Health Cures , Treatment , And Helpful News

Health Cures , Treatment , And Helpful News

<p>HEALTH CURES , TREATMENT , AND HELPFUL NEWS ( Updated July , 2009 ) *********************************************************************** * THERE ARE NATURAL ALTERNATIVES TO DRUGS </p><p><b><u>REVELATIONS 18 :23</u></b> And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your SORCERIES were all nations TRICKED ..</p><p>The Word <b><u>SORCERIES </u></b>in Greek Means <b><u>PHARMACIES</u></b>..Had any Side-Effects Lately ?</p><p><b><u>TRUTHSEEKER LINKS</u></b></p><p>[<a href=""> owars.asx</a>] [<a href=""></a>] [<a href=""></a>]</p><p>*********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** **************************************** ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** A-H</p><p>A</p><p>1) HIV Aids - INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS BY DR. PETER DUESBERG /- In his book he states that the so-called drug AZT was developed to kill T-Cells. T-Cells are what our bones need to make marrow. Don't buy the hype..there is no AIDS!!! *************PETER DUESBERG [ http://hiv-aids- ]***********#2306 – “THE AIDS MAVERICK” Tony Brown’s Journal Virologist Dr. Peter Duesberg emerged as one of the scientific community’s brightest talents when he discovered the viral gene that can cause cancer. This program examines his research and his controversial stance on AIDS that nearly destroyed his career.</p><p>2) AIR PURIFIER - ARANIZER ( )</p><p>3) All Diseases - [Rife Frequency Technology via Bio Solutions 1-866- 8856625 ] via their Parasitic Frequency Killing Machine / over 500 programmed frequencies ********************************************************************************************</p><p>3A- Allocin []] – super natural anti-biotic  ( NaturalBornKiller Product Name )  Use with Sinupulse</p><p>4) An Alternative Medicine Network [ ] NATURAL HERBS GOD put here</p><p>ALTERNATIVE HEALTH 1) [] – a host of healing methods 2) [ ] 5) (Alzheimer's / and other health benefits ) / [Brain Health ]</p><p>[] [ ] [ ]</p><p>[Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot] []</p><p>"Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil - The Ultimate No Heart Attack, No Stroke, No Alzheimers, Turn Back the Clock, Age-Reversing Supplement?!!!" [ ]</p><p>Neurorecovery / Brain Power []</p><p>AMERICAN SUPERFOODS – Some super natural foods [ ]</p><p>How to Get Those Amazing Amino Acids ntial_amino_acids.html ]</p><p>ANTI-AGING “ NU-REV “ [ ] - Get A Free Sample , just pay for Shipping & Handling 6) 15 Natural Anti-Biotic 1) Acacia 2) Aloe Vera 3) Chrytolesis (unsure of spelling) 4) Echinacea 5) Eucalptus 6) Eusmia (unsure of spelling) 7) Grapfruit Seed Extract 8) Garlic 9) Ginger 10) Golden Seal 11) Honey 12) Juniper 13) Licorice 14) Sage 15) Wormwood</p><p>Learn How to Relieve Arthritis and Joint Pain with Apple Cider Vinegar [ gar_joint_pain.html ]</p><p>7) -Aromatherapy to combat Menstrual Pain * [Essential oils of chamomile, basil, carrot seed, frankincense, jasmine, and rosemary also may put a stop to period pain.]</p><p>ARTHRITIS REMEDIES 1) Use Natural Remedies for Arthritis and Gout [ ] Raw apple cider vinegar – tumeric – cayenne pepper – molasses – Omega 3 Oils</p><p>2) Learn How to Relieve Arthritis and Joint Pain with Apple Cider Vinegar [ gar_joint_pain.html ]</p><p>Learn the Truth about Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss [ ml ] 8) Astma Herbs –( 4/17/08 Updated) Coltsfoot - Garlic - Echinacea - Ginkgo biloba - Ginseng - Licorice - Mullein [ [ ] ]</p><p>MOLD IN HOMES MAY BE CAUSING ASTHMA AND OTHER SICKNESSES - HOUSEHOLD MOLD ELIMINATION (4/14/08) [ ] The Harvard University School of Public Health studied 10,000 homes in the US and Canada and found that half of them had "conditions of water damage and mold associated with a 50 to 100 % increase in respiratory symptoms." [ Unclean House – Leviticus 14 ]  [ ng.htm] Thieves Oil via Cold Air Diffusion ($38.80 + Shipping & Handling )  Book “Nature’s Mold RX “ by Edward & Jacquelyn Close - ( $25.50 + Shipping & Handling )</p><p>3) ************************************************************************************ ********</p><p>Aspartame – used as an artificial sweetener The following google search reveals some sickening facts about aspartame [ hl=en&q=Aspartame+Manufacturing+Process++e-coli&btnG=Search] – E- Coli is in this so-called sweetener  Alternatives – Stevia a natural God-made sweetener is one alternative</p><p>NutraSweet Linked to Leukemia and Lymphoma [ aldehyde.html ]</p><p>Wild Asparagus Root [ ] 9) Autism & Vaccinations A) Prevention – [ ]  Book “Vaccines , Autism & Childhood Disorders “ By Neil Z. Miller * Book “ Vaccine Safety Manual “ (Neil Z. Miller )</p><p>B) Post – Autism Treatments – & Prevention * [ ] * Book “ Nourishing Hope “ (Julie Matthews ) </p><p>********************************************* ******************************************************************************************** ********************************************</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** ******************************************************************************************** *******************************************</p><p>********************************************</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** B BABY’S HEALTH – Your baby’s plastic bottle….ouch !!!!!!!! [ bpa-in-plastics/ ]</p><p>1) Back Pain - / 800) 737-9295 ******************************************************************************************** 2) Bee Alive [Royal Jelly ] * / 1-800-717-2645 [</p><p>Venom from Bee Stings Used to Relieve Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis [ gs.html ]</p><p>GMO ( WEED IMPOSTER ) BEETS More Than 70 Companies Vow to Avoid Genetically Modified Sugar Beets [ modified_sugar.html ]</p><p>********************************************</p><p>3) Berky Water Filters - / 1-888-803-4438</p><p>4) BIODYNAMIC WINE PRODUCERS [] 5) BIRD FLU OIL OF OREGANO WACKS / / 1-877-817-9829 ********************************************************************************************</p><p>Common Spices ( Such as Cloves, Red Pepper, Cinnamon & Garlic) Work Better than Aspirin to Stop Blood Clots </p><p>[ ]</p><p>******************************************** 6) Body Type Diet Eat Right 4 Your Metabolic Type by Dr. Cass Ingram</p><p>Determine your metabolic type to achieve better health. Know exactly what you should eat to be healthier and for ideal weight and shape. Get strength and power by balancing your metabolism. Have more energy and also be as healthy as possible. It's all based on your endocrine glands. Recipes are included. ********************************************************************************************</p><p>********************************************</p><p>7) Bone Health * Extract of Nettle (Power Hour) $60</p><p>Micro-Plant Powder – Contains amazing silica ; helps to rebuild Bone cartilage * [ Powder.pdf ] - 5 page article on the amazing benefits of Micro-Plant Powder  Order this and other amazing products at [ ]  Or call them at 908-691-2608 9) Brain Health (Alzheimer's / and other health benefits )</p><p>[] [ ] [ ]</p><p>"Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil - The Ultimate No Heart Attack, No Stroke, No Alzheimers, Turn Back the Clock, Age-Reversing Supplement?!!!" [dr] Neurorecovery / Brain Power [] [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** SPINACH KNOCKS OUT CANCER & BOOSTS BRAIN POWER [ ]</p><p>COTTONSEED NUTRIENT HALTS GROWTH OF BRAIN CANCER TUMORS [ ml ] </p><p>10) Hunza Bread aka "No Hunger Bread " Hunza