<p> W1-2-58-4-3</p><p>JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY P. O. BOX 62000 – 00200, NAIROBI, KENYA</p><p>DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY</p><p>CURRICULUM FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY</p><p>ISSUE 1 REVISION 1 COPY NUMBER: 2-21 HOLDER: CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT</p><p>APPROVED BY: ……………………………………………………. VICE CHANCELLOR </p><p>2008</p><p>Jan 2009 The objective of the program:</p><p> To produce industrial chemists who can work as quality controllers (from raw material and intermediate product to final product) in every sector of the industry. To produce a personal capable to work in research laboratories, standardization laboratories, clinical laboratories, college and university laboratories and others where the knowledge of industrial chemistry is required. To provide skill in handling chemicals, managing chemical laboratories and scientific instruments. To prepare students to act ethically the dangerous chemicals if misused. To produce personal who can run the growing small-scale industries. To prepare for career which requires the knowledge of chemistry in their daily life. </p><p>The graduates of the Industrial Chemistry are able to: </p><p> Work as quality controllers in every small and big industries. Manage and control small-scale industries independently. Work as an assistant in college, university and research laboratories where the knowledge of practical chemistry is required. Operate scientific equipment properly to generate scientific data. Conduct research in collaboration with others in the field of industrial chemistry. Manage laboratory chemicals and avoid the environmental risks caused by chemicals in chemical stores and in industrial areas. Act ethically in handling and distributing of chemicals and demonstrate environmentally conscious attitude and behave as a responsible citizen. Contribute to the development of chemical industry with other professionals.</p><p>Regulations for the Degree of BSc. in Industrial Chemistry.</p><p>1.0 Entry Requirements</p><p>Students wishing to study industrial chemistry must satisfy the Minimum University requirements and Faculty of Science entry requirements.</p><p>A student to be admitted must satisfy any of the following minimum requirements;</p><p>Either:</p><p>1.1. must have passed chemistry or physical science in the K.C.S.E. at a minimum grade of C+. In addition, a student must have passed in Mathematics and any one of the following subjects with C-:</p><p>Physics Biology/Biological Sciences 2 or 1.2. have a minimum of 2 principals passes in science subjects in the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE), of which one must be in Chemistry,</p><p> or 1.3. have a diploma in relevant subjects and with at least a credit pass from an Institution recognized by the University Senate,</p><p> or 1.4. have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to 1. 1 to 1.3.</p><p>Students who hold any of the qualifications 1.2 and 1.3 above may at the discretion of the Faculty of Science be admitted directly to the second year of the course in which case they may complete their course in a minimum of three years and a maximum of five academic years.</p><p>2.0. Course Structure</p><p>2.1. In each year, a student will be required to take all the twelve (12) required units. In addition, each student will be required to take three (3) University units and one (1) Faculty unit in the first year and one (1) University unit in the fourth year of study.</p><p>2.2. A student who takes any additional unit(s), will have the grade(s) indicated in the transcript but will not count towards the classification of the degree.</p><p>3.0. Assessment and Examinations</p><p>The Faculty of Science regulations on assessment and examinations shall apply.</p><p>4.0. The Courses</p><p>The courses offered by the department are listed below, and unless otherwise stated, each course is one unit. Each unit shall comprise the equivalent of 35 lecture hours.</p><p>COURSE CONTENT</p><p>1ST YEAR</p><p>UNIVERSITY UNITS HRD 2101 - Communication Skills HRD 2102 - Development Studies and Social Ethics 3 SZL 2111 - HIV/AIDS </p><p>FACULTY UNIT</p><p>SMA 2104 - Mathematics for Sciences</p><p>CORE UNITS SCH 2100 - Atomic Structure SCH 2101 - Chemical Bonding and Structure SCH 2102 - Physical Chemistry I SCH 2103 - Organic Chemistry I SPH 2110 - Instrumental Electronics ICS 2100 - Introduction to Computers SMA 2101 - Calculus I SMA 2102 - Calculus II SMA 2103 - Probability and Statistics I</p><p>ELECTIVES SPH 2105 Motion and Waves SPH 2101 Electricity and Magnetism I SPH 2201 Electricity & Magnetism II SBT 2173 Introduction to Microbiology SBH 2200 Structure of Biomolecules SZL 2130 Anatomy and Physiology</p><p>2ND YEAR</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2200 - Comparative Study of s and p block Elements SCH 2201 - Physical Chemistry II SCH 2202 - Organic Chemistry II SCH 2203 - Nuclear and Radiochemistry SCH 2304 - Analytical Chemistry I SCH 2334 - Computers in Chemistry SCH 2406 - Introduction to Industrial Chemistry ICS 2102 - Introduction to Programming SMA 2200 - Calculus III SMA 2220 - Vector Analysis SPH 2203 - Modern Physics SCH 2204 - Chemistry of Organic Functional Groups 4 Compulsory Additional SMA 2201 - Linear Algebra I</p><p>3RD YEAR</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2303 - Organic Chemistry III SCH 2302 - Chemical Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria SCH 2330 - Unit Operations SCH 2332 - Chemistry of Pigments and Dyes SCH 2356 - Separation Techniques SCH 2331 - Polymer Synthesis SCH 2412 - Natural Products Chemistry SCH 2314 - Industrial Electrochemistry SCH 2305 - Reaction Kinetics SCH 2313 - Theory of Spectroscopic Methods SCH 2310 - Environmental Chemistry SCH 2311 - Carbohydrates and Proteins</p><p>Additional Units</p><p>SCH 2333 - Natural and Synthetic Pharmaceutical Products SCH 2350 - Introduction to Instrumentation</p><p>4TH YEAR</p><p>University unit HRD 2401 – Entrepreneurship Skills</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2403 - Organic Spectroscopy SCH 2414 - Research Project (2 units) SCH 2437 - Agrochemicals SCH 2438 - Cosmetics and Toiletry SCH 2439 - Technology of Dyeing and Surface Coating SCH 2441 - Industrial Waste, Treatment and Environmental Legislation SCH 2442 - Polymer Processing SCH 2410 - Structural Chemistry SCH 2443 - Polymer Characterization and Analysis SCH 2444 - Polymer Structure and Mechanical Properties SCH 2455 - Application of Analytical Chemistry</p><p>5 Additional Units</p><p>SBH 2445 - Introduction to Biotechnology</p><p>COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>FIRST YEAR</p><p>HRD 2101 COMMUNICATION SKILLS</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course the student should be able to effectively present fundamental statistical ideas and arguments using various channels.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials </p><p>SYLLABUS: Communication: definition, elements, process, purposes, qualities and barriers. Oral communication: public speaking, persuasion, interviews, committee meetings and tutorial discussion. Listening skills: efficient listening, barriers and listening to lectures. Writing skills: essay, correspondence, reports and summary. Reading skills: efficient reading, barriers, skimming, scanning and study reading. Visual communication: chalkboard, transparencies, stencils, slides, television and films. Public communication: public relations and advertising. Source of information: interviews, questionnaires, library, observation and experiments.</p><p>Reference: 1. Taylor, S. (2005). Communication for business: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition. Financial Times/Pearson Education Limited. 2. Jay, R. and Jay, A (2004). Effective Presentation: How to create and Deliver a winning. Presentation, Second Edition. Prentice hall/Pearson education 3. Heller, R. (2003). High Impact Speeches. How to create and Deliver words that Move minds. Financial Times/Pearson Education</p><p>HRD 2102 DEVELOPMENT STUDIES AND SOCIAL ETHICS</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course, the student should be able to appreciate the impact of development in the society especially in project management and responsibility of professionals.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials</p><p>SYLLABUS:The concept of development and underdevelopment; socio-economic indicators of growth and development; group dynamics, organising people and activities, e.g. Harambee, e.t.c. division of labour; fundamentals of project management technology and society; role and responsibility project management technology and society; role and responsibility of professionals in rural/industrial environment; social effects of computerization/automation;</p><p>6 impact of information technology. Nature of morality; place of morality in society; human- centred ethics and place of humanity in the natural world.</p><p>REFERENCES: 1. Abdullah, Hussaina (1993). The Democratic Process and the Challenge of Gender in Nigeria. Review of African Political Economy, 56:11. 2. Afshar, Haleh (1991). Women, Development & Survival in the Third World. Longman Press, NY.,. 3. Bangura, Yusuf (1994). Economic Restructuring, Coping Strategies and Social Change: Implications for Institutional Development in Africa. Development and Change, 25:785,. 4. Barrett, Hazel; Browne, Angela (1994). Women's time, labour-saving devices and rural development in Africa. Community Development Journal, 29(3):203- 214, 5. Baylies, Carolyn and Janet Bujra (1993). Challenging Gender Inequalities in Africa. Review of African Political Economy, 56:3, 1993. (See entire issue for articles on SAP and urban women in Zimbabwe, Contract farming in Kenya, Student movements in Nigeria, punishment and women in Ghana, etc. 6. Bozzoli, Belinda (1983). Marxism, Feminism and South African Studies. Journal of Southern African Studies, 9(2):139. 7. Bulow, Dorthe Von (1991). Transgressing Gender Boundaries: Kipsigis women in Kenya. Centre for Development Research, Copenhagan,.</p><p>SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course the student should be aware of and understand the impact of HIV/AIDS.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials </p><p>SYLLABUS: General Introduction: Public health and hygiene, human physiology, sex and sexuality. History of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); History of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune-deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Comparative information on trends, global and local distribution; Justification of importance of course. Biology of HIV/AIDS: Overview of immune system, natural immunity to HIV/AIDS; the AIDS Virus and its life Cycle, disease progression (epidemiology), transmission and diagnosis. Treatment and Management: Nutrition. Prevention and control; Abstain, Be faithful, Condom use, Destigmatize HIV/AIDS (ABCD) method anti-retroviral drugs and vaccines. Pregnancy and AIDS. Management of HIV/AIDS patients. Social and Cultural Practices: Religion and AIDS. Social stigma on HIV/AIDS. Behavioural change. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services. Drug abuse and AIDS, alcohol and hard drugs. Poverty and AIDS. Families and AIDS orphans.</p><p>7 Government Policies: Global policies of AIDS. Legal rights of AIDS patients. Intellectual property rights. AIDS impact: Family set-up/society, population, agriculture, education, development and economy and other sectors.</p><p>REFERENCES: 1. Josh Powell AIDS and HIV-Related Diseases: An Educational Guide for Professionals and the Public . New York: Insight Books, 1996. 2. Lyn R. Frumkin and John M. Leonard Questions & Answers on AIDS . 3rd edition. Oradell, NJ: Medical Economics Books, 1997. 3. William B. Rubenstein, Ruth Eisenberg, and Lawrence O. Gostin The Rights of People Who Are HIV Positive . Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1996. 4. Gabriel Rotello Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men New York: Dutton, 1997 5. Jaap Goudsmit. Viral Sex: The Nature of AIDS New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. 6. Robert Klitzman Being Positive: The Lives of Men and Women with HIV Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1997.</p><p>SMA 2104 MATHEMATICS FOR SCIENCES</p><p>OBJECTIVE: To provide students with basic mathematical tools and abilities of algebra, trigonometry, probability and statistics which will provide support for further study of Actuarial Science</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials</p><p>SYLLABUS: Quadratic functions and equations. Surds, logarithms and indices. Permutations and combinations. Series; finite, infinite, arithmetic, geometric and binomial(positive integral index only)including applications to compound interest, approximartions, growth and decay. Remainder theorem and its application to solution of factorisable polynomial equations. Trigonometry: trigonometric functions including their graphs and inverses in degree and radian measure. Sine and cosine formulae. Statistics: collection and representation of data and measures of central tendency and variability by graphical and calculation methods. Probability: classical and axiomatic approaches to probability, compound events conditional probability, tree diagrams and binomial distribution.