, and have Initiative 12 BRONZE GAUNTLETS OF HUANCHI Zhul's mind killed him. Upon his failed to train and breed the creatures 2 Blood Red Mane death, his mind became pure again, for easy use anyway. The head of the Mark of Sotek - The Monster gains Huanchi is another Lizardman God. and he was revered by all. His suit of creature is worn like a helmet, and the +1 Attack and Frenzy 6+ His worshippers are few and his golden plate was buried with him, but rest trails down the back of the 3 Yellow Tongue power diminishing, but a few of his copies and forgeries still abound and Warrior and wraps around to form a Mark of Tlaxcotl - The Monster artefacts remain in Lustria. These are used by pretentious Mage-Lords simple coat. gains +1 Toughness and +1 days, Lizardmen do not make regular who hope to be as popular as Lord Weapon Skill use of protection for the hands, thus Zhul during his reign. The wearer gains Fear (Dungeon 4 Purple Pupil when a mighty Warlord or Champion Level + 4) and +6 Toughness. Mark of Tepoc - The Monster is seen to be using a pair, it is wise to The armour grants +4 Toughness, gains Lizardman Magic 1 hesitate before acting too hastily. Ignore Blows 6+, Regenerate 1 and all These gauntlets inspire incredible 9 RED SCALEMAIL 5 Black Irises Warriors suffer -1 To Hit when trying Mark of Huanchi - The Monster speed and dexterity. to hit the wearer of the armour. Salamanders are often harvested and gains +1 Attack and now causes slaughtered for their thick plates and Fatal Damage The wearer of these Gauntlets gains scales that cover their bodies not by 6 Albino Dodge 3+, Weapon Skill 10 and Lizardmen, but by Amazons. The Mark of the Old Ones - The Initiative 10. Scalemail is then enchanted to give off Monster has an extra 1D2 Magic an unearthly heat. Items and has +2 Toughness. his suit of armour. This armour was 1 The Warrior is sucked into the does nothing. The wearer will simply then duplicated by the Skink Shamans other dimension and is soon fumble around until he finds his head With the vast amounts of treasure to and given to Saurus Temple Guards lost from sight. He is dead! and limbs and then magically reattach be found in Lustria, the Skinks began on special guarding assignments that 2 The weapon the Warrior is them. A Monster wearing this armour to create artefacts of great power for required them meeting the Mage-Lord using is wrenched from his must be reduced to a minus value of their master out of the purest of very important cities. hand and is lost in the other Wounds equal to his Maximum materials. Gold, being the most dimension. Wounds in order to be at a stage where common was a popular choice. The When the wearer of this breastplate is 3 The Warrior loses his balance the Warriors can destroy the corpse Crown of Wealth was designed to reduced to zero Wounds, the armour due to this unexpected permanently. For example, if a increase the abilities of the Mage- melts, encasing the body of its owner occurrence. He must miss the Monster has 15 Wounds, he must be Lord who wore it. They could in a bone like, unbreakable carapace. rest of this turn and the reduced to -15 Wounds before he can communicate telepathically with No treasure can be gained for this kill. following turn recovering his be killed. Once this feat has been greater ease and could formulate In addition, all attacks against the balance. accomplished, roll 1D6 and add any tactics and war plans based on future wearer of this armour are made at -2 4-6The Warrior draws his weapon number of Attacks that any remaining events. The Crown also had a side To Hit. out without harm to himself or Warriors wish to forfeit in order to affect. It would glitter and gleam in the weapon. destroy the corpse once and for all the sun light, making the wearer a (EG: If the Warrior who killed the 15 GATE SHIELD Monster has 2 remaining Attacks, and target for all enemies nearby. 16 DECAYING ARMOUR The Old Ones created numerous there are two Warriors each with 3 All Warriors attacking the wearer of magical artefacts that the newer races The northern part of the continent Attacks that have yet to attack this the Crown are at +1 To Hit. When the of today have no hope of replicating. known as the South Lands consists of turn, for each Attack these Warriors Monster is dead, the crown erupts into A few of these items still exist. If they the vast peninsula of Araby and the give up, add 1 to the dice roll). If the a blinding light and showers the were to ever fall into the wrong hands, realms of the Undead, formally known total is greater than or equal to 8, the Warriors with gold coins. The Warrior it could very well mean the end of as Nehekhara. In Nehekhara, the corpse has been destroyed