<p>Guide to GCSE Music (first teaching in 2016) </p><p>The following pages provide an overview of the drafts submitted to Ofqual for the new GCSE Music qualifications.</p><p>We have produced an overview to help you start thinking about which Awarding Organisation’s new specification for GCSE Music will best suit your students and setting.</p><p>We will be updating this as the final documents are published.</p><p>Basic information</p><p>The GCSE is a 2-year course of study, with an examination at the end. There are no requirements that a pupil must have achieved a certain level / standard to be able to undertake this course, which is good news for inclusion. This is specifically stated in the criteria from each awarding body that ‘it is open to young musicians from all backgrounds and offers opportunities to explore their own musical interests.’</p><p>The current grading of A* – G is changing to numerical grading of 9–1. Grade 9 will be equivalent to A**, Grade 4 will be equivalent to a Grade C Grade 1 will be equivalent to a Grade G.</p><p>In essence the marks awarded come from three ‘activities’: This is very similar in structure to the GCSE Music qualifications currently being studied for.</p><p>Component Weighting Assessment (% of total marks)* Performing music (ensemble is compulsory) Internally Page3 assessed, 30% externally moderated Composing music (one piece to a brief set by Internally Page5 awarding body, one piece to a brief chosen by assessed, 30% the candidate) externally moderated ‘Testing’ pupils’ knowledge and Externally Page7 understanding of music and their ability to marked 40% listen to of appraise music through a written examination *These weightings have been fixed by Ofqual</p><p>Areas of study</p><p>In line with Ofqual requirements, each awarding body has selected a minimum of four areas of study, all of which are examined. An additional Ofqual requirement is that at least one of these relates to the Western Classical tradition with music mostly taken from the period 1650 to 1910.</p><p>The areas of study are used in a variety of ways by the awarding bodies. The commonality is that all ‘examine’ the areas of study through the written / listening examination, taken at the end of the course. Some of the awarding </p><p>1 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information bodies specify ‘set works’; others suggest a list of recommended listening / study or a combination of both. </p><p>2 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Proposed areas of Study and set works </p><p>AQA We ste rn Cla ssi cal tra diti on 16 50- 19 *Haydn: Symphony 101 in D major The Clock, 10 movt. 2 Po With a Little Help from my Friends pul The Beatles: Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Within You, Without You ar – the following three tracks: Mu Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. sic Tra diti on al Mu Santana: Supernatural – the following three tracks: sic Smooth Migra, Migra Love of my Life. We Aaron Copland: Saturday Night Waltz and Hoedown ste from Rodeo rn Cla ssi cal Tra diti on sin ce 3 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information 19 10 In J S Bach: 3rd Movement from Brandenburg L van Beethoven: 1st Movement from str Concerto no. 5 in D major Piano Sonata no. 8 in C minor ‘Pathetique’ u Vo Queen: Killer Queen (from the album H Purcell: Music for a While cal Sheer Heart Attack) Pearson Edexcel Mum J Williams: Main title/rebel blockade S Schwartz: Defying Gravity (from the album of sic runner (from the soundtrack to Star Wars the cast recording of Wicked) for Episode IV: A New Hope) Fu Afro Celt Sound System: Release (from the album Esperanza Spalding: Samba Em Preludio sio Volume 2: Release) (from the album Esperanza) OCR Myns Suggested repertoire, no set works ins tru me nt Th e Co nc ert o thr ou gh tim e Rh yth ms of the Wo rld Fil m mu sic</p><p>4 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Co nv ent ion s of po p WJEC Mu sic al for ms an d de vic es (W est ern Cla ssi cal Tra diti on 16 50- 19 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Movement 3, Minuet: 10) Mozart (1787) Mu Suggested repertoire, no set works sic for en se mb le Fil Suggested repertoire, no set works m 5 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information mu sic Po pul ar mu sic Since You’ve Been Gone: Rainbow (released 1979)</p><p>6 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information 1. Performing / realising music (30% of marks)</p><p> This is internally marked and externally moderated.</p><p> The performances can take place any time during the final year of the course.