<p>AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>There will be a meeting of the Students’ Union Sports Zone Executive Meeting on Friday 23th January 2015 at 13:30 in the Ian King room.</p><p>In order to ensure the meeting is kept to time please ensure all attached papers are read in advance. </p><p>1. IN ATTENDANCE</p><p>1.1 Members Present</p><p>Christopher Priddle Sport President (CP)</p><p>Paddy Wilson Participation & Engagement Officer ` (PW)</p><p>Paige Turner Communications Officer (PT)</p><p>Matthew Brews (MB)</p><p>Robyn Blair (RB)</p><p>Pamela Tait (PTa)</p><p>Callum Williamson (CW)</p><p>1.2 In Attendance</p><p>1.3 Observers</p><p>Scott Chaplain Sport Development Coordinator (SC)</p><p>1.4 Apologies</p><p>Helle Jennings </p><p>1.5 Absent without Apologies</p><p>Jenny Lester Health Promotion Officer </p><p>2 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING</p><p>2.1 No minutes to pass</p><p>3 ANY OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>Other business moved to the end</p><p>4 CHALLENGES TO ORDER PAPER AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>5 DATES TO NOTE</p><p>5.1 Election nomination deadline - 23th January</p><p>CP – We are still looking for individuals to nominate themselves for the sport specific part time roles that Paige, Paddy and Jenny currently hold. If you know anyone that is interested then the deadline is 5pm today and they only need 30 names seconders. </p><p>5.2 Women in Sport Leadership programme application deadline - 28th January</p><p>CP – The application deadline for the Women in Sport Leadership Programme is next Wednesday. Again if you know anybody that would be interested then let them know. </p><p>PTa – Can 4th years apply?</p><p>SC – Yes, we will accept applications from 4th years. However there might be a commitment that means they may need to come back in at the start of the next academic year to participate in the evaluation and review of their placement and the programme as a whole.</p><p>5.3 Sport Zone meetings - 27th January</p><p>CP – On Tuesday we have the first Sport Zone meeting of this semester. As we know these meetings aren’t always well attended and getting engagement from Sport Union members isn’t easy. However we are bound to hold them. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get better engagement?</p><p>PT - As you say due to the changes to the structure last year, we are bound to have them. </p><p>RB – Is it only committee members that can attend?</p><p>CP – No its open to anybody but it’s predominately committee members that attend </p><p>5.4 NSS (National Student Survey) - 2nd February </p><p>CP – The NSS is the National Student Survey opens on the 2nd February and is for all final year students. We are looking for you all to promote amongst your networks. The University really cares and values the responses of the student. They are a few incentives to filling it in such as 2 for 1 MacRobert cinema tickets for anyone who completes the survey and they will also be put into a prize draw for Grad Ball tickets. </p><p>5.5 Elections - 9th & 10th February</p><p>CP – Due to the change in semester the elections are early this year. You can except all the usual activity in and around campus.</p><p>5.6 Other dates to note</p><p>RB – Ladies Gaelic Football are holding a Dodgeball tournament on Thursday 5th February 10 – 4. They are raising money for cancer research. </p><p>CP – Another date to note is the Scottish Universities & Colleges Wheelchair Basketball tournament next Sunday 1st February AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>6 ELECTIONS & RESIGNATIONS</p><p>7 REPORTS / PRESENTATIONS</p><p>7.1 Sport President </p><p>CP – I have been to couple of events during this week. The first was on Tuesday when Scott and I attended a NUS and SSS Smoking Prevention workshop. As part of the Healthy Body Healthy Mind award this year there is a major focus on smoking prevention. This addition isn’t great as there appears to be one single focus on this subject. Glasgow Caley presented on their work on having smoking shelters which cost £20,000. However if we were to do the same work it would cost us much much more because of the size of our campus. </p><p>The second event I have attended is the BUCS conference in Liverpool yesterday which was about inclusive sport. It was a really interesting day and there was lots information about Disability Sport and making it inclusive. From that there is a lot more scope for what we can do and I am currently working on a piece of work to see where we can do more.