<p> CITY OF NOWTHEN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 @ 7:00 PM The Nowthen City Council met for the City Council Workshop on Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM, at the Nowthen City Hall, 19800 Nowthen Blvd NW, Nowthen, MN.</p><p>Present: Mayor Jeff Pilon Councilmember Dan Breyen Councilmember Mary Rainville Councilmember Paul Reighard Councilmember Randy Bettinger</p><p>Others: Planner Liz Stockman</p><p>1). Planning & Zoning: a). RADEMACHER/ROESSLER COMP PLAN AMENDMENT/REZONING A joint request by Grant Rademacher and Kent Roessler to amend the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan by changing +/- 41acres from Permanent Rural Residential to Commercial/Light Manufacturing and to rezone the same property from RRA (Rural Residential Agriculture to some combination of C-1 Commercial and I-1, industrial (PID’s 31-33-25-34-0003 [28.13 Ac] and 31-33-25-31-0001 [about 13 acres of the 38.56 ac]). – Reighard asked if there was a potential of getting a revised plan. Stockman said there was some talk about revising the plan. If they did go that route it was recommended to hold another public hearing to review the revised plan and consider it. It is an option. Stockman said that Roessler would like to say a few words. </p><p>Bettinger said if there is new evidence or testimony to consider he would say yes that Roessler should be allowed to speak. Rainville asked Bettinger if he would open it up to the residents to speak up then. Bettinger thinks if there is new information it would allow the Council to move forward or send it back to P&Z at that point. </p><p>Stockman does concur to some degree with Bettinger. She said that is one of the options listed. Reighard agrees with Bettinger if there is new information. As far as public comment, if it can be done constructively and on a limited base he is ok with that. </p><p>Rainville is opposed to this. When they opened up the workshop it was noted that this is not a public hearing and they would not be opening up to the floor. If there was new information we should have had that in front of us prior to tonight’s meeting. If he wants to bring new information to us he can do it next week under floor items. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 2</p><p>Pilon said that he thinks that it is better to have it here on public record and for the people in attendance to at least hear it, rather than have everyone be surprised on Tuesday that something else has happened that might change the vote. It also gives the residents an opportunity to respond to that because he is not going to let everyone speak, like they did Tuesday night, but he will entertain limited discussion on it. </p><p>Kent Roessler does have pertinent information that will change the whole conversation. After the P&Z Meeting and all the residents in opposition, they thinks that it would be prudent to withdraw a majority of their application, at this time, just so they can address it in the Comp Plan Updates. He said they will take a look at the whole area. There are a lot of concerns that people have that needs a little time to flush out. So rather than push everything forward, trying to get an approval, they will just withdraw a majority of their request at this time. Roessler submitted a written withdraw letter withdrawing most of his parcel and one from the Stover’s withdrawing their request. </p><p>Roessler said that they are not withdrawing the 10 acres on the corner, which was originally applied for. At a later date he added additional land from the north and then Stover added their additional land into the same application. They would like to proceed with the 10 acre corner. They would like to proceed to the next Council Meeting. Most of the issues have been flushed out for the entire parcels and for the 10 acre parcel. There would actually be two (2); five (5) acre parcels. One (1) for a liquor store and one (1) for a gas station. They would like to move forward with this before the Comp Plan Updates. He would like to keep Mr. Rademacher within the community. He said that someone is going to build along those collector roads. It is too heavy of traffic not to. He was approached about 181st and Cleveland in Elk River. He would like to keep it within the City of Nowthen. If you don’t build in Nowthen at that corner, it will go to the City of Ramsey. There is an economical reason and he would like to flush that out at the Council Meeting. </p><p>Rainville said that they opened it up for new information. The new information ended at the point where Roessler was taking out the Stover’s property and the additional property of Roessler’s. The remainder of Roessler’s comments was not new information. </p><p>Pilon thinks it’s important for Mr. Roessler to express exactly why he wants to move forward so the residents can hear. Rainville disagrees. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 3</p><p>The residents have a vested interest in it now. It’s a reduced parcel and is now 10 acres for the gas station and liquor store. The choice here versus Ramsey, Elk River or somewhere else is something important for the residents to hear as well. </p><p>Clayton Connelly, of 9030 184th Ave, from the Planner, at least what Connelly heard from the Council is that per Stockman’s memo of July 28, 2017, is the Council could accept comments from Roessler, Rademacher and the Stover’s. He is not seeing that in the language. He is seeing that the City Council can discuss it, but it is not an invite for their conversations. That was in the public hearing. He wanted to make that clarification because they kind of opened Pandora’s box. The few residents that are here tonight were lucky to even know it because they are on his block. He has had some experience working with this and being involved with government with the City of Brooklyn Park. If you opened this up, he guarantees there would be much more people in attendance. That’s fine, now they withdrew two of the offers and now we are changing the game and going back to the original request. Well, the neighborhood still doesn’t want it for all the same reasons that the Planner has indicated that she answered all the questions that were brought up on the two (2) previous dates. They haven’t been answered. They haven’t satisfied the public. He appreciates some of the Council Members giving them the opportunity to again state their opposition, which was very obvious with even the Planning and Zoning recommendation to deny it. That is what they have in front of them. </p><p>Pilon said to make it clear, Mr. Roessler and Mr. Stover have withdrawn their request for a Comp Plan Amendment on the larger parcels. There is still a request before the Council to vote on two (2); five (5) acre parcels. Five (5) acres for a Bill’s Superette and five (5) acres for a liquor store. That will go before the Council on Tuesday for a vote. </p><p>Clayton asked what happens to the applicant’s money of $1,500 for each application. Where does the money go? Is it returned now, because in dealing with the planner and several amendments (he printed off the 53 pages in the packet). If you don’t get this and it is not approved and it all looks like it is not going to get approved, you better withdraw or otherwise you are going to lose out and you cannot reapply for a minimum of one year. Where does that money go? They had about a $1,500 application fee. Is that now returned to Rademacher, Roessler and Stover because they withdrew? City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 4</p><p>Stockman said no, they are responsible for all the consultant costs to date. They will still get a bill up through to the end. There are also basic fees that come out of that as well. </p><p>Pilon said the fees that are submitted are to cover the public hearing and City costs. Those cost that are incurred are not going to be returned. There is an escrow put in there. Any money that isn’t expended will be returned above and beyond the cost of the planner or the City. There is a minimum fee whenever we have to publish and announce through mailings and things like that. There is a cost that goes with the process that we do collect. Stockman said that they are all on a pass-through fee system. </p><p>Clayton said that the Planner said she answered all the questions. She had Mr. Rademacher bring in a sheriff’s report with a list of how many calls for service. When he came to the meeting and brought up the point of his experience and wanted the sheriff’s input. He didn’t provide it and left. Clayton’s basic question and what he wants for the Council to understand is that if you put a gas station and butt it up to residential property; from his experience in the twenty (20) years that he worked as a police officer in the City of Brooklyn Park, you are going to have numerous calls, numerous problems and crime. It is not where you want it, especially in the southwest corner. </p><p>Pilon said that he doesn’t know that the planner had Rademacher obtain the sheriff’s information. He believed Rademacher pursued that information on his own. The question came up during the public hearing and the sheriff did collect data on similar accommodations of a gas station and liquor store in a generally residential area. They were not there to present any of that information. </p><p>Stockman said that she did request that information and shared it with the applicants. </p><p> b). A LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BY DANIEL STOVER AND JAMIE STOVER – For property owned at 9531 181st Avenue (41.9 acres, PID 31-33-25-33-0001) and 9349 181st Avenue (10 acres, PID 31-33-25- 34-0002) Discussion of Nowthen’s existing land use plan and changes for the 2040 Comp Plan Update. – Request withdrawn. </p><p> c). ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT – A & B Welding/City of Nowthen – An Encroachment Agreement to allow the installation of a fence within the City’s drainage City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 5</p><p> and utility easement. – Stockman said that she has not heard from the Ulwellings since she has worked on the document. There a provision in the agreement to approve the agreement as long as the Ulwellings combine the lots. They were originally against it, but after discussion, they agreed. She thinks that it is reasonable to allow this. The fence materials are permitted per our ordinance. You don’t have to screen on a property adjacent to another industrial use. Stockman would encourage the slats on the right of way sides. If they don’t want to put them on the north side, they are not required to do so. </p><p> d). JAY HAGELBERG – Request for Special approval to install the proposed fence on property owned at 20090 Iguana St. pending anticipated IUP approval for outdoor storage. – The request is being sought to allow the fence to proceed ahead of the anticipated IUP approval for his outdoor storage. While the fence (screening in one form or another) is a requirement of the Zoning Ordinance, fences by themselves do not require City Council approval. Mr. Hagelberg requests special approval of the proposed solid 8-foot fence intended to secure the property and screen the outdoor storage. He plans to put the fence up before the building. He is proposing a high quality fence. The fence doesn’t require any approvals; we just want to make sure we are covering our basis. </p><p>Pilon said that a number of people that were hoping to start building were delayed at the P&Z Meeting. Whatever the Council can do to accommodate them, they should do. Pilon said that the request is to allow the start of the installation of the fence prior to Interim Use Permit approval. </p><p>Rainville said that even if he didn’t have an IUP he could put up a fence. Stockman said the fence could be the screening. </p><p> e). CODE ENFORCEMENT UPDATES – Stockman presented the Council with the Code Enforcement Updates. She indicated that she received a complaint on Scott Haldorson’s property again. She went out to the property and didn’t see any significate issues. Bettinger and Reighard feel we are just harassing him. Rainville stated that she was the one who filed the complaint on behalf of residents that have been complaining to her. Reighard and Bettinger asked that he be removed from the code enforcement list. </p><p>2). Consent Agenda: City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 6</p><p>1.1 Approve the July 6, 2017 City Council Workshop, July 11, 2017 City Council Meeting and the July 17, 2017 Budget Meeting Minutes – No comments</p><p>1.2 Financial Report – No Comments.</p><p>1.3 Approve All Audited Bills Claim # 309 through Claim # 350, plus Net Distribution reports dated July 10th and July 24th, 2017. – No Comments.</p><p>1.4 Proclamation – October 15th - National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day – No Comments.</p><p>1.5 RCA – Approve the 2018 URRWMO Budget – Bettinger said the URRWMO Plan has not been approved yet. </p><p>1.6 RCA – Approve a Contract for the Recycling Center Addition – Rainville has contacted Sue Doll at the County regarding the grant we were awarded and the ability we would have to use those funds in a method other than adding an addition to the building. Sue Doll said that as long as the purpose of the expenditures are used to work towards increasing our activity and the type of material that we take she didn’t see any difficulties in making that change in how we would use the grant funds. The only stipulation is that we spend it by the end of the year. </p><p>Rainville submitted a list of items that Breyen, Don Warden and herself put together, for improvements that they could use the funding for to help better utilize the facility. She would ask for Council approval to make other changes to the facility instead of putting an addition on. Sue Doll also said that they can use the funds to hire employees to work in the building. </p><p>Bettinger asked if they are talking about the $30,000. Rainville said no, the dollar amount to the grant. Bettinger thinks they are both grants. He said that you cannot use the $50,000 grant for employees that is specifically for the addition to the building. Rainville said that is not what she heard from Sue Doll. Bettinger thinks that she needs to check into that. We could be losing $50,000 in grant money for not putting the addition onto the recycling center. The recycling center isn’t big enough right now. We are using the other shop to store things. It is currently not sufficient to house all the materials we collect. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 7</p><p>We need an addition to make the recycling center cleaner and more efficient. The goal was to add on so we can bring in more materials to become a full service recycling center. </p><p>Rainville said that we are a full service center at this time. We would be just adding to the products that we currently accept. The County already considers us full service. She will talk to Sue again. </p><p>Reighard agrees with Bettinger that there is no way you will be able to come up with $50,000 worth of improvement that Rainville has suggested. We have a $50,000 grant from the County and he thinks that we are foolish to not build the addition. We do need to work out some details on how to store things. Once we get the structure set up and put things where we want to. If the other grant allows us to hire staff, then so be it. Or we hire seasonal people to do it. If there is coordination between the correctional facility and staff, a lot more would get done. It is cramped and crowded with not a lot of space. We got a grant and he thinks we would be foolish if we don’t use it that way. </p><p>Breyen said that we