SEMI Draft Document XXXX

SEMI Draft Document XXXX

<p>Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 4703 Revision of SEMI MF533-0706 TEST METHODS FOR THICKNESS AND THICKNESS VARIATION OF SILICON WAFERS Notice: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this document. Notice: Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.</p><p>This letter ballot is intended simply to add the 0 deg positioning of the five-point and nine-point profile radial thickness variation measurement for notched wafers. No changes are made to the original method for flatted wafers. This ballot will be reviewed by the Int’l Test Methods Task Force and adjudicated by the Silicon Wafer Committee during their SEMICON West meetings in San Francisco, CA, in the week of July 13th, 2009.</p><p>0815bc199666adefd63b535aa189f1a0.doc © SEMI® 2008 Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 1.5 substrates. The 1.4 and width line the on depends of design mechanical processes and equipmentbeingthe used. photolithographicprocessing optical specific photolithographic the on as on well as designs, variations photolithographic circuit individual affect of thickness requirements registration adversely of that effect flatness The surface from deviations processes. cause may variations such addition, In 1.3 steps. processing certain resistance for electrical mass or appropriate tolerance thicknessthe thermal jamming.outside desired mayhave with not Wafers mechanical 1.2 processing intended the for acceptable are lot that from steps. wafers not or whether determining in aids wafers, of given lot a from sample representative a on based parameters, these of Estimates processing. microelectronic in used 1.1 1 WAFERS SILICON METHOD TEST ofSEMIMF533-0706 Revision Draft Document SEMI 4703 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This without be thicknesscan handled breaking. that and However, M1. SEMI of requirements 2.2 1: NOTE 200mm or diameter more, of pattern five-point less, a ordiameter mm 200 wafer the across thickness in variation the of estimation 2.1 2 available. become systems measurements. thickness standard this embody 1.6 semiconductor positioning, the wafer control in to uses used are (seeSEMIMF1530). the instrumentanalyze to the data operate and common microcomputers or most microprocessors for systems, automatic gages these In manual industry. these replaced have instruments recently, automated More use. faster, routine in were method, test this of basis the are which positioning, wafer manual employing</p><p>Scope Purpose</p><p>Original edition by InternationalOriginal published ASTM as F Last edition ASTM MF533-0706.533-77T. previous SEMI on Subcommittee Reviews and Audits global the by publication for approved was edition This Committee. Wafer Silicon American North the of responsibility direct the are and Committee Wafer Silicon Global the by approved technically were methods test These test method test Excessive thickness variations may cause problems with mechanical handling of the wafers during processing. during wafers the of handling mechanical with problems cause may variations thickness Excessive equipment and fixtures of requirements the suit to controlled be must variations thickness and thickness Wafer Wafers that are too thin may break during normal processing operations. Wafers that are too thick may cause may thick too are that Wafers operations. processing normal during break may thin too are that Wafers This This This This This Despite the fact that that fact the Despite hnWhen all the basic elements of of elements basic the all DIN is equivalent50441/1 an method. These These These These These hsthis rvds ueu udne i h udmnas ad apiain o ifrnil nncnat wafer non-contact differential of application and fundamentals the in guidance useful provides s test method test method test test method test may be applied at any point during the processing of unpolished wafers into polished wafers or wafers polished into wafers unpolished of processing the during point any at applied be may h the test method test S</p><p> this this FOR hyaeare They s s s date tbd date either </p><p> cover is is is is the are are are are this test method method test this wafers flatted for se THICKNESS AND THICKNESS VARIATIONOFAND THICKNESS THICKNESS a a s</p><p>. It was available on on available was It . intended for use for materials acceptance and process control purposes. purposes. control process and acceptance materials for use for intended intended primarily for use with wafers that meet the dimension and tolerance and dimension the meet that wafers with use for primarily intended measurement of the thickness of silicon wafers, polished or unpolished, and unpolished, or polished wafers, silicon of thickness the of measurement test method test loalso symmetrical five-point or it it they they utbesuitable offset can be applied to circular silicon, wafers or substrates of any diameter any of substrates or wafers silicon, circular to applied be can s</p><p> the measurement method method measurement the are are</p><p> for use with ver with use for from the bisector of the primary flat the primary of bisector the from was developed in the 1970s, non-contact thickness gages thickness non-contact 1970s, the in developed was Page is is for both flatted and notched wafers notched and flatted both for not commonly used in its present form, form, present its in used commonly not 2 nine-point pattern used is y large diameter wafers before the automatic the before wafers diameter large y in in month tbd month and a simple analysis of data. Thus, Thus, data. of analysis simple a and and on CD-ROM in in CD-ROM on and is used. For notched wafersFor notched used. is . .