<p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>For Official Use Only</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>A FEW WORDS TO MY TEAM</p><p>Our commitment to safe travel of passengers and goods continues to remain emphasized.</p><p>And for ensuring the safe travel, we maintain our preparedness to meet any eventuality of disaster including accidents whenever it happens.</p><p>Priority is first to save precious human life, treat the injured, evacuate passengers, normalize Railway operation and related activities in between.</p><p>In order to effectively alleviate human suffering and quickly restore rail traffic, there is an imperative need to formulate a plan in advance. This Disaster Management Plan is an effective blueprint in this direction. I always tell that it is the end result and the impression on the minds of our customers and public that counts.</p><p>DRM is the nodal authority, but it is the esprit de corps of divisional team that gives the results. Also, it is not rules or the rulebook or the disaster management plan but the presence of mind, common sense and sense of urgency that are the crucial factors in any disaster MANAGEMENT EXERCISE.</p><p>All officers should convey the Plan down the line for successful implementation.</p><p>Any Correction in DMP should be immediately brought to the notice of Safety Department.</p><p>Suggestions are Welcome :-</p><p>Please Write to –</p><p>Divl. Railway Manager (Safety) E. C. Railway, SAMASTIPUR (Bihar) PIN – 848101 Divl. Railway Manager January ’2012 Samastipur</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>PROFILE</p><p> Samastipur Division was Established in 1969 .</p><p> It Serves 14 nos Districts of North Bihar, Touches Nepal at number of points, and passes through dense forest at few stretches.</p><p> Passenger Trains : 187 ( 131 BG & 56MG )</p><p> Route KM. : 1090.43 kms ( BG – 652.12 & MG – 438.31 )</p><p> Stations : 195 (Block Station -110 nos, Flag Station -18 nos & Halt Station - 67 nos) </p><p> Level Crossing Gates : 919 nos (Manned – 372 nos & Unmanned – 547 nos)</p><p> No. of Bridges : 1315 nos </p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>S N. ACTIVITIES Page 1 Advance Planning and Preparation 1-4 2 Control Room Operation 5-10 3 Responsibility of Sr DSO 11-12 4 Response of Site Manager 12 5 Medical Department 13-18 6 Commercial Activities 19-23 7 Lighting at site 24-25 8 Communication and Restoration S & T 26-28 9 Restoration (Power, C & W) 29-31 10 Restoration work Engineering 32-38 11 Security 39-41 12 Responsibility of Sr. DPO 42 13 Assistance of Army, Divers 43 14 Requisition of Helicopters/Aeroplane 44 15 General Clarifications 45 16 Our Team. 46 17 Annexure – 1 : BSNL No of DM/SP/RPF Secy/DG/IG 47-48 18 Annexure – 2 : BSNL No of Hospitals with Ambulance (other than Railway) 49-50 19 Annexure – 3 : Station wise BSNL No of Doctors (other than Railway) 51-56 20 Annexure – 4 : BSNL No. of Fire Brigade 57 21 Annexure – 5 : Location and BSNL No of Control forART/ARME/Crane/Bulldozer 58 22 Annexure – 6: Form for Payment of Ex-gratia Relief 59 23 Annexure-6/B: IPC and RLY act Provision for exgratia payment. 60 24 Annexure-7: squad of Medical & para- Medical staff 61 25 Annexure-8: Contact no. of Board officials(Medical) 62 26 Annexure-9: Location, Address and BSNL No.Blood Bank. 63 27 Annexure-10: Location, Address and BSNL No of Ice Factory. 64 28 Annexure-11: Information by medical on injured/dead persons 65 29 Annexure-12: Formate for Injured person in Train derailment. 66 30 Anneure-13: P.Way materials at nominated stations 67 31 Annexure-14: Tools & plant available with SE (Br) /SPJ 68 32 Annexure-15: Reserve scale of Bolder and cinder /sand 69 33 Annexure-16: Location of seven majour bridges. 70 34 Annexure-16/A: List of boat owners near bridges. 71 35 Annexure-16/B: Brief of Divers with SE /Bridge/SPJ. 72 36 Annexure16/C: List of village Divers /Swimmers/Fisherman near bridges. 72 37 Annexure-17: Divisional Railway Map showing District boundaries 73 38 Annexure-18: Divisional Railway Map with Location of Major Bridges 74 39 Annexure-19:Divisional Railway Map with Road Map to station 75 40 Annexure-20, 20/A, 20/B: Board’s circular regarding police clearance 76-78 41 Annexure-21: Compiled SOP for Expenditure related with accident 79 42 Annexure-22: Sample format for Drawl of cash from station earnings during accident 80 43 Annexure-23- 23/A, 23/B Board’s circular regarding Railway Disaster Management Plan. 81-83 44 Annexure-24: List of Road Crane 84 45 Annexure-25: Defense Establishment 85 46 Annexure-26: Contact No. of Stations. 86 47 Annexure -27: About N D R F &Chemical Disaster and List of Contact Numbers of N D R F 87-98 Officials.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Advance Planning and Preparation</p><p>The Disaster Management Plan at the divisional level has to be functional. Therefore, notwithstanding anything contained in this Plan, each BO will prepare issue and monitor detailed instructions, so that Plan can be effective.</p><p>The Disaster Management Plan of Samastipur division has been prepared with emphasis on executing the brief of the plan and therefore, it incorporates’ Who is responsible for what activities in detail?’ for Branch Officers who in turn have to issue detailed instructions on similar lines</p><p>All branch officers are instructed to keep themselves apprised of development in disaster management plan, facilities and activities through related Internet sites, from time to time, Disaster management plan site of Bihar state should also be consulted (www.disaster.bih.nic.in). </p><p>The plan has been broadly divided into two parts: I Pre-Accident Planning and Preparation. II. Planning at Control on occurrence of the Accident. </p><p>I. Pre-Accident preparation: º All BOs shall have to remain in a continuous state of preparedness to meet the eventuality of accident. It is the responsibility of the BO to ensure that Dist. Man plan is broadcast to organise down below for effective compliance at the needed hour.</p><p> o At the out set this is re-emphasized that Rescue operations has to be of top most priority and for this assistance is to be provided by all railway men irrespective of their department as needed. </p><p> o Basis is extent manuals, instructions, white paper, high-level committee report on disaster management and instructions subsequent to major rail disasters i.e. Gaishal, Rafiganj etc.</p><p> o Sr.DSO will continue to co-ordinate weekly safety meeting (on every Monday) for review of preparedness.</p><p> o For seasonal environmental effect, which may have a potential accident cause, i.e. Flood etc., Sr. DEN and DEN concerned have to take action based on existing guidelines on the subject.</p><p> o Preventive action as follow up of any accident and as per guidelines have to be monitored by Sr.DSO o Mock-drill for both MG and BG needs to be organized by Sr.DSO to check the state of prepared. This has to be done quarterly.</p><p> o Sr.DSO & SrDEN/Co-ord, Sr.DOM has to give a certificate that all manned LCs have been inspected at least once a year. Similar certificate for unmanned LCs to be given by Sr.DEN/Co- ord for entire division.</p><p>1</p><p> o Safety seminar at major Activity centres of division i.e. SPJ, DBG, NKE, SHC,RXL be organized by Sr.DSO on Technical topics as well as for general preparedness from time-to-time.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> o Public awareness campaign has to be a continuous affair. Wide coverage by glossy pamphlets on topics of concern for public with Railway should be at least once in six months. This is to be organised by Sr.DSO.</p><p>This Disaster Management Plan has to be reviewed and published on 10th of April every year by Sr.DSO.. II.Planning at Control on occurrence of the Accident: 1.1 In case of passenger train accidents, DM, SP and other authorities need to be contacted. List of BSNL Telephones both, Office and residence of authorities of State/DM/SP/RPF is enclosed as Annexure-1. It is to be updated regularly by DSC. For guidance, Divisional map showing District boundaries has been enclosed as Annexure-17.</p><p>1.2 At time of accident, much time is lost in approaching station by road due to lack of knowledge of local roads. To overcome the problem, necessary road-map has been prepared and road up to station shown in Annexure-19. This is to be updated regularly by Sr.DEN. A copy is available at Control.</p><p>1.3 Location and BSNL No. of Bigger Hospitals/Nursing Homes with Ambulance (other than Railway) is enclosed as Annexure-2. Dy. Controller as well as SS/SM of nearby station shall inform for immediate assistance in case of Passenger train accidents. This is to be updated Six monthly by MS.</p><p>1.4 Station wise location and BSNL No. of Doctors (other than Railway) is enclosed as Annexure-3 for immediate assistance in case of Passenger train accidents. To be updated six monthly by MS.</p><p>1.5 List of location of ART/ARME/Crane/Bulldozer of the division as well as adjacent divisions and railway is shown in Annexure-5. 1.6 SPJ division is full of rivers and bridges and any accident nearby may have disastrous consequences. Altogether 7 such bridges have been identified and briefed at Annexure-16 and location of Rivers and Bridges shown in Annexure-18. Availability of boats in nearly villages have also been collected for using these at a very short notice as briefed at Annexure-16/A and brief of divers under SE/Bridge at Samastipur shown in Annexure- 16/B. Brief of Village divers/Swimmers/Fishermen in nearby areas close to River shown in Annexure-16/C. 1.7 First Railway man including Engineering Staff/Supervisor/Sectional APWI/PWI shall immediately arrange for above assistance. Sectional PWI has already a list of such village swimmers and divers (mostly fisherman of the locality) and country boat owners. PWI shall immediately arrange for calling them for such assistance. 2 1.8 For a group of such persons Personal Accident Insurance (for unknown persons) for a period of three years may be considered. A detailed proposal should be made by Sr. DEN to arrange required Insurance in advance and take action as per extant rules and procedure. </p><p>1.9 For serious accidents Deep divers from Navy may be called. Sr. DFM on behalf of DRM shall contact Director (Operational Logistics) HQ Integrated Defence Staff at New Delhi who is the official for Emergency calling. This has been briefed in Para 13.</p><p>1.10 Compiled SOP for expenditure related with accident is given at Annexure-21. Format for Drawl of cash from Station Earnings for expenditure related with accident is enclosed as Annexure-22.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>1.11 Security Control will notify the appropriate Fire department of concerned District & adjoining districts. DSC & ASC will monitor. Station wise location and BSNL No. of Fire Brigade for immediate assistance in case of Fire is given in Annexure-4. A copy is kept at Control.</p><p>1.12 Communication on reaching Control:</p><p>SN Who will talk? Talk to whom? 1 All BOs Principal HOD 2 DSC S SP D DIG / Rly., IG / Rly. C SC 3 ASC Dy. SRP, Dy. CSC, 4 Sr. DOM DM, SDO 5 Sr. DPO Commissioner, IG concerned Sr. DFM Assistance from other than Railway Army, Naval Divers and their arrangements.</p><p>1.13 Before proceeding for site each BO shall brief DRM/ADRM at Control on his Planning consisting of the following:</p><p>A. Mobilization of staff, equipment/Material of division B. Assistance from other divisions, other railways C. Movement/Mode of travel of Officers to site D. Manning at SPJ Control: Manning by one officer round the clock amongst following: AOM (M), ASO, ATEN etc. and one Senior Branch officer for overall Control. 1.14 Plan for team of officers for site: A. For single accident site: I. ADRM/DRM - Site Manager II. Sr. DME,Sr. DEN of Section, DME(P), Sr.DSTE, Sr.DSO., DSC, Sr.DCM, Sr.DEE.</p><p>3</p><p>B. For Multi accidents at a time: Team of officers and Site Manager will be decided depending upon the need of the hour. Each branch officer shall have a contingency plan for nomination of Officers/Sr. Supervisors to be at the site in case of multi accidents. </p><p>Assistance of officers from HQr: In case of multi accidents of the level more than THREE it will be decided depending upon number of accidents and seriousness.</p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>4</p><p>Control Room Operation</p><p>2.0 Information at Control:</p><p>Following information is properly displayed and hard copy available for immediate use. At the same time a copy of this Disaster Management Plan is loaded in PC at Control for ready retrieval. </p><p>Annexure-1: List of BSNL Telephones both, Office & residence of authorities of State/DM/SP/RPF.</p><p>Annexure-2: Location and BSNL No. of Bigger Hospitals/Nursing Homes with Ambulance (other than Railway).</p><p>Annexure-3: Station wise location and BSNL No. of Doctors (other than Railway) is enclosed.</p><p>Annexure-4: Station wise location and BSNL No. of Fire Brigade for immediate assistance in case of Fire.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure-5: List, Location and BSNL No.of Control having ART/ARME/Crane/Bulldozer of the division as well as adjacent divisions and railway.</p><p>Annexure–9: Location, Address and Phone No. of Blood Bank.</p><p>Annexure-10: Location, Address and Phone No. of Ice Factory in division.</p><p>Annexure-16: Bridge No., Section and adjacent stations for 7 major bridges.</p><p>Annexure-16/A: Brief of boats available in nearly villages near the bridge. </p><p>Annexure-16/B: Brief of Divers available with SE/Bridge at Samastipur. </p><p>Annexure-16/C: Brief on Village Divers/Swimmers/Fishermen available near different bridges/rivers. </p><p>Annexure-17: Samastipur division Rly. Map showing District boundaries to connect DM/SP of the district. </p><p>Annexure-18: Samastipur division Railway Map with Location of Major Rivers and Location of Major Bridges.</p><p>Annexure-19: Samastipur division Railway Map with Road Map showing approach to Railway station.</p><p>5</p><p>2.1 Duties of Section Controller: </p><p>When a Section Controller is informed of a serious accident on his section he shall:</p><p>2.1.1 Apprise the Deputy Controller of the available particular of the accident and the nature of assistance required and calling of ART & ARME from nearest base station for accident site with consultation of Deputy Chief Controller.</p><p>2.1.2 Arrange for a clear passage of the Medical Van or Breakdown train giving them precedence over all other trains.</p><p>2.1.3 Advise the Transportation Inspector, other supervisor and the Controlling Station Master to proceed by first means to the site of the accident. </p><p>2.1.4 Obtain further details with regard to the extent of damage so that necessary permanent way fitting etc. can be arranged to be transported to the site of the accident.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>2.1.5 Obtain the probable time of restoration from a responsible official at site to be taken for clearing and repairing the permanent way so that time by which the line will be available for traffic can be assessed.</p><p>2.1.6 Regulate Trains on the section, keeping loop lines clear on either side of the affected section for breakdown and evacuation operations. </p><p>2.1.7 Arrange for quick passage of the Tower Wagon/ Motor Trolley with similar preference like the breakdown train in the event of their being required at the site of accident.</p><p>2.1.8 Recording time-to-time information of any nature and conveying same to the Dy. Chief Controller for onward quick disposal.</p><p>2.1.9 In case of double line to controller immediately movement on the other line.</p><p>2.2 Duties of Chief Controller: The Chief Controller or Dy. Chief Controller in absence of Chief Controller (Coaching) or Dy. Controller (Movement) on duty on receipt of information of a serious accident shall perform following functions:</p><p>2.2.1 Chronological logbook should be maintained by Dy. Controller (Coaching) and in his absence by DY. Controller (Movement). Chief controller should ensure it. In the log book left side of the pages should be earmarked for incoming message/information, the right side for out going messages. </p><p>2.2.2 Order Medical-Van the Accident Relief Train. In case the site of accident is close to the jurisdiction of adjoining Division. Medical Van and ART of that particular Division should be requisitioned immediately. 6</p><p>2.2.3 Inform immediately the Emergency ward of the hospital and then Medical Supdt. Arrange for dispatch of the Medical Van & Relief train within scheduled time prescribed. Ensure that the Accident Medical Van and Relief Train are given precedence over all other trains.</p><p>2.2.4 Take assistance from other Controller/Dy. Controllers for relaying the information quickly and simultaneously to the following officers in order of priority:</p><p>2.2.5 (a) DRM, (b) ADRM, (c) Sr.DSO. (d) Sr. DOM, (e) ASO,(f) AOM (M), (g) Carriage Control (h) S&T control. (I) Power Controller (j) Engineering Control (k) Commercial Control (l) Security Control (m) GRP (n) Local Administration (Civil and Police). Inform Sr.DPO and Sr.DFM for accidents involving Passenger trains.</p><p>2.2.6 On getting information from Sr. DME/DME (Power), Dy. Controller shall order for additional equipments i.e. 140 Ton cranes, Bulldozer etc. from adjacent division or railways. For guidance BSNL no. of adjacent divisions is enclosed as Annexure-10. </p><p>2.2.7 The Control of the concerned department will in turn inform their officers immediately.</p><p>2.2.8 Advise the Transportation Inspector and the Controlling Station Master to proceed to the site of accident by first available means. TI should inform his presence to site manager or senior officers at the site.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>2.2.9 Arrange one loco and two coaches immediately. Move towards site, if situation demands to reach the high officials.</p><p>2.2.10 Regulate the traffic correctly in either side of the site of accident. Goods trains are to be stabled as far as possible and Passenger Trains are to be detained at stations having facilities for supply of food and drinking water.</p><p>2.2.11 Inform the passenger at the starting station through Public Address System time to time regarding all changes in train timings and diversion or cancellation of trains, if any.</p><p>2.2.12 Intimate timely to the adjacent Divisions and concerned Railways regarding the accident and the change in traffic pattern.</p><p>2.2.13 Advice RMS authorities in the event of train carrying Mail involved in accident.</p><p>2.2.14 Assist the Sr. DOM/ AOM (M) or the officer who takes charge of the Control Office.</p><p>7</p><p>2.3 Duties of Guard:</p><p>Immediate an accident to a train takes place, the guard of the train shall:</p><p>2.3.1 Note the time of accident with location & coaches/wagons involved in accident with its position.</p><p>2.3.2 Arrange to protect adjacent line/lines, if necessary and then the line on which the accident has taken place.</p><p>2.3.3 Send information through quickest means to Control / SMs on either side.</p><p>2.3.4 Take action to save lives render first aid.</p><p>2.3.5 Call for doctors on the train and from nearby localities to seek their assistance </p><p>2.3.6 Seek assistance of Railway men on the train for attending to the injured and other relief operations.</p><p>2.3.7 Posted Railway employee to man the field telephone to relay uninterrupted information to control. </p><p>2.3.8 Make quick assessment of the assistance required and advice control or nearest Station Master.</p><p>2.3.9 Preserve and safe- guard all clues relating to the cause of accident.</p><p>2.3.10 Arrange protection of property of Passengers and Railway property with the assistance of RPF, GRP, civil police and other Railway staff.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>2.3.11 Take action as in chapter IV of Accident manual in case of suspected sabotage.</p><p>2.3.12 Assist the O.C. site in every possible way. He shall not leave the site of accident without the permission of the O.C. site.</p><p>2.3.13 Statement regarding accident at site also to be furnished and will ensure the participation in the enquiry as and when required.</p><p>8</p><p>2.4 Duty of the SM of the adjacent station:</p><p>2.4.1 To ensure immediate protection of the affected section.</p><p>2.4.2 To ensure immediate protection and safe guard of the property. He will collect Railway men, materials, volunteers, doctors and first aid and organize what relief he can with the assistance. </p><p>2.4.3 The station master of the nearest station must proceed to the site by the quickest possible means of transportation. The former ASM must remain there to regulate traffic and take general charge until relieved by TI or Officer. </p><p>2.4.4 To advice immediately the control office regarding the accident with nature of medical and other assistance required and record the time of accident in the station master diary.</p><p>2.4.5 To arrange for the immediate dispatch of nearest medical assistance and equipment .He will collect assistance locally from the nearest hospitals, dispensaries and doctors.</p><p>2.4.6 To arrange for assistance in connection with clearing arrangements, transportation etc and provide light, khalasis, refreshments and any other requirements which can be procured within his resources.</p><p>2.4.7 To report the accident to all concerned by the issue of accident messages.</p><p>2.4.8 To arrange for the section to be cleared of unaffected vehicles as early as possible with the permission of control and keep loop lines clear for relief/restoration work.</p><p>2.4.9 Also keep all train passing records and take it into his custody.</p><p>2.4.10 To remain on duty for taking orders from the control and officer in charge of breakdowns operation till the accident is cleared or a competent authority replaces him. </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>2.4.11 To inform immediately the Engg. Staff/Supervisor available at the station or in his quarter.</p><p>9</p><p>2.5 Duties of Sr. DOM/SPJ:</p><p>The Sr. DOM, DOM(G), AOM (M) and ASO will rush to the control office immediately on being informed of the accident. Sr. DOM or in his absence the DOM (G) will become the in charge of the control office, who shall:</p><p>2.5.1 To ensure maintenance of log book by CTNL.</p><p>2.5.2 Making all arrangements on top priority for movement of medical relief train to the accident site. </p><p>2.5.3 Making all arrangements on top priority for movement of accident relief train to the accident site.</p><p>2.5.4 Making all arrangements for movement of train conveying the injured and clearance of passengers of affected train.</p><p>2.5.5 Arrangements for sending high Rly officials to accident site if necessary.</p><p>2.5.6 To depute Traffic Inspector/Station master for accident site.</p><p>2.5.7 Controlling of trains at the suitable stations where drinking water, refreshments and light facility are available. </p><p>2.5.8 Regulation of traffic by diverting or canceling trains, running of duplicate train or restricting booking as circumstances may arise.</p><p>2.5.9 Rendering any other assistance required by OC site to deal with the situations and maintain close contact to the OC site and communicates the concerned departments.