<p>St George’s Lower School – Children’s Centre sub-committee</p><p>Date: Wednesday 4th November 2015 Time: 2pm Venue: St. George’s Lower School</p><p>Present: Apologies: Marea Rawlings (MR) Head Teacher Hazel Jeffreys (HJ) Children’s Centre Manager</p><p>Action Required 1. Welcome & Apologies; Introductions</p><p> David welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted. All present at the meeting briefly introduced themselves.</p><p>2. Matters arising from previous meeting</p><p> No points were raised from the last minutes.</p><p> Hazel stated the breastfeeding rates in Toddington were quite healthy but there was a very low uptake for the brasserie so it was decided that it would discontinue due to limited staffing resources. </p><p> Marielle confirmed that hot drinks are not allowed at some brasseries due to health & safety reasons (in NHS venues) and maybe a different venue would allow this. </p><p>4. Leadership & Governance</p><p>Hazel presented the Advisory Board Report which contains figures for target groups the CC are required to work with. This includes numbers of 0-1’s (Universal) and 0-5’s from the most deprived LSOA’s which are generally surrounding the schools Mary Bassett, Leedon Lower and St Georges Lower. </p><p>The Q1 Tribal data report at first glance does not look good. There are a number of reasons for this:</p><p>* The figures for CP, CIN, EHA and LAC is the yearly average rather than the actual number which skews the results. In future we will be measured on the actual number of children who are categorised as above. (A report for the actual numbers of children who have a CIN is not currently available but will be for Q2 data).</p><p>* The number of EHA’s ticked on Tribal was incorrect. Tribal has now been updated and from the list of actual EHA’s provided, 82% are registered with us. 8 are unknown to us and 4 are unborn. We are contacting the referrers to get the details of those not registered so we can contact them. </p><p>* No CP data was showing on Tribal – again because they were not ticked on the child’s record. This has been done now. Actual figures show there are 15 children currently on CP. 10 are registered with us, 2 actually live in Dunstable and the 3 not registered are being followed up. (66%)</p><p>* Engagement figures are better than reach figures but still need improving. This is in part to what data is being captured. We know that some partners who deliver groups from the centre, do not always pass on registers so these engagements have been missed. Similarly because CP, CIN or EHA had not been ticked against a child’s name, the engagement figure has not been captured against these target groups. This should be improved next quarter but we are currently unable to run an advanced report which enables us to break down reports to specific priority or excluded (PoE) groups. This facility will be available to us shortly. Based on the revised data the CC have actually got 45% of target groups registered so although still too low we are on target for Q2 targets as agreed with CBC. </p><p>Areas for improvement – </p><p>Particular concerns are regarding the low numbers of 0-12 months registered.</p><p>* Hazel regularly attends the 0-19 Team meetings and has raised this issue and the need for HV’s to complete the consent to contact forms in the Red Book at 10 day handover meeting. The numbers of consent to contact slips the CC receives are relatively low in comparison to the number of births. Marielle accepts this is something her team need to get better at and will follow up at team meetings. 1</p><p>* We are shortly to be provided with new birth data via CBC and once this is happening we will aim to contact 100% of new births. We have a new member of staff that started this September and she will be tasked with attending all baby clinics across the reach area as well as Twins club and the Meadow Way Toddler Group which we have not been able to do due to staff shortages. We are also planning to increase work with Travellers in particular working at Stanbridge School who have a high number of Traveller children. </p><p>* Using LSOA data we can see where we need to promote the centre services to increase registrations and engagement figures from the LSOA 605 area – Leedon and Beaudesert schools The Children’s Centre Teacher is currently delivering transition work at Leedon. Once latest EYFSP results available we will target those settings with lowest numbers of children achieving a GLD. </p><p>* We will be increasing our contact with early year’s settings including Oscar’s and Hedgelands, Meadow Way Group and Astral Park Tots and Tea to identify families where there are younger siblings who would benefit from attending CC services.</p><p>* Quarterly reports are being run on Tribal to identify those children registered and not seen who will then be contacted/invited to appropriate services. </p><p>5. Feedback from members and discussion of how members can support identified actions </p><p>Attendees broke up into groups to discuss how they can support improvements in the following areas:</p><p>Increase registration of 0-1’s</p><p>Suggestions noted were: Speak with All Saints Church and display information there (engage with their toddler 2 group) Pre-school/Nursery settings registration forms to include a Children’s Centre registration 3 form Target LSOA’s with specific A5 flyers for different activities 4 Engage more through Facebook and hold one-off holiday events in LSOA’s 5 Toddington Childcare can advertise Children’s Centre activities on their Facebook page 6 Registration for Children’s Centre could be included with registration for Incy Wincy’s (Toddington playgroup) 7 Citizen’s Advice can hold “training” sessions to increase awareness of respective services 8 Using the Dietician/Oral health to draw more families in (determine what families want) 9 Outreach to clinics and Early Years settings 10</p><p>Increase engagement rates</p><p> Networking Events 11 Ensure all session attendees sign in (suggestion of using tablets at sessions to enter 12 registration details)</p><p>Measuring Impact Feedback sheets from Bump, Birth & Baby Stuff to be photocopied for CC to evaluate 13 All partners to provide quarterly case study giving an example of how they have engaged with a child or family and how this impacted their lifestyle. These to be anonymous so that 14 families cannot be recognised.