<p> DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>BOARD MEETING MINUTES</p><p>The mission of Daviess County Public Schools is to prepare students to succeed for life by meetingThe mission the individual of Daviess needs County of students, Public Schools ensuring is qualityto prepare instruction, students andto succeed developing for life a by learningmeeting community. the individual needs of students, ensuring quality instruction, and developing a learning community.</p><p>DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES)</p><p>The Daviess County Board of Education met pursuant to notice in Owensboro, KY on December 14, 2010 at 6:00 p. m. at the Daviess County Board of Education office in Owensboro, KY. </p><p>Daviess County Board of Education members are: Dr. John Ed Dunn, Chairperson, Frank G. Riney, III, Vice-Chairman, Merritt Bates-Thomas, Alben B. Shockley, M.D. and Dianne B. Mackey.</p><p>#156 I. CALL TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER Dr. John Ed Dunn, Board Chair, called the meeting to order.</p><p>#157 II. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL All Board members were present. Superintendent Tom Shelton, Board Attorney Bart Darrell and Recording Secretary Peggy Inklebarger were also present. </p><p>#158 III. MOMENT OF SILENCE MOMENT OF SILENCE The Board observed a moment of silence. </p><p>#159 IV. COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications.</p><p>#160 V. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA PROPOSED There were no proposed amendments to the agenda. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA</p><p>#161 VI. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S VI-A. SUPERINTENDENT’S REMARKS REPORT Superintendent Shelton said “We want to welcome everyone to the December meeting of our Board of Education, with a special word of welcome to our guests from Deer Park, East View and Whitesville elementary schools. We’re glad you have joined us tonight and we are looking forward to recognizing some of your most outstanding students and staff members just a little later this evening.</p><p>I cannot overlook this opportunity to express my appreciation to one member of our Board who has consistently served the students of this district with thoughtful contributions that have made Daviess County one of the finest education districts in </p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 93 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p> the country. Dr. John Ed Dunn is concluding a career spanning more than 30 years in the field of education, including service as a member of this Board that began in 1991. Dr. Alben Shockley has also contributed as a very thoughtful member of the Board of Education during his term of service, which began in 2007. These gentlemen were our guests of honor at a reception earlier this afternoon in which our community had the opportunity to express appreciation for their service on behalf of students, staff, schools and our district. </p><p>Words cannot express the debt of gratitude we owe to you, but Dr. Dunn and Dr. Shockley, I just want you to know how thankful I am for the privilege of serving with you. We will truly miss you, but your legacy will continue here at DCPS for many years to come. </p><p>I want to close with a very sincere wish for each of you to have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. As we celebrate this special season with those we love, I want you to know that I am thankful for the gift of each one of you as we work together on behalf of our students.”</p><p>VI.B. RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Mr. Mark Owens, Director of Personnel, recognized Joanna McDowell, East View Elementary School teacher, for obtaining her National Board Certification.</p><p>VI-C. RECOGNITION OF THE 2010 HOLIDAY CARD CONTEST WINNER AND FINALISTS Ms. Joy Biggs recognized the 2010 Holiday Card Contest finalists and winner. </p><p>The Superintendent and Board Members recognized Leigha Mattingly, a student at Whitesville Elementary, for the winning design.</p><p>Superintendent Shelton sent an electronic version of the winning Holiday Card to community members and staff members. </p><p>VI-D. RECOGNITION OF KMEA CHILDREN’S CHORUS The Board and Superintendent recognized three students who were selected to participate in the Kentucky Children’s Chorus. The students were Lillie Mathis, Lisa Crago and Katie Wolfe.</p><p>#162 VII. PUBLIC COMMENT PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment.</p><p>#163 VIII. TREASURER’S REPORT TREASURER'S Matt Robbins presented the Treasurer's Report with a balance in cash and securities REPORT on November 30, 2010 with a General Fund balance of $7,908,664.56. Mr. Robbins recommended the Board accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.</p><p>Recommendation passed with a motion by Ms. Dianne Mackey and a second by Dr. Alben Shockley. </p><p>Voting yes: Dunn, Riney, Shockley, Bates-Thomas and Mackey </p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 94 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>#164 IX. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT Mrs. Merritt Bates-Thomas moved to approve the consent agenda and Ms. Dianne AGENDA Mackey seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: There was an affirmative vote by all members.