Bread Mix-Buckwheat via 5 lbs = $18.00 / 25lbs = $80 1 - (419) 324-0032 </p><p>11) Breast Cancer -laznic / laser treatment [ ] 100% cure rate * Epilobium [Male & Female Reproductive Health ] ] * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] Traditional Chinese Food Ingredients (Green Tea & Mushrooms) Prevent Breast Cancer [ ncer.html ] Curcumin may Prevent Breast Cancer in Women Who Took Hormones [ min.html ]</p><p>Daily Dose of Broccoli Halts Ulcers and Cancer </p><p>[ ml ]</p><p>12) BUYING AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** C</p><p>1) Vitamin “C” – [“PURE Vitamin C….. BUY VIA the] Scientists Discover Vitamin C can Halt Diabetes Damage </p><p>[ html]</p><p>1A – CELL PHONE RADIATION Get The Waveshield Stop Cooking Your Brains (Microwaves)– []</p><p>1B- Oral Chelation – [] 1-800-675-4568 ($90)</p><p>CHIA SEEDS [ ]</p><p>TRU-Chocolate [ ] - []\</p><p> Is Good For Your Heart</p><p> Is Good For All Ages</p><p> Is Natures Perfect Anti-Aging Food </p><p> Helps Control Appetite and Aids In Weight loss </p><p> Contains more Antioxidants than any other food in the typical American diet</p><p> A Natural Aphrodisiac  You can use product and make money introducing it to others</p><p>- CALCIUM BENTONITE CLAY Battle Autism with Bentonite Clay []</p><p>Calcium Bentonite Clay Provides Safe Protection from Environmental Toxins [</p><p>2) Calcium Bentonite Clay via / 1-800-915-2529 -</p><p>3) Cancer - CANCER CURES and Cancer Fighters a) [] – also salt water as fuel b) All Diseases - [Rife Frequency Technology via Bio Solutions 1-866- 8856625 ] via their Parasitic Frequency Killing Machine / over 500 programmed frequencies Developed By <a href="">Royal Raymond Rife</a> c) Epilobium [Male & Female Reproductive Health ] ] d) * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] e) *Curcurmin 98 - via / 1-877-817-9829 f) OZONE MACHINES - CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog ) g) Prostate cancer treat with : * Pumpkin Seeds (Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] * Saw Palmetto Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Extract of nettle Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Maca via CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog ) * Epilobium [Male & Female Reproductive Health ] ] h) Breast Cancer -laznic / laser treatment [ ] 100% cure rate i) Skin Cancer - laznic / laser treatment [ ] 100% cure rate * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] j) * / 1-866-839-5189 [ request a catalog k) OTHER CANCER FIGHTERS  Mixture Of Curcumin , Black Pepper & Olive Oil  Basil  Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon & Cayenne Pepper l) Daily Dose of Broccoli Halts Ulcers and Cancer </p><p>[ ml ]</p><p>COTTONSEED NUTRIENT HALTS GROWTH OF BRAIN CANCER TUMORS [ ml ] </p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** Excerpt Taken From An Interview [ ] “ There are books written about anti-cancer foods. Some of the most powerful anti- cancer nutrients are BERRIES , RESVERATROL, TUMERIC , which is the root that's used to make curry, and I'll tell you a fact about that that's fascinating, CHOCOLATE is also anti-cancer, and the CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES. If you drink even one ounce of BROCCOLI JUICE every day and you combine that with some GREEN TEA , some VITAMIN D, a little bit of ZINC, some TUMERIC and BLACK PEPPER , BERRIES from time to time, you will never get cancer, ever, because it cannot grow in that environment. “ SPINACH KNOCKS OUT CANCER & BOOSTS BRAIN POWER [ ]</p><p>4) Carpel T.Syndrome Treatment ( 3 options) a) Neurorecovery - via b) Magnassager ] 1-800-671-9749 [ 4 payments = $120 c) Wrist -Ease - helps ease or prvent CTSyndrome - [] ********************************************************************************************</p><p>* - Get CAROTEC free catalog by calling 1-800-522-4279 </p><p>5) Cell Phone Radiation (May 15, 2008) []</p><p>******************************************** 6) CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM -Neurorecovery via Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog / -*Curcurmin 98 - via / 1-877-817-9829 - [ ] [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** 7) Activated Charcoal [Charcaol] DA BOMB !!! [ title of a book by author John Dinsley - this is amazing stuff / 1-888-264-5568 / [email protected] ********************************************************************************************</p><p>7A- CHICKENS [] - PO Box 529 - Lebanon, MO 65536 417-532-4581 - 417-588-1918 (fax) - [[email protected]] * New Hampshire Red – 5 for about $10</p><p>8) Child Birth Pains = Use Squawvine Herb Gleaned from the book " A Woman Called Moses" (1976) Marcy Heidish [ Harriet Tubman's " Aunt Juba" Was A Herbal Healer ]</p><p>********************************************************************************************</p><p>CHILDREN’S HEALTH a) Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children [ ] b) Breastfeeding Babies Boosts Academic Achievements, GPA [ c) Newborn Procedures: Eye Ointment May Not Be Necessary</p><p>[ .html] d) ADHD Drugs Proven Absolutely Useless for Children - Plus, They Stunt Grow [ e) Hospital-Acquired Superbug Infections Soar in Newborn Babies [ f) Children and Pregnant Women Targeted in U.S. Swine [ ] g) ADHD Drugs Proven Absolutely Useless for Children - Plus, They Stunt Growth [ ]</p><p> h) Two-Thirds of Parents Still Feeding Their Babies Dangerous Cough Medicines </p><p>[ l ] ]</p><p>I) Flu Shots Put Children in the Hospital [ ]</p><p>Colostrum ( Breast-Feeding) Functions Like Human Growth Hormone to Reverse the Aging Process [ e_RNA.html ]</p><p>Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno” [ vaccinations-mission-set-immuno/ ]</p><p>9) NATURAL CHOCOLATE []</p><p>CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – Skin Brushing Benefits</p><p>[ romyalgia.html ] 10) Circulatory Health [] / [ ] [ ]</p><p>[Serapeptase – dissolves the blockage that causes blockage in the blood veins] TO SUSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER : - [[email protected] <[email protected]>] – - Subject : Serrapeptase Subscription - FREE BOOK</p><p>11) CLEANING NATURALLY WITH BAKING SODA & VINEGAR (5/14/08)</p><p>[] 12) CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog )</p><p>Learn How to Detox with a Coconut Oil Cleanse</p><p>[]</p><p>Coconut Oil is the Antiviral of Nature 1) [ _acids_viruses.html ] 2) Learn How Coconut Oil Can Benefit Insulin Resistance and Diabetes [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************* 13) Colon Health 1) Psyllium - ground powder of these seeds. Psyllium will help to clean our colons . Death begins in the colon; 2) Plantains are a food that looks like a banana , but tasts like a potato. They are rich in psyllium . 3) Calcium Bentonite Clay via / 1-800-915-2529 4) Death begins in the colon; free article available explaining how microscopic parasites are allowed by us to control many of our actions for their own good . For Example : After eatiing we habitually sleep or engage in sex. Not out of our own initiative , but by habit Also we eat and do other things by schedule, ritual or habit . Email me at : [email protected] for the file titled : Death Begins In The Colon et al Word of Knowledge articles ( such as Breathe Of Life Parasite Killer) .</p><p>[13A] – COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH LINKS – (Websites for acquiring much of the information I have collected here & more)  [] – They have a great feature called ON DEMAND which allows us to listen to any of the last broadcasts of each featured show for 24 hours until the next show starts 24 hours later.  [] –Features a mix of health-related and alternative news  []- features a lot of agriculture-related news (for example – would you like to know if there are poisons in our water?  [] – covers major stories that are suppressed or twisted by major media outlets.  [] – alternative news and other subject matter  [ ] – major health remedies and other issues ignored by the paid off media ******************************************************************************************** 14) COOP HEALTH FOOD STORES {National Cooperative Grocers Association Association }</p><p>Mercury Contamination Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup [ ]</p><p>COTTONSEED NUTRIENT HALTS GROWTH OF BRAIN CANCER TUMORS [ ml ] </p><p>CURE ZONE – [ ] – lists a variety of health products</p><p>D</p><p>Natural Ways Work to Alleviate Dandruff - Lime Juice Rinse - Apple Cider Vinegar & Water Rinse - Boiled Roots of Beet Water [ ]</p><p>********************************************</p><p>1) Debt Relief (stress relief too) - / [877-327-0365 /Ext. RD7001 / Or Send Check Or Money Order : Solutions From Science - Dept. RD7001 - 815 W. Main Street - P.O. Box 518 - Thomson, IL 61285 ($57 This includes Shipping & Handling ) ******************************************************************************************** 2) DENTAL HEALTH</p><p>* Parasite-Killing Pioneer Hulda Clark's Products [ ] - Amalgamated (Mized) Metal fillings in teeth deadly to our health : replace with : a) Diamond Crown tooth filling OR b) Methylmacroli (?) ********************************************************************************************  Soladey Ionic Toothbrush Bionic Silver Mouthwash  80% of our health problems originate from our mouths  [ ]  Prices of products range from $4.00 (for toothbrush) to $300 for ( 10 bottles of nanosilver bionic mouthwash ) </p><p>[DEPRESSION]  Anti-Depressants Can Cause Violent Behavior - [ ] – Columbine, Virginia Tech, Drug-induced Violent Behavior  St. John’s Wort – natural remedy to depression St. John's Wort Again Proven Better than Antidepressant Drugs [ ml ]</p><p>REVELATIONS 18 :23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your SORCERIES were all nations TRICKED ..</p><p>SORCERIES = PHARMACIES </p><p>The word SORCERIES = The word PHARMACIES MANY DOCTORS ARE DECEIVED INTO DECEIVING THEIR PATIENTS , by the Pharmaceutical (Sorcerer’s) Companies. [ Revelations 18:23 ]</p><p>- Defeating The Drug Counterfeiters . What about the drugs ? God gave us all the natural herbs to heal us. - Drugs are even prevalent in our food; disuisged as preservatives and other deceitful purposes. -</p><p>******************************************** 3) DIABETES CURE * THE MIRACLE OF STEVIA ' BY JAMES A. MAY / [Stevia ] [ and other health Food Stores carry Stevia too ]</p><p>Scientists Discover Vitamin C can Halt Diabetes Damage </p><p>[ html]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 4) DIGESTIVE TRACTS - CHLORELLA via / 1-800-437-4148 for free catalog ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ********************************************</p><p>5) DISEASE CAUSES – - Never Be Sick Again by by Raymond Francis with Kester Cotton Never Be Fat Again by Raymond Francis [ ] The Project To End Disease ] “PURE Vitamin C….. BUY VIA the</p><p>Statins Given to Prevent Pneumonia in Elderly Actually Increase Pneumonia Risk by 61 Percent [ ********************************************* ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** E</p><p>Ease Excruciating Earaches Naturally(With Garlic) [ ]</p><p>1) [ STORABLE FOODS FOR EMERGENCIES ] a) []] b) [ ] * * Alex Jones ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************* ********************************************************************************************</p><p>********************************************</p><p>Elderberry Trumps Tamiflu for Flu Remedy [ ne_system.html ] 2) Electrical Pollution - 1-877-817-9828 / Graham- Stetzer Electrical Pollution Filters</p><p>HIGH-TECH ELECTRONICS – for example : radar detection * [ ] * [ ] </p><p>[2A] – ENERGY ( How To Generate Home Power ) –  For around just $200  []  []</p><p>[ 2-B ] Comfort Zone Heaters – [] - Comfort Living - 445 E. Helm St - Brookfield, MO 64628 - Toll Free (877) 490-4328 or (660) 258-3857 or fax =(660) 258-3862 - Email = [[email protected]] Comfort Living ComfortZone™ Quartz Infrared Heater. Lower your heating cost by up to 50%. By using individual controlled units, the ComfortZone™ heater provides heat only where and when it is needed and produces warmer, healthier, cleaner environment.  Each one heats 1 room (so if you have 4 rooms you should purchase 4)  They ranged from around $350 to $500 each (depending on which model(s) you choose. [ 2-C ] ESSIAC AKA 4-Herb Tea Cancer Killer [ %20recipe ] – Web Search For Sites</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 3) EYE DROPS – alternative to cataract surgery []</p><p>VITAMIN E Foods high in vitamin E include asparagus, avocado, green leafy vegetables, nuts, olives, seeds and wheat germ. A variety of vegetable oils, including canola, corn, cottonseed, red palm, sunflower and soybean are also high in the vitamin. ****************************************************************************** F</p><p>* 5 Essential Fat Burning Foods for Women </p><p>By Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison [ / []]</p><p>My wife recently competed in the Arnold Amateur Figure Competition. This is like a beauty contest in a bikini. Women are judged on muscular physique and posing. It's the largest competition in the world. A 30-year-old Mom of two, she swept the competition! (And let me tell you - those competitors were 21- 25-year-old non moms.) What is her secret to staying lean and muscular? For one thing, she sticks to five essential foods. </p><p>1. Organic eggs 2. All-natural grass-fed beef 3. Wild salmon 4. Avocados 5. Whey isolate</p><p>* LIQUID FERTILIZER (Natural Fertilizer For Your Dirt) [] / (800) 579-0580</p><p>1) Fever = Use Yarrow Herb Gleaned from the book " A Woman Called Moses" (1976) Marcy Heidish [ Harriet Tubman's " Aunt Juba" Was A Herbal Healer ] ******************************************************************************************** 2) FINANCIAL</p><p>(Money) March , 2008 a) [] b) [] – the dollar is dead..get gold..silver..Storable food and other supplies c) (Property / Liens / Credit Scams) March 25, 2008 Books : Am I The Only American Who Thinks This Way? by Jim Purcey $19.95 via [ the ] [ ] 1) Please send me a copy of the title to my property ( Letter to Title Company) - If the lien holder is not the same as the person or company you are paying , then that person or company has no legal right to payment from you - Then you can claim free and clear ownership without making any more payments. All you have to do is send in about under $100 for the Title Company to do the search . - If you find that the original lien holder’s name is not on the Title that the Title Company sent you , then they are in Default ; freeing you from - The original lien holder repackaged your original loans and sold them to the persons who are not on your original title as lien holders .  The person(s) may try to trick you in to giving them an illegal right to collect payments that you don’t even owe them.  So If after you find out that the name on your Title is not the name of the person or company you had been making payments to , you should stop paying them .  If they want you to sign any kind of paper work , don’t ..they have no right.  