<p>1</p><p>ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL, PRINCIPAL BENCH, NEW DELHI LIST OF BUSINESS Date: 01-02-2017 Timing: 10:30 AM to 01.00 PM & 02.00 PM to 04.30 PM COURT No. 1 (Ground Floor) CORAM: HON'BLE THE CHAIRPERSON HON'BLE LT. GEN. SANJIV LANGER</p><p>S. No. Case No. Parties Name Advocate</p><p>For Admission</p><p>1. OA (Appeal) Ex Hav (Clk) Prem Singh l Mr KD Saini 1145/2016 (Advocate for Petitioner) With MA 1221/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Orders</p><p>2. OA (Appeal) Hav Sham Das D (through his mother Smt Mr. Shri Prakash Sinha & Anand 685/2015 Radhamani R) Kumar with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 276/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC with Mr Prabodh Kumar & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 3. RA 66/2016 Ex Swr Dharam Pal In person (RA 14/2016,RB (Advocate for Petitioner) Chandigarh) V/s in OA 1398/2011 UOI & Ors. Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh (RB,Chandigarh) (Advocate for Respondents) 4. MA 1123/2016 Maj Dharmendra Nath Saxena (Retd.) Mr. T N Saxena, H C Kharbanda & V & MA 1124/2016 K Saxena in V/s (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 984/2016 UOI & Ors Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Hearing</p><p>5. TA 308/2010 with Ex. Hav. C. R. Jagannath Mr SS Pandey MA 176/2010 (Advocate for Petitioner) (Writ Petition (Civil) V/s No. 1489/2007) Union of India & Ors Mr SP Sharma (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 6. TA 358/2010 (WP(C) Ex Hav Jagdish Chander Mr SS Pandey 2931/2007) (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s Union of India & Ors. Mr SP Sharma (Advocate for Respondents) 2</p><p>7 OA 441/2015 Lt Col.Jasvinder Singh Mr. S S Pandey (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC with DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 8. OA (Appeal) Ex Nk (TA) Sunil Kumar Mr. S S Pandey 569/2015 (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 9. OA (Appeal) Ex Hav Manas Bhattacharjee Mr. S S Pandey 619/2015with MA (Advocate for Petitioner) 958/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC with DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 10. OA (Apppeal) Ex Hav (GD) Satyendra Kumar Singh & Mr. S S Pandey 1130/2015 Ors. (Advocate for Petitioner)</p><p>V/s Mr Harish V Sankar & Prabodh UOI & Ors. Kumar (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 11. OA (Appeal) L/Nk (Operator) Amresh Tiwari (Through his Mr. S S Pandey 462/2016 brother Ashutosh Kumar Tiwari) (Advocate for Petitioner)</p><p>V/s Mr JS Rawat & Satya Ranjan Swain UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>HON’BLE CHAIRPERSON WILL SIT SINGLY SOON AFTER MATTERS OF DIVISION BENCH ARE OVER</p><p>CORAM: HON'BLE THE CHAIRPERSON</p><p>S. No. Case No. Parties Name Advocate</p><p>For Orders</p><p>1. MA 358/2016 Ex BHM Santosh Kumar Rai (through his Mr S S Pandey in wife Smt Kanchan Rai) (Advocate for Petitioner) OA Dy No. 2032/2016 Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & V/s DK Bhati UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 2. MA 359/2016 Ex Gnr (OP RADIO) Keshar Ram (through Mr. S S Pandey OA Dy No. his wife Smt Manoj Devi ) (Advocate for Petitioner) 2043/2016 Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & V/s DKBhati UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents) 3</p><p>WITH 3. MA 360/2016 Ex Hav (OPR) Venkateshappa S N Mr. S S Pandey OA Dy No. (through his wife Suma CS ) (Advocate for Petitioner) 2045/2016 V/s Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & UOI & Ors. DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 4. MA 361/2016 Ex Gnr Upnil Kumar (through his wife Smt Mr. S S Pandey OA Dy No. Ankan Sharma) (Advocate for Petitioner) 2046/2016 Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & V/s DK Bhati UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 5. MA 368/2016 Ex Nk (Chef Community) Meda Chinnaiah Mr S S Pandey OA Dy No. (through his wife Smt M Lalitha) (Advocate for Petitioner) 2034/2016 V/s Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & UOI & Ors. DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 6. MA 377/2016 Ex Hav (TA) Tapas Ranjan Rout (through Mr. S S Pandey OA Dy No. his wife Smt Tallisri Rout) (Advocate for Petitioner) 2028/2016 V/s Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & UOI & Ors. DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 7. AT 4/2017 Ex Swr Dharam Pal Applicant in Person in (Advocate for Petitioner) RA 66/2016 ( RA V/s 14/2016 in OA UOI & Ors. Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh 1398/2011 (RB (Advocate for Respondents) Chandigarh) </p><p>8. AT 5/2017 Ex Gnr Suman Kumar (through his mother Mr SS Pandey in Smt Shanti Bai) (Advocate for Petitioner) OA (Appeal) 126/2014 V/s Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh (RB Jabalpur) UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents) 4</p><p>ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL, PRINCIPAL BENCH, NEW DELHI LIST OF BUSINESS Date: 01-02-2017 Timing: 10:30 AM to 01.00 PM & 02.00 PM to 04.30 PM COURT No. 2 (First Floor) THIS BENCH WILL NOT ASSEMBLE TODAY CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE BABU MATHEW P. JOSEPH HON'BLE LT. GEN. S. K. SINGH</p><p>S. No. Case No. Parties Name Advocate</p><p>For Admission</p><p>1. OA 125/2017 Flt Lt Mani Ram Maurya Mr.Rajendra Prasad & Rakesh Kumar Singh V/s (Advocate for Petitioner) UOI & Ors. None (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Orders</p><p>2. MA 893/2016 Nb Ris Sangat Singh Mr. K Ramesh in (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 630/2010 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 3. MA 118/2017 Brig Raman Mahna Mr. SS Pandey in (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 516/2015 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC & DK Bhati for R 1-3 Mr Harish V Shankar for R 4-5 (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Hearing</p><p>4. OA 1170/2016 Maj Gen Pradeep Kumar Singh Ms. Tinu Bajwa (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam (Advocate for Respondents) 5. OA 602/2015 Cpl VJ Johny Mr. Ajit Kakkar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Harish V Shankar (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 6. OA 649/2014 JWO Saibal Chakraborty Mr. Ajit Kakkar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Ms Jyotsana Kaushik & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 5</p><p>WITH 7. OA 650/2014 LAC R S Bisht Mr. Ajit Kakkar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Shyam Narayan & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 8. OA 179/2016 Maj Vibha Singh Ms. Archana Ramesh (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 6 7</p><p>ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL, PRINCIPAL BENCH, NEW DELHI LIST OF BUSINESS Date: 01-02-2017 Timing: 10:30 AM to 01.00 PM & 02.00 PM to 04.30 PM COURT No. 3 (Ground Floor)</p><p>CORAM:</p><p>HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE S.S. SATEESACHANDRAN HON'BLE AIR MARSHAL J. N. BURMA</p><p>Judgement will be pronounced by Hon'ble Air Marshal J.N. Burma </p><p>S. No. Case No. Parties Name Advocate</p><p>For Judgement</p><p>1. OA 43/2010 Ex Maj Om Prakash Mr. P.D.P. Deo (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr V Pattabhi Ram (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>This Bench will assemble after item No 1. mentioned above is over</p><p>CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE V. K. SHALI HON'BLE AIR MARSHAL J. N. BURMA</p><p>S. No. Case No. Parties Name Advocate</p><p>For Admission</p><p>1. OA 1165/2016 Ex Sgt Anoop Kumar Gupta Mr. Praveen Kumar with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 873/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr YP Singh (Advocate for Respondents) 2. OA 1178/2016 Ex JWO Habib Khan Mr. Praveen Kumar with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 886/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh (Advocate for Respondents) 3. OA 1179/2016 Lt Col TRS Karki (Retd) Mr. Rajendra Kumar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh (Advocate for Respondents) 8</p><p>4. OA 1299/2016 Ex Gnr Sunil Kumar Mr. Satya Saharawat & Aditi Laxman (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Harish V Shankar (Advocate for Respondents) 5. OA 1309/2016 Wg Cdr S V Aggarwal (Retd) Mr. V S Kadian with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 985/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr J S Rawat (Advocate for Respondents) 6. OA 1329/2016 Nk Ram Lal (Retd) Mr. Rajendra Kumar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Surjeet Singh (Advocate for Respondents) 7. OA 1484/2016 Nk Surat Singh (Retd) Ms. Archana Ramesh with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 1113/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. None(Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>8. OA 1498/2016 Ex Rect Amit Kumar Ms. Archana Ramesh (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr V S Tomar (Advocate for Respondents) 9. OA 1499/2016 Ex Rect Rakesh Kumar Ms. Archana Ramesh (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar (Advocate for Respondents) 10. OA 1514/2016 Rfn Jagdish Prasad Mr. Rajesh Nandal (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar (Advocate for Respondents) 11. OA 34/2017 Smt. Susheela Devi Ms. Archana Ramesh with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 15/2017 V/s UOI & Ors. None(Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>12. OA 126/2017 