^7 «lli WMTincE NET PRESS RUN roiaeaat or U. a. Mfeaiaer 8« tm«, AVERAGE-DAILY CIRCULATION • . 1.-. ^am'Maeeo for the Month of March, 1929 Mostljr tflondyf ?wlth rtumifii. Sunday ai^ in norfb and nMfrt poc- *■; 5,326 tlotu tbhight. ^ ■Member of the A adit Bareaa of Ctrcalatioae r>j"svr'y^' •i,. PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, G0NN:,"SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XLII., NO. 159. (Classifled Advertising on Page 14) TIBETANS USE SKULLS FOR PRACTICAL NEEDS. UNION BUILDINGS WRECKED DESPITE TROOPS UTTLE CHANCE Chicago, April 20.— The pe­ culiar practices of the Tibetans of using human skulls and other bones for various practical pur­ FORDIRTROAD poses and as symbols of their DEAUtOCK IN PARIS religious ceremonies were told here by Dr. Berthold Laufer, curator of anthropology of the APPROPRIATION Field Museum. Dr. Laufer re­ cently returned from Tibet and' AS SERIOUS MATTER brought with him bowls made of State Aid Funds to Go for human skulls and other objects. ys.. Hillstown Man, Once Arrest­ Bowls made from skulls are used by the Tibetans for liba­ ed Here for Bigamy, If War Debt Controversy Gravel Roads— Fanners' tions in honor of the Lama gods. PRIVATE PARLEYS Tambourines made of skulls and Bloc is Defeated in State trumpets made or thigh bones Chooses Prison Rather Fails, U. S. Will Stand to are upon exhibit. OF DEBT DELEGATES <S> - Lose Many Millions; Con­ ....... Than Support Wife No. 1. , CliAKENCE G. WILLARD OUR FUTURE MEN Victor Lozeau of Hillstown, was Trying to Prevent Collapse gressmen Take Sides I found guilty of non-support la, the What was probably the most un­ Manchester police court this morn­ of Negotiafions Expected With Germany in Dis­ expected occurrence of the present TO BE BRAINIER ing and given a jail sentence pf' 30 session of the General Assembly days. The execution of thC' jail pute— Why America Wor­ took place in the Senate on Tues­ sentence was suspended on condi­ at Monday's Meeting. day when the bill permitting the tion that he pay his wife the sum of use of state aid funds for the im­ Scientist Also Predicts Larg­ five dollars a week toward hey sup­ Pajis,'April 20.— Beneath a sur­ ries. provement of gravel roads as the port. A bond of $200 was required face of pessimism^ and'nincertainty, first stage of hard surface construc­ er Human Beings in Next to guarantee the payment of the $5 efforts were under way here today 'Washington, April 20— ^Washing­ tion was passed without a dissent­ a week for at least six montji^. Lozeau has no money and did 'not to get the reparation conference ton regards the reparations dead­ ing voicer The measure had been back upon its feet so that it would lock at Paris as serious, but by no bitterly opposed by the dirt roads Thousand Years. choose to agree to pay his wife the amount stipulated by the court not be dissoh'ed completely next means hopeless. bloc on the basis that it w-as a week. finesse on the part of various legis­ Accordingly he was sent to jail. ' • When the experts gathered at Philadelphia, April 20.— Placing Present In court this morning Private conferences were held lative leaders to avoid an appropri­ among the Allied, American and Paris some weeks ago to attempt ation to be specifically applied to himself in direct disagreement with were his two wives. His first wife is to fix definitely how much Germany COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF UNION HEADQ CARTERS In Gastonia, N. C;, was the result of a noc­ the one who bad him arrested. Lo­ German delegates In an effort to dirt road improvement. biologists who contend that the turnal visit of a band of masked men. Several shots were fired, but twelve strikers sleeping in the buiia- bridge the. collapse In the negotla- is to pay for losing the war it was zeau married ' his first wife in freely predicted there would be The bill, as passed by the Senate, limits of physical evolution may ing were ousted, uninjured, before the band demolish ed the building with sledge hammers and axes. a t"oeether tions to p'revent Monday’s meeting appropriates no money whatever Springfield. They lived several deadlocks before agreemj^t already have been reached, Dr. tional Guardsmen are shown surveying the wrecked ih terlor, but they failed to capture any of t ^ for a period of seven years and from being the last. for the dirt road improvement. It work. Lower left are Major S. B. Dolley, in commah d of the trqops at Gastonia, and Chief of Police u. r. could be had. Ales Hrdlicka, curator of the divi­ then^he left her. In the meantime It was reported that Dr. Hjalmar permits