</p><p>The feedback I have had from Refreshers and Give It A Go is that it went well and clubs were happy with their sign ups. We also had a couple of new clubs such as Curling and Shinty getting loads of signs ups, which again was good.</p><p>7.2 Communication Officer</p><p>PT - At the end of last semester I filled in for Scott and Chris at a meeting with Active Stirling and the University academics. It was about how we can best work together and join up work. From our point of view it’s about getting clubs to form partnerships with community clubs. I also attended a meeting last week with Scott, Paddy and Dougie from Active Stirling to identify potential clubs where this can be done to develop and benefit clubs. From that meeting I will be drafting an email to go clubs to try get that started. </p><p>Other than that I am really looking to Wheelchair Basketball on Sunday!</p><p>7.3 Participation and Engagement Officer</p><p>PW – As Chris mentioned we attended the BUCS conference in Liverpool yesterday. It was a really good conference and was great to see what other Universities do on disability sport. Edinburgh Uni in particular presented and are doing really good work. There was also another good presentation on sitting Volleyball, talking about how inclusive it is. </p><p>CP – How is your Play Sport Promotor (PSP) work going with SSS?</p><p>PW - Yeah it’s going well. I am in middle of writing an individual report on social media in sport and I also have a meeting with Lizzie coming up. The last time I was speaking to her she was mentioning the good work we are doing with the Women in Sport Leadership Programme. </p><p>8 DISCUSSION AND DECISION TOPICS AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>8.1 Coaching Fund Applications</p><p>CP – We have a few coaching fund applications to look over. I wish we could fund more coaches for clubs as it has been proven it improves performance. </p><p>The first one we’ve got is from Rowing.</p><p>Rowing </p><p>PT – Have Rowing got a coach? I don’t think they have </p><p>SC – Yes, they have invoiced us twice.</p><p>PT – Is that for Ross Marchbank? He’s their strength and conditioning coach </p><p>CP – We previously received an application from them for coaching and this application is for strength and conditioning coach. I think myself and Scott will need to catch up with them to confirm what they are claiming for. </p><p>Triathlon</p><p>CP – The next one is from Triathlon; at first I thought it was for the President to go through coaching qualifications but it’s not it is to fund a coach.</p><p>PT – When is it for? Is it this semester or is it for the year ahead?</p><p>CP – I am not sure. I shall catch up with them as well to get more information</p><p>Cheerleading</p><p>CP – We have application here from Cheerleading but I think this has been settled and been agreed to match fund </p><p>Muay Thai Boxing</p><p>CP – We also have an application from Muay Thai Boxing but as you can see it is not very detailed and they are asking for a large amount. Similarly, I will catch up with them to get more detail and clarification </p><p>8.2 Capital Equipment Applications</p><p>CP – As well as coaching applications we also have capital equipment applications to look over. Rowing again have applied for this</p><p>SC – It’s worth noting that we need to spend the fund by the end of the semester. There is currently £1,000 left</p><p>Rowing</p><p>CP – I think we discussed this one at the previous meeting. They are looking purchase 2/3 rowing machines at the cost of £1700. They’re applying for £1200 and are willing to contribute £500 towards them. </p><p>PT – Where are they getting them from and how much are they going to cost? AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>CP – I don’t know these are things I’ll need to ask them. </p><p>PT – I would question why they need 2/3 rowing machines. I know that they have a better relationship with community club, could they not use their equipment that would save them the cost. Again I think you should call them in for a meeting. </p><p>Surf</p><p>CP – Surf club are also looking to apply to the fund for wet suits. As you can see they have provided a very detailed application.</p><p>PT – The only thing I could see is that they are not making a contribution </p><p>CP – Yeah I noticed that. We normally like clubs to make a contribution so that they can show that they are being active and fundraising. I will look into if they are in a position to contribute something. If they are in a position to make a contribution, what share will we ask them to contribute? 50/50? 60/40?