gains double Gold for killing him. The everything! The Gate Shield was in Undead are powerful and dangerous, significantly and can be removed from Crown grants the following bonuses: reality a hand held portal to the home and many Lich Lords strive to invent the board. If the result is less than 8, +1 Attacks, +1 To Hit, +2 Initiative of the Old Ones. Any blows rained even more powerful artefacts that the Monster rises again with 1D6 and Magic Resistance 6+. down upon the shield would simply corrupt and decay the minds of the Wounds. It must now be reduced to pass into the other dimension without living. When Nagash's army was negative its maximum Wounds again. harm to the user. On occasion, some strong, even he avoided this ancient 14 CEREMONIAL BREASTPLATE creatures would actually be sucked civilisation. Some of these artefacts 17 ZALTEC'S ARMOUR OF ARCANE DESTRUCTION This breastplate was once a unique into the shield and lost forever. find their way to the jungles of magic item worn by Emperor Wu of Lustria, probably stolen by brave Zaltec is the Amazon God of War. the Cathian Empire, and was given to Whenever a Warrior hits a Monster adventurers who then perished in the This suit of blood red platemail was a Yin-Tuan, a captain of one of the great with this shield, roll 1D6 and add dungeons beneath the Pyramid Cities. gift from Zaltec to the Amazon Kalim war junks of the ill fated invasion fleet Initiative. If the result is greater than One suit of armour made by the Lich Devout Zataan. Zataan had single to conquer and colonise the South or equal to 7, the Warrior has managed Lords is the Decaying Armour. This handily protected the destruction of Lands as a gift to aid him. Yin-Tuan's to avoid hitting the shield and causes armour dulls the mind of the wearer one of Zaltec's temples and since she junk was blown off course and ended damage as usual. If the result is less so that he acts much like a zombie. despised Magic of all forms, Zaltec up beaching itself on Vampire Coast than 7, the Warrior's weapon passes gifted her with this suit of platemail. in Lustria. After much heartache and into the Gate Shield and enters another A Monster with this armour has only 1 near death encounters, Tuan escaped dimension. Roll 1D6 on the following Initiative and 1 Attack. However, it is The armour gives the wearer Magic Lustria. In his encounters with the table. almost impossible to destroy a creature Dispel 5+, Magic Resistance 4+ and Lizardmen, he was forced to give up who wears this armour. Even Magic Drain 5+. In addition, if a spell decapitation and severing all the limbs is successfully dispelled (not resisted), 1 unmodified Wound for each Leech. roll another D6. On a roll of 6, the These Wounds are then taken by the 2 GOLDEN HEADDRESS OF TLAXCOTL spell that was dispelled has also been wearer of the armour. Add them onto This magic item gifts the wearer with destroyed. The Warrior must discard his Wounds total. If ever his Wounds MAGIC the sheer determination of the the spell. Finally, the armour gives +1 are greater than his Maximum ITEMS Lizardman God Tlaxcotl. Unlike most Toughness. Wounds, increase his Toughness by Lizardman magic items, this one was +1. After that, increase his Toughness designed and created by Skink by +1 for every 10 Wounds over his 1 CRYSTAL SKULL OF HOQZI-POQUZ Shamans, not Slann and Old Ones. 18 COPPER ARMBANDS Maximum Wounds. This artefact was stored in the vaults This headdress may be worn with a These armbands are made out of the helmet. The headdress is made of a of the mysterious city of Tlanxla, a finest copper and then enchanted 20 SERPENT ARMOUR thin sheet of copper, inlaid with rubies using ancient sorceries almost large Lizardman settlement, until it and sapphire gems. Large feathers of forgotten by mankind. Lizardmen For those powerful enough to destroy was stolen and replicated by Empire sheet gold etched painfully and wore the armbands when going to war a Giant Snake, the rewards can be explorers (some would call them lovingly adorn the circlet. Being for extra protection if they fear that great. The scales of the serpent can be thieves….) The skull is actually not a magical, this item does not weigh that their God does not favour them during removed and a suit of very strong skull, but a warped lump of crystal much at all. the battle. armour can be made by one who is roughly the size and shape of a human skilled in the art of blacksmithing. The headdress grants the wearer and head. The Empire were interested with Roll 1D6 on the following table for the When finished, the armour is usually additional Attack, and he may reroll group as a whole. decorated with parrot feathers and this item because of its powers to see the first missed Attack per turn. painted green and white to indicate seconds and sometimes minutes into 1 +6 Toughness the origin of the armour. the future when the need was dire, 2 +5 Toughness usually in battles and near death 3 PIPES OF HOTX-POTX 3 +4 Toughness A Monster wearing a suit of Serpent experiences. The skull will work It is customary at the dawn of each 4 +3 Toughness Armour gains +4 Toughness and automatically when the need arises. 