</p><p>REFERENCES: 1. Uppal, S. M. and H. M. Humphreys Mathematics for Science. New Age International, India, 1996. 2. L. Bostock and S. Chandler. Core Mathematics for Advanced Level (3rd Edition). Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. 2000. 3. Hungerford, T.W.; Mercer, R., College algebra, (Saunders College Publishing), 1991. 4. Booth, D.J., Foundation Mathematics, (Addison Wesley), 1991. </p><p>SCH 2100 ATOMIC STRUCTURE</p><p>8 OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Discuss the early theories of the nature of the atom - Describe and explain the experiments that led to discovery of sub atomic particles explain the nature of electromagnetic radiations and its wave-particle properties - Derive the Schrodinger equation in the Cartesian and polar coordinates - Write electronic configuration for elements and ions in s, p, d, f notations.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>- Hands on experience in handling and use of analytical balance - Explain the old and new concepts of the nature of the atom - Discuss the origin of atomic spectra and wave particle duality. - Discuss the Schrodinger wave equation and the possible solutions - Apply mole concept in chemical reactions</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS The early theories of the atomic structure; Thompson's Model, Rutherforld's Model, the Bohr's Theory and the Hydrogen spectra. Particle - wave duality of matter. Qualitative consideration of the Schrodinger wave equation in deduction of s,p,d,f orbitals. The aufbau principle, Paul’s exclusion principle, Hund's rule and building up of the periodic table. Groups and periods of the periodic table. The mole concept and balancing of ionic equations. Practical work to include proper handling of analytical balance and other common laboratory apparatus. Preparation and proper use of standard solutions. Acid base and redox titrations.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Cotton, F and Wilkinson, G. (1987). Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, New York 2. Shriver, D.F. Atkins, P.W., Langord, C.H. (1990). Inorganic Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 3. Matthews, P (1992) Advanced Chemistry. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.</p><p>SCH 2101 CHEMICAL BONDING AND STRUCTURE</p><p>OBJECTIVES: Learner should be able to: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Show bonding using dot and cross formulae. -Explain the bonding in terms of fulfillment of the outlet rule and deviation from the octet rule. -Show the different types of atomic bonding and inter-molecular forces. -Explain the orbital theory of bonding and hybridization of atomic orbitals. -Show the different shapes of molecules. -Define electronegativity,electron affinity and ionization energy. -Show the relationship between structure and physical properties.</p><p>9 EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Draw dot and cross diagrams to demonstrate bonding. -State and explain the octet rule and deviations from the octet rule. Give examples of molecules violating the octet rule. -Freely show using examples the different types of bonding. Explain why different types of atoms undergo different types of bonding. -List and explain the different types of hybridization. -List the different types of molecular geometries and relate them to the type of hybridization. -Show with examples what are resonance hybrids. -Show the effect of electronegativity, electron affinity and ionization energy on bonding. -Relate the physical properties of molecules to the type of bonding. TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Qualitative treatment of bonding in terms of dot and cross formula. Deviations from the octet rule. Bond types; covalent (dative), ionic, metallic, Van-der- Waal's and hydrogen bonding. Hybridization of atomic orbitals and shapes of simple molecules. Qualitative treatment of resonance. Electronegativity, electron affinity, ionization energy and their effect on bonding. Relation between structure and physical properties (e.g. SiO2 and CO2). Practicals will be on further work on acid-base and redox titrations. </p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Cotton, F and Wilkinson, G. (1987). Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, New York 2. Shriver, D.F. Atkins, P.W., Langord, C.H.(1990). Inorganic Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 3. Matthews, P (1992) Advanced Chemistry. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 4. Raymond chang; Brandon Cruickshank (2005) Chemistry Mcgraw Hill</p><p>SCH 2102 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Explain the properties of gases in terms of the Kinetic molecular theory of gases. -Explain the meaning of an ideal gas and drive the gas Laws from the Kinetic molecular theory. -Derive the Van der Waals equation. -Explain the distribution of molecular speeds in terms of Maxwell-Boltzmann. -Explain chemical and physical equilibria and factors upon which equilibrium depends. -State the Le-Chatelier’s principle. -Explain what are salts, bases, acids and buffer solutions. -Explain the different types of heat changes and standard state. -State Hess’s Law of Constant heat summation. 10 -Explain what an electrochemical cell is and relate it to the half-cell reaction.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Explain the gas laws and relate them to the Kinetic molecular theory of gases. -Calculate the different types of equilibrium constants using balanced equations and given species concentrations. -Explain what is pH and how it can be measured and calculated. -Explain how to make a buffer solution of a given pH. -Explain what are acid-base indicators and how they can be used to determine the equivalent point. -Differentiate between different types of heat changes. -Use Hess’s Law to calculate the enthalpy changes for reactions where the enthalpy change can’t be measured. -Explain what is a standard state conditions. -Write a cell reaction from half-cell reactions. -Calculate cell potential from half-cell potentials.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Properties of gases, kinetic molecular theory of gases, ideal gas laws, deviation from ideality and Van-der-Waal's equation. Maxwell-Boltzman distribution (qualitative treatment). Equilibrium; chemical equilibrium constants and their dependence on concentration and pressures. Le-Chatelier's principle, ionic equilibria. Ionization of water, acids, bases and salts, pH and buffer solutions. Acid-Base concepts, indicators. Solubility and solubility products. Factors affecting solubility. Thermochemistry: Heat change involved in chemical reactions, heat of formation, combustion, neutralization and solution. Emphasis on heat based on standard states. Hess's Law of heat summations. Electrochemistry: electrochemical processes, half-cell reactions, equilibrium electrode potentials and sign convention, emf of a cell. (Practicals will include measurement of heat of reaction, neutralization, pH measurements and solubility products. </p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Atkins, P.W. (1990) Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2. Barrow, G.M. (1988). Physical Chemistry. McGraw Hill Book Company. New York 3. Liptrot, G.F., Thomson, J.J. and Walker, G.R. (1982). Modern Physical Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London</p><p>SCH 2103 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Explain the uniqueness of carbon. - Determine the IUPAC name and structure of an alkane, cycloalkane, alkene alkyne,and vice versa. - Identify functional groups in molecules - Interpret chemical data to arrive at a structural formula of an organic compound </p><p>11 - Predict the products of and write balanced chemical equations for reactions of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes alkynes, alkylhalides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylica acids and amines. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: The uniqueness of carbon in the periodic table and catenation. Bonding in carbon compounds including sp, sp2, sp3, hybridization. The occurrence, nomenclature structural isomerism, physical and chemical properties of alkanes and cycloalkanes. Elementary structural elucidation, calculations of empirical and molecular formulae, double bond equivalents and the use of reactions in the identification of organic molecules. Nomenclature and introduction to the chemistry of the organic functional groups; alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkylhalides, alkanols, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic acids and alkyl amines. Practicals include the investigation of organic functional groups reactions and the preparation of organic compounds.</p><p>Reference: 1. Mukherji, S.M., Singh, S.P. and Kapoor, R.P.(1985). Organic Chemistry. Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi 2. Norman, R.O.C, Waddington, J.J (1983). Modern Organic Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London 3. Morrison, R.T, Boyd, R.N. (1992) Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition New York.</p><p>SPH 2110 INSTRUMENTAL ELECTRONICS</p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course, students should be able to:</p><p>1. Solve simple problems in electricity and electronics 2. Derive the total capacitance for capacitor in parallel and in series 3. Derive the total resistance for resistors in parallel and in series 4. Set up and analyze simple electronic circuits 5. Identify and use various electronic components.</p><p>Course description </p><p>Aspects of Electricity and Electronics; electrical resistance, current, voltage and charge, Thevenin’s Theorem, capacitors and RC circuits, Inductors. Transformers, impedance, the p-n junction and the Diode, the Diode in circuits, the Zener Diode as source of constant voltage; Analog Electrical and Electronic Modules: RC filters, RC differentiator and integrator, radiometric devices:- the Wheatstone Bridge, Power suppliers, Transistors; operational Amplifiers circuits: the operational amplifiers and some basic circuits, precision voltage and current sources and their amplifications, electronic 12 integrator and differentiators, Comparators and Active filters; Digital Electronic Modules: Signal sampling, Analog-to-Digital converters, Digital signal, switching and Logic Gates, Flip-Flops and Registers.</p><p>Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: White board, marker pens, capacitors, resistors & other electronic components, power supply, operational amplifiers, transistors, logic gates, CRO’.</p><p>Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%. Textbooks</p><p>1. Millman J., Christos C.H, Integrated Electronics, Mcgraw Hill Book Company 1986</p><p>ICS 2100 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS</p><p>OBJECTIVES:</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Computer fundamentals: DOS (disk operating system) and file management. Classification: analog, digital and hybrid. Numbers: integers, decimals, single and double precision, binary, octal and hexadecimal. Primary storage classification: bit, byte and word. Hardware: input, output, storage and control devices and CPU (Central Processing Unit). Systems software, operating and compiling systems (interpreter and compiler) and utilities. Data files: random and sequential. Disk storage: track, sector, cluster and surface. Number and character codes: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Storage techniques for sparse matrices and vectors. Operators and logical operations. Errors generated by computers. Software packages: word processing, spreadsheets, database management and statistical packages. </p><p>Reference: SMA 2101 CALCULUS I</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course Learner should: equiped with the mathematical tools and abilities in differential calculus and introduce integral calculus for univariate functions.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>13 SYLLABUS: Limits, continuity and differentiability. Differentiation by first principles and by rule for x n(integral and fractional n), sums, products, quotients, Chaim rule, trigonometric, logonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions of a single variable. Parametric differentiation. Applications: equations of tangent and normal, kinematics, rates of change and stationary points. Integration: anti-derivatives and their applications to areas and volumes.</p><p>REFERENCES: 1. S J Salas and E Hille Calculus: One and Several Variables. 7th ed. Wiley, 1995 2. Stewart. Calculus Concepts and Contexts: Multi-variable and Single Variable. Brooks/Cole Pub Co, 2004. 3. Thomas & Finney. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 7th. Addison-Wesley, 1988 4. Edwards, C. H. Multivariable Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 5th. Prentice Hall, 1997 5. Larson, Ron; Hostetler, Robert P.; Edwards, Bruce H. Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 8th ed. Houghton Mifflin College, 2005 </p><p>SMA 2102 CALCULUS II</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course Learner should be equiped with further mathematical tools and abilities in differential and integral calculus and complex numbers.