</p><p>Document Document Number: For flatted wafers of wafers flatted For Doc. it it Date: they they month tbd month</p><p> SEMI DRAFT embodies 4/30/2018  . This it</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 4.3 of Slices;Thickness of of the Dimensions Geometric —Determination Semiconductor Measurement 50441/1 4.2 Scanning Noncontact Automated by Wafers Silicon on Variation Thickness and Thickness, Flatness, Measuring for Method Test — MF1530 SEMI SiliconSEMI M59—Terminologyfor Technology for SEMI M1—Specifications Polished 4.1 4 chips,pits, contaminants, mounds, steps,and waves, defectssuch soforth. saw as causedbysurface be 3.2 onlythickness five at 3.1 the 3 determine and guides health and safety appropriate establish to standard other ofprior limitations use.applicability regulatoryor to this of user the of responsibility NOTICE on measurements for ordiameter more standard the as regarded be to are units metric the while less or diameter 2.4 establishedeach been for statements have 2.3 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This 42ndStreet, Office: 212.398.0023 Website: Institute,New NY York New 11West York, Standards 212.642.4900; 10036,USA. Fax: Telephone: Fax: 41.22.733.34.30Website: 41.22.749.01.11; Switzerland. Telephone: 3 2 49.30.2601.1263,Website: 49.30.2601-0, Telephone: Germany, 6, 10787Berlin, Fax: 1 6.2 first. to perpendicular the diameter, second flat primary the to respect with 6.1 6 5.1 5 NOTICE: environments of Classification Cleanrooms—Part and1: airborne particulatesISO controlled associated 14644-1 4.4 Metric), 6,1970 (Inch and GGG-G-15CNov. Blocks Accessories —Gage Fed. Spec.</p><p>Deutches Institut für Normung e.V., standards are available in both English and German editions from Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrasse GmbH, Verlag Beuth from editions German and English both in available are standards e.V., Normung für Institut Deutches</p><p>International Organization for Standardization, ISO Central Secretariat, 1, rue de Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 1,rue Case56,CH-1211 Secretariat, de 20, for postale Varembé, Organization Central Standardization,ISO International Washington, Documents, Superintendent of DC the U.S. Office, 20402. from Government Printing Available Summary of Test Method Terminology Referenced and Standards Documents Limitations</p><p>Standard ISO Federal Standard Federal StandardDIN Standards SEMI The thickness measured at the center of the wafer is generally taken as the nominal thickness of the nominal the wafer. taken generally center of is as thicknessthe wafer measured at the The Terms The thickness of the wafer is measured at its center and at four four at and center its at measured is wafer the of thickness The The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard the as regarded be to are units inch-pound in stated values The Local changes in thickness at any site may result in erroneous readings. Such local changes in thickness may thickness in changes local Such readings. erroneous in result may site any at thickness in changes Local Since the determination of total thickness variation by this test method is based on measurements of wafer of measurements on based is method test this by variation thickness total of determination the Since</p><p> hsThis : This standard does not purport to address safety issues, if any, associated with its use. It is the is It use. its with associated any, if issues, safety address to purport not does standard This : Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be theversions. latestpublished otherwise documents all cited be shall Unless indicated, , and in other countries from in other member ISO organizations., and countries used this in standard hs These . The values givenparenthesesinformation only. in Thearefor values test method test or nine sites, irregular geometrical variations in other parts of the wafer will be inthe wafer not partsdetected. of variations other irregular sites, geometrical or s relating to silicon and other semiconductor technology are defined in SEMIM59. technologyin to aredefined semiconductor and relating silicon other</p><p> notch sis are or other index mark index other or </p><p>Monocrystalline in the case of the five-point method applied to flatted wafers the five-point appliedflatted themethod caseof to in suitable for both contact and contactless gaging equipment. Precision equipment. gaging contactless and contact both for suitable Page Single Crystal Crystal Single . Two of the sites fall along a diameter and two along a along two and diameter a along fall sites the of Two . 