5 +2 Toughness Ignore Blows 4+. Serpent Armour is new day for a greeting to be played 6 +1 Toughness rare and valuable. The Warrior who upon a set of magical pipes to the When a monster with a Skull is hit, kills the Monster with the armour may mighty Sun God Chotek. The Greeting take the suit (he may not wear it) and roll 1D6. On a roll of 5 or 6, the skull is said to inspire Chotek and to pave 19 MAIL OF THE LEECH sell it at any Lustrian Settlement for has warned the Monster of imminent the way for his acceptance of the danger, and the Monster can ignore the day’s Skaven sacrifices. Tragically, This dull, no shine, pitch black chain 1D6 * 100 gold pieces. blow. At the start of the Monster’s during the time of the Elven explorer armour smells vile and has many Sirion’s expedition through the small holes built into it. From within, Phase, roll 1D6 for each Monster with jungles, a Skink who was playing on hundreds of large, blood sucking a Crystal Skull. On a roll of 5 or 6, the the pipes was spotted by one of leeches emerge and attach themselves Skull is at full power, and shows its Sirion’s elves. At this time, the heat to the opponents body, draining his owner the Warrior’s plans in full. All life fluids away. The leeches then and constant attacks from the the Warriors are at –2 To Hit the Lizardmen had taken their toll on the siphon this energy into the wearer of Monster with the Skull and they can the armour. Elves. One deranged elf opened fire not use any magic items that need on the Skink, and laughed as his At the end of every Monster Phase, invoking this turn. helpless body crumbled to the ground, roll 2D6 for each adjacent Warrior. dead. His greeting to Chotek was This is the number of Leeches that never finished. attach themselves to him. He must lose At the beginning of each Monster’s calculations without being disturbed ground. Roll once on the following Phase, roll 1D6. This is the number of 3 If the bearer of this item is not by the toll of the drums. table to see the effects of the tooth. Attacks that the Warriors must lose as a spell caster, roll again on this The Magical War Drum is used at the they are entranced by the peaceful table. The totem increases the beginning of the Power Phase, just 1 The tooth does nothing but sit melody of the pipes. Share this amount strength of the Winds of Magic after the Power Dice has been rolled. and rock backwards and among the Warriors as evenly as in this area. Any spells the Roll 1D6 for each Warrior and add forwards for a few seconds possible. They do not all lose this caster casts that cause damage Initiative. If the roll is 7 or less, the before it gets crushed beneath many Attacks. to a Warrior are increased by Warrior is terrified by the constant the foot of a careless monster. 1D6 Wounds of damage. resounding of the beating drum. He is counted as being Terrified of the 4 The totem acts as a source of 2 Once on the ground, the tooth 4 SILVERLEAF TOTEM Monster with the drum. In addition, he anti-magic. The Warriors can vibrates and a shimmering is at –1 to all his To Hit rolls against The Silverleaf Tree is a very rare tree not cast any spells while the portal of blue light erupts from other Monsters. These effects last for that has magical properties in its bearer of the totem is still alive. the ground where the tooth the entire combat. leaves and bark. An ordinary totem once was. Determine where the 5 The power of the totem is such tooth was thrown randomly (on icon, such as a figurine of a Pygmy that it blocks the abilities of the 6 SERPENT JAWBONE the same board section as the God, or a symbol of clan leadership Warriors to communicate with can become magical with the addition Monster with the jawbone). their Gods. No Luck may be The Giant Snake of Lustria is treated of specially prepared Silverleaf From now on, at the start of used on this board section with disdain and often hatred by the leaves. Such an item is often used by every Monster’s Phase, just while the bearer of the totem non-Lizardman races of Lustria. Pygmies in addition to their voodoo before throwing more teeth, roll still lives. In addition, the Pygmies, Amazons and the dark practices. 