</p><p>7. AOB & Information Sharing</p><p> Fiona asked for the Parent Puzzle course to be run in Toddington as there are families that would benefit from it. It was discussed that One Stop Parenting could be an alternative as the CC has only one member of staff trained to facilitate Parent Puzzle. Hazel has made a request to the Parenting Team for support to deliver this but has not received a response. 15 Paula Day will chase this up.</p><p> Paula suggested a member of Toddington Childcare access One Stop training course in order for them to be able to run the session themselves.</p><p> Fiona requested further information on the first aid course running in Toddington so she 16 could signpost families to it.</p><p> Fiona requested CC presence at the Inch Wincy’s toddler session (Tuesday from 1:30- 3pm) Hazel agreed the new FSW will be attending this.</p><p> Marielle confirmed Cathy Horbury is the link with Health for U+ Reviews. Denise Cooper and Micheala Pugh are the FSW’s who will support these. Victoria Hawkes is the HV link for Baby Brasserie which is working much better now. </p><p> Selina invited everyone to a Partnership Meeting on the 14th October at Downside CC from 10-12.</p><p> Pam commented that she is very pleased to see how the relationship between the CC and the school is flourishing and functioning well together.</p><p> Emily was sad to mention there has been a funding cut to speech therapists at Children’s Centre’s so her planned engagements at Hedgelands Preschool, Aristotots Nursery and Toddington Childcare would not be going forward.</p><p> Paula informed everyone she was entrusted with viewing the new birth data from Health (who only allow one other party to view this data). She is planning to call parents who aren’t registered at the CC and ask if they would like to engage with us. She has already done cross-analysis with Tribal and so far there is roughly 50% of families registered across the board so she is just waiting for the list of phone numbers to start calling those that aren’t registered. </p><p> Hazel gave us details about current issues and events at the Children’s Centre - </p><p>Staffing: we have just recruited a new member of staff who will be doing outreach to clinics and early years settings to raise awareness of the children’s centre.</p><p>A Parent Forum has been set up. A parent led Stay and Play is now being delivered weekly on Friday afternoons. This is a universal service for anyone with a 0-5 year old. </p><p>New services: Sling Library run by NCT has been delivered from the centre and was very popular. This will be delivered on a regular basis going forward. NCT are also providing “baby wearing” advice sessions at Baby Daze, our new parenting course. This consists of a six week postnatal course for parents of babies 0-3 months, followed on by Parenting Daze for when baby is 8-12 months and Next Daze. Sunshine Soft Play is running at Hockliffe Lower School 3 x First Aid courses have been booked. – 21 attended in L/B. Another course to run in L/B in October which is full. There are some places left on the Toddington course in October. Baby Massage is now running in Toddington HENRY: Fully booked with another programme to be run if there is a need. A waiting list is being completed at present. 8. Date and venue for next meeting: The date of the next meeting has been brought forward so that future meetings are held 2 weeks after each quarterly data report. In response to some member’s requests that the meeting day be move to enable them to attend, the next meeting is scheduled for a Thursday. </p><p>Thursday 12th November 9:30-11:30 @ St George’s Lower School</p><p>Actions Required - to be reviewed at next meeting Person Date responsible completed 1 HV’s to complete the consent to contact forms in the Red Book at 10 day MdW handover meeting.</p><p>2 Fiona to identify a member of staff from Toddington Childcare to attend FG One Stop Parenting training.</p><p>3 Pre-school/Nursery settings registration forms to include a Children’s MH, HJ Centre registration form</p><p>4 Target LSOA’s with specific A5 flyers for different activities HJ</p><p>5 Engage more through Facebook and hold one-off holiday events in RB LSOA’s</p><p>6 Toddington Childcare to advertise Children’s Centre activities on their FG Facebook page</p><p>7 Registration for Children’s Centre to be added to registration for Incy FG Wincy’s (Toddington playgroup)</p><p>8 Citizen’s Advice can hold “training” sessions to increase awareness of DW, HJ respective services</p><p>9 Using the Dietician/Oral health to draw more families in (determine what SS families want)</p><p>10 Outreach to early years settings, community groups and clinics HJ </p><p>11 Networking Events HJ</p><p>12 Ensure all session attendees sign in (suggestion of using tablets at HJ, MdW and any sessions to grab registration details right then and there) partners delivering sessions from CC</p><p>13 Feedback sheets from Bump, Birth & Baby Stuff to be photocopied for 0-19 Team and CC to evaluate CC staff</p><p>14 All partners to provide quarterly case study giving an example of how they have engaged with a child or family and how this impacted their ALL lifestyle. These to be anonymous so that families cannot be recognised.</p><p>15 Paula Day will chase up Pete Barras to see if a member of the parenting team van support delivery of Parent Puzzle. PD</p><p>16 Fiona requested further information on the first aid course running in RB Toddington so she could signpost families to it.</p>
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