<p> Midlands State University</p><p>Department of History and Development Studies</p><p>Module outline and Reading List</p><p>------</p><p>Module Title: DSH111, Introduction to Development Studies</p><p>The primary aim of this module is to introduce students to major concepts, theories and debates in development discourse. It examines some of the strategies and alternatives of development that have been proffered by different scholars. Development challenges as well as strategies that have been suggested for overcoming poverty and initiate development amongst the poor nations are also debated. For achieving these objectives, the following topics will be covered.</p><p>1. The concept of Development</p><p>In this section, the different approaches used to measure development are examined. The strengths and weaknesses of each approach are examined. The desirability for a multi- dimensional approach is emphasized. The approaches are examined here are;</p><p>A) The Economic Approach (GNP/GDP)</p><p>B) Basic Needs</p><p>C) Human development</p><p>2. Theories of Development</p><p>This section discusses the various theories that have been proffered by different scholars to explain the process of development or lack of it. These theories are;</p><p> a) Modernization Theories</p><p> b) Structuralism and Dependency</p><p> c) Neo-Liberalism</p><p> d) Grassroots </p><p> e) Post Development </p><p>3. The Development Context and Stakeholders The segment examines the context in which development takes place as well as stakeholders involved in the process. The thrust is to discuss how these contexts may hinder or facilitate development. These contexts include;</p><p>-The political environment</p><p>-Social environment</p><p>-Cultural environment</p><p>-Economic environment</p><p>-Global environment.</p><p>The Stakeholders are; the Public sector, Private sector, Non- Governmental Stake holders and popular or community based stake holders.</p><p>4. Globalization</p><p>The emergence, meaning and impact of globalization on different sections of the world and population is debated. Major drivers of the process of globalization, that is, TNCs, the World </p><p>Bank, IMF and WTO, are examined with the aim of bringing out their roles and impact in the development process. </p><p>5. Aid and Development</p><p>Conceptualization and historical development </p><p>Major Donors and recipients of Aid</p><p>Motives for giving and accepting Aid</p><p>Impact of Aid on Donors and recipients</p><p>6. Emerging Issues in Development discourse</p><p>This section seeks to expose students to cross cutting issues in development discourse which are:</p><p>Governance</p><p>Human rights and democracy Participation</p><p>7. The World’s development Challenges</p><p>The objective of this segment is to acquaint students to development challenges, particularly as they relate to developing nations. Theses are:</p><p>Debt</p><p>HIV and AIDS</p><p>Conflict and Poverty</p><p>Environmental change</p><p>Democracy DSH 111 Introduction to Development Studies Reading List</p><p>Buck W The Politics of Mercantilism</p><p>Cole GDH Introduction to Economic History</p><p>Coleman DC Revisions of Mercantilism</p><p>Galbraith JK Economic Development</p><p>Hecksher EP Mercantilism</p><p>Hunt EK History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective</p><p>Nabudere D Political Economy of Imperialism </p><p>Newman PC The Development of Economic Thought</p><p>Rima IH The Development of Economic Analysis</p><p>Routh G The Origins of Economic Ideas</p><p>Roll EA History of Economic Thought</p><p>Taylor OM A History of Economic Thought</p><p>Cypher JM et.al The Process of Economic Development</p><p>Ferguson JM Landmarks of Economic Thought</p><p>Hollander S The Economics of Adam Smith</p><p>Meek RL Smith, Marx and After: Past and Present</p><p>Rima IH The Development of Economic Analysis</p><p>Smith A The Wealth of Nations</p><p>Ake C Political Economy of Africa (330.96 AKE)</p><p>Bairoch P Economic Development of the Third World since 1900 (330.91724BA1)</p><p>Bell M Contemporary Africa: Development, Culture and the State (R) Chaliand G Revolution in the Third World</p><p>Daniel J (ed) Political Economy in Africa (330.96 Pol)</p><p>Dasgutta Ajit Economic Theory and the Developing Countries (330.91724 DAS)</p><p>De Revero The Myth of Development: The Non-Viable Economics of the 21st Century (London: Zed Books, 2001).