<p>Transforming corporate mass tourism: Sandals Resorts International in Jamaica and the politics of enjoyment by Kingsbury, Paul T., Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2003, 293 pages; AAT 3102023</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » Advisor: Jones, John Paul, III School: University of Kentucky School Location: United States -- Kentucky Index terms(keywords): Corporate mass tourism, Sandals Resorts International, Jamaica, Enjoyment, Tourism, Sustainability Source: DAI-A 64/08, p. 3022, Feb 2004 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Geography, Recreation Publication Number: AAT 3102023 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=764814521&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 764814521</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) Through a comprehensive analysis of Sandals Resorts International, headquartered in Jamaica, this dissertation analyzes one of the most recent and important transformations in international tourism--the adoption and adaptation of alternative tourism policies and practices by conventional mass tourism corporations. Sandals is the largest and most successful all-inclusive mass tourism corporation operating in the Caribbean. In 1998, Sandals' Negril facility (Sandals Negril Beach Resort and Spa) became the first all-inclusive hotel in the world to be certified to the Green Globe 21 Standard for its environmental policies and management. This dissertation investigates Sandals Negril's economic, cultural, and environmental programs and practices to understand not only the difficulties a traditional mass tourism corporation faces in implementing policies of sustainability, but also the corporate rationale lying behind such transformations. Theoretically and methodologically, this dissertation fits within a critical research agenda that moves beyond impact studies and the modeling of tourism flows. This study is unique, however, because it provides the most comprehensive and rigorous utilization of critical psychoanalytic theory in tourism studies to date. The dissertation seeks to initiate a belated dialogue between critical tourism research and psychoanalytic approaches in geography and social theory. Critical approaches to Third World tourism development are united by a refusal to conceptualize tourism as merely "innocent" enjoyment. Researchers have assumed, however, that enjoyment is a straightforward, homogenous, peripheral, and psychologically bound phenomena. A major thesis of this dissertation is that a thorough theoretical conceptualization of enjoyment is necessary for any analysis of tourism to be sufficiently critical. Psychoanalysis provides a highly spatial, rigorous, and critical theoretical framework that dialectically investigates (inter)subjective, material, symbolic, sexual, and politico-ethical civilities of desire, love, and pleasure alongside the discontentment of inhibition, anxiety, and subjugation. In formulating a "politics of enjoyment" this study primarily draws on the theoretical literature associated with Jacques Lacan because it currently offers the most comprehensive and critically incisive psychoanalytic approach available to interrogate the complexities of tourism, enjoyment, and power.</p><p>An investigation of the relationship between use of information technology and company size in southern Taiwan resort industry by Hou, Feng-Hsiung, Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word, 2002, 151 pages; AAT 3053181</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » Advisor: Henderson, Richard L. School: University of the Incarnate Word School Location: United States -- Texas Index terms(keywords): Information technology, Company size, Taiwan, Resort industry, China Source: DAI-A 63/05, p. 1903, Nov 2002 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Management, Recreation, Resorts & spas, Information technology, Studies Publication Number: AAT 3053181 ISBN: 0493688196 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=726483461&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 726483461</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) The purpose of this research was to explore the possible relationship between Information Technology use and a number of measurable qualities including the size of companies in southern Taiwan's resort industry. The study employed the survey research method to determine whether a relationship exists between the dependent variable: Information Technology use, and the independent variable: company size and other measurable qualities of the company, measured by the Survey of Information Technology Usage in the Organization. A correlational research analysis was utilized to test the major research hypothesis and related research hypotheses. The goal of this study was to help managers and executives in Taiwan understand how important it was to integrate Information Technology into their businesses. The study showed a significant positive relationship between the use of Information Technology and size of company in the southern Taiwan's resort industry. The study also showed a significant relationship between the use of Information Technology and specific features of company executives, including: education, age and years of service of the chief executive in the company in southern Taiwan's resort industry. All analysis indicated a significant relationship except for the gender of the leader.</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents Compensatory self-presentation strategies of physique-anxious individuals by Eischeid, Amy Westfall, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, 2000, 212 pages; AAT 9989893</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » Advisor: Forsyth, Donelson R. School: Virginia Commonwealth University School Location: United States -- Virginia Index terms(keywords): Self-presentation, Impression management, Body image, Gender differences Source: DAI-B 61/10, p. 5620, Apr 2001 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Social psychology, Personality Publication Number: AAT 9989893 ISBN: 0599968184 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=727813711&sid=2&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 727813711</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) Physique anxious individuals feel that their body is so unattractive to others that it becomes an anxiety-producing stigma for them in self-presentational situations. An experiment tested the hypothesis that physique anxious individuals will compensate for their visible stigma by enhancing descriptions of their characterological attributes.