<p> Myland Community Council </p><p>Minutes of the meeting of the Community Council held on Wednesday 27th August 2014, 7.15 pm, at Mile End Methodist Church Hall, Nayland Road, Colchester.</p><p>Present: Cllr Pete Hewitt (Chair) Cllr Dominic Graham Cllr Robert Johnstone (Vice-Chair) Cllr Carolyne Hurst Cllr Richard Beauchamp Cllr Nick Marsh Cllr Jean Dickinson Cllr John Stewart Cllr John Dickson Cllr John Sutcliffe</p><p>There were three members of the public present. </p><p>077-14/15 Apologies </p><p>Cllr Catherine Clouston, Cllr David Clouston, Cllr Martin Goss and Cllr Liz Gray </p><p>078-14/15 Declarations of Interest - There were none. </p><p>079-14/15 Guest Speaker – Sarah Pullin, Planning Policy Officer, CBC – The Local Plan</p><p>The Council is embarking on the process of producing a new Local Plan for the Borough. The new Local Plan will set out the spatial strategy for growth and guide development to 2032 and beyond. Once adopted (in summer 2017), this will replace the existing suite of planning policy documents which consists of – The Local Plan Focused Review, the Core Strategy, the Site Allocations DPD and the Development Policies DPD. The Planning Policy team are meeting with all parishes who have expressed an interested, in order to highlight the fact that the process of producing a new Local Plan has begun, answer any questions, and to enable them to gather their thoughts and prepare to engage in the plan making process.</p><p>There is a need to produce a new Local Plan because the Coalition government has introduced huge changes to the planning system, including the replacement of national planning policy with the National Planning Policy Framework. Local planning policy is required to accord with this new national planning policy, and, for this reason, Colchester Borough Council is producing a new Local Plan for the Borough.</p><p>In addition to the introduction of new national policy, another of the significant changes that the government made was the abolition of the regional tier of government, together with regional planning policy. Regional planning policy set out targets for things such as housing numbers; as a result of its deletion, local planning authorities are no longer allocated targets. Following the deletion of regional policy and its targets, many authorities made the mistake of thinking that this was an opportunity to reduce their housing targets and/or to stop growth. However, this very quickly proved not to be the case and plans where this had happened were not found sound and the authorities ran in to great </p><p>33 difficulties as a result. The National Planning Policy Framework requires planning authorities to establish their ‘objectively assessed need’ and to ensure that their Local Plans meet this need in full. The result of this is that, in many cases, housing numbers (or targets) increased rather than decreased. For Colchester, this national requirement means that the new Local Plan will continue to build on the existing growth planned in the Core Strategy, with the objectively assessed need expected to be higher than the existing annual target.</p><p>080-14/15 Have your say</p><p>Mr Keith Thompson expressed his surprise at the attack on the War Memorial at the last meeting. He said a great deal of thought had been put into the plaques on the Memorial. The Chairman said he would be making some enquires regarding getting it cleaned. Mr Thompson said he felt it did not need cleaning, that it would be better left as it was. Cllr Johnstone said that Lofty had tidied the area up and removed the wreaths. </p><p>Mr Michael Lister asked why CBC was planning to build houses on the Rugby Club land, which was land it owned, just to assist a private club to move.</p><p>Cllr Stewart said that to move the rugby club would cost approximately £5M so CBC needed to raise money to enable the move which was part of the Northern Gateway.</p><p>Cllr Goss said the Rugby club want to move.</p><p>Mr Lister asked why CBC was responsible to pay to move the Rugby Club.</p><p>Cllr Goss said the sports field was also used by Cavaliers Cricket Club, the Archery Club and for American football. He went on to say nothing had been decided yet. The CBC vision was to build a centre of excellence for sport. He said Sports England may be putting some money in. </p><p>Mr Lister asked if CBC would still build houses even if they got full funding from Sports England. </p><p>Cllr Goss said it would depend on who comes up with the money. The Rugby club have been making noises about moving for 2 years. He said CBC was a strategic partner and responsible for providing sports facilities. </p><p>Mr Lister asked if it was CBC’s duty to put up the land. </p><p>The Chairman said it was not CBC’s duty, but it was their decision.