<p> Halifax County Schools Elementary School Lesson Plan</p><p>Subject: Math Teacher: Grade Level: Date(s):1st Six Weeks 5th Grade Week 4: Sept. 15-19, 2014 North Carolina (*Indicates heavily weighted I Can Statements /Learning Targets Post I can… questions in the classroom. Standard standards) (I can……..) I can read, write, decimals to thousandths. 5.NBT.3, a Course of *5.NBT.3 Read, write, and I can compare decimals to thousandths. 5.NBT.3 Study compare decimals to Standards: thousandths. a. Read and write decimals to Technology Standards & Resources: 5.SI.1 Apply criteria to determine appropriate (Common Core & thousandths using base-ten information Essential numerals, number names, and resources for specific topics and purposes. Standards) expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × SMARTboard Technology: Notebook software, internet (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000). b. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >;, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.</p><p>Essential Post Essential Questions in Higher Order Thinking/Revised Blooms: How will knowing how to compute multi digit numbers Question(s the classroom. (Questions that will enable students to find connections with decimals connect to my life? ): 5.NBT.3a How do you read and or extend learning.) How might the world be different without decimals? (What question(s) write decimals in standard, How do you utilize decimals in your everyday life? should students be expanded, and word form? able to answer at 5.NBT.3b How do you compare the end of the and order decimal numbers? lesson/unit?) Vocabulary: 5.NBT.3a expanded form • Resources: Wikispaces/Math Websites: Academic/Conte number lines Everyday Math: Teacher Editions, Skills Link Book, http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/file/view/CCSSMathT nt 5.NBT.3b greater than • less Math Masters (teacher resource book), Math Student asks-Grade5.pdf/375611936/CCSSMathTasks- than • equal to • >,<,= Reference Book (textbook) Grade5.pdf Printable Math Vocabulary http://3-5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net Cards https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/ http://www.graniteschools.org/de http://www.commoncoresheets.com/ part/teachinglearning/curriculumi nstruction/math/Pages/Mathemat http://www.mrmaffesoli.com Page 1 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014 icsVocabulary.aspx http://www.ixl.com/standards/common- Additional Vocabulary core/math/grade-5 Options-Vocabulary words http://www.mathgoodies.com/standards/alignments/gra posted on math word wall de5.html *Varied methods of teaching vocabulary Examples: 1. Foldables (graphic organizer with folded paper): http://foldables.wikispaces.com/Fol dables 2. Graphic Organizers: http://www.cobbk12.org/Cheatham hill/LFS%20Update/Graphic %20Organizers.htm Standards for 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematical Practices 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use Highlight the appropriate tools strategically. practices you will use this week. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Mental Math Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Reflexes EM Teacher Edition Vol.1 p. 385 EM Teacher Edition EM Teacher Edition Vol.2 p. 548 EM Teacher Edition Vol.2 p. EM Teacher Edition Vol.2 p. Vol.1 p. 385 574 Daily Whole Class- Students record the numbers Students record the Students record the numbers Level 1 Level 2 oral or writing you read. numbers you read. you read. activity Level 1 eighty-five hundredths Level 3 Level 1630,726. Circle the 4*10² = 400 Encourage Sixteen and five tenths Eight hundred four 10-thousands digit. Underline students to Level 2 Two and seven and nine hundreds the hundred-thousandths 7*8² = 700 5* 10⁴= 50,000 practice math skills mentally. Level 1 hundredths Twenty-two digit. (easy), 2 (medium) Ten and sixty-nine hundredths thousands Level 2 263,014,613 8*10² =800 and 3(difficult) Circle the millions digit indicate level of Underline the tenths digit. difficulty. 7*10⁵=700,00</p><p>Monday Whole Group5.NBT.3a Small Group Independent Work Pretesting4.NF. 5, NF.6, *Review procedures, rules and expectations for daily math Resources-print activities from these Subject 4.NBT.3 -Skills Needed to workstations websites or display the assignment on Integration: master 5.NBT.4(Assess Guided Math Groups the SMARTboard for students to The teacher will meet with at least 2 groups a day. Teach or Speaking/Listenin students practice. g Resource:https://grade5common review a math standard based on data. Read directions and complete at least 1 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2a coremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/) Resources:Select based on needs or see Resource Sections problems with the students and then 5.SL.3, 5.SL.4 1. Mental Math and Reflexes- Independent work Section allow them opportunities to practice 5.SL.6 Spiral Standards: Lead the students in mental independently Writing-5.W.2 4.NF.6 math daily. http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3/in