3 ; also American US in the from National ; available or eight eight or Silicon Wafers for measurements on wafers of 3 inch 3 of wafers on measurements for other sites whose positions are defined are positions whose sites other . 2 Document Document Number: Doc. wafers wafers Date: .</p><p> of 100 mm 100 of SEMI DRAFT 4/30/2018 1  3</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 8 8 7.5.3 1in. any for twopoints determined in. 0.5 of length side minimum 7.5.2 7.5.1 0.001in. 0.005± steps of in. 0.050 to 0.005 from range values thickness nominal whose Technology, and Standards 7.5 7.4 that so wafer the 7.3 of positioning facilitate to markings sufficient and plane wafer site (2 canmade0.08in. of mm) measurement eachspecified within be thickness measurements the in center its about wafer 7.2 mechanically accommodated the an by gage; appropriate is applied theoffset then to value by indicated the gage. in. 0.050 to 2: NOTE mm in. 0.003 exceed not shall in. 0.0001 than larger no be shall instrument the of count least 7.1 7 of the wafer.variation 6.3 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This 10.1.1 ofwafer. thickness the specimen value nominal 10.1 10 4: NOTE thebe measurement,shall onthe with placed interfere 9.2.2 9.2.1 9.2 of backperiphery the surface the of wafer. 3: NOTE M1, 9.1 9 a uponbythe parties constitutes lot. be shall theas test, of wafersagreed to the shall definition be what to tested of 8.1 </p><p>Sampling Apparatus TestSpecimen </p><p>Scribe Fixture </p><p>2 ) Calibration fixture. the orientation onthe measuring indicate to Clean Facility Clean locationof sites. tomeasurement identifiable surface hasinterlaboratory enable thean that specimen Ensure This test method is intended to be used on a sampling basis. Procedures for selecting the sample from each lot each from sample the selecting for Procedures basis. sampling a on used be to intended is method test This Gage Thickness If If The maximum difference between any two of the the of two any between difference maximum The . Standards Calibration Thickness</p><p>From the set of calibration standards, select a standard with a thickness within 0.005 in. in. 0.005 within thickness a with standard a select standards, calibration of set the From For contact gages, normally available standards0.36by1.12 in. normallyavailable gages, of For contact knownwithin thickness to values 10 Standard be shall surface. the in front specify appearance, andspecimen aredifferent back thesurfaces front If If both surfaces are identical, an indication or mark identifying the surface to be measured, which will not will which measured, be to surface the identifying mark or indication an identical, are surfaces both If For contactless gages, the calibration standards shall have an area of at least 0.25 in. 0.25 least at of area an have shall standards calibration the gages, contactless For Generally, Generally, Calibrate every day for production testing and for each set of specimens for referee tests. specimens referee andeachset for everyday productionof testing for for Calibrate Small labelsSmall and adhesive felt-marking certain pens been foundhave for purpose.satisfactory this have not does wafer the If 0.005 from range the covering gage thickness A M1. SEMI in given are wafers silicon standard for ranges Thickness — A scribe or other means for producing an index mark on the wafer, index means producingmark —Aorif required. scribe for other an onthe , to support the wafer during thickness measurements. The fixture shall include provision for rotating the rotating for provision include shall fixture The measurements. thickness during wafer the support to , ( ror 0.13 to 1.3 mm 1.3 to 0.13 the specimen wafer wafer specimen the — A controlled-environment work controlled-environment of satisfying7requirements theISO station Class 14644-1. —A , suitable for measuring the thickness of semiconductor wafers over the anticipated range. The range. anticipated the over wafers semiconductor of thickness the measuring for suitable , or or 2 or ( 0.13 ± 0.025mm 0.13 ± ( ) 2 mm 2 should be adequate for most wafers. A wafer with thickness outside this range may be may range this outside thickness with wafer A wafers. most for adequate be should ror s uch a fiducial, fiducial, a uch or or ( 2 13 mm 13 ) ( . For contactless gages, the probed area shall not exceed 0.2 in. 0.2 exceed not shall area probed the gages, contactless For . 25 mm does not contain contain not does — A set of thickness standards, traceable to the National Institute for Institute National the to traceable standards, thickness of set A — ) . The thickness variation must be less than 0.0001 in. 0.0001 than less be must variation thickness The . ) ) apart. Forfurther details,see apart. . a scribe may be be may scribe a surface of thesurface Page five five has has 4 a primary flat or a notch, such as is specified in SEMI in specified is as such notch, a or flat primary a thickness measurements is taken as the total thickness total the as taken is measurements thickness  in. in. use , or 2 2 or or d</p><p> specimen the scribe scribe the ( 0.25  m. The contact area for contact-type gages contact-type for area contact The m. or or  m Fed.Spec.GGG-G-15C. ( 9.1 by 28.4mm ) taken as the back surface the back taken as to place an index mark at a point near the near point a at mark index an place to . or or ) shall be acceptable. be shall Document Document Number: 2 (</p><p>(seeFigure 1) 0.13 to 1.27 mm 1.27 to 0.13 or or or or Doc. ( ( 1.6 cm 1.6 0.13 mm 0.13 Date: ,</p><p>2 r22 or  .