</p><p>Two months after completing the Social Physique Anxiety (SPA) scale, individuals who scored low and who scored high were recruited for what appeared to them to be an unrelated study about forming impressions over the computer. Participants were told that their opposite-sex partner, who was ostensibly in a separate room, would be asking them questions via the computer in order to form an impression of them. In reality, the partner was being simulated by a computer program.</p><p>Half of the participants were led to believe that their partner could see them from the neck down via equipment and software that captures their photo and transmits their image to their partner's computer. The other half were led to believe that the technology failed to properly transmit their image to their partner. This physique visibility manipulation was followed by a chance for participants to describe their personality characteristics to their partner by describing themselves on a series of subjective attributes. Participants were informed that the sending of the personality information would be the final part of the interaction.</p><p>Using higher trait self-ratings as an indicator of compensatory self-presentation attempts, results showed that compensation occurred when participants believed their partners could see their body. Results also showed that women were higher in SPA than men and that sex, rather than SPA, interacted with physique visibility on the self-ratings. Compensation occurred more for women when their physiques were visible than when their physiques were not visible. Compensation did not occur for men.</p><p>Those with high SPA were most likely to have felt uncomfortable sometime during the experiment, and most attributed their anxiety to the photo-image transmittal part of the study. High SPA also affected impressions of the partner, beliefs regarding their partner's impressions, and emotions concerning meeting their partner.</p><p>Integrated scenario and process modeling support for collaborative requirements elicitation by Hickey, Ann Marie, Ph.D., The University of Arizona, 1999, 310 pages; AAT 9927455</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » Advisor: Nunamaker, Jay F., Jr. School: The University of Arizona School Location: United States -- Arizona Index terms(keywords): Information systems, Collaborative, Integrated scenario and process modeling, Requirements elicitation Source: DAI-A 60/04, p. 1222, Oct 1999 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Management, Computer science, Systems design Publication Number: AAT 9927455 ISBN: 0599271620 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=733966451&sid=2&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 733966451</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) Information systems development research has documented the importance and the difficulty of eliciting requirements from users. Research on the use of Group Support Systems (GSS) for requirements elicitation led to development of the Collaborative Software Engineering Methodology (CSEM) and identified the need for collaborative methods and tools to provide a dynamic picture of the business processes that a system must support. Recent research suggests that scenarios can fill this need. A review of the scenario literature showed that although there is widespread agreement on the usefulness of scenarios, there are many questions on how to implement a user-focused, scenario-based systems development process. The purpose of this research was to advance understanding in this area and to determine: What are the collaborative modeling processes, tools, and facilitation techniques needed to effectively elicit scenarios from users in a group environment? A two-phase, multi-method systems development research approach was used. The first phase focused on use of a general-purpose GSS for collaborative scenario elicitation. A conceptual framework and initial methodology were developed and then evaluated during exploratory case studies and a laboratory experiment. The second phase focused on development and evaluation of a special-purpose GSS and methodology.</p><p>Phase I results showed that: users can easily define scenarios which provide rich pictures of the problem domain; an iterative, collaborative methodology with scenario and action prompts is needed to ensure scenario completeness; and limitations of general-purpose GSS negatively impacted productivity. The Collaborative Distributed Scenario and Process Analyzer (SPA) provides integrated textual scenario and graphical process modeling capabilities which successfully overcame these limitations.</p><p>This research made several contributions. CSEM was extended to define scenario usage opportunities throughout development. Scenario content, form, group process and facilitation techniques were defined for collaborative scenario elicitation using a general-purpose GSS, which can be used now by practitioners. A special-purpose GSS tool (SPA) was developed and integrated into a comprehensive methodology which allows user groups to rapidly define and analyze scenarios in face-to-face and distributed settings. Finally, flexibility designed into SPA opens up opportunities for many other uses for SPA and serves as a first-step towards a build- your-own GSS tool.</p><p>An investigation of stress management programs in selected health resorts and spas within the United States by Magdahl, Dirk, Ph.D., Walden University, 1997, 187 pages; AAT 9804450</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » School: Walden University School Location: United States -- Minnesota Index terms(keywords): relaxation, biofeedback, cognitive restructuring Source: DAI-B 58/08, p. 4484, Feb 1998 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Cognitive therapy, Behaviorial sciences, Physiological psychology Publication Number: AAT 9804450 ISBN: 0591542862 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=736623021&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 736623021</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) In an attempt to evaluate stress management programs available at health resorts and spas throughout the United States, this study investigated four selected sites. The focus of this study was on a process evaluation for each program, in which program development, implementation, and content were investigated. Information was gathered through the investigator's visitation, participation, and observations at each site, promotional materials, and interviews