</p><p> The teacher must be present in order to verify the performance, but this does not have to take place in school. Audio recordings must be submitted. </p><p> All candidates are required to perform a minimum of two pieces. These do not have to be on the same instrument. </p><p> Some boards allow performance of a candidate’s own composition to count towards the performance component. Others do not. </p><p> One ensemble performance per candidate is compulsory. The requirements for the other piece vary between the boards (most expect solo and ensemble). </p><p> Some awarding bodies allow more than two pieces to be marked as part of the performance component. </p><p> The minimum duration for the portfolio of pieces presented by a candidate is 4 minutes. If it is less than 4 minutes, zero marks will be awarded. </p><p> The minimum duration of the ensemble piece is 1 minute.</p><p> Any instrument, voices, music technology, DJ-ing, MC-ing and realising using music technology are acceptable. Improvisation is also acceptable. </p><p> There is variation in whether the awarding organisations expect the choice of repertoire to link to the areas of study. </p><p> All awarding bodies have grids to ‘scale’ marks depending upon the ‘difficulty’ of the music performed/realised. Effectively these are:</p><p> o Below standard (approx. grade 2 and below)</p><p> o Standard (approx. grade 3)</p><p> o Above standard (approx. grades 4-5)</p><p>Specific criteria about standards is set out for those using music technology to realise music or who are playing / singing less conventional instruments etc. </p><p> Supporting documentation must be submitted in the form of a score, lead sheet, chord chart, annotation, guide recording etc. The requirements slightly vary between the awarding bodies. </p><p>7 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Performance requirements – an overview AQA Edexcel / OCR WJEC Pearson Requirements 2 pieces: Minimum of 2 2 pieces Minimum of 2 pieces 1 ensemble pieces: 1 ensemble 1 ensemble 1 solo 1 ensemble 1 solo other(s) can be solo 1 solo or ensemble (both must be a minimum of 1 minute (max 3 attempts at duration) the same piece)</p><p> Maximum 7 minutes Not specified Not specified 6 minutes suggested performance duration</p><p> Link to Areas No No No One piece must link of Study to an area of study</p><p> Marks awarded - - level of -technical control - difficulty - technical control for: demand - accuracy and - technical - expression and - - accuracy fluency control and fluency appropriate interpretation - - expression - expression and - expression - accuracy of rhythm and interpretation and and pitch interpretation interpretation - appropriate pace and fluency - effective use of dynamics - stylistic awareness ‘empathy (in ensemble playing)</p><p></p><p>8 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information </p><p>9 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information 2. Composing music (30% of marks) This is internally marked and externally moderated.</p><p> In line with Ofqual requirements, a minimum of two pieces must be composed. </p><p> o One piece must be to respond to a brief set by the awarding body. The awarding body must provide a choice of briefs.</p><p> o One piece must be left to the free choice of the candidate.</p><p> All awarding bodies must offer a choice of brief.</p><p> Briefs will be released by awarding bodies in September of the school year in which the course will be completed. Currently, release dates for these vary. </p><p> In line with Ofqual requirements, each of the awarding bodies has set a minimum time duration of 3 minutes for the total length of the compositions. Some awarding bodies have also set a maximum duration as a guideline. </p><p> Currently, the awarding bodies say different things about the awarding of marks should the total duration of compositions come to less than 3 minutes. </p><p> All awarding bodies expect a recording of the pieces to be submitted. These do not have to be performed by the candidate and they are not marked for the quality of the performance, only the quality of the composition. </p><p> One of the awarding bodies (AQA) awards marks for awareness of the composing process. All of the others award marks only for the final composition. </p><p> A score or chord sheet is required, although this is not usually reflected in the mark awarded. </p><p> Currently, some awarding bodies suggest that the composition to the brief set by the awarding body must be, in part, carried out under controlled conditions. Others do not specify this. </p><p> Some of briefs set by awarding bodies link to areas of study. Those from AQA do not purposefully link. </p><p> The briefs set by students need to be submitted with the recordings. Most of the awarding bodies ask for the occasion and audience to be defined, as well as ‘their musical details’. </p><p>10 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information </p><p>11 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Overview of composing requirements Two compositions (1 brief set by awarding organisation, the other by the candidate)</p><p> Marks awarded for: Notes of the briefs Other requirements / points worthy of noting A Rhythm and metre This