</p><p>2.5.10 To collect information from OC site for approximate time for the restoration of traffic.</p><p>2.5.11 Coordination with other division/Rly. for imposing restriction /diversion for booking of passenger traffic.</p><p>2.5.12 Set up immediately the emergency control manned by assistant in each shift immediately.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>2.5.13 Keep in touch with HQ officials especially with COM & CPTM.</p><p>2.5.14 Ensuring that proper accident message has been issued by the Station master. ****** 10 DUTIES OF THE SAFETY OFFICERS IN CASE OF SERIOUS ACCIDENT –</p><p>(A) Sr.DSO/DSO with Safety Counselors and TIs will rush to the site of accident. DRM shall issue separate instructions as per priority list in case Sr. DSO/DSO is out of station. They are to report to the Accident Manager and shall :- (i) Assist in the matter of relief and restoration work. (ii) Try to find out the cause of accident and also preserve the clues, if available on the accident for future enquiry. (iii) Keep constant touch with all other department officers at the site and relay progress report frequently to the Divl. Control Office for onward dispatch to H.Q. and Railway Board. (iv) Collect the following important information with the assistance of other inspectors present- (a) The condition of the track, with special reference to alignment, gauge cross-levels, curvature, super elevation and rail head wear. (b) The condition of rolling stock with special reference to brake power. (c) The position of block instruments, point levers, indicators and key. Note - Any signal, brake van or disc signal lamps, if not alight during darkness, should when possible, be opened to ascertain if there is a burner and kerosene oil inside and the temperature felt by hand to ascertain if it was alight shortly before. (d) Marks on sleepers and rails. (e) Position of derailed vehicle. A rough sketch showing the position of derailed vehicles, marks on sleepers, etc. should be made where possible. (v) Seize the Train Signal Register, Private number sheet, the Line Admission/Departure book and relevant records, if the accident has occurred within a station yard, also record the name of persons in whose possession each Line-Badge, if in use and obtain statement of station staff concerned, if necessary. (vi) Note the position of detached or broken parts of permanent way or rolling stock and secure these parts for production at the enquiry and preserve similarly sleepers and rails bearing marks of wheels, specially between points of mount and drop, if however, the accident is suspected to be the result of sabotage, none of these objects must be disturbed unit a thorough examination by police (please see chapter iv containing instructions in case of sabotage). (vii) Arrange taking of photographs of important features in all case of very serious accidents specially when sabotage is suspected. Photographs showing the position of derailed vehicles, loose permanent way and engine fittings, dents on rails etc. are very useful in facilitating the Enquiry Committee to arrive at the cause of the accident.</p><p>11</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>(B) ASO of the Division should rush to the Control and shall - (i) Collect the detailed report of the accident and relay the same to the H.Q. (ii) Keep constant touch with Sr.DSO/DSO/Accident Manager at site and relay the progress report whenever available to the H.Q. (iii) Open a Log Book in the control office for keeping the details of the accident and progress report. (iv) Chase the assistance required from the site in consultation with other departments. </p><p>Responsibility of Site Manager</p><p>4.1 The senior-most Railway officer at site shall be the designated Site Manager. He takes full charge of the situation and supervises the overall rescue, relief and restoration operations. </p><p>4.2 Site Manager to brief the progress of work at site, any constraint in work progress, work done particularly for passengers, prima-facie cause, assessment of value of damage and forecast of resumption of traffic.</p><p>4.3 Media Management at site: Site Manager shall be the chief spokesman at site and he is to be assisted by the concerned branch officers, if needed. DCM shall assist him in this.</p><p>******</p><p>12</p><p>Medical Department</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Medical department plays a role in rescue and relief operations during accident cases involving injuries and casualties. At the same time it has a vital role in accident prevention also. It would be the Endeavour of the Medical department to come forward in both the areas. Since the rescue and relief measures have already been discussed in the Disaster Management plan the same are not discussed here.</p><p>AREAS CONCERN - Heath of employees. Periodical Medical Examination. Alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Stress Management.</p><p>THRUST AREAS - Following would be the thrust areas as steps towards prevention of accidents.</p><p>1. Health of employee – Health plays as very critical role in human failures that lead to accident. Regular check up of employees would be done and awareness programmes would be launched to inculcate health consciousness among staff. This would also entail envelopment of infrastructure and equipments for Medical examination and treatment. Proper follow up of medical problems detected during medical examination would be done. Hospitals and health units where PME would be done have been nominated.</p><p>2. AIDS - Would be specially targeted.</p><p>3. Hygiene - Would be taken care of at work centers and staff colonies. Quality of drinking water would be specially monitored.</p><p>4. Rehabilitation of addict – DE addition camps would be organized to treat and Rehabilitate drug and alcohol addict. Emphasis would be on a holistic approach towards the treatment in coordination with the executive branches. Assistance of NGOs will be taken in this regards.</p><p>5. Stress Management – Emphasis would be given to educate staff on stress management and means to overcome related problems without medication. Yoga teaching would be institutionalized at Training centers, running rooms and other centers of activity.</p><p>6. Periodical Medical Examination – Whereas vision test remains the critical factor in the PME of safety categories, the same would not be restricted to vision test. Rather, complete medical examination would be the Endeavour so as to detect symptoms of other medical problems that may affect the health of the employee, and rail safety as a consequence. ******</p><p>13</p><p>General Instructions:</p><p>5.1.1 Location and BSNL No. of Bigger Hospitals/Nursing Homes with Ambulance (other than Railway) is enclosed as Annexure-2. Chief. Controller as well as SS/SM of nearby station shall inform for immediate assistance in case of Passenger train accidents. This is to be updated Six monthly by MS. 5.1.2.The first responsibility in case of accidents is to reach and extricate accident victims and organize effective trauma care. It is mandatory that assistance must be provided by all railway men (irrespective of their department) as needed. The basic principle of trauma</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> management is speed & expediency, as most trauma patients can be saved within the first hour called “The Golden Hour”. 5.1.3.The medical team shall attend to the injured passengers and arrange transportation of seriously wounded to nearby hospitals. The cost of such treatment is to be borne by the Railways. Death is declared by Railway doctors. Dead bodies are to be handed over to GRP/State Police by RPF for further action such as autopsy etc. for medico-legal purposes. 5.1.4.Railway doctors have to be deputed to the hospital where injured are admitted to render necessary assistance including supply of required medicines, etc. 5.1.5 Location of Ice factories, BSNL No and Authority for procuring ice is enclosed as Annexure-10. It should be updated six monthly by MS. A copy is placed at Control. Sr. DPO/APO should arrange for immediate reaching of ICE at site as advised by railway doctor at site. Sr.DCM/ACM can also be advised for this assistance. 5.1.6 MS should call for St. John Ambulance team. For this, railway telephone should be provided with head of the team. He should have his own arrangement for calling and assembling the team and report to ARME. In case of delay team has to report to control for their movement to the site. At site they have to work as per directions of Railway doctors. 5.2 Initial Communication:</p><p>Whenever there is an Accident Control shall communicate to the following in order of priority as shown:</p><p>Hospital Emergency 102(Rly) ) 9771428781 Emergency Doctor on Duty 32824 (Rly) 220493 MS 32800 32801 22684 (O) 9771428500 228620(R) (Mobile) Doctor ARME I/C 32804,32805( 224335(R) Sr. DMO/Adm 32802 (O) 32803 220497 (O) 9771428501 (R) 220496 (R)</p><p>14</p><p>Pharmacist on Emergency duty shall note down: Time of message and identity of person giving message Number of injured/dead Train No., date and time of Accident Actual site of Accident Whether nearest Rly./private Doctor informed</p><p>5.3 Strategy At Railway Hospital: Immediately following will take effect:</p><p>5.3.1.On duty Pharmacist shall arrange to ring the “accident bell” in Hospital campus and inform paramedical staff available in the campus and on duty in the Hospital and ensure assembly of all staff at Emergency.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>5.3.2.Pharmacist and Duty Doctor shall inform all Doctors using phone 32824. Phone No. 32829 will be reserved for Incoming call only. Emergency Doctor thereafter shall take ARME key and rush to station with paramedical staff and inform ASM on duty.</p><p>5.3.3.Team A & B shall be ready to move as per instruction of MS (by ARME, Road or Both).</p><p>5.3.4.Remaining Doctors at Hospital shall take charge of the Hospital and along with chief Matron shall ensure – making beds available in wards, opening and readying Operation Theater, organizing existing system of emergency, informing Civil medical facility near to the site for help, informing NGO Marwari Yuva Manch for assistance, informing St. John ambulance brigade (they will report to the control for getting Vehicle for movement to the site), informing nearby Division and or Health Unit for assistance, informing HQ medical deptt officials.</p><p>5.3.5. CMS shall move to the Control and do following – liaison with other deptt., assess the actual magnitude of the accident. Decide transportation means (ARME/Road/Both), Draw cash from the station for meeting expenses at the site if the cash is not immediately available he will depute a person to collect cash and move to site afterwards).</p><p>5.3.6.Requirement of sending medical team and air lifting the Injured through Helicopter to be assessed in consultation with DRM. </p><p>5.4 Strategy On Way To Site: 5.4.1 In ARME - all items of Treatment (drugs, disposables, instruments, Oxygen Suction etc), comforts (water, tea, biscuits etc). Accessories (tents, stretchers, petromax, blankets, torch, shrouds etc), and others shall be handled to keep them in full readiness. 5.4.2 All medical team shall tie arm badge.</p><p>15 5.4.3 Reporting materials with nominated ministerial staff shall be assigned and kept in readiness; standard proforma of recording information shall be kept ready. Mode of report generation, collection, compilation and transmission of final data regarding minor injury/grievous injury/dead along with name and other ID parameter shall be pre decided.</p><p>5.4.4.Team working at the site shall be briefed by MS.</p><p>5.5 Strategy At Site:</p><p>Upon reaching the site the team shall execute following:</p><p>5.5.1 A suitable shelter shall be looked forward for setting up of temporary field dressing station, failing which it will be established in open field under tent. The team members shall first set the Medical post for which placard shall be fixed on the ground indicating location as below:</p><p>Reception post First Aid post Fuel, lighting. Water and refreshment Resuscitation post</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Surgical post Comfort and dispatch post Mortuary Latrines (Sr. DEN to arrange)</p><p>5.5.2 Reception post – All the causalities and dead shall be brought to the Medical post by Available Gang men (to be provided by Sr. DEN), station staff (to be briefed by Sr. DOM) and partly by paramedical staff, security staff (to be briefed by DSC) and with assistance of locals/volunteers etc whosoever may be present at site. With the help of same set of persons following shall be done:</p><p>5.6 Sorting and dispatching.</p><p>5.7 Minor Injury shall be sent to First Aid, then to comfort and dispatch post (by Doctors).</p><p>5.8 Grievous/serious cases shall be sent to resuscitation/surgical post for treatment and further referral as decided by Doctor. Vehicle for transportation to be arranged by Sr.DPO and in his absence by Sr.DCM. </p><p>5.9 Dead after certification shall be sent to mortuary and after noting ID parameters shall be handed to GRP/Civil police. The bodies shall require to be kept in Ice for preservation. Sr.DPO and in his absence Sr.DCM shall arrange to procure Ice in the Quantity as may be assessed by MS. The Medical team shall assist in the act of preservation.</p><p>16 5.10 Treatment: all the injured shall be dealt with in systematic manner. Elaborate surgical procedures shall not be undertaken on the spot. Only First aid and life saving treatment shall be undertaken as shall be decided by the Doctor. 5.11 Referral: Referral of necessary cases shall be done to nearest Railway or Civil Hospital. Available Railway staff and paramedical shall be utilized in referral. Sr.DCM shall make transportation available from site to Hospital. Necessary Medical utility items shall be provided by Medical department.</p><p>5.12 Reporting: This will be done by Medical deptt with assistance of available ministerial staff of Medical and other department (BO available to provide ministerial staff). Reporting shall include following: 5.13 Name, Age, Sex Father/Husband’s name Address with telephone No., if any Ticket/Pass Number Type of Injury (Simple/Grievous/Dead) Identification Marks Information regarding Name and Tel No. of Hospital where injured have been referred The required reports shall be communicated by MS to Site I/C and or Control: Follow up - After clearance of the injured at the site one Doctor will go to near by Hospital/Nursing homes and execute following functions: 1. Full information on all Injured in those Hospitals. 2 Liaison with respective Institutions regarding treatment and any other medical aid. 3. Complete daily progress reports. 4. One Medical team shall be left at the site to look after staff during rescue and restoration work. Rest of the team shall return to HQ. </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>S Activity Nominated officer. N 1 Hiring of Road vehicles for transportation. Sr.DCM 2 Procurement of Ice for dead body. Sr.DCM 3 Man power of site SrDEN,Sr.DOM,Sr.DME. 4 Cash imprest. Sr.DFM 5 Construction of Latrines and shelter/Tents at Sr.DEN site for Medical Post. 6 Security of site. DSC 7 Telephone, Fax service, Laptop, with printer. Sr.DSTE 8 Electricity to Medical Post. Sr.DME(ART),Sr.DE E</p><p>17</p><p>5.14 For guidance important documents have been compiled and enclosed as Annexure as under:</p><p>Annexure–7: Squad ‘A’ and Squad ‘B’ of Medical & Para-Medical staff.</p><p>Annexure–8: Railway, BSNL phone and FAX No. of Board Officials.</p><p>Annexure–9: List of Blood Bank with address.</p><p>Annexure–10: List of Ice Factory with address and Telephone No.</p><p>Annexure–11: Format for Dead and Injured Passengers.</p><p>Annexure–12: Format for information on injured passengers and their disposal.</p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>18</p><p>Commercial Activities</p><p>6.0 Reporting to Control:</p><p>6.1.1 After getting information of an accident the Commercial control will inform Sr.DCM, all ACMs, sectional DCI, HQ DCI, DCI’s of adjacent section CTTI, CIT, Catering Inspector/Manager/Catering/Vending contractor and Commercial Supdts. immediately on phone or by other means. Priority of informing will be as instructed by Sr.DCM.</p><p>6.1.2 After hearing the hooter or information from CNL Sr.DCM and all ACMs will attend the control room immediately. Sr.DCM will assess the situation and appraise DRM/ADRM about the decision for deputation of Commercial officer (DCM/ACM). Officer at Control should also be informed. One officer with DCI HQ to move for the accident site keeping in view the gravity of accident.</p><p>6.1.3. After hearing the hooter or information from Control all Sr. supervisors will reach their station immediately and make contact with Sr.DCM/ACM or CNL and will work as per officer’s instruction.</p><p>6.1.4 The CTTI along with 10 to 15 TTE’s will proceed towards the accident site and work as per instruction of Commercial Officer/Sectional DCI/Senior most Commercial Supervisor at the site. </p><p>6.1.5. The Catering Inspector/Manager/Catering and vending Contractor will accompany the commercial officer/sectional DCI/ Sr. most commercial supervisor. </p><p>6.2 Duties of Commercial Officer at Control room:</p><p>6.2.1 Installation of Information Centre at important stations:</p><p>In case of passenger train accident, Information centre will have to be set up at important stations of the division including originating and terminating stations within the division. The four important stations of division i.e. Samastipur, Darbhanga, Narkatiaganj, Saharsa invariably should be kept prepared for serving as Information Centers. Each of this information centers has to be manned by a Commercial Supervisor of which record will be</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> kept by Commercial Control. Responsibility of displaying information will be of station superintendent of the station. He will collect information from Emergency Control of the division for this purpose. Brief of working is given as under:</p><p>19</p><p>SN What is to be done? By whom? From where? How? 1 Display brief of accident: SS/SM/ASM. Collect from Emergency Train No., Originating and destination Any Officer in the Control. station, place of accident. station.</p><p>2 Brief of passengers injured/dead if any. Display on board. Collect from site phone of accident site. 3 Telephone No. on which information Announce on can be collected. PA system</p><p>4 PDC for resumption of traffic. Any other local means.</p><p>6.2.2 Arrangement of refund of tickets: Refund of tickets has to be organized and monitored for waiting passengers due to accident. Commercial Control at Samastipur should be having detailed instructions so that, they will collect information regarding short- terminating and cancellation of passenger trains and advise all stations for refund through Section Controller or other means. 6.2.3 Information Centre at Samastipur: Information Centre at Samastipur Control should have current information of the site. This centre will also function as Railway help line at SPJ Control with numbers available to Public for collecting information. BSNL numbers are: 06274-221741 & CUG No. 9771428963 This Railway help line will be manned by one officer as decided by DRM. </p><p>*. Information Centre at Control shall record hourly position of information collected from site.</p><p>*. It will upload information in Railway web site on passengers rescued, Injured, Hospitalized and Dead in. This will be arranged by Commercial officer at Samastipur. </p><p>*. Timely information to be given to the press to avoid misreporting and speculation about the casualties and case of accident. For this purpose Periodic bulletins is to be released for News papers at 11 hrs. and 18 hrs. from Information Centre at Samastipur Control.</p><p>*. Media Briefing at Samastipur: To be done by DRM at SPJ. Sr. DCM to organize twice daily on fixed timings. Brief of site progress, any constraints in work progress, work done particularly for passengers, prima-facie cause, assessment of value of damage and PDC of resumption of traffic.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>He will monitor the over all working of commercial activities at accident site to provide required assistance. </p><p>20</p><p>6.3 Duties of Sectional DCI: 6.3.1. Oversee and supervise the working of CIT, CTTI, and Catering Inspector doing their jobs. 6.3.2. To take care of perishable, live stock and parcels of the accident train as per extant rules. 6.3.3 DCI’s of adjacent sections will rush to the accident site with available resources and report to the Commercial officer at Site.</p><p>6.4 Duties of Commercial Officer at site:</p><p>He will be the over all in-charge of all commercial activities at site, seek assistance through control, regularly provide feed back to control and monitor other Commercial activities in the division related with accident. A few of the work at site follow. 6.5 Evacuation: The expenditure for evacuation of detained passenger of the accident affected train by road is authorized to the senior most officers SAG grade at accident site as per the SOPGEN 1.05. which required to be added in the plan.</p><p>6.6 Arrangements for supply of drinking water, beverages for Passengers: Arrangements for supply of drinking water, beverages (tea) etc. and meals have to be arranged for the injured and also for the other passengers of the affected trains. This has also to be organized at the next station where special train (may also be part of affected train at either ends) carrying passengers reaches or is terminated. </p><p>The Catering Inspector/Manager/Catering and vending Contractor who accompanies the commercial officer/sectional DCI/Sr. most commercial supervisor to site will move along with sufficient venders and helpers along with adequate arrangement of Breakfast/food packets, tea, milk and drinking water arrangement by the relief train. The Catering Inspector/Manager at the site will be in-charge of arranging catering and food supply to the passenger at the site. </p><p>6.7 Information Centre at site: (A) Banner of help line measuring 2/2 meters aluminium framing (B) For taking photographs of the unidentified victims at the accident site, there is no provision of expenditure authorized mentioned in the SOPGEN in the accident & emergency chapter 1 &2 and in the Miscellaneous chapter . </p><p>21 6.8 Media Management at site:</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Site Manager shall be the chief spokesman at site and he is to be assisted by the concerned branch officers, if needed. Commercial officer to look into the media needs at site and brief Site Manager promptly.</p><p>6.9 Ex-Gratia payment:</p><p>6.9.1 DCI will assist the official towards payment of Ex-gratia as per extant rules and keep record of all such payments made.</p><p>6.9.2 For guidance, Form No. EG/SPJ/01 is enclosed as Annexure–6. Adequate copy of this form should be available in commercial control and also in ART. It will be the responsibility of commercial officer/other officer nominated by Site Manager at site to disburse ex-gratia as per extent rules as above.