with program directors. The collected information was organized to describe each program and its similarities and the differences. Additionally, the investigator sought information on program participation and effectiveness as perceived by the program representatives. This descriptive and evaluative study used an interview instrument to help the investigator cover the same topics in the same order with all interviewees. This report contains a multiple case study format for presenting the results of the study. Findings revealed that some components of stress management programs used at these sites are consistent with professional guidelines and existing literature. However, some essential stress management components, such as individualized cognitive restructuring sessions, time management, and biofeedback training were found to be underutilized or nonexistent. Conclusions resulted in several recommendations for further research to address particular areas of concern. Three common business practices as responses to asymmetric information problems by Gwin, Carl Raul, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1997, 181 pages; AAT 9805410</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » School: Indiana University School Location: United States -- Indiana Index terms(keywords): employee Source: DAI-A 58/08, p. 3242, Feb 1998 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Business costs, Management, Occupational psychology Publication Number: AAT 9805410 ISBN: 059155349X Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=736599531&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 736599531</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) My purpose in this dissertation is to study three business strategies that companies have adopted to deal with either problems or opportunities presented by asymmetric information.</p><p>Chapter 1 asks: How does a level of management between the owner of a firm and subordinate employees affect the owner's decision to either internally integrate a function to make inputs or contract out and buy inputs from an independent supplier? I model a situation in which a manager can direct her subordinate employee to perform activities that serve her interests rather than the owner of the firm. This type of self-serving manager reduces the effectiveness of subordinate performance incentives intended to promote effort that benefits the owner. The owner responds by increasing the subordinate's performance incentives. The owner effectively competes with the manager for the subordinate's effort. The burden of a self-serving managerial bureaucracy may increase subordinate performance incentives to a level such that the owner prefers to procure inputs from an outside source rather than producing the inputs internally. I also examine common business practices used to alleviate bureaucratic misdirection of subordinate employee effort.</p><p>Chapter 2 introduces a common industry practice referred to as a Special Pricing Agreement (SPA) to the vertical restraints literature. An SPA is a private agreement between a manufacturer and a distributor that specifies special pricing from the manufacturer to the distributor for a specific customer. The special wholesale price is significantly discounted from published cost and is exclusive to the distributor. A manufacturer can impose a vertical restraint on the market by denying the discounted wholesale price to other distributors effectively barring them from selling the manufacturer's product. I delineate the circumstances necessary for a manufacturer to choose to quote an SPA and investigate the possibility that SPAs decrease competition between manufacturers.</p><p>Chapter 3 examines the claim that high inflation allows businesses to increase profit margins. A model is developed that features asymmetric information about seller cost and buyers who have search costs. During chronic inflation, price increases become a part of doing business. Buyers expect price increases, so sellers give them price increases whether their costs increase or not. In an environment of expected inflation, firms can raise prices faster than their costs are increasing and increase their profit margins.</p><p>I then test a series of hypotheses from the relevant literature and this paper. I test whether: (1) Industry and firm profit margins depend significantly on inflation, (2) Profit margins are relatively higher in an inflationary environment if the seller's associated buyer's search cost is relatively high, (3) Profit margins increase as expected inflation and inflation volatility increases, (4) Profit margins fall with increases in inflation volatility if buyer search cost is low, and (5) Industry and firm profit margins increase as the difference between expected inflation and the actual change in industry/firm cost increases. I find support for Hypotheses 1, 2, and 5, and reject Hypotheses 3 and 4.</p><p>Visions of health: North American health resorts and their founders by Tackett, Victoria Anne, Ph.D., The Union Institute, 1990, 187 pages; AAT 9114020</p><p>More Like This - Find similar documents » School: The Union Institute School Location: United States -- Ohio Source: DAI-B 51/12, p. 5831, Jun 1991 Source type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Sports medicine, Health education, Health care, Resorts & spas Publication Number: AAT 9114020 Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=745644241&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=71807&RQT=309&VName=PQD ProQuest document ID: 745644241</p><p>Abstract (Document Summary) This study asserts that the health resort is a viable health system deserving serious consideration by those in the health professions. To encourage visionary approaches to the problem of relevant healthcare management and delivery, the project includes a contextual essay introduction written for health promotion professionals and a narrative essay written for a general audience.</p><p>Tackett's approach was to survey North American health resorts, both historic and current, selecting five resorts as positive examples of the health resort as a viable health system. The resorts selected for study include two of the most historically successful resorts founded in the ninteenth century: Trudeau Sanatorium and Battle Creek Sanatarium, as well as three current health resorts: Murrieta Hot Springs, Canyon Ranch Spa, and SunRise Springs Resort. Extensive reading, interviews and onsite field research were conducted to gather information for individual creative narratives of each resort studied. The historic examples demonstrate that great change is possible from a single humanitarian vision. Both historic and current examples show that health resort founders have been able to respond to the healthcare needs of many Americans in ways that orthodox medicine has not.