<p>Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 22rd MARCH 2012 in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.</p><p>PRESENT</p><p>Chairman: Michael Edwards Vice- Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr</p><p>Councillors: Paula Blackburn Tina Gentry John Harrison</p><p>Richard Perry Gill Tully</p><p>Officers: Laurie Wiebe Out-going Clerk: Kelly Holland</p><p>Members of Public: None</p><p>11/288 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr. Ron Mckay and Cllr. Kay Ryder.</p><p>RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.</p><p>11/289 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman reiterated the proper procedures of Parish Council Meetings and that they should be confined only to exploring ideas, seeking views, making commitments and where specific decision/instructions are required. All meetings are restricted to a two- hour time limit. Any Members wishing to have items added to the agenda must inform the Clerk. </p><p>All Members will receive a copy of the Programme of Works during Parish Council meetings to keep them updated of works in progress.</p><p>All attendees of Parish Council meetings will need to sign the attendance book.</p><p>The Chairman reiterated that any Councillor attending a training event is expected to submit a brief written report to be included on the next Parish Council meeting agenda. All materials associated with the training event should be made available on deposit in the office. </p><p>172 The Chairman announced that Heybridge Primary School acknowledged the donation towards their Memorial Mural and an open invitation for any Councillor to view the mural had been received. </p><p>11/290 Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 23rd February 2012 were received.</p><p>The minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 20th March 2012 were received.</p><p>RESOLVED that (i) the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 23rd February 2012 be approved and confirmed; (ii) the minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 20th March 2012 be noted.</p><p>11/291 Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Cllr. Michael Edwards declared a personal and prejudicial interest regarding agenda item 12(a) and Cllr.Prof. Lew Schnurr declared a personal and prejudicial interest regarding agenda item 12(a).</p><p>11/292 Public Participation session None</p><p>11/293 Report from the Clerk The Clerk advised that a donation of £100.00 had been made to the PCC United Benefice of Heybridge in 2011.</p><p>11/294 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report None present.</p><p>11/295 Press Relationship Procedure, Internal System of Control, and Freedom of Information The Press Relationship Procedure, Internal System of Control and Freedom of Information had been amended and were considered for adoption.</p><p>RESOLVED that the Press Relationship Procedure, Internal System of Control and Freedom of Information be adopted.</p><p>11/296 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects</p><p>(a) Property Matters – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards A report circulated with the agenda was received.</p><p>Members considered replenishing the hanging baskets for the summer.</p><p>173 Members considered the installation of a Keyed Light Switch which will allow the caretakers to switch off all external lights on Plantation Hall last thing when leaving the premises.</p><p>The final phase of decorating Plantation Hall is in progress. </p><p>Pro-Teq completed the multi-coloured playground matting on the play site at Plantation Hall on 28th February 2012.</p><p>The Raptor Security System installation along Plantation Hall roof was completed on 22nd March 2012.</p><p>Various maintenance works had taken place at Plantation Hall. </p><p>Members considered the installation of bollards to prevent cars from parking on the grassed area next to Plantation Hall entrance.</p><p>Three quotes were received for the purchase of suitable carpet cleaning equipment. </p><p>Two quotes were received for the supply and installation of an internal door separating the main hall from the corridor leading to the Claydon Room.