<p> Department of Government & International Studies</p><p>EURO 2140 The Political Economy of the European Union</p><p>Prerequisites: GIS/European Studies- POLS 1510 Foundations of Political Science or EURO 1111-2 Europe: Unity and Diversity GIS Minor- Year II standing</p><p>Duration/Frequency: Credits/Units: 3 hours/week 3 Language of Tuition: Number of Contact Hours: English 42 (3 X 14 weeks) Individual Study Time Required: Total Assumed Work Load: 42 hours (3 X 14 weeks) 6 hours/week</p><p>Course Description/Aims and Objectives:</p><p>This is a second year, second semester course which examines the causes and historical evolution of European integration and looks analytically at the institutions and the policies of the European Union. It provides a focused examination of the political economy of European integration, highlighting the dynamic relationship between economic and political integration and the respective roles of the member states, the EU institutions, and the market. Moreover, it highlights the complexities and difficulties in constructing a European constitutional order and offers a critical examination of the process of institutional building. It provides a critical review of the main theoretical contributions to the debate on European integration, and explores the prospects for the enlarged EU in the post-communist era. </p><p>Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) / Competencies:</p><p>Knowledge By the end of this course, students will be able to 1. Discuss the European Union from its origins to its present day and projected development; 2. Illustrate respective contributions of the institutions, functions, states, and personalities which historically and currently comprise the European Union; 3. Explain the mechanisms and policies by which the present state of European integration has been achieved and that of the future planned; and</p><p>1 4. Evaluate new conceptual and theoretical developments in the study of European integration.</p><p>Skills By the end of this course, students will be able to 5. Draw relevant lessons from European integration for comparable endeavours in other parts of the world; and 6. Analyze the European Union as a community of cultures and as a politico-economic regional entity in the global political economy.</p><p>Attitudes By the end of this course, students will be able to 7. Develop an informed opinion on the recovery and regional integration in war-torn Europe; 8. Appreciate the major opportunities and obstacles Europeans have faced in the process of regional integration; and 9. Interpret the logic of integration at a global level.</p><p>Course Content:</p><p>I. Historical Background and Conceptual Reflections</p><p> Idealism and Realism in European Integration States, Institutional Actors, Policy Outputs</p><p>II. Institutions of the EC/EU</p><p> The European Council The Council of Ministers The European Commission The European Parliament The European Court of Justice and Community Law The Policy-Making Procedures</p><p>III. Key Policy Areas </p><p> Budgetary Policy Internal Market Economic and Monetary Union Common Agricultural Policy Common Foreign and Security Policy</p><p>IV. The Enlargement of the European Union</p><p> The Challenges and Opportunities in Eastern Enlargement V. Europe in the New Millennium</p><p>2 The Politics of EU Reform: The EU Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty Theoretical Perspectives of European Integration</p><p>Teaching & Learning Activities (TLAs):</p><p>TLAs ILOs addressed 1. Seminars/ Lectures 1 to 9 Students are expected to synthesize a structured overview of the causes and historical evolution of European integration and the policies of the European Union from lectures, discussions and additional recommend readings. 2. Tutorial discussions/ Presentations 1 to 6 Tutorial sessions will be held to discuss basic theories and concepts introduced in lectures and their applications. Students will make group presentations on the complexities and difficulties in constructing a European constitutional order and offers a critical examination of the process of institutional building. 3. Data Analysis 2 to 6 The data analysis provides a critical review of the main theoretical contributions to the debate on European integration, and explores the prospects for the enlarged EU in the post- communist era. 4. Documentary films 2 to 4, 7, 8 Relevant documentaries and/or films will be used and discussed to illustrate the causes and historical evolution of European integration.