1D6 to see what comes through Witch Hunter may not use skinned humans who live there often the portal. These monsters must Faith Points and the Warrior hunt the beasts to procure their skin Whenever a Monster gains this item, be placed as near as possible to Priest may not use Blessings. and flesh for use in trading with local roll 1D6 on the following table to see the location of the shimmering tribes or for making armour. its affects for this battle. 6 The magnificent might of this doorway, and may attack this magical totem is beyond Occasionally, a Pygmy Shaman will turn. request the entire head of a Giant 1 The power of the totem makes imagining. Roll three times on Snake to be brought to his tent. There, all Warriors instantly lose 1 this table for the abilities of the 1 1D6 Pygmies the head is skinned, the flesh removed, Permanent Wound for every 3 totem. Re roll any more 6’s. 2 2D6 Pygmies and the jawbone removed from the Monsters with a totem. Thus is 3 Pygmy Shaman rest of the head. With his limited there are 7 Monsters with a 4 Pygmy Witchdoctor 5 MAGIC WAR DRUM magical abilities, he enchants the totem, 3 Permanent Wounds 5 1D3 Pygmy Shamans jawbone with the power of Shokutu’l, are lost. If there is only 1 In the hours leading up to a battle, the 6 Giant Snake a Pygmy word meaning swiftness and Monster, 1 Wound is lost. The Skink musicians often beat the drums movement. Each of the teeth are then totem has no further properties. of war, to inspire courage within the 3 Where the tooth lands troops and to send fear to the enemy. possessed of a different power. The (determine randomly on the The resounding on the drum’s teeth are removed and tossed to the 2 The totem is the carrier of foul same board section as the toughened snake skin is enough to ground, where they have differing chaos magics. A random Monster), time seems to slow drive fear into the hearts of many a effects, depending on the reagents Warrior loses 1D3 of his down for the Warriors, while hardened war veteran and his army. used in the preparation and the Attacks this entire battle. All the Monster’s rush frantically The magical war drums are used weather. other Warriors lose 1 Attack about. Monsters who are on or when the battle it to be long and hard. adjacent to the tooth gain an this battle. Minimum Attacks By playing these drums, the Mage- The jawbone has 1D6 teeth in it. At are 1. Attack losses are the start of the Monster’s Phase, the additional Attack this turn. Lords who lead the army to battle can Warriors who are on or cumulative for additional continue their contemplations and Monster will throw 1 tooth to the monsters with a totem. adjacent to the tooth lose an Attack this turn, with the –1 To hit the Monsters this random Warrior who is less than 3 minimum being 1. turn. spaces away from him. That Warrior 8 MAGE-LORD BONES must roll 1D6. When a Mage-Lord dies, his bones are 4 The tooth plays havoc with the 6 Where the tooth lands, a 1 The spices sear the Warriors considered sacred relics. These days, very fabric of reality, switching strange haze of rainbow colours eyes painfully. He is blinded. it is a simple matter or finding and and changing the Monsters and rises from the ground, He must take 2D6 unmodified recovering the body of a Mage-Lord Warriors around as they stare in obscuring all Monsters and Wounds and is on 1 Weapon in order to get his bones. In the old bewilderment. Remove all Warriors from each other. Skill. The price to heal his eye days, Mage-Lords were buried in models from the board section When the mist finally dies sight is 1D6 * 200 gold pieces, crypts in the deepest catacombs that the Monster with the down, the Warriors and which must be paid at the next beneath the temples of the Slann. jawbone is standing upon, Monster with the jawbone feel Settlement, or the loss will be Expeditions are often mounted in including the Monster. Now somewhat different…… Roll permanent. order to recover these bones. One beginning with the model with 1D6 on the following table to such tale involved the explorer Marco the lowest Initiative (roll to see what statistics the Warrior’s 2 The spices cause severe Columbo, who had been asked as part determine draws), randomly have lost. These are added to damaging to the Warrior’s face, of a deal to lead a recovery mission to place the models back on the the Monster’s statistics. Once blinding him for 1D6 get some ancient bones and return same board section. If a model the Monster is dead, the unmodified Wounds. For the them to their rightful resting place, is placed on the same square as statistics are restored. Each next 1D6 turns, the Warrior has within the confines of the Mage-Lord another model, the one being Warrior must roll separately. Weapon Skill 1. temples. Marco’s Tilean army and a placed suffers 1D6 unmodified No stat may ever be reduced to large force of Lizardmen attacked the Wounds from molecular 0 through this method. 