Lindbergh Lake Home Owners Association (Llhoa)

Lindbergh Lake Home Owners Association (Llhoa)

<p>LINDBERGH LAKE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (LLHOA) ANNUAL MEETING – Saturday, August 4, 2012 @ 9:00 AM Junkermier Cabin</p><p>CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM by President Pam Lowry. Minutes of last meeting (8/13/2011) of the LLHOA were posted on the LLHOA website. Jack Lewis submitted a correction under the Treasurer’s Report, indicating that the home owner signs installed on Edgewater Drive were paid for by Jack Lewis and he was “reimbursed by adjoining landowners”. It was moved, seconded and carried to make this correction. The 2011minutes stand approved as corrected. An attendance sign-in was distributed for home owners to record their attendance. Those in attendance introduced themselves. The phone tie-in was activated (no one participated via phone hook-up). Approximate attendance count was 55 – 60. </p><p>SPECIAL PRESENTATION Glacier Loon Fuels Reduction and Forest Health Project Rich Kehr District Ranger – Swan Lake Ranger District</p><p>Rich Kehr presented an overview of the Glacier Loon Fuels Reduction and Forest Health Project. He reviewed the purposes of the project: 1) Reduce wildfire risk within the Wildland Urban Interface in the Seeley Swan Fire Plan; 2)Protect and/or improve the overall forest health; 3)Provide wood products for local economies. He described the process by which the upcoming Environmental Assessment was produced including informational mailings, requests for comments (47 received), and two public Field Trips (17 attendees). There will be three action alternatives (one is the original proposal {Alternative B} and 2 alternatives to the original proposal which were developed to address concerns for scenic values and water quality {Alternative C}; as well as wildlife security {alternative D}) that will be analyzed in the Environmental Assessment. It was noted that the two Alternatives include a change to ‘maintain visual quality’ of the forest as one of the objectives. Rich indicated this will permanently change the management strategy. The Environmental Assessment will be published and available from the Swan Lake Ranger District, 200 Ranger Station Road, Bigfork MT 59911. </p><p>Question and answer discussion included the following topics: The Alternatives and their main objectives; whether an environmental impact study will be needed; next steps in the process; timeline for completion of the project planning and logging; definitions found in the description of the project (i.e. regeneration, seed tree, shelter wood, commercial thin). A request was made for the Forest Service to point our Homeowners to areas that have had the kind of treatments described – Rich indicated he could make that information available. </p><p>Additional Projects of importance to LLHOA include the Beaver Creek Planning Area. The boundary of this project area will be the south shores of Lindbergh Lake. More acres are designated in this project and visual quality will also be an issue. A public meeting has already been held to request ideas for ‘what to do’ in this area. Rich recommended we watch for a ‘Proposed Action’ this Fall from the Forest Service; and, to contact the forest service if more information is desired.</p><p>1 There are other projects ‘out there’ such as the Federal SW Crown of the Continent projects which have monies available for various forest restoration projects. The forest service can be contacted for additional information.</p><p>Rich was thanked by Pam and the homeowners in attendance for his presentation. Additional questions can be directed to Rich Kehr or Joleen Dunham at the Swan Lake Ranger District at (406)837-7500.</p><p>STANDING REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT Pam Lowry  President Pam Lowry thanked the Board and Committee leaders for their work and support over the past year.  The homeowners in attendance acknowledged Pam’s work and efforts during her tenure.</p><p>TREASURER’S REPORT Lynn Anderson  Treasurer Lynn Anderson made available current Homeowners’ Dues payment records. She requested each homeowner verify the accuracy of this report with respect to their dues payments.  Lynn thanked homeowners for their dues payments and indicated she would accept payment for the 2012 year at and after the meeting. Please make payments before November, 2012.  The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed as published. This spreadsheet is not posted on the LLHOA’s website. If anyone would like access to the Treasurer’s Report, please contact Lynn and she will be sure you receive a copy.