</p><p>Assessment Methods (AMs):</p><p>3 AMs Weighting ILOs Description of addressed Assessment Tasks Research paper 30% 1 to 6 Students have to submit a research paper reflecting their understanding of the European Union as a community of cultures and as a politico-economic regional entity in the global political economy. Tutorial and class 30% 1 to 6 Regular attendance participation and active participation are mandatory. Students develop and demonstrate their skills and knowledge by way of critical discussion. Examination 40% 2 to 4 The questions will be essay-type questions testing students’ understanding of the political economy of European integration. The emphasis will be on a critical reflection of these issues in relation to contemporary political debate. The essay topic(s) will be based on students’ critical discussions in the tutorials.</p><p>4 Required Readings:</p><p> Bale, T. European Politics: A Comparative Introduction, 2005. Bromley, S. (ed) Governing the European Union, 2001. Bulmer, S. and Lequesne, C. (eds) The Member States of the European Union, 2005. Cini, M. (ed) European Union Politics, 2003. Dinan, D. (ed) Origins and Evolution of the European Union, 2006. Dunkerley, D. et al Changing Europe: Identities, Nations and Citizens, 2002. Gower, J. (ed) The European Union Handbook (Second Ed), 2002. Gual, J. (ed) Building a Dynamic Europe, 2004. Harryvan, A.G. and van der Harst, J. (ed and tran) Documents on European Union, 1997. Hill, C. and M. Smith (eds) International Relations and the European Union, 2005. Hix, S. The Political System of the European Union, 1999. Hix, S. What’s Wrong with the European Union and How to Fix It. 2008. Leonard, M. Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century, 2005. Miles, L. The European Union: Annual Review 2004/2005, 2005. Moxon-Browne, E. (ed) Who are the Europeans now?, 2004. Nelsen, B.F. and Stubb, A. C-G (eds) The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration, 1998. Nugent, N. The Government and Politics of the European Union, 2003. O’Neill, M. (ed) The Politics of European Integration: A Reader, 1996. Pinder, J. The Building of the European Union (Third Ed), 1998. Ramsay, A. (ed) Eurojargon : a dictionary of European Union acronyms, abbreviations and sobriquets, 2000. Rothacher, A. Uniting Europe: Journey between Gloom and Glory, 2005. Rosamond, B. Theories of European Integration, 2000. Schmidt, V.A. Democracy in Europe, The EU and National Polities, 2006. Svendsen, G.T. The Political Economy of the European Union: Institutions, Policy and Economic Growth, 2003. Tsoukalis, L., What Kind of Europe? 2003. Van Thiel, S. et al. (eds) Understanding the European Constitution, 2005.</p><p>References:</p><p>Abromeit, H. Democracy in Europe, 1998. Amoto, G. and Ziller, J. The European Constitution: Cases and Materials in EU and Member States’ Law, 2007. Andersen, S. and Eliassen, K. The European Union: How Democratic Is It?, 1996. Apel, E. European Monetary Integration 1958-2002, 1998. Arnull, A. and Wincott, D. (eds) Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union, 2002.</p><p>5 Ardy, B. et al Adjusting to EMU, 2006. Avery, G. and Cameron, F. The Enlargement of the European Union, 1998. Axtmann, R. (ed) Globalization and Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, 1998. Bark, D. Reflections on Europe, 1997. Baun, M. An Imperfect Union, 1996. Begg, I. (ed) Europe: Government and Money: Running EMU. The Challenges of Policy Coordinations, 2002. Best, E. et al (eds) The Institutions of the Enlarged European Union: Continuity and Change, 2008. Bieler, A. Globalisation and Enlargement of the European Union: Austrian and Swedish Social Forces in the Struggle over Membership, 2000. Bohman, J. Democracy across Borders: From Demos to Demoi, 2007. Bomberg, E. and Stubb, A. The European Union: How Does it Work?, 2003. Buterbaugh, K. and Fulton, R. The WTO Primer: Tracing Trade’s Visible Hand through Case Studies, 2007. Casarini, N. and Musu, C. European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence, 2007. Cederman, L-E (ed) Constructing Europe’s Identity, 2001. Chouliarakik, L. (ed) The Soft Power of War, 2007. Christianse, T. and Piattoni, S. (eds) Informal Governance in the European Union, 2003. Chryssochoou, D.S. Democracy in the European Union, 1998. Church, C.H. and