Little Gaddesden Parish Council

Little Gaddesden Parish Council

<p>1</p><p>Little Gaddesden Parish Council</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGHELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL on 19th September, 2016 PLEASE NOTE THAT MINUTES ARE ALSO PUBLISHED ON THE VILLAGE WEB SITE</p><p>The meeting commenced at 8.00pm.</p><p>Present : Cllrs. Archer, Hyde, Heaphy, Irving, Kelly, Alastair Greene (Clerk), and seventeen members of the public. Dacorum District Councillor Terry Douris was present for the latter part of the meeting. Apologies : Cllrs. Kutluoglu &Townsend</p><p>1. FORMALITIES</p><p>The attendance register was signed. Cllr Hyde declared an interest in the Planning application at 24 Nettleden Road. There were no other declared interests on items on the agenda and no requests for dispensation to speak. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record of the meeting and were signed.</p><p>2. OPEN SESSION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC</p><p>The Chairman invited members of the public to speak.</p><p>Geoffrey Forster confirmed he would like to speak about the Flooding problem at Ringshall, Cllr Archer asked that he spoke when that item was reached in the agenda.</p><p>Virginia Westmacott asked about the proposed weight limit at Water End bridge. The Chair asked the Clerk to read out a summary from the Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Consultation document. Other members of the public then raised their concerns about the potential diversion of the HGV’s through the villages of Nettleden and Little Gaddesden once the HGV ban on the bridge had been implemented. The Clerk confirmed he had made contact with Nettleden with Potten End Parish Council and that they had said that they were unaware of the Consultation. It appeared that the notification had been somewhat random, however there was still time for all to respond. </p><p>It was agreed that the Clerk would capture the comments from all those present at the meeting and circulate them to those present and also ask Mandy Haynes to circulate them through the Gaddesden Society address list. This would alert people to the consultation and assist people in their responses to the consultation.</p><p>Cllr. Hyde advised that the Rural Heritage Society were concerned about the impact of the weight limit and would be making representations to HCC and proposed to carry out a baseline traffic survey in the week commencing 26th September, to identify the current number and type of vehicles coming through the village. This count would be repeated after the imposition of the weight limit to determine whether the HGV’s were utilising the village roads rather than the M1 and M1/A5 link road as HCC had intended.</p><p>David Brattle asked to speak on the 24, Nettleden Road Planning application when the item was reached in the agenda.</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 2</p><p>Arwell Owen asked about the mess associated with an event held at the Village Hall. Paulette Reed was able to respond for the Village Hall Management Committee and confirm that it had been agreed that the VHMC would manage the clear up after the party and they had completed it on the following day. David Brattle advised that this item was not really a matter for the Parish Council meeting.</p><p>3. REPORTS AND MATTERS ARISING</p><p>(a) Police report from Hertfordshire Constabulary – The Clerk read out the key points from the report for August. There had been three ’Burglary Others’ reported, which were thefts from outbuildings. Parishioners were urged not to leave unmarked valuables in their outbuildings and to use a web site called register serial numbers of bikes, mowers etc. so that stolen goods, if recovered, can be returned to their rightful owners.</p><p>A Police Surgery will take place on Thursday 29thSeptember between 3.00 and 3.30am outside the Village Shop.</p><p>A Police Page has been set up on the village web site and is updated as new reports come in. The full report is also posted on the Village notice board adjacent to the shop.</p><p>Speed Indicator Device (SID) The Clerk advised that the locations for the SID had been checked and approved by HCC. and were confirmed as follows:-</p><p>(i) Nettleden Road – Cromer (south facing), exact location to be determined and indicated to residents (ii) Nettleden Road – Opposite Vine Cottage (sign can be swivelled to either direction) (iii) Hudnall Lane - Opposite November House (sign can be swivelled to either direction) (iv) The Green at the junction with Church Road (north facing) (v) Nettleden Road – Opposite Chastleton (north facing but will check if can be swivelled)</p><p>There will only be one SID at any one time, the intention was to install bases at these locations but to swivel the SID to face the opposite way or relocate to the next base every 3 months or so. In that way the date collection will be comprehensive. It was agreed that the first location to be used by the SID should be on the Nettleden Road opposite Chastleton.