International Law-in News International Law in News Newly Elected Greek Prime Minister Demanded to Impose Additional Austerity Measures http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/12/alexis-tsipras-pledged-to-end-austerity-now-he-is-asked- to-sign-up-for-more Following his election on 25 interviews prior to the election, January 2015, Greek Prime Min- Tsipras reaf›rmed the importance ister Alexis Tsipras has pledged to of the bail-out deal claiming the pursue anti-austerity measures in deal is an important factor that his political manifesto following a will allow Greece to retain its us- failure in the Greek parliament to age of the euro. Yet, Greece still elect a new president. Tsipras was faces considerable economic chal- reelected on 20 September 2015 lenges. Being still in recession, the winning against the New Democ- Greek government has to satisfy racy party under his Syriza party. international creditors that is ful- The Syriza has just won over 35% ›lling the terms of the ⁄85 billion of its previous result beating the bailout. Creditors are due to re- conservative New Democracy view the progress of the program who obtained 28% of votes. This in October. is short of a majority win, how- However several members ever Syriza will form a coalition of the Eurozone have expressed with the nationalist Independent ignorance whether Tsipras will Greeks. follow through on its promises. Tsipras’ reelection is following Germany, Finland, and other a new ⁄85 billion bailout agree- countries of northern Europe have ment between Greece and the made it clear that they no longer European Union which provides trust Greece ful›ll its promises for increased taxation and new and have lost patience with Tsip- spending cuts. The current auster- ras. In the face of their own do- ity measures, which was intended mestic pressure, they intend to to cut spending, has also taken its keep the euro intact however at own take in Greece’s economy. In the same time would not want to Volume 12 Number 4 July 2015 573 Jurnal Hukum Internasional face the consequences if Greece Meanwhile, France and Italy secedes from the euro. Germany, have expressed support towards being the Eurozone country with Greece. The two countries under- the most stable economy, has al- stand Greece’s position, seeing the ways been consistent in proposing dangers of austerity where Greece a ›scal union, with a mechanism is suffering from the biggest drop for moving resources from rich to in output and the largest amount in poor parts of the single currency budget tightening, whereas opting in return for the willingness of not to impose austerity measures individual governments to accept would be dangerous in terms of rules that would enforce budget spending in the long run. discipline. (RM) Australian PM Tony Abbott ousted by Malcolm Turnbull http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-34245005 Tony Abbott was ousted as leader of the party or coalition that leader of the centre-right Liberal can command a majority in parlia- Party by Malcolm Turnbull. Ab- ment. bott, who had been plagued by Earlier, Abbott had dismissed poor opinion polls, received 44 rumors that his leadership is about votes to Turnbull‘s 54 in the last to be challenges as mere —Canber- party leadership ballot. Turnbull ra gossip”. However, it turned out is set to become the new Austra- that Abbott was ultimately ousted lian Prime Minister due this turn by Turnbull, a fellow Liberal Par- of events. The new leader will be ty politicians. Foreign Minister Australia’s fourth prime minister Julie Bishop is also voted to re- since 2013. The prime minister- main deputy leader of the party. elect is expected to be sworn in Bishop stated that she supported after Abbott of›cially writes his Turnbull’s bid to a leadership resignation documents to Austra- challenge. Turnbull praised his lia’s governor general. In Austra- predecessor for his —formidable lia, the prime minister is not di- achievements” as prime minister, rectly elected by voters but is the when ask to speak following the 574 Volume 12 Number 4 July 2015 International Law-in News announcement of the voting re- remained as leader, the coalition sults. government would lose the next Malcom Turnbull previously election, which is likely to take served as Minister for Commu- place next year. nications under Abbott, before The last Australian prime min- resigning to launch a leadership ister to serve a full term was John challenge. Turnbull holds views Howard, who left power in 2007. that are considered unconven- Labor Prime Minister Julia tional even within his own coali- Gillard was ousted by rival Kevin tion, such as his views on climate Rudd in a leadership vote in June change, gay marriage and making 2013 - months before a general Australia a republic. He led the election won by Tony Abbott’s