appears to be the only Briefs will include different Q Texture and melody awarding body which awards stimuli including: A Harmony and tonality some of the marks for the Written words, poems or a piece process – a composing log is Timbre and dynamics of text required as part of the Photographs images or film Structure and form submission Notation Composing log The draft specification does not mention these linking to areas of study Ed Developing musical ideas There will be a choice of four Students must work on their ex Demonstrating technical control briefs set by Edexcel compositions under controlled ce Composing with musical coherence conditions for at least five hours. l This must include the final write These will relate to the areas of Pe study up of their compositions, and can ar include any research and so development time. n O The composition to a brief set Candidates will be required to CR by OCR will be linked to an area respond to a brief using one of of study. the following as a stimulus: A choice of two rhythmic The free choice composition will phrases be for the candidate’s A choice of two note patterns instrument A four line stanza of words A chord sequence A short story An image W Creativity in response to the chosen There will be a choice of four All secondary source materials, JE brief briefs, one linked to each area such as musical quotes or pre- C of study. composed samples, must be 12 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Development of musical ideas clearly acknowledged and any Technical control of musical work which is not entirely that of the learner must be identified. elements and resources Musical coherence and understanding A composition log must be submitted.</p><p>13 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information 3. Listening / understanding / appraising (40% of marks) Each of the awarding bodies has a slightly different title for this section of the GCSE. It is the component in which a final examination will be taken at the end of the two-year course. As defined by Ofqual, the knowledge and understanding is defined around musical elements, musical contexts and musical language. Each awarding organisation provides a detailed list of terms. Musical melody elements harmony tonality form and structure dynamics sonority texture tempo rhythm metre </p><p> Musical contexts the purpose and intention of composers, performers and those who commission music </p><p> the effect of the occasion, audience and choice of venue on the way music is composed and performed </p><p> how music is created, developed and performed in different social, historical and cultural contexts </p><p> Musical reading and writing treble and bass clef staff notation in language simple time </p><p> reading treble and bass clef staff notation in compound time </p><p> chord symbols, e.g. G7 </p><p> key signatures to four sharps and flats </p><p> musical vocabulary related to areas of study In line with another Ofqual requirements, this examination must include some examples of music which have not been studied as set works. </p><p> AQA offers choice about the area of study chosen for the second part of questions on contextual understanding. This is based upon the study piece for this area of study. </p><p>14 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information </p><p>15 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Listening/ appraising / understanding examination T T Overview D Additional points o o e t t s a a c l l r d m i u a p r r t a k i t s o i a n o v n a il a b l e A 1 9 Section A – listening (68 marks) E AQA have ‘created classroom Q h 6 i performance editions of GCSE A r g study pieces so they can be 3 h played by any instrument, in 0 t any combination.’</p><p> m c i o n m s p u l s o r y</p><p> q</p><p>16 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information u e s t i o n s</p><p> c o v e r i n g</p><p> a l l</p><p> a r e a s</p><p> o f</p><p> s t u d y</p><p>–</p><p>17 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information i t</p><p> w i l l</p><p> b e</p><p> b a s e d</p><p> u p o n</p><p> u n h e a r d</p><p> w o r k s Section B - contextual understanding (28 marks) f o u r 18 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information</p><p> s e t s</p><p> o f</p><p> l i n k e d</p><p> q u e s t i o n s</p><p> o n</p><p> t h e</p><p> s t u d y</p><p>19 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information p i e c e s ,</p><p> t w o</p><p> c o m p u l s o r y</p><p>( o n e</p><p> o f</p><p> t h e s e</p><p> i s</p><p>20 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information</p><p> l i n k e d</p><p> t o</p><p> a r e a</p><p> o f</p><p> s t u d y</p><p>1 )</p><p> a n d</p><p> t h e</p><p> o t h</p><p>21 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information e r</p><p> b a s e d</p><p> o n</p><p> a n</p><p> a r e a</p><p> o f</p><p> s t u d y</p><p> o f</p><p> t h e</p><p> c