ReadingInformati 2. Introduce Vocabulary dex.html onal (present via Microsoft PowerPoint Group 1: http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3A/i Text-5.RI.7 orcreate a vocabulary game via Low: Students Need Remediation ndex.html Everyday Math -http://quizlet.com/ or Math Standard: *Name Students http://www.commoncoresheets.com/Fractions.ph Student http://www.bigiqkids.com/Spellin p Reference gVocabulary/Lessons/wordlist.ht Group 2 Textbook p.26-27 ml (or use additional vocabulary Medium: Need Practice Interactive Math Games (Independent or options as posted in vocabulary Math Standard: Whole Group) Piece = Part = section) *Name Students http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d Portion: Fractions 3.Teacher Input- The teacher Group 3: = Decimals ecimals/DecimalModels10.htm will teach the concept of place High: Students Need Rigor and Enrichment =...by Scott http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d value (extend understanding to Math Standard: Gifford, illustrated *Name Students ecimals/DecimalModels.htm by Shmuel Thaler decimals) with a mediapresentation(Learn Zillion Interactive Skill Practice has a PowerPoint for this lesson)- http://www.thatquiz.org/tq-c/?-j88-l6-n35-p0 https://learnzillion.com/lessons/3 words to decimals 344-read-and-write-decimals-to- the-thousandths-using-a-place- Fractured Math Fairy Tales: Fractions & Decimals value-chart or http://www. By Dan Greenberg Mathgoodies.com/lessons/decima ls/read_write.html) or written examples on the board.Teacher Demonstration: Introduce lesson with an Essential Question- How do you read and write decimals in standard, expanded, and word form? Teach students to read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths and read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 </p><p>Page 3 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).Studentswill view:Learn Zillion-Video Title- Read and write decimals to the thousandths using a place value chartwebsite:https://learnzillion.c om/lessons/3344-read-and-write- decimals-to-the-thousandths- using-a-place-value-chart 4.Guided Practice & Independent Practice a)Whole group-The teacher will engage students in discussion about the video, followed by whole group/partner practice work. Use this website to practice basic skills of the standard- http://www.ixl.com/standards/co mmon-core/math/grade-5 b) Independent Work- Students will have an opportunity to practice math skills.(See resources in the independent work section.) 5. Solving Word Problems- Math Notebook Journals(select at least 1 a day) Resources: ClassScape, Schoolnet or 5th Grade Formative Assessment, (website-http://3- 5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/5.N BT.1-5.NBT4 *click on the standard 5.NBT.3a to view word problem) *Review Problem Solving Strategies * Students will: a) select a strategy b) solve the problem with an equation and a complete sentence c) Students will explain and prove/defend their answer</p><p>Tuesday Whole Group5.NBT.3a Small Group Independent Work 1.Mental Math and Reflexes- *Review procedures, rules and expectations for daily math Resources-print activities from these Subject Lead the students in mental workstations websites or display the assignment on Guided Math Groups Integration: math daily. the SMARTboard for students to The teacher will meet with at least 2 groups a day. Teach or Speaking/Listenin 2. Vocabulary(present via practice. g Microsoft PowerPoint orcreate a review a math standard based on data. Read directions and complete at least 1 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2a vocabulary game via Resources:Select based on needs or see Resource Sections problems with the students and then 5.SL.3, 5.SL.4 -http://quizlet.com/ or Independent work Section allow them opportunities to practice 5.SL.6 http://www.bigiqkids.com/Spellin Spiral Standards: 4.NF.6 independently Writing-5.W.2 gVocabulary/Lessons/wordlist.ht Group 1: ReadingInformati ml (or use additional vocabulary Low: Students Need Remediation http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3/in onal options as posted in vocabulary Text-5.RI.7 Math Standard: dex.html section) *Name Students http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3A/i 3.Teacher Input-The teacher Everyday Math ndex.html will teach the concept of place Group 2 Student Medium: Need Practice http://www.commoncoresheets.com/Fractions.ph value (extend understanding to Reference Math Standard: p decimals) with a media Textbook p.26- *Name Students presentation(Learn Zillion has a 27 Interactive Math Games (Independent or PowerPoint for this lesson)or Group 3: Whole Group) written examples on the board. High: Students Need Rigor and Enrichment Literature Link: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d Teacher Demonstration: Math Standard: Decimals *Name Students ecimals/DecimalModels10.htm Introduce lesson with an Do you know http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d Essential Question- How do Dewey? : exploring ecimals/DecimalModels.htm the Dewey decimal you read and write decimals in system by Brian P. standard, expanded, and word Interactive Skill Practice Cleary ; form?Teach students to read, http://www.thatquiz.org/tq-c/?