</p><p>Cllr Goss said the sports ground provides an amenity. CBC was saying the Rugby club wanted better facilities and Sport England wanted to make that possible.</p><p>34 Mr Lister said the proposed new site was on the other side of the A12 which may force people to drive there. He added that people just want space to have a kick about.</p><p>The Chairman said that MCC had stressed that as much as possible of green open space, at the existing fields, needs to be kept and CBC’s planners were sympathetic to this. He added that it was also included in the Neighbourhood Plan.</p><p>Mr Lister said the main problem was the amount of land being proposed for housing. Everyone thinks that the Boulevard is great but in the Northern Gateway exhibition material over half the field was shown as being built on </p><p>Cllr Goss said that nothing had been set in stone. He said the possible cost for the new Rugby club was £5M, that the current site was 11.7 Hectares (29 acres) and with building land going for about £650K-£1M per hectare, if £5M was required that meant less than half the site was required to raise the funds. Using 50 houses per hectare as a density figure that would mean 250 houses. He added that in parts of East Anglia building land was going for £2M which would mean even less land needed for housing. Cllr Goss said there was no business case and no deals with developers at this time.</p><p>Mr Lister said that was why he was raising his concerns now. Cllr Goss said that was why the Northern Gateway consultation was being done now. Mr Lister said he did not have a problem with the whole concept but suggested any housing could go on the archery field near Severalls Phase 2. </p><p>The Chairman said the maps being shown were purely indicative and MCC had already told the planners that as much green space as possible must be retained.</p><p>Mrs White said that when the Rugby club is well attended there is an issue with parking.</p><p>Mrs White said that she had noticed a new way of working with regards to planning and congratulated MCC on its co-operation with CBC planners. </p><p>Mrs White referred to Item 67 on the agenda and said she welcomed it with open arms. She said the functions of MCC need to be initiators and she welcomed the expenditure. </p><p>Mr Lister referred to the cost to dog walkers he said if CBC built on the Rugby Club more space for residents to walk their dogs would be lost and suggested that they would have to get in the car to drive to places to walk. He added that Highwoods Country Park introduced parking fees to pay for the resurfacing of the car park, those fees should have paid for the tarmacking by now so suggested the fees should now be waived.</p><p>The Chairman said there seemed to be two views: 1 - don’t charge people to use the countryside, and 2 – if you want to use the facility you have to pay.</p><p>Cllr Stewart said one reason parking fees were introduced at Highwoods Country Park was to stop commuters and PCC staff parking there. Mr Lister said they could do a two hour free scheme and send in parking wardens. The Chairman said he would talk to CBC regarding this. </p><p>35 Mrs White said Highwoods Country Park is accessible via footpaths and cycleways so there was no need to use a car. </p><p>062-14/15 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 25th June 2014 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.</p><p>The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 25th June 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the chairman.</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Johnstone Seconded: Cllr Sutcliffe (6 For; 3 Abstentions)</p><p>063-14/15 Matters arising from the Minutes</p><p>Cllr Stewart referred to page 21, Item 052-14/15, and asked for an update on the issue he had raised regarding the Footpath in Turner Road and over grown trees. The Clerk said she was sorry but she had been unable to get in contact with anyone but would try again. </p><p>Cllr Sutcliffe referred to page 18, Item 045-14/15 “Have Your Say” and asked if the Chairman had taken any action regarding the Church yard and the War Memorial. The Chairman said there had been no need to speak to Rev Ray Gibbs because the churchyard had been mown and the War