<p> Region 9 Eastern Region</p><p>Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin 626 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800, Milwaukee, WI 53202–4616 Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (CT) Phone: 414–297–3600 E-mail: Mailroom [email protected]</p><p>KENT CONNAUGHTON Regional Forester 414–297–3765 Fax: 414–944–3973 Kathy Gorman Executive Assistant to Regional Forester 414–297–3765</p><p>Elizabeth Sporcich Secretary 414–297–3646 Forrest (Skip) Starkey Deputy Regional Forester, Operations 414–297–3646 John Phipps Deputy Regional Forester, Resources 414–297–3765 Bettie Maultsby Regional Diversity Advisor 414–297–1693 Donna Hepp Special Programs and Projects 414–297–3538 Coordinator Paul Monson Staff Assistant 414–297–3631 Steve Schlobohm Staff Assistant 715–685–2655 Karl Mettke Program Analyst 414–297–3264</p><p>Office of the General Counsel 626 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 600, Milwaukee, WI 53202–4616 Phone: 414–297–3774; Fax: 414–297–3763 MICHAEL DANAHER Associate Regional Attorney 414–297–1891 Vacant Deputy Associate Regional Attorney 414–297–3776 Conrado M. Almario Attorney 414–297–3787 Ronald Mulach Attorney 414–297–1893 John Vandlik Attorney 414–297–3276 Vince Vukelich Attorney 414–297–3786 Jessica Schmitt Attorney 414–297–3776 Silvia Martin-Read Paralegal Specialist 414–297–3726 Kathryn A. Gohr Legal Instruments Examiner 414–297–1890</p><p>Engineering JOSIAH KIM Director 414–297–3268 Dave Dercks Deputy Director 414–297–3773 Robin Brandt Management Assistant 414–297–1413 Cliff Denning Dams, Geotech, Training 414–297–3305 Mia Schiattone Facilities Maintenance and Water, 414–297–3604 Wastewater Joan Price Facilities Planning, Design, Construction 414–297–3526</p><p>Renea Loman Fleet 906–482–6303 Vacant Structures, Bridges (Call Cliff Denning) 414–297–3305 Chuck Lapicola Transportation Planning, Travel 414–297–3676 Management Vacant Transportation Development (Call Chuck 414–297–3676 Lapicola)</p><p>TST East Team Kurt Kretvix Project Manager, Team Leader 802–747–6732 Bruno Guerrera Architect 802–747–6748 Rory Shea Civil Engineering Technician 802–747–6726 Mary Brown Landscape Architect 802–747–6732 Art Johnston Structural, Bridges Engineer 218–626–4341</p><p>TST West Team Rick Kell Project Manager, Team Leader 906–789–3375 Daryl Dean Architect 715–362–1360 Debra Wiley Civil Engineering Technician 715–362–1134 Vacant Civil Engineering Technician 218–626–4350 Sue Peterson Dams Engineer 812–277–3588 Ronnie Yimsut Landscape Architect 414–297–3129 Michael Knutson Structural, Bridges Engineer 906–789–3377 John Janson Water and Wastewater Engineer 218–626–4351</p><p>Financial Management DARRELL WOODS Director 414–297–3726 Ann Tusha Budget Analyst 414–297–3943 Kathleen Sobe Budget Analyst 414–297–3686 Dave Scozzafave Budget Analyst 414–297–3602 Nick Vrevich Capital Investment Budget Coordinator 414–297–3350 Vacant Management Analyst, Records and 414–297–3663 Directives Program Manager</p><p>Acquisition Management and Partnerships SANDRA GARLAND Director 414–297–1128 Fax: 414–297–1908 Kimberly Anderson Deputy Director 414–297–3257 Richard Saltzman Procurement Analyst 414–297–3625 Christine Shade Contract Support 608–230–6623 Chris Frank Purchasing Agent 414–297–3856 Phyllis Carter Leasing Specialist* (Located in R8, Atlan 414–297–3643 Alison Newell Leasing Assistant* 770–297–3079 Louvonia Henderson Quarters Management Coordination* 850–523–8540 Donna Borowski Property Management Specialist 414–297–1126 Montez Ashley Grants and Agreements Specialists 414–297–3150 (*) = shared positions </p><p>Procurement Clusters Lake States Acquisition Team (LSAT), Rhinelander, WI (includes Chequamegon-Nicolet, Hiawatha, Huron-Manistee, Ottawa) Teri Sabin Lead 715–362–1177 North East Acquisition Team (NEAT), Warren, PA (includes Allegheny, Green Mountain, White Mountain) John McHenry Lead 814–723–5180, X157</p><p>Minnesota Shared Service Contracting Unit (MSSCU), Duluth, MN (includes Chippewa, Superior) Randy Lloyd Lead 218–626–4360 Fax: 218–626–4397</p><p>Ohio River Basin Procurement Unit (ORB), Elkins, WV (includes Hoosier, Midewin, Monongahela, Shawnee, Wayne, George Washington, Jefferson, Daniel Boone) Pamela Thomas Lead 540–265–5111</p><p>Western Operational Cluster (WOC) R8, R9, Jackson, MS (includes Mark Twain) Karen Ray (Acting) Lead 601–965–4391</p><p>Civil Rights and Multiculturalism TERRY WEST Director 414–297–3021 Florence Pridgen Equal Opportunity Specialist, Title VII 414–297–1069 Andrea Payne Equal Opportunity Specialist, Title VI 414–297–3169 Clara Johnson Job Corps Liaison 414–297–1262</p><p>Information Management WANDA HODGE Director 414–297–3806 Dennis Kanten Geospatial Service Program Manager 414–297–3520 Dan Wendt Remote Sensing Coordinator 414–297–3381 Fred James INFRA Program Manager 414–297–3713 Gina Siroy INFRA Technical Specialist 414–297–3499 Nancy Closson Resource Database Manager, TIM, 414–297–1624 FACTS Coordinator Dan Jones Senior Programmer, Analyst 414–297–1054 Beth Boddiger Assistant Database Manager 414–297–3618 Dick Hart TRACS Coordinator 414–297–3346 David Shadis Resource Inventory Coordinator 414–297–1902 Doug Ilhardt NRIS Technical Specialist 414–297–3195 Joe Miller NRIS Technical Specialist 414–297–3672 Mike Martischang Regional GIS Coordinator 414–297–1384 Robert Carr GIS Technical Specialist 414–297–1057</p><p>Planning, Appeals, and Litigation JO REYER Director 414–297–1905 Sam Emmons Regional Planner 414–297–3429 Rick Hokans Regional Analyst and Economist 414–297–3607 Jim McDonald Regional NEPA Coordinator 414–297–3659 Dain Maddox Monitoring, NEPA Specialist 414–297–1055 Shannon Swaziek Appeals Specialist 414–297–1281 Joel Strong Appeals Specialist 414–297–1371 Patricia Rowell Appeals Specialist 414–297–3439 Michelle Damato FOIA Coordinator 414–297–1900 Darsan Wang Social Scientist 414–297–3794</p><p>Renewable Resources PAUL MOMPER Director 414–297–3655 Nancy Lizette Berlin Deputy Director 414–297–1868 Brad Bowen Administrative Support Assistant 414–297–1876 Martelle Jossart Administrative Support Assistant 414–297–3208 Howard Freerksen Regional Timber Sales Contracting Offic 414–297–3649 Steve Larson Timber Sale Accounting 414–297–3627 Bill Nightingale Trust Fund Manager 414–297–3274 Mike VanDyck Measurements Specialist 414–297–3639 Al Saberniak Silviculturist 414–297–1898 Mike Ablutz Silviculturist 414–297–3344 Greg Nowacki Ecologist 414–297–1977 Dave Cleland Ecologist (Rhinelander, WI) 715–365–1103 Paul Berrang Genetics 414–297–3569 John Curnutt Wildlife Ecologist 414–297–4149 Nick Schmal Fish and Aquatic Ecology Program 414–297–3431 Leader Jan Schultz Botany and Non–Native Invasive Species 414–297–1189</p><p>Steve Mighton Threatened and Endangered Species 414–297–3612 Program Manager Tommy Parker Threatened and Endangered Species 414–297–3703 Biologist Ross McElvain Rangelands (Mark Twain) 417–683–4428</p><p>Air, Water, Lands, Soils, Minerals, and Environmental Services PAUL STOCKINGER Director 414–297–1901 Tom Doane Deputy Director 414–297–4030 Judy Thiemer Management Assistant 414–297–3645 Fax: 414–944–3964 Chuck Sams Air Resources 414–297–3529 Ann