3-14 3.3 ROAD TRAFFIC FLOW MOVEMENT 3.3.1 Tollgate Traffics

3-14 3.3 ROAD TRAFFIC FLOW MOVEMENT 3.3.1 Tollgate Traffics

3.3 ROAD TRAFFIC FLOW MOVEMENT 3.3.1 Tollgate traffics (1) Outline of tollgate traffic There are 14 tollgates on the national road in Paraguay, 12 managed directly by MOPC. The two others, which are on National Road Route 7, are managed by private company. #䎦䏈䏕䏕䏒䎃䎩䏕䏈䏖䏆䏒 ± #䎷䏄䏆䏘䏄䏕䏄 #䎦䏈䏕䏕䏌䏗䏒 #䎵䏈䏐䏄䏑䏖䏒 䎼䏓䏆䏄䏕䏄䏌 䎳䏄䏖䏗䏒䏕䏈䏒 䎼䏅䏜䏕䏄䏕䏒# 䎦䏒䏕䏒䏑䏈䏏䎃䎲䏙䏌䏈䏇䏒 #* 䎤䏆䏆䏈䏖䏒䎃䎶䏘䏕## # #*䎦䏌䏘䏇䏄䏇䎃䏇䏈䏏䎃䎨䏖䏗䏈 #䎬䏕䏘䏑䏄 #䎹䏌䏏䏏䏄䎃䎩䏏䏒䏕䏌䏇䏄 䎦䏒䏏䏒䏑䏈䏏䎃䎥䏒䏊䏄䏇䏒# # 䎨䏑䏆䏄䏕䏑䏄䏆䏌䏒䏑䎃䎋䎷䏕䏌䏑䏌䏇䏄䏇䎌 䎯䏈䏊䏈䏑䏇 䎷䏒䏏䏏䏊䏄䏗䏈 # 䎰䎲䎳䎦 Kilometers 012.5 255075100 #* 䎳䏕䏌䏙䏄䏗䏈䎋䎷䎤䎳䎨䎃䎳䎲䎵䎤䎌 Figure 3.3-1 Location of tollgates 3-14 The largest volume of traffic is observed at the Ypacaraí tollgate, with 5,600 vehicles per day in one direction. The second largest volume is observed at the Remanso tollgate with 2,600 vehicles per day in one direction. Traffic on the National Road Routes No.1, 2 and 7 is heavy, but it is low on others. Table 3.3-1 Average traffic volume at each tollgate in 2003 (Unit: vehicles/day) Ypacarai 5,578 Remanso 2,644 Ybyraró 1,277 Coronel Oviedo 2,318 Villa Florida 506 Cerrito 412 Ciudad del Este 509 Encarnación 1,100 Coronel Bogado 610 Tacuara 520 Acceso Sur 791 Cuero Fresco 162 Source: DINATRAN Heavy traffic in summer (December to January) is seen at Ypacaraí, Coronel Bogado, Tacuara and Acesso Sur tollgates. Heavy traffic is seen in April and May at Coronel Oviedo, Villa Florida, Ciudad del Este and Encarnación tollgates. There is very little monthly change at the Remanso and Ybyraró tollgates which are located in the Asunción metropolitan area. 3-15 Ypacaraí Remanso Ybyraó 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 123456789101112 123456789101112 123456789101112 Cnel .Oviedo V.Florida Cerrito 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 123456789101112 123456789101112 123456789101112 C.Este Encarnación Cnel.Bogado 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1 1.1 1.1 0.9 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 123456789101112 123456789101112 123456789101112 Tacuara Acc.Sur Cuero F. 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1 1.1 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 123456789101112 123456789101112 123456789101112 Figure 3.3-2 Monthly fluctuation at each tollgate (Average traffic = 1.0) (2) Traffic at the Trinidad and Iruña tollgates The Trinidad and Iruña tollgates are located on the National Road Route No.6, which runs along the left side of the Parana River coastal road. According to the preliminary traffic data in 2005 for these tollgates, 1,080 veh/day headed north were observed at the Trinidad tollgate, and 490 veh/day headed south were observed at the Iruña tollgate. Among the different types of vehicles, the monthly fluctuation in tractors was especially great. The peak appeared in March at the Trinidad tollgate and in February at the Iruña tollgate. 