If they send you some kind of so-called legal documents showing them to be right ; remember you have the original Title , and their name is not on it.  Finally you can send them an Affidavit Of Truth stating the truth : - You can write “ I ______(place your name here)______state that I own the property located at _____ (place the complete address of here)______. I also state that I ___(your name)____am the owner of the property located at _____ (place the complete address of the property here)______..I the owner of the property located at ____ also state that I am the owner of said property , free and clear of any payments .I also state that the person or company that is seeking payments from us , namely ( place their name here) , have no legal right to demand payments from said owner (your name here ). -Your Signature In front of the Notary Public - Date Keep copies in your safe , safety deposit box, with your lawyer , and with persons you trust enough.</p><p>******************************************** Debt Relief (stress relief too) - / [877-327-0365 /Ext. RD7001 / Or Send Check Or Money Order : Solutions From Science - Dept. RD7001 - 815 W. Main Street - P.O. Box 518 - Thomson, IL 61285 ($57 This includes Shipping & Handling ) **************************************************************************************** d) [ ] F</p><p>3) Flour( white flour) Contains Diabetes-Causing Contaminant Alloxin [natural flour isn’t white..this flour is dyed white with aloxin ] [ query=white+flour+Diabetes+Alloxin&cat=web&pl=ff&language=english ]</p><p>FLU SHOTS – 3 flu shots double your chance of getting Alzheimer’s</p><p>[Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot] [] (Possibly Reverse Alzheimer's / and other health benefits ) / [Brain Health ] * "Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil - The Ultimate No Heart Attack, No Stroke, No Alzheimers, Turn Back the Clock, Age-Reversing Supplement?!!!" [ ] * Neurorecovery / Brain Power – via [] [1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] * [ ] – Serrapeptase et al products</p><p>Elderberry Trumps Tamiflu for Flu Remedy [ ne_system.html ]</p><p>4) FLUORIDE & BONE CANCER / Monday, 13 June 2005, 12:34 pm / Press Release: Fluoride Action Network / FLUORIDE : KILLING SOFTLY * Fluorideis in many of the Municipal (City) Water Supplies. (Arsenic , Mercury & Herbicides also in City)Water * Fluorideis in most of the well-known toothpastes and other so-called dental hygiene products Other effects of Fluoride - The German Nazis used Fluoride to sedate the masses into not even wanting to oppose them.</p><p>ALTERNATIVE NON-FLUORIDE DENTAL PRODUCTS -A) GANOFRESH TOOTHPASTE - It's made in Malaysia. You may have to search places like Health Food Stores (OR) The Internet B) VITAMYR TOOTHPASTE AND/OR MOUTHWASH - CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog )</p><p>F FLUORIDE ALTERNATIVES TO CITY WATER & EXPENSIVE OR INEFFECTIVE BOTTLE WATER A) Ozone Machine -CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES B) Berkey Water Filters (TheBest In The World..They don't filter , They Purify) - Click on the banner at C) Activated Charcoal - takes out impurities-This is what they use in Dialysis Machines to purify the blood of kidney patients - [ title of a book by author John Dinsley - this is amazing stuff / 1-888-264-5568 / [email protected] D) * KDF SHOWER FILTERS (LAST 1 YEAR) $49 - 1-888-803-4938 - E) * / [Fiji Water ] ] IF YOU MUST DRINK BOTTLED WATER , THIS IS THE BEST I'VE HEARD OF. 1-877-426-3454 - </p><p>(NOTE : Fluoride & brain-wave inducing technology of Television have a captive people being KILLED SOFTLY!!! You may notice that you keep yoor eyes on the Television and almost feel like you can't look away....ASK YOURSELF WHY ...... ]</p><p>How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever ( June 2, 2009 ) [ dium.html ]</p><p>FOLATE ACID FOODS WONDERFUL BENEFITS [ ]</p><p>5) $39.95 for 2 month supply / 1-866-762-9238</p><p>[ STORABLE FOODS FOR EMERGENCIES ] a) [ ] b) []] c) [] * * Alex Jones / (J. Michael Stevens Group )) d) [] – Canning, Storing Foods e) [ ] – Freeze Dried Food Lasts Decades !! Also non- GMO Seeds – 830-431-1776</p><p>6) Whole Foods Market - [ ] </p><p>FOODS THAT HELP DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE BODY (May 23, 2008) Brain – Walnuts Bones – Bok , Chaw , Celery & Rhubarb Heart – Tomatoes & Grapes Pancreas – Sweet Potatoes Eyes – Carrots & Onions Kidneys – kidney beans Women’s health – eggplant , avocado , pears , olives , & citrus fruit * Avocados very good for pregnancy Male reproduction - figs ********************************************************************************************</p><p>6A- [] – storeable foods 7) FRONTIER CO-OP [] /[[email protected].]</p><p>Fulvic Acid: Nature's Solution for Your Mineral Needs html ]</p><p>G</p><p>******************************************** 1) GALLSTONES - Dr. Chi's DEBILE via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1- 870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog</p><p>[] Herbal Medicine for Gallstones Herbs can assist the body to eliminate the stones - with a minimum of pain. A mixture that can do this is:  2 parts marshmallow root  1 part balmony  1 part boldo  1 part fringetree bark  1 part golden seal </p><p>******************************************************************************************** 1-A ) [] – Natural Seeds ($69.95)</p><p>1-B Organic Gardening []</p><p>* [] – Natural Fertilizer For Depleted Soil * (800) 579-0580</p><p>2) Genetically-altered foods [] (Find out if you are eating real food. They list specific stuff that is genetically-altered) ******************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************</p><p>* GMO ( WEED IMPOSTER ) BEETS * More Than 70 Companies Vow to Avoid Genetically Modified Sugar Beets [ modified_sugar.html ] ********************************************</p><p>3) SOLAR-POWERED GENERATORS [ ] – 1-877-327-0365 [ $2,100 ] ********************************************************************************************</p><p>GINGER Some Health Benefits of Ginger : Stomach aid, Suppresses Nausea,Break fevers, fight plaque in blood arteries, reduce congestion in the lungs,</p><p>1) Find Health and Healing Properties in Ginger [ ]</p><p>2) Maintain Your Health with Ginger [ ]</p><p>GOLD ( Financial Health)</p><p>Are You Staking Your Financial Future On Paper ? Such As Dollars & Other Paper Currencies ? GHANA'S Ashanti Gold Is A Great Alternative ! [ ] "We As A People Will Get To The Promised Land "- MLK Jr. April 3, 1968</p><p>3A – BETTER THAN GREENS []</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 4) Himilayan Goji Juice [ ] - [email protected] - 800.882.7240 </p><p>******************************************************************************************** H</p><p>1) HAIRCARE</p><p>[Coconut Oil for Dry Hair, Skin Care and More.]</p><p>Natural Hair Care for Every Texture [ every-texture.html ]</p><p>NATURAL PRVENTATIVES TO HAIRLOSS ( May 14, 2009 ) [ ]</p><p>HAIR RECYLING – Hair–Is There Anything It Can’t Do?