-j88-l6-n35-p0 illustrations by write, and compare decimals to words to decimals Joanne Lew- thousandths.a. Read and write Vriethoff decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000). Students watchwill view:Learn Zillion-Video Title-Read and write Page 5 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014 decimals to the thousandths using a place value chart website: https://learnzillion.com/lessons / 3344-read-and-write-decimals-to- thethousandths-using-a-place- value-chart 4.Guided Practice & Independent Practice a)Whole group-The teacher will engage students in discussion about the video, followed by whole group/partner practice work. Use this website to practice basic skills of the standard- http://www.ixl.com/standards/co mmon-core/math/grade-5 b) Independent Work- Students will have an opportunity to practice math skills.(See resources in the independent work section.) 5. Solving Word Problems- Math Notebook Journals(select at least 1 a day) Resources: ClassScape, Schoolnet or 5th Grade Formative Assessment, (website-http://3- 5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/5.N BT.1-5.NBT4 *click on the standard 5.NBT.3a to view word problem) *Review Problem Solving Strategies * Students will: a) select a strategy b) solve the problem with an equation and a complete sentence c) Students will explain and prove/defend their answer Wednesday Whole Group5.NBT.3b Small Group Independent Work *Review procedures, rules and expectations for daily math 1.Mental Math and Reflexes- workstations Resources-print activities from these Lead the students in mental Guided Math Groups websites or display the assignment on Subject math daily. The teacher will meet with at least 2 groups a day. Teach or the SMARTboard for students to review a math standard based on data. Integration: 2. Vocabulary(present via practice. ELA Microsoft PowerPoint or create a Resources:Select based on needs or see Resource Sections Read directions and complete at least 1 Speaking/Listenin vocabulary game via Independent work Section problems with the students and then g http://quizlet.com/ or Spiral Standards: allow them opportunities to practice 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2a http://www.bigiqkids.com/Spellin 4.NF.6 independently 5.SL.3, 5.SL.4 gVocabulary/Lessons/wordlist.ht Group 1: Low: Students Need Remediation 5.SL.6 ml (or use additional vocabulary Math Standard: http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3B/i Writing-5.W.2 options as posted in vocabulary *Name Students ndex.html ReadingInformati section) http://www.commoncoresheets.com/Fractions.ph onal 3.Teacher Input- The teacher Group 2 Text-5.RI.7 p will teach the concept Medium: Need Practice ofcomparing decimals with a Math Standard: Everyday Math *Name Students Interactive Math Games (Independent or media presentation(Learn Zillion Student Whole Group) has a PowerPoint for this lesson) Group 3: Reference http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d or written examples on the High: Students Need Rigor and Enrichment Textbook p.32- ecimals/CompareDecimals.htm board. Teacher Math Standard: 33 Demonstration: Introduce *Name Students Interactive Skill Practice lesson with an Essential Literature Link: http://www.thatquiz.org/tq-B/?-jg-lk-n35-p0 Decimals Question-How do you compare Fractions, and order decimal numbers? Decimals, and Teach students to compare two Percents decimals to thousandths based by David A. Adler, on meanings of the digits in each illustrated place, using >; =, and < symbols by Edward Miller to record the results of comparisons.Students will view:Learn Zillion-Video Title: Compare decimals using fractions Website: https://learnzillion.com/lessons/5 62-compare-decimals-using- fractions 4.Guided Practice & Independent Practice a)Whole group-The teacher will engage students in discussion </p><p>Page 7 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014 about the video, followed by whole group/partner practice work. Use this website to practice basic skills of the standard- http://www.ixl.com/standards/co mmon-core/math/grade-5 b) Independent Work- Students will have an opportunity to practice math skills.(See resources in the independent work section.) 