Phinnemore, D. The Penguin Guide to the European Treaties, 2002. Cini, M. The European Commission, 1997. Corbett, R. The European Parliament’s Role in Closer EU Integration, 1998. Corbett, R. et al. The European Parliament (Fifth Ed), 2003. Cottey, A. Security in the New Europe, 2008. Cowles, M. and Smith, M. (eds) The State of the European Union (V), 2000. Cram, L. Policy-making in the European Union, 1997. Croft, S. et al. The Enlargement of Europe, 1999. Dehouse, A. The European Court of Justice, 1998. DePorte, A. Europe between the Superpowers, 1979. Drake, H. (ed) French Relations with the European Union, 2005. Duina, F. Harmonizing Europe: Nation-states within the Common Market, 1999. Dyson, K. The Politics of the Euro-Zone: Stability or Breakdown, 2000. Dyson, K. and Featherstone, K. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union, 1999. Elgstrom, O. (ed) European Union Council Presidencies: A Comparative Analysis, 2003. Ellwood, D. Rebuilding Europe, 1992. Emerson, M. (ed) Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood, 2005. European Commission Agenda 2000, 1997. Featerstone, K. and Ginsberg R. The United States and the European Union in the 1990s: Partners in Transition, 1996.</p><p>6 Gartner, H. et al (eds) Europe’s New Security Challenges, 2000. Gillingham, J. Coal, Steel and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945-1955, 1991. Gordon, P. France, Germany and the Western Alliance, 1995. Gorman, L. and Kilijuen, M. (eds) The Enlargement of the European Community: Case Studies of Greece, Portugal and Spain, 1983. Grabbe, H. and Hughes, K. Enlarging the European Union Eastwards, 1998. Green, D. The Europeans: Political Identity in an Emerging Polity, 2007. Greenwood, J. Representing Interests in the European Union, 1998. Gros, D. and Thygesen, N. European Monetary Integration, 1998. Gueldry, M. France and European Integration, 2001. Guyomarch, A. et al. France in the European Union, 1998. Hantrais, L. Social Policy in the European Union (Third Ed), 2007. Harmsen, R. and Menno Spiering (eds) Euroscepticism : party politics, national identity and European integration, 2004. Hayes, R. and Wallace, H. The Council of Ministers, 1997. Heater, D. The Idea of European Unity, 1992. Hedetoft, Ulf (ed) Political Symbols, Symbolic Politics: European Identities in Transformation, 1998. Hendriks, G. The Franco-German Axis in European Integration, 2001. Hix, S. and Lord, C. Political Parties in the European Union, 1997. Holland, M. The Common Security and Foreign Policy, 1997. Holland, M. and Chaban, N. The EU Through the Eyes of the Asia-Pacific, 2005. Howarth, D. and Loedel, P. The European Central Bank: The New European Leviathan?, 2003. Inglis, K. and Ott, A. (eds) The Constitution for Europe and an Enlarging Union: Unity in Diversity? 2005. Issing, O. The Birth of the Euro, 2008. Jorgensen, K. (ed) Reflective Approaches to European Governance, 1997. Judge, D. and Earnshaw D. The European Parliament, 2003. Jones, S.G. The Rise of European Security Cooperation, 2006. Karadeloglou, R. (ed) Enlarging the EU: The Trade Balance Effects, 2002. Katz, R. and Wessels, B. (eds) The European Parliament, the National Parliaments, and European Integration, 1999. Keukeleire, S. and McNaughtan, J. The Foreign Policy of the European Union, 2008. Laffan, B. et al. Europe’s Experimental Union, 2000. Landau, A. and Whitman, R. (eds) Rethinking the European Union, 1997. Laurent, P-H. and Maresceau, M. (eds) The State of the European Union Vol.4: Deepening and Widening, 1998. Laursen, F. (ed.) The Political Economy of European Integration, 1995. Lindberg, T. (ed) Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America and the Future of a Troubled Partnership, 2005. Linsenmann, I. et al. Economic Government of the EU: A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination, 2007. Lodge, J. The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, 2005. Lord, C. Democracy in the European Union, 1998.