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>SYLLABUS: Parametric and implicit differentiation including second and higher derivatives, and application to equations of tangent and normal. Curve sketching and asymptotes. Small changes. Hyperbolic functions: their definition, differentiation and integration. Techniques of integration: powers of trigonometric functions, standard substitution including trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and t methods, parts and partial fractions. Solution of variables. Application of integration to kinematics including simple harmonic motion, arc length, plance and surface area and volume in Cartesian coordinates. Numerial integration: trapezoidal, mid-ordinate, Simpson's and prismoidal rules. Complex numbers: Argand diagrams, arithmetic operations and their geometric representation. Modulus and argument. De Moivre's theorem and its applications to trogonometric identities and roots of complex numbers. (Pre-requisites SMA 2101, SMA 2104). </p><p>PRE-REQUISITES: STA 2104 Calculus for Statistics I REFERENCES: 1. S J Salas and E Hille (1995). Calculus: One and Several Variables. 7th ed. Wiley. 2. Stewart. (2004) Calculus Concepts and Contexts: Multi-variable and Single Variable. Brooks/Cole Pub Co,. 3. Thomas & Finney (1988). Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 7th. Addison-Wesley, 4. Edwards, C. H. (1997). Multivariable Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 5th. Prentice Hall, </p><p>SMA 2103 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I</p><p>14 OBJECTIVE: At the end of the course the learner should be proficient in representing data graphically and handling summary statistics, simple correlation and best fitting line, and handling probability and probability distributions including expectation and variance of a discrete random variable.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>SYLLABUS: Classical and axiomatic approaches to probability. Compound and conditional probability, including Bayes' theorem. Concept of discrete random variable: expectation and variance. Data: sources, collection, classification and processing. Frequency distributions. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Skewness and Kurtosis. Correlation and regression. (Pre-requisite SMA 2104).</p><p>PRE-REQUISITES: SMA 2104 Calculus I, SMA 2104 Mathematics for Science. REFERENCES: 1. Uppal, S. M., Odhiambo, R. O. & Humphreys, H. M (2005). Introduction to Probability and Statistics. JKUAT Press, 2. P.S. Mann. (2001). Introductory Statistics. John Wiley & Sons Ltd,. 3. GM Clarke & D Cooke (2004). A Basic Course in Statistics. 5th ed. Arnold, 4. S Ross (1994). A first course in Probability 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 5. J Crawshaw & J Chambers (1994). A concise course in A-Level statistics, with worked examples, 3rd ed. Stanley Thornes, </p><p>SPH 2105 MOTION AND WAVES</p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course students should be able to:</p><p>1. Solve simple problems on statics dynamic and heat & thermodynamics 2. Distinguish between heat and temperature, specific heat capacity and latent heat 3. State and apply Newton’s Laws of motion 4. Identify and use various temperature measuring instrument</p><p>Course description Fundamental units. Dimensional analysis. Motion: Constant velocity, acceleration velocity, acceleration and time diagrams. Circular motion: Centripetal and centrifugal acceleration. Vectors: Resultant vectors, Dot cross product of vectors. Newton’s Laws of motion. Gravitation, Kepler’s Laws. Simple Harmonic motion, damped and forced motion. Periodic motions and superpositions. Interferance and diffraction effects of light waves. Coupled oscillators and normal modes of continuous systems. Transverse and longitudinal waves. Boundary effects. </p><p>Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: 15 Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%. Textbooks</p><p>1. Halliday D., Resnick R., Physics Part I, Wiley Eastern University Edition 1992 2. O’leary J.S., Das N.L Physics I, Nairobi University Press, 1993</p><p>SPH 2101 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM I</p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course, the student should be able to:</p><p>1. Solve simple problems in electricity and magnetism 2. Set up and analyze simple circuits 3. State and apply Kirchoff’s Law 4. Describe the operation of a simple electric motor and dynamo </p><p>Course description Elementary charge. Coulomb's law. Electric potential, electric field. System of capacitors. Discharging of capacitor through resistor. Ohm's Law. Resistivity and conductivity and their temperature dependence. Kirchoff’s Law. Potentiometer. Bridge circuits and measurements. Magnetic effect of current. Magnetic flux. Biot Savart's Law. Force on a moving charge in magnetic field. Torque on a current carrying conductor.</p><p>Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: White board, marker pens, power supply, resistors, capcpators & other electrical components, potentionmeter, Ammeter,s Voltmeters</p><p>Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%. Textbooks 1. Halliday D., Resnick R., Physics Part II, Wiley Eastern University Edition 1992 2. Karanja P.K., Singh, C.S., Physics II, Nairobi University Press,2002 3. Duffin W.J., Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1990</p><p>SPH 2201 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM II </p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course students should be able to:</p><p>1. Solve simple problems on optics, waves, electricity & electrostatic 2. Set up and analyze simple electric circuit 3. Explain the production of X-rays and the photoelectric effect 16 4. Identify and use various electricity measuring instruments, optical instruments.</p><p>Course description Gauss law and its application, energy of charged capacitors, time constant of LCR circuits. Effect of dielectrics on capacitance, polarization and displacement currents. Laws of electromagnetic induction, self-inductance, mutual inductance and their measurements. Generation of AC sinusoidal varying e.m.f. and current. R.M.S. and peak values. Electrical and magnetic measuring instruments.</p><p>Prerequisite: SPH 2101: Electricity and Magnetism I Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: White board, marker pens, capacitors, resistors inductors – magnet etc, power supply, CRO</p><p>Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%.</p><p>Textbooks</p><p>1. Duffin W.J., Electricity & Magnetism, McGraw Hill, 1990 2. Grant I.S., Phillips W.R, Electromagnetism, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1976 3. Halliday D., Resnick R., Physic Part II, Wiley Eastern University Edition 1992</p><p>SBT 2104 INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY</p><p>OBJECTIVES:</p><p> To understand the names and taxa of important microbes. To have an understanding of microbial properties (environmental, biochemical, physiological) To be familiar with the intrinsic/extrinsic conditions affecting the growth, survival and death of microorganisms. To understand the microbiological techniques involved in isolation and identification of microbes. To interpret, summarize and discuss relevant research articles on current concepts in microbiology.</p><p>EXPECTED LEARNING OURCOMES</p><p>Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: o Understand and appreciate the historical background of microbiology. o Demonstrate an understanding of occupationally relevant exposures to microbiological hazards e.g. in a medical laboratory. o Demonstrate an understanding of the growth and culture of micro-organisms in artificial conditions.</p><p>17 o Understand the potential uses of micro-organisms.</p><p>REFERENCES</p><p> Elcamo E. I (2001): Fundamentals of Microbiology, Sixth edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Greenwood. D et al (2000): Medical Microbiology, 15th edition, Churchill Livingstone publishers. Cappucino. J et al (1999): Microbiology: A laboratory manual, 5th edition Benjamin/Cummings publishers. Volk. W. et al (1996): Essentials of Medical Microbiology, 2nd edition, Mosby publishers.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Historical background. General characteristics and classification of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, rickettsia, fungi and algae. Isolation and identification of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microbiological techniques. Microbial physiology. Micro- organisms as pathogens to man plants and animals. Control of micro-organisms. Uses of micro-organisms. Current concepts in microbiology. Growth and culturing of micro- organisms. </p><p>Reference:</p><p>SBH 2200 STRUCTURE OF BIOMOLECULES</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Explain the basic structures of biomolecules - Describe the physical and chemical properties of biomolecules - Describe organellar localizations of the biomolecules in cells of living systems - Explain the interactions of different biomolecules and functional importance to the living systems</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - To gain knowledge on strcture, properties, functions and cellular localization of biomolecules - To understand the interaction of these biomulecules at cellular level and overall importance in organism life</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>18 SYLLABUS: Occurrence of biomolecules is prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells organelles. Hierarch of biomolecular organization. Structure of amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, simple and complex lipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Lehninger, A (2007) Principles of Biochemistry 2. Stryer, L (2007) Biochemistry</p><p>SZL 2130 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: Learn the structure and composition of various body compartments, functions and interrelations. Learn the body systems and functions.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>By the end of this course the students should be able to know the structure, composition and functions of body systems.</p><p>1. References</p><p> a. Randall and Augustine Freeman & Co 3rd Edition E. Clert - Introduction to Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and adaptations. b. Bell, Emslie, Smith and Paterson, 10th Edi. - Animal Physiology c. Knut, Schmidt - Nielsen, Cambridge University Press 1975 2nd Edition Animal Physiology. d. Raeburn J. K. Raeburn H. A 4th Ed. - Anatomy, Physiology & Hygiene. e. Williams S. Hoar 2nd Ed. - general and Comparative Physiology</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: The cell: structure, organelles, function. The concept of homeokinesia. Blood: composition, functions of its constituents body fluids: compartmentalization, composition, volume control and measurement. Control of hydrogen ion concentration. Endocrine: cells, tissues, organs. Hormone secretion and its control. Hormone functions. Nervous system: sensory, integrative and motor. Other functions of the brain. Cardiovascular system: heart as a pair of pumps; control of cardiac output, blood pressure and regional blood flow. The lymphatic system. Respiratory system: respiratory tract, gaseous exchange among external environment – alveolar – gas – blood and tissues of the body. Urinary system: kidneys, urinary tract. The immature kidney. Reproductive system: male and female reproductive systems. Pregnancy, parturition, lactation and breast-feeding. Digestive system: the digestive system and its functionally associated organs metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and amino-acids; DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, lipid transport and storage, cholesterol synthesis, transport and 19 excretion, integration of metabolism; conversion of amino-acids into specialized products including porphyrins and bile pigments; metabolism of purines and pyrimidines. Musculo-skeletal system. The physiology of locomotion.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>SECOND YEAR</p><p>SCH 2200: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF S AND P BLOCK ELEMENTS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Understand element classification in the periodic table, along the period, down the group - Explain the unique position, of Hydrogen in the periodic table. - Describe occurrence and extraction of various S and P Block elements. - Understand the chemical properties of compounds of S & P Block elements. - Understand the unique nature of water - Prepare at least some compounds of S & P Block element - Investigate (lab-work) chemical properties on both the elements and compounds (carbides, inter halogens etc.)</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>At the end of the Unit, students should be able to:- - Explain element classification in the periodic table. - Describe the occurrences and extraction of various elements in the S and P block elements. - Explain the chemical properties of compounds formed by S & P Block Elements etc etc. etc. - Explain the diagonal relationship of S & P-block elements</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Occurrence, extraction and formation of the common compounds such as halides, oxides, hydrides and others for elements in groups I-VII. General trends in physical and chemical properties down the groups, along the periods and diagonally. A brief discussion of group zero elements. Practical work includes the systematic identification of cations and anions in solution. Preparation of selected complexes of groups II-VII elements.