</p><p>ROAD REPORT Greg McCue and Bill Junkermier  Greg reported that the road budget was spent on 1)snow removal; 2)culvert installation; 3)labor for road grading, swale and rock work; 4)Loads of gravel and larger size rocks for filling in potholes.  They changed the aggregate to larger gravel in sections of the road to allow for a better base to be established so to better handle the freeze/thaw conditions.  Work was done to ensure that water is redirected into the swale.  There are gravel piles near the Cruz and McCue properties that are available to anyone wishing to fill up a 5 gallon bucket and fix any potholes.  Any roadwork requests are to be directed to Greg and Bill.  Kudos were given for all of the work which continues to maintain and improve the road conditions. </p><p>FIRE PUMP REPORT Roger Junkermier  Fire Pump Chair Roger Junkermier reported a 8 locations of fire pumps have been serviced and tested. A can of starter fluid will be placed with each pump (more difficult to start as they age). All are in good operational order.  Roger prepared a laminated map locating the pump locations on the Lake; and on the flip side is a picture of the pump, which is labeled with ‘step-by-step’ operational procedures.  This information is not being published on the website – and every homeowner is requested to obtain one laminated fire pump map/directions per cabin. Additionally, those cabins with </p><p>2 pumps should post a copy by the pump for the step-by-step operational procedures on the back. Roger has copies available for every cabin.  The map/instructions were very well received and will be kept updated annually. </p><p>WEB SITE REPORT Mike Wright  Web ‘Master’ Mike Wright asked people to sign up their email addresses if they are not receiving electronic communications. There is also a spot on the website to signup.  He encouraged input and recommendations.  Mike indicated that Bob Reynolds through Network Solutions, currently hosts our images and administers the software we use for our website free of charge. To date, he has donated approximately $940 to the cause.  Mike recommended that LLHOA purchase an upgrade to be able to update our website for a one time expenditure of $120; and, suggested a $120 annual ‘user fee’ to offset Bob’s expenses. Upgrades could allow a secure area on the site (requiring a user ID/password) as well as a public area which could include a ‘What’s Happening’ section.  Motion: It was moved to allocate a one-time payment of $120 to upgrade website software and then amended to also include $120 annually as a ‘user fee’ to Bob Reynolds. The amended motion for a $120 one time expenditure and $120 annual fee was seconded and carried. </p><p>WATER QUALITY REPORT Jon Gergen & Geoff Knight  Jon Gergen described the nontoxic red dye tablets for testing septic tanks with instructions on how to utilize. This is voluntary; however, homeowners are encouraged to test annually. Kits are available at Gergens as well as at the Taylors.  Drinking water should be tested by individual users. A discussion about recommended treatment for drinking water followed. The efficacy of UV treatment was discussed as a positive treatment method. Currently, there are a handful of homeowners treating their drinking water with a UV system, a few filter their water and others boil their drinking water.  Geoff Knight described the Water Quality program at the Lake which consists of two parts. One is the drinking water quality. Lake testing in the past has been surface water only. The second is the aesthetic quality, which is looking at the clarity of the water and absence of invasive species. A grant received from the State for Lab analysis with the NW MT Volunteer Water Quality Institute in Whitefish. The results from sample collections at the Lake so far have been good with the goal of keeping various nutrients low (e.g. nitrogen phosphorous chlorophyll). They will monitor annually and post results on the website.  Mike Wright brought a Water Clarity testing device and described how to use. He requested volunteers interested in testing at defined intervals in GPS-identified sampling locations in the upper, mid, and lower points of the Lake. He has been sampling for 2 years and will continue to do so. Interested individuals may obtain the kit from Mike at the Wright cabin.  A handout on aquatic invasive species was distributed describing Eurasion Watermilfoil and ways to stop its spread.  