</p><p> or or SEMI DRAFT 2 4/30/2018 ( 129 129 ) ) with a with  of the of . m, as m,  130 ) in </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and ( 10.3 as the material specimen, rather metal than standards. 5: NOTE is standard 0.0001in. calibration within 10.2 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This 1: NOTE of the purposes unsatisfactoryfor gage 10.3.1 0.13 mm Without further adjustment, measure and record the thickness values of the calibration standards 0.005 in. in. 0.005 standards calibration the of values thickness the record and measure adjustment, further Without Following the manufacturer's instructions, adjust the thickness gage reading so that the measured value of the of value measured the that so reading gage thickness the adjust instructions, manufacturer's the Following If the recorded values are not within 0.0001 in. in. 0.0001 within not are values recorded the If Consult manufacturer's forthe sure instructions to the that difficultymake gage not of the is one procedure. semiconductor same the of made standards calibration NIST-traceable use gages contactless that recommended is It ) larger and smaller thanused largerthe standard andin smaller Required Thickness Gage Calibration CharacteristicsRequired Thickness Gage Calibration this or ( these these 2  m ) test method test Figure 2 of its stated of value. its Page ¶ 10.2 (seeFigure or or Figure 2 Figure ( 2 2 5 s .  m ) of their respective standard values, consider the consider values, standard respective their of 2 1 ). inch</p><p>Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4703 DRAFT 4/30/2018</p><p> SEMI 4703 or </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 11.2.1 11.2 notch, the primaryor other of flat, 11.1 11 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This as the value 4 Site of mm) (2 11.6 as value 3 Site of mm) 11.5 Figure 1) 11.4 thickness, 1 11.3 o radius the nominal diameter notch 11.2.2 diameter to perpendicular is the that reference diameter flat primary the of bisector perpendicular the from NOTE: Site is the waferNOTE: 1 at nominal center. 2 4 Sites and are Sites for Thickness Measurement Thickness Measurement Sites for ). Measure the thickness at this posit this at thickness the Measure ). perpendicular of primary Sites andbisector the flat. 3 5 are</p><p> on diameterthe that perpendicular the is to reference Procedure</p><p>; In all cases,l all In on referencethe diameter that 30 from is deg the locate Sites locate Again rotate the wafer clockwise 90 deg so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the rotate Again Position the probes of the thickness gage within 0.08 in. (2 mm) of the center of the wafer (Site 1 (Site wafer the of center the of mm) (2 in. 0.08 within gage thickness the of probes the Position up surface front the with fixture the in it load and tested be to wafer the Select Move the wafer so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 in. (2 mm) of Site 2 Site of mm) (2 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so wafer the Move Rotate the wafer clockwise 90 deg so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 in. (2 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the Rotate</p><p>For notched wafers, locate Sites 2 Sites locate wafers, notched For For flatted wafers, l wafers, flatted For t locate ; . Measure the thickness at2 this. Measure positionor the thickness nearest0.0001in. to 3 . t 1 . t 4 . (see Figure 1) Figure (see </p><p>(see Figure 1) Figure (see Sites Sites 3 and 5 and 3 ocate ocate n the diameter the diameter 6 and 8 at half the nominal radius o radius nominal the half at 8 and 6 Figure 3 Figure diameter. Site 1 at the nominal wafer center. wafer 1at the nominal Site ocate ocate . Measure the thickness at this position to the nearest 0.0001 in. or 2 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to position this at thickness the Measure . , 6 mm from the wafer edge wafer the from mm 6 , . Measure the thickness at this position to the nearest 0.0001 in. or 2 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to position this at thickness the Measure . indexaxis (seeFigure markalong the vertical points Sites 2 and 4 and 2 Sites that isthat to perpendicular on Wafers Flatted i on to the nearest 0.0001 in. or 2 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to on</p><p> and 4 and</p><p>, 6 mm from the wafer edge wafer the from mm 6 , ,</p><p>6 mm fr mm 6 , and l and , 1 Page (See Figure 2) (See o m the wafer edge edge wafer the m the reference diameter diameter the reference n on the diameter that is perpendicular to the reference the to perpendicular is that diameter the on ct ocate the the 6 Sites for Thickness Measurement on Thickness Measurement Sites for reference reference Sites 3 and 5 and 3 Sites 5 .  