</p><p>[]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 2) HEALING (WEEDS) [] [ HEALTH NEWS SOURCES ] – some have ways we can subscribe for Regular updates * (</p><p>PRISONER’S HEALTH ISSUES – An Advocate For Those In Prison & The Families Suffering With Their Loved-Ones</p><p>[(Wrongful Death]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 3) HEART HEALTH / HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE TOO * Parasite-Killing Pioneer Hulda Clark's Products [ ] - Heart Disease caused by fungus ( Pau d'Arco & Echinacea kills fungus0 - Heart Health - 1-800-692-4101 - Cayenne Pepper [ Buy at health food stores ]</p><p>* [] / [ ] [ ] * [] - Helps prevent heart attacks.... strokes....aneurisms. Helps eliminate angina pain within a few days. Helps prevent the clogging of arteries throughout the body. Helps shrink an already enlarged heart. INTRODUCING 100% NATURAL HEART & BODY FORMULA 1 month supply = $54.85 2 month supply = $99.95 Ingredients : Garlic (Allium sativum) This heart herb has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties, drains fluid congestion Prevents and dissolves clots, lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol </p><p>* EMERGENCY – Buy at Grocers (Garlic in concentrated form) - Buy at Health Foods Store a good amount of Cayenne Pepper - These two(2) ingredients can be used to help your heart; maybe even in emergency situations to get that elephant off your chest !!!!!!!!!! Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) Heart herb restores and stimulates the heart and arterial circulation Regulates and balances the whole cardiovascular system</p><p>Coleus (Coleus Forskohlii) Lowers high blood pressure, positive inotropic action on heart, increases force of contraction Ideally suited for treatment of mild congestive heart failure Works synergeticily with other herbs, potent inhibitor of human platelet aggregation</p><p>Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) Is a circulatory stimulant, lowers blood pressure, is a sedative and nerve tonic</p><p>Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) Very good for eyes (night vision) inhibits macular degeneration of the eye Inhibits growth of bacterial cells, dilates blood vessels</p><p>Butchers Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) Keeps blood from forming clots, reduces vascular permeability, assists circulation</p><p>Mistletoe (Viscumalbum) For arterial hypertension Lowers high blood pressure and has been shown to affect blood pressure central arteries in the brain</p><p>HEART HEALTH (continued) Kelp (Laminaria digitata) Used mainly for the iodine and effect it has on the thyroid gland </p><p>Ginger (Zingiber Oficinale) Improves digestion, improves liver function, nervine, thins blood and lowers cholesterol Stimulates circulation, especially to extremities</p><p>Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Equalizes the blood flow in the body, enhances the effect of other herbs Stimulates body and organs properly so that they heal, cleanse, and begin to function normally ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** HEMP</p><p>1) (OR) [ Exekiel 34:29....A PLANT OF REKNOWN...A FAMOUS PLANT ] And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. [THEY HAVE A HOST OF OTHER PRODUCTS]</p><p>2) HEMP OIL 1-800-643-4221</p><p>3) HEMP Has Anti-Cancer Properties [ ]</p><p>******************************************** 5) / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog</p><p>******************************************************************************************** MAKE HERBAL MEDICINES Learn How To Make Powerful Herbal Medicines In Your Kitchen. [ ] ********************************************* ********************************************************************************************</p><p>HERBS [] – specialty selling beneficial insects [] – apothecary herbs – 1-866-229-3663 HCG Weight Loss Cure * [ e/]</p><p>* []</p><p>*******************************************</p><p>6) High Blood Pressure [Serapeptase] [[]] / [ ] [ ]</p><p>6-A [HOME-IMPROVEMENT] * Thorough Seal – Treats Wet Basement * Flex-Sealer – Roof Leaks [] * PermaFlow Commode Plumbing – revolutionary : no more clogs [] – 877-265-9777 * How about No More Roofing Problems [Classic Metal Roofing Is The Ticket For Us ] / [] – 1-800-543-8938 Hot Flashes - MENOPAUSE ~ Hot Flashes [ ] RESERVATROL FOUND TO TREAT FATTY LIVER DISEASE TOO [ ]</p><p>7) HOUSEHOLD MOLD ELIMINATION (4/14/08)</p><p>MOLD IN HOMES MAY BE CAUSING ASTHMA AND OTHER SICKNESSES [ ] The Harvard University School of Public Health studied 10,000 homes in the US and Canada and found that half of them had "conditions of water damage and mold associated with a 50 to 100 % increase in respiratory symptoms." [ Unclean House – Leviticus 14 ]  [ ng.htm] Thieves Oil via Cold Air Diffusion ($38.80 + Shipping & Handling )  Book “Nature’s Mold RX “ by Edward & Jacquelyn Close - ( $25.50 + Shipping & Handling )</p><p>8) Hoodia 24 [Weight Loss] – all-natural and it works [ query=hoodia+24&cat=web&pl=ff&language=english ] ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** I-Q</p><p>I 1) INDIGESTION (5/30/08) Indigestion Simple [ cure.html] Chamomile, lemon balm, or peppermint (leaf not candy) Make an infusion and drink a cup either just before or after meals; experiment to see which time produces the best effect.</p><p>2) Insomnia = Use Skullcap Herb Gleaned from the book " A Woman Called Moses" (1976) Marcy Heidish [ Harriet Tubman's " Aunt Juba" Was A Herbal Healer ]</p><p>Got Insomnia: Perhaps You Need a Gallbladder Cleanse [ ]</p><p>IONIC ZONE – [ ] ( 800) 549-9535 / [ M / F 9-5 PST ] – Air, Water & Body Purification Products</p><p>Irish Moss is a Revitalizing Super Food [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 3) Itching [ ] Milk Bath - Oatmeal - Baking Soda - ******Aloe Vera, cod liver oil, lemon juice, vitamin E oil, wheat germ oil, or witch hazel tea ******burdock, chickweed, goldenseal, plantain, or yellow dock *******Cornstarch helps relieve itching ***** Scrub the affected area lightly with a pumice stone. Then wash with soap, apply rubbing alcohol, and dab a thick layer of Vaseline over it. ****Bath with peppermint or yellow dock *****Apple Cider Vinegar Bath ********nettle oil ******Chickweed Poultice (Paste)</p><p>******************************************************************************************** J</p><p>[JOINT RELIEF]  ( – Portable joint pain relief * (877) 747-6664  Uricinex supplement for joint pain * ( (888) 434-8354</p><p>1) JUICES * Grass Juices [ Wheat , Barley & Oats] from the Triticum family of grasses - DA BOMB !!! * Himilayan Goji Juice [ ] - [email protected] - 800.882.7240 </p><p>2) Jurisdictionary [] / 1-866-529-3279 * $249 for a course that takes about 24 study hours to complete * You can also get commission for referrals</p><p>K KIDNEY HEALTH</p><p>1) - Parasite-Killing Pioneer Hulda Clark's Products []</p><p>2) - Kidney Cleanse : Green Hull Black Walnut , Wormwood , Cloves & Jalapeno Seeds / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] 3) Kidney Stones: A Squeeze of Lemon Juice Prevents the Most Painful Condition Known to Man [ ium.html ]</p><p>*******************************************************************************</p><p>L</p><p>[LAUNDRY TIPS ]</p><p>CLEAN CLOTHES, DO-IT-YOURSELF-STYLE</p><p>Fabric Softener: Add ¼ cup of baking soda—which also works as a brightener—to the wash. When using liquid detergent, add the baking soda during the wash cycle; when using powder, add the baking soda during the rinse cycle.</p><p>Whiten & Brighten: Pour 1 cup of lemon juice in a bucket half full of water and soak clothes overnight. Or add ¼ to 1 cup of washing soda (a more powerful form of baking soda) to each laundry load during the wash cycle.</p><p>Fragrance: If you want to add fragrance, do so during the drying cycle. Put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton cloth, and toss it into the dryer with wet clothes.</p><p>Treat Grease Stains: For best results, treat stains while they’re fresh. Cover the oily spot with a mixture of Borax and warm water and let it sit—20 minutes for a light, fresh stain, and two hours for a heavy, set stain—then rinse with cold water.