Liberal Party in opposition from Liberal Party and its coalition 2008-2009 - but lost a leadership partners the National Party. Gil- challenge to Abbott by one vote. lard herself had ousted Rudd as He previously worked as a suc- prime minister in 2010. Turnbull cessful lawyer and businessman had previously been leader of the - defending former British spy Liberals while in opposition, but Peter :right in the —Spycatcher“ was ousted by Abbott in 2009. case in the 1980s. Abbott survived a leadership chal- Turnbull said Australia needed lenge in February, but his govern- to have —the economic vision, a ment has consistently been behind leadership, that explains the great the opposition Labor Party in challenges and opportunities we opinion polls. face”. He further said he would Abbott has not spoken pub- lead —a thoroughly Liberal gov- licly since he was voted out by ernment, committed to freedom, his parliamentary colleagues. Cur- the individual and the market”. rent opposition leader Bill Short- Turnbull stated that the decision en tweeted that —Australia does to launch a leadership challenge not need another arrogant, out of was not a light one, but that it was touch Liberal leader - Australia —clear enough that the government needs a change of government”. is not successful in providing the economic leadership that we (RW) need”. Turnbull had said if Abbott Volume 12 Number 4 July 2015 575 Jurnal Hukum Internasional Austria Imposes Border Controls over Infiux of Refugees http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/09/hungary-declares-state-emergency-refugee-in- fiux-150915081707010.html Austria has imposed new re- Viktor Orban has indicated that strictions at its borders as means asylum requests from refugees to deal with thousands of im- trying to enter Hungary from Ser- migration passing through it to bia will be rejected. The rationale reach Germany. In recent days, is because Serbia is a safe country thousands of refugees have tried where refugees do not risk war or to migrate into Austria through persecution. Orvan stated that the Hungary. They are trying to get border will not be sealed hermeti- to the border before Hungary de- cally. He stated that Hungary is cide to close its border with Ser- simple enforcing the laws that is bia. Hungary had declared a state already in force. Hundreds of ref- of emergency earlier, and shut its ugees between the border of Hun- border with Serbia leaving many gary and Serbia carried handwrit- desperate refugees stranded at the ten signs and shouted their plea to border. According to the police authorities to let them through the report, more than 10.000 people gate. have been detained for illegally Meanwhile, Serbia was talk- crossing the border from Ser- ing to the Hungarian government bia. Over 200,000 refugees have about the build-up of refugees on reached Hungary so far in 2015, their frontier, a Serbian govern- nearly all by walking across the ment minister said, adding Bu- southern border with Serbia. On dapest would —have to open the the last day before Hungary sealed border”. UNHCR spokeswoman off its Serbian border with a razor Melissa Fleming said that it is wire fence, a record 15,700 people likely that thousands of refugees arrived in eastern Austria via the will simply divert their route now border town of Nickelsdorf. Some that Hungary has closed its border 2,500 people spent the night in with Serbia. UNHCR is ready to tents at the Austrian border, which move and assist different coun- had been set up by the country’s tries. army. Fewer refugees crossed into Hungarian Prime Minister 576 Volume 12 Number 4 July 2015 International Law-in News Austria from Hungary after Buda- on Tuesday that two crossings on pest started to clamp down on the the border with Serbia have been fiow through the Balkan Peninsula closed to all traf›c as stricter rules to the richer countries of northern about the entry of migrants are ap- and Western Europe, Austrian po- plied. lice said. Hungarian police said (RW)’ The 5TH EU – Korea S&T Cooperation http://ec.europa.eu/research/iscp/index.cfm?pg=korea http://ec.europa.eu/research/iscp/pdf/policy/eu-korea_jstcc_statement.pdf http://www.access4.eu/southkorea/626.php http://gridatasia.ercim.eu/images/seoul/pdf/Joo-HanKim.pdf On 15 June 2015 European Since the beginning of the EU Union (EU) and Republic of Ko- and Korea Cooperation on S&T, rea formed the 5th Science & numbers of Korean researchers Technology (S&T) Cooperation were increasing in the European committee, which was held in research, which covers various Seoul, South Korea. The meeting different types of major research was chaired by EC Director-Gen- areas of common interests. This is eral, Robert-Jan Smits and Korean supported by the cooperation fa- Vice-Minister, Sukjoon Lee.
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