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that: - (i) The cost of replanting the three hanging baskets for £37.50 be approved; (ii) The cost of altering the wiring and installing a keyed switch for the external lights of £198.00 + VAT be approved; (iii) the expenditure of £167.50 for replacement of the thermostat and heating element in the immersion boiler be ratified; (iv) the expenditure of £155.00 for replacement of the cistern in the gents toilet be ratified; (v) the expenditure of £95.00 for unblocking an outside drain by the kitchen be ratified; (vi) the expenditure of £26.75 + VAT for three master keys be ratified; (vii) the cost of £97.23 + VAT of chair rubber footings be ratified; (viii) quotes for the supply and installation of bollards or planters at the grassed area by Plantation Hall entrance be sought; (ix) The purchase of Cleanfix System 7 Carpet Cleaner TW300S be approved; (x) The supply and installation of an internal door separating the main hall from the corridor leading to the Claydon Room be deferred to next Parish Council meeting for further investigation.</p><p>174 (b) Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Gill Tully Cllr. Tully reported that the Herald is progressing. Cllr. Tully requested each Councillor submit a short article to be included in the Herald by end of April.</p><p>(c) Risk Management – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards A report circulated with the agenda was received. (i) Members considered an update on the electrical installation report that took place in November 2011. Clarification from the company were sought but had not been received. Members considered an alternative company performing a further electrical inspection investigation.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that a meeting with Danbury Electrical be set with Cllr. Edwards and Cllr. Prof. Schnurr.</p><p>(i) Members considered the supply of a Dorguard X with System X on the internal Main Hall fire door at a cost of £395.00 + VAT as suggested by M&G Fire or that reasons for not installing the Dorguard X be clearly documented for risk assessment. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that the installation of Dorguard X with System X be deferred pending the investigation of installing further internal doors.</p><p>(d) Footpath Signage – Leading Councillor - Kay Ryder Nothing to report.</p><p>(e) Daisy Meadow Car Park – Leading Councillor – Prof. Lew Schnurr Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported that a letter from a resident had been received regarding an access point to be made from Daisy Meadow Car Park to the residence. Cllr. Prof. Schnurr has requested that quotes be sought for line painting the Car Park.</p><p>(f) Park Rangers – Leading Councillor – Kay Ryder No report received.</p><p>(g) Village Fete Members noted that an informal meeting was held and it was determined that the next village fete will take place on 29 June 2013.</p><p>(h) Allotments Members noted that meetings will be taking place with organisations to find suitable land for allotments.</p><p>175 11/297 Planning, Highways and Environment Matters</p><p>(a) Planning applications RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-</p><p>Application No: FUL/MAL/12/00170 Proposal: Change of use of 48 The Street from A1 to A2 (Financial Services). Alter site and existing parking to provide additional parking for 46 and 48 The Street. Location: 46 & 48 The Street, Heybridge Object due to development significantly deteriorates infrastructure AND access. However, no objection to change of use from A1 to A2. </p><p>Application No: HOUSE/MAL/00176 Proposal: Loft conversion Location: 1 Regency Court, Heybridge No comment</p><p>Application No: ADV/MAL/12/00145 Proposal: Renewal of consent for illuminated sign. Sign will be altered to reflect company name change. Location: Rockwell Automation Limited, ICS House, Hall Road, Heybridge No comment</p><p>Application No: HOUSE/MAL/12/00129 Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension. Location: Linton 29 Basin Road, Heybridge No comment on approval; note the extension closeness to the property boundary.</p><p>(b) Report from the Tree Warden No report received.</p><p>(c) Works at Oak Tree Meadow on 15th October 2012 Members considered response to two letters from Maldon District Council and a letter from J.S.Wright&Sons Ltd. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that no further action will be taken.</p><p>(d) Public Rights of Way Officer A report circulated during the meeting was received. The gates at Footpath 26 Roothings are to be replaced by Essex County Council. Essex Waterways have now replaced the finger post at Heybridge Basin. </p><p>176 11/298 Financial Matters (a) Accounts for Payment</p><p>The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –</p><p>Reimbursement of cost re telephone cancel- K Holland £26.11 lation fee 4601 Installation of letter slot at office at Plantation 2401 B Hall £24.98 Hall L. Wiebe £196.66 Office equipment at Plantation Hall 4501 L. Wiebe £10.00 Chairmans Allowance expenditure re gift 4701 M. Edwards £30.60 Mileage claim 4601 RCCE £40.00 Membership fees 2012/2013 3301 Essex Pension Ser- vice £139.13 Pension contribution for month March 2012 3101 HM Revenue & Cus- PAYE contributions quarter January-March toms £1363.97 2012 3101 Cash £103.83 Petty cash expenditure top up 4601 S Wells £20.