</p><p>Remove Perspiration Odors and Stains: Spray full-strength distilled white vinegar on underarms and collars of shirts before washing.</p><p>[ solutions.html]</p><p>1) LEGAL ADVICE *Juris informatics: Gather and store relevant and effective information and strategies, classify them for speedy retrieval and implementation when needed in litigation, face your opponent with your superior knowledge and skills prosecuted along the law's sharpest edges []</p><p>2) Leptin - slim supplement - [ WEIGHT LOSS ] [ query=Leptin+Weight+Loss&cat=web&pl=ff&language=english]</p><p>Licorice Prevents Sore Throats after Operations</p><p>[ ml ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** 3) LIVER HEALTH Parasite-Killing Pioneer Hulda Clark's Products [ ] - Liver Cleansing : Fasting , Crystal Salt, Ozonated Olive Oil & Grapefruit Juice * Activated Charcoal [ ] ------* Milk Thistle</p><p>******************************************************************************************** RESERVATROL FOUND TO TREAT FATTY LIVER DISEASE [ ]</p><p>From Headache to Jaundice: Sky-Blue Chicory Cures Liver Ailments [ ]</p><p>******************************************** 4) Lung Health - Light SMOKING of natural tobacco HELPS Protect Against Lung Cancer (and Radiation exposure ] [ %22&cat=web&pl=ff&language=english ]</p><p>Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good</p><p>Matthew 15:10-11</p><p>And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: </p><p>Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man</p><p>NATURAL TOBACCO [ ]</p><p>- Ginseng - - Breathe Right Strips ( Pharmacy Area) - [ ] / [ ]</p><p>Lymphomania: Eliminate Pain, Cellulite, Fat, and More</p><p> Do you suffer from cellulite or fatty deposits? Do you experience aches and pains? Are you overweight?  If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your lymphatic system may be sluggish  A recent study found that 80 percent of women have sluggish lymphatic system  The following links to 12 steps you can take to help : [ pain-cellulite-fat-and-more.html ] M</p><p>1) [ ] – survivalist gear</p><p>MARK OF THE BEAST : PREVIEW ? EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile Are You Going to Take Your 666 Vaccine ? [ biodefense-stockpile/]</p><p>YOU TUBE VIDEO ON VACCINATIONS [ Revelations 18:23 ] URL = [] EMBED = [ <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" "></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> ]</p><p>[ Revelations 18:23 ] URL – [ ] EMBED - [<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></para m><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> ] Take The Word “ V-A-C-C-I-N-A-T-I-O-N “ Letter-By-Letter  Multiply Each Letter’s Numerical Value By 6.  Then Add All the Totals Together What Do You Get ?  V (22nd letter times 6 = 132) – A (1st letter times 6 = 6) – C (3rd letter times 6 = 18) – C (3rd letter times 6 = 18) I (9th letter times 6 = 54) – N (14th letter times 6 = 84) A (1st letter times 6 = 6) - T (20th letter times 6 = 120) I (9th letter times 6 = 54) – O (15th letter times 6 = 90) N (14th letter times 6 = 84)</p><p>ORGANIC MEAT ( 5 / 4 / 09 )</p><p>[ ]</p><p>MENOPAUSE Black Cohosh Shown To Relieve Symptoms Of Menopause [ e_estrogen.html ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** Hot Flashes - MENOPAUSE ~ Hot Flashes [ ] RESERVATROL FOUND TO TREAT FATTY LIVER DISEASE TOO [ ]</p><p>MENSTRUATION – The Number One PMS Remedy = Omega 3 Fatty Acids [ remedy.html ] [ ] – the best !!!!</p><p><b><u>WOMEN’S HEALTH</u></b></p><p>-<b>Aromatherapy to combat Menstrual Pain </b></p><p>* [ <b><u>Essential oils of</u></b> chamomile, basil, carrot seed, frankincense, jasmine, and rosemary also may put a stop to period pain. ]</p><p>Mercury Contamination Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup [ ]</p><p>2) MICROWAVE COOKING is Killing You! By Stephanie Relfe - [ ]</p><p>The Food Irradiation Plot: Why the USDA Wants to Sterilize Fresh Produce and Turn Live Foods into Dead Foods [ ] </p><p>High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes: What the Experts Say [ .html ] 2) Buy a Cow , Goat or Sheep – the farmer keeps the animal(s) you get the cheese and/or milk [ ]</p><p>RAW MILK IS A COMPLETE AND BALANCED FOOD ( MAY 16, 2009) [ ]</p><p>3) Ionized Minerals (liquid) 99.9% pure- [ ] / 1- 651)645-5565</p><p>********************************************************************************************</p><p>********************************************</p><p>4) MISCELLANEOUS - [These below are things that work across a broad spectrum of health problems ] ******************************************** * AIR PURIFIER - ARANIZER ( )</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ********************************************* Berky Water Filters - / 1-888-803-4438</p><p>******************************************** * Activated Charcoal [Charcaol] DA BOMB !!! [ title of a book by author John Dinsley - this is amazing stuff / 1-888-264-5568 / [email protected] </p><p>******************************************** * Calcium Bentonite Clay via / 1-800-915-2529 - ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * $39.95 for 2 month supply / 1-866-762-9238 ******************************************** * KDF SHOWER FILTER $49 - 1-888-803-4938 ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************** [] – various products ******************************************** * Grass Juices [ Wheat , Barley & Oats] from the Triticum family of grasses - DA BOMB !!! ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * Himilayan Goji Juice [ ] - [email protected] - 800.882.7240 </p><p>******************************************** * HEMP OIL 1-800-643-4221 ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * Ionized Minerals (liquid) 99.9% pure- [ ] 1-651)645-5565</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS - [These below are things that work across a broad spectrum of health problems ] - Continued * / 1-866-839-5189 [ request a catalog ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** [Royal Jelly ] * / 1-800-717-2645 [ ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** NUTRIMEDICAL [] – SUPER GERM WARFARE FIGHTERS ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * [Himilayan Crystal Salt ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** * CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog )</p><p>* [ OrderStevia Organic </p><p>******************************************************************************************** * [ ]- Get CAROTEC free catalog by calling 1-800-522-4279 ******************************************************************************************** M 4) Miscellaneous (cont)</p><p>* [Fiji Water ] ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** [ END OF MISCELLANEOUS SECTION ] </p><p>5) HOUSEHOLD MOLD ELIMINATION (4/17/08 Updated)  MOLD IN HOMES MAY BE CAUSING ASTHMA AND OTHER SICKNESSES [ ] The Harvard University School of Public Health studied 10,000 homes in the US and Canada and found that half of them had "conditions of water damage and mold associated with a 50 to 100 % increase in respiratory symptoms." [ Unclean House – Leviticus 14 ]  [ ng.htm] Thieves Oil via Cold Air Diffusion ($38.80 + Shipping & Handling )  Book “Nature’s Mold RX “ by Edward & Jacquelyn Close - ( $25.50 + Shipping & Handling )</p><p>Natural Mosquito Repellents You Can Use Right Now [ creen.html] * Minty Herbs such as Peppermint, Cloves,& Rosemary</p><p><b><u>Eating Mushrooms Slashes Risk of Breast Cancer by Two- Thirds</u></b></p><p>[ <a