<p> Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 1</p><p>Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons</p><p>ECED 4300 Students Spring Semester 2007 Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA</p><p>Tonja L. Root, Ed.D. Editor </p><p>Root, T. L. (2007, Spring). Effective uses of technology resources during listening lessons. Retrieved May 10, 2007, from Valdosta State University, Department of Early Childhood and Special Education, Dr. Tonja Root’s Web site: http://coefaculty.valdosta.edu/troot/eced4300/comprehensive_listening_strategies.htm Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 2</p><p>Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons</p><p>Amy Boland Comprehensive Listening Lesson: Note-Taking Strategy</p><p>Materials Scoring Guide for Comprehensive/Efferent Listening Lesson modified from Tonja Root’s website: http://coefaculty.valdosta.edu/troot/eced4300 Technology Connection The students and their parents will have the opportunity to look at the website that I have found explaining the importance of listening. I will hand out the web address on a piece of paper for the students to take home with them. Title: Teaching Listening Skills URL: http://www.mcesa.k12.mi.us/Parent%20Resources/ParentTipListening. Annotation: This website lets the children and parents know how important it is for them to develop good listening skills. It also has fun activities they can do outside of the classroom. </p><p>Megan Adams Efferent Listening: Note-taking </p><p>Materials Copies of graphic organizers for students: Large group passage: Houghton Mifflin Company. Ticktacktoe. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/tictack.pdf Modified large group passage: Adams, M. (2007). Ticktacktoe. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Small group passage: Houghton Mifflin Company. Cluster/word web 2. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Houghton http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/clusterweb2.pdf Assessment passage: Houghton Mifflin Company. Sequence chart. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/sequence.pdf Modified Assessment passage: Adams, M. (2007). Sequence chart. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Overhead copy of graphic organizer: Large group passage: Houghton Mifflin Company. Ticktacktoe. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/tictack.pdf Hard copy of tips for note taking in class taken from: (n.d.) Fact Monster (aol@school): Homework center: Taking notes. Retrieved March 19, 2007, from http://aolatschool.factmonster.com/homework/studyskills2.html Scoring guide for listening strategies: Adams, M. (2007). Listening strategies rubric. Unpublished rubric, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Technology Connection Students will receive a hard copy of the tips for taking notes in class as a reminder to use whenever needed. The URL will be listed on the paper so students can visit later if they want. Title: Homework Center: Taking Notes URL: http://aolatschool.factmonster.com/homework/studyskills2.html Annotation: The link gives helpful tips for taking notes during class and from textbooks. Most of the tips for taking notes in class are ones that are discussed in the lesson. Name: ______Date: ______Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 3</p><p>Sequence Chart List steps or events in time order.</p><p>Topic: ______Overview Knowing What to Write Lines-- Rhyming pattern-- Capitalization--</p><p>First Step First Line Start with— End with— Rhythm--</p><p>Second Step Second Line About— Rhyme— Rhythm--</p><p>Third Step Third Line Length/Rhythm— Ending Sound— About--</p><p>Fourth Step Fourth Line Length/Rhythm— Rhyme— About--</p><p>Fifth Step Fifth Line Rhyme— Length/Rhythm— About--</p><p>Sixth Step Title— Capitalization-- Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 4 Name: ______Date: ______</p><p>Tick-tack-toe: Write notes in each section.</p><p>Topic: ______</p><p>Poetry is… Meter is… Rhythm is…</p><p>Imagery is… Alliteration is… Repetition is…</p><p>Rhyme is… Rhyming words A Limerick is… are… Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 5 Brent Bridges Efferent Listening: Note-taking </p><p>Technology Connection Website was used for my Westward Expansion map used during my introduction. This website is full of detailed information of how the U.S. gained its territory and the Civil War. Title: Westward Expansion URL: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sonofthesouth.net/texas/pictures/republic- texas-map-1500_small.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sonofthesouth.net/texas/westward- expansion.htm&h=403&w=346&sz=39&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=HkujcggQwnB0WM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=10 6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmap%2Bof%2Btexas%2B1833%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den</p><p>Katie Evers Comprehensive Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Technology Connection Title of Site: Earthquakes for Kids URL: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learning/kids.php This website will be accessed upon assessing the Primary Learning Outcomes of the lesson. Displaying the website, the instructor will show students important aspects of the site in order to extend learning of today’s lesson. The instructor will require each student to take notes on how to access the following website. Upon giving directions aloud, each