3 Grabbing at his face, the ruined temple which was guarded rearrangement and must be 1 1 Strength Warrior screams in agony. He heavily by an Undead army lead by a placed in a new random square. 2 1 Weapon Skill must lose 1D6 unmodified Mummy Tomb King. The bones were Once the model has taken at 3 2 Toughness Wounds as the spices corrode recovered, and as a reward for least 10 Wounds in this 4 2 Strength his skin. Roll another D6. If the helping them, Marco was allowed to fashion, he is placed on the 5 2 Weapon Skill result is a 1, he has lost 1D3 keep any other treasure found in the closest free space to where he 6 2 Strength, 2 Weapon Skill, Permanent Wounds due to temple. Mage-Lord bones are often was last placed. Any model 2 Movement scarring. possessed by the spirit of the dead who is teleported into the Slann, and can help during the battles middle of a pit or similar 4 The spices cause minor that are to come by sending telepathic location is immediately 7 RARE SPICES OF XHOTL burning. The Warrior must lose thoughts to the Mage-Priest who leads destroyed, as he falls to his 1D3 unmodified Wounds. the army and who carries the bones. doom (unless the model has These tiny urns, worn on a chain around the neck, are full of rare, Flying, of course). 5 The Warrior is surprised by this exotic, and magical spices, made from When this magic item is gained, roll sudden action, and as such, 2D6. This is the number of 1’s than 5 The serpent tooth explodes various grounded herbs and plants suffers –1 To Hit on his next can be re rolled by any Monster violently when it hits the found in the deserted Lizardman city attack. currently in the battle. This means that ground. All Warriors in the of Xhotl. When a handful of the spices whenever a Monster rolls a 1 for same board section as the are thrown into the face of an enemy, 6 Bewildered, the Warrior wipes anything at all (To Hit, Damage Dice, Monster with the jawbone must severe burning takes place, sometimes the spices from his face, a Special Ability, etc), he may re roll it roll equal to or under their even damaging the eyes permanently. wondering what the point of it immediately. Once all the re rolls have Willpower, or be blinded by the was. been made, the Mage-Lord bones are magical light. All Monsters are At the beginning of the Monster’s turn, worthless. at +1 To Hit a blinded Warriors before he moves or attacks, he may this turn, while the Warrior is at throw a handful of the herbs at a At the start of every Monster’s Phase, 3 The little baby bleats, falls over 9 PLAQUE OF XOLOC the Monster will attempt to break the and dies from extreme age. 11 HORN OF SWARMS egg and see what hatches out of it. This sacred clay plaque is one of many The ruins of the Lizardman cities are Roll 1D6. On a roll of 5 or 6, the egg 4 The creature flings itself at a that is stored in the temple of Xoloc, in breaks and a baby Quango hatching full of a myriad of lizards, snakes and the Lizardman city of Hexoatl. During random Warrior, causing him insects. The Lizardmen created this bleets mornfully up at the Warriors. 2D6 unmodified Wounds, times of great need, Mage-Lords Roll 1D6 on the following table. horn in order to harness the power of would take a plaque to help them before he flings it off and these creatures during the heat of boost their magical power. crushes it with the hilt of his battle, to hinder and annoy the enemy 1 The cute little toddler, waddles weapon. up to one of the Warriors and while the bulk of the army attacks. The plaque allows the Monster to cast starts rubbing into his leg, a single Lizardman spell per turn, or if begging for food. How sweet. 5 The creature attacks a random At the beginning of each Monster he can already cast spells, an extra If the Warrior gives it a Warrior, causing 2D6 Phase, roll 1D6 on the following table. one. This spell can not be resisted or provision, he will have made a unmodified Wounds. No matter dispelled in any way whatsoever. Any new friend. If he does not, the how hard he tries, the Warrior 1 Thousands and thousands of spell that causes damage causes Quango waddles off into the can not throw the Quango off. tiny insects swarm into the maximum damage. When rolling for darkness, never to be seen At the beginning of the room, flying up the Warrior’s the spell results in a failed casting, roll again. While the Quango is Warrior’s Phase, roll 1D6 and noses and mouths, choking again. After each use of the plaque, with the Warrior, he will never add Strength. If the result is 8 them. Each Warrior must