</p><p>6.9.3 Relevant instructions on payment of ex-gratia, extracted from Board’s letter No. 2002/TC-III28/3 dated 12.06.02 is given as under:</p><p>Sub: Relief to persons involved in train accidents, untoward Incidents or Manned level crossing gate accidents– Ex-gratia payment to victims.</p><p>Liability of the Railways for grant of ex-gratia relief to the persons involved in train Accidents or untoward incidents as defined under Sections 124 and 124-A of the Railways Act, 1989 or in the case of level crossing gate accidents.</p><p>I. Amount of ex-gratia for train accidents/untoward incidents:</p><p>The amount paid as ex-gratia relief payable to the dependants of dead or injured passengers involved in train accidents or untoward incidents as defined under Sections 124 and 124-A should be as under:</p><p>(i) In case of death : Rs. 15,000/- (ii) In case of grievous injury (Irrespective of the period of Hospitalization) :Rs. 05,000/- (iii) In case of simple injuries : Rs. 500/- The amount paid as ex-gratia for train accidents/untoward incidents is not to be taken into account at the time of formal claims for compensation. II. Amount of ex-gratia for manned level crossing gate accidents:</p><p>The amount of ex-gratia relief admissible to road-users who meet with an accident due to Railway’s prima facie liability at manned level Crossing gate accidents will be as under:</p><p>22</p><p>(i) In case of death : Rs. 06,000/-</p><p>(ii) In case of grievous injury : Rs. 02,500/-</p><p>(iii) In case of simple injury : Rs. Nil.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Such payments will be counted towards the amount of compensation payable, if action is tenable against the Railways under the Law of Torts and an award in actually granted by a Court of Law.</p><p>III. Ex-gratia for trespassers, persons electrocuted by OHE and road users at unmanned level crossing:</p><p>No ex-gratia payment would be admissible to the trespassers, persons electrocuted by OHE and road users at unmanned level crossing.</p><p>IV. Ex-gratia payment for railway servants killed or injured by a moving train while performing their duty:</p><p>Ex-gratia payment should also be made to railway servants killed or injured by a moving train while performing their duty for example, gagman working on track run-over accidentally by a moving train.</p><p>V. Manner of arranging ex-gratia to the victims:</p><p>Payment should be sanctioned/arranged/preferably on the spot by a senior scale or higher officer nominated by the General Manager after making such enquiries as can be reasonably made on the spot after the immediate needs by way of medical attendance etc. to injured persons are attended to.</p><p>******</p><p>23</p><p>Lighting at site</p><p>7.0 Objective: To provide adequate lighting in the ART/ARME Vans on way to the site and adequate lighting for rescue & restoration at accident site(s). 7.1 Activities and Responsibilities:</p><p>Planning Execution (a) Collection of brief The electrical control shall immediately collect information on- information about (a) Location/site details the accident. (b) Type/nature of accident (c) Nature/extent of casualties (d) Extent of damage to the infrastructures</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>(e) Length of affected track and topography of site. (b) Organizing The Elect. Controller shall inform to the Depot Supervisors on either side of the Electrical accident site for - activities: Man & Materials for (a) Mobilizing readily available Electrical-staff, Portable Gen-Sets, Search Accident Site. Lights, Lighting fixtures & necessary Stores ready to proceed/dispatch to the accident site on orders. </p><p>(b) The above-mentioned Depot Supervisor(s) shall: 1.Advise the status of availability/readiness/ movement of men & equipments and to the Officer/Sr. Subordinate/Elect. Controller in the Central-Control office. 2.Co-ordinate with the local Station-Officer/ other supervisors to keep informed on movement of Relief/Rescue team &/or ART/ ARME etc and accordingly. 3.Move to the site along-with staff/equipments/ necessary stores by first &fast available mode of transport. 4. Advice central control immediately for assistance. (c) Liaison with In case of accident in BG Section, the Elect. Controller shall: neighboring (a) Contact SE (Elec.)/West/GKP and/or SE (Elec.)/SEE and Zone/ Division collect details of the lighting equipments/ No., Name & designation of for assistance of Elect. Staff accompanying the BG ART sent to the site from the above BG ART/ ARME. zone/Division. (b) Keep track of movement of ART/ARME/Team of rescue & restoration personnel in the Division and shall apprise the Electrical Officer/supervisor present in the control/at site. (d) Movement of (a) Nominated staff for the ART/ARME, respective Section Supervisors along- Break Down with available additional staff (TL & Power) and equipments shall move to trains/ the site with the ART/ARME. Equipments. (b) In case BG Coaches are utilized as BG ARTE Van transship- ment of equipments may be required from MG ART/ARME to the BG Coach(s). Respective SSE/SE/JE(c) shall ensure his presence on the site of transshipment and ensure complete & quick transshipment of equipments.</p><p>24 7.2 Calling of Assistance from Neighboring Division: Sr. DEE/ADEE/Sr Supervisor (either before proceeding to site or from site) per requirement of the Officer-in-charge of rescue/restoration work shall call for additional assistance required in co-ordination with the officials at control /site from the neighboring Division</p><p>Assistance from following nearby ART/Elec. Power Depot shall be called through the coordinating officer present in the central-control/accident site as per requirement of the respective departments based on their observations at site/need. . Section ART based at/Elect. Power Depot PRNC-SHC , BNKI-BHGJ ART/Elect. Power Depot – KIR SHC-FBG Elect. Power Depot – FBG (KIR Divn) SHC-MNE, MNE-SPJ Elect. Power Depot – MNE (SEE Divn.) (Jurisdiction of AEE/BJU)</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>MFP-BTH Elect. Power Depot – MFP (SEE Divn.) (Jurisdiction of AEE/MFP) RXL-SGL RXL-BGU RXL-NKE/MG Elect. Power Depot – RXL VKNR-NKE- BTH Elect. Power Depot – GKP (LJN Divn.) (Jurisdiction of AEE/GKP) 7.3 Planning and mobilizing local resources in the event of Passenger train accidents in Night at Roadside stations. 7.3.1 The Elect. Controller shall inform the Staff present at either sides of the road side stations to rush to the accident site immediately with whatsoever lighting equipment and materials/tools available for arranging lighting / hire from nearby market, if available, lighting equipments and DG. Sets required. They shall have the authority to draw cash from the nearest station’s earning. 7.3.2 The senior most Elect. Staff at site shall advise to the Elect Control about the action taken/being taken by him and/or details of assistance required. 7.4 Activities en-route and on reaching accident site: 7.4.1 DG Sets installed in ARTs shall be started well in advance and sufficient nos. of Luminaries kept connected and lighted with long connecting cords, so that just after reaching to the site, the area can be illuminated without loss of single moments. 7.4.2 24 Volt DG Sets installed in ARME shall be started before departure and the load of the Medical Van to be switched ON. 7.4.3 Just after reaching to the site, the portable Gen Sets shall immediately carried to the actual Accident site immediately, started and affected area illuminated. 7.4.4 Adequate illumination at site as per site requirement for rescue/restoration/any other functional requirement shall be ensured based on optimum utilization of the available equipment/procurement through other possible means/mode. 7.4.5 Sufficient power Points/Sockets shall be made available in day time for charging of satellite phone, VHF Sets, Mobile Phones etc. 7.4.6 All preparatory works such as laying of cables, erection of stands/ masts, storage/refilling of fuel and additional lighting equipments etc, erection of temporary tents etc. shall normally be done during daytime for providing lighting in the subsequent Night working. ****** 25</p><p>Communication Network and Restoration</p><p>8.0 Progress: </p><p>Progress in modern telecommunications has contributed tremendously during the disaster management such as train accident etc. Experience shows that during the earlier moments of a disaster, telecommunication links are disrupted, despite the critical need to establish telecommunication links between the disaster-stricken area and the rest of the organization including the authorities, the relief organizations, rail users and the public. </p><p>Telecommunication has also proven itself to be a powerful and indispensable tool in both disaster prevention and mitigation. Telecommunication applications, from walkie-talkie to mobile phone to the internet and personal communications via satellite may be used in conveying vital information, solving problems of affected passengers, coordinating relief operations, assessing damages and other supports.</p><p>As soon as any train accident happens in the division whether known through Section Controller, Dy. Controller or other means, signal control and control test room will immediately come into action.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>8.1 Reporting the accident:</p><p>Both signal control and test room will brief about the accident to Sr DSTE,DSTE & ASTE as soon as they get the information from controller. After informing about the accident to officers, they will inform their respective supervisors. Signal control shall inform to all signal inspectors & test room shall inform to all telecom supervisors within 5 minutes.</p><p>After getting the message, informed persons should assemble into the control test room within 5 minutes. Everybody should be prepared to move instantly to the site. In no case, trivial excuses will be entertained. If by chance any member of the site team misses the ART, he should immediately inform it to the chief controller so that he can proceed by the alternative transport arrangement.</p><p>8.2 Site teams:</p><p>The site team as already prepared and informed to the team members will go to the site with all available equipment on the list by first available means. For that the team should be ready to collect all the essential equipment on the list (as already briefed) within 5 minutes.</p><p>Four site teams have been prepared by realistically estimating the multiple major eventualities the division may have to face at a time. In case of more than four major accidents, additional help from other divisions will be required. For this officer at control shall request HQs.</p><p>26</p><p>8.3 Control office team:</p><p>They will collect all the relevant information of S&T from site and convey to HQ and higher officials. They will ask for the necessary assistances from the HQs and other neighboring divisions as per requirement of sites and will arrange to send the material and manpower as required by site team.</p><p>8.4 Functioning of site team:</p><p>As soon as site team will arrive at site they will provide the following communication facilities.</p><p>Minimum 8 numbers of VHF sets (5 watt walkie-talkie to be distributed all around the affected area within 5 minutes for ease in communication for relief and restoration.</p><p>Installation of PA system for addressing of affected passenger within 25 minutes.</p><p>Providing 4 numbers of Mega- mike for addressing small crowd within 5 minutes.</p><p>Installation of satellite phone within 15 minutes for aggrieved passengers to talk to their relatives.</p><p>Installation of 25-watt VHF set within 30 minutes.</p><p>PCP connection with control circuit within 15 minutes.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Tent erection for S &T control room at site within 10 minutes.</p><p>8.5 Restoration team: </p><p>The restoration team will concentrate on speedy restoration of damaged signaling & telecommunication system.</p><p>8.6 Provision of BSNL phone at site:</p><p>BSNL will be approached as soon as any major train accident happens for provision of 6 numbers of BSNL phone with STD facility at site. If found not feasible by BSNL, then PCO booth in the nearby area will be approached for fixed hours of use. The PCO phone will be extended to the site through railway cable/drop wire.</p><p>27</p><p>8.7 Making use of mobile phone given to branch officers:</p><p>The mobile phone given to branch officers can be also utilized at disaster site for aggrieved passengers to talk to their relatives within the state apart from restoration work.</p><p>8.8 Functioning of control office team:</p><p> Control test room TCM will check the status of control in the affected section and inform it to higher official immediately. He will try to make available the control in the affected section.</p><p> Provision of three BSNL telephone and three-railway telephone with DID facility in the chief controller cabin immediately. The help line numbers will be</p><p>06274----1072</p><p>BSNL telephone Rly. With DID</p><p>06274- 226002 06274 -232550 </p><p>06274-220810 06274-232551 </p><p>06274- 226044 06274-232518. </p><p>Any changes in the above number should be immediately informed to DRM, ADRM and all BO’s.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>The telephone directories of all relevant important exchanges should be provided in the control office within 10 minutes.</p><p>The disaster management plan will be upgraded at regular interval of time as laid down in para I of this Manual with introduction of new communication technology in the division.</p><p>******</p><p>28</p><p>Restoration of Rolling Stock</p><p>9.1 Sounding of Hooter: Sounding of Hooter will be made by Power Controller immediately after getting information from CTNL. </p><p>9.2 Gathering of Supervisor & staff: After hearing the hooter sound, C&W/Loco Supervisor with their nominated ART/ARME staff will gather near ART/ARME within stipulated time for further action. </p><p>9.3 Reporting to Control: As soon as information regarding accident /derailment is received. Mechanical Officers & Supervisors (all LIs & CWIs) will rush to control. 9.4 Collection of information: Control (Power / C&W) will collect the following information regarding accident as per Performa given below:</p><p>Date & Time Place of accident Train No. & name Distance Time of accident Nature of accident Casualty Bio-data of Guard & Drivers Particulars of rolling stock involved in accident –damage of track & rolling stock Any apparent cause of accident Topography of site</p><p>Manning of Control: One Mechanical Officer & one LI&CWI will man the control round the clock till the restoration work is completed. </p><p>Order for movement of ART/Brake Down Crane: After assessing the gravity of accident, quick decision will be taken by Sr. DME / DME (P) consulting with ADRM / DRM regarding requirement of equipment (MFD/ARME/ Crane) to be sent for site. Sr. DME/ DME (P) shall order Dy. Controller (Coaching) / Samastipur for movement of equipment i.e. ART and / or Breakdown crane. He will also order Dy. Controller (Coaching) / SPJ to indent for movement of equipment i.e. ART and/ or Breakdown crane from other division (s) / other Railways. Sr. DOM will follow it subsequently for faster reaching of the equipment at site. </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Readiness of ART /ARME: ART/ARME (IC) will be informed by C&W Control also for movement to the accident site. In case of ART/ ARME based at SHC, JJP(at DBG also ) , NKE information will be given to the concerned ART/ARME(IC) by CTNL through SS. </p><p>9.5 At least 5 Supervisors (3-C&W+ 2-LI/LF) will proceed with nominated staff (ART gang with crane Driver / Luckas Operator) in ART. </p><p>29</p><p>9.6 Assistance from adjoining division / Railway: If assistance required from adjoining division / Railway the CME will be informed immediately for sending ART/ARME on priority basis to deal with aspects of disaster. Position regarding availability of ART/ARME in adjoining division is enclosed as Annexure–5. 9.7 Strategy on way: Effective utilization of time on the way to site can be made by making prior preparation. With this, it will be possible to start the work forthwith on reaching the site. Following preparation may be done on way. </p><p>9.8 Staff of ART should be ready for work in proper uniform </p><p>9.9 Steam Crane should be lit up and to be tried to steam up before reaching at site. Each and every equipment should be checked for its working such as cold cutting equipment, hydraulic re-railing equipment, lighting arrangement by Elecl Staff. </p><p>9.10 Strategy at site: </p><p>9.10.1 Evacuation of injured persons: On first priority ART staff will work for evacuation of injured person under the guidance of Medical Officer / officer in-charge at site 9.10.2 Preservation of broken/damaged part: Preservation of any clue like broken/damage part of rolling stock/rail or any other items will be done if available.</p><p>9.10.3 Prima-facie cause of accident: Immediate action will be taken by CWS & LI jointly to record the prima-facie cause of accident if any, measurement of track and preparation of joint note with other Supervisors. </p><p>9.10.4 Statement of Driver & Guard: Statement of Driver & Guard to be recorded by LI. </p><p>9.10.5 Arrangement for rest & relief for Driver: Arrangement for rest & relief for Driver will be done by LI. </p><p>9.10.6 Collection of speedometer & OPRS by LI. And BAT testing.</p><p>9.11 Restoration works: </p><p>9.11.1 Assessment for restoration work: After study of the site and discussion with Supervisors (CWS & LI/LF) strategy will be made to deal with the restoration work and accordingly planning will be laid down. </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>30</p><p>9.11.2 Assistance required: If any assistance is felt necessary from other department or adjoining Division to expedite the restoration work the same will be communicated to Officer in-charge at site for their arrangement. Senior Mechanical officer should assess requirement of additional equipment like cold cutting equipments, Gas-cutters with operating staff promptly and assistance from other divisions and Railway to be asked for and monitored. 9.11.3 Forecasting: Regarding time to be taken for restoration work after assessing the magnitude of work and facility available at site to tackle with, forecasting will be given to the site in-charge. 9.11.4 Work distribution: CWS (Brake down in-charge) & LI/LF will jointly lead the restoration team. Supervisors will be nominated for specific assignment like restoration work, arrangement for making of tent, meal, drinking water for ART staff, recording of statement of Driver & Guard in coordination with other Supervisors etc. 9.11.5 Supervisor for ART(IC) have to ensure that ART should have and rescue workers must make use of Rain coats, fluorescent jackets, helmets, gloves and masks. 9.11.6 Police clearance: After Police clearance restoration works will be started under the instruction of Site-in-charge. It is noted that “in case of railway accidents, permission of the State Government or clearance of the Police is not required for launching rescue operations for the purpose of saving human lives which inter alia may also involve handling/shifting the rolling stock (locomotives, wagons and coaches) for extricating the trapped passengers. However, police clearance is required for restoration works at the site of accident, if sabotage is suspected” (Board’s letter No. 2002/Sec.(Cr.)/45/47 dated March, 27, 2003 enclosed at Annexure-20). 9.11.7 Monitoring of restoration works: One senior most Mechanical Officer will provide guidelines for safe working of equipment & staff during restoration works. 9.11.8 Progress of work: Progress of works or any other difficulty will be communicated continuously to site in-charge for further action. 9.11.9 Winding up the equipments: After completion of restoration works all equipments of ART will be kept aside of the track without infringing them then that will be loaded in ART/ARME stock. 9.11.10 Certification for safe to run: C&W supervisor will certify for safe to run up to next TXR examining station for stock involved in accident and Loco Inspector will certify for Locomotive involved in accident. 1.Staff of ART should be ready for work in proper uniform. 2.Steam crane should be lit up and to be tried to steam up before reaching at site each and every equipment should be checked for its working such as cold cutting equipment, hydraulic re-railing equipment, lighting arrangement by Electl. Staff. ****** 31</p><p>Engineering Activities</p><p>10.1 Intimation of accident: Role of Engg. Control: </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>As soon as the staff working at Engg. Control knows about an accident, he will at once inform Sr. DEN, DENs, AENs and concerned PWIs & IOWs regarding accident on whatever means of communication. He will collect details of accident and requirement of men and materials from site/concerned PWI/AEN. On receipt of the message of the accident, PWI/Control, PWI/Planning, PWI/TD, IOWs/North, South and Water Supply/SPJ will man the Engg. Control in 8.00 hrs. shift (one PWI-one IOW). The activities of Engg. Control will be as under: SN What is to be By whom? When? How? done? 1 Passing Primary The staff on duty in Telephone/Mobile nos. of all Information to all Engineering Control, concerned available with control. concerned. immediate after an accident. 2 Manning of In 8 hrs. shift by one from To communicate messages and keep Engg. Control each group : close liaison with site/field units and during entire PWI/Control, PWI/TD arrange for compliance of instructions period of & PWI/Planning. of Engg. Officer manning the Control. restoration IOW/North, South & Water supply/SPJ. 3 Monitoring of Sr.DEN/DEN personally. Control office is to be continuously Engg. activities in manned by Sr. DEN/DENs in shift till Control. restoration. 