</p><p>Reference:</p><p>; Modern Inorganic Chemistry Liprot, G F; Modern Inorganic Chemistry Logowski, J.J.;Comparative Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Ed; Moody, B</p><p>1. Cotton, F and Wilkinson, G. (1987). Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, New York 2. Cotton, F and Wilkinson, G. (1980). Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, New York. 3. Orgel, L.E.(1966). An introduction to Transition Metal Chemistry, Muthuen, London 4. Shriver, D.F. Atkins, P.W., Langord, C.H.(1990). Inorganic Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 5. Liprot, G.F (xxxxx) Modern Inorganic Chemistry 20 6. Sharpe, A. G</p><p>SCH 2201 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe the properties of gases in terms of the kinetic molecular theory. - Define chemical thermodynamics, systems, system state and the first law of - thermodynamics. - Differentiate between real and ideal gases. - Differentiate between real and ideal solutions - Define the colligative property and identify the various types - Calculate work and heat in terms of state variables</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>- Explain the properties observed in systems in terms of Molecular behaviour. - Express the energy changes in systems in terms of work and heat. - Differentiate between reversible and irreversible systems and work out the heat and work - done by each system. - Understand the difference between adiabatic and non adiabatic changes. - Explain the changes in real solutions in terms of deviations from ideal behaviour. - Use colligative properties to calculate molar masses of compounds.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Derivation of heat capacities (Cv and Cp) from the Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases. Quantitative treatment of Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution. Liquification of gases, law of corresponding states and the critical point. Chemical thermodynamics: constant volume, constant pressure and reversible processes. Isothermal and adiabatic expansion of an idea gas. Heat capacities and temperature dependence of enthalpy. Real and ideal solutions, solutions of two components. Henry’s and Raoult’s laws. Partial molar quantities. Colligative properties. Determination of Molarmass from colligative Properties. Practicals will include thermochemistry, and colligative properties.</p><p>References 1. Atkins, P.W. (1990) Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2. Barrow, G.M. (1988). Physical Chemistry. McGraw Hill Book Company. New York 3. Liptrot, G.F., Thomson, J.J. and Walker, G.R. (1982). Modern Physical Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London</p><p>SCH 2202 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Name acyclic and alicyclic organic compounds. - Discuss reaction mechanism for additions , substitution, elimination and rearrangement reactions</p><p>21 EXPECTED OUTPUT: Prepare simple benzene derivatives , amines, diazonium salts and phenols</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: A general review of nomenclature of acylic and alicyclic organic compounds. Homolytic and heterolytic bond fission. Reaction mechanisms for addition, substitution, elimination and rearrangement reactions. Stereochemistry: chirality, optical activity, racemisation, resolution and absolute configuration. Phenomenon of aromaticity. Nomenclature of benzene derivatives. Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitutions. Orientation and reactivity of benzenederivatives. Preparation of amines, diazonium salts, phenols and their synthetic applications. Practicals will include experiments to illustrate the reaction mechanisms. </p><p>Reference: 1. Morrison, R.T, Boyd, R.N. (1992) Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition New York. 2. Stykes, P.(1986). A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Longman, London. 3. Norman, R.O.C, Waddington, J.J (1983). Modern Organic Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London</p><p>SCH 2203 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND RADIOCHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe radioactivity and nuclear reactions; - Describe different kinds of ionising radiations and their effects on Matter - State uses radio isotopes and radiation chemistry in every day life - Calculate energy changes in a nuclear reaction</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: The learner should be; - versed with dangers of nuclear radiations - able to safely handle radioactive nuclides</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: A brief introduction into radioactivity and nuclear reactions; different kinds of ionising radiations and their properties, modes of decay, interaction of radiation with matter; effects of high energy radiations, applications of radio isotopes and radiation Chemistry in areas such as industry, biology, medicine, agriculture and nuclear reactors.</p><p>Reference:</p><p>1. Rydberg, J. and Choppin, G.R. (1980), Nuclear Chemistry: Theory and Applications, Pergamon Press Oxford. 2. Atkins, P.W. (1990) Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 3. Barrow, G.M. (1988). Physical Chemistry. McGraw Hill Book Company. New York 4. Liptrot, G.F., Thomson, J.J. and Walker, G.R. (1982). Modern Physical Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London 22 SCH 2304 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Distinguish between accuracy and precision, repeatability and reproducibility of data. - Discuss the types and sources of errors in analytical chemistry - Apply statistical tests such as Q-test, F-test etc to sets of data - Describe principles and application of various chromatographic separation and thermal - analytical methods. - Write half-cell, overall cell reaction equations, calculate e.m.f. and explain the principles of - electro-analytical techniques - Explain the principles of UV/Visible, IR, AAS and fluorimetry techniques</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Generate and present reliable scientific data - Carry out chromatographic separation</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Introduction to nature and scope of Analytical Chemistry. Design of experiments. Collection and treatment of analytical data: sampling techniques, accuracy, precision, reliability and presentation of data. Statistical treatment of data; dispersion of data, statistical tests, regression and correlation analysis. Introduction to flame spectroscopy. Methods of separation and purification; distillation, filtration precipitation, principles of chromatography. Thermal analytical techniques: differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. Electrochemical techniques: ion selective electrodes, potentiometric titrations, polarography. Introduction to UV/visible and IR spectroscopy and fluorimetry. Practicals to emphasize the basic methodology of analytical Chemistry with particular reference to practical industrial and environmental problems.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Skoog, and West (1987) Fundamentals of Analytical chemistry, Wiley and Sons, New York. 2. Miller, J.C. and Miller, J.N. (1993) Statistics for Analytical Chemistry, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chishester, UK. 3. Christaian, G.D. and O’Reilly, J.E. (1986) Instrumental analysi. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston, USA.</p><p>SCH 2334 COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Operate computers and troubles shoot the PCs without any technical assistance.</p><p>- Use/operate different software such as word processor, database, spreadsheet and other chemistry software.</p><p>- Interface the computers with instruments in the laboratory. 23 - Understand basics of computer hardware and peripherals.</p><p>- Be able to use computers in online data search.</p><p>- Describe different digital input and output in a computer system. EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Explain the functioning of computers.</p><p>- Assemble/disable the computers (basics)</p><p>- Differentiate between computer input and output</p><p>- Understands the interfacing between software and hardware and instrumentation </p><p>- Explain the power systems/UPS as used in computers TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Interfacing analytical instruments to microcomputers, digital inputs and outputs. Introduction to Basic Programming: flow diagrams, databases, laboratory information management system. Laboratory automation. Spreadsheets and Chemistry software, online data search. Presentation of Chemistry information, multimedia in Chemistry.</p><p>REFERENCES</p><p>1. Pete Bags: Computers in chemistry- Oxford University Press</p><p>2. American chemical Society: Using computers in chemistry and chemical education. </p><p>SCH 2406 INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: - Compare industrial processes with laboratory preparations - Describe factors considered on chemical plant establishment. - Research and development of industrial products - Describe productions and uses of primary chemicals such as sodium chloride and its by products, - Explain fermentation and its products such as ethanol and antibiotics. - Out line Petroleum refining, - Describe nylon production, production and isolation of wood products. - Describe Isolation of meat by-products. - Describe Making of matches, bleaches and soaps. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Demonstrate knowledge on various chemical production processes and factors to be considered in setting up of the factories</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial visits 24 SYLLABUS: Industrial processing compared to laboratory preparations, Batch versus continues processing. Pilot plants, chemical plant locations. Research and development. Ceramic industries, (refractories, glass, cement, calcium carbide). Production and uses of selected primary chemicals, sodium chloride and products based there on. Starch and sugar products. Wood chemicals. Fermentation and products based there on (e.g. ethanol, antibiotics such as penicillin). Petroleum refining, structure properties and commercial preparations on selected practicals to illustrate the principles of fermentation, production of simple sugars from polysaccharides. Nylon production, production and isolation of wood products. Isolation of meat by-products. Making of matches, bleaches and soaps. </p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Heaton, C.A. (1984). An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry, Blakie, Glasgow. 2. Heaton, C.A. (1986). The Chemical Industry, Blackie, Glasgow. 3. Hill, J.W. and Hill, C.S. (1988). Chemistry for Changing times, Macmillan, New York. 4. Kirk, R.E. and Othmer, D.F. (1985). Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Wiley, New York. 5. Jumba, I and Likimani, T (2001). Chemistry and Its Application. Nairobi University Press, Nairobi</p><p>ICS 2102 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING</p><p>OBJECTIVES:</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Structured programming using a high level language such as BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, C. Program structure. Algorithms and their design: stepwise refinement. Data types and expressions. Control structures: sequencing, iterations and selection. Procedures and functions. Records and files. Recursion. Report and display design. Library procedures. (Pre-requisite ICS 2240).</p><p>Reference:</p><p>SMA 2200 CALCULUS III</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Extend the concepts of differentiation and integration to functions of several variables. - Investigates inequalities and estimates and their use in understanding the convergence of sequences and series.</p><p>SYLLABUS: Polar coordinates: their definition, relationship with Cartesian coordinates, graphs and equations. Limits, continuity and differentiability. Sequences and series: convergence tests. Mean value theorem of differential calculus. L'Hopital's rule. Rolle's theorem. Power series: Taylor's and Maclaurin's theorems including applications to binomial,</p><p>25 logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Trigonometric and hyperbolic representation of complex numbers. Partial differentiation including first and second partial derivatives, total derivative and change of variable for two independent variables. Integration: reduction formulae, applications to arc length, plance and surface area, volume, mass centre and moments of inertia in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Improper integrals and their convergence. Integration as the limit of a sum including pincer method for evaluation of simple integrals. Double integrals including change of order of integration and change of variable. (Prerequisite SMA 2102).</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. S J Salas and E Hille Calculus: One and Several Variables.7th ed. Wiley, 1995. 2. Stewart. Calculus Concepts and Contexts: Multi-variable and Single Variable. Brooks/Cole Pub Co, 2004. 3. Thomas & Finney. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 7th. Addison-Wesley, 1988 4. Edwards, C. H. Multivariable Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 5th. Prentice Hall, 1997 5. Larson, Ron; Hostetler, Robert P.; Edwards, Bruce H. Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 8th ed. Houghton Mifflin College, 2005 </p><p>SMA 2220 VECTOR ANALYSIS</p><p>OBJECTIVES:</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials </p><p>SYLLABUS: Dot and cross products of two vectors, triple scalar and vector products and product of four vectors. Vector differentiation including directional and partial derivatives, and applications to differential geometry and mechanics. The gradient, divergence and curl operators and their physical interpretations. Integration of vectors including line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s Stokes’, divergence and related theorems (proofs not required). Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Del and del-squire in spherical polar and cylindrical coordinates. (Pre-requisite SMA 2102)</p><p>Reference:</p><p>26 SPH 2203 MODERN PHYSICS</p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course students should be able to:</p><p>1. Solve simple problem in relativistic mechanics & nuclear structures 2. Describe the Bohr model of atom. 3. State the Einstein postulates of special theory of relativity.</p><p>Course description Inertial frame of reference; Galilean transformation; Mechelson Morley experiment; Einstein postulates of special theory of relativity, problem of simultaneity; Lorentz transformation; Minkowski flat space time; Doppler effect; relativistic momentum, energy and force; mass energy relation; black body radiation, photoelectric effect, atomic spectra; failure of classical theory, properties of light photon; Bohr Model of atom, quantization of energy and momentum, Compton effect; X-rays, de Broglie waves; uncertainty principle; nuclear structure and radioactivity.</p><p>Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: X-ray source & targets, photoelectric effect equipment.</p><p>Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%.</p><p>Textbooks 1. French A.P, Special Relativity, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Ltd, London, 1982 2. Bransden B. H., Joachain C.J, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics</p><p>SCH 2204 CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC FUNCTIONAL GROUPS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Name the compounds in the following homologous series and discuss their reactions: Halides, alcohols, ethers, carbonyls, organic acids, amines and phenols. - Describe the manufacture Ethanol, Formaldehyde, acetone, glycerol sulphonic acids.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>Synthesis and characterize compounds containing one functional group</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Halides, alcohols, ethers, carbonyls, organic acids, amines and phenols. Nomenclature, Reactions, Substitution and Elimination reactions, stereochemistry, transition states and properties. Introduction to functional group transformations: Oxidation, Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, use of crown ethers, Hydroboration Reduction. 27 Manufacture of industrial solvents: Ethanol, Formaldehyde, acetone, glycerol sulphonic acids. Practicals to include synthesis and characterizarion of compounds containing one functional group.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Morrison, R.T, Boyd, R.N. (1992) Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition New York. 2. Mukherji, S.M., Singh, S.P. and Kapoor, R.P.(1985). Organic Chemistry. Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi 3. Norman, R.O.C, Waddington, J.J (1983). Modern Organic Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London</p><p>THIRD YEAR</p><p>SCH 2303 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Describe methods of forming cyclic and alicyclic carbon bonds</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -To prepare, purify, separate and structural elucidate organic compounds</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Methods of forming cyclic and alicyclic carbon bonds; organometallic reagents; aldol condensation and acyloin condensation; the Dieckman cyclization, annelation methods, alkylation methods and the use of protecting and activating groups. The Wittig reaction. Reduction: dissolving metal reductions, catalytic reduction. Practicals will involve preparation, separation, purification and structural elucidation of some organic compounds.</p><p>Reference: 1. Morrison, R.T, Boyd, R.N. (1992) Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition New York. 2. Stykes, P.(1986). A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Longman, London. 3. Norman, R.O.C, Waddington, J.J (1983). Modern Organic Chemistry. Bell and Hyman, Ltd. London</p><p>SCH 2302 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS AND PHASE EQUILIBRIA </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - State the second Law of thermodynamics and show it as a basis for spontaneous process in isolated systems. -Define entropy and show it’s meaning in relation to systems in terms of heat. -Define free energy and show how it can be used as a criteria for determination of direction in a chemical reaction.</p><p>28 -Derive the fundamental equation of thermodynamics. -Define what is a phase and derive the phase Rule. -Show the different forms of physical equilibria plotting the relevant phase diagrams. -State and explain the third law of thermodynamic.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Calculate the entropy at different temperatures. -Calculate free energy at different pressures for ideal gas. -Predict the direction of change from change in free energy. -Relate the free energy change to equilibrium constant. -Calculate the absolute entropy using the third Law of thermodynamics. -Explain what is a phase and determine the degrees of freedom. -Interpret phase diagrams of various systems. TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Spontaneous process in isolated systems. Second law of thermodynamics. Calculation of entropy for isothermal process. Temperature dependence of entropy. Free energy and chemical equilibrium. Pressure dependence of free energy of ideal gases. Relation of free energy to equilibrium constant. Third law of thermodynamics, Clausius Clapeyron equation. Phase rule, one component system. Physical equilibria, vapour/liquid equilibrium, vapour pressure and its relationship to boiling points, liquid/liquid equilibria, solid/liquid equilibria. Vapour pressure composition diagrams for liquid mixtures.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Atkins, P.W. (1990) Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2. Barrow, G.M. (1988). Physical Chemistry. McGraw Hill Book Company. New York</p><p>SCH 2330 UNIT OPERATIONS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe the different methods for separation. - Describe the different methods which can aid separation. - Describe the different methods for the reduction of solids - Draw up triangular diagrams for three components</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Understand the different methods of separation of liquid/liquid, liquid/solid, liquid/gas and gas/solid systems. - Understand the principle behind flocculation and sedimentation. - Understanding how the sedimentation coefficient can be used to determine relative molecular mass. - Understand the principles and methods of solid size reduction. - Understand how triangular diagrams can be of theoretical use to solvent entraction.</p><p>29 TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Unit operations as essential operations in the chemical industry. Evaporation: direct heat, steam heating, film type units, heat transfer coefficients, operation under vacuum, equipment for evaporation. Crystallization: Growth and properties of crystals, saturation, nucleation, crystallization rate. Mixing and agitation. The centrifuge: General principles, separation of immiscible liquids, separation of solids from liquids. Sedimentation and thickening: gravitational sedimentation, flocculation, the thickener. Drying: moisture content of solids, humidity of air, types of dryers, rate of drying of solids and gases. Filtration: theory of filtration, flow through filter cake; types of filters – bed, porous solid, bay, press, plate, etc. Size reduction of solids: crushers and mills. Liquid-liquid extraction: Use of triangular diagrams. Absorption of gases, condition of equilibrium between liquids and gases.</p><p>Reference:</p><p>1. McCabe, Smith and Harriot (xxxxx) Chemical Engineering Series. 2. Robert E. Treybal.(xxxx) Mass transfer operations, 3rd Edition. 3. Atkins, P.W. (1990) Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford</p><p>SCH 2332: CHEMISTRY OF PIGMENTS AND DYES</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Distinguish between a pigment and a dye. - Give a classification of pigments and dyes and explain their properties. - Explain the functions of pigments and how they are tested and evaluated. - Distinguish between White pigments and extenders; Colored inorganic pigments, Organic pigments and colored metals. - Explain the following terms: Chromophore, auxochrome, and bathochromes. Bathochromic and hypochromic shifts, and the source of colour in pigments and dyes. - Discuss disperse dyes - amino azobenzenes, anthraquinones. Vat dyes-Indanthren A and B. Reactive dyes, sulfur, direct, mordant, acidic dyes, and fastness properties - Explain the manufacture of a few pigments and dyes.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT -Prepare inorganic and organic pigments and dyes</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Properties of pigments. Testing and evaluation of pigments. Color pigment. White pigments and extenders. Colored inorganic pigments. Organic pigments and colored metals. Chromophore, auxochrome, and bathochromes. Bathochromic and hypochromic shifts. Fastness properties. Disperse dyes-amino azobenzenes, anthraquinones. Vat dyes-Indanthren A and B. Reactive dyes. Other dyes- sulfur, direct, mordant, acids. Practicals for this unit will include preparation of some inorganic and organic pigments and dyes.</p><p>REFERENCE: 30 1. TROTMAN.E.R (1984) Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres 6th Edn. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. </p><p>SCH 2356 – SEPARATION TECHNIQUES OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Define and identify different types of chromatography - State methods of separations - Explain chromatographic instrumentations - Explain chromatography as a tool for quantitative analysis </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Apply chromatographic skills in separation off mixtures - Carry out quantitative analysis using chromatographic methods</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Methods of separation and purification such as: distillation, freeze drying and crystallization. Principles of chromatography. Planar chromatography; paper and thin layer chromatography. Gas chromatography: theory of gas chromatography, efficiency of column, resolution of peaks, height equivalent to theoretical plates (HETP). Instrumentation for chromatography, optimization of column performance, detectors. Temperature programming. Qualitative analysis. Liquid chromatography – column packing, modes of liquid chromatography: normal, reversed phase, ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography. Electrophoresis. Practicals in thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Robert L Grob, Eugene F. Barry (2004). Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex. 2. Llord R. Snyder, Joseph J. Kirkland, Joseph L. Glajch (1997). Practical HPLC Method Development. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex. 3. McMaster, M.C., and McMaster, C (1998). GC/MS: A Practical User’s Guide. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex. 4. Ardrey, R.E. (2003) Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: An Introduction. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex. </p><p>SCH 2331 POLYMER SYNTHESIS OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Define and state occurrence of polymers. - Describe addition polymerization its mechanisms and kinetics. - Describe condensation polymerization, functionality of monomers, carothers equation, molecular weight distribution, gel point determination. - Expalin co-ordination polymerization and Ziegler Natta Catalysts - Describe thermal and oxidative stability of polymers 31 EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>Preparation and degradation of some polymers</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Definition and occurrence of polymers. Addition polymerization: free radical polymerization, ionic chain processes, mechanisms and kinetics, molecular weight distribution and control. Condensation polymerization: functionality of monomers, carothers equation, molecular weight distribution, gel point determination. Co-ordination polymerization and Ziegler Natta Catalysts. Co-ordinated ionic mechanisms and stereospecific polymerization. Thermal and oxidative stability of polymers: polymerization-depolymerization equilibria, transition catalysts, photochemical degradation, biodegradable polymers. Practicals would include preparation and degradation of some polymers.