APPLICATION TO CHANGE CONSENT CONDITIONS WATER PERMIT CRC062685 CENTRAL PLAINS WATER TRUST May 2020 Page 1 of 22 Table 1: Common Abbreviations Abbreviation Description AEE Assessment of Environmental Effects CPW Central Plains Water Trust and Central Plains Water Limited CPWES Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme CPWL Central Plains Water Limited CPWT Central Plains Water Trust CRC Canterbury Regional Council CRPS Canterbury Regional Policy Statement ECan Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury) LWRP Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan RMA (the Act) The Resource Management Act 1991 Page 2 of 22 APPLICATION TO CHANGE CONDITIONS IN CONSENT CRC062685 UNDER SECTION 127, RESOUCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 To Consents Manager – Environment Canterbury Address Environment Canterbury PO Box 345 Christchurch, 8140 CENTRAL PLAINS WATER TRUST (CPWT) applies to change consent condition 1 and 14 of CRC062685. 1. The site that the resource consent relates to is: The true left bank of the Rakaia River, between map references NZMS L36:1503- 3122 and L36:1505-3109, and about reference Topo50 BX21:990-759 / NZMS 260 K36 090-375. 2. The proposed changes are as follows: Amend condition 1 as follows, or by words to similar effect (additions underlined): 1 Water shall only be taken via: (a) up to five galleries installed in the active bed of the Rakaia River, as shown on attached Plans CRC062685A, CRC062685B and CRC062685C, between map references NZMS L36:1503-3122 and L36:1505-3109.or (b) From the Rakaia River at about reference Topo50 BX21:990-759 / NZMS 260 K36 090-375 and labelled "Take Point" on attached Plan CRC167218. Amend condition 14(a) as follows, or by words to similar effect (additions underlined): 14 (a) The consent holder shall install, operate and maintain a fish screen in accordance with the NIWA publication Fish Screening: Good Practice Guidelines for Canterbury, October 2007, NIWA Client Report CHC2007-092 at the intake between approximate map references NZMS L36:15033122 and L36:1503-3109 if water is taken from that location; or if water is taken from the location specified in condition 1(b) the fish barrier shall be on the main CPWL intake as per CRC167218 (or any variation). 3. There are no other activities that are part of the proposal to which this application relates. 4. CPWT [CPWL] attaches an assessment of the proposed changes’ effects on the environment and other matters in accordance with Section 127 of the Act. Page 3 of 22 Address for service of applicant (including invoicing): Central Plains Water Trust c/o CPWL, Fiona Crombie, Environmental Manager PO Box 9424, Tower Junction, Christchurch 8149 Telephone: 03 928 2960 Mobile: 027 207 6499 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Fiona Crombie Signature of applicant (or person authorised to sign on behalf of applicant). Mark Pizey, General Manager 7th May 2020 Page 4 of 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 6 1.1 Purpose of this application 6 1.2 Consent CRC062685 Background 6 1.3 The applicant 6 2.0 Background 6 2.1 Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme 6 2.2 Existing relevant consents 7 3.0 Proposed Change of Conditions 8 3.1 Overview 8 3.2 Proposed changes 9 3.3 Reasons for proposed changes 9 4.0 Description of the Environment 10 4.1 General overview 10 4.2 Existing activities and uses 11 5.0 Assessment of Effects on the Environment 12 5.1 Positive effects 12 5.2 Effects on surface water quantity 12 5.3 Effects on drinking water supplies 13 5.4 Effects on fish 14 5.5 Effects on birdlife 14 5.6 Archaeological and heritage sites 14 5.7 Effects on cultural and historic values 14 6.0 Statutory Assessment 15 6.1 National Environmental Standards 15 6.2 National Policy Statements 15 6.3 National Water Conservation (Rakaia River) Order 1988 15 6.4 Canterbury Regional Policy Statement 15 6.5 Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) 16 6.6 RMA Part 2 Assessment 17 7.0 Consultation 18 8.0 Notification 20 8.1 Public or limited Notification 20 9.0 Conclusions 20 10.0 Appendix A A Page 5 of 22 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this application 1. Central Plains Water Trust is lodging this application pursuant to Section 127 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This application and Assessment of Effects on the Environment (AEE) by Central Plains Water (the applicant), seeks to amend conditions 1 and 14 of resource consent CRC062685. 1.2 Consent CRC062685 background 2. CRC062685 authorises the taking of up to 6 m3/sec surface water from the Rakaia River. Consent CRC062685 is one of four consents that authorises the development of an irrigation scheme on land adjacent to the Rakaia River. 3. The applicant applied to take and use water that had already been allocated for out of river use, in accordance with the National Water Conservation Order Rakaia River (1990) but was not currently authorised to be taken by any resource consents. 