4 Arrange-ment of By sectional PWIs. They will be prepared to arrange manpower. sufficient nos. of Gangmen at any time even during night. Each PWI should keep address/ telephone nos. of staff working under them if Gangmen reside in nearby villages. In case sectional PWI is sent to site immediately. Engg. Control to arrange the gang men through ASM, calling to their villages or by other means. For this control to have telephone nos. and address of gang men. 5 Seeking extra- Sr. DEN/DEN. Sr. DEN/DEN will talk personally to divisional CTE and CE (if CTE is not present in assistance of Man HQ). & material. </p><p>32 Action to be taken at Divisional HQ.: </p><p>10.2.1 By Officers and staff nominated for Control duty:</p><p>As soon as information of accident is received, all the DENs, AENs and nominated PWI/IOWs should come to Divl. Control Office without any delay and after having adequate information and suitably have instructed staff under them, sectional DEN & AEN should proceed immediately to accident site either by ART or by road, as the case may be. Control should be manned in shifts by Sr. DEN & other DENs one by one till restoration completes. Sr. DEN and DENs will monitor, in general, the overall</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> scenario and progress of restoration work and engineering items, in particular, involving arrangement of assistance, movement of man and material, liaison with HQ and guidance to engineering site officer/officials. Sr. DEN/DEN in control will demand assistance from CTE and if he is not present then CE about extra divisional help of men & material. </p><p>10.2.2 By local Supervisors: </p><p>Every Senior Subordinate of P. Way and Works will contact in person the Engineering Control and sought instruction for them, if any. However sectional PWI(s) and IOW(s) may proceed for site without any delay after conversation with controlling officers. </p><p>10.3 Action to be taken by Engineering Officers/Official at the site: 10.3.1 General:</p><p>Generally Engg. officials i.e. AENs & PWI is the first official to reach site, being located in all the corners of the division. They are expected to and they should reach the site of accident by quickest possible means without making any unnecessary delay. Until such time relief and assistance arrive and he is replaced by more senior official, the P. way Official present must take charge of the entire situation as site in- charge. He will allot duties to each as best as possible under the prevailing circumstances at all Railwaymen, Police, Military and the RPF. First Officer (It may Engg. officer/official also) to reach at site will assess damages to railway property and loss to human life and casualty, if any; assistance required (Medical assistance, Material, Manpower and Machine), estimated time of the restoration and preserve clues in addition to rescue & save lives. First Engg. official reaching at site will have the primary job of rescue and relief. In turn, he will erect at least five tents for providing accommodation for public, medical staff, commercial staff, telecom staff and electrical staff. He will arrange to erect more tents, if the situation demands. </p><p>33</p><p>10.3.2 Information to Control Room & protect the train: </p><p>He will relay the basic information on PCP or any other means about the accident like exact location; time of accident; name/no. of train; details of affected coaches/wagons; casualty, if any; details of damages to track, bridge and signaling system; probable reason; expected time of restoration; assistance required; etc. to Divl. Control Office at once. He will ensure that the train has been protected in front and in the rear of the affected train. In the case of double line, if the other line is also affected, immediate steps should be taken to stop any train coming on it. 10.3.3 First-aid and Rescue in accidents involving casualty/injury: </p><p>He will arrange to collect Railwaymen, Doctors on-board the train or local, Volunteers and persons who can provide first-aid and arrange to provide first-aid to injured persons. Efforts should be taken to provide every type of assistance to the victims trapped inside the coaches. In accidents involving casualty and/or injury, first and</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> foremost duty of every railway staff including Engg. Staff to save human lives and provide every possible relief to injured ones. In case, the accident involved any river or water flow assistance from local divers/boat owners should be obtained if some persons/victims have drowned in river. It may be noted that the rescue operations for saving lives should be started immediately without waiting for police clearance.</p><p>10.3.4 Preservation of Clues: </p><p>If the P. Way Inspector is the first official to reach at site, he should seize all train passing records of the station, cabins, LCs and train documents with the train crew. He will check the scale and locks of interlocking gears, relay room, position of lever/panel switches etc. and obtain the joint signature of officials present at the prevailing conditions of them. He will search for & seize any component of the rolling stock or permanent way that could have a clue about the cause of the accident. He will also take the statements of train crew and concerned station staff including gateman and important public witnesses who may throw light on the probable cause of the accident. </p><p>10.3.5 Restoration Work:</p><p>Engineering Officers/officials will manage the site in such a way that minimum time is taken to restore traffic after rerailment of derailed coaches/wagons. The work will start after providing every assistance to victims of the accident and police clearance. In every case suspected of sabotage, under no circumstances, work may be started without police clearance. The restoration work will be managed as per guidelines given in subsequent paras.</p><p>34</p><p>10.4 Works related to Engineering: </p><p>10.4.1 Examine the site and advice for assistance: </p><p>The PWI will examine the entire site inclusive of the track over which the train has passed immediate before derailing, noting down any unusual features observed, specially any part of vehicles or other materials lying on or near the track. He will assess the extent of damage to track and advice Divl. Control Office about the assistance (labour & materials) required for quick restoration.</p><p>10.4.2 Arrangements for Victims of Accident and others:</p><p>In bigger accidents, he will arrange for camping arrangement of labours, their fooding arrangement and availability of drinking water. It will be the prime responsibility of Engg. department to provide temporary shelters for passengers; Erection of tents for temporary medical substations to provide medical aid to injured and other shocked passengers; Arrangement of drinking water and temporary toilets in all the major accidents. Separate arrangements may also be done for opening of Public Information Booth, from where communication arrangements for relatives, officers, media persons and others may be done. To meet this requirement sufficient nos. of tents/tarpoline may be kept reserve with every IOW/PWI unit, and if not available</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> just now, procurement may be processed. Our approach in providing assistance to victims should be thought of considering ourselves into their place. </p><p>10.4.3 Preparation of sketch and joint measurements: </p><p>A neat sketch of the accident site should be drawn by Engineering officials (by IOW if present, otherwise by PWI) showing every aspect of track and rolling stock e.g. position of rail, sleepers, wheels etc. Length of dragging and important distances which may have relation with the accident must be indicated. The PWI will deploy one SE (W) to prepare a dimensioned sketch giving the full particulars of the site of accident including the track leading up to the point of derailment, path followed by derailed vehicles, place of mounting and drop, which pair of wheels and of which vehicles were first derailed and the position at which the derailed vehicles came to stand. First of all, he shall make an accurate representative sketch of site showing even minutest details however insignificant.</p><p> In sketch, exact location of damaged track, coaches etc. with reference to static reference point.</p><p>35</p><p>The PWI will participate in measurement rolling-stock, if decided to be taken/ if required. The joint measurement may be recorded on prescribed format and must be signed by all concerning supervisors. </p><p>10.4.4 Repair to track and Restoration of traffic: </p><p>He should plan for the repair work of damaged track and get it commenced immediately after obtaining police clearance, if required. All the supervisors and labour available at site should be divided in suitable groups and definite quantum of work should be allotted to them for completion in targeted time. In case of night hours, he will arrange proper lighting in co-ordination with Electrical Department or Breakdown Officials. PWI in-charge will ensure: 10.4.5 To inform OC/Engg. Officer about the availability of P. Way materials & Machines and to submit the plan for carting them to site. For example, he will inform Engg. Officer about nearest availability of rails, sleepers & fittings and also how to cart them at site. Location & availability of equipments like Cutting machine, Hole drilling machine, Augers, Rail dolleys etc. 10.4.6 However, if this material/equipment are available in ART, as it should be, PWI based on extent of damage receive them from Brake-down in-Charge. Then he shall take preliminary arrangement of spreading rails/sleepers as preparatory work in the period when derailed wagons/coaches being on track by Crane. 10.4.7 Planning regarding sequential procedure to be adopted for track repair to be done. Rails to be cut in required length, holes drilled and kept ready nearest to the required location. Sleepers to be inserted/replaced be kept ready at nearest point. If possible, they may be inserted during other restoration processes. These steps will reduce the restoration time.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>10.4.8 After completion of repair to track, track fit must be communicated to station(s) nearby clearly indicating date, time and speed restriction and its kilometerage, if any. The message should be clear and without doubt-raising. </p><p>10.5 Manpower management at Site: 10.5.1 The PWI will so arrange his unit that in accidents during night also there is no shortage of Gangmen. He should keep addresses and telephone nos. (if possible) of all his Gangmen residing in nearby villages, if they are local. </p><p>10.5.2 The sectional PWI, in consultation with the OC/Engg. Officer will endeavor his best to manage available manpower and assistants so that utmost utility of them may be obtained. This will definitely reduce the time of restoration.</p><p>36</p><p>10.5.3 PWI will divide his manpower into manageable small units of men as required under a PWS or JE. He will clearly instruct them to carry out the specified task and shall not make changes to this plan arbitrarily to avoid confusion.</p><p>10.5.4 After having done preliminary arrangements, wherever he is asked to do so, the PWI will start the restoration work by deploying in orderly manner.</p><p>10.5.5 He shall also plan to deploy his manpower in such a manner that fresh labours get to work after one batch of labour get exhausted after intensive work.</p><p>10.5.6 In bigger accidents, he will arrange for camping arrangement of labours, their fooding arrangement and availability of drinking water.</p><p>10.6 Some remedial measures based on past experiences: </p><p>10.6.1 The role of Engineering Department at an accident site is mainly concentrated to restoration operations for track, bridges and any other structure involved. However, it can’t be overlooked that primary duty of all the Railway men (irrespective of their departments) is to provide assistance in management of rescue operation. Remedial measures based on problems faced in past are proposed as follows.</p><p>10.6.2 All the ARTs have been provided with about 100m restoration material i.e. rail, sleeper & fittings and these have not been found to be less in any of accidents so far, as all ARTs are for MG sections where track damages are generally less due to less speed of trains. However, arrangement shall be ready to have additional P.Way materials adequate for 200m length at certain fixed locations at SPJ, DBG, NKE & SHC. Restoration P. Way materials location wise is given in Annexure-13 and a copy is available at Engineering Control. </p><p>10.6.3 It was found difficult to arrange Gangmen especially during night, most of the Gangmen being local. All the PWIs have been instructed suitably in this connection.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>The PWIs must know about full address and telephone nos. of their Gangmen and other staff where they may be contacted during emergencies. It will be the responsibility of the concerned PWI to remain in contact and collect Gangmen during abnormalities like accidents.</p><p>10.6.4 In case of damage to bridge, materials like joists, girder, jack, gas cutting machine, rope, C.C. Crib, Derrick. & Welding machine etc. to be kept always with BRI/SPJ as shown in Annexure-14.</p><p>37</p><p>10.6.5 Disaster also occurs due to frequent flood in Samastipur division being close to Nepal & presence of large nos. of river and no bunds are available. Already detailed Monsoon precaution exists. Boulder/cinder on ground and on wheel is done by 15th June every year. Additionally G.I. wire crate, E.C. Bag & Patromax are also made ready timely as shown in Annexure-15.</p><p>10.6.6 SPJ division is full of rivers & bridges and any accident over these bridges will be disastrous consequences due to submerging/sinking of coaches in river water. Altogether 7 such bridges have been identified and these are shown in Annexure-16. Details of divers and boats from nearly villages have also been collected as shown in Annexure-16/A for using these at a very short notice. Brief on Divers available with SE/Bridge at Samastipur is shown in Annexure–16/B. Brief on Village Divers available near different bridges/rivers is shown in Annexure–16/C. </p><p>10.6.7 Group of such Village Divers/Swimmers/Fishermen who may be available near by, 1st available railway person including engineering staff/Supervisor shall motivate for volunteering for rescuing of persons and extracting of dead bodies. For such group of persons, Personal Accident Insurance (for unknown persons) for a period of three years needs to be processed. Sr.DEN is the Nodal Authority for this purpose who will arrange required Insurance in advance and ensure timely renewal. In case of claim, Sr.DEN shall process claim for such persons. </p><p>10.6.8 At the time of accident, much time is lost in approaching station by road due to lack of knowledge of local roads. To overcome this necessary road-map has been prepared showing district boundaries and road up to station. This is to be updated regularly by Sr.DEN.</p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>38</p><p>Action by Security </p><p>First Response:</p><p>11.1.1 On getting information, DSCR will immediately inform DSC, ASC, DI, IPF/DSC Res. IPF/SPJ and vehicle drivers.</p><p>11.1.2 DSC/ASC and DI will proceed to control and further programme will be chalked out after discussion with DRM/ADRM. Meanwhile IPF/DSC/ Res. Will gather maximum available manpower for accompanying the Officers/relief train to the site. IPF/SPJ will also supplement the strength. Vehicle drivers to be in readiness to move by road. For further instructions they will wait for the order of DSC through DSCR.</p><p>11.1.3 DSC/ASC will talk to SRP, SP, CSC, Dy. CSC, DIG/RLY. & IG/Rly. DSCR will inform concerned jurisdiction of RPF, GRP, Local police, Zonal security control and Police Control Room.</p><p>11.1.4 Concerned IPF/RPF/Post will muster maximum available strength within shortest possible time and dispatch them to the site of accident by quickest means. They will carry with necessary equipments like wireless sets, dragon searchlight, torches, camera, loud hailer, ropes & poles, writing materials etc. Post/Outpost will contact with concerned GRP & Local police station and ensure their movement and presence at the site.</p><p>11.1.5 Either of DSC or ASC will proceed to the site and other officer will monitor the DSCR at divisional HQ. DI will supervise the working of DSCR under the guidance of DSC/ASC. 11.2 Action at the Site of Incident:</p><p>11.2.1 DSC/ASC will distribute and allot the work. IPF/Post will assist him in deploying the Force.</p><p>11.2.2 Area be cordoned off by RPF so that bystanders (onlookers) and unwanted crowd do not disrupt the rescue operations. Access roads should be kept open for emergency.</p><p>11.2.3 Temporary RPF Assistance post (shed/tent) be established at the conspicuous place near the site. A logbook should be opened and minute-to-minute program of action by RPF be recorded.</p><p>11.2.4 Assess the requirement of RPF, armed forces, paramilitary force, police, and sniffer dog in consultation with DRM/ADRM and accordingly relay the message to DSCR for further arrangement.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>39 11.2.5 DSC/ASC /IPF will co-ordinate with state police/GRP for expeditious clearance in case of accidents involving loss of human lives or injuries to the passengers. They will also co-ordinate/liaise with state police & civil authorities to avoid any situation where precious time is lost in seeking the clearance of state police for carrying out rescue operations.</p><p>11.2.6 Full assistance be provided to the medical staff. DSC/ASC will ensure proper documentation about the number of persons injured or dead giving their identity and addresses, if available. In case queries are made by the friends or relatives of the injured/deceased, they should be properly guided. RPF officers present will actively co-ordinate with police in the disposal of injured/deceased passengers. Hourly sitrep will be sent by the officer at the site to the Divisional/Zonal control room giving the latest situation.</p><p>11.2.7 A temporary cloakroom should be opened. Baggage of the passengers should be isolated and kept protected in the cloakroom. These should be handed over to the rightful claimants and their accountal be kept.</p><p>11.3 Function of Security Control:</p><p>11.3.1 Collect information from site and situation report be sent to Zonal control room. </p><p>11.3.2 Additional strength of RPF will be mobilized on receipt of message from site. DSC/ASC will monitor.</p><p>11.3.3 On demand of Force i.e. armed force, paramilitary force etc. from site, DSC/ASC will appraise DRM/ADRM for further requisition. Sr. DFM on behalf of DRM shall contact Director (Operational Logistics) HQ Integrated Defense Staff at New Delhi who is the official for Emergency calling. This has been briefed in Para 12.</p><p>11.3.4 On demand of sniffer dog from site, DSC/ASC will appraise DRM/ADRM for further requisition. For the purpose of calling for this assistance, Location and BSNL No. of In-charges of Sniffer dog squad with RPF, BSF and State Police should be maintained and updated. A copy should be available with Security Control. 11.3.5 In case of VIP visit to the site, DSC/ASC will mobilize separate strength of Force and co-ordinate with SP & SRP for maintenance of Law & order and their security. 11.4 Accident Involving Fire:</p><p>11.4.1 Guard, Drivers, SS / SM of the concerned station with the assistance of Railway men & public will immediately initiate action on evacuating Passengers from affected train & adjoining areas. Organize forthwith fight of incipient fire until arrival of the Fire Department. This should be done only to the level that people have been trained. Never risk injury and loss of life. 40</p><p>11.3.2 DSCR will notify the appropriate Fire department as per concerned District & adjoining districts. DSC & ASC will monitor. Station wise location and BSNL No. of Fire Brigade for immediate assistance in case of Fire is given in Annexure-4.It needs to be regularly updated by DSC.</p><p>11.3.3 Police & RPF will ensure that access roads are kept open for </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p> emergency vehicles. DSC/ASC/IPF will monitor at the site. </p><p>11.4 Sabotage:</p><p>Sabotage prone areas of the division shall be identified and preventive action such as track patrolling; Security of important installations shall be arranged. Liaison with State Police and GRP for collective intelligence gathering, sharing and action shall be continued. 11.4.1 DSC shall co-ordinate in getting the police clearance required for restoration works at the site of accident.</p><p>******</p><p>41</p><p>Responsibility of Sr.DPO</p><p>Sr. DPO will work in close co-ordination with Sr.DCM for the following functions.</p><p>12.1 Ex-gratia payment:</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Procedure for ex-gratia payment has been laid out in para 6.9 of this plan. Sr. DPO/APO on reaching the site shall take stock of the situation and arrange payment of ex-gratia Payment preferably on the spot by a senior scale or higher officer. For guidance, Form No. EG/SPJ/01 is enclosed as Annexure–6.</p><p>12.2 Evacuation of Passengers:</p><p>Procedure for evacuation of passengers has been laid out in Para 6.5 of this plan. Sr.DPO/APO on reaching the site shall take stock of the situation and determine in consultation with Site Manager whether to evacuate the passengers of the affected train by road. In case evacuation by road is required, public vehicles should be hired and passengers evacuated in either direction to the nearest point wherefrom they can get suitable rail/road transport.</p><p>12.3 Vehicles for Medical requirement:</p><p>Requirement for transportation of injured/dead passengers has been laid out in Para 5.8 of this plan. Sr.DPO/APO shall arrange that Grievous/serious cases as decided by Doctor at site, shall be sent to resuscitation/surgical post for treatment and further referral as decided by Doctor. Sr.DPO/Sr.DCM shall arrange transportation Vehicle required for this purpose. </p><p>12.4 Reaching of ICE at Site:</p><p>As briefed in para 5.9 of this plan, Dead body after certification shall be sent to mortuary and after noting ID parameters shall be handed to GRP/Civil police. These bodies shall be required to be kept in Ice for preservation. Sr.DPO/Sr.DCM shall arrange to procure Ice in the Quantity as may be assessed by MS. The Medical team shall assist in the act of preservation. For guidance, list of Ice Factory with address and BSNL no. is enclosed as Annexure-10.</p><p>******</p><p>42</p><p>Assistance of Army, Rescue Divers 13.1 Sr.DFM shall consolidate the cash drawn from station earnings and monitor its regularization through Branch Officers. Sr.DFM shall review/replace the format at Annexure-6, Annexure-21, and Annexure-22 and incorporate required changes as required. 13.1.2 Media Briefing at Samastipur: To be done by DRM at SPJ. Sr. DFM to organize twice daily on fixed timings. Brief of site progress, any constraints in work progress, work done particularly for passengers, prima-facie cause, assessment of value of damage and PDC of resumption of traffic.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>13.1.3 For serious accidents Army, Deep divers from Navy may need to be called. Sr. DFM on instructions from DRM shall contact Director (Operational Logistics) HQ Integrated Defence Staff at New Delhi who is the official for Emergency calling. 13.1.4 DSC shall update location, BSNL No. and contacting authority for Army, Para Military Camps i.e. CRPF, BSF etc. for assistance. This should be also available in Control. 13.1.5 DRM shall take decision on calling Armed forces. For this first the station headquarters in the vicinity of accident site should be contacted as laid down in board’s letter no. 2002/Safety-I/6/4 dated 22/26.08.2003, enclosed as Annexure-23. 13.1.6 In case of difficulty, follow the instructions regarding seeking assistance from Armed Forces as has been laid down in CSO/ECR’s D.O. No. ECR/Safety/DMP/02 dated 17.07.03 by contacting the nodal officer. For seeking urgent assistance from any of the wings of armed forces (Air Force. Navy & Army). The nodal officer is Director (Operational Logistics) HQ Integrated Defence Staff at New Delhi.