5. Solving Word Problems- Math Notebook Journals(select at least 1 a day) Resources: ClassScape, Schoolnet or 5th Grade Formative Assessment, (website-http://3- 5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/5.N BT.1-5.NBT4 *click on the standard 5.NBT.3b to view word problem) *Review Problem Solving Strategies * Students will: a) select a strategy b) solve the problem with an equation and a complete sentence c) Students will explain and prove/defend their answer Thursday Whole Group5.NBT.3b Small Group Independent Work 1.Mental Math and Reflexes- *Review procedures, rules and expectations for daily math Resources-print activities from these Subject Lead the students in mental workstations websites or display the assignment on Guided Math Groups Integration: math daily. the SMARTboard for students to The teacher will meet with at least 2 groups a day. Teach or ELA 2. Vocabulary(present via practice. Speaking/Listenin Microsoft PowerPoint or create a review a math standard based on data. Read directions and complete at least 1 g vocabulary game via Resources:Select based on needs or see Resource Sections problems with the students and then 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2a http://quizlet.com/ or Independent work Section Spiral Standards: allow them opportunities to practice 5.SL.3, 5.SL.4 http://www.bigiqkids.com/Spellin 4.NF.6 independently 5.SL.6 gVocabulary/Lessons/wordlist.ht Group 1: Writing-5.W.2 ml (or use additional vocabulary Low: Students Need Remediation http://www.mrmaffesoli.com/Printables/5NBT3B/i ReadingInformati options as posted in vocabulary Math Standard: ndex.html onal section) Text-5.RI.7 3.Teacher Input-The teacher *Name Students http://www.commoncoresheets.com/Fractions.ph will teach the concept Group 2 p Everyday Math ofcomparing decimals with a Medium: Need Practice Student media presentation(Learn Zillion Math Standard: Interactive Math Games (Independent or Reference has a PowerPoint for this lesson) *Name Students Whole Group) Textbook p.32- or written examples on the Group 3: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/d 33 board. Teacher High: Students Need Rigor and Enrichment ecimals/CompareDecimals.htm Demonstration: How do you Math Standard: compare and order decimal *Name Students Interactive Skill Practice numbers? Teach students to http://www.thatquiz.org/tq-B/?-jg-lk-n35-p0 compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >; =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.Students will view:Learn Zillion-Video Title: Compare decimals using fractions Website: https://learnzillion.com/lessons/5 62-compare-decimals-using- fractions 4.Guided Practice & Independent Practice a)Whole group-The teacher will engage students in discussion about the video, followed by whole group/partner practice work. Use this website to practice basic skills of the standard- http://www.ixl.com/standards/co mmon-core/math/grade-5 b) Independent Work- Students will have an opportunity to practice math skills.(See resources in the independent work section.) 5. Solving Word Problems- Math Notebook Journals(select</p><p>Page 9 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014 at least 1 a day) Resources: ClassScape, Schoolnet or 5th Grade Formative Assessment, (website-http://3- 5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/5.N BT.1-5.NBT4 *click on the standard 5.NBT.3b to view word problem) *Review Problem Solving Strategies * Students will: a) select a strategy b) solve the problem with an equation and a complete sentence c) Students will explain and prove/defend their answer Friday Whole Group5.NBT.3a & b Small Group Independent Work Mental Math and Reflexes- *Review procedures, rules and expectations for daily math Subject Lead the students in mental workstations 5.NBT.3a & 5.NBT 3b A ssessment Integration: math daily. Guided Math Groups (*Add Spiral Questions) ELA Formative Assessment Tasks The teacher will meet with at least 2 groups a day. Teach or Speaking/Listenin website-http://3- review a math standard based on data. Students can take the assessment paper –pencil g 5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/5.N Resources:Select based on needs or see Resource Sections or Independent work Section 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2a BT.1-5.NBT4 In Schoolnet or ClassScape. 5.SL.3, 5.SL.4 *Whole Group or Independent Spiral Standards: 4.NF.6 5.SL.6 *Students will solve on paper or Group 1: Writing-5.W.2 on dry erase boards ReadingInformati Low: Students Need Remediation onal Math Standard: Text-5.RI.7 *Name Students Group 2 Everyday Math Medium: Need Practice Student Math Standard: Reference *Name Students Textbook p.26- Group 3: 27, p.32-33 High: Students Need Rigor and Enrichment Math Standard: *Name Students Math Math with My Teacher Math by Math with Someone Math Vocabulary/ Math with Technology Workstations Students attend this rotation Myself Examples: Bingo, Math Drills- flash Writing Examples: Examples: iPad Apps, during small group. Examples:Proj cards, Math Board Games Vocabulary Terms, computer programs, ect Based *Resource for Games Graphic Organizers, Math Game Websites, Learning, *Everyday Math Student Reference Writing Steps to Solve Learning Odyssey, Study Math Drills- Book Problems, Matching Island, etc. flash cards, http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ . activity file/view/5thgrade_GAMES_3.31.14. cards/sheets pdf/499871788/5thgrade_GAMES_3 .31.14.pdf Reflection-Checking for Understanding Reflection-Checking for Understanding Students in need of remediation: Students who need enrichment:</p><p>Action/Activities: Action/Activities:</p><p>Page 11 5th Grade Math - Lesson Plan Week 4 Sept. 15-19, 2014</p>
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