Acheson Air Quality Specialist, Wayne 740–373–9055, X23 Russ LaFayette Regional Hydrologist 414–297–1341 Ted Geier Staff Hydrologist 414–297–1347 Bonnie llhardt Watershed, Riparian 414–297–3697 Neil Babik Regional Soils Program Manager 414–297–3622 Shawn Olson Lands Adjustments 414–297–3087 Linda Schmidt Realty Specialist 414–297–3428 Carolyn Williams Special Uses 414–297–3696 Mark Fedora Regional Hydropower Coordinator, 906–932–1330 Ottawa Kenneth Daw Regional Appraiser 414–944–3596 Vacant Senior Review Appraisers, Green 802–747–6700 Mountain Dale Newell Senior Review Appraiser, Wayne 614–592–6644 Shirley Milli Senior Review Appraiser, Lake States 218–335–8659 Rick Linebarger Qualified Review Appraiser, Mark Twain 417–847–2144</p><p>Ted Senior Qualified Appraiser, Hoosier 812–277–3572 Terry Demuri Apprentice Appraiser, Ottawa 906–265–5139, X15 Sandy Peterson Apprentice Appraiser, Green Mountain 802–747–6714 Al Kayser Boundary Management 414–297–3886 Elaine Heidtke Land Status 414–297–3508 Randy Rabideaux Regional Geologist 414–297–1391 Kurt Wadzinski Land Law Examiner, BLM/FS 414–297–3652 Randy Rabideaux Regional Geologist 414–297–1391 Donna Kim Regional Environmental Engineer 414–297–3613 Mike Nicklow Zone Environmental Engineer, Wayne 740–753–0555 Tim Buxton AML Coordinator, White Mountain 603–466–2713, X237 Sheela Doshi Presidential Management Fellow 414–297–3181</p><p>Recreation, Heritage, and Wilderness Resources VACANT Director 414–297–3635 Pauline Dorsan Management Assistant 414–297–1150 Fax: 414–297–3127 Claudia Mielke Recreation Programs and Investments, 414–297–3338 Travel Management and Tourism Sandi Forney Heritage and Interpretation Programs, 414–297–3656 RHWR Budget Coordination John Romanowski Wilderness and Congressional 414–297–3727 Designated Areas Marcia Heymen Recreation Fee Program 414–297–3662 Tom Somrak Recreation Special Uses (Rhinelander) 715–362–1339</p><p>Gary Morgan Natural Resources and Travel 414–297–3632 Management Leon LaVigne Trails, Dispersed Recreation, User 414–297–1313 Surveys, Caves Margaret Lincoln Developed Sites, Accessibility, and 414–297–1239 Landscape Architecture Jean Claassen America's Outdoors 414–297–1394 Pete Irvine Appalachian National Scenic Trail 304–535–6737 Beth LeClair Eastern Winter Sports Team, GMFL 802–767–4261 John Cameron Recreation Reservation Systems 850–523–8589</p><p>Federal Lands Scenic Byways (Interagency) America's Byway Resource Center, 340 West Anoka Street, Duluth, MN 55803–1919 Mark Conley Coordinator 218–625–3302</p><p>Public and Governmental Relations SHERRY WAGNER Director 414–297–3640 Lindalou Stockinger Legislative Affairs 414–297–3326 Jane Cliff Media and External Relations 414–297–3664 Donna Falcon Tribal Relations Program Manager 414–297–3777 Daryl Pridgen Urban Connections 414–944–3590 Tonika Goins-Heath Urban Connections, Boston 617–548–2546 Katie Armstrong Urban Connections, Detroit 318–833–3278 Arlene White Urban Connections, Minneapolis 651–649–5250 Susan Maciolek Communications Tools Team 414–297–3182 Leah Anderson Communications Tools Team 414–297–1154 Andrew Madsen Communications Tools Team 414–297–3670 David Pizon Webmaster 414–297–1187 Don Howlett Conservation Education 906–789–3334</p><p>Aviation and Fire Management PATTI HIRAMI Director 414–297–1280 Wade Spang Deputy Director 414–297–3345 Wayne Bushnell Fire and Emergency Operations 414–297–3682 Sandra LaFarr Regional Aviation Management 414–297–3744 Scott Hocking Helicopter Operations Specialist 612–713–7300 Rick Howe Aircraft Maintenance Inspector 414–297–3165 Tammy Malone Fire