Memorial had also been tidied by Lofty. Cllr Sutcliffe said he was happy with the plaques on the War Memorial and added that Dr John Parker had done a lot of work getting them updated and the War Memorial refurbished. He went on to say that he felt the wreaths needed to be cleared away by Christmas. The Chairman said the upkeep of the War Memorial would feature in the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Hurst asked if there was a protocol regarding removal of poppy wreaths. Cllr Johnstone said he thought they should be cleared away 2/3 months before Remembrance Day. </p><p>Cllr Dickinson said MCC had asked for a maintenance sum and various other things for the War Memorial in respect of the Blue Gates planning application.</p><p>Cllr Hurst referred to the attendance at the meetings. She said she had done some research and a couple of Parish Councils did not meet in August and December. She suggested possibly moving the start time to enable those Cllrs who worked more time to arrive but said attendance issues needed to be resolved quickly. Cllr Hurst added that Council members are summoned to attend and should therefore make every effort to do so. </p><p>Cllr Johnstone said he had looked at the 7 largest Parish Councils including Stanway, Tiptree, Wivenhoe and West Bergholt. He said three of them meet twice a month or 3 weekly, others meet every month. He said he felt it was dangerous to go down to bi- monthly meeting but could possibly drop August and/or December. </p><p>The Chairman said they had dropped December last year and will put an item on either the August or September agenda to discuss the issues further. </p><p>36 Cllr Sutcliffe referred to page 19, Item 047-14/15 regarding the office garden and said he had contacted someone again who will give it a second look. The Clerk said she had obtained another quote and would ask the existing provider to also quote. Cllr Goss said the tree is over growing and the shrubs near the windows need taking care of. </p><p>064-14/15 Chairman’s Report </p><p>The Chairman said he was sorry to report that Emily, the Assistant Clerk, had resigned from her position and her last day would be the 15th August. He said they would need to look into the implications of this and a possible replacement. </p><p>The Chairman said that next month Sarah Pullin, CBC Planning Policy Department, would be coming to speak to MCC regarding the Local Plan. He said he had drafted a response to the Local Plan scoping paper on behalf of the Planning and Development Policy Committee and would be sending a copy to all Cllrs. </p><p>The Chairman said Cllrs would have received an email where CBC was asking for suggestions where more housing could be provided. He said that the Local Plan was being driven by growth and he felt CBC should have a vision for Colchester. He suggested that one question for Sarah Pullin could be; Where does CBC stand regarding housing provision next to other Councils</p><p>The Chairman said MCC had been invited to comment on a Traffic Regulation Order request for Mill Road and the draft Boxted Neighbourhood Plan which the Planning & Development Policy Committee would deal with at its next meeting.</p><p>065-14/15 Clerks Report</p><p>The Clerk updated the Council on the last Planning Liaison meeting;</p><p>She said that Vincent Pearce had been making arrangements to get the PRoW layer put on CBC “On the Map” and was hoping this would be by possibly November. He was organising a training session regarding PRoW for Planners to be run by Cllr Johnstone in September. He was also organising a meeting with Cllr Johnstone regarding PRoW’s, especially FP54 and FP69.</p><p>The Park & Ride was due to start in September.</p><p>The Clerk said she had asked Vincent Pearce if CBC could provide copies of maps for the current developments in Myland for the MCC display at the Fete. Vincent had agreed to provide the material and attend the fete himself if at all possible. The Clerk said she had requested a Planning Training session for MCC and Vincent Pearce had said he would arrange one as soon as possible.</p><p>The Clerk said she had raised the issue of dangerous trees in Thornwood, branches were breaking off, and Vincent had agreed to escalate to ECC.</p><p>The Clerk said that the Annual Return – Year ending 31.03.14 – had been received (after the agenda had been issued) and there had been no issues raised. </p><p>37 She said the next Fete meeting was on the 5th August and that the next task was to organise the layout. She asked for any volunteers to help mark out the field late morning/early afternoon 23rd or 24th August. Cllrs Hurst and Sutcliffe volunteered.