lose roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the plaque be ambushed, but the other or more, the Warrior has tossed 1D3 unmodified Wounds and is explodes, doing 1D6 unmodified Warriors are not affected by the Quango to the ground and at –1 To Hit for the remainder this, and are ambushed as Wounds to the user, and 1D3 stepped on it. Otherwise, the of the combat, or until a 6 is normal. The Quango can sit on unmodified Wounds to all adjacent to Quango does another D6 rolled in the Power Phase. the Warrior’s shoulder quite him. Obviously, the plaque can not be unmodified Wounds and comfortably, and does not take remains hanging off the used again if this happens. up a square. Once the Warriors 2 Hundreds of spiders drop onto Warrior’s flesh. If the Warrior the Warriors from above, biting leave the dungeon, the Quango is reduced to 0 Wounds in this will desert the Warrior. them. Each Warrior must lose 1 10 QUANGO EGG way, the Quango will release unmodified Wound. If this him and flee into the darkness. takes him to 0 Wounds, the No one knows exactly what the 2 Looking up hopefully, the Quango sees what it thinks is extreme poison reduces his Quango is or was, or what will hatch 6 After a few seconds of sitting it’s mother. It grasps onto the Strength by 2 when he is out of the egg when it finally hatches. Monster who broke the egg’s looking bewildered, the tiny healed. One such egg was discovered in a arm and swings happily as the baby begins to shift and waver. secret chamber while the temple of Monster tries to throw it off. In The Quango must have been a 3 The floor of the room is Pahuaz was being rebuilt. The egg the end, the Monster runs from race of shape shifters. Roll suddenly crawling with dated back to the days of the Old the scene, screaming angrily, once on the current Battle-level cockroaches. If a Warrior ever Ones, meaning that whatever the trying to throw the little Table to see what the Quango rolls a 1 when rolling to Hit, he turns into. Place the creature on Quango was, it lived millions of years creature from his arm. Remove falls over and is counted as the Monster from play. No gold a square adjacent to the ago. The Palaeontologists of the being prone for the remainder is gotten for this Monster. Monster who broke the egg, or of the turn. Empire who have heard the rumours During the next battle, the a square as close as possible to about the Quango believe it to be Monster will return, but he will him if there are none adjacent. 4 2D6 Giant Insects answer the similar to their mythical creature, the have one less magical item. The Quango may attack during call. Place them on the board in Quaag. Place the Monster in the room this Monster’s Phase. in addition to the other the usual way. They may attack monsters rolled. in the Monster Phase as usual. 5 2D6 Lizards answer the call. footing. Once the spell has been cast, the body of an Emperor Dragon, Place them on the board in the it may not be cast again. If more than gaining its abilities of flight, breath, 15 ENCHANTED NOSE BONE usual way. They may attack in one Monster has a spell scroll, the etc, while keeping his own keen Never underestimate the lengths some the Monster Phase as usual. Monster will not use it until the other intellect and strength. The original people will go to in order to further storm has ended. Monster’s stats are not carried over their status in life. Some Pygmies, and 6 2D6 Snakes answer the call. into the new body. When used, the even some humans, have taken to Place them on the board in the gem shatters and can not be reused. If 13 SOUL CATCHER - wearing magical nose bones through usual way. They may attack in RUBY OF INXITI-ZAPEXTA, SKINK SHAMAN there are no Monsters on the board their noses. Most of the time, these so the Monster Phase as usual. Resurrection is a magic that even the section for the Monster with the gem called magical nose bones are not most powerful of Mage-Lords have to inhabit, the gem is wasted, and the magical at all. People wearing such a Monster dies as normal. 