Budget 414–297–3456 Bob Mayer Fire Planning 414–297–1412 Janis Hancock Fire Information Systems 414–297–3348 Kate Lahti Incident Business Management Advisor 218–335–8630</p><p>Terry Gallagher Fuels Operations Specialist 414–297–1812 Maggie Schuetter IFPM Coordinator 815–547–9245 Peter Taylor Presidential Management Fellow, 414–297–3500 Biomass Specialist Bill Reynolds Ground Safety, Training, and Prevention 715–477–0828</p><p>Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC) BHW Federal Building, 1 Federal Drive, Room G–20, Fort Snelling, MN 55111–4080 Phone: 612–713–7300; Fax: 612–713–7317 Laura McIntyre-Kelly Center Manager 612–703–7300 Trudy Fagre (BIA) Intelligence Officer 612–713–7300 Ann Stegmaier Logistics Coordinator (Aviation) 612–713–7300 Vacant Logistics Dispatcher 612–713–7300 Steve Marien (NPS) Meteorologist 612–713–7315 Gloria Pellin NA Business Manager 612–713–7300</p><p>Eastern Safety, Health Enterprise Zone Team (ESHEZ) Michael Anderson Zone Director, R9 414–297–3052 Beth June Regional Safety Manager, R9 414–297–3718</p><p>NATIONAL FORESTS</p><p>Illinois</p><p>Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie 30239 South State Route 53 Wilmington, IL 60481–9066 Phone: 815–423–6370; Fax: 815–423–6376 E-mail: Mailroom R9 Midewin National Tallgrass [email protected]</p><p>LOGAN LEE Prairie Supervisor 815–423–2113 Marta Witt Public Affairs Officer and Public Services 815–423–2115 Team Leader Bill Glass Ecologist 815–423–2129 Renee Thakali Restoration Team Leader and 815–423–2114 Partnerships Bob Hommes Engineering and Lands 815–423–2138 John H. Clark Administrative Officer 815–423–2116</p><p>Shawnee 50 Highway 145 South, Harrisburg, IL 62946–5232 Phone: 618–253–7114; Fax: 618–253–7114 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>HURSTON A. NICHOLA Forest Supervisor 618–253–7114 Monica L. Neal Forest Supervisor Assistant 618–253–1001 Becky Banker Public Affairs Officer 618–253–7114 Nick Giannettino Resources 618–253–7114 Richard Blume- Planning 618–253–7114 Weaver Keri Shimp Budget and Finance 618–253–7114</p><p>Ranger Districts Hidden Springs 602 N. First Street, Vienna, IL 62995–1602 618–658–2111 Jeff Seefeldt District Ranger Fax: 618–658–2071</p><p>Mississippi Bluffs 521 North Main Street, Jonesboro, IL 62952–1801 618–833–8576 Dan Lentz District Ranger Fax: 618–833–8576</p><p>Indiana</p><p>Hoosier 811 Constitution Avenue, Bedford, IN 47421–9538 Phone: 812–275–5987; Fax: 812–279–3423 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>KENNETH G. DAY Forest Supervisor 812–277–3560 Pamela S. Kruse Secretary 812–277–3577 Franklin A. Lewis Public Affairs Specialist 812–277–3580 Judith A. Perez Land Management Planner 812–277–3593 Pat McClellan Budget Analyst 812–277–3561 Richard Lidell Engineering Program Manager 812–277–3578 Lester Wadzinski Recreation Program Manager 812–277–3595 Ross Taylor Lands Program Manager 812–277–3565 Gary Dinkel Ecosystem Program Manager 812–547–9237</p><p>Ranger Districts Brownstown 811 Constitution Avenue, Bedford, IN 47421–9538 812–275–5987 James E. DenoncourDistrict Ranger Fax: 812–279–3423</p><p>Tell City 248 15th Street, Tell City, IN 47586–1902 812–547–7051 James E. DenoncourDistrict Ranger Fax: 812–547–6144</p><p>Michigan</p><p>Hiawatha 2727 North Lincoln Road, Escanaba, MI 49829–9569 Phone: 906–789–4062; Fax: 906–789–3311 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>THOMAS SCHMIDT Forest Supervisor 906–786–4062 Thomas Eiseman Administrative Assistant 906–789–3347 Janel Crooks Public Affairs Officer 906–789–3329 Vacant Fire and Aviation Staff