PRESENT Chair: Cllr Meryl Liddell

PRESENT Chair: Cllr Meryl Liddell

<p>MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 4 September 2017 at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.</p><p>PRESENT Chair: Cllr Meryl Liddell</p><p>Councillors: Richard Leech, Derek Liddell, Debra Smith, Ron Stier, Susan Wareham and Chrissie Yates</p><p>In attendance: Ward Cllr Robert Barnard, Linda Jackson – Chair of Huskar Community Rooms, 1 resident and the Clerk.</p><p>PUBLIC QUESTION TIME</p><p>A resident reported pot holes on Moorend lane towards cross roads. Cllr Barnard agreed to refer to highways.</p><p>A resident reported that the hedge at the bottom of Beacon Hill on Cone lane is still overgrown meaning that pedestrians with pushchairs have to walk in the road. Cllr Barnard will ask highways to write to the owner to ask that the hedge is cut back.</p><p>A resident reported that the trees on the left hand side of Cone Lane are in need of cutting back – specifically a sycamore – Cllr Barnard will take a photo of the tree and refer to Highways.</p><p>It was noted by a Councillor that an event had been held at SouthYorkshire buildings but the Parish Council had not been informed. The Council would have like to have been involved. Cllr Barnard advised that he had not been advised of the event either.</p><p>A Councillor advised that the post box in the wall of Moorend lane has now been blocked up. The Clerk will again chase to find out when the stand alone post box will be installed.</p><p>A Councillor advised that the wall and capping stones on the Noblethorpe estate boundary with the A628 are in a dangerous condition in places. The Clerk will contact the estate manager.</p><p>It was noted that HGV’s have started to park on the A628 to go into the Co-op. The HGV’s are indenting the footpath but with no yellow lines in this location there is no way of enforcing no parking. A photograph will be taken next time the HGV is seen and forwarded to the police along with registration number.</p><p>Members noted that the work is now completed to the Cone lane dry stone wall. The Parish Council pass on their thanks to Elvin Athey for a job well done.</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 17-070 APOLOGIES</p><p>RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllrs Andrew Browell and Richard Bell. </p><p>17-071 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - None</p><p>17-072 CO-OPTION OF A NEW COUNCILLOR</p><p>RESOLVED to exclude members of the press and public for this item. Press and public left the room.</p><p>Following a short informal interview, it was RESOLVED to co-opt Chrissie Yates onto Silkstone Parish Council. She signed her declaration of acceptance of office and the Clerk handed her a register of interests to complete and return to Barnsley MBC and a pack of Council information including the agenda papers for this evenings meeting.</p><p>17-073 HUSKAR COMMUNITY ROOMS UPDATE</p><p>RESOLVED to receive the update report and accounts from Linda Jackson for the Huskar Community Rooms. Groups now meeting at the Huskar rooms include dance school, scouts, cubs, beavers and brownies (new rainbows group to start soon), craft club, Yoga, Pilates, Baby Yoga/massage, toddler yoga and toddler sensory. Also being used extensively for children’s parties. The final certificate has not yet been issued by the Project manager as the solar panels are still outstanding. Upon receipt of the completion certificate, the Parish Council will release retention monies to the contractor. </p><p>RESOLVED that the Clerk will prepare a costed report to Council at their October meeting to include netting for the MUGA at the community rooms end, bins and litter management.</p><p>Members passed on their thanks to the Huskar Community Rooms committee who are responsible for the success of the community facility. A further report will be presented in 6 months time.</p><p>17-074 PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council’s extra ordinary meeting held on Monday 7 August 17 as a true and accurate record.</p><p>Matters arising from the minutes:</p><p>It was agreed that cover needs to be provided for the handy man when he is on holiday. Clerk and Chair to discuss. Also agreed that a record should be kept of all anti-social behaviour on the Silkstone recreation ground/car park area- Huskar community rooms to keep an incident record. Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 17-075 PLANNING APPLICATIONS - None</p><p>Planning Appeal – Ref: Appeal Ref: APP/R4408/W/17/3180755</p><p>Planning Application 2017/0027 Site Address: The Laurels, 24 Viewlands, Silkstone Common, Barnsley, S75 4QP</p><p>Description of Development: Demolition of existing house and erection of 3 new houses (Outline with all matters reserved)</p><p>RESOLVED that the Parish Council will comment back to the planning inspectorate on their interpretation of the village design statement. Full wording attached to these minutes.