Project Management Plan Template

Project Management Plan Template

<p>Project Name</p><p>Project Management Plan Template</p><p>This document will be changed or amended as soon as additional or newer information is available</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY COMPANY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>Document History <Add a new row for additional changes. Sort by Version in descending order. Enter the date in the MMM DD, YYYY format. Set the document status to Draft, Reviewed, or Approved.></p><p>Version Date Author, Org Unit Status Comment / Description of Change</p><p>Document References <Specify the documents that are referred in the below table. See Guidelines for potential reference documents. Documents are assumed to be the latest version unless explicitly stated otherwise.></p><p>Document Name File Name / Link Version Number</p><p>Approvers:</p><p>Name Role Approval Received</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 3 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>1. Introduction</p><p>1.1 Purpose of the Program Management Plan (PMP)</p><p>The project management plan describes how the project will be executed, monitored, and controlled based on the agreed objectives of the project. It integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary plans and baselines from the planning processes. Once the program management plan is baselined, it may only be changed when a change request is generated and approved.</p><p>1.2 How to use this template The Project Management Plan (PMP) template includes short instructions to help you create a project management plan. For additional guidance on how to complete the PMP, refer to the comprehensive Project Management Plan Guideline document. Complete each section of the document, replacing the instructions with your actual text. Update this document’s properties (On the File menu, click Properties), particularly the fields on the Summary and Custom tabs. To update all fields in this document, including your table of contents, click Select All on the Edit menu, and then press F9.</p><p>2. Project Approval Summary</p><p>Project Work ID Approval Date</p><p>Project Name Approved Start Date</p><p>Related Program Approved End Date</p><p>2.1 Current Situation</p><p>Provide a clear and succinct summary of the primary business issues or opportunities leading to this project, and define the level of business priority attached to this project.</p><p>2.2 Project Objective Specify the objectives or outcome of the project and how it will address the issues or opportunities described in Section 1.1 above.</p><p>2.3 Constraints Specify the constraints which apply to the project. When identifying constraints, consider the full scope of the project.</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE 2.4 Assumptions List any assumed factors (as opposed to known facts) that could affect the requirements or the project plan.</p><p>2.5 Dependencies Identify any dependencies the project has on external factors, such as delivery from another project.</p><p>3. Integration Management This section describes the methods which have to be used on a day-to-day basis in each related project in order to achieve the assigned objectives. The objective here is to ensure professional project management and reporting consistency among its projects. However, depending on their particular scope, each project may identify and state in their own PMP the additional, complementary, or replacement delivery method and standard to be used, if they do not interfere with the consistency objective above.</p><p>3.1 Development Method</p><p>This section describes the delivery methodology and standards used in this program. It states how any standard frameworks will be tailored or adapted for use on the program (method adoption):</p><p>3.2 Implementation Plan</p><p>Explain how the transition of the final product, service, or result that the project was authorized to produce will take place. Ensure to cover both the technology and people aspects of a project. </p><p>3.3 Monitoring and Control Project Work</p><p>Monitoring and Control Project Work is the process of tracking, reviewing and reporting the progress to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan. The key benefit of this process is that it allows stakeholder to understand the current state of project work, the steps taken and budget, schedule and forecasts. The processes and their outputs will be described in separate chapters in this document.</p><p>3.4 Issue Management Plan</p><p>This chapter describes how Issues and Action have to be recorded and managed</p><p>3.5 Escalation Management</p><p>This chapter describes how the project manager or team members appropriately escalate decisions or issues/problems.</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 5 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>4. Scope Management</p><p>4.1 Scope Management Plan</p><p>Complete this section to describe how scope management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>4.2 Scope Management Plan The scope management plan can be formal or informal, broadly framed or highly detailed, based on the needs of the project.</p><p>4.3 Project Scope Statement Define the boundaries of the project across several dimensions. </p><p>4.3.1 Business Process Scope Out of Scope In Scope</p><p>4.3.2 Customer Segment Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.3 Product Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.4 Distribution Channel Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.5 Organizational Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.6 Location Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.7 Data Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 7 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>4.3.8 Application Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.3.9 Technology Scope</p><p>In Scope Out of Scope</p><p>4.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Include a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.</p><p>4.5 WBS Dictionary Provide detailed deliverable, activity, and scheduling information about each component in the WBS.