Ex L Nk Amar Singh Mr VS Kadian with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 115/2017 V/s UOI & Ors. None (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Orders</p><p>13. RA 20/2015 Maj Gen (Retd.) S K Chakravorty Mr. A K Trivedi in (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 120/2014 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Harish V Shankar & SR Swain (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 14. OA 120/2014 Maj Gen SK Chakravorty Ms Jyoti Singh Dinesh Yadav (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Harish V Shankar & Satya Ranjan Swain 9</p><p>(Advocate for Respondents) 15. MA 336/2015 Smt Pushpa Rani Sharma Mr S Mendiratta In TA 719/2009 (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 16. MA 355/2016 Ex Rfn Surbir Singh Bhandari Mr. S S Pandey in (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 48/2015 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr VS Tomar & Mr SR Swain (Advocate for Respondents) 17. MA 1155/2016 Lt Col K N Salimath Mr. S S Pandey in (Advocate for Petitioner) OA 181/2014 V/s UOI & Ors Mr SD Windlesh & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) WITH 18. MA 113/2017 Lt Col K N Salimath Mr. SS Pandey in MA 1155/2016 (Advocate for Petitioner) in V/s Mr SD Windlesh & DK Bhati OA 181/2014 UOI & Ors. (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Final Orders</p><p>19. OA 720/2016 Ex MWO (HFO) Bharat Bhushan Mr. Praveen Kumar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Shyam Narayan & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 20. OA 809/2016 Smt. Prabha Devi Mr. R K Tripathi (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Harish V Shankar & SR Swain (Advocate for Respondents) 21. OA 1326/2016 Ex Nk T/S (ACP -2) Ram Bahadur Thapa Mrs. Sangeeta Tomar with MA 117/2017 (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr SD Windlesh (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>22. OA 1460/2016 HFO (Retd) Birsain Tomer Mr. Praveen Kumar with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 1099/2016 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>Part Heard</p><p>23. OA 727/2015 Sigmn Ajay Chhikara Mr D S Kauntae with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 775/2015 V/s (End of the Board) UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>For Hearing</p><p>24. OA 226/2014 Maj Gen AK Mudholkar Mr. Dinesh Yadav (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC (Advocate for Respondents) 25. OA 264/2014 Ex Lt RL Yadav Mr. Sukhjinder Singh 10</p><p>(Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 26. OA 365/2014 Rect Diwan Singh Ms. Archana Ramesh with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 427/2014 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr KK Tyagi & Satya Ranjan Swain (Advocate for Respondents) 27. OA 73/2015 Ex Hav Ram Phal Singh Mr SM Dalal (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 28. OA 250/2015 Ex Cpl Pradeep Kumar Yadav Mr. Yashpal Rangi (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Avdhesh Kumar Singh with Mr DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 29. OA 421/2015 Cpl KK Chaurasia Mr. Ajit Kakkar (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr V Pattabhi Ram with Mr DDK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 30. OA 563/2015 Ex Nk Inder Bahadur Tamang Mr. V S Kadian (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr YP Singh & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 31. OA 585/2015 Sub Maj (TIFC) Shyal Bhan Yadav Mr. S S Pandey (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Anil Gautam & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 32. OA 623/2015 Col Ashok Kumar Arya (Retd) Ms. Mansi Gupta (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents)</p><p>33. OA 643/2015 Col Purna Chandra Patnaik Mr. S S Pandey (Advocate for Petitioner) V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Karan Singh Bhati, Sr CGSC with DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 34. OA 690/2015 Col Arvind Kumar Singh (Retd) Ms. Archana Ramesh with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 740/2015 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr Prabodh Kumar & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 35. OA 728/2015 Sepoy Mansa Ram (Retd) Ms. Archana Ramesh with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 776/2015 V/s UOI & Ors. Mr SD Windlesh & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) 36. OA 788/2015 Smt Yashoda Devi Mr. Ajit Kakkar with (Advocate for Petitioner) MA 815/2015 V/s 11</p><p>UOI & Ors. Mr SP Sharma & DK Bhati (Advocate for Respondents) </p><p>Note : The Cause List is also available at www.aftpbba.in</p>
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