4. The consent was originally granted with the intention to construct a small irrigation scheme at Steeles Road. 1.3 The applicant 5. Central Plains Water Trust was formally constituted in March 2003 by the Christchurch City and Selwyn District Councils to facilitate sustainable development of Central Canterbury’s water resource. The Trust led the applications for resource consents for the original scheme and is the applicant for this current application. 6. Central Plains Water Limited (CPWL) is a shareholder-owned company set up by CPWT to raise funding and take responsibility for the detailed design, implementation and operation of the Scheme in accordance with CPWT’s consents. In the remainder of this report, CPWL and CPWT are collectively referred to as CPW. 7. The Scheme has been developed by CPWL, a co-operative of 380 farmer shareholders and managed by a staff of 15, plus contractors. The Scheme, which currently supplies irrigation to approximately 45,000 hectares, has the consented potential to deliver sustainable irrigation to 63,000 hectares of land between the Rakaia and Waimakariri Rivers. 2.0 Background 2.1 Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme 8. The primary RMA approvals required to establish the Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme (CPWES) were confirmed by the Environment Court in July 2012. These approvals authorise the construction and operation of an irrigation scheme over an area of approximately 63,000 hectares of mid Canterbury between the Rakaia and Waimakariri Rivers. The approvals authorise all key activities and their associated environmental effects, including: - Abstraction of water from the Rakaia and Waimakariri Rivers and associated intakes, Page 6 of 22 - A headrace canal and distribution network, - All temporary construction activities (including earthworks and contractor facilities) associated with establishing the scheme, and - Use and discharge of water for irrigation purposes. 9. The design and operation of the CPWES has changed significantly since the resource consents were granted in 2012. Most notably, and of particular relevance to this application, there is no longer any intention to construct a headrace canal to link the Rakaia and Waimakariri Rivers. 10. The Scheme was constructed in three stages between 2014 and 2018 and is now fully operational. The Scheme has utilised state of the art materials, construction techniques and control systems, all designed to meet an 80-year life with an expectation that 100 years of service will be achieved. 11. The application described in this report relates to taking of water from the Rakaia River for Stage 1 and 2 under CRC062685. 2.2 Existing relevant consents 12. All other activities associated with Stage 1 and 2 are already authorised by existing resource consents held by CPWT or are permitted by the various Regional Plans. Therefore, these activities and their environmental effects are outside the scope of this application. In summary, the existing consented activities are: - Works within a wetland and the banks of the Rakaia River. - Take, Diversion and Discharge of water to the Rakaia River. - Installation of an underground pipeline network within the boundaries of the Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme area; and - End use of the water for irrigation and nutrient discharge. Page 7 of 22 3.0 Proposed Change of Conditions 3.1 Overview 13. In 2014 the main take consent CRC137417 (now CRC167218) was amended to enable water to be taken approximately 1km upstream from the original consented location. Unfortunately, consent CRC062685 was not amended at the same time to also allow for the take location to be changed to the main intake point. 14. CPW apply to vary water take consent CRC062685 to provide the option for water to be taken via the existing CPWL intake infrastructure to bring it into line with the change made in 2014 to the location of the man water take for the Scheme. That will enable the water authorised to be taken under CRC062685 to be utilised via the existing CPWL infrastructure. 15. The location of consent CRC062685 take point and the location of the existing CPWL intake infrastructure take point is shown in Figure 1. 16. No other changes to the consent are proposed. Figure 1. Current consented location (yellow star) and additional proposed consented location (red star) CPWL’s current take point. Page 8 of 22 3.2 Proposed changes 17. The proposed amendments are track changed below (proposed addition): 1 (a) Water shall only be taken via up to five galleries installed in the active bed of the Rakaia River, as shown on attached Plans CRC062685A, CRC062685B and CRC062685C, between map references NZMS L36:1503-3122 and L36:1505- 3109.; and (b) From the Rakaia River at about reference Topo50 BX21:990-759 / NZMS 260 K36 090-375 and labelled "Take Point" on attached Plan CRC167218.
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