student will note how to find and maneuver the website. This includes clicking on a server (internet explorer for the school), typing in the URL, and maneuvering the site by clicking on the various icons that contain information on earthquakes. Brief Explanation (Annotation): Earthquakes for Kids is an interactive website allowing students to view additional links concerning earthquakes. Additional links include information on the latest quakes, history on earthquakes, fun facts on earthquakes, games, puzzles, and much more. Students are able to extend learning from today’s lesson by accessing the website. This provides students with additional information rather than the limited content provided in the expository text used in today’s lesson. The site is an excellent resource for assignments and projects involving science. </p><p>Carolyn Daughtry Efferent Technology Connection</p><p>Materials Take home letter about a useful website when using listening skills Big6 Associates, LLC. (2005). Note-Taking (Grades 4 – 6). Retrieved March 17, 2007, from http://www.big6.com/showarticle.php?id=41 Public Broadcasting Service. (2007). Reading Rainbow. Retrieved March 17, 2007, from http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/contest/2003/ Scoring guide revised from one developed by Kovach, ECED 4300, Dr. Tonja Root, Fall 2006, by Carolyn Daughtry, ECED 4300, Spring 2007. Daughtry, C. (2007). Categorizing. Graphic Organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Technology Connection Title: Reading Rainbow URL: http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/contest/2003/ Annotation: This is a great site to listen to stories produced by children in their own speaking voice to practice writing notes. Students will be encouraged to use this Internet resource at home or at a public library. ======Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 6 Dear Parents,</p><p>We are learning how to listen effectively in class and write notes. I have found a great site you and your child can navigate. This website has many listening stories that will help your child practice taking notes on the main points and details. Your student should be encouraged to use this Internet resource at home or at a public library. ***Remember – The best way to ensure your child’s safety is to be there. Web Link: http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/contest/2003/</p><p>Thank you, Carolyn Daughtry VSU student ======Jamie Eunice Comprehensive Listening Lesson: Note-taking</p><p>Technology Connection This is a website that I will tell the students to go to after we complete our lesson. I will give them a piece of paper with the website on it so they can visit it at their convenience. It has another way of plotting details while reading or listening to a story or passage. Plot diagram. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from http://readwritethink.org/student_mat/student_material.asp? id=40</p><p>Leigh Ann Finch Listening Lesson: Note-taking</p><p>Technology Connection This website is a great place for students to practice their listening skills while playing fun games. I would encourage students to use this resource in their free time, and I would also send a note home explaining the site to parents and encourage them to visit the site with their children. Title: Utah Education Network: Listening for Grades K-2 URL: http://www.uen.org/k-2interactives/listening.shtml Annotation: This website offers 6 different games which require children to use listening skills.</p><p>Candice D. Floyd Efferent Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Technology Connection Students will be encouraged to use the given website to learn more about note taking. Title: Note-Taking Tips URL: http://www.southalabama.edu/univlib/sauer/notetakingtips.html Annotation: The website explains how taking notes can be useful to students and how they can properly benefit from successful note taking. It provides different note taking styles and even lists more fun websites to which to refer. Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 7 ======Parents and Students:</p><p>Students are encouraged to visit the following web link to further their understanding of the note-taking process. http://wwwsouthalabama.edu/univlib/sauer/notetakingtips.html</p><p>This website explains the importance of note-taking. It states the advantages and provides many examples. It also gives the links to many other fun and educational note-taking websites.</p><p>Ms. Floyd ======Jessica Fussell Comprehensive Listening: Asking Questions </p><p>Technology Connection Some of the information that I used to help teach the students about the importance of asking questions came from the teachervision.com website. The information that I used can be found in the introduction and teaching the primary learning outcome. Title: Questions Before, During, and After Reading—TeacherVision.com URL: http://www.teachervision.fen.com/skill-builder/reading-comprehension/48617.html Annotation: TeacherVision is the Internet's most popular teacher site for trusted online tools and resources that save time and make learning fun. Resources include a variety of lesson plans, free email newsletters and literature tie-ins, quizzes, and printables to help teachers easily enhance learning and incorporate technology into their classrooms. This particular website on asking questions provides information for teachers on how to teach asking questions, what it is, why it is important, and how students can use asking questions in other areas.