</p><p>Roadworks opposite the Post Office. The Clerk advised that the proposed date for the kerbing works opposite the Post Office and shop will be at some time during the period from 21st November – 2nd December. The exact number of days and time of day to be confirmed, though the road is likely to be shut when the works take place. The Clerk to let everyone know the detail as soon as it is confirmed.</p><p>(b) To agree actions required following receipt of ROSPA report on Play areas – Cllr. Kelly requested that this item be brought forward to the next meeting but mentioned that new table tennis protective corners needed to be ordered.</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 3</p><p>(c) To note the need for Waste Bins for the Sports Club – The Clerk confirmed that he had received complaints from both the Bowls Club and the Village Hall Manageress that after a recent event held at the Sports Club, rubbish and bottles were dumped into the large commercial bins that the Bowls Club and the VHMC pay for. It was suggested that the Clerk write to the Sports Club and ask that they give consideration to how best to manage such waste at future events. </p><p>(d) To decide whether to support Sarah Gall’s request for equipment for first responders Cllr. Archer proposed that the Parish Council should support the purchase of equipment for the Village First Responders team and it was agreed that the Parish Council would donate £300 to cover the equipment specified.</p><p>(e) To note the new Mayor’s request for a meeting with the Parish Council–It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Mayor suggesting that they agree to diary a visit in the Spring.</p><p>(f) To receive an update on the missing Hudnall Lane post box–The Clerk confirmed he had since the previous October been chasing the Post Office regarding the provision of a replacement Post Box at the junction of Hudnall Lane and Hudnall Common. He confirmed that the matter had been escalated within the Customer Services team.</p><p>(g) To receive a report of the outcome of a Neighbourhood Watch (NW) meeting – Cllr. Irving and Cllr. Hyde advised that they had met with a representative of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme and discussed whether present arrangements were adequate for the needs of the village. It was considered they were but would be kept under review.</p><p>(h) To receive a report on action taken regarding a Cycle rack at the Village Hall–The Village Survey had identified the provision of a cycle rack as a priority spend item. The Clerk confirmed that he had asked David Brattle about a potential location for the siting of a cycle rack to the west side of the village hall. David Brattle had advised that he would put the suggested location to the VHMC on 28thNovember.</p><p>(i) To agree how to progress other projects identified through the Village Survey, e.g. Village Hall improvements, Marion Alford Memorial. Provision of budget estimates.</p><p>Cllr Archer confirmed that she had been invited to the VHMC meeting in November to discuss Village Hall improvements. Cllr Irving said that there could be a substantial sum available, possibly £15,000 for the right sort of project. David Brattle said he would give thought to potential projects with that level of funding now potentially available.</p><p>Cllr. Archer confirmed that she had attended a meeting with the National Trust and Ashridge Management College to consider how to work together to improve the area around the monument.</p><p>Cllr. Irving suggested that the list of other potential village projects that had been identified should be held in view and worked on over time.</p><p>(j) To note the request from Sara Crabb re white lining her drive entrance (next to shop) to prevent parking across it – Sara Crabb reiterated her concern previously set out in a letter to the Council about the difficulty of exiting her drive. The Clerk confirmed he had made a request to the Highway authority to redo the white lining at the same time as the proposed kerb works opposite the village shop.</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 4</p><p>(k) To seek approval for the purchase of a swing sign for uses to include ‘No Parking’ and other events such as ‘Road Closure’ – The Clerk circulated a picture of the proposed free standing swing sign that can have different messages inserted. It was agreed that it would be a useful piece of equipment for managing parking and other matters around the village and the Clerk was asked to order it at a cost of c. £235 plus vat.</p><p>(l) To seek approval for the Clerk to approach the Mead Estate to check if they would consider selling land to allow an expansion of the Church Road car park.</p><p>Cllr. Archer proposed that the Council approach the Mead Estate to determine if they would consider selling land to allow an expansion of the Church Road car park. It was agreed that the Clerk would write a formal letter to the Mead Trust. A covering letter attaching the Mead Trust correspondence would also be sent to the Football Club. This covering letter would make it clear that the Parish Council does not commit itself to the purchase of any land at this stage but is just investigating options for increasing the parking capacity in the village.