12 “MONSOON” SPELL SCROLL trouble performing. Only the Wizards bone believe strongly enough in its of the Old World who have specialised powers that they think it is having an When the Mage-Priests are too busy in this kind of magic for decades can 14 ONYX PARROT STATUETTE effect upon them. Never-the-less, some contemplating complex calculations to even attempt to perform it. However, nose bones do possess some magical add their magical might to the battle after years of careful studying of the Normally, parrots are not known for ability. at hand, others must take up the stand. mages of Middenheim, a single Skink their quiet nature. This magical item Skink Shamans are rare, and are Shaman managed to capture a single actually does the opposite of what real Unfortunately, the pain of these bones treated with the same respect as the resurrection spell being cast in a parrots do. Instead of being noisy and means the wearer of one will only ever lesser Mage-Priests. When entering simple, flawed ruby about the size of a obnoxious, this statuette prevents all hit on a To Hit roll of 5 or 6. (unless battle, Skink Shamans take magical goblin’s fist. Immediately, the Skink sounds of any type from being made he required a 6 in the first place) items with them to help boost their duplicated this ruby using advanced or heard with a small radius around However, the Monster with a nose abilities to defend their leader. Among replication magic and handed out it. The Monster carries the item on his bone may force a random Warrior to these items are spell scrolls, the most these spell jewels to all the Mage- shoulder, where it opens its beak, re roll a dice roll. When this magic common of these being the Priests within his area, in the hope emanating waves of silence outwards. item is rolled, pick a random Warrior. “Monsoon” spell scroll. that they would use the gems at the Whenever the Warrior makes a dice point of death to capture their souls As soon as a Warrior is adjacent to the roll for himself, roll another D6. If the The Monster casts this spell at the within. After battle, the Skink would Monster with a parrot statuette, he (nor result is a 6, the magic of the nose beginning of the Monster’s Phase, just then simply release the soul back into his player) may make any sound bone has intervened, and the Warrior like any other spell. The spell can be another body. It was not uncommon whatsoever. He cannot speak to the must re roll the dice (this applies to all dispelled and resisted as usual. When for many Mage-Priests to actually other Warriors, cast spells, or do dice rolls for that Warrior alone. To cast, the room is suddenly filled with inhabit the body of a lesser creature if anything else that requires the use of Hit rolls, Damage rolls, Event rolls, torrential rain storms and heavy winds. they could not re-use their body. speech. If the player should happen to Fear and Terror rolls, etc.) The Monsters and Warriors alike are speak by accident, it obviously means all buffeted around with free abandon, When a Monster with a Soul Catcher he thinks the power of the statuette is except for the caster. Each Warrior gem dies, his soul is immediately nothing compared to his willpower. 16 SHRUNKEN HEAD NECKLACE rolls 1D6. If the result is 1 to 3, they reborn into that of another Monster on He must immediately lose 1 point of One evil and cruel pastime that the have been forced to the ground due to the board (randomly determined), Willpower, and 1D6 unmodified cannibal tribes often participate in is the power of the storm and suffer 1D6 passing through the gem into the new words for each time he speaks out of the shrinking of human heads. No one unmodified Wounds. Roll 1D6 for all body. This Monster suddenly has the line. Once out of range of the parrot, knows why or how the deed is done, Monsters except the caster as well. same stats as the original Monster he can speak again as normal. When and since most human tribes of The storm remains in play for 2D6 killed. While the Monster gains the the Monster is killed, the parrot cannibals do not have access to the turns. Repeat the process at the start of stats of the original Monster, it gets to explodes in a silent torrent of molten dark magic that would be required for every Monster’s Phase. Models keep its own Special abilities and can onyx, causing 1D6 unmodified such a task, it is assumed to be some thrown to the ground lose an Attack use them as normal. Thus, a powerful Wounds to all models adjacent to the form of evil ritual involving unknown, before they manage to regain their wizard could be killed and then inhabit Monster with the parrot. savage and primeval gods. Indeed, the shrinking of human heads has Monsters with the candle lose their When the Warriors encounter a interested many parties, but none so Ambush ability. Because of the Monster with a Culchan Claw Girdle, 20 VOODOO DOLL much as the mighty Pharaohs of the magical light from the candle, To Hit they must roll 1D6 for each Monster Pyramid Cities of Nehekhara. While The practice of voodoo as a means of penalties that the Monsters or the with the claw. On a roll of 1, they are attack has been common in the Pygmy trading is uncommon in Lustria, those Warriors have are ignored entirely for terrified of the might of the Monster, who know of the desert continent civilisations for countless