</p><p>The Clerk reminded the Council that the next Northern Gateway consultation sessions were on the 2nd August, 10am – 2pm and 7th August, 4pm – 8pm at the Parish Halls and then on the 13th August, 3pm-6.30pm and 16th August, 10am-2pm at Highwoods Community Centre.</p><p>The Clerk said she would be getting an additional photocopier quote and that would be on the agenda at the next meeting.</p><p>The Clerk said she had attended a Pensions Workshop where they went through the forms and returns that needed to be done monthly and annually. She said they also covered the discretionary policy, which Parish Councils now have to consider and this will also be on next month’s agenda.</p><p>066-14/15 Finance - To consider and possibly resolve to authorise invoices for payment, receive copy Bank statements and details of expenditure to date.</p><p>It was resolved to authorise invoices for payment, receive copy Bank statements and details of expenditure to date.</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Johnstone Seconded: Cllr Hurst (7 For; 2 Abstentions)</p><p>Income</p><p>Date Amount Received from Reason 25-Jul-14 15.00 Angela Isherwood Fete Income 29-Jul-14 45.00 John Tokely Mylander 29-Jul-14 15.00 E L Ralph (Proper Real Ale Calendar Girls) Fete Income</p><p>Expenses </p><p>Date Amount Paid to Reason 26-Jun-14 16.55 Titan Telecom Phone 15-Jul-14 20.00 Contract Services Cleaning Office Equipment & 21-Jul-14 225.30 Siemens Financial Services Maintenance 24-Jul-14 16.67 Titan Telecom Phone 30-Jul-14 33.00 Mile End Methodist Church Community Council Meeting 30-Jul-14 45.00 EALC Clerk Training 30-Jul-14 12.00 RTPI East of England Councillor Training 30-Jul-14 78.00 TDT Enterprises Misc Building & Mtce costs 30-Jul-14 480.00 PKF Littlejohn Audit fees</p><p>38 30-Jul-14 29.60 J Stewart Councillor Training 30-Jul-14 31.98 N Marsh Web Site 30-Jul-14 2.99 H Harris Community funding 30-Jul-14 11.98 H Harris Community funding 30-Jul-14 3.34 H Harris Office sundries 30-Jul-14 3.49 H Harris Bus shelters inc mtce 30-Jul-14 1.68 H Harris Stationery 30-Jul-14 1.80 H Harris Clerk expenses 30-Jul-14 24.30 H Harris Clerk Training 30-Jul-14 H Harris Clerk Salary 30-Jul-14 Essex Pension Fund Pension 30-Jul-14 HMRC Tax & NI 30-Jul-14 H Duin Street Officer Salary 30-Jul-14 E Hennings Asst Clerk Salary</p><p>067-14/15 To consider and possibly resolve to fund pitch hire for a full year of up to £1,000 for the new Mile End Rangers under 16 youth football team </p><p>Cllr Sutcliffe proposed an amendment to change the amount from £1,000 to £600 which was not seconded. </p><p>Cllr Goss proposed the following amendment:</p><p>To consider and possibly resolve to fund pitch hire for a year for the new Mile End Rangers under 16 youth football team, to be paid per week, up to a maximum of £1,000 – to be billed by Colchester Borough Council</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Goss Seconded: Cllr Dickson (8 For; 1 Abstention)</p><p>It was resolved to fund pitch hire for a year for the new Mile End Rangers under 16 youth football team, to be paid per week, up to a maximum of £1,000 – to be billed by Colchester Borough Council</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Goss Seconded: Cllr Dickson (8 For; 1 Abstention)</p><p>068-14/15 To consider and possibly resolve to initiate a campaign for the retention of the playing field at Colchester Rugby Club as a community resource in the form of village green status </p><p>It was resolved to initiate a campaign for the retention of the playing field at Colchester Rugby Club as a community resource in the form of village green status </p><p>Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr Goss (Unanimous)</p><p>069-14/15 Items raised by Community Councillors</p><p>Cllr Beauchamp said that as they go forward with the Village Green status for the Rugby Club they needed to be inducting people in valuing the area not dropping litter etc.