</p><p>4.6 Requirements Management Plan Describe how requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.</p><p>4.7 Requirements Documentation Describe how individual requirements meet the business need for the project. </p><p>4.8 Requirements Traceability Matrix Use this section to link product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that satisfy them.</p><p>4.9 Acceptance Criteria In the following table, name the project’s completion and acceptance criteria.</p><p>5. Change Management This chapter describes how to perform Integrated Change Control which is the process of reviewing all change requests, approving changes and managing changes to deliverables, organizational assets, project documents and the project management plan; and communicating their disposition (acc to PMBOK).</p><p>5.1 Scope Changes</p><p>Define how scope changes are managed</p><p>Scope Change Process:</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>Activity Description Responsible CR Status at activity end Raise Draft Analyze Handed in to CAB Approve Approved Rejected On Hold Schedule Scheduled Implement Implemented</p><p>Start Requester Program Member Raise CR End Draft</p><p>Stream Analyze CR, Update Doc. Submit it to CAB Implement CR, Test Leader Handed in to CAB Implemented</p><p>Update Change Log, Quality Check, Schedule CR PMO Organize CAB Scheduled</p><p>Yes, Approved</p><p>CR in Approve Program Budget and CR? Yes CAB Scope? No, Rejected No No, on Hold</p><p>STC Approve CR? No, Rejected Yes, Approved</p><p>Who approves Scope Change Requests?</p><p>Document Changes due to Change Requests After a change request approval, related documentation and specification, which describes the respective deliverable has to be checked and if necessary updates. Responsible is ….</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 9 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE 5.2 Schedule Changes</p><p>Describe how schedule changes have to be submitted in “Schedule Change Log” in order to change the schedule controlled an in an orderly manner and that changes can be traced back.</p><p>Activity Description Responsible CR Status at activity end Raise open Analyze open Approve Approved Rejected Schedule Scheduled</p><p>Minor schedule changes (cosmetics) are implement Major schedule changes need to be approved by The Schedule Change Log allows to trace back all changes in the schedule. The better a change is documented the better the understanding if questions arises. Most of the changes should include an attachment (MS Word) with a description in two parts (1) Status before the change (incl. screenshot of schedule section), and (2) status after the change (incl. screenshot of schedule section). </p><p>5.3 Cost Changes</p><p>Describe Cost Changes which arises from changes in scope, additional or reduced scope, estimation errors etc. and how/who approves the changes and more budget </p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>5.4 Tracking Effort of Resources</p><p>5.4.1 Tracking Effort/Cost of Internal Resources Internal resources …</p><p>5.4.2 Tracking Effort/Cost of external Resources External resources (contractors) …</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 11 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>6. Time Management Complete this section to describe how time management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>6.1 Schedule Management Plan Describe how the project schedule will be managed throughout the project.</p><p>6.2 Schedule Baseline Include the approved version of the project schedule that can be changed only through formal change control procedures and is used as a basis for comparison to actual results.</p><p>Phase / Milestone Target Key Deliverables Accountability Completion Dates</p><p>6.3 Schedule Control</p><p>Define how the schedule is monitored and controlled</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>7. Cost Management</p><p>7.1 Cost Management Plan</p><p>Complete this section to describe how cost management will be structured and performed on the project. Important note: Since the project management plan is shared with third parties involved in the project, do NOT include any confidential financial information that must not be disclosed. In this case, reference it here. When in doubt, contact your local PMO representative or Compliance officer.</p><p>7.2 Cost Management Plan Describe how the project costs will be planned, structured, and controlled, that is, the cost management processes and their associated tools and techniques.</p><p>7.3 Cost Baseline Include the approved version of the project budget which can only be changed through formal change control procedures and is used as a basis for comparison to actual results. </p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 13 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>8. Quality Management Complete this section to describe how quality management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>8.1 Quality Management Plan Describe how Zurich's quality policies will be implemented and how the project management team plans to meet the quality requirements set for the project.</p><p>8.2 Process Improvement Plan Detail the steps for analyzing project management and product development processes to identify activities that enhance their value.</p><p>8.3 Quality Metrics Describe which quality metrics will be used and how the control quality process will measure them.</p><p>8.4 Quality Checklists Refer to any checklist the project will use to ensure consistency in frequently performed tasks. .</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>9. Human Resource Management Provide guidance on how project human resources should be defined, staffed, managed, and eventually released.</p><p>9.1 Staffing management plan</p><p>9.1.1 On-Boarding External Resources (Contractors)</p><p>9.1.2 Off-Boarding External Resources (Contractors)</p><p>9.1.3 Recruiting and On-boarding Permanent Resources</p><p>1.1.1 Project organization charts</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 15 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>10. Communications Management Complete this section to describe how communications management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>10.1 Communication Language </p><p>10.2 Naming Convention for File Names</p><p>10.3 Data Classification Categories and Handling of Project Documents</p><p>10.4 Communications Management Plan</p><p>Use this section to describe how project communications will be planned, structured, monitored, and controlled.