</p><p>REFERENCE: Harper, C.A. (2006). Handbook of Plastic Processes. Wiley, West Sussex Speight, J.G. (2005). Environmental Analysis and Technology for the Refining Industry. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex. Mirau, P.A. (2005). A Practical guide to understanding the NMR of Polymers. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex.</p><p>SCH 2412 NATURAL PRODUCTS CHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to:</p><p>- Explain the difference between primary and secondary metabolites. - Outline the principal metabolic pathways (glycolysis, carboxylic acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid biosynthesis), including a diagrammatic representation of the relationship between them and the chemical structures of key primary metabolites (phosphoenol pyruvate, acetyl CoA, mevalonate). - Describe, with detailed examples, how isotope labelling and NMR spectroscopy may be used to elucidate biosynthetic pathways. - Demonstrate an understanding of the chemical strategies used in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and the role of cofactors in performing biochemical transformations. - Describe the biosynthesis from a primary metabolite, with reference to the enzymes involved and mechanistic details of the key steps, of important biosynthetic intermediates (eg malonyl CoA, chorismate, geranyl pyrophosphate, cadeverine/putrescine/tryptamine/tyramine), given their structure. - Propose a feasible route to a secondary metabolite consistent with observed labelling patterns in feeding experiments using labelled nutrients. - Identify the metabolic pathways involved in the biosynthesis of a secondary metabolite, given its structure. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - To gain knowledge of the mechanisms used by living organisms to synthesise a range of complex organic molecules, - Highlight the mechanistic aspects of key reactions in these biosyntheses. </p><p>32 TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Structure, biosynthesis, reactions and biomimic synthesis of polyketides, shikimates, terpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids. Marine natural products. Synthesis of biologically active compounds such as prostaglanins, vitamins and cholesterol. Practicals will include methods of extraction and synthesis of some natural and biologically active compounds.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Stryer, L. (1995). Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 4th ed.,. 2. Clayden, J. N., Greeves, S. Warren and P Wothers, (2000). Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 3. Bruice, P. Y. (2001) Organic Chemistry", Prentice Hall, 3rd ed.,. 4. Finar, I.L (1991) “Organic Chemistry”Longman Singapore Publishers, 5th ed., 5. Hanson,J. R. (2003). Natural Products: the Secondary Metabolites”, RSC,. 6. Mann, J. (1999). Chemical Aspects of Biosynthesis", OUP,. 7. Hagan, D. O', (1991). The Polyketide Metabolites", Ellis Horwood,.</p><p>SCH 2314 INDUSTRIAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to:</p><p>- Describe the conductance of Electrolytes. - Explain the variation of conductance for weak and strong electrolytes - State the source of electrode potential - Describe standard electrode potentials and measurement of cell potentials - Explain characteristics of cell and performance evaluation. - Explain corrosion</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>- Calculate the conductance of cells and the variation of conductance with concentration - Explain why conductivity varies with concentration - Relate electrode potentials to the standard electrode potentials of non-polarizable electrodes - Explain how corrosion arises and how it can be reduced - Explain the different characteristics of cells</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Conductance of electrolytes, specific resistance and conductance, molar and equivalent conductance, cell constant. Variation of conductance with concentration for weak and strong electrolytes. The Onsager equation. Transference number. Electrode potentials. Standard cell. Electrochemical Cells. Concentration cells. EMF measurements. Dependence of the EMF on concentration and activity. Activity coefficient. Battery characteristics, battery specifications, evaluation of performance. Battery components. Lead acid batteries. Fuel cells. Fundamentals of corrosion.</p><p>33 Practicals will include measurement of EMF of cells, conductivity, and making of simple cells.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Heaton, C.A. (1984). An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry, Blakie, Glasgow 2. Derek Pletcher and Frank C. Walsh (1993),Industrial electrochemistry, 2nd Edition, Blackie Academic and Profissional Publishers </p><p>SCH 2305 REACTION KINETICS </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Explain the importance of studying reaction kinetics. -Define reaction orders and molecularity and show different methods of determination of order. -Derive rate Laws for first and second order reactions. -Explain the different factors upon which reaction rate depends. -Derive the Arrherious equation relating the rate constant to the collision frequency , activation energy and absolute temperature. -Explain the difference between elementary and complex reactions.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>-Determine the order of reaction from given data using t1/2, initial rate, and integrated rate law methods. -Explain the variation of reaction rate on change of factors upon which rate depends. -Explain the effect of catalysts (enzymes) on reaction rate</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Rate equations. Order of reaction, rate constant half life. Elementary and complex reactions, molecularity of elementary reactions. Methods of determining rate orders of chemical reactions. Reaction mechanisms. Factors affecting rates of reactions. Dependence of reaction rate on temperature. Qualitative treatment of Boltzmann factor. The approach to the steady state and induction period. Branched chain reactions and explosions. Enzyme catalyzed reactions (Michaeli’s constant). Addition polymerization. Catalysis. Practicals will include determination of activation energy, reaction rates and orders of reaction.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Atkins, P.W. (1990). Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2. Chang, R., Cruickshank, B (2005).Chemistry, McGraw Hill</p><p>SCH 2313 THEORY OF SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS</p><p>34 OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Define electromagnetic radiation properties, including particle duality of wave and regions of the spectrum - Describe spectroscopy in terms of absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation. - Explain the Einstein coefficient, Beer-Lambert law and its application to spectroscopy - Differentiate the various regions of IR and their limitations - Describe the applications of rotational, IR and Raman spectroscopy. - Explain and differentiate between spin resonance and NMR including and also Mossbauer spectroscopy. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Explain the impact electromagnetic radiation on matter - Differentiate between absorption and emission spectroscopy - Be able to compare Raman and IR spectrum and use their selection rules - Be able to describe multicomponent analysis and its application</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: Electromagnetic spectrum. Spectroscopy: absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation. Electric dipoles magnetic dipoles transition moments. Einstein coefficients, Beer-Lambert law. Rotational, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Electronic spectra of atoms and molecules. Spin resonance spectra (EPR and NMR). Mossbouer spectroscopy.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Atkins, P.W. (1990). Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2. James D Ingle Jr and Stanley R. Crouch (xxxx) Spectrochemical analysis 3. Benwell , C. N. and McCash, E.M (xxxx) Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy 4. Douglas A. Skoog (xxxx) Principles of instrumental analysis</p><p>SCH 2333 NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to - Describe and carry out practically the identification, isolation and purification of natural and synthetic pharmaceutical products. - Design a synthetic approach to common classes of compounds such as antibiotics, sulphanamides, proton pump inhibitors, antiallergics, and antivirals. - Describe industrial processing aspects: process utility systems, tablet production methods, capsule fillings systems, sterile and asceptic manufacturing facility and validation of manufacturing facilities. - select a suitable packaging and storage systems for any given pharmaceutical products based on the stability and the toxicity of the compounds. - Develop an appropriate quality assurance and quality control method for both sterile and non- sterile pharmaceutical products.</p><p>35 EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Isolation, Synthesis, purification and identification of pharmaceutical products - Package and store pharmaceutical products </p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Occurrence, isolation procedure, purification and identification of natural and synthetic pharmaceutical products. Toxicity and commercial production of common classes of compounds: antibiotics, sulphanamides, antidiurectic, antihypertensives antimalarials. Industrial processing aspects: process utility systems, tablet production, capsule filing systems, sterile and aseptic manufacturing facility, validation. Packaging and storage systems. Quality assurance and quality control for pharmaceutical products. Practicals to include general principles of isolation, purification and identification of pharmaceutical products. Appropriate industrial visit.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Pharmaceutics: The Science of Dosage Forms Design, ed. Aulton, M.E., 2rd edition., 2002. London: Elsevier Limited. 2. Medicinal Chemistry, An introduction. Gareth Thomas, 2004. 3. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. Patrick, G., 1998.</p><p>SCH 2310 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe atmospheric photochemistry, pollution, production of major gaseous pollutants and their environmental impact. - Describe combustion fuels in auto engines and their environmental impact. - Describe Pesticide residues and their environmental effects - Discuss waste disposal methods. - State and explain sampling for environmental analysis - State laws and regulations on environmental chemistry</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Carry out Sampling for environmental analysis TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Brief introduction to atmospheric photochemistry of major gaseous pollutants. Atmospheric pollution, production of oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur from fossil fuel power generation. Acid rain, formation and environmental impact. Combustion of petrol and diesel fuels in auto engines. Factors affecting efficiency of combustion. Toxic emissions associated with auto exhausts, and environmental health hazards. Pesticide residues and their environmental effects. Leaching of fertilizers into water systems. Eutrophication and its health implications. Industrial toxic wastes and their environmental health implications. Waste disposal methods- shallow and deep 36 burial, disposal at sea, incineration, detoxification etc. Sampling methods for environmental analysis. Sample preparation methods, matrix effects, organic and inorganic analysis, sensing methods, pollutant analysis, laws and regulations. Practicals will include pesticide residue analysis, heavy metals and industrial effluents, dust.</p><p>Reference:</p><p>SCH 2311 CARBOHYDRATES AND PROTEINS </p><p>Objectives: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - To describe catenation, mono-, di-, oligo-, and poly- saccharides: their nomenclature structure, and biological significance. - To state some natural compounds derived from sugars and polysaccharides: Vitamin C, Inositol, agar. -To discuss chemical synthesise of glycosides; protecting groups and strategies for sugar synthesis. Glycoside bond formation and chemical methods for N-glycoside formation, -To provide a review of how carbohydrate structure influences its applicability in industry -To discuss the industrial applications of carbohydrate polymers in areas such as food, textiles, paper, wood, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, oil field applications and industrial chemistry. -To relate the function of a protein as determined by its shape, as well as its potential for interaction with other molecules. - To describe protein structures and their relationships with enzymatic reactions - To describe the sequence of amino acids. -To describe alterations in the amino acid sequence of a protein cause change in the structure and function of a protein leading to genetic mutations.