</p><p>Jennifer Goble & Malissa Kay Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Information about Hurricanes: Hurricane Katrina: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2007, March 26). Retrieved March 23, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hurricane_Katrina&oldid=118063203 Maniac Magee Vocabulary: Bowling, D. Maniac Magee. Retrieved March 23, 2007, from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading47/maniac_magee.htm Technology Connection Title: Theatre Scripts for Schools URL: http://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk/Theatre_scripts_for_schools.htm Annotation: This website lets students enter all pertinent information for creating a play for their class. The can enter a genre, the number of male roles necessary, the number of female roles necessary, the amount of time that they have to spend on the presentation of the play, etc. The students will use this as an extension. As time permits, the class will study and prepare a play developed by one of the students in the class. I used technology for the extension. Title: Listening to Lectures - Note-taking URL: http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/elsc/material/Listening/note-taking.html Annotation: It gives an overview of the note taking process and gives the students some practice in note taking (the answers are provided). Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 8 Rukiya Mathis Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Video clip: Discovery Channel School. (2006). TLC Elementary School: Separation of Powers. Retrieved March 23, 2007, from http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Technology Connection United Streaming offers helpful video clips for students to understand visually history. This web link will allow students to gain knowledge on important information. The students will use this internet source in the form of a video clip assessment during note-taking. Students will be encouraged to view this web site at home to extend further their knowledge of Ronald Reagan and other historians. Title: United Streaming A Presidency Remembered: Ronald Reagan URL: http://www.unitedstreaming.com/search/assetDetail.cfm?guidAssetID=459CDE7B-29D8-47AB- 9ABE-95883C945C84 Annotation: This web site offers to increase student’s knowledge of various social studies topics. It provides video clips of important people, and events in history. ======Taking Notes</p><p>Hearing something once is not enough to really learn it, and that is why note taking is so important. Clearly written, accurate notes help to capture information for later study and review. Taking notes also helps you to focus and learn during class time. </p><p>Taking notes in class 1. Sit close to the front of the class to minimize distractions. 2. Be prepared to keep your notes neat and organized. Use a separate spiral-bound notebook for each subject, or use dividers in your loose-leaf notebook to make separate sections for each subject. 3. Begin each note taking session at the top of a fresh page. Start by writing down the date. 4. Do not try to write down everything the teacher says, but do try to record as many facts and ideas as you can. Mark important facts or main ideas with an asterisk, star, or underline them. 5. Use short sentences and phrases and easily remembered abbreviations and symbols. Some commonly used abbreviations and symbols are: cf (compare) ie (that is) eg (for example) w/ (with) w/o (without) &, + (and) = (equals, is) 6. Write clearly, and leave lots of blank space in the left margin or between ideas in case you need to add information later. 7. Read over your notes as soon as you can after class. If there is anything you do not understand, ask the teacher at the next class. Visit the website for more tips! Fact Monster: Homework Center: Taking Notes http://aolatschool.factmonster.com/homework/studyskills2.html ======Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 9 Faith Milner Listening: Note-taking strategy</p><p>Materials Video Yearbook Collection: 1964. United Learning. (2004). Retrieved March 19, 2007, from http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Discovering History: 20th-Century Biographies: American Presidents II. Discovery Channel School. (2005). Retrieved March 19, 2007, from http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Speeches from History: John F. Kennedy. United Learning. (2004). Retrieved March 19, 2007, from http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Technology Connection I used the media clips from this website in my modeling, guided practice, and assessment. Title: United Streaming URL: http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Annotation: This website has media clips, images, and other materials that cover a varied of subjects.</p><p>Carrie Pate Comprehensive Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Young, E. L. (2007). Dartmouth Academic Skills Center: Taking lecture and class notes. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from http://www.dartmouth.edu/~acskills/success/notes.html Technology Connection I used this website to learn more about note-taking. It gave me some reasons as to why students need to be able to perform this task. Title: Dartmouth Academic Skills Center: Taking Lecture and Class Notes URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~acskills/success/notes.html </p><p>Alicia Powell Listening: Note-taking Strategy</p><p>Materials Technology connection handout: Scholastic. (2007). Rosa Parks: How I fought for Civil Rights. Retrieved March 19, 2007, from http://teacher.scholastic.com/rosa/ Technology Connection The students will be given a sheet of paper with a URL included. They will be encouraged to use this website to gain further, interesting information about Rosa Parks. They will also find an interview that tells about that time through her perspective and how she felt during that time. Title: Rosa Parks: How I Fought For Civil Rights URL: http://teacher.scholastic.com/rosa/ Annotation: This is the Scholastic website about how Rosa Parks fought for Civil Rights. At the bottom of the page, you will notice a white and orange START button. This will begin your journey into further information about Rosa Parks. Each page gives you details about this time in her life. At the end of the page, there is a question with a link to an interview. This interview gives your further information on her point of view during this time. Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 10 ======Technology Handout for Students: </p><p>The scholastic website is about how Rosa Parks fought for Civil Rights. At the bottom of the page, you will notice a white and orange START button. This will begin your journey into further information about Rosa Parks. Each page gives you details about this time in her life. At the end of the page, there is a question with a link to an interview. This interview gives your further information on her point of view during this time. I encourage you to check out this website. It has very interesting information regarding Rosa Parks. The website is http://teacher.scholastic.com/rosa/ ======Julie Smith Efferent Listening lesson: Note-taking </p><p>Technology Connection The teacher and students will look at the following website while we discuss the listening process. We will discuss the tips for being a good listener and the students will take turns reading the different tips from the website. Title: Listening Skills URL: http://www.factmonster.com/homework/listeningskills1.html Annotation: This website covers the three basic steps of the listening process. It also gives students seven different tips on how to be a good listener. </p><p>Nicole Smith Comprehensive Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Waneck, C. (2004). All the information in the known universe! Retrieved March, 19, 2007, from http://www.kyvl.org/html/kids/p3_notes/notes.html Technology Connection Title: All the Information in the Known Universe! URL: http://www.kyvl.org/html/kids/p3_notes/notes.html Annotation: This website gives students some great ideas on note taking. For this lesson, I will give students the URLS for this website, so they can check it out in their spare time.</p><p>Teresa Sumner Efferent Listening: Note-taking Strategy</p><p>Materials The KYVL for Kids Research Portal (2007). All the information in the known universe! Step 3: Take notes. Retrieved March 18, 2007, from www.kyvl.org/html/kids/p3_notes.html Technology Connection As an extension to this lesson, students who have already mastered the skill of note-taking may access the following web site and explore unfamiliar methods of note-taking, such as KWL, Venn Diagram, Cluster Method, and Fact Finder. Title: All the Information in the Known Universe, Step 3: Take Notes URL: www.kyvl.org/html/kids/p3_notes.html Annotation: This interactive, student friendly site offers many methods for note-taking, including KWL, Venn Diagram, Cluster Method, Fact Finder, etc. Each is thoroughly defined and modeled. Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 11 ======Name ______Graphic Organizer for Note-Taking Strategy (KEY)</p><p>Particles Isaac Newton: (scientist thought of light as particles)</p><p>He observed that: (light bounces off mirrors)</p><p>He thought that it must be made of: (tiny, bouncy particles)</p><p>The particle theory explained: (how light could travel to Earth from the Sun)</p><p>An atom spits out light particles: (one at a time)</p><p>Light is made of: (particles)</p><p>Also known as: (photons)</p><p>Colors Why do colors exist? (because light waves can be different lengths)</p><p>Long waves are seen as the color: (red)</p><p>Short waves are seen as the color: (blue)</p><p>Who discovered the colors of light? (Isaac Newton)</p><p>When? (1665)</p><p>What is a prism? (triangular wedge of glass)</p><p>What does it do to light? (spreads it out into a spectrum of colors)</p><p>Why is the Sky Blue? Where does the color of the sky come from? (air)</p><p>What is the atmosphere? (thin blanket of air)</p><p>What must sunlight pass through to get to us? (atmosphere)</p><p>White sunlight is a mixture of what? (all the colors of the rainbow)</p><p>The color red: (cuts through air without a problem)</p><p>The color blue: (crashes into air molecules, bounce off in new directions)</p><p>Sumner, T. (2007). Graphic organizer for note-taking strategy. Graphic Organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. ======Lauren Terry Listening Strategy (note-taking)</p><p>Materials Sequence of events. (2006). Paul Revere’s Ride. Retried March 19, 2007 from http://www.cvesd.k12.ca.us/finney/paulvm/hl_seq.html Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 12 Technology connection Students will view the video available at this link as a practice activity. I used this website as a practice activity because the students will be required to listen and take notes while information