</p><p>7 Lord, C. and Harris, E. Democracy in the New Europe, 2006. Lucarelli, S. and Manners, I. (eds) Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy, 2006. Lundestad, G. “Empire” by Integration: The US and European Integration, 1945- 1997, 1998. Mannin, M. (ed) Pushing Back the Boundaries: the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe, 1999. Marks, Gary Governance in the European Union, 1996. Mattli, W. The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond, 1999. Mayhew, A. Recreating Europe: The European Union’s Policy towards Central and Eastern Europe, 1998. McCormick, J. The European Superpower, 2007. McGarry, J. and Keating, M. (eds) European Integration and the Nationalities Question, 2006. McKay, D. Rush to Union, 1996. Menon, A. Europe. The State of the Union, 2008. Meny, Y., Muller, P. and Qumonne, J-L (eds) Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and Policies, 1996. Milward, A. The European Rescue of the Nation State, 1989. Molle, W. The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy, 1997. Moser, P. et al (eds) Decision Rules in the European Union, 2000. Mulhearn, C. and V. R. Howards The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects, 2008. Musolff, A et al Attitudes towards Europe, 2001. Naurin, D. Deliberation behind Closed Doors: Transparency and Lobbying in the European Union, 2007. Nugent, N. The European Commission, 2001. Nuttall, S. European Foreign Policy, 2000. Pedersen, T. France, Germany and the Integration of Europe, 1998. Peterson, J. and Sjursen, H. A Common Foreign Policy for Europe? 1998. Peterson, J. (ed) The Institutions of the European Union, 2002. Piening, C. Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs, 1997. Preston, C. Enlargement and Integration in the European Union, 1997. Prodi, R. Europe as I See It, 2000. Redmond, J. The 1995 Enlargement of the European Union, 1997. Redmond, J. and Rosenthal, G. (eds) The Expanding European Union: Past, Present, Future, 1998. Robles, A. C. The Political Economy of Interregional Relations: ASEAN and the EU, 2004. Ross, G. Jacques Delors and European Integration, 1995. Rotfeld, A and Stutzle, W. (eds) Germany and Europe in Transition, 1991. Schmidt , V. A. Democracy in Europe: the EU and national polities, 2006. Schmitter, P. How to Democratize the EU—Why Bother? 2000. Scully, R. Becoming Europeans? Attitudes, Behaviour, and Socialization in the European Parliament, 2005.</p><p>8 Siedentop, L. Democracy in Europe, 2001. Smith, E. (ed) National Parliaments as Cornerstones of European Integration, 1996. Smith, M. Europe’s Foreign and Security Policy: The Institutionalization of Cooperation, 2004. Sperling, J. (ed) Two Tiers or Two Speeds? 1999. Stevens, A. and Stevens, H. Brussels Bureaucrats? 2001. Tallberg, J. Leadership and Negotiation in the European Union, 2006. Taylor, P. The European Union in the 1990s, 1996. Telo, M. Europe: A Civilian Power? European Union, Global Governance, World Order, 2006. Tocci, N. The EU and Conflict Resolution: Promoting Peace in the Backyard, 2007. Tsoukalis, L. The New European Economy Revisited, 1997. Van Schendelen, M.P.C.M. EU Committees as Influential Policymakers, 1998. Van Schendelen, R. Machiavelli in Brussels: The Art of Lobbying the EU, 2002. Steunenberg, B. and Thomassen, J. The European Parliament: Moving Toward Democracy in the EU, 2002. Wallace, H. and Wallace, W. (eds) Policy-Making in the European Union (Third Ed), 1996. Warleigh, A. Democracy and the European Union, 2003. Warleigh, A. Flexible Integration: What Model for the European Union, 2002. Warleigh, A. and Fairbrass, J. Influence and Interests in the EU: The New Politics of Persuasion and Advocacy, 2002. Weale, A. Democratic Citizenship and the European Union, 2005. Weiler, J.H.H. et al. (eds.) Integration in an Expanding European Union, 2003. Westlake, M. The European Union beyond Amsterdam, 1998. Whitman, R. and Manners, I. (eds) Foreign Policy of the European Union, 2001. Youngs, Richard The European Union and the Promotion of Democracy, 2001. Zeff, E. and Pirro, E. (eds) The European Union and the Member States, 2001. Zielonka, J. (ed) European Unbound: Enlarging and Reshaping the Boundaris of the European Union, 2002.</p><p>Journals:</p><p>Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Bulletin of the European Union</p><p>9 The Economist East European Politics and Societies International Affairs Journal of Common Market Studies Journal of European Integration Journal of European Public Policy West European Politics European Union Politics</p><p>Main Internet Resources: http://www.europa.eu.int http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/default.stm http://www.european- voice.com http://www.euro-know.org/dictionary/index.html http://www.euractiv.com/ </p><p>Syllabus prepared by: Dr. Kenneth Ka-Lok CHAN / September 2010</p><p>10</p>
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