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTCOME: On successful completion of this module the students will be able to: - Demonstrate familiarity with terminology in the Module-demonstrate general knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of compounds (carbohydrates and proteins) in biological processes - Describe the sources of carbohydrates and proteins and their uses in the industry</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: General definition and occurrence of carbohydrates; classification; representation of Structures of monosaccharides; reactions of monosaccharides; disaccharides; polysaccharides; sweeteners and other industrial products from carbohydrates. General definition and occurrence of proteins; amino acids and peptides; electrophoresis; biological importance of proteins; industrial application and products from proteins. Practicals; include general reactions of carbohydrates, extraction and isolation of naturally occurring amino acids.</p><p>SYLLABUS: General definition and occurrence of carbohydrates; classification; representation ofStructures of monosaccharides; reactions of monosaccharides; disaccharides;polysaccharides; sweeteners and other industrial products from carbohydrates. General definition and occurrence of proteins; amino acids and peptides; electrophoresis; biological importance of proteins; industrial application and products 37 from proteins.Practicals; include general reactions of carbohydrates, extraction and isolation ofnaturally occurring amino acids.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Carey, F.A., Organic Chemistry, 2003, 5th edition, Mcgraw-Hill. 2. Solomons, W.G., Organic Chemistry, 2004, 8th Edition, John Wiley. 3. Kennedy, J.F. Carbohydrate Chemistry, 1988, Clarendon Press. 4. Lehninger, Nelson and Cox. Principles of Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Worth Publishers. NY. 5. On-line sources.</p><p>SCH 2350 INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTATION </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -State Measurement systems, basic functions of instrumentation. - State basic components of spectrophotometric instrumentation, - Discuss management of Signal-to-noise ratio, Sources of noise, Sensitivity, Signal-to-noise enhancement, Fourier transform and operational amplifiers. - Describe basic electronic components, accuracy and equipment calibration. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: Carry out basic trouble shooting, repair and maintenance of basic instrumentation.</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals </p><p>SYLLABUS: Measurement systems, basic functions of instrumentation, Introduction to instrumental techniques, Basic components of spectrophotometric instrumentation, Signal-to-noise ratio, Sources of noise, Sensitivity, Signal-to-noise enhancement, Fourier transform and operational amplifiers. Accuracy and equipment calibration, basic electronic components. Practicals on basic instrumentation.</p><p>Reference:</p><p>FOURTH YEAR</p><p>HRD 2401 ENTREPRENUERSHIP SKILLS</p><p>OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course the students should gain entrepreneurial skills to facilitate them to venture into the business world.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures and Tutorials</p><p>38 SYLLABUS: Definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, the entrepreneur and society, entrepreneurship and self-employment, the government and entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial behavior, sources of business ideas, sources of appropriate technology, evaluating the businessman's resources; legal aspects of business - business formation, trading licenses; sources of finance for small entrepreneurs; decision making; risk taking; leadership; marketing strategies; hiring, motivation and firing of staff; financial management; time management; business planning. </p><p>REFERENCES: </p><p>1. Edward Lumsdaine, and Martin Binks. Entrepreneurship from Creativity to Innovation: Effective Thinking Skills for a Changing World. Trafford Publishing, 2006. 2. N. Gregory Mankiw, Mark P. Taylor. Economics. Thomson Learning, 2006.</p><p>SCH 2403 ORGANIC SPECTROSCOPY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe electromagnetic spectroscopy - State spectroscopic techniques and information derived from them - Perform quantitative and qualitative analysis using spectroscopic methods</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: Elucidate simple structures of organic compounds using spectroscopic methods TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals</p><p>SYLLABUS: The electromagnetic spectrum and spectroscopic techniques. The relationship between frequency, wavelength and energy. Wave numbers. Beer- Lambert’s Law and the relationship between absorption and transmission. Infra-red spectroscopy. Interpretation of some simple infrared spectra of organic molecules. Ultraviolet spectroscopy. Fundamental electronic transitions, chromophores, bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts. Lambda max calculation for conjugated dienes and dienones, qualitative and quantitative analysis of simple organic molecules. Proton NMR, chemical shifts, coupling constants and interpretation of simple spectra. 13C NMR and 31P NMR spectra. Mass spectrometry, molecular ion, satellite and metastable peaks. Fragmentation patterns and application in structure elucidation.</p><p>REFERENCE: 3. Kemp W. (1991). Organic spectroscopy, 3rd edition, McMillan. London 4. Williams, D. H., and Fleming, I (1989) Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 4 th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company 5. Silverstein, R. M., Webmaster, F.X and Kiemle, D.J. (2005) Spectroscopic Identification of organic compounds. 7th edition. John Wiley</p><p>SCH 2414 PROJECT WORK (2 UNITS) 39 OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to - Acquire research skills in various areas of Chemistry</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - To carry out independent scientific research in identified area of chemistry</p><p>Each student will be expected to submit a project write up based on one technique read in books/journals or synthetic work carried out by the student either in the industry or in any other station and discussed with the supervisor and most preferably based on studies covered in the course of study.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Text books in the area of research, 2. Scientific Journal in the area of research</p><p>SCH 2437 AGRO-CHEMICALS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - State classes of agrochemicals, - Describe the chemistry quality control methods, toxicology, packaging and storage of agrochemicals. - Describe the Chemistry quality control methods toxicology, packaging and storage of natural and synthetic pesticides. - Describe industrial application of fermentation and fermentation products. - Describe Environmental pollution from agrochemicals and waste management.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Preparation, handling, use and disposal of agrochemicals</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, Practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: General introduction of Agrochemicals, Chemistry of fertilizers; ingredients, additives and stabilizers, processing of fertilizers, quality control methods, toxicology, packaging and storage. Chemistry of natural and synthetic pesticides such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, including quality control methods, ingredients, additives, stabilizers, toxicology, packaging and storage. Fermentation and fermentation products for industrial application. Environmental pollution from agrochemicals and waste management.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Cremlyn, R.J. (1991) Agrochemicals: Preparation and mode of action. Wiley and Sons</p><p>2. Godfrey, C.R.A (Ed) (1995) Agrochemicals from Natural Products. New York Marcel Dekker</p><p>40 SCH 2438 COSMETICS AND TOILETRY </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - define, prepare and describe the chemistry of cosmetics and toiletries </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: Prepare hair products and toiletries TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, Practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Definition of a cosmetic. Preparation and chemistry of: shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, hair gels, setting lotions, hair oils and pomades, relaxers and hair dyes. Skin care products: cleansers, moisturizers, anti-ageing products. Colour cosmetics: lipsticks, nail polishes and remover, eye and face make-ups. Definition of toiletries: preparation and chemistry of tooth paste: active agents and functions. Oral rinses, soap and detergents: soap and other solid bathing products, liquid bath soaps. Anti-perspirants and deodorants. Packaging and storage. Practicals will include preparation of hair care products and toiletries. Unit title to read: Cosmetics and Toiletry.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Flick, E.W. (1989) Cosmetics and Toiletry Formulations. Volume 1-8. William Andrew Publishing. 2. Machael, A, Irene A(Ed) (2006) handbook of Flavors and Fragrances. Synapse Information Resources 3. Laba, D (Ed) (1993) Rheodology Properties of Cosmetics and Toiletries. CRC Press. ISBN: 0824790901 4. Williams, D.F., Schmitt, W.H. (1996) Chemistry and Technology of the Cosmetics and Toiletries Industry. Springer. ISBN: 0751403342 </p><p>SCH 2439 TECHNOLOGY OF DYEING AND SURFACE COATING</p><p>OBJECTIVES: Define the term fibre Distinguish between natural and manufactured fibers. Identify different types of fibres – cellulose, wool, and synthetic fibers- acrylics, acetates, polymers. Explain the theory of dyeing of fibres. Discuss how several dyes are applied on fibres. Give the constitution and classification of vegetable oils. Discuss the properties of oils. Define term surface coatings and give several examples such as paints, varnishes. Explain the role of drier in surface coatings. Distinguish between convertible and nonconvertible coatings. Discuss the various types of solvents, resins and additives used in surface coatings, and. </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: Formulate dyes and surface coatings such as acrylic lacquers, vinyl lacquers; and their production and quality control. 41 TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, Practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Dyeing of cellulose, wool, synthetic fibers such as acrylics, acetate polymers. Driers, resins, oils, solvents, convertible and nonconvertible coating. Color- measurement, predictions. Level dyeing, effect of temperature, pH, electrolyte, additives. Paints and varnishes. Production and quality control. Waste management of dyes. The practicals include dyeing of fiber, preparation of a drier resin and formulation of paints.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Trotman E.R. (1984) Dyeing and chemical technology of textile fibres 6th edn. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. Boxall J. and. Von Fraunhoffer, J.A., Elek, P (1977). Concise paint technology: publisher/ distributor: scientific books) ltd. London</p><p>SCH 2441 INDUSTRIAL WASTE, TREATMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION </p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - State and explain the public image of the industry, - Describe characteristics, types, principles and technology of industrial treatment of industrial wastes. - State waste disposal and explain their environmental impact. - Explain environmental laws and regulations and environmental impact assessment in Kenya and Global.</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Expertise on industrial waste, treatment and environmental legislation issues</p><p>TEACHING METHODOLOGY:</p><p>Lectures, Tutorials, practicals and Industrial Visits</p><p>SYLLABUS: Public image of the industry, characteristics of industrial wastes, types of industrial wastes, principles of industrial waste treatment;, Treatment of wastes or effluents with organic impurities; Treatment of wastes or effluents with inorganic impurities, the nature and treatment of some important chemical wastes. Treatment technology, costs and potential risks; Recycling as an approach to waste disposal. Environmental act, environmental regulations in Kenya; Environmental impact assessment. Global environmental issues, laws and regulations.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>42 1. Gourlay, K.A.(1992) World of Waste-Dilemma of Industrial Developemnt. Zed Book Ltd, London. ISBN 0-86232-988-4 2. Newsday Inc (1989) Rush to Burn; Solving America’s Garbage Crisis? Washington DC. ISBN 1- 55963-001-9 3. Eckenfelder, W.W. jr (1989) Industrial Water Poluution Control. McGrawHll, New York. ISBN 0-07-01803-X 4. Sidwick, J.M., Holdom, R.S. (Edt) (1987) Biotachnology of Water Treatment and Exploitation. Ellis Horwood Limited, England. ISBN 0-85312-917-7</p><p>SCH 2442 POLYMER PROCESSING</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: -Describe manufacture of rubbers and plastics -Describe the manufacture of glass fibre composites, glass fibre polymer products - Describe the manufacture of foam mattresses</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Make rubbers and plastics, glass fibre composites, glass fibre polymer products and foam mattresses</p><p>SYLLABUS: Compounding of plastics and rubbers: Additives rubbers, plastics; properties after compounding. Mixing processes for plastics and rubbers; mixing machines/devices. Polymer processing methods: extrusion processes such as calendaring, screw extrusion; moulding processes: compression moulding, transfer moulding, injection moulding, extrusion blow moulding, thermoforming. Contact moulding processes: glass fibre reinforcement technology, manufacture of polyurethane foams. Practicals: glass fibre technology, making a polymer foam. Industrial visits necessary.