Incumbents Win in Keansburg Election SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Mild Partly cloudy and mild with THEDMLY FINAL chance'of showers today and tonight. Sunny, warm tomor- Bed Bank, Freehold row. I Long Branch 7 EDITION (Sen Details, Pan 31 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 226 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1969 \ 26 PAGES 10 CENTS illBIIIillillllllllB [J]!:.,;::;;:]!! in imrjijiitj!!;: j.jiiiiini .irjiiiiii. urji^iiN LJimiMiiiiJii.j-nNJii-j rju;Li;:/-UJii[iiiL;?.iiJt.:::;iJ.[ifj,iiii] riiLiiiiumdi Jiti!.[L[u::'Jt;m;ricii! HIM iiiirini U.S. Plans Park Complex, Including 4Hook' NEW YORK (AP) — A Lindsay, at a news confer- compassing 10 miles of gress. to some 10 million persons. reation Area, which will in- shore recreation area under An aide to Rep. James J. "Gateway National Recrea- ence on Breezy Point Beach shoreline, should be com- Most of the 15,600-acre site Lindsay estimated the cost clude Sandy Hook," said my bill," Case said. Howard, D-N.J., who had in- tion Area" will be built on in The Rockaways, said the pleted "in a couple of years." is owned by the public and of the park at $250 million. , Case in a statement yester- The Army is expected to troduced similar legislation both sides of New York Har- recreation area rules out a It would stretch from the will be tranferred to the fed- He said it would be develop- day. declare this summer it no in the House, said today the bor, the first such federal proposal by former City Rockaways diagonally across eral government by New ed and operated with federal Case has introduced a bill, longer needs all of its land congressman would like to project in an urban center. Parks Commissioner Robert New York harbor to Sandy York City, New York State money. A city plan to build endorsed by the Department on Sandy Hook. see both projects approved, Moses to construction housing Hook. and New Jersey and federal a beach park at Breezy Point of Interior, making Sandy Meantime,, the Interior De- but separately. (Map on Page 2) at Breezy Point for 160,000 Hickel said Interior De- agencies. It is comprised had been stalled by soaring Hook a national seashore. partment has ordered the Mr. Howard.believes, the The 15,600-acre site, includ- residents of Brooklyn slums. partment programmers and- mainly of marshland, shallow costs. "I am especially pleased to General Services Administra- aide said, the, Sandy Hook Ing parts of The Rockaways The Moses proposal was planners would be at work water areas and beaches. Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- learn that although the pro- tion to block other agencies National Seashore project in Queens and Sandy Hook opposed earlier this week by on the beaches Monday. He Hickel said the project will N.J., endorsed the federal posal will require new study, from taking over the land would cost no money for pur- In New Jersey, was announc- the Regional Plan Assicia- said he hopes to have a re- allow him to follow through plan. it will not hold up steps, al- until Interior can complete chase since the federal gov- ed yesterday by Interior Sec- tion, which supported the port from that task force in on a pledge "to really bring "I applaud Secretary of In- ready under way, to make a study of the proposed na- ernment already owns the retary Walter J. Hickel and recreation project. 90 days and then to submit parks to the people." He said terior Hickel's proposal to Sandy Hook a national sea- tional seashore. land. Mayor John V. Lindsay. Hickel said the project, en- necessary legislation to Con- the park would be available create Gateway National Rec- Hold Off Gas Disposal WASHINGTON - The Ar- til the plan can be reviewed posed shipment of the obso- The House Foreign Affairs sial plan before a standing- my announced yesterday tiiat by the National Academy of lete World War II gas 'and subcommittee on interna- room-only audience, was told it has called off its plan to Sciences. ultimate ocean burial would tional organizations and by Army officials the review dump 27,000 tons of poison At the same time it as- be substantially safer than movements, which heard would take two to three gas in the Atlantic Ocean un- sured Congress that the pro- any other method. testimony on the controver- weeks. If approved, the railway shipment will be carried out between May and August under armed guard, the Ar- my said. The shipment of surplus nerve, mustard and tear gases, it said, will be loaded aboard four old Liber- ty ships at Sandy Hook Bay, then the vessels will be towed out to sea and sunk in 7,200 feet of water. The plan, however, is com- ing under sharp criticism from the Interior Depart- KEANSBURG WINNERS — Keansburg Mayor Leonard