Officer 906–789–3322 Piper Desy Administrative Officer 906–789–3331 William Bowman Public Service Team Leader, 906–789–3344 Engineering, Recreation, Lands and Minerals Mike Lanasa Ecosystems Team Leader 906–789–3379 Dave Maercklein Forest Planner 906–789–3301</p><p>Ranger Districts Manistique 499 East Lakeshore Drive, Manistique, MI 49854–1450 906–341–5666 Dave Silvieus District Ranger Fax: 906–341–8423</p><p>Munising 400 East Munising Avenue, Munising, MI 49862–1487 906–387–2512 Teresa Chase District Ranger Fax: 906–387–2070</p><p>Rapid River 8181 U.S. Highway 2, Rapid River, MI 49878–9250 906–474–6442 Dave Silvieus District Ranger Fax: 906–474–9122</p><p>Sault Ste. Marie 4000 I-75 Business Spur, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783–3617 906–635–5311 Steve Christiansen District Ranger Fax: 906–635–9154</p><p>Saint Ignace W. 1900 West U.S. 2, Saint Ignace, MI 49781–9645 906–643–7900 Steve Christiansen District Ranger Fax: 906–643–8759</p><p>Huron–Manistee 1755 South Mitchell Street, Cadillac, MI 49601–8533 Phone: 231–775–2421; Fax: 231–775–5551 E-mail: R9 Huron [email protected]</p><p>VACANT Forest Supervisor 231–775–2421 Jerry Bird Deputy Forest Supervisor 231–775–2421 Sue Carmody Staff Assistant 231–775–5023, X8722 Jeff Pullen Resources and Planning 231–775–5023, X8703 Mary Doke Administrative Officer 231–775–5023, X8759 Rose Ingram Operations 231–775–5023, X8716 Barbara Bonefeld Fire and Aviation 231–775–5023, X8724 Ken Arbogast Forest Public Information and Tribal 231–775–5023, X8726 Relations Officer</p><p>Ranger Districts Cadillac, Manistee 412 Red Apple Road, Manistee, MI 49660 231–723–2211 Jim A. Thompson District Ranger Fax: 231–723–8642</p><p>Baldwin, White Cloud P.O. Box Drawer D, Baldwin, MI 49304 231–745–4631 Leslie E. Russel District Ranger Fax: 231–745–2345</p><p>Huron Shores Ranger Station 5761 North Skeel Road, Oscoda, MI 48750 989–739–0728 Charles J. Andrina District Ranger Fax: 989–739–0347</p><p>Mio 107 Mckinley Drive, Mio, MI 48647 989–826–3252 Steve Goldman District Ranger Fax: 989–826–6073</p><p>Ottawa E6248 U.S. 2, Ironwood, MI 49938–9363 Phone: 906–932–1330, X309; Fax: 906–932–0122 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>SUSAN SPEAR Forest Supervisor 906–932–1330, X309 Randy Charles Assistant Forest Supervisor X332 Robert (Bob) Brenner Assistant Forest Supervisor X317 Mary McVey Secretary X304 Robert Brenner Forest Planner X317 Lisa Klaus Public Affairs Officer X328</p><p>Ranger Districts Bessemer East 6248 U.S. Highway 2, Bessemer, MI, 49911 906–932–1330, X539 Melanie Fullman District Ranger Fax: 906–667–0007</p><p>Iron River 990 Lalley Road, Iron River, MI, 49935 906–265–5139 Norman Nass District Ranger Fax: 906–265–6536</p><p>Kenton 4810 East M–28, Kenton, MI 49967 906–852–3500 Ralph Miller District Ranger Fax: 906–852–3618 Ontonagon 1209 Rockland Road, Ontonagon, MI 49953 906–884–2085, X14 Darla Lenz District Ranger Fax: 906–884–4830</p><p>Watersmeet Old U.S. Highway 2, Watersmeet, MI 49969 Norman Nass District Ranger 906–358–4551, X14 Fax: 906–358–4829</p><p>J.W. Toumey Nursery East 23985 Old U.S. Highway 2 East, Watersmeet, MI 49969 906–358–4523 Tony Holland Nursery Superintendant Fax: 906–358–0493</p><p>Ottawa Visitor Center U.S. Highways 2 and 45, P.O. Box 276, Watersmeet, MI 49969 906–358–4724 David Kill Visitor Center Director Fax: 906–358–4338</p><p>Minnesota Chippewa Route 3, Box 244, Cass Lake, MN 56633–8929 Phone: 218–335–8600; Fax: 218– 335–8637 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>ROBERT HARPER Forest Supervisor 218–335–8631 Joyce Rairdon