</p><p>Both contextual and narrative essays give evidence to suggest that the health resort environment serves a healthcare need that is not being met by any of the other health systems currently in place in the United States, and that in the continuum between self-care and hospital care, health resort care falls at the mid-point. It is self-care, but with emotional support, professional supervision, and a healthy dose of leisure. This health care typically includes a strong element of self-directed choice, alternative therapeutics and health education, along with the more traditional benefits of orthodox medical supervision and nurturing attention, in natural settings away from the stressors of daily life. Developed in the private sector, these health systems are typically founded by individual health resort entrepreneurs--each with his or her own vision of health.</p><p>Demirci, Utkan (2005) Acoustic generation of femtoliter to picoliter droplets using two-dimensional micromachined microdroplet </p><p> ejector arrays. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, United States -- California. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from </p><p>ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3153496).</p><p>There is growing demand in the fields of semiconductor manufacturing and biotechnology to reliably generate repeatable, uniform, picoliter-size fluid droplets. Such droplets can be generated using MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology. We propose 2-D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays for environmentally benign deposition of photoresist and other spin-on materials, such as low- k and high- k dielectrics used in integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing. Direct deposition of these chemicals will reduce waste and production cost. These ejectors are chemically compatible with the materials used in IC manufacturing, and do not harm fluids that are heat or pressure sensitive. Moreover, these ejectors are attractive to biomedicine and biotechnology for droplet generation in applications such as printing of DNA or protein assays and drug testing.</p><p>Two novel methods for generating millions of droplets per second using acoustically actuated 2-D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays will be presented. First, membrane based 2-D micromachined ejector arrays will be introduced. Each element of a membrane based 2-D ejector array consists of a flexurally vibrating circular membrane on one face of a cylindrical fluid reservoir. The membrane has an orifice at the center. A piezoelectric transducer generating ultrasonic waves, located at the open face of the reservoir, actuates the membrane and droplets are ejected through the membrane orifice. The ejectors operated most efficiently at 1.2 MHz and generated 3- 7 ¼m diameter droplets. Second, acoustic focus based 2-D micromachined ejector arrays will be demonstrated. The radiation pressure associated with the acoustic beam overcomes the surface tension force, and releases droplets into air in every actuation cycle. The ejectors operated most efficiently at 34.7 MHz, and generated 28 ¼m diameter droplets in both drop-on-demand and continuous modes of operation, as predicted by the finite element analysis. Photoresist, water, isopropanol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone were ejected from a 4 x 4 2-D micromachined ejector array. The theory of operation, fabrication and the experimental results obtained with novel acoustically actuated 2-D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays will be presented.</p><p>There is growing demand in the fields of semiconductor manufacturing and biotechnology to reliably generate repeatable, ม กลงเตบโตควมตองกรในฟลดของเซมคอนดกเตอรทโรงงนผลต และ biotechnology ถง reliably สรงสมรถวนซ, uniform, ทใหเหมอนกน, picoliter- size fluid droplets. หยดนอยๆของเหลว ขนด picoliter - Such droplets can be generated using MEMS ( Micro- Electro- Mechanical Systems) หยดนอยๆนนสมรถถกสรงกรใช MEMS ( Micro - Electro -ระบบโดยเครองจกร) technology. เทคโนโลย We propose 2- D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays for environmentally benign deposition of photoresist and other spin- on materials, เรเสนอขอคดเหน2-d micromachined microdroplet ejector อะเรยสหรบกรปลดออกจก ตแหนงหรองนทงสงแวดลอมอยงเมตตของ photoresist รวมทงสงอนๆอกมวน-บนอปกรณเครองมอ, such as low- k and high- k dielectrics used in integrated circuit ( IC) เชนเดยวกนกบต-k และสง-kฉนวนทใชในรวมวงจร(ไอซ) manufacturing. กรโรงงนผลต Direct deposition of these chemicals will reduce waste and production cost. สงกรปลดออกจกตแหนงหรองนของสรเคมเหลนจะลดของเสย และรคกรผลต These ejectors are chemically compatible with the materials used in IC manufacturing, ejectors เหลนซงเขกนไดอยงสรเคม กบอปกรณเครองมอทใชในทโรงงนผลตไอซ, and do not harm fluids that are heat or pressure sensitive. และไมทอนตรยของเหลวทสงนนคอควมรอน หรอควมกดดนไวตอควมรสก Moreover, ยงกวน น, these ejectors are attractive to biomedicine and biotechnology for droplet generation in applications such as printing of DNA or protein assays and drug testing. ejectors เหลนดงดดใจถง biomedicine และ biotechnology สหรบมตหยดนอยๆในโปรแกรมเชนเดยวกนกบกรพมพของ DNA หรอโปรตนกรหปรมณของโลหะ และททดสอบย Two novel methods for generating millions of droplets per second using acoustically actuated 2- D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays will be presented. สองวธนวนยยสหรบสรงหลยลนหยดนอยๆตอกรใชทสอง acoustically ทกระตนใหกระท2-d micromachined microdroplet ejector อะเรยจะถกแสดง First, ครงแรก, membrane based 2- D micromachined ejector arrays will be introduced. ทพนฐนเยอบผว2-d micromachined ejector อะเรยจะถกแนะน Each element of a membrane based 2- D ejector array consists of a flexurally vibrating circular membrane on one face of a cylindrical fluid reservoir. สวนประกอบแตละอนของทพนฐนเยอบผว2-d ejector อะเรยประกอบดวย flexurally เยอบผวเปนรปวงกลม หรอวงแหวนทสนบนหนหนงขององเกบน ของเหลวเกยวกบลกสบ The membrane has an orifice at the center. เยอบผวมปกทศนยกลง A piezoelectric transducer generating ultrasonic waves, piezoelectric transducer คลนเหนอเสยงทสรง, located at the open face of the reservoir, เพระถกทตงทหนเปดขององเกบ น , actuates the membrane and droplets are ejected through the membrane orifice. กระตนใหกระทเยอบผว และหยดนอยๆถกปลอยออกผนปกเยอบผว The ejectors operated most efficiently at 1. 