</p><p>Gillis M et.al Economics of Development (2nd edition) (R)</p><p>Hettne B Development Theory and the Three Worlds (338.9HET)</p><p>Amin S De-linking: Towards a Polycentric World</p><p>Bagchi A K The Political Economy of underdevelopment</p><p>Baran P A The Political Economy of Growth </p><p>Caporaso J A “Dependence and Dependency in the Colonial System”, in International Organization</p><p>Carr M Economically Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries (R)</p><p>Dasgutta Ajit Economic Theory and the Developing Countries (330.91724 DAS)</p><p>Duval R “Dependence and Dependencia Theory: Notes towards Precision of Concept and argument”, in International Organization Vol. 32, No. 1 (Writer 1978).</p><p>Frank A G Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment</p><p>Frank A G Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution?</p><p>Hettne B Development Theory and the Three Worlds (338.9HET)</p><p>Lee F J T “Dependency and Revolutionary Theory in the African Situation”, in Barongo (ed) Political Science in Africa (3 copies). O’Brien R C (ed) The Political Economy of Underdevelopment</p><p>Rodney W How Europe Underdeveloped African (7 copies)</p><p>Rostow W W Stages of Economic Growth: A non- Communist Manifesto (1 copy)</p><p>Roxborough I Theories of Underdevelopment (330 Rox)</p><p>Southall A “The Rainfall Fell on its Own: The Alur Theory of Development and its Western Counterparts”, in African Studies Review, 31,2, Sept. 1988 (R)</p><p>Todaro M Economic Development in the Third World (330.91724 Tod)</p><p>Turok B Revolutionary Thought in the 20th Century (R)</p><p>Wilber C The Political Economy of development and Underdevelopment.</p><p>Marx K Capital: A critique of Political Economy Vol. 2, 1978 (335.4MAR)</p><p>Morgan D J The Official History of Colonial Development vol. 3: A Reassessment of British Aid Policy: 1951 – 1965. </p><p>Shaw T M &</p><p>Heard K A (eds) The Politics of Africa: Dependence (320.96 BAB).</p><p>United Nations Structure and Growth of Selected African Economies</p><p>Blaugh M Great Economists Before Keynes</p><p>Cypher JM et.al The Process of Economic Development</p><p>Malthus TR Definitions of Political Economy</p><p>O’Brien DP The Classical Economists Robbins LC Political Economy: Past and Present</p><p>Spiegel HW The Growth of Economic Thought</p><p>Afanasyev V et.al Fundamentals of Scientific Socialism</p><p>Becker JF Marxian Political Economy: An Outline</p><p>Burns E Introduction to Marxism</p><p>Chesnokov DL Historical Materialism</p><p>Cornforth M Historical Materialism</p><p>Desai M Marxian Economic Theory</p><p>Engels F On Historical Materialism</p><p>Ferguson JH Landmarks of Economic Thought</p><p>Fiedler H Lectures on Economic History</p><p>Freedman R Marx on Economics</p><p>Gide C A History of Economic Doctrines</p><p>Gray A The Development of Economic Doctrines</p><p>Hardach G A Short History of Socialist Economic Thought</p><p>John E “Some Questions on the Materialist Interpretations of History” in Elton G </p><p>R. The Practice of History</p><p>Pugh G T. Guide to Research Writing</p><p>Marwick A The Nature of History</p><p>Mlambo A S </p><p>& Jeffreys A Guide to Thesis Writing Astapovich A Z The strategy of Transitional Corporations(R)</p><p>Barnett R & Muller R Global Reach: The Power or Multinationals</p><p>Clarke D G Foreign companies and Internal Investment in Zimbabwe</p><p>Clarmonte F & </p><p>Cavanagh J The World in their web (R)</p><p>Dinham B & </p><p>Hine C Agribusiness in Africa (R)</p><p>Innes D Anglo-American & the Rise of Modern South Africa </p><p>Lall S The Multinationals </p><p>Moran T H “The Multinational Corporations and Dependency: A dialogue for dependentistas”, in International </p><p>Organization, Vol. 32, (Winter 1978), p79.