</p><p>17-076 DATA PROTECTION/INFORMATION COMMISSIONERS OFFICE</p><p>RESOLVED that the Clerk and Cllrs Bell and Liddell will look into the requirements for cookies on the website.</p><p>17-077 OFFICE RISK ASSESSMENT</p><p>RESOLVED to note that Cllr Leech carried out a risk assessment of the Clerk’s office. A new monitor and wrist support have been purchased and the Clerk has procured a new chair. Office 365 and cloud back up have been installed. The Chair and Vice Chair can log in remotely to the Parish Council records with passwords. </p><p>17-078 DEFIBRILLATORS FUNDRAISING</p><p>RESOLVED to note that all fundraising will be collected in by the end of September. By that time the Clerk will have the various options priced for the purchase of 2 defibrillators and cabinets so that a report can go to the Parish Council meeting on 2 October to agree which units to purchase and to agree if any further grant funding is required.</p><p>17-079 SILKSTONE RECREATION GROUND</p><p> a. Silkstone Playing Fields Committee</p><p>RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on 14 August 17. Cllr Stier advised that a meeting had been held with a mole control contractor and a quotation is awaited. The rood above the kitchen has been repaired and the handyman will make good the ceiling.</p><p> b. Health & Safety RESOLVED to note that the tree fallen in Conroyd wood has been removed. </p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 The ‘steep steps’ sign in Conroyd wood has now been reinstated. The last H&S testing of the drains showed that there may be a blocked drain – Cllr Stier will investigate. The Clerk will ask John Whitmore Electrician to look at the emergency light in Changing room 2 football which appear dull. A resident has put up a swing in Orchard wood which is very high up. The handyman and Cllr Stier will try to remove the swing which is a hazard. </p><p>17-080 SUMMER FAIR 2017</p><p>RESOLVED that the summer fair 2017 was a success. The weather was kind and hundreds of residents attended the fair. Initial feedback from stall holders has been good. The Clerk will present a report to the Parish Council at their October meeting with details of the total income and expenditure and notes from the committee feedback meeting on 20 September. The Parish Council especially wished to thank Mr Hubert who strimmed the edges of the recreation days in the weeks before the fair, CARE for litter picking before and after the fair and Barnsley MBC for cutting the grass. Also thanks to Paul at the Barnsley Chronicle for promoting the fair. A newsletter article will be included in the next issue thanking all the stall holders and businesses who donated raffle prizes.</p><p>17-081 ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPPING</p><p>RESOLVED that the Parish Council will register of public sector on-line mapping.</p><p>17-082 WAR MEMORIAL GRANT APPLICATION</p><p>RESOLVED to note that the War Memorials Trust have approved the grant application for repairs and cleaning to the Silkstone War Memorial. The Clerk will progress the paperwork with War Memorials Trust and progress the order with J Rotherham Masons.</p><p>17-083 ANNUAL RETURN 2016/2017</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the completed annual return for 2016/2017 which has been returned from the external auditor with no comments.</p><p>17-084 FINANCE REPORT TO 30 JUNE 17</p><p>RESOLVED to defer this item to the next Parish Council meeting.</p><p>17-085 GRANT APPLICATION</p><p>RESOLVED to pre-approve a grant of £174.49 for Tiny Tots Toddler group.</p><p>17-086 INVOICES FOR PAYMENT Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 4 September 17 summarised below: </p><p>Payee Description Total Cheque/DD/SO</p><p>Paid in between meetings Boiler repairs at 145.00 301270 Silkstone Pavilion EMG Plumbing</p><p>Bothams Prestige SRG & Villages grounds 1,230.50 301271 maintenance</p><p>SLCC Enterprises Regional conference 153.60 301272 attended by the Clerk, Cllr Smith and M Liddell.</p><p>Silkstone Common Newsletter delivery 85.00 301277 newsletter deliverer</p><p>Silkstone newsletter Newsletter delivery 85.00 301278 deliverer</p><p>To be paid 4 September 17 Knee rail fence timber 76.80 301273 Barnsley Timber and brackets</p><p>Communicorp Local Councils update 75.00 301274 subscription</p><p>BT Office phone bill 102.58 DD</p><p>Silkstone Luncheon Club Pre-approved grant 400.00 301275 2017</p><p>Expert Water Services Legionella monitoring 54.00 301276 August 17</p><p>Co-op 7.50 Charge card KDA Paint for pavilion 12.63 (£64.06) Amazon 41.93 Co-op bank card fee 2.00</p><p>Yorkshire Water Pavilion water bill 23.92 DD</p><p>Employees Salaries/Tax & NI and 1,662.00 SO, Pensions 301279,301280 & 301281</p><p>BOS Office Supplies Newsletter printing 518.29 301282</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 BDO LLP Audit fee 16/17 720.00 301283</p><p>Totals 5,395.75</p><p>17-087 MEETINGS</p><p>Cllr Debra Smith Summer Fair committee meeting SLCC regional training