</p><p>39 Cllr Goss asked if people had received a leaflet with their Mylander, some said they had. Cllr Hurst said that Mortimer Gardens had not received their copies and Cllr Stewart said he also had not received a copy. Cllr Goss said the new website had been launched and was live. </p><p>070-14/15 To receive reports from Working Groups – maximum two minutes each</p><p>Footpaths Working Group – Cllr Johnstone said the group had discussed the monthly walk, which a mobility scooter user had attended. The next walk was on the 8th August at 11am and then on the 31st August at 2pm. They had also organised a working party for FP69 and listed some others to potentially do. He said he had been invited by Vincent Pearce to talk to the CBC planners regarding PRoWs. He referred to the NPPF paragraph 7 regarding the PRoW improvement plan. He said that In the Northern Gateway document on page 11 it mentions “bridleways” and he said he was planning to ask CBC how many there are in Myland because he was only aware of one that is 350 yards long. They had also looked at S106 for Severalls and there is £20k available to upgrade FP’s 69 and 70. </p><p>Community Working Group – Cllr Goss said they had had a wash up on the website and discussed the bus shelters repairs. </p><p>Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr Hewitt said they had held a work shop on Saturday 28th June and have now got 30+ objectives from the surveys, these now needed sorting into policies etc. He said he and Chris Law had met with Sarah Pullin who had been impressed with the work that had been done. He said 2/3 members would be meeting between the monthly meetings to keep the momentum going. </p><p>071-14/15 Reports by Ward Councillors</p><p>Cllr Graham sent the following email: I don't have much to report, but I must say that I support John's proposals for the village green near to the rugby pitches, as mentioned in the gazette on Monday. </p><p>One issue I can report on, I did recently attend the unveiling of the rapid electric charger at the community stadium which will allow electric cars to charge up within 30 mins. It is the first of its kind in Essex, with 2 further sites planned (Braintree and Saffron Walden, if I recall correctly). It is excellent that so many different stakeholders can come together to work so well and implement something so positive. </p><p>Cllr Goss said he had been working closely with residents at Northfields to alleviate problems with litter. He said he had held a neighbourhood watch meeting which had been attended by approximately 30 people from Northfields. He said the residents had also launched a Facebook page proving that the community was coming together.</p><p>Cllr Goss said repairs to Bergholt Road are due to start in August.</p><p>Cllr Goss said he, the Director of Persimmon and Sir Bob Russell walked around New Braiswick Park to point out things that were outstanding.</p><p>072-14/15 Report by County Councillor</p><p>40 None.</p><p>073-14/15 Relevant information from meetings attended by Councillors and Clerk</p><p>The Chairman said he had circulated the two statements he made at the last Local Plan committee meeting.</p><p>The Chairman said he, the Clerk and Cllr Graham had attended a design panel meeting at CBC and the paper produced by the Design Panel had been circulated. Cllr Dickinson said it had been a poor report.</p><p>Cllr Stewart said he had attended the EALC New Councillors course and said it had been excellent. </p><p>074-14/15 Planning & Development Policy </p><p>Copies of the Planning and Development Policy Committee minutes were received.</p><p>075-14/15 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 27th August 2014, 7.15pm at Mile End Methodist Church Hall, Nayland Road</p><p>The meeting closed at 9.00pm</p><p>Cllr Pete Hewitt ………………………………………………….. Chairman</p><p>List of abbreviations: Cllr – Councillor NAP – Neighbourhood Action Panel CALC – Colchester Association of Local Councils NGUAE – North Growth Urban Area Extension CBC – Colchester Borough Council NP – Neighbourhood Plan CIF – Community Initiatives Fund NEPP – North Essex Parking Partnership CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy OHP – Overhead Projector CiLCA – Certificate in Local Council Administration PP – Parish Plan ECC – Essex County Council P3 – Parish Paths Partnership EEAF – East Essex Area Forum PRoW – Public Right of Way EPO - Emergency Planning Officer RCCE – Rural Community Council of Essex LDF – Local Development Framework S106 – Section 106 of Town & Country Planning Act ‘90 LHP – Local Highways Panel SC&L – Sustainable Communities & Localism MCC – Myland Community Council SLCC – Society of Local Council Clerks MDC – Myland Development Committee SPD – Supplementary Planning Document MDS – Myland Design Statement VAS – Vehicle Activated Sign NALC – National Association of Local Councils VDS – Village Design Statement</p><p>41</p>
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