href=" _cancer.html "> cer.html </a>]</p><p><b><u>MSG is the New Nicotine</u></b>: What the Food Industry Does Not Want You to Know </p><p>[ <a href=" "> </a> ]</p><p>Mulberries Treat <b><u>Insomnia, Arthritis</u></b>, and More</p><p>[ <a href="">http://</a> ] ******************************************************************************************** N Nano-Silver (et al products) / []</p><p>ANTI-AGING “ NU-REV “ [ ] - Get A Free Sample , just pay for Shipping & Handling</p><p>O - OIL PULLING - [DESIGNED TO HEAL OF TOXIC POISONS] a) Gargle , Swish , and rinse mouth with oil ( olive & Coconut oil is good) b) Spit it out in the sink of running hot water…flushed toxins out c) Afterwards brush teeth with non-fluoride toothpaste ********************************************************************************************</p><p>ESSENTIAL OILS UDO'S CHOICE - a bunch of Oils combined into 1 formula (including flax seed oil) [ ] - 1.800.919.9122</p><p>OLIVE LEAF (Healing In The Leaves) Discover the Amazing Benefits of the Olive Leaf []</p><p>OZONE MACHINES CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog )</p><p>P PAK-LITE - In Those Dark Emergencie [] ******************************************************************************************** Pain Relief - LIGHT RELIEF - 1-800-697-4148 -</p><p>********************************************************************************************</p><p>PAPAYA – A Tasty Way To Fight Cancer And Poor Digestion [ html ]</p><p>Parasite-Killing Pioneer Hulda Clark's Products [ ] - Liver Cleansing : Fasting , Crystal Salt, Ozonated Olive Oil & Grapefruit Juice - Kidney Cleanse : Green Hull Black Walnut , Wormwood , Cloves & Jalapeno Seeds - Heart Disease caused by fungus ( Pau d'Arco & Echinacea kills fungus0 - Amalgamated (Mized) Metal fillings in teeth deadly to our health : replace with : a) Diamond Crown tooth filling b) Methylmacroli (?) - Hulda Clark has written many books on disease prevention and health maintenance</p><p>********************************************************************************************</p><p>PATRIOT NETWORK – <i><u>ANONYMOUS INTERNET ACCESS</u></i></p><p>[ <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ]</p><p>PEPPER SPRAY [ ] 1-800-908-9988</p><p>PEST CONTROL * Flies – use spray bottle of bleach-water Homeopathy Remedies Treat Poison Ivy and Poison Oak [ pathy.html]</p><p>PRISONER’S HEALTH ISSUES – An Advocate For Those In Prison & The Families Suffering With Their Loved-Ones</p><p>[ ] / 816-941-0087</p><p>******************************************** Prostate cancer treat with : * Pumpkin Seeds (Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ] * Saw Palmetto Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Extract of nettle Get at your local Natural Foods Store) * Maca via CLIFF SCOTT ENTERPRISES [ / 1-800-569-4340 [ get free catalog ) * Epilobium [Male & Female Reproductive Health ] ] ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** R-Z R</p><p>1A – CELL PHONE RADIATION Get The Waveshield Stop Cooking Your Brains (Microwaves)– []</p><p>1-B (Community Radio) [TRUTHAM.COM] – Launch your own legal radio broadcast with at least a 1-mile broadcast area – Equipment for about $815 – (800) 579-0580</p><p>Reproductive Health - * Epilobium [Male & Female Reproductive Health ] ] * Maca via or * Extract of Nettle (Via SSRI Antidepressants Linked To Male Infertility</p><p>Now comes word that the same drug (sold as PAXIL, PAXIL CR, SEROXAT, PEXEVA, and GENERIC PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE) carries another danger that could keep babies from being born in the first place. A new study just published in the online edition of the journal Fertility and Sterility concludes as many as fifty percent of all men taking the antidepressant could have damaged sperm and compromised fertility.</p><p>******************************************************************************************** RESERVATROL FOUND TO TREAT FATTY LIVER DISEASE [ ]</p><p>******************************************** RICE & SHINE (Rice Bran Health Drink) [ ] / 1-800-910-3750 1month supply = $50 *******2 month supply = $98 ******3 month supply = $135 *******6 month supply = $250 [ Estmated prices] these costs include shipping costs ********************************************************************************************</p><p>All Diseases - [Rife Frequency Technology via Bio Solutions 1-866- 8856625 ] via their Parasitic Frequency Killing Machine / over 500 programmed frequencies</p><p>S</p><p>Himilayan Crystal Salt ] [ ]</p><p>SEEDS / NON- Genetically Modified [] [ ]</p><p>SELENIUM – [ Studies Show Selenium Prevents Cancer & Thyroid Disease ] [ ]</p><p>SELF-DEFENSE [ ] 1-800-908-9988</p><p>[Serrapeptase – dissolves the blockage that causes blockage in the blood veins] [] /[ ] / [ ] Serrapeptase (Serratio Peptidase) is a proteolytic enzyme commercially produced in the laboratory and isolated from the microorganism, Serratia E15. It was originally found being used by silkworms to aid digestion and dissolve its chrysalis. This enzyme can be used to digest... Things that Serrapeptase helps – Heart problems , Brain Health , Stroke Recovery , High Blood Pressure ,Inflammation</p><p>Serrapeptase is an Inexepensive Natural Miracle Medication [ cts.html ]</p><p>SHENTRITION – Alkalized Herbs & Hemp / [] * [ Exekiel 34:29....A PLANT OF REKNOWN...A FAMOUS PLANT ] ( 5/4/09 ) And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. )  Hemp was used to make clothes, rope, etc….  It’s now banned by our corrupt government ..Spiritual Wickedness In High Places ( Ephesians 6:12 )</p><p>******************************************** Shilajit (Nepalese Herb) [ ]] Solutions From Science - Dept. SH6 - 815 W. Main St. - P.O. Box 518 - Thomson, IL 61285 - 877-327-0365 - (Ext. SH6) [OR ] / Do a search for other sources of [ q=Shilajit&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir ] Shilajit 90 day supply = $104.92 ********************************************************************************************</p><p>SICK CARE (Revelations 18:23 By Sorceries Deceived)</p><p>Medical Madness: More Women Scared Into Double Mastectomy as Way to "Prevent" Cancer [ st_cancer.html]</p><p>SILVER</p><p>[] ********************************************</p><p>[] - Nano-Silver (et al products)</p><p>Sinupulse used with Allocin []] – super natural anti-biotic  ( NaturalBornKiller Product Name )  888-228 -7071 ?</p><p>– Skin Brushing Benefits CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME </p><p>[ romyalgia.html ]</p><p>Skin Brushing Shown to have Amazing Benefits [ ml]</p><p>The Dry Brushing Technique [ ing_Technique.htm ] Skin Cancer - laznic / laser treatment [ ] 100% cure rate * Essiac via Herbal Healer Academy / / 1-870-269-4177 [ For free 120 page catalog ]</p><p>SKIN CARE [Precious Prills Bath Beads—TransDerma Minerals VIA The Power Hour] </p><p>Natural skin products Many creams contain these valuable ingredients, or you can use them as individual additions to your daily skin care regime. 1.Buttermilk contains natural alpha-hydroxyacid, used in chemical peels. 2.Coconut oil provides a natural moisture barrier. 3.Almond oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids and has been used since Biblical times. 4.Lavender tightens the skin with natural tannins. 5.Grape seed extract is a strong anti-oxidant that protects the collagen and forms more elastic skin cells. 