</p><p>Note: All consent items are outlined below.</p><p>IX-A. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF NEW POSITIONS, REDUCTIONS, OPEN POSITIONS No new positions were presented for this month</p><p>IX-B. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 95 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>IX-C. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF EMERGENCY CERTIFICATES FOR SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS</p><p>FULL TIME EMERGENCY CERTIFICATES – None EMERGENCY SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: Margaret Carter, Toniga Chambers, Stacy Cooper, Julie Emberton, Cesley Hamilton, Heather Hawthorn, Ashley Justice, Laura Knight, Michelle Lockhart, Nathaniel Maxwell, Melody Millay, Darla Oldham, Theresa Sauer, Arthur Stewart, Anita Carter-Tranthem, Sue Welborn, Anthony Woodruff, Holly Wright</p><p>IX-D. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF OUT OF STATE OVERNIGHT STUDENT TRIPS Approved the following out of state overnight student trip 1) DCHS – Speech team will attend a speech tournament at Paducah Tilghman High School in Paducah, KY, January 14-15, 2011.</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 96 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>IX-E. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SCHOOL FUND RAISERS Approved fund raisers for the following schools: Country Heights, Deer Park, and West Louisville Elementary Schools, College View Middle School, Apollo and Daviess County High Schools</p><p>IX-F. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 18, 2010 BOARD MINUTES Approved the November 18, 2010 Board meeting minutes. All Board members were present at the November 18th meeting.</p><p>IX-G. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO SIGN NON-RESIDENT CONTRACTS WITH SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR THE 2011-12 SCHOOL YEAR A recent change to 702 KAR 7:125 requires that nonresident contracts be submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education no later than February 1 of the year prior to the school year to which the contract will apply. Nonresident contracts for the school year 2011-12 are due to KDE by February 1, 2011.</p><p>Approved contracts with Breckenridge County Public School District, Hancock County Public School District, Henderson County Public School District, McLean County Public School District, Muhlenberg County Public School District, Ohio County Public School District, Owensboro Independent School District, Union County Public School District and Webster County Public School District.</p><p>ACTION ITEMS #165 X-A. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BILLS APPROVED BILLS Mr. Matt Robbins recommended the Board approve bills as follows.</p><p>Mrs. Merritt Bates-Thomas moved to approve the recommendation and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: Dunn, Bates-Thomas, Shockley and Mackey Disqualify: Mr. Frank Riney</p><p>PAYROLL $7,077,313.34 GENERAL FUND $1,002,194.58 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND $81,546.92 CONSTRUCTION FUND $24,785.75 DEBT SERVICE FUND $893,653.33 FOOD SERVICE FUND $311,972.81 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM FUND $12,415.94 WARRANT TOTAL $9,403,882.67</p><p>#166 X-B. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 16, 2010 BOARD APPROVED MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 2010 The Board met for a Board luncheon on November 16, 2010 at the Daviess County BOARD MEETING Board of Education office. Dr. Alben Shockley was unable to attend. MINUTES Mr. Tom Shelton, recommended the Board approve the November 16, 2010 Board </p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 97 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>Meeting Minutes. </p><p>Mrs. Merritt Bates-Thomas moved to approve the recommendation and Ms. Dianne Mackey seconded. </p><p>Voting yes: Dunn, Riney, Bates-Thomas and Mackey Abstaining: Dr. Alben Shockley</p><p>#167 X-C. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BID # 10-29 – TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES APPROVED BID # 10-29 Bids were mailed out to 15 prospective bidders and 5 bids were received for – TECHNOLOGY evaluation. The bids were opened on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in SUPPLIES the purchasing department.</p><p>Mr. Robbins said “Per the attached tabulation sheet, we recommend awarding the bid as follows: Catalog Portion – The purpose of the catalog bid is to cover the many items that are not feasible to place in the line-item portion of the bid. We recommend awarding this portion to multiple vendors as indicated on the tabulation sheet: Long’s Electronics; Valiant; Camcor; and CDW-Government. These vendors were selected based on a test of several items commonly ordered by the school district. These vendors offer the widest variety and best quality at the lowest price. All four provide a different variety of products that make it necessary to award the catalog to multiple suppliers. The district has past experience with all of these vendors.