2 MHz and generated 3- 7 ? m diameter droplets. ejectors ทกระทสวนมกอยงมประสทธภพท 1.2 MHz และสรง3-7?หยดนอยๆเสนผศนยกลงm Second, สอง, acoustic focus based 2- D micromachined ejector arrays will be demonstrated. 2-dอ ศยทสนใจเกยวกบกรฟง micromachined ejector อะเรยจะถกแสดง The radiation pressure associated with the acoustic beam overcomes the surface tension force, ควมกดดนกรแผรงสคลนแมเหลกไฟฟทเกยวของ กบไมคนเกยวกบกรฟงทพชตกลงควมตงดนหน, and releases droplets into air in every actuation cycle. และหยดนอยๆรนเขไปในอกศในทกวงจรกระตนใหกระท The ejectors operated most efficiently at 34. 7 MHz, ejectors ทกระทสวนมกอยงมประสทธภพท 34.7 MHz, and generated 28 ? m diameter droplets in both drop- on- demand and continuous modes of operation, และสรง 28 ?หยด นอยๆเสนผศนยกลงmในทงสองวง-ตมคสง และโหมดตอเนองของกรคนวณ, as predicted by the finite element analysis. เพระทนยโดยกรวเคระหสวนประกอบมขอบเขต Photoresist, Photoresist, water, น , isopropanol, isopropanol, ethyl alcohol, แอลกอฮอล ethyl , and acetone were ejected from a 4 x 4 2- D micromachined ejector array. และ acetone ถกปลอยออกจก4x42-d micromachined ejector อะเรย The theory of operation, ทฤษฎของกรคนวณ, fabrication and the experimental results obtained with novel acoustically actuated 2- D micromachined microdroplet ejector arrays will be presented. กรประดษฐ และผลลพธผเชยวชญทรบ กบนวนยย acoustically ทกระตนใหกระท2-d micromachined microdroplet ejector อะเรยจะถกแสดง</p><p>Emmerson, Anne M. (2005) A history of the changes in practices of distance education in the United States from 1852--2003. Ed.D. </p><p> dissertation, Dowling College, United States -- New York. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from ProQuest Digital </p><p>Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3157941).</p><p>Distance education has played a critical role in the educational process of the United States since the mid-19 th century. For 150 years, its primary objective was the democratization of education, bringing educational opportunities to the under-represented and to those not able to access traditional learning environments. There has been little change in this objective over the years, but there have been numerous changes in the media used, from the United States Postal Service in the 19 th century, to radio and television in the 20 th century, and finally the Internet in the 21 st century.</p><p>Distance education has played a critical role in the educational process of the United States since the mid-19 th century For 150 years, เปนเวล 150 ป, its primary objective was the democratization of education, จดประสงคของมน สงทอยในอนดบหนงคอ democratization ของกรศกษ, bringing educational opportunities to the under- represented and to those not able to access traditional learning environments. กรนมโอกสแหงกรศกษทใต-แสดง และใหเหลนนไมสมรถทจะเขถงสงแวดลอมทเรยนรดงเดม There has been little change in this objective over the years, ไดม เปลยนเลกนอยในจดประสงคนมกกวหนงป, but there have been numerous changes in the media used, แตไดม กร เปลยนแปลงมกมยในสอทใช, from the United States Postal Service in the 19 th century, จกสหรฐกรบรกรทงไปรษณยใน 19 th ศตวรรษ, to radio and television in the 20 th century, เพอวทย และโทรทศนใน 20 th ศตวรรษ, and finally the Internet in the 21 st century. . . และอนเตอรเนตในตอนทยใน 21 st ศตวรรษ...</p><p>The Society to Encourage Studies at Home and the Chautauqua Movement were two early correspondence models used to bring educational opportunities to women and to citizens in rural communities. While distance education continues to meet the needs of students who are not able to or who find it inconvenient to attend traditional classes, many on-campus students also use distance education as a way to resolve scheduling conflicts.</p><p>The Society to Encourage Studies at Home and the Chautauqua Movement were two early correspondence models used to bring educational opportunities to women and to citizens in rural communities. สงคมทจะกระตนกรศกษอยทบน และกรเคลอนไหว Chautauqua สอง แบบตวอยงควมสอดคลองกนลสดเคยนมโอกสแหงกรศกษใหผหญง และใหพลเมองในชมรมเกยวกบชนบท While distance education continues to meet the needs of students who are not able to or who find it inconvenient to attend traditional classes, ขณะทกรศกษระยะดเนนตอไปเพอพบควมตองกรของนกเรยนไมสมรถให หรอผซงคนพบ มนทไมสะดวกทจะตงใจคลสดงเดม,คอใคร? many on- campus students also use distance education as a way to resolve scheduling conflicts. จนวนมกมยบน-นกเรยนบรเวณมหวทยลยหรอโรงเรยนยงใชกรศกษระยะเปนทงทจะแยกวเคระหกรขดแยงกรกหนดลดบงน</p><p>The research conducted indicated a difference between 21 st century students and students of the 19 th and 20 th centuries. In general, students are older, often work full or part-time, have family responsibilities, and grew up in a consumer-oriented, technological environment. The research supports the hypothesis that 21 st century students shop around for courses and programs that conveniently meet their needs and wants. centuries. In general, students are older, often work full or part-time, have family responsibilities, and grew up in a consumer-oriented, technological environment. The research supports the hypothesis that 21 st century students shop around for courses and programs that conveniently meet their needs and wants. and wants. นกเรยนศตวรรษจบจยรอบๆสหรบวช และโปรแกรมทวพบอยงทสะดวกควมตองกรของเขทงหลย และตองกร</p><p>The research conducted indicated a difference between 21 st century students and students of the 19 th and 20 th centuries. In general, students are older, often work full or part-time, have family responsibilities, and grew up in a consumer-oriented, technological environment. The research supports the hypothesis that 21 st century students shop around for courses and programs that The research conducted indicated a difference between 21 st century students and students of the 19 th and 20 th centuries. In general, students are older, often work full or part-time, have family responsibilities, and grew up in a consumer-oriented, technological environment. The research supports the hypothesis that 21 st century students shop around for courses and programs that conveniently meet their needs and wants. conveniently meet their needs and wants. While not exerting direct control over higher education, the federal government has had significant influence on creating an environment for distance education to flourish. The Morrill Act of 1862 and the G. I. Bill of 1944 are two examples of earlier legislation that provided badly needed funding to encourage educational growth. The Higher Education Act of 1962, as part of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, was a federal commitment to equalize college opportunities for underrepresented students. Women and minorities were the primary recipients of this legislation. Not all amendments to the Higher Education Act were beneficial to students. One such amendment, known as the 50 percent rule, was implemented in the 1990s to control misuse of federal financial aid by correspondence schools. Students attending institutions that offer 50 percent or more of their classes through distance education do not qualify for federal financial aid.