the usage of the $1,000,- Alderholt. Major Dolley and his inen arrived at the Loray Mills just in time to save Alderholt ana sev n- Schacht, head of the German dele­ “ A crisis is always reached in 000 per annum state aid road ap­ sion of the physical anthropology Lozeau found his way to this town any international conference,” sage­ teen policemen who were being beaten by a mob at the mill gates. and later married a second wife. gation, had received communica­ propriation enacted by the Legis­ at the National Museum In Wash­ tions from Berlin which gave hope, ly observed one authority today. lature of 1927 for reconditioning ington, declared there will be "no He neglected to state to his second “ It was true In the Dawes eegotia- —fi’e that ho was a married man. however slender, tljat the confer­ dirt roads, but it also provides if perceptible retardation” of the ence might be renewed next week tlous, in the peace conference it­ mental progress and the physica' these funds are po used that this One day later a member, of the j upon a new or c^prom ise basis, self, and in virtually every inter­ evolution of civilized man during ASSEMBLY RUSHES national gathering since the war. action shall constitute the first state police appeared at his farm in j Allies’ Demands. , stage of construction and that this the next few thousand years. WEALTHIEST BACHELOR including the Washington arms Hillstown with a warrant charging I The Allied delegates are insisting initial stage shall be followed to The future progress of human Lozeau with bigamy. He was given-jtbat the.Germans revise the figures conference. Means are usually beings, as viewed by Dr. Hrdlicka completion. WORK ON BILLS a hearing in the local court and I of their offer upward and that Ger- found to circumvent these dead­ Passage of this bill, which prac­ in an address before the American bound over to the Superior CourL many’s territorial demai^s be elim- locks, and undoubtedly some means Philosophical Society here, will be HAS MARRIED A WIDOW will be found at Paris, even though tically eliminates any chance of the For this offense he served time in inated. It was hoped that the pri­ passage of the bill advocated by accompanied by a moderate in­ vate conferences over the week-end there may be a temporary cessation crease in size and internal organ­ jail. of the meetings.” the dirt road bloc for an additional At the expiration of his jail sen­ would result in concessions of both $1,000,000 appropriation to be ization of the brain; a growth in State Legislature Broke sides, althoug’a there was ho posi­ Beset by domestic problems as it stature, not however, approaching j tence he came back to Manchester l.s. the new administration Is never­ used only upon gravel roads, would Henry L. Doherty, Oil Mag- CANADIANS SEIZE to live with his second wife believ­ tive assurance that they would be seem to indicate that the dirt road giantism; continuing tendency to \ Record in Clearing Up forthcoming. theless following the course of baldness; changes in facial charac­ ing that his troubles with his first events at Paris with close atten­ cyclone has simmered down to a wife were at an end. To his sor­ There is much talk of a “ provi­ mere zephyr. Certainly the fiery teristics, a lengthening of lower sional plan” to extend over a period tion. nate, Confesses He Has U. S. PATROL BOAT row he learned that he would have WaShlnstton’s Interest campaign conducted by that group limbs and a shortening of arms. Business During Week. to give something to the support of of 15 years. was of absolutely no avail in the Smaller Appendix Washington’s Interest in the suc­ Senate. When the bill comes be­ Been Wed Since Last De- _— his first wife. Accordingly he wa? cess of the negotiations there is Dr. Hrdlicka also prophesied a arrested and taken, to Springfield fore the House next Tuesday, there further dlmunition in the size of Hartford, April 20.— The Legl.s- three-fold; for trial. The MasMchimetts courts 1. Settlement of the ten-year con­ is quite likely to be a flurry of ora­ the appendix and the intestines, in­ lature went a long way toward forced him to givql his first wit^ tory, but this, too, will undoubted­ creased bodily temperature and a cemher; Says He's Happy. Starts International Tangle; LINER STARTS HOME troversy over reparations undouht- clearing decks for adjournment the sum of $1.50. This money Lozeau ediy would lead to French ratiflea- ly be unavailing in view of the ac­ more rapid pulse movement. These during the week now ending by said was paid by a Mr.
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