</p><p>10.5 Document Repository</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>11. Risk Management</p><p>11.1 Risk Management Plan </p><p>Describe how risk management activities will be structured and performed.</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 17 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>12. Procurement Management Complete this section to describe how procurement management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>12.1 Procurement Management Plan</p><p>Define how the project team will acquire goods and services from outside the company and how they will govern the vendors and third parties involved in the project in cooperation with Sourcing & Procurement. Also describe how the procurement processes will be managed from developing procurement documents through contract closure, if applicable. </p><p>12.2 Procurement Statement of Work</p><p>For any services or products that are provided by a vendor or other third party and will be used by the project, describe the procurement item in sufficient detail. Descriptions for procurement items are taken from the detailed specifications of the deliverables</p><p>12.3 Procurement Documents</p><p>Define or reference the procurement documents used to solicit proposals from prospective sellers. N/A</p><p>12.4 Source Selection Criteria</p><p>Describe the source selection criteria used to rate or score seller proposals. N/A</p><p>12.5 Make-or-Buy Decisions</p><p>Define how make-or-buy analysis will be performed. N/A</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>13. Stakeholder and Change Management Complete this section to describe how stakeholder and change management will be structured and performed on the project.</p><p>13.1 Stakeholder Overview</p><p>13.2 Stakeholder Register</p><p>13.3 Change Network Map</p><p>Describe the change network related to the project by examining the change from the perspective of those that are being asked to change, rather than the project view.</p><p>13.3.1 Target Groups Define the target groups that must change ("change target groups").</p><p>13.3.2 Sustaining Sponsors Identify a sustaining sponsor for each target group. </p><p>13.3.3 Change Agents Define change agents who manage and deliver the day-to-day changes required in the change target groups. </p><p>13.4 Stakeholder Impact Assessment For all identified stakeholders, describe how they will be impacted by the change, their key issues and concerns, how they will benefit from the change, and map their current and desired level of influence and support required for overall project effectiveness and delivery.</p><p>13.5 Change Assessment Define how commitment, readiness and ability to implement changes will be evaluated to determine which “conditions for success” factors are at risk, so that an appropriate stakeholder management plan can be designed and executed.</p><p>13.6 Stakeholder Management Plan Describe how the project will interact with project stakeholders to support the project's interests</p><p>.</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 19 OF 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>Appendix A: Supporting Documents Specify all documents that are part of the Project Management Plan document and form the appendix to this document.</p><p>Customized Tools (example only)</p><p>Appendix C: Checklists Project Management Plan Checklist Do the project’s objectives meet the business goals, and do they satisfy the  SMART criteria? Is the scope clear and unambiguous, are there any missing areas?  Are the out of scope areas clear, with reasons stated?  Are all constraints, assumptions and dependencies documented and agreed  with the relevant owners? Have the client responsibilities and dependencies been documented and  agreed? Are risks included and have realistic mitigation plans been defined?  Is the project’s approach to identifying, assessing and tracking risks defined?  Are completion and acceptance criteria specific to this project defined, and are  they stated in a way that makes them verifiable? Has the approach to the project and methodology to be used been specified  and is it appropriate for the size and type of project? Has the approach to ensuring quality of the project processes and  deliverables been defined? Is the list of key activities and milestones complete for the whole project? Are  the milestones achievable? Will the key activities and deliverables achieve the project objectives?  Do the project’s key activities align with the defined project approach?  Is the project’s approach to reporting status to stakeholders defined?  Is the project’s approach to managing and reporting issues defined?  Is the mechanism for requesting and approving changes to the project’s  scope, cost, schedule or quality defined? Does the project’s implementation strategy consider the overall management  of organizational change? Is the project organization appropriate to the size and type of project?  Do the project roles align with the defined project approach, and are all the  necessary roles identified?</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE</p><p>Are third parties that will be involved with the project identified, and has their  involvement been defined? Are third party responsibilities defined in terms of the key activities and  deliverables that they will produce? Are training requirements for project staff defined?  Are any necessary subordinate plans to the Project Management Plan  referenced from the main document? Is there a plan on how and when the project team will be staffed and have the  key resources been confirmed and / or secured?</p><p>Appendix D: Glossary</p><p>Acronym/Abbrevia Description tion</p><p>INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE 21 OF 21</p>

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