cannot look to expand on what we are currently doing until we get what we are currently getting in recycling under control. There are issues because we are storing materials in several different places. It is not convenient to get the roll offs out because of the way they are oriented. We could do more sorting by resorting, but we need to look at organizing the space. To rearrange the openings that would involve re-architecting the whole thing. It would be worth looking into taking what we have and reorganize it and consolidate things together to make it more efficient and then move forward. As he understood, we didn’t have to expand into taking more things just because we have added onto the recycling center. </p><p>Rainville said as the grant was originally written, we were going to increase the items that we were going to take. The addition would allow us to do that. She would agree that we cannot handle what we have now. We don’t know hours, we don’t know who is doing what. She thinks we need to get a handle on that first. </p><p>Reighard said we did state that we will accept additional items, but there is no timeline on when we have to do that. By putting an addition on, how is that hurting us in any way for getting organized on how we do things now. You would have more space. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 8</p><p>Bettinger agrees with Reighard. There is no way to get organized. There is no way you are going to get everything organized to get everything to fit in the recycling center. You can’t be mixing the materials together. They each have their own containers. If you want to clean it up and make it look nicer you put the addition on. That is why we started that conversation a couple of years ago. We were talking about putting an addition on the Fire Station. We cannot do that with all the recycling materials stored out there. We got a grant for an addition to get us organized. This is the second time we applied for the grant. If we don’t use it this time, that is going to be looked at when we want to apply for another one. </p><p>Breyen isn’t saying not to expand, he is saying that there were things identified that could be done and could be taken care of with the expansion, without having to expand on what we are taking. We can organize what we have. It would be worth discussing the expansion, just so we have more space for what we do have. </p><p>Pilon understood the grant was so we could take on more. The idea is to consolidate under one roof in an organized fashion. Locking down what needs to be, setting up the appropriate bins so people can sort more. In some cases, there are still messes that need to be cleaned up. The question is, if we are going to expand to carpet and mattresses as part of our acceptance of the grant, we need to be able to handle that. He can understand the argument of getting control of what we have. He thinks it needs to be clarified if the grant can be used for anything else, but the addition. </p><p>1.7 ACCEPT WITHDRAW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FROM GRANT RADEMACHER – For property owned at 8077 Viking Blvd. CUP to allow expansion of Bill’s Superette fuel station and Convenience Store by establishing a separate diesel pump island; and to allow deviation from the required five (5) foot parking lot setback to establish a new driveway along the north side of the property and access to Nowthen Boulevard. – No Comments. </p><p>1.8 RCA – Approve Fire Chief Kohner to bid and purchase a new/used Rescue Truck – LaDoucer to check with Chief Kohner about transportation costs. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 9</p><p>1.9 Adopt Resolution 2017-13 – A Resolution encouraging the people of the City of Nowthen to attend the Grand Opening on the Minnesota State Capital. - No Comments.</p><p>3). Council Items: a). RCA - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement/Extra Patrol – Rainville request that we submit this to the Anoka County Sheriff’s and the Ramsey Police Dept. to request vehicle enforcement and extra patrol at the intersection of 181st and Baugh St., per the request from our resident and to move this item to the Consent Agenda. </p><p> b). RCA – Re-evaluation of current distribution method for the City newsletter – Breyen wanted to bring this to the Council for discussion and to look at some other distribution options. Maybe email it, put it on the website and have copies available at the office. Rainville would like to see us do a different type of a newsletter. There are other cities that work with publishing companies that does all of the leg work to produce a publication. It is a benefit to our residents to get a better newsletter with more information that is more professional looking. It wouldn’t cost the City a thing. It would be up to the publisher to get enough ads and enough information that there would no loss. </p><p> c). RCA – Foosball Court – Rainville said she received calls from residents after they seen the installation of the foosball court. She cannot judge what anyone else feels is acceptable or not, but the residents that called her did not feel this was acceptable; how the concrete was installed and the condition of the poles. She doesn’t think, in