</p><p>MB – Offer them 50/50 and see what they say</p><p>8.3 Exec Election Positions</p><p>CP – We briefly touched upon this earlier but we currently haven’t got any nominations for the part-time sport specific roles. These opportunities are great for getting more involved in the Sports Union. Matthew have you thought about it?</p><p>MB - I have however I am thinking about running for the Hockey club president and don’t take want to take too much on</p><p>PT – It puts people off that they have to go through the whole election process the same as a Sabb has to do, as opposed to a being elected in a meeting. </p><p>CP – If any of you think of anyone then let them know </p><p>8.4 Sports Ball</p><p>CP – The sports ball this year will be on 18th April. Tickets go on sale on the 3rd March for 4th years and committee members and the then the general sale is 10th March. Obviously there is always high demand and people always miss out. We are looking for ideas to make it fairer?</p><p>RB - I am not really sure of ways to make it fairer but I would hate for some of our social members to get tickets over dedicated club members who are in it for the sport. I also know that there have been issues in the past with people ditching classes to go and queue for tickets. </p><p>CP – With that in mind would an online sale be better?</p><p>PT – I am sure it was mentioned last year that we would be using an online sale method this year</p><p>CP – It is something we can look into. There is also an issue about how many guests we invite.</p><p>PT – Who are you going to invite?</p><p>CP – You normally invite past presidents, presidents of other Universities and SDS staff. With the limited amount of tickets we may need to review who we invite. We also need to look into AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p> sponsorship. Matthew you have contacts with Arnold Clark can you speak to them about it?</p><p>MB – Yeah I can look into that</p><p>PT – What about paying tribute to Pete Bilsbrough during the night. We could invite his wife and present her with flowers or something. </p><p>CP – That’s great idea! </p><p>CW – Do coaches come? </p><p>CP – Not normally but I think some clubs have invited them in the past. We also need to think about the Blues and Colours nominations. When do they normally open and close?</p><p>PT - Nominations are normally open for 2 weeks. So we should probably open them at the end of February and close then beginning of March and then review them in March. That gives us time to look over them and also leaves room for appeal.</p><p>RB - I don’t think we should tell the award winners till it gets announced on the night. In previous years there has been an award bus but I think award winners would rare travel with their friends. Also in terms of sponsorship we deal with a company Purple Rock, who do printing on shirts. They are always looking to get into the student market.</p><p>PT – We also need to think about the a charity on the night</p><p>RB – I think Connors Journey would be the most appropriate charity </p><p>CP – Yeah that’s another great idea</p><p>RB – I also think it is a good idea to have the disclaimer for any damage of the bus or hotel</p><p>PT – Have we got the trophies back from last year?</p><p>CP – Not sure we will need to check and yes will definitely do a disclaimer. So what are we thinking about tickets then, should we have a different approach to the normal open to everyone sale such as a quota per club?</p><p>PW – what about a ballet?</p><p>SC – A ballet might be a shout. When ticket demand is high for events such as the Commonwealth Games they do a ballot.</p><p>PT – I think you should take it to a Sport Zone meeting and everyone their thoughts on what is best </p><p>CP – Yeah we will do that and also catch up with Nick and Lauren to see if MSL ballot is feasible AGENDA 1 Clubs Council 190911</p><p>8.5 Kukri Kit</p><p>CP – The new sales contact seems to be much better and still unsure what to do going forward. The only issue we have had recently is with Dance not being on Squirrel Sports. We are currently out of contract and there is a decision to be made at the end of the semester what we do. From speaking to other Presidents they too have issues with their kit provider, so I don’t think there is an easy solution. We could also look to get a one Stirling kit deal; again these are things to look at the end of the semester </p><p>8.6 Women in Sport Leadership Programme</p><p>CP – We spoke about this earlier in the meeting </p><p>9 DATE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>TBC</p><p>10 RESERVE BUSINESS</p><p>There will be no reserve business</p>
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