</p><p>(m)To seek agreement to re-investigate costs of providing an electricity supply to the Green near to the War Memorial/Christmas Tree – Cllr. Archer suggested and it was agreed, that this matter be reopened for investigation. </p><p>Cllr. Heaphy also mentioned that she was aware of a Christmas tree being felled that might perhaps be used instead of purchasing one this year. It was agreed to investigate further.</p><p>(n) To receive an update on Hedge trimming on the Green – Cllr. Archer confirmed that most hedges had now been cut back but the Clerk was asked to contact those who had not yet cut their hedge back.</p><p>(o) To receive an update on the Ringshall flooding issue – Cllr. Archer asked Geoffrey Forster and Mike Walsham to speak about the latest dreadful floods that had affected the houses at Ringshall. Mike said at the meeting and then copied his words in an e-mail to the Council that ‘as owners of these cottages, we feel we are only custodians of these Grade II listed homes for future generations to enjoy. They are not cheap to maintain but when they are flooded (as in 2007 and 2016) we are the ones that suffer because the Councils have NOT responded to our pleas with an action plan that is in any way satisfactory. The situation on Friday morning 16th. September was absolutely dire and should never have happened. Over and over we have explained that the problem never existed before Deer Leap Manor was built in 2005/6 and the land at the bottom of their plot was excavated and the drain pipe blocked. The original owners 'acquired' the piece of fenced land containing a soak away and a pond that used to receive all the water that now enters our houses and floods our gardens’.</p><p>Cllr. Douris, who attended the flooded houses immediately after the downpour, and is the County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, was able to respond to the residents and said that whilst he could not promise a swift fix he would investigate and let all know the outcome of his enquires.</p><p>The Clerk was asked to speak to the National Trust about the Ling borehole to check whether that could assist in the solution of the flooding problem.</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 5</p><p>(p) To receive a report on the water leak opposite Kent House, Hudnall Lane – The Clerk was able to confirm that after many calls that both Virginia Westmacott and he had made, both to Affinity and to Thames Water, the leak had finally been acknowledged and dealt with.</p><p>(q) To confirm action taken in relation to a request for raising the kerbs in Nettleden Road South, near the junction with Hudnall Lane – The Clerk advised that the kerbs and adjacent footway had been reviewed by the Highways Locality Engineer and due to the cost, c. £15,000, could not be considered this year but had been forwarded for possible funding in the 2017-2018 financial year from County Cllr. David Lloyd’s, Highways Locality Budget.</p><p>(r) To receive a report on the marking out of the Church Road Playing Fields – The Clerk confirmed that the School had asked a contractor to paint white lines for the sports day. Those lines had virtually been removed by the following week’s grass cut. The contractor had been asked to remark the lines and although he had apparently used his standard chemicals the lines had been very severe on the second marking and had damaged the area to be subsequently marked up as a football pitch.</p><p>It was suggested that the Parish Council should implement as simple a process as possible to manage this more effectively. A request should be made by users if they wish to mark the Parish Council’s playing fields, whether that be the School, the football club, cricket club or any other users. The Clerk was asked to write to all users and inform them of the need to make such a request in future.</p><p>(s) To note the new Power Cut national line number ‘ 105 ‘. The Clerk advised that there was a national campaign to notify people that wherever you are in the country a single number can now be used for reporting a power cut.</p><p>(t) Use of the Village Hall Car Park for attending to the horses in the adjacent fields. The Clerk confirmed he had received and circulated correspondence from Nick Crispin, Chairman of the Little Gaddesden School Governors, about horse owners using access across the school land in the vicinity of the back gate near the Scout hut. His concern was the potential conflict between parents and children using the schools back gate and horses coming from the field. The Councillors confirmed that they had not given anyone consent to use the land at the back of the Village hall for that purpose. The Clerk was asked to confirm that information to Nick. It was proposed that consideration should be given to revisiting the reopening of the permissive path leading from the Village Hall car park to the Bridgewater Arms through discussion with the owner Sue Chapman.