Executive Assistant 218–335–8617 Fax: 218–335–8636 Donald J. Rees Natural Resources Team Leader 218–335–8649 Dennis L. Parker Technical Services Team Leader 218–335–8688 Kay K. Getting Public Affairs Team Leader 218–335–8673 Neil Peterson Administrative Officer, Tribal Liaison 218–335–8646 Henry Goehle Fire Team Leader, FMO (Shared Services 218–327–4568 with Superior) Scott Belknap Assistant FMO 218–327–4462 Fax: 218–327–4527</p><p>Ranger Districts Blackduck 218–835–3104 417 Forestry Drive, Blackduck, MN 56630–4431 218–835–4291 Tracy Beck District Ranger Fax: 218–835–3132</p><p>Marcell, Deer River 1037 Division Street, P.O. Box 308, Deer River, MN 56636–8719 218–246–2123 Joseph G. AlexanderDistrict Ranger Fax: 218–246–9743</p><p>Walker 201 Minnesota Avenue East, Walker, MN 56484–2189 218–547–1044 Clayton Upton District Ranger Fax: 218–547–3260 Superior 8901 Grand Avenue Place, Duluth, MN 55808–1122 Phone: 218–626–4300; Fax: 218–626–4396 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>JAMES W. SANDERS Forest Supervisor 218–626–4302 Pamela E. Brown Deputy Forest Supervisor 218–626–4304 Betsy Strom Executive Assistant 218–626–4301 Roseann Eaton Administrative Officer 218–626–4306 Vacant Public Service Team Leader 218–626–4304 Vacant Forest Engineer 218–365–7631 Lisa Pattni Partnership Coordinator 218–626–4336</p><p>Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) 402–11th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MN 55744–3955 Phone: 218–327–4436; Fax: 218–327–4527 Henry Goehle Supervisory Fire Management Officer for 218–327–4568 MN </p><p>Ranger Districts Gunflint 2020 West Highway 61, Grand Marais, MN 55604–7501 218–387–1750 Dennis D. Neitzke District Ranger Fax: 218–387–3246</p><p>Kawishiwi 118 South 4th Avenue East, Ely, MN 55731–1465 218–365–7600 Mark E. Van Every District Ranger Fax: 218–365–7605</p><p>LaCroix 320 Highway 53, North Cook, MN 55723 218–666–0020 Nancy Larson District Ranger Fax: 218–666–0022</p><p>Laurentian 318 Forestry Road, Aurora, MN 55705–1517 218–229–8800 Vacant District Ranger Fax: 218–229–8821</p><p>Tofte 7355 West Highway 61, P.O. Box 2159, Tofte, MN 55615 218–663–7280 John Wytanis District Ranger Fax: 218–663–8095</p><p>Missouri</p><p>Mark Twain 401 Fairgrounds Road, Rolla, MO 65401–2911 Phone: 573–364–4621; Fax: 573–364–6844 E–mail: Mailroom R9, Mark [email protected]</p><p>RONNIE RAUM Forest Supervisor 573–341–7413 Paul Strong Deputy Forest Supervisor 573–341–7413 Cheryl Moreland Staff Assistant 573–341–7413 Charlotte Wiggins Public Affairs 573–341–7405 Galen Johnson Public Services 573–341–7466 Kristin Swanson Integrated Resources 573–341–7416 Richard Hall Planning and Operations 573–341–7404 John (Jack) Timber 573–341–7408 Courtenay</p><p>Ranger Districts Ava, Cassville, Willow Springs P.O. Box 188, Ava, MO 65608–0188 417–683–4428 Jenny Farenbaugh District Ranger Fax: 417–683–5722</p><p>Eleven Point 4 Confederate Ridge Road, Doniphan, MO 63935–9467 573–996–2153 Timothy Bond District Ranger Fax: 573–996–7745</p><p>Houston, Rolla, Cedar Creek 108 South Houston Boulevard, Houston, MO 65843 417–967–4194 Elrand Denson District Ranger Fax: 417–967–2524</p><p>Poplar Bluff 1420 Maud Street, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901–4722 573–785–1475 Douglas Oliver District Ranger Fax: 573–785–0267</p><p>Potosi, Fredericktown 10019 W. State Highway 8, Potosi, MO 63664–1944 573–438–5427 Michael Weber District Ranger Fax: 573–438–2633</p><p>Salem 1301 South Main Street, Salem, MO 65560–2452 573–729–6656 Thomas Haines District Ranger Fax: 573–729–2867</p><p>New Hampshire and Maine White Mountain 719 N. Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246–2772 Phone: 603–528–8721; Fax: 603–528–8783 E-mail: Mailroom R9 White [email protected]</p><p>THOMAS G. WAGNER Forest Supervisor 603–528–8774 Vacant Deputy Forest Supervisor 603–528–8710 Jean Durfee Executive Assistant 603–528–8752 Roger Simmons Administrative Officer 603–528–8779 Alexis Jackson Public and Legislative Affairs Officer 603–528–8724 Rebecca Oreskes Public Services Team Leader 603–528–8757 William Dauer Technical Services Team Leader 603–528–8723 Thomas Brady Fire Management Officer (Shared service 603–528–8746 with State and Private) Beth LeClair Winter Sports Team Leader (Located at 802–767–4261 Green Mountain)</p><p>Ranger Districts Androscoggin 300 Glen Road, Gorham, NH 03581–1399 603–466–2713 Katherine Stuart District Ranger Fax: 603–466–2856</p><p>Pemigewasset 1175 N.H. Route 175, Holderness, NH 03245–5031 603–536–1315 Molly Fuller District Ranger Fax: 603–536–5147</p><p>Saco 33 Kancamagus Highway, Conway, NH 03818 603–447–5448 Terry W. Miller District Ranger Fax: 603–447–8405</p><p>Ohio</p><p>Wayne 13700 U.S. Highway 33, Nelsonville, OH 45764–9552 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected] Phone: 740–753–0101; Fax: 740–753–0118</p><p>MARY O'BRIEN REDDA Forest Supervisor 740–753–0880 Nancy Miller Executive Assistant 740–753–0245 Ann Grasso Administrative Officer 740–753–0852 Dale Armstrong Budget Officer 740–753–0889 Gary Chancey Public Affairs Officer 740–753–0862 Carleen Yocum Operations Group Leader 740–753–0859 Gary Willison Watershed Group Leader 740–753–0684 Steve Marchi Forest Engineer 740–753–0559 Chad Wilberger Recreation Program Manager 740–753–0884 Kevan Moore Fire Management Officer 740–753–0574 Phil deHenaut Minerals and Geology Program Manager 740–753–0899</p><p>Rich Jones Lands Program Manager 740–534–6579 Dale Newell Regional Lands Review Appraiser 740–753–0547</p><p>Ranger Districts Athens 13700 U.S. Highway 33, Nelsonville, OH 45764–9552 740–753–0101 Devela Clark District Ranger Fax: 740–753–0119</p><p>Ironton 6518 State Route 93, Pedro, OH 45659–8912 740–534–6500 Gloria Chrismer District Ranger Fax: 740–534–6565</p><p>Pennsylvania</p><p>Allegheny 4 Farm Colony Dr, Warren, PA 16365 814–728–6100; Fax: 814–726–1465 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>LEANNE MARTEN Forest Supervisor 814–728–6299 Kathy Mohney Executive Assistant Lois Demarco Ecosystems Management Staff Officer 814–728–6298 Jim Seyler Operations Staff Officer 814–728–6179 Kathe Frank Budget Officer 814–728–6239 Steve Miller Public Affairs Staff Officer 814–723–5150 Kathy Albaugh Administrative Officer 814–728–6119 Vacant Supervisory Contracting Specialist (NEAT)</p><p>Ranger Districts Bradford 29 U.S. Forest Service Drive, Bradford, PA 16701 814–362–6000 Tony Scardina District Ranger Fax: 814–362–2761</p><p>Marienville HC 2, Box 130, Marienville, PA 16239–9508 814–927–5700 Rob Fallon District Ranger Fax: 814–927–2285</p><p>Vermont and New York</p><p>Green Mountain and Finger Lakes 231 North Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701–2412 Phone: 802–747–6700; Fax: 802–747–6766 E-mail: Mailroom R9 Green [email protected]</p><p>MEG MITCHELL Forest Supervisor 802–747–6704 Fax: 802–747–6766 Jeff Hammell (Acting) Administrative Assistant 802–747–6798 Vacant Public Affairs 802–747–6700, X6760 Melissa Reichert Forest Planning X6754 Pam Gaiotti Budget X6711 Doreen Urquhart Lands X6747 Nancy Iwanicki Surveying X6731 Chris Hanrahan Engineering X6727 Clay Grove Wildlife X6740 Bill Peterson Forest