The ongoing inspection efforts to prevent the spread of mussels (Zebra and another species) were discussed. The Forest Service has fixed inspection stations as well as roving stations. Inspection efforts are by no means airtight/comprehensive; and, there is no known natural predator to the mussels. Mussels have been discovered on Beaver Lake. Mike had a simple device for homeowners to hang from their docks and aid in the detection of mussels. If mussels are present, it will feel like sandpaper. Beth Gardner is a contact in the Forest Service office for those wanting additional information.</p><p>3 OLD BUSINESS PINE BEETLES Loren Stormo  Last year’s discussion of mountain pine beetle kill recommended a two-fold strategy, including use of pheromone packets, and the removal of dead and bug-damaged tress.  An allocation of $2500 was approved by LLHOA in 2011 “for the purpose of removal of dead trees along the road which could potentially fall over the road/power lines and endanger public safety”  Trees along the road which were infected were identified and Chris Barnes was contracted to remove them. All but $600 of the $2500 allocation was spent  Bill Junkermier has successfully secured a $3000 in grant monies to remove dead and infested trees. It must be used prior to 12/31/2012. Chris Barnes is available to do the work in late August/September with the first priority of removing dead and infested trees near the road – with property owners’ permission.  Because of the magnitude of the problem, it was recommended the LLHOA allocate an additional $2500 for removal of dead/diseased trees and to clean up along the road, again to prevent endangering public safety.  Motion: 1) Allocate $2500 from the LLHOA in 2012 for the purpose of removal of dead trees along the road which may potentially fall over the road/power lines, endangering public safety; 2)Spend the remainder of the 2011 allocation, which was $600; and 3)Use the $3000 grant for the purpose of dead and diseased tree removal prior to 12/31/2012. The motion was seconded and carried. </p><p>NEW BUSINESS Pam Lowry SLATE OF OFFICER NOMINATIONS  Nominations for LLHOA officers took place via the nomination forms on the website. The slate of officer nominations for 2012 – 2013 is as follows: President: Geoff Knight Vice President: Roger Junkermier Secretary: Polly Poole Treasurer: Lynn Anderson Board Nominations: Bill Cruz, Leslie Giles, Julie Kotschevar , Mike Wright  Moved, seconded and carried that the Slate of LLHOA Officer Nominations for 2012 – 2013 be ratified.  Pam asked for feedback regarding this nomination process – this is the second consecutive year LLHOA has used a web-based call for nominations. Both years a full slate of officers has been filled. Hearing no adverse feedback, we will proceed with this web-based methodology to nominate our annual slate of officers.</p><p>EMERGENCY ROAD TURNAROUNDS Julie Kotschevar  Julie reported researching a method to make permanent emergency road turnarounds for the Association. When these turnarounds are on private homeowner land (some of the potential sites are on Julie’s land), Julie has consulted with an attorney who recommended that the Association 1) Survey the emergency turnaround areas; 2) Create and sign a license agreement </p><p>4 to use these turnarounds for emergencies; 3)Post signs and enforce these areas as ‘No Parking’ zones in order to preserve the space for emergency vehicle usage.  There are several areas that have been identified both on Julie Kotschevar’s property as well as on Bill Cruz’ property.  The Fire Safety recommendation would be for one (1) emergency turnaround per quarter mile. The currently identified turnarounds are approximately one (1) per half mile. There is a lack of turnarounds at the upper end of the Lake road and this will require some study to identify and create appropriate space.  Discussion centered around the need for the HOA to identify the logical spots for turnarounds, including those currently identified, fund the survey (if the notion of a licensing agreement is seen as appropriate) and signage/enforcement of ‘No Parking’ in these turnarounds.  The idea of creating a map of the road’s designated emergency turnarounds (similar to the map published for fire pump locations) was discussed.  ACTION: Greg McQue will contact the Quick Response Unit regarding the safe spacing of turnarounds; Julie Kotschevar will help to further research/refine a proposal. By next summer’s meeting, a proposal will come from the Board with a methodology for designating space for emergency turnarounds on the road for consideration by the LLHOA.</p><p>ROAD BUDGET PROPOSAL 2012 – 2013 Bill Junkermier</p><p> Bill is recommending segregating ‘Snow Removal’ from ‘Road Maintenance’. Because snow removal varies yearly, it is important to not short the maintenance budget to balance road budget in years when more snow removal is necessary.