</p><p>He may be directly contacted at the above mentioned telephone number for seeking any kind of assistance including air support by GM / DRM / CSO, incased of Railway Disaster. The nodal points for various HQ that can be contacted for seeking assistance in case Railway Disasters are as under:</p><p>(a) Naval HQ (War Room, Dir of Naval Operation) New Delhi – (b) Duty Officer (Maritime Operations Centre) HQ WNC, Mumbai – 022-22630550 © Duty Officer (Maritime Operations Centre) HQ ENC, Visakhapatnam - 0891-2577240 (d) Duty Officer (Maritime Operations Centre) HQ SNC, Kochi - 0484-2662793</p><p>(Authority IDS/Ops/Ops Lgs/31004 dated 23 June, 03) Signed by Shri S.K. Khurana. Wing Commander Joint Director (Operational Logistics).</p><p>****** 43</p><p>REQUSITION OF HELICOPTER/AEROPLANE AT THE TIME OF ACCIDENT OF SEVERE ACCIDENT. </p><p>Ref:- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ( BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAY (RAIL MANTRALYA)</p><p>Railway Boards letter No. 2002/Safety-1/6/6/6, dated 13.6.04</p><p>A copy of above letter in which DRM s have been delegated the powers to requisition Helicopter/Airplane to reach the site of Accident. For rescue operation in case of serious disaster. 1. GMs/DRMs have been delegated the powers to rescue Helicopters/Airplane to reach the site of serious accident for rescue operation expeditiously. In addition, Powers are also delegated to repulsion Air support to dispatch the rescue team to the site of the accident.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>It is difficult to stipulate exactly the circumstances under which they may exer cise these powers, it has been decided to leave this to the discretion of GMs/ DRMs however broadly these may cover the following type of case.</p><p>(A) Where more than 10 casualties ( death-serious injuries) are feared and it is difficult for these officers to reach the site within reasonable time. (B) Where heavy damage is caused to Rly. Installations in sensitive and tension field areas (e.g. wreckage to track, bridges , etc. through bomb blast, other mean of sabotage , etc.) (C) Where public reaction in case of late arrival of senior officers at site is likely to be highly adverse.</p><p>Normally in case of an accident only one helicopter should be requisioned by a Zonal Rly. , except when there is a serious passenger train accident involving several casualties when it is essential for both the general manager & the Divil. Rly. Manager to reach the site at once to satisfied the public and the press. However for dispatching the rescue teams to the site of the accident, separate Helicopter/ airplane may be requisioned. If so needed. The GMs/DRMs may exercise the above powers personally and may not be delegate these powers. 2. Zonal Rlys are further empowered to requisition helicopter/ airplane to evacuate injured and dead in the event of serious accident. GMs may personally exercise these power and may not delegated these further. The above instructions on the subject supersede all the previous instructions issued vide above referred letters. The issue with the concurrence of the finance directorate of the ministry of Rlys.</p><p>Sd/- Director Safety III .Rly.Board.</p><p>44</p><p>General Clarifications 14.1 If there is need to obtain Police clearance for rescue operations? Police clearance is not required for launching rescue operations for the purpose of saving human lives which inter alia may also involve handling/shifting the rolling stock (locomotives, wagons and coaches) for extricating the trapped passengers. However, police clearance is required for restoration works at the site of accident, if sabotage is suspected. Clarification is given in Annexure-20, 20A & 20B 14.2 What is the procedure to call for Army assistance? Instructions regarding seeking assistance from Armed Forces has been laid down in CSO/ECR’s D.O. No. ECR/Safety/DMP/02 dated 17.07.03 briefed in Para 13.4 above. 14.3 What is the procedure to call for Army assistance? </p><p>All Officers must report to Control within 15 minutes and well prepared to proceed to site from control itself. Cell phone, VHF where available should be brought along with. All vehicles should be in control ready to proceed to site as instructed. 14.4 How to purchase Petty items at site?</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>It may be done through cash imprest of BOs. At the same time the disaster management teams may have to hire personnel and equipment at short notice and so the normal procedures involving hiring of labour and purchase of petty items i.e. manila ropes, photo copying etc. be dispensed with. The teams are given adequate powers to take cash from station earnings of nearest station or bigger station with large cash as per provision of SOP enclosed as Annexure-21.</p><p>14.5 Who has to assess the value of damage at site? To be assessed by each BO, compiled by Sr DSO. He will inform Site Manager and also convey to Control. </p><p>14.6 Who has to place temporary tents? Each BO has to erect tent available with him at the site and fix the placard. However, Sr.DEN shall arrange adequate Tents to meet the requirement as explained in para 10.4.2. </p><p>14.7 Who will advice prima-facie cause of accident and restoration time to control? DRM/ADRM present at site will decide with discussion with of other officer at site and to inform to control.</p><p>14.8 Who will give interview to media and give detail of accident or action plan for restoration? DRM/ADRM or PRO nominated by him at site can only interact media.</p><p>14.9 Who will ensure making of joint note at site ? Sr.DSO should ensure that Joint Note is prepared by a group of Sr. Subordinates comprising of TI,PWI,LI/CWS, SI and Sr.Supervisors of concerned departments. ****** 45</p><p>OUR TEAM Sl. RAILWAY BSNL/MOBILE Name Designation No. Office Residence Office Residence S/Shri 32000 32001 222218 1 S.P. Trivedi DRM 222217 9771428000 32008 32009 2 N.S. Patiyal ADRM 32002 32003 222014 222159 001 32500 32501 3 A. Prabhakar Sr.DOM 222611 222606 900 32507 32508 4 J.KSingh Sr.DSO 32502 32503 225291 225292 904 5 Akhilesh Kumar Sr.DEN(co-ord) 32400 32401 226348 226345 200 6 S.Mishra Sr.DEN-III 32404 32405 223576 223575 203 7 R.N. Jha Sr.DEN-II 32406 32407 222544 222526 202 8 S.S.Patel Sr.DEN/I 32402 32403 221739 224204 201 9 Murari Lal Dy.CE./Con 32470 32471 222390 222604 9771425274 10 R.D.Maurya Sr.DME(C&W) 32600 32601 222840 222504 9771428400 11 Ved Prakash DME(P) 32602 32603 223707 222608 405 12 Rajesh Kumar Sr.DPO 32100 32101 222516 222614 600 13 Rohit Parmar Sr.DFM 32020 32021 222811 222812 100 14 M.K. Roy CWM 32650 32651 222615 223686 412 15 Rajiv Kumar Sr.DME(Dsl) 32670 32671 221740 221744 406 16 Ashok Kumar Sr.DAO 32080 32081 221483 220640</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>17 Dr. Smt. M.Singh CMS 32800 32801 222821 222820 500 18 P.K.Mishra Sr.DMO 32802 32803 220497 220496 503 19 Sameer Kumar Sr.DCM 32200 32801 222523 222514 950 20 M.K. Tiwari Sr.DEE 32300 32301 222610 222609 300 21 S.N. Arya DSC 32140 32141 222524 222522 700 22 H. N.Prasad DCOS/Adm. 32004 32005 222618 222607 770 23 A. Singh Sr.DSTE 32700 32701 222333 222323 800 24 L K. Ram Dy.CSTE/Con 32790 32791 225949 225331 9771425856 25 Naresh Kumar Dy.CMM 32900 32901 222616 222626 9771428771 32550 26 D.R.Sinha CTNL 32551 32521 9771428920 226002 32518 102 27 Emergency (Med) - 220473 781 32824 131 222513 28 Rly.Enquiary - 32222 222613 29 Security Control 100 - 224121 718 32250 30 Comm.Control - 221741 963 32251 32450 31 Engg.Control - 227130 218 32451 32748 32 Control Test Room - 222232 880 32749 32771 224566 33 Saloon Siding. - 32772 221979</p><p>******</p><p>46</p><p>STATE AUTHORITIES, DMs, SPs AND GRP: Annexure---1.</p><p>SECRETARY / COMMISSIONERS SN Design. / District Civil Phone Code Office Residence FAX Mobile 1. Chief Secretary 0612 2223804 2232339 2. Home Secretary 0612 2223155 2224465 2223955 2286222 3. Comm. Saharsa 06478 222503 222501 4. Comm.Darbhanga 06272 241088 240856 5. Comm.Muzaffarpur 0621 2212972 2242104 6. Comm. Purnea 06434 243199 242246 244142 9431230001 STATE POLICE 1. DGP/ Patna 0612 2228833 2230033 2228877 9431602301 2. IG / Muzaffarpur 0621 2217666 2214444 3. IG / Darbhanga 06272 240384 240387 4. DIG / Darbhanga 06272 241089 240358</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>5. DIG/Muzaffarpur 0621 2212136 2242139 6. DIG / Bettiah 06254 242685 232833 248686 9431822961 7. DIG / Saharsha 06478 223488 223688 223688 9431822959 8. DIG / Purnea 06454 223156 223126 D.M. Code Office Resid Fax Mobile 1 Araria 06453 222001 222102 222124 9431228200 2 Begusarai 06243 212285 200584 200571 9431802555 3 Bettiah 06254 232534 232535 242576 9430032700 4 Darbhanga 06272 240335 240363 240363 9431219363 5 Khagaria 06244 222135 222134 227006 9431231748 6 Madhepura 06476 222741 222742 222005 9470082959 7 Madhubani 06276 222217 222218 222209 9470670001 8 Motihari 06252 242700 242800 242711 9431811222 9 Muzaffarpur 0621 2212101 2212105 2217285 9431608737 10 Purnea 06454 242503 222501 242599 9430970477 11 Saharsha 06478 224102 223601 224986 9431243600 12 Samastipur 06274 222300 222301 224526 9431807123 13 Shivhar 06222 257263 257360 257288 9431603444 14 Sitamarhi 06226 250439 250405 254516 9431241088 15 Supaul 06473 223112 223111 223041 9430903553 16 Katihar 06452 230581 230583 230880 9431612401</p><p>47</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>S.P. 1 Araria 06453 222050 222075 222075 9431800002 2 Begusarai 06243 223015 200519 200539 9431800011 3 Bettiah 06254 232886 232563 248960 9431822986 4 Bugaha 06251 226533 226363 226449 9431822987 5 Darbhanga 06272 240382 240800 245206 9431822992 6 Khagaria 06244 222086 222053 223519 9431800010 7 Madhepura 06476 222004 222743 222743 9431822997 8 Madhubani 06276 223486 223466 223466 9431822994 9 Motihari 06252 222684 232683 244244 9431822988 10 Muzaffarpur 0621 2217797 2212119 2212107 9431822982 11 Purnea 06454 222508 242502 227435 9431822998 12 Saharsha 06478 224556 225554 225554 9431822995 13 Samastipur 06274 222034 222350 222350 9431822993 14 Shivhar 06222 257345 257344 257344 9431822984 15 Sitamarhi 06226 250526 250421 250880 9431822983 16 Supaul 06473 223061 223121 223666 9431822996 17 Katihar 06452 230601 230602 230602 9431800001 RLY. POLICE (BIHAR) 1 IG / Patna 0612 222427 231013 2 DIG / Patna 0612 2226233 2379845 3 SRP/Muzaffarpur 0621 2213064 2212759 2212759 9431800013 4 SRP / Katihar 06452 231711 231415 231711 9431800014 5 DSRP/BJU RLY. 65159 65160 9431089051</p><p>****** </p><p>48</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE -2 Bigger Hospitals/Nursing Homes with Ambulance (other than Railway): SN Hospital And Doctor Office Res. Ambulance SAMASTIPUR (STD CODE – 06274) 1. Sadar Hospital 222456 Available 2. Bhavani Nursing Home 222712 3. Dr. G.C. Karn, - MS 222305 4. Dr.R.R.Jha (Cell: 9835013600) 222861 5. Dr.R.P.Mishra 222271 Available DARBHANGA (STD CODE – 06272) 1. DMCH 233093, Available 2. DMCH - MS 233093 3. Ram Janki Nursing Home 222903 4. R.B. Memorial Hospital 233684 Available MADHUBANI (STD CODE – 06276) 1. Sadar Hospital 222561,222591 Available 222107,222475 2. Red Cross Hospital 222490 3. Dr.K.K.Das 283511,283531 MOTIHARI (STD CODE – 06257) 1. Sadar Hospital 232998 Available 2 Dr.D.D.Singh CS/MKI 232998 3 Dr. V.P. Sahai 4 Dr. S.N. Chowdhary BETTIAH (CODE – 06254) 1. M.J.K. Hospital 234301 2. Sahi Clinic 232516 3. Todi Clinic 232753 4. Sanjivani Medical SITAMARHI (CODE – 06228) 1. H.M.T. Hospital 251245 180675 2. Sadar Hospital 250179 251245 3. Dr. S. Pandey 250450 4. Dr. M. Thakur 252056 5. Dr. Laxman Jha 250346 SUPAUL (06374) 1. Dr. N.K. Jha - CS 224073 22407 223101 4 2. Dr. Rajeshwar Thakur 223970 3. Dr. Nutan Verma 225510 4. Dr. V.K. Sharma 225505 5. Usha Nursing Home 223078 6. Sadar Hospital 223333 7. C.S. 224073 22407 4 SAHARSA (CODE – 06478) 1. Sadar Hospital 223631, 225252 Available</p><p>PURNEA (CODE – 06454) 1- Sadar Hospital 224478, 222463 Available</p><p>49</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>MUZAFFARPUR (CODE – 0621) 1. Sadar Hospital 2245030 Available 2. S.K. Medical College Hospital 2221495 Available 3. Kejriwal Hospital 2246309, 2246410 Available 4. Raj Nursingh Home 2214645 Available Raxaul ( CODE – 06255) 1. PHC 260025 2. Mission Hospital 263253,261029</p><p>SAKARI ( CODE – 06273) 1. State Dispensary 684603,684531</p><p>Jhanjharpur ( CODE – 06255) 1. CIVIL Hospital 222244,222293, 222250 222310</p><p>Lakaha Bazar ( CODE – 06277) 1. State Dispensary 87243, 87235 Available</p><p>Ambulance Facilities available near Health Unit.</p><p>Station Ambulance facility Telephone No.</p><p>SPJ 1 Mobile Ambulance , Bihar Government 9709762938 2 Seva Poly Clinic 9431208607 3 Dr. R.P. Mishra 9204316275 BMKI 1. Sadar Hospital /BMKI 06252-102 2 Dr. Rahman Nursing Home 06252-232895 3 Motihari Nursing Home 06252-239166 4 Tribhuwan Raj Nursing Home 06252-232124 DBG 1 Shayam Surgical Sansthan 06272-256371</p><p>2 R.B. Memorial 9431080615 3 Mobile Ambulance , Bihar Government 06272-102 SHC 1 Sadar Hospital / Saharsa 9431863105</p><p>2 Red Cross Society/ Saharsa 9006105813 3 Vivah Bhawan / Saharsa 9431863105 BNKI 1 Civil Hospital / BNKI 06467226277</p><p>JJP 1 Sadar Hospital / JJP 06273222223</p><p>50</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure---3.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>51</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>52</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>53</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>54</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>55</p><p>56</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE -4</p><p>Fire Brigade:</p><p>Fire Brigade Availability</p><p>Place STD Office Remarks Code BEGUSARAI 06243 275177 222045 BETTIAH 06254 231033,101 DARBHANGA 06272 222707 Total 3 Nos. (3 No.) available but 2 2 Foam Type Nos. out of 2 Dry Chemical Powder order. DAURAM 06276 101 MADHEPURA KHAGARIA 06244 222323 MADHUBANI 06276 222209 Total 3 Nos. 2 Nos. out of order. MOTIHARI 06252 222911 MUZAFFARPUR 0621 2216275 Fire Tenders– 4 Section Hose– 1 PURNEA 06454 101 Fire Tenders– 7 222795 Fire Fighting– 5 RAXAUL 06255 221155 SAMASTIPUR 06274 101 223248 SITAMARHI 06226 101 SUPAUL 06473 223312 SAHARSA 06478 101</p><p>******</p><p>57</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure-5 ART/ARME/CRANE (MG) Facilities in SPJ Division:</p><p>Division Location Facilities available MFD/Luckas ARME with Cold cutting Crane 35T steam equipment JJP Yes Yes Yes SHC Yes Yes Yes SPJ NKE Yes Yes Yes</p><p>Location of MFD/ARME(with Cold cutting equipment) in 0ther Divn/Rly.:</p><p>RLY Division Telephone No. Location Route for Dis- Approx. time to access tance reach SPJ to SPJ in Dy. CTNL Sr.DOM(Cell) KM. (BSNL) 06224- 9771429901 SEE SEE-SPJ 110 2 hrs. E SEE 273235 BJU BJU-SPJ 51 1 hr. 0612- 9771449900 DNR DNR-BJU-SPJ 164 3½ hrs C DNR 2507458 JAJ JAJ-BJU-SPJ 150 3 hrs. 05412- 9794848900 MGS MGS-PNBE-BJU-SPJ 376 7 hrs. R MGS 255291 GAYA GAYA-PNBE-BJU-SPJ 297 5 hrs. 12 DHN 0326- 9771426900 DHN DHN-KIUL-BJU-SPJ 376 7 hrs. NE LKO 2219260 9794833900 GKP GKP-NKE-SPJ 363 7 hrs. ER MLDT BGP BGP-BJU-SPJ 214 4½ hrs. NF KIR 06252- KIR KIR-BJU-SPJ 232 5 hrs. 226819 NJP NJP-KIR-BJU-SPJ 434 9 hrs. Location of 140 Tonne Cranes in adjoining Divisions: (Bulldozer in Samastipur Division only) RLY Division Telephone No. Locati Route to SPJ Dis- Approx. on tance time to Dy. CTNL(BSNL) Sr.DOM(Cell) in KM reach SPJ SEE 06224-273235 9771429901 SEE SEE-SPJ 110 2 hrs. E C MGS 05412-255291 9794848900 MGS MGS-PNBE-BJU- 376 7 hrs. R SPJ DHN 0326-2202787(PNL) 9771426900 DHN DHN-KIUL-BJU- 376 7 hrs. 0326-2202228 SPJ (Sr.DME/P) NF KIR 06252-226819 NJP NJP-KIR-BJU-SPJ 434 9 hrs.</p><p>NE LJN 0522-2219260 9794842900 GKP GKP-NKE-SPJ 363 7 hrs.</p><p>Location of MG ART(Screw Jack) and 35 T Steam Crane at KIR:</p><p>RLY Division Telephone No. (BSNL) Location Route for access to SPJ division CTNL & MG DME/P (Mobile) 9771441400 Power controller NF KIR 44510-44512 Rly.(0) 44502Rly.(R) 44503 KIR KIR-PRNC & KIR-FBG</p><p>****** 58</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure –6</p><p>Form No. EG/SPJ/01</p><p>DRM/SPJ, Sub: Claims for ex-gratia relief under Sections 124 and 124-A of the Railways Act, 1989. I request for payment of Ex-gratia for which required particulars are given as under: </p><p>SN Required Information Furnished Information 1. Name of the person injured / dead 2. Marks of identification 3. Father's name of person injured / dead (husband's name in case of married woman or widow) 4. Full address of the injured/dead</p><p>5. Approx. Age of the person injured/dead. 6. Place of accident & Date of accident 7. Name of the train involved 8. Class of travel, Ticket submitted or not, ticket no. 9. Name and permanent address of the applicant. 10. Local address of the applicant</p><p>11. Relationship with deceased / injured 12. Amount of compensation claimed</p><p>*Above information is true to the best of my knowledge. For any false information detected later on, I am liable to refund ex-gratia taken and also to be penalized. Dated:...... Sign./LTI of Injured______Sign./LTI of aplicant:______</p><p>13. Death/nature of injuries sustained -Certified by Rly. Doctor 14. Name and designation of Rly. Doctor certifying death/Grievous /Simple injury. 15. Name and designation of Rly. Authority certifying genuinity of tickets presented by applicant (DCM/ACM/DCI). 16. Name and designation of Rly. Authority (Sr. DPO/ APO) certifying genuinity of claimant (collect photo/take photo of applicant). 17. Amount sanctioned and paid. Rs. </p><p>Received by Applicant Rs.______/- ; Sign./LTI of Injured / Applicant:______</p><p>Sign. Rly. Doctor______Sign. DCM/ACM/DCI______Sign. Sr. DPO/APO______</p><p>(Payment should be sanctioned/arranged preferably on the spot by a senior scale or higher officer)</p><p>59</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure – 6/B</p><p>Section 320 of IPC</p><p>“Grievous hurt” has been defined in Section 320 of IPC as under: </p><p>320. Grievous hurt. - The following kinds of hurt only are designated as “grievous”. First - Emasculation. Secondly - Permanent privation of the sight of either eye. Thirdly - Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear. Fourthly - Privation of any member or joint. Fifthly - Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint. Sixthly - Permanent disfiguration of the head or face. Seventhly - Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth. Eighthly - Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain, or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.</p><p>The Railways Act, 1989:</p><p>123 (b) “dependent” means any of the following relatives of a deceased passenger, namely:</p><p>(i) the wife, husband, son and daughter, and in case the deceased passenger is unmarried or is a minor, his parent. (ii) the parent, minor brother or unmarried sister, widowed sister, widowed daughter-in-law and a minor child of a predeceased son, if dependant wholly or partly on the deceased passenger. (iii) a minor child of a predeceased daughter, if wholly dependant on the deceased passenger. (iv) The paternal grand parent wholly dependant on the deceased passenger.</p><p>124 – A Explanation – For the purposes of this section, “passenger” includes –</p><p>(i) a railway servant on duty; and</p><p>(ii) a person who has purchased a valid ticket for traveling, by a train carrying passengers, on any date or a valid platform ticket and becomes a victim of an untoward incident.</p><p>Note: For officers on site</p><p>1. For other than minor, check train ticket/platform ticket/pass (if Railway employee). If ticket not furnished, then make such enquiries as can be reasonably made on the spot. For minor, claim valid if dependant / person accompanying minor holds ticket. However, in case of minor claim will be paid to the parent of the minor only.</p><p>2. Claim is valid if injured passenger himself claims, or authorizes an agent who applies for ex-gratia.</p><p>3. In case of death, check if claimant is dependant as defined in 123(b) of Railway Act. Dependant’s claim may be verified by documents which may include Mukhiya’s certificate and Thana’s confirmation or make such enquiries as can be reasonably made on the spot.</p><p>4. It is advisable to take photograph of injured passenger, injured passenger with claimant, dead body with claimant.</p><p>******</p><p>60</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE –7 EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY:</p><p>Superceding all the previous notification, the following squad of Medical & Para-Medical staff has been constituted squad-‘A’ will precede to the site of accident. Squad ‘B’ will remain at the Divl. Hd. Qr. within 15 minutes of hearing the 04(Four) long and 01(one) short sound. Both teams are required to report to emergency. There senior most person will decide departure. Squad-A Squad-B 1. Dr. Monika Singh - CMS 1. Dr. P.K.Mishra- Addl.CMS 2. Dr. R. K. Verma – Addl CMS 2. Dr.Ragni Sahai- Sr.DMO 3. Dr.A. Kumar – Sr.DMO 3. Dr. Kumar Abhisekh- ADMO 4. Dr. G.Prasad – Sr.DMO 4. Dr. Rekha Sahu– Sr.DMO Pharmacist Pharmacist 6. Sri Suman Chandra Singh 5. Sri. B.N. Paswan 7. Md. A. Iqbal 6. Sri A.K. Gupta Nurses Nurses 09 Urmila Kumari 7 P.P. Tirkey 10 Shanti Sinha 8 Savitri Mishra 11 Poonam Kumari 9 Anita Kumari 12 Poonam Thakur 10 Sunita Kumari Renu Kumari Pratibha Kumari Kalpana Kumari Kiran Kumari Dresser Dresser 13 Shambhoo Rai 11. Rama Kant Ram 14 Ashok Kumar 12. Pooran Mandal Health Inspector Health Inspector 15. N. K Das with 5 S.wala 14. R.N. Jha with 5 S.wala Ministerial Staff Ministerial Staff 16 J.S. Sumbrui 15. S.K. Sarkar 17 Rajan Singh 16. Hadi Hassan 18 R.C. Prasad Hospital Attendant Hospital Attendant 19 Shambhu Ram 18. Laxman Rai 20 Umakant Chaudhari 19. Suresh Rai 21 Basistha Rajak 20. Rama Kant Rai 22 Siya Devi 21 Lakhan Chowdhary Kiran Chowdhary Bindu Devi Safaiwala Safaiwala 23 Devanand Ram 22. Rita Kumari 24 Upendra Ram 23. Shardha Devi 25 Ratan Ram 26 Bishwanath Ram</p><p>****** 61</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE –8 </p><p>RAILWAY BOARD (Medical department):</p><p>SN Name Designation Railway DOT FAX 1 Dr. K. Suresh DG(RHS) 43799(O) 3383638(O) 330398 43463(O) 6116465(R) 543985 52252(R) e-mail ppsdrrhs@rb. railnet.gov.in</p><p>2. Addl. DG(DS) 44191(O) 3385169(O) 22551(R) 3733559(R) 3. Dr. A.C. ED(H) 43717(O) 3386882(O) 3386882 Ghose 22074(R) 3366638(R) e-mail [email protected] t.gov.in 4. Dr. (Mrs.) Dir./H(FW) 43439(O) 3389623(O) Girja Shankar 32676(R) 3371982(R) e-mail [email protected] net.gov.in 5. Dr. Gajendra Dir.H/FW 43395(O) 3388373(O) Kr. 23529(R) 3365205(R) 6. Mr. R.K. DDHA 43761(O) 3303761(O) Verma 55975508(R) 7. Mr. M.L. HEO 43553(O) 3303553(O) Rajoria 6102624(R) 8. S.Handa GM/ECR 22000 74728(O) 271513 22001 73296 (O) 274738 300100(R) 9. Dr. U.Singh CMD 22080 272693(O) 73418(R) 9771425500 (Mobile) 10 Dr. U.Kumar Dy. 23208 9771425503 . CMD/Admn. 273734</p><p>11 Dr. A.K. Dy. CMD/MS 23210 9771425504 . Sinha </p><p>******</p><p>62</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE –9</p><p>BLOOD BANK LIST:</p><p>Availability of Blood Bank in Samastipur Division.</p><p>There is no authorized Blood Bank in Samastipur Division. However in emergency and routine use, Following Blood Bank can be contacted: </p><p>1. Medical Officer In-charge blood NMCH Patna.</p><p>2. Medical Officer In-charge blood PMCH Patna.</p><p>3. Private Blood Bank of Dr. Kulbir Singh, Ashok Raj Path Patna.</p><p>4. Medical officer In-charge: DUNCAN Hospital, Raxaul.