Wafers m and record the value as the center point center the as value the record and m diameter on the reference diameter that bisects the bisects that diameter reference the on on the reference diameter that is 30 deg 30 is that diameter reference the on 9  , 6 mm from the wafer edge wafer the from mm 6 , Figure 4 m and record the values as the values andm record . R is. R nominal radius. (See Figure 3).(See ; and locate Sites 7 and 9 9 and 7 Sites locate and ; and the the and s</p><p>1 6 8 4 2 Figure 3 Figure 2 Document Number: Document and 3 and perpendicular perpendicular ) . Doc. 7  m and record the record and m Date:  4703 m and record and m Notch , see Figure see , 3 DRAFT R t 4/30/2018 2 -</p><p>. 6  bisector on the on mm at half at ed SEMI (see 4703 </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 13.1.5 13.1.4 13.1.3 13.1.2 13.1.1 13.1 13 thickness variation. 12.1 12 ofmm) Site 11.11 t 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to position this at thickness the Measure 8. Site of mm) (2 in. 11.10 mm)thepositionor thicknessthe Sitenearest0.0001in. atto 2 this (2 7.Measure of 11.9 as the values 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to position this at thickness the Measure 6. Site of mm) (2 in. 0.08 within 11.8 as the value 5 Site of mm) (2 11.7 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This quantities the of determination the of precision the establish to reanalyzed were data original The calculated. weremethod this test in those prescribed from different quantitiesand the wafer, locations on different at made were 14.1.2 to(122 432 437 to (124 in. 0.0172 to 0.0049 from 15 on measurements 14.1.1 14.1 14 respectively 13.1.8 13.1.7 13.1.6 8 .</p><p>Precision Report Calculation r Again </p><p>Report the followingReport the information: (2 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the Rotate Contact-Type Gages Contact-Type Again rotate the wafer clockwise 90 deg so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the rotate Again For wafers with a nine-point pattern, move pattern, nine-point a with wafers For Subtract the smallest from the largest measured value of thickness and record this difference as the total the as difference this record and thickness of value measured largest the from smallest the Subtract Number of points measured on each wafer (5 or 9) (5 measured or ofoneachwafer Number points ofplan, and sampling Description Again rotate the wafer clockwise 90 deg so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the rotate Again For each wafer measured:For eachwafer diameter thickness, nominal identification,including and Lot andused, gage model Type ofIdentification operator, ofDate test, Although the experimental measurement procedure was as described in this test method, the measurements the method, test this in described as was procedure measurement experimental the Although Calibration data, standard thickness value, and measured values for those standards (see (see standards those for values measured and value, thickness standard data, Calibration An interlaboratory evaluation of this test method was conducted in which each of five laboratories made laboratories five of each which in conducted was method test this of evaluation interlaboratory An</p><p>Total thickness variation, in. ( in. thicknessTotal variation, thickness,( in. Center-point ).  t 9 otate the wafer clockwise 90 deg so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned within 0.08 in. 0.08 within positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so deg 90 clockwise wafer the otate 5 t m), inclusive. . Measure the thickness at2 this. Measure positionor the thickness nearest0.0001in. to . 6 If thisto measured,§12,Calculation. go If to theSite last is be . (see Figure 1) Figure (see flatted flatted wafers nominally 2 in. (51 mm) in diameter with center-point thickness in the range the in thickness center-point with diameter in mm) (51 in. 2 nominally wafers . Measure the thickness at this position to the nearest 0.0001 in. or 2 2 or in. 0.0001 nearest the to position this at thickness the Measure .  m),   m), inclusive, and average thickness in the range from 0.0048 to 0.0170 in. 0.0170 to 0.0048 from range the in thickness average and inclusive, m), m), and the wafer so that the probes of the thickness gage are positioned are gage thickness the of probes the that so wafer the Page 7  m and record the value as the value andm record  m and record the value as value andm as record the Document Number: Document  m and record the value as value the record and m Doc. ¶¶ Date: 10.1   4703 m and record and m m and record and m and and DRAFT 4/30/2018</p><p> SEMI t 2 9 . , §10 4703 t 7 . </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000A (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: CASan 95134-2127Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and where: where: follows: estimateddata thickness from is measurement as point these center- the of deviation standard two-sigma The diameter. and finish surface wafer of independent and magnitude 14.2.2 of test contact-type gages.earlier the in used been had evaluation this in wafers the of None included. were surfaces polished and etched, sawn, with ( 13 on