centuries. this battle. This includes natural and immediately flee into the Vary rarely, other races try to Nehekhara often set about with the penalties, not using a magic weapon, shadows. They can not participate in soul purpose of finding shrunken understand the secrets of black magic, and all other penalties. The only this event at all. Remove them from and even more rarely, some succeed. heads to export, for the price of a exception to this is Fear and Terror, the board. Once all of the Monsters are shrunken head is vast beyond The only race not to venture into the which is still taken into account as killed, place him on the board again. imagining. Some tribes make realms of voodoo is the Lizardmen, necklaces of many shrunken heads, normal. Even when the Monster The Warrior does not get any treasure who believe the art to be cowardly. often of great adversaries. The Winds carrying the candle is killed, the from this combat. If all the Warriors The Mage-Lords would never allow of Magic frequently flow through the candle does not die out. From now on, are forced to flee, then each Warrior such vile techniques to be employed in necklaces due to the concentration of the board section and all adjacent to it must roll on the Escape table. This honourable battle. evil within. are lit up and the Warriors do not need adventure is over. In addition, for a lantern to move about in them. The those Warriors that don’t flee, the When a Monster receives this item, A Monster wearing a shrunken head Warriors cannot take the candle for Monster has a Fear value equal to his pick a random Warrior. From now on, necklace gains the following bonuses: themselves as an alternative light Initiative. Roll as normal. whenever the Monster with the doll +1 Attack. Fear 6, Chaos Magic 1 (a source. gets hurt, the Warrior must roll 1D6. If random type), +1 Toughness and the result is a 1. The Warrior takes an Ignore Blows 6+. 19 PLUMED COPPER BRACELET 18 CULCHAN CLAW GIRDLE amount of damage equal to the amount This magical bracelet has been forged caused on the enemy, unmodified. If 17 INCANDESCENT CANDLE OF The Culchan is a rare flightless bird in the deepest, darkest part of the the result is a 2 to 3, the Warrior takes ETERNAL BRIGHTNESS with huge sharp claws and a beak Lustrian jungles, by the dark skinned half the damage, rounded up. If the This candle glows with a magical capable of dismembering an ogre. human tribes who live there. It is often result is 4 or more, nothing happens. white light, illuminating the area in a When a native reaches his 15th wondered how the natives have In addition, when the Monster dies, translucent glow that seems to delve birthday, it is his task to prove his learned the art of making magical roll another D6. If the result is a 1, the into the deepest shadows. No one manhood by attacking one of these artefacts, since they have very little Warrior is shocked by the sudden knows where exactly these candles birds armed only with a spear and control over the Winds of Magic. The death of his voodoo counterpart, and came from. One explorer who bark shield. If he is able to kill or at feathers of the Coatl are attached to must lose a Permanent Wound. managed to return to Altdorf after a least critically wound the creature, he the copper bracelet to enhance the mission to Lustria carried with him a is aloud to continue his training as a magical abilities of it. Magic Items © Michael Brockhouse magical candle that could not be warrior. If the bird is too much for the extinguished. This, of course, was viewed as “quite annoying” when native boy, it is obvious he does not When this item is gained, pick a night time came about. No matter have what it takes to become a fighter. random Warrior. The Monster has what they did, the candle could not be He must then chose another exactly the same stats as this Warrior, extinguished or destroyed. Eventually, profession, such as that of a except for Wounds. However, after nobles in power decided to bury the blacksmith or hunter / gatherer. Those every attack the Monster makes, roll candle within a large adamantium that do win are allowed to make the 1D6. If the roll is a 1 the bracelet chest and bury it at the bottom of the hide and claws of the Culchan into a backfires and explodes, causing the ocean with powerful magical locks large belt. This shows to all other Monster 2D6 unmodified Wounds. His placed upon it. To this day, it is said tribes that the warrior is one to be statistics now return to normal. that sea fearers can occasionally see a reckoned with, hopefully putting fear mysterious glow emanating from the into the enemies ranks. ocean depths.</p>
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