</p><p>Raymond V Storm Over Multinational Corporations: The Real Issues</p><p>Seidman A Outposts of Monopoly Capitalism(R)</p><p>Seidman A &</p><p>Seidman R etal Transinational Corporations in Southern Africa (R)</p><p>Thomas S The Multinational Companies (R)</p><p>Tygendhat The Multinationals</p><p>Turner T Multinationals in the Third World</p><p>Widstrand C Multinationals in Africa</p><p>History, 1953</p><p>Arnold G Aid in Africa Dinham B & Hine C, Agribusiness in Africa (R)</p><p>Dubinsky D Directory of Non-governmental Organisations Offering Assistance in the Developing Countries, 1964</p><p>Fanon F Towards the African Revolution</p><p>George S How the other half dies</p><p>Hensen C R Rich against Poor: The Reality of Aid </p><p>Ledogar R Hungry for Profits: US Food and Drug Multinational Companies in Latin America</p><p>Maxwell S J &</p><p>Singer H W, “Food Aid to Developing Countries: A survey”, in World Developing Vol. 7, 1979.</p><p>McNeill D The contradictions of Foreign Aid</p><p>Mkandawire R & Mtlosa K (eds.) Food Policy & Agriculture in S. Africa (R)</p><p>Moore – Lappe F & Collins J World Hunger (R)</p><p>Moore – Lappe F Food First</p><p>Power J & Holstein A World Hunger (R)</p><p>Sinha R (ed) The World Food Problem</p><p>U.N Organization The Role of Multilateral Food Aid Programmes</p><p>Whitlock R Feast or Famine?</p><p>King R The State in Modern Society</p><p>Law R “The Marxist Approach to Historical Explanation”, in Tarik, vol.6, no.1</p><p>Lewis S et. al. Marx and Engels: Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy</p><p>Mandel E An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory</p><p>Rima IH The Development of Economic Analysis Tucker R Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx</p><p>Khor M. Rethinking Globalisation: Critical Issues and Policy Choices (London: Zed Books, 2001).</p><p>Lundu M The Political Economy of Information on Development, Democracy and Security in Southern Africa</p><p>Mathama P et.al (eds) Putting People First: African Priorities for the UN Millenium Assembly</p><p>Brown M & Tiffen P Short-changed: Africa and the World Trade.</p><p>Campbell H & Stein H (ed), The IMF and Tanzania: The Dynamics of Liberalism.</p><p>Chakaodza A M Structural Adjustment in Zambia and Zimbabwe</p><p>Cypher J M etal (eds) The Process of Economic Development (R)</p><p>Helleiner G K The IMF and Africa in the 1980s</p><p>Cheru F The Silent Revolution in Africa: Debt, Development and Democracy.</p><p>Krasner S Structural Conflict: The Third world Against Global Liberalism.</p><p>Leslie W J World Bank and Structural Transformation in Developing Countries.</p><p>Masuko L (ed) Economic Policy Reforms: The case of Shamva District.</p><p>Mlambo A S The Economic Structural Adjustment: The Case of Zimbabwe: 1990 – 1995.</p><p>Mlambo A S “The Rich shall inherit the Earth: Towards an Analysis or the Role and Impact of IMF”, in Zambezia Vol. xx, 1997.</p><p>Mwanza A (ed) Social Policy in an Economy Under Stress: The case of Zimbabwe.</p><p>Nelson J M (ed) The Politics of Adjustment in the Third World (R).</p><p>Moyo S et.al NGOs, the State and Politics in Zimbabwe</p><p>Nabudere D W Globalisation and the Post-Colonial African State</p><p>Sachikonye L M (ed) Democracy, Civil Society and the State: Social Movements in Southern Africa</p><p>______The One-Party State and Democracy</p>
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