6.Amla fruit has been used in India for thousands of years for its anti-aging properties. [] 7) Argan oil. – From Morrocan nuts 8) Astaxanthin - found in salmon 9) Red tea - South African tea 10) Tumeric – Popular in India 11) Omega-3 fatty acids : in coldwater fish, such as wild salmon, sardines, and herring,</p><p>SKIN CARE [] Use Natural Cures for Tinea, or Fungal Skin Infections [ ]</p><p><b><u>Sleep More, Weigh Less</u></b> [ <a href=" weigh-less.html "> more-weigh-less.html </a>]]</p><p>****************************************** Soaps (Pure & Natural ) [ ] - Save up to 85% off of Regular Prices / Email = [email protected] / 1-800-340-7091 - - REVELATIONS 18 :23….for by SORCERIES were all nations TRICKED .. - - And Replace A Lot Of Those UnNatural - UnNecesary So-Called Household- Cleaners ********************************************************************************************</p><p>SOLAR-POWERED GENERATORS [ ] – 1-877-327-0365</p><p>SOLAR OVENS [ ] - (877) 642- 1553</p><p>SPINACH KNOCKS OUT CANCER & BOOSTS BRAIN POWER [ ]</p><p>[] – guard against immoral speeding tickets Given by traffic photos ******************************************** [STEVIA ]* THE MIRACLE OF STEVIA ' BY JAMES A. MAY / [Stevia ] [ and other health Food Stores carry Stevia too ] / DIABETES CURE !!!!!!! ******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** ******************************************************************************************** ********************************************</p><p>AMERICAN SUPERFOODS – Some super natural foods [ ]</p><p>[ Survival Gear ] [ ]</p><p>******************************************************************************************** ******************************************** Stem Cell Enhancement - 1-860-567-7744</p><p>Stroke Recovery [] / [ ] [ ]</p><p>[Serapeptase – dissolves the blockage that causes blockage in the blood veins]</p><p>SYRUP – Tap your own maple tree for maple syrup [] T</p><p>* THAILAND BANDS 13 HERBS [ herb-listing] – [ Neem, Citronella, Tumeric, Ginger, Chinese Ginger, African Marigold, (Siam Weed or Bitter Bush), Tea Sea Cake , Chilli, Chinese Celery, Ringworm Bush, Glory Lily & Stemona ]</p><p>Light SMOKING of natural tobacco HELPS Protect Against Lung Cancer (and Radiation exposure ] [ ]</p><p>NOTE : Joe Viallis has passed on. Apparently he was being persecuted. So many of his articles may be missing ; as a result of policing by the Info Pigs.</p><p>Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good</p><p>Matthew 15:10-11</p><p>And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: </p><p>Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man</p><p>NATURAL TOBACCO [ ]</p><p>TOOTHSOAP [] - $49.95 + Shipping & Handling (888) 648-7771 TOLL FREE in the USA ***(503) 723-6299 International Callers Vitality Products, Inc. Karen Adler, CEO 2710 Thomes Ave., Suite 650 Cheyenne, WY 82001 </p><p>*******TRUTHSEEKERS WEBSITES ***************************** 1) Johnny Todd ‘s Amazing Revelations “Turn On The Lights !!!” [ Roll/john_todd.htm ] [ ]</p><p>2) PARENT GUIDANCE CENTER - fighting against government legal kidnappings of our children “ And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. “ - Jesus Christ – Matthew 10:36 Who will train your children ? If both parents are too whatever to bother ? So don’t be surprised if your children trun against you. You who refused to care for them, turned against them !!! [ ]</p><p>3) MAGIC PHONE GUARD – For complete phone privacy - [ ] – (800) 234-5326 - $29/95</p><p>4) STOP GOOGLING SO MUCH! Google collects information continuously On us. Protect your privacy more Use [] and protect your privacy.</p><p>5) Protect your phone privacy with [] Or 1-800-234-5326 -Only $29.95</p><p>6) Seven Days / Seven Personalities : Who Are We ? [ ]</p><p>7) Get Rid Of Windows Their Leading Us Down The Google Path Get Linux Operating System via Ubuntu. [ ] </p><p>8) Drop That Windows Based Inernet Explorer Use : Firefox [ ]</p><p>9) Anti-Spyware Made Easy - [] 10) Avoid Those Camera-Based Speeding Tickets - [ ]- $40 per year or $100 Lifetime</p><p>11) Alternative To The Failing U.S. Dollar [ BARTERING ] [ ]</p><p>*******TRUTHSEEKERS WEBSITES ****************************</p><p>TUBERCULOSIS – Ultra-Violet Lights In Hospitals Could Reduce Spread Of TB by 70 Percent [ ]</p><p>U ******************************************** UDO'S CHOICE - a bunch of Oils combined into 1 formula (including flax seed oil) [ ] - 1.800.919.9122</p><p>ULCERS REMEDIES</p><p>1) Use Natural Remedies for Mouth Ulcers [ _ulcers.html ] - COCONUT OIL 2) Daily Dose of Broccoli Halts Ulcers and Cancer </p><p>[ ml ]</p><p>3) Licorice Treats Peptic Ulcers and Helicobacter Pylori Infection [ cers.html ]</p><p>V VACCINATIONS FRAUD AND DANGERS Vaccine Safety Manual By Neil Z. Miller "for Concerned Familiesand Health Practitioners" ( 548 pages) [ ]</p><p>* [] - Continuing to put the TRUTH on top of the mountain of vaccine lies</p><p>If you wish to contact Dr. Carley for a consult to learn how to reverse your disease with natural remedies, please call her at 828-294-0662 9A-9P/EST </p><p>[] – ONLINE CONTACT FORM</p><p>– YOU TUBE Vaccinations VIDEO </p><p>[ ] </p><p>- CHILDREN OF GOD FOR LIFE - Many Vaccines Made From Aborted Fetuses [ ]</p><p>- [ ]</p><p>Solutions for Forced Vaccinations and Flu Pandemics [ omeopathy.html]</p><p>YOU TUBE VIDEO ON VACCINATIONS & THE MARK OF THE BEAST [ ]</p><p>REVELATIONS 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count ( Compute) the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.</p><p>Take The Word “ V-A-C-C-I-N-A-T-I-O-N “ Letter-By-Letter • Multiply Each Letter’s Numerical Value By 6. • Then Add All the Totals Together What Do You Get ? • V (22nd letter times 6 = 132) – A (1st letter times 6 = 6) – C (3rd letter times 6 = 18) – C (3rd letter times 6 = 18) I (9th letter times 6 = 54) – N (14th letter times 6 = 84) A (1st letter times 6 = 6) - T (20th letter times 6 = 120) I (9th letter times 6 = 54) – O (15th letter times 6 = 90) N (14th letter times 6 = 84)</p><p>Six-Hundred &amp; Sixty-Six (666)</p><p>REVELATIONS 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count ( Compute) the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.</p><p>VITAMINS Vitamin B12 Protects the Heart, Mind, Eyes and More [ e.html ]</p><p>Scientists Discover Vitamin C can Halt Diabetes Damage </p><p>[ html] W WATER RESERVE – Create your own backyard pond []</p><p>WATER FROM THE HUMIDITY IN THE AIR [] - $1,350</p><p>* [Fiji Water ]</p><p>Berky Water Filters - / 1-888-803-4438</p><p>[ ] – Ionizer Alkalize, Mineralize and Energize your LIFE</p><p>* KDF SHOWER FILTER $49 - 1-888-803-4938</p><p>PURE WATER SYSTEMS (The best !!!!) [] – - say Dr. Deagle referred you to get 10% discount -</p><p>Weight Loss - 1)- Hoodia 24 / </p><p>-2) WEIGHT-LOSS ] - Yerba Mate Tea </p><p>- 3) [WEIGHT LOSS ] Hunza Bread aka "No Hunger Bread " Hunza Bread Mix-Buckwheat [ ] 5 lbs = $18.00 / 25lbs = $80 1 - (419) 324-0032 </p><p>4) [ WEIGHT LOSS ]Leptin - slim supplement 5) HCG Weight Loss Cure * [ e/]</p><p>6) []</p><p>7) Sleep More, Weigh Less [ ]</p><p>8) Obesity Breakthrough: Citrus Fruit Flavonoid Controls Weight, Causes Fat Loss - Grapefruit is one of the best - [ ]</p><p>9) Eight Fat Busting Supplements Backed by Science [ ]</p><p>END of Weight Loss Section ******************************************************************************************** ********************************************</p><p>BIODYNAMIC WINE PRODUCERS []</p><p>WOMEN’S HEALTH -Aromatherapy to combat Menstrual Pain * [Essential oils of chamomile, basil, carrot seed, frankincense, jasmine, and rosemary also may put a stop to period pain.]</p><p>X</p><p>Y Yerba Mate [ WEIGHT-LOSS ] Tea - [ ] Z </p>

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