Management X6758 Greg Wright Recreation X6721 Steve Roy Fisheries X6739 Rob Hoelscher Wildlife X6740</p><p>Ranger Districts Hector 5218 State Route 414, Hector, NY 14841–9707 Michael Liu District Ranger 607–546–4470 Manchester 2538 Depot Street, Manchester Center, VT 05255–9419 Gina Owens District Ranger 802–362–2307</p><p>Middlebury 1007 Route 7 South, Middlebury, VT 05753–8999 Tracy Tophooven District Ranger 802–388–4362</p><p>Rochester 99 Ranger Road, Rochester, VT 05767–9431 Tracy Tophooven District Ranger 802–767–4261</p><p>West Virginia</p><p>Monongahela 200 Sycamore Street, Elkins, WV 26241–3962 Phone: 304–636–1800; Fax: 304–636–1875 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>CLYDE N. THOMPSON Forest Supervisor 304–636–1800, X227 Jeri Marr Deputy Forest Supervisor X208 Doris C. Nelson Executive Assistant X226 Kathleen A. Public Affairs X220 Goodrich-Arling Randall Biller Engineering X278 Debra J. Holler Administrative Officer X213 Vacant Ecosystems Group Leader X206</p><p>Ranger Districts Cheat, Potomac 304–478–3251, X104 P.O. Box 368, Parsons, WV 26287 Fax: 304–478–8692 HC 59 Box 240, Petersburg, WV 26847–9546 304–257–4488, X13 Jeffrey Hammes District Ranger Fax: 304–257–2482</p><p>Gauley HC 80, Box 117, Richwood, WV 26261–9702 304–846–2695 James Lowe District Ranger Fax: 304–846–4307</p><p>Greenbrier P.O. Box 67, Bartow, WV 24920–0067 304–456–3335 Lauren Turner District Ranger Fax: 304–456–3441</p><p>Marlinton, White Sulphur P.O. Box 210, Marlinton, WV 24954–0210 304–799–4334 Rondi Fischer District Ranger Fax: 304–799–6820</p><p>White Sulphur Springs</p><p>410 East Main Street, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986–2340 304–536–2144 Rondi Fischer District Ranger Fax: 304–536–1897</p><p>Wisconsin</p><p>Chequamegon–Nicolet 1170 4th Avenue South, Park Falls, WI 54552–1921 Phone: 715–762–2461; Fax: 715–762–5179 E-mail: Mailroom R9 [email protected]</p><p>Federal Building 68 South Stevens Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501–3431 Phone: 715–362–1300; Fax: 715–362–1359</p><p>JEANNE HIGGINS Forest Supervisor 715–762–5175 Anthony Erba Deputy Forest Supervisor 715–762–5177 Joyce Barott Executive Assistant 715–762–5115 William Johnson Forest Planner 715–362–1335 Suzanne Flory Public Affairs Office 715–362–1354 Don Hoppe Administrative Officer 715–362–1332 Geoffrey B. Ecosystems, Natural Resources, and Fire 715–362–1342 Chandler</p><p>Ranger Districts Eagle River–Florence 4793 Forestry Drive, Florence, WI 54121 715–528–4464 P.O. Box 1809, Eagle River, WI 54521 715–479–2827 Joel (Harv) Skjerven District Ranger</p><p>Great Divide P.O. Box 126, Glidden, WI 54527 715–264–2511 P.O. Box 896, Hayward, WI 54843 715–634–4821 Constance Chaney District Ranger</p><p>Lakewood–Laona 15085 State Road 32, Lakewood, WI 54138 715–276–6333 4978 Highway 8, Laona, WI 54541 715–674–4481 Larry Sandoval District Ranger</p><p>Medford–Park Falls 850 N. 8th Street, Highway 13, Medford, WI 54551 715–748–4875 1170 4th Avenue South, Park Falls, WI 54552 715–762–2461 Robert W. Hennes District Ranger</p><p>Washburn P.O. Box 578, Washburn, WI 54891 113 East Bayfield Street, Washburn, WI 54891 Vacant District Ranger 715–373–2667</p><p>Oconto River Seed Orchard 18100 Saul's Spring Road, White Lake, WI 54491 Phone: 715–882–3507 Carrie Sweeney Orchard Manager 715–882–3507</p><p>Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center 29270 County Highway G, Ashland, WI 54806 Phone: 715–685–9983; Fax: 715–685–2680 Steve Hoecker Center Director 715–685–2642</p>
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