</p><p>5. M.P. Singh , Red Cross Bhawan , Blood Bank /Samastipur</p><p>******</p><p>63</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE –10 </p><p>List Of Ice Factory:</p><p>SN ADDRESS Phone No 1. KOSHI Ice Factory, 06478-223165 Ramesh Jha Road, Gangjala, Saharsa.</p><p>2. Arun mishra Ice Factory, N/A Near Saharsa Bus stand, Saharsa.</p><p>3. Golu Sha Ice Factory, N/A Gandhipath, Saharsa.</p><p>4. Sanjay Ice Factory, 06478-223682 Ward No. 19, Supaul.</p><p>5. MAA KALI Ice, N/A Ward No, 08, Supaul.</p><p>6. Ship Ice Industries, 06454-233748 Ashram Road, Anand Puri, Purnea.</p><p>7. Dinesh Baraf Depot, 06272-222890 Donuar, Darbhanga.</p><p>8. Ramesh Prasad, 06255-221275 Vikas Ice Factory, Pareva Tola, Raxual.</p><p>9. JAI MAA AMBEY, 06255-221275 Ice Factory, Fish Market, Main Road, Raxual.</p><p>****** 64</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure –11</p><p>Information by medical on injured/dead persons: </p><p>1. Casualties: a) No. killed. : b) No. grievously hurt. : c) No. with simple injury. : d) No. with trivial injuries. :</p><p>2. Timings of the arrival of the first Doctor. : (Rly. or other Doctors subsequently)</p><p>3. Timings of: a) The receipt of the accident message at the Station where Medical van is stabled : b) Dispatch of the Medical Van from that Station : c) Arrival of the Medical Van at site : d) Departure of Medical Van with the injured from the site : e) Arrival of the Medical Van with the injured at the Hospital/Station : f) Admission of the patients into the Hospital :</p><p>4. a) Details of the Medical Aid rendered and whether any Surgical treatment resorted to at site : b) Give reasons for delay in rendering Medical Aid :</p><p>5. Whether any pain relieving drug administered such as Morphia and if so to how many? :</p><p>6. Disposal of the injured and the dead with timings :</p><p>7. List of casualties (Dead/Injured) with details of, names, their address and particulars of admission and discharge in various Hospitals till the date of injury. :</p><p>8. a) Did you receive full co-operation from the Doctors of the Civil Hospital? : b) If not, where was the failure? :</p><p>9. What difficulties have been encountered while dealing with the injured. :</p><p>10. Have you any suggestion to make to improve the methods of rendering Medical Aid to the injured. :</p><p>Chief Medical Superintendent East Central Railway, ******</p><p>65</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure –12</p><p>List of injured persons in train Derailment.</p><p>TRAIN No. Dated.</p><p>SN Name Age Sex Address Ticket Identification Details Nature Disposal Name and No. Mark of of of the address of injury injury patient Railway/ Non-Rly. Institution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11</p><p>******</p><p>66</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure-13</p><p>P. Way materials at nominated stations:</p><p>Additional P. Way materials to be kept ready at nominated stations for restoration during accidents.</p><p>Nominated stations: </p><p>(A) BG & MG both: Samastipur, Darbhanga & Narkatiaganj (total 03). (B) MG only: Saharsa (only 01).</p><p>Name of material and quantity SPJ DBG NKE SHC required at Rail 52 Kg 100 m 100 m 100 m - Rail 90R 100 m 100 m 100 m - Rail 75R 100 m 100 m 100 m - Rail 60R 100 m 100 m 100 m 200 m Fish Plate 52 Kg 40 nos 40 nos 40 nos - Fish Plate 90R 20Nos. 20Nos. 20Nos. - Fish Pate 75R 10Nos. 10Nos. 100Nos. - Fish Plate 60R 40Nos. 40Nos. 40Nos. 80Nos. Fish bolts 52kg/90R 80Nos. 80Nos. 80Nos. - Fish bolts 75R 20Nos. 20Nos. 200Nos. - Fish bolts 60R 80Nos. 80Nos. 80Nos. 160Nos. Wooden sleeper BG) 150Nos. 150Nos. 150Nos. - Wooden sleeper (MG) 200Nos. 200Nos. 200Nos. 400Nos. Dog Spikes(MG) 500Nos. 500Nos. 500Nos. 500Nos. Rail Screw (BG) 500Nos. 100Nos. 500Nos. - Joggled Fish Plate 60R 10sets 10sets 10sets 10sets Joggled Fish Plate 75R - 10sets 10sets - Joggled Fish Plate 90R 05sets 05sets - - Joggled Fish Plate 52Kg. 10sets - 10sets - Tongue rail 60R 05sets 05sets 05sets 05sets Tongue rail 75R - - 05sets - Tongue rail 90R 05sets 05sets 05sets - Tongue rail 52kg. 05sets - 05sets - Crossing body 60R 05Nos. 05Nos. 05Nos. 05Nos. Crossing body 75R - - 05Nos. - Crossing body 90R 05Nos. 05Nos. 05Nos. - Crossing body 52kg. 05Nos. - 05Nos. - SEJ 52Kg. 04Nos. - 04Nos. - Glued Joint 04Nos. - 04Nos. -</p><p>******</p><p>67</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure-14</p><p>Availability of Tools & Plants with SE (Br.)/Samastipur (for tackling accidents on Bridges)</p><p>Nos. available in SN Name of Tools & Plants working condition Hydraulic Jacks 100 Ton Cap. - 1 3 2 Hydraulic Jacks 50 Ton Cap. 3 3 Mechanical Jacks 50 Ton Cap. 3 4 Hydraulic Jacks 20 Ton Cap. 2 5 Mechanical Jacks 20 Ton Cap. Track Lifting Jack 2 6 Maxpul (Tirfor) 2 7 Gas cutting Torch 2 8 Nylon Rope App. 600 M 9</p><p>******</p><p>68</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure-15</p><p>RESERVE SCALE OF BOULDER AND CINDER/SAND FIXED BY HQ FOR MONSOON</p><p>Boulder Cinder/Sand SN Location On ground On wheels On ground On wheels (cum) (4 wheeler) (cum) (4 wheeler)</p><p>1 Saharsa 2000 30 (MG) 1000 30 (MG)</p><p>2 Banmankhi - 10(MG) - -</p><p>3 Samastipur 1000 30(BG) - -</p><p>4 Jhanjharpur 1000 30(MG) 1000 30(MG)</p><p>Janakpur 5 500 30(MG) - - Road 1000 towards BG 6 Narkatiaganj & 30(BG) 1000 20 (BG) 1000 towards MG</p><p>7 Br. No.89 500 - - -</p><p>8 Sakri - - 500 30(MG)</p><p>Emergency Reserve of Empty Cement Bags: 30,000 in entire division.</p><p>*****</p><p>69 Annexure-16</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>List of vulnerable bridges, where Divers may be required (in case of derailment)</p><p>Location Br. Name of SN between Span of Bridge Section PWI No. River stations SPJ-MKPR Burhi SPJ- 1 1 2x12.20+3x30.48m SPJ Gandak DBG HYT-TLWA SPJ- 2 17 Baghmati 3x30.48+4x12.20m SPJ DBG ROA-NRN Burhi SPJ- 3 16A 8x24.38+2x12.20m HPO Gandak KGG BHB-DHT KGG MNE- 4 51 Baghmati 7x30.5+2x45.70m at SHC SHC KFA-DHT KGG MNE- 5 47 Koshi 4x30.48+2x18.20m at SHC SHC DAG-BGU DBG- 6 89 Baghmati 15x30.48m RXL NKE CAI-SAHI MFP- 7 285 Sikarhana 7x24.38m SGL NKE</p><p>70 Annexure-16/A</p><p>Details of availability of boats in the vicinity of nominated bridges </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>No. of Name & address of boat holder country No. of Br. boat boat SN River No. avl. in Name and Address held nearby by the village owner 1. Ramdhani Sahni, 01 Vill.- Govindpur, Distt.- Samastipur 2. Ramprit Sahani, 01 Burhi At & P.O.- Mathurapur, Distt.-Samastipur 1 1 15 Gandak 3. Nanhki Sahni, 01 At & P.O.- Mathurapur, Distt.-Samastipur 4. Laxman Sahni; 01 At & P.O.- Mathurapur, Distt.-Samastipur 1. Sri Jogendra Sahni, Vill.- Akraha, 02 P.S.- Hayaghat, Distt.-Darbhanga 2 17 Bagmati 04 2. Sri Heera Sahni, Vill.- Ilmaith, 02 P.S.- Hayaghat, Distt.- Darbhanga 1. Sri Sito Sahni, S/O Kari Sahni, Vill.- Laxmipur, Ward no.-11 01 P.S.- Rosera, Distt.-Samastipur 2. Sri Rajeshwar Sahni, S/o Rameshwar Sahni, Vill.- Laxmipur, 01 Ward no.-11, P.S.- Rosera, Burhi 3 16A 04 Distt.-Samastipur. Gandak 3. Sri Lalo Sahni, S/o Sita Ram Sahni, Vill.- Laxmipur, Ward no.-11, 01 P.S.- Rosera; Distt.-Samastipur. 4. Sri Satto Sahni, S/o Nirdhan Sahni, Vill.- Laxmipur, Ward no.-11, 01 P.S.- Rosera, Distt.-Samastipur 1. Sri Rajo Sahni, 01 Vill.- Hardiya, Dist.- Khagaria 4 51 Bagmati 2. Sri Maheshwar Singh, 01 Vill.- Dhanchhar, Dist.- Khagaria 04 3. Sri Rajzero Chaudhary, 01 Vill.- Dhamara, Dist.- Khagaria 5 47 Koshi 4. Sri Laddu Sahni, 01 Vill.- Koparia Salkhua, Dist.- Saharsa 1. Sri Rajiv Sahni, Vill.- Maniari Dheng 02 2. Sri Balli Sahni, Vill.- Maniari Dheng 02 6 89 Bagmati 08 3. Sri Prasad Sahni, Vill.- Maniari Dheng 02 4. Sri Subodh Jha, 02 Vill.- Begahi, Bairgania Sikar - 1. Sri Hira Mukhiya,S/o Ram Autar Mukhiya 7 285 hana 01 Vill.- Basantpur, P.O.- Singhpur, 01 P.S.- Chanpatia, Dist.- West Champaran</p><p>71 Annexure-16/B</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>List of Swimmers/Divers available with SE (Br.)/SPJ unit: SN Name of Employees Father's name Designation Sri Deo Narain Singh Sri Nebi Lal Singh Sarang Gr.-I 1 '' Nihal '' Dukkha Helper Gr-I 2 '' Naresh Sahni '' Chander Sahni Helper Gr-I 3 '' Brahmdeo 4 '' Sikander Mandal Helper Gr-I Mandal '' Avadhesh Thakur '' Sakal Thakur Helper Gr-II 5 Annexure-16/C Details of Village Divers available near different bridges/rivers: SN Br. Name of Diver Address No. 1 1 1. Sri Ramprit Sahni At & P.O- Mathurapur, 2. Nanhki Sahni Distt.- Samastipur 2 17 1. Sri Ram Chandra S/o Sri Janak Sahni, Sahni Vill.- Ilmaith,(East), P.S.- Hayaghat, Distt.- Darbhanga 2. Sri Srikant Sahni S/o Sri Ramashish Sahni, Vill.- Ilmaith (East), P.S.- Hayaghat, Distt.- Darbhanga. 3 16A 1. Sri Sito Sahni Vill.- Laxmipur, 2. Sri Rajeshwar Sahni Ward no.-11, 3. Sri Lalo Sahni P.S.- Rosera, 4. Sri Satto Sahni Distt.-Samastipur 4 51 1. Sri Rajo Sahni Vill.-Hardiya,Dist.Khagaria 2. Sri Maheshwar Singh Vill.Dhanchhar,Khagaria 5 47 3. Sri Rajzero Chaudhary Vill.Dhamara,Dist.Khagaria 4. Sri Laddu Sahni Vill.- Koparia Salkhua, Dist.- Saharsa 6 89 1. Sri Surendra Sahni 2. Sri Jirnish Sahni 3. Sri Shobhan Sahni 4. Sri Ramji Sahni Vill.- Maniari Dheng, 5. Sri Hari Sahni 6. Sri Prasad Sahni 7. Sri Ram Ekbal Sahni 7 285 1. Sri Hira Mukhiya, S/o Ram Autar Mukhiya, Vill.- Basantpur, P.O.- Singhpur, P.S.- Chanpatia, Dist.- West Champaran.</p><p>******</p><p>72</p><p>Annexure--17</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>73</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure--18</p><p>74</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure—19.</p><p>75</p><p>ANNEXURE - 20</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD)</p><p>No. 2002/Sec.(Cr.)/45/47 New Delhi, Dated 11-12-2002 To The Home Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi. Sub: Expeditious clearance by the state police in a case of Railway accident</p><p>Sir, Your kind attention is invited to the subject mentioned above. In a case of rail accident involving loss of human lives or injuries to the passengers, railway administration does everything possible to render necessary assistance and succour to them. Efforts are made to rush rescue and medical apparatus to the site of accident without losing any time as the first few hours are very crucial.</p><p>But it has been noticed that rescue operations are hampered due to delayed, and at times, reluctant clearance by the State police. This was evident in the recent Rajdhani Express in Bihar when it took them unduly long time to complete the formalities.</p><p>It may be pertinent to mention that there are two different tasks to be tackled on war footing, namely (a) Rescue and (b) Restoration</p><p>(a) As regards rescue operations, they cannot obviously wait till legal formalities are completed as they invo:Je saving human lives. But it appears that there is some confusion regarding the urgency of undertaking rescue operations. I would request you to reiterate instructions to the state Govt. on this point so that there is no delay in starting rescue operation. Needless to mention that the State Govts should also extend maximum cooperation in handling the situation. Besides providing medical aid, other facilities, which may be necessitated by circumstances at the site of the accident, may also be extended by them expeditiously.</p><p>(b) As regards restoration of railway traffic, rule_ provide that this can be taken up only after the clearance by the local police or GRP. In this regard it would be relevant to point out that a large number of passengers are unduly inconvenienced by disruption of rail traffic. It would, therefore, be in the best interest of the passengers to restore the rail traffic as fast as possible. But, it has been noticed that the local police take a long time in giving the required clearance, consequently delaying the restoration operations.</p><p>I would, therefore, request you to issue necessary instructions to the State Govts. to expedite clearance certificate in the event of a rail accident, so that normal traffic can be restored without avoidable delay. Yours faithfully Sd/ (Dr. A.K. Pandey) Director General/RPF Copy to Member Mech./Railway Board-for information</p><p>76</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE-20 A </p><p>GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS</p><p>NO. VI-24022/11/2002-PM-1 New Deihi, Dated: 24th December, 2002</p><p>To Home Secretaries of all States.</p><p>Sir,</p><p>I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of Director General, RPF, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) letter No. 2002-Sec (Cr.)/45/47 dated 11th December, 2002 regarding initiation of action for expeditious clearance by the State Police in case of railway accident involving loss of human lives or injuries to the passengers etc.</p><p>2. It is requested that suitable instructions may be issued to the concerned authorities for taking prompt action and to expedite clearance certificate in the event of a rail accident, so that normal traffic can be restored without avoidable delay.</p><p>Yours faithfully Sd/ (Jojneswar Sharma) Director (PMR) Tel./Fax: 23385947</p><p>Enc!: As above</p><p>Copy to DGPs of all States.</p><p>Copy for information to : DG, RPF w.r.t. their letter No. 2002-Sec (Cr.)/45/47 dated 11.12.2002</p><p>77</p><p>ANNEXURE – 20 B GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>(RAILWAY BOARD)Rail Bhavan, </p><p>New Delhi-110001 </p><p>No. 2002/Sec.(Cr.)/45/47 March, 27, 2003</p><p>The General Managers</p><p>Sub: Clearance by State Police incase of railway accidents due to suspected sabotage.</p><p>Ref.: Ministry of Home Affairs' letter No. VI-24022/11 /2002-PM-1 dt. 24.12.2002 addressed to Home Secretaries of all States (copy enclosed).</p><p>The issue of expeditious clearance by the State Policy in case of Railway accidents, where sabotage is suspected, has been engaging Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)'s attention for a long time. It is noticed that sometimes rescue operations are hampered due to delayed and reluctant clearance by the State Police.</p><p>2. It is pertinent to mention that there are two different tasks to be accomplished on war footing after a railway accident involving human lives is concerned i.e. a) Quick Rescue Operation; and b) Restoration of Rail Traffic. It is clarified that incase of railway accidents, permission of the State Government or clearance of the police is not required for launching rescue operations for the purpose of saving human lives which inter alias may also involve handling/shifting the rolling stock (locomotives, wagons and coaches) for extricating the trapped passengers. However, police clearance is required for restoration works at the site of accident, if sabotage is suspected.</p><p>3. To avoid any delay’ in launching the rescue operations for saving as many human lives as possible and for early restoration of rail traffic, the above issue has been taken up with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Consequently, Ministry of Home Affairs vide their letter ibid have directed the Home Secretaries of all States to issue suitable instructions to the concerned authorities for taking prompt action and to expedite clearance certificate in the event of a rail accident, when sabotage is suspected.</p><p>4. The contents of this letter may be widely published among the railway officers/staff and displayed in all ARTs/ARMEs so that a general awareness created amongst all those engaged in rescue activities.</p><p>5. This letter supersedes the Railway Board's letter of even number dt. 7.2.2003. Sd/ (ATUL PATHAK) Director/Crime Prevention. Railway.Board ****** 78</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ANNEXURE – 21.</p><p>Annexure - 22 Sample format for drawl of cash from station earning.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>1 NE-G. 17 A NE-G. 17 A Book no...... Station pay order no. Book no...... Station pay order no. Dated……………… To, Dated……………… To, The station master………………………………… The station master………………………………… Pay to……………………………………………………… Pay to……………………………………………………… Rupees ( In words)…………………………………… Rupees ( In words)…………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… … … ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. . . On account of………………………………………… On account of………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. Rupees…………………………………………………. Rupees…………………………………………………. Chargeable to………………………………………… Chargeable to………………………………………… Case no……………………………………………………. Case no……………………………………………………. Signature…………… Accountal in Inward Delivery(Local/ Foreign) Designation…………</p><p>Book no…………………………..Page no……………… Accountal in Inward Delivery(Local/ Foreign) Accountal in open Delivery(Local/ Foreign) Book no…………………………..Page no……………… Book no…………………………..Page no……………… Accountal in open Delivery(Local/ Foreign)</p><p>Book no…………………………..Page no……………… Signature…………… Designation………… Received Payment of the amount stated above. Signature of payee………………………………….. Amount to be shown in words. Signature of witness……………………………….. ( In case of payment to illiterate person only)</p><p>Date…………………………. Stamp. Signature of station master</p><p>(See instruction) Amount to be shown in words.</p><p>******</p><p>80</p><p>MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD)</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>No. Annexure--23</p><p>2002/Safety-1/6/4 New Delhi dated 22/26- 8-2003. </p><p>General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai. General Manager, Eastern Railway, Kolkata. General Manager, East Central Railway, Hajipur General Manager, North Western Railway, Jaipur. General Manager, Northern Railway, New Delhi. General Manager, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur. General Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway, Guaranty. General Manager, Southern Railway, Chennai. General Manager, South Central Railway, Secunderabad. General Manager, Soutll Eastern Railway, Kolkata. General Manager. Western Railway. Churchgatc. Mumbai. General Manager, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur. General Mallager, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, North Central Railway, Allahabad. General Manager. South Western Railway, Hubli. General Manager, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.</p><p>Sub: Railway Disaster Management Plan. Ref: Recommendation No.6 of High Level Committee’s Report on Disaster Management. Further to the letters of even number dated 3/5-6-2003 and 3-7-2003, please find enclosed herewith a copy of the letter No. IDS/Ops/ Op Lgs/ Rly DM/31004 dated 21.8.2003 from Brig. Ravi Sharma, DACIDS (Ops Lgs) which includes a list of station headquarters corresponding to railway zones/divisions, from where assistance can be solicited for rescue and relief operations.</p><p>2. The concerned zonal railways/divisional authorities should first contact the station headquarters in the vicinity of accident site. In case the concerned zonal railway/division face any difficulty in seeking the required assistance from the corresponding station headquarters in the vicinity, Brig. Ravi Sharma can be contacted. The. Telephone numbers of Brig. Ravi Sharma have already been circulated to the zonal railways vide Boards letter of even number dated 3.7.2003.</p><p>3. These details may please be circulated among the CSOs and DRMs over your system and the points mentioned in para 2 above may be made clear to all the CSOs/DRMs and other concerned officers on your railway. Please acknowledge receipt.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Encls: As above. Sd/- (M.G. Arora) Exec. Director/Safety Railway Board. 81</p><p>Annexure – 23/A</p><p>Tel: 23017897 HQ Integrated Defence Staff Room No. 30 Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg New Delhi-1 10011 IDS/Ops/ Op Lgs/Rly DM/31004 21Aug. 03 Shri Arun Arora Director (Min of Railways) Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road New Delhi-1l000l</p><p>Railway disaster management plan</p><p>1. Please refer to your letter No. 2002/Safety-I/6/4 dated 04 June 03 and our letter No. lDS/Ops/Op Lgs/31004 dated 23 June 03. 2. A list of Station HQs from where assistance can be solicited for relief operations corresponding to Railway Zones/Divisions is forwarded to you as appendix.</p><p>Sd/- (Ravi Sharma) Brig.DACIDS (Ops Lgs)</p><p>End: As stated. Copy to: The list of Railway zones/Divisions along with our Stn ACAS (Ops) Air HQ HQs/Area HQ is forwarded herewith. On occurrence of Dir MO-6 Army HQ Railway Disasters, relief operations would be coordinated DNO Naval HQ by the relevant Stn HQ/Sub. Area/Area HQs. </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>82</p><p>Annexure – 23/B</p><p>Railway disaster management plan</p><p>Services Hqrs, and corresponding Railway Zonal/ Divisional Hqrs. ( Telephone Directory)</p><p>Railway Armed Forces Zone Division HQ Bengal Area, GM 2220-7596 DRM 26602348 Eastern Railway, Siliguri, 0353 - 6527 Howrah Kolkata MTNL Station HQ DOT: 033 STD: 033 CSO 2220-3948 ADRM-I 26603527 Kolkata, 033-2222321-25 DRM Samastipur 222-217 GM 274-728 East Central Rly., DOT:06274 Station HQ ADRM 222-014 Hajipur Danapur, DRM BSNL STD: 06224 274736/ Danapur 250-7465 0612-420365 CSO 272874 DOT: 0612 ADRM 250-7523 DRM North Central Rly., 2600-958 Station HQ Allahabad Allahabad Allahabad Divisional DOT: 0532 Sub Area, ADRM 2601-106 Directory 0532-504735 North Eastern DRM Station HQ GM 220-1041 Varanasi 2224801 Railway Gorakhpur Varanasi, DOT: 0542 BSNL STD: 0551 CSO 220-0835 ADRM 2224802 0542-340461 NF Railway, Katihar DRM Station HQ GM 257-0422 222555 Maligaon DOT: Katihar, BSNL STD: 0361 CSO 257-0494 06452 ADRM 222643 06452-230</p><p>****** 83</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Annexure -24</p><p>Road Crane.</p><p>1.Sri M.K.Yadva. No. of cranes----02(03 Tonnes Cap.)/MFP B/Down service, Chandni Chawk , Motihari Road, Near Netajee Kabar shop,/MFP Mobile No—9934670841 2.Sri P.K.Gupta- No. of cranes----02(03 Tonnes Cap.)/ MFP Chandni Chawk , Motihari Road ,/MFP Mobile No—983529675 3.Sri Sahani jee- No. of cranes----03(14.13.&03 Tonnes Cap.) / MFP B/Down service, South of Bhagwan Pur Sadar Thana/ MFP</p><p>4..Sri L.P.Yadva. No. of cranes----03(14 , 13 &03 Tonnes /MFP B/Down service, Chandni Chawk , Motihari Road, Near Netajee Kabar shop,/MFP Mobile No 9234868375</p><p>5. Md. Nizamuddin . Crane No WB 73-0376 Pipra Khoti Cap. Lifting 10 Tonnes , Pulling 20 Tonnes. ( Near Champaran Kshetriya Gramin Bank ) Distance from MKI---15 KM. West Champaran. Mobile No.---9835275247. 6.Maa Bhairvi Crane Service. Mohan Pur/ SPJ Phone No. 06274-282258</p><p>7. Pappu Singh- Samastipur Mobile No. 9835286742, 9835286792.</p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>84</p><p>Annexure -25. Defence Establishments</p><p>AIR FORCE STATION.</p><p>SN STATION CODE Tel./Mobile No. 1. Darbhanga 06272 222687 224411 2. Purnea Court( Champaran) 06454 227052 227053</p><p>Paramilitary Establishment.</p><p>Bihar Military Force.