</p><p>While not exerting direct control over higher education, ขณะทไมใชออกแรงสงหนวยควบคมบนกรศกษสงกว, the federal government has had significant influence on creating an environment for distance education to flourish. รฐบลสหพนธไดมอทธพลในดนสรงสงแวดลอมสหรบกรศกษระยะทจะเจรญ The Morrill Act of 1862 and the G. Morrill กระทของ 1862 และG I. ฉน Bill of 1944 are two examples of earlier legislation that provided badly needed funding to encourage educational growth. ตวเงนของ 1944 สองตวอยงของกรบญญตกฎหมยลสดทสงนนภยใตเงอนไขเลวตองกรเงนทนทจะกระตนกรเจรญ เตบโตแหงกรศกษ The Higher Education Act of 1962, กรศกษสงกวกระทเพระ1962, as part of President Lyndon Johnson' s Great Society, เพระสวนของประธนธบด Lyndon สงคมใหญของ Johnson , was a federal commitment to equalize college opportunities for underrepresented students. คอคมนสญญสหพนธทจะทใหเทกนโอกสวทยลยสหรบนกเรยน underrepresented Women and minorities were the primary recipients of this legislation. ผหญง และชนหมนอยคอผรบอนดบแรกของกรบญญตกฎหมยน Not all amendments to the Higher Education Act were beneficial to students. ไม กรปรบปรงทงหมดทกฎหมยกรศกษสงกวเปนประโยชนใหนกเรยน One such amendment, หนงกรปรบปรงนน, known as the 50 percent rule, รวเปน 50 กฏเปอรเซน, was implemented in the 1990s to control misuse of federal financial aid by correspondence schools. คอถกเพมใน 1990s ทจะควบคมใชในทงทผดของ กรเงนสหพนธชวยเหลอโดยโรงเรยนควมสอดคลองกน Students attending institutions that offer 50 percent or more of their classes through distance education do not qualify for federal financial aid. นกเรยนทกลงตงใจสถบนซงกลยเปน หรอมกกวของคลสของเขทงหลย 50 ใหเปอรเซนผนกรศกษระยะไมทใหมคณสมบตกบผชวยกรเงนสหพนธ</p><p>This study explored the evolution of distance education from the first correspondence course offered in 1852 to online courses offered through the Internet in 2003. It documents the key role that the American democratic belief system played in the expansion of distance education along with the technological innovations supporting it, the social framework influencing it, and the student population seeking this means of education for life-long learning or personal development.</p><p>This study explored the evolution of distance education from the first correspondence course offered in 1852 to online courses offered through the Internet in 2003. กรศกษนทสรวจววฒนกรของกรศกษระยะจกวชควมสอดคลองกนแรกทกลยเปนใน 1852 ทจะเชอมสญญณวชทกลยเปนผนอนเตอรเนต ใน2003 It documents the key role that the American democratic belief system played in the expansion of distance education along with the technological innovations supporting it, มนบทบทคยสงนนระบบควมเชอเกยวกบประชธปไตยแหงสหรฐอเมรกทเลนในกรขยยของกรศกษระยะรวมท งสงใหมเกยวกบเทคโนโลยท กลงสนบสนนมน, the social framework influencing it, เคโครงเกยวกบสงคมทกลงอทธพลมน, and the student population seeking this means of education for life- long learning or personal development และประชกรนกเรยนทกลงหวธกรศกษสหรบกรเรยนรยวชวตชว หรอกรพฒนสวนบคคล</p><p>Mahdy, Ahmed M. (2005) A broadband infrastructure for ad hoc networks with optical wireless. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of </p><p>Nebraska - Lincoln, United States -- Nebraska. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations </p><p> database. (Publication No. AAT 3162684).</p><p>Among the wide variety of wireless systems, ad hoc networks represent a remarkable and unique kind of wireless communications. The rapid deployment and self organization have turned ad hoc networks into a viable solution to a diverse domain of applications. Ad hoc networking is expected to play a major role in the ' Any Where Any Time ' generation of future wireless communications. However, existing ad hoc networks are not yet ready for such a transition. In this context, the scalability and broadband capabilities represent major challenges that demand immediate but serious attention. We believe that the infrastructureless organization of ad hoc networks takes a big toll on the performance and related quality features. While current infrastructured ad hoc networks perform more efficiently than those without infrastructure, they still have major problems and cannot ensure a safe leap to the next generation of wireless communications. This leaves the future of ad hoc networks in doubt. Among the wide variety of wireless systems, ทมกลงควมหลกหลยกวงของระบบไมมสย, ad hoc networks represent a remarkable and unique kind of wireless communications. เพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยแสดงพเศษ และชนดทมอนเดยวของกรคมนคมไมมสย The rapid deployment and self organization have turned ad hoc networks into a viable solution to a diverse domain of applications. เรวจดใหเหมะสม และองคกรดวยตวเองไดเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะ เครอขยเขไปในกรแกปญหในเรองโดเมนหลยอยงของโปรแกรม Ad hoc networking is expected to play a major role in the ' Any Where Any Time ' generation of future wireless communications. เพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะกรทเครอขยหวงเอไวเพอเลนบทบทหลกใน'ใดๆทซงเวลใดๆ'มตของกรคมนคมโทรศพทไรสยอนคต However, อยงไรกตม, existing ad hoc networks are not yet ready for such a transition. กรคงอยเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยยงไมอยงพรอมสหรบ เชนกรเปลยนแปลง In this context, ในเนอควมน, the scalability and broadband capabilities represent major challenges that demand immediate but serious attention. scalability และควมสมรถควมกวงของสยสญญนแสดงกรททยหลกซงตองกรทนทแตกรเอใจใสจรงจง We believe that the infrastructureless organization of ad hoc networks takes a big toll on the performance and related quality features. เรเชอวองคกรพนฐนของโครงสรงของเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยใชค ธรรมเนยมบรกรใหญบนกรปฏบต และผนมควมสมรถคณภพ While current infrastructured ad hoc networks perform more efficiently than those without infrastructure, ขณะทเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยปฎบตอยงมกกวเหลนนอยงมประสทธภพโดยปรศจกพนฐนของโครงสรง, they still have major problems and cannot ensure a safe leap to the next generation of wireless communications. เขยงคงมปญหหลก และไมสมรถทใหแนใจปลอดภยกระโดดทมตถดไปของกรคมนคมไมมสย This leaves the future of ad hoc networks in doubt. อนคตใบไมนของเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยในสงสย</p><p>In this dissertation, we study major challenges imposed by future ad hoc networks and propose a two-layer broadband infrastructure. The design of the proposed infrastructure is motivated by the role of ad hoc networks in the next generation of wireless systems and the expected demands on high capacity communications. Our objective is to present a novel solution to the scalability and broadband problems by providing two layers of virtual and backbone infrastructure support.