measurements 14.2.1 14.2 is±60%. of this be estimateddeviations) to measurement standard sample (two precision interlaboratory the data, pooled normalized, the of deviation standard the of measure mean the to relative measure of provides the variability. a value deviation standard the situation, this For scatter). wide and offset small a with (though value  14.1.4 this be(±12.6 estimated to in. is ±0.00050 measurement of deviations) standard sample (two precision interlaboratory the data, pooled the of deviation standard the of the variability. a situation, thickness.measure of Forthis the sampledeviationprovides wafer standard 14.1.3 method. ¶ in specified reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within reproduction without distribution and/or SEMIwritten the ofprior isprohibited.consent only part, in or whole in document, this distribute and/or reproduce to granted is Permission standard. adopted or official an as construed be to is page this on material No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This 16.1 16 15.1 15 less(5.1 than measured0.0002 in. TTV was two-sigma deviationof standard ¶ in given thickness wafer of ranges the Over thickness. wafer 14.3 constant constant 165 to 772 772 to 165 m) and from 0.00005 to 0.0006 in. (1.3 to 15 15 to (1.3 in. 0.0006 to 0.00005 from and m)</p><p> patent rights own copyrights, suchresponsibility. infringementareentirely and rights patent their or the of risk of this any standard. advised areexpressly such determination this standard that of of mentioned in Users validity in patent any or rights with of items position copyrights the any connection respecting asserted (SEMI) no International and standard, of Equipment Materials takes publication this By Semiconductor notice. aresubjectchangewithout to standards These or anyequipmentmentionedherein. respecting materials literature, relevant and data other sheets, product product toinstructions, manufacturer's labels, arecautioned to of Users refer theresponsibility user. of the Thesuitabilityof solely is determination the standard any for particular application. herein NOTICE: Keywords Bias</p><p>Contactless GagesContactless semiconductor; silicon; thickness;thicknesssemiconductor; variation; variation; total wafer be to issmall. the calibrationtest, bias areused encountered conductingexpected standards in this Because The variability of the measured total thickness variation (TTV) was independent of both average TTV and TTV average both of independent was (TTV) variation thickness total measured the of variability The</p><p>The variabilities of the total thickness variation over the ranges from 0.00011 to about 0.0018 in. (2.8 to 46 to (2.8 in. 0.0018 about to 0.00011 from ranges the over variation thickness total the of variabilities The The variabilities of the measured center-point thicknesses were nearly independent of the magnitude of the of magnitude the of independent nearly were thicknesses center-point measured the of variabilities The An interlaboratory evaluation of this test method was conducted in which each of nine laboratories made laboratories nine of each which in conducted was method test this of evaluation interlaboratory An The variability of the measured center-point thickness was a reasonably linear function of the thickness the of function linear reasonably a was thickness center-point measured the of variability The</p><p>If the mean sample standard deviation of the measurements of center-point thickness is taken as a measurea as taken is thickness center-point of measurements the of deviation standard sample mean the If If the mean relative sample standard deviation of measurement of total thickness variation is taken as a as taken is variation thickness total of measurement of deviation standard sample relative mean the If = =  m 13.1.7 2.3 if the thickness and micrometers. two-sigma deviationarein 2.3 ifstandard the thicknessin.) and mils two-sigma deviationarein (0.001 0.09 ifstandard the ) SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the standards representations as nowarranties the suitabilityof to set or forth the SEMI makes . The wafers used had nominal diameters from 2 in. to 125 mm as specified in SEMI M1. Wafers M1. SEMI in specified as mm 125 to in. 2 from diameters nominal had used wafers The . . The change in measurement locations is not expected to affect the precision of this test this of precision the affect to expected not is locations measurement in change The . flatted flatted two-sigma standard deviation = 0.0036 two-sigma deviation= standard wafers that had center point thicknesses in the range from 0.00652 to 0.03059 in. 0.03059 to 0.00652 from range the in thicknesses point center had that wafers  m), respectively, were reasonably linear functions of the average the of functions linear reasonably were respectively, m),  m). Page 8 14.2.1  thickness + constant and TTV less than 0.0012 in. (30.6 (30.6 in. 0.0012 than less TTV and  m). Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4703 DRAFT 4/30/2018</p><p>  m) the m) SEMI 4703 or (1) </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT</p>

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