</p><p>SN STATION CODE Tel./Mobile No. 1. Darbhanga 06272 222543 222515 2. Katihar 06452 222053</p><p>Central Reserve Police Force</p><p>SN STATION CODE Tel./Mobile No. 1. Motihari 06252 260966</p><p>SSB SN STATION CODE Tel./Mobile No. 1. Pipra Kothi ---- 9431233361 2. Jay Nagar 06246 223448</p><p>******</p><p>85</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Contact nos of stations. Annexure - 26 n n</p><p>Name of Code BSNL Phone No. o SL. Name of Code BSNL Phone No. o i i</p><p> t t c c</p><p>Station. i No Statio6/n. i</p><p>SL. d d s s i i</p><p>No r r u u J J r h u 01 Samastipur 06274 222510 54 Majholia 06254 282803 a i p t i t t e 02 Muktapur 06274 223805 s 55 Bettiah 06254 232366 a B / /</p><p>New No. 251161 m a L</p><p>03 Kisanpur 06274 265384 S 56 Kumarbagh 06254 223691 / N S 04 Rambhadrapur 06274 265784 L 57 Chanpatia 06254 266250 B N / / 05 Bhagwanpur Desua 06274 267589 WLL S 58 Sathi 06253 252735 New No. 258814 B M /</p><p>06 Angar Ghat 06274 275444 59 Narkatiganj 06253 242593 Enq.242242 D M T</p><p>D</p><p>07 Narhan 06275 244801 60 Harinagar 06256 224245 </p><p>T</p><p>08 Ruserra Ghat 06275 222253 61 Bhairoganj 06251 283742 New. 223742 </p><p>09 Naya Nagar 06275 222033 62 Kharpokhra 06251 262495 New 291174 WLL 10 Hasanpur Road 06275 258240 63 Bagaha 06251 226310 r</p><p>11 Kaparpura 06223 245721 WLL u 64 Valmikinagar 06251 262494 New 291175 WLL p r a</p><p>12 Kanti 06223 267250 f 65 Amolwa 06254 264086 New 292129 WLL f a</p><p>13 Motipur 06223 233280 z 66 Bikhnathori 06254 264087 14 Mahawal 06223 233299 U 67 Sikta 06253 285542 M /</p><p>15 Janakpur Road 06228 224131 L 68 Marjadwa 06253 257283 N</p><p>16 Bajpatti 06228 272285 S 69 Gokhula 06253 271331 B 17 Parsauni 06226 253248 / 70 Gaunha 06253 253370 / M 18 Sitamarhi 06226 250218 71 Sakari 06276 250517 / L G</p><p>19 Riga 06226 285233 72 Lohana Road 06273 223539 N S B</p><p>20 Dhang 06226 271300 73 Jhanjharpur 06273 222244 / /</p><p>21 Baragania 06226 282237 74 Tamuria 06273 271313 M i D r T 22 Mehasi 06257 254981 a 75 Ghoghardiha 06277 282637 (Old No.272637) </p><p> h i i n 23 Chakia 06257 243202 t 76 Nirmali 06273 285306 a o b M 24 Pipra 06257 266176 77 Pandaul 06276 251353 u / h L 25 Jiwdhara 06252 271943 78 Madhubani d a N S 06276 222232 M B /</p><p>26 Motihari 06252 222941 M 79 Rajnagar 06276 240528 D T</p><p>27 Semra 06252 275284 80 Khajouli 06276 274424</p><p>28 Sugauli 06252 280223 81 Jaynagar 06246 222032 29 Ramgharwa 06255 234210 82 Maharail 06273 223467 30 Kundwa chainpur 06250 271366 83 Vachaspatinagar 06273 273253 31 Ghorasahan 06250 284436 84 Khutauna 06277 286381 32 Chhoradano 06255 237610 85 Laukaha 06277 287235 a</p><p>33 Adapur 06255 236310 86 Koparia 06475 274041 s r a</p><p>34 Raxaul 06255 224745 87 Simri Bakhtiyarpur 06475 222031 h a S</p><p>35 Bhelwa 06255 232510 88 Sonbarsa Kachahari 06478 263041 / L a g</p><p>36 Darbhanga 06272 223292 89 Saharsa 06478 227355 N n S a</p><p>37 Kamtaul 06272 218346 90 Panchgachhia 06478 282497 B h / b r</p><p>38 Muhammadpur 06272 279544 91 Supaul 06273 223030 M a D D</p><p>39 Jogiyara 06247 275853 / 92 Saraigarh 06473 265137 T L</p><p>40 Hayaghat 06272 280583 N 93 Raghopur 06471 250054 41 Thalwara 06272 266458 S 94 Pratapganj 06471 287132 B /</p><p>42 Laheriasarai 06272 244829(Enq) M 95 Baijnathpur 06478 251359</p><p>43 Kakarghati 06272 285330 G 96 Dauram Madhepura 06476 223451 New No. 292330 (Enq-131) 44 Tarsarai 06272 267346 97 Budhma 06476 290498 WLL (Old o.261131) 45 Manigachhi 06272 282206 98 Murliganj 06476 266935 /</p><p>46 Narpatganj 06455 243549 L 99 Bihariganj 06479 240600 N</p><p>47 Jankinagar 06467 246817 S 100 Garhbaruari 06473 290767 WLL B 48 Banmankhi 06467 226761 / 101 Tharbitia 06473 290768 WLL M</p><p>49 Krityanandnagar 06467 245160 G 102 Lalitgram 06471 244180 WLL</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division /</p><p>50 Purniya court 06454 227131 103 Imli 06244 248687 New No. 249687 L l r N</p><p>51 Sarsi 06467 244199 a 104 Olapur 06244 230022 S h i B t / L 52 Salouna 06243 267337 a 105 Badlaghat 06244 232155 M N K S 53 Gadhapura 06279 292098 WLL 106 Dhamaraghat 06244 280617 WLL D T B / a i r M a D g a T i h a r K a s u g e B / 86 Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Annexure-27 No. 2003/Safety(DM)/6/3 New Delhi, dt. 02.08.2010 The Chief Safety Officers, All Indian Railway, Sub-Coordination with NDRF Battalions. A meeting was held between the officers of Railway Board and Shri K.M.Singh.Hon’ble Member NDMA on 26.07.10 .Amongst others, DG / NDRF, Senior Officials of MHA etc. attended the meeting . The main focus on the discussion was pertaining to effective use of NDRF battalions to assist railway efforts in rescue, relief and restoration consequent to a major train accident. DG / NDRF brought out that their preparations and training is hampered by the fact that they have limited Knowledge of the railway facilities available as also of the features of the rolling stock used by the Railways .</p><p>A decision was taken to educate the NDRF officers and men by the Zonal Railways/Divisions on the following items.</p><p> ARMV/ ARTs Commandant/NDRF located closest to the Divisional Head Quarters may be called along with a few of his personnel to see the ARMV and ART which may be stabled at a convenient location for the duration of this demonstration. The equipment inside the ARMV/ART may be shown .</p><p> Features of different types of coaches (AC and Non-AC coaches), other freight rolling stock, specially BTPNs and TPs used to carry inflammable products and dangerous Chemicals . Regular Coordination meeting may be held between the NDRF Battalion Commandant and the CSO’s and the representative of the Division (DRM’s or in his absence the ADRM / Sr.DSO) .The first meeting be held within the next 2 months from now : thereafter regular meetings be held once every 6 months . During the above demonstration, NDRF personnel may be shown the emergency exit window in the coaches, ,safety valves in the wagons (BTPN & TPs) and the other structural details etc. Equipment available in the ART/ ARMVs, specially cold cutting equipment in the ARMV and MFDs etc may be demonstrated . The latest update list of the telephone numbers of officers of NDMA and NDRF was made available during this meeting . This is being advised to the Zonal Railways in Annexure .</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>A report on the action taken on the above may kindly be advised. Encl : As above . (Kamlesh Gupta) Adviser (Safety) Railway Board 87</p><p>Important telephone Numbers NDMA S/N Name & Designation Office Mobile Residence 1. Gen.N.C. Vij, PVSM,UYSM, 011-26701701/04 9899132200 011-23793128 AVSM(Retd) Vice Chairman, 2. Shri K.M Singh,Member, 011-26701743 9810203406 011-23385175 3. Shri A..B..Prasad,IAS Secretary, 011-26701710 9868154034 011-26876622 4. Ms Sujata Saunik, IAS Joint Secretary 011-26701867 9868198853 011-26492245 (Admn) 5. Control Room 011-26701728 011-26701729(Fax)</p><p>Hqr DG NDRF 1. Shri Rajiv, IPS,DG 011-26712851 9818916161 011-23386566 2. Shri Mukul Goel,IPS,IG 011-26160252 9871115726 011-26113014 3. Control Room 011-26107953 011-26105912 (Fax)</p><p>NDRF Battalions 1 Shri C.P.Saxena, Commandant 0361-2840284 09435545951 Fax Nos . 128th BSF ,Guwahati (Assam) 0361-2843555 09435545949 0361-2840284 (1st Bn NDRF) 2 Shri Sukhdev Raj, Commandant 033-252644302 09434742836 033-25264394 . 106th BSF,Kolkata (West 9434742836 0934742966 Bengal) (2nd Bn NDRF) 3 .Shri Arun Kumar, Commandant 0671-2879710 09437964571 0671-2879710 . DM-1 CISF,Mundali (Orissa) 0943796474 3rd Bn NDRF) 4 Shri P S B Nair ,Sr Commandant 04177-246269 09442105069 04177-2426594 . DM-2 CISF 04177-203050 0442105169 /246633/ Arrakonam (Tamilnadu) 246644 (4th Bn NDRF) 5 Shri Alok Avasthy, Commandant 02114-231245 09423506765 02114-231265 . 145 CRPF ,Pune (Maharastra) 09423578446 02114-231509 (5th Bn NDRF) 6 . Shri R C Meena ,Commandant 079-23202540 09427304100 079-23201551 . 146 CRPF ,Gandhinagar(Gujrat) 079-23202539 09427304218 (6th Bn NDRF) 7 Shri R.K. Verma ,Commandant 0164-2246030 09417802031 0164-2246570 . 27th ITBP,Bhatinda (Punjab) 0164-2246570 09417802032 (7th Bn NDRF) 8 Shri J.P Yadav, Commandant 0120-2351101 09968610011 0120-2351087 . 6th ITBP, Gr Noida (U.P) 0120-2351102 0120-2351105 (8th Bn NDRF)</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>NDRF BIHAR (Patna) 1. Shri Sunil Kumar 9431011283 SPl. Secretary / Home ( Disaster) management 2. Shri N.P.Singh 8102972773 9771947770 Assistant Commandant 06115-253939(0) 106th BSF Bihta(Patna) 2nd Bn NDRF 88</p><p>GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY (RAILWAY BOARD) </p><p>No. 2008/Safety(DM)/6/3 New Delhi,dt 21.1.09</p><p>General Managers All Indian Railways</p><p>MD/KRCL,Belapur Navi Mumbai .</p><p>Sub- Indian Railways Guidelines on Chemical Disasters .</p><p>Under Section 6(I) of the Disaster Management Act 2005,National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is responsible for laying down the policies, plans and Guidelines for disaster management for ensuring timely and effective response to disasters in the country . In compliance to this statutory provision, NDMA have issued guidelines for various types of disasters e.g.. Earthquakes, Cyclones, Floods, Medical Preparedness, Chemical Disaster ,Nuclear and Biological disasters etc.</p><p>On going through the NDMA guidelines on Chemical Disasters , it is seen that Vulnerability of Railways is mostly due to transportation of chemical and hazardous materials like petroleum Products (Petrol, HSD, Naphtha, etc.) Compressed Gases (LPG etc) , Caustic Soda, Alcohol, Acids, Chemical Manure , Matches etc. Railways also have vulnerability due to storage of HSD in their RDIS and certain hazardous material like lubricants ,Paints in their store depots .</p><p>Based on the NDMA guidelines and the railway related activities, Indian Railway Guidelines on Chemical Disasters have been framed and approved by the Board (copies enclosed) .</p><p>Railways are advised to go through these guidelines and take appropriate action for their expeditious implementation. These guidelines may also be suitably incorporated in the HQ and Divisional level DM plans.</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Encl. 5 copies to each of the zonal railways and 2 copies to KRCL . (Amitabh) Director(Safety) Railway Board</p><p>89 Indian Railways Guidelines on CHEMICAL DISASTERS</p><p>National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued guidelines on the management of chemical disasters . These guidelines are directed more towards their prevention and mitigation of their effects if these happen than on rescue and relief operations afterwards .</p><p>Indian Railways have also been transporting chemicals and hazardous materials e.g. petroleum products (petrol ,Naphtha, HSD, etc.), Caustic Soda , Alcohol , Compressed Gases (LPG Gas etc.) Chemical manures, Acids ,Matches etc .These goods are carried either in the SLRs or in the Parcel Vans or in the goods wagons . Quantum and type of transportation of such hazardous materials varies from railway to railway and different zonal railways need to prepare themselves based on the type and extent of hazardous material being handled and transported by them . </p><p>Indian Railway’s Rules for carrying dangerous (hazardous goods ) by rail have been legislated in the Railway Red tariff Rule 2000 as per which dangerous goods have been classified into following 8 classes : i Explosives ii Gases Compressed ,liquefied or dissolved under pressure iii Petroleum & other inflammable liquids . iv Inflammable solids v Oxidising substance vi Poisonous (Toxic Substances ) vii Radio-active substances vii Acids & Other Corrosives .</p><p>Chapter I to VIII respectively deal with the above classes of dangerous goods which include General rules governing acceptance, handling, Carriage, storage , delivery and the list of commodities included in that class . Carriage of Goods of a hazardous nature other than those specified in these chapters shall not be accepted for transport by rail unless specially authorized by the railway administration as provided under these Rules .</p><p>Out of the above 8 classes of dangerous goods , classes II (Gases, Compressed ,Liquefied or dissolved under pressure),III (petroleum and other inflammable liquids) and VIII (Acids and other corrosives are dealt in bulk on the railways whereas other classes of dangerous goods are dealt in piecemeal/Small quantities in parcel vans / SLRs .Railways may refer to the specific Paras pertaining to all these classes of dangerous goods .However, important relevant details of the popular classes (II,III and VIII ) of dangerous goods are detailed as under .</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>1.0 CLASS –II (GASES , COMPRESSED ,LIQUEFIED OR DISSOLVED UNDER PRESSURE ) Gases compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure ,which have been permitted for their carriage by rail ,as per Red Tariff No. 20 are given below. </p><p>90</p><p>1.Dissolved Gases :</p><p> Acetylene (compressed into porous substances) 2 Compressed Gases : Air compressed Argon Coal gas Hydrogen Methane Neon Nitrogen Oxygen Sulphur Hexafluoride 3 .Liquefied Gases : Ammonia (Anhydrous ) Chlorine Liquefied petroleum Gas (Commercial Butane or propane) Carbondioxide (Carbonic Acid Gas) Cyclopropane gas Ethyl Chloride Freon ,Arcton or Genetron Hydro-Cyanic Acid Medical Mixtures (Oxygen & CO2, Oxygen & Helium mixture) Methyl Bromide Methyl Chlorine (Chlomethane) Nitrous oxide Sulpher Dioxide Toxic (Sulphurous Acid Gas) Liquid Air Liquid oxygen Liquid Nitrogen Liquid Helium</p><p>General Rules regarding acceptance of above commodities for carriage by rail are given in Rules 202, 203, 204, 205 & 206 of Red Tariff No. 20.</p><p>1.1 Packing</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Before the above commodities are transported by rail .It must be packed as per rules 207. 1& 207.2 of Red Tariff No.20 </p><p>However, Rule 207.2 i.e. rule for protection of cylinder valves during transport shall not apply to cylinders containing oxygen or nitrous for medical purposes having water capacity less than 5 liters.</p><p>91</p><p>1.2 Marking & labeling of Cylinders or Containers </p><p>Rules for Marking & Labeling of cylinders are given in rules 208 & 209 of Red Tariff No. 20 .It must be ensured that the date of the last hydrostatic test or hydrostatic stretch test with the code mark of recognized testing station is marked on every cylinder .In the case of liquefied petroleum gas cylinders ,the quarter & the year of test shall be given additionally in a neck ring or on a shoulder plate</p><p>1.3 Storage </p><p>(Refer Rule No.211 of Red Tariff No. 20 ) Following points must be ensured. </p><p> Thin wall cylinder such as liquefied Pertoleum gas cylinders and dissolved gas cylinders shall not be stacked in a horizontal position .</p><p> Cylinders containing flammable gases other toxic shall be kept away from cylinders containing other type of gases. </p><p> Cylinders shall not be stored along with any combustible material . </p><p>Precautions in handling gas cylinders or containers : (Refer Rule No. 212 of Red Tariff No. 20)</p><p>Commodities mentioned in this chapter, shall not be stored or handled with or near explosives or other dangerous goods. Smoking and carrying any type of fire must not be allowed near these commodities. </p><p>1.4 Modes of Transportation</p><p>Regarding modes of transportation ,refer rules 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 & 218 of Red Tariff no.20 .</p><p>1.5 Stowage and Carriage</p><p>Stowage & carriage rules of Gases , compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure are discussed in rules 219, 220, 221, 226,227 & 228 of Red Tariff No.20 .</p><p>1.6 Additional Rules </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Exceptional or Additional Rules regarding packing , marking & labeling, carriage by Goods/Mixed/Parcel train and stowage & Carriage rules have been specified in Table II. Chapter II of Red Tariff No. 20. Characteristic property of gas & pictorial level indicating main characteristics of the gas is also indicated in column 2 & column 3 of table II .</p><p>92</p><p>2.0 CLASS-III (PETROLEUM & OTHER INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS) </p><p>Petroleum and other inflammable liquids i.e. mixture of liquids & liquids containing solids in solution which give off inflammable vapour and is capable of ignition in suitable concentration of air when exposed to a source of ignition . Petroleum and other inflammable liquids are considered dangerous as per Railways Act 1989 (24 of 1989) and have been classified in three classes i.e. class ‘A’ ,class ‘B’ & class ‘c’ .</p><p>(i) Class A : Petroleum & Other inflammable liquids , the vapour of which having flash point below 23ºC . (ii) Class B : Petroleum & Other inflammable liquids, the vapour of which having flash point above 23ºC but below 65ºC (iii) Class C : Petroleum & Other inflammable liquids, the vapour of which having Flash point at 65ºC and above .</p><p>A list of items included under above three classes is given in table III ,Chapter III of Red Tariff No. 20 .</p><p>Rules regarding general restrictions on conveyance & acceptance of petroleum & other inflammable liquids have been detailed in rules 302, 303 ,304 ,305 & 306 of Red Tariff No. 20 . </p><p>2.1 Packing, Marking & Labeling </p><p>It is to be ensured that the words “Highly inflammable” and “inflammable” s the case may be is marked on every package containing petroleum & other inflammable liquids . Every tank vehicles used for transportation of petroleum must be marked on each side , and rear thereof in letters at least 7 cms high on a background of sharply contrasting colour the word “FLAMMABLE” nd the common name of the liquid being transported e.g. “MOTOR SPIRIT” , “KEROSINE” etc . FOR method of packing ,marking & labeling of petroleum & other inflammable liquids, Rules 308,309 & 310 of Red Tariff No. 20 may be referred .</p><p>2.2 Storage</p><p>Time of Loading & Unloading – All operations of loading ,unloading and handling of petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be conducted between sunrise and sunset .Provided that consignments to be sent in brake-vans of passenger, mixed or parcel trains and by trans –ship or Road van trains may be handled at any hour , after due precautions have been taken to prevent accidents .Loading and unloading of petroleum products shall be allowed at any hours if., adequate</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division electrical lighting and fire fighting facilities as determined by chief Controller of Explosives, have been made available at the place of loading and unloading . Prohibition of smoking , fires etc.: Petroleum & other inflammable liquids must not be stored or handled near explosives and other dangerous goods. Smoking ,taking fire or naked light matches or other articles of inflammable nature is strictly prohibited near petroleum and other inflammable liquids . All due precautions should be taken at all times to prevent any escape of petroleum and other inflammable liquids .Rules 312 and 313 of Red Tariff no. 20 may be referred for detail . 93 2.3 Transportation Subject to the provisions of Rules (i) and (ii) </p><p>(a) Petroleum & other inflammable liquids class A’ shall be transported by goods trains only . (b) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids ,class ‘B’ & ‘C’ may be transported in wagons by all trains except passenger trains . </p><p>Rule (i) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids ,class ‘A’ may be transported in wagons by a mixed or parcels train on any line or section on which goods trains are not running provided that immediately on entering any section on which goods trains are running ,the wagons containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids class ‘A’ shall be detached from the mixed or parcels train . Rule(ii) Carriage in brake –van of passenger, mixed or parcel trains - Except as otherwise provided in column 5 of table III of Red tariff No. 20, Petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall not be carried in brake –van of passenger ,permitted to be carried in the brake van ,the following points must be ensured :</p><p>(a) The total quantity in the brake-van of any one train at any one time shall not exceed 50 litres (b) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall not be conveyed in the same carriage with any matches or fuses or appliances producing ignition ,or any explosives or other dangerous goods . (c) Packages containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be carried only in the rear brake-van which shall be well ventilated . (d) Packages containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be placed as far as possible from other packages in the brake-van and from the tall light of the train .</p><p>Conveyance in tank wagons</p><p>Tank wagons used for the conveyance of petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be of a design approved by the chief controller of explosives . </p><p>Precautions to be observed while loading and unloading tank wagons –</p><p>(i) Tank wagons used for the conveyance of petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be in good condition and free from leakage . (ii) In filling tank wagons, an air space of more than 5% of the capacity of the tank wagon shall be left: provided that the prescribed air space may be reduced to (a) 2.5 percent in tha case of some important items like </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>High speed diesel oil Furnace oil Kerosene oil Aviation Turbine fuel</p><p>94</p><p>(b) 4 percent in the case of some important items like Aviation spirit Petrol Naptha (iv) All inlets and outlets shall be securely closed . (v) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids class ‘A’ shall not be filled in or discharged from tank wagons – (a) At any place where tank wagon is exposed to sparks . (b) Within a distance of 30 m from any fire , furnace or artificial light capable of igniting inflammable vapour . Distance may be reduced to 9m when the liquid is filled or discharged under seal and closed vapour return pipe lines are provided .</p><p>Empty Tank Wagons – All empty tank wagons which have contained petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall , except when they are opened for the purpose of cleaning them & rendering them free from vapour , be kept securely closed unless they have already been thoroughly cleaned and rendered free from vapour .</p><p>2.4 Stowing in wagons, labeling, sealing and locking</p><p>Guidelines regarding stowing, labeling, sealing & locking of wagons have been discussed in Rules 322 & 323 of Red Tariff No. 20 .A “Dangerous” label as shown in Rule No. 323 of Red Tariff No. 20 must be affixed to both sides of every wagons in which petroleum & other inflammable liquids are stored for dispatch or delivery or while in transit . The rules for shunting ,Marshalling and delivery of consignments have been discussed in Chapter III of Red Tariff No. 20 .</p><p>2.5 Additional Rules</p><p>Any additional or exceptional rules applicable for any specific item regarding packing, marking & labeling carriage by Goods Train, Carriage in brake van of Passenger, mixed or parcel train and stowage & carriage rules have been discussed in detail in table –III ,Chapter III of Red Tariff no. 20</p><p>3.0 CLASS-VIII ACIDS AND OTHER CORROSIVES </p><p>A list of Acids and other corrosives which have been considered dangerous goods are given in Chapter VIII, table VIII of Red Tariff No. 20 . Only these acids and other corrosives shall be accepted for conveyance by rail. Regarding general restrictions on conveyance of acids and other corrosives by rail and notice of dispatch to be given by sender, rules 802, 803, 804,805 & 806 of Red Tariff, No. 20 may be referred .