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 23/2/12 2301 P A Wenlock £20.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 25/2/12 2301 Mrs Blanks £20.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 26/2/12 2301 E Barker £20.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 3/3/12 2301 N Bartholomew £160.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 17/3/12 2301 A Tomkins £250.00 Hire deposit refund re booking 10/3/12 2301 L. Wiebe £45.00 Mileage claim 4601 Scholey Telecommu- nications Associates Ltd. £207.60 Office equipment at Plantation Hall 4601 Titan Cleaning Con- £990.00 Deep Clean at Plantation Hall 2401 tractors A C Leigh £32.10 Keys supply 2401 Admin/Finance Services quarter January- JM Martin £1170.00 March 2012 4901 A to Z Supplies £131.78 Stationery Supplies at Plantation Hall 4601 Stephensons of Es- sex Ltd. £500.00 Bus service re month February 2012 1375 Hewes Security £126.00 Call out re security repairs at Plantation Hall 2401 Essex Supplies Ltd. £157.88 Supplies at Plantation Hall 2501 K Locke £118.13 Grounds Maintenance month February 2012 3001 Colin Rae £322.50 Repairs at Plantation Hall 2401 Pro Teq Surfacing Re surfacing outside play area at Plantation (UK) Ltd. £7,198.80 Hall 3501 DG Chinnery £45.00 Window clean at Plantation Hall 2401 Parker Bell (Instru- ments) Ltd. £354.00 Portable Appliance Checker 2401 Viking £297.97 Stationery supplies at Plantation Hall 4601 1st Choice Drainage £95.00 Repairs at Plantation Hall 2401 GRC Maintenance £4416.00 Decorating costs at Plantation Hall 2401 Basildon Fencing and Concreting £9120.00 Raptor fencing on Plantation Hall 3401</p><p>177 British Gas £172.00 Gas monthly direct debit 2201 E on £81.13 Street Lighting monthly direct debit 3601 Quarterly electricity charges at Plantation E on £1269.14 Hall 3601</p><p>RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.</p><p>(b) Statement of Accounts An updated statement of the income and expenditure account was circulated at the meeting.</p><p>(c) Request for financial assistance Members considered the request for donation to PCC United Benefice of Heybridge. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that a donation of £150.00 be approved.</p><p>(d) Request for financial assistance A donation request of £39.00 was received from a hirer operating a book stall for Farleigh Hospice. </p><p>It was RESOLVED that a donation of £39.00 be approved.</p><p>(e) Bus Service 288 Members noted that the Bus Service 288 contract with Stephensons of Essex Ltd has been agreed for the period April 2012 – March 2013.</p><p>11/299 Reports from Parish Council representatives on outside committees</p><p> a) Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives meeting (Rep Cllr. Prof. Schnurr) Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported the next meeting will take place in April.</p><p>Elms Farm Park Friends Group & Oak Tree Meadow (Rep Cllr K Ryder) Nothing to report.</p><p>Health Matters (Rep Cllr Prof. Schnurr) Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported that hospital public exhibitions by the PCT are taking place at various locations. b) Training Reports i) Report was received from Cllr. Prof. Schnurr on seminar organised by ECC featuring Localism Act, Public Law Partnership at Anglia Ruskin University on 22nd February 2012. ii) Report was received from Cllr. Edwards on planning day held on 29th February 2012 featuring the changes to planning system. iii) Report was received from Cllr. Gentry and Cllr. Perry on Councillor Training Day 1 featuring basic knowledge of the </p><p>178 roles, powers and responsibilities of councillors. Concern was raised on the future planning system. c) An attendance report from Cllr. Prof. Schnurr was received. </p><p>11/300 Essex Association of Local Councils Members received a list of training courses for April 2012.</p><p>It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Perry and Cllr. Gentry attend Councillor Training Day 2 on 25th April 2012 and the Clerk attend Essex Equals 16 CiLCA training.</p><p>11/301 Future meetings The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 5th April 2012 at 7.30pm.</p><p>The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 19th April 2012 at 7:30pm in the Main Hall.</p><p>The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 19th April 2012 following the Annual Parish Meeting.</p><p>The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:25pm.</p><p>Chairman 19th April 2012</p><p>179</p>
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