</p><p> nIn this dissertation, ในปรญญนพนธน, we study major challenges imposed by future ad hoc etworks and propose a two- layer broadband infrastructure. เรศกษกรททยหลกทบงคบโดยเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขย และเสนอขอคดเหนสอง-พนฐนของโครงสรงควมกวงของสยสญญนชน The design of the proposed infrastructure is motivated by the role of ad hoc networks in the next generation of wireless systems and the expected demands on high capacity communications. กรออกแบบของพนฐนของโครงสรงเสนอขอคดเหนถกกระตนโดยบทบทของเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขยในมตถดไปของระบบไมมสย และควมตองกรหวงวบนกรคมนคมควมจสง Our objective is to present a novel solution to the scalability and broadband problems by providing two layers of virtual and backbone infrastructure supportจดประสงคของเรจะแสดงกรแกปญหในเรอง scalability และปญหควมกวงของสยสญญนโดยถหกวสองชนของแหงกรมอง เหน และกรสนบสนนพนฐนของโครงสรงสวนสคญ</p><p>The virtual layer addresses major problems with current infrastructured models and provides the network with the support needed for an efficient operation. Within this layer, we propose a novel clustering framework, which can generate customizable multi-measure clustering techniques that can seek specific network quality including stability and load balance.</p><p>The virtual layer addresses major problems with current infrastructured models and provides the network with the support needed for an efficient operation. ชนแหงกรมองเหนององตแหนงปญหหลก กบพนฐนของโครงสรงปจจบนจลอง และจดเตรยมเครอขย กบกรสนบสนนทตองกรสหรบกรคนวณทมประสทธภพ Within this layer, ภยในชนน, we propose a novel clustering framework, เรเสนอขอคดเหนเคโครงพวงนวนยย, which can generate customizable multi- measure clustering techniques that can seek specific network quality including stability and load balance. สงซงสมรถสรงทสมรถตกแตงหลย-เทคนคพวงเครองมอวดทสงนนสมรถหคณภพเครอขยอยงจเพะเจะจงรวมถงควมคงตว และโหลดควมสมดล</p><p>The backbone layer provides a broadband support through an optical wireless network. The optical wireless technology offers a great choice given the nature of ad hoc networks and the function of the backbone layer. However, the use of optical wireless is not straightforward; different challenges need attention, especially within the areas of network planning and operation optimization. We study and prove NP -hardness of major relevant problems and propose novel optimization heuristics.</p><p>The backbone layer provides a broadband support through an optical wireless network. ชนสวนสคญจดเตรยมกรสนบสนนควมกวงของสยสญญนผนเครอ ขยไมมสยเกยวกบสยต The optical wireless technology offers a great choice given the nature of ad hoc networks and the function of the backbone layer. เทคโนโลยไมมสยเกยวกบสยตกลยเปนตวเลอกใหญใหธรรมชตของเพอควมประสงคโดยเฉพะเครอขย และฟงกชนของชนสวนสคญ However, อยงไรกตม, the use of optical wireless is not straightforward; ใชของโทรศพทไรสยเกยวกบสยตไมตรงไปขงหน different challenges need attention, กรททยแตกตงตองกรกรเอใจใส, especially within the areas of network planning and operation optimization. ภยในพนทโดยเฉพะของเครอขยทวงแผน และกรคนวณภวะทดทสด We study and prove NP - hardness of major relevant problems and propose novel optimization heuristics. เรศกษ และพสจนวควมแขง NP -ของปญหตรงประเดนหลก และเสนอขอคดเหนนวนยยซงกระตนควมสนใจภวะทดทสด</p><p>Randolph, Stephen Patrick (2005) A bigger game: Nixon, Kissinger, and the 1972 Easter Offensive. Ph.D. dissertation, The George </p><p>Washington University, United States -- District of Columbia. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from ProQuest Digital </p><p>Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3158518).</p><p>The North Vietnamese Spring-Summer Offensive of 1972, known in America as the Easter Offensive, marked the opening of contemporary warfare while defining the eventual close of the American war in Vietnam. This dissertation examines the campaign at the strategic and operational level, focusing on the strategic decision making of the Nixon administration, the transmission of direction through the chain of command, and its execution on the battlefield. It also builds on a range of new sources on the North Vietnamese war effort, to assess the action- counteraction cycle between the two adversaries.</p><p>The North Vietnamese Spring- Summer Offensive of 1972, ฤดรอนสปรงชวเวยดนมทศเหนอทซงทใหไมพอใจของ1972, known in America as the Easter Offensive, ควมรในอเมรกเปนเทศกลอสเตอรซงทใหไมพอใจ, marked the opening of contemporary warfare while defining the eventual close of the American war in Vietnam. เพระถกทเครองหมยเปดของกรสงครมบคคลทรวมสมยขณะทจกดควมใกลชดเกยวกบผลสดทยของสงครมแหงสหรฐอเมรกในประเทศเวยดนม This dissertation examines the campaign at the strategic and operational level, ปรญญนพนธนตรวจดรณรงคทเกยวกบกลยทธ และระดบทได, focusing on the strategic decision making of the Nixon administration, กรโฟกสบนกรตดสนใจเกยวกบกลยทธททของกรจดกร Nixon , the transmission of direction through the chain of command, กรสงผนของทศทงผนโซของคสง , and its execution on the battlefield. และกรปฎบตของมนบนbattlefield It also builds on a range of new sources on the North Vietnamese war effort, มนสรงบนระยะของตนกเนดใหมบนควมพยยมสงครมชวเวยดนมทศเหนอ,อกดวย to assess the action- counteraction cycle between the two adversaries. เพอประเมนตอตนกรกระท-หมนรอบระหวงสองปรปกษ</p><p>Wright, Lorrie M. (2005) A case study of speech/language therapists who advocate for Native Alaskan dialect speakers. Ph.D. </p><p> dissertation, The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from ProQuest Digital </p><p>Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3158220).</p><p>This micro-ethnographic case study explores backgrounds, experiences, and recommendations of Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) advocates for Native Alaskan dialect speakers. Background information includes the researcher's experience, socio-historical perspectives on Alaska's education/language policies, information on Alaskan Englishes, implementation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's Position on Social Dialects, and cultures of speech/language therapy and special education.