</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>3.1 Packing, Marking and Labeling</p><p>Although, acids and other corrosives is to be packed by consignor but more precautions need to be taken by concerned Railway officials ,that it is packed strictly in the manner laid down in column 2 of table VIII and as per rules 807 of Red Tariff No. 20 . </p><p>95 The outermost package containing acids and other corrosives must be marked with the word “Corrosive” and name of the acid or corrosive .Labeling of package must be done as per rule 808,809 & 810 of Red Tariff No. 20 .</p><p>3.2 Handling and Storage </p><p>(a) time of loading and unloading .</p><p>All the operations of loading ,unloading and handling of acids and other corrosives shall be conducted between sunrise & sunset. Consignments sent in sectional vans may be handled at any hour by taking all due precautions to prevent accidents including provision of adequate lighting .</p><p>(b) Handling of Packages </p><p>(i) Packages Containing acids and other corrosives not be thrown , dropped down or dragged along the ground of floor and care should be taken to avoid striking them against any hard object .</p><p>(ii) When loading and unloading heavy drums or casks cushions of a suitable type , thick coir matting ,felt, bags filled with saw dust or similar protection should be used to avoid damage to the drums or casks and to prevent leakage .</p><p>(iii) Whenever practicable ,packages contain acids and other corrosives shall be carried or conveyed on trolley or hand barrows .</p><p>(c) Acids and other corrosives not to be stored or handled with or near explosive or other dangerous goods or articles of inflammable nature .</p><p>(d) Acids and other corrosives not be stored or handled with or near foodstuffs or foodstuffs empties . </p><p>(e) The floor of any place or wagon on which acids and other corrosives have been carried or the wagon or trolley or hand borrow in which they have been carried shall swept and thoroughly cleaned after removal of the goods therefrom . </p><p>3.3 Transportation </p><p>(i) Acids and other corrosives in wagons may be transported by all trains including passenger trains , but not to be transported in the brake van of trains . </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>(ii) Acids and other corrosive shall be carried in covered iron wagon and tank wagons .End opening carriages or wagons shall not be used .</p><p>Conveyance in tank wagons </p><p>Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids other corrosives shall be of a design approved by the chief controller of Explosives .</p><p>96</p><p>Precautions to be taken while loading tank wagons </p><p>(i) Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids and other corrosive shall be in good condition and free from leakage . (ii) In filling tank wagons, an air space of not less than 5% of the capacity of the tank shall be left . (iii) All inlets and outlets shall be securely closed subject to provision of vents where required .</p><p>3.4 Stowing in wagons</p><p>(i) Packages containing acids and other corrosives should be compactly loaded so that they do not shift during transit . </p><p>(ii) Different kinds of acids and other corrosives when loaded together in the same wagon shall be kept as far apart from the another as may be practicable.</p><p>(iii) Drums containing acids and other corrosives shall as far as possible , be loaded on end . </p><p>(iv) Bottles, jars and carboys should not be loaded on top of other goods ,and the other goods should not be loaded on the top of bottles, jars and carboys . </p><p>3.5 Labeling, Sealing and locking of Wagons </p><p>A Dangerous label as shown in rule 824 of Red tariff no. 20, shall be affixed on both side of every wagon in which acids and other corrosives are stored for dispatch or delivery or while in transit . </p><p>3.6 Precaution to be taken during shunting </p><p>Shunting of wagons containing acids and other corrosives shall not be carried out , except under the superintendence of a duly authorized officer who shall ensure that during shunting operations .</p><p>(a) the speed of all movements does not exceed 8 KMPH . (b) no rough hump, fly or loose shunting takes place . </p><p>3.7 Additional Rules</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Any additional or exceptional rules applicable for any specific item regarding packing, marking & labeling carriage etc. have been discussed in details in table viii, chapter viii of Red Tarrif No. 20. by</p><p>97</p><p>4.0 Stationary Storage of Dangerous goods.</p><p>Some of the dangerous goods like HSD oil, lubricants etc. are also stored by the Railway for their on consumption in diesel loco sheds. RDIs at Stations , store depot etc. These places of storage of dangerous goods must have sufficient fire fighting equipment and trained Man power to deal with initial phases of fire. All such locations of storage must also have the road access so that fire tenders can approach in the event of any major fire. Adequate security arrangement should be made at these locations to prevent any outside interference which may cause any untoward incidents. The facilities for storage of petroleum products by the Railways should confirm to the petroleum rules 2002 notified in the Gazette of India. </p><p>In addition to the Railways own storage, there are major storage points of dangerous goods adjacent to the Railway infrastructure under the private ownership . Railway should liaise with such private owners to ensure that adequate safety precaution are taken and locations are suitably guarded by them to obviate any unto wards incidents that might affect railway system</p><p>5.0 Rescue relief and restoration operations</p><p>Railway’s expertise in dealing with the mis-happening like spillage, catching, fire etc. of these dangerous goods is very limited. It is therefore imperative that the respective zonal railways will develop and nurture coordination with those agencies and Organization on their system that have expertise in dealing with the hazardous material been handled and transported on the respective zonal railways. Contact details e.g. Name , Designation., Telephone nos., Mobile nos. etc. of such agencies should be available in the divisional and zonal railways Disaster Management Plan so that these agencies can be called for without any delay during untoward incidents. However, not to mention the list nominated staff of ARMVs , ARTs and few of the staff maintaining the rolling Stocks which is used for transportation of hazardous material may be trained and equipped with the equipments used for dealing with such material in the eventualities</p><p>******</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>98</p><p>(a) Acids and other corrosives not not to be stored or handled with or near explosive or other dangerous goods or articles of inflammable nature . (b) Acids and other corrosives not be stored or handled with or near food dtuffs or fooddtuffs empties . (c) The floor of any place or wagon on which acids and other corrosives have been carried shall swept and thoroughly cleaned after removal of the goods therefrom . </p><p>3.2 Transportation (iii) Acids and other corrosives in wagons may be transported by all trains including passenger trains , but not to be transported in the brake van of trains . (iv) Acids and other corrosive shall be carried in covered iron wagon and tank wagons .End opening carriages or wagons shall not be used . Conveyance in tank wagons Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids other corrosives shall be of a design approved by the chief controller of Explosives .</p><p>Precautions to be taken while loading tank wagons (iv) Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids and other corrosive shall be in good condition and free from leakage . (v) In filling tank wagons, an air space of not less than 5% of the capacity of the tank shall be left . (vi) All inlets and outletsshall be securely closed subject to provision of vents where required . 97 3.3 Stowing in wagons (i) Packages containing acids and other corrosives should be compactly loaded so that do not shift during transit . </p><p>(ii) Different kinds of acids and other corrosives when loaded together in the same wagon shall be kept as far apart from the another as may be practicable. (iii) Drums containing acids and other corrosives shall as far as possible , be loaded on end . (vii) Bottles, jars and carboys should not be loaded on top of other goods ,and the other goods should not be loaded on the top of bottles,jars and carboys . </p><p>3.4 Labelling, Sealing and locking of Wagons </p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>A Dangerous lable as shown in rule 824 of Red tariff no. 20, shall be affixed on both side of every wagon in which acids and other corrosives are stored for dispatch or delivery or while in transit . 3.6 Precaution to be taken during shunting Shunting of wagons containing acids and other corrosives shall not be carried out , except under the superintendence of a duly authorized officerwho shall ensure that during shunting operations . (c) the speed of all movements does not exceed 8 KMPH . (d) no rough hump,fly or loose shunting takes place . </p><p>******</p><p>98</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>A Annexure—3. DIVISION : SAMASTIPUR. SECTION : MKI-JDR Stn. Code Add. Categ. Dis/Km. Dr. Name No.Dr. No.Bed Amb. X- Lab. Surg. Tel/STD Ray Semra SRA P.H.C.Semra Govt. 1 Santosh Kr. S .K.Singh 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Sagauli SGL P.H.C. Govt. 1 H.Gupta 4 12 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Parsa Nagar PRN Sagauli V.P.Sah Halt DO DO 2 DO 4 12 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Dharminia DRQ DO DO 2 DO 4 12 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Ramgarhwa RGL P.H.C. Govt. 1 P.K.Singh 2 10 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Ramgarhwa </p><p>Masnidih Halt MSDH Mission Mission 2 Satendra 6 175 NIL YES YES NIL 06255- Hospital/RXL Kumar,K.K.Pd,A.K.Singh Dr Rao, 263253 Dr.Kisty 261029 Majahwalia MJL P.H.C. Govt. 1 S.N.Singh,S.K.Dukaniya 3 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Majahwalia Betiah BTH Betiah Town Govt. 3 Biltoo Paswan 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Prajapati Halt PJPT DO DO Govt. 3 2 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Kumarbagh KUMB P.H.C. Kumarbagh Govt. 1 Ramvishaw Yadav 20 98 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Chanpatiya CAI P.H.C ,Chanpatiya Govt. 1 Ramvishwas Yadav 3 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Rameshwar RSWN DO DO 2 Yogendra Pd. Md.Jamaluddin 3 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Nagar Halt Sathi SAHI P.H.C. Sathi Govt. 1 Manoj Kr., P.N. Gupta 2 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Musharna Halt MSHW DO DO 2 DO 2 6 NIL NIL NIL </p><p>Kaparpura KPR Sub. Center Govt. 3 Dy. CMO 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Sahbajpur Kanti Kanti KTI PHC Kanti Govt. 2 Satyanarain Shrama, 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil 0621- 266329 Piprahan Halt PPRH DO DO 3 Dinesh Kumar 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil Do</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Nariyar Halt NRV DO DO 2 Do 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Motipur MTR P.H.C. Govt. 1 CMO 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Motipur All Pvt. ½ Dayanand Pd., Smt. Krisha Clinic Pandey, Sameer Pd. Sinha Mahwal MHL DO DO 4 DO DO DO D0 DO DO DO N/A Mehsi MAL P.H.C. Mehsi Govt. 1 Mithlesh, Udayvan Singh 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Harpur Nag HRNG DO DO 2 DO 4 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Halt Chakiya CAA Refral Hospital Govt. 1 CMO 5 8 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Kuria Halt KXR DO DO 2 DO 5 8 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Pipra PPA PHC Govt. 1 Amarnath., Anil Singh 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Bagari Halt BGAR DO DO 2 DO DO DO Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Jiwadhara JDR Jiwadhara Bazar Govt. 1 Sheodat Thakur, Amarnath Pd. 2 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Motihari Court MCO Sadar Hospital DO DO S.K. Mandal,, A.Lal 1 YES YES YES YES YES 06252- A.Lari 222998 Motihari MKI DO Govt. 1 DO 12 65 YES YES YES YES DO SECTION : NKE-BUG Riga RIGA P.H.C Govt 1 Dr. Shiv Shankar Pd. 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Mohani Mandal Riga halt Riga RIGA Riga Pvt. 1 Dr. Markandey Rai, Dr. Anish Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 285253 Kumar 285218 Dhang DAG Dhang Pvt. 1 Dr. Arun Kumar Singh 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Dr. Chandashwar Pd. Singh Bairginia BGU P.H.C. Govt. 1 Dr. S.R.P. Sinha 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A Bairginia Gurhanwa Halt GRNA NIL NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Kundwa KWC Pvt. Pvt. 1 K.D.Singh NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Chainpur Ghorashan GRH PHC Govt. 1 Shiv Charan Prasad 2 6 NIL YES NIL NIL N/A Girija Nandan Sharma Jaymurtinagar JMM NIL NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Charodano CAO PHC Govt. 2 A.K. Jha 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Panchpokharia PPK NIL NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Halt</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Adapur ADX PHC Govt. 1 Ram Krishna AK. Chaurasia V.K. 2 6 NIL YES NIL NIL N/A Singh Nakardai NKU NIL NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A</p><p>Raxual RXL Mission Hospital Mission 1 Rao & Kisty 6 175 YES YES YES YES 06255- 220653 222641 Fax no. 06255- 221120 Raxual RXL PHC Govt. 2 Satendra 4 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL 06255- Kumar,K.K.Prasad,A.K.Singh 220025 Raxual RXL Pvt. Pvt. 1 Satendra Kumar NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL DO Raxual RXL Pvt. Pvt. 2 S.N. Rai NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 220089 Raxual RXL Pvt. Pvt. 1 Awdhesh Giri NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 222746 Raxual RXL Pvt. Pvt. 1 Madan Prasad NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 222341 Raxual RXL Pvt. Pvt. 1 V.K. Sinha NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 222555 Belwa BLV APHC Govt. 1 Zahoor Akram,A.K.Singh 2 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Kangali Halt KNLI DO DO 3 DO 2 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Sikta STF PHC Govt. 1 Kalpnath Singh 2 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Ramashish Prasad Md. Najeer Marjadawa MRJD DO DO 2 DO 2 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Gokhula GKA NIL NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Narkatiaganj NKE PHC Govt. 2 Kiran Shankar 3 6 NIL NIL YES NIL N/A Jha,L.P.Singh,P.K.Gupta Amolwa AMO APHC Govt. 20 A.K. Sharma 2 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL 06253- R.K. Deonath 242008 Bhitiharwa BHWA DO DO 20 DO 2 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL DO Ashram Gawnaha GAH Refferal Hospital Govt. 1 Vidyanand Prasad, Kamod 4 25 NIL NIL YES NIL N/A Kumar Singh Harinagar HIR PHC Govt. 1 Akhilesh Giri, B.K. Jha 3 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Bhairoganj BRU Pvt. Pvt. 4 F. Rahman 3 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Bagha BGU PHC Govt. 4 S.P. Singh N.V.Sharma, 3 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A C.D.Sharma Bagha BGU Sub. Div. Hospital Govt. 1 K.N. Bhagat 5 40 NIL YES YES NIL N/A</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Bagha BGU Pvt. Pvt. 1 T.N. Pandey NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Chamua CAMU PHC/NKE Govt. 10 Kiran Shankar 3 6 NIL NIL YES NIL N/A Jha,L.P.Singh,P.K.Gupta</p><p>Aausani Halt PHC/BUG Govt. 5 S.P. Singh, N.V.Sharma, 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C.D.Sharma Balmiki Nagar VKNR DO DO 5 DO 3 DO DO DO DO DO DO Road. SECTION : DBG-SPJ-OLP Darbhanga DBG DMCH/LSI Govt. 2 B.K. Singh 63 1200 YES YES YES YES 06272- 222093</p><p>DBG Civil Surgeon,DBG Govt. 2 B.K. Singh 63 1200 YES YES YES YES 233513(O) Govt. 2 B.K. Singh 63 1200 YES YES YES YES 233612 (R) DBG DMCH,(OPD) Govt. 2 B.K. Singh 63 1200 YES YES YES YES 233027 Ram Janki Pvt. 1 4 20 YES YES YES YES 06272- Nursing Home 222903 Near Radio Station/DBG Laheriasarai LSI DMCH/LSI Govt. 4 B.K. Singh 63 1200 YES YES YES YES 06272- 233093 Laheriasarai LSI R.B. Memoria Pvt. 3 B.P. Mishra 10 100 DO DO DO DO 06272- Beata Chawk 222096 Thalwara TLWA PHC/HYT Govt. 1 Ganesh Pd. Singh ,Tapesh 4 5 NIL NIL NIL YES N/A Chandra Thakur Hayaghat HYT DO DO 1 DO DO DO DO DO DO DO N/A Hayaghat HYT Station Rd. Pvt. 1 Md Tajuddin 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Hayaghat HYT Station Rd. Pvt. 1 Md. Tanwir Hussain 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Rambhadrapur RBZ PHC Warisnagar Govt. 5 Sunil Kumar,R.B.Mahto 2 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Kishanpur KSP DO DO 3 DO DO DO DO DO DO DO N/A Muktapur MKPR Pvt. Pvt. 1 Sunil Kumar 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A Muktapur MKPR DO DO 1 G.K. Das 1 DO DO DO DO DO N/A Samastipur SPJ Tajpur,Samastipu Priv. 12 Dr.Bubdeswar Ram 1 10 Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A r Samastipur SPJ Kashipur, Priv. 2 Dr. Arun Kumar Jha Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Yes 06274- Samastipur 222860 Samastipur SPJ Kashipur Priv. 2 Dr. G.C.Karn 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Yes 06274-</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Samastipur 222305 Samastipur SPJ Womens Priv. 2 Dr. V.K.Verma 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Yes 06274- College Road 222703 Samastipur Samastipur SPJ Bhawani Priv. 2 Dr. D.S.Singh 1 25 Nil Nil Yes Yes 06274- Nursing Home 222712 Kashipur,Opp Tirhut Academy Samastipur SPJ Patel Maidan,SPJ Priv. 1 Dr. N.L.Jha 1 Nil Yes Nil Nil Nil N/A</p><p>Samastipur SPJ Hospital Road Priv. 1 Dr. R.P.Mishra 1 Nil Yes Nil Nil Nil 06274- Samastipur 222271 Samastipur SPJ Mohanpur Road Priv. 2 Dr. R.R. Jha 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 06274- Samastipur 222861 Samastipur SPJ Civil Hospital Govt. 1 Dr. R.P. Roy Bibhav, Dr. B.B. 12 32 Yes Yes Yes Yes 06274- Samastipur Jha, Dr. Anil Kumar 222456 Bhagwanpur BGDS DO DO 10 DO 12 32 DO DO DO DO DO Desua</p><p>Angarghat ARG DO DO 12 DO 12 32 DO DO DO DO DO Narhan NRN PHC Narhan Govt. 4 Dr. Vijay Kr. Paswan, Dr. Ram N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Chandra Pd., Dr. Bodh Nath Singh Thakur Dr. D.K.Jha Rusera Ghat ROA Sub-Divisional Govt. 1 Dr. Jayant Kr. Desh Deepak 4 40 Yes Yes Yes Yes 06275- Hospital Rusera 222278 Rusera Ghat ROA PHC Rusera Govt. 1 Dr.B.K.Singh,Dr.pP.K.Verma 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dr. Ramesh Pd., Rusera Ghat ROA Private Clinic ROA Priv. 1 Dr. D.M. Sinha 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Nayanagar NWC PHC Nayanagar Govt. 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barraipura Halt DO DO 5 DO DO DO DO DO DO DO Hasanpur HPO PHC Hasanpur Govt. 1 Dr. R.R. Rahman Dr. J.P. 3 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Vendwal Dr. Bimal Roy</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>Hasanpur HPO Private Clinic Priv. 1 Dr. Ramjee Prasad. 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 06275- Sugar Mill HPO 258992 Garhpura GRPA PHC Garhpura Govt. 3 Dr. A.N. Singh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sonmaparanpur SOPR DO DO 5 DO NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL N/A halt Salouna PHC Bhkari Govt. 1 Dr. Vijay Kr. Singh, Dr. U.N.P. 4 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Singh Imali IML DO DO 4 DO 4 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Olapur OLP DO DO 5 DO 4 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p><p>ACCIDENTS & EMERGENCIES CHAPTER-1 Item No. Nature of Power Extent of Powers Delegated to Divisional Officers Remarks DRM ADRM Jr. Adm. Sr. Scale Jr.Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-01 To sanction commencement of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers NIL Note- Thel power is subject to submission 1103E (incur expenditure) on essential of urgency report (urgency certificate) in & 1104 E works to safeguard or restore the form E-1104 to the next highest autho- communication, interrupted by rity giving copies thereof simultaneously to floods, earthquakes or accidents the DAO concerned & FA & CAO/Gorakhpur prior to sanction of detailed and obtaining sanction of the competent estimate and allotment of funds. authority to the detailed estimate and allot- ment of funds. 1-02 To sanction expenditure on any Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Note- For the exercise of this power the Sr. 430 single occasion for supplying upto upto upto upto upto most sr.scale officer at the site of accident Rly.Bd's food to Rly. Staff/Labour who are Rs.25,000 Rs.25,000 Rs.10,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.2,500 is empowered to withdraw the amount from letter No. temporarily engaged on breaches on each on each on each on each on each station earnings.(Bd.'s letter No.F(X)II/62/W/ F(X)II-79/ or otherwise called out in connec- occasion. occasion. occasion. occasion. occasion. 4 dt. 19th Feb.1964). PW/5 dt. tion with accidents involving dis- 7thMar.'79 location of traffic. 1.03 To the grant of diet charges to Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers A.M.S./ Note- For the exercise of this power the sr. Item 500 persons whether Railway employ- upto upto upto upto Marine and most sr.scale officer at the site of accident of annex. ees or not requiring such assis- Rs.25,000 Rs.25,000 Rs.10,000 Rs.5,000 AEN's Full is empowered to withdraw the amount from II.Chapter tance from the Rly., in emergent on each on each on each on each Power upto station earnings.(Bd.'s letter No.F(X)II/62/W/ V of FA cases in accident, floods, breach- occasion. occasion. occasion. occasion. Rs.5,000 4 dt. 19th Feb.1964). (Rly. Bd.'s es, cyclones, earthquakes etc. on each letter No. which involving under difficulties occasion. F(X)II-85/ as regards necessaries of life. PW/6 dt. 5th May87) 1.04 To sanction expenditure on Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Note- For the exercise of this power the sr. Rly.Bd's Ambulance/Transport of Doctors upto upto most sr.scale officer at the site of accident letter No. Para Medical staff & equipments Rs.500 Rs.200 is empowered to withdraw the amount from 97/SEC/ to and from the site on accident in each in each station earnings.(Bd.'s letter No.F(X)II/62/W/ SPL/200/ and injured employee/passengers individual individual 4 dt. 19th Feb.1964). 22 DT. involved in accident. case sub- case sub- 13.6.97 ject to a ject to a max. of max. of Rs.5000 Rs.2000 on each on each occasion. occasion.</p><p>1-05 To incur expenditure on setting of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers DO A</p><p> camp lighting & transhipment arr- upto Rs. upto Rs. upto Rs. n n</p><p> angement on breaches & accident 10000/-on 5000/-on 2500/-on e x</p><p> each occa- each occa- each occa- u r e</p><p> sion. sion. sion. - 2</p><p> sion. sion. sion. 1</p><p>Suggestion if any:</p><p>Disaster Management Plan Samastipur Division</p>
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