S. Bellezza, right,, and ment, which opposes using Councilman Alphonsus M. MeGrath, center, clasp hands with top vote getter the ocean as a dumping ground. Also, several mem- Councilman Harry Graham. Mr. Graham led the incumbent trio in victory over bers of Congress questioned five challengers yesterday. : . (Register Staff Photo) the safety of the plan, and its impact on international agreement affecting use of the ocean, In New Jersey, municipal Keansburg, Monmouth officials met in special ses- sions to consider ways to block the plan. Thomas G. Dunn, mayor of Elizabeth, a city of more ach Slates Reelected than 200,000 persons, through NEW JERSEY QUARTET — Rep. Cornelius Gallagher, D-N.J., confers with throe New Jersey witnesses at a which all 807 railroad cars KEANSBURG - It's the incumbents! son and Edwin R. Feste were unopposed In hearing yesterday of a House foreign affairs subcommittee. From left: Thomas J. Byrnes, director of the will pass on the way to Earle Councilman Harry Graham garnered yesterday's election. 1,206 votes and Mayor Leonard S. Bellezza Mr. Feste received 129 votes, Mayor Elirabetfi police department; John J. Burns, Elizabeth firs chief; Gallagher, and John J. McGoohan, Elizabeth Ammunition Depot, an- nounced the city would file and Councilman Alphonsus M. McGrath each Johnson, 125, and Mr. Peterson, 119. A write- housing and welfare director. Tha subcommittee was probing effects of dumping poison gas and waste material an Injunction against the polled 1,144 votes on their way to victory. in candidate, Brent Neale, received two in ih« oceans. (AiP Wirephoto) Army in U.S. District Court, At the top of the runners-up was former votes. Newark. In addition, officials Mayor Louis T. Collichio, with 1,018 votes. Mayor Johnson has held that post since from municipalities in at He was followed by his running mates, his first election and subsequent appoint- least three New Jersey coun- Mrs. Jane Boman and Laurence McDermott, ment by his fellow commissioners in 1949. (See DELAY, Pg. 3, Col. 3) with 718 votes each and Patsy J. Acconza Jr. He is the owner of the Monmouth Beach and Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly with 645 and Cold Storage Company. .268 votes respectively. Mr. Peterson was first elected in 1933 16 Red Bank Teachers Quit and has served since then. He is director of The top vote getter among the candi- roads and public works and an owner of BED BANK — The Board The students said there are its closed workshop meeting soon, particularly from the Long Branch dates usually is voted the top job of mayor E. 0. Peterson Inc., jobbers in seafood sup- of Education accepted 16 rumors circulating through next week. River Street School. by his colleagues. plies. teacher resignations last the high school that faculty- Others Expected Many of the students asked Man Killed There was no comment by the adminis- Mr. Feste has been a member of the nigtlt as more than 50 stu- administration tensions Nine of the 16 resignations the board for more definite tration. • commission since his appointment in 1966 to dents, supported by several accepted last night were from action than it took last night. prompted many of the resig- UNOPPOSED fill an. unexpired term. He is director of teachers and borough resi- the high school. At least sev- Rumors are current, they In Vietnam MONMOUTH BEACH - Mayor Sidney finance and revenue. This is his first elec- dents, appealed for an invest nations. en other high school teachers said, that many teachers are LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Is- B. Johnson and Commissioners H.arold Peter- tion to the board. tigation into the extent and In response,: the . board are known to be leaving, and leaving because of dis- idra Morales, 31 Norwood causes of teacher turnover at placed a discussion of the res- there are rumors that many satisfaction with the school Ave., has been notified by Red Bank High School. ignations on die agenda for more teachers will resign administration and not for the Army officials that her hus- reasons stated in their letters band, Capt. Victor Morales, of resignation. 30, was killed in Vietnam Sea Bright Council Demotes Two high school teachers Friday. who will be leaving in June Army officials reported the Report Bendix Holmdel did speak out against condi- captain was killed at about tions at the school. 4:30 a.m., while his unit was Chief Cranmer to Patrolman One, Nicholas J. Andrian, a sleeping near its Plei Ku sta- teacher of French and Span- tion. SEA BRIGHT — Suspended Chief Cramer did not at- which, he said, might lead to ish, described what he said Mrs. Morales has lived Police Chief Gerald D. Cran- tend the meeting.
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