conference</p><p>Cllr Susan Wareham Summer Fair committee meeting</p><p>Cllr Ron Stier Penistone Paramount meeting SYPTE meeting Crime & Safety Sub group meeting Silkstone Playing Fields Committee</p><p>Cllr Richard Leech Silkstone Playing Fields Committee Meeting with Clerk for office risk assessment</p><p>Cllr Meryl Liddell Summer Fair Committee meeting SLCC regional conference</p><p>Clerk Summer Fair committee meeting Silkstone Playing Fields Committee SLCC regional conference SLCC Branch training day</p><p>17-088 CORRESPONDENCE TO NOTE</p><p>Local Councils Update – handed to Cllr Liddell</p><p>CARE programme – on the website</p><p>YLCA Councillor training – noted that the councillor training day is full. In house training for Susan Wareham and Chrissie Yates will be arranged later this month.</p><p>17-089 DATE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>The next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on 2 October 17 at Silkstone Sports Pavilion commencing at 6.45pm.</p><p>The Chair closed the meeting at 8.43pm Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 Chair’s Signature Date Further information Ref minute number 17-075</p><p>Wording of letter sent to Planning Inspectorate:</p><p>Ref : Appeal Ref: APP/R4408/W/17/3180755</p><p>Planning Application 2017/0027 Site Address: The Laurels, 24 Viewlands, Silkstone Common, Barnsley, S75 4QP</p><p>Description of Development: Demolition of existing house and erection of 3 new houses (Outline with all matters reserved)</p><p>1. An appeal has been lodged against BMBC’s refusal to grant planning permission for the above application. 2. Silkstone Parish Council wishes to clarify an aspect of its already-submitted objection, in view of comments made by the applicant in its ‘Full Statement of Case’. 3. The applicant stated the following in the ‘Full Statement of Case’:</p><p>“ Silkstone Parish Council raised issues in respect of the Parish Council Village Design Statement. The document was examined by the Agent and the Council's case officer and both parties could not identify any conflict with the aim of the document. The aim of the document is stated as “managing change, not preventing it".” Silkstone Parish Council considers that this is a misinterpretation of the Village Design Statement, which in their view does clearly identify a conflict, as explained at 5 below. 4. The purpose of the Village Design Statement is set out in the ‘Introduction’ on page 5 as follows:</p><p>“The purpose of the PDS is to manage change, not to prevent it. It is concerned with the ways in which developments, both new build and small-scale alterations and extensions, are carried out. It aims to ensure that they are in sympathy with their setting and retain the character of the individual areas in our Parish.” The words shown in bold above require equal consideration, alongside the small extract given by the applicant. 5. The Village Design Statement goes on to stipulate guidelines applicable to any development. These are found at page 17 of the Village Design Statement, and it is herein that conflict arises: </p><p>“ B2. The design of any new building or an extension or alteration to an existing building must always be sympathetic to its neighbours and in keeping with the village environment. </p><p>…</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017 B4. The spacing and density of any new properties should be consistent with those already existing.” Conflict arises because the proposed development will triple the density of the existing property, by replacing 1 building with 3. The proliferation of such developments in the parish will be in conflict with the aim of ensuring that developments are ‘in keeping with the village environment’. 6. The applicant’s original application twice referred to the site being ‘under-utilised’. This concept of under-utilisation is inconsistent with the Village Design Statement in which it is set out that “Residents have chosen to live in the parish and have shown that they want to keep the styles, density and open spaces in their villages” (6.3 page 15). 7. The applicant’s ‘Full Statement of Case’ adds that ‘It is totally unrealistic to believe this large housing site should be left undeveloped with proven demand for quality housing in the borough’. The Parish Council responds that the Local Plan does not have an allocation for new housing in Silkstone Parish, and that provision is made elsewhere in the borough to meet housing need. The desirability of the site to potential purchasers should not be a material consideration against the expressed wishes of residents as set out in the Village Design Statement. 8. In conclusion, residents of the Parish have expressed a desire to respect and protect the existing village environment, and specifically to reject proposals that aim to increase housing density.</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 4 September 2017</p>

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