a n</p><p>22 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information d i d a t e ’ s</p><p> c h o i c e E 1 8 Section A – Areas of study, dictation, and unfamiliar - d h 0 pieces (68 marks) e r S x 4 i c 5 x e l m q P i u e n e a s s r t s i o o n n s</p><p> r e l a t e d</p><p>23 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information t o</p><p>6</p><p> o f</p><p> t h e</p><p>8</p><p> s e t</p><p> w o r k s -</p><p>O n e</p><p> s h o r t</p><p> m e l o 24 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information d y</p><p>/</p><p> r h y t h m</p><p> c o m p l e t i o n</p><p> e x e r c i s e</p><p>( w o r t h</p><p>25 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information 6 - 1 0</p><p> m a r k s ) -</p><p>O n e</p><p> q u e s t i o n</p><p> o n</p><p> a n</p><p> u n f a m i l 26 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information i a r</p><p> p i e c e</p><p>( s k e l e t o n</p><p> s c o r e</p><p> p r o v i d e d )</p><p> w i t</p><p>27 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information h</p><p> q u e s t i o n s</p><p> o n</p><p> i t s</p><p> m u s i c a l</p><p> e l e m e n t s ,</p><p> m u</p><p>28 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information s i c a l</p><p> c o n t e x t s</p><p> a n d</p><p> m u s i c a l</p><p> l a n g u a g e Section B – Extended response comparison between a - set work and one unfamiliar piece (12 marks) o n 29 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information e</p><p> q u e s t i o n</p><p> t h a t</p><p> a s k s</p><p> c a n d i d a t e s</p><p> t o</p><p> c o m p</p><p>30 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information a r e</p><p> a n d / o r</p><p> e v a l u a t e</p><p> t h e</p><p> m u s i c a l</p><p> e l e m e n t</p><p>31 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information s</p><p> a n d</p><p> m u s i c a l</p><p> l a n g u a g e</p><p> o f</p><p> o n e</p><p> s e t</p><p> w o r k</p><p>32 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information w i t h</p><p> o n e</p><p> u n f a m i l i a r</p><p> p i e c e</p><p> o f</p><p> m u s i c O 1 8 Multiple choice, single or short answer, questions that E Areas of study 2-5 will be C h 0 require an extended response x examined: R r a The Concerto through time 3 m Rhythms of the world 0 i 33 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information n Film music m a Conventions of pop i t n i s o n</p><p> b a s e d</p><p> a r o u n d : M u s i c a l</p><p> e l e m e n t s M u s 34 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information i c a l</p><p> c o n t e x t s M u s i c a l</p><p> l a n g u a g e W 1 9 Eight questions in total. Six questions on unprepared E Each musical extract will be J h 6 musical extracts and two questions on prepared x linked to one of four areas of E r m musical extracts (see above - Mozart and Rainbow) a study: C 1 a m 1. Musical Forms and Devices 5 r i 2. Music for Ensemble k n 3. Music for Film m s a i t 4. Popular Music n i s o 35 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information n</p><p> i s</p><p> d e s i g n e d</p><p> f o r</p><p> s t u d e n t s</p><p> t o</p><p> s h o w</p><p> k n o w</p><p>36 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information l e d g e</p><p> a n d</p><p> u n d e r s t a n d i n g</p><p> o f : M u s i c a l</p><p> e l e m 37 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information e n t s M u s i c a l</p><p> c o n t e x t s M u s i c a l</p><p> l a n g u a g e T h</p><p>38 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information e r e</p><p> a r e</p><p> s e t</p><p> w o r k s</p><p> f o r</p><p>A O S</p><p>1</p><p>&</p><p>A O S 4 .</p><p>39 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information Further information You can read the full draft specifications at the following links: Awarding body W Draft specification location e b s i t e AQA w http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/music/gcse/music-8271 w w . a q a . o r g . u k</p><p> Edexcel w http://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/GCSE/Music/2016/sp Pearson w ecification/Specification_GCSE_L1- w L2_in_Music_May_2015_Draft_1_0_for_web.pdf . q u a l</p><p>40 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information i f i c a t i o n s . p e a r s o n . c o m</p><p> OCR w http://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/219378-specification-draft-gcse-music- w j536.pdf w . o c r . o r g . u k</p><p>41 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information WJEC w http://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/music/gcse/WJEC%20Eduqas w %20GCSE%20Music%20DRAFT%20Specification.pdf?language_id=1 w . e d u q a s . c o . u k</p><p> Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information </p><p>42 Keep checking www.ism.org/gcse for more information</p>
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