is given to them. Title: Paul Revere URL: www.earlyamerica.com/paul_revere.htm Annotation: The video available through this link provides lots of information on the appropriate level for the students. The speaker is very clear and easy to understand. Students will enjoy learning new information through this form of media while being able to practice taking notes before they are assessed. I used this website to help in creating the note-taking sheet that students will use to guide them through the note taking strategy. I found this site helpful when creating a plan for early finishers as well. Title: The Midnight Rider Virtual Museum URL: http://www.cvesd.k12.ca.us/finney/paulvm/h1_ent.html Annotation: The link above listed many activities that could be used during the study of Paul Revere. The website is very student friendly and easy to navigate. While creating an extension for the lesson, I used the website listed below. Students will use this site to help them take notes over the facts given. Students, who have already mastered the note taking strategy while listening, will use this site to help them in taking notes while reading. Their knowledge of note taking will have to be recalled while taking notes without a guideline. Title: Paul Revere House URL: http://www.paulreverehouse.org/ Annotation: The link above has numerous amounts of information about Paul Revere himself, his house, the Freedom Trail, and The Midnight Ride. The website has multiple links within the topics listed. The links found will encourage and allow the students to demonstrate their knowledge of note taking while working alone and reading the passages themselves.</p><p>Leigh Wilkie Comprehensive Listening: Note-taking strategy</p><p>Materials Rubric adapted from: Root, T. (2004). Listening scoring guides. Retrieved March 2, 2007, http://coefaculty.valdosta.edu/troot/eced4300/Listening%20Scoring%20Guides.doc Technology Connection Title: PBS kids URL: http://pbskids.org/wayback/civilrights/features_suffrage.html Annotation: As an extension to our listening lesson on the progressive movement and working for equal rights, students can visit the above web page. Since students have already mastered note taking while listening, students will go to this website to read the passage and then take notes on the content. Here students will learn about a women’s fight for suffrage. </p><p>Lindsey Williams Comprehensive Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Technology Connection This website can be used by students who finish the lesson early. They will also have a copy of the link that they can use at home or during free time at school. Title: The Constitution for Kids URL: http://www.usconstitution.net/constkids4.html Annotation: This website has sections for K-3rd grades and 4th-7th grades. The website gives some basic information about the Constitution and some history behind it. Effective Uses of Technology Resources during Listening Lessons 13</p><p>Diane Wilson Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Discovery Education United Streaming (2007). World War I: On the homefront. Retrieved March 15, 2007 from http://peachstar.unitedstreaming.com/search/assetDetail Technology Connection This is a video about the effect of World War I on the American people in the United States. The first two segments will be shown during the lesson. The first segment will be used in modeling note-taking. The second segment will be what the students will be taking notes from for assessment. Title: Discovery Education Unitedstreaming http://peachstar.unitedstreaming.com/search/assetDetail. This web site is in conjunction with Georgia Public Broadcasting Education and Discovery Education United Streaming. It is for teachers use and a user id and password are required. The material is also related to the Georgia Performance Standards.</p><p>Chanda Wright Efferent listening lesson</p><p>Materials Fun Facts. (n.d.). The three branches of government. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from http://www.funfacts.com Technology Connection For the students who already know how to listen and take notes, as an extension, they will be able to visit the Fun Facts website and learn more about the three branches of government. I will also send a note home with all students with the website address on it so they have it to keep. Title: Three Branches of Government URL: http://www.funfacts.com Annotation: This website will give the student the opportunity to learn more about the branches of government and what jobs each branch holds. </p><p>Heather Wrye Listening: Note-taking</p><p>Materials Brain Pop. Polygons. Video Clip. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometry/polygons/ Brain Pop. Transformation. Video Clip. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometry/transformation/</p><p>Technology Connection Brain Pop. Polygons. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometry/polygons/ This site will be used during the practice activity. The students will watch this video. I will place each word from the outline on the board and then as a class we will fill in the notes on the board using shared pen. Brain Pop. Transformation. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometry/transformation This video clip will be used during the assessment. Students will be given an outline, and they will be expected to fill in information for each word as it is heard in the video.</p>
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