its current stage, meets the quality of an amenity we want to provide for our residents. </p><p>Pilon understands that the width of the court had something to do with the confusion. Staff did some research on line and found that the courts were 14 foot wide, so they cut the poles to 14 feet. The courts was designed for 21 foot width, therefore staff had welded the poles back together. The poles were going to be replaced with solid non-welded poles. The question is a 21 foot width pole is going to sag and the research on line shows it might be more common to have 14 foot lengths. </p><p>Reighard questioned Rainville that they continually try and say that they work together. Did she contact Glaze to get an opinion or get some of her questions answered? City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 10</p><p>Rainville said that she sent an email on July 5th to staff, the Mayor and the Park & Rec. Chairman. Reighard asked why it was not sent to the rest of the Council and the rest of the committee members. Rainville said she neglected to include them. Nobody other than the Mayor and the chairman got back to her. On July 13th she then sent it to the Mayor, Council, staff and Park and Rec. Committee Members.</p><p>Reighard asked if Rainville tried to contact Glaze other than the email. Rainville said she did not. Reighard said it would have taken 2 minutes to pick up the phone and make the call to Glaze. This may have not had to come up if Rainville just called staff. In his opinion, she is not trying to work with staff. </p><p>Rainville would prefer that it is a documentation because she wants to be able to go back to it. She apologized for not forwarding the information to the Council and the Committee Members. On her follow up she did include the entire Council. She is appalled by the installation of the court. Reighard said that she could get the staff attention without doing it in the public forum, like she always does. Rainville said she allowed staff from the 5th until the 13th to respond back to her. </p><p>Breyen said when he received the email, he responded that he thought there was value in having a special meeting to discuss this. </p><p>Pilon said that the timing on this was critical and request for a meeting was made, but it came during a time that wasn’t feasible. He thinks that it makes sense to be in full agreement what they are trying to accomplish. What is a professional level? Sometimes we try and get by on donated equipment. A one day festival is different than a year round amenity. </p><p>Bettinger thinks this could have been handled a little better and something could have been sent to staff. Pilon said there was an email sent to staff and no one responded, so it had elevated into this Request for Council Action. There was a proposed Special Meeting, but that didn’t happen. If staff couldn’t answer then it came to the Council to ask what they were thinking and what was authorized. </p><p>Reighard thinks that they owe the staff a phone call above and beyond just an email. Emails can be missed and the way Glaze interpreted the email, he didn’t see a question. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 11</p><p>Bettinger said they approved everything that is being done there. They can sand down the pipes and paint them. There is a lot of work to be done out there yet. If they have thoughts and suggestions to improve it, then great. They have it set up so it isn’t permanent. If it goes over big they can invest in new pipes. Right now we don’t know if everyone is going to like it or not. The way it is being done, it is a low dollar system. We knew they were used pipes all along. We should give suggestions to help instead of criticizing. </p><p>Pilon said that he got the email that pointed out some issues. It is typical in business to get a response back for each issue explaining what is going on. Reighard said that he doesn’t respond to each email he gets. </p><p>No disrespect to staff, because they did what was told of them, Rainville doesn’t believe that we should ask our residents to accept. </p><p>Pilon would ask, if there are questions in the future, the Council to put them in a formal question and direct them to either Glaze or LaDoucer. Give them a chance to respond to a specific question and if they don’t respond, it can be addressed at that time. </p><p>The consensus of the Council was to reduce the width of the court to 18ft., sand and paint the poles with enamel, have Glaze check with the fence company about the new layout and costs associated with the change, and have staff realign the spacing layout of the court, addressing the cracking concrete.</p><p> d). RCA - Replacement of CAT 930 Loader – Glaze will check into more information about trade in value or resale value. </p><p> e). RCA – 20232 Wolfram Driveway for Troy Barth residence driveway repair (end) – Breyen said that the resident mentioned that the end of his driveway was broken up because of the snowplow. He would like know to how to handle situations like this one. On this one the driveway is currently not level to the street. He wanted to know where something like this fits in to get repaired. </p><p>Pilon said this is a cul-de-sac and he has been out to see it. It does look like the cul-de-sac is a bit narrow. Pilon did speak to Glaze about it and he does think it is appropriate to put some blacktop in cul-de-sac area to fix that issue. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 12</p><p>On the driveway portion, it does seem that the Council would want a smooth edge there. Pilon thinks that is something the City could work out. A portion is within our right of way. Maybe we can go back to the expansion joint. The homeowner can pay a portion of it and the City can pay a portion of it and blend the blacktop together. </p><p>Reighard said that would be opening a huge can of worms. By looking at the picture he sees cracks everywhere in his driveway. There is no way that he can tell with certainty that the snowplow ran over that corner and that is what broke it. When you start repairing one driveway at any cost to the City, you are going to get everybody in the whole City saying that the City wrecked their driveway. If he even slightly suggests that the City pay for that, it would be a big mistake. Bettinger said that you don’t even want to start doing that. </p><p>Breyen asked, even if the plow did catch the corner and the resident did have conversation with staff about it. We don’t say in our specs we kind of assume their driveway should be flush with the road, but it is not spec’d or enforced at all. Is it still not our problem?</p><p>LaDoucer spoke to the City attorney about this and the driveway is in our legal right of way, so we don’t have any legal rights to repair it. </p><p>Reighard said that given by the way the rest of the driveway is cracked, you cannot sell him on the fact that the snowplow did that.</p><p>Breyen said he understands that there are other cracks. The plow came in straight into the cul-de-sac and caught the corner of the driveway. </p><p>Bettinger said if the plow would have hit it, it would have done damage to the truck and they would be liable to the City for damaging the plow because their driveway wasn’t installed properly. It would have ripped the concrete out; it wouldn’t have just cracked it. </p><p> f). Proposal for Road Evaluation– Cost Estimate from Shane Nelson to review and recommend roads to consider for improvements – Bettinger is not in favor of doing another road study. It doesn’t pay to keep doing plans. It doesn’t benefit anything if we are not going do anything. We know the roads have not gotten better. Let’s just do one year. We should be budgeting for this. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 13</p><p>Reighard said it is obvious that they have to do something. He just hates throwing money into something that is going nowhere. They need to start coming up with some plans and start taking action. They haven’t done anything significant for many years. Until they really know how they are going to fund it, he hates just throwing away money. If the engineer has already recommended that Old Viking Blvd gets an overlay, let’s take that as our first project. </p><p>Pilon agrees, but he would like to see a formal five (5) year plan. He thinks that it is a good investment. The discussions they have had is there is a lot of money needed, but where are we going to get it all. He thinks this is a necessary step to find out if they can assess 50%. He thinks having a plan in place that takes a variety of roads is a good investment. There is a lot of frustration because they haven’t properly budgeted for it because they didn’t have a realistic plan. They had a big number on the road study. He thinks it needs to be a realistic plan. He said that the study had every blacktop road listed, but they didn’t have a plan for specific years. </p><p>Reighard said based on the information that the engineer is going to provide, is it actually going to tell you how to assess or what you can assess. We won’t actually know this until we go through the plan to determine the project costs, how many households are affected.</p><p>Pilon said that a feasibility study would still be necessary. But this would be a plan to say which roads should be upgraded in the next five (5) years. Then you would do a feasibility study to determine how it is going to be assessed. There is going to be some push back on the first ones. If we have a plan, the residents can see what year we would be coming to them. </p><p>Reighard said that we can have a plan put together, then have a feasibility study done and determine that we don’t have the money to do a project. We then just wasted $3,200 for a plan and $2,000 for a feasibility study. </p><p>Pilon said that you have to identify the needs first then determine how to fund it. City of Nowthen City Council Workshop August 3, 2017 Page 14</p><p>4). Introduction of New Items: Pilon brought up about having a Special City County Meeting on August 24th, 2017 to address the items that were continued at the Planning and Zoning Meeting. The consensus was for the Council to check their calendars and get back to LaDoucer. </p><p>Pilon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 PM; Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried. </p><p>Respectively submitted by:</p><p>______Corrie LaDoucer, City Clerk Mayor Jeff Pilon</p>
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