</p><p>Line-Item Portion – These items are the most commonly purchased equipment and supplies and therefore we conducted the bid using specific models to obtain the best pricing possible. In each case, we recommend awarding the items to the low priced vendor as marked on the tabulation sheet. Some items were disregarded when they did not meet the specifications of the bid.”</p><p>Mr. Frank Riney moved to approve the recommendation and Ms. Dianne Mackey seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: All Board members.</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 98 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>#168 APPROVED BID # 10-30 X-D. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BID # 10-30 – CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES – CUSTODIAL The bids were opened on Thursday, December 2, 2010. Ten invitations to bid were SUPPLIES mailed to prospective bidders and five bids were received for consideration.</p><p>Mr. Matt Robbins recommended the Board approve and award each item based on the low bid. In the case of a tie, the item was awarded to the vendor with the most overall line items. </p><p>Ms. Dianne Mackey moved to approve the recommendation and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: Dunn, Riney, Bates-Thomas, Shockley and Mackey #169 APPROVED BID # 10-31 X-E. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BID # 10-31 – FLEET VEHICLES – FLEET VEHICLES Bids were opened on Thursday, December 2, 2010. Fifteen invitations to bid were mailed to prospective bidders and nine bids were received for consideration.</p><p>This bid is for replacement vehicles for our fleet. Mr. Matt Robbins recommended awarding each class of vehicle to the low bidder. </p><p>Ms. Merritt Bates-Thomas moved to approve the recommendation and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded.</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 99 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 100 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>#170 APPROVED ED X-F. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ED HIGDON TO SERVE AS A HIGDON TO SERVE AS COMMUNITY LEADER ON THE LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE A COMMUNITY The new guidelines for the LPC require three community leaders serving on the LEADER ON THE committee. We advertised for nominations on November 14, 2010 in the LOCAL PLANNING Messenger-Inquirer. COMMITTEE Mr. Tom Shelton recommended that Ed Higdon serve as the third community leader for the Local Planning Committee.</p><p>Ms. Dianne Mackey moved to approve the recommendation and Ms. Merritt Bates- Thomas seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: All Board members. #171 APPROVED BG-1 FOR X-G. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BG-1 - TITLE IX ISSUES -DCHS AND AHS TITLE IX ISSUES AT This project addresses concerns related to Title IX reports for both Daviess County DCHS AND AHS High School and Apollo High School. The projects should satisfy the findings of these reports and create equitable facilities for boys and girls sports.</p><p>Mr. Matt Robbins recommended the Board approve the BG-1 for Title IX projects at DCHS and AHS.</p><p>Mrs. Merritt Bates Thomas moved to approve the recommendation and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: Dunn, Riney, Bates-Thomas, Shockley and Mackey</p><p>#172 XI. DISCUSSION ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEMS There were no discussion items.</p><p>#173 XII. INFORMATION ITEMS INFORMATION ITEMS Information items are outlined below.</p><p>XII-A. PERSONNEL REPORT</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 101 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 102 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 103 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 104 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>XII-B. CONSTRUCTION REPORT There was no construction report for this meeting.</p><p>XII-C. FIELD TRIPS There were no field trips reported for this meeting.</p><p>XII-D. REPORT OF GRANTS The following grants were reported: 1) $8,000 – Yeager Charitable Trust (Highland $5,000, CVMS - $3,000) 2) (45,094) Professional Development Reduction/Revision KDE</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 105 DAVIESS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION – DECEMBER 14, 2010 BOARD MEETING</p><p>#174 XII. CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION In accordance with KRS 61.180, Section (1) (c), Dr. John Ed Dunn, Chairperson, entertained a motion to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing proposed or pending litigation.</p><p>Ms. Dianne Mackey made a motion to enter into closed session and Ms. Merritt Bates-Thomas seconded.</p><p>Voting yes: All Board members.</p><p>#175 XIV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION RETURN TO OPEN Mr. Frank Riney moved to return to open session and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded.</p><p>XV. OTHER BUSINESS #176 There was no other business. OTHER BUSINESS XVI. ADJOURN #177 Dr. John Ed Dunn moved to adjourn and Dr. Alben Shockley seconded. ADJOURN Voting yes: All members.</p><p>______, Dr. John Ed Dunn, Chairperson 12/14/2010</p><p>______, Mr. Frank Riney, Chairperson 1/1/2011</p><p>______, Dr. Tom Shelton, Superintendent</p><p>DCBE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. PAGE 106</p>
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