</p><p>4. ADMINISTRATION Finance a. The following cheques were approved:-</p><p>Clerk – Salary & PAYE for Aug & Sept Village Hall Manager – Salary for Aug and Sept SRT Trading Limited – 2 x £220 plus vat – Warden Services (Aug and Sept invoice) MWAgri – Contract payment for Aug £834.60 inc vat and Sept £558.60 inc vat Village Hall Hire Jan- June 2016 - £143 no vat. Daniel Bunting £240 inc vat – Village Hall works Church £1000 donation Herts and Essex Drainage Company £1,018.80 inc vat</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 6</p><p>Kayst Fencing Works to Playing Field £1,609.50 inc vat BDO LLP External Audit £240 inc vat Hemel Copy Print, Newsletter production, £83.62 no vat Clerk – Petty cash – £163.26 inc vat includes Local Gov. Training Book, LexisNexis £79.05</p><p> b. Cheques/payments received LGVH Management Committee - Village Hall Manager salary c) The Clerk confirmed that the Annual Return had been approved by the external auditors BDO LLP. The Council noted that the figure included in box 1 of the current year’s figures does not agree by £5 to the figure in box 7 on the last year’s audited annual return. This is due to a discrepancy in the prior year between boxes 7 & 8, however the carried forward figure in the current year has been agreed as correct. d) It was noted that the declaration of compliance with the Pensions legislation had been completed by the Clerk.</p><p>PLANNING SCHEDULE - CURRENT APPLICATIONS (status at 18th September 2016) (Red text show changes since previous meeting)</p><p>BLUE COTTAGE, RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1ND. WORKS TO TREES.4/03305/15/TCA. No objection from LGPC, DBC decision awaited</p><p>PHEASANT FIELD, ASHRIDGE PARK, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1NP NEW DRIVEWAY. 4/03640/15/FHA Objection by LGPC, New plans submitted, LGPC does not object to the modified plans. DBC decision awaited.</p><p>THE HAWTHORNES, HUDNALL LANE, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1QQ TWO-STOREY REAR EXTENSION AND CONSERVATORY. REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, CONVERSION OF EXISTING INTEGRAL GARAGE TO STUDY, CONVERSION OF ROOF SPACE, CONSTRUCTION OF DETACHED OAK BARN TO ACCOMMODATE TWO CARS, ENCLOSURE FOR REPLACEMENT OIL TANK AND GARDEN/BICYCLE STORE. 4/00260/16/FHA No objection by LGPC to revised scheme with garage removed from the front, Granted by DBC.</p><p>WINDYRIDGE, HUDNALL LANE NEW DETACHED GARAGE. 4/00814/16/FHA Objection by LGPC to original scheme. Not yet decided by DBC. Revised application received with garage to side rather than wholly in front of dwelling. LGPC view following discussion with Dacorum’s Case Officer is not to object provided that all future development rights are removed. Now granted by DBC with a condition on future development</p><p>13 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL PROPOSED ALTERATIONS, EXTENSION AND INPROVEMENTS TO DWELLING 4/01157/16/LBC No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC (protection of apple trees noted in Officer’s report)</p><p>OLD PARK LODGE ASHRIDGE ESTATE, UNDERTAKE DAMP PROOFING WORKS TO BUILDING, 4/00807/16/LBC. No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 7</p><p>GARAGE FLAT, ADJ. CHURCH HOUSE STUDIO, HUDNALL LANE, TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, 4/01600/16/FHA. No objection from LGPC provided future development restricted, Granted by DBC with a condition on future development</p><p>CROME HILL HOUSE, ASHRIDGE PARK. DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 3 (HARD & SOFT LANDSCAPING) ATTACHED TO PLANNING PERMISSION 4/00284/14/FUL (DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SIX-BED DWELLING). 4/01614/16/DRC No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC.</p><p>30 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION 4/01639/16/FHA Objection from LGPC, Refused by DBC</p><p>ROBIN HOOD FARM, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, WORKS TO TREES. 4/01692/16/TCA No objection from LGPC, DBC decision Raise no Objection</p><p>58-59 NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF PART OF THE DWELLING & THE ERECTION OF REAR TWO STOREY EXTENSION WITH BALCONY. 4/01684/16/FHA Objection from LGPC, Not yet decided by DBC</p><p>WINDRUSH, ALDERTON DRIVE, PROPOSED SUN LOUNGE. 4/01699/16/FHA No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC</p><p>BERRYNARBOR, RINGSHALL ROAD. TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION. SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO GARAGE. 4/01788/16/FHA No objection from LGPC. Granted by DBC</p><p>LITTLE GADDESDEN PLAYING FIELDS, CHURCH ROAD. WORKS TO TREES. 4/01823/16/TCA No objection from LGPC. DBC decision Raise no objection</p><p>LITTLE BROWNLOW FARM, NETTLEDEN ROAD. WORKS TO TREES. 4/01891/16/TCA No objection from LGPC. DBC decision Raise no objection</p><p>Additions since last meeting:-</p><p>8 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, CONSTRUCTION OF TIMBER SUMMER-HOUSE IN REAR GARDEN. 