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Baird, B.G. and Collias, D.I. (1995) Polymer Processing: Principles and Design. Butterworth-Heinemann 2. Morton-Jones, D.H. (1989) Polymer Processing. Chapman and Hall</p><p>SCH 2410 STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe properties of lattice structures in term of size and forces responsible for their formation</p><p>- Describe properties of semi-conductors, theories and differences between superconductors and semiconductors. Application</p><p>- Explain production, properties and identification of minerals using X-rays</p><p>- Describe structural properties in terms Bragg’s and lane equations</p><p>- Define Jahn-Teller distortion and relate to structural properties of materials</p><p>- Describe the differences between secondary fluorescence and scattering.</p><p>- Explain the refraction and diffraction of X-rays and compare with electron and neutron diffractions 43 EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Explain the periodicity and symmetry of elements</p><p>- Differentiate between crystal defects and disorders</p><p>- Use Millers indices to describe the various structures e.g. the rhombohedral crystals, symmetry planes</p><p>- Explain identification procedures of determining minerals using X-rays, its production process and electron diffraction</p><p>SYLLABUS: Lattice structure, periodicity and symmetry, Atomic size, ionic, covalent and Van der Waals radii. Classification of crystals, crystal defects and disorders, Jahn- Teller distortion, Semiconductors, non-stoichiometry.</p><p>Production, measurements and properties of X-rays. Secondary fluorescence, scattering, refraction and diffraction of X-rays. Lane equation, Bragg's law, Miller indices, Structure determination and identification of minerals using X-rays. Neutron and electron diffraction and comparison with X-ray diffraction.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Inorganic chemistry: Gary L. Miessler, Donald A. Tarr. 3rd Edition 2. Chemistry: Raymond Chang, 4th Edition</p><p>SCH 2443 POLYMER CHARACTERIZATION AND ANALYSIS</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe different types, classification and characterization of polymers - Describe molecular mass averages and distributions, theoretical derivations, an outline of methods for measuring relative molecular mass</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: - Display Analytical skills in polymer materials and products</p><p>SYLLABUS: Homopolymers and Copolymers: monomer arrangements; random, alternating and block copolymers.</p><p>Inorganic polymers, fundamental concepts, classification in terms of linear, sheet and network structures. Properties of inorganic polymer systems.</p><p>Molecular mass averages and distributions, theoretical derivations, an outline of methods for measuring relative molecular mass.</p><p>44 Characterization and analysis: physical methods for polymer structure analysis; spectroscopic methods to include UV, IR, NMR, thermal methods. Chemical means of structure elucidation; dienene polymer microstructure. Practicals will include spectroscopic methods, chemical and thermal analysis.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Campbell, D., Pethrick, R.A., and White, J.R. (2000). Polymer characterization: Physical Techniques</p><p>SCH 2444 POLYMER STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Give detailed account of mechanical and physical properties of polymer products</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: -Carry out mechanical and physical tests on properties of polymer products</p><p>SYLLABUS: Configuration of polymer chains: tacticity; isomerism of diene polymers; strain induced morphology; cold-drawing, morphology changes during orientation.</p><p>Stress-strain behaviour of polymers: rubbery, brittle, ductile behaviour and molecular explanation of effects; strain-induced crystallization; influence of molecular mass, crosslinking, plasticisers and fillers.</p><p>Mechanical behaviour at different temperatures; characteristics of the liquid, rubbery, leathery and glassy states; theories and molecular interpretation of these states; effect of polymer crystallinity and polymer compounding (i.e. fillers, plasticisers) on mechanical properties.</p><p>Viscoelasticity theory: meaning, the Voigt and Maxwell models and their mathematical derivations; Creep; stress relaxation; Boltzmann superposition principle and its application to practical problems.</p><p>Mechanical tests: optical, thermal, electrical, heat distortion, flammability, impact strength etc. High elastic behaviour of rubbers, phenomenological theory of rubber elasticity; the Mooney-Rivlin approach; swelling of rubbers in liquids; effects of oil and solvents in strength, modulus and hysteresis of rubber.</p><p>Practicals to include determination of modulus, hysteresis and swelling of rubber in liquids.</p><p>REFERENCE: 1. Halasz, L (1993) Control Methods in Polymer Processing, Elsevier, New York ISBN: 0-444-98741-X</p><p>2. Griskey, R.G.(1995) Polymer Process Engineering.Chapman and Hall, New York. ISBN: 0-412-98541-1</p><p>3. Brydson, J.A. (1982) Plastic Materials. Butter-Worths. London. ISBN: 0-408-00538-6</p><p>45 SCH 2455 APPLICATION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY</p><p>OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course Learner should be able to: - Describe experimental designs. - Explain applications of Atomic spectroscopy. - Describe Instrumentation and sample preparation for GC, GC-MS, GC-IR and HPLC chromatography, - Describe supercritical fluid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, Mass spectrometry, on- line and process analysis. - Discuss application of NMR and microscopy for qualitative analysis. - Discuss recent advances in chemical instrumentation: </p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT: Applications of analytical Chemistry in current environmental problems in industry</p><p>SYLLABUS: Design of experiments. Atomic spectroscopy applications. Instrumentation for chromatography, Derivatisation of samples for their efficient separation or detection in GC and HPLC: precolumn, on-column and post column derivatisation coupled systems: GC-MS, GC-IR. Supercritical fluid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Mass spectrometry, on-line and process analysis. Application of NMR and microscopy for qualitative analysis.</p><p>Recent advances in chemical instrumentation: optical systems, lasers, detectors and data handling systems.</p><p>Practicals to emphasize on applications of analytical Chemistry in current environmental problems in industry. These include techniques like polarography, atomic absorption, fluorimetry. </p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>1. Niessen, W.M.A. (2001) Current Practise of Gas Chromatography CRC Press ISBN: 978-0-8247-0473-5 2. Swadesh, J.K. (2000) HPLC Practical and Industrial Applications. 2nd Edition. CRC Press ISBN: 978-0-8493-0003-5 3.Kemp, W (1991) Organic Spectroscopy.3rd Edition. McMillan ISBN 0-333-51953</p><p>SBH 2445 INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY</p><p>OBJECTIVES:</p><p>EXPECTED OUTPUT:</p><p>SYLLABUS: Composition of biological materials; aspects of living processes (the cell as the basic unit of a living organism; physical and chemical properties of biological systems; extraction and purification of chemical products from biological systems); micro-organisms and their control (microbial cell structure and function, microbial 46 growth and nutrition, metabolism of micro organism, control by physical and chemical agents); directing the activities of micro-organisms (application of molecular biology techniques in food industry, agriculture, medicine environmental protection); cultivation of micro-organisms; enzymes, their activities and production; fermentation (fermentation products, primary and secondary, enzymes and their activities; substrates for fermentation processes; control of fermentation processes); use of micro-organisms in effluent treatment (destruction of pathogens in sewage, degradation of organic matter, degradation of xenobiolic compounds); use of genetic engineering in manufacture of chemicals.</p><p>REFERENCE:</p><p>NOTES</p><p>COURSE CONTENT</p><p>1ST YEAR</p><p>UNIVERSITY UNITS HRD 2101 - Communication Skills HRD 2102 - Development Studies and Social Ethics SZL 2111 - HIV/AIDS </p><p>FACULTY UNIT</p><p>SMA 2104 - Mathematics for Sciences</p><p>CORE UNITS SCH 2100 - Atomic Structure (Approved unit) SCH 2101 - Chemical Bonding and Structure (Approved unit) SCH 2102 - Physical Chemistry I (Approved unit) SCH 2103 - Organic Chemistry I (Approved unit) SPH 2110 - Instrumental Electronics (New unit) ICS 2100 - Introduction to Computers (Approved unit) SMA 2101 - Calculus I (Approved unit) SMA 2102 - Calculus II (Approved unit) SMA 2103 - Probability and Statistics I (Approved unit)</p><p>47 ELECTIVES SPH 2105 Motion and Waves (Approved unit) SPH 2101 Electricity and Magnetism I (Approved unit) SPH 2201 Electricity & Magnetism II (Approved unit) SBT 2173 Introduction to Microbiology (New Unit) SBH 2200 Structure of Biomolecules (Approved unit) SZL 2130 Anatomy and Physiology (New Unit)</p><p>2ND YEAR</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2200 - Comparative Study of s and p block Elements (Approved unit) SCH 2201 - Physical Chemistry II (Approved unit) SCH 2202 - Organic Chemistry II (Approved unit) SCH 2203 - Nuclear and Radiochemistry (Approved unit) SCH 2304 - Analytical Chemistry I (Approved unit) SCH 2334 - Computers in Chemistry (Approved unit) SCH 2406 - Introduction to Industrial Chemistry (Approved unit) ICS 2102 - Introduction to Programming (Approved unit) SMA 2200 - Calculus III (Approved unit) SMA 2220 - Vector Analysis (Approved unit) SPH 2203 - Modern Physics (Approved unit) SCH 2204 - Chemistry of Organic Functional Groups (New Unit)</p><p>Compulsory Additional SMA 2201 - Linear Algebra I</p><p>3RD YEAR</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2303 - Organic Chemistry III (Approved unit) SCH 2302 - Chemical Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria (Approved unit) SCH 2330 - Unit Operations (Approved unit) SCH 2332 - Chemistry of Pigments and Dyes (Approved unit) SCH 2356 - Separation Techniques (New unit) SCH 2331 - Polymer Synthesis (Approved unit) SCH 2412 - Natural Products Chemistry (Approved unit) SCH 2314 - Industrial Electrochemistry (Approved unit) </p><p>ELECTIVES</p><p>SCH 2305 - Reaction Kinetics (Approved unit) SCH 2313 - Theory of Spectroscopic Methods (Approved unit) SCH 2333 - Natural and Synthetic Pharmaceutical Products (Approved unit) SCH 2310 - Environmental Chemistry (Approved unit) 48 SCH 2311 - Carbohydrates and Proteins (Approved unit) SCH 2350 - Introduction to Instrumentation (Approved unit)</p><p>4TH YEAR</p><p>University unit HRD 2401 – Entrepreneurship Skills</p><p>CORE UNITS</p><p>SCH 2403 - Organic Spectroscopy (Approved unit) SCH 2414 - Research Project (2 units) (Approved units) SCH 2437 - Agrochemicals (Approved unit) SCH 2438 - Cosmetics and Toiletry (Approved unit) SCH 2439 - Technology of Dyeing and Surface Coating (Approved unit) SCH 2441 - Industrial Waste, Treatment and Environmental Legislation (New unit) SCH 2442 - Polymer Processing (New Unit)</p><p>ELECTIVES</p><p>SCH 2410 - Structural Chemistry (Approved unit) SCH 2443 - Polymer Characterization and Analysis (New Unit) SCH 2444 - Polymer Structure and Mechanical Properties (New Unit) SCH 2455 - Application of Analytical Chemistry (New Unit) SBH 2445 - Introduction to Biotechnology (New Unit)</p><p>SPH 2203 MODERN PHYSICS</p><p>Course objectives:</p><p>At the end of the course students should be able to:</p><p>4. Solve simple problem in relativistic mechanics & nuclear structures 5. Describe the Bohr model of atom. 6. State the Einstein postulates of special theory of relativity.</p><p>49 Course description Inertial frame of reference; Galilean transformation; Mechelson Morley experiment; Einstein postulates of special theory of relativity, problem of simultaneity; Lorentz transformation; Minkowski flat space time; Doppler effect; relativistic momentum, energy and force; mass energy relation; black body radiation, photoelectric effect, atomic spectra; failure of classical theory, properties of light photon; Bohr Model of atom, quantization of energy and momentum, Compton effect; X-rays, de Broglie waves; uncertainty principle; nuclear structure and radioactivity.</p><p>Teaching methodologies: Lectures, Practicals, and assignments. Instructional materials/equipment: X-ray source & targets, photoelectric effect equipment.</p><p>Course assessment: CAT 30%, University examination 70%.</p><p>Textbooks 3. French A.P, Special Relativity, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Ltd, London, 1982 4. Bransden B. H., Joachain C.J, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics</p><p>50</p>
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