</p><p>The North Vietnamese Spring- Summer Offensive of 1972, ฤดรอนสปรงชวเวยดนมทศเหนอทซงทใหไมพอใจของ1972, known in America as the Easter Offensive, ควมรในอเมรกเปนเทศกลอสเตอรซงทใหไมพอใจ, marked the opening of contemporary warfare while defining the eventual close of the American war in Vietnam. เพระถกทเครองหมยเปดของกรสงครมบคคลทรวมสมยขณะทจกดควมใกลชดเกยวกบผลสดทยของสงครมแหงสหรฐอเมรกในประเทศเวยดนม This dissertation examines the campaign at the strategic and operational level, ปรญญนพนธนตรวจดรณรงคทเกยวกบกลยทธ และระดบทได, focusing on the strategic decision making of the Nixon administration, กรโฟกสบนกรตดสนใจเกยวกบกลยทธททของกรจดกร Nixon , the transmission of direction through the chain of command, กรสงผนของทศทงผนโซของคสง , and its execution on the battlefield. และกรปฎบตของมนบนbattlefield It also builds on a range of new sources on the North Vietnamese war effort, มนสรงบนระยะของตนกเนดใหมบนควมพยยมสงครมชวเวยดนมทศเหนอ,อกดวย to assess the action- counteraction cycle between the two adversaries. เพอประเมนตอตนกรกระท-หมนรอบระหวงสองปรปกษ</p><p>SLP advocates were identified by themselves or others as knowledgeable, experienced, and concerned with appropriate speech/language services to Native Alaskan communities. Six SLPs participated in in-depth interviews, which explored their backgrounds, experiences, and insights. Interview tapes were transcribed and sorted by emergent themes to identify patterns, and analyzed by critical theory, within a socio-historical framework. The resulting data examined what shapes SLPs to become advocates for dialect speakers, what systems oppose and support this advocacy, and the advocates' recommendations.</p><p>SLP advocates were identified by themselves or others as knowledgeable, SLP แอดโวเคทถกระบโดยตวเอง หรออนๆเปนมควมร, experienced, ประสบกรณ, and concerned with appropriate speech/ language services to Native Alaskan communities. และควมเกยวพน กบบรรยยเหมะสม/ภษกร บรกรใหตนกเนด Alaskan ชมรม Six SLPs participated in in- depth interviews, หก SLPs ทมสวนอยดวยในกรสมภษณลกซง, which explored their backgrounds, สงซงสรวจพนหลงของเขทงหลย, experiences, ประสบกรณ, and insights. และกรเขใจอยงลกซง Interview tapes were transcribed and sorted by emergent themes to identify patterns, สมภษณเทปถกถอดควม และจดเรยงโดยใจควมซงโผลออกมทจะระบแบบแผน, and analyzed by critical theory, และวเคระหโดย ทฤษฎอนตรย, within a socio- historical framework. ภยใน socio -เคโครงเกยวกบประวตศสตร The resulting data examined what shapes SLPs to become advocates for dialect speakers, ขอมลทสงผลทตรวจดรปรงอะไร SLPs ทจะแอดโวเคทกบลโพงภษทองถน, what systems oppose and support this advocacy, ระบบอะไรตอตน และสนบสนนผสนบสนนน, and the advocates' recommendations. และแอดโวเคท'กรมอบอกครง I found the following implications: (1) Activities and systems that support advocacy for dialect speakers in schools are not supported by the dominant cultures of schools and society; (2) SLPs who have withstood subordinate power relations may be more likely to become advocates and question dominant culture institutions; (3) SLPs with a background of subordinate power relations, who have experienced positive systemic change, are better at advocating for both themselves and others; (4) Work experience in rural Alaska increases the likelihood that SLPs will advocate for speakers of Native dialects; (5) More Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs are needed to provide advocacy for Native Alaskan dialect speakers and their communities; (6) A critical need exists for degree programs in education and speech/language pathology that provide access and support for rural Native Alaskan communities; (7) To increase the number of Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs, programs for these populations should increase recruitment and provide comprehensive financial, academic, social-emotional, and cultural support; (8) Training programs designed for Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs should address Native community issues, and include Native staff, Native experts, and internships with Native professionals; (9) Certain characteristics and backgrounds may predispose SLPs to become advocates for dialect speakers.</p><p>I found the following implications: ฉนคนพบสงทพวพนดงตอไปน ( 1) (1) Activities and systems that support advocacy for dialect speakers in schools are not supported by the dominant cultures of schools and society; กจกรรม และระบบผสนบสนนกรสนบสนนทนนสหรบลโพงภษทองถนในโรงเรยนไมถก กรสนบสนนโดยวฒนธรรมซงครอบงของโรงเรยน และสงคม ( 2) (2) SLPs who have withstood subordinate power relations may be more likely to become advocates and question dominant culture institutions; SLPs ผซงม withstood ควมสมพนธพลงยอยอจจะพอสมควรมกกวทจะแอดโวเคท และคถมสถบนวฒนธรรมซงครอบง ( 3) (3) SLPs with a background of subordinate power relations, SLPs กบพนหลงของควมสมพนธพลงยอย, who have experienced positive systemic change, ผซงมประสบกรณกรเปลยนแปลงเกยวกบระบบทเปนบวก, are better at advocating for both themselves and others; คอดกวทแอดโวเคทสหรบทงตวเอง รวมทงสงอนๆอก ( 4) (4) Work experience in rural Alaska increases the likelihood that SLPs will advocate for speakers of Native dialects; ทงนประสบกรณในมลรฐหนงของอเมรกเกยวกบชนบททใหควมเปนไปไดเพมทนน SLPs จะแอดโวเคทสหรบลโพงของภษทองถนเปนธรรมชต ( 5) (5) More Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs are needed to provide advocacy for Native Alaskan dialect speakers and their communities; เปนธรรมชต มกกว Alaskan และชวอเมรกนตนกเนด SLPs ถกตองกรเพอจดเตรยมผสนบสนนสหรบเปนธรรมชต Alaskan ลโพงภษทองถน และชมรมของเขทงหลย ( 6) (6) A critical need exists for degree programs in education and speech/ language pathology that provide access and support for rural Native Alaskan communities; อนตรยตองกรคงอยกบโปรแกรมองศในกรศกษ และบรรยย/ภษพยธวทยซงจดเตรยมทงเข และกรสนบสนนสหรบเปนธรรมชตเกยวกบชนบท Alaskan ชมรม ( 7) (7) To increase the number of Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs, เพอทใหเปนธรรมชตจนวนหนง Alaskan และชวอเมรกนตนกเนดSLPs, programs for these populations should increase recruitment and provide comprehensive financial, โปรแกรมสหรบประชกรเหลนควรจะเพมกรรบสมชกใหม และจดเตรยมกรเงนกรทดสอบ ควมรทงหมด, academic, academic, social- emotional, มอรมณเกยวกบสงคม-, and cultural support; และกรสนบสนนเกยวกบวฒนธรรม ( 8) (8) Training programs designed for Native Alaskan and Native American SLPs should address Native community issues, กรฝกฝนโปรแกรมทออกแบบ กบเปนธรรมชต Alaskan และชวอเมรกนตนกเนด SLPs ควรจะององตแหนงเนอหชมรมเปนธรรมชต, and include Native staff, และรวมถงคณะเปนธรรมชต, Native experts, ผเชยวชญเปน ธรรมชต, and internships with Native professionals; และ internships กบผเชยวชญเปนธรรมชต ( 9) (9) Certain characteristics and backgrounds may predispose SLPs to become advocates for dialect speakersลกษณะจนวนหนง และพนหลงอจจะจงใจ SLPs ทจะแอดโวเคทกบลโพงภษทองถน</p>
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