4/01932/16/FHA. Granted by DBC</p><p>LITTLE GADDESDEN VILLAGE GREEN, CHURCH ROAD, WORKS TO TREES. 4/02058/16/TCA No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>8 LITTLE GADDESDEN HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD, LITTLE GADDESDEN, WORKS TO TREES, 4/01996/16/TCA. No objection from LGPC. DBC decision Raise no objection</p><p>ASHRIDGE HOUSE, ASHRIDGE PARK, Repair Works to existing Wall, 4/02039/16/LBC. No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>LITTLE BEANEY, NETTLEDEN ROAD SOUTH, PART DEMOLITION and ALTERATIONS. 4/02105/16/LDP. No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>POOKS HILL, GOLF CLUB ROAD, SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION AND TWO SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSIONS. 4/02109/16/LDP. No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 8</p><p>14 NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, VARIOUS ALTERATIONS INCLUDING INTERNAL ALTERATIONS, CHANGE OF WINDOW TO DOOR, REPLACEMENT GARDEN GATES, REPLACEMENT STONE PAVING AMD ALTERATIONS TO KITCHEN COURTYARD, DRAINAGE. 4/02127/16/LBC. No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>1 & 2, THE RED HOUSE, INSTALLATION OF ROOFLIGHT. APPEAL: APP/A1910/Y/16/3154234: LGPC did not object to the original application and have confirmed to the Planning Inspectorate that LGPC has no further comments to make. </p><p>SPRINGFIELD, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH. LOFT CONVERSION INCLUDING RAISING OF EAVES AND RIDGE LEVEL AND FULL HEIGHT REAR BAY WINDOW EXTENSION. ATTACHED GARAGE, SINGLE STOREY FRONT EXTENSION AND PORCH. 4/02136/16/FHA. LGPC has no objection (though has made comments about the Juliet Balcony), no decision yet from DBC</p><p>ASHRIDGE ESTATE OFFICE, RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALLREMOVAL OF CONDITION 5 (CONTAMINATED LAND) ATTACHED TO PLANNING PERMISSION 4/04086/15/FUL (SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO ESTATE OFFICE AND RECONFIGURATION OF ESTATE OFFICE BUILDING. EXTERNAL WORKS AND PARKING). 4/02149/16/ROC. No objection from LGPC, Case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>24 NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, LITTLE GADDESDEN, PART DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STORE AND GARAGE, EXTENSION AND SUBDIVISION OF EXISTING DWELLING FORMING LINKED NEW DWELLING. ALTERATIONS TO LANDSCAPING PARKING AND CROSSOVERS. 4/02205/16/FUL. Cllr. Hyde having declared an interest in this item waited in a separate room whilst Councillors discussed the application. It was agreed that the Chairman would write a strong letter of objection that the Clerk would submit as an e-mail to the Planning Case Officer and online through the Planning Portal</p><p>OPP. WHITE MEADOWS, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1PF INTENTION TO INSTALL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS APPARATUS. 4/02341/16/STU. No objection from LGPC, case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>LAND ADJ. LITTLE GADDESDEN LODGE, BROWNLOW GATE, LITTLE GADDESDEN, HP4 1NR INTENTION TO INSTALL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS APPARATUS. 4/02342/16/STU. No objection from LGPC, case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>CHURCH ROAD, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, REMOVE 7 CONIFERS, REMOVE SCRUBS AND SELF SEEDED SAPLINGS AND CUT BACK OVERHANGING ASH TREE. 4/02350/16/TCA. No objection from LGPC, case not yet decided by DBC</p><p>6-7 NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, CONSTRUCTION OF FIELD SHELTER IN EXISTING PADDOCK. 4/02234/16/FUL. Under consideration by LGPC</p><p>AOB</p><p>Cllr. Louise Archer thanked Cllr. Irving for publishing the latest Newsletter.</p><p>Cllr. Archer read out an article about unauthorised campers at Galley Hill in Hemel Hempstead and reminded everyone about the importance of Village bye-laws and their enforcement..</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 9</p><p>Virginia Westmacott asked if the log could be re-positioned on Hudnall Common to prevent unauthorised vehicular access.</p><p>Cllr. Hyde said she would like to use the expertise of Peacock Tree specialists in connection with the Yew Trees at Bede Court. Cllr. Douris offered support of the Dacorum team and it was suggested that Cllr. Hyde would work with Cllr. Douris in fine tuning a proposal for the responsibilities of maintenance of these particular specimens, which were of historical value to the village.</p><p>Cllr. Irving said he had been asked by Mr R Westmacott about the possibility of The National Trust installing a Dog Poo bin at Hudnall Common as fouling was greatly on the increase. Cllr. Hyde mentioned that the National Trust prefer dog owners to use the ‘stick and flick’ approach.</p><p>The meeting closed at 10.20pm</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated………………………</p>

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