3-16 Trinidad Iruña 㪉㪇㩼 㪉㪇㩼 㪈㪌㩼 㪈㪌㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪌㩼 㪌㩼 㪇㩼 㪇㩼 㪈㪉㪊㪋㪌㪍㪎㪏㪐㪈㪇㪈㪈㪈㪉 㪈㪉㪊㪋㪌㪍㪎㪏㪐㪈㪇㪈㪈㪈㪉 㪘 㪙 㪚 㪛 㪜 㪘 㪙 㪚 㪛 㪜 (A: Standard sized car, B: Bus, microbus, 2-axle truck, C: tractor, D: 3-axle truck/bus, E: 4 or more axle truck/bus) Figure 3.3-3 Monthly fluctuation by type of vehicle 3.3.2 Observed traffic (1) Outline of Traffic Surveys A section traffic survey and a roadside OD interview survey were conducted to grasp the present flow of traffic on National Road Route 6,. Also in order to grasp the present traffic volume on the access roads to the port, traffic surveys were conducted at intersections. ࡮Survey points Survey points are shown in Figure 3.3-4. ࡮Survey times The section traffic survey on the Trinidad tollgate was conducted for 24 hours (From 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. to the next day), and other all surveys were conducted for 14 hours (From 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) ࡮Survey method The traffic volume was counted by vehicle type every hour. Also, the origin, destination and number of passengers were asked for all types of vehicles, and truck drivers were asked what cargo they were carrying. 3-17 JUAN MANUEL FRUTOS HERNANDARIAS MARISCAL LOPEZ JUAN LEON MALLORQUIN CAAGUAZU YGUAZU CIUDAD DEL ESTE JUAN E OLEARY MINGA GUAZU J EULOGIO ESTIGARRIBIA JOSE DOMINGO OCAMPOS !P Pto. Tres Fronteras REPATRIACION !( SANTA ROSA DEL MONDAY PRESIDENTE FRANCO LOS CEDRALES PASO YOBAI SANTA RITA SAN CRISTOBAL ABAI DOMINGO MARTINEZ DE IRALA NARANJAL G NACUNDAY 䎳䏈䏄䏍IRUNA䏈䎃䏇䏈䎃䎬䏕䏘䏑䏄 !(Pto. Torocua TAVAI SAN JUAN NEPOMUCENO !P MAYOR OTANO TOMAS ROMERO PEREIRA SAN RAFAEL DEL PARANA CARLOS A LOPEZ Pto. Dos Fronteras YUTY !( EDELIRA ALTO VERA ITAPUA POTY YATYTAY NATALIO!P SAN PEDRO DEL PARANA !P Plo. Triunfo SAN PEDRO DEL PARANA !( PIRAPO !PCAPITAN MEZA !P !(Pto. Paloma OBLIGADO Pto. Don Joaquin Pto. Carrendy !( HOHENAU LA PAZ !( BELLA VISTA SUR JESUS FRAM !P TRINIDADG Pto. Paredon 䎳䏈䏄䏍䏈䎃䏇䏈䎃䎷䏕䏌䏑䏌䏇!(䏄䏇 CAPITAN MIRANDA NUEVA ALBORADA CAMBYRETA!P ENCARNACION !( Pto. Campichuelo Figure 3.3-4 Survey points (2) Survey results 1) Section traffic volume a) Trinidad tollgate The Trinidad tollgate is located near the Encarnación city on the National Road Route No.6. Observed peak traffic volumes northbound (from Encarnación to Ciudad del Este) were 114 and 112 veh/hour in the morning and afternoon peak periods, with trucks accounting for 18% and 25%, respectively. Also, southbound traffic (Ciudad del Este to Encarnación) was 98 and 115 veh/hour in morning and afternoon peak periods, and the ratio of trucks was 15% and 12%, respectively. Northbound and southbound traffic for 14-hour periods was 1,224 and 1,077 veh/14hours, 3-18 respectively, and 24-hour traffic was 1,362 and 1,217 veh/day, respectively. The day-night ratios (24h/14h) were 1.13 and 1.11, which means that most of traffic passed by from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Moreover, the ratio of trucks per day, northbound and southbound was about 18%. Table 3.3-2 Traffic survey result in Trinidad tollgate Northbound (EncarnaciónĺC. del Este) Morning peak Afternoon peak 14-hour traffic 24-hour traffic 㩷 10:00-11:00 15:00-16:00 6:00-20:00 6:00-6:00 veh/h % veh/h % veh/14h % veh/day % Passenger car 45 39.5 32 28.5 400 32.7 460 33.8 Pickup, van 40 35.1 47 42.0 523 42.7 565 41.5 Bus 8 7.0 5 4.5 71 5.8 87 6.4 Truck 21 18.4 28 25.0 230 18.8 250 18.4 Total 114 100.0 112 100.0 1,224 100.0 1,362 100.0 Southbound (C. del EsteĺEncarnación) Morning peak Afternoon peak 14-hour traffic 24-hour traffic 㩷 9:00-10:00 17:0018:00 6:00-20:00 6:00-6:00 veh/h % veh/h % veh/14h % veh/day % Passenger car 29 29.6 50 43.5 377 35.0 417 34.3 Pickup, van 48 49.0 46 40.0 442 41.0 492 40.4 Bus 6 6.1 5 4.3 76 7.1 85 7.0 Truck 15 15.3 14 12.2 182 16.9 223 18.3 Total 98 100.0 115 100.0 1,077 100.0 1,217 100.0 3-19 Northbound (Encarnación ratio oftruckswas32%and 30%,respectively. period was562and530ve Traffic forthe14-hour andafternoon,respectively,trucks was29%and34%,respectively.morning andtheratioof veh/hour inthe toEncarnación)was56and 50 southbound (CiudaddelEste Also, peaktrafficvolume respectively. was31% and 43%, ratiooftrucks andthe andafternoonpeak,respectively, morning veh/hour at Observed northboundpeaktrafficvolumes Encarnación(from toCiudaddelEste)were45 and61 Parana andItapúadepartmentalboundary. is located attheAlto The Iruñatollgate b) Iruñatollgate Southbound (C. delEste Southbound (C. 㪈㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪇 㪉㪇 㪋㪇 㪍㪇 㪏㪇 㪈㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪇 㪇 㪉㪇 㪋㪇 㪍㪇 㪏㪇 㪇 㩷㪍㪑㪇㪇 㩷㪍㪑㪇㪇 Figure 3.3-5 Hourly traffic volume at Trinidad tollgate tollgate Trinidad at volume Hourly traffic Figure 3.3-5 㩷㪎㪑㪇㪇 ĺ 㩷㪎㪑㪇㪇 ĺ 㩷㪏㪑㪇㪇 Encarnación) 㩷㪏㪑㪇㪇 C. delEste) 㩷㪐㪑㪇㪇 㩷㪐㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪋㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪋㪑㪇㪇 㪺㪸㫉 㪺㪸㫉 㪈㪌㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪌㪑㪇㪇 3-20 㪈㪍㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪍㪑㪇㪇 㫇㫀㪺㫂㫌㫇 㫇㫀㪺㫂㫌㫇 㪈㪎㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪎㪑㪇㪇 h/14hours, northbound and southbound, and the southbound, and h/14hours, northbound 㪈㪏㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪏㪑㪇㪇 㪹㫌㫊 㪹㫌㫊 㪈㪐㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪐㪑㪇㪇 㫋㫉㫌㪺㫂 㪉㪇㪑㪇㪇 㫋㫉㫌㪺㫂 㪉㪇㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪇㪑㪇㪇 㪇㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪈㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪉㪑㪇㪇 㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪊㪑㪇㪇 㪋㪑㪇㪇 㪋㪑㪇㪇 㪌㪑㪇㪇 㪌㪑㪇㪇 Table 3.3-3 Traffic survey results at Iruña tollgate Northbound (EncarnaciónĺC. del Este) Morning peak Afternoon peak 14 hours traffic 㩷 10:00-11:00 18:00-19:00 6:00-20:00 veh/h % veh/h % veh/14h % Passenger car 12 26.7 8 13.1 120 21.4 Pickup, van 16 35.5 26 42.6 231 41.1 Bus 3 6.7 1 1.7 29 5.2 Truck 14 31.1 26 42.6 182 32.4 Total 45 100.0 61 100.0 562 100.0 Southbound (C. del EsteĺEncarnación) Morning peak Afternoon peak 14 hours traffic 㩷 9:00-10:00 14:00-15:00 6:00-20:00 veh/h % veh/h % veh/14h % Passenger car 9 16.1 11 22.0 126 23.8 Pickup, van 29 51.7 21 42.0 215 40.6 Bus 2 3.6 1 2.0 32 6.0 Truck 16 28.6 17 34.0 157 29.6 Total 56 100.0 50 100.0 530 100.0 Northbound (EncarnaciónĺC.

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