</p><p> Snow Removal proposal is $2500 (this is the yearly average expenditure); $6500 is proposed for Road Maintenance for a total of $9000 as the budget request for 2012 - 2013.</p><p> Steve Page asked that the ‘Page’s Point’ road which services 5 cabins be added to the snow removal route. Steve has currently been paying snow removal fees for this road section.</p><p> Motion: To add the ‘Page’s Point’ section of the road to the snow removal route. The motion was seconded and carried. </p><p> Motion: Road Maintenance budget for 2012 – 2013 will be $6500. The motion was seconded and carried.</p><p> Motion: Snow Removal budget for 2012 – 2013 will be $2500 plus the cost of plowing the ‘Page’s Point’ road section. The motion was seconded and carried.</p><p> The Association members in attendance acknowledged Bill for his work and efforts in improving and maintaining the road.</p><p>BRIDGE DISCUSSION</p><p> Bill Junkermier expressed interest in determining the structural integrity of the bridge to the homeowners’ road. </p><p> Facts include that the bridge was designed by Morris/Marley and built in 1978 for $44,000. Each of the 100 lots were assessed $400 and the bridge was financed through a special improvement district (SID). It was to become the County’s bridge. However, there are conflicting views as to </p><p>5 whether the County or the Homeowners own the bridge. The surveyor said the SID was set up so the HOA owned the bridge. The County was originally going to include the bridge in their maintenance and charge back costs to the HOA. This has not been happening.</p><p> There was no definitive recollection of the last inspection for structural integrity, load limit assessment, etc. It is unknown (and unlikely) that the County is doing any inspections. An engineering firm’s assessment could cost $3000 – 5000. Determining the integrity of the bridge would be an important early step.</p><p> Discussion about this issue commenced and it was decided that a committee should be formed to research and identify the pro’s and con’s of bridge ownership by the Association. It was recommended that the original documents, Attorney records, etc. be examined. Volunteers to join researching this effort include Bill Junkermier, Clark Taylor (others are welcome to assist). Results of this research can be forwarded to the Board for subsequent action. </p><p>ANNUAL BARBEQUE</p><p> Lou and Phyllis Whitsell hosted a barbeque on the Saturday closest to July 4th, or July 7th this year. There was a great turnout – people expressed interest in continuing this ‘tradition’ next year. Geoff Knight volunteered to organize the event – which will be held on July 6, 2012 (Saturday). Lou Whitwell graciously volunteered to accommodate the event at his cabin. Mark your calendars! </p><p> Motion: It was moved, seconded and carried to allocate $250 to offset food expenses for the hosts of the annual July 4th Barbeque.</p><p>IN MEMORIUM  A memorial contribution to the Quick Response Unit in 2012 will be made in honor of Roz Diggs and Ollie York.  Motion: It was moved, seconded and carried to make a memorial donation in the amount of $1000 to the Quick Response Unit.</p><p>ANNUAL MEETING  The Board will need to propose a Bylaw change for the timing of the Annual Meeting for the members’ consideration at next year’s meeting.  Motion: It was moved, seconded and carried to hold the 2013 Annual Meeting of the LLHOA on the first Saturday of August, or August 3, 2013.  The LLHOA Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, August 3, 2013.  Julie Kotschevar has volunteered to host the meeting.</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS  FIRE PUMP LOCATION: The Drasdo Property Fire Pump has been moved to the garage and will be appropriately signed for it’s new location.  HELICOPTER LANDING ZONE: Jack Lewis raised the issue of designating a Helicopter Landing Zone at or near the Lake. While there has not been substantive action taken on researching this possibility over the past year due to liability, cost and safety challenges. Jack was asked to research some options that could be possible sites for report out at the next meeting.</p><p>6  FOUND – CANOE: Julie Kotschevar has ‘found’ a canoe when tearing down their garage. If anyone knows to whom it belongs, please let her know.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT Pam Lowry Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. </p><p>7</p>

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